The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 25, 1885, Image 2

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-n I'
ll. n,YTri:it.
StiWription 1.50 Per War.
rn Column, oat Vnr, .....woo
ti kirt( CIilMiMi OOOVf 'i" f O Cm;
line-lflOYrti i 'olnma. O Year , fM.ui
rli mIvp4 iMtriit, pt-r leer ,i
Auditor, Ko?ut"r. A'liutnhtritlor, nt
AMijn. Ntloii ,.. ,7 o
Wb'l kd.l -if tl irremriin nM ere tn,L. all
4t nkotaftAO.Ii'crtuit for Ion tnn in. i.. tin.
kra W.'fc pr liirb i.r tir In'-enlun I m
f ti tu J innvrili-Q anj S rente lor rjfh
a1s&t tnirilon.
Republican County Ticket.
' For I'rolbonofary
wa l i o v. w it i en m mt,
Tor IiuibUT Si Recorder,
For Iintrict Allorncv,
Tor Jury Oomruinaiorier,
j;i:nne villi; .s.mitu,
rncn::iTioN i:t politics-
A recent number of tho Xorth
Amtriciii JUoicie contains a very
piquant nnJ suggestive articlo by
Gnil Hamilton ou tbe subject of
l'rubibition as a political force,
ppccittl attention being given to tbe
cauJidacy of fit., John in tbu lust
Presidential campaign. It In thown,
as has already been repeatedly and
plainly demonstrated, tint tbe l'ro
bibition movement which was or
ganized at I'ittrtburg tended cutiio
ly to tbe promotion of tbo Detno
cratio party's chances of success,
an J roally ma-lj Cleveland's eloctiou
possible by depriving tbe Kepubli
can party of votes bat it should
Lave bad, not only on gonoral prin
ciples, but bocaaso of aid and corns
fort pretloaply given to tbe tempor
ouco cause. Tbo ProLibiti juista of
tbo St. John variety chose, in other
words, to "rebuke'' tbo only party
tbat bad over given tbcm favor or
sympathy by bolping to win a vie
tory fwr tbe party tbat nover failod
in any instanca to douounco and
resist their efforts to suppress the
liijaor traffic. According to their
peculiar logic, having gained all
they could for the present from the
Republican party, tbo beet thing to
do was to tuLo away tho powor of
taid party to rendu them any assis
tance ia tho future.
It is not to bo believed for a mom
ent that tbey had any hope of elect
ing their own raodidato for Presi
dent. They raado no protonso of
that sort. Neither did they pro
tend to bo working simply for viis
tile's bake, without auy preference
between tho two great parties of tho
country, St. John openly proclaim
ed bis hostility to to the Republi
can cause, and his supporters as a
class were aaiaatol by tho earns
feeling. It was well understood j oir politics to advance tho groat nod
that the PruUibitijtiiuts wcro iu the i btni ficent reform to which the Pro
tnain Rtp:;bIieaL8, at J tLat tbo nil bibilionists claim to be so ardently
traction of iLbir vutoj from tic Re-'attarhod ; but thcro is a neod, as
entr-d any such interest In tho work
of redeeming the land from the
curse of drunkenness ns entitled it
to support for tetnperancs purposes.
All thin is presented in Gail Ham
ilton's articlo with sp!ioit and in
ptrnctivo foica. She takes np, also,
tho familiar claim of tho St. John
propta that thoy are imitating tho
tactics cf tho Abolitionists, and dis
poses of it by shotting that tho two
cases have little in common, and
that the little they have in common
forbodos disaster to Prohibition
partisanship. Tho old Liberty parly,
she declare?, and overybody knows,
did not Lominato Fremont, eloct
Liucolo, or oiuanoipato tho slaves.
It did precisely what tho Prohibition
paily has done "made n thy nt ev
erything and accomplished nothing, '
except to defeat Clay and elect l'ulk,
and thus briug on tho Mexican war,
with its burdeu of cxpenso and loss
of life, and tbo subsequent acquisi
tion of territory for tho upholding
of nioro Blavo states, out of which
camo tho Wilmot proviso slrngglc,
the fugitivo tliive law, the repeal of
tho JliHKouii compromise, tho Prcd
Scott decision, and finally tho wnr of I cni caili(jron
the rebellion. Slavery was in fact
abolihbcd, sho pjiuta ont, on tho
lino of ' So ruoro extension of slave
territory," which corresponds exact
ly to the tuuderato and rational sys
tem of prohibiliou that U advocated
by Dr. Crosby, Dr. Thayer, and
others, "The only losson that tho
Birney movement teachers to tho
Prohibition party," sho adds, "is tho
uselessDt'Ss of its existence j tho on
ly presago is a speedy dissolution."
Tbe idea of anticipating any beno
fit to tho teuporanco causo through
ont the country from the election of
a Democratic Prosi lout and tho rcs-
toration of Petnocnlie practices
aud iclluences in tho management
cf tbo uffairs of tho govcrument is
preposterous, of course. All the
traditions and sentiments of that
party aro opposod to the ends which
tho Prohibitionists bavo in view
What tho result of such an experi
ment is morally cortain to bo may
1)0 fioen, in a tma'l way, in Maino,
where a venturo of a similar kind
has been carried to actual conclu
Mon- At tho election iu Portland
last March a third ticket wai put
into tho field by tho Prohibition
ists with a professed desiro to fucil
itato tho enforcement of tho Mate
temperance law. It rccoived only
413 out of the .l.fH.'i Totco c:t t but
that pmall voto sufflced to prevent
an ejection, and tho Domocratic cans
didato for mayor lucked only u i
volts of a plurality. Tho result,
practically, was to givo Portland
freo whisky by Hie action of tho
Prohibition party ; and sinoo then
tho law has been a dead letter, and
tippling provails openly and to an
oxtctit never known beforo. Ono
example of this kind is snflicient to
iulicato tho general teudoncy of
thiid parties aH temperanco agencies.
I here is no need of a third party iu
publican ttrcngth mcaut j.:st eo
much addition to tho I'euiocralic
opportunitj' of carrying tho election
So fully was this realized, as tho res
turns prove, that Democratic Prohi
bitionist, Lilo uUndiug by tho lo
cal nominations of their party, ro
fasod, as a rule, It vjto for .St. John
aud cast their balloU directly fjr
C'lcrelaa J. Tho object of chief im
portance iu their Bchomo was to
beat tLo R. p bl:cin party ; to that
end, every ether cvnsi leration wa
practically sabord.uate 1. Thero is
nothing to be plia 1 for thorn,
therefore, on the score of
or mijapprchensiou. They know
exactly what they are doing, and ro
joicod over it when it was dono.
To say that this result was utters
ly unjustifiable ia to state- it mildly.
Ia all our political history thero has
not boon another such a flagrant iu
etanco of evil returned for good, and
treachery for friendship and confi
doooo. The complaint that the Ho
publican party bad not been eoili
ciontly courageous aud progressive
in its treatment of the liquor piosj
tion was without auy warrant of
lacu ua mo contrary, tucro was
decided testimony to tho effect that
it had gone too boldly and too fur
in that respect. It bad unquestion
ably passed temporanco laws iu dift
feront states of such a radicul and
striugeut form, that thoy could not
bo ouforcod - laws which wore in
advance of public sentiment,' that Is
to say, aud therefore serving' to
ahow that tnoro had really boon at
tempted than the people wero will
ing to indorse, even in as good a
caowj as that of tho Lomo vs. the
aaloon. It was eloarly not for want
Of Kepnblioa-o tymp'athy ; with pobi
11 wn ml adnnnnLi tAninnrann rnAlli.
i it4l Ui dreams of the Probibi.
tiODibis umi not ueou realized bQ-
irth ,inin nt iha. last Pipsb. I
it I iA rtfiuiuK . ("-.
HOW 9 " . j:,
Guil Hamilton urges, of inlluenco
aud instruction to bring pfople up
to tho standard already established
by the Republican party, and to
make f ffectivo the laws already in
existenco on tho subject of tho lie
quor trafile.
A good doal of attention baa lat
terly been given to crop prospects,
and a few days sinco a footing was
tfiven by lb? UuiU-d Jitat'-s Agricul-
toral Duroau, which sLowed pros
pects of a very heavy fulliug off from
tho product cf la&t year, nnd from
the average of tho last five years.
Tho Iowa Agricultural Society tup
plomcnta theso cslimatos with re
ports from spocial oorruspon
dents, which fix tho production of
that State at about 20,7:33,000
bnsbels of wheat, while that of Ohio
is put at only 200J,000. Taking
the general drift of nil tho reports,
tie decrease in tho crop given at
first seems to be very nearly cor
roborated. Ia corn, tho procpoct
seems to promiso a yield fioinowhat
greuter than that of last year. Ou
the whole, with tbo stocks left over,
there is uo prospect of the pi ico of
breadutnlTs being advanced to au
opprossivo . extent, unless circum
stances, of which thero aro no indi
cations now, should arise, such as
an extraordinary foreign demand.
At tho wrinkled fronts which Eng.
land aud Uusnia wero puttiog on a
few weeks ago soera to have smooth"
ed considerably, it is not likely that
tbo row between them, which is in
evitable, will come off in titno to af
fect prices io this ooiintry uutil tbo
crop 1BHG will bo coming io, so wo
may calculate tbat tho breadstufis
producer will share tbo depression
all the rest must labor uudor this
Now refreshingly American it
wonl-t be if Mr. James 0. Blaine
should actually go into Ohio next
fall to Mump the State for Foraker,
tho candidsto of his party for Oov
ernor. There is a rumor that be
will do so. and why not J It would
bo just like him.
How much more rational it wonld
seem that ho shonld be In the thick
of a furious political contest, cheer
ing on his enthusiastic followers,
than resting tlothfully at home en
gaging in philosophical Jdiscnssions
of Iho future of Hepudlicnoism.
Some defeated candidates for the
PrcHidcncy might think, aftor their
failure, that the field of minor;' poli
tics wasn't jood enough for thorn,
and would retire into a seclusion of
imaginary dignity, and novor appear
ia any other character than that of a
man who was onco next door to be
ing President.
Hut there is nonsuch nonsonso
about Prother PUini. With l,!m
bygones aro bygonos. Jlle is far
moro likely to jump into tho politi-
ngain, and particularly
inio me umo cauldron, thun to
moan over tho fatalitiosof lS8 J,'and
spend bis days in thinking of what
might havo been. He is not of the
sort that lives more in tbe past than
in It. A L XT 1 ...
picnuuk. iie ia t man wnu a
close grip on tho things of the day,
and ho keeps an ye ou tbu future
Thero is going to be a great con
tost in Ohio this fall. John Slier
man is expected to appear in his
party's beholf io greater prominence
than over before. All tho Itcpubli
can leaders of Ohio will bo out do
iug their best to win. Somo think
that with tho right man as tho Hems
ocratio candidate, it will requiro ox
traorditmry efforts forthe Iiepubli
cans to win, if tbey can win at all.
They will need all tho help thoy can
get. What more nalnral for an ar
dent Republican like Mr.lJJaino than
to throw himself into tho contest,
and to fhow that Dot even John
Sherman has grown powerful or
moro useful or moro devotod mem
ber of tho parlj than ho?
Thoso who think that tho Repnhs
lican party is through with lirothei
Maine can bo suro that Drothor
Iilaine, at least, is not through with
tho Republican parly. And if the
grand old party is to triumph in
Ohio ia November next, why
shouldn't Rrother lilaino ebaro the
glory ;-.V. ,.
Tho wifo-boalor who was subject
ed to tho la3h in Ualtimoro tho oth
er day as tho first victim of tho new
uv exemplified tho truth of tho old
couplet, which declares that
Xo man e'er felt that halter draw
With 'ond opinion of tho law.
Ho did this by rotost-ug thai il
was "a hard sontenco for a white
man to bear." It need not excite
wonder t' at Fnch should bo the
caso. J ho number of lashes ore-
scribed io the sontenco was sixteen,
and ns tho Sheriff constructed hit-
orders literally the puninhment wut
not merely tho nominal one so often
given in snch cases. Tho operation
was over in fifteen 6oconds, which
nras peihaps uot a tithe of tho time
ho occupied iu beating a Bick and
delicato wifo. He will spend six
mouths in jail, but tbo memory of
this real flogging is likely to romain
with him long ufter this torm has ex
pirod when tho tomptation to mal
treat his present or eoiuo fuluro wife
presents itself beforo him. The
policy of punishiug wifo-boating and
cruelty to childron with tho pillory
and tho lasu has been agitated for
veral years io almost every part ol
tho country. As Maryland is the
first Statu to adopt it, tho working
of tbo now law will uo doubt com
maud close study from judges
philanthropists and officials who
must deal with this form of crime
Tho first caso is an earnest that tho
law is likely to bo euforcod without
uoy regard for pontimentality.
Nkw Oiti.E.iNs, La., Juno 15th.
Tho Judges on Printing; aud
Material of tho World's Industrial
Imposition bavo owardod tho only
two fiist promiums (gold medals)
for printing pressoa to Messrs. C. H
Coltell A Sous, of Now York. Out
of these premiums was on their now
Front Delivery, Two Revolution,
and tho other for their Air Spriog
Country Press.
High licenso failed of passago in
tbe session jufit closed, uot because
the controlling sentiment was op
posed to it, but because the "through
temporanco ndvocatos' would not
take half a loaf. That is tho real
reason. When thoso pooplo learn
to accept tbo world as tbey find it,
aud seek by ordinary means and not
by to i rucles to rtak'e it better, tho
ttrnj ran e canse will bo advanced.
rousia onjuLT ezctosions.
For tho benefit of tboso who
would enjoy the great national boli
day in visiting friends or making
short excursions to attractive points.
tbo I coosylvania Railroad Conopaoy
will sell excursion tickets, nt greatly
reduced rates, on the 3d and 4th of
July, good to retarn ontil tbe 6th.
between all s tat iocs on its . lines,
comprising the Pennsylvania Rail
road, Iho Philadelphia, Wilmington
and Baltimore, Ualtimoro aud Poto
mac, Alcnandria and Fredericksburg
Northern Central, West Jersey, and
Camden and Atlantic railroad.
Grand Ezcurskn to tho Cca Shore
via Peanfiyhjla'JUUroad.
On the 2d of July next tbo Penn
sylvania R. R. Company will run
the first excursion of tho season
from this section to tho sea shore.
Theso excursions wero exceedingly
popular last summer, and nothing
will be left nndono to make them
equally if not moro so this year.
Tbo rale has been fixed at a figure
within tho reach of every one, aud
tho titno selected for tbo tiip makes
it a peculiarly opportune occasion
for visiting tho popular resorts of
Capo May or Atlantic City. Tickets
good for ton days will be sold at the
rates following t From Pittsburg,
Irwin, Orofitibburg, Conucllsvillo, I
Uuiontown, Latrobc, lilairsvillo, and
Indiana, $10 ; Johnstown, f9.2-
Cresson, SS.50 t Altoonn, $3 j Ty
roue, $7 0.1 Huntingdon, $7.10 j
Cumberland and Bedford $8-00 ;
Mount Union $0.73 j McVeytown,
Lewistown Junction, $G ; Mifilin,
$j 05 i and Newport, $."
For full information as to limo of
departuro of trains, Ac, apply to
tickets at points named above.
To Timers
1875. GRAND
Sum 5 lag 0cbdoi
Otherslnterestea 4DIP FIN1E D JLOTIHIIIMG
Ignorance is tbo dominion of absurdity.
rpiIK undersigned Administrators
Snyilnr fYiiinty, I'., 'lc M. Iy virtuii ul an urtlur
iu J oul nl (li. I irhun' "inirl ol fniin
ty, will i'Xjmo at tliv olj liuinculctil lit Juckwin
' w ( . Wll
Saturday, July 2."). 1S5.1.
Hi". Mlnwtnir l-.Tltr.l r :il .ll,. villi
IKAI'l Ml. l, ISrliiic (lie uiiitiMil'xl finn Imlf
tiiii-ri.! in nil tint at'rtimi iiip ii:iku and I ritt-t ul
I iml i". H:i m.l H li Sny l. r r.iunlv, 'a.
Il,, N'orlh In lilul.df U',11. S Shiillv un.l
I i.i ii i .-I II iiihiim'I . ki In liimimil A 1 11 1 1 :i IMiht
tt ii I iiiv,.l Miv.lur, u:ilh hy lin0nl IkI.1
Snyilnr mi') mi th- Vot liy Uinl ol Michael W,
i'.rnvcr .uia .luiiii H iur, roni.t i riin
f..'l Acres and C'.i l'crcbes,
umrn tT l will, tliv iiiiMonnni':i. nn wlilrli
n'i'r.-.'li'. u lUfta, v I- H A M K III H'SK. HA Mi
H IN. mill mlirr ntitliiillcllnix-, nNu Or"linl ul
pk lli-tit Iruit, K'xnl'T. H: All ul wlili-li r
i-li-iir Rii.l In !"- I riiliirutliiii, iciia uliuut lo
.ii'rt-n whlfli l w.'ll tlmliurnl.
1 II ('l Ml. ii-Situuti! Iii Trn.. t'o. ninl ftle
iiiiin-iiH. imuii'ii'il i i i li luri'li ol illi iin s.
Slii.lly, jil liy UimI" ul U.illlul II Ullllllf I. SulltH)
hy I mot Nil. I. mi I We t I'Jf IjiiiI-ul Wui. S.
I'.Ily. c uiiuinli'tf
C Acres,
tn' ro orlp", with oiiliurtctmin'on, nil cltor.
IKA'T M. 3 Silu.ito In Tun.. Cn. nni
Sl i p i,l..ri -nl.l. IhiumiIu I Nnrlli Kjjt I .
l.inil. of ' IMIIi'lii'l. ill''' .1, Smiili l.v liili'l'-
I lirn HiiiiiiiipI ami cr ! laiijj ul Henry
M yr, vl. al. cuiiulnlnif
3 Acres,
morn or liv wllli Die ni.urlcntini-f , nil rlcnr.
TIMcr Ntl. 4-ni'ln A I.iinon'i.nd lot altnatc
in ,Mn. Ill iTi nU tuwii-lnp 11, my. ,i.. .
Nnrtli liv liiniln ol S iniui'l Vmler, JwM. Kiut liy
lnu'l-ol Si'in ii'l l.cil.i'l, Souih hy M i' I.I le. r'pk
in.! Wntl.y aiiilol Iwnlel AUurcr, eoiiliiuuiH
One half Aero, or Iff, with the tiitirtpnaii(,i'.
Mali. In 0'iiu im nco ut '0 o'rlock A . M. ol aitlil
lay whim iilitimlauvo mil bo Mlfau uuJ torui,
iiia4 kuuwu l y
A-ilKI.IA Ull.lll.U
V. U.ClLtiLli.
at 2 per buslicl and in quan
tities lower. Kcccivvd ftoli
ground twice a montli.
at 81.73. Sold lat vcar at
$5 and $0 each.
Razor steel, at 75 cent? cacli,
formerly 1.00.
Manilla, all sizes at greatly
reduced prices.
Iron and wood, 23 and 50cts.
cad i, ttc., Sec.
Rail, Eajrje, Western lower
tlian wero ever Iviiown, $2.75
to $3.00. $2.25 each for a
good cradle.
(lalvanized Cactus, lluek
thorn, Riinkcrhon; Tablett
reduced to tho lowest price.
Write and inquire for prices.
Lewistown, Pa.
Clothing Bazaar
Oppcnheimer is determined this
Ant he did last yearjas ho is bolter prepared thuu ever.
Wo have tho new est styles and will pledo our businons rpput ilion that
I im nvn T IIU'ITO 11. I. i i ., ... ., ... .
, ijvui.n uinii t:i,n lie :iuuu niHnwncro in llie olatO.
our 4-button Cntaway Coats aro the latest and aro very mnch admired
Our lino of MKN'S CLOTHING is full and crmplote. We bavo men's
suits from $:i.f and upwards -wo can boat any houae in Snyder county
h ""KSaiTToHHsok 4 ioSiJ
B Burlington, Tt., ltopriUtrt of
it. ; - i...i . ,n. , .'... a
J?'or Hheumatiam, tieuralgla
Crampn, Sprains, Backache!
Sciatica, HumB and Scalds,)
lirulsct, Frosted Feet tC Ears
ami uli othtr l'ulna and Achet
A aa ft , aure, and cffectuatl
remctTy for Oallt, Strains
Scrutchcr,, Sores, C, on Horses,
Ont trial will prot t itt tntritt.
Its effects arc instantaneous.
Price- 25c. and 50c. Bold everj-w here.
Pur Sale ut Jlarber h Druf tit ore.
n Oic wi(t f "f lite irfalc i;f (knj t llvr
mini, tlic'iL
rilHK undersigned appointed An
X ililor liy I Im r.hiin' 'uurl ol Snyilnr 'oiin
ty. t M iy titrni. lunl piul, lo Olinl'Uto tlit
IUUII.- Ill UIO IIUIIil Ol'OII HIIII IfolMiri tlllHHlllij
it rixwiitnrn ol the lout will unci toiuniunt ol
I liu.rir.i II itrin mi In I n ..I' I '..ulr.. I..W1..I.I11 .1 I
will et 'nr Mm iiriiMo ol lili niioliilii'iii!it ni
tliuoltli-oT. J.Suillli. K1111 . Iu Mill. Ili'liuruii. mi
SuluriUy, J111111 -n, lHhi llllt, In. All iiui . oil
uiii rii(i;.i nui uko uuiitu or litri'uiiur bu ou-
imrrsu be.
June!, W. AuUlior.
a &r ?a O
1 wm i
9. Milt:,l. CTj,.-,.-. f B
for tb fEUtMINAL, UlfJX N T.
G 11. TT. S. E.
ut. .n
, ... . . j ..... 1 uMi . ... VMilll o
Slinw KMi-niiit. I'll., .Tuno mr,
Klninilnl St iii-uniil ol Miilillutiiiruli Ni-linolp.
KnlJII 'F lit II Illllllli-tltO ol lhs-it.'), A.
(-ii-li 11 111 Nui Ii rolli-tnr.
Hy enh :ilil J. W. ilrwln Tren. 14
Kul. ilui lioriitiuli
llul. .lilt- on iiiil-ntp nl 3-M A.
l(t'niilni.'or 'ol.
Hy li mlil J. . li win
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I'iuli ro-uivtilol A l iiiri r
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" lni Hi mo to " liiilfiitn nf SJ
I. It. Willi li-rlv, 1'r- .
TuimMi ol J. V iirnlx Trt",.
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I. M. Mmiiu, I rt-na.
LoCMli liuui loriucr Trom.
liy orilirv imlil
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i' llie I An.lltori linvl nor vntii i .i.ul
llio lorumilim iii'i-ouiim liml tlii'in trnu 11ml n.t
rvi-t iia ill". m etittiil to tb of our Imowln.iu.
ami bulk I.
. I (H'TFI.It'H
' fL s0
WJ. IJ . I J J. I M. V I J J. IJ I. IJ). V I J
Grand disjilay of Men's ond 1'oys Farnisbinfi; (joodn, Tioo DrcFs Fliirls,
beautiful patterns in l'ercalo Shirts, flno Neck-wrar, Collars and CnlTs,
Underwear. Handkerchipfs, Sec We have tho latest styles io Straw.Felt,
Wool and Fur Hats aud Cups in all sizes and colors. Snrinor Ovtreoats.
in all tbo latest shades and tvles. run osnorttneiit of Spring Uottora
OANKS, &c , ut excooding low prices. 7"Irefi8 ft I'low Shoes at cost.
Iho lending Clothier of Seliusgrove.
Storo between iho Keystono and National Hotels.
J. P.SHIRK, Proprietor,
Beaver town, Pa.
I desire to inform the people tLat I have just received a full line of
consisting of Light and heavy Iron, Tires, St?ol, Heavy and liuht bolts,
Springs, Iron and Steel wedges-
Cultivators, Pumps, Window Screen Cloth, Lamps, Wall Paper
Carpenter's Shoemaker's and Coachmnker's supplies, Chaira, eVood and
Willow-ware. Nails, Oil Cloth, and a full line ol
Tinware. 4c.. &C. As I bavo a coroplelo lino of goods which was pur
cliaicd at tho lowest price, I am euitidcut I can satisfy buyers iu quality
and price, and cordially invito their patrouugo.
Very Trnly Yours
April 30, '85. J, i. SIIIKK.
Manufactures of Barouches, Jump -seat Carriages, Wagons, Sloighs, lighj
ioglo and Double llaruess.
'- v 195:
KlVVi-r, l,
El tf
cr 1 5 p
5 S'
c.B o
J l
Call and boo onr ?75.00 Top Duggy, which wo sro making a specialty
Building Material takcu in exchange for work. Cull on or address
May l.'SCtf, BliAVERTOWN, TA.
New Goods I New Prices!
Tbo undersign-; "Onld ropeotfalIj announce to Iho pnblio that ho
io'oiiil n "u,l, ""u mcwicomrjeto stock of v:.. t
- ow... Y,, .. . . . cmnuio ID Ilia
uicu me iremendona Hni nf n, .,.., .'. . .
.11 . T 'ow raonius last fle
otcomFlete stock of Furniture in tho
on Ol LUB Oft fit laxa mnr.ll,. I
w soil at bottom prices. Tha stoek unn.i.i. .n ... .
v, ail oijies and prices.
Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits
Bureaus, Stands,
Lounges, Chairs, Matresses,
and every thing la the Furniture line. Call and ,eo for yc-uml vc
ItMpectfolly, ' V
4 etui, r w .
.- ... 4. it,L Ig u-m 1 "'J minVZim '"
Deo, 1B2-
m - . -
thonsana ui"
ded into tbo tunntL