The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 20, 1886, Image 1

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    1 t.
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I'Ie that will not reason is a lipt; lio that cannot i a i,)Ul ,0 ,..,. js .,
lODiToi: ami piioi'iMii'itH!
1 g Hkbiirgl)
ft" 'X -us
Tin? "bravest buttln ( ever wan
' f()M-lltl
Mbnll I tell you when-ami wlim?
Until limp of the world yoll will
funl it hot;
Twkb fought by tho mothers of
Niiy. not with canii'ii. r buttle (-hot,
With (I, or iifiili'i' I'i'ii;
2uy. in.t with i liMii Mit voinlor tho't,
J'lVIII IIKMlthn uf tOI.lful 1UI.II.
J'.nt. deep in u Willi' .1 up wouiuu'b
hi'iirl -
I f vi unlit ii wot. !1 H"t 3 h-hl,
itnt lu-n.e'.y. hii-iil ly liore In I pui t
l. K there h. Hint inltll" Ill-Ill! :
N. iiiar.-lniliiu' tniKjUi" tovoiiite minn; 1
.Nu bunner t- It-nil uud wave! I
Jitit oil ! tln i-i' b.itlh-ri t lioy lavt iii,
l'ri in Id tin) .-ruvi-!
.M K.
IlnV.AM) III -ii'i 1-. 1 1 r- IIDW
WlMi I'.Ml'l.oY iil'.ltSI'.l.l-.
Mr. Howard wa.i, by uo mcaiis, ;
a weiil'by linn, but hu w ib id com-
fni table (!iij!il.i:i.3 and livo-1 in
a neai tw j-slor in ii!ii 11 'U: ti w me .1 1
WIIB t.lrtcl'ully fiiri.inhed. UlH WIIV'fouitt.e.11 luoiit'ia nil, oil 11
wan :ooii' iitidl and did all the
bounownit beraolf, thereby euviug
lbu oxiicm.o of a Met' van t.
1 Jo.i't bco bit you bavo to d
in this hoiiMo that keeps yoo busy
;iil dtt." B.iid Mr. Uoward to bis
wifo one ajotniu at tbo breakfast
tabid. "I coul I dj etery thing
theio in to bo dno iu ouo hour."
"Ai for eloauinj up the houno, I
ctiild do it iu uu hour, ' uuawerud wifo, "but thoio aro tbo cbiiditn
to talio caro of."
'J'Lut's no cxcuho. Lot tbo chil
ilicit taliocaioof IbemHelTuB,'' Raid
Mr Howard, aa bo butturod ft roll.
J nut then tho buby, who was up
tititii'H io bin crib, commenced crying.
J.iri. Howard woul up-atairii aud,
111 Ollllt him ibltvij to tliu lit,inn
j '..mi, and hat ul tho Ublo with bim
in l.or l.ip.
No v, wh t in tho iiho of your
il:ii liml child iu Much a way ?"
. Jr. Unwind. "Jt would uot
:. 1-. i n!. L ei to cry n Imlo."
''. Ii'iby is hungry," expl tiuod
! ' tvai-i', "lio has not unrBC.l
. . 1 , ' uVli (k tbid morning, and
k veil."
' il him good to got bnif
1 ,;jjudud Mr, Upward, bbort-
No". , wo won't Bay that Mr. ll-iw-.
' -.-is a bad man, or a tyraut, foi
. tvais j ast ite Uiud-beurlod , and iu
inl ;eiit with bid family an any fath
er could bo ; but bo waa a little
Cijjeiled, aud likod to rulo, li'tod to
bavo ovory thing bis way.
flml'a tbo way you fool away
your limo all day," eai I Mr. How
uid, decidedly, "nursing tbo baby
und puibnpa reading ' fooliBb love
At thin Mrs. Howard was ready to
cry, but je.slraimng her tears, Hiiid ;
"Jiiij pobu you tiy D.y woik this, aud let mo try oiub."
'l'ou coiihbrt btaud 11:0 work I
limo to do ILIm m uuioj," aid Mr.
llowuid, with ptido.
"Jiii-t try mo onco !" r,aid bs wifo.
"Very w.dl," was tho answer ; "I
will m:tl;o out a lint of work tjut 1
I.1.V0 to do fiom tight to tnJvc
Mrs. Howard got her uotu-bcVu
and Mr. Howard gavo her tbo fal
lowing, which abo noted :
"Firet, go to Mr. C'b caipoiili.i.J
Bbop and buvo him repair tbo boum
ou A btieet : tbo windows bud
doors are to bo luundod aul a new
picket feoco put up. lio with the
tuau there aud show him what to do.
Second, go to my olllno aud rt main
there ouo hour, receiving and puy
ing bills j third, go to U.' cud see
if ho bus ullondod to that wuiU on
btrect j collect Stanley's rout,
find issue 11 notice for Uibbs to va
Cato. 1 bolieve that is all."
"Very will, now I will give you a,
liat." Mrs- Uowsrd smiled ns fcl'V
thought low ber Imsbaod woifld at' " -
tend to her five children,- let aloC.vl "Well," thought Mr. uumH. "I
Ihohonsowoik. The oldest of thesoj" w" ootd Kate
live children waU sii yedra, and thtomos, and walcli those yoougsters
joungoet two months. "The find to koep Ihow from getting away."
tbiug yoti toubt drt," eomroencoij uo did not buvd to1 wait long.
Mrs. Howard, "is to bang the oltillllra. iwvia-d approached the house,
tlreu's beds ortt to buo i tbeu washlluiliug, Mr. uoward lookeet shoop
the dishes, swoop the diulug-roomllb as hia wife came up tbo ateps.
t tto table for dinner and darkoull "Nover niind, ttarllog," ebi fafd,
the dining-room. Neit, 6leau, opllssiug liui I tutioipatail all
je kilbBa uod awc-ip the jriuis. Out yoar pnper uu go into
and bricks ; io tbo meantime keep
an eye on Ibe cbililrou that thoy
don't kill themselves or eacb otber.
"Iboo go tip-stairs, take Robert
and Gay with you, make the beds
Bwrep Ilia rooms, duet the fnroituro,
wlpo tip t ho bonrth, and also wipe
i A' the mautol, empty the slop-buck-et
and clean the wu-tb-bovil and
pitcher. After thin in done, wash
and drops tho baby and put him to
ileep Wabb Robert and Uuy, and
lot thoui go out-diors to pbiy
Then wash out a few things for the
bnby, put tlitnicr on, an. I whilo it in
conkii) irou tbobo fow Ihiug for tho
Mib I f i ard Kruno from tbo tiildo,
went iip-t-tniiB au-J dn-BHtjil for tht
lnit. Aftor fcho had one Mr
Howard biuilod to think how hood
bo wa-t foiu lo nut tbroiifjb with
1 . i h wifo'H work, lio luuuuKt'd to an
tho o'uil ht'ii'M biidit out to air, piolil
iiif.j by t ho itiBtiuctioiiB of Ada, tho
'ldett 1. Thou hu bt gau on the
dmLt-B, forcttiny to pat ou Mib
liuWHid'H up tun, whii-h fho bad laid
out for hint to lt::ll'
Siieli nnt t lit-r i
laekot ttuiuiiB' ili-lns and Hplanhii K
wnti .-r, reitrdlcMi of tnnineia und .
VtilV Mltit t, w:i iies-.-r board.
I The cii'.eb 1 11 iefi Itieir play and :
1 uii 111 to m h the fun. tiuy. ho i.-. ,
ol.uir i Mi. lioAiinl pull.-d bim down
and tinned to bin li jrtit with tbi
diHhuH. lljlunt, who is a lilllo over
two jeaiH old, cheabod ou tbo table
and turned the castor over. While
Mr. Howard was taking bim duwu,
tilLlo (iuy.auiious to Sud out tbiugs,
pulled tbo disbpau nvtf and neatly
drowned himself with its conbuulH,
riitt) bo oommoneed yelling at the
top of bis voice. Iiobert bumped
bis boud by ulippiug down iu tbo
greasy dish-water, aud engaged in a
prolonged bowl. To add to the
musio, the baby act up trcmeu
dous wail.
Mr. Howard took the children up
stairs. Ho put a dry drees on Ouj.
but put it on bim wrong sido out
iiud tbo bind part before. Still
they kept up their yolliog
"Confound it 1 Can't you stop
that noise T he thundoied.
At this Johnuio, who in
four yearn old, eamo iu crying with
his finger bleeding. Mr. oward(
tied it up aud vent him about bis
"I'll clmn np the room," thought
Mr. owaid, "and loave those mis
erable diiibos till tho children are
out of tho war."
IIn communcod turning things
around tbo room,
"I don't see why Kato cau't put
Iit clotbos away, and not leave
theui lying nronnd on tbo lloor like
thiii, I always put mine away," he
muttered. lot wheu bo begun
gathering tbem np, bo found that
uot ono of the articles belonged to
his wife, iiis soiled ebk't was iu ono
place, collar iu another, and so ot,
liy this time Mobort and (uy were
goltiug bleeply, aud they began
pubing at their papa. 110 tried to
get tbem uwuy from bim, bat tboy
cluug tbo closer.
"Ada, can't you etop that buby'
yelling " ho loudly bboutod.
Ada got boiuu boiled milk, and
Mr, Howard fod il to the littlo fol-
low, uud bo doou went to sleep, l
' . . - '
illicit to hi papas relief. mil
Robert aud Ouy kept up an iuccs-
sunt h train el sobd and bcrcams.
"Will you never stop " ciiod tbo
father, who was thoroughly aronuss
ed. "I'll go dowu-btaiis and leave
yoii up beio by youriielved,'1 aud bo j
started dowii-stmes. Ibo cbildroo,
fouriug be would luavo thorn by
tbouiselvB, sturtod aftor bim--Adi
Johnnie', Iiobert aud Coy all of
Lcm cryiug.
"Stop tbut iioih.i, or I will Itftve
y u and g up towu 1" At this lbu;
chldrou ci iod tbo harder. Mr.
! "'I
tin utaiid and wutebod bis clnldu-U'
cr .
-ii I wasn't a man, I'd Uu iu yom
COtil'tlt." fitid bo.
ilicy stood aiouud, poking their
littlo lists iu their eyes uud tf-ibbiug
the parlor, anil read and rest until
(1 uuor-.liino "
Mrs. uoward Boou pat things iu
order, and pot tbo children all
(piloted. Whcu dium-r was an
uouccod, Mr. Howard cnine on l
lunghing. no kisaed bio wifo and
Hiii 1 .- "We bavi bud a tegular
monkey aud parrot' tiiuj binco you
have boon gone. L5at you ore Ihr
bright, beautiful Ptinnhino conio to
. wako every tiling and every body
chcorfut h.ippv. 1 would ratlioi
faco a ivL"lo rv'i lot-ti t thuu take h
woiu iu'h phu'o. I will forever after
boltl my lotujuo." llMon Vofi.
"An fTtt uiado fur tbo buppinoi-
of otluis lifts Urt ahot t nivi Ut '
Xlun-foio tho yoiin.; kIidiiI.I culti-
vato tho nil of kimliio-i fr t!io tiulv
groat loco aio ll-e really kind men.
Wliilo (iniiM a! (iiaut wuh pruni
dont, ho vi.i ,il uuu tiimi tit.) j,';it'bi
i f M.irliu Jewell, at lia'.lford, t!onn.
AL a iieepuou tendeiod ln'm by tho
t Jtivi-i ti..f. wheiu nil Lbu inoiuii.eni
u,en uf tho Mato wero L' ttheiod, n !
I "!
umiIiIv penciled note in a common
envelnpe, moc.1 by n uiuiNn, wm,
l.un !, , him. Jl wan put iiilti bit,
tands by 4 yonrfj pu'itici-m, wi
1 u,ni j hi ii a j.'Ko thai ' Mil eld tVilii-,
:u iU uueiii' sii.;uld presiuno m-l
ti udo upon lbu L'leM h-iit at ncb n
time, "lou need uot bollor about I
ber; I soul her atvuv I. hi .v vouir11. ! ivib;; tho stxtoi. to bu hoii-
were uot here to bo borod
young man feuid to (Jtant.
Tho rresidiMil'e answer much nur-priae-d
tho poliliciitn, ''Aheio in
this woman j where can I liud her V '
ho iequirod hurrying fiom tbo room
The letter bo held iu bin bund, writ
ten poorly iu pencil, told a Borrow
fal story - It paid iu bubslunco :
"My Ben fought in your army,aud
bo was killed by rebel bullets while
fighting for you. 15t-furo he died be
wrote ate a letter which told bow
noble a tuao yoi wero, aud suid you
wonld look out for bis mother. I
mmiX I Lvo, . fn1 Inrnnl
or influence to got anybody interest
ed iu me to got a pension. Dear
General, will you please help mo for
my dead boy's sake ? '
Sadly the woman had turned away
from tbo mansiou, ber lubt bopo
dead. A servant pointed her out to
I'lebidoui Urunt, wulkiug tlonly uti
tbo s'vi eet. Tho obi sulda-r ovei look
her (piickly. fcjho was vt 01 ping, and
turned towards bim a puzzled fuco as
bo stopped ber and stood bitiehead
ed in tbo moonlight besido ber. The
few word the great kiud man bpoktt
turned her lotrs iuto luugbler, bei
sorrow iulo joy. The pension before!
refused ber came to ber epeodily,
aud ber laot days wero s out iu com
fort. ore wan a true tuau whom tho
honor of tho world could not 6poil !
What woudor the world mourned
wheu hu was tukou away before Lin
Kcst Ez::lloat
J. J. AtLiuB, Chief of Polico.Knox
villo, Touu, writes: "My family aud
1 nro beneliciaries of your moot oi
collent luodicbio, Dr. King's Now
Discovery fur consumption ; having
found it to bo all that you claim for
it, elotuio to testify to its virtuo. My
T l - .1
friends to whom I Lava re-commend-,
ed it, prairie it ut evory opportunity."
ft-. K' ii-.,.. Van! 1lwlfVflrv f,r
Consumptiou is guarantee! lo euro
CouL'bs. Colds. Droucbitia, Ai-tbma.
Croup and evory t-floctiou of Throat,
Cue UJ-.J .S8; 'fml liottbsFreo
jjj' d Vva ,Jt0r-
An Old Citizen Cp:a-3-Mr.
J. M. Norris, au old roHident
I of homo, Gn says that bo bid booa
badly troubled with liielnoy Com
j-iuiut fur n great many years and
with fcczomii for throo years j at
limes could scarooly walk aud bad
S rejT
Unj UU(j unnojoting bis bunds and
font with IJucklen's Arnica Salve,
Tbi treatment ollordod bim great
ItUlOl UUU IIO OHWIfcl iwwu,M,MV,,g
Electno Hitlers to all Wlio buUer
with Kiduey Complaints, or need a
Mood I'uriflor. . Soli by O. M
lVotly Kcllio IJureey of Gtaud
Rapids, foil is love with a gambler
named uickock, and as fcbe bad $d,
000 bo marriod Lor. Aflor tptnding
her money he denertod ber, the
followed bim, and the other day met
bin) ou too street io tit. Paul, ha
roughly repulsed her, and she fell
dead it bia feet;
The old Paying lh:il u el. sin is .
Btronper than iff wi-n'..,,; J.i.l." i-"t-H
exemplified ly tin.- I i'! ittit(,.
"lory from tb; YoutYi ' , ,,,, ,,.
I was lidiiijir tl.i :ui,:!i u l.,.v.( t
country towii ir Voriimt-t, uln u I
chanced to iioticti a ct.-'-iuitu i f
peojilo in tl.o cliuich ;,!. ni,!ei,i; !
enciielitij,' ,x: rpeu p;tav,-. j
was :i wiuni,! I 1 i
lou toilert, and I illiiw tii. i ii i t uii n t
moiuo liven aieh.-l H i- i.i.i 1, ,.
allow tho ll HBO tO CtK ! l.l, ! I- -I
I'rtBjr.tly it nti.i:i..i ...u. ,
id.', m.i! I kii.l
''I'l etc ia :t f in :ui l i J.iv t : i . t ; t
ion ti t"
''V'ih .St-1 ilit Im wh. i i i
the lnl;;e(tl-liLai ted men I i f; i.m w i
Wo all owed h'M.intliiti,.' ! ..p'.i u '
Then added, iu it wi i.-. .
grel- !
".i Liiil oue l'it..l.
'Ibo lllit fell IU ptT,.'l! I .V,. tin
,ritH- 1 at 'il t"'"
M" re-iivBhin;' ccclucfli.
Hi t!'
't'f"iod Ibo hiibj. ct :
"io butt I'Ual, B'.tili'.i.-ti, Mepiu-n
had. We bolitbtm t ) t!le ingi lat-ir
three liiniH, Tiicy thi n.;!it 1 f 11. iv,.
i, muling huu for govoiu o. l-n:. I.e
Madly, "C;' p!i. 1 i, .,; uiie
I n a b' no anawor. I v. ,
,l,'d wulchod tho ponplo ei .v ly .he ,
iry vrtult.
"A very genorous lour. Mephen
as. AlwavH visited thobiek he'
was fueling when any one was 1 :
double. The old people mill.', I'
hiiu. Kveu tho children iii-ed io fol
low bim in tbo streets "
"A good tuau, indeed, ' I buid iu
dillVrtLtly. "Yen, bo bad only one fault."
"What was that" I atlcd.
''Ooly iutempeianco."
"Did it bin in bim f"
"Yob, somewhat no didn't seem
to bavo any power to icnt-t itul last.
lie got bfbinilluad and J "-'.t-guge
nia larm, nnd bnalfy bad lo Hell
it. uis wife died ou accouut of Un
reverse ; kind of cruhed,diBnppointi
od. Tbeu bis children, not bavint.
Ibe right bringing up, turned 0111
badly, uis intomporanoo seemed to
mortify them and tnko away llnii
epiiit no bud to leave jiobtii-H :
'twou'.dn't do, you ito. Thou mi
b'ld to bet bim anide fiuio (!.) i hui t l
and ut last bis bululs brou,;hf 11
paralysis aud wo bad lo take bun I'.
tho poor house. no die-l ilu re ,
only forty fivo. '1 hue wtie none oi
bis cliildreu ut the lunnal l'oot J
man, I o bad only one fault " i
"Only 0110 fuull!'
Tbo nhip 1 a 1 ciily ono ..nL, but it
wont doMi.
'Only one fuull !"
UUtullipiU UUU eiuijf uuu uui.nj in-. ( ;
.111 f f I I . - . 1 . ' . . I
"(July ouo fault." it nuo g..iu-.
wifo lost, family ruined, honor lot-
foiled, soeiul and leli-ioiiH lnivileL-es
uhauduiiod ! Ill nl.eli hualt ll, poVtll.v !
l aritlysis and tho pooi-houso
alo. I',,.!
botwetn '
Ouo fault, only one-
Jacob .Milii i'of l oiiotuiiid
ui 11 lied bis tilct
lSUO and lf7l elt-tou tlnlditii wt n
boiu to tl o.u. Of tbcao all were i !
uuHOUud uiiud buvd ouo, a duiigbtei '
1... 1 ..; .1 . .. 1... ; ; 1
11' II 1J lUUIIM o Hl!l'l, nut. iu 111 11 1 I I' ' 1
j 1-t otbern are ahve, and live il
thorn uro idiot, a . l tho olhi.r-i litili
belter. Mis .Miilef is dead, ami
Uoi. Lunl.tuel, tvLo is proHjierom.
farmer, l,tUH aLne with his tiNd,t un-
fortuualo children. Ho i,ntb that hi.-
miiiforlunu in a "slroko ifpioii-
Mr. Hutch of Kubhvillo drove tin
bo rso to tbo foiiut tiu iu tho ptibhe
Bcjuaie to water bim, when ul tin
sight of water the animal k!i.h-cI
every symptom of hydrophobic, in
dafclied through the fctreols, biitiuc
at everything in bis way. liuieh
u a laged to guide biui home, uud
ibeit bliut bim.
Whoa wo are iu tho company of
HoUHiblu men we ought to bo d
o tulious of taikiug too much, led
we lose two good tbiugd, their good
opioiou and our own improvement,
tor vibut we have to say we kuow
It is eimply absurd to talk about
a woman beiog qualified to till every
position iu life that a man fills. 1'er
instance, whut woman could lounge
around the stove iu the couuliy
crocory and He about the nanbr cl
t& lie cault liVst itxttii f.
'10 1,;.', a, ,V.r;
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A Kedicio'.'
tics as imp'jssioio to comitciltiii
as the PYHAMIOS Cf EGYPT, and
vhi:l: iz :;3tV haviny ar: c:;
zzlz throughout the Uu'r.z'i Siutos
and Canaiias.
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lil, h l wnrV'.n nii- li wi-ml, m with ill lUiumiutlC
MUllclnrii who li"i" i'V -1' in,--! It,
it vonrt.Ki if i r rtntrii
S F Ni: ri'M, Ml lnviulMiy, Cfiin,!, 11, N 1 Vita
.,: I wi." " r, ly llli- !! will l!Uii.
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A li i n, mi rrlU.
i'fil Hub.
CVintnlnliiRO lhiirnii"li h l fnnipn hnnslve rxjvM
if "n nliu.l l i'iit fir. i,f n'l Oiii'lin n. I Out-!.,
IIJ Niiitupn'n y. 1..I1 i.f I , rm unl l:.rti,iu'.
In Uu. I)'i.i-iltin i.f rr'u'ltinl, civ. rln-.- ii H,rli-t
if i'hlny tear' i'ilin l. Irrllvi. l.lfi. unl
i-nilirn.-liM niitiv In: i.ulu it.ttrmtmj an4 IhrM
inn iMleuHva bkuUhti.
An niinly ni- knoh, f-w-ili llluttrattd!
UUil W1U1 t'urlroiior llio l.'ltut lf VvUtu.
In ory town lbi-t nrn nuuibfru cif rmtnl irUa
u lll lm vluj ly (-, Vat l.,i.U.. It .-lln I . !f n.lii-i-lH,i
I.fliuii i.i. rurini'r, vtiii l-r.f,iM4nil li.ou. TUn
rvt rv Axflil H..11 1 1 ; vuffiitu or -,'.,- tit Utu
tvwlioui Iij cu in. I luii'i't atiiliug ll la. .
Wn want Oua A Hi-ill In r'rry towntliln. or
eoiinly. (,,,..,i, r lilt thin tM,k, ina U'
ci"ii it iuihyiwiiI Mir,t. fvt full liurllvuUir uud
trnM lo uii'", a-lilreiw
d. W. CaUAlXiN tv r-uVlUIierii,' Nw Vo4l"
' i V
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