The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 29, 1886, Image 2

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    rl II. UAtTtTKIl.
Subscription 1.50 Per Year
One rnlmnn, (na Year, aavoo
On hill Column. One Yr-ar i.;voo
(tiefourth t olumn, Oi Vnt .ftM
PrnlfMlniMl Card., ft Tear VOO
Aulltor, r.xnatnr, AdinlnKtrator, nl
AAlitne Notion..... f J .'.0
Wh"j. no ipecUl arrant, merit, are lun.le. all
ad.t.en.ent..tonrt".l I r l than 3 month.
chariie (I.U per MifU 'or ft'. In.erilon i O
or the .. roml Insertion and 7 cent, lur each
ubfciutnt lutertlon.
Sep-atlicaa S:a.o Ti:k:t
Fr Hovt-rnor.
JAM f.s A. iu-:at.i.,
of Centre county.
For I.IMitf nant Huvi'mur,
tf lirudfiti'il count y.
For Auditor (tonfrul,
of I'liilmlt'Iiiliid.
For Hecrctarv of 1 tit '-t ri il A(Tiur.,
of Miintotiicry comity.
J For ('oiiirrosstimti nt Lnryo.
of LuZ'TIK" Odttllty.
For Cotiirri'.xHiimn,
(Stil.jcct to tli ilecNInti ..f tltc Ii1 rict
Tor Astmblv,
AAUON S. HKI.l ItlCll,
uf Spring.
Tlmrsiliiy, .July 2M, INS.;.
Tha ouo biby tint h Bil l to
hive boon bjrn iu tho Whito Houso
wij chriilono 1 'It-iury Walkor," is
now 19 joii'8 oM, an lives in
Montgomery, Ala His mother, a
nicco of I'losiJont Folk, was visit
ing bor nuclo whon Henry was born,
Twonty-ono years ago I'ierro
Hirria, who bad juts boon disclnirg
od from tho I'uion arm, settled in
St. Lonis. Near him livod tho
buxom widow angeliipio do Boutou.
Though l'iorro aud tho widow, woro
50 years old oacb, bo set about
wooing hor, and mot ouch mice his
that thoy havo boou married at tho
age of 71 after a courtship of over
twonty years.
There ia a pvospocl next year of a
grand ro-union of both armios at
Uottvnbnr" l "',J"f,',;,wyf wMty'
fourth anniversary of tbo battlo.
General Sickles, has ommnnicato l
with Oonorald Lougstreet, Me Laws,
Gordon and Loo, and tliey all ap
provo of tbo plan. Tho arrango
monts aro for tho army of Northern
Virginia and tho army of tho Poto
mac to go in camp on tho old buttle
Tho printing press is tbo motor
tl.nt ll.A 1 At i'U Infill.
LU:, lit Jtbl llVlt'l .at....
the nations beau to enir tgo
now light. Tho reseats buo of its
dawa was n blossing to all rae s
from tho first, nnd as its brightening
rays havo increaso 1, so lm its iu
fluunco, and yot it is far from tho
zanitb of its powor. Liko its giant
co-worker, clocti icity. it ha
positivo and ucgalivo modes of net
ing. hat ouo i i in tho natural
world, tho other id iu tho intellec
tual nnd moral world. Tho two
combiuod will shape tho destinies of
tbo future.
Hobble II nd, ngnd S, Lll into
tbo Sjhnylkill nt l'aila Llphia ou
Sunday, mil was drowning in tho
prosoueo of screaming women un.l
helpless mou who could not awim,
when Mr. Luko Dill in, driving by,
learned tho ondition of atl'iirs,
plunged iu dressed m bo was in his
Sunday clol bos, nnd, aftor remain
ing under water long enough to
alarm tho spectators, omergo 1 with
tbo boy, who bad gono down for the
third time, aad whom bo found ly
ing in tho mil l nt tho bottim of tho
rivor. Proper treattuout restored
the boy to couHciousuess and health.
This is tho third lifo that Mr. Diilon
Las enved.
A phonoiiioual hail storm pissod
ttvor McCouuelhburg, l.i.' Sun lay,
Without nnyaccimpauing stouu the
bail dropp?d from a sky nearly do
void of clouds, o."'i fragment
weighing from throo to" six ounces.
Tho crashing ou tho roofj of tho
house rasoaablo 1 a continuous dis
charge oiuskotry for about fiftoou
miuutos. In tho path of tho storm,
which was it'out a milo wido, trees
were eti ippolst thoir branches, aud
s frnit, Quids of c'au and other crop?
'Vitroyed, and li'hdrodi of panes of
eNbrokou an l bl killml. Tho
roar the fkllin? m aftor the
storm h p,8,l ..hat hU53 among
the moanUtj roseuble I Un souad
of thiioder. u tvas follow abont
m i .
oar nonrs a'termd bv n
torrifrc ;
lioT. Dr. Hanson of Chicago ro
ceutlj lectured .nt Chaitauqin, his
nbjoct being "Fools." Hov. Dr.
Viocoot, who is something of a wa7,
introduced Lira as follows : "Wo are
t ) have a lecture on fool?, by one
(long pauoo nud loaJ laughter) of
tbo wisest men in tho country." Tbo
lectnror a.lvancod to the dosk anJ
rc ppomloil a? follows : "I ntn not
half as bi a f jol as Pr. Vincont
(lonfj pauao and loud laughter)
would Lave you suppose"
Tbo "I'ofjnlators," ns thoy call
thotnstilvcs in Minsispippi, aro an
extremely pportito sot of youn
men. Just for fun tbey announced
no negroes woro to bo ponnitlo 1 ti
work fjr biro ou any of tho firms
around tboto. They bocamo so
bilarioos orer thoir fan, bowovor,
that at last advices, throo negroes
bad becu killed and tho Bpoitc
about twenty in number, nro roam
ing tho woods to keep out of B.fjbt,
nutil tho serious portion of the com
munity can boo tho humorous side
of thoir performance, and tho tic
grood tako tho bint that thoy would
do well to abstain from meddling in
polities this year, Of course it
would (i au outrage to Haunt the
bloody ehirt over a liltlo bit of fun
liko that.
John rielohor of Virginia City
was awakened tho other night by bis
mare, which had boon rnnum, in a
pisltuo with her colt, ho camo to!
tho window and pawo l and neigbud.
L'loloher tried to diivo bcr away,
but fiho wouldn't go. At length bo
nolicud that the colt was not with
her, nu 1 bo followed tho marc. Sho
na on uhe il of bim, ontioaally
turning to boo if ho wi oniing, nud
j thtw lo.l him to na oil prdHpoct hole
!uto which tbo colt baJ fallen. With
tho help of neighbors tho colt was
rescued, and tho mother, hith
o r t o very shy, was almont
f r a n t i o with delight. Sho
followed Fletcher ubout, rubbing
bor none against bis shoulder, an 1
givo numistakablo Btgns of grati
tude. Bob, Ingersoll, tho groat nttivo
heathou, oxprofHoi binnelf as fol
lows in regard to tho ullogod slrng
glo bolwoon labor nnd capital :
"Hero is a ehoo shop. Oao mau in
tho bbop is always busily at work
during tho J y js iuuuaitiuua.
In tho ovoning ho C9,oa fl)or.ljjjM
u.'uico gut. Aiicro are iivo oinor
men in tho shop who don't do any
such thing. Thoy epoud half of
their workiug hours ia loafing and
thoir working ovoning-3 in dissipation.
Tho first young mau by an 1 by cuts
out from tfioso olhars, nnd gets a
boot nnd shoo storo of bis own
Then be marries tho girl. Sjon ho
is able to tako bis wife out to ride
of nn ovening. Tho fivo laborers,
his former cjmpiu ions, who seo bim
indulging iu this Ituury, retiro to a
, -
r i ti nr ! rt i'i r 9 nn.l iviuj n fnorv
lulion that thoro is an eternal stru;
glo bolweou labor nud capital."
OuiSaudiy ovon ing tbo 1th, ut
llipon, a to n ran nw3 an d smash
ed a gas lamp, na 1 tin gn encapol
o iu tho stfrtit that it was neeossary
to turn it oil' a1, tin gis works, uud
all tho light i.i tow u went out. Tho
most interesting sfiono was at the
congregational church. Tbo minis
ter was ilelivcring a lcetuio on tho
''Park continent, tho colored race,"
eto. Just ns ho milo tho romirk,
"Thoro, it is nil dark, Egyptian dirk
ti388," tho gass weut o it uu 1 the
church was darkor thau any dark
cuntinout over was. The minister
was astonUhod, but tho congrega
tion thought tho Buddeu darkness
was by nrrangomout tho minister
bad with tho janitor, to illustrate
his point. Ho waited u little while
to seo what was comiug uoxt, uud
findiug that ho could not Bhod any
light upon tho subject, be prououncs
ed t'.io bonodiction, nu I tho a i diencu
went out door and Btruck uaatchcH
to boo who was who.
J alga Woodward, of Luzerne
county, has just rendoro 1 a decision
on a hitherto unsettled point. A
judguiont was ontoro l nu execution
issued on tho -in 1 of February,
from tho obligation of which the
debtor sought to oscapo on tho
ground that tho dato inoulijiHl
was a legal holiday and that legal
holidays, liko Su. nday could not law
fully bo used for tho transaction of
businoss. Jalga Wool.vard rulol
tbat tho statute ordaining a legal
holiday is merely directory, not im
perative, and that it docs not pro
hibit jadicial acts or worldly em
ployment in genoral. A contrary
viow wonld tend to restrict tho
liberty of almost nn y citizou at some
time or other, and to enable tbo nn..
Bcupulous to cvado thoir obliga
tions Such n wiso iutorprotatiou
of the law is likely to bo generally
concurod iro.
The Now York Independent
speaks as follows of tbo prohibition
party :
Wo Ima somotimes feared that
not a fow of the loaders of tha third
party are actuated largely by politi
cal ambition t that thoir aim aud
end aro not tho trimpb of totnpor
anco simply, but personal aud polit
ical proferment. Thoir course bas
bcou ia en'iro harmony with this
assumption. In district aftor district
wbero ouo or tho other of tbo old
parties bas nomiualod unquestioned
tomporanco candidates the third
party bas thrust its own man in tbo
field, and fro piontly olocteJ thereby
tbo saloon candidato. They havo
derided and diecouingod attempts
to put oitbor of tho old parlies right
on tho tompcranco question. They
socm to glory in tho defeat of dem
ocratic, republican or non-partisan
tompcranco measures. Tbo Voice,
if wo understand its conrso toward
the effort to pass tho prohibitory
amendment resolution through the
New York legislature and tlo local
option bill through tho New Jersey
Icgiflatnro, Las not only assisted in
either case, but it bis discouraged
tho fricud3 of both. If we have.
mistaken its attitudo, wo will bo
glad to muka a correction. It cer
tainly belittles nnd discourages tho
movement iu Now Jersey to commit
the republican against tho saloon.
It is truo this movement may not
be successful, IJut its iotont is
good. Its spirit is hostile to tho
stiloou. It is a tempcranco tnovo
moot ; nnd what is it but party
preju lioo that arrays tho influence
of tho Voice against it What is it
but blind dovotiou to party that pre
vents our neighbor from helping
audi movements nuywbcro and ev
erywhere f
2or A. Tees has boon very ud
fortunate with his borsos of lato.
Busidus tho one mentioned iu a pre
vious report as having died in bis
stall without any previous signs of
sickness, bo for foiled $25 on auothor
by returning him to bis former own
cr bucauco of undosirable qualities
while tho third diod of blind stag
gors within several hoars after tak
ing thorn, aud only a wouk aftor be
I) Oil hnnr Mnrnlxioo.?. (In. txa noif
iu muie tor 9U0.
I'lmjra.'.y ovontntr witnessed au
old-fashioned hand-to-hand, mus
cular contest botwoou t o of our
young men. Tho quarrel was tho
rosult of a somewhat mysterious
rumpus at tho Ceutral Hotel about
a week previously.
Arthur Specht is about finishing
ti buudsomo milliner fitiop, for bis
wifo, Tho building bus an iuviting
nppjaratico and is well arranged for
what it is iutendud.
(iiaut nn 1 Minerva Middloswarth,
who early in spring went to Ohio,
returned to their Jther's wook box
fora last.
Tho Luthornn Sunday School will
h dd a picnic iu n week from Satur-
Mandel Ftiodman, of tbo firm of
Fricdinann V, Getz. is about sending
passages across tho Atlantic ocoan
to his wife and children atTroseu.on
tho lino between Prussia aud Russia.
lie has not eeen his family for five
years, and bis third child never, it
being born after ho arrivod ia Amor.
ic:t; 1 1 o expects thorn to arrive in
New York in Septombor,
Mrs. Clay Sylvis, who for tho last
three months bas beon visiting with
Win. N. lloimbach'a family, return
ed to her homo iu Philadelphia weok
btforo last, Her husband who had
joiuod bsr during tho last two wcekk
of her 6t ay, accompanied her.
Our citizous are bringing largo
quantities of huckloberries from the
mountains every day.
Tho Koystono Match Company re
ceived a car-load of spliats from
Maino on Saturday. Tho lot con
tainud npliots for -0,1 CO.000 matches.
The, freight ou the car was $100.
Miss Kato Walker, of Liverpool,
formerly of this place, is at present
visiting her brother John boar.
MibS Mary llarnor, who bas been
iu Clearfield county since spring, re
turned to bor father's last weok.
Miss Annie Boycr, of Lock llavon,
formorly of this placo, is visiting
friends here at presont.
John Q. Walkor'd child bos boon
mi tho fiick list.
Farmers aro busy with their oats
Tho Union Sunday School will
hold a picnic on Saturday Aug. 21.
Daniel Stovor of Oalton, III , bas
an uinlisputod rocord of 133 rat
tloiiinkes Lillol in tho pist four
monlhi. Hi) lm HI J rattloi ta
show for it. Ho has also killod 101
bluo raoors.
Men's Plow Hhoes for t.20 ftt M. S.
ShroyerV, Sttlitui:iov
"Lucky about queer wagers,"
itaid a cporting man tha other night
,'l shall never forget the time I
won f 1,000 on a fast hog. Have I
ever told you tba story 1'
His auditors shook their hoads
and asked for the talo, which be told
as follows t "It was in the summor
of 1373, if I recollect rightly. I bad
been playing a pretty stoop game in
Chicago that winter and spring, and
when Jane oarae my not ovorstrong
systom was pretty nearly broken
down. Acting on tho advice of a
medical friend, I took a jaunt to a
little country town in Iowa, hoping
that a month's sojourn thore might
brace me op for the fall and winter
campaign. Bat to (ell yoa aboat
the raca. The town had a protty
good course and some of tho boys
thore owned some really good flyers,
of which thoy were very proud. One
of them, wbs40 namo I noodo't
mention,- possessed a mare npon
wboso Ueetnoss be particularly
prided bimsolf. Talking with bim
in a bantoring way one day, I offer
erod to produoo a hog which could
boat bis animal in a 30)-yard run
ning raco. Ho bocamo angry, when
I insisted npon the matter. 'I'll
toll you what I'll do,' I said to bim
jocosely t 'I'll bet you any amount
of money you may namo that my
pig con win tbo race. lo you tako
me ?' The boys standing around
grew interested, and commenced to
press around, Tho other man,
whoso face by this time was livid
with rage, roared ; 'I'll bot you
"This rather staggered mo, but as
X bad the money I wasn't to be
bluffed. I put it up. Tho articles
of agreoment wore quickly drawn
up and singned.
"Well, to cut a long story short,
I got bold of ono of thceo long,
Uuk, hungry, scrub porkors and put
Lim at onco into training. My
method was lo feed bim a bushel of
corn once a day. The pig wonld
bo stationod at ono ond of a straight
3)0 yard lane, aud ovor the line at
tho otborend tbo corn would bo
dumped npon a givon signal. Tho
moment tbo corn was dumped the
pig was frood, and tbo way ho would
ncoot for the other end- This kind
of practice was kept np for a month,
and at tho end of this time the
hungry hoc' ould mako the. .die-
lauue in mat wou.u
Moud S. tVhauio. The day of the
raoo camo, ana every man. woman
aud child for miles around was on
hand to witness it. Tbo race was
ran on the boy's own ground, ac
cording to agreement. The porcine
racer was nioro than unusually
hungry that day. II o bad become
so accustomed to fiuding bis half
buuhol of corn at tho other ond of
tho lano tbat whon be was releaeod,
upon tho word 'Go !' be shot off
liko a flash. Ho darted nnder the
horse's legs, and before that animal
and bid rider could recover them
selves was at the other end. Ho
didn't get bis corn, but I did get
tho $1,000. I deft town tho noxt
ThoShTTondoaofthalTcw World.
I Thia Is not do.sinoil to suporaede
tho ri'tftilur 8oyeu Wonders uf An
tiquity. 1- Tho Capitol at Washington,
with its iron domo weighing 8,000-.
000 pounds.
2. The Banker Hill Mouatnont,
wbero the nobli) Waron foil.
3. Tho Washington Monument,
an oholisoal shaft, 5o5 feet 5J inches
1. Niagara Falls, the stupendous
cataract whoro 9J,OJO,000,OOt) cnbio
foot of water poar hourly over tho
precipice. t
5. The Mammoth Cavo, whore
you may wandjr for 200 miles
through tha borvols of Kontuoky.
6. Old FaitLfal, tho tirelojj gey
sor of the Velio .vitou3 Park, which
not ouly spouti U j foot, but sp juts
punctually evary o ) minute.
A Jlontana womap bad a neighbor
woman arrostod on a charge of elan
dor. Tho trial look pluoa boforo a
justice of the poice. Tho slandered
woman beiog duly sworn, took tho
stand and begun:
"I'll tell yer io dorood few words
bow it was, Jedgo. That lyin' old
thing thar gave it out cold that 1
wa'n't no lady, bb gosh! An' if she
or any other old ilouoh thinks I'm a
goiu' to lay low an' swaller talk of
that kind, they're badly loft. I'm a
lady from way back, Judge, and I've
got the papers for it. And I kin jist
everlastingly lick tho"
' Verdict far tha defendant 1" roar,
od tbo judge.
Orand katiish Clock von Balk.
An eight-day brans works, cherry case
nrnnd-father cloak, ' guaranteed to
keep good time for sale cheap. Call at
my Jewelry Store InMlddleburRh.
One night a whiltt ago John Layton, i
who runs the main Itn boat train
Boston, came on my engine sick as
death. He was so feverish and nerv
ous be altuopt cried. Cheer up, John,
says I, and I'll fli you np In a jilTy,
And I ravo hliu a good dose of Dr.
Kennedy's "Favorite Remedy." He
went to bed. Two Javs After I haw
him looking strong as A butcher.
'That's tho stuff for a railroad man,"
he said. Daniel Fitts, Engineer Old
Colony RuilroAd. July.
rrwn fnr Sptmt.r Term, commencing
MoDiUy, tlm UTih. liv,
Raarpr-Nnthfn t'rt, fl.T,, Wnttnl.
HoTr Wam l.teob O lr., John Foliar,
Jr. A. I. Snyrf-r, H"rr s. Spiclemvar.
fh.nin Win II. Swurti, W. K. WalUoe.
MO lli hurt'li lm t Aytra.
Ml.tatocr.i i lul lliiininol. Wm. A. KuKr.
Ferry Want !.! M, Tcati.
I'cnn llun. Nttlar.
SllmroT K.lwnr.l Kimp. tl n. nUh!.
Sprtoit Am.) K. M;t -hell, Wm. II. hntith, A.
ttnl'in Jtramlili n r, Jnonb Onaeli r.
W,l,lngtoa-.I.. llarr.lil, Putar I., lialuaa.
Drawn for Mpptemtior Tartn, eommsnclra
Mod. lay tlia 2TIU. 1 -tl. HaokenbarKti, Toblaa Mltrhtl,
Kooter SmltB.
lloT..r-ltirl HofTnant, Wm. M. Kellrr.
IttTl.l Mi,,n...wrtn, j. p. Watixl.
HTtr Wet-II. Bi y K.l.lejr, (leo. . Hoyitxr.
Centre Jarry O. lluwamoi, Kotiart LrJIay,
John Hartiuan.
Chapman Soi.nnan Kbilnlit, Jamat Herkcr,
Abel Uarrnta, lt i). M .yer.
Kranklla Thotiia Hullaml. Jacob U. Waltor.
.Urkon t'alrln M. Nanlort.
MI'I lleoroek-Oe. .1. Kou.h. .lohn Zelbar.
iUiinrnc lteory Uola, Tliomta Slotkr, Wm.
Parry- lanb I). Arboga.t, A. 1. Betcbel, J.
P. Nagel.
Perry Wa-t-.Tami Porrr. Samnol Hllnr.
Pena t'ha. K. Ilu kel, .. V. Cuater. Jacob
MliterlltiK, Daniel tttt, lliDj. Smlllj.
Ne1iD-Krava-I.avi rtniipr.
SprliiK Henry oeit. J. ICowanl Kllna, Wm. .1.
Prion. Itobt. t. tSiultli. Joba II. t'lab, A.
A. 1'tt.h.
VnloD .1. II. Horrold, Plilllji Leotg, Cliarloi
Wanhlniitnii Pliillp llamtrlrkii, Wm. F. Kanti
Cbat. Hirenklu, Calrlu S. eiK.M.
MiiMIelttirgh, IVnn'a.
A iffatnat-of the t'nlrartliy of PeoniylTs,
Ola, ntTarp hi rofen.inl rrioea to tha rltl
i-na or MM'tl-barKb anil vtpinltr. Ppraki
KnirlMi anil (iartuaa. Offloa In Mr. . Alfred
BOtioob'f buliamif. July K), ho
testamentary on tha emate af Joha M.
Troxell, lata ol A Unn trntarhlp, Knydar
t.'nunty, l a., -IteM. haylnif brea granteil to tha
nnilernlituvl, all ieroaa knowing themtulvei, I to aalil ptati are ieqoaite.1 to maka
Irame llata tiaymnin.wblle Ibnae kavlng alalma
will prrieiii them duly authenticated for aet
tlouieut to the nnrtaraiKOe'l.
Wm. n. IIA'JM.
July 2). rS. Eiecotor.
Tha alioro name.1 F.xei-ntor will mat partlea
Intoroateil at Mat 'lure on I'rlJay, Si-iit. 10, and
at TroxelTlile en Sntunlay, s. ( t. II.
s Kstiilt: i,f In Vif Ori-hnuik' Court
ihrirk- Hit I of Siuiicr Cottntii.
m me
Tlio unilorKltrne.! ninlltor. appulntcil by th
t'oni-t nlinv n:imr, to ili.rluitii tlm balnni-o In
tlm Iiaii'l4 of Atui'lln. W l. ami lauai lliUur,
A ! in I ii I nt - i.l iloroilnnt, to nnd nnionir
llioau li'Kally entitled tn tbu Mine, biTeby mren
tintlee tn all luloru ti .i. tlml lm will at.
tend In the iluHm nl hln aii m m.-nt nt III" (!
tl.-o In .Mi.lilleliurtf'i, on Til I' Its l Y. AtJ(5.
'It, 'i4, at II o'el'irk il. m. w.'iun aud when) tliey
nmy attend It they think pmper ; r Inrevtr be
debarred Inun eumiui( In fur a dlHrlbutlyo Imr
tiuu ul raid fund.
.1:1 me. 1. Albrlubt ni.nllp lur twn huiutre
and Hlty nerea of iinlniirnved land, vltuato In
&SwZlJ i.'7.Vt)itii .iitxi-'wUMH' j..' .!
i.ii i lie .viuiii r nfl.t ol A. Pardon and otb-rs uu
Hill. I III I.t. Knlim Il.ul.' I -"'I. 'WWi
the Went ; nml land nt William Swcntflo, Aaruu
Kloiie, and titUormin the North.
LAt'liiXTuir, J uly 211, 'PH. Sw.
Letter, of adinlnUtratlon on the ratate "f
Henry S. Freed lat ol Heaver twp., Ktiyder U.
des'd, havlnjt been r anted to the uuileralgued.
all peraona knowing theinaelvo Indebted to
aid eatala aro roueated to mako linina tlato
pavne'iit, whlln th bavliiR rlaima will pre
aeut tlieiu duly autbuutlcate.l fur 1'ittleiue jt to
tbo underaittned.
July IS, So. Administratrix.
Nntlco l hereby ulven that I have piirehanr.!
lit CiniKliildu S.ilo nn the U;b day ul June,
the tn. iwiiik u r ul Samuel A. W anner, all. I
lelt the fame iu bii pn-es.inu. All periii are
e.iiitiuned imt to meddle or tnti rlere wlib the
namo : 'i Hurl-en, lliirneive.., Iluuiv li.trnee,
Wuitmi. Ti liiiaiv, Cultivator, U i'tmt. Call,
l'J acre id the lunlit lted icrnln III tho ti'""iid,
a'TL- ul l. vo ;n ll.e ur 'Uml. to nerei ol (laMln
Ihe irmund, nlmtit ID aenw nt crowing Cum In
tno uriiuuii, ;t aere ol t'ntatoea In the Hrioiud,
l'lnw.4 Una", Sled I,iiii Sled, ilraln Urill, Soytli
unit Snntli', Co'ikliiK Stiivo and eonteutu, table,
sink, Wuoil Client, lied uud HeddiDK, Chaira,
I iniir i iiimi.
Jaly IS, a", CATIIKKIM: AUNtil.D.
muuuiu naaiuu sewSoolL
t Just FubUsbed, enUUed
OVwtalnlru? a thoro ueh and eompn-hranlve arrnao
of cnnilnul I'roctlet a of all Oradi a and CI.uo.xs
with Numnmua Kplandet i f 1'uiikiual KiH rl. iice
In the llelarllon of I rlmlnnla, eoverliut a tutlod
(it Thirty 1 onra' Active lelrctlo Life aiHl
cmbraeiiiR many (uf. iuy iiiUnUiua and AriU
inn l)UoUv4 HkiUhtM.
An pntlrely new bonk, frnilMelv Wtukrtltd,
aud wltbrort rait oIUioUivatlA;Ux.Hvo.i . "
In Trr town there am number, tit people vAa
VUlbe glad lo ntt (Ala ooolr. It ."111 to Me nib mira.
aleohanle, Karmora and imreatlonnl Dion. Thue
every Agent can idea nut fitly cr nuire in a luwa
to whom lie can (col aura uf iwlung it to.
We want One A tent In every townrhlp, f
Bounty. lifAnypertMt, with (lila bonk, mi V
oomo a lurcetajl Auenu For full particular aad
lerm to autntt, adaruae
O. W. CaHLETON CO., Publlthera, New To?
Nbw Home Sewlnii MacMne Co.
30 Union Square, N.Y, Chicago, II 6t Unit. Mo.
Atlanta, 6. Dallaa, Tax, Su Frandaca, Cat.
irr V n m
While nt Sbliinrrove Inst week
vc visited the Store of 8. OPPEN
IIEIIYIEK nnd were perfectly ns
tonislied nt the immensity of his
which fills his store FROM CEL.
LA II TO GARRET, nnd is sold
nt Prices that surprise nnd delight
purchnscrs. He announces his trade
on the increase, notwithstanding the
strong opposition.
Oppcnhcitncr's Clotning House
in niiikiifi trfif nlkl ittlina-l mill Sfiflnis.
pcnsnhle institutions of Snyder Co.,
nnd square dealing entitles him to
he called the "poor man's friend."
New tione penned at
FRIEDMAN & GETZ, Proprietors.
Wo tlosire to annouuoo to tbo people of Hoavertown in pnrticalar sod
tho citizens of SuviIlt couuty in gooeral, that we have op oned a store here
which wo dceiro thorn to visit, nud decide for Ihumsolvs if in the follow
poods wo cuuuol do better by them than any other boose in the county.
'o keep
Clothing, Dry Goods,
m ndo), Summer Shawls, new styles
I nrkey Kcd Tnblo-cloths at 40
Largo Stock of Bed Qnilts, Straw
Jewelry, WatchesJi t&c.
Wo ronoidor it no trouble to show goods, and wa; nt yon to come and
PRICK OUIt STOCK, so that you
you may want iu tho future
Ah hiiikos aro tho order uf tho day
in Snyder oonuty not for highor
AT 111(111 PRICED. Cash businoss
and tho pricos mufit coi respond with
thortforo prepared myself for the rash trade of the ctyunty by purcbass
ing a largo stock of OOOU GOODS which I have
to tho lowost possiblo margin in exchange for really money. I keen no
books, loso nothing ou accounts and
average of at least fifteen per cent, which benefit, I give to my purchasers
Come and sco me and I will convince yoa of tbo advantages of this new
Beaver Springs, Pennsylvania.
GUNS, Revolvers,
and Sportsmen's Material,
J. B. Reed's, Sunbury, Penn'a.
These' Guns aro Special Bargains and will be
m 1 a J . 1 a V i mm
som at exuemeiy low prices, as ionows:
GunNo. 600.Mri,oJpl,fV:l t Qjol No- lLW-JiLTi
patout button lore en,l, ait ualon rib, bar look., tr,.el ,;b01kn ",ll"n To""' , rhaqner.d
elidke bora, top a. llon,VlMlrlI, rcboiinilliigiH"!11 ,r fl"'y W. la, 16 gauKe. Price u.oo.
bajiuier., rubher butt, kaiUi-m.ljr ennravfil.l All full aett n( loajlnf tool) aad on baa.
with beautiful atovk. it perfect laauty aud lrl ao( r .hell, luoluded In the atiore prioaa
bard aluMiter. 1! tot lb, iu or 12 gauuo. with eavb and orjr gun.
Prloe 'JK.tiO. , I alio carry a complete atock of the following
'Kuna I barker, Celt and AlaubatUn Heioioar-
llllTI NA 7flil .1 P HarrlnKtnu ai Richard., New Hmlth,
JUI1 aO.1.4 UcMlon, exten.lon I'.lper, Bona Hill. W. M. Mcore W. Rloh.rda.
rib bar. rabanudlntr plat.i Knp, patent Wluobe.ter and toll Klflea, at Sla.OO. Slnile
fi.M end, enuraved and ui. uutiuit., pol-, barreled Uuu. J.M to fio.ou.
rl euinplfte Kun.f to lulb. Iu. 1.'. IB, iiauue.
Prloe SXi.VO.
Gun No. 1785.,
lulltiu., hard ailDUt (look.
n gr a e d
patent fore end, ti
rubber butt.
ia' auap, ua.'k notion looka,
hi to vj jib, io aud 11 gauge.
a itood ioii.i gun
Price tiO.W.
uu mm, oaca action
lock., obuqaerei oro end, euvrarad mount
Inm. twl.t braai barrela. rabnunHii..
Pl.toi grip, oror ebtal rubbar bait Platva. ili
toKJilC, 10, H,jauge. l8.oo. ' ,
n.. 1' CrC Side anan a
UUU iU- UlU-tlou, back aotlon
looka, blue at I barrel, chequered grip. lU
to 101b. 10 a,- auKo. Price iio.oo. r n
Contractor for Plumbing and 8team Heatera
t .
m lmeiimgs and
Jersicej Kmbi" oidery, Laces, Pure
ctB. per yard .'-warranted fast cobra.
Hats from G con 'tsup,
may know whore to buy the goods
fiiuiirjoiAN & GETZ.
Beavertown, Pa.
1 have inaugurated the moveroeut
wages or loss hours,1 but a STRIKE
has bocome the ordor of the day
tho progrops of the times. 1 have
discount my bills, thus saving an
Fishing Tackle
iSPKOIALTV. HavluR pnrohaaed a mauhiue hundred aartrl.lira.
hour, more perteci aud eOeotlve than can be
loaded by tha old atyle of band loadlug. 1 am
prepared to Bll all ordera promptly at prloea
rauglng from SU.M to $9.e0 pvr 100.
F1SHINO TACKLE. I pride my. ell on
aaylng that my line of ftablag Uekle la com
plete, aud the bent aelactluu ever brought to
title) auction of the Stat aud at nrtnaa tiit
dely eompetltloB.
All eommunlcatloni or ordera b mall
jirouiptly anawered oi tilled. When ordering
l.w ni a M n.nn.w an i u , aaaaa...... il.
uua aeut by eipraia O
U. u 11. W1IB IMa n
the order la ecoompanled with ihew eoUara aa
a Kuarantee of good faith.
unite oi eiaiuioauoa
el I he offioe, proyldlnir
Public Buildins-
lortn of thuatlr aud lightning.
to tell how Bh did looU ai
Viminleraiui aai bugg
tntm i
Ito- '.jrr.Wh"
. :::'4-a' nt . " "