The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 11, 1886, Image 2

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Bttbtcription 1.50 Yet Year.
Om Ootamn. On Year, ,
etaa-aeM Uolarea. uo Veer,
lke.etlk itlwii, Oi tear
rtti.tii ;m, per er tvoo
A editor, rMutor, Ailialoltirainr, aa.l
Apian. Iftlpf ft '.o
i m ipwltl arranvoirnt nr. mvie, ill
weoenie.lnrtil fur lui than a inouthi,
tr. Il.1t p,f Ineu .or n-e Insertion I in
ftrrtko eeeonri Infertloo end T eeaU lor 1Mb
nv.ot Iniertlos.
H- L! ..' 1
Match Jl, 188t!
The public debt statement for
Match 1st allows a rodjetiou of
70 J, 153.
The Slate Treasurer reports Hint
ftt the close of business on February
17 Ibore was J 017,4S.'.." in (be
Treasury, exclusive of the amounts
et anart for the Sinkiog Fund.
Oa Saturday Mis Hi ant i ercivscl
check for !2 to.000 from (Juatles
L. Webster i Co., the publisheis of i
General Grant' memoirs, a the
amount due bor ou the liist Volume
of the publication.
I'biladelphiii coveis tuoro area
than any other largo city of the
couutr.v, wilbiu en ponito limits.
It hai 120 square tulles, ami con
tains about lSO.O'.'O house, lu
1SS0 it hail onlv l.ifl.OOt) houses.
The Fortyuiutii Congress has
thus far pasnod only tbreo bills that
havo become hwa Tbo.v aro tho
Fourth of July Chime bills, a bill
authorizing the .Societal y of tho In
teiior to fit np soino rooms in tho
Fatent OJice out of tho contingent
f an 1, which involves no nppmpi in.,
tioo, an 1 a bill permitting tho use
of a ccitain bulauco for tho use of
the Montana Imbues.
The State ullows J?13'J per year,
for the support of a Bobbers' oiphan
over ten jsrrs of ago. lty the re
coot dinclosurcs as to the manage
moot of tho schools it appears the
orphans in somo of thorn were kept
or fed it the rate of three cents pi r
meal, or nine cents per day. Tl is
for a yoar, 8u'" days, would amount
t0$:J2S5, leaving ?1I7 1.", of the
1150 to go into tho pockets of tho
managers, or somewhuie tl ie.
The New Voik Tn'unc recently
lovite.i its readers to un expression
of onioion ou the subject of the
uppressiuu of iuteaperance. The
- w
:.. rp...
total number cf icplios leceived was'uitv0 i,eon
6,2115, Of theso, about ouo half largely ought to consider very cale-rl,u"l' I Llvo driven out ev
were in favor of legislative j fully tho amount of wheat they pntlC'y 'Uy B'"CU 1 l",V0 buva ,,cn' aD',
tion. Next iti order wero those who ujt The winter wheat ouilJok is :'"U Co0"lr,,M l h thutthisi.
regarded a high license lawns the! 0cert .in, nlten.ate freezing c,)Vt,r. tl,u i'.eM c,tl.try 1 ever saw. Fruits
most practicable measure : 1JS0 : iug ttU j (1DC()Veii.,g being bkely very lf k"",H J'ia''1 we" me p"r
voted for local option with high mucu to injure the crop. Tho Fa-'"'0 U l,,,,wiuS "'", B"wi,'K ll,M
license whero sale was alio wed.1 Clfic C()!lst ,.,.,,,,,-t,, Hr0 favorable, j Tl'" cl"u ,t0 u,il 1 ani1 l"'rtI,ll.v. To
Only IS weio favorablu to rational The situatiou there is favor- v,,u a" il,eB "f Ho,uu ,,r ,ljH t,r"
prohibition and 213 to a Statu cou-Lm. T. wint,.r ul,ni ! hth here, I ill give you one in-
titutioiml amendment. Two tho't
ireaung ougui io uo uooiisiied, nnJ
one was in fuvor of licensiuir the';- i l . l
, '""(fair condilr n ; but nt tho samel
diiuktr. ,. ... , . , I
m mmmm mam lime it will bu subjected to the!
In spite of the fact that bowls nio'fu"zi, K ft,,ll thawing weather which i
going op all over tueeouutiy against
polygamy, Mormon eldets still con tinue
to labor for tho cause through
the Southern States, and Dame Hu
mor has it that not a few weakm in 1
ed youug females, as ell as several
of the sterner sex, havo beeu con
verted to the faith. 'lbote tldeis
are not eatisfiud to let v. ell cuouirh , !..;. ...til.
u lUD u... .ur, .uuih.ul eouuuy. o. oeueiacuons o inenu
of them will bo sent homo ou ice. and fo ; aith hi. wo.k well J.,ne '
The Southern people as a class aie . ud its Im.efits standing like mon -
nnU I Ii ii I It iu K... . ...I I 1 ... li . I - I. II- .i I
subu uu i i. uum uu iu ii iiiu
nnu iuciu, uuu buuio uaj uuo I
Al 1 1 II
vhrtaA skl.l. fa tssill aiiit,i.l,..i
inn A vrttinr n i. baa n l i . .
wO sfww 'tw us n svi
uiuiuui um uui luttt jsiit ui'itx-i .
uvu luwiiauuuog, iuo luiuuv
tnusket will bo called upon to settle
the dispute, aud ooe of tho elders I
Trill suddenly Cud himself with u
Lole iu his body bi' euouh to ,
throw a good-sized dog through.
Kalamazoo has recently got the
bulge somewhat on Oshkoih aud
Kankakee, by public test of a re
markable gun invented, wo believe,
by one of its citizens. The first
trial was made with the smallest
gun, which burst. 'I he eecoud trial,
with a 55 caliber gun, was mote suc
cessful sendiug a 2-incb steel ball
tbrongb ft solid steel plate 1 3-lb'
thick, imbedding the ball eighteen
inches in very hard wood. Io the
third trial ft 7J-ioch bull was used
ftud the target, composed of four
teen thicknesses cf boiler plato, lij
inches, firmly attached to an oak
log, was perforated, the ball pene
trating the log a distance of four
feet, the passage through the irou
ftnd atoel being perfectly smooth
There ia but slight recoil. Iu thU
powtrful gun the powder is ao well
used that the entire power is con
centrated oo the projeotile. Two
pounds of powder were osed in the
beftvieat teat. The ioveotor claims
tbia guu will MOdft ball fifteen
The Cbambersburg ValUy Spirit,
ftoaweriog ft correspondent answer
ing a eorrespondeot about the lV
as to doge, is not easy of interpreta
tion wilhont the aid of ft lawyer. Io
ft case recently decided iu oar cauls
Judge Howe held that a djg is per
sonal property although many Lave
long contended otherwise. Answer
ing ooo of yonr inquiries it may be
aid that if a man cornea upon yonr
premises io pursuit of his calling or
on some proper business and your
log assaults him be is privileged to
protect himself cvuo to the the kill
ng of the dog. If the visitor comes
for malicious or doubtful purposes,
is Attacked by a dog and kills it h
is liublo for dumnges.
The Supreme Court of Pennsyl
vania has tecently rendered several
decisions o general interest in the
matter of road lux. The right of
farmers to work out thoir road tax
has been generally, if Dot universal-
j I r, conceeded ; supervisors in a few
townsLips insisted that the tax must
be paid iu money, A test case has
been decided in favor of the tni
pajers, nnd their right to woik out
the lax distinctly nnd finally afliim
ed. Iu other canes collectors of
road taxes have chimed a commis
sion on tho l-ait worked out. as ell
as that nuid into the townshin ir-..
ory. Tho .Supremo (Joint decides f,0,u ,,,t!,k" c ,,f fJ to Vernon t Ohio,
that all claims far such commissions1'"'" whence they camo to Kansu
should tio rrjeclod, tho oking out''0 '8 roft( 'uw w-1'' Kx-I'res-
of tho tux imposiog uo labor on the! ''I""1 ""J" He b10 ncifis of
collector or treasurer, but on the
snpi tvisi'i, who is paid for his ser
vices. An:thw Contoanlal.
A;iil l;t, 1 S '., will bo the ooo
hundredth y of tho be
ginning of coriMtiiutiuual govern
ment iu (his country by tho inani
guratiou of its tirst prusideut,
tioorgo Wurthington, who took tho
oath of otVico in New York on that
day, where tho sub-treasury now
Maud. It is proposed to have an
immense centennial celebration
iwbeu that timo arrives, bin, there is
no groat hurry about getting your
now clothes ready for tho occasion.
Tha OaU::k f;r Whoat.
The Aoifrh-ttn
l,)ltie lfl8
itcoived crop leports from over
5,i 'U J RorrespoQileuts. and, reviow-
jnR tl)0 .itnatioo. says : "Owing to
Li-,,,,. '.i.
ivi.vsiju iuiiiiju LUUJllULlllllll llllll IIIH
I ' r '
exports, farmers who
growing spiiog wheat
1 ; , , , , . .
r wlieut crop corn-
1,fc Wit I1IJ JItU't
its blanket ofi
hllciW in I'l'llcl il I v rrn.ii In 1 In I,. in I
,H 1,110 1,1 111 18 season oi too year.
iry lutlo giaiu is moving, and
there h no prospect of any large
increuse. "
x:o:t. K3I0SI camseon.
After a long caresr of usefulness
to his State, of valuable service to
i :. . i . . 1
uiueuin io uiit uonor iiioiinn uim. rue
veneiume OIUIOll LUIUI IUU SUiri'lH
i 1.... t t I. .1 i.'.
. .i-.x, I b 1 . . 1 I.... til. I . .
nutiMiiu eui, in juuti Hfnilil J,u'
Bicuuy. nua bin men mi v u ou io
eiouiivii. iona liver ine mu'' visia
of yems he has pnsied like ouo who
having made a long journey, reviews
the way by whieli he has come;
sees the point where ho met itb
reverses, tho stages where giiefs
assailed him ; and through thum all
the sting mfteood by the curreut of
success i mining through the journey,
the fruit of houorable purpose, uus
tlitichiug courage aud uuoouquerdble
energy, the whole bluiidiug iu a
earner pleai-aot to look back uj)on,
the pleasuro enhanced by the con
sciousness that be euj ys it rmt
alone, but io the compuuy of friends,
near and far, ho rejoice iu his boo
ors, his health, his clear mind iu his
ripe age, and the reanonuble hope
that still moie auuiversaiies will
find him omoug (hem. Blessed be
youd most men, iu all purls of the
State hearts waiiu with off.ctiuu,
and faces light up with pleasure as
they hail ith gladness the birth
day of their reveled su 1 honored
friend,- Ihirioburg lelerujth,
March, 8.
The giaod juiies of Duller and
Mercer counties recommend lbt
licenses to sell liquor be refused to
11 applicants, aa tbt traffio ia sub
versive of tb public good.
- r.anr
rtABODT. Kan. March
Kd. Tosr I atartej at llariis-
bnrg io compaoy with D. S. Boyor
and II. L Li klbe 25 ih nit. The
last named is moruber of the bank
ing (inu of Hope, Tessler and I-srk
who ate doing an exlensivo banking
business at this place The railroad
rates.aie astonishingly low j we had
a through ticket to this place for
113, a distance of abou 1150 miles
We slopped at Indianapolis 12
iionrs, visiting the places of interest
in the beautiful western city of 100,
000 population. We also called to
see Mrs. Hendricks, widow of the
late VicPresident, and found Lei
to be a laly of fine culture. Soci
ability made us feci qnito at home in
her presence. At Atchlnson we met
Governor Martin and his brother
A If. II. Mai tin. The (Jovernor in a
I'onuRjlvunian, coming from Fay
elte, county He nnd his brother
tre the publishers and proprietors
"f the Aichitou Daily Chioiuo.i.
They received ns cordially and are
excellent types ef progressive lepnb
I i-u u ik hi Pi om Atchison to Tope k a
we sat besidd Kt-(Joveruor Ulick,
who 'a a very sociable msn. He
gave us very valuable information
Kausui. He also is a
II its father came
y'd near Atchison City, is a houvy !
stock raiser and is wealthy. I'm in
Topekn to rioreiice, we wero io
company with Mr. Hut tei field, mem
ber of tho Kaunas Legislature, of
Marion county. From him we also
obtained valuable information. From
Florouco to lVtbody, wo had the
pleasure of talking with lion I) V.
Voorhi-, IT..'. Seiiate, from In liana.
His tongue niovis hLt) the nou of a
t'i:ii1e irrilor anil a nmtalnul ni f.,a ... ' 1'
- - J J . Mm VVJUUIEIUV DtlVfllU
of information comes pouring fith.
Von will learn by what I have wiits
ten that wo were highly favored iu
i ho company wo met ou our journey
io mis place l'eaoody is a
very beautiful town of 2200 popula
tion. It has two ban lis, a republican
and a democratic newspaper, numer
ous stores, hvo churches, public
library, two private schools, teu
I i 1:- . - l i .
; iic scuuuis ana every ming else
tuat belps to make up tho lively
western town. Murion county, in
which I'eabody is located, yielded
I (JHO.OOO bushels of wheat last year
nnd n very heavy corn cmp. Im
mense herds of cattle are fed iu this
,!Htauco. YeMterdiy we visited a far
mer one inilo south of Pe.ibody, nnd
he cau see the train approaching his
house. 8 miles away. He has 1000
sheep. "') burses and Cults, and
many cows and oxen. Two of bis
children came home from school
while we wero thero on limping
ponies, it was quite nu interislipg
sight to see. To day Mr. Link and
I Hie going to Mai ion, the county
sent, and I'rof. Uoyer, iu company
with Dr. Tiessler, one of the direc
tors will vis-it the schools. We ex
pect io go io .MeJicine L.odgo iu
u ilhvr C0Ulltv, on ,Lo ,0lltrn lor.
u.r, to viow a"3 3,J0 acre CBtlIa reiicl.
ntll, ,buD g over i()t(J tLe ,Ulli
'i' . . ; ....
The lakes and streams
i .twv SM pVWM MdUi tftUU lllO W r.
' ill i t Sk K It It t I Uit it ii A irn n v
If v
tou wero bero wol cive tbera n
i . . 4 , ..
ling mound. This is the country for
meu of menus, who eeek invest
meuls. When wo return from the
l eiritory I will write ugiiu Wo
expect to return home about the
'oth iobi. II M NIl'l'LE
Rorcoo Conkling is one cf the
bost amateur boxers in New York.
Henry Ward Deacher has recover
ed a watch thut was stolen from him
lust fall.
Sum Jones savs he never wro te
setmnn io his life
Pilifbuig ladies are forming an
iudiistiial exchange for women,
wheie they can deposit the salable
results of aoy sort of wolk they can
do aud where buyers will bo invit
ed to come.
Sans, Johnson, the murderer of
John Shaipless, tho old Delaware
county Quaker, was oo trial last
week at Media The jury oftsr a
(light's ddibeiation returned
ft Ver-
uioi oi inutuor in uie uist uegree
Motion for a oe dial ere filed,
Ao item in a paper before ns says:
Of olevou women serving life sen-
in ll. Indiana f.a1,, ,i.n
seven are incarcerated
log their baabaada.
f jr mordor
toif SirWVTI " "watt fr 'I'fjT ft aWBM
9 ?
'rre 2
1 B
o $ ii W ,s
s 5
2 ? S 3 u-ia mm
' 'i ? 1 I 9 "l 3
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g fUUHUaUM M M 4C JO t
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f1 :
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Oil .1 if j. .: ii -i K - a
I ao .i ! . O -i t; 2 ?
The railroad company ' putting
down anolhjr switch, cullsd u "stum
Our young folks Imd n gay time
ou Tuesday. '1 hey hud buired oui
their teacliers ou tUe previous even
ing uud const quently hail no tchool.
Father Abiuhum Middleswui th
bled profusely from his nse on last
Toemla evening. Medical aid was
culled and the bleeding was stopped,
but the following day LU d agaiu and
every day following until iSuuda
evening, since that time it Las not
bled uuy.
John 1'ruin made a business visit
to our town. Johu is a live ealeb
man. Chnrlen Decker soil a calf to W,
Uish which dressed D5 pounds.
Our many .Slave mills are doing a
rushing business
Thero is h. party going through
our end of the couuty by liuisus to
bo used ou Street cars.
The hog cholera bus again broken
out iu this towuship, .
Zucklcn s Arnica Salvo
Tho limit Silve iu i on wnild fo
ms, liruises, Sores, Ulcois, Si i
Klieuiu. Fover S iren, Teller, ('niip
peil Hands Cliiiblaiiis Corns, uno
all Skill Eruptions, and positively
cures I'llen, or uo pay requited. 1 1
IH guarautoi-d to give peifect sails-
laciiou, or money
refunded. 1'iici
2) Ceuts per box.
O .M. Stiindel.
The secretary of a lottery associ
ation gotten up at Shenandoah uu
der the auspices of a fne company
has linen ni rented by a deputy Uoit
ed Slates Matshul aud bound over
to contt. The lottery association
is said to have issued 25.00') ticked
at $1 e:ch, making a gross umonut
of !r'J'.00lJ, out i f which they pro
posed giving loss than $5,000, of
prizes. How much was leceived
has not boen m ule public, but ihi
diawing look place.
A tire on March 1, near West
Chester, destroyed the barn of isunc
V. Thomas, together wilh 10 cows,
lot of hay aud grain. Loss 1 0,000.
Yoj drive often ijeeu women wi.b
marked ulue.iesy or of face,
vliiuUd aiieiiies, Uiut a craving for
uuwliolehoiiie fooil. Tlie are t.ljjiiH
of n ilibonleieil liver, aud the trouble
uin-t be corrected or won-e re,iili,
ure sure to follow. Hollands aud
fathers cannot afford to thin
matter lis'itly. Dr. Kennedy's "Fu
voiite ltem:'i1y," wiiie-li diiiels liver
dieue, cokts lesi tliiiu sick wives uod
daiibters. You will lluj it a ver
;.olliulle Miucli.
Sheriffs Sale.
Wln-rrim liy virtu ol rimilrr SI l url nut
of I he 1'iiiirt ol I 'uiiiiMitn I'ln.i t iit fount v.
1'u., mill Hi me Slrtrli-il 1 Kill ,iuril tit ,ullo
tila 1.1 i ho l uiirl ttuune, In M I'lillchurli, uu
Saliirilny. April 3 lSf C
nt in oMiK'k A- M. III. lullowlnii do rlliej Itetl
Y. t iiv to wit :
S.n'ih. TKAITNo.l. Vanil Kx,
All Unit ri'iiiiln lot ir unmixl pltuul lit llio
llooiiuli 1 1 I Im ol .Ml. Ill tiurnh. Snvilur rouiily
1'u., tHiiiiulKil on hit NorUi liy Iiiii.U of Naiuuul
Wll'rinnyiT, Y.. t liy u I'iiIiIiu llu4 Imtilnu to
r'noikliu, Souili ly linnlii ol John Moynr mul
Wil hy l.:iel orSii'iiunl WlilHiuur.r, oouU'ie
Inn 40 SUI'AKi; rr;irili:s, Mm-e or li i,
I.... a.i upm "Ml.J m lllll.1l llU't'l I t'.l
illnl NK. tlOUUSTAIU.l;. noil PVrnlluiit w.l.r
' t;' door.un I to i n itu '.lis f rupcrty of Hr. I
urimm. tkactnh , , vemiKi.
All Unit re tain lot ol would (Unite In lliu
town ol Iri-oliuru. Kny.lernouiilv, bounded
on the urth by New Markt-t Ktra.l, I Cant by
Willow Niniet. South by an Alley and Wn by
lot ol I. Villi ri.hor, eootaluliiK lM KMil! 81'fl
AI'H l; more or lea, whereon era erented a TWO
".'..ft 1""" B,u" UJ '"' ,''
neiien, i iaen inio eieouiion. ans o t fold M I luetliute SSO Locuetai .Tu.uiTl7 e . --- ....... m .. w. .
".thstruurrtyi.fJili8.Klreit w WlllliT r.i ' "asted. oderale.
NKK It. MIUI1I.UWAKT. Sheriff, t ad modicum- , vraeeeahi. elaii Ymin' "'f 5, ' W
eiedtraoilioe. MidJIaburah.I'a. ifarea ll. ' !?? f"".- aad ImmJ, omtT ' C f)wkl Si UflSlrerllU TlwISlrlU, ft.MVr
sjjfj p. a
5 I
, 0 BS Bll J 'AH
'"''l"K' (" di
jiti. fyt
It,) wii u Ian,
s S r' ?
ui . - u I
m fiitjnil Xi
on n i"l l l
4M oj, iiiixjj,t
lr,nnj, till.
AplliJ. 'U. HillX)(
t lit toinrnii .'i II J-
.Siijjii,) jni-. iS
I ft y.
am flA intti o
I ojmi iCiunJt i
I ok: nniF i rmpni
w i - x -1
. f b s s. 1 1
S cj .z W i S
tO li W
l! ? 32
' - i
14 v - i f I
o i o -i i. I -
IX WKHsTU?XiVi.s I la Ml imsjsji saji
ft dnit"riwjs m w ! n ('.Mtrir nt i "intltiit If
nBTictfi it iniD:n ii in tri'mn. nd
ttntc Oi t Tin irf Ul aliu, to yiv4t ttisj wa
i ft a
luirklr ftn1 eAtnnlrtl)
t itrrai iiit i.tM In nil
h iol. tc It nrti liwi ami imnliw lliithltMKl otunu
I he
ntrt inn MintitA nn-i anil (tin iwwtimlMi
in ltMtiiitlttiuD il I'nil.
Kimt Rf'rnir I t'Uiirnh, Biiltiniorw. lA mvh
"4 T til Ui
nd tiifjyttii I tsti irMt ilMnur In nri ru
mooilmir il imrhljr. AtiMic.nnttr it tl-ii(lid tuiiio
nj imitf'irM"!- and rcrjr irwtiaitbniiia "
Hon .liwci'll O MriT. .Iu ! ef llrrail
C nu tun i,u. lud . buih: " 1 ltr mit hrful tstl
Diuiiy to tlm fll:iT.- of lirwu iruo Uiitttra M
l'ili. Aiirl tM'iie "
GniiuiiitthMBbtMiVAl'rart Murk arnS crnsnsri ns
nn wrnirrtr. Tnkr no olht r. Manlsj by
WHO A CULillCAL .., HALTlAftOl; Mix
IttVlllM HSh.1 llhm n'm In. It llHtr. f.j. 1)..,.!.
IlhuW.n In cnniunttn.
for in yori, witli racurj
iualai hy uods,
rot to blow down, unit, tba
Tower koo. with It: oruilntl
luywinu ibiii ioa not almoin aulwuntlil frm
bulliriiim i to be i.rfi-ct : to outlut ud do better
work than any oilier mill ma.lo.
We manurai-tiirn both I'uinplnir and Oearod
U11U anil carry a full hue of Wiml Mill Suiiiilica.
Bend for fataliwu. Ciri-ulr an.1 PrlPfa.
Adra PEKilK 8 WlHIMtlXL AI CO,
Mlanawaka, lol
I. 8. I InIk
at SMIn-.iimTa. Sajittr ooi'nty, Pa., It prepar
ed lu luroisb
Monuments. C-rnvc-
slones, mid H;ild
in? Work
ol all klnila In the newest and da
tlaoi, wurkoduulol Ibe
Eest Marble
rieae ea'.l and examine my material and
earn inr price belore purobulna el ere
J -n.i, l.i.y.
Good Wages. Pay Weekly.
Light, steady work given out to be
made at dome. Work ami material
furiilHbed, culled for aud delivered
free by express.
Glebe Editing Co.,
8J3 Washington St., Uostou.Mass.
Feb. llbUSm.
I.'ora of Ad mlnlntetratlnn on the eai.te
of (IKDH lK. s. MUssfcK late ol I'ranklm
Towo-klp. N.idT Co.. !., de'd, tiavlnii
iit .o granted the uu ler.Uned, all peraon.
known k tbem-elv.i loilei'td tuiald relate are
re.Ueil.. to make luiin-dlate paymniit, atd
tbi-e haviBH olaliua will reaut Ibeui duly
ButkeDiloaled to the uo ler.lnrd fur fettle
men. II. .1. KKHFR,
k .. M ANUtLlNK KK18EH,
reb II, H. AiliiiliO.ln.tore.
bellnigrore, fa.
Slniikt, jafa, reliable an
ereeeooe fuegoMaa.
not irwae
. Seadlo aireuUr wlib leetu
ji ei
a i
I Mlifrt rn?t
j j J , 5
I S. I on;: nnin r'tip n.) 1 mWX9
I Ml" ' 'rS, mmt&sz
u ii? urns'
I ' t r?
It I . M I SJi f
I -I ? a25ffiS3r
I I s - I J rJ.JJ
I I j: "M'S I -. '
. u.,m..,0.,
s '"'i'i'.u ' xt-x ; c"
i s
1 'm-.'Vl.lli ti ltT4&V?lL
I l-rrlrl lVIl
r ' fl - s - - k H rrl
I MVBI.If lion mWII HIIMMHiMd 1 1. 1. . ... I I. I .U.UU w....ft.MH . VW ft U W ft. U I
I Clleaoa. Aitilraee OeutrftU Mediae A1,.,.J7 I lie r.U. I. . k.i ......a a 1 1 I
glPTpunkS! oKrt
.veil-in nlo ivnl at prtOH
suit cverylxuly.
Very Cheap.
ot eveev desi
in cmliesH variety lor sale by
f .
Mia &m
Villi oy Street,
kinds hii.1 pi ices; Mut
tiesses, reutliers. Pillows,
Iinoli-leis. Hed S)ineM.
t'luiirs, 1'ubles, Sinkn
Sofas. Sta ds. Ituieaus.
Ac., e. A c , A
A full line rf . lute. Hemp,
Hil llinst-e's and Velvet
nil lings, t'nea Mini Hntia
iell nuy f the above gunili.
be boiinght sny place, and
talioii on P, It, U nte me f ir pi ices or come n.m
ee the liiiel ntnek ttiin hide of Phil idelphia
INspi'tl fully, W. II. FELIX".
lints & Cups, Notions of nil kinds.
llauking the poblio for past favore I cordially invite an iostcction
of my large Stock of the cheapest and
tuo (Jouuty, produce of all kinds taken in esctonge for Goods.
G. C. GUT 13 LI US,
Assignee Notice.
NOTICK i hereby given that
Samuel T. An anil. of Hprlne: townnhln
Nnyilrr eountY. I'a.. baa meile a voluntary
deed oTAaeiuiiinenl ol all bla eiTi'ela, reil and
penoi al lor Ibe lo uellt of bla oreilllnra to the
iinili-rjlsoi'd. All per.oni kuowlns lliemaelvei
ludebteil alll pleaae make Imuieiilate pay
im nt. while thoee bavlna- elalir.a lil preieut
Ibeiulo 16AAU1. AlANKttlK,
Jan.'il, 'b8. AulKnce.
Surgeon Dentist !
Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.
Orrms ia rsAssbia iisas tbs Divot
I W ileerelninn Kalnn rain n Ia Hi 1
- ription, nioup. c
3- ! t--.
uppenneimsr i!gm&
li t.' I IVCinifWI,' flZtUati'J
Lcwistmvn, Va
PAKI.OU SUM S in Browr
IU rv, Haw Silk, Hsii
Cl"tli nnd I'liixh y"od.
Piiilnr Ib ckers. sll k'inlHi
Mai bin Tup Tsbles.Look
ing :tnses, some fine
ones, I'irl nit s, Ac, Ac.
ling, InurnihH. Tupoti -i
('iii oetn. Ail Snnarei.Sin m
1' lelni I . r Mat-. W i
mh low uh i-imie quality !
pay fu iulil charges to oni
best goods for Men and Boys im
PiPuro Hyo, Copper Dia
tilled IMountain Dow SVhis
koy at $2.00 per L'allon or 60
cents per quart.
Eagle llotol, Franklin, Ptv
Wfknu.rLok of ftUawti.
deri llureaaeuallir wthU a aauall. fiTimiPii
nor Quaker.. PolU.Friff. r.fl 4A2Sri3
, ...... - jjl fcUU
-C r- --