The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 06, 1886, Image 3

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    puMlxiird cTery Tlitirmlay.
RttrnKR OwwT CnrnYa. Tr) ConMI of
,trl oanty r( liatiKoa ba fourth
foLu'. My. n'l ottbor, and iteond
tv af Doearriwif.
MAJton Wm. II. l)ii.t,. Wm, II. BHTJ(HiK8! SittsaiKs! Fifty Thou-
Dill tiled nt 111 homo in Krecbnrg on sand No. 2, 13 Inch Hhingles nt $2.50
Saturday, M.iy 1, 138H, aged 41 years, per thousand. Inquire at this oflleo.
3 iiiontlm ami 5 days. ,, ,, ,
Ho wis born In Warwick. OranS , Htohk Room For 1 mt.-T1.. an
county, N. Y., August 21, 11. He ,''".... having repainted and gen.
A,M,m..r Kobcrt Dill who tiled !THi..,rov,l his store room in tb
.i ... . .it . i i, in .town of I-rouiont, oners It far rout
about 13 years ago, In Warwick. HI, . ' .
-I a. i t . l.4l.l,",J, I 1 J 1 ie n ai r--s riHMi VMti
RohortHotf. it 1m t I.mI In fti mi t n mil
4" rt, Tiuimr. . ,""'7" eoii ami th ree daughters who nnrc
u. tur roi ino" w.ii .no aie.i ueei siiriuuu n. j'iii mi'i n
' ia wni wipn 11, wwnw iui,nii m--,ii- u ,
wao wlh In fi-'iik ttnonuli thno o
r ..? .frugal i it to . of iail-11. Hilar -Ft i
l will not bold i ui oil rt'onrllil lor tlia
tlln1o 4l-ty rny aarr..
ttrvir Ktn.-r. Til.' fi.riree tell yo.i I loci
married sister, Ha'.tie, win) arc Ft III
residents of Warnli1!:,
II attend. vl the Warwick Institute
until he lifl.i nrrfv.d nt tlu of
sixteen yctr when ho entered Hut
ger's 0;i, of N"w .Ifr-'-ey, over
Hurr Tli' VYi'lmsi l-tivsen
5 UK VK tK ix N ii i't Y'U'lf si n -cuir-'. prrM'dd. He prudnird fi oiii t IdK In-
run'? U: h'i if d-it" 1 r!i.-.r;rn
C. StftlT hai t'lircliiurd the F.1:on -howi'r
I'ropprty on North MhIii St. for
Til masons fire riprctod to I)"kI
worK on th nt jail lid ni'indn:;.
TJurx,iay. Houli of IVvcrt'wn hiil n
vr1iii1)Io cow killed hy t Ii cir (:
In another column we inilil.Vh a list
ftltu!"!i wit!) t;ivat honor. Ininiedi
ntidy offer hli prnd'iatiou, our lmuii-
ry wan nrite.t d with thw civil war
and r wnw of duty impnlled hhu to
i nter the -rvl.'o of his country. He
volunteered a a jTivnte, witx fnoii
promoted to a captaincy and t tlie
en, I of the war he was promoted to n
major for hr.ivery and uicriterttoriu
conduct 'i"im: t lie wnr. 1 1 puitin-ip:it.-d
In M-iny hard f u;-lit h-tlt-,
und worked attlieM.le of th.'1 depp
l:iu;t li-.l rumioii. The lat jrrent
tie he t.i.i'v p in in win 1 1 1 a ni-m.irn-
! I ile I If i if i,t t .lmru uu the noil ol
the Key." tone Mill'- of vhh'h he utter
wnrds In CHme a dit inci t' ') eili.en.
1 1 , '.i.'ll mi il in' f i 71.1 1 i.t 1 1..! ,i I rif ,11'.
of the juror, drawn for th "l".'l(i,.P riM1,tVt , K..!n,ar v 1!.
term of court. Hh Kifi':ts an onuor, I.Ik .lii'l a ,
..- ... .i ti...i u,...Ai ......' . .. ...
ivev. i-ji'iii'gn-r I'li'Tt hujj., ri "l . ink'I I Ulir finu IlIN lt t-r ! Ill;' o'lilli! ii'
hi a mini noon . (, t. . i cl him not only
to the people (.f Snyder county, hut
wherever If wioi nown.
I InMiiy 1 -wj In. ivjm elected ('onn'j
Snperinfeiidviit of t'liiumoii School..
I Purimc hi.s term he proved lorn ;elf
l"th riht limn in 1 he riht place."
I After di.-n'nue Imd lui 1 In-r h m.N on
I I .. . . . . . .
1 1 1 1 in no whh coiiMnnlly coneei iii.l
.loveph McMecn (in trinl Int fok f,, ,., ... '. , ,
. . . . to thw olihe with clenn himN and an
h, th, Juniata county con, t, chared L,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,, Imdetand,, p..r, ir:il
with po Mon...!im w,. h found mjThisorieial dutie.i,!, rr. :it ildel
Kiiilty of murder In th- UrMdreo. j(Vi (.ril , ,,u ,..,., ,.,,,.,,.,,
nevcral davit tin week hiihov' hia.
many kflddleliurh frieinN.
M i"H M7.le Holend-r on Friday left
for Akron, ., at which pl:u' fthe In
tcndu to niakt? her future home.
fylrehter Howon 'adly nuia.she l tha
iin'iTH of hid left hand on Monday
whil rohiui; a barrel of v i 1 1 i r into
his collar.
Mr. Louisa Smith the popular inil
Jhier of Snlinn,rove, returned froei
tlm cast to dy, ThurMilay, with an
entire new line of Millinery nod F,u
cy poods.
Mien Llhble Smith, clsuifhter cf .1.
U. Smith, royally entertained a laro
iiumhcr of youn friend yefterdry.
Kothinif whm left undone to make her
Kuetite happy. It wan tin anniyertiary
of her ninth birthday.
(Iiianu t'ATHKii Clock kouSai.ic.
An fiulit day brans vorkn, iherry case
tiraud father clock, e;uarantted to
hoe K(,od thuo for Kale cheap. Call at
luy Jewelry Store, in Miildlebure;h.
H. ii. i.Ki rr.HL.
The Iturdock riant in one of the
bent diui'tttlcx or kidney recutatori in
the veetablo world, anil the com
pound known a ISurdock lllood
Hitorp, In u.iKurp4.,hrii in t. ii uibuUbub
of the kidneys, livor und blood.
While at Adauitthurp:, Tuestlay, we
pot . flyinif taste of Foreter'N Ice
Cream and hare no heeitancy in pro
nouncing it an p;ood any we have
ever tasted, no Isuianufacturing im
luense (piantltlcs for dealers ull over
Stftler'a Cornut Hand will j;lve an
openuir concert on Saturday evening
May 8th, on the. Halcouy in front of
Heebold's hkII. Thy have prepared
an excellent program, oonslttinu of
Instrumental ami Vocal iiiuhIu.
J. F. Keller of Heaver Spring, one
uf Snyder oounty's b:;st known and
moist pkillful Inst rotors, is tuaching a
aubscription sohool iu Millheim, Ccn
tr Co.. Fa., this euuiiner. Mo
meeting with the usual good succes
th&tuttends his labors.
(hi Saturday niorulii vhll Lanl
Hare, of liid lK'ci'eeli was knodkiui;
the tooth out of a hcrrow the hatchet
which he was omiij' Hew v t of (he
liandlo end struck hin fatlier-in-htw,
ieori;a ftcininer, !a t'oe calf of t'm
le:, cuttiiiij it cleun into the bono.
iJr. Barber (IrobM-d the wound.
A Lady wrote to the Mack Tubosh
Iiik Co., frj.'t Wiii-liinxl"!' Street, JSott
York, and euid : "TleaHtj send me
the book with the Wheel of Fortune
in it, and the Lant;uua of Flowers.
She nieaiit the Ladles' Hook, widt h
in full of illustrations and iiirorent iny
artlclas, including liules of Society.
Dictionary of Dreams, Aids to Haunt y.
tiuut for two cents iu stamps.
J. H. Ueed, of Sunbury, Pa., whos
advertisement has appeared hi the
Post for tho last year, linn justreeehj
ed uu immeusu stock (if fishing tackle,
comprising rods and reels of all sizos
and prices, lines, hooks, K'lt leaders,
Hies, and ajl kinds of artillcial bait to
dooolvo tho tinny tribe, and in fact
everything known to tho most expeit
anglers. All orders by mail promptly
attended to.
J. F. Forester, of Hoaver Springs,
is dot only an export lightning jerker
but Is also runnlni; an extensive trade
Iu the uianufuotnra of ioe-creain. A
new field has opened before hhu, und
the other morning ho, liko liyrou,
awoke to find himself famoiis. This
Is in tho lluo of a salo crier, and we
heard him at one and can testify that
he can hold an audience and squeeze
tuoney out of them these hard times
hotter than any man we have heard
at It yot.
Of course when a Man Is Bound and
well he don't care a copper for all tho
medicine on tho fane of tho earth.
He has no use for It. Hut when dis
ease is eating his life out he wants
the right prescription and he wants
It right away. For that reason all
who know what Dr. Kennedy's Fa
vorite Hetuody Is turu to that for
noip, and It nerer disappoints tbem.
And It is Just as beneficial to new
frlondi at it Is to old ones. Pleasant
to the palate, aud gentle In its action i
J nst reoel ved A car-load of plaster
two six weeltn Mv.-iionx of free Normel
instruction. Kurd term n r t 'ii. I
by 1 1" to P." I renelierx more than w
have schools in ill" county.
S.iou after Ins coming to TYei-bur;.
lip married Ml.- M.v-'ie Ueavci of
Wai wluk, whoMu-vives him tn;,-cthwr
with two daughters and oiin mm, Jle
became a member of 1 1m Heformeil
church at Free-burg.
Ills hiKt oillcial sixit was to the two
schools in the liidependeiit (li-,tr:ct,
Dee. ?, 1H81. His hi.t grande-t pub
lic. eiTmt was in lioyer's hud at the
opening of the Musical Convention in
January 1WJ, when many hi the vast
audience nero melted into tears by
the fervor of his eloquence, and tin
attachment he expressed for his tried
friends und the dwsire to livo aud die
in Snyder county, aud that his body
might rest beneath our soil, uis whh
is grattlted. Heditd iu the harness,
fully conscious of the great change
coming offering his last prayer in
the hearing of his devoted wife a few
hours before his departure.expresslug
tho desiro that they might meet
around tha "(ireut White Throne."
Thu funeral took place on Tuesday
at 10 o'clock, and was mora largely
attended than any other ever held in
r'nyder county. Keys. Spatiglcr r,f
Fort Koyal and Wampoleof Frweburg
olllciiitcd. The funeral procession
was headed by Stetler's Cornet Hand
of Mlddleburgh, followed by Capt.
Davis I'of-t, ii. A. H. f Nrlinsgruve,
Capt. Hyan Dost of Middlebnrgh.
Lieut. Hacliei, burg Camp Sons of Vet
erans of Mlddleburgh, I. t). (). F.
Lodge of Selins'jrove, Choir, Casket,
Mourners in carriages, Students of
deceasi'd und citizens. It vm the
firt interm. !it, in the new mi,, (en
uvt. of town atid u I.'i'niitll'ui site for i,
Tho fusii ru! or:1'. ions deliv.-rei! h;
llyvr;. V;u!:p"!.' i.ini S,iu:uer were
lilting enlogior; on ih,! Iu fid oi luo
liLiloVed lieoul tcil f) ion 1.
On Tuciilav n!'t'-ru..r,ii Memorial
.lervii-vs w-)i held mi the saiu" build
ing (Lutheran and Keformed church)
when uddri'Hsi's were delivered by a
number of comrades and friends and
muasurcs taken to erect u iunuiuout
hi memory of the deceased.
'"Life's course well rtn.
Life's crown well won."
In Mkmuiuam. At a meeting of
the Capt. Kyun Post, li. A. K. of Mid
dleburgh, tho folio wing preamble and
resolutions were adopted:
WltlCIMC.AH, it Inn pleiiHcd Divine
Provlilmico tocall froinauiongiis Com
rude William 11. Dill, therefore be it
iVWiof by Post No. !JU J. A. K
that In the'dealhof Major Dill the
OrandArmy h,i,i lost a worthy coin
rude -t Ue community a worthy citizen
his family a noble husband ami fa
ther; and the Comiuoii Schools of
Snyder county a faithful ofliclal aud
truo irioii'l.
J.V.sor, ,1, That Prof. W. II. Dill by
his .milous toil for the moral ami in
tellectual elevation of our youth, has
ruined up for himself a monument
more lasting than granite; his life
work has left an indelible Impress
upon tho commmiity, "though doud
ho yt speaketh."
Jlemih-cJ, That we tender our heart
felt sympathy to tho bereaved family
we. foul for them, though we cannot
reali.o tho bitterueus of their griof.
Powerless ours'dves to comfort, we
can only point them to Him who bus
said, ''HlHssed uro t h.y that mourn
for they shall bo comforted."
ItcAiilvtJ, That a copy of those reso
lutions bo enti rud upoii our minutes;
a copy lie furnihed Mrs. Dill, and a
copy bo sent to each of thu county
papers for publication.
F. K. How eh,
Mrs. Iioulsa Smith the loading Mil
liner of SelhiHgrove Is going to the
city on next Mouday, the l)rd of May,
to buy In a large stock of Summer
Millinery and 'Straw goods. Ladies
give her a call and buy your Hats and
Hounots at Louisa Ruiith's storo and
save from 15 to 90 cents on the dotlur.
on oraJ li ts.t, Du.M.Kothrock.
Jit. Pleisant Mills,
May 3,Cin. SnyiUr Co., Pa.
Tha Freehnrg Drooni llrlgad j w ill
ive an rnterf aitiuienfc In Hvbold's
new H..U, Mi.MJeburgh, Pa., on Sat
i:r lay i yetiite,', May 1. This Muter
triitiiiie'it will co:i't of a Hroom
Drill, Vocal arid Instrumental mnsie,
K-ci.'it'oii, Are. It promises to b
tl inst. aiuiisimr and ent ertainiiig
hili'tloi ever given In Middlehuri;.
f-'vprybody should atleud. Admission
25 and la cents. Leservt'd seats 10
cents extra. See bills,
"Why should not tho Time (Nunc
when the name of Dr. David Kennedy
shall be aoeiatcd in tln public mind
with the piii'iliciitioii of the blood, 10
theuauieof Harvey now iwiMi it'
circiilatlnu. certainly no other
medical man hu d.cie us teuch (
that end im be has. And it is also
important that peophi sliould kin v.
that the re;.ult if his I tbor i uro v.iih
ill leach of all in tl;n fiirm of D''s 'Favorite Ih inedy,' " -.'r,
,ioe; .. r,i (.'. M.. V.
H"iii ': IIoi,--T,'ie followliii?
person.' have paid their pu'iscrlj'tioii
to the pi isT to tl." dates on;:.)-!'!'
their names. Should any Mhitnk's
occur hi I here credits or on your p
per ule.ixo not ify us:
A. J. Jlower:oX,
, .... II . I . I.
.itaraiei iki i ui oca, j ''. i,
A. S. Sliihl, .Nov. 1. '.-1
Liu,; Hridge Compiiny,
II. Ill V etli r,
Hawwkrvit.IiF. Corn planttna Is
next on the program.
Hark peeling la hi full blasl along
the Jack's.
Win. IL Krick of this i lacn. wbllc
neelim bark cut nn ugly . in i,, The verniers of foreign and domes
Jj,,,,. tui merchnniifse, hotel keepers, distil
Since Jan. 1, ISSrt. K. Sin I'enborgar j '"r"' lV' N"-V,''r 'ounty, will take
has shipped 4,tKI tlo. cs
ilrajtili ApmaW ForiSpr
Miss Cucy Steinliiirer op ncd her
Summer school n Monday I e-t,
John o. and John II. i.iei have
purchivsed a tract of timh r land of
Joseph Peter.
Vy'e hope Jacob Ki"i:it;iiM-!':i;; ; en
iovhikr his trip to Ohio. Mi many
faiouds imagine seeing hi i :ig out
the tlh he was speaking of.
Jacob Heeler lioW Sp-n. I iii'i eviMi-
Inns at home, llefii) ': i-. v lad ii s
a boy. , p.
Persons wishing to h ciii Cncnn'
her pumps ccn i'o nn tiy en'.imj. otl j;.
P. Hare, Miil llwliurirh. who will finii
ishthem for wells i') feel d.'cp at r i.m
A r. l..",in.
The Sixteen'!! Annual l
id the Sunday School A ;, t ; "i of
.hivder county will be h 11 at Adam
burg. eoiiMneneiny Moiel-.y i ven!iur,
May 1" and cunt innin' unlM We.hivs
Jav afternoon. An intere-tini- Mo
e.'iiii'i Inm been niraiio d f.r ili-i 'i-
i HI Ml I jieeial ellol t beill.i III li !
to have ii succcsstul and pr ol'tai,:,
notice that thev are ai praiicd and
classified by the by the undersigned
appraiser of mercantile "''d otharll
eMise tax for the year Hsi', as follows,
I to it:
Ad'ims townr hip.
Cil1. iu j!iov,c!i,
D. Weiii.-k.
S. Ii. Stu',
-'amuel 1. Walter,
15. II. Touts,
H. F. I'.d, m.n.l i,
''. V.. S.echt,
I. W. .Mark I",
.1. D. Siiorli.-ix,
Dee. 1, 1
Dee. 1,
-Nov. 1. '
Apr. 2V
Dec. 1. '
F b. !, '
May I. '
May 1, '
Dec. 1, '
Dec. 1, '
Aug. l.'i, '
Mey ), '
ov. I, "
March 1, s
col! vent Ion. I'. 1'av
ot I'l'i'a h lphi-', State S. S. sj
nas iiiiiiotm,' .i
pre t and w ill
his inleni i .ii
reinl, r vain
l in
lo l.i
ile a
TitOIkw Ticys 1 1 : . r .. -The M-o
bold Town Hell will be l;ni. he 1 in
tivn wmke., It Is a two story slrue
turo. loeattxl i n the North west cor
ner of Market and Walnut Meets.
The lirst llo or i H ied f ir the cxten
ive Nuiieral Store of the firm of See
bold i Itunkel. Thu II ill is on the
second Hour SKt'JI feet with two
dressing rooms In the rear. The
ceiling Is l;i feet high, and tlm ptago
is l:jx?-1 feet. The Hall will b- reish
ed and painted in the most approved
style. The front, and part of the east
side along Walnut sleet has a baud
some Veranda, intended for open air
Conserts in. It will bo such a Jlall
that the town can well he proud of.
J. C. Set hold the proprietor is a live
business man, und certainly deserves
a great deal of credit, for hid enter
prise in thus supplying the people
with this long needed and great con
venience, as a hall of this kind was
needed for may years. It will buvo a
seating capusity for upwards of tiW.
John F. Stetler the nrclu-tcct also
deserves much credit - he has left
nothing undone that could pov-lhly
add to the elegance and convenience
of this hall. No doubt this ha'l will
be well put roiiiod, as Mr. ScicboM's
pi I :es arc very re( n i:al;I. and large
iiud'elii'i's can abay;i be expected.
NKKPKll iMI'lloVK.MKMS -We are
reliably informed that subscription
books will soon bp circulated for tin of raising funds ii w'.ihh
o nil i'!llln i. own IOCK, III 111' J,.' le
el in the stc plo of the I 'ourt lion...-,
i iih the coiisei however of the Coun
ty 'ononis-inner. This would hen
e.mveiu the ii.;ht direct iou.aiil as th.i
town will now Im adorned wiili a now
etil at tin) (Xpi ns.-s of the county,
would ir not become tho citizen.-, of
Middleburgh to acknowledge t Lis
favor at Ine hands of tho tax payers
ami put u monument on the Court
house that would be both pretty and
Useful. This would be received by
tie tax payers ca a tribute of thanks.
Citizens I "t us put our rhonlders to
I hi; whenl and go cm with the grand
work improvement. Our streets,
alleys and pavements also netd inti'di
uiiprovement, and wo are very glad
that our worthy counsel havu already
moved in this direction. It is hoped
-hoy will continue the good work and
makn all the improvements necessary,
and mako the town worthy its namo-
A County Seat " Pavement and
side walks will certainly have to be
constructed In tho near future, Why
not ut once pans the propper rdi
uaucus uud huvo this matter attonihd
Other iroli.itl' l:t Sunday
School wmkirs are expected, l,.i
Very Sill. day School in the ( o'luly
tak a proper iuterest in this j.-.k ,
W'.irk UIKt send (tclcrat s to theeici
veni ion, mi ( i nd new l,''e io, I eii.i- ;
lii'lt 1 1" 1 1! i parted to he re le l.i v - cp,,,,
c.u;.e in Mi., dcr omit y.
A. M. i'AIII'V,
(.'or. Si .'t a r x-.
The Har'-y I'eters, a;i d r.";i .live
ly ', i. ud und l'J years, " ill one
of llielc Volidt iful Mm
arv Miiterf aitiiiients at
mi I :! ' '. .u-ciiiiig. May ' b
I A.lnin-b.:!- (ill the 1 .tl 1 . I
here i:ii;l'ly rec iillllieild i
Mo f r !i:ai '.ab! ami i ' i
I taililnetit. TIl'iV nre Jil' H."
j lie: d children
I and are expei t ioliuist, x , ,
elocutionist. They C.po ;,r
I dcr ( !i i auspices of 1 1 , e
I lie lo i ulillc ami de -, ,
!n ii Aitniission a ud I
u 1 Liter
:. Hid al
if', collie
civil!:; a
.. i titer
need tile
I... wm Id
it 1 1-
I IV gal
cm t!i
ir oppi in u
or shine.
. lerate pri
I Ml- It I' NT ."Sn'l'li I
t timed. I will y-t riii" .
butxli. until after May
w hiell time I Wtil take i1
lery preparatory to inov
er town. Don't. le lay
ity while you may- r i
Pict urea taken ut very :r
s. Yours llespe"! i
S. F. I'l'IKI'.KT.
The cudv r linhle er t a i i ri.iedy on
tl.., li.'.-oket today i- Uy'-i Cream
Halm, being free irom oisonoiisiirngs
and offensive oiIoih. It has cure. I
t hoiisand of acute and chronic cases
where ull olher remeihes have felled.
It quickly cures cold in the head and
catarrhal headache. Price llfty cpiiIs
A.'er j i;ir
Sel'lisgrove hnrotiyh.
( (..ll
M. ti ..... r
Cicirli II. V. Si. ,vr
liiciliu':. Inn tl' 'P."r , lr . 1 1. .t i
MmnMu.fiKKK Itkms. As Mr. J.
!f. Steiiilnger has canvassed this sec
tion of the county and raked hi 11 good
many new subscribers, 1 do not think
it Improper to give my fellow readers
iv few Items of tho village of Mlddlo
crock and vicinity,
Wo arc sorry to say that II. II.
Herbst r, who was employed in A. II.
L'lsh's grist mill for over six years, Is
going to leave with tho expectation of
bettering himself by going Into a roll
er mill. Henry wo are sorry to purt
w'th you-.
Peallug biri; in all the go Just now
and faruiors ure getting ready to haul
it, provided the wages will bn sulll
clout if not they will ull iinlfn In a
grand strike.biinilur to the late South
em Paciilo.
J. Adam (joss has purohasei! two
iron gray horses recently. Itlsru
mored by souie of his lutimuto friends
that he Intends to leave tho "Hache
lors' Association" of which Milton is
president aud Alf. secretary, ' ,
C. K. (loss and A. E. Manhood ars
attending the Normal Iustltute at
' I & dmnshnr" ' Tqi
W'irn r.rJij wm nluk, wo f;rr brc rvNirt,
When filiO WM (')lilil, nils Cfllsl fill ( ul,ir!,
WUsn ba tienuup Mln, uli i uliiu,; lo i'.,l..r ,
U hjn lialiul l.laluVxi, uteUioia L'a Uirio,
MvVK l( SCI .
' - - ' J L i .i.i..,.- ,i i ,.- ,..,.11
May ?, by Lev, J. P. M in i d. Za-h-srUh
- verand uliss l.ama F.. Sec
bold, lofli rif H:r. eonti' ,-.
J 5 l-Zl .
April '.oii d. p, i i v iMp., Alice,
daughter of Jueob and ililrah. Ih
I raup, aged ISyeais, U iillin and
'.'1 daK.
Iirctliiiinfc Hi i. t I - I 1 sc
I.iiiitI' k. Kliu' I u.i I
l ivrr, Niirlmi M'Ti l.siit rmlof
( reilltii llttiu, A.r, Siiitc
ii iiiiiihi'I. W.iitnr k . ( ' -f
Kn k, A. !l. st .to
Mi lii'r. II k. ( i ,-,Hr
I irti.irviT, 1 . ii.i
u, ! , I'.' , !i I-.. , M l'
i 'M'i niikiinvr l il, CI 'Kiliiu
I'. i-k s. II. Noii.u,
Puller, Isnl ih Mum i
S'ir.'yiir, M. s.. i,, SI,, in
! iiHnili., .1. (I. I.. hrn,
si. ) Ii, K. .1 , ((., Mm l; I
sctiniir-, . ll. t. ,ii
S.'i.n. Ii I', . .1 ti'lm 'i.tiitral sil ,.frt
I s,.. ! !. , .1 . J ,, i.
S.iii II, ni li, (ir 'inn
I 'it'll, .t. 11 ' w ,irl l'ruii
y.i. c!e..i:"r, i i.-o. ii.
'A Ii. S. pry t )..
W.lK:mi l.t'T, W. .V il ui-rill Stnrn
I i: 'J'ow ic liip.
H vi r. W. . H.-ie r .il M.-ro
II 'iiiimii -v Itr- tlii-r
VV'ti-H-r , l (uro
a ilii.inm, K I". '
Wa-hingtori town .!ii
rl "K a, T. !; o, n't. .'Unrn
ii.iH.i,-r .v t-in-cr, '
ii'Mrim liickil, " "
Mr, (J..V K 1 1. -
Mnr, W. II. Prills
M ) r. (ir,.. S . I- .(((,
;'.ih:i!., I'. ':. ocn'l. ' : .ra
Wi aver, (I. W. "
I cS 3. 1 V i a"fj r 2 a V li t
Hotter ,
i 'i' I ed cherrii ,
I'lipllted "
I Hack be rrie
' minus
Tallow ,
'htckens per ih
Sou Me
f.'n .
J - .i n r
i r -ti s
... 1 1 .
CoKRKl"l'i:i ll V W. II. WIMCT KVl'tiV
No. 1 Led wheat
" 3 ! ulu and lui.w'd y',
" S white m:j
uyc :,ii
t'orn .f'l
Oats to
Potatoea dOied'
W '1 .( !, I' i ." 1 Ki.lS i. . 1 ' '.
I w USt 1'UbJjb'lOCl, outitlod
rs I m i
rnntftlnlnRMhnrourh swl rornnrnhornlvii rTpnta
(if (.'liUiilml I'K'll.-iM (.r ull Oruili-i AM 1 Clots-,
Hllh Nuuii-rouM Kt'lAHlm of I'trfteiittl l.-iis rii iu i
In tin lieiocj lull nf Oliiiliin1. i-ovcrliiM a iK-ru1
nt Thirty Venr..' Arlliu I'l li'i'llxJ I Uu en I
pinlinuilnii ni.n.y et'oMWy iiUr;nii; anii thrtik
ina JJtUMIi Sktlulw.
Au rmlrrly new book, fmrWJw illttttraUil,
sud wiui 1'urUaU of Urn Unul Uuk-vUvw.
tn trerf jiiwn thnro k," Qtimbrni of psnrle irAa
HSU Iw U'u4 (ll (rl l'iu IsVll. It W-lll to MHlulh'ili,
Uwhauk-a, tia-inon nd "ri .f k,iiiil men. Thu
Tory Annul mn !' ours 1r or mart i a tuwn
lo wauia bt cuu Uttl Hurt ut auUlay n to,
W want One A font H tmrf tewwhlp, nt
ounty. nriv fxro'ii, wivi Ilii4 s,k, cua tw
eoui umi!dV .li;. tji full Inutlbulw wl
krM Iv 3k, iKUn-iJ , , .
lr"''!i!'0.-. Ho, ( 1-t 'l is i, M'i!
I ! i ei township,
l' v. i A. II . l l.-'i I i:-ii. li IVfi
sr,-.'t,i, ,M.,-.v i ii st
S'uik, .l I'. S' .!.' !l ii ln-if il J .n
l'i aver West tow n.-lilp.
S',,. I, tl-li-. l; (. , : rl, n U tf-n
t ei- . ,i , i ;i m ,.,i
I !-li, It. V. ,l.i ll T 'ii
VVjui.i'r, Vim ( I. il i U t "
Centre township.
it I'timin , ' i. 1 1 ca'l ,-,irc 14 7 U"
lli -' inii, A. II. do U t in
Si,,.rr,l'. M, (I I S loio
Ch ipmnn township.
': .it, I'oM .1 M t'
M. r. I; S. ,(, u i ,
i ' 1' . .' I, I s. ,V, l. 1 .
l:i:ir. i I ',.- S. ,l.i IS IH,..
I ,-anKllii t nvni'iio,.
ii ... r, ( i--i .',. .i 14 I i...
i ' v. ii ii. a (-.. .t'i n i) '0
: I .' ' I.- -.''.'I it- is ! ...t it t "
. : ' ' .' 1 . I .-in It;.'. iMiic" 14 :
uii',w. n ! oi i t .v
,t ai'ksotl tow te !dt'.
'.: iv.-'. 'I ir, S. ( .-ri a ! 7
' !. !. !.i .lo 14
I'.i.'i.T,, ,', . -I. -i i ii y i
V..P' leir-l, .o,-,,ch.
i ' I " '''', ' ' . . ' - 1.1 ,,.!. 14 7 ml
' -. ! : s i; ' i -. i j.-, i - ... ii tv -. '
'- '. .' . i i. All . 1 t i 1.1 I -
1 " a- i '. 1 ' ' '. ; -ai "1 ,. I'isi" it i .
' ...-.-'-I t. ;. i "a . it
I . ;. . ; ;. a i i -,, ' i ,r l'i 1'.
I v !, lucre. -k d w ns. p. I
j o ' i "ii . i i . t j ii :
s. i. lii. I. A . ,1.i 11 T o
- .' r Ii ;. )., U T
'. ..-l.-r N it, 'Mill '. I iv , u t ,1
M nroe to vu'nip.
-'r.'t. i. ii. - .1, u : ii i '
I !c- .1 -:, I', M. K I'v. li-M I t.r.i 11 T ij
. to..:.- u.i i. .to nt !
I'.,.-!, , K. r. l'lfi
1, '.'o 1. 1 ilrn-.T 14 7"'
P.T'l township.
p . ... r i'i. M" V. li li T "i
j Mill,-.", Al. i l. ti i -,..rr I , in
I ,.-h I . r .1. i o.i.-i II : 1. 1
Iv. a a.i-, ( i i -.1 ( i 'in ri ; t : ii-
I -r iy t . a ii- l.i;'.
1 1 .r o ei. f t . ... i It 7
, M . i, -.. ii .-. ..'., 1 1 i i : . i, j
s le, A ' t T s -1 1 it i )4 7 . I
Spring town .'up.
It. !!'! ', A. '. .; i; i,-,.i
! :i . i '. '. :. P-ii-i u 7 i
', : V , -S, -,. .' l - t ii .
si;.. ,-!,t. .1, W. ,l,i i 7 '
I I l-li. A. It. .Ij 14 I iu
ing. 1880s
Oijr Imreerme tew .'sprirr; ftock of
Of? (loofe Ktfe, m M, Gaviisis
Every want (supplied!
Every tastn (rraiiilcd!
Every buyer doliclitcdl
ho videct ra;ir;o for nelcctionl
The latest SPING- STYLES I
Tho most EBLVABLB Goods!
the LOWiiiST Prices!
By for
thesis .r.i.
oru fiotipM an n i'i:icirt pj:ote Tnsii.
and &ec?.
fi j n 15 n rs rr nr
' 1 .' 1 . a ft. Mfli in i ih b il T'i-f f- w n t jr
M'jt-siuJsJ L - .: L ?i . -a sj L 'li ii nC'JUMnili
Vt'o wiaiM
"ul I'epari h i :d ffith.i pu'. lie thai vi hav ".ow rpf-ncl in tlie BCt
e.r i (lab 'I.difi. !, fu'.l 111,1
ip'ett. ii'isoilninnti) of
7 isi
7 1
7 i
7 i il
7 On
7 nn
I nn
7 UD
T I' I
1 ,
T On
I u u
7 'J
If' tin
1', l, i
IS !,?
7 u
7 ell
7 '-'
1 I en
I vl
7 'in
1 i UU
I rl ei
7 'rt
in i).i
In i.u
7 vu
ii i)
7 lo
all'l an.', bed tlilctrs in llm n-.ail.ct. In 1KV COOPS,
Cniihiiicr'. 1 aihe Clothn, Taney Carnb'iei nrd Ci'i-iarii", Calicoa, Che
viotn, ids Caiisi'iieis tiu,l KT.titigu, Co! I oiunles, Mcslimt and Sh5otirgS
wo laivc Iaigi and varied asoi tiiii'ii'H of etMU.Iar.l goo 1:. Our lino of
ICotions and Fancy ITovelties
et'-hrnce all l!io I .'( -d ni'fic'ioffi. Of ('.roccnMi, .hiccuBwnro and (lifted
Hai'dvaro in its several branches
we nvleivor lo ton! o specially earni',.; a! nl! (inv fi frill apuorfmonts
of Saddlery nn 1 C iaeh Ti itnniin-s, llniisi. ibiil, lent and hcavj- Ilnrd.varo
Iron, 'jtecl, Nail. ', Hon o Sliocs, I'onco Wirca, to. It
wo think we me Ilcii hiinrtera, nbvnyH carrying hniiTy ulccki of WliitG
Lead, Ih ndy Mixoit Paints ntnl (lines in all hires, uml aro ready at all
tiuiCH to give rock-bottom tifMircH. WALL l'AI I'.ltS and llonso Iooa
ratiotiH coiupriuo a Hi pattiio dt partnicnt in which wo cau show yoa best
ssHortment in tho noitnty.
Our pnens nt nil litnci y.m will fin ! ns low an honest rolidhla pooilu
daio l.'c Hold (livo ;s; , ttl 1 or write for jiricew.
SCHOC-H BROS., SeliusgTOva
hi t
r.'i '.
6.1 (yfl
s'i's t.t, ritcsn
'(.".ittgr, W. It.
I'.'e.ver West.
MM'ar, 'iinnh
Centre township.
il..r', : . II.
i 'li'ipman township,
iifir.i', l, Iiiivl.l
I. '.i l', Sl'il ai
M. Is r, .)'.'-. 'i
I'rauk'in township.
Sv!m(-!o'.1, '1 li"l
MiddleburKh boroiixh.
II. 1. n.lor, 1.
sailih, J .
,1iddlccreek town: hip.
.1oiiroe towiishln.
AiimuJ, K.
Iitcliul, A J
H(.tl.,'l:r.. J. P
Perry townsii.'p., I.(v
-,t;.l.t, A. M.
1'iprlng township.
MM l..eirli, ii. 9
tselii.sgroe borough,
t'ritin, s. t . t
1 mad, r, .1. ti, s
M.'li.iw. r li, Win. 1
Kulliiirua I, lira o, t
Piilou township.
(iroinicTi.r. Julm ti
ll. rr ui'l, s. S.
Wu thing ton towiifelilp.
solioco, M. s
Washington township.
:, v. a. t
tlellliHgrovo boroilKh.
Mltohcl, M. U.
W'nshhigtou township.
IluetoruiftD it Orliiiid, t
Adams township.
Hlmwsr, lohii
Pranklln township.
Ciouie, J,
Tuko notice, all who are concerned
In this appraisement, that an appeal
will he held at tho t'ommlsslouer's
Olllc.e In the borough of Middleburgh,
on the 23d day of SUV, A, V. J8S0, be -tweeu
tho hours of 0 n. m. aud 4
o'clock, p. ni., when and where you
war attend If you think proper.
- MtrcantiU Appraiser.
60 Cn
6n i.u
ill tin
6n f:
fl 0 ,
6.1 im
10 0
tiO no
6 lii
,''U (Jl
61 CO
6'J (X;
.'il ii'.1
in ll.
(..J U'
60 (i.
60 Oi
60 0(
60 CM
fl IK
Mbbj to Pla I
Our rr .y npiing rtork iif.w rculv. It in one of tho crnndest Hnei of
f'oed yon h.ivo . v x In Id. Nolhiii1' Ima beon forirutten in tho way of
.rood and desirable styles, and an to pi:iliy and low price", e fear no
compeli'or Mir motto has ubv.,.,M ,ti to maiiitni'i tho leadby offeriog
tlio host goods for tho least money. Wn oflVr for your cotiHiiicration
Dry Goods, Clotliing, Boots and Shoes,
i 'tli:i. . cv ; ; t.i ! m v. r 'its! a , tu rmf
(j i ' t'h . .v. ; I..1SS, r. v; ;. : rn aw; n ood
am) w jllo u;i .w., $v.,
Tiirsc :!n7s arc nmrlti oil ixw. f tin' vholccut mafV
rinh ami htir.,1 ,v'v. ''; r rcr. w:' ac for them nrit
astiutislt ifna.ds Hu t aro uuniu st iintb! u Hie roch boUtl
for ret nil trau'i If 'c j-it; Hie in' pricafor ull kind$
ol VOUXIRY rixOIU i'!-:.
Jud'.iiiiiJ from our trade iro aiiticipulo J-iXTEJfStfQ
S, iJ:S t 'VAf f-i ason (ud harr rm-fiurod to mtt
dt in'Aud?:- CALL V(urft in iraiting,
2. gg, 3TCTKSJ & CO.,
JVcar J,Jidilcl,(tr Depot.
ps v-ss ra
eKyrN jfSWJ f- - t-v z-rst. "-v , vesi
-f)F Till'. -
Gelinsgrovo, Pa.
Tlio nnderti!(rP'(I. (h'ij'ro to c.iinonnce to t!ie publio Hint they bftvn Jnsl
(itieui .l a NllW JiilV UOOPH STOUI in .iil:ns;-iovo, and aro now cl
iibitiiin; LLo
Grandest lino of Goods
m t vor he'ifil-l 'o!liiti, ha'l been forgot teo in tho ftjof pood OCi! do
siiaLIo btylcf.-, and tin lo ipmhty and low uic( h,
e fear no Competition.
Our motto will itlwnjs bo lo maiutuin tho h ad by oiTcring tbB
Best Goods for the Least Money.
U'o as!; you to come nnd nee ua, ntnl wo will do our part lo make it irot
only pluiibiii.l but buncllcial to yon. Cntno 1 Cornel Comol
DreifuGS & Giinaburgor.
Ivpoly's lluildiiiff, North of Notional Hot.ii,
t l.rtt. r. ul A.liiilntritrHilon on tl, it t n j EV1"! 'll '. " Vt itllltlPlP TJiM
lillftl on ii lain Iow Vrlii
Kc;, nl i2.()() per gallon or 60
litnl'iii. I', , ti, lam ni AiIaii.n tn Ii!.,.
rl.J.ur llu , I ., torts.l, liuvllig I udll Hlsbt
i.ltiilna ui'iloo-lnii.-.i nil ,om,ii kunwli.ii
tin.iuulvt I i.l-1. 1 u . t to taid , mun, nr imu..i.
v.l lo mul e liu.du.lUls I't'.innni i,ii
lutvliiH oUlui allliruiiiu( tlicui ,lulf uli,u- , rtllts )l V 1 1 P.ill't.
tlcitloj to
Aiirll R, 'li.
AUmililv- r,T,
Ivao llotol, rnmkrm,rj,
XlljUtttri (if HiliiitiilatrKllou n tK. .nt
.loo:;li Kby lii. Krtukli, tk, 8u,u..r I'o.l ' I Nil J. V SKIP
P., d4M,(l,tSflD litaii krarttt to U.i Umlei I 1 " '
Isuail, all iiarauua kuuwUd lliaiuialvaa lutlali',1 ., ,".
ailltivitlO amalaura ti'imt. ud to loaaa Is.n.i, I ; Kt'CJIWO, rfint"
nlata i.avDiaiit. Lll th,. iiki. .1.1. . I
. VflXJUtV iPUlAJllUVtlirBK'fH KHqLUH AWDQfcBite.rt
it ;
h Pi.
t e. M