The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 25, 1885, Image 3

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1 hUfjMfd'fTpry Thormtay.
(ifv rotrt. Hi Ce"
If tbe Ooddcn of Liberty should
vlnlt our town on tb 4th she .would
lose herself In the solitude.
tt mined on Whit Sunday. It has
mined on the nix Sundays ulnct. Will
ii f . a
1 IVIWWfT romtli. i n Virarn ut it mill lltlli ouiiunj nun iuiuh mr iu
rrtt.r.VaX th ,f " rR,,,,, on Whit
,4Ptatei, Ifunaay ll will mm on me seven buo-
eeeslva Sundays following? Lt a see.
J. A A. MtMchlhi, of Bunbiiry, Pa.,
will pleooe accept the thanks of the
PoT for a recent and unexpected
kindness nhown us. We await an
opportunity to return the favor at
twenty per cent. Interest compound
ed heml-niimmlly.
Htetler's Cornet Pand realised $C2
at there festival at Hartleton on Sat
urday. They express themselves
highly pleased with the treatment
they received at the hands of the citi
zens and cardlally return their thanks
for the hospitality shown theui.
F.D. Post. The friends and neigh
bors of Mr.' Row) residing in Penn
township who harfbeen suffering with In the lip, Join with him in re
turning thanks to Jere Crouse for a
recent kindness shown to the sufferer.
May his shadow never grow less, and
his iluysbe long In the land.
W. S. STAPr..
There Is a bad outlook for nil kinds
of fruit. A pples, peaches, and cher
ries nm almost a failure. Pears will
he an ordinary crop. :iinces will be
pood. The potato prospects are en-
floa racing. Corn looks well. Of
wheat there will hardly be half n
crop, but the yield of oats will tin
large, while, the hay crop will be
L -.- tkint trimftaniat 111 count
T . ae.1lnt; tha oawa in Uiair f 'por.
M m .ni...a m.1 tiaithhnrboada. S'd
Su .- tin fet. and "III fa ln IN
ra . I. Our Minium "I" alw.ja op"
X.' , kn nl.h Hi niMtk thronah tbcmnn
Kir , if local jilttni. of pohllfl i
(i - Mil sot hold owrll rwspoBswiw wnua
)tbr ! ipreoo.
-1 ; ' '. UOTICS TO STJ2SCHBE13.
i lJO at the flngures on the liibel of
roar paper. Those fif?uren tell you
MOX U TAIU. Within 8 weeks after
money Is sent, see if daU U changed.
Vo oiier reoeiut Is necessary.
A. TT m i r m
Mull Mraal ' l is I Is
1 l.awlatown I 7.20 lou
Maltland t.M I l
- I'alnter 1 M S.IT
Khlndla T.HS
Wor T 4.1 I IS
Mrt'lnra I 7 hi a,
KauVaMllll I 1ST 8 4
Adamabara; 11 s.M
Urvrartowa I 10 B.S"
Hntr ' a j,i 4 o SIS 4IH
Meimr S 15 4.21
Kraamer s Jo 4 ll
t'awllntf R 44 4 30
PMIniKrnra s.s.i 4
Bllr,roa J. 9 on 4 ii
saubar l .o
Sllsirrov Arrommodntlon.
i (Oannactlnf with tflni oa N.O. H )
f Lmto Sallnintrof a. Ar rtvo at Sallni'ijrOT
tiif. M. .17 M.
J.n. WtMin.Oen'l I'ailAsaol.
' Ctti9- E. pL'itH, (tau'l Maoagar.
' Eepublicaa Standing Csmmitteo .
of Snyder county elected on (Saturday,
Ifareh 2. for the ensuing year:
Adams J. Phrader, Moses Krb.
lleafiT- Kiib. Middleswarth, J.AlKler.
Heaver W-y. II. t;isb, W.O. Warner.
Centre -Frank Htine, Aaron Walter.
Chapman -K. W. Wallis, J. O.Uohrer.
Frain J.8.HasHln(ter, J.W.R"tiiinfer
Jackfon A. A. Hummel, M. llanlly.
itldIN-biirK-C Bee bold. J.H.Arnold.
Mldilleerwk A. C. Fields, H.Mourer.
Monroe It. Hummel, V. H. Hitter.
I'enn-W. V. How. P. 8. Ulrieh.
rerrv Henry Harding, Levi Kepler.
Perry W. .1. H. Willis. T. li.i.ruy bill
B'urove M.Ii.Waj?eiiseller,J.N.Ueigle
Uuioii-J. 1. Botcur, W, L. Heinle.
Wash'n J. P. Moyer, J. M. HufTiiinn.
Tloi 'ia tw mn it taxis' Botes, an' him ie'1
piiDt 'ea."
we are greatly in ueua 01 rain.
Read th spoclaltles in Wels' new
Nearly every person Is going to
Lewlsbur on the 4th.
Mrs. J. II. App, of Sellnscrove has
qnltu a larye inusio class in MiJdlo
Jttwes Beaver and his sister Ida, of
Union county, Sundayed with their
Yara aA -aYt tjJ as
bogs at his public tale In Mlddleburgh
on (Saturday.
.The locusts have not as yet made
their appearance in and around Mld
dleburgh. The wood-cock season opens on the
1st of July. All that Is wanted uow
vre the birds.
J). T. Rhoads is acknowledged the
most expert tin roofvr and spouter in
Centiul Pennsylvania.
It Is estimated that the people of
thetnited States snuff, chew and
uioke one million dollars per day.
Miss Maud Arnold last week return
ed from her three months visit with
relatives in Philadelphia
. . . . j
' Miss Mattie Fiaia has been quite
criously ill with malarial fever dur
ing the last week, but is Improving.
, Andy Bchambaoh's pheasants re
cently given to a hen to raise, have
taken to the woods like bank cashiers
take to. Canada.
1 1
Prof. Jacob Stover, theological stu
dent of belinsgrove is canvassing Mid
dleburgh in the interests of the Amer
ean Tract Society. , '
John Farnsworth, the popular com
merolal man will briog his family to
Mlddleburgh to spend his Hummer's
vacation. Welooine.
The , eontract for building the new
wooden bridge across Middlecreek at
Meiser, has been awarded; to Peter
Keffer, of Siinbury, Pa., at ft, 440k
Young man, when taking a rfde.snd
there is an ioe vream saloon within
live miles, never let the lady drive un
less you have more than four cents In
your pocket
"Wes" Bowen's Balogna sausages
are just the thing for lunches these
hot days and save the women the
heat and fatjgue of cookiug. They
ore frebb, clean and delicious.
Br. R. Rothrock of MoClure was in
town on Monday In response to a pro
fessional call from Grandmother
enhownr, who hos been gradually
einklng fot Uie last week or so.
The editor of thewddieuurgh Post
passed his 8lst birth da on the 28th,
nit May he enjoy a long h. happy
life.-Lewlstown iVec 2V4.
Thank you.
Notich. Th duplicates ot the
Mlddleburgh Borough taxes, of 1844
nd 1899 are in my hands for collec
tion and If not paid within ten days
from 4ote will be collected according
to law. . . I. Qmua JUkbrr,
Jane 25, 1885. Collector.
We were In error last week In stat
ing that Mrs. I). Uolender.had left for
Akron, O. Bhe left, however, later,
accompanied by her liusbund to wit
ness the graduation of their daughter
Kate In the Akron public schools,
The Sheriff returned this week. Dur
ing his absence Bam'l Hare served as
lord of the laud. "
Jere Cronse thinks of Introducing
the ball and chain system in Middle-
burgh and try the experiment llrst on
his easy chair which nearly everyday
takes the slip from his front porch and
walks off with Peck's Bad Boy, (J. F.
Kelt,) to the Wallle House to get
pawned for therigars. Of course Jer
ry redeems him (the chair) ami with
threats of turning hint into eternal
kindling wood, extorts tho most pro
fuse promises of reform.
There will be a rush to get married
between this and I ho 1st of October,
when the new marriage lawn will go
into effect. The free and easy process
of tho present will then come to a
halt, as it should have done long ago.
Kven other States had taken advan
tage of the laxity of our law on this
point, and when minors and others
who had better staid single could not
get a license, they would board a
train, visited our States and return
full fledged man and wife.
John Murphy, representing Kverts,
Peck 4 Kiehards, who are publishing
a history of Snyder,Miniln, Union and
Juniata counties is among us looking
up the prospects of the work here.
He reports very good success in the
th'ee other adjoining counties and
we hope our people will not dampen
his ardor by manifesting n luck of
interest In the work. Mr. Muryhy is
a very pleasant gentleman in fact
entirely out of the order of the aver
age canvasser, and we hope he will
And a welcome over every threshold
In the county.
Co. F. P. Brlnkor of Bloomsburc.
while on a recent business trip t
aiiddieburgli, noticed our weakness
for fine steel engravings, and ns an
evidence of his appreciation for our
tastes, he last week sent us one of the
finest and most picturesque landscape
views ever taken. It is a view of the
Falls of Mlnue haha. The Col. visited
the spot several years ago nnd was so
impressed with the grandeur of Its
proportions, and the beauty of its
surroundings, that he had it photo
graphed and afterwards enlarged for
tho benefit of his friends among
whom, we are proud to any, he counts
us one. Thank you.
We acknowledge the receipt of a
copy of the Hevlsed Version of the
Old Testament, from the Henry Bill
Publishing Company, Norwich, Conn.
ttreat pains were taken to have the
book accurate, having been compared
word for word with the English edi-
tion by the best Biblical scholars at
tainable. This edition will no doubt
be received a the SUimlarJ. It Is
priu ted iu largo clear type, on the
best of paper, and elegantly bound.
Its arrangement In every respect is
superior to any wo havo seen, and
ill prove a great help to ministers
and Biblical students. If you want
steady and lucrative employment ad
dress this compuuy for an agency.
In Cuba, two hours before a tinner
Is distributed on the street, a copy
must be sent, with the editor's name.
to the government and one to the cen
sor. When the aper Is returned with
the censor's Indorsement the paper
may g out to the public. One of the
newspapers of Havana disregards the
law.'pablishes what it pleases, and
when it gets ready. Every few weeks
the government Bnes the editor and
suppresses the paper. The next day
the paper appears under a new name.
Its frequent brushes with the govern
ment advertise It, and people buy it
to see what new indiscretion it has
committed. The subscription price Is
The Pennsylvania Editorial Associ
ation met at the (Jirard House, Phlla-
"Inhla, on Monday evening, June 23,
aildlt. nnvf An xr nrnnnulu.l f-. 1
Branch, wn, f, i,irtpnthiiiiitH'
meeting was heiu. . ...i..
tendered the member UK8od(t.j
tlon, on Monday evening J u-. 23 .
the Journalists' club of Phihuieiti . y
at their rooms, 904 Walnut street AW
Invitation was accepted to visit the
"Collossus Elephant" at West Brlgh
ton Beach, Coney Island, and the visit
was the ohlef feature of Wednesday's
progaiuiue. The editorial dinner will
probably take place to-day, J une 29,
at Leland's Ocean hotel, Long Branch.
The editor of the Post didn't go the
salary for overseer of the poor not
warranting suou extravagance.
Attkmptkd Robbbrt. Last week CKXTKnvitXR Oossip.
as Howard (loss, of West Beaver I On Tuesday evening Jane 10th Br
township, was driving along the road D. II. Hot h rock of Three Springs Pa,
near Fisher's Mills, late at night, he and Miss F.ll Walter, of this place,
was halted by two men who demand
ed his money and horse and buggy.
One of them took hold of the bridle
and the other posted himself aside of
the bnggy to recleve the goods. Mr.
Hos parleyed a little, then suddenly
giving his horse the whip, jerked him
self away before they realized what
was up. He did not know the parties
and does not know whether they had
any weapons. The general oplonton
Is they were soiuo local ainatures who
aspire to the faiuo of Jesse James, but
whose aspirations ought to be check
ed by a shingle well laid on their sat
of action by a Arm paternal hand.
The time-worn theory of tramps is
hooted at nod the eittcens of West
Beaver will do well to look up these
chaps and nip their ambitions in the
bud or dip them In the mud.
Among the many fine cakes present
ed Sfetler's Comet Band by the citi
zens of Hartletou for their festival
was a ma tmi) ii h pyramid enko baked
by Miss Kate Sleininger. The cake
was chanced off at the festival, but
the party holding thelucky ticket had
either left the ground or lost it. The
band accordingly returned It. to the
doner, who In turn re presented it to
the Bund. They brought it witli
them to Mlddleburgh mid on Tuesday
evening chanced it out again. They
sold one hundred tickets at five cents
apiece. Tho number "78" was the
lucky one nnd F. 1'.. Bower, Esq.,
happened to hold It. Ho accepted it
and then for the third time presented
it to the band to have it sold at auc
tion, when he (Mr. Bower) bouxht It
back for cents. The bovs realued
in the neighborhood of nine dollars
for the cake and cordially rnt urn their
thanks to all whoassiMcd them iu the
We hae perfected arrangement?
with a Western firm througl
we will be enabled to furnish XXX
:wi I lU.ltwli altiniPIA. At , IMI
"rru.1r mint iiome thousand. All sbingles are warrant
orthe liriiles parents, where In the ,.,.nr , at1i knots.
. i
FltKKIIt'ltd Itkm.
Mrs. John WeUt and her son How
nrd, I',, liassler and J. O. W. H i-slcr
went to I 'ollegcville to wituc the
graduation of Miss Mary Wl-'-t at
L'u.iiiia College.
Rev.Wanipole went to Philadelphia
to attend the meeting of the board of
trustees of the Lutheran Theological
Seminary. Ho is a member of the
Prof. Charles I). Moyer hits return
ed to the parental roof to 'pend a
part of his vacation here. He will re
turn to Waterloo, Iowa, early iu Sep
teiuber and assume the principiilihip
of the schools at that place at a sala
ry of $1400.
M. I.. Snyder of Kansas, aecoinpa
uied by his friend visited our place on
H. H. Ciriium, Esq. and Prof. W.
P. Moyer went to Philadelphia last
Tuesday to remain during the week.
Supt. Dill is slowly recovering. He
sits iu his arm chair part of each day.
Prof. W. II. Mover and Miss
K. Dill, closed their school iu th
I reeburg Academy with mi attend
unco of 00 studeuU tho lat day.
Wkst Bkavkii Itkms.
You will soon hear the rattle of the
mower iu tlie meadow, and smell the
sweet fragrance of new mown hay.
The masons will soon have the wall
of II. W. Ulsh's store ready fur the
We had a very refreshing shower on
Sunday eveuiug.
There are indications for a good po
tato crop,
tleorge Dunn completed tho paint
ing ousiness last week, ami M now
ready to contract.
A.A.Homig has a fine piece of wheat
and he claims phosphate did it, too,
The new township (Spring) takes
about one-third of our vottrs, but,
according to tho way some estimate
it will tuke the candidates longer to
canvas the county than before.
Joseph Kuepp of New Lancaster,
caught two cubs a few days ugo, but
the old one made good her escape.
John P. Fisher makes the best Ice
cream In town. A trial Is all that is
necessary to convince you.
Jacob II. Howell of McCIure ship
pen more nara mis season than any
other person around McCIure.
W. Y. Mc(4 laughing bought tho W,
Treaster property.
Moyer & Co. are at present engaged
Iu the lumber and bark business on
Juck's mountain giving employment
to about 20 or BO hands. Buo.
Sicussonovn Itkms.
Oeorgo 8. Snyder and family ol
Franklin township visited friends in
this place on Sunday.
John 8. Hasslnger of Frankliu twp
woe in town ou Friday.
Ih9 Hook & Ladder festival was
not as well patronized as It should
have been. The members alwavs re
B .
sponu 10 every alarm and we think
our citizens should remember this and
encourage and aid thorn in every way
The Fund Society of Rev. Ochsen
iuiu b:ui(; refill ion, pio niceu across
the river ou Saturday. Wo learn they
had a nice time.
Key. Yutsy's congregation are hav-
ing their church fresooed. This will
add greatly to its Inside appearance.
II. P. J arret t, Daniel Roiuiar. Samu
el Spah r and (ieorge Seosholth start
ed for Reading, on Sunday night to
worn at bridging. Selinsgrove turns
out a number of bridge builders.
Considerable amusement has been
afforded our people for the past week
fulling the ponies being lassoed.
by thetvem,tty ,8 tbe tl,ua 8et RPart
works quesflLlto,vtfon e ter
the talk wherever"1' work '.
as though It would ca".. H looks
Selinsgrove will be well r
at Lawlsbarir on the 4th. Uted
presence of a goodly number of Invit
ed friends, representing the youth
and beauty of the town beside a
number from a distance, they took
solemn vows that made them one for
life. May they never have cause to
regret this Important step, and as
they travel through life together may
their path-way be strewn with flow
era, with no thorns to mar their pleas
urcs, Tho brido who is an accom
plished young lady, Is the daughter
of Val. Walter, a prominent cltiien of
this place, end the groom was former
ly a resident of Mlddleburgh, and is
well known in this county. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Hothrock left for Three Springs
Huntingdon County, the next day
where he is engaged in tho practice
of Medicine. Sho was one of our
brightest and best young ladies, and
her loss will Vie sorely felt in the
church, Sunday school and society in
A number of our gentlemen were
on a fishing expedition near Spring
Mills, several days last week. We
don't know their success, but suppose
they had fisherman's luck.
Oiito a number from this place at
tended Commencement at "ew Ber
lin liit week.
Just ns we expected, our band
during their stay in New Berlin last
week was greatly praised for their
fine appearance and excellent pluv
iug. Wilson Dreeso and wife of Troxel
ville, were the guests ol . ('. Spang
ler on the 1 Ut It.
Ice cream time has couieaudthe
fair on is are happy.
Dr. tl. C. Mohn and wife, and C. A.
Walter, all of Laurel ton, were in town
on the 17th.
Dr. J. F. Kenawel, made a trip to
McAlllsterville, lost week ou a visit 10
his sick father.
Mrs. ex Sheriff Keiehly of Franklin
wus here last week -an invited guest
to the wedding of Miss Kll.i Walter.
Miss Kate Steiuinger of Hurt let on,
was in town several days last week.
Dr. C. L. Mohn of Kelly X. Uads
was in town recently.
The festival and c-ike walk given
by the band on Saturday evening
whs financially, a grand success.
Thanks fur liberal patronage. The
streets were crowded with the youth
and beauty and it was one of the liv
liest Saturday evenings the town has
experienced for some time ami yet
good order prevailed throughout.
Miss Alice Oberlin returned on Sun
day from iieur Lcwishurg, where she
has been teaching a summer school.
Chas. Z. Badger, wife and daughter
of Milllinburg, were the guests of S.
F. Slieary, on Sunday.
Isaiah Walter and wife of Franklin,
were the guests of Walter, Sat
urday and Sunday.
K. K. Trout uiiiu and wife of Spring
Creek, were the guests of Isaao How
ersox on Saturday and Sunday.
John ISriiiiiier of Micliimi, former
ly of this county, is visiting friends
iu this vicinity.
W. II. Deadlier, Asst. P. M. at Mld
dleburgh was In town on Saturday
evening. Wlmt are the attractions,
blanks for sale at this
All kinds of
CiTPIants, Seeds, Flowers, Birds, ic.
Hunt, Seeduian, Lewistown, Pa.
Trunks, Satchels, and Valises, at
S. Oppenheiiner's, Selinsgrove.
A full line of Spring hats already on
hand at; S. Oppeiiheimer's, Selins
A full liueof Plow and Dress shoes
Just opened at S. Oppeiiheimer's Se
New Lkapku Sewing Machines nt
'25, in Gift's store room. Middh-hurg
Hkxuv Mink
Survival or the fitest. Downs' F.iix
ir has outlived every other enugl
remedy simply because it Is the best
For sale at Barber's Drug store. J.
Htovks! Stovks!!-H. I. Romlg, at
Heaver Springs, has for sale all kinds
of stoves and stove renuim. uie
him a call.
tiuulars address
For par.
T. II.,
Mlddleburgh, Pa.
nTure Hye, Copper Dis
tilled Mountain Dew Whis
key nt 2.00 per gallon or (JO
rents per quart.
Kagte Hotel, Franklin, I'a.
Jury List, Sopt Term, 1833
rKiTho Busiest Store in tho County
Raf ixrtfnllt tiiTitM jour atti nttm to t'ia Inrga and eararsllf ala. tad :tooi or
Mens' and Boys' Clothing and
Gents Furnishing Goods.
Stfct thcXcwcst, Qualities the Vest, Prices the Lowest
l.lal of Wranil Juror a
8'pt.r. Illi, eonfaanflloc
Iraajti fif
lar, ll.
A'lanii l.aas SJh.wvar f'harlal f. Mat
Bnf-Mauraa linear, .t.oob .1. Alalar, J.O.
f nylr.
Ilaar WrM-.trnaph Kiln, W. It, Kllsa.
Hftttry u. I.aiiii.
Kmnklln- .1. f HftMlngar.
.MliMleliurth Hani. lUchmin.
MrniMr It. i:. Kim Thoinni Matt.
I'arrjr .lamb 1'rntt, Philip ."Vbu.a, Jf., floor f
Mairna , Oari( I, lnr.
Pefff Warn A J on tar.Ur. .liihn Aumlliar, tl. W. Manh,
Franklin Hnut. A..T. I.MtoiiMuod,
t'nlno John Hip-. K. M, n'Nell.
Watliinatnn-.l. M. n,;lar.
I.I.I tf rVHt .Itirera
.Irawa. for S.'pl. T. IMS, rotnmanelnf Mon
day 21.
A'm .lotin . 1'attemir, IrHn VMrnlf. t'reil lllnaaman, .1. P. Wattal, John
llurfc. II. ii. Smlih.
0fr Wo.tMi.-o H'l ailrultlrr, Oaort;
. I.amtiart, A A. lunula.
I'antra A. I.. S!pnlnr, Kanliro F.'fnlef.
I'tiapmaa- Wm I r Mi'imn. s-mn.l UnrrnM.
r'raiililln-in,lrow Krtar. Miotn-i I'ranii,
..rpii Waltar, I'.iar Hauea, J ,lio Nor
man. .Trknii-.t. M. Haali-rm o.
MlJ.lia' UKii-lnlm I'.. Smith.
Miallarra luhn IM nar, a.D. Haintoyar,
llarrl.nn II. Wlnkl. Harrr Aiirv.,1.
Monroa-tllii oauiilar, 1mm llailv, Hanrt
Mow. r.
r.nn sainual TrTiU. T. W. Fiahnr.
Parry l.r.l k.ti'ar. l. W. II i,-:ihrgr, Law-
la .Minium, l.aH t liir.
ra.r; We i-n,ni, M. Il.a.. t.wl Woomar.
Joaviih Arimua.l
HullnaKniva W ilfon Klnnrv, .1. n. liarlrh,
John ."pal.r.
Wahl ttun-.loia: h tMalil, II. y. Mor
Hanrr HMn, Kllaf fliraub, I. S . HalRttl,
Ji'bn Ii. I.antg
Jackaon -Noah llron.a.
Advico to Mothoro-
Ara rnn liMiiri, at ntub.t an.l hroknn ot
your rri hy j. k rtill.t uilrlnK ani i rilns
with pain nt onttlna tothr If m.ionil at nnca
ami tint a lutitla "I MB.. Winhi.ow'k Sootiiixi
sriirr emi llKitKiiKN Tkktmimu. I in vnlua
la HualiMilalila It will rtill etli.' p,,r llttln
a uiTsri r Iminai) iati ly . 1 1. penil m-nu U m ,lli
tk. there I. n ml.t ike ni ui It. It rnren ilya.
entcrjr ami ilUrrhiirfi, ran ulalea the etuniaoh
and In l. euro wind Colli', nrtuoe tlia KUina,
rdueei lnlliiiiitiitliin, and ! tuna and i-n.
er to Hi li"le KT.Ie ii, Mil. Wikhiow'i
Siiiitii i Si iu ! run !n i i.niiKM Tan-rut ku I.
pln. ant to ttia tinte and la the prescript Ion
, ( sna ol I h old ' M and liet fnioala ntir.r. nnd
i.hy.t tin. In the "nlicl n,l I. vr h
hy all itruiti.i throUKl'uut the world. I'rlna
ii eauta bnit:e. May Vi, 'si ly.
Pefenta will flud 1 1 to their a.tranlcRa to ninths their h-T with una of lha msnj at runs
aarTlcaa1diulttwshafnrehaM lor Mprl.,: nemn.1. Webayatuken apn.l pain to
rear linn of II .yt'. Mall, mads up from Biat. pretty labrlea, that will Hand mukIi
and hard i-rrle wittioui .howlna: Ida dirt. Our etioni are m.idn with n ay to Hit pra
tletlinrntthwarerwllldarlTa, at will aa the pt a.raneu f Ilia foodl In the Hot
I'urou.... .'f nt and nature hiinem Mo ula at honeat prl.-tiB.
Whan you rotna to Hellnearnra rail. W takt pleasure In ahowlnif you oar Men's gaits,
lor wa ara lore jun will l,t Impraxe I Willi lha truth I lor ..ot, iultantat, ttyll.h rMii.
IPS, uur ttore atanila hi and hnuldatt al.oye all oii., ra. Wa time alto as tloinie line of
Hats, Hosiery Neckwear, Shirts,
celluloid Cult and Dollars, tltuna t nderwear, BTR A W rloiiliia, Tlit Jt Ks, saTUII tVH,
Watches and Jewelry,
anmprlalnK lh mnft et'enalva and tuUtantlal variety of nooda In Snyder county.
t .'otue. i 'urni,
10,000 pounds of Wool wanted.
Hut tor Vi
l'iftt'il clii-rrii's
L'npittiMl '
( itiimis
I.unl ,
Sprint; t'hii'ki'iis pi-r II).
Sill- ..:
1 1 'i in
. s
Jtstto 21. by Hi'V. J. I'. iSliiiul-I.Wiii
Yt-i't'i-r, of tn'itr Miilillfburh iiinl Sliss
J.lzzie ."Noll of Muilllinrovt'.
.linn 14. by K.iv. S. F,. Oiths.'iifotd,
I'.iiok 1 1. HoyiT nml Kiiiinii llulli'ii
lnn'li, both of Krnt)!ii'v,ll.
Central Dry Goods Store,
We have a large variety of sum
mer silks in stock, which we are
offering now at such low prices,
that everybody can afford to buy
a silk dress. Some silks reduced
to Q7h cents. Our assortment of
dress Ginghams and Seersuckers
is complete and prices extremely
low. Full line of Jerseys, Beauti
ful line White and Colored Cash
mere Shawls, and silk embroider
ed Scarfs. Immense lino of Em
brsideries of all widths, up to 45
inches wide, ready for ladies dress
es. These goods are very much in
demand this neason, and we havo a
nice line of them. Prices are much
lower than they were the beginning
of the season. Respectfully,
ji 1:1 .
May 2.1, In New Hi'rlin, Mrs. ft, J.
Lot, vidnw of lr. Josi'pli It Lot,
iIi'ci-us.mI, atcr-il W years, I month nml
'.Welti vs.
ivp., A linn t bur
Ili'iiry ami Ma
0 months
, Willie,
ntjeil 10
A II .
it win pay cvrry i.ony to examine
the innnuiso Htovk Fiirnittiie for
srtlo hy tho rnptilur Furniture man
W.II. FELIX Lewistnuii
I-.very bottloof AnAen & Oil Llni
niviit suhl is wnrrnnti-il by tho propri
t'tors to iHvu wilsfui'tl on or iiiniii'v
will bo rffumh'il. For salt) at Httrhcr's
DrKstor jMIIOi
J. 1 Kenrns of the lleuvcrtown
CurriHire Works has Just runoivtnl thi'
llnest lot of Whips, Lap dusters, Fly
nets, Halters Hint Harness that has
ever been brought to thlsnnnntv
For stile cheap. Cull uml see them.
J.P. Shirk of thw Heai?rtown Hard
ware store, lias Just received a lot of
iiriusur Grain Cradles, Double liar
poon Hay Forks, Hopes and Pullies.
double-shovel Plows, Steel nails, ete.
iiiesepooas will be sold lower than
ever before
More people adults and children.
are troubled with costlveness than
wltb any other ailment. l)r Henry
uiixter s Mandrake Hitters will cure
costlveness and prevent the diseases
which result from it. For sale at Har
bor's Drug store. June.
LAST NoticK. Forbearance ceases
to be a virtue and the umleralrrne,!
wll he compelled to procceed oolloct-
Injc by law tbe printing ami subscrip
tion accounts tf J. Crouse, unless the
creditors will settle before the exptra.
of 80 days. Take due notice as it will
Prof. F. L. Dergstresser of Pehiita 'Jith last settle and save unneces-
uoiiege. ueuvsourg, is at uotne on a
Ivlbit, XI.
Jamrs O. Cuorsa.
Pa,. Oct. , '84.
.Line 10, in Penn t w
inue, iniiiKhtcr of Henry
rM lisniiiseli, 3 years,
ami :t days.
Mn.y a?, in Washington tvv
son of Henry L. Witiuer,
months and T days.
June 13, in JVnn twp. .Win. Hughes,
aed fit years, Ii month nml Sl (lavs.
A I'MixisTiUTons' NOTin:-
XV I.'-tler. of Admlnlitriitlnrl In tli t.'e
if I. KM llilYKK. Int. of I'cntra ii.nrtialilp,
snyilrr i-'Hiniy .l'.,io'il, liaviDK loan
Ilia un lnraiK' .'t. all knoarlnx IIikiii-
aolvn I to aal.l e.taia art r)n'aiil ti
lu.ka 1 111 in. Out ia)iii'M. whlla 'h -ae havihir
nlaluiiMiil j r..iut Mian duly auili- nticaie.l
W. A. N AIM1,
Junal. tl. Alailil.iratur.
Letter, of Aliiiinlatrail. in on tlia ruiat.
or imi i-1 1'unKlel.urK-r I Hi-ol Ml. Ml. t,v,..
Siiyiler t)u , l a., Jacaaaail, tiavloK Lean
iltntha unilamlKiii'il all pnrami. Imnalna
inHui.uivei nnti'i'i. 1 iq Fam iiiKm nr. rcqua.t
oil tu iimLa Imn cillitta iayuiatit, wuiia ilmra
DavinK iiiiiia. in iraseat thaui doty aalken
tiaalaJ tu
bAKAli UUMil.r,IUMt(ir:i(.
110a 4 '4 pil, AilmlDlnrators.
r a A .J XTT. . AM kn is
ilia cu xxuu w uuimi am i n
.uarv or t 1m1u1Mi.m
llultlt Kr.d, No tiIrilinii'o tin .1,
J .. t. Wliri NKV, Nuirv in in l(n,-hiitnr.N. V
Juno a in i. . .NiuuutniH i.i.ur.
I wonl.1 ronprotfully irfoinTuT
citizens of Snyder conntv, tbitt I
am now prepared to do "nil work
iu my linn rromptly nnd iu ll o
hest wnikajHuliLo maoucr. Mv
Stock of 3
A A I)
Int. Illdi-nt snl.K'l I'liUS WAMDIl Inr th.
Memoirs of U. . GRANT
II In own nrraiiiil ol Ihu ri'nl"t in I III . i y Hlruirulo
in in Jem tiiiiun. lon.iw.j ! ur.lum ulrua l.v lakan
Will wll ,-. Inr im rl !-n l.'t ml
,ir,.., lirllll.Udi llHilS., 1'ut'a., tJ t'licrtuul
ut. I'uiU., Ia.
TMnultl nnd Wrll.
irira let iiirdy
nil iiruvcn
d , Urn viilun
I Id til i1if.4sti frnm
iwpnw or 4fM'f'"ir
ruriHi nisnm, wmtl IHyi.liillt.o NwW 1
iiHMluJt iu (triiHral l.'LiJitj ftnil dtnHM'ii of ds.
ih'y nt His ftir'il. A mU u)nit, ooiifimijr n
Ifijiirisstafi iiiifiiMiiftit. iSn nirir-r ltiiii.!y han r
Cvtvisti vueii uuuuuuuwt buld by tvU OnMtaUtt,
1 3 WEEKS,
ThsPOI.H'K Hir.KTTK will lie niailail. wrapn. I, to any aililr.aa In tba full
ad btaia. tor innaiuonibi on rocaliit at
I.lhnal illaiouul atlnwKd 10 rtmaMra.
aw.nt. and nluls, HaiAplaoopiai maliad fr.a,
Addreaa all order, to
Kl Oil ARD K. KOX,
Surron Dentist !
Middleburg. Snyder County, Pa.
Ovtrins lk rnAMSLili sbas tns DaroT
Ivnrvthinfr belonging to tbe pro
A.J Fa.iloQ din a In tba baat ruabnar. All .or
warlantad. Tarun modarata.
Ha will alao attand In bualnaai avary twa
waaki at Dentrwllla Troialvllia, llaavar-
awn Adsasburi sail i'aitutrlH
5s simply immr-nso, includitip nil I.irds of eland
ard wakes, rruarftiitetd to givo falir-fuctioH. I
imiko a Hpccmlty of
ftntl rorJially eolicit llio pnl Ho pulrormfje in
tliis line, Stoves delivered utul put up leadj
for nse williotit tstia chtiro to nil pnrcliftsen
rosidipp within tensonal.lo ilihlaneo.
ThnuUiiifj y0n for pat fuvors nud eolk-itirg a
ContiouHUuo vt tho sumo, I nm
Very Truly Vours,
Mil)iJ.i:i,i:u(,H, p.v
Every depatlmpnt full anl for bitsinoss. The Urgent nnrt raoeX
Cnrernlly .Selortod Stock of WALNUT & PAINTED CHAMHER SUITS,
over shown in Lowistown. Sixty Chamhcv Snif , prio-s f)0ni ?25.00 to
.$12.I?,(K boiiip twonty-ovo Buits moro thnn ever on Imtul nt nnv on a
timo bi.foro Thcso suits nro nil potten up iu RooJ olylr., tnnLo ami fin
ish. Nono Retter, and will bono!.! low for rnRh. Call nnd inmer-t arn,u
uml boar prices. UKDS, CHAIRS, RU REAL'S, KINKS. SAl Tfl TA-
RM.3 all kinds MATRUSSKS of oil kiude. TOUTV I.OUXm f.-
s?.1).?.1) np. Reps, Rruixw.lB. Torrjs Hair Cloth, nnd Velvet tovmb W
Uk3 tho lead iu these Roods. SIDEBOARDS, haodnoroo nnd eWt
Our own niako. All Pricos low for Cash. nr c. 4 i
Motto t-Good Roods, Low Prices, ami No Trouble to Show Gcoda
PICTURES, PICTURE THAMES, etc., for tho million
W.H. FELIX, Pro.
Wa uaka Iba hraoaa
llluatrata.1 bolow, alao
m m arc rai
Tula ftULKV 'LOW with It. ust.nt T..n. a.
Toil Hi Waut, .ud awiuaina btwli iUm makt bum
lajl.lwn.oi uf tu, kjj Ww,j,
TnB DEAM ran tia fmlanad Hldlr whan dMtraA. a
l.ft lo.wiu ai..awa. If II airikaa a .lump or atotia. ikwi
Tumiiiir on.aawci alao nirw fur turulcf Mraara wlikwaA
NLUM. IV. an m in. tia.,
Bar rot Osovulm
an li Sml 1 imUif ark(
1-iilUA.OO, Ilil.
Of aa oimIuuiob OovaMi
lUUBMcr wra ro., m. una, . i
MlWl .'S'" M l" laal...pTlU,U 4
R.'i,KW,,'K, ',, llaaaiu;il&r 1
lAVin A 00. I'..aar laT J