The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 14, 1886, Image 2

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' u
Subscript ion 1 .50 Per Year
On tolnmo. Yr
Iitaahall I'oiamn. On Kur,.,,
, Vi.on
Ooe-lonrth i tilumn. Or Veer.
Prnleaeloiial r.l, iwr !.
Aadtlnr, Mentor, Admlnluratnr. bI
A.ine .itl(v fi..',0
Wkn na perlal irran mron r reele. all
01vmieeieni,tftM-'d lor lee thaa I molh.
We b e (l.n yrr HiCU or li -e Inpenlua I
nrteeeeol'lu ! tt eeoti lor each
lxual liuirlloo.
. . Xlopblicaa Suto Ticket-
1'or Governor,
of Centre county. . . ,
Fop Lieutenant (lovernor,
, , .of Mntlfurl county.
For Amlitor i ii irtl,
. of l'liilmluipliiu.
For Srrftary of Intornul Affiiirs,
of Montgomery county.
For ('ongreMtnnn at large,
of Luzerne t'ounty.
Tieputlican Ccunty Ticket
For ('otii'rcMiiifin.
Subject to t lci.tioii of the district
For Af onililv,
of Spring.
For Ponnty Surveyor,
Of .VlulIlH.
Thursday, October li, 1SS0.
Tbo Republican patty baa never
mado a pledge to tbo pooplo tbat it
Laa violated oa tie other band tbe
Democratic part baa seldom kept
A Republican wbo does not go to
tbe election casts a silent vote against
Gonertl Beaver and tbe ticket, and
to tbat extent aide tbe Democratic
Tbo Pennsjlvauia railroad, wbicb
Loa been tbo largest coal cousumor
in tbe country, usicR C000 tons daily,
is going to try natural gas upon its
Pittsburg division.
Tbe proposed arrest of Prof. E. E.
lligbce, of tbe department of pubic
tent of the eoldioiV orpbaus' school
will not, it is thought, take place for
some time, i! ever. I tie now said tbat
tbero is eorue error in tbo indictment,
which compels a delay.
Governor Palticon has refused to
accept tbe resignation of Mr Ilobort
Allison, Presideut of tbe Board of
Trustees of tbe Miner's Hospital, and
bas 'prevatlod on tho geutleman to
cootiono bis connection with the
Uoard for tho preseut, on the ground
of intotfuticg with tbo eQlcitnoy cf
tho institution.
Does anybody doubt General Ilea
vcr's ability to Cll the Gubernatorial
chair.' Does anybody doubt his in
tegrity? Does an) body doubt bis
devotion to Kepablican principles T
Doca anybody doubt that he will
perform bis executive duties always
with fidolity t If not, bow can any
Kepublican refuse to give him Lis
vote in November.
The followiog changes have lou
made in postal ratos: KIhuV c),(,ciai
dr ifts and similar priiitoij rnjr., btii:li
as deed, insuiaucc po'1icj08( 0tc , will
hereafter go tbrpri, tho mnils, us
third clabs mat'.',,- iu cf one
cent for two onucss. This will iuoludo
check boo'tf8 or jjocji, 0f Uutk drafts,
Lut cot 0 rdinary blank books, which
are fourth ;ash ruatler one cent on
ounce. Checks, drafts, policies and
other euoh papers fil!ed.up with writ
ing will be chargod letter postage
ma ii m j .-- i 1
An old author eaid, more than two
hundred years ago: ' To go to law is
for two persons to kindle a firo at
their own cost to warm others and
fiingo themselves to cinders' A law
suit is like a building, we cast up the
cost io gross and under ockon it; but
Laving begun, we are trailed through
several items, till we can neither boar
the account nor loavo off, though iu
clined to do no. The anxiety, the
trouble, tbe attendance, tbe hazard,
the checks, the vtiatious delays, the
surreptitious udvantage taken of us,
tbe hopes deferred, the falseness of
pretending friends, tbe interests of
parlies, tbe negligence 01 agents,
and the desigos of ruin upon us, do
put us upon a et inbat against all
that can plug 00 poor man, or else we
must lio dowrjfbe trodden upon, be
kicked, and die. 80 tar law may be
compared to warthat it is a last re
sort, bover to be used but nun ail
other cae&Qi fil
Tbe Prohibitionists bate bten
njukiog political capital out of tbe
statement tbat tbo bishops of tbo
Metbodist Kpisoopal church bavo
dictated uuoqui vocally in favor of
prohibition and so instructed the
lea li ra cf tbecburob. Toe statement,
however, appears to be au errouoous
one, and is iltniiid by llev. C W.
Suiill), editor of tbe Christian Ail
voritto, the representative paper of
tbo Methodist chinch, as "a tissue of
falsehood.' "Just the reverse is
true," ltcl ires Iheguollomtiu nnmod;
"tbe bisbopa of our church have no
authority to. take such action and
even if they bad tbey have too much
neutftj to do it."
To Oeuoral Heater's credit bo it
spoken there in totbing doubtful or
ambiguous about bis position on tbe
liquor question which is at present
attracting bo much attention from
all classes of people, lie does not
garnish bia speeches aith outbursts
ngatust ''sumptuary laws," asCbsun
cey F. Ulack does, bnt be meets tbe
liquor issue squarely, bo recognizes
tho evils of tho drink traflio and tbe
necessity of It giHlating for ita rego
latiou in tho inteiesta of society.
Tho following extract from bis Pitts
burg speech states the attitude of
the Kepublican party very fairly and
will bo satisfactory to all Republi
cans who have also . be welfaro of tbe
temperance canso nt beart s '
"There may be, and doubtloss are
diiTercnces of opinion among repub
licans as to the best method of deal
ing with this question, but ilia diffi
cult to see bow toon who recognize
tho right of tho people to govern
themselves can oppose tho submis
sion to them of a constitutional
amendment relating to this or any
other subject coming within the
scopo of their authority. The ob
ject of the Kepublican party, as I
understand it, is to divorce this
question from politics, to submit
through tho Legislature t the vote
of tbe people, irrespective of their
partisan affiliations an amendment
to the Constitution which shall cov
er the entire question If a majori
ty of tho peoplo are in favor of such
an amendment to tho Constitution,
thoy undonbtodly bavo the right and
should have tbe privilege of saying
so. If a majority of the people
should be opposed to supb an amend
' ion! they have the iamo right and
the same privilege and tbe minority
would bo compollod to bow to tbeir
How much dicipliue should be ap
plied in schools is a question. What
is dicipline.and bow it should be ads
miuislered are perplexing. It comes
hard ou the boy or girl, us the case
may bo, when not done according to
tbeir wishes, and yet in after yeurs
whuu they are retrcspecling life with
jocular zost, tbey recall bow many
times their jackets or paluiea were
wartuod. There is a great deal ol
scntimeut afloat about school aduiiu
ibtrntion. Some pareuts become
terribly incensed because their chil
dren are punished io school for at'tN
of iusubordiLatiou, which if couiiuit
ted ut home, would call forth, '-lottur
wrath than that tlpeiienoed iu
school. Thero -ntvt pupils who are
rulod w;Vth a rod, und thoio are, like
ihO, pupils who aro yielding natures
with huui kiuduosu goes the ontire
way. The fact is, sohool dicipliue
depeniia largely on public sentiment.
rbu for oxamnlo. io the French
JiJph, corporal punishment is look
iVupon as an offonso which no right
ided child cau expect to cuduro,
while iu the Kuglish schools of a
similar character the uuo of the rod
is regai ded as a necessary part of
ike system of. instruction. Vet no
osU would pretoud to say that the
ptxpila of tbe schoola in Fronoe
are any better physicully or mentally
t'jun the pupils of schools in Eug
luud; ur, to transfer tho case borne,
that the pupils of our publio sobools
are physically healthier or inectullj
belter than those who were educated
iu similar institutions a generation
ago, because the former escaped the
whippings which the latter so fre
qaently receive. It seems to us that
in matters of this kind a great doal
has been left to the discretion of tbe
teacher. There are boys who can be
reformed much better by some other
means than by the rod, while , there
are others to whom a judicious ap
plication of this instrument would
be of a decided advantage. It is
impossible to lay down rby rulo
which woald governtbs aotion of the
teacher in all caaoss bat, while brut
ality should not be tolerated, the
mere fact tbat a publio school boy
receives corporal punishment iu lj
do means a discredit to tha teaoher
er popil
. .
Sod may Vt OI immeniO
adva .0 to the boy.
There are two Democrats Free
TraJo cilia pendiog before Congreia
which will be acted upon when tbe
Uouse reassembles (in December
best. One of these bills provides
for a reduction of twenty per cent
in tbe duties upon cotton and wool-
en goods manufactured abroad and
imported Into tbe United States t
tbe other proposes a reduction cf
10.17 prr cent in tbe duties on
iron and steel. One effect of the
passngo of these Free Trade bills
would be to cut down the wacs of
American workmen about thirty
three per cent , or to close onr cot
ton and woolen mills and iron works
altogether. And tbe American
wotkmen thus reduced to tbe level
of the European soil, would rise op
as ono man and demand that the
doty of 20 cents a bushel on wheat
and 1") cents a bushel on potatoes,
aud like duty upon everything raia
ed upon the farm, or produced in
tb dairy should be repealed, and
there could be no resisting that de
in and.
India wheut grown by Sepoy L
bor at seven cents per day, can now
be landed io New York, or any oth
or American seaport at 75 cents per
bushel ; with the completion of rail
way lines, now building, India
wheat can bo landed in this conntry
at GO cents a bushel, ond, in order
to obtain cheap broad and provis
ions, every voter whose wages
were cut down by the passage of the
Free Trade bills now before Con
gress would compel tbo passage of
laws repealing all duties on products
of the farm and dairy.
Tbero waa a reduotion of six per
cont. io tbe duty on iron and Meel
ii ud cotton and woolen goods, under
tho act of March 3J, 1857; that
slight reduction brought ou the pan
io of 1657, and President liuchaoan
in bis message to Congress Decem
ber 8, 1856, used this language in
describing its effects: "Wo find onr
manufacturers suspended, our pub
lic works retarded, our private en
teritises of dilToront kinds abandon
ed, and thousaods of useful laborers
thrown out of employment, and re
duced to want."
Wotkingmeu reduced to want
have no money with which to buy
farm products, and yet every candi
date running upon tbe Democratic
ticket iu Pennsylvania without a
of duties oo imported goods. Farm
ers aud all others who earnestly de-
tore to avoid a repetition of the pun
io of 1857 ought to vote against
Cbauucy F. Muck, the Free Trade
candidate for Governor.
an Luis Obispo has just lost one
of its solid citizens. He weighed 450
pounds, and when be eat down bad
to have a chair directly in front of
him which rested bis ponderous ab
domen. The Lowell Courier claims to
have iconstruoted tbe followiog iu-
genious palindn me: ' No, it is op
positiou." A palindrome is a sen
teuce thut reuda the same forward
aud backward.
The Y omeu's Christian Temper
unco uiiiou of Burlington, N. J., has
ruiaod a purse of $50 and offers it as
a premium to the saloonkeeper who
will exhibit the best specimen of the
ooufiroied drunkard at tho coming
oouuly fair at ML Holly.
A bee hunter in Vermont ville,
Mich , discovered a bee tree io
which tbe honey was in a limb six
inches io diameter and sixty feet
from the ground. Tbe owner of tbe
tree would not permit him to cut the
tree, so the banter out off the limb
by firing seventy-five bullets into it
Ou some land bought by the I Hi
ooie Cetitral Railroad was tbe bouse
of an liishmau who bud a three
years' lease of the land Tha com
pany offered him $300 for the lease
und agreed to move the cabin to any
placo he named. He aocopted, pock
oteJ the money, and said that they
might move the bouse to tbe banks
of Luko Eillarney in Ireland. He
was iu earnest, too, as the company
soou fouud out, ana slul lives on
their laud, and still keeps the $300
Sudden's Arnica 8 alvo.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, llruiuos, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap
ped Uande, Chilblains Corns, and
all Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Files, or no pay required. 1
a iruartntoed to give perfoct satis
faotion, or money refunded. Price
25 cents per box.
O. M. Sbindel. ,
your uQ home, by o ia wb,
lkhl year. 1 reUJ by iuol
alaluu wllhont benefit, fan
iiioulb. and Uieu liundr
IU rauaei. and a new
uooclul tlUHKat
waa dear tweoiy-
la-ht rear. Treated by woat ol tha noted pv
Olattuwiinoaoneni. i iw iiami la mm
mouthe, and oUiu hundred alvtber. .full
r-attiUre'Bl n arall(ia.
T. . I'AUfc, No. 41 W.l iil.l, New Yirtk txte.
y? Clt
1 1 innraiiHi mnm ar n.
By vlrtaa ef in otr of ttts f rphani' t'nart r
7" wnnij, ii.iim rnnaniirnmi aummiirtra
Inr ol Ui MtMU ot Oalhorla Ktarrl, dw'd, will
Snyder muotr, '.a a
iniw in trantiin lwp
ut X Bill Mt art'aitun
Tuesday, November 16, 1886,
Hit lollowlnx doorrlhrd ral UU Io wit: A traet
oi Kt9 rurminjc mm rmuailail aorth by I'nhll
Jlhnrgh to Hxa-Toitawa. aatt by
Und ot Mr Mr flewrll. towk hv
child no or Mli Cathana Rxil. dee d. aa.l
larnii or
wert by Un1( ol l?harle Mlu-hal. ohnUlnloc
aboat r)l;'K ACKKSi I'uaM l miltaMjr cut tip
i-iiiia( nM, . tn vruBTiT wiu oa toiu or
lb acrf. ' :
T K.H.MS. --jot pr (yn cflib. Ilia balanra npnn
onnroiatlon ol wl bjr Hi Cuurt. Mala to cum
menee at 10 o'clock, a. m. "
Mlddlfburilt, Oct; tyiiJ. AdtulnlftrAtor.
,n7 I"..
In tht matter of the KxUtie of (horyt S.
Muwr, Inte Franklin Uncngliip, Snyder
rountti. I'd., tkc'th
To Amelia Muwer lnlcnnarriid with Rcnben
Row. John Ma iier, Franklin V. Momitr, Anitell
naMuMer Interroarrlo-I with II. J. Keltnr, all
rerldlnic In Nnyder Coonly, J'a, Ada Mr
In'ertnunied with Kllaa Hufla-, now renldln at
Mt. ttoray, o Harriet MuaMrnow Intermarried
with J ili n Miller remdln at Mllrllahur, Union
County, l'a., and Urrinn Mumt renldlna' at
Rimer, Futnam Oonnty, Ohio, htlrt und legal
rnreiioUllvei ol Oeom Muarar, dee'd.
Yon ar bareby elted Io b aad appear bo
foT lb Jadita of onr Orphaai Ooart, at as
Orphaoa' Oonrt to b bald at Mlddsbora; oa
lb lad Monday of DEC. A, Dim at 10 o'olook
In Ik forenoon, tben and llier to accept or
relnte to take 111 Heal Ertala of aald Oiorsa
Mu(r ded , at to appralaad valaatlon
rot anoa It by an Ioqaet duly awarded by
tbe laid Court, and returned by tha 8berln of
laid ooontv. or ahow nanee wh tha mmm
benld not be told. Aad ber .f fall net.
W lineal tbe Ho Joieph O Hneher, El .,
Prafldentof oar laid Court, at Mlddlebargh
Oct. T, 188S. rotbonotry.
It not a liquid, twttof or pvdtr. Apptud
into tWHtriU U quickly abtorbtd. It eCeann
tte head. AUeiyttufiammation. Iltalitht
rc. Jlutorti (AmcWwj vfttuU and rmrii.
Mtetnti at Imiffirutff by wviff, rryfefcreif, AOamf.
ELY BR0THEMl.iWn?gt8UOtTefo,HT.
REA3.;r v
would rospectfctly call the attention of tbe citizens of CentreviMe and vi
cinity to tneir iarge and well selected
Dry Goods, Dress
HfitAniiiAa tlnnl m Ifrirnisihinnp I t a
J 4 WUVi loS Vi Ca Ira s IIS HlailllH JS vutje
Boots and Shoes a specialty,
WATCHES. 4c, io fact, they keep
eoubtry store, and there prices are
are young men just Blasting oot iu
be encouraged by a full share of publio patronage. Give them a call.
IKlrairdlair Store.
1 he undersigned wonld respectfully announce to tbe publio that be has
a full line of general
tlnrdVnrC LcntllCr,lirIat Ulld IlCaVV
j. . iTq7ii
irOll, ??00(I ailU Vf lllOVWVarC,
Paints, Oils,
Oil Cloths,
Persons in need of anything in
stock and prices.
The undersigned are in the
Eastern Cities this week
and will return with Siloclko goods.
Beavertown, Snyder Coiihty. Pa
.! -if '
JO.'S '"
u ft" '
mm '
' Vi i
..- '
T1?AT. tQfTI Tim
...."". '"A
rnt Bn-icrtifiiw Awlgno will Mil Ii public
Satorday, Oct. 23, 1888,
lowlna deecribe.1 rami entitle. b it
All tht eertnln tra"t of land, ellnata In
Chapman townlilD. Snyder count r. !.. on the
puldla rond lelln from tba Nunqiiehanna rtrer
In t'roohurir.ra., a.jOliilii oa Hi aaet by land
er.iro H. Mtrewner. en th eouth by laadf of
Ke. 8. 1'. Ilmwn and J. I. Wilt, on tfi weet by
landiol lHTld M. Hwnrtt.oa the aortb by hutd'e
ol Daniel Eieenbartand Jacob 11. Htraueof, cow
7-4 Acres,
mnre orloM. The linnr-'vetnentu eonlt ol Ii
w.i r.iiiin i imr.i.UHU imuShM and a
HAUN, a nutnlier ofi-holo fruit treee. i run
nln water netr th himtea. About tl aoret.ol
ilia annr X Woodlnnd, looa'ed about hair a mil
,,,,K,,S,JTRSWll?S',-..,,wM M wt
wSrtl locoinmnnfu at 1 o'clock In th afternoon,
........... n...-u,, al,i-f -in ne niren anu n
aruitofial nals known br
JMii'jf H.onnr.n
A'lnre ol JnHN HOKUM KK. Hr.
RKRKK A O'HKU.I.V. Attorney, Rendltir. l'a.
1'prennR diMlrlnn further Inlnrinntion will .c-ie
apply to THOMAS I'AltIK, McKecl Hall Valla,
Tha heir of Kllaa Welder, ta'v of Wet Wa-
MrtjiBDilill. Un.Juw.unl. ... J -I ill
..,.;uiii i..,iwut win ex
port to I'ublle le, on lh old Homaatoad, fir
mllot nortli-weet ot Adainsburg.on
Fruity, Oi-tober 22, 1886,
th following real aetata, to wit: All that certain
trai t ol Ian
Mnyder county,
d, itiiato
lu Vet Dottier low null Id.
a., cental nlnn
258 ACJiES,
and lVerchM Itonnded north by land oftleo.
llrown, enat by William Ntoeloy, Heary Yetter
and othem, South !' M.trtha Malum, and went
by Satniii'l Ktuinpir. John (bin and otbem, where
on are ern'iei a irooj nr;w lit irftt; HANK
HAKX, and all other nereafnry nut bullilln.
pv"". ..., puwii " . , laiiu i.u rule vi r . 1 1
aril, 'llie almve tract in nil clear and In a (rood
tale of cultivation, eiceiitlna- about eW Aorar.
whloh Ii well Tlmborvd.
ltt, llniul I ... 4 ....... I . . I . 1.
Sal to commence at 10 o'clock a. m.. of aald
day wbD torun will b made kuown by
ror particular addrcMTIIIman Welder, Mlddl
crtek. Nnjder county, l'a.
Hy tlrtnoof an order Imuk-iI nut ol lb Or
iliHiil'uurt ol Snyder countv, l'a., the undr-i-lltnfd
lArcnior of lb l.ntnte ol Abraham
Krdley, IhIo of 1'enn lownlnp, Kovdur cuiiuly,
l'a., will eijioi-e to I'ublle Mala on t"lie prenilreii,
Saturday, Ootober 30, 18?6,
th fellowlnif raluab! Real Eitate to wit I
120 Acres.
more or lc" altuale In Tenn Tnwnrhlp, Snyder
county, l'a., Uiundml Norlh by Henry Wondruir,
Vjtrt by Oeorire and llowtrd How, Hooth by
Cbarlea Wilier, ai.d Went by Mnry Krdler,
whereon aiaeructed A OOOIJ Hul'SE, ANl)
HAKN, Orchard, nod water, a portion ol above
track l well tiinliered.
TKUMS : ) per cent when the property In
truck down, onn-hnlt of th balance on April 1,
1HK7, and remainder (K-Ud-nr 1, Wt7. the lant pay
ment to bear n ere-t from April 1, 1887 when
HH)r-MluD will be kIvci.
Stock 01
Goods, Notions,
11 a I a a tt .1 (Tund 1 1 1 i asi Jb I IrlAana aSar I
) M v v f t awavas ay ajuwvMc wv
everything kept in a well r gulated
always lower than eNe where. Tbey
the mercantile business aud should
Table and Floor
my line slionld not fail to examine my
on tn premlen herel natter denerlbed, bltnale In
OhKpman Uiwnthlp, Hnrder County. JP alxmt
three end a heir allee from McKeee Halt Kelln.
l'a.. and Are mil fmm I'reelmr. iht f.a
P. SHIRK, Beayertown.
This space is reserved for SoL
Oppenheimer's new adv.
Wti.MAMMiwr, I'A. Tbe lanieaf, bent equipped
Hamlmlaot n red u alee oncupyinir good litualieoj,
iiiotiunitu, Auureea lortorma, eio.,
We desire to call the attention
of our many customers to the in
telligence that we will sell all goods
now m stock at
We are about to recieve a large
invoice of Fall ana Wv r enoAp
t ii a. 1 ir j.
wmcn we wiu positively sen a
the small advance of 10 PEg
stock, get our prices.
A a strikes are the order of the day
in Snyder county not for higher wages or loss hours, but a STRIKE
AT HIGH PUICES. Cash business has become the order of thi day
and the prices must correspond with tbe progress of the times. 1 hve
j therefore prepared myself for the cash trade of the county by porchuss
og a large stock of GOOD GOODS
0 toe '0WV6t Pot,B'a marS exchange for ready money. I keep no
books, lose nothing on aocoonts and discount my bills, thus saving an
averogo of at least fifteen per cent,
Lome and see ma and I will convince
Beaver Springs, Pennsylvania.
GUNS, Revolvers, Fishing Tackle
and Sportsmen's Material
J. B. Reed's, Sunbury, Penn'a
These' Guns are Specia
. Eoia ai extremely
patent builoa lur eod,leul. rib, ear lock,1
eliuke bur, top aulloa, plall aria, reboMBjdlaa;
hmre, rubber Salt, haodacmelv a0frTe4.
U 1X11 XI U UUIKh ai Ju.. Willi!
wiib aeaaiiiui iioca. A parieet taaui ana
hard thnntar. f' t 10 lb, 1 or II Bau.
rrio iw.uo.
Gun Ho. 1765.t,bT?.!0
Ik hh. mi... 1 1 ... In.. i.l.lnl ..I. M kmm
Iiura vau, vavraTau loea anil iuuDiiBa.e, poi
lilied bard walaul Hoek, Saa twlet barrel, a
I.. . r . . . . . . ' ,
eery aoiniiieM gaaj. 1 10 iuio, 10, vi, is, gaa-
Gun 17o. l7S6..Vfui
mouullna. bard walnut aioek. rut bar boti.
patrol for nd. top auau. bark aellna look.
good iolld iiro, to VHIb, 10 ond It 0.
rrio fww.
Gun No. fi85.iU';?nl,',0
I lock, eheowerad for ond, oawraead Bonat-
I ........... orrie. nwinini lOOBB,
pltl. I arlp, orBaaaakui rather bolt plaua. 1W
Uvlb, IU, lt,l0oO. S1S0O. . I
n.. TT CrajAt Bid
Kid oip ac.
UUU II V UIU-Hob. book lotioa
ke. Uua Itoel barrel, ckeqeerrd a rip, U
I to lolb
10 aud IS sawso. frit lie 04.
Contractor for Plumbing and Stmn
11 1 a 1
and moat thorough Injtltutloa In tha State.
A niaRnincont bulldlnar of lt own. Term
r, M. ALLEN, Proa,
I have inaugurated tba taovemrti
whioh I have
mhich benefit I give to ray anrohoiierf
yoa of tbe advantagoe of tht auw
Bargains and will b
iow prices, as ioiiows:
Gun Bo-
grip, lair qatllty. 10, It, it aaaso. l-rla ii.ov.
All tall aatt at lallea- tmmtm m.-A ... k....
dreil paper ebell InelydeU U Ut a bor priue
w " wwww mm, .i.if p . .
I alio carry a eonptat alack of Ike f"llol"
rub I Parker, Clt and MaakatUu HtnMr-
l(, Ilarrlaotnw k. Hlrharde, New Ho.Hk.
...'.' . J7 - T' 1 .T
Prlnae. Una Hill W VI M,.. ttr 1. 1. 1 i -
i "
WluobeeUr and Call HiBae, at Slt.Ofl, Slaala
air 14 Uaoi SS.0 la Sio.OO.
HPtUlALl Y.Hatu wurahaeaa & Mutiu.
oapabl of lead In li hunlrd Oirtrldaa jw-
aar, mar parieci aaa aoeoilre Ikaa exa aa
loaded by tba old yle of head loadlna. I mm
praparea w bii a,i oidam pruatpiif at.
ranging iron u per J
riSHINU TAntLI-I wrlda Biealf aa
eying tbat my lino of Srbla laokt le cO.
rleta, ond tbe boat !. ttoa ever bmoaht to
hi eertlna of the Stele au4 at patee fw
doij ooaipelltlea.
All onaiaiMBlcoOoo ' ar or'eVro bf MN
itraiDplly aaawarod oi Slled. Whea wtarlBO
by mall moaer auat aeaeaipMy le .dr
luieat by epreeU. u 1. wh (be arte.
Ilege f etaalntiloa at tbo Offleo, pruvl.itB;
tit ardor la aeoiapaiiJed wiu the awitoto a
oaarauMo ioaoa rails.
i r
. i
i i
... I