The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 14, 1886, Image 2

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    At a racerit nnrri.ige ii Oliio tbu hi death duiinr' tbo term of fivei, d Mian Mrria, Wore a dross years j and iu push of tlio lualU or
HAHTKR. tna irv.norled from Paris in iuterrnarriara
r- - - - o
: 174.', for a weJ lititf And lias Itcn io
'the family over eiusa, buiug me I
Subscription !?1.50 Per Year, only oo euell occasions. It
'worn ay run iu 1770 1 a wallinr
RATES OF ADVERTISING : J Jfp.t not m Uj0 ollJ
Xlmmr,VvAv::.::v;:.:::::: y,wbn m Mom... donoedu.
SSWvX toil been aitom i or ai-
as when now.
of such widow
furo tbo expiration of fire year,
Wb'h ue ape -I II arr-na-wentt ar mvle. ll .1 ; : . ...
....... t. ... . I..., .1 I... i., .,.lh. , wuu UVII
t-1ie l M per liiota lor 6r lner:nn I 11)
r tin eood Insertion and 7 emu lof tack
labtaijuenl luiertioa.
Thursday, January 11, 1SS.
Mr. Moody, like mtuy other BiJ
sibla 0100, tbiuks church fiirs, ns
oftou o jaJuslo 1. aro u abomination.
"Tbo iJ-ii of rullliitf an 1 voting for
tha bout looking man, aud Imviug
girU nell ciir. t aaw n church
f ji!r advorlino that a mm waul I kim
any girl for 2") cents". 1 hid rathor !
wrshiplu a b-tro than reort to
any of tb n rnit'.n li."
Theaterno wages iu this country
at tbe beginuing of tbs century was
$05 a year, with focul and lodging.
Six dollars per month iu Bummer
and $5 in winter per month was tbe
rnle in Pennsylvania. Men wbo
cnt tbe streets and avenues in Wash
ington city wete puid $70 a year, or
$6, for what they could do fioui
Mitch 1 to November 2D.
The Philadelphia Hic$ remarks :
Niticteotbs of tbo evils which impair
tbe foundations of manhood in cbi
dreti, nre tbo logical result of giving
children money that they do not
earn. They are Dot only brought
npin idleness, which is the frightful
parent of vice, but they are given
money f roily, without knowing its
value, to tempt them into any of
countless ways of wasting health by
i indulgence If boys wero taught
to earn tujney before they spent it,
they would not be likely to watse it
and their htalth together by iudul-
guuee io bat is now ono of tbe
most dangerous indulgences of boys
the Flunking of cigarettes. No
boy will ever reach vigorous phys
ical or intellectual manhood who
snaps tbo tttcngtb of childhood by
A farmer of Washington Terri
tory, loaned his dog to a man on
Snake River, to whom be bad sold
a fl jok of sheep, to dtivo home, u
distance of thirty miles. Tbo drov
er found tbe dog so nmfal that,
instead of sending him borne, he
locked him up, Tbo dog ofcnpod,
aud, conclu Jin" tbo drover hnl no
inoro right to keep the sheep tlinu
to lock bitu ut), be collected all that
bad boloneod to bis master aud
drove tboai homo again.
The Supreme Court of the United
States has decided that the widow
of a soldier is entitled to tbe full
sum her husband received during
life. The caso cume up on tbo ap
peal of tbe widow of Gcnetal Ward
B. Putnett from the derimon of the
Pension Dt-purtmeut, awarding her
$30 a mouth, whereas her busbaud
bad received 872 a runutb. Tudor
the ruling of the court the lady 'will
receive the latter sum.
Judgo Schuyler, of Northampton
county, recently filod an opinion
afllnniag the oiistitntiotiality of tbo
tax lxw passed by tbo last Logislan
turo The c no arose on Doeiober
1, when li. J. Fox presentod a pe
tition to tbo Court for at; injunction
to reslruin tbo assessor of bis ward
from requiring biui to make a state
inent nnJer oath about bis personal
property iu accordance with tho new
act. This wis asked fir on the
ground that tbo act is unconstitu
tional aud in conflict with sections 1
and '1 of tho Constitution of tho
State The potition was argued
last Monday by Mr. Fox for himself
and cx-Iudgn Kiikpitrick aud Gen
eral Huodjr for the State.
Sixty thousand muskets of the
old Spring Sold pattern bava ltto'y
been sent from Western arsenals to
the United States armory at Spring
field, Mass., to bo mado over. Theco
wero bought by tbe Government
near tbo close of tho war, but were
Dover used. If sold by auctiou they
would bring only a trifle; but tbo
Mivncmirtiit uuv..a I ) 1 1'Anwf.iii rl h a ill
.... . , , .,. hood oftho Gre hastily roiuovodth
more of their cost by rebuilding' .
them into tho propcnt stylo of onus.
Fraud and perjury and thoft, f d
lowed by an infamous ducit-iou of a
partisan court, bavo ull failed. John
Sbormau will be ro elected to tbe
United Statos Senate. Ho wna
nomiuated, unaniaiontly. Johu
M'Lean, with bis Cincinnati rabblo,
eiid all that ambition and money
could prompt, but tho Crst can now
balauco bis bank accjuot and find it
so much less, VihiU his rubble fol
lowers will never pass a lock-np or
jail without looking over their
shoulders to see if tho law is uA
about to clutch them. U,
..i ,ni ' it i
Tho most disastrous fire Phila
delphia has known since tho groat
Water Street conflagration a piarter
of a contury ag oco'irrol early
Sunday tnoroing. It broke out in
tho vory Imrfc of tho ICousington
mauufacttiriog district, at Taylor
and Coral Streets. Spro i liti ra
pidly, it deatroyed two blocks of
buildings and laid sovon largo tain-
nfacturing establiahmeuta iu ruins.
Tbo loss will probably exceed SI,
uuj.uju ana aoout nuu uauas are
thrown out of omploytuaut. Tin
mills wore surrounded oa all si lis
by d-vulliug hou-ios and tho falling
walls narrowly uii.uo 1 crtisliing tha
liomHS of mauy of tho operatives
All thoio living in tho uoighbjr-
hoiucholl goolt, fearing a spread
of the lire, ail tho groiteat exoite
moat niovailel in tha neighborhood
while tho coutl igration was raging.
The report of State Superinten
dent of Publio Instruction Iligbeo
shows a satisfactory advanco in our
publio schools, tbe average terra of
instruction being now soraowhat in
m .1 11.1 il .
excess ol seven mouius. jui ino
districts in which the term is ttill
kept down to live months ought to
be wid'ly published, that tbo small
bore diroctora and people might ens
joy tbe estimate in which others
bold thorn when they see them as
tbey are Likewiso, tbe districts in
which incompetent tenchors ore
preferred, bocauso thoy nre cheaper,
whoso praolico korps the aversge of
female compensation nine dollars 'jury conviotoJ.
pur month below that of mules.
A woman was reseutly pat on trial
in Fiance for strangling her ba'oy
and at tho prelininary examiua
tien sho confessed her crime. At
tho trial tuedioal evid -naa was board
and tho doctor told the Judgo he
did uot believe tho woman was the
culprit. ibe hugor marks woro
fresh on tho victim's throat whou
be mado bis examination, and the
marks woro eiugular. 1 1 o cxaminei
the woman's hands and found hor
lingers long, slender, aud well
bhuncd. but tho marks were of a
short-lingered band, etnmpy and
misshapen, and ono of tha ringers
tho first, was abnormally short. Oo
this tbe prisoner burst iuto tears
sai l she was fond of tho child, bad
not uostroyoit it, ana mentioned iu
her excitemen, the real culprit. I!e
was a mau of a better class of life
with whom sho bad lived as a do
mostio servant. His arrest followed
and tho doctor poiutod out that the
prisoner's bands wero fonuod as be
bad describod, and, moreover, that
tho Grst finger was without a
and almost deficient of a joint.
half pay for tbe remainder of tbe
time bball g3 to the child or chil
dren of the d.'cedaot. And tbe
Secretary of tbe Interior shall adopt
such forms of evidence iu applica
tion under this section astho Presi
dent may prescribf."
Tbe agents ngreo to recover the
sums mentioned at a fee of 2o per
cent , and claim that tbny will bave
to bo paid, as lo act as yet has been
pasHud repealing tho one of 1836,
and its implication caunot prevail.
A great many people are sending
powers of attorney to tha ngents for
the proscc'ttion of thoir claims.
There is mncb harmless specula
tion among our esteemed contem
poraries about Prosident Cleveland's
wisuos aud proHpucts as to getting
another term. Some aro sure that
bo wauts it, others equally su re that
ho does not want it, and still others
inform biui rathor impertinently
that, whether be wants it or not, it
is not written in tbe book of fate
that be can bave it.
It is tho way of Presidents, even
before tbey aro well settled in tbeir
seats, to ponder bow they may climb
up again, and there are ulways plen
ty of sincere frieuds and accommo
dating admirers ready to persuado
them, if any persusioa tbey neod,
that tbeir renom'ioatioa is as easy
as lying and as sure ai death. Yet
thero bave boon Presidents wbo
have not boon renominated, and
there will bo more i and Mr. Clove
and is uot easily persuaded. That
be bothers bis head much abiut tho
matter may well bo doubted. Ho
is too busy to bavo much time for
usoless speculation t and, besides,
be baa ronson to be a fatalist in pol
itics, utid to boliovo that whatever
more, if any more, is to come to
him, will come without auy trouble
on his part beyond shoeing reason
able favor to bis personal friouds
aud icasonnblo disfavor to those
who bavo opposod him.
As for the Democrats wbo thus
early io bis first torm are giving
themselves uneasiness about bis
second, it would bo much more
profitable for tbtm to accommodato
themselves to tho solid aud palpabio
fact that ho is now Presideut of the
United States, and without proxies
or assistants. II o is boss of bis
Administration, and overyting in
his cliaractor aud bis antecedents
indicates that he will keep on iu bis
own way as Ion" as it lasts. He
may or may not want a second
term, but bo has got the first ono,
and ho will use it industriously,
conscientiously, stubbornly, not al
ways wisely, not always as tbe Dem
ocracy wonia luce, uot always for
the good of Iho Democracy, but al
ways accordiug to his own notions.
Those notions wero perfectly well
known when be was nomiuated and
elected, and nobody bad auy right
to complain of them now.
At uuoting of ex-poldiera at
Teue Hnnte, Indiana, Wedoeenoy
resolutions were adopted'demanding
the passage of an act granting pen
sious to all surviving soldiers, eails
ora and wurioos of tbe wor
of tbo rebellion ho served eixty
days or more at the rato of$H. per
month. Tbe proposed law ia uot
to effect pensioners wbo now recieve
wore than $8 per mouth. Widows
of soldiers, sailors and marines tball
be pvLsirucd at tbe rate of $12 per
month. Widows of soldiers, eailors
and marines ebull bo pensioned at
tbe rate of tl'i per month, an! tbe
children at tbe rato of $5 per month
i p to tbe age of sixteen j unsound
end physically disabled children to
receive censtoo without limit At to
age. A dill embodying these le
taaa&i will b introduced la eois-
- t mmm taAim. . JNtt,IL--f AR
HrsmonoN, Pa.. Deo. II This
secliou is flooded by Wuehinetou
claim agents with circulars setting
forth that tbo widows and children
of doceasod soldiers are entitled to
from $100 to $500 under tbe act of
March 19, 183G, which has hereto
fore been declared inoperative by
implication. Tbe act say ; ''When
any officer, non-commissioned of
ficer, artificer, or private militia or
volunteer corps died ia tbe service
of tbe United Statos, or in return
iog to bis place of residence after
being mastered oat of service or at
any time in consequence of wounds
received in eorvice, and leaves a
widow, or if no widow, a child or
children oodor 16 years of age, each
widow, or if no widow, such child or
children, shall be 'lf fi to receive
Lfcllilier""!l-r f WbleU the
There is probably no clans of onr
people more interested iu tbe build
ing op of American industries, and
through them of a home market for
Amerioan productions, than tbe til
lors of the soil It is only by Lav.
ing a Dear borne market that the
perishable productions of the farm,
such as vegetables, Ac, can be cul
tivated with profit and recent de
velopments show that grain raisers
must soon depood on consumers in
our own country for a market for
tbeir grain. Kngland has been ex
pending a large amount of money
or its possessions India in building
railroads, encooraging agricultural
indurtry, Ac, until now India puts
wheat in England cheaper than
America can do i and Russia does
tbe tame, luese couo tries are
adopted to wheat raising i and in
addition to the natural advantages,
labor is so cheap there jas to forbid
competition from oar side of the
water, Furm labor in this country
is bard to get, aud the difficulty is
y tally growing. ' Our facilities for
education do not enhance tbe dispo
sition of onr young men to wotk io
tbe fields j' and farmers ia this
country would be unable to conduct
their farm work at all were it not
for the help they reoeive from ini
proved machinery.
It has been a suggestive existing
fact for some time past that wheat
was cheaper in Liverpool than io
New York, which fact rendered expor
tation of wheat oat of the qaestioo.
It therefore, takes no learned polits
ical economist, dealing in abstruse
tbeorios, to determine that tbo
hope of tbe future to tbe American
farmer is in a borne market to come
from manufacturing industries.
Ltbanon Courier.
I:mii til Hii
Expelled After Using Dr. David Ken
nedy's "Favorite Remedy" Abont
Two Weeks.
Ononfth-, matt r)mrk.lil! ? that hi -fT
bocn liroiiuht in the tho puMIc la
that of Mr. J. B. Ilavti, of Minus Ki.lifi, U If I or
ttDOMy, tf. Y. Miy Bot h ha.l u:. ro'l unco
O t. In, l"4, from the rK-iir6 ol ('nli-ulua or
Stone Iu lh rtht Kidm jr. No thai aevon
phvlrUnmT mployfil ! (Iltf"r-nt ttnma, to
who'ii Mr. ItMnN ll biiD'IrxU ol ilnilura lor
mi'illosl tmtimant, with only temporary rellol
from hia uin'ijr, -
H7 thv uiKi'iit 1liltnlona of Ma frlenili ha
w:ia Indu. l to try Dr. Iavhl Kinn-l'a"KTor-lt.
Komotly," anil firicnil a m irkel I m
lirofoinciit trom tha flmt 'I ly In lionau to ura th
meilU'lne. On tho lih of Saptcinlwr ha Toldnl
a at. ne aa larva aa ovnM ha pa.,ej through the
minimi cnanni'l.
Mr. Merh i-oiipilnP lorn tottrr to ftr- Kan
ncly hy aaylin(! It will nlwaya atlorri tn
liloiiawro to ri-"omm-nil tlio ' vurlta Hotimly'
lo ttio"!- who in4y lia a ill'Tlnn from dllMiiilti,a
r4 thn Klitnpya and Hlmlilor, or any illnorilera
arlalna Irom an luiiii a at ito ol tha IiUh.iI.
William M'Knrr, I .'4 K.iyotia St., Kulllinora,
Mil aaya : 'I hi'llrra 'tavorlia Honn'dy' la a
koinI mi illclno. It ltoliiK ine mora no il than
any Ihlnif 1 rviT trlnl, n'nl I l,ava tried alinoat
pvorythlnc. for I nm a niftnrcr Irom dyaial ."
Wh'la "t'aTurita Hfinivl'" la a futllli In
8lomaih anil lllaiMxr dlaoaara. It It uuoully
thIuhMo In Piiai a ol lillllooa illnonlcra, I'nn.t )
tlon ol tha Ihiwrla and nil tha rlaaa of Ilia a
parrntly lnai.amhlo Imiu tha ejnttllUlloBI of
aomon. Price, SM all Iwtlloa, Sft.
Weekly Times
Attractive: Kutcrtaiuin(: In
fitructivc: Tho Family
Journal of America.
WAJuXa an
On Shelves
On Counters
Are better Filled than ever before.
OF Ti WARlook at our overcoats.
In the soft and falling twilight, of
a weary, weary daj, I was in a gar
ret, searching an old bureau, stowed
away; it for many years has there
been biddeu, safe away from frost
and dew, and my curious nature
tempted me to search it thro' an 1
Faded pink and yellow ribbon, la
ces, half a century old, and I came
across a package, bound up with o
thread of gold; Something told me
to uutie it, which I did both then
and there, and unfolded to ray vis
ion lay a simple lock of bair.
Ob! Wuftt memories crowded o'er
me as I gazed upon that curl, bow
it brought to me remembrance of a
a a
young ana lovely girl; one wuo was
my pride and pleasure, ono, who now
tho' dead and gone, changed my life
from joy and gladness, to a beiug
old and worn.
Slowly I rebound tbe package,and
tbe tears came down like rain, as I
tenderly replaced it where for oget
it bad lain: strangely bow such
things nffect us, make our spirits
sadly droop. And bow mad that
hair would make na if we found it
' in our Bonp " Out. "William
A Paper lor ttc Howe of MM
Sparkling and Original in Ery
On tho Flrat ol January nrit, a nr-w depart,
ora In every fo .lure ol the Weekly TIM r.S will
be Krery nmn'ior will bo llhurally lllu
trated In Ha War contribution!, which ao lonu
been a apei iallty lo Itacolmna, ami In It H orlra
whlrli will be icrently eulariri'd from the ena of
the beat wrltvra, and In current lllatory, Itio.
Kraphy, Pol it Ira. Art, Stance and tba le.iding
event. l the day,
Tbe time liaa iaaaed lor tha weekly Journal of
tt a city to fill the place of newspaper. The
dally Dewainier Iroui the great centre of newt
now renchca Into every aectlon ol the land. Ev
ery Inland city and every town of Importance
have their dally newapaiera, and tha locnl
weekly, with tho wondi-rlul proKie.1 lo pro-vlm-lal
Jouruallam, meet every want thut tin
dully Dvwapjicr talla tuaupply. The motropol-
Itiin weekly ol to-day tnu-t be luuch more a
urwapaper ) It tnuat be a DiaKHilue bf funilly
reailliiK 1 It tnuat lead the magnalne Id ioulur
lltorature ; It uiuit load It In popular 111 intra
Hon, and It niu.-t meet every reipuireineut of the
IntulllKHtit reader of every data.
Stories of the War
Will be pul'UflieJ In each uumher from the
ahlcat writura who participated In the bloody
drama ol civil (trlle, and each will be proturely
tlluatrated. Tbe moat entertalnlnx and luttruc-
tlve Storlca friin the boat writer of tlctlun will
appearln ea'jhiaauo, with lllumra loai.
Some of oar country papers bave
receive 1 thn information from eoui e
source that E ist Indian whnat can
bo put in tbo Knlish rauket at
sixty cents per oaitiei. ur o nrse
the iuforination tnu-it oooie through
tho medium of the reformers, who
wish to scare the Amaricao agriaul
turists into d oaiau lio the reptal of
our protective tariff, lest tho Kug-
lish rofiisa to buy our who it We
think it is a matter of small moment
to our farmers what tbe Bullish
give for their wheat, sioae the totul
exports of our breadstuff do uot
arnouut to ton par cent, of our
crops on an avarige ia auy leu
years, while our own consumption
U ninety per cent, the bulk of it
takeu by oar manufacturing popula
tion. Hut snpposo our agri
cultural population undertake to
contest for tbe foreign market, with
sixty cent. East Indian wheat, and
as a means to win, throw their in
fluence against and seouro the ro
ped of protection to oar m taufaai
turors what will be tbeir position f
Tbey will reduoa our pjwer of con
sumption, say, fifty per cent, by
lliog our markets with foreign
manufactures, au 1 iocreaie tbeir
sales to foroign markets thirty per
ceut., becoming dependent upon
tbo foreigner for tbe price they get.
What will be their margin of profit
on the transaction after their policy
has drivon fifty per coot, of our
manufacturing population into ag
riculture for tho means of living.
Let the farmers put on their speo"
taclds4 take their pencils and fijuro
on it awhile, and see bow tbo sum
comes out.
Drawn for IVbruiry Turin, commencing
Dionuay, me .inn, iskj,
Adatui Moaa Eru.
Itfvr Irvln Kinder.
lieaver Writ-Otiarlat Decker.
Uenirv A. L.. piiatil-r. Kobnrt Haaalng.r.
Ohapman Adam s. llar .U.
k'rankl n David keraeiter, J.C. Sebocb, A,
S. aichaaibaah.
MliMlehurKb (JbarlM Smith, J. III. Van'
Mldil eoreek ItenJ. F. Row.
ilonrne I). N. App Ieaao l-'ry moyar, Daniel
Hatrliib, M ttliln A pp.
Parry Waat-Daniel Artiogaat.
.sprlna- harr Waanar.
Sellnaiirova .lohn fount. Kd. R. Onmberllna.
WaahliiKtoo tj. w. Manitea. Joba Belts,
v m. Bcunee, oeoton r. Mrouo.
Drawn for February Term, eomnicnolnn
oioniiay in .iua. iimi.
Adau. Jualab BluKaman, Zacharla Halm
bai-b, .1. O. Mover.
Beaver Wilaon Airier, Robrrt Ilaver, Sam
uel Hlokel. Austin lllonaman.
lieaver W.t Hubert lioaa, Abrabaui Uolihoe,
jonn i;. u n.
(leotr Fred J. Diver, Jacob II Hartman
Franklin John l)-Urloh, John Martin. Jobu
Kaiti, O. I., lioonlni ar, Uanj. Witteu.
Chapman Jaokann II. Hamiuel, Tboma .1. li. Hall. Atmuatua Ktraub.
Jaokaon Win. Mania Joba Kelculvy, Jera-
onau Hpanaiai-, .iuo A. Dteeae.
Middleomek jobs Frela..
Moore H. A. Hick. I, David Young,
Heuo-M. L. Ulrlob.
Parry Michael llenner. Thomaa Aboiraat.
Perry Meat Frederlok Arbogait, Llucolo
mil sr.
l rtuK Oio. IJU.
Ki-nniurove iu a. miliar, J. B. wanar.
Union tinouel Aaekar Jama Uurua, Jon
atbau Klical, Jneob Tharn.
WaahliiKtoo Henry ArU'Kaat, Lavl S. Ooy,
.onatnaa A. uriuim, itrin. Uarman,
John HuuiuieL Jnbo M. Hodman, Ueury
oduu aeuv o. vveuer.
Thirty of the forty-eight chairmen
of committees of Congress oooso from
tbo South. Tbo Southern dog is
viggiog tbt Northern tail wore
Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
Sold by all newa airent at fire annta per copy
Ity mall, fj per year, or 1 for al month ('liiha
of ten, f I A, and an extra copy to the uattor up ol
the club. Addre-a,
TiniOH Itililit itiic, I'liilitilelpliin.
Sheriff's Sales.
Wharo.a by virtue of mm. try
ol t'l" l;mrt ot ominnii rl i
W'lta lau"d ou
of Snyite t oon
ihauHittltm and Nauralgla.
Dr. Thomas' Eclectric OU
A Cold or a Noartantaa.
Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
AithMS and DlBhtharla.
Dr. Thomas' EclecUic Oil
' Crw sad MeatUai et Ura Throat,
Prlc e cent! and Cioe
ty. Ph., and In inu directed I will expone lo Tub
lio Sal. at the t'ourt House, In Mi.l.llo .uruli, on
Satmday, February 6. 1H8G,
t in o'clock A. M the follow Ing roal and pe
aouai property io wu :
Itowor, Fl. Fa
Iti'lnic nil that cert tin Meaauairo, Tenement or
tract ol land ait mte Iu Hie tnwnalilp ol Weat
Hi ivtr, Snyder couuty, I'n., (Iieinif about. 1
inilii aoiith i t Mi'Cluro.'bouuded irirlh by land
ol Ocniuc I'l.hcr, ea.t Ly Public K u.l and D. li
Terrell, aoulh aud weat by Johu Kaliley coulalu
Ten Acres.
mo-e or l-aa, whereon are erected a larno t
Story Wcathurlmarilml Frame llWKI.I.IMi
It l h, Vrauio stalila. Summer lloiiao and oth
r neaceaaary outhutldinaa alao rihiiI wator uear
tlio door. Aa the property ol rellxIinK,
Crouae, Fl. Fa
lielna; all that certain Int of ground alluute In
tlietown nl 1 tuxelvllle, Adaiu townhli. Snv
der enmity, I'a., hounded north by a Public
Street, eaat by lot ol Doiiiflca "i-ker, aouth by an
Alley, woai ny aire piiatuj Troxull, lcm
icei wiueauu m leei aiep, conuiiiu..;
30 Square Perches,
inn-v orleia. whereon are erectcl a amall frame
IiU KI.I.IMI HOUSK. Aa tha properly ol
Potter, El. Fa,
"Hclnn all thut certain Meaauia;o, Tenement or
plantation, a ituat. in I'liapman towm-nip. Snv
der i-ouiitv Pa., hounded north by laud ol Simon
K. llerrold aud Hcnimiln Klckbait eaat by
H. llerrold, Adam . Herml I et. alM aoutti liy
imoiri Ariiom anu joun .euaiuuer, weal uy
. P "
. iu. iuuiiuvi, couuuainy
80 Acres,
more or leaa, whereon are e-ei ted S DWELUNU
1 1 1 1 1 1 s r.s, u A IS h. II A K N and other necwaary
vubuuuuiue, uiau yoou weivr aua cuuico iruu.
liolnv a certain tract of woodlanj altuat. In
the aama Uiwnnhlp, bounded north by land ol
Able llerrold and Jacob (iaunler, eaat by Win.
li. Swarta, vouth by Samuel DeiiKler, by
li. F, Aruold, oootaliilnK
7 Acres,
mnreorleaa, aama time and plan,
about I ACRES of Krain Iu the ground and a
pilu ot mau ura. A lha properly ol J . C Ner-
TERMS, W percent caah, balance on or be
lore the II rat dav ol neat lorin ol Court.
belted . lakea Iuto eaeeutmu and to be Bold by
NEK li. MID I'LKSW A R'l'H, Sheriff,
Sheriff OOlee, Mlddloburgh.Jau. 14, Ui.
At HBock j&o.tfooH Dpnucc
Gents Furnishing Goods.
Gents Furnishing Goods.
At olL pDeBnIaieBmeii
Selinsgrove, Pa.
Valley Street, Lewistown, TaJ
hiiule) Hfll )ili(?a; Mut
MffaeH, Feathers, Pillown,
liunlvlers, Hud yprinpN,
Cliair, Tallea, Sinks
Sofas, Stand. Hurcaua,
Ac., Ac, Ac , An.
ll'AHI.OU SUITS in Browr
Terry, flaw Silk, Iloii
Cloth and Plush tiruls
Pallor Rockers, all kinds,
Marble Top Tablea.Look
ios Ulasaes, some fire
onen, I'icturfB, An., An
A full line cf Jute. Hemp, Rag, Ineraino, Tapestry.
Boiiy lirnsila aud Volvet Carpets, Art Siiuarea.Srayr
nia Rugs. Coca and Qutta Ptrcha Door Mats. Wil
"t il fitly of the above goods ns low aa name quality cat.
be boutight any place, and pay freight charges to atiS
4atiou ou l', li. It rue me for prices or come aud
-ee tbe lartrest utork this side of Philndflphia
KcHpectfully, W. H. FELIX.
Assigned Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Samuel II, Stiimun. of8iirliiK townabtn.
Hoyder ounty, P ha mad a voluntary deaJ
of AaalKDUeiit of all bl adeota, real aud per
ioral, for tba banco I of bla erailltore, to tba UD
deralu ned All peraona knowing tbein aelve In.
ueoiaa win pieaae mane linuieaiaia payiaot.
wklla tbo. bavlog claim will nreaent tbam to
H. A. VY K i lt Eh,
Jan. 14 1811 AeaUoea
Who does uot delight to see a good
looking facet Yet erynlpelas dloflit
ures tbe features aliuobt beyond re
cognition. Hut that U not the worst
of It. Tli la disease la as dangerous as
it la repulsive. It is sometimes called
"St. Anthony's Fire," and often caus
es sudden death. Mr. EL li. Carpen
ter, et GrandvUle. N. ., had it In
both legs and was cured by Dr. Ken
nedy's Favorite Remedy. Tbis medi
cine exoels all others for the blood.
Especially adapted to persons In fee
Hnts t& Clips, Notions of all kinds.
Thanking tbe publio for past favors I cordially invite an inspectioi
of my large Stock of the cheapest aod best goods for Men and lky. in
the Couuty, produce of all kiuds tnkon in exchange for Goods.
Letter of Admlnlntetratlon on the eatate
of A M O 8 N K U II 11 li U 1) lata ol iiaav.r
Town-hip. Si yj -r Vo., !'., deu'd, bavlna;
oeaa Kraotad to th on leralKBad, all poratDa
known. a tlimelvaa Indebted to aald eatata ara
r4uaatad to tnaka lininedlata paymaut, aid
tbo.a bavin claim will prxeent them duly
authenticated to tba uoderahjned for le'.lle
niao. A. A. ROMIO,
D0. IT, '85. Administrator.
The atnnual rueetlnir of the member of the
Binvertowu Mutual r !' Inaurano. I'omnaiiv
for the Kli-etioa of Direotora, will be held at
k..U I....... ..ML... In 11.... U..I...I,.
January . Ul betwoen tha hour or I audi
o'clock f. M.
A. 11. BUWfiUaUX, ..
CSPuro Hye, Copper V
tilled Mountain Dew Wli
key at $2.00 per gallon or
cents per quart.
Eagle Hotel, Franklin, Vi
mm aim
of tl-.BUk.b'.
lopsnaut. . , .
, . , U - ,1.
dwriOuraeawaallr witblit a Bnaa'ajl, Ka
yuarr- faerie. tWIZluTl rli .-l
.r nr
Oaaarfl bT lDdiratloai
CoBDUOIaC IU buu f ui au?s.ltt. T .tit 4 1 i
glaaWm-SjttWakr tjaaX, Lo-T,SttUa- -Jart V '
f aaU 4. 4 g
1 in
Tb pen
U migbtxr tUaUol
S , Jtn.
- '. "j
. L, .-
: " -
Boeer." '
tt muUrati4 (trculan aul B.kaa
l -r: : v-7,:r.,