The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 15, 1886, Image 1

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    i .
'I WL&tr
ram rai
8 I ' i , -
In n 1ittl while, a month or two,
Tlii txil tcn-iipM mi'l violet blue
Will bloom niiil lloiii irli on I lie 1 ill.
Tliu bird their sweet notes loudly
1 1 I ill.
Tli" rout's iwi'i't will bloom ntid die,
And Mimiiior breezes gent I v slurb.
And sodii fountain Mini w ill bloom.
And lover croud tll li'i" creillU room,
Tin' overcoat will nt in pawn.
The jflrl will wear the dres of lawn,
The dnut will lio tliLd; on the Mad,
The boy will kill tin lifirmlN toad,
Tin' dull frog slut; hi doleful luy,
And cricket chirp t rlom' of ibiy.
Til loViTrt ft I oil in lollely lillll'-l,
The or-an grinder nivo you puiiM,
Tin bicycle inati will nhow Ids e,
Tlii' buy ln-n will lay Iht eirir,
In every pond mid hike nnd bay
Hoiits will lii semi each pleilNant day,
Ami balls anil jmrtli'H will bo o'er,
Aud folks will fi'i'k tin1 cool seashore,
Tin- boy enrh day hi bath will tulle
In every puddle, crek nnd hike,
Tin) bae ball mini will wield I In; lint,
The farmer wear Hie bitf straw lint,
Tlu peddler on 1 1 street will shout,
The Mini will knock fat people out,
The baby-eai-riutfi' will noon appear,
There'll bo it Iiooiii in liiijer beer,
And I'ienli! w ill be all tin' o,
It will till lie in n inontli or so.
ins couiitsy cousin.
DV S. M. Ill M I'ltKliY.
(Continued from liibt week.)
'0, pardon me,' she replied, start
ing buck ; and I ben eyeing tbeui
both in the faco, she eaid, 'but yon
o.k as near aliVe as two peas, oul)
Miss Kuiily ia bo pnlu ;' and mrcb-
incf ncrotia tbo room with tbe air of
ono perfuctly at Lome and fixioR bur
fyea on a ricb velvet covtred ens
cbuir, sbvbaid, 'wbat u illcgnnt cbeor;
but I Vposo yon'vo no objection to
my hiltiii; in it, now 1'vo .;ot on ny
beat gon, A:nt so coa.fortnblc
too !' sbo fxchiincd, as bho throw
lierst lf into it ; and placing bur
l ands on ber knees, with ber tuoutii
lml f opiii), clio stiirod about tbo room
and esproHfcil bor odmiiution of it
eiuUlixbod boiiutie.i, iloelurci it wan
unlike unjtliiug nlio bad ever droum
ed of. At lengtu. as u rccoiiecuug
lmisolf sbo started up and wiid ;
'liutcomo, Emily, wbero ia tb.
piininy yonr futbor ffpoko of T I'd
liko to boo aicb a wonderful tbin
Ibut Hpeaka rounio rigbt out,' ami
f.itnili irly Peiziug bcr baud, bbu cou
tinni-d, 'comn, don't lo so plupid :
you bavo got to nbow mo overjtbiuy
now, aud tlmt will bo no small tae.k.
f r cverytbing in a city is now to
country folia- I suppose I sbull l
iuvitod to lota of frolics, candy
tcrupoa and qnalilioa, ond oil Hint
nort of tbing. aud I'vo brougUt lotH
of pretty clotbea to wear. I know
you will bo o,uit proud of mo,
nnd aa to tbo beaux, wby, up wben
J live, tbey think I am but tburo, 1
won't brai? vou'll eeo what I can
At ibis iancluro, Sir 1-Mwnrd,
wlioso cencroaity would not allow i(
Lis torturing Mina I'.mily, badj bor
good moiuing aud witbdrow, tbougb
it must be admit tod bo bad enjoyed
tbo niinplicity of the runt'io.
'What a pity !' be baid to biiuBtilf,
as bo luruod away, 'that Hucb u pret
ty lilllo creaturo, (fur despite ber
disguise., ebo was beautiful,) with
eyes soft as tbe doves, and teotb of
pearl half concealed by sucb sweet
lips, aud a complexion whoso purity
might Lavo fxcilod Iboouvyof ev
en tbo beautiful Kmily Howard ;
what a pity she ia bo ignorant, nnd
bo singularly devoid of taste in ber
persona! adoroiuga. And ber voice
despite tbe coarao things it uttered,
ita musical sweetness thrilled mo.
Well it ia for her that sbo ia uudor
Mr. Howard i for in this vile city
posHOssud of such fresh beauty, con
nected with such iguorauco of the
ways of the world, it were noxt to
impossible that sbo should escape
unharmed from tbo eoduotivo wiles
of some oue oi those inoustera, who
ore ever on the alert to lure from
virtue's path the young aud iuuo
'This is only the commencement,'
sighed the discoruGtted Emily, as
she pressed her pillow uftor the first
day of embarrassments sod morlill
cations had passod, 'and I koow not
where it will end. I anticipated (all
enough, bat ber vorda&cj far, far
exceeds it all. It will roio wo, 1
auo sure it will, and something most
be doue. To-morrow 1 will reason
with ber she is quite pretty, very
pretty, and if I cau only induce her
to luy twiJu that giyautio oomb, and
thoee odious cutis, ntid do her hair
in something vt stylo t nnd then,
with a little sliding, one of my
drcshofl might flt her niculy, nnd tho
mils nod f Ijooh certainly tuudt bo
disposed tf. and then I nm sure sbo
will appear quite a lady no, not a
lady, hut quite decont, 1 mean. Hut
bcr fooli-b palaver, that '8 worsn
than all ; what can I do V nnd the
poor giil finding there was to much
to be doMi, den- nil iugly sobbed hi r
si If to shvp.
The fallowing moiuing nlm was
an likened to ber troublus by Lotiifu,
who enteiing ber room without
ceremony, exclaim )d, 'lleigho !
oili'op yet, what siy you to a walk!'
I'uiily would I avo shaken her off,
and rehiiniod her slumbers, had uot
Hie thought that in a walk nt such
an hour sho would not be likely to
encounter nny of her fashionable
friend, and hazily arising, bho was
Boon equipped.
Choosing a retired, but pleasant!
I . , . .
avenue, sho was carelessly proceed-1
I, , . . . . i
ing along when her attention was
arrested by a gentleman, whose ele
gant figure sho could not mistake.
It wan no oilier tbau Sir Ednrd
Walton, tbo very ono whom, above
all others, she dreaded i aud draw
ing her veil closely over her face.
sbo would have proceeded without,
noticing him, but Louisa cried out.
'Not bo fast, Emily ! hero is, tho
very same young fellow who was nt
your houso yesterday j ho ia walk
ing all alone, and looks wistful, as if
he wanted to go with ns. Here, Mr-
what's yonr name, we aro taking a
walk too, aud ns you ore going tbe
aamo way, why not go with ns t
'With pleasure,' replied Sir Ed
ward, biting his lip, I never refuse
the escort of ladies '
'How very pretty,' said Louisa.
nd as ho smilingly extoudod his
j-iwt'llod hand their eves nu t.
)ut notwithstanding Ho part nbe
svatf playing, p'.io was extremely
modest, And her cyc3 foil, ft bile a
uioiloKt blush overspread ber cheek,
which was beautiful iu tho eyes of
E lward, although bo could uot ex
plaiu such susceptibility from one
iv uu nuiiiu u.'u.jw. u.j w-'i.
him to walk with bor. At nil event,
thought ho, Mich mingliug of uim-
nlicity and wo.Wly ia rare, ond
iheiefoio iutorustiug, and j ist for
novelty's sako, ho resolved to pur
sue her iic.puiiutaueo, und try to
draw her out.
In vaiu ho sought to engage Miss
llowaid in conversation ; &ho vra-
so paiucil and eiuwarrnssea sno
could reply only by monosyllables,
but tho liht-heartod Louiun ehalted
on light merrily, apparently entirely
unconscious of tho trouble bho wuu
giving her companion.
An they advanced info opou fipaco,
Sir E lward pasbionately called the
attentiou of tbo girla to tho rising
orb of day, tiutiug with its rich gold
eu hues the oiisttu u horizon.
'Tilt very prelty,' faintly repliod
Emily, while Louisa, betrayed iuto
forgol fulness by ber parsionaie love
ot the snblimo, warmly cxclr.imed :
IVolty ! how tninolho expression!
it ia sublimely boauliful I Look
HRain, dear Emily, what work of art
can equal uatnru's sweet adorning
how rich, how glorious, aro tbo
varied hues nnd shades.' For a
moment tbo gazod in lost adiuira
tiou, while Kir Edward viewed with
surprise und an interest amounting
almost to tenderness, her intellec
tual face beaming with tho poetic
enthusiasm of ber feelings. As she
turned lnr soul-lit eye npou him,
bis tender gaze recalled her to her
souses again, aud her eyes fell and a
deep blush overspread her cheeks.
Kmily was not lo6s surprised tbau
Sir E l wurd, and pleased that she
bad made a favorable impression on
bis ruiud, (which sho could uot help
seeing, though she believed it mom-
eiilary.) aud she half rosolved to let
pride alone i love her for what she
was, aud independently brave public
opinion. Hut alas ! pride had gain
ed too strong a bold ou her heart ;
and during tbe reception of morn
ing callers, she found herself as
uuob annoyed as on the provious
Immediately after dionor, she
took tbe arm of Louisa, and draw-
iug her away, said 'come, let os go
to tbo dressing room and prepare
for the evening.'
You don't mean for me to pro-
pare,' said Louis, eyeing her self
with a look of satisfaction f 'I've got
on my best, aud I am sure I look
pietly,' uud the pluoed herself before
Ho t t will not roamm is .a
( ? -r- :
tbo mirror i 'didu't yon see that
young follow that walked with ns
sfsro nt me i I know bo was pleas
ed.' 'Von look well for the connlty,
but city people dress difforonfly,
nnd when yon nro with them you
thould Irv to imitato (hem both in
dress and manners, lest by bingu-
larify yon might attract too much
I bavo no ivort of objection to nt- lbo.Lcn't of W0U)nn
trading atlentio..,' replied LonisJ , A 1 ,,,01 ff",m"1' KluiI
'Well, thou, to please mo, will yon
not allow the dressing maid to fix
yonr hair a little more liko initio ?'
impl'ircd Emily,
Must as you please, lint then, if it
should not bo becoming ; it nuiht bo
i (filled, nnd all that trouble will
bavo been for nothing.'
'Never mind tbo tro:ib! and 1
well know you will bo satisfied.'
As Iho maid removed tbe com!),
find imlwMi.i.l I. .ia. nl. f ......... wuwiiiiv. in-, niiiuiiiL; lll-nncn.
,, ., ,. ...
l.mily caz'-d in astonishment, ever
and anon exclaiming
'What a pity lo confine such
splem'id hair 1 Only look, Oelia, did
you ever see anything half so beau
tiful ' and beautiful indeed did she
look to tbo delighted Emily, wben
its arraugemcnt was laeti fully com
pleted. 'Ah, now.' said Emily, 'you look
sweetly,' and with an nir of coudu
aueniiion sho for tho first lime kissed
her, adding, 'I shall bo quite proud
of you ; and thou, na if a Dew idea
bad occurred to her, although in ro
ality she had been pondering it all
morning, she exclaimed, 'Ob, Colia 1
if wo could only dress alike, aud in
deed we cud, for there aro say two
blue drc6ses, exactly alike, only one
is silk aud tbe other cashmere. Go
bring them immediately, 'lis quite
a romantio idea '
As Celia departed, LniFa, who
had boon twisting her hair hi fore
Iho mirror, turned, and in a uiasaU
islied voiet Paid, 'what a botch I'elia
has made of my I did not
like to eay it to her, for sho took
such pains ; but I've uo notion of
iVmily expostulated ; win,
provoking gravity, and quito a show
of impatience, sho gat hi led it np in
its foimer style, loouulcd tigi
comii mid bow.
'There now,' r.aid she, 'dou't you
think it looks better, and much more
beeoiiiiti" f
'I nm nuro it does not,' ruefully
replied Emily, wbilo tears of vexa
tion tilled her e)o. 'It is ridiculous
in tho extreme j nothing liko style
about it.'
'Who carea for fctylo ?' said Lou
isa contemptuously ; 'nobody but
city folks, who cover thoir faces with
their hairlill they look like monkeys,
eramp np their feet, squeezo their
im-idi a out, tie a lump of cotton wool
on tboir backs, and because it is
fishiooablo think thoy look, first
rate, and really despise n lady from
tho country who has sufiieieiit iudu
peudonco to kuow wbat becomes her
without regard to fashions.'
Convinced how rain hor attempts
at moderuiziug wore, Emily cant an
angry look at bur uod left tho room,
shutting the door violently,
'I do bellevo, dour uncle,' said
Louisa, as ebo enoountered bim iu
the garden, 'that Emily ia suCicenlly
puuished. She ia really very un
happy at ray obstinacy, and my heai t
aches with pity, even while I tor
ment her. Ill have forgiven hor a
thousand times for the few tears her
thoughtless remarks occasioned me.'
'1 appreciate tho generosity of
yonr inotivos,' replied her uuelo,
but thisfunlt has gained too strong
a hold npou Emily, to bo easily ov
ercome. I can but rocUiui her from
the iutluouce of thoso silly Wiliuots
I sbull be satisfied. I krow it ia
painful to you, as to me, tut if you
will bear a little lougor, she must
come to her senses,'
In half an hour after this con
veraalion, Mr. Howard, Emily and
Louisa, were started on a shopping
expedition Kmily fully determined
to noogoizo none of her fashionable
friends, if so nofortnuate os to meet
them i her position was very touch
like a young child, who sometimes
shuts its eyos, thinking it screams
itself from observation.
'O, papa,' cried sbo earnestly, as
they stoppod beforo a tpaoions and
slegant store, 'this is do place for
'And wby not, my daughter t
llave I not often beard you say you
picfurrcd it to any in the city that
bigot ; lio t1nt cannot i ., f.,,,1
Mr. Conrtland and clrrka were gens
llemnu-like and accommodating and
do you not generally trade here T'
The f ict wan, Mr. Conrtland, who
was indeed a finished gentleman,
bad been charmed with th i beauty
of Emily, not less than with hei
well-filled pnrso, ond nlways fore
most in welcoming hor.hai, delicate-
JZ J -
uaimuiiK uimunuiiri ji, pieasilig to
diiiiiiiiv uer iiuuer, oul I.OUIHH
pulled her slctvo, Mjing, 'only lonk,
ilear consiu Emily, what prelt
things ! Not much liko tho i lores ur
wheio 1 live, I can toll
tbero thoy have poik. cheese, corn,
niohisseR nnd coilli'-li, besides tln ii
calic.ios, tap's needles, and what
not; dou t thev, Undo ChailiH ?
Hut this is a much better way, nil
calicoes and furbelows. What nu
elegant lamp Well, I never, why,
ita really worth tw-nty-fivo cents to
ci'ino heto, if it's only to look at the
pretty things.'
'(lood evening, Miss Howard,'
said Mr. Conrtlunl, bowing politely
and nffeoting not to notice her em
buriussineut, 'are there nny goods
I can show yon this evening t'
No, she don't want any,' replied
Louisa, stepping forward, 'but I'd
liko to buy a new gown,'
Tho rennrks (f country rustics
were uot entirely oew to tho dealer
and, experience bad taught self
command ; so without rhsngiug
countenance, thoagh secretly won
dering that Emily Howard should
bavo so vulgar a relation, bo court
eously asked :
'What shall I show yon, madam
silk or detains '
'Calico, first rate, handsome cal -ico,"
interrupted LouUa.
'I would like to look at your nice
piints,' chimed iu tbe nll'oeted voice
of a fashionably attired young la ly.
languishingly seating Lei self on n
stool by the hido of Louisa, and in.
gloving her dc lieato hau l.
The prints who produced, with
tho tiHiial comment, atious of new
styles, elegant pattcrtis, fast colors,
unexceptionable prints, Xc.
, )J II", I , .
.... I If
Trints! prints ! 6nid Iiouiia
- . . . , III ' -
asked f it calico.'
To In.' 'out imi'-d. )
TU2 EIaiS33
cr a
ll.l.V.I .
Tho Ilnglish billion a inillicn
millions has set Hir Ileiny Jli-hse-mer
to calculiling. lie leekons that
a billion seconds have not elapi-od
since tho world they would
reckon 31,fi7H years, 17 days, ''-'
hours, 15 minutes, C sccouds. A
chain of a billion covereigns would
pass 73b' times around tho globe, or
lying sido by side, cuch iu contact
with its neigubor, would form about
the earth a golden zone 2(1 h ot !
inches wide. Thi.i same chain, were
it stretched out straight, would make
a lino of friction over 1S.!1J:1'"
miles iu extent, For measuriug high, i '
u;. ir..n... ni.un I..
hundred aud Ibirty-tbird of an inch
in thickness. A billion of thoso thin
sheets, pressed out Hat and piled
vertically upon each other, would
attain no attitude of 17,318 miles.
Tbo last c qhih showed a total of
17, Ml!, 000 persons engaged iu labor
in tbo wbolo country, and these
figures may bo fairly accepted as
representing tho aggregato strength
of the woikors of America in ISSO.
Since that time tbo army of toilers
bus greatly increased. At present
tboro are, it is estimated, 8,000 U00
ongagod at agriculture, 4,500,000 iu
"professional and poraonul service"
2,000,000 in trude and transpor
tation, uod 4,250,000 in mechanics,
uiauuf.otnros and mining. It may
be set down that, ultbough tbo
hardest physical toil in tbe shop,
factory and mine fulls to tbo lot of
loss than 0,000,000 iu all, tbo desig
nation of workiogmou properly ap
plies to fully 12,000,000, as more
than tbree-liftbu of tbe whole are
really dependent for their daily
bread on tho oxeroiso of their mus
cles aa well as their brains.
Ten persona will repent of sin for
one who will coofess to tbe person
wronged. Yet snob confession is iu
truth fur more needful to tbe wrongs
er than to tba wronged. It is a
small tbing to be wronged, but a
horrible thing to wrong.
. he that l:uv n,.t i a duve
tiAMI'ASAH ,1 A K K AXUXUMK si' Ki I M K.Nr '
r tit.- iu vrniucAi, m ;.k.
We hnvo nil henrd of Mm tl-o song. I
"Tbeie h a Now Coon iu J'," ntid J will be nothing startling in tin- f
HtaU ineid that there is a iie-v " van.-
r iutU 11
: wi' iiHKe aim 110 IS disc'llbr-d I
t a ''eow-l.ov '' ti.
pr nclies in fioulier saloons, begin. I
ning with desciiblng his own re-i
markufilo ''conversion," nnd then
proceed! to his call for tho nneon-
' letter floiu New Mevii'n
desctibes .1 l,'s doings na follows:
"Jako preiielii s iiotliiii!.' but m-
i .. . ... i . i . .
H'IUIIi;i-.l ,llil ( UV,T lit, IIVWT-
oil' the couidry, ho Miyi. lie lakes
up lio olli el ions and ho n.-l.s fow
fa vol. He goes well armed ntn
never lays aside his wvnpons, even
when prcnebing. lie ha lild, fre
quently nnd he Huninlimes briii(,'s
men to repentance by main slreuglh
Wherever ho finds three or four cow
hoys, gamblers, rustlers or udvcti
tniers ho begins his services
'doing iuto ono of tho hardest of
tho nnmerous hard Miliums in thin
placo tho other nihl, Jako in. muled
a chair nud commanded hilenco. Tbe
panics and drinking camo to an end
and about twenty men, young nnd
old, looked up Ono fellow under
took lo edgu out, but Jake stopped
"No, yon don't, mister," ho said,
pointing bin liuger at him. 'No,
yon don't. When you get to hell
you'll have chances enough to como
a snook on somobody, but yon don't
do it her-." Then, straightening
himself up, he yelled iu a voice thai
made things creak :
"How many of yon's ready lo die
now with yonr boots on f Whero'd
you be to hrc nkf if-! ? Pou't any of
blidnniin;r. gmnblii.-r, ti.i. vit.g.
tin horn, e iiilio-paint i'it:i
galoots look ut mo ugly. beeaUMi 1 ,
Mill in milieu, niuuv, i ;i nur;.
liie.i.v ,ii. a w imi ii inii m j i in.
I ,., li.eii II., ,.,., 1
drive. You'ie nil in your cios. Yon
know a fat, well-fm', wi ll-cue d for. ',
ilmir .. Uin.'y vi.d...i e..r when von ,
n nd where it loloncH Tin-re's li
man that ownii it. luoies a pine-
for it to '. Tin re'n a l.nv I pto-
ti tt it. I'ult tho el i -'k h
that? You're nil mavericks
worse. The maverick has no bnonl
on him. lie goes b.lleiii g about
until ho. m body
tukes l.i id in und
elasps tho liandnigMion on loin
1'nit you win Ips, you've got Iho d.-v-ii'b
brand on you. Yo i'v-got l.ii-
laiiat about yoil. He lets )ou have ;
rope iiow,but he'll ha'il you iu rIh ii
bo wants firewood.
4 riomo of yon iv.n f e! t'n hiiiid
now and ull you old whiskey tubs
hero now can smell Iho tiro. I'll bit
you o you're scared- 1'llh-t you
i10 you would give n'lim-thing " j
to know Unit )ou wouldn't ;;it cook
ed. 1 11 bet HO 1 can till you how .
to 'f;capu. .lust you git down on
. . . a I
LtM'es here now und yili. 1
I'l iml's rl-'lil ; ull
of you
Won't do it, eh ?
. , . , , 1 1 I I
Hull, yilll Will g'l.
diwii. That's right. Xww.youyi
Crv out for belli liko a Texas steer
in snow belly deep
"You're a uicu lot of ruffians, oin't
you Yio'd look nice gallivanting
around in heaven, wouldn't you
Wouldn't hill itself turn palo if it
saw you coming I You can get yonr
self in condition. You can make
I yonr hides i-liek. There is tho grass
of salvation that is groin ull tno year
round. You cau oat of it aud you'll
make Hush from tho word go. Yon
can refuso it and you'll grow poor
aud luibortihlo till your old hides
will il ip ou your bones like a bed
quilt on a lide-pole." i'hicuyo
aaaati linn mi J " iJM"'iS
There is a womau in tho Chicago'
... , ,.
post-ollice whose employment
ooraoct misdiiected letlera. Her
brain is a business directory of the! cUOUI)ie w
United States, uod she kuows whel e 'I he only wny wc know to nu-il laipular uu
... ... ticlicf it tosl itu Hie PLAIN FACTS, nml
to locato every firm of auy Bolt ol (icn M hc POSIT,vl2 PR0OF3
nromiuouoe. If a clerk culls out a ; tlmt tin y nre facta. It is a fart llmt the
1 7. . . , ,, t n. . RUSSIAN RHEUMATISM CURE
miadirectod Utter as "bmith, Jones . relieves but banislu- klicumatic
and Co., Chicago," she will very of-
l . - il. . - t . .1 1 . AU
len inaicuie me eorroe iuui,
Iyiuisvillo, Milwaukeo.or Springfield,
M.aa itl,i.nt tnkinohor uttuntion
Mass , witnoui tuning uer aueeuon
from tbe work in which she ia tiu-
gaged ia. Daring her term of ser
vice some 200,000 misdireoted letters
have been saved from tbe dead-letter
The city of New York will be two
hundred years old next mouth.
1'KNK . U. II. Ill VISION.
Titr.o Table, In flVrt April (5, l3f,
Trni)i t,em e
i '4, n in, 'i ,,rt. n in
'si OH II
I'M1 '.
IMi'liotl :
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M M' I' i:. f. r I h:, i I. i, N. ' ,.rh, II .Ml
it. r. it .1 I. Rfi.iKi mi.
WKFTW A Tl'l Ii'.
Hi T'lil.
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l.n, ..'..v. n
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M In. III!
W ilkll'T
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IE. ;i e i.-w ti
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M I o . . i.-.i t
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I lliisi:i oti o7Uliio1;( ton
( (C'mmvl.,,. w,.h,rvi,...n I V li v ,
I !" " Arrive ( Snli"i:nive
' ' j
I vi M
1 r. t
4 4J I'. .M.
Ill "7 A. M.
Tl W M
Li. I'. M.
Pliil.irlilpliia Cric R R Divisxn.
Mill I ,11. US r.N I U AI. UAil.A AV.
Tr Oil" lalMm Siinl. irV ;
ft 'J i ni, y -r Hi'lii'lniitP, l:rlo nml I'atinn.litl
0 a in, I' r t.-ii'k'ixvni.
1 ni i in. K t M lli'i nm, Kitt.n n l ' hd in
to mi,.
:i 1 n in, for Hcnm nml Wiilklnn.
4'i in Vnr imiihI.pi nn-l IU" ll.m.
I" H'J in i 1 r, 4 i in l ir W il' n.l.irro.
"t'-lr .'.'1,." "s '" ' I' "I- I'1" ."littmoln
An II .'I . .11 111 w. ... .. '
Triln l.niV" Snlii,-rnvn .1 n 1 1 -f, :
'. III, HrrlvlliH nt I Mill I. I I I.I n l.i l 111. VlW
Viiik i .'I i m, l:.i:i-nwr. 4 4.1 i in, Wali
liiiriiiii h .'. i j. in
IS a in, a. rl li nt I'l l'ii.1it.iln vi p in. w
urk li Hn in, ILtliliuore C 4 i i in, VV-I,
lin i'in n i ii , in .
i; iiNKi-rlvHm i riilln.f',,i,lik I .i a m.Nr
V in li 7 ii in . Ha 1 1 1 nnro & ;i a in, Wa'li
lllKliil, (I in iu.
Ten, alia., l,oav- Sunlmrt:
U a m, rrl inn ai l'iil:a,l l lil a m.
V.irU II :vi in, li 1 It, a iu, Wali
lunnin n '.N a tfi.
.1. ii. WiHUi, cb'I I'm Aionl.
I'll AS. K. fl'iili, ilu'l ituuur.
A r.trlctlv votrntnblo rrpn-
ration, composed of a choice
,i flrillf,,! ..nUlnnil,,, nf ivi'ivi;iiuiuii ui
Matura'.s best icr.ieJics. Tho
Clscovcror dos not elaim It R
cnrti lor all Us 9 U!3, but fccldly
ai i. i. iu it muu i.,n.)r iviiii
. , .
nl ( crma r.nii-it'O' Ip.nn i ,'
1h, j'," jpr'o blood, dis-
ordsnvl kJdnfiys, nnd whero
ihcxo ii ii broken d jv:: condl-
j r"0'vP' faflj to restbrb'fm
sut.t'1'Cr. .Sl-Cn I? ilUbUi-N.K
P.LC'J'O CirifiiS. .'laid ty r.ll
:rc c;itl:oi7(d
by li.i.i ni?.i ol'jiU'.ror3 to re
fund th- rr(fo W P!,r
chPrcr vi:o ti bcr.clitcd ty
rOST, K!B.:iii & CD,, rrtps.,
ll'O lM'l.
felt id
I i
n l.i.
, U I H'-TI In
hi ii.,.
,1 , .-
I : ' ...! ,i ,i .. -ii'i il, I ir ,1-k . i
i ..... i..e
I r I. I . I", il..!.1 ., -H-r.,! v 1..1I 1 .... 1 i'l
l U-. nil.- I. .1- tr. T, tin- e -t-r .liv.i
t ,. ii I.. . n in 1 in I w. !,. m..' 11 rie- "f -"'I
. i 1 . 1 r 1" ' in ' ', 1 , . 1 1 11 ,1 1 ' ,1 ' . . i.i 1 ii " 1 ,i-.,tl;. n
, 1 .1 l . ..... . 1 ,1. 1 . - - ..t 1" f I i'i . ,T '. 1. )
.i-i 1 . 1 . , 1 1. -i'ii .ni. 'I ..ii 1 1 - ,i-
, ,.1 ;. 1 1.' 11, .u lii m li.owi. ,,-."l I'. l till ui'-i-l
1 1 1. 1 il.iilt l,M.I-.r,il.. r- '.i l ll.iiln l in' In" 11 11,
t LiHl'I'l K.iilill.'. . I. 'U , , II II"' , II- I i'.'MV.
I .I "1 .I,..1., .I 1 I'i'i 1 ,.' I , ., ti" ..iri ,.
in, yuifi r M.l.i.ii 1 1. .lu..rli,ulii.i,.l.
linjr, wi.ih.tul I tuii'i-t '"
1.....I .l. p. ..,11. f, r.M..i...ill.lll, II III Ur r I rn 11
ui.-.ii.-i.,'. ,.. iumi . nv :: m ri 1
r,in M lllne,. ,'!ll-l, '.llf.'lI.lll.M , !, i . NH,
i-;i,.iH,,i. .Oiilurlii. I mil., nml 1'i-vvi,
'i'lri il I .fllii,,.(.rii. rul O' l.llll .I'.iln In '1,1
hlilc, Iliii U'.r l.l;i'!ii..lli-iiiliii'liei ii.l ,.iiri.l.
Ifi,i I ,r ill tii'iiw Hntii-.i.i.i If. -ii in iT'-it ilii-il ,'ii'ly.
(Tiiniim. ' tin t-'l ili-r ii'iT...'. i . In ni- . il .
M..I.I. W II. .1 I ' II 1 .. ' I.." I I I III. 'I'L 1.1 I
t i., r,-i. I i-i.' ti. 'I ii i u . 1 1. 1 ni I.-' ii-.i
J.ri.ii i. l.i. ,j i "-lit il m.-.T' . Oi." l..... iin. n.'i l.i-,
1 1, , i'i,. lli... I I-, iiH.inll.i rt .,..'i.i I nml lull l' l.
'l ii i... In lii in ..ti. .. I-i l r.l . n : II," , iln i i' 'in
l',. In. il," n'l'.r ' III''.' ni' "li ; lnr i.irx
il" ipl si -: lien lli'i.'il il . "i.i' I -. 'ni' I M
Ipi Nl"l ll n linn-iiitf ."'ll. , nl'iili'' hin-t"!!.. li.'t
I-. Ii.'.l ..r Hi' .i. I 11 ii.' r lii.'ni.'ii Ir 'il
lull. . in I'.n 4I.M.V Ir-n nii'iiili." lil.i4
ilijue nm. I ft. i'i"1 I'"' i"Jin. r... i'iii,ri. l II.
'iliC li'ii.iii'i'-1,," Ti- I 4 irh ml i-r-m I nl lUv
uu ri-.,iiir. VAliU NO Oi li.ili. .
I n-juilii'S ia h.iril In cdiiiIliI, Il i annul he
overcoiuv in mlay. More (tun likrly it wasn'l
(oriiii-il liuMily. Iiiilml il in.iy li.ive lu-ui
I'railu.illy htrciietlieiiiii;' il Iml'l fur yens.
ionnsiuici', smnc fniuln-licvc Kliiuiii.iiisni
ranniil nc cuicu. i nrir ..mien, m-m-icu u
; u.r,lfC ,,cm. s-. ,li,t n.cir ,.ran.H..ii.cis.
l'ain. There ia K,titive iroiif of it too. It
comet from llioie who have tufl'rreil untold
wilh Kheumaliljm , UvB com
I uleuly cured l- tlii remeity. All who have
' lr,etI K ,lave " eicnenco. some el
, them nU Mo iul ()(ir ,t.Mini0 u
maUeiuitu a little book, v l,iih we teitil free
to any who are interested cnoueh lo ask for it.
A complete Ruainn Klii'uiiiaiii.iu Cure,
COktsil.SO. If mailcJ, loc. aihliliuiial. If
neutered, ioc. more. Vou'll novci iiceil but
one, ao the price Uu't bicd. Who wouldu't
civo $t-SO to ect rid of Rheumatism ?
Aa yl ll Cannn4 tinf iuTiil at Ilia llnrti, Inn ran b
kail only bf aikliainn ilia aiiiiHinl aa aUie, awl
auiliuuiuii ,n jiiuwniaa r ru),
B:a & til Market St., rbiUJclnhix.
r.nrrois ami pnoiMmwoit
,-1llornns-AI- Law.
M. STr.liSE,
.'i a
J fT m 1,1. t mlf fi. m ti il.k I hi 114
I i I. "u ' 1 1 iuii i-i n-1 1" t in ion nu i Ir i
r Tlv nil. li I el i ... OlLcl II I.', i t
H li e I'. It 1. o
J AMEHC. C.'tOl Si;,
.VIHI'Lr.HI Liill, I A
All .i.rli i.nlri ,lnl ti, Mi rnir llliii
!. no i r. n i t ii tut!i ii. ( i r rt Itkl ' i lif
li. in lei I i v iM,. '.' -1
I A Co I ; (ilLIUiKT,
Attiirrtt j mill Cionini.!i r at ln
1IIIIM.I HI IK.ll, I' A,
I ,'!. (f. r nml nil mo n i',Tii
ir tt:,i.ilit:l I,. t nt .-ill n 1 1 . i. I . i i .
' ( i ln "i illi.
! . I -IV
y l- Hol'SW ElllH,
"Ul I l..,...
,'1'. ' iPf ?ml !' ""' 1 ' 1 V" "
m, null-lie. i I'. I r 1 1 -1, tnu
II B M ll'ICI ,1,
.1 iitir J.j
in llT
,i' '.,!(;, ',-,'f
All tuflni rnlrnuli'il In Mi vuro ntn l
,rniii tly kltnmli i In.
f. it. 3l,'ilii.
a i roiti:v
i. '.i-iiiiI I nunrii r i-rn 1 11 nt
)uniultatluri In t. n p 1 1 b anil (ixriial
If U. I.OWKIt,
AND MSTUIt'T .ttii:m:v.
iVlilltiiiry, J'ti.
Cotlftlott i
ad. Canpullallrsa is hrrltrh
Jan ft, if.
a Oil ilarinan.
Attomcr A Oontisellor-At-Lr w
lllBdil App'i Hail. lira -r iiroi lNurili.o
K HIMi'tl 11,11 KL-
aellnsRi ut , I'ciiii'it.
I'lillc-tloni ami all, ml. or .rf am kfiil
npri l milli-ltml ami will roi'ilii'. ralnlrtfl
cr jiii il a'.toBilon. A t ll.'
ir!J - t-'MITH.
. 1 1 I I ! ' A ,- 1 i ; T r.
y 1 1' i 'i.i. i . t i. i , ,'-s v t.i i .
'i'"rr M. i-i. ipi, i : , , i,.,.. t 1 1
'.ini iili:i!.,t,i! In II. I. i,i,.; . it , . i.
-I '".'OA
I'ori n:,
.v. at
Sol i ns'Kio vc
i r-t i I.Mr IT.), . n.ii! .-, .-i i
'I I I'- ... I i.ii -In - - rut r ii -1 1' ,! I.. If
rr--,.. n ..r.ei'i l a l Ic 1. 1 !, n . 4 r; r-. ,.
Jj ji. (iia.M.M,
' M I I
,ii. , I
in n.
A 1 1 oi'ti cy-ii t Tj.m
I'i 4'4'l'jil u t';e-
r r.'i:lMtl .li In .1 Hi
I lilt lll. ai '
I'l -
AI lonicy ul F.fiw,
l i'ld.M r i ii. '
I'r'.ifei fli.ii r 1 1 ii I !.:- i i,i r n-1 I,' I I, ar Dill
I i- .. inp I) ati ri ,:, I I ,
A T Tn I: x r y A T I. A ;;,
1.4'lt tstl I II to II o,. p;i:
' I'le r J it I. i ir, t um liiwi i, ! I'jia
ri Ti
n I-,
joiiN' k. iirtiiiiis,
J::1;;, Sin, r ('., I'n,
' . 'iilleetlmii, irolli (ly lil.lde.J"
Physicians, tyr.
J. .sMi rii,
Physician &. f ur;rcn,
JU inr Sjifi'iit. Subtler ( m ti'u, pr
Hlfurii h'l irnlr,i'lii,al IHrtlCf I In llr kDtli
illim uo Muln strci.1. . . Jui.nli '.,.
' physician awd suncccr;.
I VntrcN il if, IVi.u'.x
il'liT" I.I, .r'i'iv-l ,rnl .fri let. tutl," ull rain
il c. i, in ln nr., I vhlally. .ya.,'M,
Q lil'CAIl HASSlNOHi!,
physician & soccer.'.
Middleliiiiirh, l'lni.'i..
1 1 If. r Ilia tTlf,.li'l)l irrvlaia
In On c HUri
I Ii 11,
-ll. 7,'U.
it ni T.iu iHinirK ii uul V'lluliy.
W, lilllfcl.iu Uiilllu.
I (iitinit UAitiiKi;,
MiddlutiurKh, renri'e.
Olt.'Fi til rrnffimlr rial farvliai l i tra , lit,.,,.
i, Ml',lliurn Mini y . I 'tune a lo Oooi
wen ai iiim i uuri nnu.a, in ru,.il'a kniien fn
Krrl'lenoa uinmilt i,L,ualltt 1'ilniu.i
Fremont, Snyder county, Pb.
Idrarlnatanl Italtlmnra I'ntUua af Pk.n.i..i
oJ NuiK'i'ii. i 'iter i lila I rnlaialniia I aat? Ita
il imiillo, np.-alii t-Dglliti aaU oaiaiaii.
Marok, IT, IMit. If.
)lt. K. W. TOOL.
freel.mra, l'a.
Otarthl irnral'inaf rrfa-t la ! aaalta
! -un, lo baifc Kuatlik aatt Otrmru
Uie on Mulu ireal.
Soil usirrj v., 8un
- - v.wc.v-iina,iai' jM.wavi-.