The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, November 19, 1885, Image 1

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    f ' 1..
" r - ... - - - '
, i, an pjajia lr-i) , Jf .nil if ' ' " ' '
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- . ... .
n i
i (iii.iaanjf
Ho that will not reason is a Vigot ; lio that cannot ix a foul"; lio that dare not is a slave.
K1HTOK and riJOrKlKTOll a
f .rOKTUYt
fur wis soft ami jtmy.
Everywhere Hint Mntgie ens
i mill Inclined tommy.
xr thitt lnckleM mule would go,
Lplte of all negation,
re aiagK1" "
mental avocation.
hlMren hailed the docile beaut
tli every mark of Joy;
little thought those shapely
id power to destroy.
from hi hik stiilned throne do-act-mis
ie inanter spirit; ho -r
kse awful tones smote on the
jke some calamity.
softly now he nears the scene,
taj with persuas'on mlM,
rlos to loud the gentle thine
k.-k to his native wild.
still It would not sro; It chose
b linger witli them still,
all the learning on the sphere
bold not unbend it will.
k gentle creature, skip away,
yoiul fair meadows smile,
eard the lion In his lair,
really worth your while.
tet patience will not lut for aye;
.vhe sage with fUdilng eye
w seized the pet hard by the tail,
nd sought to compromise.
jMhen some preat emergency,
li nation or in state,
I elopes hi some humble breast
spirit truly j;reat.
when thin mule of quiet mctn
knew by the smldeu smart
lie hodtilo hand had grasped hi
f tail.
)o played a hero' part.
)ere Is the little school-house now?
pupils, whenjire they?
minuet lie childish laughter,
nd the urchin e.t their play.
church yard hold a few remain,
1 some no trace we find;
1 sudden frenzy of the brute
eft Beauty proofs behind.
The nrrirtbur(j Patriot print
following romantic ep;sode in
1 life, from a Miilliotown corresp
ondent writing under date of No
)mbor 1 : John Hraacher in an
Id-fashioned German farmer, livirg
i tbe Bafftlo Valley, at tbe base of
ack's Mountain, near tbe village of
iiluoont, TJnioo comity, 15 mile
rom Lewisburg. Uo owns two fiue
!arms in the valley, which on ac
)ount of its fortility is regarded a
We of tbe garden spot of Pennsyl
vania, lie is worth $50,000 and is
held in high esteem in tbe noigbor
Sood. lie baa a eon named Cbarlea,
Who has bad a remarkably checker
ed career for one so young. Cbarlos
is now 22 years old, tall, brawny,
black-eyed and shrewd. His father
jis of a aomewbat stern and onbend
png disposition, and Charles inherits
from.bim a similar etieuglb of will
t and tenacity of purpose.
When tbe boy reaobed bis uf
teeotb year be and bis father fell
out, and Cbarlea left borne, deter
mined to bo bis own matder and see
tbe world for bimself, lie made bis
way westward and knocked about on
tbe prairies for a year. Then be
irrew home sick. Tbe memory ef
Lis aged father, whom be bad left in
wratb, haunted blm wborever be
went, and be decided to return.
This was in 1879. lie tramped
bomeward overland from Ohio in all
aort of weather, and finally reached
tbe village of Troxelville. situate six
miles south of Millmoot, on the side
of Jack's Mountain, in Snyder coun
ty. Here again bis resentment re
sumed tbe mastery, and, although
so Dear, be did not care to return lo
tbe parental roof. Bat still bis so
licitude for bis father's welfare would
not let him rest He secured board-
log of a German family at TroxeN
ville, and on everv clear dav Le
would take a pick and shovel in band
and ascend tbe mountain wbicb In
tervened between Troxel ville and
Lis fatber'a level acres. Be would
tall tbe country folk who aeked Lint
that be was engage in prospecting
f-r'er?, wLicb the aoooutaio
n,1 nnlk onl to tho orerhanainir
crest of tbe roonnlain, whence bo
wouKI look down for honrs upon his
father' luxnriant tnedowa below,
where the old roan woald be at work
with hi harvest hands This pro
ceeding Charles repealed eovcral
eel. The eiglit of Li birthplace
and hie af?ed fatheractive and in
good health, teemed to eppeaso the
npbraidiogs of hie heart and Lo was
content. Still h would not return
On the 7tb of December, 1977.
John Kinzler and wifo, of Trosel
ville, were murdered by four men
and tbeir bouse set on fire, 'i he
deed waa the most alrociou in the
aunal of the C . and a f r while the
public generally were thrilled by the
horrible detail of the r. ront Snyder
c nnty morder. The f ior niordcr-
era were afterword appruhended,
two of whom were banned, one was
sentenced to lifo imprisonment iu
tbe penitentiary, and the other died
of aclf-poisouing. Tho arrest,
however, irero Dot made tin il throe
yoars later, and then only with the I
createst difficulty. A detective of
tho l'inkerton Agency took np hi
residence in tbe vicinity of Troxol
ville as a prospector of ore, and
worked out tbe facts of tbe ranrd ;r
by ingratiatiug himself into the cou
fiJci.ce of the parlies connected
with the crime i'o The detective was
ifceo euconutered by young Bianrb
er io bis waDderiugs ovtr tho moun
tain, snd the people of tbe neigh
borhood began to bu pect him bIho
of being a detoctivo. Accordingly
be deemed it ndvinable not to
come in soy way implicated in the
affair, and suddenly took bis depart.
lire, Again be wont West, where
be traveled oxtensivcly, encounter
ing many strange ad venture, and
tloally turned op at a lumber camp
oo tbe shores of Lake Michigan
Hero he fonod employment, and fa
maiued uotil the beginniog of lust
winter He corresponded occasion
ally with hi father in a perfunctory
way. Then be began to grow
homesick again, and determined to
come East Hid fund were scanty,
hut, as he has ready wit eqaal to
any emergency, be managed to eke
ml the expense of bis bomeward
j iiirney by soiling stationery aud
corn ujodicino of his own tuauofc
IIo reached Juniata
county, in tho middle of March Inst,
having traveled on f ot a great pirt
of the way. Ho regiHteied a
' Charles Brook" at the tJucobs
IIohho, MiilliotowD's largest LoteK
which j'lbt at that time happened to
lack a stablo-boy. Chatles learned
of this vacanoy and promptly . se
cured tbo j b. Strange to say, the
menial work of this position was not
irksome to him, although bis f itber
was so wealthy, and was only CO
mile distant, ready and willing to
help him if be bad known. But
Charles coocoaled Lis real name,
and would not reveal bis straighten
ed circumstances to bis fumily. On
tbo contrary, by an indiroct corres
pondence, bo made bis father believe
ho was still in the Michigan lumber
camp. He would send lettors to a
chum of bis at llurou, who would
thou write them aaow, aod tho old
mao would receive them bearing
tbe Huron postmark. Tbe father's
letters to Charles io like manner
went hrst to Huron, and wero there
transmitted to Lira Lore, 50 miles
from where they started. Tbe old
man woold repeatedly counsol Li
son not to work so bard lumbering,
eince that was altogether unnecess
sary, and he bad ample means of
supporting bim without work. This
correspondence continued until June
1st, when Charles left tbe employ of
the Jacobs Houso, and abandoned
tbe robbing-down cf borses, and re
turned borne, after a voluntary ab
sence of eight years. Tbo prodigal
was joyfully recoived by bis fuller.
Tbe reconciliation is said to Lave
been most affecting.
Charles soon again bade adieu,
though this time amicably, to tbe
ancestral homestead, and once more
drifted westward. This timo Le Las
scbieved a happy and sudden suc
cess. To one of bia acquaintances
bere be bas written from Flagstuff,
Arizona, tbst be bas secured a win
ing claim worth many thousand dol
lars. It is located on a peak of tbe
San Francisco Mountains, 1.000 feet
above tbe timber line and 12,000
feet above tbe sen. He bas received
tempting offers for tbe claim, but he
rtruck a valuable lend of quartz
aod is too sbrewJ
to soil out yet
He writes tbst be will return tast
before locg, when be will doubtless
share bis goo 1 fortune with a cer
tain pretty mnidon who eurves the
table in the Jacobs House, and who
held Charles enptivo by the twinkle
of bor bl ick eyo wbeu he an only
poor "Charles Brook,'' tho stable
boy of the same botnl. He con
cludes hi letter by signing bi.t name
in tbi fashion :
Ciam.r.s L BraUcher,
Brook' no more, b, ha I '
Some otio ha estimated that tho
time thrown away iu this world io
c inrting tho girl yon want to marry,
aod who is ready to imirry you.
would build all the railroads and
bridges and tunnels htid fac'oiie I
and pnblio buildings.
The white
race (ihould take a loas'io iu this
from tbe colored pnoplo. Tho oth
er day a likely yonng colored man
stood ol a gate in Birmingham, Ala
A likely young colored woman came
along with a dog.
"Hi, dar 1" be called, "but mebbo
yon want to sell dat dog ?"
No, sah."
"Mebbo your name is Lncioda ? '
"Yen, sah."
"I iill.'i d lo on dat name. Ize
culled Gawgo."
Bat's pleasiu' "
"Izo look in', you know ?"
'Got Money saved up, an' ft atidy
job nhnad. Khali 1 npcuU to do ole
man V
"Ho'h in Oil. an."
"Ion I'll seo do olo woman."
"SIio'h dead "
"Wall, don I'll nx'yoa to bo my
wifo rigid now.''
You's foolio'."
'Deed, uo,"
Hain't got nobody elso ?"
"Njbody, 'tall."
Keckou we'll bitch t"
. "'CoVe we will can't help it."
Wall, !on, I'll say yes, an' to
night you come down to Mrp. Gram
ley's Litchcn an' we'll sot de day an'
sorter git ncquniuted."
"Luciuda, I''
"Go 'long, Gawge I Izo dun said
ye, n' dat's nnff. Co mo airly.''
So long. 'Cinda !"
"By-by, Giwgo !"'
1 1 1 J
Tec Much led Water.
Nj, thank you, nooo fjr me.
Ico water caiuo near being tho death
of me onco, aud I sulJoiu uno it.''
"now did that coiuo? Al.vay con
sidered it a very beulthy diiuk, if
taken io moderation.''
"It may bo, but I didn't exactly
take it iu moderation."
"Iudeod I You surprise me. I
dare say you got overheated and
took ngoblot too much.
Goblet ! Can a full grown man
take a bath in a goblot t"
"Certaioly not. but
'Well, I fell overboard into a riv
er full of it."
A new kind of lifo insurance ba
boon started in ronrisylvau', or
more properly speaking, birth in
surance. No, that is hardly a good
name, oithor t a tbo company docs
not insure that births will occur,
but that when ono doos occur, which
is liable to be tbo caso even in Teuus
sylvania, wbere tbo marriage laws
are now very strict, tho infant re
ceives a benefit. Tbe policy-hold
ers are divided into classes of COO
members each. Wbouever a birth
occurs in the family of a member
tbe other members in tbo class are
assessed 25 cents each. Tbi would
give a fund of $125, $100 of wbicb
goes to tbe beneficiary and $25 to
tbe company for collecting, ota
Br. A J.Millor bas treated twenty
four consecutive cases of diphtheria
with turpentino. Kvery case recov
ered without any sequela), whatever.
Tbe turpentine was given in doses
of from ono to two drachms every
eight boors nntil tbe roombrsne dis
appeared. Tbe patients wero then
put on a course of iron and quioiue
An honest man's praise Is sweet
and useful, like to tbe boney wbicb
tbe bee makes i but tbo praise of
tbe flatterer is as poifonous aa tbe
sting of a wasp.
Beligioo is good for nothing one
day in tbe week, unless it ta also
good for all tbe seven day a. ;
fiMSMMtwMiMflW I
Tbo visitors to the recent Slate
Fair pet haps noticed tbo lar-e butch
of duckling niudo by Mr. Jutm
Banian, of South Knstop, Ma., in
his incubator, which be bad on xhi
bition. II is experience, which i
givoo for the benefit of our readers,
is very ioterrsting. The qior-tiou of
bow much land i req lirvd for tci
iog poultry, may bo ouered by
saying that on a tract Dot exceeding
an iicio Mr. UanLiu cleared n nrufil
. ....
Il.fi7. from ilorLliiiKH. Tim ndnll '
, ,
tuck cousHt of tbirty-nvA duel,, i
. I
and tho profits averncej f l.) for
cacu oticu.or more man i reanzod ,
from tbo sumo number of cows on
... j
many dairy fatms. Ho uses the 1-
. k illS, bill tlliLks a Cross between
that breed and tho Avlesbnrv snper-
ior to either parent. Tiiu adult
duck are allowed a lartre tronh,
thronh which fresh water contnnl-
ly fl'JW, Which i Uaed fir b.ltllil (J
puiposn. The number of ctfi: lant
1 ,
year wa 11) from each ditc't. 'I Lo
lf7g" were hitclied in incabators.
, , ,.
frOtll Which .10)9 dcklinl WelO
raised to tho llgo Of ffolU tight to
. . . . ,
ton weuks and marketed, tho prico
, . , ,, , , . -
rtciiived io the 15jton mirk-1 beiti
cent per pound fr t lio-n: Unit
came in eaily, aud lo cent per
aud IS cent
pound f..r those that wore l ite, the
aveia-jo price being 22 cents per
As ducklings grow nmcb fafitur
thnn chick and aro subject to fuwer
disease, they not only rtui h the
muiket in a sboit timu after being
hatched, but the percentage of Ioh
was very small, which, of course, is
duo to tho careful attootion Hoy ro
ceived. They also came intonniket
after chicks are low iu prico. They
ultaiu tho woighlof from eight to
ten p nind per pair at the ago of
eight weeks, being ready for uiaik t
io tbreo months from the J-'cuj li e
eggs are put io tho iucubator, four
weeks being allowed for incubation
This extraordinary weight shows an
incieaso of half a pound per work
from dato of birth for each duck, but
a they increase fanttr a they be
come older, until maturity, those
over six week of ugo incroasod at
tho late of ouo pound per week.
The co'it of iaiiog each duckling to
the age of eight weeks wa f cents
per pound, the avurago price per
pound for each duckling being 'J
cent. Mr. Bankin' profit waa 17
cent per pound, and by calculation
it will bo seen that tho 'MM duck
ling produced over 12,0')) pound
of meat, which yieM-d over !?-'00 '.
Other expenses, i nch ns quarters.
attendance, etc., red iced tbo profit
to l.r75, or 813 as the produce of
rucb udult duck of the tl.irly-five
1 ho YouiiJ thicks bad no ncces to
water, except for drinking purpose,
aud wero fed id tho saino munner as
chicks, except that they rcq iire inon
animal food, aud must bo fed oftD
owing to their rapid growth.
Mr Katikin's experience is vn!na
ble to all who aro interested iu pool'
try, and a few excollent lesson nre
taught- In tho first pluco but little
land was required, and in the second
placo be discarded the scrubs, usiny
the best Lrecdu to bo found, which
are pure whito in color, fcitb yellow
logs and beak. Tho young duck
lings were killod and sont to market
dressed, each yielding from an ounce
to two oiiooos of feathers, at 50 ccnU
a poucd, wbicb paid tho expenses of
preparation for market. There is uo
secret in Mr. Rankio'ssiicoesH, as all
that was r quired was to attend to
them as a business. In fact, he
makes it a business, just a a dairy
man givos bis cows bia attention, and
finds that it pays. He does not at
tempt to conduct Borne other busi
ness aud "look after" bis poultry in
his spare time, but is with them ear
ly aud lato. Tbe fignres given hert
are the profits from ducklings only.
He hatches and raises thousand of
chicks, bowover, nsing incubators
entirely, and doos not tbiuk it a
diffloult matter to make poultry pay
J'hiladtljjfiia Jlccord-
Sixty car loads of wood-work and
interior deoorations Lave been or
dered for tbe Flood mansion in Ban
Francisco. Among tbe woods used
will be Knglisli oak, walnut from
Circassia, and San Domingo mahog
any, ' i'
irk. Mn. 1. . '
lb man wuo never swears Is a
aaiat. Tbe man bo
lytst b ft ijocaUa
never wants to
0nI Temperance Tatters Known.
vim r tiirii-in known f ax liiw.
pti-- the mn it 1. H-i nt.'il iIIp-..
Mlllloim limr ti'itliiioiiy Iu Hh im.
-rmi .itmtivn .h.-, i.
H l r iir'ljr VrirrlnMo Prvprmtlnn,
"i,'""niii. imn ii.ri -. n.i i,.it.,i ( tti ii.h,i;l
' mwHrlii il pi oprt'fia . lil I, am tillkltj
"r",n"n w n...r ai-..i..i.
H rmiAtpi f h i s ii oil lin v, Cis
ps'-ni t-v-rs hi h-nnii.
H l Iho irml lllnnri pnrlflrr sr.I
I'mn-inu. : s huhm run mm. una
slm. N.irrr l-lur In !. l-i-l. .i y i.f ll'ii
Vw i"""'r v"" iiiTtriw in luiiim tiu
i glrk ,.f ,.,vr iliM'il,. Iititii Im linlr In.
.iermiv. A.-ri.i. iMnuiM.Mtr.rM'.
miT'iivu, n'.iuuiiMi. i n-Hiivr. r.'in.MV'', i itiini,T-
' irritant. Hn.iuriiir, Anii-iiiMnm. Kiivna, iuumic
'I'iMilo iriimrt!. of inmmm lHTrii- r-
f'i ii'"-'if my oiii.t in.-iiirin.. in ii. vi.rM.
I Ni icmoil can liikn lli'i Iiittmih i.r,!ini
ainilun nuil r-muin luntf nii..l, i.r.nlilnl
Ihelr Ikiiii'H nr.! iml il.-ilrj,il lijr inin. ml Hiinm
" - '! ii vi:i cr.m nutwl
lii'v.m I Hi.i i .liil nf trjinlr.
J , iiiiiu, itimiif,i, ii.t.nn'ii.titdii.i v.
lor. ill tt"-r li lin'TNlrnt llmiui-hiiiil llm I lillel
fim.. lunirnmrlr in tin, ,iii iiii our cnut
rlv. ru ini'l Ihulr vnl liilnilrli iiliiriiii; tln SiiiiinuT
' '"'I AulHnin,riiclsil during N'uiie(liiiumiil
I Ill-It lli llrtin'w,
; Tlie l'rvrrrHnmrl!i!ivnniiinli.Hir
' Yt-IIMlv.l lt'IHIII.''llH-liri uf Inn Pliiintu li, Iit.t Hlil
, i"'K in iii-.r I'.'uihi.mii. i.uickhki. tv.niiK
iKiwrrfnl IiiIImit.i.0 iiiiuu tUrm tiiKiuil, Il alMic
iui-i -nrr.
I '!.. MH . . ...... I. r... .I.A ...
rquni to ir. j. v mmi isr...H iiittki.i.
It wlU ftiH'iliir r nt'ivi- ltt tlnrki'iilnr.-il vrl
initlur ivuh whirl, l,i 1h,u,,M nr. I.nt'lml. nt lli.j
ciil pi'iiwrnlir ri t.iiii.g tlis Iilh.Uijt lumtiuiiH tit
tin- itifc'i :lvi ni khi'.
torliry I lie Ifi.dy ini!ni. iirn lijr J,nH
tyHitf n'l 111 flniiU whh Vi-.vyin Iuitlii-. N'l
I'pi-li'inlr run lnt.i' liuiil - if n v-tfiii ll.ii - f.-iti-firm, il.
It ln lrnl. liar Minimi II nml mini-
ilit.- I'm l'iri'1.1 l.h.'r nml lli,n., li'iuiin
tin IiIinkI i.f nil liimmlllrH, linianiinsr lire nn.1
vlciir Ut Ihn f raine. nn. enrryint ulT w illi'iil llm
niil nf CiiIiiiik'I. it ollinr iiiineriili. i ll j.iM'niiiin
unilt.-r from tin- sytin. H in iiivf a.liiilnin
ti', iinmn't lu setiun, aud niuiii lii lt
) nix-pvlii i r Iinllu'll", I'i-ikIiu-Iio,
Tnin la the Minnl'l.-i-, ( ",i.'h, '1 iflitnes'i if t lio
I'liit. 'n injii -lu.-t. I irKiiu'i. I'li.l 'I RMti- In llm
Mouth, MIIiiik Alio. h-. riil.ital'.'li (if Oil
11 "art, B'nl liiin.lre.1 utlier iiliniil b mptotns,
urn nt onen i,'iii'v.nI l.y inmuh Itnnii.H.
t or ItiUniiiiiiuii.r) nl (iimiiie l.lieiim.
nll-.n, Hunt, Nruiii'.i- i.i, I'iw r-"H ef tin-lllml,
l.iv. r, Khlnryu uml r, the lllll. r Ihimi
no iN'il. In lie n.', mi in nil eiiii' lliiiii. mill Ihu-
riVM, WI kUK H I.NK'AM llirilCI.M ll'iH nllllWII
lt ei-eiit ciinitiM' i.Meiniii Um muni uusuimtu
mi. I Intrnetiilil.i r-.wa.
,Hi' Ii:ih h nl HUi nii'.-l'erHnm-rrnr'-t
In I'Blnll nml Miiii.r.iiM, knelt m I IuiiiIkmh,
TT-K4-lu-m. Ilel.l Ijenl.'in. nml Miner. BM they
a.ivu'x' in lil'n, are snhjivt to I mmyl of I lie
I'nwrln. To k um J n-n'nst UiiM, taka ocuattioiial
dnHtM nt Vini..h i.iniu
sutn IHki'uii'., lemftila, fait luinim.
I'li-r, Bwi-lllni:, l'imil-ii. l'uHinle. lt.'U, 1 nr
Iiiiiii'Im. ltl'ur wnrnm, r'iili hi-nil. Forw Kyi ,
t rvn.iieliw, Iteli, Seinf, Iil-eoler.iUuiK, Iluiiinm
a-iil iliHt-aw-a of tin- rikln, of whatever inuiie or'irc, me llteinlljr dux up ami e.irrli'.l out of
t'i. rysteut iu A kliul t Hue) l.y tliu una of tbo
I'lii, Tape and oilier Wormii, Inrklnif
In I'm rmtein of ho iniiuy Ihi'tisiiinhi, ill"
I'rT'-'linihy di-Ntriii imI nii'l retnove.l. N.ieiKl.-iii
of !ii'iti"(iie, in i li-t-eiiiu'-ti, lio HMth.hiilnlil-fi,
will f,'eo llm aynlciu Iiuai wonimlikH Vinkoak
ni'Uiil'N Srsrlel l'pir, Minniw. Wlnvin.
tn t o'ii:li, unit nil ehll.lreirN tl'si'ii-i timy .
in'le l in Hovern liy tho liuiri'!!! oi'U
ttiiii mill iln.' cf'thn f.ltiiw.
l or fi-niulii loiiipl ilnta, tn Toiiii or
oM, ninrrle l or nln.rle, nt tie itn-in ef vmnan.
Ii.h,. or lUo luiii of life, thi.i Hiltem bun uo
4 li-an-e tlie Vlllnlril lllooil when IM
liniiiritiiM l.iir- tliri.'U'h the rki'i In rrnthii.
rSi.r.: i-leanwi It wln n i t uti in tiil aii'l Him--f
l.ll In 111- ti in';: rleiiiute It when It In f. nl ;
ymir feelin'H HI t"ll ,vnt when, und the heuliii
of llm nyt"f i wi'l f. llliw.
In roueliiKlou lv. tin' 1'i'lim a tri-.l.
It w ill I'n'i'k for li If. i mi Uittln It a lieti. r
rimmuUo of Iu im nU thau a l-nthy lulvrrtUo
l.le'lt. Around rirli lottle nm full illreruoua
JTiiileil to I'iili-ient liiiiciiiv'i-r:.
H. II. lrloiuiM lril Co., rrejirlclor-,
Hmi lriKi"'".i'"l .un l (.,!; r. niihlnKuu HU,
( or. i'licr:t..n hi., N-w -k.
Sold by u'.l i'foloi and DrugjiHts. ,
CF.OUH aziAirj zszuzl
ri(tir forne ftw1 for pTaln. prnM pmvI d1 trr
tlli r, Nn rs) ti h'ti Ki. atfH In (lihtrllu
tnicun4M'tM with plu u-rnt'i d lain! oil ltistiMju ui
titma iiiKtmiUy. MU 'W kitlin y h u. t-orn mid
u pi smiai iviiiy. without cr lituw. W til dibtiiu
lit utii-ky j h I'ht., l'l'.tT u tubus Viicu
ClUcra tall, lt bpiuig Liwiu Uho.
-v - -
fl'Hiliiale'l towirfreinSlo Ids. rl""rorpri
i".'d tier arm. Vi"jr utmnu ami ilurMe. Wn,t
anil p,i i''0 frmn.". nil Ir. n aliprl, wlro ifluil'.r
uo ci.r.l. K"t iipi'iilvu! will tryaf tnet fimt
n i.'n iel I"-.! for jfr. First .n inlnrn. Kv
crywli.r rTh l'lt.-l. CROWN PCVER3IB!.e
feLIHBS. U4ii.ii.Ul liii'i.. i(y n.liiil.'kiir".
huveK ttmai'il l it'- r. '.ir yueilrt aiciuiuln el b-nl
liiAti-rU gliylfill-d wnrl.nH-ii.iniilfnlh wnrniiil'il.
H..I..I f. r ir.'i.i.r tu cnowN iiro. co.,
M Wind
63 Z3riG;irLo.
'o8hrluLlng-, dwelling; or Warpuig.
Tua I.mtrTTirT Rvswiwa. Sranaatrr and Eaaiaar
HaonLAtaii Wii Kicuiaa lu iba WOULO. 1 ha
nun t, cmai'ta1!;. sud tm oiremari tu the
1 .Sprtogfiold. Oiit
W&Ztsm Entirely
yes vegetable
---ii- fjjfl A CURE
CihouancsGi Dyspepsia,
IncliQstlon, Dlscaccod
tJio ECdncyn,Voipitl Uvoi
RSioumntiam, Di2?.!ncc?,
iicll l.oadaclio, Loss cU
tions oncl ti.ui Dicrr.soe.
Lr 1. 1 1
I'll r, -J",.- i" r l"t ! '. f ' '! l.y "II l'm.-.-i j
. t r
',, I
I'ur Sill" nt H irliern I r 1 1 Si"r"
i. Tl i. 1 .
fl.!! i riV.ll, C5n,lfi
Tlii' nil
i. n i.l
1orluni-. w.ll ...llhli r-ul In 1 1 r
M i 1-1 .irah. nl I' S il.-, n- the
iin.n ii- i-mii' t r. ii i ,i .1,1
1,-e- lhoi
.ir.'pi.'tty il.n-i-ti nl
ti3 von Town Ti 1,
in n'lh'h r" t.t i i'.Vi:i,l.'.Ml llnvsr.S,
Mo I ul'l mi I n'li.-r i- -. .1 y i.u .iHiil'luia-.
f.i .it ynniitf n-i'liuiil. il'.'l .1 v -i r i , t i.titli kin.l
'It n, I. Il I-ii in '-t il". r.ihl ' ir"i"rly, .u .c-
ntly iiM"iti', it, 1. 1 i , lii.- n ..I n'fi,i r-. i I.i. her turn ul m i ! mi .ir n I I
J A.MI.h r M1 I II,
M hi ileeniHh, I'll.
t. 1ft . it.
I'.ii- imit iril'i"' it 'I ll !i '"k "V."- l''l'.i'h'' 1.
It t II ro ni'l'iely M'lW In I'.i i:IKV
ii' I M I In the Im -t i .'.' .iir i iii ii !
;.'.hi -r. How t'i l" linn ii.-h- I '.'i'. t-.'i I v mil
'i.-.-i-i'liili. Ilniv I.i i. i in s.,i l 'tv an I l.. rv
ih. re A k ihl in n,' ..I inii'. iniieiiii'l' 'ii I" nil
.;l... I,,- r. net ml ret li'lll,.. .il:NS
'..'n ii I'.r nil "r H'.r- 1 1 iim--. I.i Inn
A m V I II II ll ' "I K I ' I. Vill-O- lllll 111 - r I'M i HI
.il.. I'ltter .im "t'li-r. A -1 1 v ur le '.n I"
ll. h. M 'II M M I.I.I. M 1 1.
-ujit. I 'li '.in. l llll. Al'hl.l III , I'A.
1 3 WEB K S.
I i o ri'i l ' -: ; r i '. ill in tnn' .i
s -nr. I v w rui 'e I. t i ai.v H'1'lrnmi In i h" I '.ill
il MlUva I' r llir. li nmlii. mi rei el'l VI
, !.;). ial ill."--.!., nl',,. nl tn I'lint-i-iPt
-ni-i at. ii iM'ii'H, raiiiii, ....pi.-a m.i.i i i
A'ldrrM all unlara tn
illllil Allll K. V OX.
FiUm: gi .v HK, N, Y
1 u-'i in. .nih l..r ( ) o n v. 'S l.AUV'M
i .1 1 K , 'i I . . 1 1 r IN Mo in miiiio.' will i-nii
iln a hrml I lily rnnrmrl If'ti r. '. I'
,i-l atieiM nl . ' vji Ititf tiht'in- ill relnr
ii il i-l.ii-li .,ii. I ul.ita. .1 i i nf ..I t'i " hilf t
I 'Vi'lM. tn 1 1'ioy n-k I i n 'Inr' ir Mi. Ii hmI
, hit", r ii. r'l i ra . r .nii l. .Ir m n-1 1. r -t
a . rk , rinhrntln-v Inl'UnK kunliii k or m.
'r.iinn ;ifl.-, in ttli'iT. I'-" nah i.i; inel
until,!, nlili i'inii.le In I r'e'l ... i I .r tho
alii., in H'l'l't"'ii t" I'l.l i il uollnrn rii. I
p. rif.'t lll'i-f tl'.rif i f Hi" v I M-H til liu-,
iml i' a rnetl .im In illfr eM l.ln l-'.l l ite V
.1 .rk, lh" in . k ,lu all' 0 ulilti m i n y n"lnl
ii'.l 1 1 iiaut iln lin e I'.l a tnin v:illy el
r I lo nm nll.n.'.l l.y eh m-a nl Ia"I l .n
ll la ii'liiilr tl'ly ii I. tie d In 1 1 h ii.iri.... nn tn
I... r.illf analli e t i Ilia wurk luhl el
Imlv. A r uH .-Ir. i ut I'ai a l'4li.rn,"f
a. ar r
hi h
"U .'in tu.ko i'iur i. n a. turti' ii I nil an ) nr.
i'kii 'ii".lr:r. In ti n nut, n'.nr, I r '( rimt
. a li i at 1 1 o i. 'tc o n Mi liliiii' ltli lull ila
rcili tl'in nt t'i i-o il'u-t'Ht" I, a .io,. r i in mi i I
ri'i-ln--' thai haa l.-it fri. t d-1 1 1 mtii t lie-
r ii l i'Hili.ii, a il. rti..rii t "ll "l.oum koap
In an. I ilreteimitkluii, two ia ;o nl mil -rt nue
er, u ii ariiiiltam iiritl 'Iniu il, a ilrinrnn.'i't el
n rleuil n e, Icl 'm li. iv h, tit el'it ). ainr o-.
ni-iury. hi luriiihl. al akniRi'M.. e .. try nniva
in iniiHin in t, lit r.t'l'a, aiiont'tl in I -roll any
n il rurrrni i vctil- ui tii il ijr l.y lh hrtt nntr-
xIum rllara " I ho uii'i'h ml al -r.el u ilnini
ii nl w III n al IhM ol uny o'nor '." m ill.
luo .uli ilio l. Thn tivali" liin'ka thu
irolll inu-lit .11 a viiluni" if nvrr n
Ilii.u .anJ paw . Hri-a f M'i. A a u.j... coy
j ctnlit. I.'i.i'al t nus t . ululi ir.
1 . U. Dux II. H.I hl.a.lcli liln.
Aro tin'
Il.-at i'rli'i'H iiml le-ina tn
"Irall'liKH Men, liu'y lle'i'iiD-ihlo I'.irllu.
nieii ii'iy.
I.iwuIoih, I'lirnltuiu Mnn mi l Mu!o Ti'iu'lii-r:
em S 11 ojr lumruiiii'iiU.
-It. r,i ..-WllT- .1
We Man haii.llo li r tho traile tho
Shonl"irer (irinna.
hturilnu irunna
t.louiih a. VVarron'a (Irunna,
SUiry k CLirk I Iikuiim,
Docki-r llro.' Tin
ui. K nu lie n I n. 'i rtiiima,
J, a. I'. I i-ln-r I'hinn.
Ilehr Hn a.' I iiinn.
Our Fniadinaa lii-lim tho l.iront In ruti'iaylm-
ii I, i. we Imvi- Iti.'l I i t lea tnr uij.i Inn tho Ira. In nl
hnttnr rule tliut yuu cm nnaihly Kct Iruui tho
Iiiirrefiiniiiii'nre rantiriieii,
hlit'Clully I-.W iirli'ui Inr tho Full Tm.lo.
H. II AM 11. 1' )N,
7 rtrth Ave., ami IVi I'lr-t Avo.,
Nor. 6,'M6. 1. I'l l r.SUl,'ll(ill, I'A.
aa iii.iuniii'is iff)kuca of Ira wural fclutl 4 of Innif
Ill ..rS.:."T II -l 111 aan.lTWII IHIIUI ( UK I,
Wauv eBi'rur. ilinaaxlir,. nml I O Attllr aa.
' f T. A. ai.ot!lJ, Ul r.aiiai.. ia Yore,
LiwavAfta Amrraiiemit IIuhbau (10 maj
TilirFri tlEU YQIIIL
I AttQtnrtis-At-Litxv.
' IF . I . I . -
j m. arKRsn,
' IIITrrH lil prnfnr.lrsn I iilrr tn tlttulll,
t 'tM'iiMtlona In l imllrh or in rinan. I'nllKf
1 ir. mi tit ait. n.le.t i. t'lllc a law iloorstaS
I el tl.D t-i. Itt . "
MIIlLKIinti!If, A
Alt lm-l. r ntfnl.l tn. I In rare fl'lta
r. nt .ii ii 1 1 Aimtitli n. i i i.Fuliatli n In Ucf
man n.l llli '- I
IjAion til l.uillt r.
'or at 7.m"
ill 1 1 i li I, I. II I lit. II, I A,
I'liHrrll (till all itlit I ill rt li n f.
t rii.lcl to. i ni a.i:tAtl e In llr"' aO
I 111' III A P.
ni. v.. iior.swKimi,
S.,INSiiltnVK. I'A.i
I'.iiIIb anil all nthrr Iraal l u.lnrt- i.ri. mi l -
l ttan'I..U. taiulUUom in l.OKll.hatit
,lliri t,
11. 1'ILI.,
I.i a i ) urtt, Prnn'il
All t'lntnro rmrn-tnl tn lila im III It
i'mtu'tl atti-ieluil In.
, S ., M.'j i,
rnu!i:v r.Mu.
St., Si lini;rntr, Vti
All i'rnfalnnal l unmK iTi'ini tlv utindtA
i to t:i lu I nll.-h nml i Irrtear.
i:. i:oVKif,
ellart.iina uiaile. n il 1 1 n I T " ti fn rH,B
ami llonnaii. June a, '
. ,
li JSfllOCIl,
New Ccrln, Pcnn'a.
Pref.'aolnnal tnalnraa ri,frnl4 n Mi (af
will n-i nlvi iri iiiit alli i.liiiii. I nil 'in,';n,
Attoniny k Ooiinellor-At-taw to A'. 1 iii i t.t T n u inn .l.iot Monk ef
K KVN'loriK lli'TIt,. '
St lliiKKi ', Ponn
I'nllrrtl'ina anil all k..i.
r.r.r I- anil.-ltnii anil will raciliar liiB1
rr-Ti a...niin. Apt ll,;
M I Dlil.rill' i;d, s N Y IK CO., f a
'"'" hl Priifaa.-lmial Sartlem to 1 1, 0ti
tJi.uaultr.ii.iiia la i;nlUL ami lleiuaD.
A. V. rOTTKIt,
Soliiifigrovo, Pa.,
Hl"rt!ialrr'iliiai,i,alaarii-ta lo the tiolllf
A II Irtsal im. I irin. in' tn thelrrair wi
rei-i'lve i ' r.itii). t Ulllccoti .MaIdM.
July 4. Til,
r t in K I'n.
('niiIti..o lo ;i.ib KriAjll.t;H.rmao
l.aran.Kra. Ui ,.;B) ,hf
Atfonitvv lit I,nM',
,, , . MIIM.I.Kiar.G.TA
I roroHH.nal liflnrai. rntmate.l to hit ear will
he nunr.ily attrmleil tn
I.ctviKlMirff, I'nluii fo fa; J"
I'ujsicians, tie.
Physician & Surgrcn,
'll itnr Spriinn, Sniiln Ceunly, Pa.
iuh"""'J Prn''l''Bl Tertlcn taiha
OIM. a on Alalii.tra.t. Janelll
C -a-itf rovill.', IVun'fl,
lifffira It, ,irnfea,nn aeri Ifea.te lla rll'iarw
ofi mlr.nlleanfl rldnliy, At't"Sl,
Wi'MUIiurKli, Venn'.
Oir. ra lila firnraaalonal a-rTlret le (he ell laaw
-t ..ll l.lii.h.irm, .,, ..cuy,' 't(r.a ,
Wa.iliiLlnB llnean. ' Arr.I.'li.
' iiiii:n dai:iu:k,
Mi.l.llelmrfrlt, Vi,n'.
il-ali L! ii I "',':'""" " a few .lo, r
JJeal el lb., I ourt IUo... In A rouM'a l allille
Fremont, Snyder ctonfjr, P.
(rif1tlBlA itt Ttalt Imnaa 1tl.. t ar .
in. isumeiin. 'ara hla rialeaeUaaf a.r.ill
iu me pitwe. Haki tniliau and liMmii.
March, IT, Unl. tf.
tfrsebnirtf, Pav
Oltere hi iirnfaaaloaal rerilorl la t. mblla
OiBoaooMalu alraVl. "
Sslisicrofs, raaie'a)
In Ike i
ran. to
atiin 1 1'.
5 1
'or at 1
log llih
IOVK. il
lnM vnai
i levluh
are '
ro. r
tly em
Ur ma
lat: j
la T.t,
oe I, 'T
oi Nor
ial I
ee alu
to t1
air t
a Hi
Jtt. (
...... n
- it
ta ill
- r
Ke eii
See li
cur. i
I'a I"axT I
f 4