4f f3 . I '. . .' i i : . - . I , i PI 2. llg that will not vonson is n biot; lie Unit ninnot is a fool ; lit1 t li;i 1 d.uv t,i is a k!,ivo. t A X. II. HARTKlt. 'X IJ' ' HUiKii; ami ."i:)j';;i).ToK ' MlDDI?IiimHGlI, SNYDER CO, PEXN'A, ALuirll "7us VOL. XXLIl WJ 12 t . S ,S V . ' Ik FB H 0 E H H a B n E LB ft as E H lit :FOETKY: TIMS. Time's hand's breadth ; 'tis a tula ; "Nsa. vemel under Mil; Tto u eMle in its way, Darting down upon Its prey; 'Tli an arrow In Its Mocking the purntiinir Uht; Tin A uliort lived, failintf flowsr; 'Tin a rainbow on a shower; TI a nioinantary ray Fiiiilinir In a winter's day; 'Tis a torrent's rapid stream; 'Tlsa shadow: 'tis a dream; 'Tin tlit cloltif watch of night, Pylngat the rising lixht; TIs a bubble; 'tis a i:h; Ba prepared, O man to die. t033E2EL 0? THE DAT. There's a man who lus a cane upon ilia streets rrods the ribs of every person whom he meets Hi, police I And the in aii who, whIHuk Knot, Keeps a-lookiiiK to the Went, Hunting into folks at leant lie's a subject for arrest Hi, police ! There's a woman with a parasol uii furled She's a nuisance in this busy, crowd ed world Hi, police A ixl the.woiuHii whom we meet Walking four or II vm ubrnasf, Crowding people olf the street Thvso are subjects for arrest Hi, police t There's man who, with a lurj;e. and roomy store, riles his goods along the walk outbid the door Hi, police ! Anil the man who tukes the left When he meets you I II be blest If I'm uot of nense bereft. These are subjects for arrest 111, police ! (VuVdfo Xrirt. . 'i i . ' .a -a ENTOMBED IN A WBSCS- Mr. B. F. Peterlee, keepor of tie Wry Head Light, rtlatos tho follow ing remarkable personal experience while oa a fisbiog voyage to the Graud Banks of Newfoundland eight years siuoe : "My father aud my grandfather were both Methodist uoia inters, and when I was a boy 1 used (j'lito fres qaeotly to Lero tbeia read from the Scriptures the story of Jouah. In those days, bowerer, the aecouut made no Tery groat impression on my mind, bat I now lead it with a peculiar interest and sympathy, for I sometimes think there is not probably a liviug man whoso expe rience so closely resembles the au cient prophet's as my owu, "Like many another Cape Ann boy, my first exporiouco of life was as a fisherman. I went to the 'Hay,' as we used to terra the Uulf of St. Lawrence, when I was fourteen years old, shipping on the sohooner Secret opon 'balflinoe,' as was then the phrase, meaniog that I Lad half tho cod, halibut or mackorel which 1 conld catch, the other hulf poin to the owners of the vessol. Fox five years I was out on this 'my every season and made fair wages. Tho last year I was on the schooner Edna awl Harold, Skipper Groom, There was a erew of elevoo, iocluJ iog the captain and cook, a mulatto Damed Iesaye. On the oiht of the 28th of August (tbU being our icond trip that summer), we were run dowa by some large vessel, a learner, I judged by the Bound, and very soul on board drowned uuvu myself- "The schooner was lying at anclw or, with lights up as usual. I had turned in that night shortly after Uvea o'clock ; there was than no fog, bat i mist may have risen later, as it often did. From a sound bap 1 was wakened suddenly by a loud shout of 'Ship ahoy I' and a clatter of feet oo deck. At the same in. tsot 1 was aware of a rushing, ro iiag noise, and a deep sonod like the taming of a propeller's civws. There were shouts, loo, at .Utile distance.' Captain Croom nd two sailors Gates and Smith by tamu, who were in the cabin, but less soundly asleep, perhaps, then I jumped oat of their berth, and ruHbed np the ladder. Dut beforo t eoutd foltow their example, I fell (he sash of a large wave against iU stfiooher, followed the same in lant by a horrible crush against our ti .h1 do. f wsa thrown headlong. The fVtiii. in fell off its peg, and Went . . nek-bonrds, bedolothes and tM.i '(.U'tiet M trad vfoa nio. Then cnino another terrible shock nccompsDiod by a surging uoiso, on.l I could feel horriblo sensation ! Hint our little vessel was being borne do.vn and canoeing over ! Thrre was n pon lorous, grating, crunching noiso oveihcnd, mingled with terrified shouts and ciica. Then tho wator rushed into the cabin, drenching mo in a moment. 1 rose, half-swimming in it, amidst t lie boxes, boards and clothes. For soma moments tho enmo heavy, grinding noiso continued voihond. It whs tho keel of the latgo vessel parsing over us cniHLiiig us down! I ovcu heard the Ihtushiug of Lei hugfl fcrew. We were nt that mos nietit twenty feet nu.h r wntt-r, thrust bodily dowu by tho frluer weight nnd momentum of the steamer, nnd that, too, before our little ctuft hud time to fill or sink ; for tho instant tho steamer's keel passed oil" her, 1 felt tho M'lioouer give a mighty hu eh, which pitched mo headlong niiin ; and Ibuu she roso to the surface. "Ilalf"slrnngling, and tumbling about, I gained a foothold, and standing up, f uiul my hea 1 clar of wator, I was still in tho cabin, but tho water cu:lg tip to my waist. I was so dai.iid that I had littio Men, what had liiiieiie 1 at lirst ; 1 be better to drink it and bo crazy thought font time that the schooner Ibuu to liVe longer, in a sano cons had sunk, and I wondered that tho j dilion, iu such dreadful plight, water did not till Ltr and drown t "Another night of comparatively me; but after a few moments 1 foil culm weather passed, and on this the motion of the waves, and knew iije,t I slept considerably, but was Ibeu thut wo no btill ulloat, I say j aroused au hour or two before day (re, for I did not then Luow that light by sumo ponderous body I was tho only person left ulivo on board. lmmudiaU-ly, too, 1 made i the discovery, by stepping about uud taking hold of the obioets : around me, that 1 was utmnfini on ctilimj of our little cubiu, or iu oth er won!, tho uuder side of the deck, uud that tho echooer was c ouso ipieutly capsized, or nearly u aud lloatiug kcul upwind Then for a timo 1 gavo myself up for lost. Put the water did not line any higher, snd though Iho hull careened somo ivhut, to one side, it continued to lljat, I was insid'i the hull of a capsized vesitfl, and could not gel out. If the little cabin filled com pletely, I tuiiht drowu, whether tho hull sank or not. There wan uow a space tbtoo or four feet by ui'is or tou in length free of water, though tho water swashed back and fotth iu it every time the hulk lolled ou the waved "Thus, iu utter datkness, I stood without a tingle chance of i scape that I could think of ; and what were my thoughts I must let the reader imagine, if he cm. At inuo - teen, with ho much of lifo before one, it is terrible for a young per sou to feel himself outmoded alive, aud bound to certain death! The rest of the crew, I rellecled, had either been drowned or picked up by tho ettamer. Better a thousand times beou drowned at once, I re llacted, than punt up there alive in a floating coffin. Afur a lont( time I began to notico something like light iu my narrow prUun. It in creased, coming up Ihrought chinks iu the chokod-jp gangway, a dim, wavering, uncertain light. Morning had daw oo J, and the suu, porhaps, was shining on tho ocean. A little of this wave-reflected l'ght (struggled np into my wutory cell ; my eyes, distended iu the darkness, were able dimly to reeoguuj objects about mo ; and out rA the chests, boards and other fl luting matter, I was able to build a kind of platform above the water, ou which I drew up my body. After a time, too, I began to bo hungry aud thirsty. There was no food io tho catiiu. At times the hulk floated in the mid.it of schools of cod, hake and perhaps other fish I could hoar them in the eoa, all around aud beueuth me, for sounds iu the water were home iu to me with curious distinctness. I knew that fishiugsvessels might be cruis ing near by, and ufter every few minutes I would shout as loud as I could. My voice hud such a sliuugo inuflled souud that it frighteued me to bear it. "Night cam) on a.-ain, as I knew by tho fading out of the wavy, shadowy light the wind rose, too, ktid soon the bulk rolled so much that the water in the cabiu slopped over me at every lurch. The dreait terror of such a long, dark night, I will not attempt to dosoribe. I was .Jo constant apprehension lest tbe schooner should roll over and sink, The wfud foJUward moroio-, aai there was fog again, as I conclnded, lor me lnut w is Miuter thau on ino previous day for a good many hours. Thou it grew brightor. I Leaid a bell and horu, at a distance, which I knew proceeded from fishiiigveH,e'' benvy report Inol.o on my c sels. si.Ttmlliotf to their bouts. lU - poatudly I shouted nt the lop of my lungs, but was UDablo to attract at' tuutiou. "That day three or four ecal camo about tho hulk, and often climbed on it t I could hear them grunting and 'blowing' iu ths watei, as they lishod about tho schootier ; and diit in i; tho nftoinoon tin; hulk diifted amidst a school of herring. I could hear tho patter of the her. ring against the flanking outside, and hundreds of llu'm cama in ul tlio gatigway beneath, tilling the wiitur in tint Ciibi!i. I conlil see .. ,. , , .., .. , them dimly, nnd with a tin basiu 1 J itippci! up inty or Hixty, which i put in a box. For by Uih time I hiitl become so ucatly famished as to fat tbeso raw fish. lSut 1 was even mote thirsty than hungry, and nt limes fell tempted to drink my till of the salt water, though I knew I out tho testimony of sailois w hom I had heard talk, that the ell. eta f drinking it would be fatal to me. .Sometimes I thought that il would which I think must have beeu eithei bIhii k or a whale spotting ubout the schooner Hist it butted its head ii.'iust tho hulk (r ooliiiLr it about as a pig might u pumpkin) Several times tho creature guvo vent to n doep, monotonous groan. There may have been a number of them instead of ouo, uud this was per haps their mode of commuuicatiug with each other. I felt somo fear leaHl they might roll the Luik over. .Suddenly one of the creatures dealt the vessel a tremendous blow with its tuil, probably For u moment I was iieaily stunned by the coiictis hion, aud then waited breathlessly for some time, dreading a lepelition of the si I oko Hut 1 heard nothii g fin 1 her fiom these rough visitors. The blow was appai tutly their iait ing slup. ' During tho day which followed, 1 experienced considerable dillicul'.y in bieathiug and was soied with dreadfully sharp pains iu my cheht When these had subnided 1 fell asloei). uud mav have sleiit r!1 tin. Mlowi,)f, Iiif,jt, bllh n9 , ll(nv L,,,,,!, ; , i,,,!,, u ixitiM, m nun vuiuniunu v'lJlll lUtli From this lethargy I was uroused by the sound of voices very near. It was light agaiu ; and oo listening for a few minutes, I beard oars, A Loat was Dear by. I shouted aud was heard, I think. For tho voices uud oats coased suddeuly. Theu I heuid the voices agaiu, still quite uigh, so close that 1 could dutiu yuisb that tho language was Caba diuu French. "I uow shouted 'Help I holp I' as loudly as 1 could. 'For God's bake! I screamed, help me. Qui me out of this vccsel." "Then 1 listened again with fever ish auxiety. For a momont or two there was dsad silence, then 1 heard a sound of oars, dippiug softly iu the water. At first 1 thought thut they were coming close iu, but soon fouud they were going away. 1 shouted and implored and yellod agaiu, theu btopped to listen. For an answer, 1 heard the oars fuiuter steuliug away. Such a fit of de spair aud madness then came over me that 1 shrink from epouking of it. In my frenzy 1 cursed them for brutes uud beasts, without hearts. The superstitious fools, 1 doubt uot, had taken my cries for some ill omened voices of spirits ; for 1 have reason to know that numbers of these provincial flohsrmen are very iguoiaut aud credulous iu such matters. I now gave way to despair. Probably 1 wandered in my tuiud somewhat, and may even have drunk salt water) for 1 Lavo no vory dis tinct romembiaoce of events, subse quently, till the following day, as 1 reckon tho time, wheu 1 was rsus -d by a sudden report, like a violent thunder-clap, at no great distance, preoodod by a rushing, spattering noise which soeraed tu pose directly over tbe balk 1 did not know what ii Wan a ffrtlr but tho etfddea s nnd routed mo brought me uacK to a more i;iiu ible c onset- ousuess of my situation. 1 thought, too, that 1 heard voice at a distance A minute or two p issed, then unotli ills ; iaod t the sa.ne mutant 1 f -!t II V!o 1 i i t shock a'uii'st tiie hulk, necmi:. patoVd by n (i .lilting, ciacl.ing noi-(! "It Hadied to my miiel that th" schooner was bcinj lire. I nt with a minion ; for I bad hcnt- l that f , . tbiveniiuent cruiser in th.x.i w.ller. sometimes sink di'ivlict liulkn nil ml nt sen, in thin Viiy. " 'If they sink her, 1 m ii-t sinl, w it '.i b'r, r pel haps K. : i 1 - I tiv the shots,' was my thought. "If ever a p r lelinw slmit' cl. did then. Aii1br r .it ti-. across the water, an I ,i lull cri-'i. d into the bull over I, i head. l...n. r i I ij it to so in lie! i l li.it I s i w a -.'ill. o. sharp Kleam of da li..ht ll.r..;: ;li the , liroken plaiiKiie; It iminv , , , hue - in V ev- liad lien s. i , ..:; IICCII - turned to the (ilootii of my pK-mi. I Icilolllili'd my sllollt then rniloi; every instant lli-l iiie l her ball woul I collie tbroil:;h the si'h i'f tli" hulk. I eiMtirlied down, I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 r it 1 1 . 1 tr.'inli liii;j. Hut my sleut, loivio f -.r ec;r'ss tbiuuli tin' brnl.en -In -at bin-, ; bad been b'urd heard wuli no little , ustoiiNhiiiciit. After a fi w minute-, 1 beard a boat pullin t w .t r. I s me. Wading alotlii to ll u I nf I he rah in, 1 was utile to p. man of war's boat. Scotch caps mid j i si triti;,' very hard At length the bo- . " '.I'ley c .' Itn'L ."' " 'I'm aboard it ep ullt i ; 1 1 i lo'l -v at t!i 1 1 va u ail. a - all in Tliey Were seil'ioieT. i haii".l : k' ' ('- U' I 'll mted. 'And jet ,,!((.' I dmi t want it sun!, till I "The sailors lunched. " 'What are you d ; iu tber.i ; xclaimeil the hoat-ua 'Hallooing fur b, I,.,' -aij . "At that tllra wa a cry nt emu inir-fratioll Hlld pit.' They pe.lh.l' close up to the h ill. on. I a in.iii u -. leaping upon lu-r v it h an a, s cut uway t lie splint ! ai.ein l tin shattered part, sulh -icnily fur me to crawl out. I was in ba I c inditioti; indeed, 1 thilikth.it lol snine lioiit'-. I was not wholly in my riht mind ; but I recived v ety kind treatment. Tin' sailors inn! marines alternately jonen ami (io .a" lor my ouo hum- t I. . 1 . I .!.'-.. m ,, hap and Minenn-s. 1 liey nickiiatu Hie. "Jlis 1 aiiUce Julian. "The ve-sel was the ioveriiuieiit Jim lioat .Pin ; I was I hen taken in to St. John's, .N'.' w f.iiuiilla ud ; ale two weeks afterward saile I fur huiie mi tli.) steaiuor !. .ie.i." )' '.'.- Most of the wLeu ll.ey ful' mean feel natiir d. "I Lave doubt..," says one. Will,' you just quit rout' luo.iliUcss ano yon will ipiit doubting. If a man hasn't ei!"o,,'h religi ui ! pray in his family be h.i-u'l euoujli to take him to heuv.-n. What is cultuie worth if it i lnr tho whitewash of a rascal. I won!. I rather be iu heaveu learning my A P, LJ'b illllll iu hell readii g tilei!., If you will let me, 1 will cut tin last ligumcnt that binds you to a hi. of sin, ami let you swim out iud. the bottomless, botiu.lic.i eCeaii i f God's tuving love. There am old money lenders in i this city who, if they wero to get to heaveu, wouM uot be the re tlm i weeks before thoy would sunt to .et up a brokerugo und Corner lot busi ness. I would rather associate with a hog thau witu a man who djinl.n whiskey. A mau might ni-m'ci.it. with it hog uutl ho becomes ho-i. h. but ho would u )t become a ibui.k aid. Just as u.onila are abovo man-1 iters, so a Log is a better usHociub 1 than a dram drinker. 1 Thank God, society is down in Ihe ashes one more timo this side of lull oven your owl society ! And you will never get t io usliea oil' until you como to Jod When you como t.. I where you would rather phune ('od man to pieaso society you mo get ting about right. I would ruller associate with u dog than with a profat e swearer I bis may souue: strange ; but 1 know what I am ta kiug ubout. A man may associate with a dog until he becomes doggish ; but a swearei cau make him hellish. A man's affinities determine who Lo is uud what ho is. Going to church is liko going shop ping ; you geuerally get what you go for no more, no less, A woiuuu will go iuto a store who re there is SI 00,000 dollars worth of goods.buy a paper of pins and walk out. Thut was all she cuma for. You get about what you come to church for. There are more good women to tbe square foot . fa this city than I vr iW atjywWre but I wantev jcty ncmatiiu thi-J eilv to tno in i . v I Willi tlm I, l l .li rf.u ( ; : :. v. A then voitr towtl w-.il I e v 11 ; : -1 t e.ll lllli I. I pl:li-;i ,'cil f' r a good i ifn utel a on 1 i ioth. r. I tai.'t il. fy Ihe ',,-., (1 .1 v'i wil1 try me at tli ! e-i .1 'e .: , 1 t'i 1 1 I r u'd fiJ-.'l lio ilit I i" f t! ( j'H nt Ij.i 1 u . ,u ll hi ; i' u ;'. 1 1 ! Id a ll iiii;niii:; nee- i f U 1 t i . ly in hu led i if.: Iia-el. l..le v.u . Mt 1, I hat l! -w f, !", it ma I- i '' !!!, ll in the s:no jc. iiit I ,y. to it. il foreViT. .1 i.-l a I . I tlx p. il ! y ' '. 1 . 1 :i I 'tl - putv 1 1 i i ii i : i t'. . ii s!i ut Hollies. Wli.i? it 1.. ; i. ! ' II ii tie- alte-fo. e i M I lli-l... Iii A-d v. hu! i- 1. . ill-!., in ''. 1: : l! ai.te-ro.u:i t- i u.-i'i .' A- 1 '' ai a j.'e; ui'.-i ' I ! i : a I 't ' ..' U.ll-i.'. Old lee v'.tt. !...;.! I ': ; n i. i'o A I. I v h .1 ' i I. lis,;i .. .' ll . I.. :. ,;i i.i.i' ; ' Vheiiev.. vo l I. e:4r I'. : I h . vc 1 a ' a lit 1 ie j.'ii ( v at i.l.st :-:iV that Mr. h li .1 e.l la: t l.i.'i t. r-' , - id-: u-... - 1! iv nil I ti l'.y her c il it ; a I le.l-,! I'ln !i li. I !; I' 1 i c m Pv bel ill. PV the 1. lei. .1 ..!, ; -c ..I. 1 1. .1. A ti i v. it .!' ,i i Take la r lie i--''.i o Py ti " wav I i.e Lei i . lc : I t I ). Hie p. . I eg A' the ' i ( ll' ll. I ll.l '! 'It. I Ifl' e. t. t ...! l'.y ln-i l.ileiietiV nir ( t la A t. 1 ll. i e.-le : al c i ' i ; VV hel'e ii. I 1 :.l.t.. .e l v. 1 'he I om: :' ill .1. r hi i 'ii:. ale r..l.v:ild She ;.',. !.!. I' H i: Ill , huh : i I nvn.' lie .1 much belli lit fl i nil I iii el i i.' 1 1 . 1 1 1 I . feel it mv duty t.hl s'.:i' 1 1 : i t a i tn ii d i t ' knee it II . en, a i m, i. in:' sore on mv le f t li .'ht yi ii ,,,. .1. i I I W Ci :l . ' ! . 1 1 Iii-!i i I. intl.o.-. i A 1 1 lc i oi l I l .: I'll .'111 i I , I VI, j l0 , ,H 'at' d I II -e I. I If f hi. e I li 'ii'M'S 1 !.,'! I.' li": my l;-o ieel'lt I. IS I.' '.v I. nil P.ttelH all. r.. .', i.l . a b ill!" ii., ! 1..: il-.-. al. - i c. i.t.. p I .-hit il. 1. ww f vjs" wtVsa.-sr (F YOU WANT TO '.J t.'A;.;. BSC L J b W 'Sm C TTTV -y r, - n r. ;i - r l -1 f . .- !IPf.?SAW iljiii- E L-j ' - SHOT I i 1 s A!l lI:o Laic :;'0vcr;'.r.t2. FOR DEGCaiTIVK CIRCULA.C, L fi mho t'e Aft Furman&Co., IIIUI UUII SOLD ACEfiTLi I Uf E.REniriCTON&Sons' 2C1 & ltoidv.y, nlw Yu;:i:. WETI'l:'.- fiPPIi K, O. H. LA.V.SCPGN . CO., ARMORY, - - !or- ri Sf P. y R 7 O -fJ i ? id Li tti a a; vj U j J scoops, a i a c; e: o . MAOC IN Tii DCST kAKHH, Cf 5:'.iUl3 w j .;:' :t THAT OUJ C3: AS ALVAV RUIAiL? Ouo Piooo of Solkl f.;... l. no lions on rivets td vrAxi r ic c.ao:. bzuu Fort ctrtriiLAK';. EIKISGTON ACIIICULTU2AL CO., 1 1. ION. S. V. Nrv Vork Olll.e, IIS iaii;ibcn firrr, WILLIAM MAHU Blank Boob'-Iaker Sta tioner, and Steam Power PR 1 1 lloU'KJllo T e a !?l:iil Ko 529 market Street 4 IMULADKLI'IIIA. I'romihici. One I'rico Setting Price X'arAeU On Jl (Imxh lit, P gtn-es. Apr. 18-7L'. traul ni.J -.1 ii.l.i or? li !e r t ti-lDlirnUul IJmi-i. Toiwi.kxi, ('li.ni'Ollo, I ll'. l, UwriiliiirAUtieiMU. Kiilmy or l. f.rieiitfl..n. iiiAU, VI)., 61 llraailwity, Now urk. I(ln nt one. NL W VOICK iS- llVN i ; j . , ! 1 ; i , ; i : ! . i ; 1 i r,t.,.f:'i,iLV.,.:Ji' i . w i'. e '!M I. . Ill v. "II I . - r ) I . .- I . r:. ; ; 7 IT r 1 I i i a b.i.;i, a Ijiiu 'it'j 'J': V it ! ii '': .- it ! 'i 'i ry il : !'..:, t i i i i - it i.i 1 1 1 I t: III. 'i!'. :: n Hi i.l- i ', 1. 1 III H i.' 1- ., i,I In ;.nv i a ;.' the I .e.' ! .''!-.t'- ' 1 i. . I . fe .-'.l' 1 J.iily icMTi'l Sii:(l;ty i D.iil t i l i I ; i I i 1 1 ; ; Sur..!; ( Lwii'.l.'.O ALL T v -'," .Ll t'.l anticr i ..i Kra.l.it'' I or I '.;-i :!!- ..i. iii V I it !'i it'li'if,' i'"i' I li'' 1 ' -i Ii'ial ItLii.lii;;' I'.if lI.i M iI!io;i. t.'b'culatl.ui ivr I'."l 1 1 Iick) I'uts It Within the i.t Kvci ie. lv. i neal le ... .1 JlIX ll'.IH ni l . T, uci in.-.. Kcr sf t; t ", Mill. HI. I.i III . . tW N .l..Vn ti:ivu ftSbigin Hiit;ik.'U.v.J rOWiin tlU.l& Kf.il. A Lira iifjktviaroo. RtiufcrUabln and s'Aiup for tealed prt'cuiui-o. AddroM Dr. WARD CO. Louisiana, Wi, J .' ' ,'tl-, l .V. .. I AT L.'-.V, . t ti i ni r ' . M I.' '.) il ll ii a m wl s C. I i: -1 1 i T 1 I 1 i ti: . mi i i : - it 1 1 . i ii. I L i, i , V ' . l,', ii.. ' y4 ... I . .. 1. i i.. a; i ' a i .j: :.!.v ,v i : v . t :i .ii .. I ill'! . In i i.i.i.;... tea f " I i-.'l I'. I'll 'V. I'll i.-i .i''t.. i ih!: . Mi 3 . - I' "ii1 . M inn ' I.i" ii. ll. " I I . . , t,'. !. . i . '"'"'i,:'., 1 1 i.i U'l' ti, 110. .7,. 1 -I .1 .'' ' I' j . lllU.'l. II l. ill in.. ii il. II" A I p...' i Ul :il , "til" I'l'.T 1-ilblUit "IT- J)i: MAiiM IK.THUOCK, Pi ttncr.l, Snyder county, Pa,' ''!r'"! "'' l'tl'-.T..r.,U,l.,of IMiri:U' ... .in. p. i.ll.v s(, .ki tulliu met tHriuHu. .M411.I1, IV, te l. tf. ly i i:. W. TOOL. PKYSICI.1N AND SURCtOW, Fruboirc. I'o." "ITtl','l', I""' n'l'.nal i,rv j flTtr-Un Hoi. ,.nl .Mrv'P, loll,. rahu2 iktl ud UlH.111 VAN UUKIPK, . ... bKOlOAL 4 MECHANICAL PRKTIB I I'M 4 1 A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers