:'fi i i 1:1 i 1 i 1 I V I I 2 c J- i. u ev "l 0 , u BY rx ii. iiyvirri:w. Su1)sniilioH $1.50 lVr War RATES OF ADVERTISING : Co llolumn. One Year V0 tifie-hfill t'olumi line .( f n-ourth Column. U. a V nr 1 J ProlroDl lard, pr veur "'.uu Auditor, r.xeiutnr, Ailui lolsirnlor, an I A Kn Not lo W WlitD no npnclal arrang-mr nt are mi'le. all iWfftftementii.lnJort'"! lor Iim tli n 3 month", ere enare tl.sw -er ihcu ior hr lneri'iti 1 "v .r th -c . nil loeril"n n I 7i cen t lor eneh bien,unt Insertion. for ( iiivcrnor, JAM K.S A. m.AVi.R, of CVntrn rouiity. Ir JJiMitoimiit invi'rnor, WILLIAM T. PA VI KM. uf ni'iu1finl comity. I'ir Ai'ilitor (ipiirral, A. Wll.so.N MKi:i:. of riiiln.Kl liin. I'or S-i-i'i'tnry of Inti-rnnl AlTiiirn, THOMAS J. WTLWAUT, f Montuiiii-ry ')Uhiy. Jl'or ('oiitfri'fkiunn at I .nrr, i.PWIN M. oslioUM). of I.iitriic i-minty. lejutlican Crir.y Ticket- It Viiin- num. UU'IS i:. ATKINsmN. (Sulijert to III" il'riinll .f till' ili-llirt ( iifi'li'll','. ) l"nr Am inlily, AAUUN S. IIKU-'Klfll, of Sii iu.'. Tliuistlay, .July 22, issii. Tbo nominco for i.:ovemor, Ucn- cral James Adams lVaver, was Lorn At Millerelown, 1'erry County, IV, on October ill, 1S:17. Ho aa edu cated at Jill'erson College, Canons bnrg, graduating in 1S."', and at onco began tbo study of law nt Hellefouto with H. X. McAllister, enbsequently becoming Hint gcrtle tuan's profegsional partner and son in-law. Tbreo years aftc r his ml. mission to tbo bar tbo rebellion broko out, and bo at onco volunteer ed and was chosen first lieutenant of a company of tbreo month's men raised at I.elkfoute, and assigned to tho Second lVnnsylvAiiiu Infantry. At tho expiration of thoir term bo helped recruit tbo Forty-fifth I'cnn eylvania Infantry and Lccamo its lientcnant'Colonel. Ho wan thortl nflrirnr.lil ni""n l nlmolor of tbo Ouo hundred and Forty-Might, nnd in May, IS''.;), was severely wounded at Cbancelloiftvillo, and as noon ns bo could boar tbo fatigue of tbo journey was sent to Ilarrisburg. nnd during tbo Gettysburg cum took command of Camp Curtin. Ho was uiado Lrigado commander ut Cold Hinbor, mid was again wound cd, but not seriously, and at lV-lors- lmrr wan virr pel ioilsl V br.lt bv the , . . ... , t, i , ,. . i i , , .1 covory be again tout eutuman l of l,iB l.riado on tbo eve of notion f Ream's Station, nud was srnmly on tho tiebl beforo bo us again hit And bo ba lly that bid ! g bad Ij bi Amputated. General Heaver then returned from nciivo service, was mastered out iu lSOo, at.d returned to Hello foute, where bo ei ago l Actively in Uw pnietico uud man ied. Ho look a prDminent place in politics nt occo. in iii no was mo cnairman of tbo Pennsylvania delegation t r. t tbo llepnbl'cin National Conventi ui At Chicago, w here ho vob d steablv for Cirant In Hl! be wss tbo Re publican caucus candidate for United States Senator, but nf'ei thirteen ImllotH bis nauio was diop ped nu.l Jot ti I Mitchell was taken tip and elected. In l"- bo was nomiuatid by ncelamalioii for Gov ernor, and in tbo subsequent bc. tiou loci iv 1 Ill'.'S!) votis, John Stewart, tho Hub pendent Hepubli cau candidate, received 4:1,712. and llobett K Pu'.ti-iou, letU)Ciat, :i.r).", 791. General Leavei'M dofoat was owing, therefoio. to tbo lt; l puid ent IU'publican movemont. William T. Havis, tbo candid ibt for liouteniiut-goveriior, was bom in Glamorganshire, Wales, Dec jo 1831. lu early bfj bo emigrated to Ibis country, and tulered the Owego Academy, New Yoik. After grad uating bo rend law nud v. us admitted topiaclicoin HiadfVrl County, in ibis Stato. In 187" bo (is elected dielrict Attorney for I bo teim of tbreo years, !;t in 1877 ba was chosen Senator for tho ithcut term. In 1S80 be wus re-elected for a full four yerns' term. Ho was a candi date for lieuteuant-governor on the uan.a ticket with Oeu. Hjuver iu 18S2. Col. A. Wilson X orris, who has bt en mado the euudidato for auditor-general was born at Lewiatowp, Pa., in 142. He 1 ft school to en ter the army in led n lioulonaut, was oaptured ,at the second LuUlo of Ball Rao and ajaia at Gottybburg.jlioiio uu.l buggy. - bin linn boia twonly months. boll ii contivity Aftor tbo war bo alndicd law. Ia 18S0 ho was elected to tbo Stalo Somite ia tbo Sixth lisliict of I'hihidelphifl. Iu 183l(2Uh April, 18!., forbidding all bo w;i9 Appointed pension aout in citizens from Allowing the Canadian Philudolphii to siicccd Gen. II. U. Jtbistlo to go to pool on their prom .Sicktl, but wis remove frota that; ices It ia ono of tbo most pesti position in June, 1M", by 1'rusiduut ilenlml weeds of nil that now pollute Cleveland. I lliotms .J. i3i'vnrt, lr.o rnn.lnlato ior scereirirv i niirruai nu urs, win bom noir l'.elf.iM, Iitl m 1 in Sep tember, ly IS, but wuh brought y liis pnroi.tH tho next yeur ti Not tin town, whh'h bus finoo been bin homo. Ho Nerved in tbo I'nioti Army to ward tbo clone of tbo wir, baa btcu nffiislnnt Adjntiitit-Ri'iicriil of tho Orniul Army of tbo UepuMtf iu tl.in Mate, nnd nljut iut of tho Sixth lleinient. X. i. V. Sinoo 1fS0 be litis been otigAod in busine-m n9 n raiinnfacturcr nnd doalor in winJou Jeii. E S. Onborne, rnndidalo for CoDgr08HUiiinat-liiro, was bom Anust "i in Hotbnny, 'Vuyno County. Ho was e lurutcd lit the I'tiiviTMty of l'!iiiisj Ivanii nn 1 tl.e I'ouhkeepMo Natiomil Iwv School, and after completing 1 1 i ptit lien re moved to Will.e limn. vb ro be ..... , ... . . 1 1 law. Jio ntticd tho nrmy m ti e boginninf; of tho wnr c;liul if tbolr.Mh ( I'.ueUtit'l) ll;'iniei)t o( lYnntylvanii and by vi' iriin Hir viro roso to tbo ra lo of bri'jadier goneral, which rank bo liel I when mustered out nt tho ,!oto of tbo ic Uomou. lie nui).-f "I'leiiiiV i (Mine major-general of the- National timid which position bo la id f.r eiuhl yearn, in ii no was a eiiKii ine for countv indgo. but was d"f'.atc.l by.lud.jo Hundley. Ill lSl bo W'lf tlceted CongreHhUian-sl-laige. and, then fore, is now uoiuiuatud to huc cced himself. Ho wiih elected to the I'orl y-t lnlh 'present t'ongrcsB as 15(.pn uiita-tive-at-Largo by wl.at is st iti d to have btxii tho birgot voto ever eant for nnv candi l ite iu thin slate, lb uetived I7i'..".!bl votiM ' J. ":'! in ex- reus of Ulaine'sl. iiaiui.t iKl.OI'J ( i1 W. W. II. Kavw (iK-moeiat . !.(' I for Atwood ' rci'i)li:i l. ). an I 1 1 171 for t'laik l'robil itioni-t.) Col. Freil tlraut has made a state ment, tho gist of which is printed iu H'trjHrs Hi ('. Ho complains of unkind insinuations ngainsl him on nccouut of tho failure of Grant V Ward, p.nd says ho wis nowr a member of that fit ru: Wbo'i the failure camo bo found himself in debt to tbo amount of fSUO.ooo. rtbich ho has sinco roducod to .S"'i''. mil). Ho has hardly bought a suit of clothes since, nud ovorythiuir be has savod has been paid on bis d Jt. 1 1 o paid: This moruiug I received !?;!0" from a publisher for writing nn articlo on tbo war. I at onco do- I posited tbo money for tho benefit of my creditors. I am now connected with a company that furnishes the wood work for new buildings. I own no stock in it, but am simply an employe, When I graduated ut We.vt Point father gavo mo .l,'li)o un 1 mother gavo mo another frl.oijil to bavo a good timo with I Imp- pencil to moot Mr. John Huov, 1 tho Admin Kicnress c-mipary, ,1 Kxiiress cmpapv, nnd 1m sai 1 that tho stock of tho com puny was bound to lino very soon, I gave him my 2 ' oO and content ed mycelf with entertaining n iuo tf my el..ssmate.s at bi'.her's house at a cost of only $10 or SoO. Tho stock went up. un I by reinvi'Pting my dividends and adding 1 1 tliein what I could tavo from my salary as lion I tenant I bad clD.tlOil iu about four years. A 8'-n of II. 1 Cooko open ed lu.'d.ing bouse in Washington, ami 1 iiivii.-ted '2 il '0 with him. In u few niontliH bin paitner, Sherman, a iclntive of Senator John Sherman, j .iturtcd in ba. iness on bis own hi Cwuntiindl iuvested ?.: ,'toi.l with I him. part of it borrowed from friends. I lost eviry cent. Some lucky spec J nlations in mining nl icLs at Ciiicigo jboon enabled mo to recoup, nud ithttso were followed by investments , in real estate similarly fortunato jOno day in Ne.v Yoik I met 1'ordi-jnan-1 Ward Hy biu ndvioo 1 bou.jbt :oti)') We-lera l'ni)U stock nnd ! cleared S '11' 'JTiorj I t ) k a dobk in the ui'.ico i f Grant -V Ward. I hud 7,,,0, and every dollar of it w is invented with tbo linn. In ad.'.i'ion to my obligations juf 00,i) hi l o'.vcd which fi ien la i f initio bil l invested with the (irm and bad lost outright. One of theso friend was ,i relatiio iu Chicago who bad sent mo !r'(!,0lld. 1 bavo already refunded to ber ono half of that sum. 1 bavo borno u good many attacks from tbo news papers, but I do not know that I over gave cause of o'dVuso to Any body. I shall not bo satisfied until every dollar lost through my advice shall bo reutoroJ to its rightful owner, wwniiinii7aS A lit t lo negro, called "Curt,'' at .Marshall, Mo., whoso father was a j soldier aud wns killed iu tbo war, j recently received fl.fiOO pension money. His fhbt purchase was a Sf.o finger ring, his tcoond a &300' i'Maiililieil liinueii ill lln; pi-icuco oiij,u1,i3 THE CAITAIIAII THISTLE TEST. Tho farmer of nerj community should sternly enfoico tbo law of the fields of tho farmers, and it ;Hi,n:ids from tbo tbriftloss to tho Ian 1 of tbo thrifty with fearful rapidity. Tbo 1 nv of 181 rovi lus that any person boldi:i;; latida by luans or otherwise, who shall ullow tbo Ca tiatliati thisllo to go lo foc l on their premi-es, hball bo fiocd fifteen dol lar, tj bo pii 1 to tbo ticbool fiinl of the ilistuct. Any ciliZ'.-n who is likely to bo inj'iied by tbo spread of tbo pest from bis neighbor's laudo, may givo notico to bavo tho wrtN cut beforo going to sec'', and if not done, tbo CouHtablo or Supervisor in rcfpiitod to outer npou tbo properly, cut tho weeds and cm compel tho payment of labor and eo- ts from tbo holder of tbepullu'ed No avengo firmer or good citizen bbimid 1 1 juiro ofTi'-i d notice from an oIVict to in il.e him cut tho Can aJiiu tbintlo Leforo it lipous its fleod. A fow hours' work nt moot woul 1 cut it ou any avcrago firm, an 1 tbo holder of any latnl ebould cut it for bis own protection. It i- dcbtruclivo of all crops when it gfts rooted in field-, and its downy needs tiro wafte hither aud thither lo poll n I o nil neighboring hiiiJu. Supervisors of public loads ftro ab.o rtquired, by tbo new law, to cut t li 3 Ciualian tListlo on or along ill roads or unsealed lands iu their lislri'ts, nu 1 in caso uf failure, they aro liaV'lo lo a lino of Ln il liars, to bo recovered for tbo uso of the parties about to bo injured by tnicb neglect or rifusal. Tho present is i ho timo to destroy tbo Canadian I bisllo pest, an 1 ov- ry occupant of laud should iiillinjjy and promptly obov tho law. ASIIAIIAI'I LI.TC3 T Among recent f.i"ts of literary and popular interest, s tho an nouncement of a new illustrated biography entitled "Tbo livery- Pay Lifo of Abraham Lincolu," written by '-Tboso who knew him." Tho plan of tho work is that of nn ex haustive biography, giving not only tbo general facts of his lifo iu chro nological older, but incidents, anecdotes nud teo'.y 7,tf facts mumt.-hj rsonil such ns could on ly bo given by those in closest inti mate nud confident lid relations, dur ing the vaiious periods of bis life. TLes'i were, in puisuanco of the plan, enlisted for tho work, cm biaeing tbono who know lain ns u b.ey, as a tlatbo.iti.iai), n rail-splitter, a eb ik iu n country store, n law student, n lawyer, politician, Presi dent every period of his eventful raid most interesting life. Laeh author writes of the facts of bis life .luring tho period in which bo l.uow him facts and incidents that came under bis own observation nud with', iu his own knowledge. A book thus written, un I so exhaustive iu fact concei ning one of so enduring a place in tho hearts and admiration uf his poeple, is assured of eutbus siatio welcome and a lastiug plaeo in popular esteem. Wo aro told that the last literary work pel form ed by tho late Judge David Pnvis, Liuo.Ju 'h lifetime friend, was on of iho many contributions to this vol ume, in which bo took a deep per-r-onal iuteivsl. It is a grand career and chirantcr that is thus so miuutely 'delineated. What lover of simplo worth nnd homily virtues is not tonehod by tbo story of lcuoolu's puro and manly li o I lu what other couutry could it bavo boon possible to pro duce a ohiractur and career like bis.' Tho w.irk is rendered fartlmr at tractive by iieai ly 10 J superb on giiiviiis fiom oilgimil designs made especially for this book, illustrating scenes and incidents i'l his lifo. It is sold at p pular prices witbiu the reach of all. Tho canva-i.sing ngont for bucu a woi i will find tho latcb-btriug out, a welcome aud patroungo that will niako bis Ini-inex both pleasant uud prolitablo. X. 1) Thompiou Pub lishing Co., St. Louis, Mo and Now Yoik Cily(imo tbu eulorpribiug pub lishers. A load of bay wus boing driven into tho big burn of Scbnyl r Parish of Naples, N. Y., tho cthor day, when nn iron bolt of tbo rack press id so hard on a wheol that tho tiro Btruck fa o nud the hay was ignited. Tho driver had tho prcsonco of ruiud to back tbo load out of tho barn and jumped down. Thou tho frightened team ran through the village with the blazing load, sotting fire to a bridge ou tbo way. When they 0 tlop.,Ul ftH 0f the wagou had tcn burned but the frout wuoola. SU1T2EAU3. A big jnrtlo was caught near Lincoln Parish; La., And its head was cut off. Three days later a chicken found tbo bead And was picking at it when the jaws snapped, caught tho kitchon, And killeJ it outright. , Matilda Thomas went to pick cherries nt Westchester, Pa , tho other da)', nnd a fow hours later was fonod bangiog xload iu tbo treo. Sho bad, apparently, blip pod, and ber neck catching in a crotch, sho was hangLil fa that curious way. Joseph 1'iith of Fierron, III., hid iyb, gold, iu his oat bin last fall. Last week, ho Hold bis oats and dumped (bom into a -car beforo he remembered his raonoj-. Tbey shovelled the outs over three times without finding anything, but a fourth trial fotcbod 'cm. Colo Vonngor, ono of tboso celo brated Minucsota bandits, tho Younger brothers, is said to bo a man of great ability and consider able education. Sinco bis iraprisou nvnt bo has studied tbo Uiblo care fully, nnd now iegularly preaches to bis fellow couvicts in tbo Stillwater peuiteutiary. A rattleau.iko got in front of a mowing muchino in St. Joseph county, Ind, and was cut into three pieces. Wbou Mrs, Ilouck, who ; was raking hiy, cnuo up whoro it was the head still bad lifo enough to bilo bur, and the j iws bad to bo torn npart to romovo tbo fangs. .Mrs. Uonek camo tear dying. Hilling n thauder storm at New Ikichmond, Wis., two thundurbulls went through tbo pillow of n yonug woman, ono on each eido of her head. Her hair was singed, bor hea l nnd shoulders burned, nnd bjth cyobal'.s so oiibicrcii tunc euo win uo loiaiiy blind. A young woman of Ashlon, Dak-, has n farm which she works nil alono She has three horses, and last year she raised 1,20 J bushels of grain, and now has seventy-five ncroa of wheat, fifteen of c iru, and is break ing up moro lau.l. Sho averages about ono offer cf marriago a month Two hunters from Minucsota, who spent the winter on the Atba. basca lliver, caught aud killed 100 beaver, 19 moose, aud other uniuials. and thou lost oil their furs by a spring freshet. They bavo just come w nitU mult nprlug euteli, ulnetl in cluded 13J benvor, 12 Iyus and ono boar which they bavo sold for $o)0. Iburiug their loss, they think tbey did very well, and will try it ngain uext fall. Al Kilter of Wonas, Wenas. W. T., was showing his wifo n new breech loading rillo when it was accident ally diocbargod. Neither was hurt ; but tbo fact that their two-year-old boy, who bad been sleeping ou tbo bed, did not Awake, led them to hurry lo Iho bodsido, Tbey found I ho child dead. Tbo ball bad enter ed tbo left groiu, como out at the chwst, eutered again nt tbo chin, nud lodged in the top of tbo boad. Lightning struck ft housa in Yoluntowd, Couu., the other night, and nfter ripping up tbiugo gouer "lly, tho cm rent divided into two. Ouo went to a houso uoar by, killing a goat, on tho way i Blruck a giil, burned her stocking And shoo off, and blistered aud partially paralyzod ber leg. Tbo othor current went off at right ADglos from tho firut dam aged a pig pou, and knocked down a horso in nu Adjacent barn. Mrs. Miua I'acbman of Logans port, Ind., baa beguu a suit for 1,000 damugoB against tho Ger man Lutheran church of that plaeo, aud also asks for au injunction restraining tho pastor and trustees from ringing tho chimo of bells of tbo church. Sho complaius that her daughter, who is an iuvalid, suffers severely nt each liugingf of tho bells. TLoro is, of courso, no disputing tho truth of a thing that can be proved by mathematical demonstra tion. For instanco, this, proposi tion advancad by a professor of mathematics to his pupils : "It is ovident that if it takes ono bricklay er twolvo days to erect a wall of given dimensions, twelve bricklayers ought to do tho work iu ono day, JSg in an hour, 17.2S0 iu a minulo, uud 1,036,800 bricklayers in a single socoud." Daniel Swayixe, while walking on Iho bank of the Misbininowa lliver, uoar Somerset, Iud., saw a human skull protruding from tho earth where tho water had wasbod the bank. lie dug iuto the bauk and found a ekclotou wrapped in a coarse woollen cloth and lying in A wood on trough. Ia tie trough were sil ver ornaments, a necklace, braoelots, big bands hung with silver bells, and other trinkets. The skeleton was undoubtedly that of ft Miami chief, r 4 A rioa for tho Girl of To-Ia?- Th9 girl of to-day is ft busy, use ful worker. She Is generally pro ficient in neodlowork. Sho can not only nltor bor own drosses, but cut and make tboso ncd her undercloth ing as well. She has a knack at trimming her bats nnd furnibirg ber wardrobe, nnd does her full slmro at helping the dressmaker who comes to Assume charge of tb. spring and fall sowing. Sho under stands the vaiious branches of mending and takes that division f labor ott her motbei's bands, ns well as tbo care of parlors and dining rooms, the ai rangeiueiit of lnveis, tho supervision of the manners and apparel of tbo younger children nnd sometimes of their studies, too. Let full justice bo done lo tho "girl of tbo period," or rather let there be a clear comprehension of what shall bo really represented by that much abusod phraso. It is not f lir to lake tho weakest specimens of tho sex as typos of n class compraising earnest woikers, with strong concep tions of life, its responsibilities and burdens and steady purpose to bear them according to tho best of their ability, Claj Allison, n Las Vegas cowboy or, ns bis advancing years demand, cowman, sold ft lot of steers at Choyouno tbo other day at a good profit, nnd then went lo a dentist to get An aching tooth Attended to. Tbo dentist, Booing a ehanco to mako something, bored a hole iu a sound tooth of Clay's nnd Attempt od to fill it, but, being a buuglcr, broko tbo tooth. Allison got mad nud went to another dentist, who told him that bo bad been tbo vie i tim of ft ipiack: Tbo cowman wont back to tho first dentist, picked up a )oir 0f f,.ct,. i", knocked him lowu, yanked bis month iptn, jerked oul n sound double tooth, grabbed for nnolbir, caught a front tooth and a piece of tho upper lip and was tuggiug away nt theso when tho shrieks of tho quack drew o crowd, w ho took tho enraged cattle man off, aud ended tho performiuco. I'nder tbo marriago licouso net r.ll peiBO!!8 under twenly-ouo years of ago aro required to obtain tho con sent of their parents or guardian. In cases where tbo parties nro mi nors nnd Lnvo i.o guardian Iho prao tico of tho court is to nppoint n tfiv.t-.1iV- f,,r tlmin in order that tbo provisions of the law may bo com plied with iu respect to obtuiuiug a guardian. Onr'iiiK'ht ii while n;;n John I.nj ton, who runs tin main line boat train lioMoii, cauii' mi my engine sick ns death. II Win so feverish uud nerv ous he utmost (!;,, l. ciu'er up, .lolm, says 1, inn! I'll ti v you up in n ji:Ty, and 1 (,'ave bim a f,'oil dose of )r. Kennedy's "paMilite Ki lueily." He want to hed. Two days ufter I saw liini louhin ctron us a butehor. 'Tlmt's tin- Mull for n railroad man," lin sai.b Daniel I'itts, KnglniTp Old Colony Uailroad. July. A HMINISTIlATIlIX XOTIC11. C Lntturi nl R'linlnl-trntlon en the i-tta ef iiiiiry . r r. ca ut.. i I li. avi r twp., Suvil. r )n il. cM, li:ivinv mi I'rnnlo.l M Iho .nnlcraiKiu il, ill o.-i .UK kiiieuinf tlian.i"lvii lu.flit''l la uia eil:OH iir.i ri-U. ne a t ir.uki. iiiimo lliito !'' ". lil! Ill no Invli.i! i-Uiiux hIII irs- .nl t '! anly Hiiiliniitii ntc I f.'f i. ttli'iimat lo Hie uiiilf rKiiju.'il. July is, '-H, SAIIINK VK t 'Ktl, Ailuiliilsruii u. CAUTION NOTICE. N.itloo N liiTi'l y uivt-n tliiit I linvo puri'linno l 111 l'nll-l:ilii S ill- .ill tl-.n 151 1 ,.,r u Jiilll', lis'). Ili liilli.wiiu uiiii.I? nl S:iiiiin I ,'. Warner, iiml li lt llin f : i hi .- in lim niu. '-'Liii, iktk.iii.' nro IMIIII.'IH'.I lint to IU- !. I.- I.f IlltiTl'TI' with tho homo: i; ii.ir i . ii.it nwir, llimuv lliuiii'si, Wiiifnn, I - i lliiiuy, 'ntllv.itor. 'J fuw.-. full. lil ll.Tr.i nl llm umiivlti'.l ::l;im III Mil' unminl, N ,i'-,i -in i.it, in nu ui'niiaii, in acri'i nl tiiit.iin ini' un uii I, iiimiiii li ie n nl n.wiii I'nru in 1 in. uri.iin.1, iiiti' nl I'nnitin-n In Ilia uriinn.l, I'lnw. 4 II....-I, sua I.inr sua, Urain lriU,Soth nu. I Sinitli., Ci.ukiiiu Slnli.iinil I'lillli'lll.i, tul'iln. Sink, Won I fla-t, nu.l IK.Iilin , 6 riulrn, I'l.i'ir t'lii'l. .luiy li, ni. ' tiii;i;im: aiinoi.h. Agents Wanted For Too HY "THOSE WHO KNEW HIM," I'riim tho nlisiMirity ul IiovIi.uhI to tlm diitp nt in-u i ih' ie on. .v in' in lHujriiiliy nl tlm uri'iil Aim-rnMii I 'i-.'i.l.f ut, lr. on :i nuiv Muitil-niinl iic- '111. Ill' .111.1 L'Xl. lll-IlM' III lUi'l Ulld llll'lill'llt. rv il.'lii H'lh li IKKil . it O, lirnlllfO llll'l cl' unlit III lllll. I nil iiiti (liiu , iiia vitiK- Irmii onw mi I iltaiiii, ilhi-i r.ilinif Iiii'IiI'.iiIk, niH't'JntoK, ur.soii, fco, hi. hi'lmg 10 StL'il I'nrtruiU.) ii'l Sir lull iurtli".t !:in un.l Inr cvl.li'ni'a ;litl'U am) iT'intnlilo lionk pulilMicil or, to ,ivo 1 1 iii, nun I tl.wi in ouuo Inr t'anv.iKniiitf Honk, an. 1 "lutr. ymrrli ilcrt nl tnn-hl.. A'l ilr.'n, K. I. 1 .i ill'.st I'I'III.ISIIIMJ 1)11., I'uli.s St, 1.11.11.-, Mn., or Now ur 'ily. CatarrH HAY FEVER is attended Ijy nn iiillaiui'il coii dition of the tin iiih' inenibiiiiie of the nostrils, tenrdiiets nnd throat. Annriid K c 1.1.1 - k m ed.uecointitinletl $ffrjjwitli a biirnlnB mm i iiruiiuii,arvDl imstiiH of sneez- iiif,', frequent at- USA. tucks of lieud MAY-FEVER eyes. Cream Ilnlni can be depended upon to ulvo relief at onco nnd cures. A puriiolo in iiiiIIfi Into ii'ii'h niwiiril ami it ari'canln. I'rlro i j cuuta l liriiKKlft": hv mull, ri'KlMiori'il.DO I'tH. ( HnuiluM Irco, tfcY llHOH. Urugjfiiln, Owoko, N. Y. Write tpiiSI, 014 'ion niorea nu A l.lK Mll.I.KU. Klmtra. N. Y. I.ntul Hi. Kliulra Hilioot oi (Uiiiiinuro. ana Ai.ur.i'x iiubin t-s.i euii. I.KilK lor ciUIbkuoiiI th. Lumllnu: H iMlnes I'raluiiijr ItntltuU a ol Aiu.rlua, UolJ I'rU. lid. i ii . : -j in vnrwOTVwM mm mn (via m m ihSf.i ..... f v "r,,1!.M' : "i m-- ' - , ... : While nt Sdinsgrovc Inst week vc visitnl the Store of& OPPEN SSffDilJfiJUS iiiid were perfectly ns tonished nt the immensity ohis NEW STOCK OP &OODS which fills his store FROM C EL LA 22 TO GAKUET, nnd is sold nt Prices that surprise nnd delight pnrehnscrs. lie announces Ins trade on the increase, notwithstanding the strong opposition. Oppcnhcimcr's Clotning House isnmong the established nnd hides- pensnhle institutions of Snyder Co., and sqnnrc denling entitles him to he enlled the "poor mnn s friend. Mew S4Da'e fpeiaedat FRIEDMAN & GETZ, Proprietors. o We d.'siro to annonnci to tho pooplo of IJjavortown in particular and tbo citizens of Snyder county in general, that wo havo opeued a store here w hich wo desire them to visit, aud decide for themselves if in the follow goods we caunot do better by them thon any other house ia tho county. We lieip Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions, Cutlery, Ladies, Underwear, Cbildron'e White Presses, (ready mado), Summer Shawls, now styles Joisies; Embroidery, Laoes, Pure Turkey Ked Table-cloths nt 10 ets. per yard warranted fast cobra. Largo Stock of JJed Quilts, Mraw Hats Irom G ceutsup, Jewelry, Watches, &c. VVo consider it no troublo to show goods, nnd want yon to come And l'ltlCF, OUIt S IOI'K, no that you may know whoro to bny" the goods you may want iu tbo future FREIDMAN A GETZ, Ueavertown, Pa. Sir lie m prices I o As b tribes nro tbo order of tbo day '"bavo inaugurated tba movement in Snyder county not for higher wngcs or less hours, but a STRIKE AT I1KSII rUlCE"!'. Cash business has bocomo tho order of the day aud tho prices must correspond wi th tbo progress of tbo times. 1 have tbereforo prepared myself for tho ca h trade of tho county by purchass iug a largo tdock of CiOOD OOO Ds which 1 havo MARKED DOWN to tho lowest possible margin in exchange for ready money. I keep no books, loso nothing on accounts And discount my bills, thus Baving an Averago of At least fifteen per cent, which bonefit I give to my purchasers Come And see mo and I will convince you of tho AdvAutagos of this new depart uro. A. S. HELFRICH, Beaver Springs, Pennsylvania. GREAT AND SPECIAL BARGAINS OX GUNS, Revolvers, Fishing Tackle and Sportsmen's Material, AT J. B. Reed's, Sunbury, Penn'a. These" Guns are Special Bargains and will be sold at extremely low prices, as follows: Gun No. 600. Mrkt-d Park- ur & Do., with l aii ni Luii'in lure i'ihi, i.iniili.u rlli, bar l"elii, Clmko born, top ai'tlnn, lUatnl Krll, robnu Oillux uB.niuorii, ruoncr unit, uauusi on ly enitruvcil. wiiii in uiiiui .lo.-K. a imrio.it beauty an.l hanl fh.ii.ter. 7'i to 10 lb. lo or 12 ui.u l'i to 10 lb, lu or U h-atjuu.iWttii ua.Oi ana eyery nun. I'rlco .i)0. r T Mnr Ton .. fun" I 1'Tker.toltauU Mauhattao U.uimer- .. Gun No. 1765 JMbn-..": rib bur. r.uounUlUK looki, pl.i,. riii. puteut, w uohe.ter anJ Cc l Jiibm li'-lim S?- r fur... nil, eimrave.l lock, ana ui.iUDtfoKi. vol-Zir , .f,i,XwVvAVu5 " "w t,,n-1- Id i.il li.i.l Ini.l si... . ' . I . . " inu uaru wainni itoOK, iidh twlnt barrulu, a very oi'iii.i.no nun. j lo 1UIU, 10, lij. 10, kbuKO. I'rloa M.nu. A' SVrtC T.litlnri.1. (Ilili N0 178) . . . . "l11. .0'B . wtn I . I I I . . ' T . -. a koou ,11. kuu. 7U to vwib. 10 aud 12 sauna f rloe tvio.lM , IrllTl Nn noil .i8IJ? Pe - VJU1J JlUt UOtl.tlon, baoic action ta, oh.iiuor.il luro end, euKraved uionnt- lock Inm I'lun'i Krip, ornauioulal rubbr butt platt-i. T W lo U,IU, lu, 11, Id gauge, is.ou. " en, in.J?H...flyA.f.'y:ll"uJ uk 0,i..D k. "u.. I..UIIII. r.'uuniiu iuk locaa.i to 101b. )o aud lvi vauKe. t rloe 16.00. Contractor for Plumbing and Cteam Heatera for Dwellings and Public Eiiildinr I.alaaob.ras ....i ran, u.wk uinn too!, rDnu.r.d rlp. Uirqutllty. Id, IU, le gautsa, I'rlou Woo, . -1'i.iu au run nett or loadltii IT In II I mnA ak t. drvil iat-r utioli. InolnileJ la the abor. nricaa ilili ...rk n ihiiih I alio carry a complete utook of tha follow Ino .a. fuiv, ' V'H.VW, SPtOlALry. Having purohaaeil meohlna "apauiooi lo.uind il uun.lr.a o,rtr tv( pr i perfect aud eileotlTe than cao be loaded bvtiiSol.1 iivla of h.n.i 1..-11..J T , " .TT IU1UW I id to Oil all order iiromnily i uriea. " " ' " " "" F1SHINO TACKLEI nrlrla m...lr l'lol. ! the beat ioUotlon e?er thUauotloo of the btale aud at dely oouiputltlon. aylng that my line of tithing tick lo la coui- uroBKbt lo price that All communication. 01 iirouiplly anawered or nlleij by mall money uuat aooo llo.eofeiailn.llou at tl or ordarl li mil tilled. WlittD orderlna- aooompany the order. v. wits ta. nrlr. guarautoe efgood faith.. Gun No-1300 f 1.1. '.H.,m -; ii,oUiod '"C0tcill.l -0V4 IBiw y