3IiUt)Iflmrjji 'Iost, -ISY- rr. ii. nvirxKi. Snbscripthm 1.50 lr Year 'BATES cf ADVERTISING : P Column, One Yenr t b kill column nr Year (iraMoorih Column. o V-ar PrnlVt.lvnal Cant. pr tear Auditor, Kxe-ntor, A tiulnliirtt r. i..j.u ....V'MO I iJ.oll Hi fi 11. !... . .. . . .... " u"-n nu fcii rrnif.M'nt art m,e, nil a1rt Lament. Inmrt-.l r.ir lo.. tliao X inouttn. w c.(o tin,, , er ...on it ft , iniKiril.in I u .. .... ciiiim inriig D 71 0nu lor each vi.nni H.florfc.Oll, Ecpubllcaa Stato Ticket- Tor (Governor, JAM M A. hhavku, of Centre county. For Llniitcnnnt Kvcriir, WILLIAM T. IMVIK.s, of Himlfonl county, I-'jr Am lll .r ii r.il, A. WILSON' NOMUfl, of Pliilail.-ipliin. Tor S-MTi'tiiry of li.l. rtiul A fT.ihn, THOMAS .1. STKWAHT, Of Mihtjf.Mii.Ty futility. For fiwir. -mii. in at Lur'o, KIMVIN S. osMoU.XK, .f F,ti."rti niiiii v. HcpVi:aa C:-:r.ty Ticket I't.r f'niiv'ri'sMimn, LOIls V.. ATKINSON, (Subject tu tlii- il.'ci-i.m (,f tin. di-ti ii t '.'tlllff! CIH.M.) r-.r AfM'inl.Iv. AAUo.N S. II KLritlCH, of Spring. Fur ('nunty Surveyor, JAJir.fi MIDM.LSWAUTII, . . of Attains Thursday, Sept. :J0, 1 ' 1 1 1 TLo mummy of ILo ancicut mon arch, Ilamoscs II., the I'UroaU of the lii'olo uutlor wIjohj reign the UiRUt of tLo Jowr utilor Mosns ccs cnrroJ, was nnrollol at lijiilnk. io -t-gypt. Juno::. lSSH, :i200 years af tortho monarch e ikath. E0A1TE WOLFE rilOMIXHNT IXDM'KXUK.NT'S OlMS ION Or THK CANDIDATE FOIt UK YKSUK OM.Y. Ono of tho saJJest results of th "uumj ouuffcS 1Q IU0 COUlU 18 tho number of persons whoso roason Las boon dethrone.! From Auus ta, Ga.. five cases aro reportud where persons wero driven cruzy by trrror, two or whom Goally tnleJ their dis tress by euioido. - i . J mi iue largest pension ever paid in me ouiieJ btatts was paid at the Tension Office at Louisvillo on Thursday of last week, to Marcos - T J?icbarJdon, an agej eoMi'er, liting in Milton, Ky. Tho cause far granting the pension is tvlal blind. Dess. bt ought on by an injury to the eyes received ia tbo war in 18C3 Tho pension dated lack to that year and amounted to $11,500. In Pennsylvania a married wo man cannot buy personal estate up on credit nnless sho is tho owner of a separate etitate. in which caso she contracts upon the credit of t-ucb estate, an J if tlo purehauts property wuu ogrro'.ve l laonoy or ou credit. Ltr husband's creditors may Btizt and v-U it as his la order lu re tain tho property as against such creditors it is n jt ouou,'Li that she Lad means to pay f jr it ; bLe must prove affirmatively that ber meaue paid for it, or that she came Ly it otherwise in Je; eudtntly cf Lor Lasbaud. Hets a JJrown, decided by the Supreme Court of this State. We lake the fallowing from the Uarritibutg CaU, uuJ would remark that a few lessons of this kind ulJ over the W'.uto woulJ mult in fewer petty aud utiivurrunted cabt-s taking up the titu9 tf tLe charts and eutail iug expeuhd ou tuo yplo : '-leaup li. Vance, j jm ice of iha peaco of i Cotiewa-o toHtibLip, ut tLe .N'ovtm Ler tOBbiooi, Ibir,. Lad uine bill, ignored, io wLicL he wus ordered to poy cobU. Yesterday J ude bimou ton called Mr. Vanco up and le yuired Lito to pay the costs ia the Dine eases, or furnish eecurity f jr sime within 10 days, aod t-j Lo iu oubtoly of the thuriff until the sen tence be complied with. The oobU amout to aLout S FiJ." Dr. W. C. Donne, of Williamnpott. one of the leaders of the Indopon dout inoveuiontof 1SH2 writes a lot- ter to tbo Phililolphin J'rets, in whicli, ftftor alluding to hU co-irso as an Indepondont and the tnotivos which promplod him. he mikes tho following pithy and timely refemnoo to Charles S. Wolfo, tho Prohibition sandidato for Governor Lot no one bo docoived by the oonrRo of Woiro at this time, for all his boasted philanthropy is n matter of personal mnlevolenco that is well understood by thosa who aro fam iliar with his Listory. He knows that ho can not look for any favor from tho element of tho Republican patty bo antagonizes, and less still from l!io portion ho Ins p!ipuo,1 I'ho lontf "Sonnlori:!! fiht, ia whicli he asumod to bo tbo leader of Mr. Grown forces, when in f.ict he w9 t work Tor liunsolf, is well kuown by tho30 with whrn be plead for thi ir mpport, Laviuc; sold himMolf to tho lomorracy that promised to make him United States Senator. i Ijo l ito Joremmh Black was Lis political executor, aud Mr. Wolfo, tho honest, ardunt radical I.pnbli enn for tho sako of offico and pro motion, w is wiliiiiR to follow iu tho footsteps of J u Us, and for a paltry coneidorafioit eucrifiou Lis honor aud sell his friends, aud now, io the character of a political tramp, Lo is trying lo pay CLauucoy Black a Libl of jjratitudd lhat ho owed his father. Wliou wo coma to under stand the truo DOHition into wti.Vli Mr. Wi.lfa has placed himself, we cn seo nt a glance that Lis iuterost iu two I rotiibition c.iuso lhtt he is now clnaipioning is about tho bame tuat it is in tbo welf.iro of the lives of Fiji Islands. Mr. Wolfo addressed a meeting hero on tbo evening of tho ICtli. A few radical Prohibitionists gathered around tho stand and the court houeo was well Gllod vith faithful, zealous I'emocrats, many of whom adopt the doctrino of Mr. Wiggius. that all things douo in the iulorest of I he Democratic party are right I was sorry for my old frioud Char lie, lor lus tborno was nw to Lim and io many ablo aud eloquent speakers Lad preceded Lim thut what Lo had to sav seemed extreme- tiireadbaro aud feoblo. The meeting was opened by prayer, aud is was interesting to look over the audience that hardly knew whether it was propor to stand op, sit still, augh or cboer, and why should they.' It was a political meeting in tho coutt housa and they wero Dems ocrats. Tho (speaker aJvwaUd temperance and prohibition, and Democrats instead of eoini out to seo a man" sat thero for au Lour spitting cotton. W0 oro truly liv ing iu an ago of wonders, and uow that Democrats can bo induced to attend a temperance mooting no oue need bo surprised to see Satin sit ting iu a bnow bank some day siug ing psalms. I could not under stand tho meaning of whtt I saw until one of our most promioent citizens and earnest Democrats said in my hearing. "We will run that Wolfo for all there is in Lim.'' When the people come to kuow that Democrats are running Chat lie for all there is in Lim, it is time to btop and (Link. WHAT AIIS WS C0HIN3 TO t na- Is not our boasted civilzition failure? Are we not fast becomiog a nation of tbiavos T Is booeily to beq0ao a lost virtue io this country lue recont defalcation of trusto otllcials ia various financial iostitos tions of the country niako the above questions timely. Wo send mil sionnnes and millions of dollars every yoar to foreign countries for tho purpose of couvorling tho heath en to our Christianity and civilizs lion, wlulo uearly every day in the yoar somo of tho oxaltod disciples o; that Christianity and civilization are proven to bo common thiovos that is not what pooplo call them, but ii. -i . i.-. .. vuui, ia wuas mey are. ine man mm. upnipiiaies ono uoiiar or a million dollar of other people's money to bis own use is a common thief, and no othor word should ov er bo UHod to describe Lim. Would not our mouoy bo ppeut to a bettor puiposo iu endeavoring to inculcuto a higher sonso of honor in our own business men, thau ia ifonding mis., sionaiios lo foroigu Iand3 to convort tbo hoathen to a system of civiliza tion that Lighmindod mon and wo mu oro becoming more aud more ashamed of ovory day Wo cau nover expect things to bo any better nutil a man who robs Lis follow mon is properly punishod for Lis crimes, uud becomos what he do sorves to bo, an outcast. Two ofton do wo find ministers of the gospel interceding with tho pardouing pow ers of the country in bohalf of some man who has been provon iu a court of law to be a thiof, and what do they oiler iu extenuation of tbo viiiuw i iuo prisoners previous good character, his family and liko arguments. ILeso very things sboula roally mako bis soutonco tho I ...... : ti . i . . . iiu'iyiui. Din uo tuoy : uu, no, they very often result in Lis got ting a pardon aud goiug out to prey upon Lis creJuIoos fellow mon again. We Lave had just such a caso iu vashingtou. A truslod bank offi cial stole a large sum of money, was caught, triod, convicted and sen tenced to prison for his theft. Then his family and frieudn, assisted by more than oue uiiuUter of tho gos pel, bogau tho work of getting up sympathy for Lim. They succeeded s j well that Lo was not only pardon ed by tho President, but was pro cured u position with a New York corporation at an aunuul salary of ?2,0t0. What a coajiaenir -yji our n. . . II I Christianity and civilization 1 What an example to placo before men who handle othor people's money ! Tho position lhat this thief had givou him doubtless crowded out eomo honost man. We send men to prison for stealing a few cents, in many cases to supply themselves or families with the bare necessities of lifo, while, we pardon thieves who steal thous ands of dollars to purchase laxuries uud stylu for themselves and fam ilies, ibis is ail wrong and as long as it is kept up wo cannot expect aioanug to stop among thoee who handle other people's mouey. If euuer clacs ol thieves should bo pitied and pardoned it should be the small ones, many of whose sur roundings Livvo been euch that they si-arcMy know right from wrong ana not tuo large ones, nearly all of whom Lave movod ia what tho world calls the apper and more oul tivutod classes of society. There is a pressing need of reform in theao matters, No system of civilisation itiai nas not for its corueistooe Looosty, can ever become perm'an- Let tho press and tLe parceifl, wBen bearintr (DeciaUJa. livery stamps in addition to the ful postage and the registry fee requir ed dj the law ftnd th regulations. Special delivery stamps will be sol at all postofficea in tbo Unite Slates: they can be nsed only to secure Im mediate delivery, and are not good ior any oilier purpose, and the article must hove the postage there on also prepaid by postage stamns Under no circarastances will special-. uoiivery stamps be recognized in paymoni or postage or of the rogistry fee,' nor can any other itamp be employed to secure apecia delivery exoept the special dolivert stamp. Mailable, matter Jntonded for speoial delivery may be mailed at any postoffiee in tho United Stales. ' em. J, ot tho uress and the t.nlmi In Lis charge to ILo gran 1 j,.y waiter nd do ILair on Monday hbt. Judw Yorkes. of wLol dutm lL"cliiB yur Uucks county, tofe.reJ to tbo crime' 'L 08 . droP BUcU tom8 of betli. on th ...nit ,.t ;..-itt', ki.lul financiering" and "ublo ujuuip-jiiuor, ana tpeaii of the man who steals as a thief. as follows : "WLilu the oflenco may not Lave been committed iu this county witLin your knowledge since the laist term, yet wo aro approach ing the Bcubou of ILo year when there in ducgor that the law ugainst Iw.ti:.,.. .. .... i. ..:. i..i.. i : . . ,i Ou nod ufter October 1, 1836, the s;)oc'.ul dolivery system, heretofore towns Living The debt of the United States is eaid to bo SJl per Lead of its ivpu lutiou. That of Gcmsny, Hf'.yj; lid giom, 78; of Fruuco, 1.21, Yet foreigners coma from these vfry countries aud do their very uttuont to overtLrow the g-. vtrnmeot, where they Lave the government taxes at a minimum. Foreign organization!, compobod of men who oowe Lere because (Lwt burdoui were too heavy at Lome, or to escape eturva tion ttagos, or exacting military ter vico and grinding taxation, plot aud fuheme to destroy the only system that afJjrdi tlom 6Dy relief. Hore they can earn money enough to live comfortably on. Here they are paid more per Lour or pur day than io oy other place io , the world. Acd with all these ihey rfro not coatett. Some wen will probaly not be eat hiti ia LcarcB. i . L tt i r,7 ' population, of 4 0')J and upwards, exicU-uce of tuo iw. TLo offence -i i i i i . ,, . - . . . . , , wuo", wiil bo extended to all posto ffices n ?' .'"? "v "fcV vu ,uoitho United States lesuiis oi uuy ejection within tins Commonwealth is puuish-iblo by a Hue of IroOO. This law applies to btlliog on a primury electiou as well as urou a general eloetiou. It TLo privileges of ILm syeletii will also bo exleaded to all clugdu of mail witter instead of being couflnad to letters or first class matter at pieseut. Acoord inglr, every article of waiUblo mat- i. i,..,L..l,.i..lil i : l "' . '"'."'itor to whieu is a.Tixcd a ten-cent itiuru vuis oue ace wuuoui any in formation beiug laid beforethem. We call attention to it now in order that no person may full into error by committing tLis oifonco innocent- ly." ' iinnn.11111 i lj I'icilcs'i Ardca Salve. TLe Dust Salve ia tLe world for Cuts, Uruisefl, Sores, Ulcers, Salt liLeum, JVver Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Kruptiocs, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Pace 25 cents per box. . Kpecial-delivery blamp, iu addition to tho postage required by law, will, upon us arrival by mail, Lave im mediate delivery by a special mes seogcr witLin the carrier limits of any freodelivery postoniee, or with in oue muo cf any other postoffico to which it may be addressed. Drop letters an other mailable matter deposited for local delivery and bearing special-delivery stamps in addition to the postage, will be eutitled to immediate delivery in the same mauner as matter received at the postoffiee by mail. Itegislored letters or parcels will also be entitled to immediate deliv iy, tUsam fc crdiuary Isttorsor A PSSVENTIVE OP H03 CHOLERA The Huntingdon Journal savs t Ooo of our Juniata township farmer frionds, who is a closo roader of ag ricultural papers and oil works treating on that ecience, bands us a . 5) m romeuy ior bog cholera, a disease which is just now carrying off larrro numbers of swine throughout the county. The remody Las been sues cossfolly used for a number of years or fliessrs. Kimborly & Son. ex- tonsivo broeders of Chester Whites at Green liiver, Henry county, III., odd this Is what thoy say concorn. tag it ; "Common 'Smart-weed' toa Las provouted, and wo boliovo will pre. vent if nsod judiciously and in Boa- eon not only cholora, but tho many diseases known by lhat narao, In its groon state, we protmd the Smart-wood in an iron kottlo, press out tho juice and mix it. in small quantities, with good swill. When wo discover wont of appetito ia a hog (that is tho first evmnton iu nearly an disoasofl of swine ) we feed them enough of (Lis to make them cough and snoezs greatly, and it has never failed, with as, to bring them around all right. Wo most fully beliovo that this remedy will not only prevent all cholera, but pro mote health and thrift. For nse through the yeor tbo herb should bo gathered when in bloom, tiod iu small bunples and Lung in a shel tered, dry plaoe, and when wanted for uso, make a-tea of it, by boilintr. Thero aro two kin Is of Smart-weed. aud tho smallest, ith the narrowest eaves, is the oui we nso. We woui'J uot part wih this remedy for any that Lisyot bBpn discovered, or is likely to be, for the next twontv years, especially as a preventive and general corrective. Diseoso, Low evor, will continno to carry off a portion of hogs ia the country so long as thoy are permitted to pile together in large numbers, iu mo nuro houps, under some old born or sod, until in a raoro than fover boat out of which they rush into a zero atmosphere at feeding time." - ! 1 IL Col. Iogersoll says ; "The lawyer is merely 'a sort of intellectual sirnmpet. lie is prepared to re. ceive big fees, and make the' best of either side of any case. He is a sort of borglar in the realm of mentality. It is a fortonato thing w. .u ..r,D1, mai,wuenever a man is created who has the peculiar fan. nlty for logal acquirements and con troversy, at the same time enonuh fools spring into existence to givo mm a good Jifinar " We Lave taken the ftfronrv far Hid Sunbury Dook Hlncfert'. .Tnh n Iilngle, Proprietor. A nv tin rnn mnl. lufr Dinuio done can call at this ofiw get prices, leave the work with ns Ami we will forward It at once to i.in. dery. Persons having old bibles or oiner books of value which they de- Biro io preserve can get them rebound In the most substantial innnnAi- ai lowest pi-Ices. .QAT.PQUTA TffWANTKII to noil Nnr. .mntal.B in.t Ion lur Dm rlul.l .n.... A...j .' - ...i. .Ml. ... 'K'nV;' l,B,,'v 1. ("ral ln.nrnl,.t, ory, llnttllfrrn. Writ lr Ipmii. -irinv I (oijrio. .lntpi. lln.M.a.if... ClLASs.H.CltASI-:. N.ir.r Mention tliU rai.pr, Sen 30, 9w. ... ' REQUIRED ryni... ii, TitwIiurliT .N.V.I 4?nfV"Mn''riIi,v0 x (Hf;AT hit TliVVjHW) in. to AIIKNTS Hiitni. upiil II. Immon.o dctunn.l Inr Hip onlv'ticnl nutf.r-nflo w..rkH.AIM((SK-rAKKI,T, Xi L.ml MM STRUGGLE lh I ....imniu i V .. ii ... . i- ' . ',ffl'n. Hint I. r...'k- n r..ii.iro m 1 1 CV n 1 0, DlllTW.Vl. S i i i ." Illuntratml. SKI, US I '' AUU VP 111. till A If ilUIIM 1II.II..I. I phla, I 'a. ' ""u-'- ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OF REAL RESTATE. i.v virnin ni au ordiT Imii.mI out nl tho Or- ' 7 ,. .-..ij.i.t niuniT, rii tho iin.lur. jlif.i.'J I.x,..ut..r of tho h,ut.i nl Ahrahuiu ....... VI m.u ..I I villi I..IVIIIIII, Muv.lcr C.UIllV. 1 a , will ciiiofo lo I'uNlIc ,sl on tlio i.r..i.,u. on " ' Saturdsy, Ootobor 30, 18!?C. tho f.ill.iwluic iiliiabp H.n ltat to wit : 120 AcreN. ..." ..r Fiunun in ivnn Tnwnliln. Snnlrr r-Minlv, !. iM.iiii.k.l Nrii, . l,.rv V.,.,.lrutl "I Knw, South ,y I .....irr. Hl.ll tvo.I r.v Vtirv I ........ mmmM .1 ...... . i n ai i.mroiit. i' Ti.in..... k... . . ... . trak i. w..ii timi.rcT. ' "" i inouuimw, AOilrw-s f..rtcrm. eto.. ......... """" I'lwn, Terms nuaiEiiVI IVW, 1 X . )) ll-.KAIN: iw pnr r,.(. W1Pn t(lB ,,rolorlv Iltrilcrf tliin ....... I. ..I. ... ..... '. .11 : ...w ....ihti.-v on April l.i 110.7- anil r.....nnjl.. . ......I... I . . . l mnit to Umt ' 'n'vrnn Iroin April 1, is; U in lowoMl'in wllbKlvn. Mll!HIS KKDt.Y. JIKMtY LHD1.Y, Kzeoutort. The newspaper is not responsible for the decline in the art of good public speaking. While it is true lhat the iucrease ia number of in telligent and ablo newspapore makes the average roader a moro compe tent and exacting critic of the stump orator's logic and aoouracy, the time will never come when newspapers will usurp the place of tbo spoken argument of a reclly able, elequont aud earnest man. Philips Lad au au lieuce even wteu above Lis 70th year, no matter wbother whether Lo uttered orthodox or heretical po litical thought and' philosophy. In gersoll ulways Las an nudience Conkliug always make friend aud foe crowd to hear Lim; so can Dlaine. .-sewspapeis make it more diflluult for cheap men to got a respectable hearing, but they do not usurp the place of a huo speaker. The people no longer turn out to Lear a mau bocauso ho is an ardent Hapublicau, or bocauso ho is a bright, cousumate flower of a long line of unwashed at.4 uuterrtfled Democrats from the day of Jefferson to tho douth of Til den, and they turn out as freely as ever to Hoar men who, as Phillips sain, "line CLoat, can cajole a jury, iiko iviay can charm a Sonato. liko Kverett can capture a coUeae, or like Corwio make a country laugh from ocottu to oceaq. """""""Wl .L.U 1 I LADIES WANTED. a t.. i : i i. . . . a. muy nyoui is wanton in everv city aud village j also ladies to trav el and solioit orders' for Madume Wood's Corsets and Corded Corset Waists, Jiimpioo Forms, Hose Sop. porteri, Steel Protecors, Ladies' Friends, eto. Agents, are makinc from Twenty to Fiftv Dollar, m. week. neon ror circulars and nrlon llt to 1$. Wood 01 South Halloa Steel oyraouso, . jr. t'pt. Ut GREAT DROPJN PRICES. TTTm 1 A 1 . , -m real estate at vv o uusu'O IO Call the Attention PUBLIC SALE ! ?f,?.ur many customers to the in- temgencetnat we will sell all goods AJ.VW ill otuun. at 10 PER CENT. BELOW COST. We are about to recieve a large invoice of Fall and Winter goods which we will positively sell at the small advance of 10 PER CENT. ABO VEM ANUF A CTUR E PRICES. Call at once, see ou stock, get our prices.- DREIPUSS & BRO. Tho hnlM of Ellin WrIH r. Ifln nl IVn.i t. ...nii.-iii, rny.r rouiitir. I'n.. , .ioM. will . ...Mto -iil,ns.l, on il, ..I I llo.noia.l. nvo iulK.norlh.elo A.luiujhjrtf.ou rr nitty, October 21, 18SC, Ilia followlnir roul ...tiUe, to wit: All that rtnln trw't iil Un l.nli.mto In Wwt Ilirer towunliln Snyder county, r., coutuliilnir """"p. 258 AC IMS, an.l I jo rtKrchM, bounded north by Inn. In of Ooo llrown. oaiil hy Wllll.i.n Ntoelv, Hoary Yottor and oiher-, Hontli l.y M.irth ifaln..., un, won l.y Smiiiifl Stiunpfl, J, r.,., ,nii ,hor. wh(.rB ?1n.Tn""".l''J,.tt f"H "Nl;w '""'MH. HANK K AHN, and all .,tlu r nevmmry out l.ull.lliiun with B...., Iriilt. (ooj wat.:r, and two tino r-,' ar.. ho ahoro Ir iot l all i luar aud In a uuo.l 1m1 ,."l'.rVun.- ""f-'l'llnn al.oul a Acre, which l well Tiinl.!ri',l, Sat t.ir.iminn.. at 10 oVloclt a. m., of raid lay when loiiua will ho unidu known l.y THK ItKlltS. ior iiartl'-tjliia a-Hr-nTlllinnn Welder, Middle- crcok. sSy.Kr county, I'a. A DMINISTRATRIX' NOTICIO- tT.1.?"'' "f A'lmliilnttrt..ln on lb r.t.t. Town.hlp sujil-r to., !., uer.d, taviim l n granted to th nmlemlKiied. all porfi.D. non k thernhelvfa In.lelt.d to raid ri.tateare r.Ut,l to uinko Immediate paynicnt. ard tho-e haviDM cuinn will pr...ul thru dull aulUrnllcilod to the qn.li.;,Knrt for EWZABKTH HAIAHA II, P Aduiluliiratrlx. old prSce! o ASSIOM'f.-i SAI.K Of VAI.L'AIILK As fttrikan nri tli rAam r i . . .. j luouuy i uuvo inaugurated tne movemtu XTnfc.? ft STRIKE A T PQrrtAmn ' uimiuess uas Decomo tne order of tbe day itrjiUL. JbO TATE. h,DdbePriCMm correspond with the progress of the times. 1 have ueriore prepared myself for the cash trade of the countt bv DnrrW llirr A Inrtva .InnL f!rft -i-wrv ..... . M .M.WW B .VIL. 1 1 1 111(1 111 . II ll.V 1m .1. 1 K. . u .- nuiuu 1 uuvn Tho un.l..r.lgne I A'jljjnoo will vonJuo, on oil ot (.ul.llc Saturday, Oct. 23. 188G, on th prtnNii Ihto I nn itr Jt i bail, mtunte In riiapmaii tnwii.lilp. Siiydurcoiinty, i,out ....... ...... .,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, .UKOT ,,H, , I'a., and flvo mils, trom Kroeliunr. V.. th i.,i lowiun .lw..Tll..-il roul evtuto, to wit All lhat ocrli. In irn.-t ..f I....I t'hapnmn tuwiifliip, Snydor fluunty, the lul- rltuato In I.I...I...I lluil.l l 1. '. .. . 1 " ut llanlol Kixeuliurt uud Juoh 11. Slrauio-. 'cun- lainius 71 Acres, mora or lo. Thr Imi.r .vmctitH i. una n i;i.,,if GOLD UU art ttem ,m) IKnu wh, wnu i, STf .f ft ' rrt,". . , tU UiluimMk-mk Imi ..l i..-k. MARKED DOWN o the lowest possible margin in exchange for ready money. I keep no books, lose nothing on accounts and discount my bills, tbns saving a. average of at least fifteen per cent, which linnet r M. u " napmiin lowiirlnn, Nnyi nrutiutr. I'a on lh l'. ..J , - ia; iiuisumgi qK! 2t a m9ftDjI- convince yea of the advantages of this ew Beaver Springs, Pennsylvania GREAT AND SPROJAf. RApWaimq rw w.. V aAAJll Aj OX GVm, Revolvers, Fishing Tackle and Sportsmen's Material T T AT J. B. Reed's, Sunbury, Penn'a ti-t nt twn I f I i l W l.'U I HAK.N, H II Uliitxvr f)f cliiilo IruU trtu, u.u.i n... II l II Lf KatlOr UUIir 1U hi.lly,, At...... Iii , .a , . mini ui he aliuire I- h.n..!iiii., 1,h.u., mlll imil H , ,r",.n.1 e tmi.rovi'd land. Suid an tlio nr..i,rlir .iwil. lliii)N(-(.Nr. " Sale to ooiiiiiH ii . o at 1 oV.,. k In the aflornoon, Uii.Uii. will l,0 gudn uuj ((,' rtu ol inle umde kuowu l.y .HillNH.IIHllI.il, A SUltf III til it I 1 1 ill V til HJ l.a. L'll i. BKHUK fc I. HK11.I.Y, At.nn.oy, K.',,,!, t "rwjiiM .t..trm lurihiT Inloriiiiitlou will l.loi.o apple lu THOMAS t'AIUi; McKoc. llill VaU., KXKCUTORS' SALE OF REAL ESTATE! The uinfori.if 111. :i.M...i.ir. ... i.A ........ . . John Mover, late of A. lain, town.l.li. m,..h... county, l'a..doc'd. w.ll cpou lo lurHo aU ou Saturta,, October 2, 1B8G, the lollewjiK VUuulil jl.uil Ktato, to wits A 1IKICK STOKE HOUSE. .Il.iale liiTrnielTllle. Bnydor county. -,i. T liulldlnu I. to. mi Im t and the lot oonulna all oth- .......in III 0 morn 1 T r. Kt. I. .. ...... niruiaii mum hun.u i n. .m... i i.iin Nn. ai ia ...r..u rmrm AIiU ACHKSi. ill... l.nl . i..r."i.':..i ... ..... ...r.H". OUUr k oo.. with These Guns are Specia Bargains and will b sold at extremely low prices, as follows: 'pteinber v, H. i J,(, MOYKIt, tnucuuirii aautv i; w iu m, iw or IX sauue. RGEIIRJIH ftSTWSA CURF..!! fc ..i.l i.,l..i,l aiL...ki i.i.,u.o. ..i..(.,iltl,ie .r, I !r. wN m ml murr r.-ii,r.1t.a (k wnniua inr ri'.oiiM. 11a u.-i,..- kliiiiii;diiii, Aiih i ,,,) rnrdiln, H''''H nrr..id in all I K A III I. A K .. r iw- bm. m.. w mt .i itu.. ' ' UUll a Kan:, I., II..,.,, a,n.,., ,.' ' . . T .lo, UntUu. . i..f-..a .ikn Ovn u ail torn uii ImI4.ii ..... L . . "t- 'iw. 0'. . i ml llrMaUai."niUu line 4.IL-.. Cui. I .UM mm." M't. M. L. X.J.. - lu.Ju.J.n. ..... rmtmmm, W aWilw bun M ai tm M irbTi ! .r"'.",!.",T , Mr taeoMby all Smf i li.U t.1 Uitv. iuJ iiI, nt l.y v ruru J frloe iM.uu rl Gun No. 17C5.t,oTB?.!r.',F.!:.8n Uhed hard .Id.ii . lZ'.."" . V"': . . . . --,"" eiuoa, runner l.utl. Patent lore and. I.... .... 1....1. ....... . Gun No. RBS.iS'JL.iS: '.Vl"l!i.-Uf and, u.rir.d mo,V.2 ! ' .! '.""? """'"liUI rubUr butt Haul tu Wwlb, lO.H.jigaun. lel)u, F ' T te.l Kflp , '"l,Ull. SUDVVVVrV'Ir'oW'.V'.'0 of U Mlowln, Hl.r. llime III I. W. Hum wZ, Wluoh..ter .ad toll HIRu iViiif1"" MACHINB IJIIMM. . . o . ... . -. . . uaarHir nra . dx Sial.lj.... r. rT "ir p rum m 1 .1 Mr. .... rulnBfrowaJttos.iMH,,r ' riSHINI Til'Il i . .. .. .. MIOM that Bif lib? of Bihlii' Uakla'taLlf di vuiiuioa, M "0 Mil All ronuiunluallona r n m-r 1.1111 w j a k Din aaan mm.i ". 1 V W t W'""... bak Ten.,. wwBr. tviuai iLii uarr.ia m.,m., .. . . i m wiyakiuu m a in m-. r . . U lulb. U.,d U.u. i"7 ,-.,."."' 'H rdr I. oop.iiU wVii. ia .7,7""1 " w laeuaisiii. r . i - v mi -r 1 . " "g im. .. y orouipiiy aoaweied or SlieS "iwwa V. U U. Wllk t.rn 11. 01 Oa.SilDallou il ii.. m... r: ' .1.. .. . . ifiv uin ... .Mel im w.e. erarlajt U HUI w. , ----- - - -ir - t - T . " Ml