-t "-.-o-' 7 rl. .ii-ilAHTBU. rOL. XXII il'OKTltY: ITL..I i.v lli'lirt- hlliH'1. Andtb-bomMhai i.t.aPi M, jjr1"1it,'"t in i1 .lnwlrMhr-yi'lUHi-r. At.-t wlioro U.. y "'I Whrmn-. r!rooni.f..'1i.-i- Tl."T'.t of v..rl Ami .."tray I.Hir.-.l inotli.T l8li..n.i.Mitl) .ar.-: Wh.'ni.olir-'ll'l,,'-,-,'r In li. Ij.tT nl"..", Put ik'Ii ' ,","v Till tli work i iloiif. Tbcn'iiKitliiTlri- l.'iMir.' y,. Until with h.TcirK Bh'c shiuos nil h.TM'.nvts. Ti.vMnootlibtTM.M '"iN. Anll"lil1"'-Nvi,h',lo;-,,,i"' .Ami I -oil V V--l..r-Thci-.- n"v.-r uu tM--i1..-r go wi.i'"i"' fil1'' ' .7 Anl r.thiT !- j-l!y: J j.(..rios utrl l'"1 ..... nr.. ..r tlv hoiist li 1.1. Ii.. tin. Ii"t Who .lorn not think fnth.-r . Known h.'ft .uit i Ami wnnl.l not work !..ul'l Vlii.t if n.i;;ht l.ikt! n-.-t. Ha l,. l..!n ' MH'h otln r WVi " "I ' 1 I il...i-ori'hiy. IoJi;iiiiio- v r J'lii' your.- pa-:' iiwi.y; Tor ii'..'it-uri'.- tiro lii i:;ht.'st .'i ii'it many lioni'tf fhai-'1. ' Ami ''"i'l an- lihi'-ft That many Imml I't'iO'. ' !IY mi;;', w. r. :liS Meniorios c.f joy, why onio yo l..-U .Totr. nihlo o'i I' th" lo ai't liUoj.aiii. Reoiillini-' nmny a miiiiiv trark OitT tuoi,t.-i n.'Vr Miail ti-a. o aainV Lovodf Tins now cr.'.-t nson tlntuir, Lovi I v..i.-.' tr.-mhlf h our i ar-. And iihniiioiii j.Wa-'ni-o i-v.-ry wh'-r.' Lauiih at tho h.octorof our fours. We 8n- hi ij;'.it frtoi-s nil a-lo'v Wifh yonl'.i an l l h-aii oV !)rij.htosl . j tioatu, r.OllOil'L- fllllt!-tPH O.'IIIO flll'l 'O, And vi.-iuiis ii'ir tho fum-ios Kloam. They ci.iin.' liko mini" nioloilioiii tlroiini WIiom iiryiiitf cailouoo olih and Ih.wiJ, Or, UUo tin- sho1 iwr on :i sironm O'er whi.-h tho honth w i:nl ntly i blows. Only r iii' t lane wo foo, . Tho Miiihiit (.'l.i.iou in t? i n i j 1 I Miiil.-n; Approai-hiiiK it, jiorchnnco, may ho 1 A frimi'lo I'ojwor our Mop h-'jilot.. :i n"o!ilor hi'tish, whoso ljlosomo white Ii'onlt tho froshnos ofonr yu.it h; Th4 happy lii-art, the owo.-t doli-ht, Tho wii.l, whoso utniiispiu'i'o was j truth. I7 hear tho row-hollii on the hill. Ami, bloniliii with their tinkling ( lays, J7Hioar within onr momory still Tho hons of liui-furjjotton days. tafthMonly an odor Hows from somo swuot Ihjwor romomhor -4 o.l well. rho tromhling honrt st ring's fool ro- peso I buhu- from whonoo? Weonnnot toll. 02T A OATS POST- i' ( UAI'TICU I. fAmbrooo Nettlt-Hou bun wlmt ho i'mks is a vnluublo manusefipt. He inks bo, doubtloHs, beoanno it ro irda a part of bis Iifo. Ono Dt'bt ceotly; while 1 wnu ftt bis hoiiao, i brought out tbo rnnnuHOt ipt nud jnd lo mo. Although I did not ask ' Jb pcrmifisiou, yet I do not foul that I Molate bis confidence by giving ns iurly ob I can remember, tho cou nts of tbo paper which ho treabur- with eucb affection. The prospect waa not cheerful. Kaa riding n boreo acrows a coun- igh which bespoaka the long ab itico of souio ono. Night waa cotn- ig and a storm waa gathering its ets. A ftighieued owl llittod fit mo, icfcatniug iu ray faco. Tho a of year waa when nature hobi- ta whether to continue winter or Go ppiing. My horse alruobt iook me off wbeu ho utoppod and livcvoil. The owl Bcreamod ju my gain. Dead lea vcb, for a ruom it would whirl before mo, and thou U. scattered aud torn aa though cy bad by no angry Land, been 'pt from their lonfj damp rest, ly to be mocked. "What a dreary. pry placo this iJ" I mu80d. "I VI na thou-b aomothinjr terrible is i:- i . ito unppeu The air, just be- -J 'f no tho groat Bf-ilfition which must j . i 3 : curuo, nuciuo 'i n i l.nnr Iho Konnl of murder, mnv- rnf'V TlT 13 HAPPIES?- j(lor j A I iiv vendor is 0 light. IV.booU lliot wet very dtilt-,;u-nt -T ! . lu ,HiWo lh.it I tUall reccivo ebcl-ib d-rt Uirm. l.'iv . ' , 1h-1i(oiip1 I, ... for mini v vi-iir Ikva l.'cn ro Thnt many linu.ls. Wnr, i r,.io(T my )lCl., f,)t wnr.l, I won ! baJ lUt 1 tin 1 to .1j .!! liis rrn.liti;: . And k-n.u:..s rc- 1-iU'Uf I pmu i,r,nso. ti-.ir thoji'r t.iui. Ho r.to n boot; ! nil i.f Unmmit rf n dsolato pr' o!j. overlook. 'iorlbo Arkin.iw liver. I oV-! r wlmn he f -.w..l n.o v olunr it. h" i mount 1 r.ir Ibo door-llioro wnn'tiu'k it nwr fio.n mo nn 1 bainod it ! no fonca nronud lUo Iiouho. My mo nml in ii pvj ii"'. ....' j . . (. ---- ilhont ftt'liss rfmi'sil'" fr"ni nny-:it. IOCO .Vltillll, I 1IM mi.ii;i:h IUU. !..,.!. Unl nnl Mol. i i'l . I .... : I . .. t FVl liO nn l I'll ..v. if i u ii.-ii.in-, iiiiimnlmMnron tlo rivcr.i ' . Whin I ni'ivoHOUi-d tho iloo.r. I j I honrd ii wail I Uivkc 1 nn l I ; . l.card tho Willi rmnin.r slowly t.-wm .1 jino. Tho door win ojv nod ly n p. ill J ipoitiTf ly more liiv.i Iwolvo ycais old 'It e - .1... ,,f .1. i.'-iif . I If I 111. o v as i in: j ii iuii li .ii'i hi. Sno ei.i I iiothin;!. hnt ' iolo I lo n ho,, nj.on wlocli by ii oi l in'..' 'i;!ir.'7 for l::-nth. A fl't oarhi vr j li'in. I ha- thai l o l.'td l"it i. f.-w i (ililillti'S to livo, ho !!U ll h'.s i l.. i tho old man. llo trioil to nl I i 1 ! lliltid lllloll l.OT ll'':id. I',' ; 1 i :;.:, 1: i j looked i.t mo au ll ii.- ,i,;..'d h'tii. i Ho 1 1 i.'il t i s-poo!;. but r-.ul I m-t j I ho Ki' l i-ol-!.;-l franiieuly. The 'ruin :ir.trl ilos:t and tho Rt;.i :; i-bi.'. k tl.o h-m-io. ' Ho will i v i r w . ! t-..:'- cried. .My fji v.idjn will dio. ' Yes, 1m r f;i -m Ipa w onl 1 dio Hi.-, iifo had ulrcidv pt"u.-d away. 'J'Ja hand on I:t hea 1 wnn oroiti'.; f.-.!d. Sho loi'k'id nt l-.im m,d sloid.d. Wl:,il ti r.i.'ht wo rj-etit in 11. a! honso. 'J ho M'ono how led lll.d the rain fell Qf.td nearly ibyl: .;ht. The jjirl, Mibot.i I h.iv; intidlicont, wit!, an impel i-ivo f'.'.-o, i ai 1 thnt !.; i mituo was MtiiK tto Eo;etaon, :md 'in. fcinon I if. i- rnrlicut . oc dit c'. lol. fho bud livo.l witli tho old iiu.i.. a blr. M..;.iin' hi.i wif". "Dor tw.-nty-wLobad r.pui;l t'.-o mo.st of l.ia lito.o. ! i ,;hl ji-i.r Id .;;!.! r th-.t nt iiie d iiit-o fil:o b'Kii to tuJU, in ttaeliin- J !im moH'; aitt'l it lot-'iin' la tia her. 'I La to no l ekitivcn," pbo raid "iny f:it:nds .'' ' No friotnb." 'Von hiTn i.t.i;1 !cr? "Notio. Tiiu roiif.fit n?;i io neaily i:i;dit r.olo-t tiwny.'' I klll-W tJtlt wllllt lo do- S'll'i - tho Hiluiitiou was Korioos. I'.irlv tit tuorninp, wo buried tho old man in tho yard. As best I oonhl, 1 mn lo u o iVin of n troupii which I f.mt..l it Ihn btiihlo. After tho burial, I writ I out nud found t tiinomh com f.r mvlhcoti n nho d bnreo. I loft Mnnotlo lit the ptavc, Il iM'd to live o o,laii!M many books. on which hlio bad, bobbin bittetly. j If yoti want, tiieiu jmi may ;o li.i in tbrown lioisolf. j and ji-t iLeiu. I t.l.-.il never : af-, "Wl.eto r.ro volt ToiL'. litllo "ill? "iter them. 1 euii'd Diver leiid tin-in! I ai.ked whoa I liuntd, bliil liudiu;, - Ltr on tho grave. 'How can I i:o nnvw! ;irc ? ' n?!ad "I bavo no ffiendit, I you." "Yon can not remain bote." "I nnnriot go tiwiy." "I will not loavo vou hero. ntust go with tno. My mother li'tlJ no bttlo nirl. Sho wiil n-oeivo von." Slid Ivitur en tho or;ivo and wilh- i n r - - - i oat looking up, bho replied : "I will "O nn, 1 work fur i,ir li.inr.l " 'I will go and worker my board." -Yon will not buvo to work, When I toll my tucthor of Ike cir - cimetauoos under which I found you, hIia will tuko yon in lor nruiH. (liinm. I'M ennp ol.t !.. 71 i:... ir-'-v.--."fc.vin. ji. in linjo, wo wore lcitviug; hero. It ia k now liiv t.,r !, " .v.. jvu. Withlillt. l-fvt.KJn .!, ...1 . .-t v...h,, r-n niutu 1.1111 .... ... tnrnoii lowniiiH nio. Her faoo, even iisido from bc-r grief, wns ho Mud. nnd Ler even woro a look of biicIi tender nppoid that even though hho l.nd rel- iitivei I would buvo thought it my duly to lake her homo with uio. Sho went into tbo bouso and boon returned with a small bnndlo. "I haven't much to tako," l:e eai 1. ' Orandpa and I wero vei v V whose Ioneline88 waa aa deep nsipoor, and you boo, hiving inboritod his poverty, I ana poorer than ever." I was not BurpiiBed to bear bor make biieh a remark, for I had dis covered that Kho never associated with children and was consequently wiso rd Ler ngp. ' You bbiill hnvo somo Diso diessea after ft while," 1 replied. Trolly red ones ?" Tho ehilding waa as'eiling itself. "Yes, and bluo ones." Sho, wept noo'.v aa wo mounted the borne ,bho Boated behind me A8 loug as tie wero within sight of tho houso che eai J cothing, but when we bad descended into the thick woods, eho said : 'I won't cry any raoro, if I can Le'p it." lie lint ill net vrar-on is :i 1ni;ot; lie that rannot i a ionl ; MIDDLKBUllOll, SNYDER CO, PKNJs'A, AERIE M, ISSft. "Yonr piandfi.tl.t-r - 11. . il'l ..... . ' os, but ho madj mo read many 'cnrion.R t!.ii .;-. nn.l in '.ml 1ui oin'm:i:i if my mnihii'ii i -o yi'v.p po, !... It v.v,M Imvo b.vn bud and U' Ituu - 't Uvc. ht-cn hoitv that, 1.0 wroti- Wh.'.t i onr iiiuno tl.,lll I. ... t I n in I . nil I . A ( . . . .-n .-.n-, lit i-'fi flat "In- i.'l fiot iiji lif-r f,..k. .1 , ., ...... : ,i -It wv. yo-.ir p'.oo to l.-H me .. .. ... i Hi'. MU my (-.!!;.', cIiDM;.! -V. I, ell I to! 1 y.itt my r-f.;r.r? y,,., chon!..! b-ivo j t.-ld mo ycui i Don't yon m-o ?" i I iol;n.ilido tin j i .ti'' ; .f lior i : K j 'It.., r..l!ri" f 1 rf-i j'i f i ' I lh- il'V r'- i r i'l rr t vinatitlv v i'!i ti.r pt: oi of P i : c j ! !.. of the t ;M h..:.'ie. ihie!i l;'it';ra:l i t'ei'iT'i siio c HiM n.d d.Ki'il ti'il .',!.-:i ! O'.u'd n I !.e-p from .v.i -.-; ; i 'e. it-i-.'.'iu .-. V fot . 'I a o;j n-t.l ; t; ,ii;rer MiPioTo's fei ro I; . u'ivo mo udd.' iv.f.-d in ild into hei el .'i hah;'. i,f i di'- ( -l'. e 'll 'o"- V. I'l V.l) f t-. J I ' d !.t M f iri.i 1 ' . 1 1 j . v.'.ioro tl.o sa l sd! ly of lilt; !.'.'! hwo! 0 r-.u-h inrnj-sl'iv ih-.t th? I.iiidhi.-.it. d I'-.-'-.-.v.i:'- I,,.; J t: 1 0 t i i.ii.'lV the rhi!d to 1.-, ' i w.'.i: hrr i "It is ii .pi'.i'tr. (hit s!k i i:t-l dooido," I lej-'im1 I. "V'l. it .1 i. n av, ?Ii!iei to " j "I o -it i rpri ' I '.'i-it yo'i nu-.nl 1 e tii -J Mien ii ir-teni i.i't. mo- rem i d. aiO'l 'I'l'-l.inir ll.n chair nie r , , .-it ntid t.'..ri' my hind. "V n! 1 it not l o ii!.;:i( !i!f ol in mo to do ''! I yo'l v i !.:, or t ) V'-r dosott o;t ':" ' .S!.;'i .'..I i:.t.r.i f : :i:!.. th-ni an ! I ' iv. otuau l '. - i.t low, t-a:-I t. lo ' "tV'v .IoM--.o.-o!i." r.ui.l hi.' wifo. in ' mil l (.'liMii'c.'Mi.irv'.sret niti t tweutv i-iit y ivtj s nl 1." SI ..'.i n.i .? .i'ii in: n: .- r. i ' . ! ' 1 1 i....t.. ; lilt) W Oll'.'lll, "i ho I." fii.tit.r.i iiivt-r had i i lj.-tlioe,' ! -l'idi'. t b ! ti n i . i f i j ; : i r- ''i!en m arly (.v.-r jour, il 1 Vl;.'t rho-.v .1 ; ;;al want I'd hko t; ot oiu:-, 1 iv it- kiiow ? '1 ii 's lu'h . tn.t you r.evi r i is b, e:t tj i c'.i.m. Oh. Jts, sir. ?.b: wiiol.j li'.t ha-; l lin old ll.lUsu -.v'u i e . a.-.io.'' U'1 l,!.i.i i-it lnOt.ina if I .1 ,1,'f ' .". , , biiolmofv i:t tliiit w iv. I fun t nr.ieli ef told I a hehijiar but 1 iccken I can wuirj jtluuuoli with ii tot of thorn." j i i-t i- it i ; . I My mothor wul.- mii-d M unci to, Yotr!4"d ' related tho sad bt'iry of how I found her, tho Hjmpullielic woman ' jok thu chiid in hoi nrai9 and kibn- : od hof. A fe..V dnja lif Id ival d.' wh' ti I ro(,iiiH.d homo nfter it bhoil iiosotioc. cho tl tH'.a-'l Upon nm lit it i Ti.Y rod .he. Sim wa, mo:o of (l 'ohild than 1 bad eve. hocn-mote bo ' than 1 h i 1 thought it p-ibb for ' kuv to booiimo My tuolhor was do- li;;ttcd lo ... o I:or muoeor.t praLkH. 'in, ,1 1. f.T Ihr. CiihI lino, t; Ivji.,1 I tin - ' , v...., U'bild. ..V..,. nr. 1 ;o,.l I 1....I ' ,l.n'K I ll'il llilIU I.,ii3i : iiu ii l.l-M, nilU I ..: 1 ..... T I 1. ... ... -.. Mini, i iu uioiiuau i ijvis. oeuer iu I i thin dionn J" "It in Locuubo you look tr.oro like n -'bild. Dofore, ou lxtnindod mo bo much of a womtin." "l)j not women like to bo kinpod.' I laughed und my toother, Hhuking her bend I can boo her gray huirsland ttijcomfortublo Inuring in her fc.ii.1 : "Ah, Ambrose, our young ! head and told her daughter, Miss girl bus ft very tld bihd." j Wnlkor, that it felt aa if bomo inject Vi'o bout Mutiello to Bchool. The ; was in it. Tho latter having board toucher, a man who had tho u-pnlu- that in cnaos whero there i i nn in tion of being piofouud, met me one ect hidden in tho head a light will day and eaid : "Look here, Miinetto sometime bting it out, tried bold ia tho most lemnrkiiblo child 1 ever jog a light to Mra. Walker's oar. lo taw. Sho baa rend no many bookw a 8,0,t Uiuo a Rruull blu-k ppider nnd nniko mo Mich wio observatioi)Hje,1Uj0 01,t and Mrs. Walker wan at that I am coublanlly Bu.prbed. Toonco waa ft narrow escapo tell yon tl.o truth 1 cannot advance from ft ,lrtn w,jicU Wll,jj bl,u her. .Not that 1 tint not intellcctu ally able abetu but boeauaa 1 do not think that at bor ago it would bo Bafo, Thertforo 1 would adviao you to tako her front school. 1 know Iho effoct of too much loarning lma on youth. 1 know how narrowly 1 escaped." When 1 spoke to Munetto, eho aaid : "That school is a very dull nlttce. It h a coDHtant bum of 1 uthintlio. 1 don't like to cipher! must LnvoflHll'H rbildretj call it. Fi actions! irn - A .. I...., I anilil fill. I tl UHll I II a i i i . nootm c.Tftviplcs make mo i.ei; Jt-t ! m - M.i - .1ynt l.t.-me. jl.crer asked u Ln.i ist of 1 l.-.-U U-r from n-!..T)1. i'Uc m mw . li.-f .'.cJ Mml.'i.l, l)'it wni lii-vrr1 "Wall, M t:io ll'ivc n v ho f.l-.st i b. .t 1.o wns . I).nim. ll:,it Ik- n n't l oll to tb- bill" rI Mii.r.n wl.icb n vn-j.r,,, l:,. I cotr... b..iv," Mni'iy. .'.in run ,;i-w i.,-,..i .u.u; to m tl.it hIh was .d:.i!y bcc;.tt:i"S nuw iricbd. iiai i kii m. I ho rtcr ong.u on. now r,n nmi i I !., i'l I.llll. n 'I'M. ' .' 1 . V'"W C" 1 ' ' 1 "it .ft. - ty. imd uotb.n,; rrn W n.or n tin tl nil: .nil titioh it in t ui 1 i "i '"' ' " . I,. i Iriiwii- 1 inn 1ielio:i. I' - ll - f.'io, wl:"ti 1 ny li.il i:m w.i cumv on. 1 intend tint tlm .1-cbnti in i.honld have ltd f ul meiilil! 'fH I -Wl.en M.n 1,0 n pup i" bom. full of j.iido. 1 wim u .ipUiu '-lit f on lo- vmw n d ... of iMiirM..." Iy tnothfr pmyod; hnt f,h.!:e!t',J "Vyf.i'ti!. M" theio n-u. y old di I I -..1 f. ' m !o to"" i.ii'-otod. (! '-.I-',,,..!, , ,., j,, .lltl put i.f tl..- i-i.-.iu-ly. " siio sai I. "Wur i- oi'.o i f the liy i: i. htils of -itdiiti-.n. 1 !i'. iw :;at Jn'.l Will do -jur d it 7. 1 th.l vol will i."t f y,-.-t tho liitlo ;:ii! Vlholll J..II ( i '.: s--.V F . hi . I'.ll h I tl.." h.uiil of a ilyino mi.n. U'hoti VU let'lili. 1 (-bail ho i 1 I el. ileji to 1.:-.- .'.oil." 1 look- d fll her in ris! ni Im-eiit. M"itii..o!.l sp'u l.!o I i" ho' .yo-i Vo.l d 'li't hkv t ) kiss ehl ilell, It ( I 'I; .M- n. tto. yon nto i-lr.o:-. 1 if.ee said thU 1 did lad k; S voil; la 1-1 11 so V. II looked like It V. t.l-Ul.'' j Oh. m-h. Hut is tin.' 1 !hoiU'.b j that hi did not want to kl-H nn , I, ,o,iil e 1 W". so Hi.llil. 'I'Ci lioivl capt'lill, it.-t. I MV. Up M.o ,1 U..H.. ' . . I 1 J 1 ' " 1 ti.l i:e l ii-viiv. ii:io e;..l. .1 l-o-wh. n 1 was id -j'lt il l u:e!i.'l yui b kw:.v 1.'. 1 Hii.l : When you pa:--. tho l.l ' 1. oil Ihd Y, band po.t. 1 1 i .i ami f .mi 1 Ibo v?ov.K 4 1 i,:v.! jou. " t'it.b-r thlM 1 V. loll'. i 'A t.d 1 1 vo JOU." j 1 tli I not i.-oi-ivo but otio lo! loi fii.ni Mum lie. r.'i'l that mi;.'M jo-1 1 ...... . .... ... ..i .Miiton nv n p..- l ' : f. fMtV of "i-lib , for ilrt four pa'i ii hi re d.v -to I toil i!-. ciij.'.i. li if i' i'.i vf I c'jhl-.ii hhd I. ad l .-.iu.l m e.ivo. i I 1 i(.!m tiod homo l".,' . . , 1 iMnm-ilo w,n .b-hol.l.-d to boo me ''' ' i " ' :SI,)wh p(-ou!i.ir. thou;;!. th,t b ,l'a U A' a,' .'o.uld not toll wl.olhcr or m-t bh.i'1'"'- ... . . ; .H! i ivod nn'. It i ei ni"d that hln lid not. fit' o h" t-evof 1 ii.tti Uipli d ! to I'lilld I.t r of it sho oli:itii.-d ti.el sr.'. j' i-t. Ij'ko all truo lov. iv. 1 1' '.l ' 'that witiioilt lor my bfo w-.o.ti I be i: i Link. I si.oko lo m v inotker cm-i . , i .i iiii.i; iu nun, in i , i I t 1 ":-lio nm very t;!r.i:i,,") gnl, but 1 I ;,l-.v:;VH found hof batik XO. l't when 1 asked her if bho loved J olt, lilid id.ci teii'.ie. I that tho h.nvks hi I ear , , . u I that tho h.nvks h id o:ir t ltd Oil Uil CO til 1110 i10milia-l.tr b hen's: chickens." One d.iy, in p i-iaiti,' Hm bi,; g ate, I ivr,.ti on tlm I'ost tho fjl'.owiuj; : "Vv'ill you marry mo T Two d ijs Kftcnviirdd t vi-ilcd tbo . i pluoo and found Urn word "Yes." Without farther coiiiuiunio i1 ion. ' f xccn umppmni mo umo ny ..hi, i .... 1 1 " wo ivoro married. 1 did not hud bor di-poMtion to bo poouh-ir only i(1 lL i'di'USily of lior lovo for mo. I '" by d.d you treat ma ho ? ' 1 one u"' ""1;d her. "Tho dominiekor has s Rfcnldcnl ' of t ro'ib'io willi her rhi"l.i-rin," hI.o replied. iSltoitly tiflerwHrb, when ill Ihiinrrhf 1 .lit. 1 ivim Iflit llKlklUL'. ' ' ' r, " n' :al... Il ,. I..,,L. I,i.. I 1.11.1 nn.l Lu-.. tli. ' -"- v.. ....v. ...t).. :... .... Ar,ni.itm nn;cr MiwEjitr, Wcr.h FvCntCKtboiir.''- Ono day 1 nt word; Mra. .Edward I Walker, of To wand i, fnlt p. peculiar notions if not Mul, and the simple expedient i worlh reinemboring. Tho bill hits passed the Connecti cut legislature mtiLing it an oUVnuo lo diechargo a workman without cause or without tiotieo. Joseph Ilanna, of Chagrin Falls, O., advoitiaes that for 150 he will become the substitute for any man sctteuccd to bo Laoged ItO that Jnr not is n !Ei .sr,-. Jl..'4 V ta-.4 4. W. 42. .1 lt' long Imvrt j-ioi I von living jheroT ' tasked a louiist if an A i k, iii- ill.O, tinii' t i:t ii .' .1.1 n:., i ..n.: . n, o.i u.-.p.y .,,,;,.,..,, Ilia.,,. , , ,nn Mo wuh n miity ..m-iy .n in tbo.ibrm to h, : . .... in ilm.; i.r.t.-'i jfti.t .!,i-.., ,?, wo ,li,l.,'i thick i .woni.i i.v nonow. h . wo t k.-.., ;,,,. v. fn , ,r,l f I.Mn.'.i. I'nt., y ao.l .1. tl. .Pi'', lo .-iortc.l uj : - i lv. I tlt I.o'h (;. ttii. !l litllo old ' ' o .. . . ,..,.. w r .. .'" ',,,.,...,.,,.. l I I I . .... '" )!., m-;, , wr i.mee l.mt d.' wa. n j , (ii. y.-s II. nv o! 1 r Si'l'K- ii' tl. ,t" a l.uttdic I veai! old, 1 f. ill. You d. n't t.'i! .a- '" 1 How d.. yo-.j i.-i nv I ! oi'l ? ' !i'ii'iti.i..il..i..1.il.fiti.'i"illto oonvev !! M 1 1 .'11, Ol lliat I lay I'.lo. tl,, tli.lt Id. ' I h'lt'a nh-lt 1 do : I 'I uonll hi." to tlik t ol.e , i,.,,.,, lo lll4 , x. e: 1. t.0' S Would 1 ..Viy doll 1 yo.1 ' " ..,. Van. .1. a!, than:" r sr1 ,;,.,) ,,,,,, j.,,,,,. ' Dei I) ,.., , .; :- I,, ! t o ;,,J11)1Hi sr.,., u tl , ,t . , , j r : . , ...h .-t I .il tl f -w U.oiii, I 1 1:. iii ttii, uioi.o toward tiio ipiii,' o tho j i nr." ' I no mi wV.'it li:n of d-iv ' 'l'oii'l know, it 'm eh.tidv.'' 'TI iven'l . ou K 't a tiuio piiH'o in tho l:oU-,'V .., hnt ll:o old v.iiiu'in Im.-i " Well, eall't JOU Hco what, tililO it .i '.iy 1 1 1 n 1 '" -Noidi '' -'.V y ' (I'd wop-.i'.t.'n too h!:0'-v. Si."' ' j h w s tii.it tho old ii.tiol.i.ie just ejvi-s ' ;.'noii .!i iniio tor i.t r nn tuo d-vh. i i , , , .. . ,i ! 1 i- f,,. ti. 1 v.,n im'ii ei r 'tn. "Mv fii.nd. voiy euti'ius sp yon mo oeiiaiidy n l.-iiOTl 1 1 s, S;l i - i wat-r-.I. i.' " "I nm n ilr tti.f itt tlti'i o.T.'i! i v. bill I can let I'm ! any f n itd; n oti d i noi!;:h to givo u-.o iiny iiiformui ion W but is land worth by lie uoie,' W hat is l and worth by I le. uei e '" -l'-ud on- price iiii' I lift, another i ... , .1 i "bud ore I'liCO iili 1 lift, aij-'lliel' I 1 , ... I'M. vi, I. u- 11,1 1.1 1." lillll- 1.1.11'., ! " ' i i .. i :.,-. .. i , i , . ' i . . ....I i ; t ' ..III I U lu.ll'l "If jo't were to b.-li i1, what would you us!; for if .'" "VVotildi.'t. nx iiothin' fur it if witn'.ei m11 it. "W'uti! in't bo mine then." "Ilnw roanj- noron hnvo. you?" "Nevif moif nn d il," "Where, in thU diieetion, doc jonr lino bt "p ?'' "Ain't g it no lino." "li.isn't tho phioe boon Mirteyrd?" "Yea, but the lino was but fit lip when tho '.vooda oolcli mI'hc. ' 'ot good "1 ib.it'L behevo you've setiso." ' An' I know yntj lm:n't '' ' How do yon know il. V" 'Vau:-o you Mop nn' t ilk to lour: to ft mini that you dou't Leliovo is . o '' f-To.t prilHO. ' TijiiiH nil i ight. Siy, hoiv ran I Jstiiko thu liittlo Rook 1:oh,1.' ''.Villi a htick, I reckon." "You arn a fool." "So uni 1. Ai'ktnisith"' Tvwilv. Lnst beiiMOu there wero over l.tJ'.H) prof-.-Hbional bull pInvet-H cii;,"','ed iu tho national gaiua. The nianufitotiin. of the base ball n'.ono glvr-'i cu.pl-'.y ment to ntntlv five hundred people. Then there aro tho bata, tho busea, tho nnibriDH, cap.i, and shoea. A peculiar bhno is reipiirod, aud comIp an averago of ?il per pair. Some clnba pay as high as .?l pur pair. It ia estimated that J 1.0 TJ.iHH) ii pii I yearly by pernot-.H who witness pro fcbbional gatnes. 11 may bo that war on the other side of tbo ocean would bolp the trado of this country, and so make better times, but for all that it makes one foc-1 piccr to hoar a dis ciple of the IVitie.o of l'ouco wish for war on such grounds. What Is taken from yon before you get it! Your photograph. . --- l-'ir i onif 1 1 in c us n rivii'ry Ima Ni- lcil Iii'Umcii IicliiV Stl.ini.lt nu l l.lnMi'iih iSiiHi'ii"! tc l!n cli imiiioii I ' I nf li'i:.);ti . 'J i.oV Ii!IVi II- ' - 'ii;' I in Iiiiin. i p in'i."l(hi(inli. "it j. i .ty, i) 'lit of tl.o ot . ! I'.l li.l li:.vo in v r Ii. fii lirul.n. J'li.nllv si. -i.-i ..! h Hot. !. li. lh nuts - -i cni . i... n , . I'l, - -li.-t o.-ti-d "s hv.;r toiddimr. Wl.rii tho Ihmu1 r.: livod tin: Lull "as Cl'.nvd, .1 Si'hli.idi'i I) iel:er nn-', iioiih'i.,1 iliat kin mull, in -p it ' . .. .... '-, i.ii.l f..tl Ids.,,, t... . r....u .t...r.n.t h , i ll.ii ted p. mmj tiiil; y. IT., i . f if j , ,,;, ,,. ,. .,tl.,..' Then Mais j piotto, a i in lil m:m, went nt it nl u:o 1 I'. 'i- I ho pin so. A blip, di.di iiflho' pil ! !il)' v.,1-. l:.- h I jlo him nnd ho iro fir .in hour, oi.Jy st. jin. t w ioo j ' I i u ii. :: 1 t!:o t l ire. 1 n this limn hi- ! a 1 eoi,.-ii'ned four and one- , lu:f i.o.ip.b . h. -Hides a 1 , if of hie id 1 i ll ho i. oi:t 1 s i ! liti-r. tli' Ol. OS i, I .valor, tin. .. o.,l.l,;ts ,.f whi..:.. v. tw.i' ,-;,! t-i of -1 ii fib i mi 1 u hot I to ouch j f x,'Mf,M,- lctt-op. His fiionds! .t it i i i i ...i il tli 1 1 IIOI" I lillll '1 I'VII till. I I Oll'-il i i,: I ... . , . 1 W.vi..,.. I, u-u , s Ii i th ie- h d li-v. II.- itiOC n to ft i in.: te l i,: i i;:ii.ii;' t w lily p iiiudi ill !: uti.t ol.t- half b 'UlM. At ull- o!1!' ! li'll" I'L lit" dllly t-'iX "OO'.O r . t ,; ;e 11 tint ly d.:y. -.inii It i net I d: ji'l. ii"! om's i.f h.M- in thiei.; i i i i .... Li t ..... i . . i in 11.-. lliel i:js i ;iii ii i - - iiHivin 'ino.i in.. i . " iiw a. i"io Mi-.ii'K : .., . . ., .. I Ir.i 1 w ; l' ,; '' 1. "ii a v.ai'i, nie n ilil:;; i I eh Vi n lie. I olio Illif Jill b I- th'l I;. -! .ur feel ui HlO -aoo at olio .iltinj.'. A I'HVix otmsisliuo df sii rowboys ho'iidod tho All'irt boil tiain ut Mins in :ijn lis tiio ol hsr d iy fir Chioa'o. I hinoi iimivi J til i m t-iiioolhly until i'l" Ol tl 111. 'I' 0' pill ll I H l'l'tl I though tin: do. if Htld Jl iled ! .jo!,.-', : .1 howled beck o: o ef "Wlllll, 1 H 11 It 1 t-IJ don't belic-vo it, ji si ,ji( ,,,Jrt'MVq ,v ,vi1 . ,.r x ' ' ' look , r . h.,1 !" A r.d ball from tl.o rowboy'H ro. ivolvor knocked t!,,.. ticket pnm-1. out ,,f lilM ,.,,,. ,,.(, .AU. ft.- .nxuvvtmiaoan sm I;. iks . 1 1 1 1 , 1 v giHiid j iry bus Th no immi-iidod () tho ('ouit th-it all t j-.i . t, j . , In, hni.isiird from the rout.ty, J tliot till vagrants nrreiitod bo ina.Jo l.; do bard Inbur. r, , I ,,,, I i:.,,1 V.hia tins d.i .'Oi'i-iMei -Hem-nil ti iu ins ito . . i . r lol t ' i . i : I I 1' iplil'O Itppm'HIHS 1,-r pot i'.u i.s us poiit-oflifo itispeotoi s to pj::;i i Ui.l physical and mi-nt.il ex. iiuiinati "ii 1 1 foio uppoiutii'j; them. 'J ho body of Thomas Motley, who dibopl'.-iircd from bin lu nio, near Scruntoii, l'.t , on the night of Des comber til), wan found n few nights bineo in u pond of water into which ho b supposed to have accidentally va'.'u'd. Tl. o body ( f M iUhi ii rf -ilYor, u pifip.-r, whr- died in the Hoiks ooun tv iilui ,1-oiuo hist .1'iniinrv, was 1 - . ' "botit to bo oonvcjol ton inodietd jc'.llego iu Philadelphia for ibsseo- tioii, when oidois cimo from his wealthy relatives in liorinany order ing a iloivi't bnritl at (heir expense. Eight said SehtHicg 'is the thought of nattito ' Yon, nud tbo't is tho light of t'lituro. lu tho ed lO'ition of 'children love is first to bo instilled, and ont of lovo obedience U to bo odueiiled. What does it take to make a good husband f l'.iradox'eal as it may r.eem, a pood woman. Rtiike from mankind Ibo prino:p!o '! of faith, and men would have no more bi-tory than a fl-rk of sin ep. The E.;vptian bondlioldirs aro beginning to wis'u f.r a litllo more tea! profit, and not so much, false, prophet. Chambers!, nrg'n Dorongh Connri) has already given notion that it will enfueothe ordinaneo against fire works on Iho Fourth of July. When is a plant liko A pig when it bein to root. Oricinal Western settlors Pistols and knives. Jokes are liko eggs they can nev er bo too fresh. Me saved,nnd bo foved.and be savod, Economical, good Mr. Ituzband i And wbeu bo bad got all be cravod, It w cut to LU wi.'o'a tccoud busban J. i. 1 j m . ri' .hp1 1 . .ii i w i.nnoi: a.m. I'Koi'jULiuu - u. NO i!L Altorn cys-At - La it'. J AHEM . C'KOI'SE, A T I' O R N E V A T L A W. i i- i if i) l.l.i(lk'.tl.lA : M'.-'i'.l I.N emj III t i ' i m l v .1 .'i.Miituii"" in.uir IU til Ml ii ii .1.' i'ihij iu'f ('! urn lor nl Lt .M.noi.riti HI. II. I'l, i" un l . f r I u -In-1 irutn n in ... ! I Ij 1 1 in i ll uilll I .11 In KuhIkIi .id I. I M. - - ;- - V M- i ii i f lAnOREY-AT LAW. l I I i.Im K. I'., -t a ' i ll.rf li-u -i I I ii. it,,... prmiifi. I 'oL.Ull.ltl.'UI 111 I p ll.ltHBte l'....fl .Tl n u ' 1 1 'Tin n . J un I, UII.V.. 11 ATtOilMLY AT-LAiV. ...;'.".., Pinna ill lui-ii... no, iei..a t.i ii. .i,ro wilt It t ' 'i'i ,11) ii I ivn.Uil lit, K .t .1 .'.!'. H. i. di:: i kicii. i t i r:i:Ti t r.i,itr. All r .-! .ii n 1 ' v' lii.-. I r-ini.tlv mirriJcil 1 t 1 i In il II ill In I i: l; !ii in: i Irri'.Mi i l-.l.5V'0. lt K" V A ITCRaiEY- AT-LA W. ....V,.y. Vr ,.,!; fii-ulim! r. tr Vnl'th ..1 lll'l I , 'TH.il. " ' l 1. SCH'H'll. ai iui...;i i - n I-A li , otwhti. i v t in- Hew i3;.iin. I'enn'a. I'- f , I ' ' i I riii. hi .'-tii-i mi..i.ti.:i. ,lnr ,;. will r. .1 iti . J I I.Iili 'H V A'tC-n-T k Cm:-, if.'h.r. AI.T.bw mil.-, in Ai; Jin Mo " tl mil Ntirtli h f I ' I I bnl l t ', I-Cllll il. r. II.-"!!' 4i"! I utl iT pr .l.dnc.oal ll i.i - I- .U Oii. l mi l will rcc. lv rumiiil 1 r. 'in 1 1 kiii-i-.il. ii. A).r.i),'tit.i. I lll'TIII.. T .b KM I Til. ATT!" II SfV jlTl.AV. Mll'!'M.::ii:o,isYtiiKeii.1i'A ' irrr-,. prufci". ..iikI f tri lrr to 1 1. Bb i:)imiIUIIiiiih Ik l.tKUtli kDil Ui mju. A. W. I'OTTER, .mor.v.y at law. fo'linsKi-ovc. Po , till r ti,lr i r..ifi.t,.Mi ,..r oi lliti vallld 1 II .. ... i .i -1 ,',., ru-1 ml .. ll.tlr m, wi rri i lvf .r..i4i.t ultumli o. I'lttcmili Mala ii, .l.ilv 4, 7.. J J H . bill M M , t At f iMf'T-.it Tnw, .Ml l'.t I lil I Tliil,M.V tl'R Shl;Blt . ' H'MI, I'i i t !hii p t'n. '-. Pf il'i'l ti lu ;i,"lli J-.i14fll.-t. rM t!rrmn l.'I'K I fcr". net. t, t. JOHN II. A ENDED, Altoni.v nl 1 iaw, MIIHll.K.-.Cmi. PA J'r..(.-t.-l it I litlrn, i nlr,,r'. t , Cur wlH l." i' i; . li iiiirti.'i.I in Il Kl4 H. OEWIO, A TJ 'Hrvry A T I. A Tl', Low UImii p. r Hint. i n.. I'ui ;Ti -f"ti M irL 't str. ut ttUu tlitvr ttrt cl Okm. ,'i n 10. u- h lef.i.J, JsTT If J i'iysicians, ,c. Jj .1. (SMITH, Physician & Sttrrjrcn, ,V,o''i Sj,,i,i,s, Sin,itr ( ounly, fa UltiTH li! ,r,tlro;r4i kerv!f. I to It I ultt ofiii o tin Alktn Hrret. JnnaiS '7,, J W. RAMI'S EL, ' PHYS!C!AN;AND SURCECa, . '. tit rei ill. I'l iin'n. ( Kt-rt i. I .f "-'' I prv tren . t tlm tlllmtvj i,l i . r.i i . rii'B nn l i ,Unli j . Ann. X, 'M, Q ElhJAK HASSINTiLiR, rilYSICIAN I SURGEON, Middleliurh, Pelitt'a, nit r-I rr ,. ?.nmt frvti-r. i., tkt i ll l one ot ill i , . ','itiiii i,n viwlull)'. I'lfcrti Ir. 1 1. V-I,l,,.i a. il'.u-.'. Aj t.r.'ll. tiRJEi; nAEnr.it, rHYSiCI. li SURGECW, Mi. I lloloirJi, I'etiri'a, (Ml, r. di. rriifi'imtrnM i !i't 0 tl'S lilkvk l M I 1 .1 1 0 1. u i mnl I'MMly t in.ea k Ira iloort Wti.t ef ibn l os rl Unu'k. In A ru,,i'a l.u I Stkm, lo -llfDC 0,,iKl( oi'i'uiili- I'.,t 1'rlollal i'3li'k. jyi! M A RAND ROTH ROC C, Ftcmont. Snyder county, Ptr. M r.il;iMf III mors l'nl( efPkri'ki.kO r.. Su-Kr,.ii. .,tltr Mil rolfikfU Dal .trt ia ilia p ,i,llr hpi.kiia t-.u(:Uh kDd riak4V Mkrfb, 17, ISM. If. TT"fw. tool! physician and surgeon, Frrt-bmrg, Fa. or.p hta )ir fftMunnl rrrlt.,. to lhi hllo 1. rnni. rnt la Ikiti Knkll-.h kiiil UkikkkB Hitter on M4ln Klrcat. F. VAN 1JU3KIRK, SL'UQICAL & MFiPfl AN1CAL DE5T18I SolinsgrovePenn'a. TVf pjinnrk id,dv Ihun kt knylhlna bf liuoii .ill. II-kIhi'411 buie-i-a-l nrkniUf. Kiiit A A.V mitiiiK kn nn n,-j mr in nrai tkiiirf 1 3 k I ii if kn n n,' lor lh bral aMItmr .1 IT - N"U IT, 'St. IT. mil. Til'iil Irr. MaLIiKfT ny tlf. i uruann Main pe THIS PAPER ESS Knvtirt.irm ADTHk-rumo Huiuu (HI w pinwij, wiittra iwivt itiit wiirrtii'ts iutr ! '.BiUt, 14-1 t .AW, IVK. J rt. prnei tmti.b Jnokt 1 t ) 1 A o, Iy kill larmk : .- ? AV7 RN'i bury. la Kn S.'T I ie falu 4 vV lo 1 1 I ki ' IA th llraf d Mi' 7, mi . 'it. i .t mil M4C, AT .. kit -il tCE, CoA Ade 31 It 1! Ei . rmt O.kHI Be Ii r.f j cor k V. -1 I V n J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers