The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 25, 1886, Image 1

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He that will not reuson U a bigot ; lio Unit cannot is a fowl ; ho that dare not is a nlave.
vol. xxin
WO 47
ft ej f nr m
In sorrow ottco there cume to mo
Two frloiHla to proffer pyiupiithy.
One pressed warm ilowy li to mine,
And quoted from tlio world Ulyine:
Wiped the hot teardrops from my eye
And giive myre heurt for nigh:
Told mo of puin ho Imd oiitRrown
Puin that was equal to my owu,
And k-ft me with n tender touch
Thitt should have comforted me much
Hut htill my sorrow was no loan
Tor all hi loving gruclousness.
Tlio othrr only pressed my hand;
Within his eyes the tears did stand.
He said no word, but laid a raro
liuneli of sweet flowers beside my
And closely held my hand the while
lie cheered my sad gloom with his
And ere he went hi sang a song
That 1 hud known and loved for long
And then he clasped my hand again
With the same look that shares a pain
And when he went I laid my head
Down, and was glad uud comforted.
What was tho difTorence.cau you tell?
I loved my friends, alike and well,
1 loved them both alike, nnd yet
The one's warm kls 1 could forget,
The other's hand clasp 1 could foil
For hours through all my being steal.
Eucli shared my aorrow, yet to ino
One brought but love, one sympathy.
Mrs Jordan's Beautiful Fot
Fiva years a;jo Cheater Fos er oi
Wharton towuubip, Totter couuty,
l'a , caught a youug female fawn,
wbiuh was about five weeks old. The
little creature soon became domesti
cated uuder the cure ef Mrs. Mary
Ann Jordan, a near neighbor of Mr
Foster towhom the deer wan pre
seuted, associating with tho dogs and
cats orf terms of friondebip and
equality. In order that it ehould
Luvo some protection from hunters,
as it frequently utruyed into the
woods and wus liablo to be killed,
Mrs, J orditu placed a leather strap
urouud its neck to which was attack
ed a boll. Iu January 1SS1, tho doe
which waslhcn about tliroo years
old, left Mrs, Jorduu'd place.and was
not again seen until tho first day of
April following, whou tho returned.
She brought with her a beautiful
yearling buck which she had picked
up iu the woods and which followed
her into Mrs, Jordan's barn and bus
reniftiued evor Bince. In Juno fol
lowing tho doo bad two fawus,wbich
wore boru in tho barn. They grew
finely, and one of these, was subse
quently sold to a Mr. McUeo, who
took it to Clearfield county. The
other was Bold at Ibo'sawo timo, but
it refused to be caught, and now re-
maius with tho mother, a hno, beau
tiful deer.
In Dcootnbur, 1885, the doo again
left without warning and took to the
woods, and nothing was Been of her
uutil March 18, 1883, being again
absent three months as before. Sinoe
then she has remainod quietly about
the place. During the fir6t week of
September last eho gave birth agaio
to two fawns, which aro now frisky
and beautiful, The mother with her
family of three, including the year
ling she picked up ia the woods
roams about at pleasure. The mo
ther door is docilo and affectionate
The fawns are eby, and seldom come
about the house in the daytime, al
though they never leave the farm,
and generally can be soen in the
adjacont underbrush and thickot.but
ran on the approach of any one
The old doe frequently comes into
the house when the family are at
meals, takes her stand at the table,
nnd without any invitation takes
bread or food from tbo table or ac
cepts it when offered by any one.
She will frequently acoompany a
neighbor home aud then at once re
turn to her old qiarters. Occasion
ally when In tho adjoining moun
tains and woods, which are full of
deer, the dogs have started and en
deavored to catch Mrs. Jordan's fa
vorite, but she has always reached
Ler home in safety, and finding the
door closed, has seven times jumped
through tbo window into the only
room which is on the first floor and
into the middle of Mrs. Jordan'
feathtr bed, ami there leinaioed an
til r . - ' ' . I -,(,.,.
We form judgments of men from
liltli tbioga about tbclr Lonncs, of
which the owucr, peibnpo, never
thinks. Flowers obout a rich tutu's
houee ruiy signify only Ibat lio lots
a good gardener, cr that ho has
rttiucd neighbors, aud duos whirl bo
oos them Jo. Hut tuen aro not
accustomed to buy books unless tboy
wout them. If, on visiting tbo devill
ing of a man of blender menuH, we
find Ihut lio ooutcuta Limni If iviili
'cbonp carpets und vtiiy plttiu farni-
Inre, in ord-.T that bo may buy books
be rises nt onco in our CBtocin:
Cooks aro not niado for- furniture,
but tliero is nothing tlso that so
beautifully furnishes a house. The
plainest row of books that cloth or
paper ever cover is more significant
of nfinument tlaii the mosL elabor
ately carved or sideboaid.
Give us a house furnisLed with
books rather Ihau costly furnituto
Both, if you can, but books at uuv
rale. To spend several days in a
friend's house, and hunger for some
thing to read, whilo you aro Head
ing on costly carpets, uud sitting on
luxuri. us chairs, aud fcleepiu? upon
down, is on if oi:o wtro bribing your
body for tho sako of cheating your
Jok8 are tho windows through
which tho roul looks out. A house
wiiLout Looks 19 liko a room with
out wiudows. No m.iu has a ik'ul
to bring up his children without sui
rounding them with books, if ho Iiih
the uieauB to buy them. It iu
wrong to his f tmily. Children leain
to road by btiug in the prebetico of
hook J. Tho lovo of knowledge
cornea with reudiug.aud glows upon
it. Aud tho lovo if knowledge, iu a
young mind, is ulmobt u warraut
ngainttt tho inferior excilcmunt of
pulsion and vices.
jjoi us pay moso poor ncli men
who livo barronly in groat bookless
houses. Let us congratulate the
poor, that iu our day books aro bo
cheap that a man may every year
add a hundred volumes to his li
brary for tho low price of what hie
tobacco uud his beer would cobt him
Among the cailiest ambitiou lobe
excited iu cleihs, workmen, journey
men, and, iudtcd, among nil that ore
struggling up iu life from nothing
to something, id of owning, and
constantly adding to, u library ot
jood books, A little library, grow
ing larger every year, is an honora
ble part of a young man's biutoly,
It is a man's duty to buy books, A
library is not a luxury, but ouo of
tho necessaries cf llto. l'nital
SttC4 J'aper Maker.
Pr:blom3 in Csnfcdsrato ArithaicUc-
15ook curiosities are not nil an
tiquities. Ia a Philadelphia second
hand book storo I saw tho other day
a work on arithmetic which certainly
does not lack interest, historically.
It is au tlumeutary work, made by
"L. Johnson, A. M., l'rofessor of
Mathematics ia Trinity College,"
aud published in llaleigh, North
Carolina, in 1801, Tho timo and
placo of its production are sufficient
to indicate its "socesh" character.
Soeao of tho examples in it probably
stored fuunioi twenty-two years
ago around K-ileigh than they do
now, viz.: A Confederate soldier
captured oight Yaukess each day for
nine suaeossive days i how many
did he capture in ell ?" "If 1 Con
federate Boldier kill 00 Yankees, how
many Yankees can 10 Confederate
soldiers kdl " If 1 Confederate
solder can whip 7 Yankees, how
many soldiers can whip 49 Yan
kees V
A father called his son into tbo
library the other day, and said t
Harry, you uro now seventoon
yeors old "
"Yes, father."
"I have given you money from
timo to timo, but you have bad no
stipulated allowaocn. Heginning
with next week, 1 shall allow you six
dollars per week."
That will bo splendid ! Yoa are
one of the best fathers in Detroit 1"
"Yes, six dollars per week, and as
yoa are now old enongb to pay
bont J I shall charge yoa five dollars
PU'weck! You can always depend
upon tho dollar coming to yoa each
'7 "
L'CMMtNd, Novumbor 7. Tie pub
lic school pyslrm if Georgia is an
improveriidied iuslituliou. It cou
tracts with its teachers for a town of
sixty five dajs at five cents per day
per capita and esttles with them at
about sixty-live cents on tho dollar.
Tho teacher must accept this or pot
snado Ihu kind-hearted palrou to
pay tho rnmaiudcr. Any ono enjoy
ing tho ludicrous can spetul a health
fnl half hour at certain of these ex-
amiuations, especially when tho com-
missioner, a iu this c.xsc, possesses
a natural viu of humor. Tho up
plicant was a man of about fotty,
with a cheup c.isl of feuturo uud a
body half as broad as long. He haid
he didu't claim to kuow nil wasn't
a graduato etc., but ho did kuow
ouough to teach them health down
at yiiako Hag, cause he'd tuicued
thar four years, aud they tlidu't
kuow nuthiu jit. The official taid
hu'd ai k a fow piimary qucsliou, and
boj au with :
'What is u letter V
"A thing crooked sometimes and
sometimes 'taint."
"What is a syllable f
"Hits a word fplil iu two."
"How mauy parts of tpeech ?"
"Three joaisc, fine and biipr
liue," "What in a veib f"
"Hit's biithiu' that
tackcls onto
suthin', or btiowd that Bulhm' tackeib
jnto hit."
"What is rciidiog f
"Hit's tulkiti' from a book."
"How do you loach reading 1"
"fcjoraot mes by couxiu' und buuie
timts by a boa. d."
"What is geography t"
"Haiu't uo cl.issd iu that."
"JJiit you might have'. How
would you teuch it !"
"Hy askin' 'em questions."
"What tiro tho fundamental lulcs
of arithmetic f"
"Funda what r
"Fundamental rules."
"Don'i kuow him."
"1 hud no reforeuce to an individ
ual. I meant the principal ruluj ol
"Yon miau tho wry how t"
' Cau't jib' remember."
This, of course, is au exceptional
subject of ignorance, but tho public
school teachers iu tho Georgia
backivoodij uro not proverbial for
their much h inning. Thuro uro
some good fcchools, however, und
this couuty has two or threo of a
higher grade, Tho High tfchool
here is presided over by a clever
young lawyer a Ucorgiau " und a
guullcmau of cultivated tasto.
P M Mil. I ! .iWIWHipjg
The French Printing CiSco-
Tho Froucb. Government Printing
Ofiico is said to be tho finest es
tablishment cf its kiud iu tho world.
It is divided iuto a first divisou, a
second divinon, and u reserve It
employs ; clerks and officials, 220 ;
laborers, 50 ; book-folders, sewers,
perforuters, glimmers, find females
connected with the drying room,
310 ; bookbinders, 110 ; typo fouri
ders (15 males aud 10 females), 25 ;
electrotypcrs aud sttrotypers, 16 j
machiuo men, printers (mulo aud fe
male), and machino boys, 120 ;
prcBSsmon, 110 j compositors, 200 j
showing u total of about 1,200 per
sons occupied exclusively in printing
Government work. It is supported
by an annual budget of $1,400,000
Tho rulo, whore practicable, ia to
pay by the tho piece. The general
manager receives a salary of $3,000
a year t on under manager receives
a salary of 81,000 ; a superintend
ent of the interior department, $1,
200 f an assistant to the latter, $900;
and namorous others in various po
sitions as clerks and overseers re
ceive sularies ranging from 8800 to
63C0. Tbo male workers iu the
mechanical departments labor ten
hours a day and the laborers tleveu
hours, Tho first mentiouod receive
six cents uu hour extra for overtime
aud tho oinen two cents less.
''Wo must economize," said the
President, when his wife' asked him
for twenty dollars for a now bonnet,
"During tho past few mouths we
bavo paid 33,000 for a piano, $10,
000 for a china tea sot, sent $20 to
the Charleston Bnfferers, and $500
the chairman cf tho rew York Dcm
ocratio ttto Committee. Can't von
,m i .
Thcro iHu'oM colored man li v
iug ou Dallas street who believes be
is a doctor. Ho ia a little, driod-un
, pieCo of Immunity. 11 is most hoiu-
iticut feature is his mouth
That ia
the largest putt of his anatomy, and
it it) big enough to gulp down u fulU
grown Charleidou earthquake,
Ho is a groat tV.kor. lio has bt on
knowu to talk thrco men
at a timo
so weak Ibat tb y couldn't iiml the
way homo. His most peculiar babi
j j3 Lis fondness fr looking at dead
I pooj lo. Ho will y,6 lor miles to
I lools at a corpse. Whenever ho is
I allowed to do t'", he; ".invariably ov
! ainiues tho body and says :
IV do I.iwd, dat, man aiu't no
j mo' dead daa I is die miuil. Au' el
I ytr put him iu du gronn' er is mak-
I m' cf bun mil suicidu dat. yon is 1"
'iho colored peoplo over iu l).-t
1 U,d;imoro got tired of being bjtli-
! Clutl i,y th0 old man'd nouceiiHo, uud
they diitermiiied to break it up. A
crowd ou ISitla 1 street fixed up a
job on him last night that acted liko
a charm. Thiy hired a caskot from
au nudei taker end one of thoai gd
in it. Tboy Hum tout for tho old
"doctor.' Wteu hu nriived they
weio all ttaudmg around tlio cakot.
One of tho' parly remaik'-d :
' 1 dnu bolivb d it tn.iil'n deal."
Tl.o "doctor" felt tLo pul. o of the
i in tn in Ihu co:iiu and itaid
i ".No, Kah : ho ain't no mo'
, dan do res' uu us is- No, sail ; dat
jl.c ain't I knows when tr man's
i dead."
j Jut then tho supposed corpse
I : 1 1 i i. I it... .11
"di'etoi" urouad tho neck and nearly
clii.k.d him to death.
' I ain't dead, aiu't I?"
"Yes yer is 5 yes, Bah, yotl's dead
I kuoAed yer wuz dead all do time
1 wuz jos' fooliu' witl yer. Jes' lei
mo go, an' yor kin stay dead. 1
swear I won't bodder you no mo'."
Tho man i'j tho colfiu let go, and
the "djctor" ran out aud didn't slop
till ho got homo. There hu swore
to his wife that ho had seen it live
corpse, uud ho made a Belouou oath
to give np trying to taitc tho dead."
ISallimurt lcrt'd.
'Order in tho court ?' f-xclaimed
thojtidgoofa .lontauu Circuit, as
he observed tho occupants of the
room leave their scuta and crowd
around tho windows,
'We luiibt Livo order,' ho contiu-
uoii, '.ur, bUenu, uoo lual oraer i
maiuluiiiod, Thero tuu.jt bo lobs
coufubiou or I will order tho room
'Tho yallor .one .is getting away
with thoother,' remarked one of tho
muu ut tho wiulow,
What's too excitement aked
tho judge.
" fight, your honor,' replied
a lawyer, as ho got up on a chair to
look out of tho window,
'Mr, Sheriff,' Gaid tho Court u.i l.o
moved elowu from hid scat iu the di
rection of the crowd, 'adjoin u
Court right oil'.' A Vtul (Jluic,
An auctioneer waa trying to tell 11
horso ou Michigan Utaud avenue
ycEtcrday, and after the animal had
been duly inspected tlio crowd was
asked to start tho bidding.
"Fifteen coats tailed out nn old
woman with 6ome lettuce iu a bas
ket. "Uumph, you'd bettor go homo I"
finecrod tho auctioneer.
"Say I" said the woman to a man
at ber elbow, "that's just tho way it
always turns out I I never try to
oblige any one without gettiug tho
worst of it, I might bavo made it
twenty cants, but I've got to buy
meat for dinner."
Coed Eocults ia Every Case
Tl A Iteinlfiiril. wliolosulo DdllDr
.. ,i
doaler Ol CUttlianOORa, iOIin-, wrilOU. ,
that Uo ho wau sorioubly nulictod
with A sevore cola that eottlod ou
bia luuga; bad triad nmny roruodios
v.itlioat benefit. Buiuff iuduoed to
try Dr, King'B Now Discovery for
Consumption, did so and wua ontiro
ly cured by neo of a fow bottlos.
Biuco which lime be baa need itiu
Mb fninilv for all Cousin and Colds
With 1)681 results. iUia IS ina ex- i
En;nA nt thnnaanrlii nhnnn livfn
oriouca or tnouBauas woose jivcb
ave been euvea by tuis Wouauriul :
a.'... I
. . . r .. .... . . ..
Diocovory. Trial bottles froo at Q.
M. Bbiudtl's Dreg Store.
KnrvnrKS' PlTIMrtr ! PJft-w Tlinn.
ptiirst?! .s. tuiaiu i my
Ecu Pcrlcy Poora's FoiUnoninT Ejk
Sixty yours of a busy i lUrtmlMt'
life at Washiut 'ii aro pito ni. d in J
Muj. Den. lViioy I l)D!o'f f I tlllVlll
; ln ,).)ok. lino or tin n l nn i:i s i:
tho Miijor leceii ly sail ihit 'at ,i
judiciously ripe pciin I of lifn l:;i
Major stopped growing old. an I
since then, liko S"iuo (jf the choice
Madcria of which ho writes itii k'
"U1C-" n-'Oiing, no nai mnv men hc-
t i i , i , i
ciiiniilaling noiimt and ll t or. hij.
I'ooro has been ot o of tho best
known and one of the mmt ktiow
ing men iu Washington Roriely f.u
a half a century, llii is tlio sunt
tempi r.itnunt ilt.liglni' g in bright,
social iutiieoiiiHi) t I. id con
nection with daily journalism nnd
his position in tho r. H iSetiato
'osiuon in i:io .n .-etiate
I him always in tho thick of
. .1 iv.:... i . ........ :..
"l" "
Ho was ever in tlio Was!iin'ton
"Swim." bieasting tho wav.-n wi'.h'
iovilil vi.'fir. nit.l nover filin.r I
hear or w o what wis haid and done.
Tl:o Major c ml I never bo very
solemu, nnd in bi ripened hLetclien
of Washington life cv;.-rr plian.' le
niiiid him of half a dozen an. tiding
aneCiiuieH. no Dm tl rate Kilt in
tolling a niorv. and his anecdotes
aro ineNl'.aiiHtihla
His book will not only nil lu tie
to his fame. jh a w 1 iter, but is of hi
nniqite a chaiacter nnd so iiden-i-N
iiitti (nt iti tint ler tint it will
pruvo a vulii'ible cotilributioti to (In
lilciiiliuo ,f tlio country. It hi
mirlh for tho mitlU'id, wit for tin
willy, ifforinal ion f.r nil, n;id
doubt if it lni'i bi ( !i ntn!led bv ntij
suliBcriplinn book hi'iu-o thn war.
It is beirg issued by thn weil-
kliowil hoisi (.f Hill, bii.l ,
Phila l.-lphi.-i. I'i, und Hoi 1 .v-:.i'
sively by hr.bsi.-i iptluti. .--
Nov. I. si;. Iw.
Tiiat ilie nn 1" .iii ii:,. n. i
prevalent '.' 1 iiis ij' i-li 11
Bliiil'l' Im ilv n.i 'M iet, I 111
ill it then! Ii.e; !!lil lint
I'uiuf ,1 but iiiiioiil; tin' most
I:.:- Ill I If!
it is r . . i 1
I'lil.V I lie II. 1
ei 1:11111 11, ,;..
sine mo'iit). r ol iu-illy e.uylan
lan l is tin: vii'iim n' ol' tie
!v in li..
e il.Vil
t'iriiieliliii.s. b.elie.s ,s. e.M to lv : Ii:ti t
ItaMn to J : I i - - iitt.e.-k-, W l.i. U, in ll.'e
form of iiL'.ir.ilpo lieailiulie, i:iin in 1 In
haek, or 111 rviins ji.iin.i are el eeiLu.t i c
eiliivnei'. Not until the iliseoverv ol Allilo
piiuros lia l any ruiin!ly l i en fomii) li 1
either rliv!iiiiia'i"ii, iKiirnlia cr lieivou:
In a. la 'he, nnd lliey wire Kiiur.illy c,.ii
eeilfl to ho in'le, lint Athlojiheri
has li M-ii prove I to hj Hot only a o r.'ni'i,
euro fir tlie.o ,li, i'i nil tfuir vniini
foriiH. hut a in' leineity. li', in i!ie 11-1
of -V 1 tit iplmrni, tin; hoiiels lire lie) (
'. it-Mvc-i is ).( 1, cilel toiiM'thi.'
Alliloiiliorim t'lll 11 1 0 lee. inini n i il
leei 11 11.1 :i
the lie. ...
he 11 villi.-.
Hi'ii;!i, while I
r.itli u : if, will In?
:'o:in I te
ni'l to the aeti
f lie
At: i 1
jIi mil is no exi. 1 imeul. it ha I c, 11 1
oel h u pr ive'l its Hun lenul elh.-.iey.
The Athlojili .i,, Pills wc i-o 01 i,'iu Mi
irei!ne I a-, a re -n.; ly for ti-e in f 1111. . te :
wiili Athln;, tor rheuiuut -tu r.v.i
nunr.ilL'i.t 111 I liiii.lrel c(iiiil:iiiii'i. 1 ei
ill C'Miiiivlei!! with that, ll.ev are
a certain e.iiv f ir eitle-r of lhe.-.e v, i;,'ei a.
I11011 an I i;MlVvsius' ilise.e i . '1 iev )i iv.
nUo heeii i' in if I to I e an in v.tli Kit ! i i, ( ! -.
foranyan .U,tii"iiv s ari ii:t- fr,,i;i v;:i..t
hlo 1 1 or I' ilel.ility. 'i Lev a,-., e
peei.illy v.ilualile t'..r in rvoi's it. ! iiily, I '. ,
imi-omn.;, i! isi.i, ili-ti. i iii'tel'ea iie.
Iioa ia. ho,, o.:i of 11 ::
n;i I nil i.t'.tn.i, h or !i,-, r ti ,i! !i ..' I .
ilisetses (if women they are invilna! U
These pills are pet-, itly hiinnle-H an l ii.a
lie s .felv irsiul liv mliilt's ri l.iNln t.
'i tiiiloliial i of lho;u who liui'o lei
cui e'l will hu .sent f.-eu on npplieatioii.
Sllverv ili ii'ju'ist fhoulil Lot p Atl.lupleir.-:
Hill AtM'iphop.rt Pill i, hut wheri tin yean
not hu hoiiht of i,u ilriijLrii t, the Atido
plionw Co., 112 Wall M., N;vv York, wiil
fend either (eurriaeo pai.l) tin receipt o:
n-vular priec, whieh i.s f.(K) pur Lottie
fur Athlojilioros ami C0e. fur PilLj.
Win n nSj wan .li k, wo cvc Vrr CvtorU,
W In n Iia uu I'liild, sl.n cur l fur liiitt'irla,
Wl. -ii .lis bccaius Uiu, .ho clung to t'uatui-ia,
Wliou tho hxd CTlldruu, .Uo go them C'uututU,
Wl! WAST fi.000 noltli IWtltK
Ab.M! iu .si;t,t, otii alu uooii.
Cilef o( r.O. Ioto:tl79 Corp.
n TliM
A New Ilium ,TtJr I'imt.uiiKO by uu offlrlal of
over 15 jreum' fXih-ririHii lu Itie Hccrt-l Hurviov, hi
(inn M u;tilllei ht lloml Ocuivo Volunm of over BiK)
p;i'e uu 1 1 1'v'iuitly iUuatr.iUd by tliu befcl aiUnts in
lliu c iuiitry wild
A tlnilliiitf recuul ol ilutertiuii lu tlio V. H, Post-
HUD Bl ri' 1(11 i.Biiiitinin,
Ollleull. imilmi ntt vinbriu iux fketcbm of Wonder.
fid hriMtt ol 1'iibt (illlco iicM-ctini lu lliu lli lec
linn, l'llrmllt, Uli.l Ciiitnrtl ef Kulibura nf liio U. H.
MuiUi tunelU' r with u ruinpli-tii deiicrlptiou of tlio
iininy uiijui. ami ciiiiilii;iti i ci'iarivaiicea or tlio
wily mel iiiiwiruiiiiloiia t.i Je'riiuJ tho publio; 'au
un acciirtitn uceoiintorihii i
III which lliu Authir liiul eliurn thitrKU ol tliu )tu
oratluu of tlio enii- nce fur Ihu govuiiwuut.
"Minn;- tciKul!i"ra am VoftniMlerii, Murehnuti,
Muchuiilu, I'lirtiiem, J rofiwrnonul Men, ami linn
drt'iU of eui'lilo m tin u Ut Im) (.'t to g.t this tlmlltnf
ItoK. ltliiiiuw luvliu; an unnartlled Mtlot It i
$ljht to alt. Wa uj Wmatu Aont uiakluK from
1W W )0a uioiilh wmlly. Wo want iui uuent lu
jv t.rwuhip in tho v. h. mut ouundn. irw
fttveiwrwkiiHtiiiitANy i'i.Ko with tiiUiiiia
t,A.nnil.ilu,.ll!l,0 luU,l( It.. .1' .111 ulij4yuii ill. of
(rtiK. it miiuw luvine an unp.iraiieii ie; it iiikui
A Ojinrnllhois whUevr. Ai;unt. ro nmelinu
MtU'll ii 1 1 IM tW m V. Will WVWUI" 4M.y H J,V(.M
with uiiimrulletcil iwani, ii IHtlanm o Alnd
ruuw, ua v, glva tiiudal Tru to jmy JftighU,
-kiuiuimiKii. va irlvii vuu tliu hlIiiIvo mhIo of till.
ItiMik In t. rriliu v hhIu'uh1 vnu. WHtn tut OUT larvo
lilultilU'lt ''iruulnr., ooiiUWln rrt(llrj.
j ,.w4uiAiu.t.u!.!iiiitfittii n.Ad.
foir fnfants end Children,
TitiioMl9owrllft l.irnHlorhilitnnr.Umt I Cwtorli nir folic. CnttpMI.n.
t rocomiiii'ii.l it ah miivrlor t-mny j p wi ijiiinn I Hmir Stmu'wli, leirrh i:, l;iiiii.
tBown to nic.'' I. A. AHcnitii, M.t). I v'""'-'. If vj aud uuutii itl-
Ul 8. OiArU St., UruoLli o, N. V.
i Frcmnnf. Snv.lnr r.nnnfw Pn.
nni.tu imt imitin...rn rotiKn ..i I'LvHinnn
! -.. M" I r-i- I n .l .rvl,-
ti tl.o "iMh sp",Mi l.nn 111 iiikI oernmo.
Miirch, 17, ix-l. tl.
P.. W. TOOL.
1'roebiiir'. l'a.
OTP'S hU ).r fi il 'nut . rvl.'.n ! llei i u l . 1 1
t mmv'T i t Iu (mill li gilli mil (lelein
ttlilO- on M i in roel .
V. VAN in'.-'ICIIfX,
i ft
Se lin :rovo. P. mi
d. V. SKIP,
Krenmar, iinyucr Co:i;ily, Pa.
no-:, k I!"i ni T.. n A M . I. 'i. i K l . : 1. M
an I m r 0 I'. .
,IM-;. KS IK Hit 1JN.1I. IS It ANIuiniM N.
Ma) 1, i's't.
ina ninvrii to iik
rou it:irxMiiii.
Mo. I. in. I .:. . Aiitf li I 1
Vv Mi!'' .l " .lllll' It ! O. III. it
M-iti' 'I. ei In-1 i li 'iiU i i n l fine tln.t
, '... i- u. l it. Itn; In1 In i It, ui'il
I'.i'll.l I. "I hle.'P in I- .1. 1'iit "'I " ' -
- 2 IV '-- nil-- l'iv-'til .1. hi.iliv J al. I ' 'm i!..
t1- f 1 vel'-s w I'" II ''l- ''"I O"' I'"1' ''1'
V t Will"". I Ut f'T till' ("...'
Ijl-Wlfl Mm:i mi'i Crr, nn.lir a rl i nl I
S? SX. il-'UUt It 'I"-1! r.l t i
S3 I i il.r. el'iill" 1'ir mu' W'-lik. flut Me '
',V wus I'll r 'l. t Mil" i'i f lie w '.I
Ell !.:. Miri'iTi-H Unit y.'ii iii' ei. I.
S 3 1 1 III. Mi.", It it le.iv iili'T f" .' - i - '
5 J mie.' th.' rill'., win , ll'-eti -I. an.l i!i'i
S' u iviOi, n-.iii, . in tin- irn-'lt li, nlnl
J il.i nil h:l,.l "I "k u- II n "I'f,
1 I lei.l h i-n i -) nil t' ln-"I Hi" ".'I il s-
V J ,' ,.- We I, i. n ' llilt .!.' in is
' i,., ii, in,,, te.. , iiri. . nil nj.U.iily
I. .1 i.ti'.I lie i i ti r". liii. It.'i ' t
r- MUletol, a- Hm AVI .11 lit.
A'"-iu"u'J. iisnnx.
Thousr.n'lij of ohor huo
toen ouroU.
price S2.50.
Ter corii ! to Inf un it n. Vcw Ipiivo I'Hin.
I'tilet. M.iti, tree,
l'eriil' I v nil .li'in.Ki'1-.. II mi i or Hi n'ln r H
' 1 1 In I n 'ltii.ll I i Itei.lOl il I yiill, il'i ti -t I '. r.
lie iiti 'l ei till, uiD't'e:. tint m i'ty iliris't t" tin! ills, I I li I .I It Itllllo. ,v to.
bl'.l iV Hil AIlll'lnl f-'liel, l'lul i'li ll. Inn.
Th.T ir. to r:.' liviri !lu j'.;, h w 1: i--T
di:-.';:iert so cft;n attacks th.? ly.iU'i
;!;; ly Cy:r.ifpati'iri, und t lit r.) U no
(Iher ill ll.' i; loir to ta-n'e tit b
to ni7,!ccta(l, iroia tlio i'aU natcriil
iiiconv!)uh-nc8 nay rut I"! iwr.ftlitit')
ly felt lr tun action of t!n
LiAVtl.'i. Vbfa there U ht regular
action t!:o rutentiou of Uc-iy.-:d and
effete matter, v.itli it.5 ji'iionoud
pasr-s, soon p!i:'.::3 tho wh.'Ie system
hy luing kL' .ciled into it, caaiiin?
piles, iUtulii, hi-adache, irisjiuro blood
ar.d inany olhur w-rioas alieftiona.
LUKU0CK tl.001) UilTEKa viil
immediately relieve, and o::a bcttlo
jiositively cure cr relijvo any case
of Constipation.
"Wan troubled for a year vitb.
torpid liver and indiKtiM.and after
trying every thine: imajrinnble used
first Loltlo revivad mo aud thj second
cured me entirely," J, 13. Wilitassnn,
Rochester, N. Y,
HenSssIafe Co.
SOlUoflCiWfhl-'.Y. C.'.:.-.-s 111. t. lotilt. lito.
Attutitt C.'i u Cjp Frvlxt. CA
J) y.T. .V XIV 1 "I I
I V.-'u.w.ii ? A
r ! J.) y J,
- ri h i-rr , . fiwa r-
1 rtfr.-. ?;r'V,ry,
I Vi Jibuui nljiirloua medicoUca.
Tna Cit?rrcn CenriNT, tfl Fulton Buret, N. Y.
J amkso. t'ltoi'si:,
All leioli rjn ntriiitiil to I 1 c mrfi t)lri
p- iv f.ri HM't mn-titliii. ( iriulmtu Ir. ft
uhiii tul l.tmll-'i. j.
Allortnfi unit C'ihhsi ,'nr at J.vw
iiii)i)i.i:ttt hi. ii, v,
'! Iro t I'.r mill nl! itlr I i , 'i r itv p
v li,.ii'K'. I.,. I i u',tut. d 111 ftr'tiV tk
Ho man HID.
yu- i:. iioi auKiiTif,
, ATr0rt'EY AT LAV,?jT3
Sl.l.i.N: (ilt( v. Pa.
('I'-ftl.'ti. iti. iv'l .ll r luiiiil I mlri i
I m ten lo t i". i.on ultiitlun Id f.rr.1" I. nt
Y I- 11LU
t.r n i.if !, rym'e
I'tHir.p" piitnist.'t ti lilii cure will I c
i ruiiii tly attcr.'li'il to.
S pi. :i i,Vn.
(1. DKITlirclI,
,i ra':;;s:i t r.MT.
Mm bt St.,. s, assort, ret
All rrolnMti.nftl IiUhukx. nrolnaMv Mlrrf.t
to. I'liliPUltillleli! Iu I:ntll.L mil if r:ni.
is. Ijov.xif,
AND Dles 'KI;T ATT0Ii5R7,
3ri'tlltbr;, l'a.
(nllpi-'lnn- mat).
linni:!l.tlii. In ecnrfa
JUP fi, 'TLll.
m i 1 iTiiiin.
mxs, p
Attorney Counst.llor-At.Ltw
Oitice lu A' ItutlilliiK mie ilo I KiiifcH
li L It I I'M. Hu r LL.
M'lliismui , I'uun a,
I'lillnf tlnnf Al,. I ttll.ntlitT ) tat
i.rrii i milli'lluil and will rvtloo retylpo
I'luinit n'trutli'n. A jr.) I, ';.!.
Ml III) 1. Kilt' lit I, VEli It CO., FA
OL'ere Lin Priilon."l'innl Scrvlec" to ll. ak
Con'iiltutluua In l.tmllili uml tloimai;.
bclinsgvovo, Pa ,
('tl. r tlnlr I'T'itci.-lunul orv lee. to lb ictlll
All lexnl I'li.-luu.'K enlrutol 14 tlielrenru wl
roi'uiiv iT'iini'i tttlcotlun.
o.Juty 4. ti.
Otllou UD M.IU tH.
J 11. U III MM,
MiJilkLiuili, l a.
cuiiPiiitiiit'iu lu ,ti ta
i.-uk'i. ti-.
I'.rll' b mt. 1erri
ttoi'iitj- nt Liwt
l'telotcliinn I liUtllinHK no nolo I t,i til. t ji win
Lu roitj ily MtiLilc l Ij.
lliuir, C'nlun l'u fat
(Jlllec on Murk, t Slr. 01.. uu. doi.r .ail of U.m
brrti Ileum.
JOHN K. Hl.ClilKS,
h'entz, fnvila- Vo.t 'a
"tTColloctloiiii proiniitlyuiodjtj
e ... 1 onu jiji j ji . i .. i. m ii. m hi
Physicians, $c,
WliKlVbiiryli, rnn'N.
A icraiiiKtn ol the I'l lveriiiy of r.enfylTi.
Ilia, ollurt hlil iiruUittauul inrviec. Ik
irm lit M lilu I. hurkli an.l uainiMr.
I i i; .ml 'OrrniitD. UBU-. la Mr.O. A IB
ACiiveh'i biilliluiK.
Physician & iurcccn,
llcnvtr Syrians, Sntltv (irtmiy, iVr
I Uteri hli proltttalnnal x th ruLII
Olttoo oa Maloitrvol. Jun. Ho;.
J" URIEH UAltUElti "
MUlillfburgk, ritn'a.
tXI'-ri Mi profai.lrnal .erviom In la ertfsewa
nl Ml'lillhtiurg ami Tloliilly. tilllra m r Jeajj
V. en I of tlm Court Hou.a, Ik Ain.hl'a k)lulaf ,
hoHouo 0ip.alte 0yo.llo tiiatlii(
oil) oo.
en ftb-lVnaiMQnf (TMh) kiirQrtt fttiil V
I'.ioUiNiyQ Torrliirir iiuHititaiHi A I
(A it d!
i -,