WJli , J i. ii..'i. "3? - - ' , I I- m f '1 f I a i Ay.efi He lW not vuii i n Viirot ; In- tl.;t rsninot in i tool; lm that tlarr not i a clave. f 1 . - j.ditoi: am. pimh'iiiktou AUDDLIiinJltGII, SNYDER CO, PKNiYA, SKPTHM IUU ;!, is&Y no :js n a.a h im y b r ft b b a a fli bh mi mn-a b I -iVOKTUV: I tho Federal army had c .ncHitratcd, tcry was used by the Federal nrtil- 73ULD WE B3 THE TAIN C? DEIMCI IIAU3ED, ! "p. looking fttsp:ei. m-dy t , hIpiv ! Only 'iVii.priflii.o Hilled I.iumui. teller, niivl left him ulouo in aster of principally tho Elevcuth lorps of loiymeu iivi the- wood in which wo IV. Tmlnr (.titles that 'Men tli from tho aituntioti. lion of .Tacknoi.'s old orp. support ling over our hoods wd produced ban; ing tippium to take place vet; , . t ' rd by the bngadia of tumble and feeling far from pl.-asunt. itipidlv nnd w itbont rnnsinr any suf- Til's! T V nTT"" 4T"T "PTVt ' - 1 . nr.. lr tl... MtlllllllOtt1 . , . . ,i .i ' 4MLiM y Ai4y.AU4 A .a Vl ' c-l .'. willmrf. inn- ;loidoii wtr lying directly iu tl.cii i At ,,o liuht in tlm morninc lln-1 tvuue to the p.r.vpfi" 1'iof. Tib : , if Uv llto frrmt. Tlio I'V.lcrul briRa.lo nf n!n-i Ynnkcii bois wore Mill at tlii 1 l-o cp.-aU c f tlio piiiiilons tmtmo ol yi,h9 ' Su:iil,. ()f I Viti. o 1 jcrnl K .DiiiHuii wiis tnciy in noiti ! nmiiKi-iiu-ut. wlieti (iuiiiriil (uiiMtii, ;lct!i from lnmir.w. whilo Trufor-Hoi ,..untv, T.mii , llt) nrrcMi.1 i-i. U ibuCoufutlaittltt brlrfiivlo to vliicl.j(.l)h,n (m.(1(,n nilll myW.f went to"'ilitoii,in lii-t p.ip..r rti 1 b..f,,K u,,, ,.ilU.,(. ,lf lllj(.it .hjuj,,,,, i!4 uM nll,lj..v. ftfhl fov-rtj' ai..l;""''y""nV ,,, , , ja p 'int on tin) i-ilo nf I ho w I to finir..l .occtr of DuUiu, t ,. ,,,, llM ll,.,,H1.,,lsll(.(, i lVm. I 'n-r'.l lt-bHi.".o,,-Hki!Un:1onrs;t,,.tft M,(. vi)w f 1(J lV(,Hll. tlmt ... ,,, prst, , t.f ,nKif;JJ n Ci)n. U S(lill, U:H l(,:.(, W6H1T II ... , .i ,r. in I In iir t i. in virft P(inaniiiif iiim ' i i h . . . I . : .1' 1 : . i v 1 ! ? 1 1 1.1 vn. Illiii'K-i ipi - 1 a I'nii Horn a rill.l nvcivi-: i " " i" iv miii muuoii i.'h iniinmnnn f, ,, 0 ',nt,., St id s t' hh t t l.v .I.HpI.iyc.l, nolil l-o f. ll with l.m , . t ,. . k , , . tw..n(, Uuinful. nimci-fHsnrilv tr(.l..ii.-.. nn1 V..I...H.. .1 1 ..... 1 1 .7 on 1 rx-.'ll '- u'. ? eotjntiTiilrtrfli tliU lif- lo3 fliiri iiikI il ti k hf,l,lh' . , 1 .V l.iVPlMU'IT It... I clnirr to tlu, ionn.l, l.glh 1 1 II cl , llilim, ,,.r BJ ,,.tssi, , i,.vltih4r lo those whoso July .1 is ti tviiii iiiu 111 1.1. ill nil inula hi iiii.ii' . (hi oiiich it with U'Ilinj nT.Tt. 'ip"j ; I10 lu M lit. l- .i ill," lllll Hill' "tt m ru w i 1-1 ' . . Ht).ii: I ; linn (ini.l.iti rur. up to tin ti . ninl 1 1 ''"M " '"' F V ,u ' o"-' 1' l'",t oniMlik-fH.M..W.il' ' '"' v.l.-. jtHft(. tlmt Iho 1 iciirl ;i U .i.h.m.i. j , ( ()s, ; M m u u , ,,,,. nu'.ir,. of ,l,,,tl, by Unu. Iir fllMlictl () S III)) R.IIIIO irclll Irlll.'lll ! 1 1 I If I I , II in lit I liig (Willi l,l..wM. f,-,,i. (..I I n illinv mil 11 1 1 il 1 1 , 1 Ti 1 1 nf linn iliiKt vn l"l' III I 1 1 1 H ( OIU.lllMOri (Idlli l H 1:111 UMMI, hot tlml il in ii'it In hi iihlo cortain- f ill: LDlltflil'tillr! H.'l'lll'X. anil iln-iir IratM mi tli" lixt weary i-iir, V." ilr.'iid tin- phiv! inJ to. n.x I'liiiilii'ii tiru le.p, it tlie flu-f l lif'- ii,f IffH ninl If" to ki-t-p f x lii-if nlwiiy. ,nJ tlivn i many that I in vr (,'oiic In-fore, .nJ oun ii-'l hopf to ii liriuhti'i' hlmri1 I Alt' fiiiyinjr, i'oiih"! i 'bovf nlixt'iit oiit'C wilh aiii'in a.' ulliiu' ami lilitin' tin' ilmUit ! who wim t licti'd Srerrtiiiy of StuU-i ; 1 y It puliln,:in of lio last fall. ! ii i..... . fi. .. i....... i ii ., II mm iinrii im i-ii niii.i i nut lit' i i . (. jWoik aH In fun nn. Piii in,; tin inin ii i vi-r tniswil. Tlio nnixiui h .... ,, .. , . , . . Il inn IIIII-.IOII, I tl'I'll IL'irL'll ll l ) . I Tho li.st 'PP"-!f.liilli,1),.r,l.,i,. ,1 thfcn- rioin iiM'iMi'i n mhmiiv oy i tie ill vimiou uiMiT : :. : 1 ... .1. . . . .. A pol l ion ' Unit nmnv c i nf uniui la u: imt Lml wo.il I it mv-: l.lf.-. IiU- n ily. retUh.'.l n w" ifii.tnnii .lay to .lay lint t" ' t ' 1 1 iiiv nt v I!- I not alwiiyn trnn mntiv n lilav Will 1 1 1 01 "'' ao. ' . 1 I : 1 1 ), tV-tor-. 01,.. l.v on.-rom.. ..... an.., '' 1"-' i ( ) y ujl( u, Il wi' oxi l nt tli.it ii:j )hcr .l.iv'a ."'"'"r1, ' I.V Mpfii.t...!. una that if tiny uiMml lluy roiihl easily ulirvt' the coii.itiii'iinii hy iihMiniiii Ilic net pocluic, Hij,"; in othir cases ol oiaci- aii'l iblillx thai liic p 'lite ol.l jilil;;r, .h 1 p!v t!iipr."'Mi-., nr it-o 111 il iiia.Ii hi-r a pi i fnin l i "Mi-h S.nitl.." fit. ! tin. j. i. (,. o yiu in t!iia awful pu hoaiiiuUl M. I iolll-lv t.llli'lu S III.' ' It ih in . too. j . I '11..W ill. I ill c on .'" "ilii'lo Jon shonl'l not a-li Mii-h a llli'hllon hilt I vmII till "ll I it in f- ! ww4 t WI-Mi IvSWi. ... ..ini-r 11. li'llii 1 i...wi( 1 11, . 1 , . . I' a , t..i .. ... . .. Million luiir Ii 1Iiikiii I,, I- v n, il ' " . r r 1 t . 11. , 1 l 1 II II lilt .M,, ' ! , I : il.i.-i .... 1 - . 1 . 1 . , . , .. ! " " 1 1 i" 1 ' 1 ; 1. oi. twi . I' ' I'i i' ll II . 1... . ! . . 1 ,. 1 I'.r aitokmTyIt law, .1 '..'." ,".. ,'. . 1 llli'- .l. ,.f,.,.' I,. n il r- l"". I . (If I ui f, "li"i".ill"li .i l.nlli"i ", in in ii,. I , it. . T' 'Ii: I ll .ll '. 11 1ml I .. I'II .K'. Mil i. r. I I I (I'd l'"Kt HI 1 A Y I ( M. N i,V ! I, v. MIl'I'l.l.M I'i. I j . I A , II - I . . f f f t M e-. 1 I , 1 . f-P .f 1 ff 1 t n I It I kt li . 1 i, t, i! n t f il t r nilt II T 1 ' 1 I I ir I t, I Vt ti; till, hi ui, . I '., ,1 '. I I', I ,,,, , ,,l .MUM. 1. 1 111 ll. II. I' , ' ' I1 "M a m 11 ,1 11 : ! 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 j , o " 1 i" !i..ii 1, a, 1 1 l . Hi f ' !'. I. I . I l i'in., i .. 1 In. hum' , 1 , I itfuviry fumi ntlunptr I mii.-j,l, hj lWl, u,kl. liiui ,llV ,.,! hlN. I llt.l'L'H it WHS l' i'llHlt -rot .lis..lvantaK'('B, without tlio ... lv, H : ,., I 1 .1 : .1 1 . I 1 ' I - I.Mi:r ""K".v '"" wioftl. .IiviMon ww now onl.-n .1 to 1. . 1 : I I :. 1. 1 ..... 1 ' ..a., Kui'ini ... miam, ,v ....'. u.-j,,,,, l-; . , 1. 1 1 i-l ! I lll.ul to la, inul. ways oi-on 11 8'iro- pico-i. tor victoiy, ninl who on many hard fought lint- ll l Ok- uii'in HIikhI l-iirlio r n' I J a !' : " I'i'. ... 1 'I "i ; i' 1.-. 1 I;. i...i ,i..r i 'i . in . .,.(. . .a ' ' ' ' ' N'a-T I. .. 1. i-. I i'. ... 11 ll, . I ! it"' t. ."I .., 1..:. - , 1 ' !'''. 1 r 1 I ' .;., m. It-. . 1 11, , 1, , f ! - - I . f .. Illllli'ill.r ll.l.. i- 11.. I. ..,,11... ,1 t ...... ... , . HB',t lunllv.'. ...'... ... , -. " " ' ii'i, w no w as iimi 1 lei ii(i,. .. hIhi wiiH n a -. 1 ., ....,( , any fntV-i in,.. It hhonl,! ho icui. i- HH , ,. Sl, han h, . 11 mar. .'i' 'i,:,"-:';:':,. "u , I. ,.. 1 1.. ...... .... .1. .1 ii : . . . . 1 a 1 '. ,, ..... . .. 1 . 1 11 11 1. lunu 1.) 11 1 1 ai i i I i l" hi 1 1 11 I'sn r,i; i 11, 1 .1. to co 1 pi'laU- Willi a liinvi un lit hooti . .1.1 w . I . I 10 I'D OliH'llll. i-H'V('lltl I'lloaiU'M 111' I . ... i. in Ii l.ri' H-twi en t!,o ini iital lUtl.. well of In i hil.-hal..!. In. hi (.f tlm Miici.lo iiii'l 0110 who in iltll ' nla. ut to MilVcr 1 1 1 o I'Xtrciiin penalty " i-iminit tell " niol.tlis mi.! Mill Ma al.H .. rsi,ii 1 ...... I , a N.HV ho'.V ol.l 1". ...1 1, I.. In .'I I- I I I. . ot toy. ...ui j'1;;1'1 i"r";1 ,'t,n;l;is.i:lii.v c.,t ti,.i. w...v to this point.!"' ,h" '' lal !,,; i impH iUko u. t v. iy f his dol.liuis tho lu loilil of bin. own fi ut !i h mil dutci uiini'l t-piiit llowitriwill known to all tho oi l H0l.ll 1'IS of (i.'IKMal l.kllv l'.vi:.ioll.: : 1 k. .1. . f .r Your math ' n "i 'm t - 1. 1 . ' hiili '..I . V ,1 il 1 . . 1 J. V. ;r. 1 1 11. way, woul.l fall 111 horn... i'ouIiJ wc In' w illinif fffiiM- tlii-ir prayer no! Sum.- day wa-'ll iii.-ft tln'iu tbeif '? S0111.. rlay! if ll .HI MUfTKVWI WW T " ' : A FA!'.0TJ3 FI31IT XCOLl.Vi TInN-i THK HATTI.H aKHpJVSIll Itii II V A Nul l' l 1 iiM l.l. ; I'll AT K. L.calauent Colnitl William II wallow, ot tlio Army of Northern iiRiDiu, thtiB rulutuH in tho WcuUj imti what occurred in his viuw pOD tbo histotic Ii' Id of i it ytsbu ry : Oo Ibo lirht day "f tho hattlo on ' the lV'Dns 1 an 11 Ko-n.rvij. undur neral Ucynolda, who full curly in la fig'it. ninl tho H'tn-outh Corpn, iiuniandcd by (.ctitiiil II iwnrd. ore euguyi (1 on tho Fiidtial ilu boy liuiulnrt'd probably l!-l,nno on. Oa Iho Confo Icruto bide, id lonjh lieucrul Hiuih, of IlillV orp, opc-Uud tho 1ml t!o w ith tin noiylvania HoH' iro 1, under Geu 1 Eoyoolda, tho divinioti of Heath M ioou withdi iwu and Kwell'b orpt thrown to tho front wilh ktrtjf iu ad7iuico. Tho lloaei voh era roiaforood by Howard's Kiev, ith Corps. Iu tho uctiou that fol WtJ Ilowiud'a fjreus grudiallj ivo ground buforo tbo advauciuj,' 10 of Ibo Coufodcratoi" ind retreat I through tbo towu of Uuttybbuifr 1 rido of bills buyoud, as ulieudy tod. Daring the night, while the Klev itb Corps wero entrenching them Iveo behind tbo towu ou Cemetery ill, they wero rciuforced by the &Jaral urmy, uuuiberina iu nil over hundred thousand men. Tbo I n a Hoe now extoudud from the Uul uore tuiupiko, or Ceiuettry Hill, Utile 11 mud Top mouutuiu, u t'lDce of over two milos, in the' lOlioa of Kmruotbbnrj'. Tbcy 1 a poHition formid tblo by ua and rendered doubly ao by the Incbtneuta thrown up, Thin o lino waa confronted by the JT of Northern Virginia, Cuin 3 of tbo corps of Kvell, Hill Qugntreet. Our divUion swung the York pike, below tbo towu. Jrow up in front of tho Union a that rested on Ccmotry Hill, V tho division was being placed Wtiou in frpnt of lloard' a one of tbo brigades threw out iduceinent to General Trimble u up pronutaroly. But Trini- os on bis guard and acted ou lound rule which iu war teach- kilful aoldier never to do what jeniy wishes or especta, (lbe visitor of tbo National lory at Gettysburg enters the rom tbo Baltimore turnpike. '' to tbo loft bo will ob a biiU aigoal tower aituated a buudred yards from (be Vd on nu elevated ridga alop Jjibmlly to ft level surface. Oo r ' ,,noiog parallel with th lpiLe, doueu coluiuus of l.i 0 ol .!( 1 1 .1 tin; division i f (.em (!..,.;,. I'i.l.ett to inovo rapid! v jM-nsitiv,.. of a bttlo snlb.in-. wl.de Iho IVderal cenl... and cut 1! in two I "'" l ' v"r' "" u' 'M 1 ' It. v.is. iu.l I 11 l.sl .1 1 1 . 1 1 ! 111 o "I1 ' " ' 1 si -I I lie ilic vi I al 'h1 t esi.l t Imt had fallen mm tally wounded) ,.11 1 1 , . Mi m 1 in i I.,,-.. . .,r 1 ,.r,,v- , . , ' , I li.fole the iIivihi.'II chin oed tienerai mi, in in.. si 1 ihici Kr.'- I'ist two months before at I hmieel- . . . . ., , ,., v .1.,, 1 ,NH r . ....,,11 ... r klllv.,, ' . , .. i l.ee lil.d. t loi I; to deceive H.UiCi el. " ' 1 1 ' 1 " 1 " " ' ' 1,lllluls loisviiit) 111 a liro il 'livere I oy I.M' own men. Ilin name wuh fSti ncwull . i'lto ll.u luii- "I am hot In l.liiii) emaliL'al 11,1 Hi n :,.'v ' "iVhy d.'J you j; lies.-, of illicit .linlillll,.; "liii'.uise I Will. led to In. ike whls ke, " "I sin . i-e mi liow Km;: have ui. I 1. I:.'l 'I. .1. IT ,.''. 1 1 . .. :ni I l I" 1 e, . .. . .,( ,,, ,, ., Hill. Ili iiiltii ii, i a I :" i I,. 1 I l!i. 1 tl I 11 ll,.- . . i . ,. 1 I i-i Ii .' .... ,1 11 , - I I l-" ' ' 'I.-) l.l". 'I" 1.- I'I 1. 1 1" '1 'l "l '' 'I lir.i' I'm r. '. '1 ' 11 '' 1 ..."!,, . , . I I - I . . ,. ,.! , ,,,,, ,1, I' V t T I , T - . . - ' a r ' I:. . , II,. ,,,t .., 1 . 'I Ik it 1 mi iillinril. ( r I' .. ) "1 i I 1 I , .1 1 1 ,. . n . . r I 1 r ll -... I .. 1 ., .. . .1 I .'I'I. ,......,., 1 .1 and Mia do by causing mi attack to j "'K ' H "ot l'l""v' but lli.i... n.is you been a dintilhr J icksi.u ! 'i-i... Tliorc was ono circmnslai co made the writer feel pad. I'lightj-Hecoiid Illinois Kegimenl, (I'llonel 1'iod Ilcckcr, was brigaded with (1 'iientl K binson ami iu this 1,.. ,.,,,.1.. 11,.. , ;,.i, 1 .,.,.1 1. r. ,.r 11... noiie. hu lain (i It iiiilit nlinoMt us u 1 1! b T. vi i Mi.ci; 1 waa I"Ims of old. ''WI.etl Hero Mill Tin: elir raj' father die 1. What ) em w aa t hat ? ' ' V.I.I lino nf battle Tlie i-ieit ( ' 11. tVi 1 f mill OecailMi in many 41. ..I ' , . .. i .." i . . i . ,1 . . i 'i . i ,i i . eeovi iv until ineiuii .. 1 1 ii Hu r,, v. ei.iTiu eviiii-niiv Uiouiii, " - " mil i. iis.iii il.lv ho. iln.t l,v tlii no lent, lela ianeo of mi y siillji n .;, oUl move Iho (.lulling of men to the , ' " fl"' "! N. doubt, right and left would weaken ( .. ; !' pain m han-mg can under no 1'edel.il c nlieaii l bv a bold mid ' 'untf.ta m-es bo veiy ik'uI", et ...oiment tho wri'er had a f ivm it. . , : , ,,. .. . wb,.,, ,. hhiIhiI I., avii - h the 1'i.ioii niuiy in two mid di ive '',,0ht laisiiig .11;.. w hole them fiom Iho field. Tho diision ,ho Iv '" '"''igle.s for br.u:h, we .nove l raoidlv for.vard until t.v , ""' but lh-u-is at h ast a eoiihiiletablo uiiiuiint of nien'ul toi- convieb' I of Ibis uwf.i tutu. iil(.'tn years .sixteen Vi:rs ni l . i II" - . ,.: I on ii ii, f'. i'i . ! . ' . ll I" 1,1. .1 .:.i.. i ii i .i I I I I, I l';lllll, I'l,' S HI. HI, I, ,, , ; ,, i. nlM.-s Hi.- I ., r nk.I n. H. N . . ,, ! .- Hi., I..',.. ,. pi't-m s. 1 1 ' ti:' In.' ,:, ,j VI,'. 'I' I ill,' f .'. 1 1 j ., ' ,,li,l , .' , I ;li,; i,. v ilti.'iil till. I.ll ff I '.-I I, in I I IT I'O,, r I'."" I , I . . III! I ... I iI'iiih III C I'I' 1 1',. ii I'll' .1 .' 1 1 . . . - I "I j.li , .. I. i'i".i. . i in m ii'.a, n:,.t iii:.i,i. m iw I'.'- aw. lAHORMY AT LAW. i i a -. , I.. ' I . 1 1 i ' ' f-ll i i ! .i' ' 1 i r . . ., 1 i ', it . i, i. ; 1 i I ,' ti lr " , I'll ,, I! 1 1 I" . . It I li, ! I 1. ii . ;."!! .in .ll.',r r. II I'll, I,. AIfUH,LY-Ar-LAW. . ... ..; '..,. , AH i '.-it. i i.. 1 1 ir.. nin , I r . . I M , V., .i. r, 1 .1 I i s.;t I','.". j (i ii:i riiii ii. i i:ti;i tr.i.tu. .'a..-,' . ,, At- i'f (ft. 1. 1 'i. i,t,. ..,., ttj -it-rt ,-,) to I ' ' a : a ' I 1 1 1 1 i. p. la, . ti l. :. ' , ..; ,',11, I ' . C l,. i;u l.i:. Alll'KM YATIAW. '..ll lim it', i '...,-, ,i'.,fi. in t , . . B .itl.l l ,,'l,.,ni,. .1 1,,,, . . . , M. I-. .St'lltM 'Ii, Hair hrollier, who comniaiHie ti a conipnny. Amid the nhontfi of the irrny ninl boating of iihihc tho order ..f Duly wnR ltctivul; I.ct the line mlv. u. re !" Tho divisit ii laovcd rapidly foiwnrd to ubout half wiij ll.c lidgo, when n deadly lire .'rom tl.o Idevciilh Corps oaum d it to reel mid fall back, A Bccond na snult wna ordered, when tho top of the lidgo was rcnehod under a gnll ing fire. Two Coiifi deruto brigades ou the left of the Jivision putdiid mi ncm!y to tbo turnpiko, when Cup ain Hill Murry, from Winchester. 'a., a bnive yo'iiig nmn whom no dtinger 'onld frighted, dashe.l fur ward with a portion of the Mary- luid Line and 6ome 'irgiuia troop:., n nd delivered a deadly tiro light in to tho very faces of !-icliomeifeiiiug iciinan llrigudo. llut eucb rtck Iohb termciity have but ono result lua moment a volley from l.ohiu" son's mcu luid the bravo Vilginiiwi and his com)iiuious dead upou the ground. Notwithstanding thct-t apparent ndvantages mid thegallunl elTart made by (luneral (teorgo II Stunit the division bognu to falter. At this critical junturo (lenertil Ifliinc U. Trimble, the "soldier without four or reproach,'' ordered tbo divi sion to move ou to tbo tnrnpiko. It was an awful moiueut. The Klovonth Corps vomited forth one iut-xtinguiahoduble ll uno that struck tho division lika tho lightening'b liury i-oourgo, UudiHiuaycd by the blood oud terrors of tho conflict the biavo Confederates pushed on. ,Sov eral Confederate regiments reached tbo Jlallimore turnpike aud closed iu a grupplo for lifo and death with the bujouet. Tbo curses aud bhoutn of these men could bo heard ubovo tho sharp ipiick rattle of tho mus ketry. lloavy columns of Feduial toops were gradually pushed forward by Hancock to reiuforco bis right wing, uud the divisiou was gradually beut eu back to tbo foot of tbo ridge, uud from tbero retired to a douse wood a short distunco beyond. Wo bad lost heavily aud accom plished practically nothing Many j prisoners wero tuken ou both sides Among tbosu captured from the Uuiou forces was young Captain Kiuilo i'rey, of tbo Kigbty-second Illinois, tbo popular Swiss Ambassa dor Kxtraordiuary aud MiuisUu Plenipoteutiury at Wusbiugtou. lie was Beut to tbo rear uud tuken to Uicbmoud. Aud now it seemed that ull was lost i many bravo young men bad fallou and slept iu doutb on tbo cold grouud, From every part of tbo great battle Held uotb iug waa received but diappoiotmeot. It was lata before order wus restor ed aud littlorcst was takoa by tbo divisiou duriug tbo night. In fact, the whole night was one of feverish anxiety. Duriug tbo ufoht a bats came within giapo mid canistei nil. go of tl.o I'ederal line, when the l i.loll c( ntlo let loohe a dead.y lire! that was .sickening in iln results As the nii'ikc cleared liway deep gaps .'oill'l be (liHhnelly seen wheln the grape uud canister did their dea.llj woik. The bravo Virginians closed up mid it (H ived the foiloiu mission itll the miun li suits, lepaliii;,' il nil their links wain coiuph ti Ij 1 disci iiiiinitled. The ehai ".! I'iekelt't Iivisioii nt ( iettysLui g will go down in history to tlm re motest iigen. It was the eh sit.;: -ceiie iu tl.o greatest batlloth.it lias been f jughl in Iho woi Id bilico the birth of Chi is!. It was the the turning point iu a great mid event fill struggle thai shook both hetnis phcies by Iho terrors of the coiilliel. for devotion to it high Bef.so of military order, for courngo and du lermiualioii in executing, histoij has recorded no sadder or moro bus toic picture. After tho division ol (ienerul l'u kett hud been complete ly cut to pieces tho butlle wus ut an Olid. From that moment tho fortunes of tbo South began to decline, until it culmiuatod iu tho limit surrender It is true, groat battles wero after wards fought uud gained by tho Soulberu armies, but they were barren victoiies. Our brigade at tempted to reach our eld position, but tho txoilcmunt was so groat thai it was no easy matter. Wo wero on tho edge of the towu where tho l!m mettsburg road meets tho tin npikn. Tbo housetops, church btceplos uud oittbcnses wero filled with sharp shooters. Tho main thoroughfare through tbo pluco was crowded with aiubnlaucos tilled with dua.l aud wounded.' It was whilo attempting to puss the brigade over the Jbdtj. moro turnpike mid urouud tho towu to tbo Yoik piko tint I wus shot tbiough tho body uud captured. Tbo batllciiuld or Gettysburg will alwuys bo a hallowed Bpot to the Americun pooj lo. Iu itself it is it pluco of great uatur-il beauty. Kv erything that mouoy and art could i lied bus been douo to adorn Cem etery Hill and to porpotuato a npot. beueath whoso ensanguined dust, so many heroes lie buried. TheiO WHO In. If ll do.ell o! I fel lows sitl.ng en the bench in a public pui k talking upon viii.o.n sulj.cti. and linuliy (la y began to t II st ni"S as lo lite won h lllil felts and ' Its f el.cit . I n. ill, i !ln y li..,l ',, ill, Ono til l ciit ltn.au told of tl 0 bull, ling of a mill in New Voi 'i .rlate vvhele 11 I. Iliubel' i'f upright p st.- "l'h. i year my I'i.c!" Henry movi.i tl) JcM'..'' "Mi-s uiith, you ara u woin ui but 1 ii, si.-1 that Jon sliuil answer ni.V .piesli lis. lb lii' i. ,ln r that il cliaiL'e, vou iii'.l be M'l t to the penitentiary. What did joii do with tin; whisk. -j yon nude .'" 'Sold H." "Who baiight il r "Well jildg.', it Would be lllthel haid to tell who b "l,;l:t il all . elm time Hgn, a pally of g. iitleint I, e.iun "ill int i mi iii ihbo..'l to hunt . If i-i I'he poly got out of wh s1;, bu! C til i .1 it l.ili n't to buy any .fnr a W l.lle 1 to!. I a ii.au if lie wen! I pl.t Ins jug d .wii on a d ,1! ir and "o tiwnv he ll, !"!.!, when la , uue bai l.. IM -'.in r lii'ltu. -.iO,, 11. I , .V.li".s. I ,t ,it, , , I'l.l, lit.... lli'il.'tl,., I Ol.l III I 'll. I III. r mi ii. ill- . ti'--' . 1 ii- nin in i. M ...Oi. I i, "i. A II. -..ii. ,i ,. a I.iiii.Ii,' I i ilii'i t'lii.iliii si ii,i n. i' ill i,lii. . i.'li.-t, , l.y r.i , ii, I;,,,, , . I t.r I ii It. i ii, inn i. rj ti I i I ui :li tun. ut .Hut. i ,, i . , :., i,i.i;,', i, i .1-. ,. tn i '.., . i. I.i.'.-r, Kil.i'... in,'! .i.i'!,l.'i . Hi,- llie.m ,,,v,i i (ii.'il. In I :.. i. . I.- in till ,',.t,-.ti , . , , :.., W ii.i;i.,i i I .! li la . o l.h I. i-i kIi,. nl iu -it ,-n ,!.., ...u . i , i:i i :,, in"..? ,,! , liiui,. a. i'l ii.' .'ii.'i.iiii'' I-1 i ,'l.'. I.llll'ili I IIKclls,'-..- I', I'm i,,, i k- i , , It. ra.,;.'. mi'i Miii.rai., iii, hi i ii.i,:i.,. .. l'vi,' n.-r,. li.i a I'liii. i -. it: .1 I'm.'. . . i-i, v A 1 v.i 1 1. . in I.?.-, .in, ..il,. , t t.. ,. .,' . , . . . ' ,, ' "A.'is T ,: i it. I 11..-.1. Oil.-, ui .'''i. 'iii ii" ,,-1 , ..' V ts-.:,i 1 1: I ' i i-i t j- . M. Ill IMwiiwi, ,T..ft,l,i, Sit 'I til in, I , "is, -'.,. I .it.. .. I'lllll'l. s. I 11 I ill . I I .'. I"H" 1' X. Iffl" , 'litis. ' l't ll' I I. S.I.. ll,-. A 1''l'. 1 it X' V IT , -f. T . r I i i i o iv, :. i, i - a l -1, H y. , New Bcrli'i, cnn'.i. I 'r f, .... ,. I,., (l;ii tv, , 1. c:t "lilt' . O r, n. ,t ,., ,,,,.i. I ,, ...:,,. ; J 1 1 A S I' I' I , I ; i ( ' Jf , At'.ir'it y t CoMillcr-At-Lnw tiiit.-. in An if miik .a.. .i.i. ,,,ni, ..I I Ii m .; i 1 1 , i t I . j s 1 1 ii -u i ut , i'emi ii 1 1 -1 1. . n .it',1 ml i,il,rr ir.'.f-i n 1 , He . ,i.. n.'.l una nil i ttti . IH'.n "Oil i, tut i i t "in i t iot!. . ti . a i r. : i '.i i i T J- tM ITII. I I s , a i, I a, I. 1. ,n . II. SI ll't'. . . 'lis, I I Ii, s, ,, , , ! ,',,,. , , . I HUM. ! ., , Ji ,r II"- .'.'.it,, . f it I .it, i r ii, i, ri, . ,- ,1. iii .en ...ii- up .in. i . ii 1 1. a , ui , r I, ai li, .i : It"' I I i." l.i Ii." ii I t!,,. Tin, Tiiiii- ninl i.lii. r W ni iit.,, 1:1,! , lit" i 1 1- . I "" 0" , I-. I ;-. Ml " J. !'.. .. 'i : ai, . , , in,", ,"i s,, .., t,.,,, I' I" '' ' . ' 1 "' I'll1 ' I -. I . ' ' . '.''.' 1 ' I ' 1 1 1 1 I' s. SI'.I . ii-l .. , iirl.'l I I. I I,, ft. WI. il,, - V I'" . a A I "I I HI M V cm V I Mllllil.l.l'.l 101, . Y MK I'll. ,!, i nfr i,n l'r..n...,.ti'ii srrvlT" lull iult i:i.ll;-.lUtl,.til. Iu .l,K ., i, u il llnlINt,. I A. W. I'OTTKIS. j .i rior.:,-, v j ..i ip. Holinsxrovo. I'a , ! i i'f. r t liolr .r"l,'.-.iiiii I . ... i vn. .. tin iml'lfl t 1 1 1" .0 I .i-lir.-. ..ii i rn r.. I" ll,.r,'i,,P K, , rr "li .' t r "i" j' I ..tO'i.t I,. i. t im, , r1 .-l .ii, t, .. ! .".Hi 4. 7.. had to be put in tihoiit six Let of l"'.l the jug f ill of whiil.ey. Il ih 1 so. ' W'oiiM you know Iho in in '.''' ' )il, yea cil ; I lie iglii.'.e.l him in l lli'.lui lit. Vol) llio tl.e l.'i -.1 , judge," iiaksiass iii i::riA A Hindo lady has been ii,akiii A little brown sugar thrown upou roasting cofl'uo keeps tbo aroma from gettiug awuy. Some young men's beads are like limber. Nothing permanent can be made of them while they aro full of sup. Tbo potatoes, introduood iu Kog landinlGUD. was first eatoa us a sweetmeat, stored in suck wine and waler with the i lid lesling ou the rocky bottom. In lowering ono of these postti, he (lid hi emtio cut ing le. I iu the coat-tail of a lean iu the boat, who was steadying it. and took him to Iho bottom; but In f no he could get iiulauglod, he was pinned fust under iii-iii ly sixty foot of water "With wui del ful presence of initj I " said the story teller, ,,bo slipped out remaikal. In contribution iu thu ''. of bis coat and caine up Il;s cout to tho ili.sout.sion going on about the remained under tho post." status of her sex in In li.i. Kvcrv A lean lunk looking f. How who womnii on the death of her husband, had been listening cniuo up, say i no: even a child husband, is condt.-umi d "That's a remm kublo incident, but . to perpetual windowhood. A inur not hin;,' to what 1 saw iu Mibvuukeo cm marry it second wifciit iho deaih Hay about tLirty yeat," i of his liit one-, nnd any nu nb, r i f "What was it Tell I" cxtluimcd wives at ono uud tho suino tinui. Ab nil tho putty at once. the boys m. l gills in India me be "I was out iu it boat wilh a fiiend. hothid indihs.,iibl,y almost as soon W o hud taken our guns nlong to us tin y me born, and me broii-'h' shoot ducliH, if any should happen together iu physical union by tin tilou-.', which was u common thing i'l timo Ihey havu cjmpleted then I'Jil tbusoduys. Well, wo biidu t been "' l'Uh year. At tho ago ofo-oh th-t-io loug hefojo I, iu soiuo way.' . l"l st it husband mu.it bo fuumt lost my powder-born overboard, aud 1' every gul. it Hunji iu thirty feet of water. Thm- - it lay ou tho bottom in plain sight Tho butcher ah-uiM always 1 e .My friend said ho would dive for J. placed on joint comu.itUiH I tried to pe I'd u a do him not to, biM ho was dotorminod. 1 noticed li, A hljo,lM "iai r' fui' V didn't lake off bis powder-horn, null '"'"'l " or 'ovomio only, before I could call atteutioii to it hi A dentist ib.es i ot always lme wus in tho water. I waited about fair sailing. Somelimes ho ruus tweuty minutus " j .aiust u snug. .wui.iY iu.uuich. luey an at Tho .Mohammedans buvo ninetv nine iiaini.'H for Ood.but iiiuong them all they have not "Our I'ather." A liiinliergor cheeso niaii ill Wu lortowu, N. Y., bus failed. His ns futs are islroiig. !l,ll tu en Jovo the l-ast, youn" il.i love thu future, but if vou want i in. 1.1.) a girl s fancy, give bur a icsent. i. i- .. il III ' I .1"- ,'! ,i. I , I I'm- it 1 '.in,;. I iino, in . ii, ,.p "I I'l. i ! "I -il'i;!' .il Ui' il.eiii . t it- , '. I ... li.-- im ... I I.:.' J-. t- !,.,. I,., i'i il. li stll-..- III.- Y illiil.il IUi.,,,1 ,t! ii It -, ill! i I ,i , Inn .1 I i'i . ii 'i I ,." in in i :t, i. ,i, . IT -"!'. .'1' , .' il H :,- n ' -1 1 ;o. r r-! I..' i-i-li i'i IS - i.,us; , I, .ii,. , ,t nh.:i ti i- I, Mil ; M'.ll f." 1,1,,-M i'l . l .,1 ll ,.,, llliil III" I. 111 111 ,l Ol,' l -ii in u ,!l .,!., .v I-i . ..in Iii-i,i,i j ti n. il... him, r. a ivi. I. it mil Ki'i'.ii. I., i- it ..-ir i ml ....ir" i. n i t, i- .,i,iri'i",. ..I ii., in, i.i . tl ii-, .,1 i,( -' . ... in. ni An. mi. t ,-iieli .i.. in-, f., ; .!iri.'tl"H j 1 1 m I in .1, I. ,, in im.,. im,., , II. II. T Itoimhl li iil: ( i. I' ,,,rl, - S ill I I ull. !" . .1 , '1' l .' -, - - '1 ,,-i.'il.'lili 3L, I '"- - ' I ... I; M , S '. ... Si'h' Ii) till J.i.ilel-, ami li in.",'lsU. j jll 11. GUI. MM. At tin'iicv-Jif I.nw, . A Nil I'l- ! 1. I I 'I 1 I'.'M.Y l( . Y J I I I I I . I'i i t Iiiii u l': . i i'iiMil- oi 1. 1 ii ; ti, I' tun-1, .it.. I i . 1,1 1. n l.ll'H" li''" I" I ,,. John ii. aknou', A I loi'iiov :i t I ,;i M I bo!. 1,1't liii, ' I'i ..lr l i 1 1 - ii-1 1 1'.. r ttr ;ii.'i t.' l.i.i raro w IJ I I.e. (a. ai'i',1) iiiirii li'.l ... IL1II I' or Colds, Hrn.idiliis, (Jonahs, Crouj), I i il; I'cvcr, Astlun:i, IMeu- risv, Whooping CoujL(h C;at:irrh, COITSTJMI'TIOIT, and all Throat, Chest and Lun diseases. It will cure when all other remedies fail..4--L Kits?. ::nvzr.t rrorict-rs. :.r.'.i- (, F.ir ,s;il'. nl I lai Iti i'.s I ), u: Mm'.., S i AM I'K I H. OUWKi, oncu exclaimed "Thai's the exact tiuiu, my friends, I held my watch in my hand, uud limed him. After tweuty miuutes I begau to got u little nui vons, uud I looked over tho bout j uud what do you thiuk I saw !' rf T f ..! 1 1 .! , ,1 , ! - ' l uiippoMu yuur iiieiui lam ou ine bottom of the lako druwued," ven tured one. "No i you aro wrong. H0l0 irt An eastern authoress asks j "Can .vi,u.a i, vi.a,,i iiia ,,-,.... ,.f l l"y body btick closer thuu a bus. mind and dirty, thieving disposition. I !" A l,orollH l,,llhto1' 0,1,1 Tbero be sat ou tbo bottom of the ''" ltJ' lU0 utJUUIH' ,,UHl ,u lako, pouriug tbo powder out of my i Tbo test, most ouduriug home boru iuto his own and whistling. (ijipiiiHs is fouutlud upon Chris. That s what 1 eousidur a romark able incident of a man's presouco of mind.'' No reply was made by any of tbo i ti l.'iii ,in,1 lirilipiiibl ninl tlwit I m m v ' w ' j.. .H...'.wj .. ,uu, e lit Bwcelesl earthly habitation iu wliob J sus is owned uud peace 'oui'l I o'l; mil I ion T ilKUKAS tho lion, .loseph C il Hi. Iut Iri" I loul l'i.t, .I tl. ., hill i-lnl 01 i rd-t i-ii iii k I i.l il.n ,-ini ti 1 1 nl ,s t, iil,, I nl'iti mi l Miillin iiinl .i,iiini"i A W ti'7.. ,n, , I I H'llli A . Slllllll, I.H)-. ,".. 1,1,1, tl I ml, i'. in ninl I r Sny.lvr iiiii nt ) lunu Is,, ti ,il iin'ir pro lit in url m. a .lo I im i a li a.i ) i,i .1 U y ,. i I a'i, iu i, ,f iilrr.-li-il fur Hi.- Iml'lltit' .a an (it I'tiiins i-.iiti ii o url ut lloiiini'ifi I'luuf, i-intrt I i tvi-r ,i nil 'IVriti : tit' r ntt. I Unia.iHl .."i.tt hi Jii .riBr s ,.,(.' i n ut li e ct'ii. it ill M 11.11. Lit m I, I i, t lu ,- i, ,, y nl sti i ,it : nit 1 1, , Oh :,.ti y iii-liin Ohi .'nil il,iy nl So., I -,..,) niij t in uii urn u i-iU . N.ila-o 1- t li. rii' iro huri l.y u I vim la Hut I 'nru Hit, I mi Ifi-f ul llio l-iiiiiii in it I'lin-Oililr. In mil I it 111, ii i ut nl y nl St, y, In i , t,i i -.. t In ill olr limiatr imiM.iiH wli !i lliolr iull ri-i-i.t.lti, ItviU' 4 I i,a liM, I'.V'llllIll it nil. ninl ntl.ur lolilritil r ui. t It t ti.. ii tn -nu . in 1 1 1 1, 1 r .'itu'i'.. nii.l ii, i i,i r i,,.. leill irl im I ii l,e .I, hi it ti,l iv lino-fen uinl t or- ..III , ri, '.-. U. ' III III) ll rt 1 1 i, : f. III lilof: . wo.iltlt nu-iilu-i nny imriiimi r rr.utrc4 In l.p ili.'ttHii a ilivra nitonillti" ami ru,i 'loiirllnii .i llli' iil In no ;it il.n. r .nil. .1 tmiifca ru r. . (ito.to.l tn I, . 1'iiti, iu ,) In i hoi r utiiui'UtH'u m tlm iinniH I time .vrnoitl ly in mai.-e. Ulv. n nii.l." iiiv tiuiiil una . on I in tl.o Slior, U'tninu in .".tlil.llolair t, ll u l ull 'In-nl Auk. .1, 1), di. lUuuitnoil rigiil liunilrej toil allit live. -Mia II. .MtliULKSWAIlTH, SlierlU. THIS PAPER tH 1W HI I l .'.j-1.1. A TTnni:y.. ,., ,-, l.iuMiiiri;, I nloii sl; 0!li.-n!i Marie t sir. t Uu ,i ,r (nua ,-t n ll.iii'-o l-i'-..'.., JiTT.tt.J 1 - i ta 'ysfcnn v. ,Yr. I I -T. SMITH, Physician & Surt;rpn, I Ml.ir. Imp rt'ilei-li'iiiii ,rt l If,, totli mill o,'-i ii ' ; .v ui I, m rt-ot . Jitiiui ':e J W. SAM I 'SKI,, ' PHYSICIA,NAD SURGEON. 'elltl'l fill.-, I'ellll'li. nil. r- I.I." ,r,- . .i.iie,! ., ti l to ih- ii rr n I ' ' till. 1 ll.o ,o. 1 i I r in i j . A Uy. '6, ( j i;iHi.i: ii ssi.(ii:i:, PHYSICIAN SURGEON', M i'l'lh ' uivh. I'citn'ii., ni. r- !,y .r,.i. ., ri.il f. rv tn il.c i-lt wm I .11 i.llii'iirk-li innl vi. Initj. 'i,i'o ii. te Wll' l.lll, t'-ll Hi, 'It , i ; "ji. (iKIKl. KAKKKi:, PHYSICIAN & SURCION, Mi.l.ll. blirll, I'ellll'li. lift. r Iil. .rn(i.l( iiiii ntr Ioih Oi 11 i l lirt l a Mi.'l.a,um una i li-liiliy. ItSIro ii lew ili.on W'.'M ri 1 1,,, i ,,i,rt iimiKH, it. A rii'l'l'. I u I a' Inn. Ilflluutai I'l'j, rite i.i'i.flu 'i...' lilDllUI iilll-'O Jll MA It A ND HOTIIKOCH, Fremont. Snyder county, Pa. Ir.i.liiiitoul I'.aIiIiiii.ii. ('"llruf i.f I'tty rlttni .ml sti Ki'.m. I'lli'ts 1,1 riil.,.l. iiul rervlvt, t.. llio I'lil'llf. S i,, riuKii,i, unit ooriuKD. .Miiiflt, 17, M-l. tl. 1) It. K. W. TOOL. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Fii-cbairf?, I'a. "' til .r. rftT.'nMl f, rvli-.p in lit,- , ul lie liamv.-r-.iiit In t.n-ti KunU-U (itiuiua Ditloo nil Main xtrerl. F. VAN HUolUUK, SUKUICALS M KMI AN1CAL UESTltJlf SelitiRrovc, IV n n 'a. If f Tlljnini money t ban ot anything el, a W 111 taklnif an un Ui-y lor tli- li. at o'. " li ft tl InnlIlM 111 t II LAW, OVK. i not EiKllib June! ta I, r A ly atlt larma 'ebl .av:s iRNT burg. In Kn I, 'T d a LA iw, )il. (I .11 UlT.l tlacl O.ailli Be tu .r.f 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers