The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 29, 1886, Image 3

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Published every Thursday.
n tmTY focs-M. Tha Cnnrtft of
Viar County ara held on tha fourth Mondayt
fratwwarr, Mr, nJ 8aptambar, and Bacond
aday of Docombor.
A-tlar frloful thronhidt tha foonty will
!!ii.lTtii1lnuthiiow In thalr rrc
rir.oM, IHit ant naifrhhorbood. Htnd
.Vtk rdala faet. and "HI rtf' itltm "P
iiVifJM. Our eolnmnt will ftlwayi bo cpnn
who wlh to rnl thronuh thomnn
I...r.loT loeftl nneotloi.n of riitll Inturenti
fJJV, will not hold nurmsll ranpnniilula lor tlio
plnlooi boyinrlproM.
Look At the fluKiwea on the Jalicl of
your pPr. rnone nurp tll you
tin DAW to winrn toi:r ki;rhciui-
noa u TAIU. Within It woeka aftpr1
io sent, e if ditto (a changed.
reciyt in in'oeKsary.
HopublicanTStanding Ccmmittao.
Adams .1. O. Hohratlcr, Moons Krb.
Heaver Win. M. Helior.Isnno Winter,
jjeaver W Win. Hector, Ianr Drensc.
(Jentre It. H. Walter. Win. Nnpp.
iThapiimn F.W. Wnlnre, Knlirer.
Franklin J. W. Uennitiger, Davis
Jaokson J, S. Yearirk, Win. Shollv.
Mlil.llobnrnh Kilns Hummel, J. V.
Mldtlleereek J. J. Mitchel, A. I).
Monroe J. F,. Honst, T. P. Hummel.
Perry Levi Kepler, Henrv I larding.
Terry W-.I. H. Willis, T. It. Oravbill.
Penu John K. Thonia, Howard Row
Sprintr A. A. Ulnh, I. I. Manbeek.
Bellimirrove A. H. Keek, Kd. M.
Tltiion J. 1. I'ojjnr, W. T. pMindoro.
Washington K. W. Tool, J. W. H01T
f'i..U j.- . ... 1
Tfieu '1 1 dill' anaii re tain' notti, 11 laltl tt'l
Hint 'em."
See Pr. Fisher's professional eard
which appears elsewhere In this Issue,
The Hand festival was well attend
ed and the. boys took In about 1
Tally one for Recorder Puck. Ho
vras at prayor-iiipeting on Sunday
J. If. Rhoads left last Friday to
ppend a few weeks with his parents
at Harrishurg.
wldainsburg will have a bitf day on
Raturday, Aiitfiiet Uth. See program
la another column.
James Shnman on Tuesday bought
the Rothror.k lots In Franklin, at
KheritT's salo, for $000.
Tho Postmaster General has added
twcnty-eijrht new money order post
oftluos to the lint In Pennsylvania.
The State Teachers' Association
which met at Allentown recently, de
cided to hold Ita next meeting at Clear
II. H. Orlmiii witnessed tho rendi
tion of Mikado at Freeburg on Satur
day evening mid pronouneew Uv-.-y
Dr. O. Kdgar Ilawinger has gone to
Philadelphia, where he has purchas
ed a drug store and will continue the
practice of his profession.
If you wleh to preserve loe you will
find that wrapping it in a coupla of
old newspapers will serve tho purpose
a well asanythinjr.
The citizen of Mlddlohurijh and vi
cinity are requested to meet on Fri
day afternoon of this week, tit 1 p. m.
and assist in cleaning up the Middle
burgh cemetery.
Rruce Crouso, a ten year old son of
Jaiues O. Crouse, Esq., fell from the
joists of tho new jail Into the cellar on
Friday evening and was badly though
nut dangerously hurt.
Remarked by It. O. Joiner of Allen
P. O. Hillsdale county, Mich.: "Noth
ing gavo my rheumatism such quick
relief as Dr. Thomas' Eolectrio Oil
believe it Infall'blo for rheumatics."
An English writor estimates that all
the gold in the world, If melted in one
lump, could bo stored in a cellar
tweutv-four feet square by sixteen
feet deep. Bring on your gold, we'll
furnish the cellar.
Morris Erdley, Franklin township's
boss farmer, brought us a clover stalk
on Monday evening that measures 0
feet ami 2 inches. It was taken from
a patch of Ove acres that yielded ten
big loadH of hay.
H. II. Grimm, C. Stetler, George
Kteluinger, Alvin Gift and Clarence
Graybili constitute the membership
of a new brass band which favors the
dtlzons of Middloburgh with saored
concerts every Sunday evening.
Put a tablespoonf ul of brown sugar
into a quart of paste.aud it will fasten
labels rs securely to tin cans auto
wood. Housekeepers may save theia
elvos much annoyance in the loss of
labels from their fruit cans when put
ting up their own fruit by remember,
ing this.
Charles and Harry Stein! nger and
Charley Moyer while huckleberrylng
on Shade mountain on Thursday kill
ed two large rattle -snakes-ono with
twelve rattlos and the other with
nine. They skinned them and bro't
the hidws and rattles home as trophies
of the adventures with the reptiles.
Messrs. Early tt Lesher of the Se
linsgrove Times News have .formally
dissolved partnership and the paper
U again published as the Solinsgrove
2"it under the control ofLesher.
The responsibility of the dissolution
M we understand, was assumed by
Soulier, and the case may end in
Tho Illinois girls have entered a
usade against rum, tobacco, gamb
ling and beer. Their croed is thus
poetically formed:
''The man who takes the wine,
Mittll never glue his lips to mine,
Will la my parlor get no hug.
Who smokes, ordrinksor cuts a deck,
"Uall never, never bite my neck,
i n man who guzzles lager beer,
buaH never, never chaw uiy war.",
See list of Jurors for September term
In another column.
It is proposed to make the legal
rate of Interest in Pennsylvania fire
per oont. instead of six.
SmsaLKs! SmsaiiKs! Fifty Thou
sand No. 2, 18-Inch Shingles at $2.50
per thousand. Inquire at this ofilce.
The dars are beelnnln? to shorten.
and will now rapidly decrease, as one
month has passed since the longest
Tho Adnmsburg Cornet Hand will
hold an Ice Cream Fertival at Adams
burg on Saturday evening, July 31st.
All are cordially Invited to attend.
Tho receipts for "Mikado" at Vreo
burg on Saturday evening amounted
to $10. Every one was so well pleas
e I that the troupe have agreed to re
produce it on Saturday evening of
this week.
,ln exchange gives the timely sng
gestlon that mniy who drive do not
seem to understand that tho law
givos the right of way to tho pedes
trian. .1 man or woman who is cross-
ingthe street at a regular street cross
ing Is not obliged to look out for the
person who is driving team, but, is
the contrary,
.In exchange states that an Ohio
pork raiser has made a t"tasto
tho manner of feeding corn to hogs
Olio bushel of corn fed from the cob
made nine pounds of pork; tho same
quantity ground ami fed raw made
twelve pounds of pork. Ouo bushel
of corn boiled mado thirteen and one
half pounds of pork, and ono bushel
of meal cooked made sixtewn and one
half pounds.
George Wolf tat-t week caught a CJ
pound basa In Meiser's Dam, 8 miles
east of M iddleburgh. There are quite
a number of bass In Middlecreek this
summer, owing probably to the de
struction of Hoover's dam which left
the fish In from tho river. This is
conclusive evidence that this dam hns
been tho causo of tho scarcity of this
gamy fish in Middlecreek, and should
renew tho energies of our people to
prevent Its being rebuilt.
A strange disease has roketi out
among the horses In Franklin county.
The animal is affected with a severe
cold and ft dry, hacking cough; then
a fever sets in, and finally utilTness in
tho front legs, followed frequently by
death. Tho disease' is spreading ra
pidly, anil causing considerably an
noyanco to farmers at this busy sea
son of theyear. In Greencastlo and
Chambersburg It is impossible to ob
tain ahorse of the liverytuon.
Republican newspapers, particular
ly In Ohio, are giving Francis Mur
phy their blessing and a boom be
cause ho claims to have received 00,
000 signatures to his tomDnrnneo
rlediro " !. opocmoer, ull
gained by "non-partisan (Jospol tem
perance work," lu which politics wero
never mentioned. This, the papers
say, Is very much butter than trying
to mako men temparato by a Prohi
bition party.
Messrs. O S and O M Kerstetter
Nursery men of Reading, Pa desire
to return their thanks to tho peoplo
of Snyder county for their very liberal
patronago. Their trees havo given
such universal satisfaction that their,
sales were easily mado and all orders
promptly paid for. They will remain
in the county a few weeks yet and will
attend promptly to all orders in per
son or by mail address to their head
quarters at McKoes Half Falls, Sny
der county, Pa.
Tho officers of Lancaster county, Ta.
elected in 185.1, took ollloo with tho
knowledge that a new law of the
State provided that fixed salaries
should bo paid tlnui, and that all fees
should bo turned over to the comity.
They complied with tho law until it
was declared unconstitutional by the
Supreme Court, and then sued for tho
money they would havo received in
excess of their salaries had they re
tained the fees. It has just boeu de
cided that they are entitled to these
The Summer term of the Frecburg
Academy will opon on .August 0th, to
continue ton weeks. Spocial arrange
ments for the bonoflt of those who
desire to teach havo boon mado and
Prof. Chas. D. Moyor, late Supt. of
tho city Schools of Waterloo, Iowa,
will deliver a series of lectures on the
science and art of touching, etc. A
primary department conducted by
Miss Mamie A. Moyor Is also connect
ed. For further Information address
A. 11. WOSDKR, A.ld.,
Judge Rockafollow has notified the
hotel keepers in his district that he
woald refuse license to every mother's-Bon-of-them
who he had reason to
think would violate the laws in the
future. The Sunbury JVcu-s says that
the effect Is that "very few of the
younger portion of our community,
who wero la the habit of drinking be
fore this edict, can be found lolling
around the corners drunk and disor
derly. It will save many a young
man from ruining himself beyond re
parallon before he becomes of ago."
We wish Judge Huoher would do the
same thing in this county.
Girls of a marriageable age do not
llko to tell you how old they are; but
you can find out by following the
suboliied Instruotlons.the young lady
doing the figuring. Tell her to put
down the number of the month In
which sho was born; then to multiply
It by 2; then to add 5; then to multi
ply It by 50; then to add her ago; then
to subtract 303; then to add 115; then
tell her to tell you the amount she has
left. The two figures to the right will
denote her age and the remainder the
month of her birth. For example,
the amount is 822; she la 23 years old
was born In the eighth month (Au
gust). .Try 'it. . .
ADAMsntmo. On Tuesday Jane 23,
G. U. Smith accompanied by his lady,
Etta Schwenk, went to Uentrevllle
with the expressed purpose of buying
lumber, but Instead of stopping at
Centrevlllo they proceeded to Lewis
burg and procured a marriage license.
Returning they stopped at Simon
Beaver's hotel In New Berlin, secured
tho services of Rev. Dletz who pro
nounced them 'man and wife. Wo
wish them a long and happy honey
moon and future prosperity.
Anion Aurand has opened a confuo
tloneryshop at the railroad depot.
Our band will hold ft Festival on
Saturday evening.
We naticed many strange young
ladles and gentlemen In town who are
availing themselves of the advantage
of a Normal lu the west end, The
Normal rlass now numbers 41. All
tho members of tho Spring class are
in attendance, which Is great encour
agotueiit to Trof. Winter and shows
that his services aro appreciated.
County Superintendent D. S. Boyer
visited the Sehool last Thursday and
delivered an address on teaching. He
hns consented to visit tho sehool
weekly and onictatly renognlzo It as
one of tho Normals of Snyder county.
The Adamshurg Cornet Hand parad
eTl our streets last Saturday oveuing
and discoursed some of their excellent
Hoys how about the mad dog.
G it a mi Pit; Nic ash Rhinion of
Nomm Kits. A grand Pic Nic and Re
union of Soldiers will lie held in Mark-
ley's grovo at Adainsburg, Snyder
comity, Pa., on Satut day, Aug. 14th.
A1HJ. A. It. Posts In the county will
bo present; besides various other
Posts from adjoining counties are also
0 a. m. Grand Parade.
10 a. m. Music bv Hands'.
It a. m. Skirmish Drill.
2 p. m. Music by Hands.
3 u. in. Dress Parade and Pass in
4 p. in. Camp Fire and Camp Sports.
5 p. in. Bicycle Knee.
('' p. in. Sham Battle.
Military Drill.
Awkward Squad Drill.
Drill by Rhoads' Zouaves.
Grand Bayonet charg.
In addition to tho above, the new
and original Drama, "The Trial and
Execution of a Rebel Spy" a genuine
hanging will bo rendered. This
drama was never yet performed on
the stage mid is alono worth more
than tho admission fee, which is only
10 and ' cents. Doors open at 7
o'clock. Peformance commences at 8.
A special invitation is extended to
all G. A. It. Posts, Soldiers. Sons of
Veterans and Bands In Snyder and
adjoluing counties.
Arrangements have been made to
run rAfirni, ... irnin m, tx Xj. it.
It. so that all can go to their homes
after t lie exercises of tho evonlng.
MaJ. Win. II. Byers Post will meet
all organizations at the station aud
escort them to the G. A. It. Hall, from
whence will proceed the (J rand parado
Refreshments caii bo had on the
I'd nt fail to spend a day and have
glorious time.
By order of
Tin? Tkaciikiis' No it mat. School
A short tlmo before tho sickness of
our late County Superintendent, MaJ.
Win. II. Dill, which sickness endttd in
his death, ho had mado a promise to
the citizens of Middleburgh that un
der certain circumstances, ho woirfd
hold a Teachers' Normal School at
this place. -4rrangeinentH wero mado
by a number of our citizens to carry
out our part of tho agreement, but
everything was brought to a halt by
tho death of MaJ. Dill. As Prof. D. S.
Boyer had performed part of tho late
Superintendent's labors during his
sickness, aud know all about his fu
ture plans, this was ouo of the ar
guments for tho appointment of Prof.
Boyer to fill tho vacancy occasioned
by thedoath of Maj. Dill. Iu accord
ance with thoso previous arrange
ments an organization was effected
with tho title at the head of this arti
cle. Articles of Association wero
adopted; making tho object of tho
association to glvo all necessary as
sistance to tho County Superintend
ent in holding a Teachers' Normal
School at Middleburgh in the way of
furnishing room, seeing to boarding,
&'o. Tho organization was perfected
by electing tho following officers:
President F. E. Bower, Esq.
Vice President A. K. Gift, Esq.
Secretary Lieut. O. C. Gutelius.
Treasurer Sheriff Ner B. Middles
warth. Trustoes A. Kreoger, C. C. Soebold
and Jacob Gilbert, Esq.
Tho Association has rented tho largo
Hall of C. C. Soebold, and all arrange
ments have been perfected for a suc
cessful term of Normal instruction,
which will commence on Monday,
Aug. 2, and continue six weeks. The
terms to become a member of the As
sociation is to sign the Articles of As
sociation and paying Into the treasury
50 cents. Teachers and thoso wishlug
instruction will bo admitted free.
Boarding will bo furnished at the rate
pf $2 each week, from Monday noon
to Friday uoon.
Tho Secretary will give any Infor
mation asked for, not Included lu the
"My mother is eighty-three years of
age, and for years has suffered great
ly with rheumatism. In fact she was
quite helpless, being Unable to move
about the house. A lady friend in
duced her to try Dr. Kennedy's Fa
vorite Remedy. She did so and fouud
almost immediate relief." The power
of this modlolne to do good extends to
all ages and a wide range of com
plaints. You cannot possibly regret
haying purchased It Remember that
rheumatism cannot be cured extern
ally. July, j
Ckstrbvillk. I have
able to keep a very close watch of
matters and things for some tliue.and
consequently oannot tell tho readers
suich they have not already seen or
heard of.
Commissioner John Mohn plueked
from one of his fields, a timothy stalk
which measured $ feet 2 inches In
The san'tary condition of our town
Is excellent at present. Very little
sickness Is reported by our doctors.
Miss Aunie Klose a charming miss
of Mifllinburg, visited friends hero
last week.
Married people would bo happier if
home troubles wero nevor told to a
E. H. Bassler of Freeburg, tho pop
ular cigar manufacturer, iuterviitwed
our dealers on the 22d. Ed. reports
his business booming.
S. II. Stroub of this township is re
presenting tho Cumberland County
Fertilizer Co.
According to the almanac, the dog
days are now with ns.
Miss Alice Obrrlin and Mrs. Dr.
Sampsoll were In New Berliu on Sat
urday afternoon.
The band boys furnished music for
the cake walk In Mifllinburg on Sat
urdity evening.
Children's Day was observed iu the
Evangelical Sunday School at this
place on last Sabbath. The church
was tastefully decorated with tho
choicest flowers, evergreens and mot
toes. The exercises wore conducted
by tho Superintendent which consist
ed of singing and recitations. The
singing was good, accompanied by
the organ, over which Mrs.Dr. Samp
sell presided. Rev. C. V. 13. Aurand
junior preacher of this charge, who is
an earnest Sunday School worker,
took part iu tho exoroises by giving
one of his sploy addresses, which was
to the satisfaction of all present, and
so enwrapped tho attention of
boys and girls that their eyes fairly
A collection amounting to
$7.80 was taken up to be applied to
the Japan mission. Mav the lord
bless the offerings of the little ones
and may this day in the future receive
Its duo attention and become an im
portant factor in the Master's king
dom. Tho following persons visited In
town and vicinity over Sunday: John
Showers, w ifo and daughter of Lewis
burg; J. K. Snyder and son Frank of
Spring Mills; G. Holsapplo of Shamo
kin;Mr. Smith of Hartleton; Mrs.
Jacob Grimm of Beavertowu.
Kicp., Dr. S. D. Shiva is
having a well dug on his lot.
Peter Knepp ami wife Intend mak
ing a western trip b of ore. lontr.
Our J. II. G. found tbatt the toes of
bis chlukwns wer irett roll l.n.l-.
ngnm so lie cut them off the second
Several hogs belonging to Joseph
Peters aud Mrs. Smith, recently died
of an unknown disease.
Levi Swauger, Esq., had a well
drillod last week. He says it contains
about 20 feet of water.
David Wagner who was on tho sick
list is about again.
A camp meeting will commenco in
Henry Baker's woods, about 3 miles
southeast of Bauiierville, August 12.
Dr. I. It. Swigert of Biloit, Kansas,
visited his many friends hero recently.
ni iiidi.kcrkkk. iseyeral or our
farmers havo threshed somo of their
grain aud report an average good
J,ast week while Mr Borumau was
hauling bark from the mountain, tho
lock broke, causing ono of the mulus
to get under tho wagon and dragged
him down tho mountain almost, kill -ing
Tilman Weader is tho possessor of a
cactus plant which bus 10) lloweriug
The new roller put in A. II. Ulsh's
grist mill is giving general satisfac
Sevoral of our young men should
bo reminded of tho fact that it is
against the spirit of the law to Are
around on tho streets at night.
Abe is smiling all over it Is a boy.
TheM. E. aampmeeting will be held
in Baker's grove, ono mile North of
McClure, commencing Aug, 12th.
For good Boots & Shoes cheap for
cash, go to Shroyer's, Selincgrove.Pa.
Ladies Kid Foxed (J love. Kid top,
Button shoes. Solid leather soles for
$I.Q5, at Shroyer's, Sollnsgrovo, Pa.
We have now on hand blank "No
tices to Tax-payers," neatly printed
according to law. Tax collectors who
havo not yet ordered their notices oun
now be supplied. Orders by mail
promptly filled.
Tho Snyder county Teachers Nor
mal will bo held iu Middleburgh com
mencing Monday, August 2, to con
tinue six weeks, with a competent
corpB of teachers, under tho leader
ship of Prof. D. S. Boyer. Boarding
can bo secured at tho most reasona
ble rates not to exceed $2 from Mon
day uoon to Friday noon.
To THU Faumkus. I have the sole
agency for Snyder county for the
Perry Spring-tooth harrow, acknowl
edged to be the best harrow manufac
tured and will supply all orders
promptly and guarantee it first-class
In every respect. .
J. F. Rkitz,
Middleburgh, Pa.
The nervous, brain-working type of
people, such as lawyers, clergy mon,
business men and students are the
principal victims, of hay fever. Suf
ferers may bo certain that hay feyer
does not arise from an impure slate of
the blood. A local treatment to t,b
oniy way to cure ic juujurougu a
results, Ely's Cream Calm Iq.
specific yet discovered. i
Steady employment during tho next
twelve liionths on salary Is offered In
another column by Ihe VanDusens of
Geneva. They are an old and relia
ble firm. June 24,4 w.
BrKciAt, Okfku ih Portraits.
To Introduce my Crayon Portraits to
the readers of this paper, the follow
ing offer is made, good till July 1st. I
will enlarge from a photo to a LIFE
which cannot be equaled In this coun
try, under $15 or $.10 unframed, a per
fect likeness of copy and a handsome
piece of work guaranteed. I offer u
picture framed In all Inch composition
gold frame, 18x23 for $12, or one fram
ed in a 5 Inch composition gold frame
20x24 for $H. If tho work Is not as I
have represented It, you need not
take it; If satisfactory, the portrait It
self ami your recommendation will
attain my object in this offer.
Croyons, if desired will bo sent by
Express C, O. D. with privilege of ex
anting before paying for them.
Send photo by mail and It will re
ceive prompt attention.
W. P. MOVER, Crayon Artist,
Freeburg Snyder Co., Pa
Whiw Hil.y ni tirk, wo irT h-r CUwtt,
Wbon oli- wm o Child, h cnwl for f '-. .H,
Whm tbo boomino Uua, th olnng iu t'Mturio,
Whatn tbo had ChUdroa, olio govo Uuau I'Mtorto,
MvVIMM i:i .
July 22, Isaac Aurand aud Miss
Emma J. Oldt.
July 18, by Rev. W. A. Huns. Miss
Sarah C. Smith, of Monroe two., and
Win. II. Haupt, of Seliusgrove.
" ' iii:d.
July 2J, noHr I.ew.Khur&r. iurir!
i ii ft... f i i ..jr..
.llilv in Wnuf Aim.,
J Deborah Maurer, aged ft? years, 10
months and 13 days.
July 111, in Centre Iwp., suddenly of
heart disease, Daniel Boyer, aged
about H years.
Miilillcbiirgr Market,
Butter l
Ktfgs 11
Pitted cherries h
I'npitted " II
Black lie rries li
Raspberries 12
Lard 7
Tallow 5
Chickens per lb 0
Side 0
Soulde n
Ham o
Grain Market.
No. 1 Red wheat $ .80
" 2 Fiiltz and miied 7H
' 3 white
Kye r,0
Corn 41)
Oats to 35
Running a Locomotive wliilu Deathlv
TAt'NTiiN, Mass III- Unvl.l Cm
iloiit, N Y.: 1 nui 11 11 unulm-i-r mi tin- 1 'nli.ny
Hiiilro.i.l mi l run lliv I nil liivi-r limit trinii l
Iwtoii lull Khi rninl LumoII, n l.liti nt Tiitni
tun. I nr li-u yi'iir.i 1 unltc-ri-il i-n ri llnnir I . i t
ilnttli Inini .ll.r.MH' lllnn 1 xili'li I 1 1 n, 1 1 i
Mick ho. I.i. 'Iif-tli. a l ... ul, liiir.iivr.-i-. I ilnnk
thu n ilin-piirtly to irn-milur IiiiImIh ol i-uiing
uii. I piirUv In Hi., i : r -.I tun .'imii".
U. iiii iiiIh r tliut I li.i.l tric-.l every Inn I nl an I i:i. I n tr.'Ml.'.l l.y 5.11111-1.1 Hi.' lu-t
.,M. mil" in I' unit, hi an, I l.iin. ll. Altlii-1'1,1
i.-il Mm.. Ml. liAVll' M.NNi:iY'S l AVnIt
I I K KKMKI'Y w.i-ri-,Miiinirn.... l. ni.-. Itw;i
iii-w In inu, 1111. 1 Willi my xi.-rii-n I ran Inram-in.-Ii.r .-ayinx 1 li.ul
11.1t 11 .nrii. ii ol luitli In it.
I lul l I lk. II It lull II ll'W .;1 Wlirll I l.i-L'.'lll In
irrt imttiT. Hit-raw mi l nrv l.'. ling Iff 1 in v
rti.nill.'liu illl.l Hi.' -I1M,.IIIH i.iilin l.'lt my lii'.i.l.
mm .,..ii 1 wii 1111 runt mi.' in'iin 111 r
Mm-.-. It In thu i.nly tliinx Unit m-i-r .11,1 im the
I'-iil K I, mi.l if .lr..v. in i-ry in'h.,, p un it 11 . 1 .liy.
...iiil..rl i',iiiiili tilv .nil .il inv, .,iw I k.'.'l,
Ki;.NM.iY S I AVliHll i; Hi;.li;HY with 111.'
on my i-nuini, ami it K".' wli.T' v.t I vo.
Why. 1 hi.ln vii I amrlln H.'in.nlv willoiirr niiy
Ihlnv. (Inn nlu-ht 11 m In If 1111.1. .I.ihn, i.'n
.MiKin.MT hIiu run' thu 111:1 In linr tniln ir.iu
llii' I'auio mi tuy I'lufihf r-1. -k us .li uth. Hi
win worn out with w. .rk, liii.l 11 hl-h ii-ver nui w.n
n niirviiini liu mill. I liur.llv -land. ''.Ni.iiM'iin.',
.I.jlin," I mil. I. "I'ln-i r mi, l'te K"t "111. -tinny nil
my unulliu Unit Mill xi't v. 111 up in illly." 1
nut my I.MtUn 1.1 ft'iiviirilii,'' tllt.l hi.
hnii.l Hint piivn Ilium Ho wont to I't' l. Twh
.lays uftur 1 I11111 l.mkin healthy 11 a I'ut. li
r. "Hun. ho nil.l, "what w.n Hint .lull v., it (lav.,
uiv lliti i.tlirr iiiKht."' "-It, wn lr. '
i'ltvnrito Hi'inclv, l;. ,11, lout. N. V.'' ui.l I. Well
I limi t fiirn whiici. nniit'.ly It t, leu llm thin lor
a U11111 uii tho ruilruiiil." Sn my w all, Y'lium,
Da mki. I'iti'm.
It I ..ur Own l-niilt If you fuller In. '11 Iil-h.I
aclio, ln,irni.,ii i.r Iiy-i.i'iia. lino H ilar will
Iniy a liuttlv ul l-'uvurlt liuifinly uinl rum yiui.
llio uii'li-r-ttii-.l will rit-ll ut I'uMlcN ilo, uii
Saturday, August l it!-, 1S80,
Tho l.ilh.winir lt-rllil iriiprrtjr tn wit: A
H. i.kI l.irin "Uiiiit.i in Mii'Tr n Y.ilky, uhiuil 4
mllim we-l ul t 'uiitrntillo, ml lli.i run. I i'ii.iui
Irom 'i'iitrivillu In Trnni Ivilln, li.inn., .N.nili
I. y Till. He Ki.a.l, Kail hy lain) ul .l.i.uh I rn.-k.
S iutli l.y lain I nl Unary iturun h ml Went hy
lain I ul Alien II. llurmnii, o uitnluliiK
100 Acres
more orle lmlnn neurlv nil olear iin.l lu n IiikIi
lam nl culth iitUni, Wliurcuii nru rrucled it
tig llotiso, Largo Hank Barn,
hoth nearly new, larirn t'nU.N I'ltlll ami nil
utlirr neerif.iiry iiiitliuil.linirK. AlMiutlne yuutiic
orrhar.l nf nhnlnn Unit in aunil ImiiriiiK. Anil
um nr lalllilK wamr neiir tlin tx .r. hale to
llii'iie" at 'i o'elnclt ol al.l ilnv,
'I'KKMS ! per cent, eu-li uii Jay uf, tho
Imluiieu In payment.".
I liKlt K l!i:UMAN.
Tlio uiiilnntlunril H.l tn I ulHtni'.ir or.ln'oili Ehy,
Intu ul I'niukllu .iwiinlili, riuyilnr 0 .mil v, '..,
Jee'tl, hy virtue ol tn orilur limutal n it ol tliu Or
liUaii't louil ol Suy.lur oouuly, will i.n,
Sutiirdiiy, August 7tb 188G,
oipnfu tn I'tilille Sal on the prcinine the tullow
I lilt vuluittilu linal Katatu vir: All that lari.un
Dit-miuum n, Irnet ul Intnl. Itilalo In Kratiklin
tuwiilili, fount v ami lle lorei.ah on tliu Mail
ln,iu Ii-uiii .Mhlillvliul'Kll tu Xloui t'liur. h, euu
Tbirty-five Acres
anil ninety pen-h.-n with niiiirtenauoc, huiiml
ed Niirth ny lloury linrtin.iu, South l.y
Un.U ol Kanillfl lluwun mnl llecker,
Kavl liy liilnl. ol llmiry 1 1 an loan. Uoulivl srunl
Sliuuiorr ut. nl. YVliu'Onu lire er, Jci u tiuuil
TWUSl'ttltY Mill ll(l.'!,i:. HAIt.V hii. I ull
nvoniuary oalhiill.llnK, u h,iik ul tu.-ellunl
water nunr thu tlour, un nrchuru ut t-holes (run.
About uns hall ol tha almva Ut-Horllied ral ematu
It wall net with tiiulKr, whllo tha liaUnea li In
IiIkIi atitU) o( cultivation. Thu If deilmhlu
li I la la oommenea at lo o'oluok a. m. of ald
" .lwlinit ftua IfMnilftmtA will l. . n a
I Jia ul aulu uiadu known l.y ,
' ,' V II. 1.1 AM fet'H AM H A('H,
We have in stock an immense va
riety of
!Dfl5eniwaI ILaccs,
cream color and beige in all width
from 1 inch to 36 inches wide,snd
we guarantee our prices to be low
er than the lowest. Our stock of
is complete, as well as our stock in
general. When
town, we will be pleased if you call
at our store and take a look.wheth
er you purchase or not.
Orders by mail
personal attention.
cEtoclh) CSiros
To onr Farmer Frieiula we would any that we Lavo socio DAKCJAINS la
Hay Forks, Ropes, Pulleys, &c.
Wo will sell yon DOUBLE I!AHPO)X HAY FOIIKS at 81.2" ooob.
Hay Rope at 12 1-2 cents a pound.
A fine class WOODEN PULLEY at 25cts.
Rakes, Lone: Handled Forks, etc. cheap,
Nails at 82,25 per keer,
Horse Shoes 84,25 per keg-,
Wo hove juHt rccoivotl n 1310 stock of Wins, Hobs and Patent Whe!i,
and can give you very low pricoa. Con sell yoa good substantia!
Ready-mixed Paints,
at 00 cents and 21.00 rcr nallon.
Oxide of Iron Paint
at 05 conta ror gallon, by the barrel. Call to boo ns, or write for SPK
SOHOCH BROS., Seliusgrove.
(rleaciy to Please I
Our new spring stock is now rt-iuly, It Is ono of tbo jtrandost linos ol
gotnln you linvo vt'r btlit-Kl. Notbiug lina been forgotten in tbo way oi
good and di siriiblo styles, ami as to quality and low prices, we fear no
eouirietitor. Our motto lias always been to tuaiutain tbo lead by offering
mo ijohI guodu lor luo least nioijpy. w o oiler for your consideration
DryGoods; Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
jvoroxs, ir.rrs, caps, truxks, ivltses,
('l' TL E I! I CA 11 1 KT,(l 1 1! I K T CLIA L , II. IUD,
AM) II ILMU'WAinC, ,j6'., $U.t SC.
These ooda arc nenrlu all new, of the choicest mate'
rials an l latest stifles. Th c rices we ask for them will
astonish you, as they are unfurst tonally the rock bottom
for retail trade- Me pay the highest pricefor all kinds
of couMUY rjtohtriw.
Judging from- our trade ? anticipate EXTENSIYH
S. ILES this season diul hare prepared- lo meet all
demands- CALL- Yours in waiting,
tl. II. CIJKTBUfi At C'CI.,
Near JJiddleburg Depot-
I would lfsptct fully inform tb
citizens of iSuydor county, tint t 1
am now prepared to do all work
iu my line j n rnptly and iu the
best woikmanliko uaunoi-. My
Stock of
is simply J;:
ard iuu!-:t'S,
make a specialty of
you come to our
will receive our
s vi:is.
incline, including all kinls of stand
'iiaruiitctdto t-i vo tatit faction. I
and cordial'y solicit tbe putlio patronage ia
tbis line, stoves delivered aud put op ready
for uti witbout extra obarge to ail purcbaieri
residing within reasonable distance.
Thanking you for past favors and soliciting
continuanco of tbe same, I am
. Very Truly Yours ,