'v If r. m4 in -rv. ,.:i'w I 1 t X vt Jo 5i, r: C&iSIiUtiUburgTi lost, LY T. ii. ii,vitr.rii2K. Subscription $l..0 Per Year. RATES OF ADVERTISING : fWe Column. On Yner M' no tnMU Uoinmn line Year te un (imtirit tilumn, a Yn-r t'jx "v Pr-'.-aNtinel ranta. r-f er tbx A ad l Sir. HMuti-r, AitiMnl-iratnr, o.l At-mnti Ntli---a ........ '" W h mt "l wt arraoa- nivnt are mM. a 1 1 .. nl"linniit. It.jort' .1 lur le:l thea I uio. tli, we fhatia.e l -jr, r inah mr fn-a lnirlnu I artae n.o.m'l lnr ju anil 76 cent, lur eak?b tete,ii.ot Ir.Mriiua. ' . -t. '.... I .. . TfiuimUy, April 2!), IS&O. a jjlttici Timousn ins i. Si Francimv-, Dal-, Mttrcli 22. Ki Pout As I una taking a jaunt through tlio (Ireut Wuht, on pleanare (rip mingled with bimi 60b, I will give jou a btiif bketch c-f toy travel l It ft Elkhart, I tul., on Monday, March 15, fin. I cimo Lure lust ui'Lt a riJo of nonrly seven days I 1 dou't feel lunch liko writing ah you way wu!l know, as tho futijjuo of auub a jjurucy i almost ooh'-anble. 1 expect to runiftiti hero a few day a when I will btart for Wiirihiitou Territory. March 215. I am now in Astoria, Oregon. I camo to thin place yo torday rnnrning. I will givo yon an idea of ray trip thus far. I took the Scutbtran Pacific H, II, through Kmsaa, Colerado, Xew Mexico, Arizona, and California to San Frutjcnco. Wo lml a smasbnp oon after we left Kansas city which was tbo caase of onr delay in reach icq tbo coast Wo were conveyed on a blow train, Riving ua ample oppoilunity to examico the country we traversed. That is borne- very rough country thioagb Colorado and Arizona, wbilo through New Mexico, nothing but moantuins and desert can bo boon. A fow Indians and Mexicans nro seen alotg tho rcnto and a hard looking Pet tbnyoro. Il t ie alli-ys everything was f;nt li on t!)9 roouatains evcryticy white with fnow. We did n,t ptrito t.ico farmiutf country until wo caiuo to California. Coming down from the monntiics Bf-ened liko dropping from tLo rupged tack-booo of win ter into tbo hp cf Gentle Spring. JJere were wagon -londs of Caweib, green grass and peach Llobaouib. yn Ftatcibco is not a level place as I imagined it but is hanging on 0 hilL The roughest place I ever saw Notwithstanding this, it is a Lice place and lots of bnsineea done, March 31. I am cow at Aber deen. Washington Torr itoiy. I like Ibe place if I like tbo pooplu well, I will find no trouble iu btajs ir.g awhile, I rn a little early for work, but wages are high if wr.rk can bo secured. I c&cae np on u t'eauer bit did not trjoy it ftd I took jca-e'cL-, l1 V'.l Kko ILro Ain;: np evr;:L-.!:g 00 bobrd. It tok os fire liys two Cuyi ucie tL'ii anal, as the cen wsa vtry ron 'Ii rouii I ear.net tt r:ncb hb-nt tie timbe: bat j-.lg.t; from tLo btumps cft, tres :u town i cf thcrxi lieaenriLg seven ft in diaru- b nu (. iu uiaiii- -I, - e,r- i woiJ Let regret tle motev it ct me to ratke tnv trip tveu ha ) it cctt icis tb:ec t;t:e-i ts runch. I LTe fr'.tc wbbt I wunt 1 to Be an I azn itieL Will write you agiid u I jvaruey altLg. B J (HP.MAN. (Fi-rci'rly of rrtrccnt, l'a.) r:!'tc A'.ct,y f.ity, L:k; d pg:Lg a we.') Lt ttr last eek. strv k h triuj of beer. TLobc- wLo' Lkic (t w.:l b that t i- ! l ... a . .. .... I di'-' 1 ftr'.it I. r. -atrial! in t'.e i';:r .t v. t T.it.T )'.:, ;jLt '.-',!'..-, ul 1 by uk- it;; cp t .'(, t-';';vii .iln '.f cirlx.u.': p'.rt. i,z roiih the 1 l.curo tr ttrtL, it t,.e, fcL,r'"rM 1 tvenuon. ti. j r'.r-ert.- 'f t.a ryr. A Itrribl i kttr Li; ir.,-J h Wvtt Alt.t, iU.y.'.h'i eotLty, ckf't ftHor-jtT -cvrtvif .;, .x IUl'n, Uaj 1 IuKen CrVfter, tr. Toetiday tve Iznil Vj U. k.:A tw, tu'.iH b!'ily 'r.Jf.K '(.fi for IU J'.ivera, Miebicfan. I'-wiL 7'Ltvy tr-J tMy fo ctLers I Uve received a comujotiication w-trt tip.r it, frT.t, cLbMT. froto Ijch Cretk. Clinton county, irj.;-rtwJ .t, p'.U, f,t of Vr b for tb J'ot which I dein better fbt t. fy.kiox lt bo iJiL;f. o'.ttoitbtrt. as it tait not be vi.eL uttylt ill lv,tn a h'.tro ac) ktiKfM.t,ry t'i the parties referred t'Vft-tei L-rtly, th4 wl' b-wib; ct- t'rti4 wuh tivrtyj J.- I' "i A ft'WK w-i'i' r.t rfcoi'Jy tap fiOl.fi t'v a. lw'. Uloogbg Uj W.'n . ir .a - I t it. I la I- i i vvmwiv v y , Cr.' jj'.ej lie r.-vJ iurj Kut:. Bntll Uy are Uavii( ' Attu.' yM ttt, lb ktiuifcl trod jb'fte for tU W1 u larbarAUra, 4 U ti-l t! a isol ttkt vti cotlat i their i4.fet.tti are put to the ex 10 f ;f.t at vr,e vl, atj (be Itt- cf wA'iiwjL dbUetives U a,!).- tuLrim-iUro vailr. ....a ' " --j-- ,r - (;-. JVfO. lUlllW tbaj tylUt i'j tlx Ui.y vW 'iJaVf L IAU -VtaaMl. l).t.V UiUs I fllA t ilit'teMiiijr. It U tia f idc, ii Mi VtAomt a VSW ni U ... i.. tr ...... :.i . L".V;j Mobea Hpicht Im n.ll bis furot formerly ouned by Micli n'. lil.iU to Pnroiul and Wealey U.nveu of Mid tliel'Urgh. llo bus uUo Hold a tract of bixly-fivo acres, south of town, to Suyder it Uowfrsov. Ldward Hoavcr has torn down his blacksmith shop and in rebuilding it considerably larger than the old Que lle and his son, Jtrorue, will h' re after carry ou th business in part nership. Samuel Winters has sold his old h HiioKtead to bin eou-in-law, Heu beii fireenhoo. J. M. Ilenrick, B. L has roturood froui SjbortKrillo, Lneruo Co, where bo lias taught a bix'Uiontbs tei no of school Ho report a buc ct'scful teiui. "Ju ! 0" JkIid L Camp predicts frupt in th'j beginning of May, which ih lil ely to inj'iro fruit. Mih. Aaron I'iooho his jnut recov ertd fiotii nu attack of intl.iiiiuiutiou of the bo'.vt.le. N:bu Manbock ban rctnrncd from MicbiMM, w,ur ho La 1 gouo . to a ni.ntb or no ngi, , . John Helncl; a Ilnlstt in cow jiuldel twelve pounds of butter in a wet I: rrctictly. ,Sbo has her fimt calf, which Mr. Hetrick Hold Lr tfa.1;. Arthur U. Smcbt ia erectinrr a B ---- -i-i ;mii!iuer rbop on bin lot, for bis wife Tho builJiug will bo MxlS feet Spaid i I eibster havo shipped a car load of staves. Mohcb Spccht has roturnod from tho city with hii now goods. 'amoel C. Weiko has been to Glcartield county to purchase splints for the Match Faotory. The coru pany Lave discovered that tbey can purcl'Bbe the ppliuts for Iobs money than tbtty can manufucturo them. At the Ueforraed corn man ion Err vicps on .Sunday, Rav. W. M. Lan dis recoived a cIuhs of eleven catechu- meuR into tho ebnich. Three- others united with rnrtifkato. Tho service was well attended. Tha catecheti cal claes. nt a previous1 servico prs ftcnted their past jr with a i-ood mi ter watch. Mrs. Aaron Hassinger was sorions iy tick last wook- A shower rf raio passing over this place on Saturday ovoning, was accotxpanied by hail at various pla ces iu the vicinity of towa. Wbilo Mordica McDowel was un loading lime from a truck wagon ou Thursday, the horse started unex pectedly and tilted biui baokwardd over the rear end of tho wagon. He hurt one of Lis legs very badly, and, at this writing, is ttnablo to leave bis room. Archio Middles wartb, Jno. F. Middleswartb, Robert Leaver, and Kphraim Howell started for lioony'n shanty in Jacks riiountain on a titl ing escurbiou ou Monday morning. Fridinftu Oetz, who are about opening a ttw store iu Judge Mid difcbwarth's rcou at thu Nuitb-wcs. cori.orcf Market und t.'i ter rtrif.t.i. i uVt, Di'rfh.'u.o lliu.r irj,iil and khin. ,j a Ltra. iLt.y itllenJ to c , B falore tcj Ibe i abiio on tbo let of i i May. Tho r rcprittora bavo not yet . rrieJ. fenf are eXOeeted Iti-dflt I ifTn. - hdav.l Zebulon Gross mado a trip to tte ebtern part of tbo state ia search of horses recently, lie purchaeod only two. Charles, eon of Jauee Aigler ia on tLe bick list The filhinj letter Las bn bac led mo by Ur, one f jt whom il :a ictnded, nith the roriaoat that i,..(.rt it ,n rav report : . oni:o of Stat Sec. 1'Lilt . March A. M f'arr ' r.t':r, i'r i-i l.nt, Hnv- "'r f:our Ai.aoeiiU'.n. J-iarliro. I ba: i-ja iu V I !ir I c. I u. ; i w.ii r r ' ,.n ' 7 .. .. ,1 U Ii. Irf " i.ll J J kA J i4 Ul I Hb I A I J utteLd your S. S C'jnvf-ntion to ieor.ver.H tit A -l.irnfcl. :rv. on abovr 1 hrir.t' riiy tnnpi umi J fiiiii .ri tr.a n ha K. l-XHOS I'OIiTEU: I'.'.v fji'Aij wis kL'sib able to win kgiiib j.rtv.h to Kin coLgrcfation at this plmr.o Son to, arid r.o cut will b any worse cf! fvr tot rbVidir.e,' it- C1TIZEV The ditx.0 notbl in doin vreat wcrk io '.'oo'i-v.teut and fctihbor- IbUetivts to . 1. it . ... . A I . . . .. .t... I . .1 . . uar.i vf.iu aK-i to . tf fb-uJy (rifl. Kf '.'mi l. ArtLer U vt Ul that ... . . . , ... . , UUiW-MMItlli) fcaVVer (It aiXyUI:4. (tfats it Ut iltr io lie Iriiam.rv raatla al WhathinirLnti. la j II.h pe. pin (f IL . VivUA b'Uter ;:-(iui rum leiuocja tL.iu tbono of o'.J ctheia on.liiu . A lioal little box r,f I'h r! 1 1 btmw- beiiiiBiuii iinw lc purchased fi.r 't'l misters and editura cm now re jf.ic.o that tbero is souaetbiug tbey cno induldgo in that other people cannot afford. Il is again rcmorcd that President Clovelaiid ill take unto himself a wife. As tbo papers in thin case aie pi ivate property tbo file cannot be disturbed to ascertain tbo truth or falsity c f the report. S.cHsn's Arnica Calva. The Host Salve in the world for Cnts, UrniHPH, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hbt tiru, Fover Snres, Totter, Chap ped Hands. Cbilblains Cornn, and all .Skin F.rnptioDH, and posititoly Piirea IMen, or no pay rrqnired. , Jt ii i;naranteod to give perfeot 6aiin faoti ,!), or tuonny refunded. 1'iice 2") CiiiIh por box. O. M. Miindel. V slii.til l Ii.wm Ki-tter l'rnrl.iiiK if tin; prfuriivrj were all mi'iihI un l ' ''r"',',-v Calvin way have hit 1 ,tli i!i('p!iit, litit it tliil him no ifdoil . .: , . . ,, ii . , I ii ii tlieiili'ui.in. A Mi-tliof list iii.iiU .r, uf nrtf(1.,,. c.u.n., writes thnt ilr. Ki-nuedv's "l-'nvorito Kemedy" j eund him of ehroiiie liverdixenne nud ! Sftf-Mit.ii. IIU brethern of nil lu- I """" r,-r,..-c...,,.y luvueu to not tli" fiict. Hick r rendu r Kre in piifir condii Ion to procliilm tbeirox pel jvri. Sound bodies ft re wniited. April. A CAP.2. McClvrk, Pa., Arril 27. F.i. I'obt. The peoplo of tho up per end, as well as from other parts of the connty, have been looking to se ine tinme of Aaron !S. Ilelfncb. of Heaver P pringf, among tho cards of tho candidates for tbo ofiico of Asbemldy, but up to tbia fime it ban not appeared. We, i f Weft Heaver, claim that th otlioe belongs to our section. The west end has U"t been represented binco lhj.". I under take this method on behalf of many voters and taxpayers of the count, t ) nsk Mr. llelfrich to consent to ulliw bis tJiuno to be mod in tbiu cor.uction. Ho is known all over tbo county ns a good and reliable yoiitg iiianono who would faith fully servo L'a conatituccts. wi:sr ULAVKi;. Ciinriiilnto Cartls. T. II. II A K'I'KK -'nae tin nil- n Invonr pa;ier thnt we nro pi. .-t.-i tn Inlnrm the lii j-ul l.c.tii vor.-r nl Sny-lttr County, th..i t'l.VIN M.SAN DKKS.nf Jnokron. hu Itrallv ileelilnd to tie a ran Initio lor the 1.KOISL.ATI KK at the ei-mimr I'no.ary Kli-etb.n. WeiK-cnj hi in lullv coujpi tent. .U.ihlii-. i.-r the wfition ami Wortlij ol tha vol-jr pairotiaw. JACKSON. T. 11. HAKTKH. 8lR:-Tlie Uiat.y Irien.lH nl Jt.UK I'K'il !K, dnire y-iu to mio nime htr iim.t w nt a --iiii.ll.l ilo Inr the iH-KinUturi., ri.li. j -c; t.i Ih.) ruin ol the Iti-piit-ln-nn rr.io.iry eh c "n. I in- t-xiCM'ivo experli-ccii In puhlle inai- Ii"". 111." Z 'i. ji.l.Licl.t .111-1 i-.UII.I I llllillilin t-riie. eoiiph-il ith his enviable n-co il an.l mini ly il - ii'lineol ilnnnif Wt t nciily i.nn jivrn a I'r-.-.l.i L-iiary Sn.iJer i-.-iir.tv, oiiituor him to tl.e p. -..i- .1 the f-r-unty n. that tl.ny n i ' . r I v r Iuk-i the pnvm y hi- no n -not il..lrc. b- ileve lilra in.iii.iittt htu J I -r tuo p.-mi-.n n..-l r -. i. -,t hit buiu-H4iiou. rtNTKL. J. W. SKll. K'carnflr, Snyder County. Pa. Orfiru ir.jfRa : To A. M., fr. iu U tu i V. M ir. I iir 61'. M. SPKAK.S lltl K KS'JUSll ANK f I tn .MAN. May 1. rev. 1 L!e r"r "r:S ' Mrf- mUj wi wwW- K. E llally, A tmr fce., v tola K Hughi! -t . k I . itlenry 1, T.t It. V1 Jonn 4. St-Van at. al. -n.ue' II we-, at al v li. H. kulp el. al I ue Al ent'.wu S'.tj. I... v lio JjDMat.ra . t. al. O. W. Jirown ri Wtn. Wl.lttLcr. Nh'ni. vi Satiie. li. V. li-lm'-tch vi Hivm Moycp. I. M.i Iron r W in. Wl-iner ot al Piiilip H Un 1 1 1 l v lui.lel Kiaanharl Oaulel I,e v I'LII'p Sale f ir-l et al Oav.t li tt.lt Aioir Jaooo it Sutler Haitia vt saiaa l-orra Mrln v Jnnae Kliln.-er Maraaiat K here!. bar re Jaeoh Karehnar. Ti e ai-ove ca-i-et ar at huja aail lor trial at Mnj urn. imoi. W. W. WlTifcNMyi.H, i r-iluonotary "Firo Iliatiraiien ftHhili lji'tweoll Ur. Hint 1'ovifHy." P, HAF.VET SCHOCfl, SblillspTe, Pa. It r j rei4tit the f .iol-.( HKll I'V ASS xT-il'K COMl'ANlt: A. ' S ' if INrt 'or I i o- n , .ii-tu ,-.yi,'rt. i. i .1 K ' ..f Ni' V i'i " f l.o'iv.l il. Ir'-e liM.i.' .1 I'Mla. al.lj A . tr. i i.eia 1 1 .iii arjl-1 , ,u .Inn nu 1'i .iu iiiiii ei.i-, imr my any Aa. tint bl. All pri.Ler') la t'p le-l, ni. ami liourly. to ilahi rkvlra ' llve )iir i ropur'-, nt aii tliuoa Itiaured May I. '). It . Sheriffs Sale. WI. ra ,y virtue if a writ of Ft. la. liue 1 ot - I tte art or Dim-.n I'P i of sntilar e-.uti'y a .d to a.a iiri tl, I w I t,i.ieto r-iui ninum i. .tin Louie, in tua norounti ol .11 i'l.i'UrKI., ob Hut-irday, May 'J-'u l, VM, at 10 'i : . k a to Ua f .llo:un -1terleil real aia'a kj ell : iiulb. I'I. I a All ti at leham trvt of In1 iltuata in -a.kKij toin-i. i:i, Huy.Jer e antv, l a. Miun i 4 Muita by In -I of h-iii rei.o- li abd lalal Ollt, laat 1. 1 l'.d 1 1 Uti. liorlaebi.r. h-.uih i f laud of lal4 al-xr and laaae A. Liar Waal b) Pat.114 ifyad kadlba- U U 1lis, Thirty Acres, wore ft IM, with tba att-i-rUi.ai.rel Neti'd ai'4 takva 1 1. to fautiou and to Ue 1-1 aa ifea urterif ae) UaaiaM.. K.i.'d rtr.M l. MlMJi.rHWAHMl. kle'l'f. hkerld I enVe, MlJiJtgr(k, Aj,fll .4 lev. VOTItlKiB hereby piven that tl.e X f-low. an Widowa A o..ialaaaiaan tiadi.r ll.a w, ti.. U-i. fl-'l am. Ilia Ol. r ul il . Lena I 'oil of rod.f i.-.ui.tr, l"ii .a itaaiiou on Moi.4ay,ibe na day af Mar aaat. A(.p-lio..e( af haaao MuBal. whfow ,f .lol.a I. n.n-.l of evuia buai-abiu r.ai-lti tvtii.. VY ' ' A Wry.f Vldow of Ww. hiir.Jar avutiiy, y. . jrtof af, ,l r J Unbaiilb Aptrtletaval itt Mary laliek, wl-lo; ol iiavoaa Ihuhi alNitin fwi.li-i rtiiilr veai. , ea'J. 4 tkvaiaat f Marr Kauai, abl ia- of Jl V .ihi.l. irf -tianariae, Baioar eot, l'a At-raleae4 uf Karab I Martla. wl loa- of Jab. Haifa, al lyiU boaaaulf, bayder AHMaleta.at af Varab J. Mear, wid of Kit Uax.f, af laafclp, aayaar aa.aatv. 4. a). PUUt'c l'ct'iCCS. IVTOTICK in h i,bv viat I1.nl f'ii I.X ......... a- 1 Inllum,ii4i ! J...,-.., .1. i4c III' .1 til" If A liilmlriituiV Ci nrilii,.t' a-iil l.x ni,,r.i, v 4fi., in tun li.'ain-ir !t,nv! vi .--.) Ji r 'i i.iity. mill the ill !-- i t' nl-l ,'.r ti::- li. . i. I. I I ...,,.. 1.1 If.., fV.ni-l ll.... In M: ,; V ..iny, Miy -.uh m. !iru( thqmt.itan.ii.-ibHi.it j'd. 'i. Tlie lin.il a''. L'u'. .l S--f..irt. Jni,"1if., taitnli.in nl V. i. in iii.inr ii mi.m. t. r uf M m. II. 'ii..p', il'H- il. . Tli final ari'ount f Mvjil.nrw t tn.bLM Im.r. ')unr,ll.i,i ol Amiio Mil il' I W.tuiur a lauwi UuicMirof Win. II. Winner, ilor .1. 4. Th flrtt nii-l naal v count of Nathaniel C.wiTf.t an I irii';M. H'Hi ri"., a.liiTlii.i-tra tun ol ih antuto I leitctlcK Hnwemoi, ilvo d. t. Tlio flrt iin.l final aci'omt r AniaM Ilil Hi r, 1.'nc llllit'f W. I) IMif.ir, A.l'iiin'.a 'ruliitiul Ua e.UU jf Km'li rli-k lliluur, U'.c'J. t. Tha Drat an-t nnnl arennut l .l tat Krrl . Iliiarillan ol Anilruw J. Manbuck, a minor child vlJ')frh lUnli!'k, lU-o'd. T. ThoOiatnnil partliil leeounl of .". A. Watt" fl. Kxccuior ol II. nutw ol Juliu i.itl:vr:. Uiv'd. t. Tho flirt aral'Dnl ffnnnl or J. K ililcr l eek Ailiolnistratiir -J.,of Kllm HcV'j, ilcr'd. . The Brtt arid Tlnal ao"ount ol Thou. I'r AduilnUlrnLir, i.,ol MarKartl Mtullii, ilar'il. 10. Th flrtt an1 final account of t'thralm K'iuiIm, AilinininiriMor ko., ul Samuel I.ouum, dor '.I. 11. Tha flnl Moount of.l. ft. Ilnm trllnr A.lmibl .Rttir fee, ol llMir Hnrii, Omi'il. 12. The flrnt anil fliml accou'it nt .lii'M'i tjolta. ol. AiliultilrtiaUir ol the 0tat4 ol Unnhil I.UUul, J.f-.l. IS The Prl iin I fartint atvmint of Tlina. J. I."i."l rt'nl ,l if ;.i Hi. mill, hX'Jtfiltora of the ilil le i.f .loi'l Iji-ilti 1, .."-',l. 11. Tl o lir-t Mti-I !.:,rtlnl nii'iM nl Sinno il.lt . Ailuiliiirtrntur ol lhauiit.it.) ol Dnvnl lil.p, .. . . . i iM i" ii p.i-r. mi-ii.-" rviiiiii.. i;crei. rii 1 Supplnmi nl il nccant ol i-orife Sehn-trn pcrcl,, p. n ivlnl n.ik munip. tli.-m In laid :-i l.l.i'i . 4 .v. 1 -. I.t .m..' ..I i-MaO.M.1 lien- i. MarkMret M;itf-rn, N"rth IJ ilaarce, l-jut r- . ? '''-' . till nii.l lour li-nih i.t-Iii-' In n rlmii!. tlicn.-e 14. I lie .c. mil ol J Villi I W llnmr nnl Mir hi r .) : I. 1 1 il. -K:in-r. !-:'. ami lour tenth p.-rclnn lr:tin I'Pm r, itilniliilitriitnn ol tlio nn,lo i,f In h Htmii, tu.-nce hv Inn. I of Irfvl Hlckharl, t 'i :iHritc S. i ii.iit.erili,ir, iloc'il. s.inth M. ,,-.-rcc. ril 7 peP-heu in tin plucc 17. Tlie a. couiit ul Ui.nl.-I W itim-r, nro nl llm i I i.ciii:, n, cotnliilna- 141 A It K- mi. I 4nt A .1 iii.-i I -ti iilirx i.f thi e4Ut nf fatharmo S. perch.... etrlol i-ic.ii.iri-. whlc'i -ill iU'-.I M .lulv li iiil-j.-lliiK, iln-'.l. ro--. r l.-il In the i lti- l..r ncoi-llnif ol ..-l- In 1. I he iir.t an.l llnitl nc.-minl or J. I. Verier, . n I t .r t Iu- county nl .Nnviter Imli-c I I k Nn.l'i A :inin.tritor -il tin mtiiia ol Kre.li riek Sdet- i-a .- .'."I ,Sc .ami tho rnhle'lml W orihv Kl.-!n r li.i.l ti rly, il.jo il. i ri-iiiHi-- to p -v tl:.- h-i..i.-e nf piin-l':iiie in in--v l:. I l.o lir.-t nn. fliml account of 1nnli l f!. .till d ie ami mflnu. ..r th.i roanni tint the pra-lUrfiiil-ee ii nil H-nry II. lit liiu-i-r, Ailininln- mi -.inr.-Hl I wore ilo-l ki-I or Im-ii i.ilx-ru.l hv it trit-irn ill Ilia tUiiu ol li.iniol ll ie'iiuer, i.ie,.. ! ti.rm-i-owner In !' II iriom II, M.-trKiittii to i ii.. nr-i ao-i nun n.-i nniii m .i i-re.n ,n n hn.'ip ninl Ahin-f hiit ip, A'PnlnlntMI. rc u! ' "r"rJ eni-1'Pi neo n. , . . ii pvt-iniu nu nniii at-etiuni ni inue Simwti r, Aitnini4tr.l.r of Iho mt.tta ol JUu- n.t h si aivn-r. ilee'it. 'U. 'I ha acrount ill II. K. Arm l.l ami lvlntia K. Ko,-ier, a.liuliiiMrat. ri, oltlie oiuteol Jooiie lvi i-li-r, -lui it. ii. iho f1rt anl flntl accnanr of I. . K. Pawliiiii. Ounr lUn ii!.l,ii.uw. I-lUor, a minor lilld ol HoojKin n Pl-her, ile.-'d. 14. The account of II. M. Nt.p1e, Qiardlao 01 the minor cullUn-uof JJ K Helntielao, doo'i . H. J. UtTK. Ke(tttor aad Hecerdor. LICENSE NOTICE. Notice is beret 1 given that Catharine Rnlhemnl, W illiam Mnltta-ntb, .1 hit II. t-'ccWIi r, S. T. 1 rain, td. Oli.. hi .MMill.twartb, t Il7 ". Vrhiio. , A. .1. lllckel, I 1 r u llnrin-aa, h-tidnol Kunibail 1., M ipeit Speoht, W. H Schai If- r, l.vl Kepler, .Minor- l.nnn. 1 all II r.-oh!. Selloafrrove, Sprlna, tl eel.un;, Monroo, tilte, Ml ldlecn-i k, bi-avert j wn, I'erry, ChapiDkn, lo'.n t'rit.iver. t'olon, Si.varra IKrr. pf, II. S. Alhnulat, IVnD b, dolomler, MliMloburitb, IIOTTI.KI1S I.ICLNSK. Irlinro k Heetennan, Waahlnirton, have filed their pi 1 1 1 1 n a lor Tv-rn, llcenia Iin the tJlork of iiaarier Hna ma ol Snvder eouuty.au I thanamo w.ll lio prenotitn-l lor p proval on Mundny. li e i4 n .1 ty ul May not. An l now. .lanu -ry I lb. Iv ;, It le ordered ti.at the ' lerk ol ti.ee nil liuert In the pu'iil cailou of Tavern l.li-en'ra hereafter a n tleo tl.alall l.lcoiiaea Kraniu.i by tliu O.nirt vlll 04 nu I und rol l, un.e." ii e applicant Hiall lift the "iue wlihln nlteeu d iii after the name hall have been Krenied. hy the pr.i.lucilnn ul a receipt from the c.-uu'.y t reasurer to the !lork ol raid Court, that the Lleene f. a bat bren paid. HKKtlKIAM. w, vv, niucnnii-n, ;ier 4- s Accsunts. The rnllowln Acconnta have Ix-ein fllel. et a-omv l and a4.- l In the Prntliotioterv'a ol- nen, an I will ba preai-otedto me next e.inrt of Oouimou Fl.-ae ior eiinrirtuaiiuD. Ail rertoni Inioreatnl Hill take nut- e. 1 ho nrat a.-1-.itiiii ot liurnhar-l Kline, commit- ti-i-iii it.irntiarii oirn-n, a luunti?, The flrrt an final aciNtaiii ol II. Wllaon lltu. Atilitnuuol loi" Kr.-I", i-l S-irlnir Inwn'hlp. , w, win r.inT hit, April iT, '14. I'r.nli.'iiiil.iry. I AtvitvlCTP 1 Tfil' V iTlfip I'.iIltlMliA IUU AUI ll.la Letter, of A lmlnlnttrtl.ni on Ibe mute el tJATHKItlNK (1KOS4 late ol SprlnK I 'Hn-hin. scvl'-r Co., l'a., deed, Laviiml i t-en Kranted to the nu Inralirnnt, all tiuieona I no 11 it them-e'vn Indeiiti-.i to raid atate ara re-iiioi-te-l to inaka Immediate t avniiint. atd thie-a havmii olaiml will prea.iit tb.-lu duly authenticated to the under li-n--l lor ae'tle ruen I) A 1 1' lit iSS, April I. Adtnli'latrainr. Blow the Bugle! Sound the Horn! Beat the Tom-Toms! o PATltOXS AND FM Ems, LEND MK YOUltEAUS! 3)o you know that you aro tunity, which may not last day may bring forth. At leant your tinio ia limited to tlie 1st of May 1886, during whicli time you can luiy goofls of mo at loss than any othor dealer can alfortl to sell them under tli (Te rent cireuni..tunci;s. Tho reason for this is that I MUST SKLL the greater part of my stock to make room for the iiumon.se Invoice of SPng & Summer Goods which I am about to bi iu from tho Eastern cities. This met us bti-jiiicss from tho word go, and if yon want extra ordinary bargains call now. Terms! Cash or Froduco only. A. S. 1IFLFKI0II Beaver Springs, Ta. Us TfiiB'ee NodB-iiis New DNDEUTHB SUN. Well, ccmo to our btoro and inspeot The Finest Assortment of Clothing Evet displayed in this town, consisting of Handsome Spring Overcoats AND Working, Business and Dres3 Suits FOU- Mcn, Youths, Boys & Children, AND Entirely Nov and Latest Styles, tUlllJ llUTJuulllilJ iloK, w u. ia th bout ui.d CbeafK at io j KUALNUTICI1 In l'ie 1'iiurlol ('etoi'.i I'l-r n ol Bn."ili ('.lUn l; , l'. !irna-y A liimnn-1 ..iiiit, iil. To flinl'iitc a!i-K iriv, I't.-Kiitrlt lie. -rirc Mir ;.-rii i1"VI. A inor' in.i Jlar-n-o. ii Irr nurrU-l tiiii Wil'ina I . 3hjr. Mitu- oi ip. John ?l tKIU, 'iil Am-1!4 M irif- iir.tz. Iii'trmarrieil with l err Hainn' ;'. i' in w I., rrlt: A.r'l 1T.'h. 1--1, -tlt'on nf lii.li.. ; Hi'li i", ll'i vT'l -h i -'.kl Wnrthr l-i'her. .iwticf nl Ihii l.i'ieimf er ileTit. -it m .rti'.mr'l iri'inn.) tnlo mail. r:tln l.irih lint !n- I nj rimvi've.l hv ili-e.1 if ttt ii--r.il Wiirr inly, ilaU'd llx- "ft- ! ilojf nf March. 1M. to iwhl Clml Wortlijr Kl lmr, nil Out rru. In tani'iicnt, or trnrtol lan-1 It-n'.. In Wa t II !.ii-r tnwnslil,.. Snyder ennnty, i'n , houmleil m1 ilewrPu-il a lnnir: R-ln inn it i ji'ine In 1'in i I .ml rl l,.fti W. Mn-hi-k an it luiil ul Win. KrtcK, N'irlh UIV iletm-ra. I.nnt IVi ami e'uht.teiiih nerrhcn In a atonr, thenee Nurth 21 nrtrri-, vttt 74 l.erchea Ui a 'utic, tlini' ii by I m l nrMurjp llnuni'iartn'-r. Snmh t Jiirro, VVmi 19 atH nine-tenth perch en t'j ft mhiio, theticf llrth 13 u,ipm.. V. et 4 ao I Inn. l.ilh t en-Ill." t.. n rlnn. thotica North I'JC ili'lf '''. Eat-l vo mid, I i. i ti-uik ."r..heii In a nii'tile. thenee North 44U devrven, VVi.l'ij peTrhen to A ntnne. thence l.y Inml oflnaae linker, rotllb W) tii'Kre'-f AVc.t u ami l. ur tenth perrb-i- t'i a rtnti i, t hence North 44,' rfeareea, Wert 41 tao-tentb p-rrhM to a iti.ne, theuce by land ol Hubert Uinf ami I.erl I.Kmnlir Si nth tS itevria. Wi -t H iinl e'uhl-tenth rche tu aetonn,tlietice l.r liio.l nf Join I Mull South 7X i)eror. I.hi 4) su-li'iith perchet to artone, thrnee Soiithtl1 iv:tri.-. Wc-t t p.ri lie to n irt, thenen 7T ile tr. i t. Wet If pcrcho tu a pnt. thenca South 97 il'-iircm Went :nuii'l luiir l.-ntli percha to a pi"t, i'ii- i .-. Si icri ia ilcjfe.', IVn'i .il no. I four t-i ll per. -lu ll to a pt, Iheneo H.niih ren nty four it. h,..i. Wort ii mi l uve ti nth pcr-hi-H to a p'.n. 'hence mnlli .'II i',i'iren. V.'i-l 17 'nl clh t l.-nth lmn.l.,i I., n I....I ltni....i l.u I tti.l .! t-..,.h j M,..r. South f'J ilcurel- V,.t I nn. cluht tctilh I'liurl nto Mar . n i . i m no . .-H leorir.- M ir i;nr'i4 -. e.oiei, lor the piyinent nl the nin ol ' r.nrj.:i payanio ty i.iiwaril A. Maraiirliii, All-i-r tine Maruarua Intennnrrlcil with Win K. Sharp. .I..I.H M.in,.ir.t. Amelia Mairerlta lotorn.a-r id with Percy ll.iiii'ey. and by a certain tinlonlure ol iiiiir'ttiiK". licMrine- date the Slat ilav nl lKci ln. her A. I. Ila6, n-oiitile I In the oiH. e'lor Ilia ro ''"I'.M'ik ol Ih-e la Iu and loj the county ol I'nlon la Mnrta-nice Iha.k 14. paa;c vWu and Ml. and elnco llm nreciluii of the fount nl Murder, a duly fi-ititt -.1 rn-.it-l th.-nol at. rco-irded In tho office ?.-r r nlnt( ol -ti e-la fc-i. In and for aahl Ounty of Snyder In Mortgage I took So. l.naaeJ Sll.n., alle(ioi( thitt a I01r.1l proruinpllon of pay nient hnil mlattid for a lobK time fiom la pic of tuna, aiinoukn no in 11 11111 acii.-u na.l neon cu tcred upon therotMrda nl aahl court ajh.-rnupun the uotirt Kntnted the prayer of the) petit loner, and directed the Slier. II ol SiiNder ro.iii'y tu 110 tt'y the purt'on ntnrcMld penoinlly of the la.-le t.iti-d In t'na 1 ctui.-ii If lonn I In the county ol S iy.lcr, and In card Iho anl. I purll m cnul I noi he lound aa iili.rioi.il , the Sh-irllf ntoreaild thoul-l pill M!i 11 11. tl -.. l:i tho M. Idli l-urxh H.mi. u ,- .-w- 11 per pu-.li"!,.' I in f.tt-l emii.tv om-.. a ir.-. k h-r l-nir wewkt an - -ttvly; nl,-r tn the beat '.crin of inirt, ri-.iiiiuiit nid partial to nppi-ar ami aiitwt-r the aittd I'olitlon, mid aim o.tt 11 writ f Scire I'ael.iK, !..i pr nol--l i.y I ,w, r,nd in do-i -.on 1 1 a eiiii,iiiincii, nr 111 toe event 01 a tmli .tppi-.mui'-o ol any pe-ann tn nli4wi-r the a.iti' pe-iiio-n, 'in- .n I i-.-iir; in cot r -t .U-1-r..-ii, dir."-i-'L' that la'lil.K-tlnn h 1 rito'i d 011 tin- re -..rj of Mini lu-.i-lumo. hy the IK-cordir. on pnytneiit t-l tho proi it i.-o. --if, i., -it itii-.a or - ti-.i nu.. M-.W It Mllii,l W AliTII.Sheria. ShcrlH"' nunc, .ilid !!i-huri(h, April a, a. CJoui't 1 'oclamatioii WI1KRKAS the Hon. Joseph C llui-her Preldent .lu.tira or the Jndl elal Dlaulct complied ol the eouDtlen ol Snyde t'olon 1. n l M'ft;lu and Sauiuei A. We'ieland Jaeoh A. Smith, F.aii. Araoelnte Julia-en in and lor Snyder county have laeued their pre oept bearing, date the lntu -lay of April A. II 1-vi, to iue illreoted l-ir tin-hnldlnir of an tir phnn court, a e .urt of I'nmmiin Hieaa, ecart ol Oyer and Terminer and (loneral court ol quarter raba of the peace at Midillolurkb lor theoonnty ol fcnydnr; on the 4th .Monday (tielnu the uuh day ol May IS4t,l aud ountluue one weak. Notloe la therefore nereaj iclveo to the Uoro r.er. Juailcea of the Pence a d t'ooataolea In and for tlieonuoty of Hnydei-.to appeal In their proper peraom with their toll record, lniU (iliooa, aiarolnatiooa and other ri-meru' rami 4 tn Ihnre tbiiiK tu their office and 111 their hi-t ball pertain to he iloue and wltneasee and pcta anna uroaeeulliiK In bekalf ot tba I mnnu.n woalth Htalo-t any peramiearo required to be thn an. I Iner. att.ndlnK and not denartlbii without letve at their 1 erll. Juetlcee aro ro. qi"iu-i 1 1 i. puuci 1 iu lueir aiiennaoce a- the appoln-ed tluia aiireealdy tonotue. 'llvi n un-ler my band and aeal at the Sher. "t" ' ill'ldichurs, tl.e I6:U day ol April A. Ii., ono thouaand eltihl bund rod abd eighty all. nn-U U. -IUUL.KSW AUTII, S Lor III. THIS PAPER nny Tie frntml o Ilia at UIC. V. iiiiwi r 1. i ii Kawaiaiin AuvniiTiemn lli-ug (10 eprru Kru,- voc- aiPltll IIMnif .rti.K .,,uU4Ct. W..y IKietM U.RSWfX rued 4 tut U HUkV H CI".Ta on the hrink of a rare oppor lout', lor wo know not what a -wmi- ln FnrnUhinjj GooJa, loctadinff Hats, (laps, Neckwear, etc itfeoemhar overytlitor; tbo town, and TU08K WIIO OOMG jU to see the piles of SPRING AND SUMMER aft Oppemhm SELINSGHOYE, PA. From the very costliest fabrics down to tho cheapest, made up in the latest styles styles and in the most substantial manner. His dis play of Straw adi is marvelous, and comprises every thing in the line of Headwear. When you want anything to FIftftaT call on him and he will supply you at prices that will astonish you. HENRY WIMK, MIDDLKBUHGIl. PA. riavirifr had thirtj yiftra cxpcriiDr in tho ucrrhaot tailoriDgbneiDPUB, I feel inyetlf justified iu ftubt-i tinff iny Bhiiily to jilcaeo tho roost fabtidiona taetoa io clothi-R, aud tho testimony of th. ue who have dualt with toe will hoar mo out on this. Aside from this I have a large btock of - -' . Ready-made Clothing which han been BeloctotVwith' great care as to ita excti.let.ee io gooJu ant perfection ia workmanship also n full lino of Notions, Cassimers, Hosiery, CENTS FURXISlIINn COOPS, ko , all of a.iPr.or qnality. I Invite tho i-aliouiio of tho jiuhlicfof ling afibiiibd that 1 can do thorn good. Piicou dowu fo suit tho rlrsoNt linytrfl. ej-.r..SO 1 HE BEST CIOAUS IN TOWN.jm More iu (.-if in buildiny. wva.ew.nn W. H. FELIX'S roruLAit ISOOellS, Valley Street, BE I) I! OO M SUITS, of all kiudrt and prirns : .Vat-trrsHon.rc-fttheria, Pillowtt, Hutilsters, lied Spri'iRe, Chairs, Tiiblcn, .Siiiks, Sofas, Standi. ParouiiN, Ac., fcc, A n , f. A fnll 1 iDO cf Jt.to. Hemp, liii,!,' I ngvuina, Tapestry, Hody lliusnels and Velvet Carncts. Art Sunares.Stnvr- oia Rorb. Coca nnd (Ittttu it-ll any of tho abovo oui1h uh low as bqdjo quality cat ho bounubt any phice, and pay freight charcB to any stntit.li r-ti I't l.t R. Write mo for pricea or come aud too tho lurent stork this aide of Philadelphia- I!uK-itl'ull-, AV. II. KKLIX. BEAVEKTOWN IFaaraittuiire SficDirQ, WILLIAM II. SI .V iV.'.ni Extension Tables, - - - $6.85 Chamber Suits, from 20 to 935 Half doz. Chairs, from 3.60 to S6 Lounges, from ----- $6 up Bedsteads, from - - - - 5 4 upi Rocking Chairs, from - - t 01 up all other ffonrja oorrMposdiBirlj low. FermBi tn need of rnrir 0! Apr.l5,3in. a i iMunaa, . Jicwistown, Ta. PAItt.OU StJITS in Brows Terry, Raw Bilk, Hair Cloth and Plash floods, Parlor Rockers, all kinds. Marble Top Tablos.Look ing fllrtfiees, Borne fine oni'H, l'iclun s, Ao., Ao. Peicha Door Mats. Will -0- -CUT, Proprietor. m. HfiM rv- tu Wim Mf - '. T.i-. ' I . W.W.WiTTtWMriB. Tl.. a. yj it-irar. v . - a ,-:aeiBwea 7 - v I tm K , I," aata. . ' .' TS '.fc.-a. r ...v . ...... - " ' . . . .a aiTT;. .ii 1 ' r r . ' ; .j.:v.vn.rMvi.i4 Lyrlaii'M