The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, October 15, 1885, Image 3

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I published eery Thursday.
, rrrt, lay,aa.1 SeyMa-awf, MNld
f eaje4lUaatUr.
L ()f rlant Ureathnel Ik eaaatT IH
VlitTbf dim the u ' 'P;
Ve UM, llleiee ! nrriKnrboorti.
,7V iai rt-. ( iu P.
iaeaJM. Oar ! "Ill I'T fcanpas
wkOwlak Up- Ihroaah UeaaoS
), Wl Will vlH V r-w a "
IkAfl MA wafllfAafaaa
Tiook at ftuirnres on the la)l of
aa. frvea 1P III ClHM IILTII rtn lftril VVU
tio l aiu. Within 8 week after
money la sent, see If date In changed.
lio other receipt Is necessary.
ra.-t- --t- u
A. TT i I tm
.WllteWB J. T It I
Main Kiml T It I M
Lwlatowa T.M I no
Maltlasrl T.vS lit
Painter T.M I IT
Phi a J la T.M It
Waaer III I M
Meolora tM IM
Reaa'a Mills T OT I
Adeauwara; t.M I.M
Heaaartawe t.M IM
Renter IM t
MnxUvwarCa I M I II
Mataer IU 411
Kr4nmr II I
Pawllne; IM tM
. . . La J .
MellneaTOTa J. t M 4
I aankary rill r .70 Accommodation.
(Oonatdtlsg with tnloiooN.O. Bt)
Le.Te Sellniirrs-e. Ar rle at Wallne,iree
I. to A. M. I0.OTA.M.
H. 1.17 P. M.
4. B. WIIDI), Oea'l Pui ARtDt.
CH A. E. rUU, Utu'l MtBkgtr.
Republican Standing Csmmittoo
of Snyder county elected on Saturday,
March 23, 1885, for tht) ensuing year:
AJams J. C. Shrader, Mooes KrH.
Heaver Rob. Middleswarth, J. Airier.
Hearer W-S. II. Ulsb, W.O.Woper.
Outre Frank fttlne. Aaron Walter.
OHapuian-F. W. Wallls, J. dtohrtr.
Fran'n J.8. Hasslaicar, J.W. ReoInrCT
Jackson A. A. Hutnin!, M. Hardly.
Mldllebur C Beabold. J.H.Arnold.
Mlddlarek A.O. Fields, H.Moorer
Monroe B. Huunaet, P. 8. UitUr.
Fenn-W. W. Bow, t. . Olrh.
Ferry Henry Harding, Levi Kapler.
,rri w.-J. H. Willis, T. R.rayWll
H'crovo M.L-WatcarHienerl.N.Relfla
Uufon-J. D. BoRar, W. I Heigle.
WaMh'n J. P. Moyer, J. M. HotTinao.
litre 's t cMle vmi ti tatin notes, n' faun ie'l
jtint 'ea."
The tnatrluionlal boom has subsid
ed. A ground hog makes the best bau
Tlie corn is now having its ears
C. C. 8ebold was to Cleveland, O.,
last week.
Cass fishing In the Susquehanna Is
"aivigaspeilt" for the present.
QuUe a number of eels were caugLt
In our creek last week.
Miss Laura It. Htelnlncr of Frank
lin is visiting frieuds at Watsontowu.
Quite a number of our citizens took
In Hobiun' show at Seliusgrova yes
terday. Over forty sheep have been killed
by dogs in Perry county during the
last month.
A pumpkin weighing 110 pounds
was on exhibition at the Union coun
ty fair last week.
Stetler's Cornet Band will attend
the Montour oounty fair at Washlng
tonvllle, next week.
Numerous strikes occur In many
parts of the Union. They are not
signs of a business boom.
James P. Smith otters his property
In this borough at private sale. See
advertisement in another columa.
The Washingtouvllle Agricultural
8oclety will please accept thanks for
complimentary tickets.
Maud S. will positively be at the
Northern Montour couuty fair held at
Washlngtouvlllo, Pa., Oct. 20 to 23d.
A mink (not Henry Mink our faHh
1 mable talor) killed twelve of James
M. Vanzandt's spring chiokeus on
Monday night.
And now the lads and lasses are
busy from rosy morn till dewy eve
munching chestnuts regardless of
their Inhabitants.
Or. Barber on Tuesday pnt a force
of men to work digging a well and ex
cavating the cellar for his uew dwell
ing on the French Flats.
All kinds of game is unusually scarce
In this section this year. Our hunt
ers say "No squirrels, no plgsons, no
quail, no nothluV
Turn a deaf ear to the gossip who
approaches you with a tale concern
ing your neighbor. The professional
gossip Is a dangerous oitlxen.
We see by the Nevada, Ohio, Enter
friin that Miss Ella Betx who was
"cured" of consumption by faith a
few 'weeks ago Is dead.
Iryiu Bowsrsox baa parohased a lot
on the French Flats of Peter Frain,
at the turn of therooA. He will ereet
dwelling honse M It la the spring.
O. C. Ontellas, l. T. fthoades of
this place, and JL 8, Helfrleh of Bea
ver Springs, aecosapacded the exenrf
ton to the southern battle fields.
Those of our poople who attended
Barnaro's show at Lewtstowa on Sat
urday Say that old P. T. has made no
change, and Is still a fraud ai usual
Information Is wanted of Mrs. Ellen
Bavina, tingling whose maiden name
was Longwsll he Is a widow of
tboet CI years of eje. Che has fallen
t'"? ft rrcr'iy. Ary Information
In m ia
4 J
l .U
4 It it 01
1 .4 a IM
; tl lie?
Ill I.4I
t.M IN
It til
t.4i r.r
til ,tt
Tdtt cari buy the best Boota and
Shoes for the least money at Bcbroy-
er's, Selinsgrove.
Children under six years of age are
nrolilhttml from attending Dublio
schools. Parents and directors wilt
please govern themselves accordingly.
Fill op your eoal bin; fix the dis
jointed stove pipe; hunt your over
coat; make your sourkraut; thresh
your buckwheat; and behave your
self. A Reading man who started on a
bicycle excursion to Nebraska accom
pllshed his object, making 1,183 miles
in five days, and Is now on his way
JohnRunkJe, of the firm of Sue
bold & Runkle, this week returned
from Philadelphia with an Immense
stock of goods, whloh is now open for
publlo inspection.
Henry Heaver, who was to Tight
End. hunting deoHast week, reports
his party killing three deer one five
prongod buck.a spike buck and a doe.
They were very fat.
My son, aged nine years, was afflict
ed with catarrh, the use of Ely's
Cream Balm effected a complete cure.
W. E. Ilamuao, Drngglst, Easton,
P!U Oct. 13, 85. 4w.
838 pupils are now at the CarlUle
Indian school, and 105 ont'on farms,
making a toal of 443.' Indian child
ren appear to learn to work and are
as capable of learning as white chil
dren. Mrs. E. C. Anrand has just received
from New York and Philadelphia a
fine assortment of Millinery (Joods,
consisting of Hats. Bonnets, 4iO., Sto.
Call early while the stock is fresh and
A CWRK AT Last. Ely's Cream
Balm goes more directly than any
other catarrh remedy to the snt of
the dixease, and has resulted In more
cures here than all others. Wilkes
berrt, Pa., Lear. Oct. 15, '85.4w.
II. B. Tobias of near Troxeb ille has
secured the agency for Snyder oounty
for Horn's patent fsuoe. Worm fen
oee without stake or rider, storm and
cattle proof and less expensive than
the old mode of worm fences.
It Is said that the Pardon Board lion
slguiQed a willingness to ro hear Cur
tin MoClaln's case on the 20th of this
month. His friends are making n
determined effort to hare the sen
teuce commuted. t
Miss Martha Frain returned on Frl
day from a four weeks visit with rela
tives in Akron, Ohio. She Is delight
ed with her western experience and
expresses a wish to "join hands and
circle around" to the Buokeyo state,
Oodey's Lady's Book for November
Is a genuine Thanksgiving number,
calculated to cause gratitnde in the
hearts of all Its patrons. We had
thought before that Godey's , was ex
cellent, but this month sbeiias truly
excelled herself. ' .
The following named persons from
this place mnde a pleasure trip to
Philadelphia. lttSt ffa?H rernlng this
week: Jere Crouse, F. 12. Bower," T.
J. Smith and wife, A. K. Gift and
wife; A. K. Gift and wife visited their
son and daughter at (ireen Castle, Pa.
before returning homo. 1
Notwithstanding the scarcity of ap
ples in this county, our old friend
Morris Erdley, one half mile north of
Mlddleburgh reports having made
250 barrels of cider this year.. This is
a good showing against last year,
when he only made about one hun ¬
dred barrels more during the entire
season and then apples were consid
ered plenty.
The Centrevllle Rod and Gun Club
are camping at White Deer creek this
week hunting deer. The party con
sists of fourteen men all armed ith
Winchesters aud breecb-loadlng shot
guns, aud will make the woods ring
when the occasion asks it. Tlie editor
of the Po.1T, John S. Hassiuger, Mart
Steinluger, C. Stetler and Milt. Moatz
of this plaoe are among the party.
Peck's Sim published at Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, Is the most humorous pa-
por in America to-day. Geo. W.Peok
its editor aud proprietor stands with
out an equal as a humorist. He be
lieves In making people happy, and
nooneoiiu be otherwise who reads
his excellent paper. Our readers are
lueited to read the prospectus of
Peek's San, In another ooluiun. Sam
ple copies mailed free to any address.
The State Superintendent has de
cided that the aot making Physiolo
gy and Hygene one of the studies to
be persued in the public-' school Is
compulsory, and that school directors
must see that it is taught. A mere
adoption of a text book will not meet
the requirements of the law. .Direc
tors should be very careful In this
matter or they might forfeit their
State appropriations. ! "
Roll ov honor. The ' following
persons have paid their subscription
to the Post to the dates opposite
their names. Should any mistakes
occur In these credit! or on your pa
per please notify us:
J. Hendricks, Nov. t, '83
H. H. Masser, Nov. 1, '83
C A. Hitler, Oct 1, '86
J. G. Mlddleswartb, Deo. 1, '80
BeJ. Elsenhower, Feb. i, '83
The Salvation Array man who held
the fort la Mlddleburgh a few weeks
ago Is now at Globe Mills, Introduc
ing his magical gagloal, back-action,
air-spring, self-adjusting combination
religion. His services here were evi
dently not appreciated, as none who
had oome to scoff remained to pray.
The gatherings grew less and ; less as
the novelty wort off, and toward laet
his singing sounded like the humming
of a kh J bumble-bee aloueln hie neat
r" ' i c'oy have tU fallen vlo-
. . Arnica & Oil Liniment Is the best
remedy known for stiff joints. For
sale at Barber's Drug store. Oct.
The Bulwark of Health Is blood. If
this be Impure and runs sluggishly
through the system, health must be
undermined sooner or later. The
most perfect renovator that the pa
tlent ever yet has tried is Viskoar
Birr wis. It carries oil all impurities
enriches the life-giving fluid, restores
health and vigor, anJ is a boon to
suffering huuiauity.
Mlddleburgh witnessed one of the
worst objects of depravity luf-t week
that can be found in a year's travel.
It was an old beggar woman, ragged,
filthy and foulmouthed In the extreme.
She drank whiHkey, smoked and
chewed tobacco until her foul stom
ach rebelled ngnlnst her hoglsh nppo
tlte and she vomited like any other
brute. We don't know where she
came from or where she went to
only so she dou't ooiuo back any
The supplemental Arbor Day, flxmi
by Dr. lligbeo, Superintendent of
public instruction, for October 3J, in
intended for the benefit of those din
trlcts which failed to observe the ilny
appointed last sprinir. In mauvdis
tricts the school hnd cloned, In others
the weather whs so Inclement Mutt
nothing was done, and In some the
Interest was not aroused until too
late. All these, as well as any others
that may Incline that way, can tnke
part In the obsorvauoe of the supple
mental day.
We have received from tho publish
ers a handsome little book relating to
tlie new Marriage License law. This
book should be in the hands of every
minister, Jimtlce of the peace, Clerk of
the Orphuiis' court, as well as those
contemplating marriage, as they will
theu know what questions they will
be required to answer when they ap
pear before the clerk of the court.
Send 25 cents to T. Si J. W. Johnson
&Co.,5:i5 Chestnut Street, Philadel
phia, aud get a copy of tho book.
Now, why Is It that the stovepipe
will not, under any oiroumstances,
unite as it was united when taken
down and so carefully woodshedded
last May T It was carefully laid away
nobody touched it since, every Joint
and elbow is there, yet, when culled
upon to (111 its former place, the el
bows are perverse, the joints won't
telescope, the whole concern has be
come shorter, It slips from your hand,
falls slantingly on the carpst Jant bn
yond where tho temporary news
paper protection extend!, dinges it
self out of shape, bounces and comes
down on the other end with similar
result, each end emptying out more
soot than you could possibly drum
out of It with tlie potato masher, and
all the corrosive scales that you
couldn't move with that prosaio in
strument O, is it any wonder that
the meekest man's bosom becomes
stuffed with unfortunate expressions
too Molld and decided to be uttered
audibly. This condition of perversity
in inanimate matter oan only be no
counted for satisfactorily in one way,
videlicet : There is a "really" devil ;
'.V.'.rL'J" h):l -.i.! vnenHim li
visits all the wood fcheds for tho lifle
purpose of tempering with the stove
pipe, hoping to get In his work tipoi ,
the owuers when they vaiuly attempt
to fit the thing together in October.
Therefore, it would be well to bear
this in mind whilst engaged in that
occupation, curb your wrath, sing
selections from Watts, and thus
fool the fellow with horns, hoofs and
queue placed much too low upon his
anatomy. Ltwuburg Chronu:k.
Bkunsuhovk. The 8. St L. R. R.
Co., are putting In a new culvert at
the Due Utreet crossing.
The feuce around the Ev. Lutheran
Church has been taken down, and
the pavement will he extended to the
church, which will add greatly to its
11. K. McKelvey Is erecting a new
building ou the site of the one recent
ly destroyed by Ore. Kills is bound
to keep in the grocery business.
Ohas. Mower, Len ,lg havintrhis resi
dence repainted.
Several of our old Veterans were to
Gettysburg the early part of this
week. Tlie 147th ltegt. P. V. I.
were erecting Tablets to mark tha
posltiou they held In that battle.
Kov. Ouliseurord s new church will
be dedicated on Sunday the 25th Inst.
A number of our youuir folks am
down with tho measles.
Ou Thursday evening last one of
the most pleasing events of the day
ooourred at the house of Dr. B. V.
Wagenselier in this place namely tho
marriage ceremony of Miss Nettle J..
ooly child of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. H. p.
Wagenselier, to Martin Z. Snyder,
I5ki., or Lola, Kausas. formerly of thl
county. Over two hundred guests
witnessed the ceremony, and every
thing passed off lu a pleasing manner.
At seven o'olook the wedding march
was struck up by Miss Lizzie Miller,
of Lebanon, presiding at the piano,
the bridal party entered the parlor.
preceeded by Prof. O. U. U. Amlek,
II. E. Miller, Jr. Esq., Miss A. Maude
Sohooh. Selinsgrove. Miss Maria Willi
of Akron, Ohio, Miss Mary Weist of
Freeburg, Miss Jennie Sohooh. Selins
grove, as guards of honor. Rev.
I utzy took bis position and perform
ed the ceremony, whloh was a very
impressive one. Sometime wan than
spent In congratulating the happy
couple, arter winch all present pro
oeeded to be seated In the most com
fortable inanuer, and refreshments
were served, consisting of all the lux
uries of the season. At 11 o'clock,
the bridal party loft for Sunbury,
from where they took the train for
Niagara Falls, etc. and than to lata.
their western home. . Mtsa Nettie
was one of the most Dleaslmi' vnnn
ladles of our town, and our best wish
es fox her future IwsL'sre fj with
I ' a. . ,
If yon have anything to sell, orf
want tr Hiia Antotllntr lvltla If In!
the Post. !
All kinds of blanks constantly on
band at this office.
If you went to buy a fur in wntrh
the advertising columns of the Post.
OTIMants, Seed,' Flowers, Birds, 4c.
Hunt, Seediuan, Lewlstown, Pa.
Shingles '2.50 per thonsntid. For
sale at tho Poht printing office. I
The history of Downs' Ellxier Is
Identified with the history of England
for the last ilfty years. It cures
coughs and colds. For salo ut Bar
ber's Drug store. Oct.
Costlveness Is the cause of the In
tolerable "bad breath" of multitudes.
Dr. Baxter's Mandrake Bitters remove
the cause and prevent the evil, aud
cost only 25 cents. For salo at Bar
ber's Drug store. Oct.
Several hundred pounds of Sole
Leather Just received at B. H.Custer
ti (Jo's., Mlddleburgh.
HHtNOLK.s! Shinolks! Fifty Thou
sand No. 2. 18 Inch Shinties ut 2 50
per thousand. Inquire at this office.
Who can beat It t Men's Khiilra
hand made double solo aud tnti Hoots
at 2.40 per pair, at Sehroyer's. near
the depot, Selinsgrove.
The largest and best selected stock
of Boots and Shoes in the county for
sale cheap for cnxh at M. S. Sehroyer's
near the deKt, Selinsgrove, Pa.
It will pay every body to examine
the immense Hoik Furniture for
salo by the Popular Furniture man
W. II. FELIX Lcwislown IX
Who can beat It T Men's Watson
town Hoots nt f?.85, and Boys' Khiilra
hand made, double-sole mid tap Boot
at il.'JO n pair, at Sehroyer's, Selins
grove. Sept. 10,lui.
Wanted at the Benvertown Carriage
Works a lot of good L'tin, Poplar and
Pine boards for which I will pay the
highest Uiurktt price.
J. P. Kkarxs.
Lost. Saturday afternoon, bet ween
the residences of J. C. Schoeh and
John S. Hassinger, a pair of gold
mounted spectacles and case. The
Under will be liberally rewarded by
returning thvtu to
Mim.h M. 12. IlASaiauKix.
Cure of J. C. Schoch.
We havo for sale two No. 1, farm
fanning mills, manufactured by John-
sou & Field, Uaciue, Wisconsin. It
has all the latest improvements and
is undoubtedly the best machiiui man
ufactured. See advertisement elso-
where. For further particulars call
at or address, Post printing office,
Mlddleburgh, Pa.
Queer reading would be the history
of names. We cannot, however go
into the subject now, exacpt so far as
to sny that Dr. Kennedy's "Favorite
Remedy" was called by that name.
in an informal fashion, long before
the Doctor dreamed of advertising it
lor public use. Speaking of it he
would say to his patients, "This is my
favorite remedy for all troubles of the
blood," 4c., and its success was so
irrent that he finally spelled the name
with capital letters. Oct.
f'IV'.rc Kyc, Copper Dis
tilled Mountain i)t?"r. AVIiis
koy at $2.00 per gallon oT 00
cents per (jusirt.
Eagle Hotel, Franklin, l'a
I .' I .... 1 . ..I..'
Sejit. 21), by Kev. W. A. Hums, JohI
ah M. Maurer, of Halemuud Eutina J,
Anrand of Kramer.
Sept. 10. by Itev. J. 8. Bear, David
Oravbill of West l'errv twp. ami Mrs.
Martha W. Molds of Juniata county.
Sept. 2!1. by Kev. W. A. Haas. Kate
h.. Itruiinker and David A. Wentzel,
O ilii of Union twp.
Sept. 39, by Kev. W. A. Haas, Anna
M. ptlear or union county and David
W. Foltz of Kratzerville.
O t. Sth, in WaHhiugtoii twp.,Jaoob
Haines, in the 7id year of his age.
Oct. 0, in Mifllinhurg, Miss Mary
Vearlck, aged Uu years. II months anil
10 days. Deceased was an aunt of
ilieos. Mwlnerord or I' ran kiln.
No. 1 Red wheat $ .ai
" 2 Polls and mixed.... 80
' 3 white 78
Rye 65
Corn , CO
Oats 28 to 80
Potatoes Ho aud itf
Mithllcburgr illairkct
i-'ws : ;.r
Pitted cherries
1 8
Chickens per lb
i urxeys
An eiobaoge tayi ; "The trees oo
10,274.089 acres of land were ooo
Dtned ly firs duriog the last census
period. The time is coming wben a
forest of great trees will bo a richer
Ireasore than any gold mine. Par
ties who start tires ia a forest should
be held to any account for damages
under the law. just the same as if
they should fire a dwelling, or burn
a stacked .crop."
. From all parts of the Ktate comes
tbe obeeriog news Ibst Colonel Quay
rill gain on ti vo;j of Inst year.
at Private Salo
Thf tiMtntviirM will n M roal vt'it In the
most rr tmuMo lunns muiI uo kooJ llu'i, Tlie
nierljr dtiliniii'eur
muni riMiivn, m iivut 7. lit. Mlf
Seve n Towo Lola,
l mhch arhmlt l.i DWKt.t.tMl IHH'SKM,
jkI . mtAm ..II... .......... ...........
- r. n ..... n .... .,...-, .v,-!.r.,, J UIIIIIII'IUMIV,
iH.l young oicl.K'.l, aril a tnrMT H ah km I
1 ft-iilt II la - .l.....l.l ..1 .
p. f.i .ii-i" ""l "J, I'lW .
ut lx Iik'Mi-iI ami In Ilia Iicki ol r(.tt rn.
Fur lUillior partli uliirs cill mi or a.lroii
Oot. 11 'iS. tf. MtdiiMiumli, Pa.
BUsrosiiA in nvoacs.
i iia i'uMisRAlrit or rswji i AIA
TO Allrlt J. Kinder. (IriMlliu- Mr.
iiiiuiil yim tint all inHiiiirr nr lu-iii 'M m, ,
i'Uc Ix'lriit net iiililti jrnu lie niid ,i .u ir In yen
ir.i.i.r pm-Mii tipiien km nl .Nl t.1,1 !! i ili
4t bur I'mirl ul I'Ipik, lliore In li In I.I
Ihe 'inl Motil:ir ut IWvinlii'r ties I, t rhn
f iiii. 'I any .11 have, wiv uiirwiti. All,. II.
inlii'f uliiiiilil nut lm tilton'.! Irm II. o liu.hla i,
'nulrliii.inv whl. li rhi-li idi cutiluii'ti'tl Willi vnu
Ihenit.l Allii-rt .1. H,lmr uui U iu tl.. V...
Illiun ami Ml.le e.lilhliv.l ,uiiliil you licl ire
unr I uurt : an I Hut yuu tUM u im , uiult at
; i-..r (mtii.
Wlm tho lloirrilila Jinnph t. IturlnT
I'rrrliU'iit ol'uur 1'ii'iri ! mi.i.ii.i... .1. 11...'
Hill d.jr wl Ut'tnlmr, A. ll. IsiS.
J. Klll'Sr'., rn.tli'y
Wanted in this County
To ruiirvuvnt our llluMriiti'd Imnffy
imnuli.e. SiiiiMiiI tiiiiia uiiil iirm riill'llt 11 .
jiwi'tiu-iit kIvcii In tlie riiihl nny. Any aiu,it
man i.r Wiini.,11 kIhi 1. wllliu In ' ani I.b
ilie nlnlliy In .u-li tlie ln.itf4rl.1e Can reeuru a
il. ii.i. jinalt on. Write n ut once kivIiik uue
i.srtliMil.iiv in ..,,t wi. ami ii rrllnry iliwlre l.
.n.irraii, luiTAUK JlUAKTIl I'll.. Iklnn
Oct. lt'Ub.u.'.
Tlie tiiiml nnlverail 1H1I11I over nl1 ah.
ll tell I'Ollipli-lely lll)W Til llll IIVKKV.'
T II I. NCI III llio tiest wuy. Hoar In He Your On n
uiwrcr. now In Hi llua.lieaa t'nrrrellv .11. 1
NiiermaliiHy. tlnlf In m't III S.-lel an. I :orv.
hero. A K'.l.l initio r varleil liilnrniutli.n 1.1 nil
elnKia ur enn't'int rulun.iioa. All I- Is
" 1.' 1 r.n inr nil nr rnara I iiira. To bi,..a
Lv tllla h.Mtlc ..lllfr'AI. .... ....I ........
sails belter than any oilier. Apply fur tvrma In
11. n. m 11 ASiM i;i.i. ati 1.
en. 1 nism. I'llll.AKI.L.I'lllA, I'A
I-itaatainantara on tha antaiai f chrtaii...
lnia, lata ol Haavar tiwnnhlp, Snyder
llnunty, l'a., 'treM, liaalua uranlarl to tha
anilaralaueS. all paranna knowing thamialrat
luilabtail tnaalil aatata ara ianateil lo make
linmadlnta laytneni,arhlla IU...a liavlnit elalma
tlaniaul to Hit amlara fia.l
win vreivn, luain nuiv anlliatiLleata.l rnr mmt.
ZKH'n in v, iinnss,
UUsWKLIi ti. tlHUSS.
Oetl, 8J. LioeulorM.
llv virtue i.ftin i.rlar IbiuviI i.nt nf tha tln.lmn.
. rn,.ii-r p. iiniy, i n., iria iiiiilerlirneil.
r.ioi'ui.irn 1.1 tne win nmi toMinnant nl rhll
li ArliiiKBct lite ol Terry lunnnlilii, Smilerl'o.
P.,ilee'il, will aoaeto iulillc lo Pll U.v lirein
laol at I'reetniHit, on
TlmrB.lay October 22u 1 8Sf.
atinoeliiek.a.m., the followInK doacrll o.l ri-ul
cmiiTe, to a it:
TKAtT NO. I. A eerlnln lot of Krniinil "llil
nte In I'reoiniiiit, Siivdur euunty. l'a., Iinim.leil
eorin ny mt'iie rnfiil leii.lln Imm Ireeinniit In
Kienili-lil. rial iy vaeant ln, ainith hy an nllev,
we-t liy iul'llenuii,e.iiitalnliiB; I IN l: II ll.' II I'll
A K r.. unite or aa. on whloh la rn i te.1 a ma.. I
ami iiiueriuiiiii.iiHKa, (uoi wilier, ami IIU u
Dllililliee ol Irult:
TUAtT Nil -i. Ilelnif a nent 1t In ant 1 .1
iiiwn, eiiiitalnliiK IWMlil'HTII AIMIK, inure
or lea, iHiun.leil north by iiiblie mud. ent by bit
nl .MIi'IiimiI Winner, aniiih l.y nn allev, weal by
Trael Ho. I. being a deair.ible bulldlna; rllo.
T K A "T Nn. 8, Hi-Inn a bit ol Kr.nin.l In the
town of Krcoinont. bnutidad tiorlh l.v i.ulilli
rond. eaal by the helra ol Inttilnl Kepler pe'd
.null l.y an all. y. wet br lot ol .Mli'lmel Womer
niintiihiliiK UNI-. I ut'lll II Al'HK. itniro or leaa.
lu'inu a very duairililn lot lor biillilinit putponf
Sale In euiiiinenee at 10 o'elnelt a m.
'I KI(MS--W) per neht. nt pur.'lin.u money to lie
j'aoi iiii-uau; w per eetti. ujiun eoniiriiijiiti.Q ol
.mo ! court, au.l" nn lt ol April. !".
HiSKI'11 A II I II ii I A ST,
The nnileralana.1. n.lm'nlMmlnr of Tanlel
IjrltEel. l ite of Miilillvereek tnwii.litti. hinvilar
t'liunirt l',. d-ed. by virtue ol nn order lMie.
out ol the, Court of Snyder muni), will
eioae th pul. lie mlo on the premium on
Sutnrdity, October 31st, 1S8"i,
the fotl'iwIriK real earnte. In wit:
All Hint i- -''.in mea-unia: j or traet of T-in.l i
untn In M I.I.Uei'mek two., rinf"' eoiinlv. 'a .
iNiiiiHie.i no hi nv lamia ol Pivl.l Fri-,.tlt
bv bind ol rruderlek l.i:ltal, ninth I v Iim'iI of
I'reilerirk l.eilu luud Suninoj II.Ikit nn.t wet
by land, ul P.ivl.l Wvaver, Vnntaiulim
108 ACRKS,
more or lean, on wMeh are ereeted n Two Slnrr
ItWKI.I.IMI Hill Sh, l.itruu HANK 1 1 A II N
and all other nie-eanry oii'liulbllnua, al nr,.i
lent w.iter neur I lie iloor and Hiiorehard ol ehnb'e
Irult. Mnt nl Hi nlmvn luud In elear and In a
Kool t He ol eultlvmlnn.
Sale to eoiiiiuaiiee at lu, a. in. when term, will
be made knuwu by
Men And Women Cv'.
ea.' Siiiury or I i.iii n.lHeloii p.u.l
(lutllt I reo. No ontierleiino neixied
AS. i:. WIHTNKY, Nu'ervuian llnebeilerN.Y
J I'liuu M, 4oi .J. Niiuie t h la paper.
Kditor and Proprietor.
iest hw la iWa.
What Vaccination is to Small pox,
PKCK'H SUN Is to tlie blues.
Is one of the mont widely read and
popular papers In the country to
.day, and stands without a
peer in its specialty.
The Originator of tho oelebratod
FREE to any address.
Bear In mind that by sending a Postal
Card to this oflloc, a
Sample copy of Pock's Suit
will be mailed you free.
Don't neKloct to send at onco.and toll
your neighbors to.
$1 worth of fuu for 1 cent.
. ADUKKrilll
(,1'OltOr, I,. LOUD,
llusinsss Manager,
t'li.TTAVK"", . . ...
Can you guess how it is
See teid M RwMe
are selling the best quality of foods at lower prices
than ever before f Why is it that new customers always
come bach to trade and old
answer is simple.
They Keep what
and sell it at so small a proit that thft reattxo 'only ft
little above wholesale prices- Small in their projjttt
ana quictc in ineir sales allows them to
Keep Pace with the times
and th& rapidly changing fashions- .
Their slock of goods is unsurpassed in tho count i)
eomprisin g every th ing in th e line of
Genoral Merchandise....;. :
Then atwais jnut the highest c sh price, for protluco
and will give you more tor
store in the county- The v '
Vf rm
We have received our stock of
Our building is chucked full of
from to to bottom.
Give us a call.
I wonld re r fully inform Hi'iQjjay
riiisuuB ui onjijer county, uiai i
n . r. . ia rM r. n .1 A ' .1. ' ..11 . . .. I .
in my lino promptly and in tlie
best workmauliko mauuer. My
Stock of
.. .uUl
18 Bi,u m ,rt''
aril ly RdveiUfc
. i i.i n inr
Ululili dirixtloiul
. Vrnprlelnra,
" 'hiuViu Uk,
.' a.
iiniKflsts. ,
. . ' - t
,(7M?a ar.'d and fer"
,i nri III no iril. II.'i(iun.
l-l 111. riTII Mill
V. ill iln-tt ili.
Uhcn WliuU
a - 1
Evory dopnrtrocnt full ann'i''at
refully Solootod Stock of Vi'SSfmU"
iro ai'ltatrr
ftvnr nil man in I.Aaintnur n. H. SMIll
- in itnriii.,
12S,00, being twenty-fire f 'i;!!,!
lime before These suits no. CO.,
ish. None Hotter, and wil. .
and bear pricos. BEDS, (T JO
I5LES all kinds MATRKSSasI UJ
$5.75 up. Rops, Rrussols, .
ftala IIia lna1 in llmaa nr
Our own make. All I'
vrui vtwmm uiaaa. fonau. wurticsire IS K", din a.
Motto :-flood Ooods, Low I'l's, aod No Trooblo lo't'ome.":..'":
FIOTURKS, l'lCTUKH FKAM ES, etc., for tbe million. s,$f J"'-
W V II Vai aaaa ar w -w w ... "
a) Watuaka tha faiaoaa
lllualimM beluw. slao
'Csu-itea Cilj Clipper
ana -i";iso
1. J aT TB .
II I I I - I
M II law LJi.flAJ IJ I
that the popular firm of "
outs never go auaq f !fi6
the People trail
tnur toney then any other
;; - tr.vV- a trial .
w." m tr
kj W -vsr- ea -aam-
V 1
mmfi 'atl
J-"t54ji"l,''alaer leea to'tl,. ..i.
t&t.?DtU a- "'Uoeun Main 8,.
'a1-' 'i u .
-' v r.
'uu .,
1 Ml I! V.
.I """ ISZMIl Kta.lM. ae.l
"I. 0, IHM.
JO'f.V H. AH.NOU),
Atl,.0iV itt ,nM
ijAMUKLii. oiavxa,
I'Fivlsburir. l'..i.. '
Ollnenn Market xie .. " 1
run Una, I 1 str"el' l"r sail ,( c.n,
..v, ,3(.ll.J
Piysician 4 Surnccn,
IwSprhwSnydc County, Pa.
orrsrs bi. ,,ror..(nr re,,trev"J', Penn'a.
. . S. S.'SS.
M.MI..I......I. .
"n'. r, i, pror,,,,.... ",,rK. i en n 'a.
w.::?1 VuVaVu' w "
Wa.lilniun linaa. I,ol",l' tOlea la
- Apr. ,'!.
I r.-iwiii Mli4
16 AIlUS, band-1 A SURGE0IV,
,0anh. Oat desire Is eburR. rcun'a.
Tlila BULKY rLOW with IU patent Taoaar"-"yi Pala
atna Hraai. Wecci, ami awiiiMlliS.i.
Iruilamaul ot tbe alml lu lUe . , '-""Ke of Plitaielaaa
T1IE TEA Jt van tia faateoerl
lafl lo awing al ewaj a 11 ll atriki
breakaa Jir oloa for )
ikilW KiWa.nkor'th.i afiiiUl.A
9AlJ I I'reebmrff Ta,
, eri