The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 18, 1886, Image 1

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    "j" : - ........ v ......
Nlfrt&Mt 1 .r&lkl JR..
isi . -
- i tt A ltMl l .J- j, i
I kJi 'fai'.j
He tli Will not renon is a bigot ; ho that .cannot is a fool ; ho that ilaro not i.i a fIave.
ll JWIl
- -
ED1T0K ASD ri)'JIlriOU'
NO 9
In a preclotH little ftton
What a splendor nipete the eye I.
"IB aiim. lump orMijrar'
low iiiuob of sweetness Heal
Bo in (i little woninn
tore arrows and multiplies.
Von reooltoct tin proverb uyg:
"A word nnto the wlso."
A pepper corn is very small,
But seasons every dinner
More than nil other condiment.
Although 'tin sprinkled thinner;
J lint ho a little woman K
If love will let you win her,
There's not n Joy hi nil the world
Yon will not Qnd within her.
And as within the little roue,
Ton find the rich! dyes.
And lu a little grata of ic"ld
Much price and value litis;
Ah from ft little hnlsain
Much odorloth arise
So in n little woman there's
A tate of paradise.
The skylark and the nlhtin(cnle,
Though small and lt;Ut of -w luff,
Vet worble sweeter In the prove
Than all the birds thut slug.
And so a little woman,
Thotiicli a very little thing, -
Is sweeter far than sugar
Aud flowers that bloom In spring.
Front fic .Vjkiiiisi.
t. L .. --
The Coneetofia and Susquehanna
rivers contain bat twelve or thirteen
fpecics of fish, sod ft fow kinds of
that number are prooouncod by epi
cureans to bo superior to the beet
found io any stream in tbo world.
Salmon are the leaders io all points
of excellence, and ahhongh not orig
ioal in tbe6e waters, having been
bronght from California, they seem
to thrive quite as well as the otbci
tocker, the bass. In tbe autumn,
when tbe water becomes oool, is tbt
lime io iiy Tip' rod end line
, , f
these gomn flab. It is then tbe
leave tbe clumps of grnss io (be
deep water, or move from under tbt
ledges of rocks, where tbey bavt
rested dormactly during summer, to
begin their voracious feeding.
Lurnpieys are conceded by all
iijhermun to be tbo best bait thai
can be used for salmon. A lumprej
is an animal from two to seven iucb
cs long, shaped like an eel, witb ikin
and color identical witb it, minus a
month, und has several parallel hole
on either side cf its bead. Tbey arc
fouud in mud at shallow places sev
eral yards from tbe water's edge.
The mud is raised by a scoop shovel,
cither upon a platform attached to a
boat or carried to bbore by wading ;
aud tbe digger roust be pretty active
secure them, for as Boon as the
ground ia disturbed tbey eudeavor
to wiigglo out of it to awim to other
pastures, tiomolimea as many as a
djzen can be caogbt in oue shovel
Tbo eunGsh is closely followed by
tbe catfish, if not too large, for Bec-
ood fnvor j but tbey are both vary
cood b .it. Minnows are considered
too email fry for a salmon to tackle.
Tbe bait must be placed on the book
without killing it, also it would be
When tbe water is clear salmon
canuot be cangbt with anything ex
cept by hook tbey are too sly to
enter set uets or tbe like. Oo moon
light nigbta more can bo captured
by outline than during tbe day.
Tbe largest salmon taken from tbe
Susquehanna last soason weighed
thirteen pounds, and tbe heaviest
yet rcportod balanced nineteen.
There is no more exciting sport
than drawing in salmon. They take
tbe bait tbe moment it is discovered,
and do not wear one's patieuce by
alow nibbling at bass do sometimes.
A flab too large to be lifted from
tbe water by tbe rod should be let in
a minute or two, for after making a
iew vigorous efforts to escape, they
become bo fatigued tbey can be easi
ly landed by lowing to shore or boat.
Black bass have quite as many en
emies as friends among fishermen.
Tbe former advance tbe argument
that tbe bass ore clearing tbe streams
of all other fish, some of which are
every whit as good as tunic dotdroy
It can not be dispnled that tbey
are tbe cause of tbe rapid extinction
cf tb. uativ fiBh A two-pound, Ib.teucUer v go-
U i. edited with the ability of f wliip the whole .obool
r-i 1-Mu'.0. r a-j.i''f b? "J 8J-
the small onen, commonly cnllod
flyers,'' kill many more than they
eat, just for tbe exercise it affords
tbeir Qua. In tbo fill when tbo
young shad are leaving for southern
waters, v the ,boss M play, bavgjj with
their schools, and during the ''run'
will scarcely bite anything nine. lie.
sides the common mm now tbey feed
upon eels, calfj-dt, snofish, frogs,
toads, grussboppers, belgramitet,
crabs, Inmpreys, all sorts of insects,
rainworms, mnsnels, lizards.nnd tveu
locnst blossoms. During tho sum
mer on some certain duvs fish bait
is worthlena J tbo finest specimens
ever Been will not tempt bass to take
tbem, and iu that event tbey are an
liable to bito at a worm hs a crab or
lielgtamite or any of tho above vari
ety. In early spring or late kotumn.
however, tho minnows is the only
kind nccesxary, if enough ran be
secured. H:tss grow in length
about an inch and a quarter per eats
ing month, and tbe few that escape
tbo book mature iu from three to
five years. Tbey seldom weigh
heavier than six ponnds.
Eels, shad and rock. - These
three kinds are tbe only migratory
fish in tbo Snsqtiebanna. The two
lattir enter the river from tbe bay
iu tbo epiiug, aud by tbe time tbe
bead waters are reached ate read.v
for spawning. Tbe femalo eha'4
cares for her fry tboro notil tbe ap
proach of cold weather, aud then ea
oorts tbem down stream into tbe
bay. Tbe young shad that passed
down last full will ariive full grown
at tbe Columbia fiitherics some
in April. Shad feed on bugs and
tbo small particles of grass which
tloat iu tbe currents, and cannot be
caught with hook. Gill and draw
(tines are tbo only .traps usod for
them. Tbe eel does her spawning
iu the south, nud leuves for there in
tbe full.returniug with tbe "crackers"
in warm weather. All those caught
in baskets are female aud were on
tbe trip. Tbe male cols and catfiMh
imbed for the winter in soft bottoms
- .. .i n. 1 iJvL va hern bdeilai uti
under rocks ami stamps in uecp wa
ter. His Cousin Cut Ilia Haix-
There were no barbers in those
days, aud there whb some of tbo
most fearful and woudeiful hair-cut-ling
tbat w is ever sceu. My hair
was red, and very thick, and it bad
to be cut. ' A man who run a buzz
saw in the mill usually cut my hair,
but about this time be bad Kcveral
ringers taken off wbilo moukeving
with the saw, and somebody else bad
to cut my hair, so a couain, a young
mau who l'ved at our bouso, fiiid he
wonld cut it. lie went at it witb
a dull pair of shcurs, and he proba
bly mudo the worst job of hair cuts
ting that ever was. In some places
he cut it clear down to tbe sculp.aud
in other places ho luft tbe bait io
bunches. When he got through
with my bair, an 1 1 looked io the
glass, I wanted to die. My bead
looked like an old ox skin robe (hat
has beeu moth-eaten, and chewed by
cats. It looked liko a fox squirrel
that bad been shaken to death by a
loir, lie cut off so much bair that!
my bat went right down over my
oyes. Any man who ever had bis
hair cat vrl'to o bo;-, by un amittenr
who fcemed inspired to do tbe worst
job on record, can appreciate my
feelings. My bair was cut Puturdny
oigbt, and bad all day Suoduy for
tbe hair to grow out, und to get ac-
customed to myself, and no boy ever
prayed for bis bair to grow as I did.
Monday I went to school. My idea
was to got into school just as tbe
bell rung, and not tuke off my bat
till I got to my scat, and then bury
my fuco iu my book, and never look
np, thinking it would blow over be
fore recess. My couuiu bad told all
tbe boys tbat be wanted tbem, as a
special favor, to look at my hair, es
be had cut it himself. lis wanted
to build up a reputatiou as a bair
cutter that would go thundering
down tbe ages, and be did When
I pulled my bat off, and tbe red
bristles that had been confined began
to ruise np.snme one of tbo big boys
snorted riht out. 1 think it was
my cousin, and I mentally resolved
to kill bim when I got big enough,
but before I got around to it bo was
killed iu tbe war, io 1601.' Well,
that enort was a signal,' and every
cholur in cobool juttt bnreto'd right
ard be bnrsted out. Vell, it was no
nse to try to run that school with
that bead of hair, so tbe teacher told
me 1 could wear my Lat 1 lived
until recess, though how 1 did it 1
.do, pot know, jxcopt tbatj bad de
termined to go down to the pond.
cnt a holo in tbo ice, and jump in
1 tbonght bow sorry tbo boys would
be, when tbey bad to attend my fu
neral, that they had driven me to a
suicide's grave,
At rorets Susan came to roe. Sh
always came to me at recess. My
father kept a grocery, and 1 al tays
had an assortment of candy and
raisins and drio 1 burring in my
porkots and Susan yearned for me.
Soma said Susan hud n morbid ap
petite, and at this late day 1 tbiiik
sho bad, though at that time 1
thought it was mo and not the con
tent of my pockets that sho yearn-
od fr. As she ato my raisins and
candy sho remarked on my improv
ed appeaintico siuco 1 hnd my buir
cut. 8hw said it wan all tho attic
K ict. Sho had rea I in a f ionion
paper, the Urol her Jouatbao, 1 think
it was, that rod hair was more sty
liib thau any other collor, and that
it was worn short and in scallopN. 1
win mu"h relieved and gavo her all
my raisins, and beforo tecess was
over she bud convincod all tbo b'.iys
tbnt tbeir hair was too long, and
tbey bad all engaged my cousin to
cut their hair that nL'ht. I wss
happy to know that the samo bandit
who bud chawed my hair off was go
ing to cat theirs. (So 1 decided not
to die, anyway, nntil the next day.
The next morning all the boys bad
tbeir hair cut liLu miue, somo even
wore, becanse toy cousin seemed
to waut to see bow bad he could
cut hair when Le tried, and tin re I
was no more laughing on tho back
Keats at me. 1 tliiuk 1 appreciated
Susan. Peek's Sun.
l'ui,i troi"" '"'jcther ...!,,wsp
itilv.D io tho lurtu ny nuivi lock or a
desire to lead an enty life is nono of
your hubiiKHS. I'm no better or no
worsj thuu the avetago. Sunemen,
with my advantages, would have
been iu Congress to-duy. Some
others, witb my temptations, would
have been in State Prison long ago
If the world owes mo any thing I'll
forgive the tUbt. If I owe. tbo world
unything eIio'II have to dust around
lively to collect tbo debt.
A. year or two ago, wbilo I was
tramping in luuianu, I struck a
streak of bard luck. It bud come
on iu wintor, and my toes were out,
my pockets ditto, and I wan dressed
ia summer clothing.
1 trumped
fourteen miles aloug n
tied highway ''no day and failed to
turn tip even a ulico of bread. Ou
tbe othei band, I was bitten three
limes by dogu, uad several farmers
threatened to shoot ait-, Wbeu I word. However to give m ri hen
nigbt fell I was bitlf-frozi'U and (Lajrfitnf tlio dni'bt. 1 was piked tu
other half starved. It whh no uso to j ouuio my comiuny and regiment.
apply to a house for lodging audi
got my eye on a etraw-6tack and
atoned myself away.
Now, then, tbore'a uotbinpf moan
about u fctraw-etfirk, but it dounu't
begin witb a tiret-dans hotel for
comfort. You may work into a
stack your wbolo length and cLiuk
up ti e bole behyul yoa and you'll
find it cold Tho air Boema to nift
iu fiora all direction, and you full
asleep to dream of floating over a
cold Boa ou an icoberg. Tbe woatb
er was about zero, and by miduight
I found that I must get out of tbat
or freeze to death.
There wai a bitrn tbont forty rodn
away, and I crawled out aud took a
run. One of Die small doors was
nolocked, and I crept in to find tbe
place a thousand times nioro com
fortable than the stuck. It was
dark as a pocket in there, and I bad
00 matches to strike a light I beg
gan feeling my way across tbe floor,
hoping to strike some bags or bUu
kets for cover, when suddenly some
thing soft and warm touched my
arm, glided around my waist and 1
was lifted off my feet. Did I yell ?
No, sir, I was too frightened to
open my potalostrop. I dropped
my arms, and my hands came in
contact witb what do yon think ?
An elephant bad bis trnnk around
me. lis polled ma gently up to
bim, aud then felt me over with bis
trunk, as if to see what manner of
man I was. As be offered no vio
lence to ms ; my , nerve camo back
pretty hood, and 1 patted bim oo
Le Lead and callvd bin ptt Bame.
lie bud a big still to bmilf, od as
soon as I could give bim the slip I
began to back off. I?ut I s wouldn't
have it that way. lie nacbod out,
took bold under my trmo, and
swnog tco aronnd into ,j;s manger
picked with bay, aud"Iia 'bleXod"if
tbo keeper didn't find mo tbiro and
fui t Hfdeep in the morning 1 wan
pretty well fiatinfied that the beal
bad no intentions of mnkiug luy
damp existence auy woreo than it
wrts, and p.s eoou aa I got watm 1
ftetil to sleep
What aroused me in tbe morning
was that elrphant IruropuUug avy
iu high dudgooo, aud 1 turned out
to fiud that she woullrA ht Ik.i
keeper come within teu feet of her
II o coaxed and tcoldod, but fho wns
firm. While she would trumpet at
bim sho would caress me, and it was !
from toy bauds thut she got her
lrenkfii!t. You see, she was a cir
cus elephant in winter qiivters, and
i hero were a go jd many other aui-
mnln in mid ulmut llui 1mm.
Iho long and the nboit of it was. "' lu'?.irr " ''..urt nncrt imh ptit.u
1 whs hired to take care of "Kiu'i11"'11 i.Ii-kihoo ur . tj nm: u't iiim
! iu I .n.l vol.1, 11 e ,t.ii.'nl t'.l lilt
prHH (niOUgu lUO WlOkOr, SUil i;(ntn nmnn nii'on mil lnrin rmix
.... .. ... i ' l" ' "'n r'ii.l. I y Hit ir iin.tin., ,.1
xuonui nave gone on vne roan wuu
her iu tlie epring but fori uiy own
stupidity. One day I ot drunk
and slit red op a lion witii a pitch
fork, lie fctruck mo tlircugb the
bars of the capo, raking my left
arm from shoulder to ii-tt und tbe
doctors bad to nriniU:u it t save
my life. That's all, K'cls. and if
you have an old ccat. h air of boots,
or anything olne t I ilp a tramp
tiim op for tho onnuing spring
campuigu I shall b fnuttrinlefal
"No, I didn't Io' t'j-'i !j io tho
war," replied a etru jr n-sterduy,
an bo leaned opagun U I' 1 cold wall
of the postoflice. "I u..ed ''aim my
log was shot off at the b in
tiotsm, but one day son. -pen
d to cr me of 1
nod Htoppud u
for dinner."
"Where did you -eg
anked the woman.
'At Gettysburg"
"Sit down till I cull my ousbaud,'
"Ho cume iu from the Imru. and I
na fthkitl where my rcgimunt wu
statioued in tbo buttle.
"In tho cemetry I replied
"lli! Well, my son Bill was ia th
cemetry, too. I'll cull hi in in '
"Dill soon cuiiin iu and be ! wantad
to know whut - iirliciilur grurcstono I
took belter boliiud. I mid it wu a
Scotch graiiuto monument,
"Oh,' grunted Hill. My brother
; Hub was behind just such u stone,
I uud I'll cull him in.'
"Bub cuino in, and he sworn h
mitrhtv oath tbnt bo wus there alolie.'J
Ifu Hurt o'oieemoted tbat moiiiliiieiit I
- , .
and renu mbered tho inscripton to n
"Comimny "li," Fifth Ouio,' 1
, promptly answirod.
"Oh! Brother Jitu was ia that cam
pan.y; I'd call him in.' j
Jim came in, took a equaio locdc at
mo aud remarked: A
'Stranger, our regiment wasn't
within 200 miles of GeltjKburij du
ring tho war!'
"I suid Twcnty-fiflbl ' Of court.
tbe fifth watiu't there.
"Obi I'll call in my brolLe; Aaiow
be wan iu tbo TwoutyGflU.'!'
"Aaron ciinoiu, called wo a wood
en-ltiggod liar and I Wits pitche 1 over
tho felloe iot the road. Tbtiy'vo U"1
this war business dowu so fine l.t !
you cau't go around playiug; roots ou
tho couutrv no more, and tlio Ln't .
way in to own libt up that you got
druuk aud got in tbe woy of a loco
motive. man . . 1 "
Ezcitement ia Tesas
Great excitement has beeu caused
io tbe vicinity of Paris, Tux. by the
rematkable recovery of Mr J, K,
Oorloy, who was so belpli-sn he
could not turn in bed, or raise hi.
bead j everybody said be was dying
of Consumption. A trial bottlo of
Ur. King's Now Discovery was seot
him. Finding relief, he bought a
large bottle and a box of Dr. King's
New Lifo Pill by the ti'oo bo bad
taken two boxes of Tills and two
bottles of the Discovery, be was well
and bad gaiued ia flebb thirty-six
pounds. i
Trial Bottles of- this 'Great Wis
cover? for Consumption' free at Q.
M. Sbiudel's Drug store,
Coal bas been discovoAjd near Eu
gW FttMi Tfui.',., ." ... ' , i
NOTIUK in hereby givrn that tbe
III ha bfwii DIM with 111 Otorknl
Hio Ori'linni' I Viirt f fl(ntdr msnlr, nr nn.
r)rmiliB ou MouiUj, IK ii,. tj of I'tb.
Apt-rnMmrnt of -vrnli M rtln. wlilnw o Jr
iiiIhIi AUrtlu. lnl ul I'm towu-Uni Um'S.
Trial UtU raa.Tow;. lZZt
rii-i II vr, r Th I'nlMii towiiflilp Ho'.iuul
Win. N,,., m;t,.r, v Slmcii Sl .
.Ihu 1.. .! ii . i.mii.iii. Sl.:i I1rrfr.
"I H-l'r M intil.flurliiH I'u, .lii-lli
i I fi'iili..,' n.
I'lillli, S .in., vj .l mi .1. M;. -hrl.
V. I.. II Hit ..i.lmr. i ,l..l,ii K. Iliini rt. j
Viil hi him ,lii r. l:'.i..rT. r M . I. Ill miinr.
Ili-niy I.. !..-, nj,,li , s, s. ."i. ul.
Hviiiii l I! rti-n, p . .. vii li It. K.:l. i". nt.
I'hc M l. t',i., k lnnu t. Iii.(irri'
U mr;inlt'ii A .
I. I.. l.n.'U. v SI .fy K. I .it !.. I'Acoiitr I.
'. S . Itr .Wii, k V. in. H li.i.iur.
Shiiih vk ,s nnc
I . l. N .pl'ln. t." .Ihi N. Ili.i.r
I II. llriM',ti rrmiklln I w i-lilp,
II. I . I In in I. icli, i Imi li) M..)ci.
-Notice is
l'hv..i'iiii swmrt. i-1. I'riil.ln t,inUlp,
iip' i"i n-nuil, ll ' . 1. 1 1.' . mi t'ri II lf.fn'ltf K,
Mitnnt Llm.itiB.
I". (I. tlinl", ImI'it
n.irri i: ii i.t' kinR.
A Mi. 'tii. II & Sun, S lntfr'ir ' rcjnfh,
bmroni"! 1-lillniM lur Tv. ni, llrrn.
wltti tlio t'lurh ur I4uin iir ? ul stiy.lrr
fnuniy.'in l tli mii will Io pre.xrt" I tor .
I An I now. U..ii ,rv l-lli, !", It l or. li re. I
iriTiti imi .'I' ini. ij,u nny ol rli. IH'll
rorolpt Irnm t:. c. ulilr Treiiner In I lie t'lerk
ot l.ilil C'uurt, lint tUu 1. Hi l'i-en
I1. I'l H t't'lil A.M.
W. W. Wll, I lurk U. H.
Cotii't I '1:iiiih t ion
Axnir.ur.As ti 11.
mi. Joseph
llu her l'rKl lent "t tl,e
rll I'IMrl.M en,, ,, ot 1 1, n, untie. ,,l Sny.t
1'i.inD mi'l Milllln nil Miimiei A. We ml
.InCitli A. Silitlli. f.rq4. Arani'U' .ltlilli IB
mul I r !nif r onnnty Irttt lumeil tdetr ire
eit bcBrliK. tUle In Vitu itiy ol ln. A. II
1-Mt. tn in illr.-i.l lur t;i" Iml.tinK it mi Ur
ihii eonri . uri ni t'uniiiin l'!oan, cmirr
ul I Iyer n. 1 orm . per n I Haiienl emirt n
quarter sr. i. 1.1 II r, m Ml.Miei.urui.
tor tli eontity ul "oi'"fi un h 4ili .Mi'Ii.Ihi
(leliiK llie.'.u.l .lay ul teu. Ill',) .ml continue
tin week .
Nol'oi-1 Hi. re'or iien-i.v Kln I" Mi ('on'.
nr. .Iutii'e. of th 1'eive ,1 4 'on tut'le- In
n.l lur 1 1, rnuiily ul sny.lnr, io a it iMr In I e;r
H iiper i r-in with their mi' rfl.'.'r.'r, Mtqu - f
tinne, flXNinlniit on- mill uti.ur ii'iiieiiii r .ti.-es
to tlio tli'n to their iillli e. :,n.l m t' ir l e i
bull ortin to he ,lon nnl wiine-eii uti-i i.erj j
inn. i.rti.ei-i'l w In tiehulr ill H e ( ,..i.:n in I
Knultli HU'iln'i nnv ferMHif r require 1 t., ir
thi n un I ther i 'eii'lln:; ni not 1 r r : t -
without leuve ul it'-.r l. :i. .1 urM- ri n re t, .
Tiienle 1 1 1 b- ,un lu.ltn ilielr ul ' ,1 .1 u,. 0 4
tli 'lii',. tlui mireeiii ly iu n " .
lliv. n unloi ml Imn.l n'l fent nt II, Shrr
It'toltleBin M .il;l urn, I he 'il .! nt J..i,:
A. H , ons t'.iuuinil eliflit huu,lr, n4
Nhlt R. MIIIJI.KSW A KTH, lir"t
Hcgictcr's llrix-a.
i,..ior.i i fill,. tt;. , 11 en )
1 .m.i ..t.,o.i.aiori. i'.., iiii.ii. nr. 1 I .KI'I'IIIU P u'.
c iii.ta. Ill ttui l(e...ti.r a on). ol So..
I 'ouutr. anl tli a 1 :iih will I .ir'-.niite 1 ..r ron.
flrniutiiiii hii I allow tin'ii Ht I1m t'oi-rt liouao 1,1
MnlillirliurKli, Mo I'luy, Fall. '.iii. Isxl.
1 he II tin I ii.'ioiint of .I.1111 llulir, almn.ol
ill eel He ol lli'tiry llnlior ilei'M.
lln Ural 11 ml (I11.1I avmint ul Win. A. Nnpp,
h tin: 01 Iho aluti' ul l.ivl lloier, alei-'il.
I In- 11 1 nl S Hum I F. Anriiul no, I lai
ln:i'i. u'luiri. 11 Ins uii) ol John II.
-nitlilt, it. '"'i.
I'lOlll rtl'l
tliei-i:'!!!' 1
ii' l ol II. S S lim n. I ieciitor uf
j' liarino llm ir, .1 .".!.
I 'Im lir 1 mill 1 111II11I i'niiiil nf ,1'ii'ij'iS llru
l..i'.ri , u. 1111 ol I:. 1' ctu It ul Jiin.ti Itruliiiki'r.
1. I'M.
final ft ! "I I. S.'l'ih'h, a.linr nf t It
it:it.-nl s W. lint. ie..,. wlm ni. tins 111
ol Man Mn.'r. 1 I.. --I . -'. iinirlv "1.
nervn ll.-Mneii :i in 1. .r ! M o K,j,l H.inVr,
Tim tlr-t 10.I e., i.,..,i,i ,,( nry V.
S nier, 'iriivlii! I 1 .-itor nl II, o v.taic nl ' Jnlm
il. Inniki Itn'ini r iieo'J.
Hr-t .mil tin. I n uut ut Allrn M Hitter
killlK. 01 III I .1 .In ul .lolin I'. Kill, r. lli r- rl. '
Tli" a ill I Hint Ittml uvuin,t nl .1, I n K.
Ilutlni huiI Win. Itulii"i, rto nl. r. t lio'. i
.lol.11 K. Ilitvln". aurvi.iiiic (outi.r vl II. c tij
t .lu ol I'h.itU 1 II i.'li. ',!
Ai-Kojint of Henry K., (luapllan nl
iJolin I:. Siinii aell. u iniiiur i'I.iI.I 1,1 1 i. ,. .0,.
- n. n. mint nf Im S At.ti
le 5tc Iletall
arket Street,
One I'rtct Billing
n jut wood In JP
We have Just
wan an
d CBtaoie-
"tar com-
- SOo.
84o. "
10. "
La bt
I to any addra spot
in est goods
Kw Terk
Jut&nf from
bALhb this
iby given tha
B iBWBahlll SbOB
uatarf dJ of A
l. real sad proBl
tor, lo ib uair
wltif thBiMla la-
IBJI BltlBt pB?mBt
e- will prDI IB
BE "oMtt
ft 77 7
W H8
So. pair
t. . loo.
I So.
I aliO. '
1 aoo.
Centrevillt, Snder C . Pal
Pknsa. IL K. I)ivr:Ke
TimelVUe, In effect Apiil 6. .8PS.',f M. STIIKSB.
rrslns Leave Irfwtstnwn Jimcllon :
IJ 4, m. J M. t m. I ur, p in, ..', ui.ltrer
I' tim.Br- uno the WM.
4ii,ru, Kit Allt'ion.
T i, p HI, Vnt II n'lue.. In.
- t nj. WM in, I II n nt, I II 11 m.'tM n 1.
11 p ii. Fur Hhllit l .lnbu, TVr ToiBl
iiiur aud WBtblogtun.
cu:is'j.v;: le wisiottit
rurwlllll I IMI. I eTAIIKN. I lAHtaillll
n in
I :
4. 7
4 !"
1. 10
I ul
.1 4,'i
1 II
.1 III
.1 Ul
1 - 7
1 ;t
1 .1
I 20
IU A , t. im l m
v.ti i l.mMnwn .1. 7 ir. lf
J:i Mnln street j J I VM
i I l.rwKtLwn 7 ;'0 ' m
.i I ' Mltln.l I 7 " ' .1 to
v " rmi-r ; T ni a it
Hen II 8hln.ll 7 M Ji
'-7 13 ! VVtmnrr t 4.1 ' 111
M 17 , Mi" lur I 7 j :n
I" 41 !! Illll'' Mill 1 " f7 1 a 4
it s.i I A.lminric "4 x?l
:i I H'"t"n ij I'd'
n :n So lln l'-r 1 : 4 I
M:l .11 I i..liri.U'(ch I " vi 1 4 t
( M I Mti.rr , 1 '.f. ' 4 I
11 J ?7 I K.'nr , 19 I 4 n
T i i I'nwiii ir 4 4
7 47 41 ; : ' 4 in
fill I 4i Slli..r.,Ti .1 KTl i 4 1'.
J it 1 6'i ' r ui.i ury lf 5
-llntitro 4 1 oiiiitioittit Ion
(I'oimeellnit with trvlnn an N . '. tlv )
!. Sellnarv. Arrive :rli -I'tOT
t 'in A . M I" i'7 A M .
1 I'. M . t'JJ f. M
IO T. M. i U V. M.
Philadelphia & Eric R R Division.
Null I'll Kit M I'P.N THAI. UAil.VAV.
Tnln l,ive Ktinlmr
6 liit tn, I' T lleliol, uitc, l.rl t nu.lul
u nt.
V it a m, Kor r.noUlitven.
I u.'i bi. Kur It. lietoota, Kin en.l I'snnD
J .iti'tt.
t m i m. For KonuB Bui Wniklna.
mum Fnrrttl unit llti illnn.
n no 11 m Biol li 4i p ! I or W ill - '.
M b in. II in, J 40 p ia. Fur Miauivkln
B. J .Miiunlt-'Hriin I.
Tml" I.b.iv sio'rf .Inn, Hon:
0 I! in, nrrlvlnir l'MI.lel l l .1 Id ! 111. v"
Ynrli '! p ni . 4 4u p 111, Wnnh
tnif tun 6 no p 111
S3 n in. B'rMi 11 t Flilln.lelr Mn 8 t i in, Vew
York lliApin, li.llliuur i p tn, W.h
Iniilun i u p ill.
8 17 f iu.n rl 'l it ' I'lilUileiinB I VS B m N
York 7 n n in, IIBItunor u B iu, Wali
Inntoo n mi ,1 m.
Trin al.. I.Anri e Sunloim:
'. 1 m, rrMim b I'IiI'i. Ipbl k 2B m.N
Y m 11 .in b in, llu lil mot tllSain, Waeh
iru'fn u 'lit A in.
.1. II. Wool:, tlen'l I'mi Annt.
U!AS T.. rTHIl, (l,.'l tKKr.
A Mcdicino with curativo proper-
tioo as itrncssible to counterfeit I
. r'YRAfiiJOS OF EGYPT, and
which is now having an enormous
tzlo ihrcughout the United States
zr.i Car.aJas.
btltANTON. I'a. I 1.0WKI.t.,Mat.
liialii); too pl.t two; I an lutjlv alln.ttj
r.iti I n.ivr ur.l liottli-s wit li lliotii liiiii anil an
ot I ir.'l iioitnik' Krltrlnt ulUcluni nl ttic trirut.
O.I lur aor.iina. Itluiarh, III. 'I Iioimit Ki'lrctrn:
i' lta. Imri.t ami it hen- I til curi'il ine O.ivri . It iiiw.tvM urrt. I lU-Uv iiet 4t .:.iat Mcr
-M l., lo.lir, Alii. I'lllli rnnm k hlni-l.
V.mi. N ov. y. iM.t. VBM'Ultr. Iu. a.
CUAYVII.I.r.. Int. I At ii rnii.iK tor . s
In iu..r ut i iiiuu. ti.rrh llrfluiiuini'lu'li-t
T)inin:i.' I.rlcctnc Oil trie Oil 1.1.11101 at tin to.i.
nevrr t.uK t.i inn:. It It tnrcit tuc, m. j t l-t-riituil
nu' ul A vi-ry brut .lit vi ivill cure .itiv 4 :itf.
1 ' ti.l .i; i- ft, i., t 1 KUw. S. KimUv. au
L'.ll. iiaU.ifiiy.iilc, lil. 1 Witt wt!i Mut t.
Thu Vibish lUmtv
is tlic olioi t Line ' nml a'fmds su-
ui iMrIMiBij ojjcit the pii
i Li., i.' . it, ...
wA a-.l' H a
uib line, stoves delivered
for lino without extra ch ar era
residing within reasonable dH
Thanking you for past favo
continuance of the same, I arJ
Very Truly V
. ' up tnr
B. IHI.usterSi
Siit t'cinf tn c.',....j ti
UUUJJO; lJ2iW fjh
opened the FALL AJ'D II J.
enure new stock of goods, con
VUTLERY CA UPET r 1 rPlr ini art fid.lUburRh, I'e.n'c.
. - ' yrJ1 nl'l-'lnl hi CyJlrthtirrelt.,a.l ..rl.e. to th. .i.
are nearly all new, of the ch
ials and latest stules. The, 1 trie tin mo nvl-
I. J ' r-.-- uan' u ..v.iiiiv.vai
"tonishyouastheijareimquestionabluther rmBll( c a
for retail trade. We vau the hlh,i F""nt. Snyder county, fa.
We pay the highest price
v n
Kinds of Country Prodo
our trade we anticipate IS.VTJSAxv TOOL
season und have prepared fomA
CALL Yours in
arrc-wr tiuiuiueoiirf JjepOh
AllonieyS'At' Law
Al lUJilMtl-Al LAW,
MiUUhnroU, fVrm'v
Often kt prnfli net rtlr InihtrvMI
I'ooanli.tleot in I nllh nr oi rrri . t'i,ll'
pmmiytl NUenlBiJ I. OBI BIB or
ul tn I'm t nine
MllH)I.Ki:i'HiIJ. VA
All b"lr4 enirueltd lo tit ri lf
tnv 1 n n 1 1 eiieutli n. 1 1 null kill n It I f
1 an Bil hn(llh a-1
Attorney nml Conustfor at l.uf
lUIDIII.KIIt Ittill. HA,
Cr.llef tlont and all itl.i I e 1 r irr
l ' alienilerl lo. ( CHult a 1 1. S III lUfllrk tt
tlrman. 1. l.
W'M. HOl'snKKlH,
iVI'eetloni aril all nlliar lal 1 ml no- f '
l ilteo'lej to. V'wtiiultallui.k ID k-Bnllik
l.riiinlmrij, I'rnn'l
All I'Hilnto eolru.i..! to tli i-ar will
!runi.lly atlamlMl V.
Hept. in.'ao.
j j . ii:it!;ic!1,"
Mtrfol S.:. Sfthiffrrvu. ft
AH priflnnal I u mm i rumi lly et'er.
to. (JvBialiatluni In FaglUb and Oerm.n
F.b 3 '
Miihlltlury I tt
I'olUMioot sit.
ail ileruim.
rnnkallatlnne la CiHri
Jan e. : if.
AttoniPT & Coiir.silor-At-l
Office la Apf' HiiiI'IIi'.b one .1001 Wmii
Kiiiium IIotiI .
S4 liiiMUi o t -. Iim it
I'ollcetlnne ami all uther .r lei ,,,
ert I" aiilli'lieil aoil will re,i.i al' tr '
rorrn aioiluB. Apr. II ': it
rp J. SMITH.
ATTIIH N K t AT I. it a
M IHIU. Fill H(l, N Y r.DII fit., f
I J jrrt h't I'r.itea.inrml srlee t lie ,
A W fHTTi n.
i - oh:, ;, v .i t j a ft
SoliDsproTo. Ha ,
f'l.r their i rnleKlo. erv... tu n, bbIIIi
A II leKai iiualnea. ntrutil to tbtrer wu
recalee iMtriii aitamioa. offiei vu Mela Si.
Juif 4, li.
J II illlMM.
Attofiuv-at f,Hr,
I'rr bviit !'
CnnsnliBll i I,, i. a .
...-"-..-.. . IU , u .)HM-; Ht' liBIJll
i'rt. itt.
Attornt'.v nt Int ,
,. , . , Miiitt.i:ni:(i.
I rolnloi,l tmalneta cntruaie.l t L le tar (
I runi n attruileJ to.
mlti:lii. orwio, .A ir,
t.v iBitui tf. i ii i on i u r
'!"'li ' Hn" .a1"''' ' S"r,t Jot"
liBC.'O, ;a.;;.tf.j
OIIX K Ifl dfiKii,
K ii
t ,,.(i i j,s pi ,
I. I !., in, i, I,-.
I'ii isit'uutv. A r.
Physician & Surgeon,
lieurrr Sjiriu,, Sui,rirr (t,nhi,
Il',i - li'arinl..flcoal7artle t It. erVI
tec oa Man ,t,..u Jao.iS'V,
'fciilreville. l'enn'
ffrn kl rrnfaiiloeal aerv, ttn
i' aud ileiall;. I, i
liMlolurKh, Ycnn'm.
f1"" "1" r'nfeMlonal (irrla! toisrltl..
L I. i7 I. 1 T,,,,,J vsiub ia MB
bin. ton linaae . Ayr.l.'tk.
fcT - " "vv"'iK9 m fnaii-
H SfATtAVD KfiTiirnnir
for r,e,ncnlin
' BalllmaratTi
oar pitiieiia
tt. tinr hi tralaaitna
J iKias
II. Sneak Lnillali aad tlet...
rrrnnrr, V ;
l nnal lervfeei I t
lB CUBIIak aud
- xi
GsiEaral Eire wm lu
l imi
fWVftl. I
M tt an
IUBjB 1IIB1bU MSA 1st Ab.i.. T.
ii iwilTO'fM2
:t I
h r-irrt , re.
"r S'-la4wo,-,.i., .1
v. aV