The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 14, 1886, Image 3

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    Published every Thursday.
irT5tIIr hil.l o" fnwMa Monday;
,?VVI ..fta-bar, sad Ssioad
H? ww
. . ik.Ai.hnnt tke fonl Will
,,.n.iS"' , drgt tbm ap,
r.i ska villi t" ipunn ''"!" ""'
CTv 1 1 1 og b o l J oor.ll i.dHUI. for U
ptakssl 4" n,
ronci TO SUESC&IB2E3.
tok at tbe fiugures on the label of
K W W Within 8 weeks after
iuodcv M sent, see uate "
S oilier receipt I necessary.
Pes.ii. R. U. Division.
ft Table, lo effect April G, 1 885.
Trains Leave Lewtstown Junction .
lY " m. 4 04, A m, 1 1'T. p 6.M, p in 1.1
runMri i1 lln Wt.
I 44, am, tor Alltnona.
M n ra. For Hao'lnsilon.
1 S' m. M a ra. I p m. 4 IT p m.'t 50 p m.
iisas '. For rbii.d.lpbla.Naw Yorkjlialil
mi end wtiblDifloB.
,ltli'l I TTI. )rTAIl
I 41
I 44
I 4
J 47
r u
A. T. .1 .
Main Htrnt
M' ilara
ftaah'i Mill!
B ararlnwO
t m
T Ik
T .l
T 4i
7 T
1 in
1 b
I 00
S 10
4 Ik
4 J I
4 Ik
t JO
4 ni
t 30
4 II
4 l
MllrriT J.
iioDKroww Arroiiimo4liitlon.
nn.iMil with tr Inl N. O. FT.)
Urn Hill'ioror,
Atrlv iiMim-grm
10 0T A. M.
I K P. M.
44tP. M.
t -ii r. n
4.17 P. U.
Phi!d8!phia & Erie R R Division.
Trl Bnobarit
k 10 in, For BilUUutl, Erll au4l CaBkudkl-
VII a, Pir I.nektii. ......
lot p m. For B.lliont, Kta J Ban-
!j o a, For BeoovA o4 Wilklni.
Dlkaa For C.ttw.i 4 Hmslton.
In 00 k nl 4 4 p m Kor W iUbirr.
k) a, II 0k m, 40 p m. For blikiookln
A . d Mount Ur mil.
Trilm Wllnpro Jnnrtlor:
93 k m. rHvln t PbllA-UlphlA a Ik p
Vork4Uopui,ltltJir 4 40 p ai, Wllb
Initoa k 40 p n.
Mum, rrlvli. t Plil'a.1lpM amp in, r- w
York npm, Hiltlioor 4 p oi, With
laKion id u o.
17 p m.arrliii t Phtladlp)iia 4 it A m.New
YorkT 00 a m, Halllmork k M am, Willi
loBloti :.
Trm l Ltivn fSvnhnrv!
Si arriving a Pi.ia4-I.blakla
Yrk II A a m, B.litmork I 14 a in, Waib
IduIod 2k a Bl.
J. K. W(IOI), (lea'l PAH AKot.
CU AS. E. PCOU, Uku'l Maoacor.
Tti:t 1 1 (kill' U4ii re ukib' isles, an' I3iti tt'i
SliBt 'cm."
DiJj-AU read Wels' new advertlBe
nientt Keep tli air in your moms tuoii-t
by keeping water uu your stoves.
See lint of Jurors drawn for Febru
Ary term, in anotlier coin inn of thlt
H. II. Leltzel accouipauiod by
Ullie and Ron Avers are vihitlnn
frienln in Centre eounty.
Kpeolal barxains are now offered In
KUiikets and Haps at tlie Central
Dry floods Btore, tseliiiHrove.
It is hard work to beat eggs with
tlie ordinary appliance, but try a
"Cyclone" E(t Beater at it, and the
reMilts will xpeak for theniM
liciijauiln Eleeubower of Tliree
IUvers, Mich., is viaitlnt; relatives iu
this county at present, and favored
us with a pleasant call last week.
Hitch your homes properly and
blanket tlrem comfortably, and you
may save damage to your own prop
rtr and perhaps to that of others as
Bad drainage causes much sickness.
Dad blood and Improper ant Ion of the
liver and kidneys is bad drainage to
the human system, which liurdock
Mood Bitters will remedy.
8. We Is, Seltasgroye, desires to close
oat hisetock of ladies and children's
wraps as soon as possible, and now
offers extra bargains on these goods.
How is your time to buy.
Eton Snook, residing In Adams
township, reports killing a chicken a
few weeks ago that had a pin firmly
linbeded In its liver. The pin was
coiuewbat corroded, while the chick
en seemed to enjoy the best oi health.
John Renninger and John Ueitz,
two of Franklin township's reliable
farmers returned from their western
trip on Friday of last week, In re
sponse to a telegram announcing the
death of Mr. Henningr's mother.
We meet persons and take a fancy
to them. They are bright and agree
able. We meet them again, and get
to like them. Then they go away, and
r haps we never see them any more.
Such is life.
The County Commissioners have
appointed 8. F. Sheary, of Centre
line, Mercantile Atpraiser for 1880.
It Is a vnost deservlug appointment
and will meet with general satisfac
tion throughout the county.
Wlhuer Moyer, of Belleyue, Ohio,
arrived bere on Monday morning to
attend the funeral of bis grand-moth
er, Mrs. Kennlager, who was buried
n Sunday. Hit train was snow-bound
which delayed him thirteen hours,
whioh accounts for bis late arrival.
Talmage la ft recent sermon de-
lared that reigtwoosues was an in
' centlv. to old age, that he knew a
great teany old men bat that they
were all good old men. . This is a oon
f -!:;Jea t the general supposition
r v r '"f kfcool boys all
ill III ' i , . 1 ' aawawawmwaaaaaaakaaawaMwaaaBaw
Brother Lumbard of the Triluntl
celebrated his 42d birthday on Tues
day of last week. "Whom the gods
love die youag."
Now U your time to buy a buggy
at your owu price. J. P. Kearos of
the Beavertown Carriage works has
SO buggies ready and 23 started, and
no room to store them. Parties deal
log In wagons can buy at wholesale
rates. Now Is your time. Come nud
see them.
I have been troubled with catarrh
from boyhood and had considered my
cuse chronic until about three years
ago 1 procured ene bottle of Ely's
Cream Halm, and I count myself
sound to-day, all from the use of one
bottle. J. K. Cooley, Hardware Mer
chant, Montrose, Pa. Jan. ?,4w.
Science Is approaching the cure of
consumption a disease caused by u
disposit from the blood of Impure
matter In the lungs. For stimulating
to healthy action the spleen, liver.Md
neys, and skin, organs which remove
wnxte and poisonous matter, no rem
edy iseipial to Dli. WAI.KKll's CALI
We were very sorry to learn last
week that Maj. W. H. Dill, County
riuperiiiteiideiit, was very dangerous
Iv III with lung trouble the end. Ion
change having been canoed by a hem
orrhage. You rallied, ho we ver.Mid Is
aguin on the mend. Snyder county
cannot offord to loose so valuable a
man as Major Dill, aud we hope kiud
Providence will soon restoro him to
his usual good health.
"It snows aud blows and stings your
nose makes all creatlou shiver; it
bites your toes. Increases woes aud
freezes up the. river. The front nips
all. both great and small, this dismal,
dreary winter. It freeies pipe, 'bust",
the pipe aud veiessore the printer.
So let her roll we mean the coal it
takes the cash In winter, now please
b kind make up your ml ml to settle
with the printer.
Important to I.anii.oris. The
Prohibitionists throughout the slate
are turning their attention to the
prevalent violation of the Licence
laws In this, that Landlords neglect to
lift their licenses withlu fifteen days
after the granting of tho same, that
In many cases licenses are not lifted
and posted, as required by law,
throughout the whole year. A strict
compliance with the law will avoid a
collision between these two opposing
The following are the officers of (t.
R. Hackenburg Camp, Sous of Veter
ans, No. 74, for the ensuing year.
Captain J. F. Stetler.
First Lieut. H. S. Htetler.
Second Lieut. M. T. Orwlg.
Chnplain-II. It. Keigle.
O. 8.-C. Stetlcr.
Q. M. S. J. L. Bowersor.
8. of O.-G. B. M. Arnold.
C. of (J. J. C. Burlington.
C. S. Eisenhower.
P. M.-C. F. Spald.
C. O.-J. W. Martin.
P. G. James Bowersox.
We failed to make mention in our
lust week's lnueof the very enjoyable
ClirUtuias treat the children of the
IT. B. Church had on Christmas eve.
Every member of the Sunday school
was presented with a paper sack of
candy and an orange, purchased witli
money subscribed by the adulls and
friends of the school. Besides thene
there were several hundred gifts from
friend to friend. The exercises con
sisted of siiigitig, recitations, Lo., by
the pupils, and the whole affair pass
ed off iu the most enjoyable aud or
derly manner.
News reached us on Wednesday of
last week thutChailey Kissiager.truiii
dispatcher . on the 8. Si L. division,
I'kui) near losing his life iu the morn
ing by being crushed iu the Selins
grove turn-table, and was only res
cued by a main Hue engineer who saw
him fall, aud assisted him In escaping
a horrible death. The accident is
accredited to over-work, having been
ou his feet uud losing sleep for three
iiights in suuoessiou. He wusbrought
to the depot on an engine and from
there carried to the Keystone Hotel
on a stretcher. Tlie injuries were
slight, aud he Is able to attend to his
work again.
Last week we Informed M. 8.
Schroyer, our good democratic friend
of Selinsgrove, that he had made a
mistake of ten cents iu our favor on
account aud that we took tho liberty
to correct it. He replied that the
reason the Democrats were always
"counted ouf'was on account of their
being poor In arithmetic, but that
they had now started on a race of
twenty-five years aud Invited the ed
itor over. We thank you brother
Schroyer for the kind invtiutlon,
though we cannot comply, but pre
fer holding down the upper rail with
David Davis until the quarter -pole of
1888 Is passed. He will notice three
8's and no 7's In the number giving
tlie Republicans three chances to
G.A. R. IssTALtATlox.On Friday
evening of last week, Capt.Ryao Post
of Middleburgh held a publio Installa
tion of the following officers:
P. C.-D. T. Rhoades.
Sr. V. C.-A. K. Gift
Jr. V. C.-Ner B. Middles wartb.
Surgeon Dr. J. Y. Shindel.
O. D. W. Reed Jones.
O. G.-G. C. GuteUus.
Chaplain Rev. 8. P. Orwlg.
Q. M. Thomas Rathfou.
Adjutant-S. S. School).
SargH Maj. E. L. Buffllngton.
Q. M. S Aaron Rennlnger.
After the Installation which was
witnessed by a number of the Posts
friends, the old Vets Indulged Id
"Camp Are" stories which were ainus-
fng In the extreme, and furnished a
'most pleasing termlnous to the exer-
il. B
8th Ward,
. o, '83: He
Scranton, Pa., stated Nov,
bad used Dr. Thomas' Eolectrlo Oil !
for sprains, burns, cuts, bruises and
rheumatism. Cured every time.
Christmas Fkbtiyau I noticed
In last weeks paper that your regular
correspondent from this place failed
to make mention of the very success
ful christtuas festival we had hi the
Union church, at this place on Christ
mas eve. It was one of the most
pleasant events that ever took place
here. A large Christmas tree was
weighed down with presents for the
children, and the church echoed with
Vocal and instrumental music of the
most select kind. The Centrevllle
Cornet band was In Attendence and
met with its accustomed encourage
ment aud appreciation. The mem
bers of the Union church are not dead
nor sleeping and kindly ask you for
space in your columns for this com
munication. Lt'TUKUAN.
Centrevllle, Pa., Jan. 12, '8i).
The Commissioners of Snydercoun
ty last week appointed T. J. Smith,
Esq., as their counselor, and C. JStet
ler, Clerk ; retaining II. R. Rclgle as
Janitor. II. Alleman, Est., was the
CMiiiMcl for 1S3, but the fact of his
residing In Selinsgrove made It un
handy for the fomlsstoiicrs and hence
made a most worthy selection in the
person of Mr. Smith. J. P. Aurand
the out-going clerk has occupied the
position for some twelve years In the
most creditable maimer, nud the ap
pointment of Mr. Sift ler, which could
not bo improved on, was evidently
done to distribute the benefits of the
position among worthy applicants
giving each a respectable share. Mr.
Uelgle is enjoying his second year tin
ier this "administration" and will
rnhahly be permitted to stay awhilo
yet, if he continues attending to
business us well as he has thus far.
I lifu Meet inn hi In a oiikit rv hM lie ah
... ,, . ., ,
treated to a spell of
. .1.... .i .. .t -
the ltj-t week that savors
day night it commenced to snow and
blow, sending the partl. lcs of miow
through the streets with a velocity
that caused them to sting like bird -
shot. Iu the morning about a foot of
snow had (alien which was too sandy
to drift much. The mucury siuco
then has I n hocriiig around zero,
though never more man six negrees
below sero. 1 lie West Is siilTcrmgl
severely from the effects of the storm. '
Trains are snow hound, and on sever-
al through lines travel bus almost
been abandoned. Iu Dakota the
thermometer has been registering
from 'M to 40 decrees below zero with
a lieree wind blowing. Cattle by the
thousand ure reported (rozeu to death,
while the gruin fields are bare of snow.
It is supposed that the wheat crop in
a great part of the west will not he
wortli tlie harvesting.
Editor Pcist: Please permit us,
through the columns of your worthy
paper, to tender our severe thanks to
all our members, ami citizens of Mid
dleburgh, who contributed to the
timely, valuable, uud no less appreci
ated Donation, which was tendered
us ou Christmas evening. We tried
then, to express our thanks; but we
learned sluce that a number contrib
uted who were not present, and feel
iiigcoufldeut that they did not give
for the purpose of being lauded to the
public, we nevertheless, feel It our
duty, and a pleasure, to tender our
thanks iu this public manner.
Inasmuch its you were present, we
will impose upon your generosity, and
ask you to publish a du tailed account
of the Donation visit.
Muy the giver of all good bountiful
ly bestow spiritual and temporal
blessings upon this kiud pjople. Tru
ly, "The lines are fallen unto us iu
a pleasant place."
S. P. 1 MaryOrwiq.
Horriui.b Dkatii.
The following letter, dated Selins
grove, Jan. 8, 1880, giving an account
of the horrible death of B. F. Faust,
was written by Ed. Duck to his bro
ther Henry, Register &i Recorder, who
I permitted us to make the following
"I suppose you have heard of the
shocking accident which befell Frunk
yesterday evening, and have been
wandering ever since how it happen
ed. Well I will give you a full ac
count of it. He was bucK at tho de
pot and when the Accommodation
pulled out to go over the liver to
meet Fast Line, he jumped ou the
front end of the passenger car, (as
vi II L linuf II10U ulual'y ttimb- rivu. 1 1 . .1
passenger car in front of the engine.)
It seems they were a little lute ami
they wore running fast. When the
train reached Market street crossing
Frank jumped off in order to go
home for supper; but it proved to be
his last jump, for lie landed on a small
strip of ice, which ho did not see, aud
of course slipped. In falling whirled
around uud us tl hlud wheels of the
car came along, ran over his one leg,
mashing it from tlie knee down, foot
and all. His face und head was hor
ribly cut up. A hole sufficiently large
to insert a hand was in his buck
which was caused by the pin iu tlie
driving shaft of the engine coming
down on him as he lay ou his face.
When they carried hi in Juto the
house he looked pJttingly at the
crowd who were all anxiously trying
to crowd in, and said: "Oh now don't
all of you ooum In." Dr. Wagonsel
ler was called (a who after au exami
nation, informed hint that he was
"now about at the point of death."
He also told the family that Frank
oould not live over a few hours.
Frank was conscious all the while
aud said he felt no pain and at ten
o'clock last night told the family be
would get well again, but they knew
better. He died, this morning at 8
He will be ' burrled on Bun'
day afternoon,
shock to all."
Toe AvwUlon. was
if. L. Hhtir, AWieruian
.... Vl
Roi.I. OF Howor. The following
persons have paid their subscription
to the Post to the dates opposite
their names. Should any mistakes
occur In these credits or on your pa
per please notify os:
II. B. Verger, Deo. 1, 'M
8choch Bros. Dec. 1, '85
JohuZeibcr, Deo. 1, '85
(3. H. Krebbs, - Feb. 23, '80
Chas. Boyer, Dec. 1, '85
John W. Walter, Deo. 1, '85
Anion Herbstsr, Jan. 1, '80
A. I Smith, Oct. 30, '80
James K. lilckel, Feb. 0, '80
H.Fettcrolf. Jan. 1, '80
Robert Elsenhowert Deo. 1, '80
Joseph OetZ, Dec. I, '80
A.J. Hassfnger, Jan. 1, '87
Geo, J. Roush, Jan. l '85
J. It. Moyer, Jan. 1, '80
M. L. Bchocb, Jan. 1, '87
Chas. Manbcck, Nov. 1, '80
SylvesterjBowen, Jan. 1, '80
Jesse Bilgcr, March 1, '80
Henry Fetterolf, Jan. 1, '80
Henry Bet. for, May 1, '80
C. C. Dietrich, Jan. 1, '80
Aaron Crosgrove, Dec. I,
Elon Snook, June 1,'s.l
Valentin Walter, Dec. 1,;'8
I). It. Kothroek, Oct. 20, '80
M K Haslnger, Jan I. '87
W F Walter, June 1, '80
APAMsiU'Rii. The mercury regis
tered IS degrees below zero.
Those who predicted a mild winter,
will now change their minds.
On last Wednesday evening a sur
prise party was given to Mrs. Reuben
Klose. it being her ttOtli birthday.
She had hecn away to prayer-meeting
and upon her return found some forty
of her neighbors occupying her house.
It was a grand surprise to her. After
, th presentation of a number of valu-
aiue gins, an pariooK or an excellent
"ipcr provided by the visitors. Tho
I music was furnished by a number of
1 .
the gentlemen present.
I I'd,, 1.. in 111..... 1 1 u u tvjn ttnmim fnntu
wiiieh tliav rliiiri.eil Il.'i nmimU .,f
' luitter last week, bosldcs what tliev
j 1MM, w,, CttIJ ,HMlt lt7
1v w ,. Wlcand and wife of
M,.Aist,.rviile Hre visiting fdeuds at
' j,ji(,0
I , ,,wh KrynoWl, ,! hMer Mr o(
,rt Deposit, Md., are vlsitlug the
I -p. J. Keller and wife are the happy
recipients of a girl baby,
A protracted
in the Lutheran
meeting commenced
. ... . . . ...I
viiurvii on luuuuuy
evening. Rkpoiitkr.
Mct'Li RK.-The weather has been
very cold for the past few days. The
roads leading north and sou'th are
drifted shut with snow, luakiug travel
alnioht impossible.
The two young men living In the
eastern part of the county, had bet
ter keep away from MeOlnre, break
ing window panes, and forcing them
selres Into the school room, and con -
i.....:.. . i. ....... i.. .........! I
iuuiimk l iliriunv-i , i-o ill i u inj i iii:r- u I
manner as those boys did on the night
of Aie 7th of January. It will iu no
wise, be suffered by the citizens.
Our young people had a dance the
other night.
Mrs. Stroub of Ohio and a ludy and
lf-ntleiimn from Freeburg. are vUit
ing relatives at this end of the county.
Thomas Youngman, while working
on the railroad had his ears f rozeu, iu
consequence of which he has been
confined to his house.
The lumber trade has been revived
in our end of the county.
H. W. L'lsh received two car loads
of coul just iu time to keep the citi
zens from getting cold feet.
From present indications our town
will have a building boom iu the
On Saturday last G. Kaley pussed
his 88th mile stone, lie is remarka
bly active for one of his age.
Birthday parties In this end of the
county are numerous.
The Welsh man and woman, the
Pomt warned the people of, made
their appearance here on Saturday
last. They received a cool reception.
On the evening of tlie 8th, C. Stet
ler, a son of a veteran, from Middle
burgh, was at McClure to install and
inspect tlie Henry K. Rltter Camp of
Sons of Veterans. The boys hud a
pleasant time and formed a good
opinion of the inspectlug officer.
James Dreese a citizeu of Kansas Is
still among us. James is a jolly fel
low nud we hope ho may remain with
us for some time.
Alexander Baker of Michigan has
been among us for several weeks.
Albert Snook aud wife ure the
? M Jv?h" rT
II. Ulhh, our Veterinary Surgeon Is
busy attending to his many sick hors-'
es. Harry bus good success in his
chosen profession.
Albert Smith the young teacher
from Middleburgh, Is getting along
well. He is making his mark in the
school room, both parents and schol
ars speak well of him. Euo.
Rev. C. W. Walter, who is now
canvassing the county for Chas. W.
Stewart & Co's, Nursery, Newark.
New York, is meeting with unusual
success. Having represented the
nursery for three years, aud finding
them to give unusual 'satisfaction, he
hast cast hUlot among 'us and will
call ou our people shortly for orders.
He can furnish the best of reference
on application.
Can you tell who Is In the greatest
danger of catching any Infectious or
epideuiio disease? "Why," you say,
"the person whose blood is iu an Im
pure or impoverished condition."
Exactly. Such people take special
coiuplants as dry grass bursti Into
flame before the sparks of a locomo
tive. Pure blood -is a defence; It
means safety, aud Dr. Kennedy's Fa
vorite reinedv Is Abe mildest, fatest
and surest purines; el tH4 14t Our
. eiitef danger are Mil zrvAVM,
' ' ;.,:V,; '
The New Hampshire horse blankets
for "5 cents, at Sol. Oppeuheluier's,
SmifOLKsI Silinoi-Kflt Fifty Thou
sand No. 8, 18-Inch Shingles at '2.50
per thousand. Inquire at this oftlce.
For the latest In Knit Jackets, in
quality, stylo and price, call ou Sol.
Oppenheiiuer, Seliusgrove.
Seal skin caps, of the best quality
and latest styles can be had at Sol.
Oppenheiiuer s, Seliusgrove, at aston
ishing low prices.
The economical housewife that docs
not use a genuine Hunter s Sifter is
away behind the times. Ask your
dealer to show it to you.
The undersigned will pay the high
est ensh price for Calves, four weeks
old from cow. Notice through mail
will receive prompt Attention. Cull
ou or address
A. M. ('A Itl'RM'KIt,
Jan.7,3w.pd. Beuvertowu, Pa.
Shingles 1.ft0 per thousand. For
sale at the Post printing oflleo.
Remember I have yet a lot of Wat
sontown and Elmira hoots and shoes
on hand which 1 will sell to my en-.
turners at cost on account of closing
tho Moots and Shoes out.
S. Ofl'KStlKlMKH.
The 13th Annual Musical Conven
tion will commence in Musical
College, Freebiirgh, Pa., Monday
evening, January 1H, lss.l. A tine ar
ray of Vocal and Instrumental Artlst.
have been engaged, also Prof. Kliutt's
Hand und Orchetdn. from Wilkeshar
re, Pa. All are invited. For partic
ulars address F. C. Miiykii,
Musical IMrector.
(ra in Market.
No. 1 Red wheat $ .8
" 2 Fultz and mixed Kl
' 8 while no
Rve fitl
Corn 40
Oats to 32
Potatoes nd
ftl iridic lti. tf Market
Pitted cherries...
I'npitted " ....
, 1
. ;i
... fl
.... !2
I 'allow.
Chicken per lb
Sid. .."
Dec. 24. by Rev.. I. A Kuriiest, Miss
Maggie Wehr, of Mlillinlnirg and
Charles Trutt, of Sn.!cr county.
Jun. , bv Rev. V. A. ilans. Mi-
Emma 8. .turret l and IMtvin A. lieis
er, both of Monroe township.
Dec. tO, by Rev. W. A. Haas. John
G. .(arret and Sarah C. Smith, both
of IV nn twp.
Dec. 211. by Rev. H. E. Oehsenford.
J. C. Thompson ami Cluru E. Fisher,
both of Seliusgrove.
Dec. 20, at Beavertown, by Rev.
D. M. Htetler, Miss Mary O. Arneld
and John 1). Wcirick, both of Union
Jan. 10, at Beavertown, by Rev. 1).
M. Kteller, Miss Kate l'oltr. ami Levi
II. llcimbach both of Snyder county.
I .. . - '
i)i i:i.
In Franklin twp., Jan. 8, Rebecca
Renniuger, aged 81 years ami 13 days.
Dec. 2. at Seliusgrove, George V.,
son of Mrs. Levi Kinney, aged U years,
8 months and 23 days.
Iu Washington twp., Dec. 4, Miss
Mary Eli.abeih Inch, aged 17 years.
Dec. 31, in Washington twp.. Henry
Herry, aged 73 years, 0 mouths and 10
Den. 10, in Perry twp.. Geo. Reich
enbaeh, aged 6U yours, 0 months uud
0 da) s.
Dee. 24, iu Chapman twp., John L.
LulTcl, uged&l years, 8 mouths and 10
Nov. 2S, near Richfield, Thomas
Wat's, uged 78 years, 10 mouths and
2 days.
Jan. 3, In Chapman twp., Peter
Hummel, uged Oil yours and 8 mouths.
In Franklin, on Saturday, Deo. 20.
HH. George Dunkloburger, agod 28
Dec. 20, in West Heaver twp., Clara
Jane, daughter of Solomon and Al
vilda Steiuiiiger, aged 11 years, 0
mouths und IU days.
Cirrrlng all it(m and dlugraiaUa odor trom auuk
lu( down luto Utk Br.
The MOST COMPLETE CobMez Dlensll
No burned tunfe. Ws lonliM srmi. Vv eloth
iimkIwI. N SlHrral,l odori Sling (In houw.
ho ot.rflow on thio. Aa.imiilu.ilnn ot Ukm
uUmlll will conrlmw toy '' tir ar Ihs
iiMiro.1 puf'xcliuu ol snr keltlo. now kuowu. A
AtiMlaMiuwiUHf and kttle soul WyeJ.
AUCTal w.iuud all otcr tin U. a lor thias
Soodi. I'btr and ff guod pruttu 14 lo
i per day. Call or writ, lot circular!.
. Manufacturing Co.,
Minufaotarai ot Ilia worU faiacd HUSTIB
SIHtR. i'rolooa r HaUr,"
r in iVu, .miaI iLMlImilar'uhlftlir.ilM tMO lold.
eMrr Udr la Uii larnl aiMiul to dun. 4 r nil. .
4,r nmohltMa dwtWn er) Wliira. Amk for loa
i..7.. nmuA uk mi oihsr. Iluutntad MlaUwui I
--. :aC. . . - - -.
- ..
of KltatioO bmouiiw. iuii i--".
gisuv amJrw,--AawAitM4 as auoo fl"
oIKlKiiiaO BriiUltla. Mkloerr lot akis. I, yal
!AJl' .JI".J.
From this Any wo will oiler great
er bargains than ever ottered in
Ladles and (DlaildE'CEis
wrapse) ffe WEiaaBkete9
Circulars, Blanket-, Slap, $Iiavta,
and all kindsof Woolen Goods. Oar
stock of Gerniaiitown Wool, sa.tony
and zephyrs i.s still complete.
My ps8ces tlBa Eowcsfo
Coine to see us. it will pay you,,
Mannfactnrcs of I'aionches, Jnmp scat Can i.u'cs, Wnsotin, Sleighs. Alec
iulo and Double llnimss.
111 IIP
-" yvT
. 'm it - -71
a S c LJhwvo
ill- 13 gasp
r i --j
Call oml aoe our $7".0d Top HuSKy. which we nie nuikif.p h rr;ccia:t
Iluilding ilatuiial tukou iu exchaugofor wotk. C.ill on or address
J. i K 12 Al INS.
Mnv 1,'S5 if. BH V VK',1 I'D WN PA
II. 1c won r fully inform ll.i
citiiens of Snyder comity, that 1
am now prepared t do all work
iu my line 1 n niptly nnd iu tic
best woikuistiliLe maLuor. lly
Stock of
- - " 1
Successors to Sim on ton, ISarbcr .J- Co.
We have just opened the KILL L1) 1! LYTEJl sensor
with an entire new stock o gauds, consisting of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
cutlei; r, ca u pe 7',c. i nvi: r cua l , uaud,
TJicse goods are neurit all new, of the choicest mate'
rials ' ltd latest stifles. The j trices we, ask for them will
astonish you as thei are un quest iomibljj the rock bottom
for retail trade- Vo pay the highest price for
flJI Kinds cf Country Produce.
Judging from our trade we anticipate E.XTEXSIVHi
SALES this season und have prepared to meet all
demands- CALL- Yours in waiting ,
Year Middliburg Depot-
Centrevllle, SndcrCe , P.
t ,
riali lrsl-aai8lneliObnvki)rkMpirwnla(1
tiPunl aie I
r. i -1
r - 5 5 3
- Tii . ...... .J- i ;
1 r ;
' 1;
ma 1 m men. , mtf
is in) men hc, including all kit de of slsnd
arl uihkcH . giini unteiil to ivo feuliaftiilieu. I
uiuke a specialty of
and cordially solicit the jul 1 io patri-iiBge id
this line, Mous deliwutd and nt rp ivuij
for 11 so without extra cliaige to nil puichaseia
residing wilLiu 1 eiisona'.lo ilittai re.
Thunkin you for past favors uud solicititg
COLtinuunco of tho sumo, I nni
Vtry Truly Vours,
11 1 1 1 '". LJ.ajSa
a gift."
Stnd 10 anitaxx, aad wa
will m ill vou fra. a ...
umui., .iHiiiti viii n, Kvo'ii ill. I will UC 10V
In lb. way of m.klny nor. run, r usiia
ynl all au a.o llva at liuai. aud work la ar
tJ II I Mlfaa. or all ilia tliuo. Capital put t.qul
ItliLisa wba Hart at oijaa. kiINkcS a. ,1 ...
If orll.t, MM. fHH-tfJtv