mtyt- JtttMiJiisiqi Jjfel CeTr" - i- r-r : J...1 . fr , i r-i : f-. 9 T. H. HAKTKll. Ile that will not reason is ft bigot; lio that tijiot is ft fool; ho Hint dare not is a slave. M 1 DD LE B UltGII, SNYDElfcO, PENN'A, DECEMBER 10, 1886 KDITOU and rJlOI'KIKI'014 VOL. XXLII NO 49 - V ..rOKTUY:- Uobidy Kn5773 bat Hothor. Uobody knows of tho work it makes To keep the home toother; , Nobody knows of the step It takes, Nobody kiiown-but mother. Nobody litenn to childish woe, Which kUe only uniolher; Nobody's pained by naughty blows, Nobody-ouly mother Nobody knows of the sleepless care Dehtowed on baby brother; Nobody knows of the tender pray'r, Nobody-only mother. Nobody knows of the lemons taught Of loviiiiT one another; Nobody knows of tho patience sought Nobody-only mother. Nobody knows of the anxious fears, Lt darlings may not weather Tli ftorius of life lu after years, Nobody kuows-but mother. Nobody kneels at the throne alv To thank tho Heavenly VaWTt For that sweetest gift a liter's love; Nobody cau but ui' '-" iMfuiX Free Pra, Sho Eartlioldi Statuo The land that, .roui the rulo of kintfs, In freeiuit us, itself uiadu free, Our Old World Mister, to us brings Mer sculptured Dream of Liberty. Unlike the shafts on I'-uvpfs sands Uplifted by tho toil worn slave, On Freedom's soil with freeman's hands We reur tho symbol free bauds gave O Fiance, the beautiful! to thee Ouce more a debt of love wo owe: u peueo beneath thy Fleurde lis. Wo had a later lloohambeaul Ulse, stately symbol 1 holding forth Thy light and hope to all who sit lu chains and darkness! Kelt the earth With watch-fires from thy torch uplttt llo void tho prima! luuiidato a', ill Which Chaos heard aud ceased to be. Traco on luld-alr th' Eternal Will . Iu bltrus of fire: uLttivlit&t' Sulue far, shine free, a guiding light To Keaxou's ways aud Virtue'; aim, A li,htuiiig llauh the wretch to smite Who shields his liceuse with thy name! John O. Whiltkr. LAND PI2JLTE OP TIIS WAR- From tho IIarrisbur;j Telegram. Tbo u'iino of Jobu timglutou Mobby, the guerilla cLioflaiu, dots not occupy a bright and bbiuicg poge in war bibtory. As a rule, bin toiiaus have couui loiod hiin beneath tbo notico of their pena, but it is u fact that tuitf laud piiatu of tbo ie belliou, with a commuud uumboiiug not over 700 bubbwuckurs, of about tbo buido culiber uud muidoroua di3 pouition us tbeir leader, tuauuged to burusa tbo uuiou linea to auub an extent that it requited au aruiy of as many tbouBandu to keep bis de predatory baud ia a paitiul feubjuo tiou. Kocoully 1 traveled over that sec tion of Virginia kuowu iu war times aa Mubby'u coufoderucy, which, coupled with tbo oxporiouoo of tueut ing bitn in novoral akirmiubos during the wintor au-A spiug of lbG3, led tao to look up tbe record of Ibis 'guutlouian of tbo road," wbo threat ens to lecturo, Iboubange of ad ministration having privod bitu if bis political soft snap a minister to IIoDg Kong. It will Ld lemeuiber ed that during lttGl iloby was not us fresh as usual, either tbe pres ence of Sboiidaa iu tbe ' valley or other causes having inudu liiui timid. Tho other causes are suiewhat Btartliug if tiue. Wbilo iu Lees barg I met a captain a tbo late C. ij A i who assured mo Via t ibe dar ing bushwueker was iaVbe employ and pay of the Unitod iates gov ernment at that lime, a ct wbiob coold be proven by exauking tbe records ia tho adjutant Vnerul's oflico. The captain, who rl lubted bin mitaa to be Withheld BOO od to be boii'ibt in his uesertion, an log from Mobby's reooid, it dr. cot bo surpribiog to und pim a or to tbe confederate cause be clJL. ed to love bo well. One IbiuJ very qaoer, that after his murdeiu caroer of three years, laying in a bush to kill nuion soldiers, killio sleeping men, and men who bad be come separated from their com wandu, ditching trains and killing helpless non-combatants for the sake of plunder and loot, aod doing other acts that brave aad chivalrous men demise, h was quickly pars doDsl i j Uattal Urtnl at the very 3 time I bat C r -nl Ilatcock bad of fered a rewa of 5,000 for Lim. dead or nlivri 1 shortly thereafter tilen into I ho confidence and esteem of the leaden of tho rmrlj iu power. The pardoning of aloahy is the only act tbnt soldiers coosuro Uraut for It watt a thorn in tlioir sido and tv cr will bo whi'a inenioiy luela. Gen eral Wbittakcr, of Ouh'.oi'b staff, pluoe. this brigand iu about the right cutegyry, euenk thief " Cuh ter'a men as n rule held Lim and bis 1'nrliean ringers" iu the earno es timation. A gicul inucy fx-nniou soldiers would like to do j notice to M.,by, bat tbu ruiijtily if Ihcru think it cau only bo douo with a hot un. Of Mjaby'ii dating and reckK-BE-nesa tbero cau bo no discount, and bad bo elected to fcetvo tbo ' lost cause" according to tbo principles , of modem warfare, bo might bae 'earned ns bcnorablo distinction as Nude Ilamptou or J. E. H. Stuart, 09 Cl,eulry .jajt.r, lie was cm fly and aa bloodthirsty as a wild beast. Wheu bis command bad murdered sooio union soldiers bo Has bappy. If Ibey failed to ppill goro, be was dixbearleoed and would blink away for days from bis coiutimud and soek consolation from Laura Iat cliffo, tbo Buuciost "uccoHb" Bpy in all Farqui:r. Jlowby bus recently been furnisbitig a scries of articles to puteut inside neivspspcis, on bis raid, aud they aro written in bis usual Uragdocio vein. Ho claims that piatola aro tbo imitation of cavalry. lie considers the fliibi-r is nu useless affair. Sabers weren't much use to bist command lo be sure. Men wbo hide behind rocks and trees to kill some ono, haven't any use fr swords, but to bravo men wbo fight openly, "the cold steel ' i tbe stuff to give to tbe foe. Hy it courage, mcttlo, dash and superiority as soldiers bavo always boou means ared, aud oKvays will, iu honorable wttifare. Mosby bad a fov brave WJufujui", ,, tin 3r'nd nmong ineso nns'japtaiu ifoiintjoy ibis oflicor was potaossod of bu iuhdo iobtincia, ami ns a lighter fledefeulod aud captured Captain Uhzer and bis picket command of 100 ruon, wbo Wtro expressly du tailed to capture Mohby. Moautjoy was k.llud abortly a!terwurds aud MoHby a corutuaud was rendered of littlo further account by bis death In Virginia llosby is not hold in vory greut ebtecm He ia blamed for tbo devastation of tbo valloy by Sheridan, tbo citizens claiming that it was done in rcvougo for tbe guerilla's depredations. In Novembor, ISfil, Captain Rich ard, of Mosby's biisbwiickors. caps ture I fifteen of Custer's men bo tvta Jliddlutowu and Strousburg The captured mou were taken by IV. Lowers through Asby'u gup n'id I ft iu cbargo of Jimmy Chilton, n resident of tbo Bluo ridge. Tbe moo woro treated nicely by Chilton for soveral days, but tboir tranquility was ruddy ar.d painfully di.ituibod by tbo outranco of two rangers, wbo dumaudod of tho prisonors to wbosa coiutuaud they belonged .Several promptly reponded ; "We belong to Custei s divibiou. "Then," Baid tbe guorillas, "you are to bo bung Come along." Tbe announcement caused a ter rible shook, but tbe men were calm and resolved to dio game. Tbe execution took placo at Kec tortowo, and tbo followiog descrip tion of tbe event was given to a Telogram reporter by a resident of U'arreutown, who was preeeut i The tueu wero drawn up in line with some other prisoners, numbering in all twenty-suveu. . Sam Chapman, one of Hobby's officer's, was detail ed to superintend tbe sad affair and Mosby looked stolidly on, tbe lines in bis hard, cruel month showing determination. Tbe prisoners were drawn up in single rank and each one was given a bit of paper. Sev en only wero numbered. They were all placed iu a bat aod each prisoner was required to draw forth one of tbom. Tboso who drew blanks were to be sent to Libby prison, at Richmond, but tboso wbo drew tbe fateful numbers wero doomod to dia iVaiious emotions -were depioted on e couotonacos, as eaoU man drew ticket, which either meant lifo leath. Firmness, with Lis closed aud onquailing eye ; aod stolid 'orence, but fear was not there, w'lfyis ashen cheek and trembling baoti The condemned mon vera at onotv apart and closely guarded, A young drnromer-boy appeared lo Mot-by torf'ave bis lifo. Uut Mushy said, '-No, the drum excites men to bnttlfl," but Lo afterwards relented, through Capluiu Monnfjoy's earnest uppeal. The prisoners cre ugnin ordered iu liuo to draw for a man to take tbe drummer boy's place. A liiutonaut drew tho death ticket this timo. Tbu conderaecd men worn ordered lo fall in liuo, and wire taken from tbouco through Asby's gap to Itosnuout, on tht edgo of liuiryvillc, whore tbo net, teuces woro c-xovuto 1. The lieuten ant's lifo was Paved by Captain MuUiiljoy on account cf Ftoema aonry. Mosby, who was not a Masou reprimanded Cptaiu Mount joy for bis aetiou in saving the liou letnut. Th reo of tbo men were hiiiig aud the others shot. One Michigan cavalryman laughed at bis executioners, as they adjusted tbe uonso nbout bis neck, sayiug : "For this c iwardly net on jour part I bavo one satihfactiou, fur overy man you muidt r here tj day Cuater w ill kill twenty bush wbacket The last pi isoner culled upon to suffer tbe penally eecaped. When ho was led up to tho tree bo fctrnck tho guard who held biiu by tbe collar, a blow which felled him to tbo ground, rushed past biiu, and screuued by tbo misty dawn was soou lost to view. In Mobby's unrratives ho is con tinually relating bow a balf-duzeu of bis men wero couslautly capturing wbolo companies of the union cav alrymcn. A little auecdolo or do scriplion of u running fibt that liiuutouaul I'eiris, of tbo Thirtieth .MasbuchUHotts, bud with some of bis men near Stepheusou's depot will show bow Iruo nre bis yarns of military raids. Ferris was seen by about twenty of Mosby's men to pass tapidly from Colonel Uonbam's house to tbo stable which was sitnnt ed iu tbo corner of the yard. Two of Mosby's meu made a demaud for hi fcurren-'f- I m. orris. Tbe tiring then began, and; al though tho "itbs" were begirt with pistols, IVi rib's auorring nim laid seven of tbe guerilla low. Ho thuu seized ono of the wonndod Johunie's horses and escaped. Two of tbo ''rangers" woro killed wbilo iu pur suit. Among tbo men Ferris killed was (leoigo Murray Gill, a wealthy Baltimortau s son and graduate from Princeton college lie was ouo of ulmost numberless incidents, ft hero a squad of Mosby's meu were whipped by ouo nniou soldier Mosby may liiul tho lecture field profitable, but I rdvibo him to steer clear of tbo statu of Michigan. There aro still living somo of Cusler'6 old brigade, who might feel disposed to mtiko bis Boj.mrn unplcasaut. For it 1 m me careibbs una uuioeiiog manner iu which bo allowed tbo body of Captain Morgan and bis dead com- ladot to be shipped of their clothing at Upperville. This arliclo,whiIe just and true, is only a partial payment. Ham A. Faink. Scaled Obncaao Lottcrs- Judgo Habiu, of tbe United Stato district court, iu Galveston, Toxas, made a ruling upon a question of a good deal of general interest. Tbe Uuited States grand jury at its re cent sitting returned an indictment against a young Gorman, Curl Friet scbo, for seudiug obsceno literature through tbe mails. Friotscho was courting a young German woman io tbo city who lived with her married aister. Not satisfied with Frietsobe, tbo married sister forbado his visits to tbo house, whereupon ho wrote ber several scurrilous lettora about tbe younger sister. This led to his arrost and indictmont. Tbe case came op for trial last week. The evidence devulged tbe fact that tho obsceue letters wero soaled, and tbocouit ruled that, iuasmncb as tbe obscene matter was sealed and sent by one person to another thro' tbo medium of tbo mails, there was no violation of tbo federal statutes. Judge Subio is tbo third Uuited Statos judge to sustain Ibe above' ruling, while tomo fiftoou federal courts have ruled directly to tbe contrary. Tbo question, therefore, seems unsettled, and is now before tbe supreme court of tbe United States for final adjudication. WW! The man wbo can govern a wo- man can govern a nation. Wealth of Irjprosidonts- Of tbe earlier brieidenls, Wash ington was lb tiallbiest. When bo died Lis estate tl a moderate vol nation was woi UyfyOO.OOO. Adams was rt piir man. bnt inde pendent in bis laf years, thanks to tbo gaud aianagctutut of bis wife. Jefferson was oaltby when he became president,, hit lost bis prop erty aud died insolent. Ilia homo wnnsold, and bis dnghtcr was snv- m! from want by te gonerosily of South Carolina, wlich gavo ber 000. Congress botgltt bin libraiy, and with tho proceeds his debts wcio paid. All of Lis deceuduuts are poor. " 1 Madison left a batdsomo property, aud was wealthy vhen president Congress bonght 'tis manuscript pnpern, paying $:.O,000 for them Mis. Madison's sui, Fay no Todd, sipuandered ber property, and in a few years al'tor ker hubband's death sbo was poor. (lis tstate was valu ed at $280,000 in 1810. J iimes Mou too died iusolvont. II 3 sold bis Virginia estate after tbo death of his wife, aul died in New Yoik. Jobu Q.iincy Adarta left $50,000. Audrew Jackson,' Has a rich man for bis day. Tbe Hermitage, which be left to bis adopted son, is now tbe property of the slate. Marliu Vau Huron left a fino cs- lalu valued at $300,000. James K. Folk left about half this amount, aud as ho had no children to innko uso of it, his widow has en joyed it siuco his death. Jobu Tyler wis not a rich man, though boowuod a fino farm iu Vir ginia aud a number of slaves. He bad a largo family and wan so long iu public life that he went to tbo White House poor.- What ho saved in office enabled Lim to livo in com fort aftorwaids. Ilia second wife bad meuus, and their o'-b' children wero well educated. 1 "i . btcauio a man. Franklin Fierco left no child to inherit bis property, which wua val ued at $50,000. Fresidont Ducbunan was worth f2o0,000,wbich bo gave to his nieces and nephews. Abraham Lincolu's estato was vul uod at 75,000. Andrew Johnson had $150,000 wheu he left tbe White IIouso. A purl of this amount was lost by tbe failure of tbo Freedman's bauk, Frosident Grant never had money until he bocamo lieutenant general. His salary uud tbo generous gifts of bis friends mudo him a millionaire. All of bis property was lost iu the ('rnut-Vi'ard failure. Ilia wife is in dependent again through tbe bale of bis book. Hayes is very wealthy. Tbo gifts to llrs Garfield mado her lich. Her left u small properly, worth not moro than 10.- 000. Ex-prrsideut Arthur was worth about Ul'JO.OUO. isiovoianu uas aoout the Bnmo r i it j . amount. N. Y Sun. EMS EWEISHT.1 Isn't it Btrange that we buy and soli eggs by number instead of by weight Number does not show their value ; weight does. Some eggs weigh twico as much as others. What justico or business sagacity is there in paying tbo sane price for ono as for the other! Is not the farmer who sellu a large egg for tbo same price that his neighbor sells a small ouo cheated T Aud is not the boycr of the small -egg cheated? Just as well might batter be sold by rolls, tbo Email roll briogiug as much as the large ono. We do not buy or sell butler by tbe number of rolls, or meat by tbe camber of pieces, or cheese by number ; nor should we sell eggs by number. If eggs were bought and Bold by weight, tho value of certain breeds of fowls would be changed Now tbe breed that furnishes tbe great" est number of eggs is the most pro fitable i then it would be tbe breed that furnishod tbo greatest weight Some breeds are remarkable for tbe Bmallness of their eggsi such breeds would Buffer in popularity, while tbe fowls that lay large )eggs would gain. This would work ouly justico, however, to the fowls, as it would to their owners, and Ibe J consumers. Clearly eggs should e sold by weight. Then why does not every one insist upon ; it 1 American AericaltnriBt. . Funeral cf a Fira-Worshlpor- When the medieal attendant de cides that a Parce cm not rrcovfr. a priest in sent for, wh pp loaeliee tho bed ntid repeat n various texts from the Zend- A vesta calculated to afford consolation to tho dying man Flayers aro also said f r the forgive ness of bis sins. When be dies, n seitonn is preached, exhort ing the friend of thn deceased to live pure and holy lives that tin y may meet biiu t'i par.idiso. The) no reminded that they must one day be railed from this world to the presence of (iod to givo a full ac count of their deeds here, and as they do not know bow soon that may be, th' y ore niged to lo pr pand for death, and to meet It with resig nation and willingness. liiche.-, wealth, influence and friend will havo no avail in tho in xt woild. Those who desiro lo reach the etern al paradiHO must spend their dayp hero in hcllinoss nud prayer, r.nd in doing good to their fellow-creatures Thosermou lasti about an hour' and concludes with tho words,"May God bavo mercy on tbo dead !'' 'Iho body is brought down to Ibe grouud floor (wbero it was born), washed, psi fumed, w nipped in a white sheet, aud placed upon on iron bier. A dng is brought to ga.o at tho dead face of bis master to drive away evil spirits, Seveial priests attend, aud repeat prayers for the repose of tho soul of the depatled uud that it may safely reach its des tination, which it is supposed to do on the fourth day after death. Tbe relatives aud friends all bow low iu token of respect, and tho Nasasalur clad in puro whito garments (which aro alwaya furnished now for ovory funeral), raiRo the bier and bear the body frum tbo bouse, vvliilo the mourners nttor loud cries and lam entations. Priest in full dress lead tbe procession, iu which are only tbe n'v 'ntif a and frtpnda of tbo do ceariMu. u.j, 'Wj, "iiVo ilrose.J in nbito, and walk two by two, eucb couple joinod by bidding a white Landliorcbicf.botwccu them. When (bo bearers reach the path leading to tbo d.'Oi' of tho tower, they placo the bier upon tbo 'round and uncover tho fuco of the dead, that tho friouda may take a last look and all reverently bow, after which the mourners turn back, and enter ouo of tbo Sagri, and pray for tbe departed spirit. Tho bearers pro ceud to Iho lower and unlocking tho door, carry tho burdeu within, and quickly lay it uncovered in one of tho receptacles. Iu two minutes they appear with tho empty bier nud wLito sheet, and the door is no soon er closed behind them thun nnmer ou vultures, that havo been nilting almost motionless iu a circle on the edgo of thn parapet, swoop "down upou tho body, an 1 in n fow miuute return and lazily iiettlo thomselvos again, having left nothing bchiud but a skeleton. Tbo bearers, on leaving the tower, proceed to a building shapod liku a hugo barrel, rtliero they balho and change their polluted funeral garb and casting it aside upon a receptacle of stone pro- j nured for tho pui noso. Nouo of tboso garments can leavo lbs gardou lest they carry contamination with thorn, Tho skeleton is left to be bleached and washed by sun nud rain, uud when three or four weeks have pass ed, the same huurers return, aud with gloved hands nud instruments like tongsdrop tho bones Into their last resting-place, tho neutrnl well. The peculiar duties of the Nusafalnr are considered so inseparable from defilement that, forming a distinct class, they aro compelled to live quite it part from tho rest of the com munity, ana us a pari nil oompeusa t ion for their isolation they are liber ally paid for their services. Ilarir'a1 JJtimr. Tho Tallest Chimney in t'ao World. A paragraph was recently publish ed describing the Mecherulcli lead works lu Germany as having the tails est chimney In the world. This Is au error. A tallrfr chimney is that of Joseph Towusend lit Port Dundas, Glasgow, Kootland, built In 1807 8 0. The foundation eonsists of thirty courses of brick work, the lowermost course forty-seven feet in diameter, The bight above the foundation is 454 feet. ' The diameter at the base Is thirty-two feet an1 thirteen feet sli inches at the top. A nine-Inch lining built Inside, distinct from the chimney, with a space between the walls, Is carried up to a height of sixty feet. Mr. Corbet was the buil der, lirick foundations are used in building tall chimneys. Detroit Fnt Frew. r iai ji i for Bnfanto nnd Child r c ru "ltOTl.'lisowr'l!tnrtA.lto',lilHtn,i)th-t rtmtt rnr- (il1c. Cnafl'rVtti. ru to mc- II. A. Aamu. M. v.. fJ" p' " 111 39. CitorU Ct, Lrufk-u, N. Y. VTluul Injurious modlcaLira. Ti.-s CcTim CoiirAT, 13 Fultou Cirr.-t, V. V. JIl MATUND KdTIlF.UCK, rrctnonl, Snyder county, Pa. r'M.1nlo( r.1ll'n.iro ChIIphk tl riiTXrlun Und siiritpun. Mtnr '.l r. tc"l iial jcrvlo j t '! Sii.n kf l:nc I? Ii ainl ' rxnn. .V. urcli, 17, IH-l. tl. QIl. K. W. TO!)L. rilYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Frei'linirg, I'a. flilan liiu irnfr.iinii I rrvi, j In in. j u 1 1 l -tin. r"int In Uik uuil llnuuu lirflar on M!n lrrt. V. V A NH U. KIUK, " unaiCAL& sir at. DENTitr He li:i.4grove, I'enn n. j. w. skip. Krcamcr. Snvdar County, Pa. nt-nr HoeUH : T M .. Imui U l.i i I. Jl an.l iiiir I. M . srr.,Ks hi mi lnhlimi andukkman. Miiy 1, !8tt). dOfl't Cure nrthlna bat Uhaamlinn. bnt lUcun in.a every time. U un.l Sm'l. Ill lis., l'. MX ll.l(TM N. Nil . lll.Mmt.ur. Ta. Miih. Hkv R II KOMINION. Slnuill..l. V. Mhh. Wm Mm aiki, l-Wi Wliubt , I'UllttOolphl. J K. N i.vr r n. 0uiUcn, N J. ji Wnn Miiiy M..r..l.iii, N J. -vt 1t, S rii & 11 L' miuuu a - so? i " " -'ii at- K"IUMI1W CUHF. ...m.i ii III. v"S. S . SUJXATlttK 9 RAB)ttiauiiir wilk..Ml IhhHIt , Murr smj iwiii 1 1 blip Jlark. PRICE $2.50 PER B0I. Tor cimii'U'o luformftt'on, lcrrlptlvn it Ii Iff . with tHtijiionuiM. irt'i. Fr KtiV ly nil ilriiuuUlH. If nmi tr tin ttttior in !! it lit 1'iwittmi to luriiihli it t yuii.ilii nut lu -t-mijil.-il Id t-ikounythinn' I't-c, lut aiily itmi't to tti (i. )i. ntl A i.l, 11 l l.l lf IIUtH. (V TO. Usually develops In early lifo, and is a peculiar morbid con dition of the systom, usually alieedng' tho "lands, of'tan rc suliintf m swellings, enlarged JoiiU. abscesses, thickening; of tho lips, enlarged neck, sonj eyes. A scrofulous condition is often hereditary, 'out bad diet, to-: .. o:: use or fat meats, bad air, vr; I of sunshine an'J nourishlr.(,- food vDl induce it. Somo pooplo are Iroublcti with scrofulous swell!:: sy o! f ' o glands, and vith vAis r.r.-i kernels, which n?ay cause vory little pain ; others may have In ward scrofula, serotula of the lung-s, scrofula cf lha spleen, scrofula of tho kidneys, aud scrofula of tho bones. BUR DOCK ULOOD BITTERS will drive away any caso oi'ccrofula and not to appear Jn another place, ior ineir aciion on x;sj blood and bowelswill carry the disease entirely from the body. VH WANT K.000 llOlli: llOOt.. AGtMillOM:i.liOllt MiVV uueK, Secret. Sj t. n. W03SWAJ3, uu Chlif of P.O. SitoctiTi Corps. aTNl A !aw llmiK Juht I'uiii.imiri) hy oil offl.Mal of ever lft jri'ura' iin rii'iico ill tlm Htcrct Scrvlco, In one MiiKiiiflcrnl It"" I licluvo Voluiuo nf over euo iuiki and I'li-u-auil nluairalul bjf tbe bunt arlmU In Uio country with son Niernn i:miAViwna. A tlirlllltiK rvcurU of ili Ucllon In the V. H. Poet- Omen IS pertUK'iit: rinhrnriiix aUctrhaof Honiidr- ful JfriMlt of I'mtomce luapvctore in Uia prkv- Mail) toeutliur Willi a ruiniilvtu dinchntiou of the lion, rurauii, auu t uniur or KohDcri or lUe U. H. niitny inuun and coinnlii utid contrlviuicra of tha wily anil unacrupuloua to ilcfruud Uie jmbJio; alao an acriirato arenmit of tho , PA.noUN NT1II HOIITTC PRAVDR, Inwbiclt the AulKitr liiul ruliru churito nl tbe pro. mtlou of tlio evltlt'iico for Uie government. , tSTACENTS WANTED. -1 In awry town tlioru am l'oatmutra, Mon-hanljii MiM'lianlua. Karinvra. I'rofcaalonal Men. and huu. dnuli of people who vlll b ffhJ to fftt (Alt thrilling .IIUIWMWIIIWUaMIIMnilllW havlnianmiiuralliHlaali-i4fw&iui en and Women Agent liiuking bom uouk. ii lanow nnvuiL' an miiuraiitxj aaivl tl leiuiU tiijht to all. Jlcn and Women Agenta unikliui bom tlUd to 3U0 a month oaally. We want ait airi nt In cverv towiialilp In the U. ti. and Canada. I tfW llivt l;ru.-i.;t, ao that Am v I'mtaoN with tin pbe DomeuHl a. lllni; book, ran become a $ucc4t4ful Ayrnt, Ao Ckjmi!itwi tthaUvtr. Agent are niw tlng wlUl vitparaUel'J lanw. tfritUtanet no hind rant, aa we glvo 6jtecial Tf-mt to pay Hrlyhtt. ItfUJuiiibtT, wo (lve you tliat'jtcluaive aale of Uiia txmk lu turrlury aaalneo du. Write for our large lliuatnitid Circuliu-e, comVnlnu full tiarticnlar. rticniara. 11. Ad- okiw itrtnt io Agonia, etoi, ami free lo ail. t dreaa luunadiaUly tUo 1'ubllMiota, WINTER A CONrKlNdHFLD, MASS. illtUMATISIv I Cum Ml V1 If -7 UJ BsaasaaMUst! v;.i t ii '. il Allornnjs-dt- Law. 1 l I . ' tin. Il'.-J JAMF.SU. CUOrsK, AT 1 ( K N F. V-.VT- LA W, MIMU.V.IirittJIT. T'A All lmili I'Mrniinl lo I U fait vltr -no niioollnn. i ur.iuiui'.'r U I'tt in iu nil KidiII-Ii. 'J ! JACOH (llM'.KKT, Attorury nul (.'inifclif ct Ltm .iiiiMM.r.iti i:.m, r , '(inrl .n anil nil i lMr n'ttiifffltf IV Kt'rii'ln.l to. I'ui.ruiliill. D In lipl'fk (lornian. lt-I Mk yM. F. JilOI'SW F.IlTII, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Hi-!,itvsii;cvji, Pa. !ollrptla mill nil otliir lal l.tnlntii vmr I V nllon.leil to. l'oniUlUMur.l In funllik to. Oormnn. JWif. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,, I.ririi'jiuy, Penn'ir, AW l:uplori nnit.xl to Ma r wlflti promi tly uttoudoil in. Sxpt. .10, 'lu. JJ O. DKITRTCII, .) ..-' . , '.-.VayrM. fts All prorn'"nnl l uoi.rt. iromft'- aWMoi to DoniulUtlutm In f.n ; III b "' Marn-a , ii.k.'jt.'A F. E F.OWER, ATTOPEY-AT-IAW. "T" AM) I1 STl; 1 C'T .' """" V 5 RT, ,n'?f Mleniioni ma do Conaltavl'nt is pf,-ti Jut 0,'Ta.lC. i nt 'li-r.ntn. I . I AS r i Liucir, Attorntv & Conuseller-1 t-Uw Olflcaln Aif'( llull'llnw nu rtoti Kovrt H KluiuKi Hutbl. Solliiwgrot v, roun'ns l)ullt)otlD inl other trcli ill l ion 1- miin-lloil aod will rolva i-aTuI uap (.rouiiil atleutlou. Al'T llTBk rn j. smith. -L ATTOKNKT AT I.A f . MlIlIU.KIIl'KO, BKYIDk OO..FA Olferi ti la r,r..len.iril Rarvleta tu 1L itt Ujtiiullallunt la KokII'Ii and (UnfeMb A. W. 1 'OTTER, A Tl OI12 I-4 y AT I. A TP. Solinasrovo, Pa.," lift, rlliolr pruli-SKlonalarrilrta tj t rtll AIIIokhI lu.-ltic.-i eniriulitil to li.olr aai - rix-elvo cr jit alloollun. Onifovo Mala H July J II. (JKIM.M, .. . Attoi'iiov-at-Lav, MiddK.buih, i'a. riinanlintlon In ;iiulh Kr.illih nntlyfit JOHN II. AKNOLf), Mii)t)t.EDur.o, ra l'io!f ? huiinra. entruiie.t n tit aura mil t o proutpily altri.eed lu., y.VMUKLH. OUWIO, ATTQRXEY'A T-LAW, I.ctt lNbui-i;, I it ii ii ( o lnl lim.-e on Market Strcel, una Chjvt east ol Cam ernn lloue. Pea.iu, ;i7;.tf. JOHN K IIL'GIIKS, JUSTICE CF THE PEAC Kutttz, Snyder t'., P$ CH Collect ions promptly nmdv '" '- ' i -i 1 i. i I tl l(J Physicians, fc. JOHN v. nsiio, M. d. Mlddk-bnrjih, Pmii'bt. A irratnat of tho Unlvaraiiy r IenfVlft nlu, ollera hie proleaalenal lervifKi to tha itl. -n ol Mlil.H.hurKb and iuinly. Rra t.null.l, ,r, OcruiiD. UOlua la H. O. ilia-S lcbool.'i bjlldmn. Jal av"'a H J. SMITH, Physician & Surqccn, Vaivr Sjirinqi, Snyd County, Pe lllleri hit rrefiloDal7trtl u, tb anLM Olllc on Main i treat. JunUie,. Jt (JUIlill UAiTTjKH PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, I Middleborgh, Penn'a. l,"Mi,,l,',l',p"r",lr""1 rvKeito tb elttkaoi li!'1'!1.".1"" 'l'illy. omc a In dMM wentef tlm I .inn u ...... i ... ,..,r VlFT9 II. I... . ' "II'I K. "VI UlUB. .h 0llia oppoult fot Kriatln uu,:e- tejHi Ajrfcilluil Wofe T::i, H? ( 'i