my, II . HAKTKll. He that will not reason is a bigot; ho that cannot is a fool; ho that daro not is a slave. KMXOK asi l'liOI-JUKI OH -- - i - .. . ;." NO 4'i .. ! L! OL. XXIII MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PENN'A. OCTOBER 21, ' 1886. il'OKTKY: "Scar Kcther's Growing Old 1 A oucer sensation 'lis io me . So queer It can t hi tolii; And really tel that It may be; 'J)enr mother' growing ohL" These words to mo from sister came. In writing rouml and bold; X world of Ideas Jo they fmiiif "Dear mother's growing" old." 1 seem to see her old Miu-ehalr, ' And 'cross the floor 'tis rolled; And picture her as sitting there 'Dear mother's growing old." Ifr-r hair that once shoue o'er her brow With hue of baten gold Is getting white as driven snow 'Dear mother's grow lug old." Iler eyes they tell of woary days And lines of care have hold; They say to me in miiuy ways "Dear mother's Knowing old." Iler feeble strength ami wavering hand Can seurneher work unfold; And as she braids she skips a strand "Pear mother's growing old." I'm fur from her on foreign sea, ' An I by its blue waves lolled, Those words Indeed are sad to me "Dour mother's growing old." eij .-- i . j i rooi vs. men. J. W. Vatiklrk in reek's Sun. "No, you shull Dot roarry dunghtor." my "Dut sir, have you anything oguinst me besides toy heiug poor T" "Not io particular, but uiy daugh ter has higher aspiratious, 1 hope" "Did I not toll you we loved one another '.bat wo wish your couseut to our uoion 7" "A raeie iufalu ition; and for the (.ecoud part my couseut you shall never Lave." "3u J" and the yonug miu drew himself proudly orect, "1 am bo fot tuue hauler. I aik for your daugh ters ba'or,i b,.r wealth." - u uujHS LYIrD, Ibtf-drty-fflj daughter inarrioa yoQ sho buggam herself, so fur as 1 am coucerued." "Very well, sir. Good day." "Oood-afiernoou " The ubove coureraation took place ia the hunr of one or the !e idiug merchants ia the town of L Charles P.ukimia, a young man of promising taleut request of Robert Prince bis daughci'e band, nud bu been u fused, as related. "Well, Laura, your father posi tively objects to our uniou." "It is uo more tbau I expected, Charles, Father baa other views for me." "Yea, bo it eeeuis. Hut, Laura, I do uot wish to take you fiora the fetation io life which you bold. You kuo-.v my position, aud by mart) iog me you will bavo to give up mauy things which you now esteem the tMObt ind.ffcreut luxuries." "I am willing to give up all Cbatlus Better happiness aud poverty than richness aud discontent Father nud I had few tastes in common: the life he wished me to lead seemed bo unreal " "Laura," tbo young man hesitat ed, fearing to wound the- listener, ''your father said that if you muriiod me be would make you a beggar." ''I cannot change my decision. I am willing to follow you through good and bad fortune, Charles." "Well, tbeu, I will meet you at " ";borcU on D street, tomorrow tteu. I will go now and make ar rangements. One kiss, and good-by till tomoirow, darling." The kiss was givenand Charlos departed while Laura turned to the window and gazed after his retreat ing figure, musing upon the coming change of ber fortune. She was a leading belle in the city, and it was natural that tha atfin aIia pnnfamnUl. jed should call np serious thoughts, pat not once did she regret ber de ision. The next day at the appointed ur, Laura, enveloped. ia a heavy il, nlightod from a o.b before I he nrch door, where she was joint d i Charles. A few, yet impressive yds from tbo minister, and they Ve twain no more parting till ed h' me. ibtraciug their steps to the street, Jr entered a crrrisge, and after a v ilii'or'jons 'otn Charles, a ere len rapidly to (heir destination. So poetical part of lifa was past, d they had now entered into the uclicul. ' ' j - -A-r - " f a iieat cottage, in the plainer portion of the city, which Charles hal rent ed and furnished. Oero, though not so loxui ieul m at , her father's. Lanra found everything comfortable and nice. ' ; , Life was none of the ensiost with them at (list. They bad their temp tations and victories, hot through all they perse vered--hop!nj for hii tbt er dajs to come. The biineas which Charles wan in piypperecl, and bo was soon a rich . man. Years I rolled on, and Charles moved from bis native city into another state. Ono moriiiog, about ten years after bis marrhgo, Cunrles dropped bis pnpor at tbo breakfast tabic, au aid; "Laura, I havo b;i 1 doi to toll you, your frthrr has fiilud iu bnsiiiOHP; Lis m!e tukts placo iy oflor Io morrow." "IW father," said sho. ''IIo I wish 1 could see Liiu." "ChaileH ronmiiicd siloul for a fw momuuts, and then t poke: "Lama, although your father d-mlt: hai shly with u. If 3 oil have uo (b joctious I bilievu 1 will go aud sre if I cau aid Liiu. No doubt help fioiu atiysonrco will bo acceptable now." "Oh, CLailcs, do so if you tLii.k it will ho light. I thought of that at liist, but did not wish to buy any thing, as futher has ignored our Very ex b ot co all thebo years.' The day of tbo sulo wns a trying ouo for llobert Prince. Ilo was childlei-s before, now ho wus p.nny less. How bit oi ly he mourned the loss of his "little La urn," felt the ntijuxtnoss of his treatment, and wished her back to Ct-mfoit him lie would have wri'teu to her had he known where to writo, but from the limesho lefi Lis Louie be never died to liud ber whereabouts. Now he regretted thul ho hud uot done ho When the biilo commenced be wpi iu the libi'uiy. Ho did not feel like going out to cciifruut the ci.'wd, bo ho at still nud mused awnv the time the best bo couM. Afte a while there was a kuock at the door, . lie stalled up and said t "Come in," Ouo of bio old clerks entered. "Will, Thomus," suid he, how do things Hell!' 'At n protly f.4ir price, bir." "Wh is" "A fatianger, a initu whom no one appears to bo uctitiuiutcd with." "A stiangsi? ' "Yes, Bir," .lflf. 4l:.l 1 - iiuuikiuu 01 a uouing man is he?" . "A tall mau with black whiskers." - is mere anyiuing 1 can Uo loi you, hiiI' ubkod lhomas, as Air. l'rincedid uot (.peak. No yes, if you cau find out who is baying let me know " Wbeu the salo was over Thomas came to the door and said: "The man who bought the goods would like to see you." "Jhdbmi enter, I will' boo him hero. When the gentleman entered the room he touched bis band to Mr. 1'iince, and said 1 "I Buppose yon do not recollect me, Mr. rriuoot" "Although your face looks familiar r .,4 i 1 . .. , m. tnuuuk fjiuue you, uo replied. "Charlos Parkham, sir," said the stranger with a smile. ' Charles Parkham!" t jeculuted Mr. Prince. "Xes, sir," replied Charles. "I by accident heard of your failure, and huniod at once to give yoa what as sistance I could. And now," contin ued Charles, "I am ready to give you a deed for your property; giving you your own time to pay for it. You may cousidor yourself master here as of oM." "This was the hardest speech Rob ert Prince ever listened to. He wus almost speeobless; but at last ho gasped forth with tears in bis eyes : "Cbailos, can you forgivo me the wrong the injustice of my words to you T I've deeply repented my action, and 1 do uot wish you to sac rifice anything for me," "Cei tuiniy, sir," said Charles; 4,do not mention it. We are ull liable to err. My basiness has prospered. - s, and I am only too glad to be able (0 assist you io lima of need." Hot ert Prince took Charles by the band and said; "We have been poor and rich in oar timet we know what it is to strive for the one, and sailer by the other. Will yoa bring Laura and come andj live with me and comfort me In ; t Crtuse. , Lanra was ooly too happy to be ab)o to see and speak to her. father, and tboy were tbo rosnos of cheering the many otherwise lonly hours of Rtibort Priuoe whose pride was thor onghly hn en bled- . . A '0S2AT D1JAEE AT LARGE Ntw Yoiiic, Oct. 9 A hungry boa constrictor, twpntyi even ' feet loug. and weighing nearly 200 pounds, lay Coiled up near the police hlatiou in the City Hal! paik shoot 10 o'clock this morning. It reared its head aagrily in the air and darted its touguo out, A gieat crowd asKCtnMi d in a fLoil lime, but look extremely gmd cwo to keep at a re .pietful distance Tbo tnako was from the nnimnl in. porting h"tio of Charles HicLio & I'rulLcr, in Park row, and was started t kid mruiug for Hobokeu nu a handcart, thcio to bo fed for a week or so, and theu to bo given a mu m buth to iufuso a lilllo Africun heat into il. TLe pnikn is the largest ouo iu captivity in Aiutiica, and was brought here last week on tie steamer FuMa, froiij lteieho Ilrothtrs' Droiuan heo.'q'iai U rs. It was taken hj one of their travelers in tho Sou. Inn. The huge rcplilo has not had nuy thii);r to eat fur several weeks, 111. d this ti:, uning Mr, K ieho ics.Ked to send it to llobokot), whero he Las n soit of nn eating homo. f r anacon das. Just bow it hiippetiixl will probably never bo kuon, but as the boy and haml-cutt wuo near the po lico station tho biv slipped on a Lit of npplo i-kin. As lie fi 11 be let go of tho cut handles. Up they went The cart lipped backward, the box rolled out on the walk and tho gieal sua'iu lull nt thro null tho bints ou lop. Iu an iustaut it wus spread over the walk, Tho boy stoid palsied with fright, tie was immediately hciutued ia by a cm ions crowd, which grew larger rcoiuctitarily;-' 'Wry quickly several (.olici'iot n were on the scene, but they needed to exorcise uo ell'ort to keep the crowd back, Word wus at on co bent to Mr. lUicho, but it was fully twenty miuutes beLro ho ap nppiand. Ilo van ncuompunied by seven men, Iu the moantimu the hot rajs of Ihu sun beating dowu on the tar walk rapidly thatved out any torpidity that remained iu tho suako and ho hegau to move ubont. The boy coin Hgoonsly kept in frout of the reptile and with the aid of mis biles, furnished him by tho crowd, ho succeeded iu keeping it within a cir cle of fifty foot from whoio tho box was broken open. Hut it was evident he could not coulrol tho bcrpcul much longer, when Mi' Iteiche's mou appeared. Tboy were afraid Iho po- licemeu would shoot the reptile aud made all pobbibhi hatde to cupture it, Tho serpent was now robting on its coils, with its hugo bead elevated more than eight feet ia tho air. It was thoroughly angry. Its eyes scemod to dart flushes of lightiiiug ; its great month waa wido open, slow ing its white teeth, and its tongue durted forth viciously. It also gave a series of hisses which served to kocp Iho crowd still further otT. It was beginning to make ready for a spring for about half iis length. The leader of tho moo advaucod, and by a judicious Ihrowiug of cloths, after five attempts, (succeeded iu covering the reptile's head, aud theu the seven mcu quickly But down ou its body Then the eight men picked it up and carried it to Iho etoro. Tho snake is very old aud is worth $1,000. That it would havo bitteu uoy person in its reach, one of Mr. Reiche's men fiuid, wus be yond a doubt. lie was much afraid the reptile would get into the trees, where it would Lave bcon fctill more daugcrous. The Chicago Mail boasts of a citi zen of fine discrimination and deli cacy, who, ridtug iu tha suburbs with bis best girl, passed a stable io the door of which stood a couple of Ojilves, "See," said tho young lady, those two cuto little oowlets." "Those aro not cowlets, Araminta 1 they are bullets " And lbs proces sion moved rapidly on.' A German woman colliding with a fellow traveler on tba pavemeot,ex- olaimed; ''I do Out im bimmel, ia sel diobt" to which the traveler replied) a r" ' AEULTEUATSD WniSKY. . "There is not one iiitoon iu fifty in this city where yon enn get a puie dniik of uhleksy. I will rauko it stronger. rjrtv-nino out of every fifty liqiiorTJealtrs aro tolling whifliy which is nottlirr more nor less than poitou. I wonld not driuk it, sir. 1 would not allow a good dog to diiok it.". . , ; This rcmnik was mado by a repn luble whol.tsaltt luj ior ni:in to a re porter of tho I'rtsi l-t night. He is ready, he says, to substantiate bis statements by proof that cannot be denied. You 0 ) not mem to say that I cannot get good wliibky in a fiuo in locu wht-io I am charged 25 cents a triads'' iuquirod a bstauJor iu aiunzomor t "I will make no .iitdiuclion between line saloons and 'hole i.i tho wall. They all handle about tho R.unu kiud of goods. The cheap saloons may put a little moro akr iu their w! s'iy, bit ii conta in n 1110:0 jpohou than that which you piuchnfe 111 the snluon where oil painting' adorn tho wall aud high priced mir rors M t IT to au advantage fancy bar fixing. It is nil tho came. Fancy saloons must mukn plenty of mouey iu order to meet their txpen sea "A law should bo passed prohibit ing tho rntificali.Mi that makes live barrels ot whisky out of one. Some wbitky in put through a certain pro cess whereby a largo quantity of fu sel i il w taken out. This whixky is puicha.-ed by rectifiers, who will diaw peilmpa , tjut cf a bum 1 but five gallons, lilf it hp with cologuo tpiiitf, a largo nerccntago of which is fusel oil, uud Mneu odd drugs to givo it tho propel' color aud taato. I wus iu the icctifjing room of a w hole salo house n0jVr days ago, I saw tho oom'ensu,ir pat soverul ounces of carwr, A. K. n ft barrel of btuff be .1. W. H. M ail c,kUoJ tim utrMiimln will nrAi whibKy, ibis w&.i, iWBaid, lor tho purpose of giving it a brad, make it spat klo, sharp biting. A bun el of this kiud of "hinky contains enough fucel oil to kill a half dozen mou. I would just as w illiigly tuko a small duso of poison as diii k a glass of it. Step into a salouu and take 11 glass of Ibis vile stuirand you will feel the ciil results before you cross tho threshold. It acts directly ou tho bruiu, and is keenly felt throughout tho Hj'btcm. Meu who drink any amount of it beenmo wild, lost to their belter judgment and reusnu, and uro scarcely retpout-iblo fjr what thoy do. 13esideH Ihey uro beiu slowly poisoned to death. Young men aro btuuted iu their vigorous giowth, aud Iho energies of ohlet men uio waisted. A law which al lows meu to mix up poison and sell it simply for the purpose of making mouey bhould be repealed .This whisky often fiuds its way into bick chambers, and the results can be imagined. An old liquor man rtutcd to me a short tiiuo ago that he could not hold hid trade aud haudio pure goods, and iu order to meet tho de mands for choap whisky be hud to adulterate. These ElutemenU 1 urn ready to provo. SIjow mo a man who adulterates Li j whiuky uud 1 will bhow you one that will not driuk thut which he sells to others.' I'ittabury l'rv. Tlioro is a citizen iu Davenport, Iowa, who ia very fond of sucking eggs, and the other day, having re ceived a presont of a basket of nice fresh ones from a f-ii mer, ho broke the end of one, and npplyiug his lip-t began th suck it. Just us tho piu uio began to get interesting, and be was enjoying tho treat, ho discovered that all was not us it should be. Something with feet ou it Boomed to pause, and reflect boforegoiug down, and tho gentleman not wirfhiug to embarrass the elranger.spit it out on tho floor. It turned out to bo a Ha zard an inch aud a quarter io length aud the gentleman uo longer be lieves in tho raying: "If at flr. t you dou't succeed, buck eggs." Iu fact, the fight of an egg baa a tendency to make him tirod. faaMyatnaaraaaiwaKfnaut "What's tbe price of sausages f" "Dwendy oends a bound, "You asked twenty-live tbia morning." "Ya dot fas veo I Lad some. Now Iaiod got none, I sella bim for dwendj cenda. I)t mtikea me o rebodatiou for selliivr oheab, and 1 iq'& lout Doddiogs VAIil invs:tmehi3- If you nro not content with an in como to support comfoi tnbly your household, you would not be con. tsnled though your incomo tolled in o.) you fifty or a hundred thousand d'jllurs a year. It is not what wo get, it is what we aro that makes us .appy or miierable. If that is uot so, how do you account for the f .it that many of who fure snirp tnousdy i' very day aro waspish nnd diKsuliruod, and overheat in;j, and foteboding, uud cranky and uncon, promixiu' 1 with a c. utterance hich wrath ahvija lowers ami a lip wiiich scoiu c.iili ; while many a timu iu tl.osuinmtr evening Joa b 0 ft luboi ing muu oing hctuu iu Lie hhii l-bUcves, with a pail i.n I. is aim aud a piokaxo over ln t-liouhler, hi fact) bright with Mnih-n nnd hin hoiitt ilh bopn, oiid the night of his toil) bright with l! uning amvrus f Itil an il'.u-itraliou i f the f tct that it is' not out win. t coudiliou that makes a j man happy. A muu (Miuo to K ithsuhild, the ' great banker, uud said : " 1'on muvl be a thoroughly happy 1111:1" Ho said, "Uuppy i Me happy Happy, when J'IhI o I am going to dine a muu bonds mu a nolo, sayiug, 'If jou ! lou'l send mo X.V 0 to-mor row night, I will blow jour bruius out.' Me happy 1" Oh, I wish I could, by tho poerof tho L )rd Al mighty, b itii k the infatuatiou of those men wh aro neglecting the presunt sources of satixfuctiou, Imp iug that there is to bo souiething in tho future fjr litem of a noil llv na ture that will sutisfy their souls 1'ho heart riglit; all h light. The heart wrong, nil ii wrong. Lut 1 ask you to higher riche s, to crowns that never fade, Io investments that always dechuo divideudi. laliat(je Tho !I:rr:r3 of U:rphho .--j nil, all ttornona ktniw . . . ..;'...-;-. few di Dpi; Jri Gods bake, give mo pint a liitlti!" The woiils canie f rem a shiuuken faced man who stood iu front of a drug simp on William Street, as he raise ! his hand app 'tilml v. "I ciituot give you any,'' rcplnd the druggist, ha ho eloicd the door iu tho man's face, The latter began a vigorous pountl iug on tho iloor, and preKctitly a io liceman appeared "Y hut's tho row?" he tisked. This man i a morphino fiend," replied tho duiggi. t, "and I can't soil him nuv." "Oh, fur heaven's sake, givo me just 11 little! See, I havo 11. u mou ey!" Tiio policemnn led the man away but leu iiiinuUtH l ttur ho wuh bael, again. Tho policunrin again app-tiled mid dragged tho man oil' in tin dittctiou of tho blatiou hou.-o "If you go homo, I'll 1 t v u go," Miid tho kind -hearted p.Iii,euiaii. Tho nmn promiseU lo go directly homo and started 11 way. An In. 111 ufti i ward he was again in front cf tho drug store beseeching tho pro prietor to si ll him tl small quantity uf morphine. Thin time another policeman hovn in Mgtit, ana in rui-ponpo 10 iue druggii'l's tlen;andn oldered the mor p'lino iliiud'' away. Tlue.its were iimjIi-i-r, and the poiicemau culTod the mart's tars. It was iu vain; he ttili pit aded for tho drug. Then tho po lice mm shoved the man away. Ihu luitiT siMiuod very feeLle, and fell heai'll.jitg to tho pavement. When ho got Up tho blood was lljwii g from his mouth, but he re fused to go aay, and tho policeman Was compelled lo tuko him to (lis station. I "They can tulk about liquor ruin-1 iug men," said tho dmggist, "but! whoa op u a ci,co gets its grarp on a man he's gouo. AVi" York Journal There are meu who would never bo heard cf outside of tho town iu which Ihey lesidu were it not that their gall is tho meaus of getting their names in Iho papers. Proba bly the worst caso of gall on record wus that by a man displayed iu AN legheuy. A ritUbarg, Pa, gentlo man advertised for t cook, and re ceived the following from the Alle gheny man: ."Dear sir. I havesoeu your advertisement for a 000k for j three days, in the psperei when you get what joa wont, pltaso fend the !ret of the girls to me, as I don't care to advertise " W rr. W AM l for Infant? ACatorUiiowIUdpadtoehndmithril I IrocnnaMnlltuiiirriortoan7pr'Gcritiua I kaom to tn." IL A. Asnicn. M. I) , 1 Ul So. OxXoM St, Urwklju, .4. Y. Tn yi MAUANt) IKlTIillOCK, Frcrnjiit. Snyder county.. Ta. 1 1 r flirt nf I. 1 1t ImurM 1 .ill..u nl t!.. .... I . .. . MiilNurnt n. iiflorn lil ri.lo?..nitl ncrfl.., ! to iho i:iiilln. Si 'ikl ttiK lMti i.pritiD. nirrn, 17, mi. tl. JU. K. W. TOOL. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, I leelnnrg, l'a. nmn his vr..f..,M.n-.!.orvi,.,io.l.. ,.M-o I-nvtv t In hth aud tliTuian l ttjif on M tin ntroet. I F. VAN II 113 K IKK, l'R(iIC.L i MKCl! MCAL DENTts f ycltin'grovp, IV 1111 D U. J. W. SKII. Kroimar, Snyder County Pa. urrtt it Horns : T t . M., frmii :' t 1 1. M i n I mmr (I r. 1. 1 SI'KAKS IIOTH ENGLISH ANIKIKIIMAK. Mtiy 1, ISSO. j I OF.VO. W. WALTHIL Snlcman I I rur :ii '. V .;Siivnrt .V I'n'n., Niitunry Nmfiirli. Ni w Ymk, will Lo i Hfrurti ttr.lorit l..r thlt pupn l.r t) tin, I.i' arivthliialn liiu Nur-fry Hit... utmlce at il N. w Viirltl' ! ft ttioi l ilty l'11-iilvoly imiIii, II any on nr. In . riff ntnl i.nllly.'tliin yn u nnlocil. ' Hn will full 1. n nil rtls I lint ..lrin lilm I .i. 1 enn , rt'vi,, rtuyuor iou uiy, i u . J.ID. 'JI.'Ml. A I.i. IdUO r I 'ill 'i1: .'til In !il 1 M'itit'-ltt:i. MVKr " httii'l nitr. inv 11 tint- lii print l"it it'ifr miiv tint" von winIi to Mi', mil 1 win -i.i i. nhil t (if Ituimiun . I'.t.M'.r . it i .i. ilniit fur lat'.'' 'I'.. : ' 1 1 ' 1 . 1. II. .' t. b.l I ...... ...... .. n..l.( .. .... It'll, I' liHii . ft ii'it ,f mill jellilrro lna I' 1. .1:' 1' ii- .-jilt iieil lilniiiiit nllriirhn ' " ..i-'r., y i.xui.tir mttiut! rtiin'r 111 11- tliltit'i .1. IM . t;i". lv-. I . tU Wt: ' Kr..m Hit, lititt tit, I .1 ."in t.i 114- i'i" ! .i-'.iii KtiHiint-ili-111 Ciir, rt. Ii' . ' 11 r.i' I .u. I ,n, 1 ,rt tHily liit'il 1 hf wai I in. tn:i'..t t t.u,. in .i.t mi'l iti.itw rtfitiirnl until I f'-t: mull . 'ttif irt t'ltlttir w tllttn t hi wtirltltiir. I kti'iw uf ml 111. ik ttin.iii ii ui ijuit-k uu.l wtiiiilniua au udtKt." Ii,"'"'.'.' I,:'ll-,',l,!ii?'" "Mi-I iiifri-lmtilii. Mil. IV tl. .. .. . ........ .... ..i ..mi, i mrtiintii'iM ti, mj it; I In.'ti Kn"tt' I "111. linn litkt'ti nil Ihr ii.tni j .... . . ..v , , ,, (U , hvl.. Durtuu .UUURU Kit",!) Mil, 1 11 I ,,- ill iHtllM. Wt- 1 1 1 v . It ttlni.i:t.v uf llils Kiirt.Killlk'lflit D Hill -lv III" mil l v ;if lijii m.ii hint' ili Idi'Miiii Usui mil wjiii rt'lli'f inilit r Ukui k-kii. iiitiiiv. Vim f in -,-i't a -tiuck, sure, inriiiiiui'iil, It) b -iitltii; fur l!n RUSSIAN RHEUEV3ATISM CORE Ui'M't'linlvn tiiiiiiil. i. Hit 1. itlmiinmH ri-o. Oris .a fry cn ' " muili .1, Im-. in,iii"iiul. IrriCQ c.f.DU., if rt'tfii."V', in,., un.rt-. lint' Hit tlm-H Kin IjlllUUHH. "IlU-sIAN VP' W: Noif f li'nnlno without thM 'J rmlu-Mrtrl;. nilEUMATirM CURE. An ,! It j u t I.i If i.'IiimI i.i Hi,. Imt run tuilN Im lii. I It,-1 ttrliMiiitf tlt. iiiii. iiul uh uIhui-, niuj U'llll't'ttttilltf tilt- Alll'Tlt-lill itn'llt'liiH, PFAELICR OnOS. & CO. hl'.I.S.'l .'liirl.l l Mi n t, I'hlliltll l.ilu. OTEFolES OUT CP IO Dr. Thomas' Ecleclric Oil CURES Chtjiimatlsm and Noural jia. 99 TirJlESOUTOF .00 Dr. Tbomau' Ecleclric Oil crnns A Cold or Hoariancss. 19 TISV3ES OUT OF 20 Dr. Thomas' Ecleclric OU Cl'RES Ailhma and Olphtherla. 49 TIF11ES OUT OF 50 Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil CURES Croup and Aflectlona ot tho Throat Price 30 cents and $1.00. SOLD EVERYWHERE. SEftlH6MACHINE HAS 210 EQUAL. P!MfC T SA TiSFA C TOM -OftANOE, MASS. 30Ur.!cfiCiuare,H.Y. CMo.;, hh Cl. Louis, Mo. AtUn'-o, Ca. DhJ'm, Tex. Sui Trutkee, CaU ruiiauBiuaia mwyi t II h 1 ( A M A I -n I 1 a 8 a . mm m ii 1 ' A A a I t f S a n n ft U f-'i t and Children, CoiittHa etirm TnHe. Cam-tlpM!". H"r Ptnnmuli, tiruTiuua, Ki nruuwia, Kl'cs slw is uj pnuuotu W'ilSjurious uodicMioa Cornea Cuktasv, IU Fulloo Btrort. Y. J A Mils i. CiiOU.Si:, ATTOliXKY-AT-L.lW. Miithl.LltFIiGil ! Ml I i.t m rntrimtetl In. r.m ,. . 1 ie 1 r-ti . 1 1 Rttvut Inn. iiirili!t, it t .... 1111. j . IJACOU OILHKUT, , ... . ' ''"""".' ( vntlnr at J., flliniil.Klli IK. II, ( V,llocl.ti. nu mi , ,. , i .kuikiiii iu, 1 01. 11111111 n Hi 1 1... , . Uott.nill. l.. Ha W M. 11 JIOI'SULUTH, ATTORNEY-AT LAV.', Mki.i usiii'tii m t 1 rntitrtlt'tif imI all othf r lml l-nrlnr r. Ii, ly attrtiilcil to. i;oni.ulttloi.a lo cti'.-fl 0 1 . 4 It i.iri " 2 11. j-'j ij 1., ATTOtlNEY-AT-LAW., l.rn-inhui'g, Frr.i. r All luitnoaa cnlrtintt'il to lit care wt I Toui.tly atloDclcd io. Brill. 30, JO. J G. DKlTlVfciL .iT'i'ottf: v-.i r.Mw. Mark; t St., Srlhugrot. It, All prnfaMlnnal l uKirrm protrrCr ultcttf' lo. iitiDMilutioniin Knllt.b ami (..rn,." '. 13. CO WE II, ATTORNEY. AT-LAy. AM) DISTUKT ATTOURKT, mlW h lb Off ilitulltlura, i r r v. K. 1'onrullallaaa la t Jans I." Q1IAS r ULIUCII, Attorney & Oouneellor-Af-LrT. t)IUoe In Aii'a liu I ll In at "tie iltl Korih 0 VlKvaiiiss HuraL. S4llllNl OV4', I'ellD il. !ollentliin anil 'u.'l 11 on, h ollrllctl and mill rocultca rlarti) I rum I-1 jilenlluD. Atr.ll 'Lit. rn jTs M 1 Tn i 1- ATTOH IV If Y AT I- MIIIULEIU'IUI, SNYHK Cf., r W'orr hla rrnloii!ttinal Service! t k It o ,b UouKuttatluDl Id LugllfU and (ieiB'.i. A. W. rOTTER, ATlOKXhY AT IA V. Solinsgrovo, Pa , O'li rtlialr a I ttmvloei. u the atak't All lrHl liuitluoim on 1 1 untoil to their ea-r u ; tt'fulvf i rmiii'l HiU-tilliin. Olllonul Main t. ivlulv i. Ti. Y M. i Ul MM, Atioi'iioy-Jit-Ia-vr, MithilebuiK!j. i'a. t'nnmlintl m In pmlli KokIUIi aaJ rjas l.-mntiai;!!. ).J, lutt. JOHN II. A UNO LP, Attorney it Luvr. MIDDLKl L T.C, H I'i of be p 1 .1: m I l.itflnoF rritri'HM tu ata ram r .11 tie ritiinli uttrntlail to. y a:iukl II. ORWIO, .1 TTORXEY-A TLA Tr, tstu(r, t'nlou Co.. I'u; t)irir-i nn Mttrk-t Klrcel, onu duar eaul ul Can tpi n ItnutA, Uro. io, John k. iiroiiKjj, JUSTICE CF THE PEACE, Ku)ih, Sfiyuc Co., I , Co(.,t.filiii proui tlj inail,x5 Physicians. rVp. ' .-vu.-. warcsnokCMWtuM-uMmta JOHN V. PIS HER, if. D. rjhld!etnrj.'h. I'-nia. A irralnntti of flio r.,i-enlv of ler,nrlr. i ...... "ii.i. in. ,iniitfii m hi vrrirei in in, ui,.. na nl t lil lli LurU inn) tlt-inUr. Sin (ka t ii4iM.ii ami iK-rniiU. nrllse in Hi. O. Alni4 Scl.ttoli'a b .litlinn. July XV, cl H, J. SMITH, Thysiclan & Surcecn, li,'uvcr Spring, Snyder Count;, Pc. I IHura hi. ..!. l"7. .1... . Oltlce on Malnitreoi. Jena lv j ' J C1RIER BARBEK, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Mlddleburgh, renn'a. OHtira ha tirafeAfllrnal aarvltiai It. ,k 1 ul rtlJ'lleliurn anil rlolnlty. Ortloa a few rW Went ef Ihu tuurl Home, In Arnnld'a hgliriln. Unsl'leoce orttealto opyuslt "tirT VllvMdS clilco. iwamt acehts to tai MISSOUEI CTCAM Washer Man anil Woman af good eharvtor aDd tatllUwa ticliulntTarntaiit lluarmxaed A . iTinT ol t?'i uw H" MWfrmil t t aiixaMi if am t-y TT- r '".." lr wit,, itm :wumt ill ha vurld. and mt.iiiui. uuatil. IKS mtmmr. Jt rinate ujorlt biiiKm il .a ..ii.wulii,. imru.wii, ii. fur IlUaUiiitH slr " Mini l.tri.iatvia, u.a J0ia, , jrwjiTr',,et.i.ov
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers