The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 26, 1886, Image 1

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    T. II. HAKTKH.
I 1
Ho tlmt will mi e;ison is a bijjot ; he Hint cannot is a fool ; lie Hint ilniv not is a slave.
NO 35
Xjie hlp! ImJ Wl'n to 1119
And never would walk, tha wide eea
more ;
And crew and caro and utreameru
Honeatli tho feet of the billows Iny.
And down to the pale nnhroud'd
fly many ft fathom tho diver pe.l ;
He hailed the abject, shivering
wrock ;
He walked tho Ktrecta of her fih-nt
He peered In many an unbarred
Where Jewels burned in the deathly
And cone Badly slumbering lay,
Or iwam together as If In play.
And Home had the grace of gallant
And some wero marred by a mortal
fear ;
Jtut all looked fit range, In the dim sea
As men who huvo lout their way at
He flitted through that slumbering
hoet :
Ho wn tho daylight's wandering
'oino down from a heaven where
rtinb'jams play.
To where dim dusk Is the only day.
Jlut who Is this with tho features
And hand that is stretching forth to
him T
Uoil comfort his soul and give It
rent ;
It is the brother he loves tho best !
The brother who soothed his childish
Jfow stares at him with a cruel guze ;
'ow looks ut him with unseeing eyes;
'ow crushes his heart with a mud
llo tore tho armor of life away
Ho kissed tho senseless lips of gray ;
Ho clasped ills dead with a fond des
pair :
Twou"ftrrelllng brothers found them
Written for tho Post.
11 V C. O.
"What strange contrasts this cai th
of ours preBonta. Noouduy ami mid
night aro not more opposite tbuu tho
Bceuos which aro constantly passing
btiforo our yes. Truth and fiiluo
hood walk side by side through our
streets, aud vice nod virtue moot ami
pnss evory hour of tho day. The
hat of tbo starving stands iu tbo
shadow of tho pulace of tho wealthy,
and tho carriage of Dives every day
throws tho dust of its glittering
wheels over the tattered garuiuntsof
The above language of J.T. Heud
loy loaatifully doscribos the wonder
ful contrasts of life. It is truo that
ooo-balf tbo world does not know
bow tbo otbor half lives. If wo ou
ly opon oar eyes we can find near
our own doors a mission field which
is worthy oar attention
It was at tho close of an autumn
day that a young country lad was
wandering through tho streets of
reonsvlvania's larcrost city. He had
Bjcq littlo of life outside of his na
tive village. At home, whoro ho
knew evory one.know whom to trust
nd to, avoid, he felt at easo j but
bere without a friend, knowu to do
one, surroundod by bustle and coo
fusion, boueBly aud deception, ho
felt Btraogo,
Tbe etroota were crowded ; uon
returning from their evening's meal
"ere buiryiug to thoir places of bus
loess i boys breaking away from tbe
tostraiuts of borne were seeking
amusements elsewhere j boot-blacks
and no wb-boys mingled thoir oiioa
of "Shine Sir," "Uveuiua papers."
Carefully picking his woy through
tbo crowd, the young man sought a
iuo re retired porliou of the oily. As
bo passed oo the throng became less
oad loss, till finally bo roue bod u
street ou which wero comparatively
fw people1.
It was uow dark. The bky whs
cloudless and tbe stars wero shining
brightly. Ou tbo whole, it was ono
of llioso nights wbeu ouo wUhos to
forget the present, la recall the
BOeoos of iba putt or to speculate o i
tbe oucertaio futuro. Tbu tboughtsitoied tbe ' room unobserved. Tho
( tbo young man wero . f ir uway .oity b y did uot know what to say
from the coufuaiou of tho city, lle.ord. Tbo a juutry boy looognied
low"1" f ' . f iu Cfa-
tral Pennsylvania, wore thiuking of
their absent boy. Ho absorbed was
he with the thoughts of homo, that
he noticed nothing of his surrounds
insuntil be was roca'.led from bis
reflection;! by strains of music.
Ho was standing beforo a large
building, palatial in appearance.
About it everything Boomed orderly;
a fow pooplo had collected on tho
pavement but beyond that thero was
no excitement. Music over having
attractions, our young friend enter
ed. It was truly a grand place. A
largo room, gilded chandeliers re
flecting oioctrio lihtrt, works of
sculpture, together with tho i nticing
strains of music fascinated him, Tho
pleasnro was but for a moment ac
customed only to country scones, ho
littlo know tho attractions used in
cities to nlluro Iho untried for this
beautiful place was with all its at
tractions but a drinking place.
Not far from him was an olabor
ato lyir against which woro leaning
four young men. Throe of them
had just reached tho years of mini
hood, while tbo fourth was hcmuo
younger and evidently bid boou lit
tle of flash city life.
They woro stauding thero, each
with his glass of drink raised by tho
band ; ono of thorn was speaking
some wonld-bo witty paying, and
wheu it was finished they each raiss
ed their glass to drink. The young
est stopped, not down his fclass and
suid, "JJoys I won't drink." The
couutry lad, to whom such n scene
with its sui rotiudiugs, was new, had
been a uilont and thoughtful observ
er of this action ; an 1 now he moved
closer to hoar tho result. "Why
what's lip.' You nro not going
back ou us aro you
"IKiyH you may l;iti,'li if you want
to, but I hail promise I ino'hor not
to driok ; ami wheu I had ruined
that lasa to where the liglit reflect
ed through it I thought of my pro-
iu:ee ; I don't want it."
"Well ! Well ! a follow of your
ago tied to your mother's npron
idl ings '' "Not old enough to bo
your own master." "Como on uow,
don't bo a child ; show the boys that
you cao control yourself." "lt.'sjiit
for t!i!n once.'' "You can't bo tied to
your mother's npron strings nil your
Those and similar taunts worked
upon tho tempted nnd weak boy ;
he thought it woul 1 only be for this
ouco nud ho diuuk
Tho bcoiio with tho submission of
tho tempted youth so moved our
young friend that ho immediately
Lft tho pkicj- lie had not gouo far
when ho board his name callod. llo
stopped and rocogni.od tho speaker
as an intimate friend who had visited
him ul his homo ; bo had uot socu
uor board from him for u loug time,
aud hud forgoltou his placo of resi
dence. The meeting was a fortunate
occurrence for tbe country boy, for
now bo bad a guide in tho person of
a friend.
Their conversation turned to their
former associations ; but it is neod
loss to follow it.- It ended iu tbeir
going to a lecture,
At half past ten o'clock tho lecturo
was over. Tho two friends wero
walking slowly toward homo ; tboy
wero boforo a largo granite front
mansion iu which lights woro still
visiblo. Tho city boy looking up,
snid, "I havo a chum who lives here,
bo is a first rato follow, a littlo quiet
and don't go out much. Wo'll go iu,
I boo he is not in bed yot."
Passing up tho marblo stops he
rang tbo bell. Tho summous was
answered by a sorvant to whom tho
oity boy was well known. Iu reply
to the question whether Sammy was
iu, tho servant said, "I thick ho is in
tho parlor, You cm just go iu.suro
ly you know tho way well enough."
Proceeding from tho ball they open ed
tho parlor door, a low firo was
buroiug upon tho grate and a lamp
ou tho centre table lit up the entire
room. It was woll furnished ; paint
ings covering the walls, the uphols
tored furniture, the velvet carpets,
piano, all tho comforts characteristic
of a wealthy home wero seen in that
parlor. lint what sight mot
tho gaao of the two boys as they
siloutly opened that door. There ou
l he sofa lay the iusousiblo form of in
ebriate sou and ou bended knots bo
side him were a Borrowing father
anj mother. Tuo t,wo boys had ou.
tie ooooiiat cf tbe nofa a tbo at
young tniin who curlier in the crew
ing took his ji rat yln lnctue hit
friends (f) had an id thai, he tv.-
lied to his mother's apron string.
Tho two boys feeling that this was
no place for them, silently And unobs
served by tho grief stricken puronts,
left tbo room.
Our little incident is related. How
mauy young men havo fallen into
temptation bocmiso they wero usham
ed to be guarded by a mo'.hci's apron
bt i ing.
Kind reader allow us to indulge
in n fow thoughts on "mother."
No matter how tho languageH and
customs of men may difl"r n mat
ter where wo wonder over the fro
zen poaks of tho north, over the de
sert sail Is of Africa, or over tho civ
ilized portion of tho world a child's
flrst word is nuiiiua It first lips
mamma. As tho infant grows its
love for minima grows. In evory
littlo childish trouble or misfortune,
tho littlo broken heart nooks comfort their oars, mil Captatu Mali mo'or who in ytani p.i-t havo ltctiv.'l
and cotiNiilatiou iu inimmtH lap. InUighted over hi.i swiivU"(in. The i Ktiglisli money mil expect, to;,"!
every cbillisli sorrow tho little head in,;n bent over thoir oars, with every
is buried mi l tho tears flow iu muscle lea ly to pull or back water j
'. I . . II ,1 ...... I I- . . . . ... .
uiiiiiiuus i;i ji noma is inn conn-
dent and Bympathizi r. Tint child !
still grows, all tho wbilo guarded
and guided by mother's apron string.
Tho child beomos a youth aud as
tbo teens gradually increase over his
head, ambition leads him to broivlor
(kids. What a patting from homo!
How many doubts arise iu that
mot bet's heart, as hIio asks herself
tbe question Will ho bo ublo to re
sist temptation And hov many
times havo thxvj dri'.'ts been
strengthen!'. 1 and gray hair buen
A Id i 1 to Hi.) 1 "!:s bvaciiildbi
ing a.shanie.l to uckiiowl.'d o that lio
is guided and guarded by in ilher's
apron btring.
Hat thero coui.h ii timo when
mothor is ou cai'ti no in ore, when
sho only lives in our droi'iis, and
when her child has leached tho sun
net of lifo, when tho experience and
sorrows of yours havo passed over
his head, w hen tho smooth, fair sum
of childhood is wrinkled by the fur
rows of care, when the locks once so
dalk and glossy tiro streaked with
groy, when the trembling hands
grasp a stall' to support tho totter
ing limbs ; tli' ij is tho ti:ue ho can
appreciate them) beautiful linos :
"lia.-k wiu-.l, tniM backward. oTiiuc
in our lliirht !
Make me ;i child again ju-t for to-
At other come back from that ecliulcr-s
shore ;
Take in" iigaiu to your anus as of
yore i
Kiss from my torch. 'a. I the furrows
ol care ;
Smooth ill,' f,.v silver threads out of
in v hair :
Over my lumbers your loving watch
Keep ;
KoeU me to sleep, mother, rock me to
sleep !"
A Santa Cruz correspondent of
tho San Francisco Attn (ifij'orttit
writes : The quartermaster of tbe
Aggio returned from a cruise lo
Monterey this morning, and is glow
iug with tbo consciousness of his
bravery in participating in a whale
bunt that resulted iu a capture The
Monterey ll'haliug C'juipaiiy is
about the oldest iubitution of tho
kind on tbo coast. Tho busiuoss
oflico, store room, uud eating and
slocping apartments of tho c jinpm y
are iu u white adobe building iu the
western suburbs, aud a half mile
further south is u high clilV,wh ereou
is located tho company's lockout,
llo is armed with a powerful glass,
and a tall mast is rigged with hal
liards for hoiutiug a signal wheu
game is sighted.
Ibo bunting tools consisted of
tbreo of tho regulutiou double
pointed bouts iu use by whalers the
world over, tivo loug oars to each
boat, two hundred fathoms of liuo
smoothly coiled iu tabs in tbo bo.v,
und two guuu to each bout. Tbe
larger of the two has the proper
lions of a young canoou and is
mouutcd ou a pivot. Tho missile
discharged from it is a steel bar,
four feet ia length, and provided
with a foldiug barb, that opens out
when tbe barpoou buries itself in
tbo whulu's intoiior. This takes the
place of tbe old-time hiirp'ion, and
is much, moro certain uud t-Q'jctivo.
Tho lighter gnu is tired from tbe
shoulder, und looks liko a large
sizad fowling pieco. It is aa inch
and a half boro. It is used to put
the lliiibbiug touches ou tbo wbalo
after Iho harpson has made Liiu fast
aud tho method is to tiro au explo
sive bomb iuto a vital spot. ' Tho
bomb ia aa iucb aud a ball iu diauar-
otcr by eighteen inches long, tho
butt-end being wingod with rublur.
tips, after iho manner in which an J
airo v is feathered, to aorjriro g ii I-i
in;; power. It was early morning
wheu tho wbito signal fluttered to
tho top of thi sh(T of tho mist ou
tho cliff, nn I. having previously ob
tained permission to join the hunt
with Captain Mariano, the iiurlci
ma"ter was speedily seated iu the
Ktoartishc jta, awaiting the sigiiril to
nIiovm II. This w i i soon given,
mid nix miles to tho northwest (lie
Ibreo boats cimn up wilh their
'game, which proved to bo an uu
usually largo hpeeinn u of tho Cili-)1"1' ' " h ",v r l''1' vocm in ih- n
fornia u ray variety. jputy i i t!.i, S; ile aro in fiv.r.J
The gigantic tisli rolled lazily j not only a t intV. I. 'it a tarill 'hi.jh
about cm the top of the wafer, nil je'ioiigli th it it wid pro!. n't Am.ii-unconr-cions
of imponding danger, ; can in. In .ti i. s fnun c .in;.. tition in
and li I not even deign to no'.icj tlx' j''1" ligl'te-t d ;;ree with foi. igi.
approach if the boats, that cuiu nj jmade pr d iets II is "gr.-nt
on oither side and behiud her. A political HciciitiNl" a id tin so who
hundred feet away the men lay on 'have l.nglis'i money p-icketn.
ai mo siigiiicst iionIiiu laovemeiit on , aim ii.' ii in inrcais iigantM
tho part if tho ( nomy. It win ulllandall. When llio contr.d t the
luomoiit that senned uu nge of nwful pat ty is tunio 1 over to tl.i i wing it
MUHpense to tlio groon hand, but will In -porno much smaller even than
suddenly tho captain bad a f iir i
mark picHcntel, and pressed tho
trigger. The b mt quivered un ler
the shoe!; nccomp inying tho rvpoit,
and the eye could plainly catch the
flash of the harpoon as it cleiived
tbo air and buried itself out oi
sight somewluuo iu tbo right shout
dor. At f iche 1 t tho fteol tiii--i!
was Him sto i! i i r.;lla lino" c jih: 1 in
(lie bo v, an I it '.mo tin aji; u
anco of a of brown iightnia.i u
it zigs iggo 1 t'.ir.iu ;h tho uir :..'t. i
its powetftkl motor. Tin winl
hardly scLin .' I to conipiohon I th-
trouble that hi I overtaken her ul
lirst, and it war fally half a minute
before sho emitte 1 an angry Kimrl
and stsi ted for tin bottom, at n rate
that made tbo line enioLo omit
sparks as 10 tan ovur iuu 'lotvn.
U 'th tho captain and the boat
sloerer peero-.l uneasily into t!io
clear depths as tho lino stopped run
ning, and a minute later tho former
shouted : "Hack all ! Iiiei; hard:"
The live iirhen blades bent
an I quivered with the strniu put
on th. in, but it was none too much,
as tho boat was Hcarc-dy a do, oi fi.ut
away when tho lingo bulk of tho in-,
r.u-iatoil whit!, lint K.irf .
and Hi) mted twi cl.iuru of bi inc
high ill tho air, a buckut or two
seeking tho back of tho repoi t.a'n
nick for n rosfin;' place as it ile-1
, , .. . .. ...
:iCi:lMe.. ituioro u.o iiiinnale l W.I-
terspoiit coul 1 repeat tin d )se the
boat was out of range, b th of tin
iiro-exliiigiiisbing apparatus uu I
the terrible flukes that ro.iu com-,
uiencod lo tliriish the water ii,to
foam. 1 lor contortions weto so vio
lent that tho Oaptaiu could not get,
in a shot with his bomb-gT., winch
ho raised aud lowered hall a d
times without pulling tbo triggc.:., Al.(.i; ;,,,, , but wis t iketi.
Finally the flukes quit their thrash. ,,, m f,.w diva a clergy iu in wa
iug, and like a llish Ih.i leviathan ( f,,l)ri,i . a.l tho young iir weieiic
dished away at a terril'i! rat", biry I U)lv ll v , i,. I It was uftei wind
ing tlio boats bo.v I)-. 'tween two
walls of tho water fully oigiit.jeii
iuchos high, but thu speed was nuch
that scarcely u drop intoie 1 the
boat. This gait was kept np f jr a
good ten minuter, uu I thou th i
speed commenced to slacken, nnd
tho wounded monster swam easily
and quietly on top of the water.
Tho living tug came to a total
standstill at last, and p illing around
to a broadside position the Captain
was given his opportunity.
Tho second explosion was follow
ed by tho whistling of the rubber
wingod bomb, which buried itself in
the great mass of blubber with a
dull karcbug. Soiroely ha I tho
smoke cleared uway from the bow
buforo the muuTid booui of the
bomb exploding iu tho historical
residenco of Jouuli sonuded the
dealb-knell of the pjor old wha'e
Tbo victim's bugo bulk grew animat
ed again, but for only a moiui ut.
The flukes thrasbod violently for a
fow sooonda while tbe waterspouts
became tiDgod a warm rc 1. Strugs
glos and spouts boii imo mora ni l
more c intruded, until, the
last fiual effort, the inwardly-wounded
monster rollud over aud expired.
Tbo other boats madj fast, uud u
hard pull of three hours lauded tbu
prizo ou the beaub near tbo try
pots. To provent flaUiroos from eoorch-
iotf wipe thoui 01 ft clotL wet with
Fr:3 Tracb cr ITcthinj
Harmony in the Iv.-m oratio party
' Pennsylvania will In secure. I
when the party organisation is turn
ed over to Hit) Kngli-h boodle j
btanch Kanlill, Hio ha.i eto1j
against tho extieino iron Ira t I h. utu
been Iho cause uf m it.-h contention
for m my yeais, an I his tcmTity in
resisting the fieu tralers in n
git l ist winter njjnre 1 the in
syiv.iiiiii V. lit n ia! l'reo 'l'r i
I.cagu.! .m l they have ev r h.nv
lieen fidlowing hiiii with thivils and
Thi-y l'filsi t li'li'vo tli il
auotht r btibe hiring this campaign!
who ke- the free tra lo light going 1
. , , .1 . . 1 M. 1
n is now
Th3 C-ra::j'
Tho thirteenth anntlil picnic and
exhibition of Patrons t Husbandry
will be held at Williams (irovo.
Cuit bnr!and ronnty, Pit., OiJimmic-
i,i i V l.'.l t :' .'i I ' lll'iiliii:.,' N
days. Tlio iaiui: ..i '! t' ' t'.i,
1 ii go t i Ii. id ir. 1.'.' ti e aU'-ipV-'-
..f the i i- tv. l! is i Vic ct 1 th i'
over 1'ii.HU) praeticd fu'iu r:. i
ri. renting uol h'ss than tweoly iiv.
Mlates, will itt 'iid tho in i ting, and
and prominent agi ic'iltiu ulistK.
statesmen and governors will iMivei
lectures and addiessr.H. Tho dis
(day of ngiieultiiial machinery.
' ) lievlUni'l snd film products
stot-k an 1 p mltry. will bn large and
imposing. Tho grounds will be
illuminatod with electric light in tin
evenings, when tin re w ill bo niu-ic
ball . hi a .crii- i n. s, an I other amuse-tii.-u!
, ! -t-mrants on tin
l'i .mil. 4 will fai ni-'i i fivi-inncn h
l-'ol'th.l bell.'lU ' I' 111
to attend, t!
l'c.i i . Iv.t'ii i
on August
Ut, 'J. I avi
l: 1 ' Ul
o"t '.I. :i I Mi ' ' !:' ' "I
I :; L M'!1 ' -''
In-:. i ts to W ill
t i 1 1 1 in :i tint i.
inclusive. f. mi-
., I !'..t the I'.ill 'l
i ""-1 " )V
j cpteuil.-i
''" 'J'"
i -,...-r -
j CiSVIf TvlliC
A young in an st uidi'ie
knot l1' others iu the pub
ii: loom
. I,,,!..! u ilil ' Did von Si Ii
th ii
pretty gill th it uriiwd thi- mottling'
I watched her all iknnet tiuu
I li. ',
..te I
jymi tivo to one I will get
j wjt, J(.,. ,,n,j ,.,, ry !( r bel'or
di.-covele I. ho.V.-ver, 'lilt tl.l V h i '
been msii ii-I a year or t wo belne
and that the gi nt h-man n lied a live
hhood by ranking an I t iking Ik..'
same In t in d ll'-niit I t Is.
Pica F-.r C'.'cr'.vrr'i:
Suit lv tilern C.lil lie l k 1 1 1 1' I t I :
piiii t" iil-ivin wifu ihui tj m Lei j
htiHliatil stieiin;,' tin n-r the'
weight i. f f imil) lif 'i wurkol ul-,
most t i ii i ith i'l oi vl-r t ) ! i.le i
il,.. w.iir ul tho .lour:" i ishrH it. I
thu picHent, teriili -il lit thu futuro ;
mni j et nil tliii tni'ht h-ivo b.-eii
;iverteil if tho wtfu h i I only Uio vn
tho vilun mnl iM- uf iii-'i'ev. nml
hoeii ubla to U"i'l whut her hnnKm !
oBioeil ; to "cit her Ci'ut iieeoi.liiiH
to her cloth," for u.iy iiioini i ia
"liiuiloil," ui. less you cuu touch join
ntlf to livo within it ; to wuste. uot,
uud th irofoio to want not.
Watch thi Man V7hi
Is on the fi't-cii
lla.s no oiiiui.").
Tii'ie.i no jiU'ils.
Sneers at religion.
Frowns at chaiiiy.
It) cruel to tininrilii.
Lies iihont overyhoily.
In nfi'ai.l to epeuli hia ininJ,
Hat no bujiQess of his own.
lli.lus Uohiotl a dou ilo plamo.
Knows mop thou all the' rest of
f y.v.'VV,v J '-'.V V.VA v X'-A 'x' V r
fr l y t T '
for Bnfant
Tr.iilorli .Mw'!!n1apf-!toc!iiMr'ni:i il
I i.v,,iiimi n,li' ftat.iiiiTii,rluiiiy r. m, m
kuov.-u to Mr." 11. A. A-:ii:u. M I) ,
111 tk. OzTulu LL, .f a, Y.
j)o m ai:a n : iitiimun-i;.
FrCHti:-.!. S.I , ilcr C'i:;;.ty P;i.
In !. i I I".
. C.Vi ,( ri, ,
1 I r.'l- I ri il
fl-l -or i',. . t 11,
t I t III' . 1 1 1 i -. S .
.Mm'.'li, 17, li-l. t
. I t
1 I a il I
i: w. tu! ij.
1 ,,,'.'?,V: j'1
1 ''I'' ' '" '
I r. t '1 n il r v I.'.
i in ( !, i;:,bh i.
I llll -! I f 't .
I,, c
.ii I
I '
i-.. mil n
J I'. VAN lii:.-K!i;i,
ri.iin: l, a ! i'.cii ', n !c I. pi.NTir
j. w. s i :i :
Kici;nor, Snyder Co:i.ity T.i.
lin e r. ll.ii v. V i I M., I- 1 1 1 : t . : I'. M
mi I h:i it il 1'. M
sim:ks in i ii i:nuunii A.Ninit:ini n.
Mny 1.
i.;-.v v . v. '.i.m,!:, a!osiinn
.1 I--.I
.1 ,M. :i.
There is no medium tlirouc;li whicft,
rliseiu-io no often attacks thu system
ns by Constipation, and thero is no
other 111 Ilyyti is Itch- lo more apt to
be Hetfiscu'il, from the fi.ct nmtrnul
iiicottveiiioiice may not b iiniumliato
lyi'.ilt i'rnm irreulnr action of the
bowels. When thero is not regular
action tho retention of decayed and
ellY'to matter, with its poisonous
giMHu, soon poisons tho whole system
hy lining uhsorhed it, causing
jule.s, tistnla, headache, iaipiira l.loi d
and i':i,-.;-'V other ciiuii-i a:l'"rlior.a.
innnni i.i.tcy n-liove, a:;d oao !e
j.o.siliwiy (-urn or Vilievj any taso
1 1' I'oi'-.t l..Lt ion.
" Was iroiiUi d for a ye ir with
ti'rpii! !iv:.T an 1 indices! ion. nnd after
trying i -ryliiing imaginalil usee!
!-uiM)0;"::. ! i.c;h) innTKX. i!:t
first hotti-'. i. v' me and Hi.) s. coml
curcl ni't .'j! ir,.!y, ' J, jj.',
A Ii l.i.-Jj lm I i. u ,l:-r, ,v, r ,. in !li nc Ii j c : .
Li-w. It L:i-, I- , r, !.'U i:i t. I, ii ,i',: 1 r
low4 fM In I'm 'ii'. li'i'l il inn I.m ! t!i..t t -
linn tho i i:,1.irviv.- lit i f !.t:n n'.il 1 ;.v -; u 1
I Mtji 'it S.ii..t.i:y r.'tiiru i.ii, n u il n tl.
I t'i iit-an.! of r- r t" . i Iu 1 : M I-
l W. It kzd h:iu-1 i.tu-:-i.ll U-t uv t.i--l .!. ii
from furtli, rm-.i-.ij-. If jui'M ,,:ly k'i,-it a r'l.inrn.
Dciw-rliitivv aiiiililct, Willi i- 11111.n11.1N, I'm.
Prlco 32.50. !V,
( If 'iiii!l,-.l. n I lill.oi il.
iii, iiv. iii.ii,..
Oni' box
.1 - l ij .
7f Tilfll '
Knll' li, IIIIIV,,,
Willi. Ul till,
'inulL- M ilk.
niirUMATISM t lldE.
v.-t It H not I,. Ihi , 11 ,1 ut Ci-- Kt.irc. t ut ivi-i
i iil Im,l l.y i-tirl, ,-ini tli- in it 1.0 ulAr, 111..I
,Mrt fKi.14 tUu Aii.i-ru-ftu I ri,i-u-t.ir4.
blU-tt.'l M.aU-t Stmt, rtllii.l. li.lUn. .
IF-M r---W--'? V V f
1 1
1 -
il. 1
V I.'
I ' i.. ) v-r fj I j i b
- j. . . ' .
: Vi '' ' -' "I ' '
ii'rthr I'.: i O.'i
- i
-.SM I . srt
M ICeifia S3r'fen; MM Co.
3Cl),t..t!.Y. ClcX-r, a t., Y..
Ai.Mj'.iCi l).-'.r,T.' C--tr.-r.r.cj-:,Cal,
'.'nr-:-trT-r ""
- n - r - v '.v .v - "rerri
'"'Ji 11
one! Ciiildrcn.
l- 'i.r t'l.uiM.'U, I ...irrluru, l.r,i,'n,
Kl': V.' riTi:;, ivtj Ui.-, au4 luui')t4 dl
i: (!,.
A iuiutii lujuriuiui mwlicaUoa.
Ctotira C. smi., i-i :ilt,:i fltn tf. Jl. V.
Aliorin fs-,lf-law.
j m. sT!:i:sr,.
' I' IM III I .11 ti - I'
.HI. -II If I I U. I '111
i :n .
rii.Ki . i nlUc
'I t ,) 1 1' I Iu. I'lli,',, utoia
I II... I'
tt lew ill i.rr .
j A.MKS ii. (.'borsi',
.Miini.i:i:n;iiif, ' A
A I I,, ...I. ... .
A ,1 I,, .., l-M . fitl-Mi-lr,! In. ),, ruin lllr
i r in I iiiliit,.ri. ( tli mi II m n It litr
m ill ii. I I nit ll-l..
J .wop. (;iu;i:i:r,
.1,7. . y ;, ('., usilur tit
.iiimii i tii ut. ii, i,
"'. I , uu ,
III 'I'll' Ii.-. I In. c
i. II i il,. r l ii. ii i frttr p
iM.lut I n lii I r K l.ih D
l. i fa.
.yu. K. llut .SWKKTH,
S K I.I N si, i K, Pa.
I i.l n.-tl n ii .1 nil ,ithir Ii'khI lunlnnt nrnmnl
IV Hlll' I.,
i iiiuiuii,iiib iu tnriiiina
I icon in
Jooe f,
11. l;ll,!
Al rOiir-JLY-AT-LAV.',.
...( '. in-J'rnn'a
il lllllir.' Plllili. t l ti I: In lftro will l
I r ui,;, ii) ,n:c-i, !. , t.i.
.l . .! l,'u.
.4TTOK.S:V-A I'.I, 41T.
Mm-!.; I .SV. , ,S linsiiruvr. Vtl
All rriilcflniiiil t
. 4.vM.'.llutrti.n :
iimiiii," i. rutin rlr otlfDdcc)
f,.i)ii.-u liiul i linmiii.i
y K. ijowki:,
Midilli hitrg, l'u.
i'.illc.'t!fir tuinje.
iin i li.rn nn.
'iiri.iultntlr.riii In Knp'lih
June 3, 'TS.If.
(Jll S V I I.KK lf,
Attjrtiey i, C'r.i!!!.:t llor-At-Law
' I" A ; i It.i.l.lmij ,.n.. .him NVrthlo
hi. i,,'.i. M..1 ri, '
v IImvi in i'. I'c ii ii a.
r. ii
II, n
I 11 1 ' ' I ir I r, i. . liti il
l:r-. ' I- II,
I I "H i ulll r.. Ill ..
I r ,ui t .iii-i, :( u.
rji J . s:,in d.
A t
H'liM V T I. A A.
"'it i-i. i :.t s v j.j.i; :,., .A
- 1 i- l'r ii- -1 i: u I i r- l.-i n i i! e ab
! r.' I.i l:.-!l :. mni iliimnr.
A. W. l'u IT Ki.
tu'lir.nt;iovc, r.i ,
I '"'Ii- I '.I Hi l.l ! r ( , . ft t.U 1.1 f 0
' ' ' - ' -ii'i .i"l I., il.i-lr r wil
r ' 'I ' .i":,M,.ii. ii;:,-, n i;!u M,
j It. .'!. I. MSI,
. 1 1 ! 1 1 ( : V
.M .hlh-'.'i:
"itti-n I ,ii In 'i. i
I..! - ..: .
-at I,v,
i' h. l'u.
I.ii.;l!-'. i.',, I Trrri
I', I. to,
J'MIN II. AK.Mil.l-,
.'i I lorn",- ;i (
MH'M.i i-.fia;, fA
-1. 1 -i l i-. -; , . - ,,,r, .t,i i,. ,-are will
L.-- 1 -.I ), I) in; ; .,,!,,
mim:l h. oi; ics.
i rro:.!:y..t T fiA Tr
I illoil Co., I'm:
i.l. f -.t, il .ri,-t sir rt
i i. ti,,.i I.
i-.'i- -. - 11,3
i.i r o.ul of Tarn
j!':iN' K. Ill'f sums.
1 ions 1 -uiii,l ly iinnl,,,
riujsicians, Sc.
mix v. :'isim::j. m. d.
Mi-I.l!. I.iiiiih. l.iii,'.
A HMti.nt. 1.1 nn l'vpr..,v i IrnnivlT.
n.ll.l..M.I'l..,. ..,ar.nM,.'o.
im nl M III
",,.i - 1 1. r .1 ,! mni rurv .I'm ( , il,H
bn rub in,, I in-, nit.-.
Physician & Surpcon,
'!!.: Ii . 11 t,.
I'lll. l. I'll ,Mnlu . (-
!.'iml forvlfi mthirntll
''' Jare la :
f v,'. s.uii'tfia,
'entrevllle, IVnu'a.
IIHr r-ri.TMnniil mrvlcn, to tin, situ...
old iilr.-vllla nn. vlcinlly. Ab. v"s'
Mlilillpburch. Penu'u
I 1. M i1!1'" ,", ee.llT. OtBfi f.w diiTl
... m.mun 11 ohm. in arnnl.r l,ul'Jl
Ki'ienr or(nlt o(t"lt " Pilnti-.'
: t ;