COLD. Mutt'i evil p(f aloha jjnvt to prM The iiiilily clutrni It cliiltii" to'hcl.1 Vice ntiil ttoUl liotli IihtuI in linml Kt'cilvn tlit lifMimi- of t lie Iftml, Wliilo iIhijIi tlrtne'a Inmost fine (?tn fl ill on Mir(li no rebtiii.r. plane. Ruliits uihI hlniicr fiht ntnl pray, The ir1(rt a tfoltl tfold til wit y ; Thv "Kit n tleii tic from ftltovi, Ami j-rl they mikif thfir go of lore l'rtve tli Mrcet of li 1 - allele Willi Honlitl, v I , ul'ouix'iI tfolJ. OoKl that crowd the cliuroh'i nisle Gold Hint build aiti's Muttly ili'. OoKl for love, (fold for luitt", Gold for priil", i.M forhfit, Gold for ii'kllr., ifolil forlu-ftlth, Uold for lift', gold for ileutil I Gold that fins tin' murderer's hruin, Gold brvuku the rtiitivt'a chuin, Uohl that t iiriix'youiiLC hem tit to stone Gold tliat tiliw'ht wlir-rt 'ti known, Gold to l trior, Koll to Ff'il, Gold for li'-avt'ii, gold fur liell! vrcszisa up tiis wao:ia mail "I lit7o sein n goo 1 many daring tlee.ln pc-i formod an. J coiirso j .kin perjuilnto I by cow-liojn," mil tLe "gout, but I wiil t.ll you of a littl.t incidont whoro tl.o wind wns taken ont of lliit e -hoys by u deter mined, foitiltRS, ''U-nliifjut." Il Iirtpponed ouly l ist ppring. I ik tlion station iRjetit hhJ telfraph cpdntor l.r tlio Norlueiu I'm-i fie lltilron I Cumpiny nt a place uour Hontftiift lino. It was not much of n plncc, as it cousute 1 only of n do pot a Ijooho or two aud a rvilouu. 'One morning n traveling man arrived tit tlio doput ly hIhjo from tip North Notnctvlicro. flu Lad n mo nil Piunplo case and eatchcl, lie Win below medium lu-ijjlit nnd rath er t.ligbt, but waa vory uuatly dross cd and woro a nilli lint. Ho wn trnvolin for a N'w York jewelry boi. Ho wai ub o H. u ti hour tar ly for the train cast un I ho opened hi grip o-j the platform, took out a brush and dusted Lid clothing and idiocs. fie then drow out au old newspaper, It-antd np nain8t tbi idu of tho depot with one foot pro jected iu frout of tho other and be gan rendiug. "Meanwhilo, however, throo cow boys had sauntered np to tho depot. Tbcy alloyed him closely and watch fit his operations. When hn boan lenilin I boy huddled together and talked awl ile in an undertone 1'ienoutly one of Ihoni a bg bis footcr Ifft tho group ond began to oauutur carelessly about the pliil'oiui with his Lend in tho nil inspecting the posters on tho build iug nud the coitiica. When he got round where the traveling man stood ho liftr d hie big brogau and l-lanled it firmly on tho jewelry man's foot. Nj npohigy wns mndo Tho tiaveling man merely looked up. drew his foot back a moment, then placed it back where it was. The cow-boy pished baek to tho othei two. 1 hey all chuckled nud joiued iu a low-toned conversation, Soon the cow-boy atarled out ; I i . . . . ou u hi iii liar rouu.i, coping ni tut roof. When he reached tho trav.l log man ho tiied to bring down hif ct arse boot on tho extended foot. J ho traveling mnnim keil Lis foot back tuddenly nud the brogin cauw down with a thnuip ou the plalf Jiin. Another conference nud chuckling fjlbwed. Fiuallv tho cow-bov set out ot. tho third rouud. Just ns he wu about to inifM his foot to plant it on that of tho traveling man, the latter looked tip piickly nnd said : "Sco here, there is my foot, and it goiDg to Btay there, ou btep on it, if you want, but I want to till you lhat Ufjro you can get off of it 1 will kill you " Such a volley frtnggered tho cow boy. He looked at my fjot nud then uttbo Rinnll pjrecHsor, and Liu- iilly moved iff without floppiog on it. Another cousultutiou followed. Tho trawling mau caliulv read Lis pnper ti few miuutes and tbeu took from his hiikhel throo apples lie looked at them u moment, and suddenly threw the u a few feet into air aod then quickly drow a levolvjr, fired thre bbots, Fplit tini; cuch apple into a dozu pieces before thoy reached tho ground. He tcplaced the cartii'l'od iq the empty chamber of the revolver and returned it to Lis pocket. 'The cow-boys svituesod tho act without saying a word, nuJ soou, eompletly cowed, turned and left the depot. The traveling man told me after tley loft that bo would Lave killod tba tbree of them Lad the fellow stepped on Lis foot again, und I tLiok lie would, as be was as quick aa lightning. He then showed me a medal be cartiod, .which Le won as being the most rapid and one of the best shots in New York Tbo etory dimply illustrates that tbero is sometimes a great deal of Ailitioot valor ami daring about a cow-boy.'1 The seeder of gravity Newton, JTU m'afy nf . aanlrMi-A.-hrof GOOD NJEWS FOR ALL 1 Can yen guess how it is (hat Ihc popular firm of n it. selling the heat fitaihj of Heads at loivvr prices than ( ver before f If is it that new customers always co7nc lack to trade and old ones never go away? The answer is simple. They Keep what the People want and sell if at .so small a proif. that then realize only a little ubov wholesale prices iSmall in their prcjlls and anick in their sales allows them to Keep Pace with the times and the rapidly changing fashions Their stock, of goods ts unsurpassed in the county comprising evertthing iu the line of General Merchandis. Theij always pa ij the. highest cash price for produce and will give ijOu more tor your money then any other store in the count a Tiny only ask a trial N ew Goods ! NewPrices ! FURNITURE. 21 -o- The undersigned wonld renpi rlfully announce lo Iho public tLnt he is Mill in the tiehl, itli tho mislcoii. -L-te utock of rurniture in Ihc couuty, which the 1 1 emend mis Mih tof tho pant few uioiitliM j netifirs bim to Hell at bottom pi ices. Tho block conniMn of all styles aud prices, Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits Bureaus, Stands, Lounges, Chair , Matresses, au J every tLiug iu tbo Fumitur lino Call nnd sco for yourselves. lit fpect fully, LKVI 11ELLGK, D eo .1 ,'S2 J. B. REED HIJ.-Vl JUItY, Dealer in Breech & Muzzle Loadh.G Shot Guns. PINK and 1JLACK WADS. Brass Shot Shells & Ammunition. CARTRIDGE BELTS & LOADING IMPLEMENTS. CALL .1X1) si:i: MV STOCK. Fow aid Airici DofilaailSiis BrescIi-loaaiES SHOT GUNS, CONNTAM'l.Y ' I1,VT1. lull line of PISTOLS, C.lirTIUDGES REVOLVEUS 1 .1. T. lti:i:i)is :ilsonnnor ihc largest STOVE AND TIXWAKK J)KAU:US in litis s.rl ion ofllie Slato. Fashionable Tailors Ilaye now ready a complete stock of FALL WINTER GOODS, DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED SUITINGS, TROU SERINGS, OVERCOATINGS! Newest Styles, Newest Shades, Latest Novelty The New Plaid, Suits to order from 020, Pants to order from 05. Overcoats to order from 8 JUST OPENED A FULL LINE OF HATS Seo the New Dunlap Block. FURNISHING GOODS ! Shirts, Collars, Tiss, G1d703, Underclothing", Market Sanarc. 8dj3iuii!2 central Hotel, SUN BURY. Racine, Wlsconcln, L'm irAin-mr or THE RACINE" FARM AND WAREHOUSE FANNING RILLJ DUSTLE89 Grain separators and land Rollers. , .7l , :. I ' FUKNITUKK. IE" SeliuKgrovo, I'a. VWYAl SHOT SIIKLLS aiiU Hm-il Deajuni Uinmuluiiit t!i I ni'. Bt.tcn, mho LtKlily racumtueuil Ihi'iu w ti. Uiu IltKl nUclitiuw ev.ruio.1. fureli.iu iir.4iiiM nncai, tinrtay, utt Uuru, tt BU ot oTtry d w rilill.ju. T1ip Jo Mi. wort mora tlwroHli'T . Lvk fiil.rfttiiiHtjrUianuijrolfcKrin.vl.jti Tbuy m Mronxly bunt n iha v... I . Bittt-rlil, lileliljr OiUihrd, vii ctcJo '. it ililTrrrut u., tw (or (via um .U (ot. (or TttA bouw. Kli Tstur and M llcr..' 11-. Hi. land IlnUor. kr. IL nnt d'lr.t:. . wn nd (iirut to Um lu.rkot U t li. niDn.r. W.rrtuted lo ft. illjlwHon. Ikmt fat IllU'lf.tcd rtrrulu and i).-ir.. Wvm bulu(. W cm voack (uTui MlUbUltjr (1 (U t1uonrB,4VfrTiuwo mint - - . b.o4 tut llluUraltd lrctUni Mid 9. kf 4, ABD LIGHT EFRISQ VOEZ TOU Hotels Livery. AGENTS WiHTED XtSt'SStr WE MAKE Hoso Reels, Hook & Ladder Trucks, Patrol Wagons, Ac. hi fit Cot Fire Icpirtzccts Complete An 'I pnnl mrn or lnflm nr ran tua0 fituraLlu arrauguaiciiU with U. HORTON & CO. 53, 65, 57 & 59 East 5ih Strsst, CINCINNATI. O. AO2EAI(C.U3E0FHnaAN MISERY 15 IHt. LOSS OF A l ciiirf on Ilia Nutiirr. I'r.Milmrni .11 1 lii l. It .l riiri-of iiiIiihI W mk urM, or Sirinmnr. rhivn. I '-...! Ijr Mill AIhijo. Iin 1 1'ni'iirv tjiilf'liMi, 1 mpulf fif.v. li'lililt, nl liiipi- liinnit In JUrrl 'jjp ui it illy : 'ranini tl'iii,"ji. mill Menml nn.l I'hvlcil iiwici:v, kt itjr liuii.ur j. '('uu:it. . 1.1 111 . ir. -l In' w.'iU-rrnnwnr.l niilhi.r. In thl il'nlrnli 1 inn',..-ilv !r "T Innn III. nirn t tnrliurr llllll III .Willi iH.ii.i.nnnim... ..r i..ll- i...k. ..... In- rll . lmilly ri'in n i .l wiMi nl ! mui-rim. nur-' lr:il nicriitl hi", loiiifli., liiFlriitiiii'a. rltiorj ..-. , ,. ( III...,,' ,1, 1. ,.'p no'lnin ami i ll.'. lunl, l.v niilrli rrrv hhIitit. mi innl'pr wliitt lim m i( lf-, inuy cure liliun-il fhii Iv, iiltlly nn.l 1 .i.l i.-.ill v . Mr-Tb't li-.iur. , II prut. liouu tjllipus ni 1111J limn. 1I11N. Ni'iit tin lor ro il In a iilnln .nxilnii. in nv a. I. ilrrw. i i mIi, on r-rri.t 0I luur tuuti or tu 'K f -;l iiiii. Ail lro., 1 IlKCI IA l.l(Wi;i I, MKUK'a!. ro.. 41 Ami N' New Voik. N. V.: 1'o.t olllco ItuxUi Mii 21. '&. Lewistown MARBLE WORKS! D. R. Stratford, nt Lewlhtown is irrari-l to fn rtiinli' MONUMENTS. G RAY H STONES, AND SOILDING ME f tjll kludr In id. nrnt an tianileowcal illtnt worki-ii out ol Hit Best Marble t 1'iort Bold .. All woi k w.iraut.d in m allli'inn. -l l.a fill .nil ptamln. my mnlfrll hi ar 1119 (irl 'd bi lure 'UicLln slatiw Li-i . J mu m J. K- si:lui;imi:r DKAf.f.n IN IIAICIWAUE Iron, Nails, Steel, Leather, Paints, Oib Coach & Saddler Ware AND MANUFACTURER OF Slovcs iV '31 n ware MAHKl'T KTiUllT. Not. I.'Tl. ISAAC lIA'dAVICSC. Surgeon Dentist ! Miil.i!cburg. Snyder County, Pa times ni Fhankliii toun. thm Iikpoi Ivrrvtliiiipflii'loprrinrr to tlio pro 4 fe ilnne In the bant manner. A II wot warrxntrri T.itni inmleriile. Ile will al.o atteml to ImrlnrM every two woe In at Dontr. vllle Troveivillo, Hearar owu Ailauiiiium nd Puiionvlll fll"l' lf"r worklnic 1 bVJ Ij 1 ILiiii'eni. met fl S H aT will mall vol 1 0 Lai Eaaj 1 valuable aa rklnic feni'lc. Semi ic-laue, an l you tr.e, a royn Hllllll. 1,0V (1 ancil. 1 li ii 1 win iut toy m the way of making mora iimn 'y in a low uiva tnn yu iter li'iunh' pnclble .t any bnainrai. rapltol not iiiir.i. Yo'ioan Iveat liouia anil work In pare tin a only, or all ihn tins. All f b tl, e. h, of all atien. nt.a Iiy iva' oaiul, 6" mi jo easily r.i usil i err ev.nlnv. T hat all bo w.nt ork mny H.t tl.a Imalnea. , w. in ikH tbli d niter . To all tin are nol well .atl,tail wa a 111 anml tl 1 pav ( ir th liouiil. u Wrlilnii ui Knll paril ular.. it. re tl iu.. to., .ont in'S. luimtn.e ay al io- who iiart at oni'. Imn't il'Uy. AdJrea. 8T1NSUN, Co., Portland Maine. REiLL EST ATE at Private Sale Tbo iii.ralinrd will aril hi. rral cutiito In the 11111 nl Mlilil ohurith, at Prlvul. Sain, a. the mint ri'it 0:1.1 bin tunuj auj oil yooj tiuio. 1 ne proocrty iloimstii of SnTen Towd Lots, iiiwhlli nixliullt twn llWKI.LIM) HOT'SlCii, !i"0il a ulii an.l other norcnury ouilimlilnua. O.1.11I yuuiK on'haril, ami n viirlmv i.fall klml ol Irml. Itl. a uinat ilimlr 1I1I0 ir.iii..rl y, i.!u.,. onily Iim-hIviI ami In tbo b mi ol niuira. For luitlior parti.'uliirK ill mi or nHnit JA.MKS I'. SMITH Oct. IS tf. MldJluburMi, Pa GUIDE TO SUCCESS EU3INESS AKD SOCIETY. Tiih imxt uiilvoraul unoliil book ovrpu!ilhpi It loll coiiiilntoly HOW TO In) KVKUV I'MIMI In III. bint Wity. How lo Hu Your Own Ijiaviir. Itow to 11.1 Itn.. in... 4 ............ 1.. .... , Siiivuwtiilly, How to m i In Soi-loty nnd i'.vory- Hiioro. a Koiit mini) 01 rurloii Inlorniatlnn to nil flitMos lur coiiMiiit rolumnoo. AOKM'S W'ANTKIi for nil or xpiiro tliuua. To know wky llila ln uk ol tiKAL valuo auj attr.i"linii ulU buttur than anv nihir. Apply lur term, to 11. li. NI'H AMM1.I.I, fct'O, fcopt 1 ' m. PJULiAOiiU'lll A, PA. ' $1 , 1 3 WEEKS. Thl I'fif.l.Tl?. n.lTlr1lL 1 it ... . ccunly wrpna, ioanv 1Jr In ilia Unit' a btti fur tnrct ibODiii on reittlpt t ONE DOLLAR. dlarnuuk I . n .... : . , , .u ...... I., .r ( .1 H'Ota .nil elulK, Sauiblssoulai uallsa Irss Aosrva. ait oru.r. to Bum A R II K. POX, ; - rAti hqvabr, N,y TCIO'PlFiffl may 1m ftmral n. Bis at UBO. P. hfw.nnm mammvmn Boaaatr (IS mtaa frttMt), whan aaUTpr Mail ixwinli avy f a 7 T T in mom. um IU UlUUUlrUUuLUl o mini. ml iis one vnltiinr. The tin Ultra; artv.ntuf.. or 'l Ih. h.n rlur r .ml f onti.r Hilil.'I with I oillana, nut. Inwa anil m ll.l 1.. ov.r nor mhol. eunnirr, f . in the rile-i llunplij lb. iM.-.nt. l.lvei n. f. luuun j Ul' . IK1S0I stng. ill-li, llooo. .nn.ip. Ilrail J, r.k it, U -win, llut", llnraiMt. Oo.lnr i d llii.,. J ... Wirt IIIII, HuHn lo III I, Onnrnl Alilea ami 1'riMik. r., Itnllan riilola. ami ararrf of i.,jr Illn.'rKtod nltb I7 fln nari ln-. AI'UMI K V.t.Tl.;l. Low rietil.anil bft aiinlilng 10 a.ll. HTA M)A 111! KiMiK , 010 , B10 Areli 81. FrlLADKLflll A,IA. Good Salaries, or rn'ninMlnna lo Men an I Wnr.n lo ret a. lo rl or Ir.ivnlinit AT"iiM. N rirrt"iip. nOHilo l. ni' Hiir win ; ,1 .1 ,1 r. r u 11 1 1 i i-.i , m irrri v innn. K'X'li(9r, N. V. (Mrullon tlilf imopr.) " Mcrcli.iiits' House, -11:1 Ac -1 in SOUTH THIRD 8TKEET. I'lllL'A PA Terms $160 porMny. IIKXRY SPAHN, Prop II. W. WI'AIIX.tlrlk AT.1,'7 I' HA iUmV BJOTHL, l'MILADI-M.IMIIA. VA., Ninth tilret. H.nitli of Clicotimt. VV. PAINE, Proprietor. 1 inr.inr s.iiitlinf thi Ni-w pn-t funce.rn Inili t. ime Ini'u W.iliini Si. I ln oirr unrt tlii r.Ty li.iiiin. . ntrc i.l tli i lly, o hn Anii-ri niil Kinipcan .Inn. (I noil ro Iff om M 00 ji.r Uajr. Ucinoilcled an. I Inwly turi i roonNov.Vi, '.. National Hotel! llyWJf. llOLZWOUTH KKLINSOKOVK, 1A. li.troil.;.. I, I aril 1h i ."tralu I r.iiml botni In I be tn a. Mi ft el n fti'roiiiinii.Utloui (or tb. tr.volluii tu'.lic. A or 1 1 l i, 'i l. rpiin NATIONAL HOTEL. JOHN D. FOPKI.KR, rrop'r. Holinsrove, l'a. Thl.llot.l litratrd In tlif "aqoar., anil la vnryile.lral'lx plai'. rnrtravilira he nithTnf ai'i'oiiiinnilalliiiia at l.l ruin, I'l'i ot,..ti ipnirniie will bf .tr. to rail kiu. Tbf "I nl li.ilnr III I lm li. t 4rvr'!iaa. ltv.tanrtn In coiitintli i w.'il. RIEHL HOUSE, Hilf Si iar south f Sh'ioU's; comer. SULINSCnOVE, PA. J OKI, li. It I KM L, Trop'r. HOOI) At C IMIIOIIAHII.V1. Terns Cl 25 per day. Mr. It I eh I li. I. u asot (or all kimli f Farm iiiilrmentii. ficil.e, 3. 'IMIK ut!i1rHiirJ(., linTinrr tniiih 1 aini.lo prsiaialloQ (or the acooinoioilotloti oltb. ii i.l 1 0 u ll ri-iieoiliilly annni'in . tbnl Ue wl I lurnlib Loanllun and Imlitlns atibe ...... -i n run in . ,i.y or HQI.IV'IIV. enl a insiil. stabllnK ud li-rl lor luruubcil Tb.i.a uui bivlnK trleil hla table are r. ert. 1'illy InvMeil tocall, ami the, w.ll not Kn swat ll-.ttli.nuil. Kiioma a law il.iora frt I the Uourl lluu.s, kll.lilirliuiHli, Pa, iiee.l. Ids:. Proprlstor. I. N. HOUSER, Proprietor. rhla Imtrl Ina lute y Imen rent t' 0 anil rrlur nMifil, m.kltiii it a nmnbi'i I Imicl Iti Ml r apsi'K No pain will l lor iliearcmu inKilutlnn ol Hie travnllnu t ui llo. Plfhlnir iartli-a III Unii tiila 'me of the I ii piui'.a in th ooutity to m 11. it: H'iu.1 rl-Uiui u tne violiilty ol tlm b. 10I. Keystone Hotel ! ISKLINSCROYK. V. MAJ. E. 0. IIAMILT01T, PROPRIETOR. The m l rentrally lo.ntnl ai .1 h it inrnUI art llnii.. In sellnaicruva. Tbo Uiue p.nron mt I1I1I. II u-eWil, rriult nl mu..Io'. rnre i.ti tli.' part ol Ita iriiriotur loploian ti tm.ei. t I bv tati'e I. rllu,ipivil uml tbo cun. i.i. t.. o.a are an nr.t t-1 i-k:. Gfiiml Asonls WaM! U eitra alilllly auil ex rrlrnci , to Ink. 1 f ni 1 .lappiilntlna an-iii . , to II ml ami nmi ml:, i bm amor. m laat-riltli it lioi.k'. . Iia. r Hi. arr lnil'ir..iii'iila. A iipllctiita innai .li.iw ll, ui.iiii liufli.tia l.y aiatiba by ! Iter (mi pi, vaidi) IK im tin Ir xi or ie or. tr. Ill M III t K I I f O.P. OokAirtiM. 1'till A lu.l.i 111.. ! Blanks! BiEiiks ! ! TLo following lilanks will nl n,v bo fouuil ou Liud at tie I'osr Piiii't in,' ollicp, Ortt LeHHCR, Clunk Koloftpcfi Agri'caipnts, CoMHtitlilu Suits, Wnrroutp, Lxf cut ions, iSulipnpnna liiBlict h' nuns, Certiflcnt of Stiii)luiliip, Jiiiliiifnt Kxi'mptinD NiiIcr, Finnnciul Sluttint-nt 011 Sluml I. mini. &o , &o , Ac. All I Inulis nut in liuud will be promptly piinttd ti order. V"w m vtertt. I.Xid.e$ for L' t J lift our rtkv TTnTrnm rv7jrr.i t;i kQ tiiipoli.J t'l4 aaVLjiV1 ft L L 'ire Wiih aUlxnsi i i". t'. bin ?T..'f. or ruj at kit kiul- iiliiiom k.l'hilo L a ant of diKiuu il. TWrtTD FO eevct A -4 .lliw t .Iay. "Iia ni.t. V tARSayuSIINMHUVv Ji l-'al u. t u a "IWWVJU.(J, ft- .liraHn . orr.jti. ti rir " fi-?"-l -JCi.lna ruplitl salna Or! - JttoaUiS, I.Jvf i.j.i.f i '.. riiuil tr. riARm nscuno ntmmn if, !Tn-J nlk. C- j'. l.Vli, W'A fj 1 1 UTURCU P .OK I Nofa True, WILLIAM MANE Blank Bookmaker Sta. tioncr, and Steam Power PRINTER. V liolestxlo aV. Ii.otil No 629 Market Street. PHILADELPHIA. lromylnea. Ont liet Selling Priot Marked On All Good In tlrs Cat a rrH CREAM EALmy Clearisps t It Ilend. Allan.' Influiniimt I o 11 Ileitis t lie 8orc l!e t o tp tli yptit-t H of Thm 'i rfc.r4j; Sliifll, lplli(. i tJillcU Ufli.'l a poMtivoctin-WjAY-FEVER A tiarilrl. . n,p)r,1 ntj euli nclril ami Is tT-i-nlilf (nit.,.. I'riwho rait. Iiy ni. II oral lli-imai l. S t.1 f,.rr(milnr. tl.Y IIHOI IJtKs. IriiBrtlits,0go, N.T. s' '.' S1 A.-Ha NattiT .Catiwa, I'mvcnlbn iniKim, Pv Jm it. McAlvln, lmil Mil..., m ; ran Tax Cull tor. SunJ irou lo any CQMSUMPTION. I navvap".ulv.nii.riy r-riii.atM.TdlM.:tir luj Ih U..II lc.rr.rnl Hi. wo,, 1 klnil .nd 1. f Inn. t..llnr h.rm I.MTI ru'.d. .n.lrnn.1. mr.iilT In ii.iiii.r. thnt I wi I .n IT0 mirn.l l tHr.n. t 'rrili.r villi V a l.f ni r.TH r UTIt-F on no. iIimm MU) .air rrr lll"i.' mir O nitdr ... Utt. T. A. Bouul'M, Hi CulSI., K.w Totk. TTVJ tnTl and ffll to tho Irml. nnf Stp1nd I A. crplrat1 Ctimra, TobiKvo, 1'Utan.ttwi, I'lfn-a, 1 Ar. l.lhrral amtmrf.m'nta. Kiilary or CommlMlnn, ! Art-1rr nt o'm, NEW Villi li A' HAVANA tlUAtt 1 Ol liroadway, mw Jtwra. MUNTION Tllld fAi'U. Iia CAPSK. ami rPIMC. ly i;r.n Tiif'.s.s,,,.. 1.. ...i,ni ,.i..,uii nr., 1 rrui' il iiy iihi'I i t Mm ii.,tnl rpr allt. i.llllP.'.y llll tin I.. 11 -lit. fur. I li in - I In tl.riT mntitl.fl ni.d n h tbi-ti IiwhItiI. ot o .r. I . II ll'l'll inillilril" ill o Mr A 1 U n, tinjii. nn.l nriTMiitl Aililit.a T. S. PAOK. I.t l.ur t-y nn nit p'orf .. I mm. I rri, I ni, n t .Bill St., Nf York 1'ily I CURE FITS! W1mi t nr rtir I )t not mr1 to Mft htr for llm nl itrrn lmm Ihrm rvtutn gn I tnyati rmiett it . I tv mk,l 1h Mm of m . I.PII MiT or r 1KO Mi'iNW III iwer Mud-. I wwuiii rt.f r-mf tm lit Wor cw. lroane Hicra Lv f.itl. U lo raol, ft n I "w rrlirf rt)t. n ! uB.t for 1rnll atnl ft I r Untllt of IT' y loUlHI ! rml y. fi fsitva) an F-mt O01' It fi-o nMMtt( tt Ir1lt Ki U1 CUT vn. It. H. U. AiUVlf, 11 lfl aflaa K.Ts "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." Tbo new and beautiful Squaro Parlor Etovo a Before buying, nsk your donler to how you this beautiful design. If lio hadn't it, havo him scud for sam ple ut ouco. Of send ua Twenty Dollars nnd wo will promptly ship you tho No. 2 sizo ( suitable for ordinary par lor) with full nickd ornamentation. Every Ptovo fully guaranteed In con struction, workmanship nnd practi cal operation. Tho 4Triscilla" is made only by , I fihirrh Cfnun S. IVVtt Pn Lblllll UIUI0 Will I &UUI) LEHIGHTON, PENN. OUR No. 40 WAGON. Wo ninntifitptnro Open and Top Bnggira roiii.istingof the Bide Spring, Knd rpi inr, l.ri'witor, 'I'itukcn, nud KdwurJ bturiu il'iiiiR. AIhh vnriotiH tyles of Two Seated Car ilig. n, Vagouii, Cutters nud bloighn. I.ibornl discount to the trade. E. nil fur 'atnlogue and l'rleoa beforo buying. IIOTCHKIN CARRIAGE WORKS, Syracuse, N. T, The Best Newspaper in America, and by far the Most Readable. Agents wanted everywhere to earn money in distributing the Sun's Pre. rniums. The most interesting and advanta geous offers ever made by any News, paper. No Subscriber ignored or neglected. Something for all. Beautiful and Substantial Premiums la Standard Oold and otherYYatcuea.ValaabU Books, the Dust Family Sewing Maouina known to the trade, and an uneqaaled list of object of roal utility and instruction, JJats, by Postpaid: DAILY, per Year (without Bund.y) $6 00 DAILY, par Month (without Sunday) SO SUNDAY, per Year ... 1 00 FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR 7 00 WEEKLY, por Year . . . 1 00 Address, TUE fil'X. X.w York City, MARBLEWORKS lV richer, at flolln.nrivs, 80 jdsr oounty, Pa., li prepsr sdtolurolih iTloi.iuucnts, Grave stones, nnd ISclId Insr Work nl sit kind, la the nsws.t and haodiom.kl ds Uns, aork.d out el Ue Best Marble a short nntlns. Ar.LWOHK WABRANT. 0 TO OIVK HATiarAUTlON. . Plsass ea'.l and examine tot mateilalsad earn my prlosi werore.parehstfac el ere. Juti.s, Itail.ljv. ) -Jrt.ttof tuirfri.ii.ifc ., s a y jMjiai-' flUiCHXiN CARRIAGE WORKS rvk or !' , hi.. 53 Iri U8C4 Tkt 0rtlt Mdion TrlarTh f lff' SYIPTOlVI3 CF A TORPID LIVER. liiMaofnppatltOf UowrUooalWtv ria la lh krad, with doll aaamuloa la ika tinrk pnrf. rala aud.r toe) ahoaldrf blade, fallaaaa after aatlna;, trlta adia Incllaatloata acrtlaaar body ormtnd. IrritabliltTrta,par,Iow spirit, TfUU feellncef haln noslocted soma dal. Vaarlaesa, Dlcxlaaao, Flaiisrlncatth llaart, Dots brfora lao ayes, lleadacaa w Iks rlsht aya. BaatltMaassa, with fltfuldrenms, Dlgbly colored Irlaa, aadl CONSTIPATION. TTTTT'al PiIXil are asporlnliy aAkTitad to such caana, on dose effeota snott a Chans;" ofCnnllntrnstoa.tonlalttheaafl'erer. Body to l.k, ! Floariitnita lbs rt nonrUh.rf.anit by thtlr Tomle Aetloi lbs Ule-ssUva 4rrwis.ltarulr N,ola ara TUTTS Rr IT Ara Wmiiitt ian to a Gtxmr Iilack by slnaia appllnatlos of Ibis Drm. Ik Imparts a baton.! eolor, acts uiatanianmniaiy. boki oy vnislaw. CT sent by eirTTon reoli)l of tl. Oftloe. 44 Murray QU,Hmw York. THE LIGHT RUNNING 1 Tl all SEWIH8 MACHINE SIMPLE 1 !!.; -, THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE THAT GIVES 2 fHAS 10 EQUALH tarnrirmiD SEWiNGiAOrllNECO ORANGE MASS. 30 UNION SO NY. CHICAGO ILL. ST. LOUIS MO. ATLANTA GA. rglFOR SALEBYf! la -blio Z3osi TABLE SAUCE, Thoinanclaofartlrloa are now manufactured thil in loriui'r yearn had to lie linporfd, pnylnx biva Import duty aa It la iiowbrliiit d neun Lua k Wa riu. talilo .all re the Jl'rn i Am.a Kauca UkM ll.plni'Bi It baa leu prououin U by J'l'Vi-e Jnat aaonoil and rant btilrr. TbuQuakia SMica haa Hlowly but surely (.-allied great Im. piirtauce an l la replacing tho vry 6rr Imperii 1 ou the aln-lf of tho grocer, the Ublxa ol tho roalaiirant aud tlio table, of the rieti and pmir iii.u. 1 roaily prtsi d and reliahud by all 10 aicniiiit of lis 1 iiiii&ui'y. ainina, taete, alrrut; h ami purenoaa. Tbo inventor has by yeura . I aiudy of lh aeeret virtue, ci-ntalned In Ih. am mine apii-ea of the Indio. aud China, .urh a mare, uuuuig.i'innainnu, genulue Jiuaicagin.r aud iepiei a ami Inula of trene unkunwu to ruu-i men. aud by loutt jiraetlce aiiareedud to coinbir.. their oilrv la in ui-b a lliiiid form aa weimo (limit nf agreeable lute, and ao Invigorating aa In be t ike u In place of atomarh blttera. Ity lifrtnriu till, aauco here, heavy import dut i-a ami IreiuliU are aaved, and It ia sold at a l w: ItKUie to lb. iliwiler. who ninknig a better profit -11 junker buuee can sell it to the cbe-p.' Ilmu ha Very beat imported artick) hardly eqii-l-Iuk nura. Il your groeer doe. not keep It. wnui as for prices, etc. bold In bottle, or by the gUlu. CHARM MANUFACTURING CO., olt Prvprietort and Manufncturtrt, 100 k 1US 8. Id ST., U laMib, Mai IF YOU WANT TO FILL YOUR GAME BAG, AND MAKE BBC SCORES. USE EiV3IMGT0M SHOT GUNS. All the Latest Improvements. -"') a... ... FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS, ADDRESS Lamberson, Furman&Co., SOLE AGENTS FOR E.Remington&Sons' Sporting Arm and Ammunition, 281 & 83 Broadway. WESTERN OFFICE, NEW YORK. D. H LAMBERSON A CO., TS blate Street, Chicago, li. ARMORY, - - - ILION, N. Y. REMINGTON SHOVELS. 8COOP8, 8PADBS. UkOt IN THE (EST ANNER. IT IKILUS WOnKttt mmn that oua tooos ut always kliasu. On Plaoej of 8olld Steal. NO HOUS OR RIVETS TO WEAKEN THE BLADE. 8CNO FOR OIROUkARt. REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL CO., ILION, N. V. Maw Yerk OOlea, IIS Chaaiaers Btratnv iwaotacehtstosui cua Misscuni if Ien and Wan of good chaneter aad lotellU t.aoliui..Terriion Uuaraaunl. A waia H 1 "J anuiiil. Waidwrto be rwuriwd at air aaiiana. it B.Li.MetArv. A I l.miun.l , iui W ill i.' 1" tli. world, and per. euiwnhT an.aW BIO moa.. VJ' ai Uiau.rit ita paauouilaal Moeioe . ot Illustrated .Iren .uraiid I tarof cu. af. V v- I rl.y A UYE A m. aw ii mm m TAaW. -. m. f aT I It M afMj wrrr-aia aa 1" - ai'Jtnaw i mm a ij L9 0a m lib gallfly "Tbe pen i tnigbtr than the I lio.V .. -.. - . f -win vbfl0t "'l-8;-! X '2 r ..... . . A ,. Ct H-i- a - A a