The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 24, 1886, Image 3

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    I'uI.IIhIioiI every Tluimlny.
"".iranu'w t.M on th fourth Montlayf
Mi... l
i7 vi - -
our trl..n.l!i throtmhoiit th county will
V. i"n. lliic n-l ititrhoo.m. n.i
. "i. . "l1,1 th"'n "!
7t oar cilnninn will alway Im.p.n
I.'ki who wlli In lliroiuh lltHium
linfr.l-r 1ofl nMl"ii of .nl.1l mtrt;
Ji" will n.,t lK.UtirW rrrt'oti'lMe for tlir
erlnln tliy "' i'rM.
EcpuUlcw Stanih.3 Cjma'.ttoa.
,V,ni4 .1. '. S.'lnn.Ur, Mono Krl.
H.-Hvrr-Win. M. IMM'r.Ixiiii Winter,
louver W-Wm. llnet.-r.Niine. lrecne.
centre h r.r.ii.'y. .1. m. n;;"
Clmp.imii-r.W. Wiil.iee. Kol.rer.
rruiiUliii-.l. W. RennliiKer, lvi.
Jru-killn-J. H. Yenrlek. Win. Hhollv.
MitMlfliurIi- UliiiH Hummel, J. .
SwnrU. .... i,
Mi.Mlecreek.1. J. Mitoliel, A. J
MotlS-'TV.. Iout. T. lMlmniiu'l.
lvrry- U'V' Kei.l.r. Henry Ilnnlmir
VW-.T. llAvillif. T. K.Orfiv bill.
IVtin-.Min K.TIioiiiiih. llnwiinlKow
S,.iiii;rove - A. H. h'-' K-l. M.
i,i1'n-.imi P'NMr. . T. nmiI..Po.
VnKiliirti l'l W. Tool. J. W. Hotl
H.n eni.
Monday was tin lont iliy.
A total cclipso of t!ii "ini will occur
oil AtlkTUnt Will.
New jiolntoeH nre in tl' mnrkt at
M rent per biibliul.
Ttie fftrinori in tli'm nei-tion l.ave
cotniueiieeil making hay.
Two car loa.l n( Iron urrirt-il li to
on Monday for tli now jail.
Tli" Town Oxiiim il ha rwhicvA tli-
tux on iIog. to lHty cuts a befor.
Hive tin' clii!di"n local iii-wimpcr
to nad; they loarn Inv.utivt they
lirif illtH('btll.
Tlu'ro li coimidiTable attract Ion al
tlieereek three wnnn day for the
m, mil hoy.
Many of the yards In various parts
of the town look very tx'iiutiful, and
r-huw it:na of much euro.
Urand Army Vuy at Lewlnburg,
Thursday, Septembwr th. A guy
time In anticipated.
lin. Post The nxt t lino you put
Sol. Oppcnhciiuor iu the I'ust, him lirnt. XX.
Tight hieing is becoming fivuhiona
bin 111,'ain kIi'Im aro ileturmineil to bo
Kipicezd if they have to do it them
Helves. Unsy hhaftii at 50 cent per pair,
and putent bugtfy wheel at bottom
prlccBHt (iooro Specht'iJ repair nhop,
LVunklin, I'u.
Our ice creaiu Halootut aro now in
ruiintni; order, hut thu cotitiiuioiiH
cool weather lias not been conducive
to a lively trade iu the luxury.
The Adainshurg Cornet Hand will
hold a cake-walk an.l Festival at Ad
auihburg, Saturday evening, Juno 30.
Alluru cordiully in vitod to attend.
"The .Tune-but; has a gawdy wlnjjf,
Th lihtuin;; bug has flame;
The l. d bug hath no friends ut all
Hut he !;'ts theru all tho Hanit-.''
H. TJ. Ptirfoy. mate of (.tenmor Ari
zeuu. had hli foot badly juiuiued.
Tlioiuits' Eclectrio (jil cured it. Noth
ing eipml to it for a quick pain re
liever. We are indebted to D. A. Kearn of
iiearTroxelvillo fora fine honey comb,
woll-fllled with delicious s,w?etness.
Aaron knows how to tickle an editor'
Hlddleburli bhould have a whip
ping pokt and knock the eteruul mean
iichs out of one of our men who re
cently gave his wife a black ttye while
he was iu a drunken, fit.
Whole cloves aro uow Uf ed to exter
minate tho merciless and industrious
moth. It Is said they aro uioro effect
ual us a destroying agent than either
tobauco, camphor, or codar-shavlngs.
Httady employment during tho next
twelve months on salary Is offered lu
uuother column by tho VanDusons of
Oeneva. They are au old and relia
ble firm. Juue 21,4w.
Bterh3 rou SAM!. The undersign-)
ed has two Htall fattonod steers for
sale ou his farm near MoCluro. Par
ties desiring informatiou can address
uie at Middleburgh, Pa.
Snyder county is recognized as a
strong autl-prohlbition district, but
we will wager the patches on our
pauts that thero are fewer confirmed
drunkards in this county than any
other oounty iu tho State.
The Pennsylvania railroad relief
plan has about 12,000 members under
its recent modifications for the better.
About 10,000 in death benefits, and
9,000 lu sick benefits have been paid
outslncethe organization. Applica
tions for membership are being con
stantly sent ln,
Leonard P. White, of llarrlsburg,
v lubes to ascertain the whereabouts
of a person or bis heirs who was rob
bed of about $3,000 in the spring of
1850, by a gypsy woman. It ooourred
somewhere ln Southern Pennsylva
nia, but where or who is to find out,
It looks as though It was desired to
return the ill-gotten booty. '
Hon. A. II. Dill and Senator Wol
verton are interested in a movement
to revive the Sellnsgrove and North
BranchlUailroad project. We do not
look foJa great rush for stock in the
cheiuefWit sincerely hop that the
efforts oJl the prominent man may re
sult lu l ocompllshlng something In
Thisij),, - tVt will be practical.
The city dads of Mlfflinburg Lave
passed an ordinance prohibiting loaf
lug on the street corners on Sundays.
Correspondents will please bo a lit
tie moro careful In writing proper
names. We find great difficulty in
deciphering some, others we get
wrong and the balance can't make
out at all.
Mrs.T. Kenton Ulrich of Penn Hall,
Pa., Is very dangerously 111. A child
was born to her two weeks ago, and
when almost convalescent she took
peritonetus and at last leports wns
not expected to live. We deeply
ympHthize with our friend Benton,
and hope ho may not bo so unfortu
nate as to lose his young wife.
Ladies, it will cost you but fifty
cents to get a bottle of VlNKOAK Hit
tkkh t'oitniAU '1'his (VntniAl. is a
clear, dark red color, and has a dell-
clous taste. It is a tuoht invigorating
tonic, and is a gentle, painless, but
thorough cathartic. It helps diges
tion, cures headache, billions attacks,
constipation, piles.hlvcs.and strength
ens thi whole system.
F.las Steininger. residing otic- mile
wet of Middl-'burgh found the oldest
turtle of all on Sat unlay. It had in
scribed on it "M. W. IMS'' which are
supposed to lo tho initials of Michael
Walter, now deceased. Mr. Steinlng
er na Keen It nearly every summer
for tho past twenty years and nearly
always at the same spot on his farm.
Last Sunday the members of th
Sinlthgrove Sunday school presented
tluiir Superintendent, Judge Smith,
with an elegant watch. The preseii
tatlon speech was made by l"r. Selp,
which was a master piece of oratory,
but too leugthy for our rulumns else
we would publish It. The doctor I
gaining ipiitu a reputation as an off.
hand speaker.
logs, if dangerous animals, may
lawfully be killed when their ferocity
is known to their owner, or in self
defense, find when bitten by a rabid
animal a d g may bo lawfully killed
by any one. When a dog, inconse
quence, of his vicious habits, becomes
a common nuisance, the owner may
bo Indicted; and when ho commits an
Injury, if the owner had s knowledge
of his mischievous wnvs, ho is liable
to an action ou the case.
Tho click of the mower i heard in
every direction and tho smell of "now
mown hay'' pervades the atmosphere.
Pnete who lovo to dwell on this sub
ject can get their fill on almost any
mow where the evaporated material
is rafted up with a patent fork ln n
temperature of 120 Fahrenheit. The
way to get rid of Spring poets is to
kiokthom out, and the way to get rid
of the "newniown hay" cranks Is to
set them to pitching hay or pen thorn
ou rue mow.
Long's hotel at McKees Half Falls,
which lost year gniued a Stato wide
reputation as tho best fishing place in
Central Pennsylvania, bus already
frequent visits from fishermen. This
hotel ts located on tho bank of the
Susquehanna, opposite Georgetown,
on the X. C. U , and Mr. Long is one
of the most gentlomenly and accom
modating landlords In tho State and
will spare no pains iu making his
guests comfortable. Hoats always on
hand. Terms reasonable,
While at Koavortown last Saturday
wo took a stroll through the mate!
factory snd were much pleased with
what we saw. The factory Is operat
ed much stronger than we had uny
idea of, 10 or 12 hands being employ
ed, and from U5 to !W gross of matches
are made daily. The factory is a ere
dit to Hoavurtown, and we think we
aro safo in saying that no better par
lor mutches are made iu the L'nitod
States. We also paid a brief visit to
J. P. Keurus' carriago emporium and
were surprised to find tho largo and
elegant stock of vehicles he was car,
rylug. Ifta'staica Fitc 1'ress.
Last Saturday evoning Theodore
Row of Middlecroek township, gave a
birthday surprise party to Mrs. How
At about eight o'clock fifty or more of
their friends and neighbors mado their
way unobserved to tho residence of
Mr. How and nt a given signal all en
tered, completely surprising Mrs. Row
who had not even dreamed of a party.
The tables wero immediately spread
with tho good things the friends had
brought with them of which all par
took with a relish. Tho presents wero
numerous and valuablo. After spend
Ing a few hours Iu sociul enjoyment
all returned to their homes well
pleased. We hope Mrs. How may live
to on Joy mauy more happy birthdays.
All true lovers of angling in this
State welcomed the firot dav of Juue
with enthusiasm, for that day inau
gurated iu Pennsylvania tho season
for catching black, yellow and striped
bass. No kiuglier fish thun the bass.
with the single exoeptlon of the trout,
inhabits our streums, and none afford
greater sport to tho wiolders of rod
and lino. Bass are gamy to the death,
sharp biters and tolerably plentiful at
well-known points. They are often
caught from three to five pounds iu
weight in the waters of this State.aud
when u four or five pound bass is
hooked with a light rod it takes all
the skill of the vetoran fisherman to
play him until he Is e zhausted and
finally land him in triumph in the
boat or ashoro. Thore are a variety
of opinions as to the best baits for
bass, but at this season the fish may
be takonln several ways. Helegemite,
or "man-eaters" as the country peo
ple oall them, are a delicate morsel,
Just now, for the fish, probably the
best lire bait. Next come brook, or
stone-wall" minows which are much
livelier than river minnows. Small
frogs, fi tob water crabs and even a
bunoh of half a dozen fat angle worms
make a good bait. With all live bait
anglers will find it to their advantage
to um o. 8 Carlisle nooks and gut
leaders about three feet In length;
Cestrkvillk, The primary elec
tion being oyer, the defeated candi
dates oan now explain to their friends
how the the thing hnppened. Hut,
It's like the darkey said when stealing
watermelons: "Some must be left."
M.C. Young started for the western
states lust week.
Dr. O. C. Mohn of Laurcltou, and
insurance ngent J. F. F.aton of liar
risburg, were in town on business on
the 1'ith,
C. M. Showers and U. C. Spangler,
took a peep at Middleburgh on Frl -
lay afternoon.
Constable J. M. Kingmnn was in
Milllinburg on Saturday. )
According to Sunday evening's ser
mon, church loyalty, ns It should be
exercisod by church members, strictly
implies lovo towards nil tho brethren.
M. 55. Steininger and W. 11. Hurt
man, of Middleburgh, .accompanied
by their better luilves, enjoyed the
hospitalities of friends here on Sun
Loft his mustache-Cap. the huck
What wero those boys phi) ing in
front of ilartman's rdore, one evening
last week''
Mi:Cl.fKf. --Three weeks ago ymir
correspondent was told that a rooster
belonging to Joseph Kilue wax hatch
ing on sixteen eggs, mul a few days
ago I drove to the resideueH of Mr
Kline end was surprised to find this
same rooster taking care of a brood
ofchi'-ks. When he it no iit clucking
mood ho crows, when the little chicks
gather around him the sumo asthey
would around a hen. This is a candid
On lat Tuesday morning Dr. M.
Rothrock and family came toMcClure
to visit the doctor's father. Father
and son then drove to the resilience
of Wenrge Lnwver and oxtorpated an
encrysted tumiir from the liea.l of
Mrs. L. which was fully as large ns a
hen's eg.
lrs. R. Rothrock and (. Graham,
uivt tho other day for tho first time, in
thirty -live years. They were medical
students iu Philadelphia in 11.
Aaron Howell has purchased a ma
fhinn to make barrel heads iu which
business he will engage in the near
The farmers have commenced cut -ting
The grain in our valley is very good,
but is nearly all lodged.
Father Middleswarth was at Mid
dleburgh last week taking iu the
sights and attending court.
John Troxel.who died atTroxelville
last week, was for a number of years
engaged In tho mercantile business nt
McClnre and had a host of friends.
On Saturday, Juno 2(Uh, tho Sons
of Veterans will hold a cake walk and
dance at McClurc, iu Howell's grove
All are invited. I'uo.
AliAMsiU HO. Most of our farmers
luivo uommeuced making hay.
Mrs. Laura Dreeso has opened au
ice cream saloon.
Win, Markley grafted a pear tree
last spring, tho graft has already
grown two and a half feet. Mr.
Markley is also tho owner of four
ducks which have laycd :j.V eggs.
Mrs. Joseph Haines of ( ioidieii, I ml
is at preift'iit visiting friends at this
Mrs. Chits. Romig aiid Mrs. Shlnk
witer of Keedsville are visiting J. E
iauii.i i piaster returneii rroni u
trip to Miillin Huntingdon and Cen
tro counties.
Albright Dreeso and wife are happy
-it's a girl.
Yesterday morning Koinlg, I
Saltnian und John will I nivi
for Sinithvillo, N. J., on bycielns
They will pass through Harrisburg,
Lancaster, Philadelphia and Trenton
They will make a stay of two weeks,
On last Sunday Christ Reformed
church of this plucu was dedicated to
tho service of Triune Jod. Tho ser
vices began on Saturday evening,
when a sermon was preached by Iiov,
S. M. K. II uber of Montgomery Co.
On Sunday morning tho services bu
gun at H. Tho choir was assisted by
Prof. Wm. and Philip Moycr and their
daughters. A Oermau sermon was
preached by Rev. Huber, followed by
Rev. 1). DieiTunbachor of Altoonu.pu.
iu tho Knglibh language. Iu thu nf
ternoon at 3 o'clock children's meet
ing was held. Addresses wero made
by Rovs, Doitz of Now Berlin and Dief
eubacher of Altoona. Iu tho evening
services wore opened by Rev. Letter
man. A subscription was circulated
to cancel the debt, and f MOO was
raised -leaving a balance of about
T000 unprovided for. After this an
other sermon was preached by Rov.
DielTonbauher, and then followed the
dedicatory services which were por
formed by tho pastor, W. M. Landls.
The ohurch ediflco is a brick struc
ture L-bhaped. Tho front part being
tho auditorium 35xV? foot with a
chapol for lectures and Sunday school
attached in tho rear of 30x13 feet. The
audiuiioo chamber has all memorial
widows excepting one. The ceiling is
Qothio with beams exposed. The
pulpit which Is a real gem is placed
in front iu a recess formed by a ou
the one corner through which the
principle entry Is mado and a small
vestibule on the other side. The par
tition between the audience and Sun
day school room consists of throe
Gothlo movable doors, by which the
Sunday school room and audience
chamber can be thrown into one
making a room 83x80. The chapol Is
also divided into two rooms a smaller
one for the Infant Department. The
audience chamoer Is lighted by a
beautiful ohoudiler containing twelve
lamps, and two double Hraoket side
lamps at the pulpit, and is heated by
a No. 40 Equator furnauoe which is
placed in tho cellar. The Ladles Aid
Soolety baa provided and paid for the
ohandllier, oarpets, pulpit chairs and
communion set. -
'. Reporter.
HKAVKRTOwjf. While Irln L.
Kingaman and Sally Dah were com
ing to town In a top buggy one even
ing recently, the horse beeamo balky
and began to kick. Miss Dale, iu
attempting to get oft" the buggy,
became entangled in the spread and
fell between the wheels dislocating
her arm at the elbow, wlillo the
buggy passed bock and forth over her
several times. D. J. J. Greenhoe
adjusted tho arm and she Is doing ns
well ns can be expected.
A. M. Carpenter has sold his inter
est in the Keys) ono Match Factory
to Moses Speeht. The difficulty hi
which tho factory was Involved has
been set fled, and it is again run on
full time, employing more hands than
ever. An addition to the building
will shortly be erected and additional
machinery, which Is already on hand,
Daniel Hassinger Is building n new
barn on his farm. It was raised on
Hoswell Strieker lias returned from
Kansas where ho had gono to several
months ngo.
W. A. Mover, H. K., has returned
from White Haven, Luzerne county,
where he has been teaching school,
lie Intends to teach at the same place
next winter.
Miss Rearick has opened m
dressmaking shop at Mrs. Mary Gross'
on Market street.
Rev. S. P. Oruig confirmed a class
nflwelv'i catecuiiiiMis at tho column
nion services oo Sunday. Services
wero largely attended.
Moses Speeht soi l a tract of wood
land to Ner A. Fees.
( hir farmers are busy making hay.
Mrs. Narah Hunt, ne Friedly, uc
i iponied by her son, of Currothei s,
Ohio, visited friends at this place, the
homo of her childhood, during lust
Whooping cough is still prevalent
among the children In this section.
George O. Smith did not begin
housekeeping at this place hs formerly
reported, but has again returned to
Lebanon county.
A fire broke out iu tho Match factory
on Monday, and before it could le
extinguished, a considerable y
of matches were made worthless,
Just receivetl- A oar-load t if plaster
at 1 10 per ton. W. 1!. Wi.m-.v-)
Men's Plow Shoes for $1.20 at M. S.
Shroyer's, Selimgrove.
For good Hi ots 4 Shoes cheap fur
cash, go to Shroyer's, SolInsgrovi.,Pii.
Ladies Kid Foxed fllove. Kid top,
Hutton shoes. Sulid leather soles for
$1.55, at Shroyer's, Seliusgroyo, Pa.
Sihshlks! SiliXur.Ks! Fifty Thou
sand No. 2, IS inch Shingles at f -.50
per thousand. Inquiro at this otllce.
Persons wishing to securo Cucum
ber pumps can do so by calling on N.
P. Hare, Middleburgh, who will furn
ish them for weils 20 feet deep at $0.00
Un.vxn katiikr Clock you Salic.
Au eight day brass works, cherry caso
tlrand-father clock, guaranteed to
koep good timo for sale cheap, ('all at
my Jewelry Store In Middleburgh.
II. II. LKITilKf .
Wo have now on hand blank "No
tices to Tax-payers," neatly printed
according to law. Tax collectors who
have 1 ot yet ordered their not ices can
now bo unpplii d. Orders by mail
promptly filled.
Stohk Room Fnit Kknt. The un
dersigned having repaint.) and gen
eral Improved his store room in the
town of Fremont, otters it for rent
it is a desirable business stand. (Jail
oil oraddros, Dii.M. Roi iiihic k,
Alt. Ple.isan Mills,
May H,3iu. Snyder Co., Pa.
You may remember I spoko to you
about having boou allliotod with se
vere sick headaches. Well, some time
ago I began taking Dr. Kennedy's
"Favorite Remedy'1 iu faint hope of
roleif. To my delight, and rather to
my surprise, I hayo never had an tit
tuck since. How thankful I am I
need hardly tell you. I heartily vish
that all women tortured iu this way
knew how certain and pleasant a euro
Favorite Remedy" is. Sarah J.
Woodrulf, Nowburg, N. Y. Juno.
To Introduce my Crayon Portraits to
tho readers of this paper, tho follow
ing offer is made, good till July 1st. I
will enlarge from a photo to a 1.1 FK
which cannot be equaled iu this i wuii
try, under $15 or (d'unfraiucd, a per
fect likeness of copy and a handsome
piecM of work guaranteed. I oiler a
picture framed iua'.i luch enmpotdt ion
gold frame, IHx'i'-l foi $12, or ono fram
ed in a 3 inoh composition gold frame
20x21 for $13. If tho work is not as I
have represented it, you need not
take it; if satisfactory, tho portrait it
self and your recommendation will
attain my object ir. this oiler.
Creyons, if desired will bo sout by
ExprosB C. O. I), with pi iv Hugo of ox-
amlng before paying for them.
Send photo by mull und it will re -
uelve prompt attention.
W. P. MOYER, Crayon Artist,
Fieeburg, Snyder Co., Pa.
When Hby m tirk, w pars bt Cantoris,
WUeo aba wm a I'l .l.l, the orinl fir (.'lutorlo,
Wlino alia bacain UUt, Ue uluog W Canturia,
Wbou aha W Chiidrou, alio g-avctiieiu Caaturia,
Ciruro coppur-distillud
whiskey nt $1.75 per gallon
or 50 cents per quart at J. 0.
Smith', Central Hotel, Mid
dleburgh, Pa.
t " I'i -1- ' .- . . -J I
June 13, by Rev. J. P. Slilndel, Pu-
vid Khoads unit Auieltu nttliifrer.botli
of Suydr county. ,
Pitted cherries
I'npltted "
Onions 40
Lord 7
Tallow 0
Chickens per lb fl
i- ru')-.
(-rain Market.
. o
5. 1 Red wheat .SO
" 3 Full, and mixed 7f
Ryu fin
Corn :!'
Oats to ;n
From Stone iu the Kidin-v
It H !) v in-. fn-iv.' !i,ii Or. i;iv-.
Ki-nnr ly. : H...- I v r ft. y , ? mul l .. r...
vi, i-il ihii 1"lkii,n ,.i,-r 'i-ri'-nliiiK II Viiii
will In mi mlriiiii- !,y .Inm." Aii Iu-wb n.i.
iluiiikliil :
I c. I. h-nn.' Iv, l,'iii...ii. . Y.
III. All Sill: lu'il UI'MII r . Ill -l.C"'. 1 .;i.l
lr -ir:i y'.ir iitl -n-il ir.-,ev Ip-iii l,
':illi. !)- tie" !:. !-. ili I ;r -..'.! I't v'ttiM-i
I ,,r :il "il h .,ir ..i-t II... .1 ini-i.l h.i-- i , . . t
l I "II HI I I -il il . J tl.l II I . , I. .11 ii i. .,,..,
Hi.iWti ,1, .. ni-inn in,, in, i , t i i"i. II i -1 l iiii
oi UK i.Vll ki-WlliV.S I WnliilK
HI-:.;HY I lrn. il, in, I it','1- hs,iu ..I . .ui
mi I inn- hull li.'til I in' l.-.l .L uc i i i.
Mini. !i r.i'l iiin.val -ti.i; . 7 ! ..I mi iu -h lmii.-, rii'iuli mi iii-i.i,,) ,,ii tl. Ii,m,-.
lilfi'l", III it voll in. IV ,-, ul n Imi i'i i'i,n , I.
Mnn Ilu il I lmi l, i iin I am. I in.w i', i
iiivh'II ruri',1. mi l .'iuiiint , . . r . r s mv tl kl.,i
nrfnli'l Krntlliiile f T f.i alwnilii ili'lir riiiH."
In.iii n ti'inl'li' ill-.-.i-.'. Ymi Imic tit v ,-in .-nt
t.i il... Ihi" li lli r, Im.iiI I j..ii wl-i, t i .i -ii, I,. i
Ihi) Orient 1. 1 ntl.i r miil-iiT-'. Y iiir tmlv,
.1 Ml A M'l-i : s.
No. I I M:irlt:il -t . I.l:i II ,. I i.iv, . Y.
Ir Ki'iini'.l) "I .iv . rei' Id-. in lv" n i-.j.. ,-nilh
iiti.. .1 n ini tni iMiy i'i i'itt.' i'..r II nri-iil
h'.'i . y ,ui. I I. iv i-r .' "ii i'l il 1 1 r. I' nistij.. ii.on an,
all ilii'inliT.'" iiri-iim lumi an ltri.i.,. i.l t ),,.
I'm WOllli'tl Bit l lt. r tlvin nnv i.l lln III. i.r
i it I it r t.i tin ir m' 'lii"..!.'.. I.'" i- i-'.ti
tiinlly 'MVI)i' li-i'li an iiiii.illni.v-n i,., ,....
'I In ri-1 n.i titi ri. h'...oi!;,: , l:i .. ih,-a',.,
an I ii.iiui limn, i i 1 1 it "i,t in i;,'i i tl ... i..-li,:
Hunt tlio iIimjuI.'ih i.l tin. Ki.lii.-y. mi. III, i, I, I, -r.
I linitnly iiii' lictiiM Hi, it ,.K'. i, il ,rl ii',,l)- n li.'l
nini ri TiiiiinniH i-urij i i m:i'ii iiiii-i leu I- or
iuvi.i n.'im. l
H.', N. Y. '
taunt'. Hrn;,.,ly,'' ..(
l A nil Jl V IM Ml l.l.ll Ii I Ii r A I I I.K 1 1 1 VV
M.ll, to 'Urlttl.D III I hii I '., t.i so iliu Svn
ii.m, thaml.y rrnv.'iit nti.l .'iin. 1t-noa In Cut
let, niivt-i, ,-mvimo n I I'nullrr.
for nil HiM.'. t at tl.o IU. ...1, MukoI.h an.l
mo nervous nyKidtn, Bini 1.1 twti tho m in tn
(r oo nt. ml t'.ii.i lust ka ludionoit, la lbs .rlin
ry ry 01 i"ennm.
hi iin. uk" n.rniry ut.; i., in-riie Uun
lily sn.l uutiiltv or Milk. vt. iiniir l t-.i
snil Kkki, sti'l I t Ktv raturi. moli ItmrB.lli iiU
a it in jial.l ibo iHricut .i n t p.
(fur lh mine uan ai lbs I'armr'i t nl.'ii) to
unt vni., ,ur oj oQnm iik
Femal'i tiy
Ui'txlil a Ku-.kle. Mlil.llrlmrsh.
J. K Miinrycut. Heityor Surinim. I'a
soil every rsliaulo ouuuiry Mure. Juovluim
Proposals for S;il; of Conn
tv JJomR
yilr.l.I-.AS. tl.B I'niiiii ('..mtint.i!iiirii ,.i
" Snydi-r i-niiitly, I'u , hy 1 1 ' 11 nt nn
onliT "I Airi,vnl iiiiiln i.y tin. f.iurt "l Uunrtir
"'-""ii. i'i f.ii'i i-.tiiuiv, iiirf nun t.i tin' ,,-t i
A-..mi'ly t. A.r;l , i-i's. :ir.' ;iiitli..rl7.-il t.i nm
triti'l a i.. in ul 1.1' I II I I I N I lli H'S AMi I m i
i.Aii 11. r tun or." 11. .11 nt tli ' 111 w iii Knn ikiw
l.riiiK niiiil ii.r "ill. I it.iinty nt Mi.litlil'Ut'Kli an l
U-ii,' lhi.,,ii.-.,1 ni. c.i'un, 11, tl. M 1 tw,
iiiin.iro.i ait'l leiy ...iin ,-m-U t..r il l .'tiin.iiiil
(inn ul Iin- ul oat. I I,. iU In In. P'
! 111 .t I lo al tint ii'tiuii 1,1 tl,,. 1 ,.iiiiiit--luiiii' h
nm. your mul 1. 11) al. It. 111 nvo v.'.o.. 11,1. '
r .'' 1' in "M lii vi- ir-. an 1 .:,,
i .trs 11 11. 1 tint tli, r mil' lh r I m 1 r- v
:in,l ri'.l.'i.iuri'li' Imimhi'ii iiw. JIi - - 1- tli.tV;
1'illilily -ill p ..,ti l.s:ii; In 't ,
I II 1.-.I'. llll nr llil ul .-11,1 Ii i'i.I- t, ', ,,, ,,r In,,,
ill iii'"i iir.i 1 ' .?-a I - 1.1 in,' i..l..'y t ..mlllit.iil
ortll Iin ir util.'fl -It Ml.l.ll.l unili, Ict.Mi'ii till
lUti' .1:1.1 ri:.:i v, .1 1 1. jl. is." it in -,'i.-i
A.M. MiImi t Mr -ii nt 1 1 I liiii'V aini'i
t.i .itr.'ti'.i 1-.iint 11,,. r it., ni I',' T. .1 .,'trtlii'l
t !. Will rc--.i'i'tin Iv iiirlii-li I'i.. III.. 11 'V. A 1
.r....i..ii.' inn. 1 -1 ill., ,' tl,.. iiiihi'tlil
I t.i-y 11 r,-i' t'.t.iko 1 t Hi I I-- , ,.. , 1,1,1 i,
..i!.', i.i.i . r 11. rou yi in-an.l ., ii.,. ii .,: m,., M
111 ri-v.-n j i"i'.,(
l'n.'or riimi,i it ro Mt.i. ii.. 1,1 n,.i 1.1 .ii,l
lull. If .'ii -i lu.'h tli' r.u." t mtrn-i aur.'i .1 iii -n
"... . ' 1 ii'.iniiiiiv ir.nn ,i,,ii- ,,ll iu,ii, 1.'.
All ,ii r-.iM ii.-in-.iii t.. iini-i 1:1 ,,., 1
in.! Inn ill in 1I0 . a ir tin' t.ikitiK "I t It
iiiiiinr any nt iIhto iI imi, u 1 , j , llt i, iui
lieli io r.u I 1.1 u uifii 'tinr mi u. , .y.
.11 HI N 11 OI N.
ISA.M' l-.liiu.v.
J V KS . III .1 s;r,
My u 1-v i'.,ii,!,ii.i.-n,n, r.
Wn want ii. ini't Id i.Ti-ry town In tl,l stuti-
in i.iko ..r.i.'r inr Nur.r st.' ilur;n
1'ioiluiiH ciorii ni-o tint r'.iilrv-l . Wjlilru
Ai.'l iiy.nir ':ili.iiinii' i,x:.i-iii"i. r.u-irrni' 11,1
'tritf. lilt.' I. AM IH'I.. , I K.-sKU Y I'll
Nitre.iiii r i'.t:il'ltlioil 1S3. Hi MiVA, N. Y,
Jllln' 4, 1-,',. illl.
VALU.MUJ', r.iltM AT
'1 liu ti:;. T-!fc.!i.' I ivll ,"fll a I'iiMIi? ,l, , :,
futuiilny, Au.i'iiHt Mil , lssi,
I ,ip I'-'I' .v. u:x .Irri'iil. I .r(iui'iv I.. A
i.u.l Iin in ,-:i i: t" tit Mii-n-rV 1 1 h j-, .i..,nt i
mil. ..i' 1 1 1 ntr -v!ll.. u i tl,.. , ,;, , j,. ,,) tl
ln.:ii ''"ii'i'-vill' I i Tr hi I v i : 1... I.i in, .. ,, , t7,
liy I'uMi'- li i.l, CIIk Iin,) i.l .Ii.-,.'. I r ,,-t,
Sutilll liy Int., I ul Hi ury Him-, i n. ,,"
lUllil ul Alt': 11. llnrtlrlll, S'il,l.lii!K
100 Aci tfl
llli.r.' i.rKii.1 lmiliU II 'll-lv till i-Imi- :ii. In:, i.iul.
HtlllUlll I' WIHTU'.U HIM il'"l'..l .,
DweKi i,? Uonno, Lnro UnnU Ii.rn,
ln,l(, n.'iirly tn-iv, lanjn C'lli.V 11,'IH :ne il!
nlliiir n-ii'i-Mniy .nitl'iul.l.n. ...,. n,,,.
uivliiiril ul i li' ni'i' I tu 1 1 in nn il bi'iirliuf. ' Am. I
.iu,'i.r I.iiIIiik 'itl.r nonr tlio ilni.r. tvilo i.i i-mii
Uii'll"'. It 'I iiVlnok ill b liil iln.l .
Till! M S tfl itr ivilt. o.l-li I'M d'iy uf null', tl.
lialiiii'.'u ill l.i i lie ul.-.
KliKli li li lilt MAN.
TMo utnl' rilui., ii.liiiiiil.-,lr:i, r ul .In i',, K'iy,
IiiUi ul I- riiiiklin iuwilili, tSuy !-r a iinjiy, l'a.,
.iH.''i, by vlitun ,i an onl r Im.ii.I nut ui n,u iir
(ilun't) I'utirl ul Siiyilor ouiiuty, will no,
iSutiirday, Atigiist 7th 1SSC,
oiiwso In I'lilillo f!-'ile uii li. roirl'i' iir,,,i
init vaiuuiuu lu-tu i .-t. ti: vir.: AI: t'ori.iln
in. umi i. t.i im.l Irurt i.r liin.l, r lualn III I
UiwiiHliip, i-uuiil v it n i rUlo .1', ratal, I mi l h r, a I
liiii.lniK II"1" Mlil'lluliuri(li to iui.ii ( liunli, I'.iii
luiiillitf Thirty-fivo Acres
.mil iiii-i-ly ior.-lM-9 wtlh a i tituii.iiii.ofi, Iii.iiii..
oil Nortli by Inula ul limiiy 4 la run: n, .vojtli by
l.iU'l ul Siuuiiul Ji o wi.ii nn, I liu'tl tin iL .'ki r,
Ham by ut lli'i.iy Huron, m, VV0..11 y liai
Mliiimorr oi. ul, WI10 onii urn i r 1 . it U,n..
uoouMMiry oiillmiiliim, it h,rln 11 1 on-'llci
wnlcr Hour tliu iluiir, an uii'liiir.l ul 'iiiili i
AImiiiI uuo I1.1II ul Iliu Hhnio ili'M.rlboil uiiUiu
It ivoll u l wttk timlM.r, wlillo On' li.iUiu j la in u
liiKh (talu ut vulllvaUuii. Tula u a ilo.lrabla
Halu lu commuuoe at to u'ahirli
a. inlil
t ui vim ami
liny wbou tl it 0 iiotnUu.-o will ba
lu.iu.- ul !' inii'lB known ,v
iV'l'i .liil' i.
We have in stock an immense va
riety of
cream color and beige in all width
from 1 inch to 36 inches wide,snd
we guarantee our prices to be low
er than the lowest. Our stock of
is complete, as well as our stock in
general. When you come to our
town, wo will be pleased if you call
at our store and take alook,wheth
er you purchase or not.
Orders by mail will receive our
personal attention.
IS. W12I&
To our rnuuer Fricn.lH wo wonl.l say tlmt wo Imvo some I5AU(1A1N3 in
Hay Forks, Ropes, Pulleys, &c.
Vo will Hell you lxU'DLi: l.'AIU'OON' HAY FORKS at 81.2.r cooh.
Hay Eopo at 12 1-2 cents a pound.
A line class WOODEN PULLEY at 25cts.
Rakes, Loner Handled Forks, etc., cheap,
Nails t 82,25 per kec,
Horse Shoes 84.25 per keg,
Wo have just recoiveil u 51(J block of Kims, Hubs nn.l Pntont Vbce,fl,
ami can pivo you very low i.ricos. (Jun sill yon gooJ fuilslantial
Ready-mixed Paints,
ot 90 cents nnil ?1.00 porgnllon.
Oxide of Iron Paint
at G.r cents per gallon, by (be barrel. Cull to boo us, or write for SPK
vi au ruitT.d.
SCHOCH BROS., SeUnsgrove.
Our nrw Ppring ntock in now ilii.Iv, It in ono of tho manilont linen ot
(,'ooiIm you lmvu tvtr Lttlii'lil, i't!i!n, lim 1 1 in f,.r,' tl(ii iu the wiiy of
trciotl ami ili-Hiniblu lt'H, uoiIiih lo iju.klity and low iiiieop, we fear no
ocniiu lit r Our niotlo Lhih iiIwhyh lnn n to muiul iin the loia.l by oirtrin
Iho l i nt floods for tbo loast money. Wo ollui for your confliiloration ;
DryCJoods, C Iothmg, Boots and Shoes.
;rru'j; ) '. CAnrm uwi: r cual,iiauv,
AM) )! illou waiu:, $a, .SC., SC.
Titcsr Liood.i air vvmiu all nnv. nf th( cboicrst. mate
rials ami latent stilcs. Tit c prices wn for I hern will
astonish iou as I Iin are aiiuacsHonahlijtlte ruck but torn
for retail trate. We. pa lie-
ofcouxru)' ruoni'ci:.
Judging from our trade we
S. ILr.S this season nnl hare, prepared to meet all
demands- CALL- Yours in waiting,
. BI. t'l.KTKK X ViK,
Near Middle' ' rg Depot
Sclinsgrove, Pa.
Tlio iiiii1i;i-Nlrni il, ilnHliri to uniiouucii to tho ui1im tint tlu-y tuiva jimt
priii il a V r,V 1HY (100!S STOJIM in SnliiiHii-ovo, auj are now t
lllljilitlg tlio
Grandest line of Goods
von ( vor l'dliolil Nothing linn lioon
siiul'h uIyIuh, anil iih to quality nuil
Wo fear no Competition.
Our motto will ulwnyH bo to maintain tlio lcul liy offoriog the
Best Goods for the Least Money
Wo abk you to come mul eco us, nuil wo will ilo our nut to make il nol
only iihitiuunt but bunefiuial to you.
Dreifus3 & Gunzburger,
Keily'a Duihlitirtr, North of National Hotel,
- 1
llr. J. A.SIIKIialAN l'-m r. Iii'mc , I .nil lilt Uili 1 1 tlm I'ltv nf '.U"li u ln.l Iliu, ai, ri--iiiivi-.l
In. nil, n.i Uf. in jut lli-.n ii.iy, ,N ) V H '. I.i"'. SiiiTii iu a tm itmeol tiu-t l
lu'inlliiil nl .ii.v l.tu.1. mi ili't.'iili'iii Ir. .in I iiinr. mi il.tnu'i' ..I it j I runluro u .i.l.m it .
lu"i If iii Ibii l.inry IruwiM loilii'l. lli.H ink.
'''''' ""'i ''iina ' !, Muruluinia. t-'arniiTi' ami
in .IKil l..r IU oonu. t'tmuiu In ulni uitataiii'itii in
Mi. 'in, hi f . r-uiui ,.ri i.',". ..Iiuiil tnr In Lome oln-uUr of a.lvtc tml InatnatlvO. Ruaiai.
I'of, i l'ifl liitKi lKiiy, Ni. Y i ,tl'iot Im.rt lova Ua4 itraat.
to Please I
highest trice for all kinds
anticipate EXT HNS 1 V E
forgotten in tho wayof crooJ anj d
low iricoB,
C'omo 1 Coiuul Coiuo I
nl ilnlnj- I - i..n an omlu nvm ui iru
otlii-r. ulin Imvu baon lruaj4 anl rur4
iirovmil lliom Ivirn viii -. iv la