- f T"'' ' r-rrsr-.v-r' " V T.U. HAUTE It. Ho that will not reason u a bigot ; ho that cannot is a fool ; ho that tlaro not is a slave. MIDDLEBUKGII, SNYDER CO, P ENN' A7 OCTO I) 15 It '21), 1885 KD1TOK and ritOJMtJKTOU "VOL. XX I NO 4(5 ""Vl"- I Fredericksbus. Sprttsjkarila, Sick saond, tni Petersburg- A VISIT TOTHK BATTO tFIK .DS DY TdX 6lST RXUT. P. V. 1. WnLicnu.;(H To., Oct 11, '33. Lientn. D- T. Rhonda wd ll writer of Middlebnr-Kb, i.d.1 A. P. Helfricb of A-imnsbtirg, started on the excursion to attend Ihe reunion of the 51st P. V. I. at Petersburg, end to viuit tbo batlUfioldi of Frml erickbburff, 8poUsjWauin, Kicbmoud aud rcteri-burg. At Sm.butj tbey were joined by the following Tutor, toe: Lieut. M. L ScbocU of New Borlio, CaptainB J. P. Urooke end J. V. Miller of Lewinburg, Lieut Wm. F. Campbell of Alien ood, Adam (llase, II. H. Conrad and Abrabam M. Haas of Suubury. Wo left Sutibury at 1 10 p. m., arriving et HariUburg at 4 30 and at L'ultU wore at 6 30 p. m. wbore first stop was made to await tbo ar lival of comrades from Eietonoud I'biladelpbia. Wo left the tiaiu aiid took op quarters at tbe Windsor Hotel, opposite tbo Culvort depot. Tbe vets scattered to look up tbo sights of Ualtimore, and as tbe wea ther was Tory Inclement tbey re turned to tbe botel with water drip ping from tboir overcout as it rain ed terribly all evening. We retired. At 3 a. m. wo wore ugaiu routed aud in thirty minutes wero aboard train where wo met tbo following com rades i Cap.. V. F. Nicholas. Sergt. John C Oilier end Aaron Uoangst of Easton, Capt. Geo. Sbill, Samuel M. Corey, Wm. II. R. Vox, Charles R Fox, John M. Sbill, Amos 0. Tyson of Norrietown, J.' M, Levin andVaftbington Smith of Hovers ford, Lieut. Jacob Sauto of liar rieburg and Wm. C, Ilensol of Ci.m don, N. J. Arrived at Washington, D. C at 5 A. M , nod m'.'o a step of "5 minntoB to ration up. L-ft Wunb.. ington and followed tho Potomac to Qwiotico, wbero the road left tbe river, arriving at Frodoricksburg at 8 a.m. Afur a short march tbe Ex cbango Hotel was captured and Dr. O. Ii- Luck, tbo gonial and opon boarted proprietor surrendered tb botel with a full line of accommoda tions. The wholo party marched to tbo diniDg room where peace wat rondo and tbo treaty was ratified After partaking of tbe good tbiugf But before us, we again returned to the office wbero we found tbe car liagea ready. Tho veterans were soou all aboard and moved away. Some to tbe historic ground of Spoltsjlvaoia and others following tho lines of woiks around Frader icksburg. Tbo works around tbe city have mostly been loveled down, but maoy signs of tbe conflict still remain. We crossed tbe Rappahan nock and asconded Mary's heights, a tboi t distance from the Lucy house where Gen. BarnsiJe bad bis Head Quarters dnricg the terrible battle of Deo. 12, 1SC2. The boose on Mary's heights is still occupied by Mien Mary and alios Fanny Feott.wbo informed ua that tbey occupied the place during tbe battlo. We re crossed tbo Rappahannock at Fal mouth and drove through tbe town reaching the road where tbo Con foil -ate troops lay behiud the stone wall At ouo bouso a lady showed us wbero a shell from our latterips passed through tbe door, killing Goo. Cur and wounding sovoral of bis Staff. This boube bears many scars of shells and minnio balls Tbe heights wbore Gen. Lee's bat teiios were was next visited. This ground is now tb9 National Ccnio tery, bas 221 acres and contains the graves of 15,791 Union soldiors. The ground is beautifully laid out, and tbe graves are all marked by marble bead stones. A Register is kept in tbe office, and all visiters are requested to Register their names After visiting the rost of tho battlo field we returned to the town. In strolling through the streets we could see many marks of the strng gle of 23 years ago. Fredericksburg is an old town, every bonse shows some mark of antiquity and wo could see all shades of people. Oa Wednes day, Oot 14, tbe party again board ed tbe train at 8 a. m., and at 10 o'clock we paesod through Rich mond, tin great Confederate strong hold. Ry 11.30 we reached Peters burg, and were met at the-depot by llayor Jarrett, Oeu. Stetb Boiling, P, M., Mr. E. B. Bain, President of C'. trr-'rof Commerce, nod soverul , t5-,Dd a short reet the veterans, in company witli some of those who met tbcm at the depot, were taken around to the various points of interest in tbo city, and in tbe afternoon were escorted in carriages out to the battle 6elds around Petersburg. Tbe crater was first vieitod, wbore tbo Society held its Aunual Business Meeting. The fallowing officers wore elected : Pres. M. L Scbocb, Now Berlin, Pa j Vice Pros., Wm O, Hensel, Camden, N. J., and John C. Pillar of Easton, Pa., Seo; Samuel McCleltan, Noit'm town, Pa., Tress , Edwin Shall, Nor ristowu, Pa., commit too onjcolors, were re-elected. Resolutions ex pressing the thanks of the Associa tion to the citizens of Petersburg and tbe cx-CoDftderate soldiers for their kind reception and hospitality wereadoptel. Tho Society by a uuaiiimous vote soleclod Antietam Bridgo as our next plnci of meeting, when a tablet, c ;uun'tnon.tiog tbo ehirgf mule by tho Rogiment on Sept, 17, 1S02, will bo erected Tbo veterans now visited the following Forts and Works : Fort Sedgwick, generally koowu as Fort Hell, where oooh vet out a cane as a relic. Com rade D. T. Rhonda secured a cherry tree that grow in tbo Fort and ex pects to eat cherries from it cro mauy years. Fort Wan en wbn next visited which is in a gjod stale of preservation. Xxt in order was Fort Rice. From this Fort you have a good view of the city aud where the old gun called tho "Moss Monger,'' would sometimes woko up tho inhabitants in the early mom by dropping one of its G 4-pound shells among the houses. Following tho line of works we rcachod tho Seven Sisters, also Fort Morton, Mattery 14, Fort IIakill, and lastly Fort Steadman, where some of tbe Mid dloburgh boys showed their valor on Maruh 25, 1EG4, in asHiating to re capture tho Fort. Tho wholo party tbeu returned to tin city. In tbo evening mauy citizens and ex Con federate soldiers called upon tbo veUrars, and a very ploauant boor was spunt, after which th -i party, hoaJo 1 by Mayor Jarrett, Col. E B liaiu, Oeu. Boiling, Col. Qillem and Col. Li ibor, Petersburg's great Urew er aud Kottler of the foam, The last named gentleman was a Union soldier aud wliou tho war clossed re mained in Petersburg and is now very wealthy. V.a. Post. coiled upon Senator Mahoue at his bounti ful residenco ou Lot g Market Street and woro received by tho Senator in a very cordial manner. After baking each one by tho baud, mak ing many congratulatory remarks and pleasantly discussing the battle of the Crater, (a beautiful painting of tbe crater banging boforo us ou the wall) All were invited into tho magnificent diniug room, where many good things such as chain paigno, cigars, &o , awaited an at tack. The large sideboard was cap tured and teetotalers were very scarce. The p'irty next Tisited tbe Senator's beautiful Library, and af ter spending a short time, returned to tbo hotel. Tho morning again saw us strrted for the National Coins etery at Poplur Qrove, four miles south of Petersburg. We discover ed the graves of mauy of our com rades who were killed in the battle of Aug 17 aud 18, 1SC-1. At this place, comrade Goo M. Auraud, ono of Snyder county's boys is buried. Tbe cemetery is tbe most beautiful we have visited. Mauy relics wore galbcrod hero. Returning wo visit ed Fort Wadd worth aud othor works on tho way. Dinner at 12 M. sharp. At 12 35 p.m. wo left Petersburg for Richmond and took quarters at tbe St. Clare botel on Ninth and Qraco streets, opposite Capitol, Ste phen Hunter, propiiutor. Visited Libby prison, now nsed as a store bouse for Phosphate, also visited tbo Capitol, Bull Island, Holwood and National cemeteries, Water works, and many othor places of in terest. Tbe Rebel works around tbe city nearly all romain as they were twenty years ago. Richmond is a beautiful city and first among tbe buBiiiess centres of the South. Wo left Riohraondon tbe loth at 10 p. in. and arrived in Washington eity at 12 35 a. m. On the 10th all publio places of iuterest were visited by tbo boys; Cap'tol, Treasury, Posl-jffloe, War Department, War Museum, Smlthouian Instituto, Pen sion office, Washington Monument, and last but not least, tbe White ,Ub9b.!1 J-l the pleasure of sbak- wbo gave a reoeption in tbo Fast Parlor at 1 30 p. ro. The many Parks of tbe Capitol were alto visit ed. We left Washington at 10 p.m. and arrived at Sonbury at 5 a m., sorry that wo were compelled to soon to separate " O.O.GUTEML'S. "Wyer bryer.Jliinberloek, Seventeen geesps In a flock, One flow cant ami one flew west, Ano one flew o'er tlia cuckoo's nest." Whiff! whiz! Presto, change! Kver shifting, always shiftless, Wheelihont and turnabout, and skoodoodle every which away. Tramping yesterday, working today, drunk to-morrow. Now in Ibo city, where tho ponderous dgbt-cyliuder selfspastcr and folder mingles thuns dor ond lightuiug, ink aud chenp bombastic stupidity at chain-light-ning'speed 5 aud anon in the back woods villago, whore the antiquated lomon-bqiicezor band-press squeaks and wheezes under its weekly and and weakly burden of ignoramous politics, thanks for tha pumpkins and turnips, rural rhymstor doggor- ed to some freckled Nancy Jane, or the memory of some infantilo victim of whooping cough or green apple cholio, mnrdcrod English, massacrod grammar and smashed authography. Hero a dandy, thorn a ragmuffin. everywhere a philosopher and a vag abond. Tho Bedonin of civilization, Ihh- maclito of Christendom, stamped by the linger of omuipotont idewlioy with tbo.Caiu-lik'j brand if ceaso less unrest, tho Z'ttl of pcrpotnal motion. T'ie woild owes much of its IL'ht to him. A vast amount of scionco, its art, its literaturo'aud its roligiou would bo buried injmpeuo trablo obscurity but for him. To hisTuiniblo, dingy fingers man kind, at least in pait, owes every spollingsbook and bible, evory'poem history, revelation, dii-covery and I'all MM (i tzttte sensaliou that stoi'os tho miuda of tbe "inn and tickUs th lit d Us of the foolish. And yet bo is a vagrant, a homeless waus doror, knowing evorybo ly, curing for nobody and nobody cares for bitu. Such is "tho history, tbo life, tho epitomizod biogropby of uinety-nine out of every hundred of the peripa tetic printer tribe. Creation's or phaus, f jotbill of.fortuuo, thistle down of luck, tbo world s least ap preciated necessities and benefactors Without thom half of , Dakota's 223 daily, wookly and monthly pa pers would bo impossible Heaven graut them in some other world tho rest aud poace aud contout that are denied them here. Cul.l "at Dunuu SIDLALL'S DAYIN3S. Newspaper advertisements are read while tbo advertisers sleep. The man who advertises in dull times will never feel dull times. Advertising is the philosopher's stono that turns a man wares to gold. A few gallons of printer's ink spread over a newspaper will equal tho seavices of an army of druui merfl. Some call it luck ; others say it was business ability. It was neither. It was shrewd and judioious advert ising. He wbo starts without money but with faitb iu adveitising soon out strips tbe capitalist who does not aduertise. Printer's ink has made more for tunes than have ever been mado oa all the stock exchanges and in all the gold mines io tbe world, A good name is better than grout riches, so Solomon said but tbe man who advertises liberally and judiciously gets both tbe good name: aud the great riches. . . .... . i The Denver Opinion assorts that Algernon Sartoria, the husband of Nellie Grant, bas been exceedingly brutal in bis treatment of . her, and that she does not want to live with bim. Tho only reason why her separation bas not been completed is beoiusa she bas thus far been un able so for to obtain possession of her three children- If Mrs. Sarato ris gets possession of them, she will probably, after tbe monrniog in tbe 0 cant family ends, bring a suit for divorce from tbe brutal, uunppreol- ative creature the. married. This marriage was tbe regret of Graot's life, This is not gossip, bat a pleio -t r HE KNEW BILL 0IMP3. "Do joa know the prisoner at the barf Iliml" "Yes; answer np prmnpt." 'That follow thoroi" ' "Certaiulyj do you know Limt" ''Iliui!" "Yes, to be sure- why don't yon answoi!" "Why, p:.baw, Judge! Him an' me married gals out of the sumo family liistf ra, you might say." "Well, d.J you kuoW LimT'' "Him?" "Can't you ondersla-id plain Eng lish? Do you know ths maof "Tl.at'ii?" "Of coureo, you blockhead. Do yon know bim ?' "Know biiu? Why bless your old benrt. Jndgo, he's got a pop now that I gave him mor'u fivo years ago an' you never seed such a dog in all your born days as that'u turned o it to bo. Why i pshaw, Judge, yon oouldn't find nothin'l ko him with bido an' bair on iu seven cotiDties, but the way I camo to got him was tho funiest blamed thing you ever hoerod tell of. You ZZ iho wuy of it was this ah?" Hold on! Stop light thore ! We don't want any dog slorion just now. Do you know him?" "Who.'" "Why, this man !" "I'h ! Why I 'lowod yon meant tho dog. Well if I'd Luowtd tho pup half as well as I did him, you cau hot your socki ho wouldn't nevs er ugot bim, Judge, that dog was half pioter, an ah?" "Step this sawing around and an swer the quesliou, or you'll bo corns mittcd.'' "Uh?" "I say you'll bo committed." "Uh? ' I say you'll bo committed for contempt." Forwhatr "For contempt.'' "What's that?" "Will you answer tV t;cstion !'' "Yes." "Well, then, why don't you do it?' "Do what?" 'Answer the question!'' "What question?" "The ono I asked you." "Whioh'u?" 'Do you know tho raau.'" "What man?'' "Tho prisonor at tho bar." "1 woudor now if you mean Bill Gimps?" "Certainly. I) you know bim?" 'Didn't I pay wa both married in to tho samo family?'' 'Yof; but do you know him?'' "Well, now, boo boro Judgn. Don't you know I'd be like to know my own brothor-io-law?" Will you answer the qnoetion?" "What question?" "Do you know Dill Gimps?" "Didn't I give bim a pup iiveyoars ago?" "Yosi but do yon know bim?" "Well now, see boro Judgo, 1 claim to bo free born aud half wliito. and do yon s'poso I wouldn't have any moro Bdusoj thai to fool away a dog on a man I don't know No, sirsec; I never got so blamed flush with dogs as to wuste 'em like that. Know bim? Of course I do; better'u I do tho sizo of my own foot or my old womaa's voice, and could' v told you so long ago if you'd only ast me. Know bitu at the ba? Why, blast it all Judgo, that's where I first got acqnaiuted with him, by his standio' treat, as I never knowod a man, Judge, that was more cortain to turn Jack right where it was needed in a gamo of seven-up than bim. You can go your pile on bim for that every tiaio and never got left. Yes, sir, I'd know Bill Gimps any where, even in moetin', though 1 dou' t s'poso I oould over make out bow be got there Know bim? Yes- sir-ee bob. I know him as well as I do when dinner time oomos. Is that stroDg enongb Judge, or do yon want me to projaoo his note to show bow muob more I know bim 7 I can do it if sich is law." "That will do." uh;" , , "You may step down! " "Down wbore?" ,' "Down stairs, jou blockhead. K... '-J -'. J Idleness it tbe refuge of weak minds. .- . - . J j J Know thy work , and do it Uk Hercules. One monster there U io Tho silver dollar at tho prosont value of silver is now worth exactly scveiitynirio ceuts, so that eveij one receiving silver would bo a Iom i to tho extent of twenty one o. o's on tho dollar, but for his ability I. push off tlio vitiated currency upon "omo ono rlso. Tho Ocvortiniciii stamp is what saves tho dollar ii ibis country it is of uo avail abroad. i3ut there U a limit to what even tho Government can do. And I'm indi ations are that iu the m.illci silver coinage this limit is pi ft t nearly reached. Wo I email; ; I. The coinage of tLo present eevei.l v u i no cent dollar xhould bo stppcl l.y Congress. 2. We must have n certain amount of nilver coinige 3, Tho law should tnalio Iho silvci coinnge adjunlablo to its iiitii slf value as compared with gold. 4 It; should bo mado dincrcM nmry withl the President to clop silver coinage at any lime. Congress certainly! cannot le.'inlulo sucocsHfully in siicb matters years any years ahead as it j ha atlemp'ed to do . The pres ent dollar should bo giado tlly re tired ao l an hoiiost dollur tako iia place ono that need not be asham ed to look a gold dull ir iu tho face. -Chrirtitn it Wvrk. A Bir.iiirghnia (Knglnnd) pnper nays: ''Not long ago tho wife of n prominont ,f gentleman in this town called at a leading sh-p mid notuvii a beautiful camel's hair ihhawl. She inqnireil tlio prico and was informed 10. S'io admired tho shawl ver much, and upou being S(lieted to buy it, said that her bin-hand would never cUMout o pay "'.'ID for it.'but' sho coiitiind, a bright idea striking her, 'I will pay you ou it. mid tuo next timo you nee, my husband passing show him tho shawl and tell him it is only .'0, and I am sure be will buy it.' Tho propiiotor readily assented, and a few days af terward tho husband, on passing the shop, was called in, saw tho shawl, and in a liltlo while consented to givo 2'). A fow days later, while walking in the street, his wife ob served tbo identical shawl ou lh" shoulders of a woman for whom she long suspected her husband euter tained moro than a neighborly re gard. ' Mrs George Vau Ness of New Drooklyn, tbreo miles fum Phiiu field, N. f , recently presoutod bei husband with four children, nil born witbiu an hour, two being boys umi two girls, Tho riuwcoun:rs,alihou;;h niiiull aio vigoroiiK, and it is thought they will all live. The mother is doing well. AVbat is s id to bo the largest gun in tho world is being contracted in Jersey City. It is breech loading, sixty feet long. Tho propelling pow er will bo compressed air which will discharge a 150 pound dyuamite cartiidge five feet long, JgnoraucoMa the parent of many injuries. Ill examplon aro liko contagious disoasos. Charity is tho scope of all God's commandments. The last word in the most danger ous of infernal machines. He who takes plotsuro in evil ro porta will soon becomo au evil speaker, tnncieno. mtwr)rini'fl,tiKiiKprinir ihiM ovoriPii, in vvntiniiftfiuJ (iftU-in uvcr nt)lilnd. Kvurjr uuin ber IW.itntt1 vif It plinlid enrBvlnB. Tliia pnhlioJttton hirniAiina riin4 v MiiMilw wiiuclriKdl of lofurnibtitiii Mlftrh nn jw run kIikjIiI williuU I'h (oj)u)i ity of th iv-u MJi j.i AuHitii'AH il ucb ibi iu i innilm too ni'urlj viutiiHibi f U othflr rairvm of iiarlft(4 0nmttin1. I'rie. f :i Ji Iir. licotiri tuClubft. Hnlu lr iiMMrvl- Ujni. IIJNN ACO., Vul.liJur. o.,ll'.r..lviHy. N. Y. a lain varu Iia Tatunt OfSea anil li.va ir-- r4 mura than One HunUrnrl Td. u- Pnnrt ppin-aiiuii n.i ..iiuui m n iiiiinI bti.' anil furoiio enunlniiiw '..hbjl.fii.L tAim-riiftll. Auixnuitnta. anil all otiur.liaii.ra fi KuIUuiuhI Slalva, I'anmU. , Knvl'iul..rranoa, .ncuriuif tu iiivinlurrt tui-lr nalita.ill 111 '3 nartni at .liiirl lioaniii)iiruiDniatiriua, Infiirniatiiin In olilainlng iiiilontiioliwir- information aaut frei.. ratanta. oUainil i iiiiwi witlioul tiiaran. iluu-uhu.. in uU-Louki of trfk olilaini'd tkrouub Uuun Co. ara aut.loaa in tliuttcmiiiiio Aliitrkitn frea. I lia ailvunlaaouf uul liutito i anil umlur.td l' alf ioru Uo wU luUia. Ad."rV 'l,i'!si3'"- OO . Offlca BCKWITM AMaiuc-Ajf, IU iiruaUaay, I. aw tuik. MaVasm-lOOiiar feat print miii luttllb Pi.mlltf CorfaaRuaat- ar. IMrahla, iiarfaot la airailuu.au4 ul !iadniii.tloyllll(. Vl rilo for oijuiilur. TST A Wn?T4 A luliln auil pem.rcr W tXLi IJClJLf lux man to act a local liuilt lii m'llliin Ilia olKilno ul' llr.ipu, Uum.v WtiruliaanJ Ornaqiantal Trecn. ' UtlAlil.rji li.t'llASR, . , s.. NwMrrmiau.Mocfcoitor.N. V. Au. VI, 1. ta pJ. 4 Only Temperance Bliters Known. .k-j , y,. e. -if mum i. ouirr mrdlrmn Mtiowii n PBiniiy pill-( III.. I,,HX ,pf lli.n l.t-,l lllllonn l.rnr tvkllitiouy tu ill wun a 'rriil nirnlivn i-Hn-N, II Inn pun If VrtrrloMo Prvpmtt"n, tn.ili'fnnii tl,.i iinilvn hi'ilwKinl nM n( I'lililurtiin. the i.tintli luril propi'Mli' t if wi ll h ,rn tlluicUrJ lli-n (rum wliliuiit i:i,i n: . f Aln ul It rt'lllutra llm -b(ixu ul 01m 4c, (UiJ ttiO p:iln-nl rt'iiivmt, liin Imi.tMi. It Ix ll,- ur, at I5li,1 rnrlCrr n't I.K'j-Kivn.jt I "t L n liile J a .!. im riiiintii anil T'Hiit; npirl.it IdMiiivnlur miiI liitiynruinr h( till- t"tll. NmTiT iK liin- In Ik- M-lniv c f tlnl WnrKI hi mmlirtnil li". n rr,liHtiiliili il tn'...-M.iii; tin- pnwiT if ViNniAii lliTTinn In hu.iJn; lliu iik n i-vrry li"UM llmu in ln ir In, I ll Allrritllvt', Ap. ri.-iit. :: linnllr, rr- TllillilllVd, .Slilllli.nl., I.ntnlivi., Nililliv... nuill. r lltiliiul, Sil.lurirtr, Allli-ltllloil". Hi.lv. lit. ll;uri'tlc uii l Tmilo nH.rtic ul VisniAH r.itTnm to il Uhhn, nf nny uiIht iii.-iIh Iiii- In Hi- nil,1. INo ii'i-ii him i,k.- Hi' Mitt mi- bii -hiiIIiii In il-.r.-ttlniH mill ri.'tniitii Iimi lum,-II. .rm ulril tlii'tr lion-. nn nut ilii.i-iiyi. lv tniii'Tnl pmpmh nr nlluT IIIM.1U-, ni.it ili vilai uivum wunluJ ln'V-ni'1 l!n p.iinl nf r-'itnlr, til I lou a, II, ' it, I It r lit, iM.Tmlttrlit ntiilMn luiiiil l ev.-r ni tin vuli'iil tliriiiiifliiiiil tlio I iiltnl Mrtli'i4, imiliciilarljr in Iti.i Yallra nf ixir (Tt-Ht nvrin nn. I lltalr yii.i Iril'iitnili'. ilnriiiK Itii" Sininmr mi'l Antiiirn, rtln:iy during wiuauu ul uuurunl bi-fll innl ilrA-ti.'n-. 'I licau l'.rra ore liivnrliiWjr umimpnulml tir ri,.i.ivj id rn'.iMiifiilfl n( I In Miiin.'i'-h, livi-r nitil b.in-i'1. In llii ir tn-alini'iil. iiuwIti. rxi rtinrf nMini rfnl IMlu.in n Ukjii Uji'M (nwn, Is bliw lui"' n.'i i'f ury. Tlirr In iio rnllinrtlt fir tlm pin1""" riinil In I).-. .1. V a i Miii Vimhh Hit mil.. n ll will Hi-fi! Iv ri i.invii llii- ilurl.M i.lnri'il irii li.Vlnr null wlilrli ih,. Inii ! ni.. I Ivj.nl llin M:ill lil.ll! .Illntlllllil. Il:i IM-iTclliiliH nf 111," liver, ii'nl p nuntllv 'xi'iiiii,; lliu InA.tiiy luuitli ii ul III- lii.'.'i' ivi nrtfjti.. tortlf y t,i. lio.ly mmltiM iVi"no hr p'lrt rTiiiL' nil III, ll inln Willi Visruill lliiTr.. No lilii l.-mlr i nn Ink.' h.iiii uf n .-li'i,i Ihn. for,..,riiii i. ll lui ijiirnl". Hi,. Moniri, li aii.lrtim- liln'.'S tin- tori'lil I.Imt nnil Itnmla. cli iuinlnir I hi III. K i if nil Imiiui illiw, liiiiHirt i,i- hr iinii lk""ir l' i llin IruiiK', nml rnrrj lnr nir villnuil Out n lil of Ciiliiini'l. or nilicr uiiin ml, nil 11. imiiiohh iu itt T fruiii Hit avili'iii. It 1 1 1 a.-;.' ni nilinlui trAii.ni, u)iiiit in action, auj ttrlulu In lU n't- in1,. lift-,Kln r ln!li;'Mtlnn, Hon.livlio, ruin in Hi,1 Slimil.h'ix, 1'ihivIi:, 1 U;lilnr a i.r tliu li.v t, l'ln'iiiiiniu'i. Inrim-.. Ilml i'uHio In tlio Mmitli, MiilillK A lliu In. ruliiiliillnu nf tlio llinn, mid a liiiii.li."l I'lln-r palnfiil m ni Ionia, an- nt nir rilliM.I liy iNniuw Kin tux. I'ur liilltiniiiitiK.ry nml I'lirmno Klimim ntism, Omit, Ni'i.rn!k..i. lU.'iu a nf 111 l'.il, I.ivit, Kiilu.'Va nml llin lil. r, lln lliiif-rn Imvo mi njiinl. In Ihiw.-. iw in all ouiiatltntiitiml I U fni.n, Wamrh'h Vinuiah lirnrnn linn nhown it K'n-nt cm ul iv o iH.wm siu Uio uiunt oIjiUiiaIo nn I luiiwinlili r un .fli'i liuiiK iil Itlai'imra. lVpon i-inrnpwl In I'n'niM nml MiihtiiIk, kih'i nn riuinlii.ia, I'Tprt-m.-UT. UoM lNi.tiTH.ai.il Vimm, in tiny ii'hmii'O In llf' nm Biibju-t l I'maly-n nf tim l.imria. 'i oKiinnl m-'ninst tlid, tuko otxaUuiutl (J.ir"4 of Vink.iaii lliriKiiK. hlili llla-ii, h-rnifula, Fnlt Tllictim, VIi.t-, Swcliinpi, J'impli a, ltisnili i, Itnllk , er liiinrli'n. liluc annua, rVnld In n,, t;,,rt Kvfa, lTvii.n., luh, Si'iirfH, lilsrnliMTitiiin1, llutnoia ami iIimM'-cn of tin. Skin, ( a-inh-v.r Iminn nr fntiir.', ar- llifialiy lnif up innl vv rirrl out of llin f.nunu iu a ahul l, Hum hy Uio uao cl Ui lilttTA. I'tti, Tapoond olhcr Wnrma, lurklr In tlm at.:n of ao many ttiuuviiiila, aro pfTv'tunllv tU'j.lruvfl nml rnrnnveil. avit.'iii of mriliiuiin, tin Xfnuiiup', no ntitlinlnilniii-a. will frtte iho BHU;ia fi-um wunnalike Vusuah JJlPTKKH. AlriiNli'B, Nrarl.'l iPcvrr, Miiniid.Whnop. Iti CuiikIi. nml nil chiMr. n't ilimnam rmy lm inmlii l wt m ti' liy k I'ititc tlio bunola nprn Willi nul l ilnai nf tlio l ltt.-ni. For I'Vmulo i'.iitiplnliiia, In vonnjf nr clil. murriiil nr fllvl", lit lli lit n nf vmnnii Iih.hI. or tliL- luiu of life, tiiU iHtU'ra tiua uo I li aMiK tli Vltlloil Plood when n t-n 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 a lii. i Dimuttli 1 f. Ii I i in Iii: ' .. i.r.nrun; . nr:.n it vln-n nli..tri;rti l ninf n.i.t--pi-.li in llin vi i.ii; p. au It v In n it la fi.nl; inir fci lini;n wlil t. II ,mu v.-linu, iukI lliu LfiuIJi uf l!ui r .t.-m v.ill fnP.i.iv. Iu com liml ni i illr. tit- Vtu ni a trial. It Mill iMt'i f-ii- tim If. i Mil' Imltlij i.i n lH.itr (uai-m'ii.'i of its uuiiu l!.au u l' :hlliy Rilvrrilkir unlit. Aroimd ench hotllo am tM illrix-tlaiui priiili"! In ili.Ti'rnt l.'iiiiiitca. II. II. rtrIniiiilU Druir Co., Vmprli'lnr, Huu hraiK-1 (.'!., an I r:s,unkK?i Wiiuuirviu Uk, tjnr. C'liaritiii Ht., Nlw Vnrk. SolJ by all i'ealoi and Urucylti. , CXIOWKJ OAIET msmfm Pmlllrerir.-a fiwl fir iTr.ln, (-r?af. iml frr tllizi'iH. No -cfi lo fliaiiirn. ti.itc In til irilm tn a r.iiiinrrtii'l Willi ("iiii in .i to ilii.h im'ili iii-i'iiin. titina liiaiaiitly. Will ww Llilm y l'i w. rti ami r 11 ifi-alnn I'vi.nly, witlmiit rrni kiiiM. V. ill Uii-'i ih. iiln (.in liy i Ii .ui linti a, p'u. l.-r uL'l atbua nliuu utliurx iml. U at ti trip L".i Iu uio. CROWN GRASS SEEDER. n-ailiialc! loanw from D to 2S H a. rlnvi rorrra'S r. i .i'r a'-rc. Vnry rtr.imt ar .l rltirrlili'. Vi'i o,l ami Ba plpn frmma. all lr n v liwl. wlro m-'ltatcr no una. hot rxp'-iiMvoi W'll tipuy robt flrat aciiKon ami la-t fnr year". Fimt pn minm. Kv crvwlnrn i-xl, CROW R&VSRSIOLK COMBINATION HAY CARHICH AMD Sllin 9LIH09. lliunoo'iuil liu iiiu -ity anil iilrkiiaa. tUi n llninnnil 1 Our iiiin.la ari-iiinila of 1) t liii'trriu m l v i k i 1 ) 1 work nwii, ami full v wurmntcil, H. n.1 r f'ir. iiiiif tj CKOVVN K.7Q, CO., Pftotpe, N.Ya jtriiluiitiuu Una iwycr, LEFFEI7B IMPROVED ill U m HUasdLno. AIX TCTJ TABT3 MACS 0V MALLEAILE & TOUaUT IS01T Ke Sbrlnllng, Swelling or Warping. Tn T iini ii nn. ... Kiuiuutim- Wian t-.ttuiaa Iu tbo WOHI.lt, J Ii. likJSX la OUUlfkeX. Muuit fa? Olroulara Io U . c:a::r.:7i:LD r::::::;i co, Al torn eys-Al' Law. J M. HTKRHK, AlTOriNEYAT LAW, Mi'l lU hiirijli, I'run'it., WTart hla prnfot. (nnal rarvlpt. n Hiatal II !..oninilnn in hnh.ii or in rn an. ('niiaa pr inrl)T att l.Hil.l.. Ollloo law iloora tal ul inn I'uit uinno. J.UIKSU. CKOU.SK, ATK)IlNi:V.AT-LAW, MIIlLl:rH(iLf, TA All h.,..(,fM nirntil to lil, curt wlilm ii -iv pn tnpt tttantlon. oniaititx r II Ur inn ml KiikII-Ii. j JACOlt GIUJKUr, .it fori, rt nml Cuiiiinditr ul Lain MIDIH.KIM Itllll. PA, iNillarllnni anil all ni.ir I uiit .,,, iv tirinlcil to. ( uiiriiltatl .n In Itallih ii ilerinai,. u , ti y.M. H. Hor.SWIlit'lII, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, N. I.INsiilliiVK Pa J'l.llantlnri, ai., nil ntlirr irn) l.urlnr.. iimn.i.ti Iv iitlnmln.l t.i. I ...,. 1 1 r. . 1 lorman. - ' "Kiiru aus JtlD t, 11. l.MLI, ATTOHNLYAT-LAW.. All t.uslnox antni.ii.l to hla vara will It . protnplly iitlotnli d to. Srpl. Sti.'.m. O. DKITRICH, ,iTroui:r.Ar.r.M7. M ,uk t ,sv. , Srfiitn,fiwtt pt. All priifnMlnnal I unnrax irrmi.tlv atiir4. tu. Donrultatlon. Id KDVllJb .ml (larm.V;"0 i.3.'yo. E. LOWeT ATIOnrJEY-AT-LAW, SlltliUthurg, Pa. h scirocn, ATTOBNET-AT-LAV, New Derln, Pcnn'a. wlllrocalvn prompt atti,tio. Intie 2U,'7. Qir vs v DLiacij; Attorney 4 Oouiieellor-At-Law omo.lo Ap,,.. HniMln, . ,,00, Ni?t Kbvhtiink IIotisl. u"lO KolliiMRrovo, lcnn a. I'ollottlnn. t,.I ai oi'he7pr..,rM tV J. SMITH. " w. ATTORNEY AT J..A f , OtfarrMi p,of,.,on, SI,H . .. ; Jou.ult.tlon. I. Loicllrh uu.i V.V. r"' A. W. POTTER, ' ATU)nX,Y AT LAW. Solinscrovo. Pa 7ul747:2.,,I't'l,Cnt,,'' "oaM.liKr. JJ H. GUI MM, Attoi-nny-nt-Tnw, l'i luiij: C'u. nn i.-Oa ISr( .JOHN II. A It NO LI), lio.i ruu.piiy .ttroii,,! tu. "IU (AMUELH. OUWIQ, A TTOllXKY-A T-LA W, Kctlxbiirg. I nlon C o.. I'h! (Wii'enn llirlmi io...,.i . run ll,.a..a. ' uuor Um in. .(, ;s77.tr.j ' ' """ II II Mi I hy si cians, tc. TT J. SMITH, Physician & Surrjcerr, ' Iteuvrr Sjiriii,, Snudcr Count,, P J' W. SAMI'SHL, rnrilUA.NJAND SURGE0IV, . u ... i tmrreviiie, i'enn'a. (J KIXJAK HA8S1NGKII, DUVPlniiii ... nioioiAiH a SURGEON, Uf 1.1. ii. i , .......... ..urB,i, ivnn'a. w..inntoq ?!,.: """ J CRIEH BARBEH, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Ml,l.ll,.l i. r J)K MAR AND ROTUROCIC, r- . riemoni, anyner CBunty, Pa. .n(,!,,1?',U"'8, tJ.H f ,1.1... 0l Nil I'M tori. (iMMrfl I.U ... 7 . "I JQR. E. 7. TOOL. PHYSICIAN AND SURG EOF, I'Veebmrcr, P. Oflora bf prfraaon.l iarrloaa to Ik. ?Lku. U aonwraani In baih uV.ii' . ?lth,t JgK. VAN BU35IRK, PUROiOAi ft rr?-i":? v r
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