n mkt i - - . ft II; IIAKTKK. llo that will not reason is a bigot ; lio that cannot Is a fool ; ho that dare not is a slave. EDITOR AM) l'KOPKIETOIt VOL. XXIII M1DDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PENN'A, OCTOBER 14, 1886. NO 41 :rOETKY: THE FUNERAL. I Wa walklnff In Savnnnh, past a Church decayed and dim, When there slowly through the wl n dow cam a plalntlre funeral hymn: Aud a sympathy awsksnerf, and a wonder quickly arew, Till I found inysslf environed In a lit lie1 negro pew. Out at front a colored couple eat in orrow, nearly wild; On the altar waa the coffin, In the cofQn was a child, I could picture hlro when llvlnncur- ly hair, protruding Up And had seen perhaps a thousand in my hurried southern trip. But no baby ever rented in the sooth ing arms of Death That had fanned more flames of sor v row with his little fluttering breoth; And no funeral ever glistened with more sympathy profound Than was in the chain of tear drops that enclasped those mourners round. Rose a sad and old colored preacher at the little wooden desk With a mauner grandly awkward, with a countenance grotesque; . With simplicity and shrnwdiit'ss on his Ethiopian face; With the Ignorance and wisdom of a crushed, undying race. And he said: "Xow don't bo weepin' for dis pretty bit o' clay, For.de little boy wha lived dere he done gone an' run a ay; He was doin' very finely, and ho 'pre date your love. Hut his ure 'null Father want him in de large heuse up abovo. Tow he didn't give you dt baby by a hundred thoasuti' mile! He just think you need home gun shine, and lie lend it for a while; Aix1 he let you keep an' love it till your hearts was bigger grown, An' deae silver tears you're sheddiu's jut de interebt on de loan. "HereVyer oder pretty chilrun don't be uiakiu' it appear Dat your love got sort o' 'nop'llzed by dis little fellow hero; . Don' pile up too much your sorrow on der little mental sholves HnV it Llml n cut. Vlll W- ' -H1. J " M-- yes . A-v're iio aocount deiv., j lust yoi. 4in, jou poor.uuun mon- ,anahs, creepin' 'long o'er sorrow's way, What a bleifxed little pleulo dis yere baby's got to-day; Your good (rulers unci good modern crowd de little follow round In de angel tended gurdeu by de Hig Plantation Ground. "Au' dey ask hlitr 'Was your feet sore?' an' take olT his little shoes, An' dey wash him, and dey kins him, an' dey say: lSo what's de news!' Au' de La wd done cut his tongue loose; den de little fellow say: Mil our folks down iu de valley tries to keep de hebbonly way.' "Aa1 his eyes dey brightly spsrkle at de pretty things he view; Den a tear oume, au' he whisper: 'But I want my parents, too.' Hut de angel ehief musician teaoh dat boy a little song; Says: 'If only dty be fait'ful dey will oon be comln' 'long. "An' he'll get an educatlu' dat will proberly be worth 8eberal times as much as any you oould buy for hitu on earth; He'll be In de Lawd'sblg school-house w Idout no contempt or fear; 3, While dere's no end tode bad tings " might have happened to hitu here. Ho my pooah dejected mounahs, let 1 1 your hearts wid Jesus rest. In' don' go to crlterciHin' dat ar one w'at knows de best I lie have sent us many comforts He hare right to take away To do Lawd bo praise au' glory, now and ever! Let us pray. Will. CVtrJoit, in Jurpcr'i WuJcly. AFTE2 MANY DAYS- ' When I wss a young follow I liv ed on father's farm down there in Connecticut You're aeen the placo. The chared was near the tavern, and behind tbe church was the par eonago ; and r there lived Dominie Whoeler aud his ? daughter Dolly. Oo Saturdays, aftor I had my sup per, I need to drees myself and tell my mother that I moaut to call ou Dominio Wheeler's folks. Mother generally answered that I cooldu'l de btttor, that tbe dominie's conver sation was sure to be improving, ud that Dolly was not bitytity, liko somo gal she could mention.'' Father would add "And o pretty little crittor, tW" Aud armed with parcutul authority I would go to Iho parsonage. It was a good time to go, for Iho eennou had to bttfiaisbed, ns a gou tal thing on tint Avoning.aud Polly nud I hud delightful' long tul'g iu 11 . iuobo eulituiv Sulltuiv mnmniilB an.I mm evening I , proposed to Polly 'and!1"! 1 ttf 8ot if' . BotW lo di- Hccepi, too . Tho dominio Kav, uv Hi l)h u, (b'r nU(j lei! .... i ' . . i chosen a doagbterdn-lAW to tuil them better, and all (bey asked was tbat we sboold wait a tittle while. "aUj danghter Is not 17 years yet," said tbo"dotninie- "Yon most not be in a harry to take ber from me. "Wait two yonrs and yon will be tbroe-aod-twenty, and I'll give yon tbe river farm and bnild yon a house," said father. Onr course of true love scorned to be running very smooth indeed, and I would have etnkod ray life and soul, a pretty heavy; elake. on tny oonstancy, but somehow,' I think salan thonght jwe were too happy, and laid a trap for me. Dr. Robins' widow, a managing woman with a big house, was in tbe habit of taking snmmcr boarders, and ovcry yiar a lot of oily strang ers wandered about the placo from June to September. When Dolly and I had been en gaged about a year and a half, the widow tad thirty boarders in her house, and Ike and Edwin and all tbo mnlo help slept in the barn. There wss one young lady there, a Mies Sally Oroy, so pretty that nvcry one who saw her was talking about her. .ndl was introduced to her. Sorao wemcn have a way of innking a man act against his belter judgment. Sho wns ono of them 1 did not mean to flirt with her, bnt I did. I did not menu to meet her iu shady lanes, nud tbo quiet wood paths, but we met. SIjo knew (I snppoce Ike Kotlas had told hot) about my engactnent, and she tensed mo about being afraid of my sweet heart, "Such a good, piim l-'ltle thing," she would say. 'Is she dreadfully shocked at me T Does nho think 1 Hiu fliit t".ss ubo prny for roe iu meeting f" I felt anr;ry, bnt yet I was piquod into proving niv" fe 'o dr on J Hied. At a little evening naitv. to WM J ' " which we were asked, I danced five dances with her, aud wheu, at lBt my ceuscienoo emote we, and I went to look for Dolly, I found she bad gone homo. 1 "bbo said her pa wanted hor, 1 Its ... sain ous. uouiiis "but l tell jou plaiuly, James Gardner, I don't be hevo it ; aud for my part. I don't fee what people ctin find to admiro in mat impudent Now York (irl If my 1 illy behaved like her, I'd hnt her np on bread and water nn til she reformed. " I hurried away, but tbo pi'son ago was shnt np when I got there and I spent on hour walking pp am' down beforo the boose, staring at the dark windows The time seemed very long nntil II. - l w ma nasi evening, sua i. went over to tbo parsouago very early ; but Didl'y was not thero. "She's gone to speud the evening somewhere, ' said the dominie, kind ly. "I suppose she forgot to leave word for yon to come for hor. She Isn't very well, either; a cold, I snp poso. I know 1 gouerally caught cold at a party when I was young and atteudod such entertainments iuujj tuoii uocareiui. iisr poor t I -l . Ml t - 1 mother diod of consumption." My heart gavo a great leap. I thought of Dolly ill, dying, even dead, and I went out into the kitch en to ask the solvent if Dolly left any moBsnge for me. "hue said she wouldn't be borne to-night," answered Nora V "at least, this evening, I mean, and bo did not leave word where sho'was gone.' Norn nndorstood, I saw, I felt terribly injured, and I made np my mind to revenge myself by spending the evening with Sally Gray. She was oi home, the servant girl said, and I fonnd ber woitiog in (be parlor for roe. We had it to onr solves. Mrs. Ilobins never came in, no (pny of the other boarders ; iu deed, it was now growing late in tho season, and they were almost all gone away. If I never knew how to A rt before, Sally Qray tangbt me bow that night, and .when I took eave of her I was imprudent enough to toll hor I should like to kiss her. "Do it, if yoa desire, ' said she. And then 1 Yes, I kissed her i and as I did it the door opened, and o started apart, aud there stood Dolly, She bad seen it all. '1 It ft my b.)ouet here," she said Mr. I.auo is going- home with,, too, ' " '"u" , a i bho was cool and contemptnous. he tied hor bonnet on at .ti glass shoulders, and went ont. Next day she broke our engagement and sent me back my ring. The neit week I left Lome and went away to sea. Somo one bad told me that Dolly was going to marry Ike Ilobins. Mother wrote to mo often and never mentioned Dolly and I never asked about ber. I lived with meo, generally on tho 8?a, and had no thought of liking or caring for any woman. I always iuteoded to go home and see the old folks, but they died of a fever within tno days cf each other, aud a btiaeger sent me the news. Lawyer Dredgers saw to tho es tate, and did what I asked him to do with the monoy. 1 did not need it then, but it would keep mo from be ing a beggar in my old nge.a and still I nailed tho sea, until when forty years old nn accident bappeoedto me which came near being my death. It did not kill mo nor nipple me, but I wns no longer fit for a sailor's life, and there was nothing left for mo bnt to settle down on land and live on my money; and so I went home at last to talk to Lawyer Dredgers, And get his ftthico. I fell very sad as I walked throngh the village. My parents werodead.no ono remembered me; 1 had not a friend in tho place. Tho lawyer had dono his best lo mnko my money profitable to me, an! I was richer thau I dreamed When all tbe business was over 1 took a moonlight stroll through tlio street. It wns twenty years since the night I kinsod Sally ray, Bnd lost my love by it ; bnt nothing had n lored in tho ontwnrd aspect of tin place. lVnple wee aiding on their porch es an of yore; the snmo flowem scemod to bloom in tho gardens; the same lonngers to star j pbout .(.! .9 .!? cJuf : the same vounu men aud girls to hang upon tbo gnrdon patos. It was odd to think that the girls might be the dangh ters of tboso I knew.- Thero stood tho ohnrch; there tbe parsonage. I walked toward it. Tbe "1 .i . ... wimiows m me silting room were open I diow softly near and peep ed in. Tbo old clock licked in thecornor. Tho edd rag carpet was tither the same or another just liko it. There was only one bine vaso on tho man tel. 1 suppose tho other had boon broken; but there wore tho profiles of (irandpa and tSrandma Wheeler over tho escritoire There was Domino Wheelor, look ing very mnoh older, sitting exactly as used to sit beside the table, bis red handkerchief over his kueos, a enp of tea in his hands. "Dolly," he said. And from an inner room came a woman, large, handsome and high colored, who said : "Well, father r Gould it be my slim young Dolly f Yes, it was. She was very fine ookiug now and she looked so ma tronly that 1 immediately concluded that rhe was Mrs, lsaao It ubins. 8 1 ill 1 could not leave the wiudow "It was my one glimpso of her," 1 said to myself, "for years past aud years to come." "Well, futher!" she said. And turned smiling toward him. "l'vo been thinking it over.Dolly," be said, "1 think it would be best for you to marry, 1 am eighty. 1 ennuot live long. You had better marry Mr. Hraham. lie is very fond of you. l ou like bim, 1 am sure s it for my sake you say no ?" bhe bent over him and put ber hands on her shoulders. "Father," she said, "1 am going lo tell you tho truth, a thing a woman seldom does i these matters. 1 should not bare to leave yoa ; so it is not for yonr sake, much as 1 love you. Hut 1 do not care for Mr. lirsham. 1 have only cared for one man in my life my first love, James Gardner, 1 hid eeut him away from mo, and he had done very wrong but 1 think now tbat we both lovod euch other. 1 know that, even now. cannot forget him while 1 live.'' There wero tears in her oyes; she brushed them away, lo another moment 1 was at the door; she opened it. 1 bold out both my hands- Those were . Dolly's girlish eyes tbat looked at me, and 1 caught ber in my arms. "I have come back to be forgiven, Dolly," 1 said, and I saw that 1 fcid Great Things to bo Scon in America. A leading joornal strikes a troe chord when it asks the qnestion : "Is it in order to see walled towns that they (the intending traveler) wmld have gone to Europe t Where will they come across one more to their mind than in the Gibraltar of America, where Quebec sits on her rock overlooking ber mighty river with a view that bas few rivals in the world, with her ramparts and citndel, her raodiroval streets and dwellings, her cathedrali and con vents, and strange schools nud fors cign torgncs and immmortal histor ies f Is it only ancient cities they dofciiot Then there is St. Augustine among its palmettoos beside the sen, almost at tho extremity of tho con tinent and almost as old as tho dis covery of tbo continent. Is it semi tropical beauty of landscape and weather they wonld have f Not all tho soft-vapored cities by the Medi terranean will offer thorn more than Savannah and the Sea Inlands. "Is it foreign life they want Where will anything more alien to all our northern and enstorn experi ence be seen or heard than iu tbe lluo ltoyalo and tho Rue 'Dourbon, at tho French market or at tho Span ish Fort of New Oilcans, with its mocking-birds and magnolias.whero, as la'o as the middle of June, gar dens full of jasmine and oleanders, capo myrtles and palms, with moou light Hint might be the northern sun filtered t t rough domes of cryhtuln, make oiiu doubt if it be plaiu. mit-ter-of fact, progressive America? Or whore will moro quaiotness and d light be seen than, iu the Texas town rf S.io Antonia, where the rones lie on tho rod roofs of tho long and low dwellings, whero the jalou sies are latticed with tbe vioo of the night-blooming eaten, where tbe strong, sweet sonUenst gales, and tho lanes are linod itb fig and apricots, and one walk nuder ave nues of statoly pecans, wb re forests, draped in melancholy mo:, swaying heavily, make tbe lundtuMpo all un real j where grapevincH inrhtco the thickets with stoma tho s eof forest trees themsclvos , where tbo prients go about with flock of li.tlo child ren dinging to their uUrts, and whero the ruins of tbo ol 1 minions rival in sculptured wonder many rnins of old Spain 1 Oris it abso lute Jpain itself that our friends wonld travel over T 1-"L tbcui erosf the ltio Grond by rail, nud in Ohi- hnahuo and Sooora aud the heart ot Mexico they have reached roach thai makes old Spain ; they have found the old Spain of 400 years ago, aud have gone I bore drysbod. "Do our travelers want deserts and thirt for their snmmer experi ence f They will find deserts in Ar izona rivaling all Afrioa, with colors and mirages that even tbe Sabol does not give. Do they pant for mountain climbing T If the White Mountains and the Alleghauies do not offer difficulties enough, are there not Mount St. Ivlias, with il 17,001) feet of altitude, Shasta aud Wbitnoy, the terribly ohstiucted heights of Sogris and of Snow Mano l'oak, alHhe wild summits of tbo Sierras, tho fearful beauty of the lellowstone park, and tho wild gran dour, too lovely to bo terrible, of tbe Youomite? And do the Ihioube.tbe Rhine, the Nile allure? Then shall not the waters of the llndson, with its picturesque reaches, of the Mis sissippi, with its breadth of volume, of the Columbia, with its gorges aod oatarnots, wash out all memory of lessor and less beautiful streams. "Where, for more beauty, for tbe dolight of the eye, cau all Europe show as anything like a blosseming prairie through which we tuay tide all day and never come to tho end of the blossoming And what hoary antiquity to charm the thought back to the sourae of races has Europe to offer tbat shall outdo theaiioieutoess of the rains of onr prehiitorio peo ple ia the heart of the continent! In fact, America is so full of historic interest and picturesque loveliness that it is woudeiful anybody should wish to visit Europe at all before ex hausting it aod if anything happens to doter people from crossing tho ocean and incites them to become acquainted with their own territory, tuey can Dot be the losers by it." Vhusago Western World. Catholic have invaded a . oiorrn tn i I v'.'A erfd a oollent f 't . CATT. 033'S IKICS Captain Hoggs, a Virginian, who held a Captain's license on the Mis sissippi River before be was of age. and who for fourteen years bad the contract to sopply the military posts in Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona with fuel, tells the following story t "I was down in tbe Tie." reserva tion in Colorado and had strolled down to tbe shores rf a small lake, whilo my mnlen and teamsters were eating dinner, when I cime across n pnrty of about a dozen ludians. They wore armod with rifles, and were shooting at a snug which stuck out of tbe water about 200 yards distnut Tbo stakes for which they were shooting were ccmposed of a quai tor of a dollar from each man, I stood watching them for situo tune, and then decided to enter tho com petition. Kach mm bad threo shots and tho man who hit tho snag the most limes wou the pot Tho miss es were told by the splashes in the walor; tho hits by the absenco of the splash. After some parley with tho red skins 1 got thorn to allow mn to en ter the match, though they compoll ed mo to deposit half n dollar, while they put in but a quarter, I bad a llenay reveater with mn tbat, fortu nately for my purpose, was then un loaded 1 was accoauted one of tho host shots in that country, bnt know that tho Indians wero by do means slow. 1 slipped threo cartridges into my liflo, and as 1 did so 1 broke tho hall off, thus leaving a blunk cart ridge. Of course no splash followed any of my shots, and tho Indians I thought, 1 hnd hit tho snag every timo 1 won that pot, but tho next time 1 intentionally lost by not breaking tho balls off aud by taking indifferent V'tii.-- -- n""i.. . 1 then broke all tho halls off nn til I had won $18. Then tbe Indians who began to look at me with sus picion or nwe, refused to shoot any moro 1 invited them up to tbo store, and spent the money on knick knacks which 1 divided among them. 1 then took them baok to the lukoand show ed them the trick. They wore much surprised, but took it in good part. 'On returning that way a few days after 1 found the 'time. Indiana on tho hike shorn, -hooting a big match game with u neighboring trbe, w hom they whero rapidly bleaning out of everything. I learned that they 'skin nud' every Indian in thoconntry thnt I hoy ciiuldget to shnot against I hem. 1 f-iii'i iii)(hiiii, hut mused on tbe readinesh of tbo savage to adopt the w bite man's trie!;.-' " Gscd Kcsults ia Every Cax. D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer of Chattanooga, Tonti , writes: that ho be was seriously afllictcd with a severe cold tbat settled on bis lungs, bad tried many remedies without benefit. Being induced to try Dr. King'u New Discovery for Consumption, did so and was entire ly cured by use of a fow bottles. Since which timo he has nsed it in bia family for all Coughs and Colds with best results. Thia U the ex- ftnricnco of thousands whoso lives iave been saved by this Wondorful Discovery. Trial bottles freo at O. M. Bhindel's Drug Storo. Drinking wator soils from ten fifteen cents per barrel at Surdonis Texan. Mrs. (ieneml Custer is now devot ing hersolf to writing tho hit kI'Im of bur ,'ullant hnshnnd. In a oorvict camp ia Georgia then oro fiO negro oouviots, of whom 35 sro proaohers, A San Jose, Cl , wifo recontly avs hor husband $500 on oondiliou that he woold leave the Stato, A pifteon owned in Dro klvn. N. Y., inude (be flight from Montgom ery, AU, 875 miles, in tea dtys, bealiugall previous records." Tho population of New York oily douhlod itself every 17 years be tween 1820 and 1880. and is now in creasing at tho rule of 73,00!) nei year. In one yoar tho people of this oonntry use aboot l.'jO.OOO 000 steel pens. If placed in line , the pens woold reach from New York to Liv erpool. They have a rog at CotUge City, N. J.. mnda in IIia vnar f.OI a. II R TSari SCO Ik la a nr. II. l.l , .ww.j WIU ivnu, i tr?M obtained from the MpsqoeM IJT - I e-, v-M " fpr Infants tracomiiiaoilltaanipulortoanr pruKTinliuo kaowa to mo." IL A. Aacina, M. D.. ui bo. uuora bw, viwujrn, N. T. D H MARAND KOTnROCK Fremont, Snyder county, Pa. OM1ntitof lialMmoro !nlleirn of PhviMrUnl nl Surniin. Wtnr din (rili.t.nnl nrlc to lb imhlle. Sin k Knitllxli ami oeruint). I AUrch.lT, 181. tl. D" K. W. TOOL. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Frecbmrg, I'd. OfTtrl hi prnfoMlnnill 'Trcl to lb- (lUlilto la curivi.r-ii t In lalh KiihIIkIi tml (li'iunn o no oo Mln .treot. J K. VAN BU3KIKK. "UKOICAL MECHANICAL' DENT1S t Sclinagrove, l'enn D" J. W. 8EII' Krcamcr. Snyder County Pa. Orrti-i rint-HH : To 9 A. M., fmrn VI tn 'i P. M tn.l vrtersi'. M. SI'EtKS ItOTH KNOMSH AN II O KRM AN'. Mn; 1, !1il. AUKSKKY. HI F.VC. W. WALTER. Sa1omno fur C'li. IV 'Stewart t'o'n.. Ntimerr NowarU. Ni.w York, will ba ploiml to farurn rilom for llil iinpular Hun, (or unytlilnx In tkn Nurfery lino. Clioloe i il Now Vnrlotlea le.'aHr. I'oi-itlvrly 011H..II any wtlien In i.rlra utiil quality. Kalinin.' tlnn yuaranteml. lia will cull on nil .artlaa that a.Urvii liltu at retina t r-ek, Sny.ler Uou Dty, l'a, Jan. UI.'nS. POSltiVE PROOFS. Ill otliur no'vertitomt.MiU welinv nnii tliat it 7Mri n Hhumntimm C'Mt wiu (critit Jur 1 "muuttm. nti'i all tin uttttintnut svli- and jirowiit boiuq l'siUli rroufi CihiIiI ono astc nnvttifnir in on- tothopolntthan tliis I'ruin Mil. fl. Lmancki., n Hmmiiifiit invr cluviuof ltrtM.k!l(.'la, Ma, v. ho vnt' Yvb. 'Jtit'Ni: Wlwn In FiirotM. two yoarn turn, I triiil hn! to tmv tut rtN tft nf Dim v riii;tlv I sImi tnltl ful. sli.il1 til H t It lot' IHO flt ftlMHWt UlT t-filf lH-UlMTcf UK mHVil il. tl. , rim tilu UMiMltm Inr vi':ki utxl .w tit huiiili dn f tlol. i, niysK'ii, Hiircrvwi wuii l.irn, lint ii-v-r rot any Tiniif)it m.irf until I ii Us t )). HtiifH tlii-ti, (nir two )vark) uowt J hro lint wilt! -tttl t!u-t"VHt. t anow It t s) ifxsii tltltisf. it hi uke lilt" wiMiiru. .Now 1 waul thv asrutw: f r Uvo huU " Heu iiM!htT Iroin m nrcr homo. M. J. IK Win rK inn I'M'tuts' IhiIiii'm man ui HlsMnituri I'ii. Him irraiKliallii-r, i ui (' J t'Ara ul.l, litut Ui n a ri'fitMiir.'n r (nn:. KliLUluutUlu. .Nov. 'J, lr, I It. Will IK nun 1 1 H llnv H'imI y'MU'tMtvtilrtr Thppourtrr IsmrfnU nf t'Ati'iit tin ml tu it In t. i tii tm in'- ixMii Iw lievii a,Tik ri'in-ily hi' mm fit in tit tt ih triM l kri uitt. fatUT 1 Hiii'h a Mil'-i-nr Omt hfttxiilil tfl;i.tly fi.r a '-' ' f't'f, ti n t-iHSB iir yru-v f'r i-utt. H ' will trv tt fni yv i , i- utisc In- ifnii'i Hunk Jour h"M wn'ilil k'-i'i n WiuiK willioiit iiKjil." l)r.f. 21, hi " My trruutUlht'r iti'IU'Iiit tin1 ;iimi(ih KlMMmmtiMiii Cun- u in nt rlnw siin'rw, lli' m nut r licvi! iimii ilny in!y, hut ait-yhft .' If (! ilmilit rithrr nf lhi't tnh'UM'litt, v rito th (.a Kiev tln-r'il Iml y nmurr any iu'iiry. (nr st-uu i h'h ti it jM-rintt I'irtlicr iv?tiintiiy. t Imvu iluii(y of it. h"VM Vcr. U nmkiHitiitL' a httU hunk. Wo tvcixl It Jttr (it all who uk. A yrt it la it to fnu;i1 at th Hnn. fmt run tinl) Im liuil hy i iirltMiliii: tlin i1it, and itUtribl!V tint Alii rli-au I'Mcru-tun. PFAI-LZEF? DROS. & CO. Rl!).i'l .tiitrUi l Strrcl, l'lit!n1nlilia. Prlco SS.OO.i IIM K ltt IMK Till: 1!IMM. I RURDGCK BLOOD RITTERS, WlfAT IO ITJ A strictly vegetans prepa- and skillful combination of Nature s best remedies. The discoverer does not claim it a cure for all the Ills, but boldly warrants It cures every form of disease arising: from a tor pid liver, impure blood, dis ordered kidneys, and where there is a broke down condi tion of tho System, requiring a prompt and permanent tonic, it never falls to restore the sufferer. Such Is BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sold bv all drug-gists, who are authorized by the manufacturers to re fund the price to any pur chaser who is not benefited by their use. raica, l.oo. FOSTER, MLLOT & CO., Props., BUFFALO, NEW YORK. wi near susainiR' SEWINQMAOHI!lB HAS HO EQUAL. PlFECrSATISfACTIOM totoSssEZlMiiioCa. -ORAMQC, MA80.- 30 1 Union SvssjkV.Y. ChlctfH Cl.Uh.IV Ai!i.rv rirjkjTrt. j.r-..j.lf.i.. F mm and Children. I Pmlr Ktnmob, lirrta, KructeHua, I KiU Worm. 'y ivrVi 1 wntM Wuboul usurious mUtcsHa. "tea Cbmcicb Couri.iv, tHS fuiton Btn-rt, II. T. SZ2SS33EZ3SKS I Alfomcifs-At-Law. J M. STKIJSE, AITORNEY-AT-LAW,!! - Miihlli hurtili, iVwita., tinnrt lil. profmloml frloe to lkiil.i )uii.iili-.iloti In KnxIKh or iivrnu. ( ull rmitr Mtt-n.leU m. Oltlc low diMi mi ol lli I'l'M ottlc. A MKS (J. CHOUSE, ATTOIlNEY-AT-LAir, J MIIlLKHL"JXr3B, 1'A All kitiili.cn tnlrmteil to, bli cur fllr o. Ivo .roai't tutuiloD. l oDiltila Ib r nun nil Kunii.h. JACOB OILUKRT, Attorney nml Conitlar at um MiniM.i-.nriKiii, pa, DollectlotiK tad nil ntl.fr kbln.nu4ni V tionlcl to. Coi.nilUll. B Ib luglnh til !!. y.M. i:. HOrsWEItTH, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Nkmashuovr, Pa . Jiollertlnm and all other Irani boiln.t. mohpI ly attanilail to. Donrultatlom In Laallrk biki Uermaa. Jans l, ATTORNEY AT-LAW., All l.u.ln-i anlriikt".! t.i I.I. car Will I c ITninplly uttguili'il 1). Mt. 3i),'u. JJ 0. DKlTIlfciI," '.IT I OR N RT-tr.1,4 W. QC U m MirkrtSt., AWfnsi. All proBsaalnnal latinan proraatlv atwirf..f to. UdtoittltatloDl la to.ll.h .S5;,!,...-N lak.(l.'r. E. BOWKK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND DISTRICT ATTOR! BY, Muhttelttrg, t'tt. ColtefitloBf tnadt. and Ocruian. t'nniallatU. la Vrvir Jaa S,'7a.tf. QIIAS Jf tiLRICHj Attorney 4 OonngeIIer-ii.t omealn A.p'a HailJln ona deal Ifarrh lo KotlnsKrove, Peaa'a, Hollsntlona and BlIjotbTrprolian Mai Beat la aollellad Bad will rao.l.aa ratal l0J prnint Bttanlloo. ABr.ll.'Il!" TV J. 8MITI1; ATTORlflT ATLAmT. Mil) DLKRUKO, SKTCDR OO., A Offarrhla Prnr.,onBl Marvlaaa la Ika i Uoaiultatlona la liuall.k ad OatBias. A. V. TOTTER, AnoiLXhY AT I, Alt, SolinsgroTo, Pv, orr. rtlialr prnfe.rloiiBlaervlcaa la Ika aWI Allloiialoualiieraenlruatad le tkalratra il ui vV'-Ta?'1' ,t"tl ' loB' um,,ou ; M "IMM, ; tt rrny-nt-t,atr. j;-iM,i)urgh, V. ronmiltatlun Iu (V'"' n(liia aadtrwaajaa Oal., lia JOHN If. AKNOLv. AttHll-v lit aT-'r,r " MIl.ni.Burdr'l' I fi ei..i,l n, ,Dlr., UJ k r. ; T'ompiii Bttraaa l to. CAMUKL II. ORWIO, A TTORXEY-A T LA 7T,V lwlBbiirv, I'bUs csi.. rtj; irr ZV Btr"1' Han.-.'o, "sTT.tf.J Jiint k. iirniirss, JUSTICE CF THE PEAC Kuutj. A.viir (VH Sf, SWi!ol.cth,i,a t.ronii tly uad, Physiciant, tfe. JOHN V. FISIIER, U. Dl Wrdcllwlmrt'li. PvauV i nraii.au of ti. U.,vari,r of raaafilm. nlu. mlor. hla rrol.Ml.al aarvioca a ih. .iSt I.mhII.Ii ami (tlorui.i. ttm. i- i i Vff" OHUf la Mi. o. i iftag ni'l'UUI.., u Willi. J J J. SMITH, " Physician &Sur9ee:"MJra, iter Springs, Snyder CtWry, 1 1 Hun an prolaiiloDal Mrvlaaa la ika Offlea on MalBatraal.XMa Joaaistf ' J W. SAMrSKU I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. CwntrevilU, hebnW. ()(TM hla f rofttalel (arrtraa .la ika alutaaa fOaotrarllla BnU Tlolaltj. Ai 2; I. GRIEtt BARBER, PHYSICIAN & SURCtON, MlddUhsrjfh, PetiSja 0.,i,.,.!,,Tf,'', ssrvltas Ik Ika tlrV , OlMld.lUburHBBllTlolult. mtVb"-V, ,
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