The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 06, 1886, Image 1

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T. H. HAltTKK. Ho that wilf not reason is iv bigot ; ho that caariot is rt fool ; ho that (litre not is a slave. EDITOR amj rK01UUIW)tt
Blossom lino.
Rnow, snow, down from the apple
1'iuk and whIU drifting of petal
Klei her and crown her our Lady of
There an ali elts on tho apple tree
wtttt .
11m she not gathered the summer
About tiert
Hoo how It UuifhH from her Hp mid
Iter event
Think you the oun there would nhlue
on without her?
lS'ayl 'Tla her smile keeps the gray
from the BklcM
Firo of the roxeand snow of tho jtn8iv
fluid of the lily-dust lill In her hair:
Day holdithiit breath andMlit como
up to look at her,
Leuviug thuimtrife foravWon eo rare.
Snow, pnow, down from the apple
l'luk and white drifting of petals
Ki her and crown her and nutter
ndown ber
And earput the (ground tT h"T l,e,ir
little foot? , ,
M. Aicnuuis.
fContinued from last week.
J. M. llutchings wua odo of tho
Crbt wbito men to enter the Yose
mito Valley after the Iodian dihtar
bunooM of 1S51 and 1S-V2. Before
Lira there were no botoU or roacU
in tho valley. The travoling waf
dono over rougb Indian trails, and
all wore obliged to camp out, until
in 1853 was commenced the build
ing now known as the old Hutching
bouso, and at present one of the ho
tel buildings of Barnard's, addition
Laving boon mado from time to time
io order to aocoinmodalo the increas
ed travel. A cedar ' tree measuring
8 feet in diameter and 185 foot bigh
is inclosod by the walls of one ol
the additions to this hotel. I bis
tree is still standing and msy live
hundreds of years. The room in
wbioh it stands is known as tbe "big
tree room,'' and is the parlor at
Barnard's. It is probably the groat
est bouse plant in the world. This
was the first botel building
erected Id Yosemite Valley, and its
opening in 1859, was colebratod bj
grand ball and sapper.
Tbe next hotel built, was Black's,
now Cook's, It is a half milo below
Barnard's. This is tbe stogo office
and headinarters of the Madera
etage lioo. A third botel was erect
ed, lieidig's. This is somowhat
smaller than either of tbe others,
and is located about a half mile bo
low Cook's. All of these buildings
are striotly in tbe Yosemite Valley,
and give oomfoi table accommoda
tion to tbe traveler, but tbe fare is
very ligh so high in fact that tbe
tourist commonly only remains long
enough to see the valley and its na
tural scenery and curiosities, and
then turns bis attention baately to
other points in California, where liv
ing is less exponsive a weok or 10
days is ample time to see the most
iui portent points of interest, All
the furnishings of the old and origis
nal buildings were carried thither
on pack mules or conveyed by Ins
diaos, hired for that purpose. At
present there are good Btago roads,
and short linos of railroads, from
several different directions. Thore
is telograpbio communication with
Baa Franoisoo, from two of the ho
tels, Tho bet legislature of California
pasod a bill appropriating $10,000
for the purpose of erectiug a new
hotel in Yosemite Valley. The same
is to bo named ''The Btonemah
House," in honor of tbe present
Govornor of tbe State. Plans have
been made by the commissioners
appointod for that purpose. It will
prosent a fine appearance, and will
contain between 70 acd 80 rooms
It is to be first class in all its ap
pointments. . This botel will be
placed near Glaoier Point, a location
above any of the present hotels and
in a more convenient looulity for tbe
Thore are many other oataral ca
riosities in the Yosemite Valley,
blghly interesting, wbioh are not
described in the - foregoiog, among
tbe most noted one, is the Geyser
pu..4, ., p ,,,-, c,.jtr wher
two streams of almost boiling water
is forced from the rockn. The cap
of liborty, a peak 4,000 feet Ligh, its
top apnrently kissing the clouds, is
also very interooling to behold. In
imagination, the reader will now sc
company me back again to Uroka,
from whence we started to make
Ibis interesting trip through tho ro
nowned valley of all valleys, the
At Ureka I remained abont a week
and on abont Jnly 23, 1885 I left
aud traveled by stage to Iaqna, a
place SO miles east of Uroka in
Humboldt county, to visit the fain
ily of Isnno Gift, a cousin of my fath
er. Isaac bad died a few years
previous, his widow is still living
and residing with the family. They
wore very glad to see me, tbongh
ray coming waa'not onexpooted to
thorn, as they bad provious notico
While remuining with thorn I was
troatod very kindly they did pot
know how to do enough for mo. I
was tbo only relative from I'onnsyl
vania that ever visited them in their
rcraoto home,' the l'nciQo Slopo."
Mrs. Gift ia of a kind and social dis
position Wbilo sojourning with
them I was quite fit home i ono of
the sons is an oflicor in ono of the
Pacific Coasting Vessels. Tbo fam
ily owues and oenpics a largo Ranch
and aro iu comfortablo citcutnatan-
ces. lue country around lanua ia
somewhat brokeu and unevon, there
ii not much grain raised. Grazing
is carried on extensively.
Mr. Isaac
Gift, who
tho farm
Waltor, 3
Gift was a 6on of Jacob
was born and raised on
now occupied by Adam B.
miles West from Middlubnrgh.
Wbero ho waB a young man, he and
three of his bothers and ono sister,
to wit : Jobn, Michael, Henry and
Polly with their families emigrated
to Stephenson county, III. Isaac
married and dually moved to Hum
boldt county, California, where he
died as already stated. After Hp end
ing about a wook with them, i left
with' ninob rcluctiuce, but circum
stances would not permit me to re
main any longer. From Iaqna I
came back to Ureka, and from thence
in a steamer down to San Franoisoo
a distance of about 500 miles.
fbis city I bavo already noted in a
former lottor. It is the groat Mo
tropolis of California it has a good
harbor, and its shipping facilities
are very groat. Tho approaches in
a steamer to the city from the bay
wo magniticont. Tbe city is built
on plopiug groucd, loaning toward
tho bay aud is spread out before
you like a panorama ; wuen onoe
seen it makes a lasting impression.
From San Francisco I made trips
to different points of the state,
among tho most importont points
were Merced iu Mcroed Co. This
pluco is noted for its big ranches ;
there is ono bore containing 18,000
acres belonging to one company
this is farming on a large Bcale. I
also visited San-Mateo, Santa Cruz,
Cueoo, Stockton, Los-Angeles, aud
many other cities and lurge towne
on tbo pacific slopo.
On Feb 20th 1880, I ltft San
Fraucisoo and came to Fort Worth,
Texas i it was a lido of 4 days and
several nights, over the Southern
PauihoR. II. Tbe distauco was
fully 1,900 miles. At the time I
made this trip the fare was very low
as there was. much opposition be
tween several competing linos. This
Road passes through Arizona, New
Mexico and Western Texas. The
two farmer, at least where the road
passes through, I found to bo al
most a desert, especially as to in
babitonts, and tbe latter was not
muob better. Fort Worth is a real
nioe city of 20,000, From Fort
Worth 1 outue to Dallas, a city about
50 miles east of Fort Worth. Dallas
is a fine city with its 7 or 8 railroad
oounectious it is located in a fine
and level soope of country. Land
here brings a good price, but iu
Western Texas thore is a great deal
of wild land at cheap rates. There
is a regular stagnation of business
here now oo account of the strike i
it's very dull save the excitement
caused by the strike. Some of your
readers may well remomber Arthur
Smith, he was born and raised in
Middlebnrgh. Some years ago be
left thore and is now residing at
Dallas, be has a paying position in a
railroad office. As we bad boen
play-mates, 1 banted bim np as soon
as I arrived at Dallas. He was very
glad to see me, and extonted many
favors. Since leaving borne ia the
Spiioj of 1883, I passed over and
travelled in 18 States and Teritories.
Dakota was the coldest and Texas
th warmost states I have boon in,
and California is the healthiest and
has tho most even tomperaluro of all
tbo stales I have been through. Tbo
distance traveled may be fully 10 -000
milos About half of tho time
since loaving homo I bad employ
moot at good paying wages. I was
always able to find friends among
strangors wolher at home or abroad
this favor is extended to any one
who knows how to conduct himself
properly. My health has always
been good and could therefore enjoy
my travels so ranch the more.
(lore at Dallas 1 will again part
with your readers. Should I see
any thing of importance hereafter
yon may expect to boar from me
thorn for their paticn,
and wishing them all good health
aud prosperity, I bid them a hearty
good -bye.
Respectfully Yours,
' " ' . j in
Diatosswa With San Jono3.
"Mr. Jones, you think it is wrong
to dance "
"Are you n member of the
Cbmch ?"
"And yoa want to daoce f"
"Well, go and dance then. Dunce
as much as yoa ploaso, and be euro
you got in a good lot of it hero, for
it is going to bo too war.n whore
yoa aro going to for that s-jrt of ex
orcise" "Mr, Jonon, yoa think there
any harm in playing cards ?''
"Are you a member of
Church !"
"And want to flay cards f"
"You Yko'jl r
"Yes "
"Woil, go and'play, and piny all
you can, and bo sure and get your
game ended, because it id "going to
be too warm for oarda unless they
are madoof asphalt or something of
that sort where yoa are going to.
You had better bavo it out bore."
"Mr. Jones, you think thoro in
any barm iu u dram ?"
"You ant a dram V
"You a mombor of tho Charcht'
"You like it f
"Well, go and drink, old follow.
and drink a lot of it. I tell you
won't get any drams or nny water
thero, iu thuoouutry you aro Loud-
A recent writor, in spcaliug of tho
question of how many hours in the
twenty-four should be given to sleep
expresses bimself with more common
souse than usually charactoi izos the
professional writers upon subjects
similar to this. He says that if a
person needs nino hours sleep he
ought to take it, but thut it is possi
ble to got along with only eight.
This will probably shock somo peo
ple who think that a man who lies
in bod more than seven hours ia a
drone and a sluggard. At one time
the world was all awry on tbe sub
ject of sleep, but particularly with
regard to tbe boors of rising and re
tiring. It has been doclured over
and over again that an hour of tleep
before midnight is worth two after
midnight. Of coarse there is no
sonso in this, for no man not engag
ed in uanucl labor will bo tired
enough to Bleep before 11 o'clock, at
the earliost, if he is at all intellectual
in his pursuits. But if the theorists
wero correct a man would by refas-
iog to go to sleep beforo 11 or 12
throw away the very best part of the
night. These cranks would have a
man go to bed at 9 o'clock and got
up at 4 ia tbe morning. They are
of kia to the people who used to say
that "he who would thrive must rise
at o, but that be who bas thriven
may lie till 7." The only sonod phi
losophy for a man who is able to re
gulate bis life as be pleases is to go
to bed when be is tired and sloepy
and get op when he feels refresbod.
As for tbe nonsense that a fall-grown
man should go to bed at 0 o'clock in
tbe evening whether be be tired or is a notorious fact that a man's
best intellectual labor is done at
night rather than in tbe day tiioo.
The truth of this is expressed io all
that tbe world for enrs his (Aid cf
the stndeols whp trim tho midnight
oil. Tbe truth V Vvt Tliceo theoiier
is that they were o'.lcn np by some
portions years ago who found them
onvonient as tolas of 1! e. Since
thco thoy have been handed down
from generation to , generation by
people who thought that by repeat,
iog them they established their owo
claim to be considared wixe. The
tatter are the direct decendants of
the people of who.o St. Paul com
plainod more than 1500 years ago as
the publishers of ol wires' fublco
Denver Tribune. ,
"The Women's Educational nod
Industrial Union of BoMon, Muss.,
cautions all women to bo nary of
udvei tineinei)t3 and circulars prom
ising on receipt of a cerlaiu.Bnm
ork at home, will earnings.
We aro roceiviog loiters from wo
men far and bear who hayo been de
frauded by those proinista' Either
the person forwRri'og tho money
gets no answer at r!!, or tho mate
rials and implement. sent aro jt lit
tlo worth, or tbe finiihed w oik in re
jected eveu if well done, or other
obstacles are placed ia tho way, (the
object being simply to get rid of
her) The parties r Ivei lining make
frequant changes o' nomo and ad
dross, with some diftorelico in circu
uio AtJi'jr nig i-t piuv.uh
through tbo Uuitoilj kllateu, C
and the Province, bqiulpet
lars. They are row seuding out
lreds of
thousands of plausible circulars, well
calculated to deceive, for hot jnpoy
of tho hundreds if tbounnnda of
women reaching v tucm aro aware
that by a single ad"ortiuoiuont.any
city firm can get pluaty of workers
close at baud. 1
Learning that tbt ovil can best
bo checked by e ilightoning the
public, we solicited tbe ajd of tbe
press, and the folio io. continuous
ootico i, '.pears :j t .v.i:y ,:aPerP
each in turn giving it ono week's
insertion :
"Tho Women's tfducational and
Industrial Union, 74 Iloylston
Street, will gladly giva iuformotiou
regarding cii culms and advertise
ments ofToring to womon Work nt
It is earnestly desired that news
papers everywhere help to enlighten
tho public by coining Iho wbolo of
this prosent article and by giving
tho above notico, or a similar ono,
frequent insertions ; also that Wo
men's Association, vaiiuiisly locat
ed, join us in this work, and by suit
able advertising uiuku themselves
knowu as centres of information.
Any needed ashistaucu from us will
bo gladly renderod. Individuals
can uid by procuring tho insertion
of this article iu their local papers,
Such guucral concurrence of effort
will save multitudes of woineu from
sorrow and loss, work cffoctivoly
against tho swindlers, and promote
the interests of the honest adver
President Womon'sK. and I. Union.
Address letters to our Employ
ment Department
iii ii
Vondcrful Curo3.
W. D. Uoyt & Co., Wholosalo
and Retail Druggists of Rome, Ga ,
says t Wo huvo boon selling Dr.
King's New Discovery, Kloctrio Bit
ters and Bucklon's Arnica Solve for
two years. Have novor baudlod
remedies that sell as well, or givo
Buch universal satisfaction. Thero
have been somo woudoi ful cures ef
fected by theso medicines in this
city. Sovoral cases of pronounced
Consumption have been eutirely
cured by uio of a few bottles of Dr.
King's New Disoovory, taken in
connection with Kloctrio Bittors.
Wo guarantee thorn always.
Sold by G. M. Shindel.
Tho husband may boast of "bold
ing tho reins,' but it's generally th
wife that eaye where tho wagon is
The New Jorssy Konnol Club i
holding a dog show at Newark. A
few mouths ago dogs had -no show
at all there.
When the single young lady work
the unmarried minister a pair of
slippers, she is trying to win bis
heart by capturing bis understand
ing. I suppose a magistrate who comes
into court in a state of intoxication
might be saldYo make a btnebshow
of bimself. No effenoo to tbo dogi
inteodtd. l .
for Infants end Children.
"TorU hi o a-tnptct to eblldrra thM I (tetto-H wxi (Vile, Vn!pln,
nicommrtiO ItM uprrior to ny ittwnUoa I P""' Ptomoh. MmtIi, hnm.ti.m.
knowo to mr." IL A. itaiin, M D , I Kill W.irma, (in tlivp, ud mju.ote4 dt
Ul Bo. OiiccM Bt, Lrootlu, N. T. WluWt"l2jurlou tmxuotiaa.
tun Cfcruca Com-ANV, IXl FUItoo Stir, Jf. T.
Frcmonl. Snyder county, Pa.
(Ira.lnitltnt llnttlnfir fnllxK nf I'htiiilin.
nJ Mimwin. nm truiii.i nil miv
to ikt mbll. Sp..kt Kna;iib nd u,iaiu,
Mreh, IT, IMl.lf.
R. Ii. W. TOOL.
Freebmrg, l'a.
f)(Trp hM iTffcMlnnnl rTli tn th i at at
I oon..r.n t In daih tnull.U
Dillon oo Mam irt.
Sollnngrovc, Penn
t.pttari of mlmlnl-lrntliin n Ilia mlato ..r
l.lUa M u.M Into 1. 1 SiirliiB Iwn..,.r tl.i
il. '!, liitvliitf h... Mraiiln.l in ilia mi lrin.i.l.
all ier .n kmuin,! tlisi'in -Ivn 1 , .1. I t.' t Io
aLI e.'aia ar rP'ii.iKil tn irk Itiuite Untn
pami'iil, wtitlo th .iio liivltm 1'l.ilnm will pre.
Kiit tlioni iluly aiulii'iitule.l d r Itlciueit Iu
tbo uiilmlt;ii'l.
April 15, "s. Ailinliilmratrlz.
RRVC. W. WALTER. Salesman
for Cliaa. W .'(Jtawart Cn'ii., Nuirarr
.Hk. N.-w York, will ha nllnr.1 to panur.i
urdera lor tlil iiuiiuUr llrui, (or anvtlitnvln
thu NutKary line Clmioa ami Nw Varlailn
. .uy. H..itlrely ..iin. ll any othar-In
iirlua anil 'luallty. Sali.i:i tlon KU.rantcail.
Ha will cnllnu all iiartlaa tUit a.lJrt-n Lltu
at l'nn I'rcok, Snyder Uoa nty,
Jan. 21,'kO.
Itaiil what tho pcnpla
- aay voncrrnmc tno
ability of lr. I humaa
, . Eclrctric Oil tn cura
. a.lhinn, catarrh, croup,
auhla etc. Mra. Dora
Koch of HuHaln, aiva:
" Yot enmp it U lUcld
arllyaffiiaciaia." Mr. Jacob M.lllxirofMa.lon
Ohio. , the miih' tiling I H. ft. Grnvi ii A) run,
N. Y., writi-a: ll:tit attliina uf tha .oi.m hinu,
t,ok one ilnw nf '1 hoinfl' l'.clt-i trie il ;tnl h m
relieved in a few niimiti'a. Would wih five oult't
fur tin mt die inu anil pav lea tinttli' fin it." Vtuu
Kmt C. K. Il.lll, fraviic,lll.,a.iv: "t tin l .in ul
ceratcil for mv in twenty-four hours." "Sat
oj) id bvti an. I i ouIu-J till thu i lmning wa wt
with pcriiratmn. My
wilt- intiMcil that I ti
'Ihmn:ia Ki It'iiric (r,l,
l'h tint trattHHiiiful
km ifvanmr.'' K. It.
Tci kiitn. i'roi k Centre,
N.V., I humal' Kt'U-c-
ttit Oil in nlwi a 'I'll'. i
1 in rKti rnul applica
tion for rhcum:iti4in, i
rutt.ti ;ilils,lurnK,bitea,
toiiisi-a cti-. Whrnviw
tuitr the ilruiit, aak
bun In knowaof
lr. 'I liiiira' Kcicctric
Oil; it he hnt been
I n n ir in I b tl r u ir
trailc, he aure he will
apiak highly uf it.
rOSTCR. ULSU.1MS CO., Buffalo. N. T.
taailar.-i .u a I'-lo". M i h'.ii.i If
Dil,iU ) ir tui.l .o lr.i... .nm i.nd -iiruMtnK
llie ti in iia tuU'lu, Ui fllpAJil tbo MM
ai iiwa M I. m m I jrrw
I fkka rj
i W'aiiw jriA aVMnnltwIjiiv t iiri'M It 1 Kiii'iiMtti In All
it furiwi, llnnrtliiirn Itrlrhliitf. I ntaliioT 1h
I-iMtda mi. ilurutimtinl uunniw Lli-h)Mil Miiiim
iiti ttji' ai'ii-itit nj jui t b tm ol f-1.
tin J T. KHi!Hta, Iii hHiiiriNj inU & U
Kir4 KfriiiHl Ohurrh, BnltinM-n. Ml ,):
" liauiin uatul ItniMii'a Imu Iihtri 1 l)H(fwi(
mn i aL ttrnat iJuiir tn n niu
DM'nititiuTt 1 1 11 lily, AiWtoouaiitlnr it a ipluuiliii louui
aii I invW'TAla r. mill vnrr nliuimtlioriiiiL'."
H- M Juer I'M V. b IT. Jiiilyi of rirouH n.i'rt,
Cliuton ().. Intl , : I tr mit l'w rfi,l it ft.
Iiii'iiy i t IIim tit1tioy tf Hruwu'i Lrua iitiiora fur
y-tNrwia, nrl sm a tmo "
limiuiii liaui sUmivm 'i'rntlu Mark and mwiaWl nwHiiM)
i. n wrnui-i r, 'I'lik uu Ofikirra Md ntU .
bUUH aM liikintAL CO-, UJlLHIiOUIC, hiiX
Tbouaanda hare trlud It and Imtnil relief. Tln-ea Ii
tiundaut toatiuiouy to Uila point, poaitivo and uu
ullolkil, which ah. mid oonvliiKiUia ln""t aki'i'lunl,
Uyouaulfiir with llhetiiuatiara, aeud fora iiiphli.
Which p.lla what baa burn dotiu for othura. it taw'nt
free. To bo rttrul ooala culy Sa to, fur oua box
ia aulBcJcnt fur Uw worat coco.
J. ff. McAr.r.nrnta, for many ycara with ll.ioj,
llotiliriKht ft t'o., now with Uuuil. Ilr..n A l o.,
l'liila, Ma t ''I eiitlen-d front MK-uliiutiaiii ail
ti rrlbly Oiatl cool. I hardly walk, na at linx-a
llliablu to turn lliy lligul. I tried tlm Kilaaltill
ltbKUiuatlalil ('tint, of two auclulaaa
oojnihiUily vunaL1
l)eairipllva puuipblrt, with tivtlmonlala, free.
n.i-,. am gtf I irtnaiieo. uu. anuiuiNiui,
f(C9 B.UiJ.( II riNCiHtiinKl, Iw. utwa.
Ono bas
doue Uia
Nona Ownulna
withiait tbia
Aa rt II la
it to b- fiHitul al t:ie atnrM. but ran
only bv IukI by ouoliadiiH Out eioouul aa above, aiid
tfruaaiiuf Uu. Aliuirlc4l pmtirtoWra,
PFAKLZe&n BH08. & CO.
nr it-i'iti
tmm mi
I a.r s r: r i s - - u - m
M'.ihlUhuruh, 'cun'fi,
Oltari hl prnrn.l nal roiTlrti. Iu ilrtullic
('.n.iilinilnna In I titillili nr tti rit an. I nllco
rotitptly atl n lad la. Ollica a lew ilnuiaori
ul tba !'i it.oin"fi.
m i iim:itiTi:c ii.
All biiaalraaa nntrualad to, Mr eaia
peia pn nipt atlonlliiD. I oniuliiuun
oiau nil t . n k I U . s-l
jAcon niMtrciiT,
... ... . ,
Attorney anil ( oun.uior ut Lmo
lllll.!'.lll ltt.ll, I'A,
CoMnctl. t and all 1 1 . r I arlrr.i i rn p
if attended to. I oi.iullat bu In Kbtilub an
(laruian. I'.'-lvj.
Ii. liurswiiKTii,
(Inllerllotti and all nthar eal htialneia prompt
ly attnndml to. Coniullatlum In t.n,:llrh am
June 2,
2Y ii- iilu
AH builnel ntrtiat-d to hla ear will It
promptly attooileU lo.
Hapt. 10,'tu,
J.J 'arDKiTiucii,
'attorxet-a r.i. w.
Market St. , Svlintiprov, P
All nrofeaelonal luaioeia promptly atlat4
ta, tfc,'ulia; imln yjkih aairtilafaa ,
r.b it a.
Ii. uowei:,
HitlilUbury, 'a.
Coliectlona made,
and ilariuan.
In Until, k
i It, '7a. If.
(jHAS 1 HLltlCir,
Attorney i: Oounscllor-At-1 aw
tjllli'e Io A rp'a Kit : I.T I ra( one dooi Nertb I
K cratiiM IIutiil. I
SclliikKrovt', rcmi'n.
Oollerllona and all, other prof. atl bnrl I
De.a la aollrlled and Rill reerlvea rafnlJ
prompt attention. Apr )l,'
Minni. Minna, sn ykdii t;o., va
(irerrhla I'rofaaalonal Sarrlaea In the ok
Uouiultellnni la tnKll'li and (let iun.
A. W. 1'OTTKIt,
,t rion.VA v a r i .
Solinsgrovo, Ta-,
1 IP.
oiT-r their r.,fe-aloi,al 'ervlroa Io tho pul.lla
Al1 Iri.l I umriinti'il to their carp wll
reciiivn i r .iiipt uUebtlon. Ollluevu Main Hi,
i-..lulv 4. Tt.
jj ii. (;niM.M,
I'rct Inn (f I'ii.
r'nnaultiitloD Iu .both KngllHh and -rieMra
,rnu,iKo. Oit.'a, latl.
ttoi'i.oy lit I,ivt
I'rolefalunal builnera entruated to hit tale wife
be promptly attrnded to.
yAiiur.Lu. oinvio, "
rruUtuiiK, Union Co., Pal
nmceon Market Streal, one door aait al Can
aron llou.e. vai
Doe.JU, "
Kichts, Si.yifer Co., J'a.
Cif"Colltc lontt .rtjinj.tly iiiud',.nj
Physicians, ,fc
Physician & Surqenn,
Jkmrr Sjriuij, Snydwr County, Ju
nit"? ".h 1ro,e",onTarrUi i to tha rll
OlOca on Malnatraat. Jiull 4
(Vntrevllle, I'cnn'r.
Mitldletlniifd,, IViib'
,TMi'bi','.rr0f?"l',n.1 '"' tothatltWa
J UKIElt IlAllDlSil,
. Mlddleburgb, Ptfnn'ow
? "," n I earvleeito Ika eltlfeaa
, UU" ' '" I'l'a 1 llClllrjfc
npariaooii iuilii i,t.aita i'u. t I'llt inf
Aoc junta,
Tim follnwlnif Arrcunu hvi H tA. t
nmliM .1 npil t. I In Ut l'itbmiotar'i or
re, nn.l ti I iri'niil tn th nnxt onnrt of
(l. uii'i. n 1 1. tor i-t,ri!nni o. All ron
lnilr, will ! not! .
Hi.' t.t.'i n.xMiiii ol lUr.thfiM Klinn, commit,
. ni I iri' ;i, inivnir.
Tin- Ii r-t h i Hunt tr,t, mil ..I II Vn t'lih-A-ll.lii
.'ill ,Mn..i Kr.l.F, l S rlni nhlli.
W . W . W 1 I I I; M I K,
A fli rrmi.i.uiiiiiry.
Trial List, Iky T:rm. 1CGC
K. F. tl.tlly, Ailmr ., ta J. ho K. llonhaa
at. al.
II"! ry I.. .liditi S. Stran at. al.
hniniial II.. wen at. al. v. I It Kulpa'.al.
t tn. Al ml. mil tiiK. Co. Ti Inittxr
I al.
II W. Itrnwn r Win. U' hit mar.
Sainn va MrtPio
II. V. H.'lnili.rh Mi 1'ivitl Moy.-r.
fl. M.Hrtna va Win W I tin or rt al
I'l.i I p II Mai. Ilanlel K.l.anhart
ii. Ii.l l.r-A.. l'hllii hwn. tnr.l atal
la' II tint Jacob Hnyjar
Hutiin aa Santa
il.nrta M.rlln va.tonaa Kla.lnunr
Maraarr-t K hernimar va Jannh Kori'huar.
Tin- abo eau.aa ara at l-nue aud lor trial
at May tartn. I".
1' rot'iotiolarf
CiHit'l I liiiiiut ion
Win: as tho
lltii'hrr I ro.l lont
Hon. Jodrph O
lu.lta id tba Juill
clnt I ' I a t r I t ronip.,aed nf the t'nutitlea ol Snyda
I'nlon an I MiMlin and Nnouirl A. Wa ial and
.lacnli A Smltli, t."t. Aaaordale JuiUet IB
and I r sntdvr ooiinty haa Irtuad their pra
rapt bt arltiK. data tint 1.1th d.iy ol April A. 1
l-Hi., tn nia .llrei-led lor tin-bolditiir !f an lr.
phnna court a o tiri nl t'otninon i'laai, nnnrl
ul t tyar and I ornnnnr and ilooaral court of
narter Hrl .na of tba paai a at V Iddlal.nrali
nr the nntintf ol ndori on tba 4tli Monday
(l.olnu tba ill tit lay ul Ma; 1 ',) aud Cuntluua
one weea .
I Notice l th"ra'ora nnrnwy Klvan to tha I'nro.
I tier. Jiiatb-aa of tbe I'vara and ( rn.taldaa In
I an.) for tlinnmitity nl appa.u III their
I pro) er peraona nidi I hoi r inlla raconla, lniti'
. rltinn... eatiiltiatiuii. an l other rniirmi.raiii't 1
" H'O.O Ibitiv to tl,
baiiportim tot.e.i.i
to tiio.n iiiitia. to t'iclr oilioea nn.l in tio lr bet
tie a o.l r tttic ta and t at-
hoiik i r ixi'inl X in ludiiilr ol tl n oininon
att'iiltb nunlii-t any peruna arn tciiilrd to ba
tl..n atul thorn nttriidlti.: ali i Iml departing
without leave at their peril, .luatb ea are re
rpieMcl t i b. mi tit it In their attendance a
ti e pi. Inte l tl'tiii an rorai I y io notice.
illi ti iir.der my hrtml mid real nt the Shar.
Ill' i llico in Mlddleliuru, llie 1Mb d i' ol April
A. I'., one tbouhand ilxhl hundred anil
M il II. Minill.rsw AUT1I. Sbarltl.
Eoktor'a ITcticc:.
N'OTICK in licnby ;ivpn that tho
lidlowimr ii'tine.l pet-nna bno I I . I their i i u t. I mn' nud I Av'-titori, in.
r- nut, In tbe UoutMrt . I lib I Suvdcr
i 'on nty, nnd t bo i'ii iu" w ill I v pro led h-r 'con.
(1 r It: riT II .11 no llll.iHIItli'l. iltlho t 'olirl UllUfulll
Ml.ldli lilltuh, Moiohl), Mil) ;4ih aa,
I, Klr-I uu. I IiiiiiI io . i. on I .'.I IkhiIi'I Hldt.l '.ecu
tor ol til" entitle ul Jucob I iloc'd.
II, The II iui I Hi'i'iniiit id S, phnrea leiiilierllnv,
1 tin r.t In n id Simvti I'.. Winner, a inluor dntixli
tcr id Win. II. Ittuer, dec d,
M. The Until iii'cotitit nf Seplutrea t lerpberllnir,
(lunrdinn uf Annie Miuul Wit nor a uilnur
Untiitlitcr ol Win. tl. W ittuer, deed,
4. Iho II r.t nnd final ai-miuil of N'alhanlal '
liuwcraoi and ( orin Uui Kowrraua, adtnlniatra
toraul llieialiltn o Ir rederlrk Ib wuraul, dec J.
I. Th" lrt ami liunl accouut ol Amelia liil
Ker. Iaann llilm r and W. Ji llttKur, Ailintiiln
trftiora ol llu -tato ol I Tr.lortck Htliier, i!c d.
a Tin Pi nun .'lii.'l f' oiot i.i .iiiv!.
Oiiiirdiiin 1. 1 An.liiit .1. M mil i ck , it outer i bil.l
djoreph Milltl.K k, d.
7. 'I'ln !i:i-i.i:iI t'.itt ml tic, iini nf s. ,v . Wrtt
el, V-X ' r ut tl.i nunc ut Jnhti KlIiliKur,
Ii I'M. .
a. The fl r-t nnd liiml irn,in:t if.l. Kidtlrr
I'ci k Adiiiinlalr.itor i'.,ul l.lliia Hi Iui a, ill t d,
V. The llr-t mid tlttitl account i Thu'. I 'mo
A ,1 lit ItiiHt ro, 4c., ul M .uu i r.t Mellon, deed.
in. Tin- fl rat mid ttuiil uccoiiiit ol i:pbmiui
lion In, AilitilnlMrutor Ac, ul .Snmuii IIoihIk,
II. The II n ii I nci'iiiint iif.f. I'. Ilttrtia anrvlvlitK
Ailinliiporiilor ic, nl Henry HtiriH, dee'd.
IJ. The Ii rl mid flttiil iH'cunt nl ,l.ii uli l.i itr.
1 1, Ailiiiiiii.-tniti.r id the mialo ul lLinii I 1. ui l,
IX The lift uu I puriliil account nl Tin., ,T,
l.i nl nod .li.-eph 1 1 it mil li, l-.toeuton ul tbo
i Mute i f Joel l.eltrel, dee'd.
14. 'lie lir.l nnd purtlitl nrcuiint id Sniim
I dill. Adlul.liMHttol Id (lie e.l.itii il I mi ,J I i,i
In d.
II Siipi.itiiciitn iic i, tint i I Ocorte Selimirn
Ulul .In in in K. li, Iievulira ul laliilti ul 1 ! elf
l '. I er, dec',1.
in, 1 1 e aecoiinl ul I unlet Wltnu r mid Mur'ha
-I ri in. 1 1 II ii.-r. Ailiuliilfiruiorn ut the .- tutu nf
lilhuritie S, l i, liiU'rllli:, dee'd.
II. Thu in ion ii t i.i I in ii n I iliii r, one ol tho
Adiiiini-liiitoia of the ol.'itu ol t'utliiir.iiu S.
I leu Inline, .I.-', I.
I a. lie nil mi. I 11 i ii I iii utit of J. I. Vi rier,
A..i iln cir tor ol tin. im.iio ul I roiiero k Miot
l. rlv . .. i d.
I". I l.e I r'i ;it.. nniil neioiinf nf Iamb i ,
I I ii-ii.ii- mid Henry II. Ilii-rlnirer, Admium.
Itiil. r- ol II, a e lull ,,l Hniiiel lliis.iuKcr, dee'd.
'.', 'I lib hr-t tinil Ii nil I nceniint ol .leremliili
hni pp nnd Al'tnr knrpp, Adin tilstriilora of
the ri-iiitt-nl Hei.ry K. Km p, ili-r'.l.
VI. 'I he f ud mid litiiil u it, t nl Itnan
Sli imi r, A. 'iiuiii r ol tho rrUto ul llm,.
Ill, ll SI. ii l, er, dee'd.
ti. 'I lie in i t nl li. r. Arnold nnd Levltnia
H. hc ler. Adiiiliil.-lriil'.ta, ul the i-.-Uto i.i Junu
Keel, r, doe',1.
!. I be n rat atul final aceenur of L. K.
I'nwlii v. Wuardiun ul .l,.hn w. H.Ler, a minor
child ol lleuiaiiiiti Inter, iler'd.
VI. 'l ue in mil ul II. M. Mipa, Otiarillan
ol tho uluur children ul II K llelntaelau, deo'J .
II. J. IM t K.
II' ytatcr and litcorjer.
"I'iiu liifiiniiii't' hIiiihIn Ijctwooti
ulul roverty."
II. BARVEY 5CB0CH, SelinsnTOTe, ft.
Hnpreretita Iho f llanir
N A1' nf Hartford t'tn.n., Airell tf.llim.OM.
lltlMK'of New Vork 7.0,H,in
Klre Aao, latlon" uf I'hlla. l,7h ,M
With Uiopo h mpanl you ilitn no 1'ieml
I ii in iii,l, , inn u, y nny Aaaeaiurnla. Ail
property la etporad, ili.lty and hourly, to dant
irl yl lto. llava jour property at all tlruea
I nan ml. May I, 'to. ly.
SheiiiTs Sale.
Wh' rea by vlt trja of a writ nf KI, l-'a. Imttlrd
out of tho (Vurt ir (i in 1 1 1 ti I'leaa uf SnviUr
cnuniy ami to me directed, I will rxpucoio
I'ul lie S-leul III llourt huuto. In the UorounU
o Miibl'Ol urKh, on
Sutnrtlay, Mny 22ud, 1-fC,
at io o'clock a tn tl following doiorii til rani
eatate tu wit I
Hliil'll, ji j.-4
All certalu trad of land ItuaP ui
.la. U.i n ti.Iilili, Hnydor Cellnly, pa l.out. .
i d North by Inlid id Sou Sclio, b ami l)i,i..l
I 'hit, l ant by l.ud ol tleo. Hurlaobcr, s..u.ti
I y ul I avid M. vir and leaao A. :r
Waatby I'ublio II" id had log to New IJeil.r,
TLirty ArrtH,
more or I. aa, with the ai portoi anoe. Sell r
and lak' i.ii to aairiituui and to beaold aa tiiu
property. I l)nio'i'. tsieimid.
MtK II. IViil.lil.l-.M, AKTH.Hharllf.
bbcrli'a nib e, Wl.idiebiit.L, ApriU'fl, lean.
Sheriffs Sale I
Wli'Tena by virtue ol Sundry Wrlla laaunl nut
ol l.iet 'oiiri ul I 'mil iiioii I'leaa ul Snvdor Oouu.x,
!'., ami to me di reeled, I Kill rxpiiaw lo tuildio
rule, at tbcl'ourt llouio, Iu Mlddlefiurnh, uu
Friday, May II, 18SG,
at lOo'clixk.A. M., tho fullowluif roal Mlatn.
to all I '
tlrlniiu. Van, K-.
Hi i tin ull that eortnln lot nf ir round altuutri.t
'he loan ol 1 'rrebuiy , rSnvder couuty, IS.
bounded north by New Markot Ktrettt, ouat liy
Wlllux Nlreet, Koiilh by un alley and wt hv
lot ol I.ydia r'lfbor, oonlMiiliiK tlNK KUIUiTil
AI'KKi inure or lean, whereon aro eroolad two.
Jury Intnie l)w Kl.l.INt) HOt'k'L, lLAt'h'.
cnii i ii riiur.anu uitirr neceaeary nutlitillilii
e. ien, luaeii nun eicvuli'ili and W lie l
ll:u property el .'oi l H. h-U IKto.
old il
M I. illl'l.iV,,altr,n.
M'HiL'dlU . 'i.d ll Lu jb. A. .ti., ii .In,
. .a,lawi.Jint.'yiaaahuW.,tf r -
! a-