The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 04, 1886, Image 1

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- Ho tWt will not reason is a bigot; lie that cannot is a fool ; ho that laro not is a slave.
kditok am) rnoriuiiToi'.
T. H. HAUTKlt.
NO 44
Unlsckai at Last.
I take it down this evening, In the
Bullion twilight' Klow,
M tlie trables et tltflr shadows on
the Rardrn beds below,
And, with some! hlnif of a stidnpss that
'la oM4tli!Uirljr,IrlBe
The cover of the oaken box I closed
in othr days.
So lofix ago I looked it that the key
turns stifll)' uow,
And tho withered hand that trembles
and the furrows on the brow,
And the failing vision clouded, and
th anows u non my head,
i Tvtl. with unrelenting certulutv, or
f 'I'lmoa i-piiiorse!- tread.
t 80 ton ugo I locked them up! Ah,
me, but hero they lie
i Whllf, H unknown, a llnerlni hope
i within me surely lay,
Else why should I but hide tho things
? 1 mljfht have cast away?
I Some heated wonUure said. No more;
but words In wratli iliac ran
May banish what our bliudiiitf tears
and breakiuft hearts recull
As visions only of the inut; the bridge
less gulf between
Uut shows us, to augment our grief,
thejoys'thut might have been."
He died upon a forein shore; aud I
ah, well, my years
Have not been wholly wasted, neither
passed in useless tears.
My light went early out, hut still its
warmth Is with here
It seoius to be rekindling as the end
is drawing nuarl
And now, us In the box 1 look, again
my eyes grow dim;
1 (hid a look o. chestnut hair that
once belonged to him.
A gioye he dropped it us he left a
little golden pl'i,
A locket with a boyish faco his own
portrayed within.
The ring he plM.:ed upon my hand
when, standing by my side,
lie simply told ,t li. olden talu, and,
faltering I replied,
o picture here at all of mine, lie
kept it, and 1 know
lie shared tuy secret trust that cloud
like these would fade aud go.
A pile of letters! One, his last forlorn
My heart. 1 turn the key, to look no
more upon the box!
Hut .ui'cly i shall be forgiven if, in
the land of rest,
Among the treasures stored for ine I
hold my love tlio best.
"If there is any tiling a gray wull
likvB it is beaver tLoat," Mtid Mablon
Witltare, of Wind Riter, Montana,
uud, nlthough bolb beaver aid wolf
are fjtttiug hcmco, it is a fact that if
you ever do couia across signs of
tho latter yon may bo sure to fiud
evidences thai the wolf is also link
ing iu the vicinity, although ho muj
Dot have beoo there before. I wit
ness a lit t lo i.flUit between a big
gray wolf and a bcuvor soroo years
ago which couvinucJ me that a hca
ver's cunuiur ju uot all iu timbui
chopping aud dam LnilJiug.
"1 was acting at an agent for a
man who owned a largo timber tract
iu Canada West, and I disooved that
timber thieves were cutting some
thrifty jouug cedar trees along
Weifei's River. 1 could get no
trace of tie thieves, and one moan
light night I watched the timber.
hadn't been long on the upot before
(I saw a dark object rise on the bank
of the river, and as it came up in the
: mooulightl saw that it was a bea-
ver. Then I knew at once that four
footed thieves were taking tho co-
dars. As 1 bad never seen a beaver
cat down a tree I thought I would
watch the operation. This one so
lected a good sized codar uear the
river bank and at once began work.
,The rupidity with which bo cat
.through that trunk with bis qreat
teeth is almost incredible. Almost
as quickly as a chopper with an axe
would bave done it that beaver felled
the tree. Just before it fell the
beaver gave a cry that made me
lamp, and be sourried down the
Joauk and plnnged into tbe stream
jibe tree fell into tbe river, and on
i ... . .. .
juor cover oi tbe noiso it made l
Wept quickly to tbe bank to tee
what tbe beaver would do further.
The fullen tree lodged in tbe water.
nd tbe beaver came to tbe surface
and began lopping off the branches.
In tbis work it was joined by tbreo
pr four others. They work indus
triously, and tbe noise they made
with their teetb could have been
V at at . .3 1 mi l at
foam s j0Ug distance, xuey lopped
it these branches as if they were
forking with hatchets, and in a
hort tima tbe bar trunk was
'.retched aoroos tbe stream. Then
va btaveii r?ut to idii oa tVs
of probably four feit. and as nlothcr, sad iu tho samo spU to ctr-
lonclh was cut it was floated down tain destination j but they were not,
A..r. n.fa va all nrc in'
tcreslin, but it wai cot very
nblo so tho owuer of the tun Dor, niui
as beaver pelts wero then worth a
heap of money, 1 ooncludod to pat
a stop to tho timber stealing and al
so to gather in that beaver colouy
for my own bouttii, if I coul I. The
ucxt dny I started down tho liver
on a tour i f invectigntion. Three
miles diu 1 Ciine in tight of tho
placo where the beavers had strccb
od a dam tu'tobB, made of ced u
worth its weight iu tilver almost. 1
gut do n ou my bunds aud knees,
uud hidden from view by high bush
es, crept toward the dam. Teeing
through tLo bugles, 1 saw thut b:i
veis had ntilizt l an old log that 1 iy
across tlio fctteutn in mukieg llieir
dam, and then my eye fell ou ouo cf
tLo largest gray wolves I tvu1 saw.
lie was croutcluug ou tho log, and
looked a putt of it, so motion!, b-
did he liu. JJut his sharp eye was
Used on tho water, au.l it actually
hhiznd wiib expoctancy Tbe Ltiu
giy chap waa there lishing for bea
ver, and I Isy still to see his luck.
I watched tho aolf for, I guosn,
ton minutes bifoio uuythiug of iu
terett occurre ', and iu all that lime
he never moved a mutclo or ainLed
au eye, 1 uou l Uulievo llio wiuit
was ablo to raise a hair ou Lii body.
Xlieu 1 saw a long undulating lip.
pie start Horn tue opposi;o iinnu oi
the btreutu nud f-dlow tho einf.ieu o(
Ibu water toward tho log. There
was no clniuge iu tho wolf, except
that his ees mibt Imvo Lluzed
brighter. Tho ripplo ceusnd at tie
tig. Tho water broke, aud the
broad Lead of a bouvur nppuaied. 1
hoard a loud splash, und taw that
ho wolf and beaver had disappeared
but with such eavagu velocity had
ho wolf sprung from tho log, I had
tiu.1. Rtiiu tho movemont. I uippoaod
tt was all up with lhat beaver, of
couise, but iu a few secouds llio
wolf c uiio ulono to the cuif ice, blon
tbe wnter from his noso with two oi
t'liev loud si. oi la. and swam back to
tlio log. liu bud missed Lis pray,
hut tufij of fur that ho hwopt from
iis nly-loukitig j tv with his paws
tlunvid tbU tho b.'avoi'e CtC.ipo hud
hi f ii a nai ruw ono.
Tho wolf bb i-li tho water from
his Lido and tuok auothtr posilion
u the log aud beguu another watch
l'h is tiiuu bo crouched ou I ho log
n oarer tbe shore, tho water
was bbullowu'l, cvidemly thinking
thut hi would have a butler chance
there. 1 di lu't tbiult no, for it was
mtollbo line where tbe beavers
would be opt to swim and climb on
ibo dam In tho light of subso
il ltnt events there is do doubt but
what my opiuiou was correct.
' The wolf had barely settled him
self on tbe log when tbe tell tub
ripple broke "gain and led right to
ward tbo very shallowest putt of tbe
water and near tho shore, witbiu
three foet of tbe wolf. I was so ex
cited by tbia time that I came near
yelling right out and spoiling all tbe
fun. 1 did grind my toetb, however,
aud said to myself :
'Is it possiblo tbat a beaver can
know so much and still be such a
fool r
"But tbo ripple kept on. Tbo
water broke, aud there was the bea
ver. Whiz 1 weut tho wolf through
the air and plunked squarely down
on tbe foolish beaver. 1 jumped up
with tbe intention of pitching into
tbe wolf aud saving tbe beaver, any
how. But I didn't bavo to. The
instant tho wolf struck bis claws in
bis prey tbore roso up on every side
apparitions with tierce whiskers,
rows of teetb like fence pickets, and
great bales of fur, Tbe wolf was iu
an ambuscade of beaver, and not less
than thirty enraged. dam bnilders
rushed to tbe aid of their compan
ion. Tbey tore aud cnasheJ tbe
wolf unmercifully. He dropped bis
prey, and made a desperate fight,
but it was like a ranoh man's cabin
in the trao' of cyclone. Iu a quar
ter of a minnte there was uotbing
left of that wolf but fragments of
bair and bide. Tbe screams of the
beavers and tbe snarls and yells of
tbe wolf were enough to frighten an
"You would naturally think tbat
animals with wisdom enough to put
up such a job as tbat for . il was a
the stream until troe and beaver 1 R-tluoro.i in every ono ci iiiat
pui'op joo, or ooursa wooid ba too.eignaand oner luem at a penny
sart to 1st a little place of their jeoob witbont findioj a purchaser.
l(l-, c-i r'
- . . 41. .
colonlv iu a weil; niter thu wolf Cght
Ihere is no auuual no wily nn the
profit-,tever that ia so eusily trapped
After yon have found where a fam
ily is living, ttliieb usually isn't ns
tasyns l.sppeued in my case, you
take an cnliiiaiy stool Imp aud set
it in llio water. Tho ttap mustn't
he more U nit a font under tlio snr
face, and n foundation i,'Micru!ly hit
to bo built for it to luvu it it. thai ()f tlu. cillltll,i0,,. Witn the approval
position. A cedar log is tiod to tbe'of the present wearer of tho belt, the
trap bv a lotiu cord, for when the il"1"! was about to bo nwardud to
beaver id caught he wiil swim away
,, ., . ,. .... i
with the trnu to Lis hit hug place .1
v H 1
lthe trap weieL-teucd so the an-1
imal couldn'l get homo, hn'd bo sure
uud te:ir out or gnaw his l.'g off
After the tinp in set tho bait is
hnu,; iruuie.liutt ly over tho tmp, aud
just hig'i enough above tho water to
to out of the liu.ivet'e reach as
he swims. Tim i i t is a piece of (he
mediciiio gliuid of tho buaver coins
meicially k as castor. This
has a ' notiuting, imisky smell, and
is most tcuiiitiiig lo tho heaver. As
tho auiu'al swiins ulon, in . lie night
ho catch1 a whitT of thu Cntor.
t hat is more itiaii Lj cui Ftand, and
uo liiuis wiieio il is. aiiil liu Ciin i
reach il from his pluco in tho water,
and Lo feels around with hie feet to
rco if lliuio isu't a reetiu;' place
houi 'U lit re mound tl.eio. Thuiu is
but il is tbe j iv i i f tlio hup. They
go Itigetlicr as a ion a.i they are
touched, ami tho poor buuvur is
o.iught. Ho trts immediately for
Iiduj j. Tlio light cedar buoy goes
with hiuj, in id bhjsvH tho Itappor in
the m iri.iiig wln-io tlio c.iptivu is.
With live Imps I caught my colony,
and I b'i'1 hvu heuvera every night
for fcveu niglits. With them nas
tho one tbe wolfe hnd caught, and 1
iijiuli) np my mind, from tho way bo
had been handled, that if his com
pauioiiH had boon tin do secouds late
ho would uot have survived tho
Tim except iimally droll terms of
the wither rtceutly won by Harmon
nt tbo kJiunwis Hotel, iu Dotroit, by
holding bis bead tubmered iu thu
water of a bath tub for l-o secouds
without taking air, recalls a number
of other queer aud teuiat kablo feats
which hae at various times au.l
places teen achieved in tho coulcbt
for wagers, tbo records of which
have been picked up hero and tboie
from tbo p ipers and periodicals of
tho time, says tho Detivit Deo JVt.m
l'edestraiu coLttbls havo been
perhaps tho most numerous nud
varied. Cupt. Hartley, a noted
pedestriao iu the eaily part of the
prosout century, was the pedostrain
who Gist iutroducud tho feat that
has since beeu so many time at
tempted, that of walking 1.000 wiles
in 1,000 consecutive hours. To do
twenty "four miles a day for six
weeks is a formidable undertaking
for any but a trained podostrian, aud
quite out of the rungo of possibility
for a very largo majority. Tbo feat
had boon attempted several times
previous to 1810, but Hartley was
the first to accomplish it.
Not loss than 100,000 was was
wagered on tho result of tho con.
test, ihowalkiug occupied forty
ono days and few hours' time,
from Juno 1 to July 12, aud took
place on Newmarket Courso, Though
be suffered somowhat during tbe
performance, bis appetite remained
unaffected, and be liuisbod tolerably
fresh in the preseuco of a vast as
semblage. This feat bas been ofteu
accomplished since. Fedestraiu
named Haker oooe wsjked 1,000
miles in tweuty days, fifty milos a
day, and to show bis stamina bo ao
oomplished75 milos on tbe last day.
A chap named Ojrtis, in Hoik-
shire county, Mass , for a wager of a
boase, ran 5 miles in 41 minutes
and wound np the raoa with a jump
of 11 feet G inches.
An Englishman named Head wou
1,000 guineas by walking COO miles
in ten days, but tbe exertion so used
bitn up that he never walked much
afterward, either on wagos or other
A gentleman at one of tbo Lon
don clubs mada a wager of 100
pounds that, be would stand for an
entire day at a point ou London
Bridge with a tray of - gold sovr-
'!' r?-: ; f y rvo-, n t' i "
iby nppood the coitu weio brass
and tWlinod to invest
Tho master of tho revels of
George II, was the jcgardud as the
ngliesl prson tt tha kingdom, ub
none ha 1 been fouo.l who could uc
cessfnlly contend against him foi
this diMiuction, One of tho noble
uen of tlio court laid a wsgnr that
he could proiluc' ft person surpass
ing liiiu in this respuct. At the time
appointed he caused n notoriously
homely lVib woliiun he had hciii'd ol
to tie luotirlit. who stood bv the nit!
,,t,r hn vstniilr, probably aNo
I'll ITI'MI'll ill I II" I VSIlll Ul Ulir l.-l"ll,
. , .. . , . .... .
sugifste! that tho champion put on j
tll(. ol(, :i,)y H bonnet in order to make j
tlie eomlitions of tlie contet un-re !
lie ilid so, when tho added Uglines
as so emphatii) and iinleM-ribabli'
. 1 . . ,. - ..! 1 . . 1 1. 1 ... 1
mm me vieiory s uwiiruuu iu inn
. ., i . 1
liu wagers mane on mo t-pecu u ,
horses are so coinmoii uud tho terms
aiulcon.litioiisso uniformly of a com-!
monplaco charter that they hardly
eoiiimand attention on thu score of
novelty. Donkeys have sometimes
been put mi their spred, a quality
(l...r 11..,.. I,.,,... ...,f l,..utl l,.llllllfU'
-" "V" 'I"' i
mhiii,w,mI In iinftMi-HH. About tweutVi
years ao a race (so called) camo otT
II - ,
on the Newmarket course to ileci.le a''
bet of 101 pounds made by the owner,
of ii donkey that he would m 10)
milei in '.'I hours. The meek looking
little chap not only let his in.ifter out
hi nood form, but had fully throe
hours to ppurc.
1 i'liilinlflphia, some years upi, a
neiitlein.iu imnle a wilder of if ' 0 that
hu could jump into water eitfht feet
deep ami undress himself complete,
-tuy iin) who has ever Hindu tin at
tempt to remove his clothing ufter
bciii thoroughly dreuolieil to the
skin, even when standing ou terra
llrma, with plenty of room to hop
around ou one leg, will at once re
alize (lie (litllculty of accomplishing
the feat w hile In deep water. How
ever, it was douo iu tli'i instance not
id. lotr racing isu species of sport
that is not very common iu tho Unit
ed States, but not raro iu England ;
iu ISi J, ut Feuhaiu Park, Newcastle,
Ling., ouo Perkins tnr.'cbed his dog
Polly agulnst Jiivldfon's Queen of
tho Forest, to run twenty yards for
50 pounds. Tin hitter was tho win
tier by a yard, (fti the same day, at
Uoyal Ouk l'ark. Manchester, two
dous ran tho samo distance for 10:)
pounds a side. Thu timo In either is not given.
Alter the battle of (tcttysburg an
olllccr in command of an infantry
brigade made a wager with a stall
ollleer iu the cavalry that more than
one half the muskets captured would
be found to have oue or more charges
still in them. Tbis led to tho discov
ery of u very singular fact. At that
battle '..'4,000 munkttt were taken, of
which over 1S.000 wero loaded. Some
1',0U0 contained two loads, und (i.ODO
had from three to ten loads each, in
many instances half a bulls
ware driven iu on a single charge of
powder, while in uot a few iuotunce
tlie former post-essor hud revursed the
usual order, and put the ball In llrnt
llov, Madisou O. Peters, of tbe
First Presbyteriau Church of the
Northern Libeilies, Thiludelphia
preached recently on tho subject of
empty pews, the cause and remedy
lie took for bis text the tenth cbiip-
ter of Rotnaus, first verso : "iireth
ten, my heart's desire aud prayer to
Uud for Israel is that they might be
saved," After explaining why he
bad seleoted the text he said lhat
among other reasons why tbore wore
so many empty pews was tbe great
luck of oratoiicul ability on tho pail
of the f reacbore. lie thought min
isters ought to have tbe couviociug
eloquence of Webster, Lincoln, '31uy,
etc., and produce sormons in a spec
taoular manner, forsaking old back
neyed religious phrases, and adopt,
ing new phruses full of life and vig
or. He said there were many men
in the ordinary walks of life who
worked five times as burd as throo-
fourtbs of tbe ministers, many of
whom lead useless and lazy lives
lie thought there ought to be more
fire iu tbe sermons, prayers and
songs that many preachers simply
play preach, and go through tbeir
sermons like a lesson, as dry as au
empty bag
"We want," suid be, ''to blow our
trumpet in Zion and roar like a lion
roarelb'" Ha thought there was too
rauob preaching of theology too
much Paul and not enongb Cbriit
lie said t We need less lameness
in preaobing. To tell Christiana
every Sunday to believe in Jesus
Christ is telling them what tbey have
loii'it HnnilaV: ' Thai aamA
I besrd every Sunday. ; 'Jhe same old
aims tight nt tho individual siun r
who sits liht before ui If t!ier is
anything to hulispiied in a minis
ter it is tlio fuel that he is pieac g
for ropiilm Ity. 1 plea 1 lo-nl,Lt for
a ti'iuittiy terrible in its denuncia
tion cf sin with an Mil l: Iiicbs Mini
almut-t takes my breath iiwuy I believe
the creeds .f our churches nn ln
incltisivo in their detail, too do;;nai
ic, and I bvdit-vti t )s L many c . n-c en
liotis peoplo wtiy a.viy from chnre'.i,
liee'iiuso lln.-y ivinimt a 'l"o with 1 1 1
creeds create I two ltid y:n
ig"." The tpcakt r then (m k f.r an
illuhlratiou thu V'sl minister tn
f,,fiBj(lt) ,)( .-uit!li ,!...., it l)1
. I 1 I 1 i r II
c ittcbium which had been fionu I l.
'u" UxU l),llv ''"'1 I '-; J ' ""
niajoi ity cf I'm liameiit in the f.ico of
a great protest.
Shall lU'KO iiilic!"', di vised iu
I 111 H, bo tbo Mn ctacio-t thrnugh
, .
wliicli ao oi
(lit) llilieteetll C'lll'UV
sbull lead t Wo must i.'-.tale until
wo retorin ai..! rt vino creels,
Mr. I'eteis also thought tbat n io..t
reauou why the pews wele so empty
WU3 bl.CllUH0 lhe p, rebels were ho
gti(T t nil our j-rcachei s In. l oy-i
' I
a goo, fellows," said he, "and the
hi u nt i h will nnpict them. There
lo "'"Cii v. uusiiauiiy serve.i up
OU ice.
Ho then paid hi:i respects to the
hymn books and said; ''Theto are
some hymns which ate just as false
as f ilie can be aud Ibu church bas
bi cn eingiug them f -r jeus. If
thor.e by oils ai d religious (lod has
made my nature all wrong (loud
nutuiu is the gospel of Jesus Chih-t
If wo aro good uatuii'd we ate good
(Jbiisliuuj. Wo can to
oud merry too.
,. I
lliero UIO lUltny ,
people iu our c iuichis alio ate as ,
. , il , ft I t i '
uuu ua lyuau III IU. Ill lll,,
thev uto worse, hccnu.-o tbeyaio!
hypocrites. The only way lo Lot
tho cbuich free from hypyciiUs is to
havo cK.quot. t men in tho pulpit who
will inuko it impossible for hypocrites
to txist tuou who will practice what
they preach and who are uot afraid
to say what they think."
After so eljipiently pleading for
humiiuity tho reverend eutletian
put in n word or two for himself
"Any man," said be, "who ha: talent
enough to fill a pulpit could ceilaiu
ly make moio money iu uny itbu
btisiucss. If bis object wntu til. no
to mnke money ho certainly would
uot pieach in I'hila li lpbiu, for cler-
Kymeu are now paid lens hero tbau
n any oilier c:ly. 1 preach the tfos
pel of Chtist for His salio, nud bo
licve every w nd I my "
What Can Ea Ecno.
Uy trying again aud kooping up
rouruo many things soumiugly iiu
posaiblo may bo attained. Hun
dreds ot hopolosH cases of Kidney
and Liver Complaint bavo boon cur
ed by I'jloclrio Hiltors, after every
thing clso had been tried in vain.
So, don't think thoro is no euro for
you, but try Eloctrio Hitters. Thero
is no niodiuiuo to safe, so pure, and
on nprfi'fl-. n. nlnni! Vnrifmr. I0le.
. . -,i .
triO Hitters Will CUrO Dyspepsia,
Diabotes and all Diseasos of tho
Kidneys, Invaluablo in aQ'ectious
of htomuch nud .Liver, aud over
comes all Urinary Difficulties.
Largo Uottloa only oOcts. at O. M.
Escitomcnt In Tcsaa-
Oront excitement bas beeu caused
ia tbo vicinity of Paris, Tex, by tho
remarkable recovory of Mr. J, E,
Corloy, who was so helpless bo
could not turn in bod, or raiso bis
bend everybody said bo was dying
of Consumption. A trial bottlo of
Dr. King's New Discovery was sent
bim. Finding relief, lie bought a
largo bottlo and a box of Dr. King's
New Lifo Pills j by tbo time bo bad
taken two boxes of Pills and two
bottles of tho Disoovery, be was well
and bad gaiued in ilesh thirty-six
Trial Bottles of thoj Great Pis
covery for Consumption froo at (J.
M. Bhindel a Drug storo.
Court L'oclumutioia
WUKRKAS tho lion. Joseph C
Huobor l'rel lent JuiIk nf tba J mil
olal Ulatrlot 0011111 .ej nt Hi oountlai ol Snyile
Union anil Millllu and Aainuel A. wo'ial ami
Jacob A. Siultb, bt. AiiooUt Juduai Id
anil l'r Novilur oountv hava Imuad tbalr era
oapt btarluic.iUta tba luth tlay uf Out. A. 1)
1K40, iu ina dlraolcil lor tin imidiDK 01 su or
pbani ouurt. a miurt of ('ummoD ilaai, court
ol Oyer and Terminer and (ioneral court ot
Quarter Stumluni of tba ie;ioa at UldillebumU
lor Hie oountr u Hnyderi on ibe Vd Monday
(beln tba IStU dsy ol Uto. lssa,) and ouulluua
oue week.
Notioe la tberalor nereuy Klvan to Hi Ooro
Bar, Jutiloea of tba hoaee and Uuuktable In
aud for Ilia county of soydar, to appen In tbelr
proper pemone with tbalr roll! raoorda, Inqui
itioni, aiainlnatloDi and otbar rtiutuibrenee
to thota Ibloxi to tbalr olrloei anJ In tbelr bet
ball parUla to ba dona and wltae anil per.
aona prouautliiH In beaalf ol tba (iouiuioo
waaltb agalnat any pariona art ranulrad to be
thi n ami tber atteudlnu and not departing
without teara at tbalr peril. Jutlloei are re.
que ted to ba punctual In tbelr attendane .
in appoinieu tuna nraeaiiiy 10 noiica
UItxQ under ray hand and tea I at tU 8hr-
ltl'iomola Mlddleburs, t)i4tb day ol No.
ou) thousand tight hundril and
BlaMaWtn V S.-.1 .
for Infantrj
"Cmrtorln h to ttpII nJnpKvl tochlMrcT. thnt
t t'VoimiK'inl it as iiijicrior toanjr .r. .jiUna
kuowu to tue It. A. Abiheii, I !.,
Ul So. OxTonl Bt, LrooU o, n. V.
Fremont. Snyder county Pa.
HrnanilKii lull l.n to ( 'iillpiro l l liyjiftnin
anil Ml' "ii. i'lk'" M ril"i tuil srf
ti itio niili... S. .,,!,!( t.null-li iui. I i.oramu. I
Mari'h, 17, H-l. II. I
K. W. TOOL. i
r iceoiiii', i a. .
, r,; V!.? ' :Vr in'"." K.;:nVh"ni oir..;"i'
1 M ,M K'",t-
V. VAN I H J o K I K K .
' '', " " '"
-UlKilCA t.
Ktlinsrovc, IVnu
I. w. sr.ii',
Krc.iniar, Snyder County Pa.
IIPKI' R llol 111 : T'l V M..fn
"iu I j t 1 v. M !
mi I r it nr. il .
sir:.Ks mini tMJi.isii an hokum an.
Mnv 1,
!r,V C U'. W.M.TEU.
1 V i t I 'll m.
urilcm !r tlU' i.niriUr (Inn, 1.1- anvtMn.' In
til" N iirnery Idw. 'imlra in v h rlrl Iui ,
a ia l.iliv !- Il lv t I V -ul ' H nnv (itlinr- In 1
iiri.'o n ii ! 'I nn 1 1 1 . i . t ii ii ill fi u t r ii n i r,. i , i
u win o..n..n mi inti timt
"I I'eiin" r.-cVi, .Snj lnr t'.m Uty, l'
Inn. 'Jl.'-U.
A niiuetly luw Ixvn itliuoVL'rii. Iu tulnrountiy It lii
now. It luw, liowuvur, tmii hi Mimtwfiil ui.o fur
luauy yvarulu i:iinim, aud It la fact taut tLo
hu tlia onflnrHcini-nt nf Coiitlui'iitnl rh)IHiininil
(iiivrrnuii iit Sanltiiry ('huiiii1hi..imh, iu wi ll ni thu
UiiiilMtuilH nf mlTi r m towliniii it lian timnvlit r".
lia. It Ijm bau-U oUiem-kll Uu Uvo trluj it, it
from furUipravnuy, IX you'll only ulvo It a fhniicn.
Ili'arrliilivv iiiuiilili't, with tixUiuoulalii, Tree.
j prCe S2.50 J 'Vm.VX
Onr hnx
Nnni (li'iinlno
wltlioiit t til H
Am yi't It ti nut t" Imi l.tnint ut ilin utorcn. but mil
milv Im liml liv i'ih-l."lii4 t". ii iiiiii'iiiit iih alHjvi,aua
atMn'Hi-iiii tlio A1111TH4U iTi'iTii-turif.
blU-bt .llurkot Street, I'liiliulili Uliu
ftv-iil tlio people
liliililv ul I r. '1 Ikmikih
J.ilc 1 Mm Oil l.i euro
iaki tun .1, :irrh, rroiii,
Ci'lilsiii-. Mis. I tutu
Kuril ul 1, .iv:
I'Or CTlllip it IS llfl ill-
i itlvcniorirlniik." Mrs. Janili Mi III sor of Marion
i luiu, b.i ) On1 saint' tliiuii. S. S. 1 itavis, A Up in,
N. Y.. wriu-s: Hail aMinti.i ol'llii" wornl kimt.
took out ilobc of ' I'l-li-rtni: Oil und was
ri-lirveil in n friv ititituli'ii. W'outil n iitk Hvr inilt-a
I for lliis nn 'ilicinr u n.l nnv J .1 Imtilc fur it." Dmi.
' iriht C It. Hull, liiavsillr.lll..: .ivs: "l ured an nl.
. tcmUlllin,allr.iH in iw nlv-luurhoum." "Snt
i ui' ,n Ui '"J ' ""i:1"''1 ih . i.-ti.mtf hi
h 1 1 Ii jn ri.iir ition. My
wile iiisihlcl ttiat I tiu
'I hoin is Krlci.'tric Oil.
'1 lie l.rst trasiinoiitiil
Hrl ll-vriuiH!. K. H.
I't. r k 1 . I in k Ci nlic,
N.V.,'I I10111.11.' l-.clic-t'ic
Oil i a Nil 11 Tip
Top inlrrnal titirr.
timi for ihriiin.iiiiin,
ciitH.nia lls, Iui run, In tm,
Imiisi-s.ctc. WhiMivisi
tinr I'm ilitiKLlist, unit
Mill 1vll.1t lie kuow.iof
Ir. Thomasi Mclrrtrir
Oil; if lie lim turn
1 o n in the (I 11 If
trmli', be urf lie will
Hicok liilily uf it.
FOSTER. MILBURN& CO., Buffalo, N. Y.
!Hbv llcms E2"3rfr.? llscis Co.
50'JnlcnSqi:wti,ii.Y, l".:froi:i 1 1 loutcMo.
AtUr.t.1, Ci. Dallas, 7 Can rrancUxa, Cak
1 y -
G1 L.! tK
- ' J SJ 31
.. . .v' i'. i. V v. . Jrt
r-rfi 1 IT TT TOT I
ond Children.
Cartort- ptirrs rol!i. CMHtlpa'!-"!.
S iiir htMinm;li, 1 'I'.rrlm a, 1 riw .ili i.
Mill V'orniu, ciiva Uii i, aui i.a.iu tt-
WlUuut iujurioui taodicaUoo.
CriTirit OiUfai.V, 13 Fulton fc.'c t, V. .
I ANornctfs-dt- law
J AMKS i. CiiOl'Si:,
AT i O I ! X 1 V-.VT-1. A Vt.
..,,.,, ...
M 1 1 ' I I . I . l! I 1
il l. n-l , f . nl rnl i' I o . r ..,.
P' ic i n in. i. until !ni. t i -i.r , . ; ci I ,i i
,,!"u I"1 ''''-''
Attorn) unit ('nun!" hir w 7
iiiii.i:ii, l ,,
I'l'llocllir and nil Mlir li'iri,.
V iitmml.Ml to. t uufiillHll n In '
liermuii. ).'. l
Ski.insuh :r. V.
ly Kllfii.lp.l to
hi -ret I'm nun hi i in uxr it Ka 1 1 nli. ; u i
a Kl. i I 1,
1 1 or in i it .
J.' '
j ' '.I. I r il
I All 1 iifnfs ti) Ilid car !
I rui:i i, 1 1 v Rlirn.K.I lo
. . , .
''' i't. .to, 'an.
" tri mi:v-.t r.M;
Mm kit St., :;li,is;!u .. j
All rrolilnnftl l.u.nnsin ithitii !
' 1.
liiujuiihiioiii in r.niiiuu ami reii'in
u. i:ovvi:n,
rotlni'tinDi niarffi.
ami Darman.
iornltntti.ri Ir
Jin. ii '
ihac r
i;i.kii ii,
Attorney i, (Jouiirullur-Ai j .
OitlCf Iu Ai'p'f llinlillnK one iuai
st'lliisitrot e, l'onii .
t'nllautlona ami all.otliar rnltm I,
nn in miltolloil kDil Will rtolvn .'i.. n
lrim it aitoutlou. Ait ?l, i".m
rp jTssirni.
M1II1II. Klll'Iiil, HMhllS Oil .
ilL'err I1I11 Priitennliinal .'rvioci. tour
(JouiultntluDi la tnalUb an1 il ji kini
.1 ''. fJA.VA ' A T LA ,
Solinsgrovo, Tu
lllt r tlitlr i rolnfrlDinl snrvlrsa to f t
A II Irmil IjUpIushm I'll I nn tuil In Idol' . tt
rri'uivo .r .1111 I ulli'UlluU. llilioion .lii. M
! i.iuiv 4.
J J 11. ;iu.m.m,
At toi-noy-at-Lnw,
MulillebiiiKh, 'a.
CniiJiillatlou lo Jbotli If.nKlliiti HBil.'Mnir
l.uliauiiKeii. diii. 0,
t tornoy nt In.-v,
M I b PM r, i" mO, tt
1'iolohl iiial bualncaa cntrunted t- bit cr' '11.
be priiii'il attrudeil to.
l.vlsliiii sr. l iiinii Cu u.
Ciltii'o on Market Str-ct, Ouu doer nfl ( Otta
inn ll"u-o.
iieo.jj, ;s;
C3' Collections promptly inatlt,
Physicians, &ct
uib i iiHiiaaHiiM m,
Mi.KlleUiireh, rt.r.n'i.
A vrtinntx of tlio "nlvonny ol l'rsvla
nlii, nttort bl prolviiMl Mini norvicft In tr.e viti
I in ol Mlddlrburiili and vit.nlt. 8i.'ki
I i llli and iKiumu. I'ltlce In Air. O. Altrwi
tioliooli't bull.llnn. Jnly)W,'M
j7 smith;
Physician & Surgeon,
Ueaver Sprintg, Snyder tcunfy, Pa
Often bit professional tcrrltti to It a irdl.t
OtUr on Main meet, 'm Jan it ri-
JGRIEIt 13 Alt BE K,
fliiUUi'burgh, Pena'a.
unfre nit proiemirnni nerricei lo tea rl IMDI
j ol .Ml'l'llel.urn and vicinity. Office a fait tjaow
Wart af tlio Court llouea. In A rnxld'a SnJ ilai.
Kel loDog oppolta oppotlt oY filutiDtf
aaa iromaa or moa enaraetar aaa Inlallitsan,
a.u'liulrgTerrtiurir tiiMiniu;! A vrtir1 i. Ir 1 ae
uiii huii w aa rwiinim at
Sir aiin If lei
pa.l. niHH. m (UOiUMIlfl Ml Mill IDA Hfl W aslrflt Ul
, tlie world, aa4 p)tuille aa-uu rJIO n.u'.,. In
triaola aterit (Bekaii it a aK Mulaul ui-.M!uar.
B '
1 :
l. v.