TTTT-. V .. 1 f T. II. HAKTKH. Ill that will not reason in a bigot; lie that cannot is a fool; ho 1 hat daiv not is a slave. KDITOK and TKOI'IUKTOU VOU XX II I MIDDLE B UllG II, SNYDER CO, PENN'A, A PHIL !l), 188l!. JSIO f r 1 11 . 1 . - ; . 1 1' ' ". ' ' I.- - - - .P0KT11Y: t .i.ii. - -i On An Editor 'I Wasto Baskot- JVrliftp In thin nogloctoJ i-pot in kid Some tlioiitrhts that proudly did to fitine rui)lri, v'ws that the cle of morals mlhl have w iiycd, Or waked society to evils tllre. Hut knowledo to nil oyes is not dis played With all tli circuiUHtauco of time nud place; Necessity repressed tli nohlo effort hindis And froee them out for dimple want of nac. Full iunr an odo to "Gentle Spring, add rex red In th waste basket's clmos Audit itn goal; Full Mimy a eketcli here goes to it long rent, Or finds its coffin In a pigeon hole. foxfon JW. THE YOSEMITE VALLEY. CALI FORNIA. WHAT THE TOUIltHT SKKM AND KXPK R1KMJK3 TllKKK. Kd. Post. lu rny last letter I parted with yonr rcsJors at ITrtdio, Cal., and promised to write soino tbing in tbn fntnro about llio grout Yoseinito Valley. Its woodoifal na tural sceneries, an J cariosities, tnoot of which 1 have toon in my travels in California, havo made a lasting impression on my memory, which time can never tflfuoe. From tbe city of Snn Francisco there are two convenient routes to tbe Yoeemite Valley, known respec lively as the Madera aud Milton rontse.tbe former is the shot tor and most convenient line. The tourist will leave San Francisco by rail and go to Derenda on the old Madera liue, from there, instead of a tiresome coach ride over the plains, he will make the jooroey io a railway osr ainge aorosa Um moeb dreaded )lntns to Raymond, this ride by rail will oonsunie only aovoral hours, AvLerous by staging it will consume over 10 hours io hot and dnsty conch. Oue first arrives at Wawo Da and visits the Waraposa big trees I have soon troos from 30 to 40 feet in diameter and the height was nearly in proportion to tho thickness. Tbe next trip is to Inspiration point; lie re a grand view of this mighty and wonderful laud uufolJs itself all of the great and world-famed promiuencos of the Yosemito stand fully displayed before the traveler At the extreme left band courses down the rook-wall tho slender Kibbon fall 3,300 foot from valley to crest, and a plunge of about 2,200 feet in a vertical dirnotion. This is close by tho old Yutoohanala or Elcapitan, the king of all rooks and chief of the valley, and is a yellowish gray granite. The size of this rock is enormous, if torn from its bauo it would cover completely a epoco of two milos square The eight next behold tho Half-Donio, 9,080 foot bove the sea j tbn the groat blope culminatiog in tbe famous Glacier point with Union point, and the stately 8entinel standing clearly out, aud lastly and ncurost, tbe Ca thodal groups jeweled by tho beau tiful liiidal Veil Falls. A half hour's rido and the valley level is reachod, and we are nnder the roariug eeotblog and teanug fall, a gigantic tnaaa of any w-wlito water, fully 40 feet wide at tho lop, 0 or 8 foot deep and plunging C30 feet, tearing in a series of mad cascades 310 feet further to roach the level valley, making its crest 940 feet above our Leads, Continuing on np tba valloy, tbe traveler passes the Cathedral eprintrs, two spire-like poiuts eacb about 900 feet high, starting out of tbe crauito some 1300 foot up its bides-tbeir extreme altitude above the valley beiog some 2,200 fuot- 8000 the Sentinel is reacbod and we continue under its shadow for noar. iy half an hour. A fine view is ob tained Jrotn near Cook's Hotel a prominent resort for tourists. Tbe I peotalor beiog thto directly under iU enormous mass. It is 3 270 feel ' above tbe valley level and is prob ; ably tbe most symelrically piotur. csque object in tho whole valley, i woods views of the north wall are ,(, obtained all along tbe route. From the first hotel, Sedig's, to ' Cook's od Baiaard's, ' all tbe way along tba valley, grand flows of the . Yoeetuit full U obtained by tbe topr'-Wits rccr l steady and full, , l V... ! . I . I perceptibly. A most enporb view of its gnat r pp r plungo of 1C32 feet is obtaiood at the ripper iron bridge at Duinard's. Clouds of mint over bang the full coutinnally. Here oue is within a half-mile of tbn water it self, and the full force (f its tnnjosty is felt. The next trip is to tho Ver nal Nevada Full. A two hours ride io the eaddlo over a vory wild trail brings as to that most noted of fulh. Directly in front of us stands the monarch of oil Yoseruito water-fulls, the "Nevada FuIIb.'' A tdreatn of some 60 feet wido And 15 deop, rep resenting the wholo forco of tbo Merced river is hero choked into a narrow cluice and rnus through its box-like channel for a nnmber of yards before niukiog it great plunge. Once clear of tho lips of tho rock it becomes one chuoa ol boildiiiig white spray. As tho water rushes aud plunges down it assumes every cooceivablo form of which water is capable t-f imitating. Ureal rloinls of white fmoko-like vapor are constantly nF,coiuling, flowing away from tbo falliug mass in ft dense mist and perpetual driz 7,lo, occarionully sending cp a denser cloud, which becomes a vcritublo hard rain. It is something liken quarter of a tuitu to tho not mil fulling water. At Snow's hi)ld,in tho early spring, when tho full i high nnd wild nil the windows no I doors fac ing the falls are kept closed on ac count of its spray. Tho eaves aro continually dripping and.tbe porches are as wet as though a heavy raiu had fallen. Its roar is trerueudons, eppeciilly in the spring of tho yenr. Tho full is 700 feet high, and after leaving its narrow bed at tbo top it spreads out to soino 200 foet or moro in width. Though so much less in height than tbe great Yoso mite fall, it is tbo graudost in the valley. A short dinlaoeo below tbo hotel tbe head of tbe Vernal fall can be approached. This is tbo second plonge of the Merced river, the Ne vada fall being tho first. Tbe Ver nal is about as wido as the Nevada fall, but only 3o0 feet high. It makes a oomploto doad drop, strike iug nothing until it reaches its rocky bed below. At tho edge and side of the fall is a natural rock pnrapot about waist high. From this parapet the tourist can with perfect safety watch tho toriiblo full of this mighty mass of water nearly to its bottom, but to obtain this view one should wenr rubber clothing, without such protection ono can expect a thorough drenching. This full is the general favorito with most viuitors. . Next in order tho tonriut will visit Mirror Lako. To see tho beauty of this lake ono inuut riao at G a. m. for as soou as the 6im rises a breath of wind rulllos the surfucoi f tho luke and its wonderful refl cliou is seen when tbe sua rises higher during tho day this beauty iu all gooo. Here overheud towers tho loftiust of all the Vosemilo poaks, tbe ''Half lomo," being C.U00 feet above tho sai face of the lake. This is by many re garded us tho most wouudotful mountain of tho Yosemito, us it is tho highest. A fino view of its sym- etricul ehupo is obtaiood from the road taken iu returning from Nova da Falls. Glacier point in about a 3 hours' ride from tho hotels. There is a lunch elation at the top, kept by a Air. iMcL'aaley, Ulsoier poiut is a terriflo and trom ml job look-off there is an iron railing on it breast- high and witbiu IS inches of tbe edge. Looking over it one glances down 3200 feet, and ahead and around bim are tho snowsclad Siorra mountains and their culminating summits. In front of tho sight-seer is the tho Croat Yosemito falls. Looking North we soo Eugle point, 4,000 feet high, tho North Dome, Cloudd' rest aud Half Dome. To tbe eastward Mount ftnr-King is visible in its spotless wiutnr-clud robe of enow and ieo, even in mid summer. Tho Moicod group of gtuat peaks confUtiug of Mount Clark, or tbo ObolUk, 11,200 fctt above Uto sea, and Grey's peak and Hud mounlaiu aro soon from tbo sumo point at a distance Back of thoso again aro eeeu the peaks of tbe fiual great raugeof tbe Siorra group; Uuiooru peuk 12,000 foot Culbodtal peak, 11,800 feet j Minarets, 12,000 foet, and tbe Syell gronp, of wbicb Moobl Syell is 13,317 fjet bigb. From Soutiuol Dome, a mile beyond McCauley's, can bu eeeu Mount Daua tbe southward is rising ground, cov ercd with a douse growth of moon taiu fir, with sugar-pine interiors od. Tho view from tho Cnp or Crown callod Sentinel Dotno, which is upward of 4 000 foot above tbo Valley, is the most comprehensive of any within tho ecopo it is grand in the extreme. It is only a repolion of what has been said of tho Glacier point. From Sentinel Domo, at this great altilnde and longrango a little toy box can bo seen, which is recog nized us Kuow's hotel ; just beyond is the great Nevada falls. At thi great distanco is also soon a glistou ing and ppaikliug loug ribonslik" stroam, tumbling over the long in clined face f the rocks. This is the Silver Chain, a fall having an inclin ed descent of 2.000 feot, but with no great body of water. It is in the smoothly polished walls known ns the Liltlo Yosemito. This charming valley ii the property of A. II. Wash" bin n,ono of tho principal proprietors of tho Madera Stngo lino nml Wo wona Htation, tho starting point of tho Maniposn Jlig Treo grovo ns al ready staled. Lako Tenaya is about 2 inilea long nnd throo-foui tli of a milo wido, nnd is a rnrely enow was ler deposit being fed by tho eternal snow and ico cupped mountains and high peaks. This lul:o is pnrronmkd by lofty giuuito per. Is of the same color and formation as tboso of the Yoeemite. Tenaya peuk which dom inates tho entire luko to tho south ward is some 3.000 feot above its cm face, nnd about 11,00 ) feet above tho eta. Tho l.nko itself is 8.000 feot nbovo sea level- This lako is the property of Join L. Mnrphy, who has hero erected a comfortable hotel for the accommoduliou of tourists. Next week I will givo your rend ers a description of tho hotels, Gey ser Springs, Ac. ltespectfully Yours, JOHN K. GIFT. . HP ' ' ." . I. J' 1U-II A COIIPLSTE .VINDICATION. A firo occurred in an Arkansas town the other night, but tho chief of tho fire department paid no at tontiou to tho alarm. Tbo next night ho was summoned to appoar before tho council. 'Mr. Chief,' euid tho mayor, 'did you hear tho Cro ulurtu last night V "Y B " 'NVhero yon iu good hcuHU at the timo of tho alarm " "Yes, believe I wu9." "Thou you neknowlodgo a wilful t eglect of duty -No, sir." "Why, then, did you rot rospend if you wero not determined to nog led you duty ?" "Couldn't gi t away." 'lllnous io your fumily No." 'Thon, sir, J demand the reason. " "Well, you see, u parsel tf us ful lows wero in Andorson's back room when tho bell rang. 1 hud f jui acos at the lime, and ' "What!"1 ''Yes, held four aces. John Duck uor began to bluff, aud "How did it result.1'" was nikoJ with heightened interest, "Oh, I lifted bim for about $200, "You dou't say so t Gentleman, that was doubtloss a very iutcrofaliiig game. As thoro id no bubiuocs of uny iinportaneo we'll adjourn an 1 go down to.Audorsou's buck room." Ntxt morniug tbo daily paper coiituinod tho following notice : "Tbo onomios of our chief of the Cre department having cireulutod reports to the effect that bo had willfully neglected bis duty, that geutluuan wus last night summoned beforo tho city council t' answer tho cl.argcu brought against Lim Tho iovebtigation resulted in a oom ploto vindiuutiou of our worthy chief und friends ou every Hidcpic-su(td for ward to congratulate him. Tho idler's toriguo ia tveu fiippunt, aud, to our shame bo it suid, wo are tvtt willing to hearkon to the words of o traducer. Our worthy chief will In a candiduto for re-election, and, ai the matter now stands, it will be iiupouuiblo to defeat biiu. Greon and red aro most fumed by those most charged with color blindness. . Four millions of false teeth are manufactured in this country every year. .. . Twelve Hebrews were converted ip London last year at ao exponas tub rsis or cseaixoit. Women ar? angels Tennyson. Perfidious as a wave. Sunken peare. Women complain of being ruibuo slood. 'llalzno. Angels have wings.nnd always end np in flying off. Myron. lie who comprehends them is their implacablo enemy. Diderot. Tho most beautiful woman in the world can only give that which she has. Chamfott. Wo take women for wlmt they nro not t wo quit them for what they aro. Sniot Kviemoiit. When.onc Fpcalis of Women there is a weapon iu. ro terriblo than c il nmuy tho truth. Loop a di. Ono leads a borso ly the biidlo, an elopliant by o rope, n w omun by her heart. Oriental l'roverb. Love is more ph asing than rnar ringo, for loai-ons that novels uie more amusing than history. t'hum fort. It is reccfisaiy to have at least four wives ii order to find ono in good health and gmtlo humor. The Koran. I hitvo seen tho-'C (iho tempefda) of women, and I have seen thoso of tho wnvcp, nnd I pity move tho lov ers than tho sailors. liyroti. In matters of loro nolhiug is so common to all women a tho desire than another thu!l njl j;uiu that whiiih nho horielf li-fains. llumil ton. It ii inconvenient to bo a widow ; it i necessary to remove the modesty of a young gill, without being aide to feign hor woakueiis, Miuo.dllou detot. ns got ni3 ai;:s3. In Now riampslirn U a well known, eccentric individual, pelf. constituted oarer of ills a sort of panacoa, "boy and :oul, boart and conscience doctor," who, auIu all bis eccoutricities, has a fund of actual wit that is hard to beat. Not long ago tho doctor wan call d upon the witnoss-stand. The opposing counsel, who is said nome times to wet Lis whistle with "licker pizen," kuowing tho doctor's pecus liurition, vcuturod, in cross examin ing him, to hov him np n bit. "What ia your business J'" pom pously inquired tho counsel. "My biimnem is to do what good I can do to my follow-meu," mjdojt- j ly repponded tho doctor. "Dut that does uot answer ioy juostiou, gruttly audwercd tho couu scl. "How do you ppend your timo "Why, Vijuii'o, it tukes uboiit ail the time tj do what 1 bald," n -plied tho doctor. "Dut I want something more defi nite," sljuily demanded tho coun sel. "How do you go about jour business V "That depcudj upon ciicimiiitan clh, uccordiDg to the nature cf the case," i;xplaiued tho doctor. "I'or instance, if I wero ging to beiu ou you, tho llrst thing I khoul 1 do would bo t udviso you to sign n touiporauco pledge," Charghs tho Jvuy- IIo said : "flontlomcn of tho jury, charging a jury is a new businoHS t mo, as thid is my first caso. You havo heard all the evidonoo, as wol) as myself ; you havo also hoard what tho learned counsel buvo said. If you believe what tho couutiil foi tho plaintiff has told you your ver dict will bo for tho plainliff ; but if on the other hand, you believe whut the defendant's counsel has told you, then you will give a verdict for the defendant. Hut if you aro liko mo, and don't bcliovo what oithor cf, tLcra have taid. then I'll bo d d if I know what you will do. Cou ttablc, tuko clargo of the jury." Miraculno Escapo. W. W. Keed, druggist, of Win ohebtor, Ind., writes i "Ono of my eubtoinerw, Mr. Louisa Tike, Hurto- nia, KuuJ.'lph Co., Ind , was a long J sufferer with Consumption, and was i given op to dio by uor physicians, tibo beard of Dr. King's New Hiss covory for Uonsnmption, and began buyiug it of me. In bix months' timo bho walLod to this city, a dis . tauco of six miles, and is now bo much improvod she basquit nsing it, tSho fuels eue owes hor life to it." Freo Trial Bottles at Q. M. Kbiadcl's Drag Store. Atlantio city U a&ld to noe about 50Q tons of ica'a wei-1: At this season PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, 1'KNSA. U. H. DiVIUCN. Time Table, In elVect April (!, 1 Truing Leave Lowixtown .lii'iotinti 11 H, a in, in. ,m, 1 iit, f i.i, 6 p ir.,t lor f I'O'mrn nn I Mi Wt. I" I'l, n in. I of Alit.iini. I at. i hi. I'. r llnieen; Imi. T fit hi. (i M i in, I t" i ii. I IT ). m, (I 'l n in, II lip I). Vnt IMili i..ii:li, .Nn orlli!ll lu.iro nml aaint.n. i U ,i ii 'J ,, i w, jIj & W io u A' .i wmrwAiui ii. i iii... hi l in ll i A. 1. t -i ii i toI.iii .1. 7 1-. 1 .t 'I v.i ! , Ulii sirrt M n VJ l.c:Kt'in T."il .Tin H ' f' .mhiii hi. I : s i l.l" i ' rtni' r 1 ; : 4 t : ."' ' II M.ln.lln T -l li' "I K J ' Wiwn' r ! i -t i ts 17 -M.-i In-J . ! Ii :i . ' 4i i Ii ui.' Mill j 1 :. f. J ; Ji .l.imt urx v ' 4 '.' 'iu : V. i II. nvi ttcwu t M . Mi i i;-tii t i 4 s n Is ; M M i,i, lini ngs ;i ( i: :i M i o a. i iii .nr t ji i 7 i i k .I. iimit 'i 4 : . 1 M 7 V PiiK ilm 44 , 4 - i 'S.M 7 47 4 1 s-lliw, iii t:n i .i 7 4 i , 4U SollnmrM .1. 9 -t 4 i '!) : x i mi ,-MiM.iiry v t.i 4 II ii m.-la o ,tf ::Mi!iit!4ii (f1 it, no" Ink n I ti tr Ini -i n N . '. II f ) !. rjvo. Arrl'i' l "m IIt'tovb '.Sm A M I': "7 . M l.'i- I'. i. j .' r. M 4 1 IV M. 6.17 I. M. Phi'a:h!nhir A Crio n R Oivis'on. Noai'iii i':: ri: a r. kah.way. rr.'ln l.riT" Sm I . li i'i in, t r licl'ni Mm', I : . l in,, I i.kiini ,ml Kin. M m, V" I.'iU'ivk-i H'i i in, l-'nr l Him iiitc, Knt.n tn.l 1'itbnn. dill U'lil. 6 3 i in, Kur Ivimnvn itn l H'.itUni. 4 n in. I'nr UntM'vl-n r t 'I i; n d i m R'iiI li 4'i m il.ii-l. it'i. n m. H' n i i 4,' p :n. Knr sinmcKIu M .nml C.kriiul. Trl" I.B-itl' Sl'Ul K :'tliVI .ll'fi tl"HI II li ii ill, t I MH I. l,Mn 1 I in . New Viirk v' l i i.i , Unit .mm.. 4 4n i in, VjIi. Ii w t , ll i ' r I'l f I 4 ill, n-rl. I. n ;( ri,n:vi'le' 1 I "Mi , . III. w Ynrl U '( . i el . ! il1liti .ro i'i I i i In, W . . Ii- tl,- Hi 1 i . 111. K 17 e in , 'in I v .i i :il I'lill ,li'l,l,iii 4 . 'i I '. .Now S' hi I 7 i1 1 'i . 1 1 .1 1 1 1 :i re , ... n!-', W..-I.-llU't", 'I m I r-.r : I. "nv. Mini ntv : U ii 111, nril it jt h" P l'.i I !; l.i.i v.. in.r.'iin V"rii II ;. 1 ii in, lulilui. ru Ijh :ii, W hi.. InnUiii V iv in. .1. K. Wll'lll, llpn'l I'll"" Ak"1, i iia:i. t;.r;'"ni,'ici,'i muu.ijt. R55 ISSS-REKCe E c aiS t LP v. i. v t yS a Plllous symptoms invarl.ibly ni Iso from Indigestion, such us furredtonrjuo. vomit iiiivoif bile, giddiness, sick i.eaduche, ir rcRular bowels. Tho liver se cretes tho bllo and ticts like a filter or siove, to cloanso impu rities of tho blood. By Irreg-u larity in its action or suspan sions of its functions, the bila is Hablo to overflow into the blocd.causingjaundlce.sallow complexion, yellow eyes, bil ious dlairlic&a, n languid, weary feeling and many other distressing symptoms. Ciliouu ness may ba properly termed an all'cction of tho liver, and can be thoroughly curod by the grund ri;;u!ator of tho liver and biliary organs, BUtCDOv'K ULOOD OUTERS. Act upon tho stomach, bowels and liver, making healthy bilo ar.d puro blcod, and opeuj tho culverts and sluiceways lor tho cutlet of disease. Sold everywhere and guaranteed to cure. BROWN'S (RON. BITTERS 7 WILL CURE ( ITF.ADACniC ' 'Wv-' lNDKiKSTION iuliousni: , DVSl'Kl'SIA NUKVOUS rROSTRATION MALARIA i CHILLS AKn TLVKIif. , -. j tirki) i'i:i:Li.r, ? (;l.i:ralih:iulity l'AIN in tiik HACK U LMl'URI-: HLtitJU i CONSTIPATION I'l 1M A LI. INTIRMITIES RHKUMATISM .. ; NKURALGIA , KID NICY AND LIVF.?w' '. TRour.L!;s rex S.I IK J'V AIJ. PFVC CISTS 1 ho Ctii.inif has Tra in MjiIi awl CfaKil KtJ Line, in ri rr. . TAKli NO OTIinU. HAVE YOU UMATISM? A ruiu.iU' liiw Ihdii dlwivi nil. I.i Uilacnun'ry It Ii i;cw. U Uovvi.Kur, U u In nu. vx-H.if ul u ai tot (uuuy yuan Iu Kuruio, iuJ It tea t.vt tlut IXu RUSSIAN KHEUATISIVi CURE liOioni1oiT4iirut tit Ciititliicntid rtiy.ilrl&nonil OoviTlilM lit H.'udtury C.'UilnliwliiliM, ku well lut Out tlioU"uiulH ol miiiiinnt lu wliniu It liu linmtrlil r Uii. It luu wiyid bU.ui-iiU 1.I10 luu Ulolil. Ji WILL SAVE! YOU from farther airour, U you'U ouly irlve It eJimciv Uoooi lUlve pBUiililvt, 1Ul UiiUiuuiiUiU, lru. D .Inii OO en I I' malloU, Km. fcljitloniil. PrlCe 82.00. I If n-ut.l. rtnt, loo. mora, One bos dm-ritllM buhllluna. Von (tvonln tilioul Iill4 3-miW.Miuk. rhpumrtipm cunc A yrl It 1 not to b liHind M tiia anVire. but can miiy imi uk,i uy wii'iiiiiiii 1114 miionut w kUul uMiroBMiin u u.nrii:ii mijiruiiul. PFAELZCn nnos. H. 4 f mm I It. eU'.bliKlMKU ) , nr:At.K.n :w Iron, ITaila. Steel. Le.athcr. Paints, Qlte, Conch & Gaddler Ware and m vnlt ("rci:r.n k m UKi;r iu;i :. LowiNio'ii, B 'Vim'ji Ni v. s,';i. Most mwu FFdpiia I'liM Kronl I'liinl'y wit.-l ly,i I o r I! 'i',' N I! I KAI. I.iivk, l;,i,-t,i':i r. N . V. ( 1 i : . . lien V , ''i'l w cK'y i kIm nw.ij n 1 1,, 1 1 ii I.i r, r(li i-rvry l"iUr 'nl" Hptl'iti n tli ii hup 4S riiluvi i ni,!), Am , Hi- Hit" r V linn 1'iM'l. i vli n f'n y irv' V i 'TiMii! f ilii Mtil'irr ' Ivll War In Ih !' ,:ilty I'y.-I ,11 i m.irf I .tlii.inl lliiiii.'ii.l I A tv, til ii. iv mini k lli' I , I .i ! tin In lli'ii-, l.nw lti, .ut l.n. Ilii I in I i lm I suiim. y. r. lu.-k. n- V'vi'K t'n.iiipr'. H'l 1 ! i li-! Wli il I vi-rmiii. , lnnil.l i rri'il" r 1 1 u! In I l n n, I.Ivp. i. t Mi r 1 .jpl . I -In l it. Il., r it Hi. ,1. Hi. ' 'm,. i I'. Imp, I.oii'k I'miii Htwl rvil Ml uM.'.. I" I "I- I il " 'i il Ii. I ii il I In- I!".. ' I'll i 111 M .' i . inn, in si'in . In II. ri-n l,r 1". I I ' ii 1 1 1 V y n r il , .yr.i l , i i.i ,,i". i ii ' k si,., I i'i-Vr If nillni(. linc.l j' I 'l"i I'.d, I'h i, I, inl K.-i-l'iU'iri". rr rim I n I i'. Ulili", lint II mti. .I.mitli'll.iir. Mu'n h l..w". Iinlnrr. . A. lnirltuiKa iimrHr :, unti l I., c n! ii I nt It .lux". M iy .r 4 U. iir..ii., li,.. Iin., N. V .v j Kin Uurnl Mini I'd .l.n., ln.i m it n c r. lit Ii ii, li.' r ni-. r i-i'U ni eidi limn" ' ,.i,imi ui i, i,,-o i;r.i,i. iki.m i: di., i.u, U-.rli. tiir, N. V. Smfi'l', '.v. Aj.r l.V-8 if. " E AiicS AVE-: 12,'" Hidtllcli'.irt. Sr'y'er Conity.Pa. IUM-1. K I ! rH'l!. M.-.r T"-. In:n-i Ivervlliing b(dnnirg ( r 1 1 pro 4 li'..t,iii iIiiiip lii I in. ....t n.r.iirr. All hit Tvin m'l.lcratn. Il Mill hIhii nt teml In I ivlroi- every In wtckn t ,'entn Ilia I ruiHlvillu, lvrr AWb Ad'Muril nrl I'ut-111 JlVI'.i'AV.STAULi:, CE0HCE WALTCR. froprlctor, MllilHKIM IUill, I'A. No I alii, w'll I o C,iilri il Io HOcuniiiiiiil iie Hi, travil.LH iulilU', A 1 1 l.'i, " I. SELIKSGROE MARBLE WORKS i. S. richer, at -i, lln-ur .ve. Sny.lor o.n.Dty, Tit., Il rr'r 9.1 lu lurui.-u Commit ta,M, i.rave Vaii ul nil I Iriil- In (ho nwot and litrnlcutnoHt do lull 'i ni'TH- 1 -rtJt ut 111 Beet Karblo h t,irt nut. .!. Al l. Wiihk WAItUA.NT. M lu 111 V i: 4 I IS-Al'l 11 IN . Ilmi'tl Cl'.l uti I oinaiiiiti tiiv niHli-rliil alt.l niirn in v irli'e htil'ira(iiuroblDK ul cm .In ii. I, Int. ly. 1 T.V ?. W. WAl.TKIt. Sul. Mmun I . r ( :ii:n. ' .'niownrt .V t'n' i., Nniur .Ni wink, Ni iv Viwk, will I'D irn. U In n i i.r ' ui'.lvr Inr iIiIn iniMl ir lirm, fur in, mi, in., in Hi" Nuii ury llii". ( 'I.iiii hi , I , w iirlmii ". a i.i Inly liiflilrrly. i.hj ntlrr ln I i i.'i' h i I ,, 'i t Ul y . urn if ii, tl, ii y niriiiiirn l I'ii win f .il mi h I i. I'lli'n Hint n.;jr l.liii tit ro'.in rrcii, Sny Jur diu nty, l'. J.IU. Ml. s, r, sacARi, Ccfitrcviilc, Snider Co., Pa. uSiioFs! fife mmkml only lli-i i'lii. Siin'k (.'iiiiitMiili'. r' ' n 'I'tiii'il , x i l i Jim it,, ".nn i. r,'o ..'1.rl,lt ft T TJTjTl -'nil in nt r,iln, mlm, i.1 VJXI A v III nihil yi, it inn. h n'f.l, vut iiiiil'', .iiiiiiii imi ul 141111,1.1 that mil nl yiiii III III" Hy nl lllllkllitt mnro li'iilny M' ' i. iiiii.j lil'.ii i'ii 0 In Am. 1 1.:. 1. 11. m , J .ill II I. 1 it I' f II I I . .1 11 L I' 1 1 III 1. tl li . I .... L In L a. . .. nihil nr a li lit 11 tin . I'i Hal 11, .1 ri'. il.i' 1. 11 II Will Mltrl yilll. 1 pi V Ml. I! t T tli' win) K'urt at niuo, WTlNvi'Nv 4, I., 1 (irlliiiil, .Vain. lit 10' 17. 1"i. A UMLMSTUATKIX: NO I KM., II I. ol tor nl uilm I ii ll r. ul. m mi 1 1, a 1 -1 u 1 u il I-.IIh M ui-n-r lain 1. 1 S.rliiK Iwp., rt'i' il, I'M, lit viiik I11 u Kmntnil ID Hit) ,111 lorci 1 iir, I nil 1 em, ni. kiiiiniirf tlienf, lm I ul-1 , 1. . I In nil I . mo r i reiiii. Klii.l to iralm linnie ItHt. mm ni, Hhllii II1...0 li .vii.u i-Uiiiia me. "i.t llii'ui ilnlv umliilitli'aiit'l lor ' I" luu Uinl'irli!Uv.l. ISA li A II .1 MI-HNf K Ajirll If., il. Ailmlulairatrlx. CS VgAHS IN USfc.. t 0ft4at4at Xfaidjotl Triui-yh of tth aifel SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID L8VER. I.at4M 1 orappaiiia, Uuwala eaile, l'aia la Ika beaat, wlia a. dall aonatUa In tba back aarr. la I a nodor tba afaoalcWr. bUda, 1' alUaaa after aatlua. with aidto tnrll.iailuo to raerilooof Ludr oraalod, IrTliiilillliiror tvmpur. Low euirlta, wk4B .forliiiiiof bat luinaii!fxned aooiodutr. Wrartonpia, Mznloce. I lutterlnc at Iba liuari, , liota bolorctha a yea, liadu-ba 'Tr. V" eht eya. Aaailoanaeaa, vrt.b fiUi4ait'eaiiia,liluhi)lurad I rloo, ati4 m CON8T1PATIOM. TTOT'Ja ltA.S lira aapcctally aAkVUd to eucij oaaoia, una duuo eifaxiia auoti ctanKori04illiiriiit04WMnUlitiioauiTvror. body V Vaka ou fe'ivau. tliu Uie erakna U ronraihe,ni fcyihulr Tonlo Acttea oa Cai lUitt or V7aiKiHi hkiiaad to a Cuiiibv Iilack y a atniiia application o( llilaDra. Jt Imuau-t a uatuiaX'a luslniiIauaiDUaW. Lull b )-iu: Irtj. n At lorn vys-At- Low J M. STIiKSB, A1T0HNEY-AT-LAVY, M iCiM.rv'", VrmNv, li"m II. El itlre In ll I O' U r. n.iili mini in I r,ill h nr Hi-rn nn. l i IKn f mi IIV tli n lpil io. (Ulicu lw ilbt. il i ti u ri ii i lili'r . J AMKStl. CKOUSU, ATTORNF.Y-AT-LAW, MlliliLI'ULTiClI, l' A II I'Mi'li-nr 1 1 M ri,!ril to, II (mm l'i' ii Ivo i ri in 1 1 4 ct.ultmi, n li if iiiku n I 1 .n k ' ll . 31 j.vcuii iii.r.i:ur, Atfuv'n i?i7 Citutifetof ut " ,"IIIM!.. !t( livll, I'A, l''tlrt-tl..ti, Mti. I nil i IUr I .tl..., I fn ' 1 v n I,' n h' 1 in , I vi ni Mull, u n j r. y( 1 1 1 1. i iiiun. i" m. yM. li. HOI fsWKllTH, ATTORNtY-AT LAW, Hi i.isiuivif, Pa. tVllni'tl ti nil nlU'H.M Ii mil Lu.lnrt. ,ri'ii li - m.itn-l. in. c'iiiuuluilut. lu Kncllih rur. Jnn.. II. I'lLb, ATICHMtT-AT-LAW., .(, iVitn'n All t' nnlrni.. t,i hi itre will' t ri.iii Hi nttfiiilud to. N'jit. SO.'Sii. jj :. ji:i j i:TcJiiT " attoe:xi:v-a !'.!. w.- Murbl St. . St It n throve, tl ; AH i riffl'itil l-iipinp ,roni tly Iicmci! to (.' In Knitlltli ami loriimi'. n. now nn, AnORNtY-AT-LAW, AND hlSTliliT ATTDUNKT. Mitttiltliury, I 'it ...niot, !,, oniulwt1'-r In Frrll-h ti.t I In-, man. June t.'tk. If. yiiA-s i'"'i;TuTciii Attorney it Connmllor-At-1 ofT.oeln Aj'y' Ilu 1 1I Inic ilum M orth . K UTKTt'MI HoTII.. Krliiiflgrov., t'oun'a. (Iullct1'ri Kiul ll,iiU,er pruUiil tiiim U mlh'l!'l anil will rocrlvec ral 1 , r.t l.riiinpt mtoiitlun. Aff-ll, ' rp J. SMITH. A- ATTOhNET AT I. A rV. Ml I) hi. Mir ltd, SNYEIUi CO , r A 'lifer Mi rrolelnnkl Nrvli to tb ti UudduIUHoo Ii Enicllfb and (JciaikD. A. W. I'OTTEU, AT10KNHY AT JAW. Solinsgrovo, P., Ort. r their iriiloilf)nliriii (u tbo pa1'! Alllial l urliieaa cntnutej tn tbelr oar w 11 reeolm (.r uni l attention. OttloB JUalo Si, .Uolf 4. 7,1. jj ii. ;jclmm, A t torti y-n t-Ijnw. I'l rail. in k I'h. ( rr.nltall in lu tln tU r.tiglliU eil a,ri I,aURni.r. m1..i, IMI. I011N II. AltNill I) tl ' Atlonicy ni. Liim-. I hill Hill lm V a Profeiifliir I lniilnr cut ri ktri.1 to bit ear will i.u .riiiiini) itttrmloil tu. yAMUKL IL ORWIO, ' ATrtWXKY.A T LA W, !. IwiMll K. I lilwia t o,, If iiiH.'c nn iMrk, t strcot, ouv iluor eat el Uiiio r.-n IIiiihi,, loi-..'0, 77.II.J IbSTICn OF THE PEACE, Ki:u., Subtler Co., J'a. "?' 'uilcflioiM ii(iiuiitly nittilii.xa . LU I'lnjsiciuus, $c. anawMUEKav r 1 n t,,,., JJ J. SMITH, rhysicl.m & Surccon. i:,iv,:r Stin.,-x, Sntjdir Cr,t,n!y, V. .hi . . "ai aerrici te Itie .rill 'Hi e on AUIuHrrot..-, June.n iV f llfrM kia ...... 1 ... ! W. SASIl'.SKL, ruysiciAN a:;d surceob, ''ll.rovill Vor.n'av Oi!.ir II. i.fnro0Bal .a'rTlfo.lta lb. liie(M uli-iun-yl-a l.1 rlclnltj. 4 Aaf.;a. Q KbUAH ltASSLNUER, rilYSIClAW & SURGEON. Wiil.ll.lnirirhrun,a. ".lf:.r.l'.l", ,"'nf"","n1 r?!e m be altlj f M . .ll.i.unrf. n vicinity. COlea a tfa Waabliuluo litiaau. Ai.r"'X " c; iiAi;i;i:n, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Midilleturh, roimV l'V"h,l,r,"f''liB. flt to tba ellliMl I MIMIi.,ur ami vlnlnlty. tifoe a few da.t.i K.ViliII.!;h11"" W,a bu(liHaa Ki'.MrOOu eum.alla i.i,i,i.yli gUIOa. w rriaiivi QH UAIIANP UOTUROCE. Frsmont, Snyder county, Tiu Jijridnateel ILltlmnre dolletra ef Pbyilalaaa .o.r,t,iii, iiuar tl4 rrolaxlanal aaio to iba ,.,11,110. up..., Eflib ind t3JT.a. M !.( ! I lea a yi K. W. TOOL. PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON, l'ra.' .-rp., O fieri bli Wfilonalrryee4jtalBaaklB liinvr.i In l-ei KaalUaTaad il 12. iliaavsQMalaMraol. , jF. VAN li03KIRK, "HnrCAL A MiT CM tXICAt TffWT r I - ) 1 I- 1 x '.i.i I.' M '', I I ' tj ! i M tVKi- aa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers