The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 13, 1886, Image 1

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v - -.-- 'vO
Ho l.iiB.,wiil n) ronsmi U n MiM; lie tli:t. eanurt i-t n fn. ; ho thai tl;tiv u iv a .
;ditou ami I'h'opjMiriuil
an in
iLliMJUGIl, SNYDER CO., l'KNN'A, .i.V l-:. sxii
3iO !1
PI tt
tiis Kvaa c2s:t mis
Oh, ft ynlU-nt two I the ever green
That (;row on the Monk mountain
Not 11 fear does It feel of tho wind r
the rturm,
A It ftands like ft king In It pri.l.
lull u.ivin:.- r...-.r.
.'. i. i i...-
..II I I 11 - 1
J....III... U'.ll.l llllll lllllllll.'llf'n II I
Ihit It Mauds In H blri'iigth like u lion
nt I my.
Or A hero, who'll ne'er he a stave.
Oh, ft sorrowful tree in the i v.T Rrefii j
ine I
1'hiit rowfi In the HWOrt finilin:,' villi-, j
ti..urHHirM forever a low, H""'"
That reHcinhlcH A 'lorn lovei 'w wail.
It Mretehen It Mrong, .hnly hram h
e nhroiul
Ami it hIIih to I he ffowi-r lulow.
Amlitt.'IU -f th.'Korrow t;orrotliiif.'!l'i'- "I catmot tlo iiiij lluiif; f r
It8 lieart
To the breeze that merrily blow.
)h, a beautiful tree It the ever ;,'reen
That ;row on the hill' Mopiii;: Mil'",
tMielter the womlliinl, nive MiaiI.;
to tho tli-i-r,
Ami make chrerfi'.l our huiixe, far
And wide.
Then honored and loved ln the ever
frtven pine
That fear neither lij?hl nintf nor (rnle.
And eherished htill more be thu or-
rowfnl tree
That niln hi the vee r mfiin' x ale.
!. .. .,".-.7...
A U02LH 2SV3K0S-
A Jair, frnRilo-lookinpf boy, f
ippurontly aouio fourlecn yeni.
tood loaning ovor the rnilin in llu
counting room of Olendon tc Co.,
the groat importers ami inerthuul
piinces of tho city of BoMon,
There w a look o' piteous plent
i'n iu his Huft brown eyes ; and hiu
pulo end fuce spoke mora thuu Word.
Vsould tell of tho nnJ Qij,uinL
with wbicb brt ynunjj beart wus no
Cruelly rout.
"Ii is not m) eclf that I cam f t,"
bo eobbod, gnzluK nt Ihu hur l-fji-lured
man who wns wiitinir t onool
the ikku, "but iI'h my moihtr, ni;
this fihoe!; will kill her 1"
"Young roan, yon ought to ba7c
thougbt of l!mt before,'' replied the
bard fun t mod id tin, in h cold,
"Hut l'ui iunocent, nir. Imlood,
eir, I ucver 'oi k tho money.'' '
How, then, do yovi neeount for
tho puHHeHHicb of put of thu bills .'"
"I cno ucoouut fr them in no
other way, tir, Ihun that 1 u.Uot have
feceivod thorn in chuiigo.'
"Hut whoie V
"I cuuuot toll where "
Tho etoru Dicrelntiit for it was
1U: GleudoQ himself, looking up,
whilo au ugly light buaiuad Uoui Lin
tneriiloHS oyo.
"Willium S'iiiderson!" bo oxclaim
tod, layiug hU watch upon the dock,
whilo tho hard linen around bin f.iou
becotno btill harder, I m11 give you
just five oiiuates to rovt-ul what you
Lave done with that money. If at
Ibe ODd of thu timo you ftio bilunt, I
bba.ll givo you iu charge of tho olli
cor." And bo roHurucd Lis writing.
The boy leanod Btill further over
Ibe mahogany railing, uud tbo great
gobs wbicb frhook bis fruit form, it
would almost seem, would bavo
moved a heart of udumant.
liut the mercbuut was made of
von steruor Btuff, and not ouce
look tip until lie five wiuuts bad ex
pired. "Now, sir I" be said taking np Lin
watch with an impatient gesture and
glancing at tbe boy,
'1 caunot tell, sir i for indoed I
did not ateal it, eir--I came bonobt-
ly by those bills."
"Elnough Bid," was tbo mor
obant'a quiet rejoinder, aa be etamp
cd bis foot opon tbe door.
"Ob, apare ma, air spare my
toother," pleaded tbe boy, tears of
anguiab and abame streaming down
bis cbeoka. "13o merciful and bcav
' en will reward you Oh '
. "Enough aaid I" ropoatod the
.merchant with atom oojphaMa,
"Not another word from you, Bir
toot another word I''
And balf dead with terror, William
Bandorson was dragged away to tbe
"Only a woman fainted, your
. Lonor said tbe sheriff, io response
lo the Interrogator y of the judge,
fcttt 17, in tbe crowdod public
court ro'nn, j
Ibit, with ono wild rpritig, Wills
tutu SAiitlerrtou rleurnd t ho ii isont r's 1
dock, nod was Losido llio hmui.oalo
Oh, mother, FpcfiU to mol'lipl
1. as k.H-ln do., ho p1rtae.1!,"J1!iu -oihi1 lt
ch.kto hem. "Oh. I .n no, ol lo Uoiijibt iu sorrow to tho
ci i
hi cl
milt v--Sit. 1. .r1 T nm iinl tnv
' n. i i mi, ii
Cl'UCO Will V t ho proved. Oil, Will
. . . i..: ... .f ... ,
-v.vtl.i.-;.' ri;ek . nu-l he jj.hmm 'I i
i ..;in I,.. ........ ..f
H II I . Il l.l 111''. Ill 111U U11..1 V.i
A lueilieiil ;onlli'ii)in who chflllOo.l
to he ie.;il:t blepj forwuiil.
(iviii a hufity planer, he
!;iu It l.emlo the I vy nml j lneel Lih
liiinil ij'iicklj pjkhi lift heiut.
i ll U m fxprennion of uwo stole
LVl l. av, f,ee, nt.,1 ho tm ne, j
noi rowfnMy to tLu ulmost j uliil hj;
nro nt din Mli.
' Jo hiuve, my hoy," ho prti.l, riH
ho plaenl one huinl upon tho yoiith'H
her ; bhe i :e4 all mot lul In lp.
Iu a dii.'d Kott c f a w iy the lid
ut'OMO aud looked i.tound,
"Miiko way fof mi imporbint wit
lies," called Iho crier, Hoia Ih.i ex
tremity of tho co"it rt'om m ar the
Theio wni i hurriid conFiillation
on tho boneh, iind (hen Thornae
Klisler wa called (o tho Hland
Hi lehlitnuny was strui,;htforwnrd
and conehihivo.
Ifo hud received Iho liil's from
Mr. t.-lftidon liiniHi l f in ehuii;;!' f-r a
draft, Mr. tllendon bavin,; calinl bin
atti titii.n to llio f iet that I hey were
marked at tho timo. And ho lrid
pni them out to William Sutnli i
hon, in "hango ; expecling to bear
from them agaiu.
Hut having j ist nt that mometit
read a paragraph in Iho morning
pnper in lelation lo Iho case, ho hud
IiiihIi ned to the courtroom to pre
vent nri iuputice. from beirig done.
Mr. (Jletidon admiMed now that
ho rt collected t Si 0 ciicumstancf of
llio pa 111. ut, which had blippod hie
Willi 11 slroii'; reprimand of Mr.
(ilctiiliii Iho jn l'o ordciud tho dib-
ehargH of the prisoner.
I'tti rly hu nil riled, the Morn
incrcli. tut no;iro ii. 01 1 W iiliau) S in.,
ihtrs o. iv 11 l i. l...rd Least wa.-
"I'orgivo me, Vi'.liiani," l:o pai-l
lidding cut l;ii hand ; ' I will oi,
you baeli your old pluee, and 1. u I 1-
your pay tdjo, in cjuuidjr.iU jti i i
my ei 101."
Thou, fjr tlio lirM liiee, did the
poor victim aiouai- from his l-r!h.u,;y.
'Will you givo me back my dial
mother V ho iLauan l.),l ll villi hi.i
eyes, in whieh now glitter, da Mt. Is
light, upon IIhiho of hia employer.
No I cannot do fiat," n plied
tho uieruhatit, btill' ring Lin
hand, "but I will repair, bo fir a.
liea iu my power, tho wrong I have !
doiui yon. J4ot in Lu Inend.a.
"Never 1" cxelaiiuei tlio youth
ihu steely glitter itntr.-ie-i'ig to ,
1 ,.v -n f 1 j 'ii
glare "Nover mil I bo f.ioudj utlb
i 1 it. 'ill
my mother . murderer. ihero w,l ,)limtioll l(J f(. llUll ()Vlll(.0lll0 lliffl.
bo a grave between u.s-a giiivo tha.cll;tio, w!al ( ,.,ro 8tronglv
will aveng-.
Aud bo brushed by t no merchant
uud was lobt iu tho throng.
Tweuty years havo pasnod away,
biioging its usual vicidhitu lo aud
'J'bo great bouso of Glondon &
Co. bad g jno down in tho midnt of a
toriiblo liiiiiueial pauio, such as fro
queutly sweeps over tho country
and Mr (jIchJju was a poor man,
dependant for bis dully brood upon
tbo lubor of bis eon, who held u
clo kship iu tho rapidly lit-iug estab
lishment of .Sanderson & Allen.
Hut suddenly this support to bis
declining yours Buomod about lo bo
taken uwuy.
Roger Uleudoa was accusod of
"It cannot bo tiuo," tho old mer
chant repeated to himself 1 "yet I
will go aud seo,"
Aud he baBtoued to tho countiog
room of bis son's employers.
Ho found tbo scuior purtuor of
tbe firm alone.
"I havo called,'' bo said "iu rela
tion to tbe reporlod accusation
against my eon. Tell mo, Is it truoT '
Tho gentleman gave a groat sturt
of Biirpriao, when ho begun to speak,
but when be bad ooucludod, arose
and banded him some papers with
out a word.
In tbem be discovered ample evi
dence that would convict bia bod,
"Spare Litn I ' be pleaded, as be
iclntiiif jlio p:ijer9. "Spare hnu,
for I uLjni-o ho tie vi-r meant to
wror.:? von nnd ho will snmo tiii'y
...... .. 1. .
Jon to tno uim-.M unuung. ....
mutciiul to my pray hairs, nr no
nil tho surt't-rt aid dependency
Not Brother wold, nir."' Mr
ij ....'... I . ..r i. .. I ... ..
.i.iuiei son h i "ill v. i 'ii'ii in i.iii-
Hi lH.-ti.V, H I I OIK"U vl.l
oMi-thiii;' ill tlni npeiikef's I me
inn-Met lhi ohl ihhii'h uttc i l! ,
.in. he ;;iv.c.l ut him litillv.
'Ibjoii know iuo nil'!'" imiiiirct
I ho i ii h ir.erehnnt.
"1 think ! 1hv iioen yon hiih-
whero," ji Iinl iho utiiiotier, "hut
w' 1 ","",t " r,I lo n,il"1 '
"l'o you rt i-'eteber that KCtiiu in
iho polieo cuiiit room year.i ngii
wlieti the mother rf nn iiitmeent boy,
who had been falnely aeeil-td by jml,
fell ih ad with KiirptifO ni:l boip 1
at bthoh'.oig lar eon ii. hu-jIi a pla.-i
iKm't y u leiuember .Sail l-
lIHI tl
'Iho oid man uttered a gu'ing
cry and tottered back 11gai11.1l ihe
' Heaven In lp nie !'' ho moaned,
"for )' ur hour of vetigeai.eo ha
come nt laM..'
"t'un you call on liiaveu for help f
di uiandi d ihe mi if'.iant. "llie Hook
hiijh, "With what tueiihUiO 0 n.eti
it Mia'd bu oieanurcd to yon Again,"
doe it 11.1t ? '
His vibilor annveied not a w-.;rd.
Iillt nppearetl enlin lv uVercolUO will.
l.n weight of agony.
William Sa;idi rnoii
reMed hif
head upon his
Laud ft moment in.
Then ho grasped the paprifl, and
walked to tho mail's bido pasKed
tl.em into hi hand,
" Take I hi tn," ho mid, tho Bteely
laioin bin cyo giving placo to a
Huftcr light ; "ta'to them and do
Ktroy them. '1 hey aro tho ouly cvi
di nco of your bou'h crime.''
Tho old merchant guvo u joyful
"!.) yort mean it T" bo cried,
clutching thrm tit tidy.
"I tin an a leplied William Sail
deron, nil vonsly.
y.,u f. rt go your vc n-j
'.elitien ,'
"Yt, I will rcMi Vo ui I
I VOll, fieo iVoi.i I'Vi I V taint I. p. HI 1.1
li.lIlK', 1 Uiil
i'i. Mltl itig lo'iri.
t I 111-1 ll Oll lioN",
.att.bil to me
keep3 l i. i iii my
I ii'ii net uliiiid t-t
f..r l.o il lo ;ia
I hl.t. uld have
ii'i'.li to jou, had yoti fhoM-il to.
' st ll li me iood d '
,. 1 '.' lii,..,. t-'. ,1..' i.ii. t.ii.l rn-.-
l,k'u ll 1:is vei'iro.
i. . WJ.IO
With tlio aMrologi'M a largo nom
,VH uln s a Hign of mueh u-
U,. t,f h,lllJ(J uA, but what w.ib ih
tenuiiiud by other eUaraeteristie
niiiki. A Koiu.m no'io win a t-i - 1
,)f lk Ooura-eoin ten: per mi I n .lis-
a-milino n iho wai nn iud.eation of
rapieity ; tlioi loi biiiag ovidontly I
1 ' ' - ., . , ;
borrowed from tho snniwrity of lluul
. . .... ,
H.'ii'l ipiioii i'i uu ilw 10 lllilli 01 11:1
eag'.e, tho uioit rapocious of bird.
Tho Hii'ib-noHu bli awed lilllo c'.iai-
tieter but muoli touipor, whilo tho
(Jroek uoso, uvou, Htr.ii 'ht and regu
lar, wai a sign of tho temporamont
of tho owner. Largo nostril indi-.
eated good lungs, health and long
lifo, whilo swelling nostrils nhuwod a
warlike spirit and lire. A very
sharp noso was couriered an indi
cation of a busybody, whilo a bluiit
noss ut tlio cud of this member was
an outward sign of tho possessor's
uiontal lack of aeuteuoss. Largo
cars were always bad, tho similaiity
between their owner and tho donkey
being supposed to extend fuithor
than tho ours, whilo email cuts were
always good. Tho lobe of tho oar
passing ioenibly into the cboik
wus a sure bigu of a thief aud a liftr,
whilo ao exceedingly Hbai'p division
betweon tho two indicated honesty
and candor. Thick cars meant
thick biaina, whilo thin, delicuto ears
declarod their pod-totisor to bo a man
of reflnod iulelligonco.
'- -
Ttlophouo is fomiuino it talks
Drawing Instruments Mustard
Curious transformation When a
horse is turned into a pasture. ' '
Lon tho wc) I vis no de l, wo '
1 t... i ... ... I .1. .
.u... ....., :.., ... j ; m:
Htntvn r.:m si an,
fi N.uh had three hoih.
J-"h w '''Jl
j hn!e m belly.
in t!i
t.'.. . . II
til.' t.llll!)
l'i lei ilei.'ci' his i' ;v:
Tl.iTii vi ro three
Ahrl'iiini, If'aio nil I I),
Ahiuh.itn ( I' .eltni'K ! tlncn iiiii
Sinr.m l wascu'leJ linen liiiicn.
'.Siinen, . vi M lliOM .' ' wm t
-.i-nteil tint li.-m-d. 1 wan thrown into a den "it1 1
tin en hioiM, f ir j ra ing il.teo tiief-i
a day.
Sli.-idi-aeli, M- shae!) an 1 V,.. ,., !
weio iceue.l tho 1! uin-a ef ti n
oven, '
Tho Ten ('ominatoliiif iita wtte!
dtlivel'i d ol) tilt) third day.
lob h id three fiiends.
.''t. I'atil 1 pi at of fail h, In as and:
t:l:at ity, tin no thre.
Thine ilieama i.f the I :;!"!' and 1
butler WL'IU to tVIUO to I iU :t 111 Ihliiv
d.aytt. j
Ki.'il. p-oMraled bin.M-lf H'"v,
limes on tho boily OI t!'c il a I e!n!d
S.niipH.ui tlecived l'i!:'.t!i lliiei
time btf.iio bho i!.:m ,-(iid ll.e
H-jtiii-- of i.i 1 Mrorgtli.
The ?'irl'l d letll IN I'll the CloSI ale
I II S, so. iu ,0, tho !'. mi ill til 1 1 .
ta: fon-j.i Hid of thii-J W-ilds, "In
. ,Sro.''
'I hero aro throo e 'i!i. ih for
iiii'i -1 l! th, ht .liven ill l 'nil; tieo'i
i. him) Iho Holy Trinity.
Ill mythology there u, le the 11, re'
(iic,. Cerherus, wiiii his three
In tl 1 -t ; Neptune, hoi in.-,' hie three-
tooine.l Kliiil ; llio Ulaiiii ( I 1 "lihl
cherished with vein .rati 'i the tripod;
and thu nino mil-e-i Hpiaiic; fioiu
l;i natnro wo bnvo uinle, femah
ami ollVpring ; moiuing, ijoou und
Trees group their h uvea in threes;
there ia tho lhreol-uved clover.
Wo havo liMi, flush anil fowl.
What could bu dent) iu mathemat
iea without tho v d ' a tiiaiigle.' wit
iiia-b tlm power cf !lie ivetljo ; and
in lojjie M.ieu ia mi rh are in li. t(-ii-
Hji, It j;) ,i ,..,,,. ,n j hinit-o, tl.n.ti
i n U hi. t.V lil'.ii. M 1'.
A cloi'k m iii.;:' ..-I ".I ii: ' Is
il 111
i t'a!-:ii'.ta, India. !mi lal.!v e. . it
; cd a Very il.o- liiii'n I iiu iii hi
the -hapo
i.f all eiglil-.l-iv t i.-f l.. I
i tho iii;n:.i o:i a l.irg: ,
;( ,,' Mid ei'ilm i U:e
I V liil'll Ktl ill
1 III!
j' l a i tel s on r :iil h 'IN. In e. 011:1 e
tio'i with the el'ii'k Hit 10 is 11 to. 1 cab i.i'. l v.hi.-b givea the ;r-!
net, days of all tho vuii oi.-i tnonth:'.
ii elii the ilays of
i'i hi il 11 y in the haiji'.
T'neio u 11N0 n u. litnrf iiioei s-.ii 1, '
- 1 j
iVoikt'd bv llio el.,-!;, lvm , e:il it.o i
1 . . , , ,. ,, , .
1 various 1'i.iiichen of the I o il i.-ih iiini v, I
1 .,- . . f ...,;o ... ' !
1.011-.1.H ie : ". 111 loit i 1 , i..ivi.n v 1111 1 1
.,,.,......,, ,. , . ; :.".., I
ihi.iiiimi unit iiiu iiiui iu iui i.n 01 '
j ,
' , ,
. ,. . , , .. .
inu isiiiiii, .in 1 11 uii;;ii i who iiift:i
. . , , . , . ., ,
l.i.s buglo lo Ins mouth ovei v f. .w
. ,,, . ,,
iiiiuult'H, Allot llicso r.viUeH are
r.nanged at tho top of the dial.
There i.i also a nniMcal iiiMruniciil
whieh playti uhi'olbu prucus.iiou is
inarching iu review.
Near tho hoi torn of tbo clock is
I laced a military hand whieh is con
cealed by u cm tuin, uud which ia
raised every hour when tho music i
playing und tho procession nioviug,
and falls agaiu iiutiiediutely ufier the
clock has btruek, aud remains diawn
until tho next hour.
Thu cum, inad j of ehnized mil
boguny, ii uboiil tiix feet high, threo
foet hix inches doep, bit'Lly ornti
men toil wilb brass ti iniiuitiH. Tho
ciicleH on the dii l to Bhow minutep,
hour, days ef the tuoutbo, etc., are
etigravt d and silvered. Tho ontor
uud sides of the dial are lichly en
ameled. At the si les of tho cuso
are maHsivo brans 01 nauiei.tal han
dles and ornamental fret-work.
"l'lay till iuo tho diU'oroiico dear,''
Said KJvtard to Lis lass,
"There in between a store cashier
Aud tbo tuueher of n claws t"
Tho dumsel Bwoetly Buid ! "I will.
This difference yon will Cud 1
Tho store cashier bo raiodi tho till,
Aud tho teacher tills tba mind."
A policeman, like a ' man cliwliog
a ladder, goes tba round.
i-v x'v-v. ' yr vt-A
i- r-j w w n V b
for nn Chilfirr:n.
nut-ra-ruM, nrwi-jvain-KA. M.nml
"-iili.: t -
ll ..I.: ..
1 1.. ,V A t .i, M i ,
j)ii V i INii'lll'.Ol'sC,
fl'.-'leil .tj.!,. 1 n c:.ty Ti'.
' I -. -, 1 ..t
. ' ' M 1,.
!J. v. It ML.
!i 1. 1 r r 1.1
. 1 ru iu,
r;ivr.ici.".N amj rt:.",croN,
til ' ben ". I'd
i-'l ' hi
u'.a i;,ihii
K. van r.r.-:i;i i;x,
bl 'Tt; t
I' Ml
S .;.w . fov,
Wi N i - II; I'll! (III
. ! I !!' . ' - i r n ; .
! . " I .1. I : Ml.- 1 - :
. I . ., !
l .1 I 11,1,.:,,:,
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, ,. il I.i 1
! i't' I I T - 1 1 1
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a it : r-
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.1 T ri, t M
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: . it r
'. w. v i.n;i;,
in" .man
. i.-rrv
V !i"N irt .-. I '
l - v i r 'i. a V , ;, , 1 1 ' i , i. , i, n .
nf'i'.-l rt t ) l i r n in . I '
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, i in i..,
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II,, il I.i, ,. , , ,1 .i.. , ...
, t n' t.' m'i,, mimwi .iiimj !
J in .1
Amopc tho many symptoms
of Dyspepsia or indigestion
tho most prominent aro: V:i
i lalilG appetite; faint, gnawing;
fce'.ir.p; at pit ci tho stomach,
vi:h ur. iuii.iilLci craving ioj'
loocl: ho.rt M'.iim, foci
".'C;o!it and v.irv.I in
nc::. l.iv.,:h. I'd i
1;- or
1 '. 1 1 i . t
... . . 1
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l.;.' i.i. . M". . "lu , ll. .'.t l I 4 iui 1 il.j 'i .1. u.'1
i.iii;t.'' li"1 rl v.. Ti i.i., it -tiji".,, , I i,..l tinol
en a. . 'I'i. ' .1. no .,1 li j. .1" ..i..y l-y
JiHO . 4 .U.ii.iAl.liJ., i:aL;.iiol:i:, in,.
W t.o'.irvoliii ItfliSCiN IIUKt'.HATIsn
fit 11 I'i llllr. Mil, Kl'llllill.' l. icl ll. II I- till- In III
v liii ll Iiiih I.'il il-, In .nt hi r linn. i y lulu il mi
lil'tTully. IVii lint-" I'til iiiini lio-, it lliiiii ti.oiiey
lii'.n.'y C'.nl.t nut liny llio lair initiiu uu I. ton
F'iliii'.l l.y Itvciity y.'iiin nt Ihiii.hhIiIii I n-ai.--i,
il. iillUK rli'lit li.'iuiiu M il Ket 1., rl.ilii'l' li'lil i,
rii'l yut k t ut l.nitif luitli in llir liti-sii.ii lih.'ii
InutiMil I u ro Hint no inu w lllin In Mil 1.0 ni.r l '
J'lltill'.ltli'll It IK ll l".l.'. I'''. 'lj 'l 11 ' I "'l tllllMI'tit
ai i n li .rill I Klii'iiiniitir . l'i ill. I v i' nit. i'
liny In Hit l!i:iil'itl.l "I it I l.tllil .' oil.' 1 1 I r-
slilrrt iitir.-riVi'.H Itiivo t'rl.'.l ll.i In.a il-t, iiaO ull
Un ir liriitiy mi. I iii..."(iiivi"'.'il lanlnrMti.titit.
W o ..'inl In nil u lui ii li It ii .ui:i'lil.'t cut'.liiiii.
IliK ihu. It of mi 'li tc Mituni 'V. Ami y.-l II y a
luivo KliuilliuiliiiM why nilliT i.iiit il.iy lt.'i,-.a
tint ti l ni'i-i w.ty. U m'i' i . nily ' In I lo'tin a,
uii'l wluli. y, hi nn.- in.ikitu; up y.i'it auni'J tu tiy
il uU iiiii'l.t li ti.n.lo I'll, lui)
linn laved ttvory Kliuniiiiiiui MifC-rcr wlii tins
loviai il a, lulr tilt. I. ll Ih lur yuu tu Uni.ln
wlii'thcr or imt ilkliult i iuu yu.
n,iAA Cly ctf I H lofiili.'l. (no. Ad.litimiAl.
Ouu bos
du-tt llio
llll. UlfW,.
Nnnu tl..ntilno
wiitmut iliu.
At yot It In imt tu Im fuiiiul ut tl.u ntnro. but our)
only Imi uftil l.y 1'ui.IiihIiiii tlm t4 Utu, &u4
ail'fruMhliiif tlui Ai.i.'i-liu iMiiprlutiirtf.
r fllarkvt t lrttcr. fliUldulvlila.
.,'.' -!.f . .. . . l' t x s
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to lluti.-alt.i tti'it: In I. ii i.'il u hi .,1 li ii'.i n,
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V.vw InIihi I nine, 0-i .
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0 liTs Mi i.r,.r, .itinl otriU'c, , ..,
.t l. ntr. vino vt,'ii7. " 1 "A uJ ". '
Q4 i:vr,ii
Mid II. 'bin-.. -h, l'i
I'll. r-. Iliu 1 rtif. .(Iimul rvl. In il.o ell b-n
O ,l ,,,IU.I"HMI, iin.l VU'llOly. 1 -is,., i,. ,t,
Wnt.l.liii.ii'i, ii. ii,,., ' Ai r. 7 b i
I (illl hit ltAltlilJtT
Middlebnrb, Pei.n'it.
OK.ti lil,ir tfeili nil .! vl,r( i.i tli Hnm
ol Ml'lillnliurn (ml vl. liiliy. infle lew .1.,.,
"'till nn. i uurt llouu, In r...l' I ufcilln. I
H-.H.n.t, ,.,-,.h. r.t
A iv -in' !m ' mi I.I I
I In I ' n I I i t.iiol i rv nr.
re r ' ! o I i ti l-.'iirt of
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:. :a . mi .,! .i nt .a ; .r.- i ! . : . I .. 1 1 t-ic .
In U't'.ni it M 'i I ii ii r .i ii.ti i-r
I ui.l I. I i.' Win. II. W ,'in. r, .. , .1 .
' I ' In- M.t ii'. I ti 1 1 1 1 .1. , -1.111, 1 ,,l Mil
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.,1 ll . . -i it.- ,, I ii ,!ri h i. I'. .-t.' s, .i. . ,1.
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I" ', I-l.n- li'li i I ut.. I H . ll Itil'. r. ,l'ini.,.
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I Ween IW
WM'X !;T!!;:!!:L'i';i!!i:stri.7ira.
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V' III. It.' ' l!, .llll .' Mlfell III! 'r,.u
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on , '.., ,. 1, .1 j, ,, i, v s, ,, An
I'M I . ' ', 1 "!'. - ! '. l .-. 1.1 .1 V.,.,, .. .,,
) .10 I I. I 1 .!'. .0 t.ll 'in.ii.1
AUv I, 'HI. y.
BheriiTs Sala
IV r n I V v 1 1 nt 11 , II ..I fi. I.,. j,u,l
I ' 11 1 i'i 1 1 .i I '' 11 I'I .1 1 tl In I l. NX ll.Mlt.lBt
I 1 11 ' V i" 't I" tri" ,1. i'., 1, I i 1 ,,0 IU
I'll. 1.. s .in hi itni i ' .in t i,iiuo. '11 ll.,- liuriiuiikt
" , "l .11 '.! I i l in -. .,, i n
Siitinday, May 'J-'nd, 1SMJ,
1 .it M .r. l .''i 11 111 tl lull,. a iiih .litrllcJ roat
I 1 Mlllt.- I I i
:" 1 rt. rv
All 11 nt , i ri.iiii tin t ur l.n, . I sliaat.. in
In. li" p L.'vn-. i., i j,ir n.aii,iy, i , , l um, !.
I N 1 lit I v Le I .1 N 111 M'I 1,, Ii nil, I li. wil l
1. 1 11-1 t v I'l ii it ur... iiiTiiirii, r . nit
I' lii .1 1 t I in ia nii.rni'il . ii .. a . Lur
1 u ,,.i 1,1 I'm a... li,, ,1 1. -,i., ... v. u, 11.., .. '
1 ....... - " l
, ""on"'"!:
1 i n t y .ei en,
in io .1 I, e-, u lili ilii. ti i' ro i' nt i'ph. ri'iM.t
Ill . I l.l', li I I l ... '1 1 I "II n II ,1 g l,r . 1 1 tt tlt
I r.. . 1 ty .a ! .nn.' 1 s i l I.
r- I K ll. .HI lilH.IMV A III H, H,i.rlir.
SliiriU'k 11II..11, M i.titli'lnirnli, Aiitil .-ii, tm.i,
EhorLT s Sale !
I:. T"ii !,y li'.ii' I Nun ! j ItriU I-kiimI nut
' I On-1',. nu .a I '.ii. . i. . 1 1 I i.i, hi :ij ., ,..,ui,u
I'-'., .ti 'I I' I -1 . I mil i-! I. , in, '
ii.., .ii iln f. 'in li..,...'. in M.,.i!,ii.iiuii, uu
I'i i lay, .May 1 1, ss(i,
r.t lni.'.-l.'.'k, 111., tin, l.ll.,n lu r,'l UKtatn.
I., mi '
,i',1""'- ,, , Viai. K.
I'. ina all . M t,u !, ,,f j;r,,, , t,,i,.
'Im Initn .a l'i, i i.i.iii, Sn,l, r .tiiinl,., ' .
I I Hllill.,1 ll. lltl I., Iv. IV Unit,!.! KlKlit, t'llal iy
W ll.ii. Sit, i". ..alii I y nn k, w,.,t hy nl I.; ill I ii),. r, .'.nil 'iniiin i i V . ia 1 1 i.'i'i'i.;
At' ll li, nu. i,' . r 1. -", i itiT'.'in nr.' ,.- ., : u i , '
-I tv imi, ,' IIWM.i.iMi li.ii', ' ,'K
I II p-IK i',:ii.,I a I" i in i-t-i j , i'i,,, ;,4 ,.
M' ;. .1. llll. l it lul,. ' 'l "ti;li 'i ,i . ..I I 4
i it,. . ,
u" I e'L" "' ' ' ' 1 " ;"
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