-BY- rr. ri. ii,vitrr:ii. tfotocription 1.50 Per Year. RATES OTADVERTtSING : fa tlalaoro. Hat Yaar,. 0 inkll iiaiutai f r ft'i (K vyv-tanriR tilatnn, lVif '. )I0 i'Tl aalon-l .'trt. wf r i 90 Ao-llfor, t.iMutor, Ailiftinlairalor, aal At-ina Nullc-a MM WMq bo ap.dal rrn(r'uni ara mil, nil lrtriKint.lmiTl'1 dir lm than Hmoiitha, Ml'iiMti.UpM ii.tu or bra In.arlnn l it for tw. tnl Inaonlou and 7 ctul. lor aaob abtjiiot ItMrtlM. Thnrtklay, January 21, 1SS. Tb numeric 1 siguinVauci) of a million is incomprehensible t it can only bo measured rel itively an d bv illastnttion, nud wbon il comes to dealing with hundred of millions the nnderstanding ia overwhelmed And helpless. Mr, Van lei bilt gave them tight and loft, as if thej were tip apples E. The error of Henry Ward Hoteli er in saying tint the "word Religion waa not to be four-d in the Rible,' bos cansod a pood dual of aniunc meut. Somo of the jokers Lave track tlio idea thit Mr. Boecbcr bas cf Into youra boon giviog so moch attention to politics, tbat bf ia bettor posted in that than in the contents of tl o ltiblo. I ' ' j.l .! jJ Snporiuteiideut IligLee, of the 8 ildiers' Orphans' schools, bas for warded to each post of the Army n list of 300 ( b ldien who will be dis charged from tbo schools during 18S6 Tliii is done bo that an ef foil can bo tuaJo to socure them places to mnke nn honest livelihood. All tho children to bo discharged are sixteen yrara of age, or over. A telegram from Pittsburg says the iron and steel trade in that oily ''Las never been bolter than at pres ent, and a comparison with pre vious years will show that rioce the great increase in business, which commenced in June, Inst, there ban been more iron at.d steel tunde in FitUbnrg than in any six mouths in tbo history of tho trade." Preiidout Cleveland bas declared tbat tbe newspapers are nil liarx. Tbe Preuideut is doubtless bisty in bis judgment. Tbe Pbalmiat David at one time declared tbat "all men aro liars," but he confuseed tbat be said this in bis haw to. Pel haps tbe President is like David, and oftei be bas thought over it a littlo wbilr like David bo williug to confess that w hat be bas said about the papers U. :.. i i. 1 . . . . :tL..i proper conaideratioD. Yurk J)ls- "I will undertake and givebondr for tho fulfillment of the contract, that if the city of Philadelphia w i 1 Btop Kellin liquor, nud give too m much as wns expeuded for liqiioi last year, I will pay all tho city ex penses ; no person within ber bor ders shall foy taxes ; there hbull bi BO insurance on property i a gooil dress suit tlmll be giveu to evciy poor boy, girl, man nud woman s all the educational expenses (.Lai. be paid ; a barrel of Hour shall bi given to every noedy and worth j person, and I will cloar a half mill ion or a million dollars by tbe op eration." ' 7, luimwH, A great deal of interest is being rsauifettcd throughout tbe country by a proposition to change lb duj of National TbiiukHgiving to Octo ber 1-tli, tbo auiversury of tbe day on which tbe contiuent of America was discovered by Colambas. Then can bo very litllo oLjction to tbi cbango. It would, however, be much better to ullow TLauksgiving Diy to remain as it is, and ruako k Vew naliucul holiday of Octobci 12tb. The people of tbe United States are a pushing, ever-active people, uparing very littlo time from tboir eoergetie business pursuits foi rent and pleasure. With thorn it i a Bteady grind of labor aud busi Dess anxiety from tbeir awukenir; ia lb uoroing until late at niht. More holidays and time for revrea tiou and pleasure will vastly benefit tbe people. W'MI" M ff L member of tb K'jutuiky lois latura bas iutrolaao l a bill prohib iting the B&lo of .Utol and otbr deadly weapon. It is tiun tint soruetbiog was boiog doas, for ouly last week a Wiscousin uia cam? writblo an aoo of getting at least h dozen bullets tact tbroagh bis body. He waa walking through cue of tbe baok Btreets of Louis Title; and wbiie pissiug a party of moo, reaobod icto bis bip-pockot for (lie silver tobaooo-box. lostabtly ite wm covered with iozbu revolt vers, end would probably Lave mot n aotimely end bad be cot been able to explain tbat be did sol tcein to eboot. After aob man bad take a ebew from tr jbox be was r :!wJ to go oo, Wbeo be feaob- iUu . : , .-. . , i, . r. tired. If they am i,mi iiuti.ld . f jxtscos who revived thoia in i jh- lar trade channels for dollars, tho government orient to oil I j,theoi in i lid pay dollars for them, Jbeo melt and rtcoin them into standard monoy. If (bey Lata been bought tip by speculators, lot them come iu the tame as other standard silver bullion does. They wore not legal tender except to tbe extmt of five dollars at first nod afterwards raised to leu t and if men who knew' that Imve bought thorn np to make mon ey ou thorn, let Horn take tbe mar ket price- It would really seem that the practice of fraud, bas inoipieiUto I 'ho Democratic party from drain. 'ho ordinary distinction betweei right and wrong. In tho attempt ooizoa United States Senator's eat, falsification of tho returns in Hamilton county, Ohio, was resoit ed to ; tbe returning officer refused to obey the law in making the re turn aud the candidates not elected, impudently took their Boats. All (Lis was persised in, evidently iu the bopo that by seizing these (cats they could eoirnpt ouo or two lie publicans and duf jat Sontor b-ir-mau's tiled ion, Tbe Democratic party solid, not only iu Oiiio, i"it over tbo country, pretended that theso men were elected, until tbe House exercised its power over tbo qualification of its ou members aud threw llmm out. Sinco then iu tho face of the fact that one, of tbe unseated members paid publicly that he knew that neither bo nor atiy of the other Democrats from Ilauiil tiou county ual been elocleil, no Democratic puper recants its fule pretenso. J hey Lave no condem nation for the crime attempted ; but abundant grief ttmt they should have been caugbt at it. Vindication of the sanctity cf tho ekciiou laws is cot one of tho btroug poiuts of the Domociutic party. Sinco John L. Sullivau begin to ' pose ns a etatuo iu classical stud-. ios beforo tbo footlights, at a baud somo cout iduratiou pur peso, the newspiipcrs bavo bon freo of ac- o.iunts of any sudden brutal vagary ou bib part until last week, wheu bo i?ot druuk and almost beat his bost record of shamefully abusing a tim id girl somo time ago. This timo it was a sickly littlo New York news boy, only thirteen yoare old, ho bad civilly asked Sulivan aud a les- paper wheu tbo (iu) human brute si ruck the little fellow a Bavage olow iu tbe mouth with tbo baiullt jf o heavy umbrella, drawing blood jud kuocking tbo boy down, Kul livau walled leisurely out of tbe iiotel, while Maddou ran to tbe boy, picked Liui up, and plaoed a dollar bill iu bis band, saying : "Take this. Dou't speak of it. I'll sou you ogain and give you morp. My friend is a littlo drunk." Maddi-n theu joined Sullivan on tbo sidewalk and tbo boy fallowed, his blood diippiug ou tho sidewalk at even itep. Tbe uccount concludes with tbo statemeut that Mrs. Lee, moth er of tbo boy, would try to have Sullivan arrested, but as usual be rtcems to bavo oscaped freo. It is ouly a question of titaa whoa the brute will kill Homebody in on of bis drunken sprees, aud then thoio will be a long and expensive trial, tb result of which may perhaps down him. or lather elevate hini. Bui what kind of a community is it that will wiuk at such occurrences ! SUFFEItlXQIN IK21AND. Again the wai! of want and sor r w comes from tho Kmc raid IbId, While tbe (uustiou of home rule for Ireland is peinliu ' in Parliimout, giHnt faiuiue eeems to bo upon a largo portiou of the Irish people because of tbo failure of the pota to crop. Tho Lord Lieutenant of Ireland declares that Parliament will not in any way relievo tbe fearful dietreHi ihat prevails in Achill and KagK (aland, and tbe almshouse is nol ble to feed and shelter oue-sixth ol (bo sniTerors. In tbe meantime, the English Cabinet, foaring lawlessness ts the logioal result of starvation, proposes to re-euaet sovera pens! laws of tbe old ooeroive statute an. I that ia tbo answer of tbe govern ment to tbe despair of breadlesi oitiisona. Tbeie are two eaosos to which the pbilanthropio Auiericau citizen of every race should give prompt and substantial aid. The people of Ire land have two great battles before them oao for bread ( tbe other for eelf-govornmeot, and both appeal to tbe generoue sympathies of ,4be American peoplr. Tbe Deed for aid to tbe starving people io Ireland is a MMASa m rm ' jkMA. Bvt.1 nsh Mill Irl SA . fii iid. f b.MiiH rule, is a bawl laguinet fnarful oddt sgaioit pov N iuney aud organization, nnd litv ii inu hiii'kuvuihi j iuuu duuiiiu Rod liberal conli ibulora in all trioclic ciliaons cf our great pA- froe land. Iht Timet lai been aoked to re oivo aud tratismit contributions to either or both of tbe Irish fuo la, and it n ill gladly do so. All con tributions received, will bo acknowl edged in those columos. TH2 C0!IQRE3SI0:TAL t:o::so? 1335. A Democratic administration bas submitted to Congress, through tbe annual ruessuarge of the President, tbe report of He beads of depart-, incuts and rubordinate officers, each accompanied by recommendations for tbe national legislative body. Just what recommendations would be made, after nine months' control of the government by a Democratic administration, the people bad no lata of recent dato from which to jodgo. They certainly bad none when Pie prencnt Congress was elected. It seems, therefore, wise for Uo- publicans of tbo Senate and House of lleprenentativcs to favor such measures only as aro of government necessity, or urgently demanded by public interest and tho clearly ex pressed wish of tho people. Any lengthy dicciiMMou of tbe sil ver question by this Congress will be n waste of time, fur it is an as certained fact that the. status on that question cannot bo changed. Tbe recommendations of the Soo- retary uf tbo Treanury iu relation to revision of the tariff are of such a charncter that a wino policy ou the part of tho llopubliotti members cf the respective bouxes of Congress would bo to nfor the whole matter lireclly to the pooplj for discussion in tbe congressional campaign nud lecisiou by tbo elections of '86 n campaign that will bo free from tbo passion and prejudice incident to a prudential election. Such a plan would relieve tbe business world for at least two vears from the demoralization, uncertainty, aud depression attouding a fear of change. A declaration by resolution on tho part of the Honato tbat it is not advisable to undertake a revision of tho tariff during tho present session aud a declaration by the House that tbe suspension of tbe coinage of silver dollars ia iuexpedient would be productive of great bene fit to tbe material interests of the country. It would ntrougtben the hands of Auiericau labor aud outcr- priso. Tho reviuion of the tariff and tho forther coinage of bilver dollars re ferred to tho people for determinas tion, the preneut Congress would have amplo time for tho considera tion of great questions of transpor tation ou land and sea, tbo now navy, tbo fortifications, bankruptcy, education, judicial aud cousnlar re forms, and what ia still more ur gent, the protection of tbe ballot box against frauds in national elec tioue. There are many other mat tors of vital interebt too bng ueg loctod, somo of hicb have, as yet, not even received tbe alteutiou of the IIouso of HcproHontativos. Washington lit publican. SOUTSSSNlSFLUSSTCa ' III cus NATIONAL A?PA:S3. The make-up of the bouse com mittees by Mr. Sprakor Carlisle as auuouced in Friday morniug'a pa pers, recalls tho inlluonoo which southern men bad in our natioual affairs beforo tbe civil war and be fore tbe republican party went into power. Of tbo thirteen presidents e lected before Mr, Liuooln, eight of i hem were eouthoru men, aud five of them held two terms. Of tbe eighteen prosideutial terms all but five were held by southern men. John Quiucy Adams was tbe first northern man chosen as secretary of state. In every department ol government tbo same preponder ance of southern influeuoe was pres ent, and there waa no oousideiable .ppoeition to that elate of affairs in tho oountry. Southern men ruled by common consent Now look at tbe committees as made up by Mr. Carlisle. Of forty eight committees publinhed in the piiperb southern men are chairmen of tuenty-nioe. Of the twouly-cine comuiitt.es regarded as particularly impi riant, soutLern men have six teen of them it ia true that a large majority of tbe democratic members are southern men sod as to that tbey are eutitled to as much sa tl e tpeaker baa given tbeni and prot ably more It was tbe solid vote ol tuouth tbat carried tbe demoeut- io patty into power, and uobody Hut thine aro other views to take . f the suljct.' Tbe solidity of the south, not its numbers, counted in the elfclion for more than a greater number of votes cast by tbeir north ern allies. There are more demo crats ia tbe northern states than there are io tbe sontb, but they do nol make as good a showing be cause of tbe greater number of re publicans there. Ia tbe south re publican votes Jon't connt, while iu tbe nortb democratic voles do count but not very heavily in majorities. So that, wbilo there are not ruaoy northern democrats in the bouse of re resenlalivee, there are a great many of them where those few membere went from. Oat of respect to tbat large constituency not di rectly represented, tbe speaker might bave balanced bis cbarman ships a littlo more evenly and not endangered his chances of eternal happiness. Itcpublicans are not complaining They simply look on as the old sys tem of southern influence retakes position at tbe front. BEAVZBTOWH HEWS. The Keystone Matcb Co , bhip pod twenty-nine canes of matches on Tuesday of last week. Tbe fuctoiy has not been in operation for a week or so, ou acoouat of tbe extremely cold weather The Kleatn Tanery is again run on full time, employing about n doxeu men. a i at An immense quantity oi ice was taken from Henry Kern's iuk bole on Friday and Saturday aud stored atvay by our citizens. Tho mem bers of our cornet band have alno tilled an ice bonse for their own tine, they intend to put up a canvas tent Doxt summer in rvbio'i to pine wiit. n mi hr urumiy n.i irni ir..m tin- n n oi tine sod Lave an ico creaio iluuJ r"1""' ,I","'""J '" p"rr"'" """"f' . . .. " i Knijihy. Cnliili1. Art, Kiciicb mid tho lu .ttititt 1 he ice is of tbe fiuest ipiality. cvciitmiitiiPd iy. Jaraos Aisler bad a calf frozen to' Th0 '"'"l"""'-' t' wkiy journal m doath (luring one of tbo extremely colli uigbts last week. A. M. Carpentor baa sliinred twelve tons of dressed poultry dur i ti Ibis winter. Tbo roads running nortb and south iu tbis suction aro obstructed with Boow-drifts. T. II. llarter, tbo cuergctic editor of tbe Tost, was in town sevirul times last week. I bave not yet heard of any pockets being pickod. ltev. W. II. Diven of Sulona, Clin ton Co , tbe financial rgeut, of the Missionary Institute is assisting ItVjv. Oi wig in holding Lis protinct- od ruooting. Ho is a fluent sud at tractive spoaker and bohl bis au- diutico woll daring bis discourse Jacob l'ees, Sr., bas in bis pos session several antiquated bousuboKI aitic-K'8. AuoDg tboiu are a grain I -father's clock and a chain, which havo been lined successively by bin urandfrtlhor, father, nud lii.iim.lf Tbry aro doubtless over a buudiod years old, ns bis grandparent who about eighty years old when they died and it is thought that they used tbo articles daring tboir iuar riod life. The last owner lias bad them in Lis possession for fifty years. Tbo churn Las boon used on larga rurtns, where inncb churtiiog was dono fjr tbo greater part of tbe . , ... Lime, nnn ia blhi i a nriiv niim n in j , iu. the family lb IS KUU'I Tbo clook, f L !.! - for uiiny not baviog i years rnoro , . ,i . DCeO WOUnil lOr a OlllUOSr Ol yuat'S, has "stopped short." Frof Miller, of Milton, is toaoh- iuf a inrgo uiass IU VOCai UUSIO, IU , , . the Union Chnrcli. William Zecbman bogun hniHe keepiog on Ner A. Ftea'a farm on Tuesday. Citizen. Who does not delight to nee a Kooit looKlntf fiuvr Yet eryKlpuhts .li-ti -nres tbe fuutures almost beyond ru- ,.,..,, tl l. II. .A I.. ..... V . , l" WOm of it. IIiIm iliheaso Is as dangerous an' it Is repuUive. It U sonietiiuea eulled "St. Anthony's Fire," and often caus es sudden death. Mr. S. It. Carpen ter, of (irundville, N. V., hud It iu both leys and was cured by lr. Ken nedy's Favorite Kviuedy. This un di -clno excels all others for the blood. Hrpoeiiiily adapted to persons In fee ble health, Jun. BILiOUSfiSSS. Bilious symptoms Invariably arise from indigestion, such as furred tongue, vomltlngrof bile, giddiness, sick headache, ir regular bowels. The liver se cretes the bile and acts like a filter or sieve, to cleanse impu rities of the blood. By Irregu larity in its action or suspen sions of its functions, the bile is liable to overflow into the blood, causlngjaundlce.sallow complexion, yellow eyes, bil ious diarrlKBa, a languid, weary feeling and many other distressing symptoms. Bilious ness may be properly termed an affection of the liver, and can be thoroughly cured by the grand regulator of the liver and biliary organs, BURDOCX BLOOD BITTERS. Act upon the stomach bowels and liver, making healthy bile and pure blood, and opens tho culverts Sidie ii lt.o Kiey Expelled After Using Dr. David Ken nedy's "Favorite Ueuidy" About Two Weeks. On of fh mnt riamkiiMpiitp thM h fflxifii lir.ii'i. lit t tliii iiAMrenf I lie uiti l h;iiol Air..!. t. lr.M.-ri. ol tl:n.ii Hi Ii'. l:i-tir iimi'Jf, N. Y. Mr lid h h.l iiIItcI n-uru . It", I74, fmin llio itvmne'i vt 1'iilouli'" ur IStvnn In Hie r.ulit Klihiv. No Ipjw IIibii vi'Vimi jiliylcMnwiit niui'lnyivl n dllljr.nit Iiiiio, thorn Mr. Kcnrh HlJ hitft'lrs'ln uf iliilUin Inr uh iIIcaI tro itniont, will) nl taiooinr relict Irmn lil tvony. ltr llio uicpiH iill(!lnlton of III Irlrmls lie a'lniliji rj to try ltr. ImrM Kennedy'" "Kvir ! Ki'irfdv." In:l i tpi'rlurH'rd n innrkril lm I'tiiTvninht Imin (hp flmt ilny h i hexnn Io urr II"" inollcln. (n the 16 n of Sii.li'iiiti"r lm voli)i'l in ne M It'tv iu coulJ bo paamd tlnoiinh thu DiMtir u niitiei. Mr. Ilpirli concludon o, Mlr to Pr. Ken nrilr fry Mtvlnit: 'It will nlxuv" Bltonl me Uiiiiro to refsiininrnd tbo K vunto Kpninly' ditliofi' ho may lis 'ifiorlnn from ill(!l"ultli i' tlii Kliinnyn nii'l lli:nlilr, or liny iliurler ritm from nn liupn o n il olltii- lli. W illlmn Mi' Knc-, U Knyntt HI., Ilnlllmxro. Mil , fay ! '1 Ih IIpvh i,viirltii Keinpily' I KiKiil nii'illPino. It I-toliiK inn rtmr k'i kI ll n nnytliliiE I pvvr Iriiil. mull dsvo trii-il nlnioul "viTyihlns for I miii uIIit.t (mm ilf(ioim ." rnviirlti' Hfiiirilj" I n in-cine In Stiimnrh bihI MlnililiT illwnfr. It I pqimlly r Hlunlli In r iff ol litllloii ill'iinlrr, tlnn-t n tlon ol tli Itoni'l nml nil tho rluM ol llln np niitly lnr.:in.ii- Ifm th eumtltutluni ol wiimuu. FrKu, II; fix b itllof, 1 5. THK Philadelphia Weekly Times Attractive: Kntertaiuin: In struct ivc: Tlio ramilv .luurnal of America. OF THE WARL00K AT ur overcoats. ILLUSTRATED IN EVERY ISSUE. A Paper fcr ttc Heme cf tlis hwi SparklhiE and Original in E7iry Fealnrc- (Hi tlio r'ir-t ol .Linmry iii't,n nnw ilonrt nr.; In inry li'itmo ol the Wm-kly TIAtliS will In- nii'l . Kn-ry ininilur will l) 1 1 Ix-r.tl Ijr Ilia tiut- 'l In II W bt ciiiitrlliutloiis, whlrli lonv 1 n ii mi clulitv li, itiiriiliiiiiw. an 1 In It.- ml f e rliy to till tliu I'liu o ur a ncwipnj er. The !nily ni'nFsit'r Iniiu thr KrMt iilret n di.w nnw rriK'ln'K Into nvvry furlinii of Ilia Intnl. Kv rry Inl iml i lly ninl i-vcry town nl I n: or t;i in'- Iiuvk their ilnlly ni'w-iiin'r, nml tlio Inml wcikly, Mltli tka wiuiilirlul mk'v In ru vinrliit I nrimllun, tnii't cvrry want Hint tho (Lilly iK'Wijn'r hill tjpuiiy. Tlio 'Jirtn m1 II in wi-i'kly ol tu iliiy inn t lm mm Ii nn rv thun n ntiwi-uivr : It inu-t ten iiukiiziiiu of Intnlly rrmlii'K ; It niti-l Ii mI the mnunr'nn In imimliir lltcrutnru s It tniiKt l;ul II In m.uliir llln-tr.i-tlun, mnl II nuiKt mict hhj rcquirvinoiit ol the Intvllluriit nailtr ol very t l.in. Stories of tbe War Will lio I . ii r: I ?-li i,i lii imi'Ii uiiin'irr Irnin tl.c Hhli'Kt wrilrrn tvlm p.irtn li iti'.l In the I. 'ou.lv tlriimii ul olvll ft rite, nml each will hp prnlu-vl) llliiitra'i. Tin-m..nt ciiU-itnlnuiK mi.l lutlriic- tlTeSti.rU-( (rum tho hunt wrifrf of flotluu will aiHar!u ca. !il.ue, witlillluttra.igua. TKUIS : Mol l liy (ill new aumil' at fivee-nli nreniy Hy mull, ir venr. r l l..r.-lx inniitha Cluli i.Mi'ii, f 15, mnl mi extra fOiy 1. 1 tlio cltiT up ul tliu o'.uli. A ilil :(:. TIIK T1MKS, TiniPn Unit. liiij,-, rhilinli lplilii. Sheriffs Sale s. Whop n l.y vlrtni- nf mnvlry w-lt luncl mi i.l iIih Cniirt "I 'iiinni.iti rii' ii ul s.ivrur ( 'uni fy. I'i., iin l ( in.' iliri'.'l. il I rtill vv.i.a In I'nh 1 1 Sulu lit thv Cn'irt Umiu, In .Ml.l .Hi' iiikIi, ..ii Katntd iv. February C. 1HS11. lit i) oVl.n-U A. M ., thu lilliinlnji run I un.l i.'iml n.i.Tl v in wit : Jio: 'l'lUt'T NO. 1. i iiiiwit, j i, i J,, Hi lnu ;i 1 1 ILV eerl tin Mi'((iiaiP, Ti-ncmi-iit nr inu'i nl ami fit'ihlu n H i' t.iw.n il:i nf M1..1 ,'.7, : ,,'y;,r,':'""xy l ! '"f '. null' Pulltli til li.('liii. h.illt..luil n irlh liv lii ii. I nii-r nn i i'iii.ih. w n.i i.i n, u lerri'll, uutli ui:d wui by Juhti U.ililiy toutain- m I ItU ai'ICD. nni-e nr I"-, wherenn lire eretc.l a lurir tw Sli.ry Vi'Htlniiiiiuri(ii Kriiinu I iV Kl.l.l.MI . min.' .-"lui'iu. oiiniiiirr lliill-o lll ll ill II' l r nii cnury niitliinlilinufBl-.. irnml wnlwr Utar I ,"u A' "Vxrv no i ' Pronto, F. fa 1 ii.-i.ir nil nini rrruill I'll Ul Krounil fltlllllll in ,n" ""'" l r",lvillf. ailiima (own. hip, Snr- .i.-i ..iiiii.i, in., iifuiimi'u I'urin iiy n -unill' nirrei, icmi n im hi imiihu' n ki-r, m.utli l. an alley, wed ny .Mrs nann Tinxell, Leiug 4' leut frldoitml lib lett l et, eontulnl k 00 Equine Ferches, innre orlix. wlieremi m ern le I a munll fianui I'HM.UMi iiui)i;. A the inoinriy nl TK At'T NO, 8. I'ollur, " lleltiK n that eertuln Mefiiave, Tenviuonl nr 1 1 iiiiiiiiiui, -iiiiiiTo in i iiaiiimin low nniiiii. Snv hit etiiinu i'u.. Ii.imihI I iinrlli Iiy lull. I ..f Slnmri "'""'I'I. A.la.u S. H..,r. l I it ul.. .until l.v I!""",1. 4rl""'' ''l J"'1" l.ebkicLer, wen hy l(. Heirnlil ami lleiiMin ii Kl.'kiiM -1 rani liv s Win, llumuiel, uvutaluijiK 80 Acres, more nr Inas, wlmrenn are o.cetoil .1 DWEI.IVNO in ii .-si.n, if..n. II.IK.SI mnl oilier in'eni.auri gutliuiUliivn, al.i .unit wilier nud vliuka liuit. TUAtir N(.4. IIi'Iiik a eertuln tr.ii'l uf WDmllnnJ IMate In tliu aiiino tuwiihlilp liniiiiile.l nortii l.y Uinl ul llile llerrnl.l nml .liir.il) I huil. r, e:Mt hy Wm II. SnarU, Miutli l.y S.in.uul itcngler, wual Iiy 11, y, ArnuM, euiitululiiK 7 Acres, more or hi. Alanatttus wiiuo (tin anil iilaee i a. H1-.0 iii Krwio iii ine iciuunii ana a iMIe ul uiuuure. At Ui. urunerty ul J . C ur llOn. I I KKMS, W .r een(. ea-h, lnilnni'0 on or bo lurn Ihe llrl iluy ul nl Term ul ( niirl. SuiieJ . ukuu lnt exu iiimn atjil t" ha aul.l In Nl.lt H. MIUIUSWAHTU, Sherlfl, ' Slmrlir. OWce, WUUIcburnh, Jan. 14, ltM), Aselsnco Nctico. NOTICE is hert-by civen that SdDlual II. Mnuii.fT. of Snrlnir tnwnalui. Sny.l.r o luuty, Pa.lia. in ml. a rolunlry il.,i ol Aai-Uoinent ul all ba .Iti cla, rail aurl ir aural, lur lb. benefit ul hla er..lll ir., to Hi un. : d.iiluneJ All p.raona knuwlnu the.o I . iiehieJ wllluieaaa uiaka luiui.iliaia uayoiant. uii" iuuh uaviuH ciaiuia ill iirea.nl lu.dl to b. A. WKTii tl'. Jaa. U IM AatUnet JLECTIOW NOTICB- Tli a annual meaUnu of tha memhrra of the Uttivartnan Mutual Kl a lnmrunoo (Jouinauy lur llio KJi olluu ul IHreetur will bs hul.l hi Ihelr lioina otluia In UmimrUiwn n Kutunluv. Januury an, IHKo tiotween tbs licura of 1 sua a A. H. BOWERSUX, IS.o. A A A wn a a . . lAtm KxBnrianoa. Pmark-Jibl and qmoK euros. Trial I - r. ro4 1875. GRAND FALL OPENING AND On Shelves On Counters Everywhere OUR SHELVES Are better Filled than ever before. MSNS, BOYS, AND CHILDREN S SUITS. SUITS. LOOK AT OUR OVERCOATS. ALL GOODS SOLD Gents Furnishing Goods. Gents Furnishing Goods, CLOTHING BAZAAR, Selinsgrove, Pa. W. H. FELIX'S roruLAit FURNITURE il CARPET HOOMS, r;tllov Rtropt, Jjcwlstown, Va. fii:i)it(X)M SUITS, of all Hud mid pliers; Mat trvvt.eH, Fi-it'lif ih, I'illowi-. ISnulxterK, l!ml yprii'frs. t.'liairs, Tallies, .Sinks Sofas, Station, Hureaus. Ac,, ico.. Sec , fits. A full line rf .lute. I letup, IUtf, Inyrains, Tapestry, H.nlv HiiisrcIh aud Velvet CuriietH, Art Siiuares.yui vr nia ItngH. Vvcn nud Unttn i ll any of the above good lie bounght any place, and si ut ion on V, Iv, It Write 6 co tbe lartreot stock this KesjK'ctiully, OVU:KCOAT8 FOS5 MEi! FOR HOYS! OVEIiCOATS for CIHLDKE ! SUITS FOK MEJV! &mrr& FOR UOYS! U1T3 for YODTI18I SUITS FOR CS21.L.DREN! CAR DIG N JACKEVS! WOO LEW 8BSIRT8! UNBERCLOTHIIG! GLOVES, HOSIERY, IBats & Cn'ps, Notions . of all kinds. 'J bauking tbe public for past favors I cordially invito so iuspectiorj of my large Ktoc!c of tbe uboapeht and best goods for Men and lioye tbe Ouutjs pioduoo of oil kinds tnkon in exchange for Oooi. G. C. GUTELIU8, 3IIDI)LE1)UH0H, PA. ADMIN'STRVTltlX' NOTIfR ..fori uf Aiiiniulnutrttli i oo Ilia -.lot. t A M O t N Dll K II uUU ll. ol llauvar rown-lilu Hi y.W Co., I'., U.i-'d, liavli.tf ean urntail to tli nu l.rUGOil, all pracn know ii. ft th.iii..! vm Indabteit toaahl i tt. art uuaaiad to aiaka liumuiata pajmiint, anl tln-a bavin ultima will r.eut th.in ilnly uthiutlotU to Iba wBiltraltiD.d lor le'tla man. A. A. KOMlu, U.o. IT, '63. AduiliiMr.tor. Isaac hi:avi:i:, 8urgon Dentist ! Mltfdleburg.' Snyder County, Pa UvfUia IB FBaVKial Si Til USPOT vrvtbing belonirinff to tbe pro I a faalon don la tbabaat mihi, a f w or warrani.u. laruii monaraia. 1895 -OF- 1 FAR I. OH SUITS in Drowr Terry, Haw Silk, Haii Cloth and Flush ponds, Furlnr Rockers, all kinds, Marble Top Tubles.Lonk iug Glasses, some Cut oues, Fictures, &o., &c. Pi rcha Door Mats. 'Will us low as same iiuality cat pay froiibt oburgt-s to auj tuo f,r prices or coiuo ami sido of I'hiladolphia W. II, FKLIX. -o- tP"Pure Hye, Copper Dig. tilled Mountain Dow Whis key at $2,00 per gallon or 60 cents per quart. TIIEOS. SWINEFQJJIV Eaglo Hotel, Jranlslin,i, k nlHRK. PFPatllflfT .Cl' AtNeMtreR AaOntorralUBgU .Naam OawMd by lt)diaoratfaia, aanaaiai.tta 1mmSi1 iait fj;r (i UMkL.gTfili(??7 r i,Tirt. -1,11 ' wi'l lo .u to t"""--- t - y -. .i rnutiA. tauu.