The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 22, 1885, Image 2

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    .ar - v-l"l Wfejemaal '&0PQplrj:4
' wm 'i -w ea
rr. ii. iiArtrnsis.
Subscription $1.50 Trr Yoar.
'fM.lobl Carila, pf tear
Aodttor. Kl1nr, A Imtnltlralor, nOl
i.-Uri. Ff.itl.-aa n M
Wh"h a epnil rf ingoi.nt Art male, all
liiHHkfmn.lort. I lor lJ tbn 8 nw.thi,
.fobwe: l.W per P.i-h t ft Intern, in t w
rf th. e-laind liiaerilon and I eeat far (ifb
at-ev'.nt ItWrtlwi.
..mJJL. . ......J
Kj West is one of tbe roost pe
cnlinr ciliort lo tie worl.l. It ban a
population of mora tbtin 15,003,
prii cipnlljr .Lilts, but liM CO cliim
noj. no tthow window, to brick
block, to fi.ia building, 03 planing
mill, to steam mills, no machine
hop., no farmers 1 riving in with
loaded team, no country load, no
railroad, no rattto of tnic.iiuery, to
On. column. n. Year,. rm norno i huj tiu i, v-copt, iua ueai-
K7r,V.,?t":B" ; v';.,-::::::::::;" r the win, the coral.
hound ioitb, Rod yet Key West, for
it iz, dot; a ery Urge tnanufuc
Imiofl and shipping business,
Tbe evil ifT'jc' of injjf the
Liberty Hell to New Orleans are
already beginning to opptmr. Mo-Con-tol.
short?, tbo seat of justice of
Fulton county, i prepuing to cole
brate its centeunial ucxt year and
talks of applying fir tbo loan of the
bull. There may he a coo 1 many
towns io reiio) Jvaciia which ere
over ouo buudred yetra eld, bat
when il !. ojutidered bow many
tbere are which have yot to celebrate
their cotcenu'.l end which will do o
if they can gat the bill and adver
tiso theiD't'Ives theroby, tbo fearful
conion iooc-i of tli 3 lito rash act of
Contici'.s c:.n b. Ji'uly f ;resoon; We
flia'l have a piper-iuncho model of
tbo bell main li.'o-fizi, to be loaned
The Li'.l placing Gen. Grant on
the retired lit of the aiiny jirrsoJ
tje Senate ou the 14th, with outy
ciuo votes in the negative, Of those
tine vuttj two were rut by North
cro Seuatoia lJeuJletou, of Ohio,
and S!!;r, of Oregon.
Ft 'J
The Gitu of Olivtr L;io. &, Phil
lip, iron an 1 steel tuinnfictarers of
Fittshnrgh, Pit. stnponded on tbo
15th, It h impartible tj gne.-is at
tlio liabilities of th) Gnu. They are
repr!ed at Cnni $i J )M)0 to $."
0iKU.)'). Tbj lol bankers say
there in a ni'.'i m or a million
and a h'!n'. piper he' I tlK-r.-. with
jjiild c JiUl.-.-il fir aliu. ht a' I of it.
Lirge'i ofthu paper sr. hold i for ceulouuial occa-iou., crack and
io the Listen State, as fir cant a
. '. UJLf I"..". ML IfLLl iU JUL JUJ
Lint Ot brnnd Jntott
(Jriwn far t'k. T. IMS. atdtniDSln( Man.
. . '
Bilious symptoms mvan&Diy inir,-RM,..B Dii. jmti. t.o.
rtft frnm Indttrflstlon. such as wi mni nm jn.-rh f
furredtonjrue.vomltlng'oi bile, ctir-Kob.n Krdirr.
resraiar oowets. ine uver se
Af astiahusdttcs, whih very Urg
inms are carried i'i Now Voik and
rbila lalpbia Tho tirni employed
about 4 00'J wrik-n?n, who are
tbrowu out i'f emploympnt.
About 20) grinder in tbo Oliver
Chilled I'loMjcb Wotk-. at South
iLond, l id., s'.riuik on tb- a'teruoon
of the 13 '). Afniug themselves
with ir iu roli n-i I cbi'n, they
Dinicb&d to tho otlur dopirlinools
cf tba fictjry an 1 forced tho o(her
cmploy?:s to ipiittvoik. Wbeso tho
men refuse 1 to Jj they weio at
toekol u j 1 brutally boiten, Tho
bells were out, an 1 th ) riotors flual
ly went to the en;iio room nn 1
frcol Uobor. tho oaiioor to shut
down. Tho rioters lial fall sway,
destroj h ceverul thouiand dollarn
worth of pioporty unt l cheeked by
tbo of the Veteran U'tuds,
which bad boou ordered out by tbo
Tho Philadelphia I'rcji remarks
that tho "Trade iV.'.lar bill in the
Heiiuto Fiutnco Committee awaits
Bitnator to Rueuced tho Hon. John
1'. Jones. When he returns, in two
weeks or a mouth houco, if no other
member i f tbo Fiuaueo Committee
Las a senatorial election or other
business to take l.iui away, tbo Com
ruitteo will porbnps consider the
trado dollar question, and, if a ma
joiity en s.;reo on any detluitu
mesbure, a bill may bo repotted ueur
tbe elone of tho soshiou, too late to
have any chance of passage ly the
proseut Congress,"
" ' 1 "3
On tho uftetnoon of tho 0th inst,
iu O'iJinovan Uossa's editorial ofllce
at 14 (I'liubots fit reef, New Vork. a
dewporate attempt was m i lo by
Iticlm 1 Short to assdssinnto C.ipt
Thomas I 'I. elm" f-'upeiiuteudeiit . f
the Kit)-, (My workhouse, nn hUb
NitioiTilut, ng'iirst ln?m tbo djina
roiie f iofion appear to hava had a
grudge. Hewn ntabbe 1) 1 times
with a tx i:io!i bowio kuife, and af
ierwa: d l:o khot at tho man who wa
tboa?iiu Cipt. I'heUn declared
iu an antemorteui Rtn'emont that
the ast'jlt wis a Coldblooded plot
to lujidjr hlui broau'o be had re
vealod, or was scensod of revealing
secret vl tLo Iiish linl.-oib'cs.
Taiibnuk, Morse k Co of Chica
go, ou the 7th inst won thoir suit
against tbo Western Union Tele
graph Company. Tbo complaint
was that a message was ma lo to or
der 55') f;et of tivrMiioh prevsnre
pipe for tho Dikota ponitontiary
iustoa l of that quantity of two-inoh
pipo. Tbo suit was for the freight
to Dikolaa id bask for tho fivo-iucb
pipe- Tho lower court givo judg
ment for $1:15, and the Appelate
judges concur iu the decisiou, hold
ing that the irou-clad conditions iu
umall typo at the top of tho blank
used for telegrams must be fcbown
to have been thoroughly uudorstoo 1
iu order to mako the iinioj of tbe
blank a coutract.
Whilo ex-Senator Dorsey was at
St. bonis in attendance ou tbo calllo
convention, be was uskol ona day
how much be paid Bob Ingersoll f r
his dvf.'OHo in tho star route trials.
"Woll" Raid bo, "it was very curious
bow that was done. From begin
ning to tbo end of tho trial Ingei soil
never asked mo for a dollar. One
cmittOi .ou
"iT f 1
uiiuu x owed
him. He at first declined to talk
about it, Baying he bad no charges
to make, and ho didn't care if he cv-
cretes tbe bile and Acts like a
Alter or sieve, to cleanse Impu
rities of the blood. By Irregu
larity In Its action or suspen
sions of Its functions, tbe bile
Is liable to overflow into the
blood, causlng-Jaundice.sallow
complexion, yellow eyes, bil
ious diarrhoea, a languid,
weary feeling: and many other
distressing1 symptoms. Bilious
ness may oe properly termed
an affection of tha liver, and
can bo thoroughly cured by the
grand regulator of the liver
and biliary organs, BURDOCK
BLO0O BITTERS. Act upon the
stomach, bowel3 and liver,
making healthy bile and puro
blood, and opens the culverts
tnri alulftAWAva for the outlet
of disease. Sold everywhere V-ri-riiri.iiiKr'.'jri
nuu guarnuivsu iv vui
A Washington loiter to a Cleve
land paper si): "I saw General Joe
Johnston on tbe street to-day. He
is as straight as an arrow, and tbe
only sign of age ia seen io bis ilky
gray hai, which flows in silvery
curl almost to his shoulders, and
bis full gray beard. Otherwise, lie
might pass for a yoang man. His
dignified step ia firm, bi eyes bright
and Lit health apparently perfect j
He ia now seventy. seven years of
age, but does Dot look over sixty.
He lives on Coaooctcnt avenue, oue
of the ewtdl streets of the Capital.
sod is, I suppose, in comfortabl"
circumstances. I called upon him
to ak him abont tbo oiigiu of tbe
Confederate battlo-flug, tow over a
year ngo. Ho told me then it was
only parti illy Lis design. Said be ;
"At the battle of Manassas you
Northerners call it Hull ltun tbe
stars and Lars proved a f tibtre bo
canso they were ao much like tbe
Union colors. Indeed, both armies
mistook their enemies for friend,
vico versa,
, , . ,. , ., . , til unit court o un oi coinmii
resolved li oiscavd Ibis 11 ig and or o.r B.i Trmmer no i
called for coch regiment to p:ccore , i,.r ibK. mi ot nyiir: un u
This they were not
able to do, and I asked tbo army for t'Z "EOT JImmi
de.igns. Among those presenlod, I "VVon 'loq'-
onn br (ipiiArnl ltonnrorrnril who ! l"on, xiimlntnn unit o lr . mnrml r nc
ono oy vieiierai ieauiegara was ;l0 t , i,nit, ,0 lM, m.n n.i n t.i. ir i
chosen, andl altered this only in X rZV'VS&Z
making it e.jnare instead of oblong. Th V;? no'l".';'..'-','.
This t'if nna nffrrwur.l lntitml Uv wltlmut ! Kt their i rll. .Iimlee r rr.
mis uig was aiicrwar.i anopioa oy ;queil(l , ,, ,,,.,,,, ,r ,u.nJnc i
the Confederate armies generally. I tnHini.i iy ion..'.. .
ii una n ureeK cross oi oiue on a . " "" """'Hi "
roa lu-id, wan wmte stars on tue
blue bar,' This flag was designat
ed by a Colonel Walton, of Louini
nna. and by him presented to Ucner
at ISeauregard.
Irk.,n .I.B. Yrarleb. Wlhlam Mhill,,
Mlidlltlmrrfli 1,. M. MniU.
l'eonii .lan K. Kt(r, l'hftl1 dnhlnr,
itII Mayer, Hitmaol P. Hit. t;ani
rtrry-.iobn R. ArtoRAil, Jeob Ittlohrn
bch. fBl,n.nT-. Wll O. Motmn, I.nthir M;rl.
i Dl. D (t9ra . Mitch !, Jneot L.'.egicrt.
I.UtnfPrlK .Ttirnr,
drwn fit Fob. T. 184), c m?lni Mn
ilr. Adiinl .t tiM B nfff, Jo!!i niBRni0,
Nit, ,lnol) NrhooJ.
llr John W. HI i3an i, Inmoii Iro,e.
Willi i'o lrrt, Un, II (Irnii,. Vttiilniu
KrU r, Vaiaucl ft. u i)rT, John Kobrnn
lU. nmr W tl-'firf .t. Arboiut, Frank
IKxkar, .Im Kneun.
i:nt -J. K. HoMg
I'hipniaii lohn H i'k 1. Ptrkk Mrown, tlnti-
11 lljh .r, J Hm A. Footvr, Jn-o.i I'jr t
Mi a, Oanr.-x Kl
Kr' Wlin -I. Marrl I II .rl,nr, .T . i . R-bnrh. M.irr K. JI,j, Willi. .u K. tait.r,
lohn I.".Iit.
M il Ua:mrii W . W. ttnittn, Ptif rfaln.
Allil ilfr k Hi.J unlo 11 iiniul, Jama,
Monroi Wniltm Hl"r, Thoma Wa't.
f na-Willi. n Attain., .Ia, liaiman.
rwrry .mi'mi mu iiior.
HUIS'llUIlY, 1.V. JUeafcr in
VISK nnil
& Muzzle Loadh.c
Shot Guns.
Oourt lcolninatioi
WUKWAS tl Hon- Joseph C
v f
Roi bar PrailJaot .lii'ta of tba
rial Mitrlni (ii p.m l of tba ronnila, of ro?i?a
IHIna n l Mifflin anil bamuei A. Wa ti
.l.ooii A. Smll i, r.r.p. A MuMaia Jtiilnei la
anil I t Snyiler rountr hta tfa ieil hlr ft
Mm. . , , . . , , , r."i nraruiv I'm 'in i.:ti.j in .'.n. i. i.
Alter the battle i Ltd i-ti, i,.ii'li'i.u..f -bn!.iii. .i an or-
. una co.irt o un of I omiium tf aaa, rourt
itenaiai p.mri oi
at '.lilillaliurvli
p: OCUre . h.r iba (xi'in'T nt nyilr: un ili 4'b Monlaf
ui.i. i ti ii,. . . i ('""inn ilia i.iru Jy -i raw. !,) ajj o laa
its Jstato colors, i b's tuov were not , UB.
.,h I! rii.
i . .' nrraii
I'nlnn-tl. nry p. I!i,r1a, lia, I rain II. TValtr
Waakl'.Kt n .fn'io A rliotnal .l .bn H. Hlckel.
K. K. Mllt.b . W. Dinial
Kunali, Abrak4iu Wart, C.I la f. Muar.
Brass Sfiat Shells & Ammnaition.
call .1XJ-) .ursnw.
Mb fto i k 1 1 1 1 1 1 DonUen fiSic&la Breeiii-Ionfe
CO.TVNTJA 0 I 1 A N 2 ).
Full line of PI TO US, C.lUTllU GES A'V I VL I '::.
i t i v v a if i.' in.' i i.' i si :.. ..c i . , . .
11 1 il il nil I'luiiiiiiii1 iii 1 1 1 1 ri 1 1 w n ' i un .Tt.iii.
I. f -t '"" of tlm MM llr.
, i i in' r con
A. II., nna l.iuunauil tlulit liuuilraJ anil
M:R tl. MlbIM.E3WA.tnt, Sheriff,
J. S:aa!i Cir.:r:n a;ala Su::3:5fal
Hnr.ism'Ru Pa., Jan., 10, 'So.
Tho Hepublican caucus for the
election of United Slates senator to
suceed Hon. J. Ponald Cameron
was hel 1 at tho Capital yesterday
aflornonn. The opposition to Li
being his own successor, which wa
..,, . .iaI noiipa ia narnny nivin tub. i iikt-i piirnn.
Clilimea tO 1)0 Very Strong, did not,Ui,( Ilium t, .unua
.... . i 3 Hi1a, t:iuik, l.iit of t'4iiet 1'ilila. I. il u
suow up .tub any force, and after a r tk, noui.ia nmt HinKi irea, r n l otii.-.
sesbiou of four hour, (luring which Me.u. j Ui ivi.r. r. ' rn run .
there was the utmost frea bm of '"n Mu ..,',', i.r'ir.V
peocU allowed and indulged io by J;: iVi.'uSJ -' t i.V; L.:h .V
..nm.anl.i;D. l,n L II....1 ' J rt . Ik 1 ill l 1' III C. C., v. inii'uvi u'i'4 Jan. 2 'V
Ni'tfi-a la hrt.T lfn thii I kin poroha
a.l at l '-.table N a. ul II inlal V tricar, H
I'balra, 1al.. 1 -lilnren t In1 i l 1 1 rpe .
'bt. ll. ila, I lot ih Hula- it I'n'at.i.
llrlml Stnna, l.l 'i.r . 3 Acta, 81 Ai-raan
llraln. In urount, S. 'I'm bora Wtit'ii.
Kanmnv llll, L t nf lny K ika, t'.iiii
ril r. Hi . f.Tll,K W ii K"n (ir.iln Hrll .
S"t. Ii iv I. ia , '.i, sei 11 1 ruos-, IM
Mai-, ll.ii , I'i) 3 lia'lara, 3 l'ule,
Straw Cu ter, ( urn !'.a:it'i, .' '( 'hi 'ken.
('ol Kiior, I.i.unue. 1 i ve le.t the ab ue
tiimt t arili'lra I the e i.t nf tba a i il I'll
lol I rn r ami l.iio. tl tbe aaina t ti n. All
I rr iba are taaror.l ""I int"'l.i' wiili ibe
ame. H A M (J LI. Will L.N M
Jan. 'J2. 'It.
oppououls of Senator Ca neroa, be
was almost unanimoiiHly seleo'ed ns
tho choice of tho pivtv, and bo will
r.-r-.r VX Jt. Wr ?.'Tt .. V..t VWI -
on Tunrs lay Jan. 22. There were
some bitter speeches indulged in,
and tbrea! ma le of a b;H npu the
part of tbo anti-Cnmon men, but
a few fipiarcs with rao and wo went
to the t-ufo (leponit bnildiug. I nn
locked my box, aud took out a t per
. il n' !) ! ! !'
J.fiNif.-:.; t
Tin iv
I" i I'l ..
I i . ul ..
.-..'i.i; n :r- m
(U ill Nil '.AMI
: 1. N 1 1 l t.T. M vm KK Y
r-inn--' gi . ' ,.. - - ii i. a ..-1 -. ..,
. '
. 1 t , :.
n -, . . . . j j . .
"i n.i .. . i. ii . I ..
A-j . .a ...I'L 1. .. . i.
a. il ;. ,.1,ra.
v in i r -,n
er got a coot. I o.kod him to wulk ;it u fair to p:esnmo llnt wjth onp
or two exceptions, notably .Senato's
Kmory and Agnow, who openly said
thov coul l r.ot aud would not ii'i.i.
cent government boud for S100.U00 port jilQ no ,or ,Qy oircrnstances, I Thurivlar Fob.
and gavo it to him. Ho put it in bia will receive the onti.-e party hiio- v. 'I.' a.m. u. .
... ,1 . . 1 11'. ... 11 I !
l-ociioiau i we waue.1 away, au.i port. The proceedings at times
1 " I il- 1 in t rr 'li tl
' It I . ( I . I' I. II . II . ,
I . II
S -i i.
I ' .-.I .. ..I'l
. n.i.. u II.. i.. r .
Lavo not referred to tho subject
Bcluiyler C.i'.fiix died eudloutly
io tho Ui iuu at Maukat.
Miou., on t'uo 13. h. Ho Lad lectin I
ed there (lis uiht before aid eu
terod tbo depot at 1,4 J p. tu., to
take tbe tiain for St. I'aul. He ar
rived on tbe MiUmiLco and St.
I'aul real from the Kast and walked
to the Omaha depot, a distunca of
tbret-f.jutiui of a mile. After ar
riving at the dt pot he lived only
about Ave uiiiij'.os. It is supposed
that the est. ems edd, tho aubee-
j lent heat and over-exertion caused !
a sloppuje of the flow of blood to
the Loait. 51 r. Culfax was passing
1 1 rough Mankato on a buaiocss trip,
M bo hal largo busiooas interests in
the Northwest, On arriving at the
6mola depot he entered tho waiting
room, eet Lis satchel down, aud
stepping dowu, over to tbe window
looked out. People in tho depot
noticod that be looked pale and
breathed ft, as though be Lad
walked rapidly, but otherwise Le
appeared in excellent health. After
gaicgoutof tbe window a bhort
time be returned to bis seat aud sat
down, mossing bis legs. In a room
ont the ageut and what few paseoo
Kers were io tbe depot were startled
nod ahrmod to aee him full suddoo-.
lj .'wi ard to the flor.
Genoral (Irant is ailing both in
miud aud in body, II o possessed a
slight conceit of his business ability,
seeing monoy appirently mido so
easily. 'ow, arising to the sense of
how a mero boy and petty knave
fooled him, bis humiliation would
appeaso his worst enomy. Mrs.
Uiuut caunot bo male to under
etaud in tho long ruo of luck that it
is a permanent misfoituoe, She
says she owns the Now York resi
dence. Grant is related to bo of
broken general contideuce and bo
ita to bis work of composition with
a soiiho of physical sufiVring. He is,
indool, some sixty-three years old
His sons are boliovcd to bo all poor
again, ul! out of a job, all cxpacuug
BiiR-lliiog io tho way of so-jgastbo
f 'oui tba' luck which twenty fuur
years ago touched bottom and bu
t-i uco p. wl ;j led through tbo deep
heas iili the mild rtpnniaiity cfa
lei;l libber. This life is sue t
have romance, whatever it may f,ii!
uary 12. IS4.".
i'ii. 'it lii a It .)
I t '..
I . i, i
I )
. in . i
90 Acres,
ii-; i i. it oi'.-jinnniif
) -. a , T: ii- ,
' i ...
were bumoronn aod at o;hers a?sum '
ed a shapa that iud'ci:ed t-onble 1
within tho party. Such however,
cannot result, ni tbera is littlo room
lo doubt but what tbe very nivrjw
gp that exists between sine moil-
bore of tbo pn.y will bo f illy c'.oj 1
by makiog Geoor,il Heaver tbo un
animous choice of tbe H'pablicaos
for governor in 18815. aod thereby
r-eeii'.og h. e rctioa by an over
wbelaji 'g m ij.vily.
IB I oaaaaaaaaaaaa
The other day, a cleik in tbo ens-tom-honse
pointed to another em
ployee, and Bald tO a friCOd. JJa n.lerUn.l. ! irnowluic ll.o lipulvai
. wu... -.. . ... ...n.w piiucainti in III H U
To All Wanting Emp'oymenl.
Wa wanl Lire Kn-rRMe an! t'apahlo
Atlanta lo ararr riian'y I i tba I'nita'l M.t.a
ami tlanait, t S ll a iaiant a-lfl ol urrrt
marlt, mi Ita marlta. An artlrlii baring ari
anlr, pAyli.a-over Imi .ar rent . pr-nt, Hvln
o mi i-t II Ion. an. I nn will h i lis aitant la i.r.i-
ta'itail In tba anfluolre ie t.y a il.i, , yv. ti
Inr a. h an I i var ronniy ha in-y .o hm -mn
i. With all tlia.a ailiaotauea tnonr aarat
ainl th lol ill it it I ao ample that ran la
auiil tn every h .m.-owi er. It mKlit nut be ne.
re-aarytu nika ao ' eitmiinhnary rtler" t i
eni'e Kiwi ait'-nta at nn e, hut bar- nu.
elui'e.l to mnke it to a Ii w nut m It
leiire In ihe ni. r t i.fmir intention, l et In
lt I . l.t lit y by any a, ni lb it nil, liamiinii
wl'b m-riiy. tinr avnuti n. w nt w .1 are
malilnit Iru-n I'f.j 1 1 () ii in.iutu e ear. ati.l
I li la fa. t innbi a It aala for na to make mi., utl r
to all nbo nro out "I a'nploy ni.nt. An aont
i iat will rive "Ui hnpln aa a thlnr il;i. trUI
ami lull in elt-ar it laaM li,u In Una time
M ine all Xe.iaia can return all K" nn--II
to ii a 1. 1 we lll rrlun.l t a mmev iiat-l
inrtbni. Any inf.-nt or ae'ioral aamt ho
wcuij Ilka tan or mo-a cnuntlia mil wnra
them th'nuvh a'ln-atf ni'a (nr nna'v il'y, aiiil
lull to i le.r rt la iai l ahnin all ciK!:.c..
can roinrn a, ! I una mi ami net I'.flr in .nav
luck. S'i o.'Iht rui. i or i'l anon'- ever .Uro.l
to niiiki .Ui ii rrTria, wi iuii we If we CI I
not know Ihnt na have neutt Bow making
more than iloubt" the aiuonnt we h ia m ae.-il , b it two al a a il.iy auul I .i a of
me.- j a in..itb .nil lli .tnncol our , trn te
ti It eikhii an .inl r in nna.ila.r. (inr lire
i. -it,,ii .e fl c lima rii .ln our Ml r I .v,
an. I t ' ie . tii in il in e.trvonc out n
Htop nj in ,-ii u n III ieii'1 na i'. a,, i nn cent
a.up. I r !'' ii:a. "e..i at once ami aec.ire
t'.io Ki'U In : tn,- Inr iba, m l i; nr,
n i t:,e ih. in. n line 1 In our a ir ill ,a T oiler.
IVa no i'l Ilka t i hate ibe a.l I.,,, f nil 1 1,
aneiiia, ami! ma blue anllcliota arilcarpcn
it la t ie I'ou'.try, ami a-k r.-. nir nt t'lia
ii ri who laula thla ntlor, lo ann.l u in nu e
tb paum ami nd.lri-fs ul riiob tb.y Wi.nw
Ail. Iran at once, or you ni l ). to ti e b. t
oi ai oi. ever ml rcl lo t!i .j out of eii'ii o.
lue .I in m i e niMin y.
k...nm:.: m .i KArTi'n'stj en.,
1'1 .-iui Lilnivl St.. J'lstebjrw. Pa.
Vehftari f
mm m . . . ft
Biliousness. DysnoDsia.
Indigestion. Dlsoascaof
tho kfdneys.Torpld Liver
Rheumatism, Dizziness.
Sick Headache. Loss of
Appotlto, Jaundice. Erup
tlons and Skin Diseases.
Price, 43c. prr bottle. Bold lijr all liruiulata
trr.i, mm t Npi., inriinM, n.
Fashionable Tailors
Have now ready s. complete stock of FALL
Newest Style3, Newest Shades, Latest Novelty, ,N
Tlio New Plaid, j
Suito to order from 020,
Paut3 to order from 05.
Overcoats to eider from 3
See tho New Danlap Block.
Shirts, Collars, Ties, Gloves, Underclothing,
Kaiict SQnare. ifiimi Central Ml, '
awaucaaiiLi.a jaaiuni ) mw i-ww y..jwvwamFv.rja.vjailj ji-j.r. r i;rmrj."w"
ii .' iv;.
r"t" word Crwa laj njouti '"10'1,
51; V. sy' nucli Bt'f gost the other, i." w' l'0.-
tilrurjrti'.mtKttho n-alcri.
l ive letters iu ov:h 'A t ' '"
Lj- -T . -F T I B -x. ' A I I-'-v. I a . .
i- , J-wVf KS;... s y v.-orc .itirrrmijH'.ti trsr.J "-5
Tinrrr JJLJ1I " v "
. l V
li.i 1 .
Buck-Thorn Fence
ficJl.t Stool BtiMI Knr),a. K -
.o-t Baronnd Strong n-ne. Z.", SampiaBncici,cui.r.' The Fet; CTrK ti
100 Ap!.,
in,i c it s. wluxu a c cc ?. UO'H) 11 u
ri'iiiiAV rnv .?
Aumiu . c
a.ieia'nani t on ine eatat if John
'iui.kellierii..ry.ta t llltll ert.e twp,s..id1r I
(' iiiniv, I'.., 4c'il, liafiua- In en urante 1 to l ...
ia a great artist. "Incleedr 1
never know he uto.l bis peooil at all.''
"Ob, yen, ho'a fine ; come down iome
Jay noil boo Ii i tn draw Lis salary
It's Ibe best tliiopf be does."
The Sinnema Com i vt Iowa re-
ce'llygifea just drtcisioa iu I'jo
case of a womnn wbo apj)liel for
Jioi'ca which olber yoimst wooieu
iliHirjflo.l ta rtli) cougi.loi-ablo riukf
in entering (bo ma.iiio.1 state ibouKl
mike note of. The plea was that
tbo busbQ,l was a eonGrmeil draok
flid, but it appeared in evidence
that be was a drunkard before tbo
marriage, Oa this aoooont tho di
voice was refusal. The younj wo
mi.11 hiving knowingU uianied a
drunkard "for better or worsu" was
required to stand by her ba-gaio
The ease miijht Lava been different
if she bad first reformed her hus
band of his bad habit, aud if after
roarriage lie bad relapsed. Hut
youoj women sod young men, toa,
hould ondorstand that marriage is
the most serious and important of
lifts' contracts, and they mast look
a lonor wa aheirl li 1 1 ?r"''. .f '. M.fw' 'o ot
- is - vutia
We make from tbe beat material Ruparlir Ir
tlrlea of Ualrr (iixiila, that are medele of atreugth
aoit aliii)llily. I'mtucaUoneil proof glean of
tbnlr duralilllty. Hole maiitifaeturere of I artta'
liniirotoi KiirUirf I ham, Mnaou'a 1'onrr hutlrr
Worker, I.eierWorker, Curtla' Niuar Bex I bura,
lUi iHiifular ham, C'reain Vata, lioc rower, Ac
'Oue raiullj i Intra at nhiileaale where wa
bare na .teat." All food, warrants! eiartly aa
repreaentwl. TWO 10l II, roUUftKN kILVIU
AM) l UJUI CliOKZt MLUlUs awatdwl for -purlonty.
CORNISH, CURTIS & GRZBTC, Fart itkiiucn,
VTOTICK is hereby Riven that the
XI follnwitig Wlilowa Auiiralaeinaota uailar
tne f iuo kw, nave ureu men wttu the I'lnrk ni
tn. orphan. I nun 01 Knuii-r i-vi:nity, lorror.
hrm.tiou ou Monday, tbe. Hjti day of I'eti.
Ai.pral.rm.nt of Marr F. Wonilerle. wMna
or 1. li. WuB'lorly, lata ol HUvlleuuro, d. o'il. of U.ttiarlaa Hlialfar wlilo
or Wl'aon ttttaatlar, lata of errf towinbip
deo'd. r
minieui-ie vaiueui.w ine thi e Lit' l cl .lnir
win rr. .j.,.. mi) aniiieuiioa-ej .or a.l
iltiueuh iu e a Klie.l
.A f i. in .Mv i:!.bi:hue:i
J.B.2.', e.'V'l. Kiarulo-1!,
LJ here y f eu tbal
-Notice is
rouca m PAP.ririoN.
j l.t the muihr ,.jthe tttofe tl Mirhucl .1,0.
J (t.,ir.'ti.i,tn.
T" -o" Vuve . lm -evi.V. t a
' 0. ' , I- ., . ii . ' ! ,. , '.
r. , ' - 1 K
' e !' ' I 1 A l'i.ii. 1,
' .. IV. .-. J .a, .
Ji If, . .-I '.'. . e .
. 1 C U I , , JO . ( liil.llu.- 1, 1., I
, '' " ' ' ";, ' '' o' 11- v
' 11 I ' .""1 1 li 1 I 1,1,0 ;
' i. ' .11 a . e i.iui a ivii'm,
1.. 1 !'.. .1 .. ... .1 .1 ...i .1 .. .
e.i I 11 w. .. . ' .
. . , u
'. . 1 A. . . ..1 1 .,.1 1 . i
1 i .. .1 : .v .i 11 . :
11 . 1 .1 i III i'.. 1 .j on , 1. . -i
111 . o
lititrrrmf. nf (', utl t f'n..
I TFf r M lr"" " ul"''v tkau at aovthii,a, a!. a n
I takl:.(i an iiK n. y to. th. b t 4a; It: ;
nun 1 ui. wj.iiineia aiic.-del k'ranilly. Vn
lAth'mH t 1:. P....... ir... , ....... "At-i-trr ho.ik ru
- "i r r. n .117, I u. Iliill .II.ILe
lies. IT, '(14. If
.a I..
.Ta oh O S.J 1.
1 iieOiului
A. H. Sia I
Lilwa M
CI. A.
A. Ml f.iti
b .1 1 e n t ul
wcii 1 e tiM
Cn.1 ut w,:,iil
luovai ou
A 01 now
that all 1.1
MtJ 'labnrr'i Bn 1.
I'erry Tiro,
Wait Hatwr 1 . Wmbi. vto 1 '1 ..
Sun Hilar, i. Iliikurjie i. ..
Iii'iiimoa lo T.c-i! I :
01 ur ,l r'-iui, o ..r ti.t, .11 t. , j, o. m,
ny, vl Oi.u llll,' I'l ,.y na 1,'.
il'. y I ill. It .. li la oir...l
t. at tbe ( lei( the court 1. neri. 11. lie 1.1, ,n.
rauon ol'TJr.i Llee.i.,.. Imieaiie- ann.i,.n
urau.e.: by the c,,u .. Wll. ,,.
1 ,
-' i:
. . kl'
I . '
4 1
null mo. I Toiiiole... li e uoiiiiniiii a. mil 11 1
tbe aauie
iball bavo
receipt IrniiiH ouuuly Tieiiu r to tba
ol rabl t'uuri
iman, Ta. Jama
8. CI. HI
Itio.0 Uinhif
Jobn Uruftaok at kl ti. a. W
and M. 1.
Syl.e.iO'' 1
Ki'Dbao '
Feb. Term
7.1 Hit
Tbo u oil
above naclt
make such a contract as they can
bappil, ana aouajiloUiy fulfill.
Frederics bbatleriey lata ol JMry tovoabio,
Api'ralaamant of Am alia Sl'per. widow of
riO'Mirtck lata of jMaaea toast alp
. i
0 nu ,
e io
n Itlleea )..,. al e,- u.
Kraiiiod, by ibe i-n motio
tbat tbe Lloeime r a ton Imuo
l' i- l( 1 I ' Il I A M .
. CROl'SE. IHernCl.S.
1ST -FEB. T-1885.
Ootsball and
Clais et
. KnlpCortll. T. He William
Uonni-ll, v. Samuel Boaon,
-un 1 nnufli
aber, vi. Daniel Uolaoder.
Hrory Eelvi. Jeretniaa Ilowuo.
tleo ry Kaiv. Jori-mlub Uowea.
Valentloakliar, ti, Uoruollui If. Dumcl.
(leorite Hlek, Ta. J. Y. II. Moy.r.
The nborfcat are at lisueaoJ for trial at
J. CHOUSE, Protb-y.
(ft! oJuhii Kuhnr, dte'd
ood, ao'l'or i ( lotJ tr 'h.
t ol Murd.r Co. to aacor.aiu an 1
u l .1 ii . 11
k .1 ..C11.
"I . ui in . !.,
"'l I ' ... 00 I
1. u 1 01 me i o ,.(. ri S :n ,.
""(" l. i- -V. I tie.,.
" O C: l.t ,. ,.
' O I I. I .W.I , JUII I,. '. ,, .
You are hereby iintllle.l tbat by rlrtna of a
iua (irrbaoa
tO tun fllranfn.l
lueal will be ..n .1.. ...i I iu A.Liu. town.hin k.
M. to make
I writ ol Imiul-llloD l-ued out ol
'," (Jourt of Snyder county, aud to
' tbat au Imiueai ui be Leld
ovr oouniv. I'a.. on
Vt'.H. 1'itli, l-as. at lu oMIoi-k A
riiilou or Tiiluailon ol the Hol Katate of tut
VKH n .MlDDl.ESWA.BTH. Sheriff.
Jan. (, li8i. s
To Natlianb I lirweranx.wbo rernle In Mla
toiiabli, ('e,itreoui,tv. I'.,ai d whoa H. Il
addreala Woll a Store, di-orue Howor-ot who
realdea at ollo(lltralt, Mieiiluau, ( ornellu
liowram. who reitea In leiura tiwnaliln
suyler i-ouiity. Fa., (lubraal li iw. rao-, wlo
real. if In I'nin kiln to.i nalilp. Snyder p . uut
fa., acharla Kower'.'X, who roalde. at I lir
Itliera, Micti. Marv Ann. h.i.r.,.. 1
Haojamln Klirnlnmor, ofl lira Hirer, Wlrb.
Sar .b. iiiterin irrie I lih .l..n . lire..M .i .....
town.bli. Hnyder emmty Ha., Lorino, lut.r
uiarrle 1 wltb William II t'llnman. m a
luwin-blo tsovler coumy Fa.. Vblneua How.
rani ol rrnkltn tim rn-blp, snder ooumy (
I'harleaUrliuiu, fon ol l.ncy Ann, a deoeaaed
diugutur of .aid Frederick llnworaoi, who re.
idea In Itta er tuwuehlu, Soydrr rounty Pa
an I hu. for hla tuardlan Adam II. Haiti rot
Snyd.-r fonmy, i'a., beiri .ml leual ripreeii.
tattve. of Frederl. k ll.1w.ra.11r, (Jeutre towu
bip, Hoydur (y'uuuty, l deo'd.
You are her.'bv i-lteil tn i.a ! .
fore the. Iu. laea crour Ortihana Court, nt ao
t'rpban.' Court Iu be bold at IVI Idileliiirv on
the 41 u MoiiiIut of Feb. A. It Isa 1 1.1 ....ri...;
In the forenoon, then and tb. ie tn ano. i t or
tel.iaetotalci the Kent K.tate of a.( Frodi rl. k
llnweianx, d. o'.l . at tte anmalavd v.i 7.
put upon It by an lu.ueat duly aw.r.led by
ibi a tid ( ourt, and returned by the sh. rllf of
i ..11. .V . . iiy tbo .uiue
... .... ..1,.,. aii uere ii ran not.
U II n a. a .1... II, , ,.. i ..
.. .. Ma. ,., .,v..u tfuarpu i; llitiii r, ran
Hreaileutol our aald fourt. at M Iddlsburau
M. MVH U.J Ul s'eO. A, . 1 HK,
J CKOU.-E, Clerk tl.C,
C. ,u'l9r' "''"nt'il-'rallon na the fatal c :
Jn.ii'k Sbettorlv, Ulenf Fr. ry tp., Snyder t o
.Icoen.od bavi, been unintjil io' t" ono.r
Y.V;!' '.". 'ly"" knowliiif themeelTea Ir '
lelito, to (aid ei-tate aro t.'iue-tfil to team,
Immediate paytuet.., and tboie haTlni 0 I
-fill prcaent lieui nuly eutbentlcata" to t'. .
iiB.I.TlKne1 .1 the Ut. r.,ldt,Beo of iald d.' .
drnl, on January sth. Hal.
n.n it ma J- 1 VKKOFK. "
pM-.. AdmlnlatratrU'
Zlecti:n Kclico.
Th annual mee'lnif of th member of tba
Bnaaertown Mutual Flra lonuraiico l ouiiianv
or Haaverlown, I'., lor tlm e euilea el I'lieo
tora an 1 Auditor tn aerve three year, will le
.... I,, in, uumg oiuv;ff..a 0fa TOftO W O. OQ
between tbe boure of 1 and I, p. M.
Jan. 8, 15,. td.
ecret ary
t.clt ra nf Ailmlnlntatratlna on ha ..i.i.
ot 1. II. WMNDtttUY, lata Ol tbo Hi.rougb or
W . dlebovb. Si.ydr Co., I'a., deo'd, bavluk
o-en u ran 1 1.1 to t ie nu iortlifued, all pariou
I Do il u lliein e vet Inilenti d to .aid ..t.t ...
i uo'.to io iu iae iiuin. iiiaie n.vni. t. ant
8urd.rCo.tueVr..r.f tbo-s bavin i-laims will .re..ut th.m duly
lalmi a alo-t the e.t.ti ofV o u soJOLoad lor tattle-
io uia.e aiairtuutiOB or the
p.rto.ia.1 ai lunua ot .aid O'laia, aod to
Hi lueain.eoi iu winow e aower, a.iU c
tue vor.ii
widow ao
menae i
tt. t ui a
Smith, K
morlpaiia to ta ulvea .. n..
, allirpayl n oB ibo Urbti end
I n, a.e., win anoi.u to the d I.
lutmant at tho ofUoe of T. J
mii'uiMiiig, ra., an rm
UUS. I. B. WL'NDERI.Y, rlt.
l.etieri af Admlnlatiatlnn os tbo ntata
UtlViiV a U A L' li1 ' U 7. u..,.r..T
rr .a. .w.. . . a a , imm Ul rr.llni
1 lie uudi-niikUKil Adinlnt.iiiiii.r. ........
ot rn. Wrick low..rao u(v ol .,Ii,iii i,,vi,.i i
Siijilfri'oiiiilj, l'a.,il..ea.oi,ail .v vlnuia oi
nu order I. nod out ul the lirpiut'i, Cuiirt ul
i. ,i. ii i i' , I u nolle s.Uo, l iu
lonlug ltoal K-t .lo, mi
Saturday, Feb. 7, 1833.
(Trart No j will be ai,l, at ll-avctown nt 0
I .'leek A. M. and Truft No. 'i will I., amj tll,
',r.. Vi'r-.'.' " cl,Kk M-u "''t '!)
1 1( Al I Mi, iA I'vrtalH lot ol Kr'uuud hHnir
No. ja iii tlm i.,n i ii..........".. V, : f
Nortl, l.y U,,u, HtrieC bj' lot" N "' '?
V.iiib by Alley and wet l.y lot N0. JH
cuiitultiliiK tlKK-IHUHlH At'KK, tnora iir
leaa. wherron aru errntfil lll lil lLDlNds
wolUl Kuod wutor, aud a variety ol good Iru'll
JIUIT NO. S-tSltunte Situate In Centre
owiiabln Snyder lOHiily, I'a., I.oiiu.1. North by
Iiiiida iY laulel Waltor. Ui.t' by land, ol II., , y
v'ouuili'fu "U''r Km:ikf UU,, W" ,""'.
220 Aores,
.1.. ..I 111. ........ . . T -'-' ll. V,,,, nrV 7.:----
.......,.,.,, iiinnvn, c nuii'e rut und rniifinan liaer aod lu.nJrf ii.. . ..
exrollnniwal.r. 'I'eiuia w.ll uuj. l.,.,.i,. . . b.m. All oeraool.: '""."I '.."'"
.........i.. ' ......i.Bi iu iniarlert
AGENTS World's Wonders in)
Ai.emviii.iiUur '
wak rtu: TrcpiraJ and Polar Emlorers,
Simu'IioI lliu nnti Fi.le,
All Die ai bli'vaiiieiita, dM"nTerlei, tr.trrla aM 1
advi'titurra ol tbe kreiiie.vpli.rora, wlin d arn'o I
.ontne'. eJb.u "l nil
r,"'"''',;l.-'i-'iU,ua pro,,,, aniuuiir,,?.,!0,;1,
'. . . Vi" ". ' .. '' 'Mlttl Cl.rl...
' ,i. 1 i.i . a t'fi hi. 11 ..pi. u . . . - .
i'l .M... w-lou, il.niR.ou Kijrth a lull hlA" y , ,
llir W -lid a lire. t.-. t w..t,..., ,, ,i.ou( '..,,..
..,.,11. in i,,, ,pi,,.iu low ,.,1, ,d .,iuwly linn
... o.l v. !,,,. Luinrai-inj lu tl.,,1..,'iV ', .
Ir..i. in,,! d.cor ea ot si ke and tlrani
D.'c1H,lV:!tr n"U .W""' i-''i"'oi.f
n.r..i it 1 1 :r'"u'. r'aiialin, m, a
lij othvoa: l.iruiuiK i'..iupl..t. en.-y,'p,ri:l d.Mv. and Adveuiurilntili . ru
Ol tli. Woild, will, a liiamry l ,.MJm '
i-liane br.... I Irda uod reptile. u,i if!, sit
. o I. r book. A.,ul.w.i. ou .Hlkiry .,.,. tf ,
llil-.lull. V lite lor I'm.orUl ir. .,1.., j ' .... r
torin. Addr.aa " " '
IM N. lib St. Philadelphia, ra.
0AUTI05 H0TI0&
Notleo li hereby given that I haea aannu
rake, oul'lvator. wboell" .roi?, "led. ".'ie,,.
w.koo.plow. buk.y ker., u!: .ii
h.rugr.. aorrrl m.r., black mar., alarh
br1T i0,0"' 0o". b'""S boll .u.k bi ll
red belter. r.t ealf. a'l l .ho ..,u.2 V
ho., I boKa, 1 h.rrow" Ka m., SlaToV
arkooultlv.tor. bu.'of u,,,,7iT b'a IZt'
. .ojiuea, g lanie. art ck.ira and r.i kio- .Th.,r
ooal .to.i aod Pipe, ibld.w.u, T... i.-f,';
.iokio i.ii...'i, SoVu . i wJJS'!K;
lu uia. blne, da.k. gno, bariau. barrel aid
vlnar. a barren, 1 ,ub. 1 hav. ,f, 17.,,.
oaiued a.t,. lei U tl.. ooatudf of thl'ii.'.?
iluy ol iulo by tko unite.. ut....,i
N. i'ii.v;s 1 1. iiiiwt:ns'i
I'llllMiLitj liOWI.IiSiJX,'
Auui .1 a. a' .ra.
. A,,m,B',lr,,on "n e.tato
f Daniel l.elnel Ui. of MI.1.11.......1.
,'.r": rrn" : 8Tder co j....d. :z'
A Y, J aE BY Stf, I til. al IS 0VI01 k, a. m. 1 been srastsd o the ooJir-Vo'.d, .u'MiS! Jk-.-I?.? "film" I""""" huwloi
h.o aud la all parti . are reouoat.d .. knowlnir tliaui I.e. IbiI.i,i.i i..M ...Vi. ..T themaelyei ludobt.d to iald eaiale are ram.....
... .va.iM. 1.. 1. . .... . . . . . . ,n ...... i,,.i,...ii.,. ... . . . . . . .
1, l.-.ot iir-.-,.
or da io.-wi'r '
spuu the auBui
UU lb. fcaiue.
Jau, a, tl.
NICilAir. w. I1EAVIH.
7 . . " r. ,!u.u o auowiog luauia ie. loueoi.y toiatq anal ar. i.i , , ".V . . .. reuue.i. ,
Hm. belur. tU. uod.r.n, ,U ,H,uealed to make luioed,t. payment WolU lii?,!,' ", u I'V'""', wbll. ib.. 1 fi'
er debarred Iron coming 0 l-o.. having ciatioi will Pr.a.nt them duly i. r.!.I.-S ?i lm" P'"" ttii daly w.uli.Du-1
B(lt. t thenllealed ia ' ; IMMSd 10 I
Alilla. 11... ti. 'M. A .t,,.!.. ...... ' .- .
aieuMw.. 1
- .l..'l.. . .. . . 1 '' '
f.OVi. l'u'uHjIiDfi', Kl. Lu Xj, Hi).; or (;tl
I .1-1.. . .M . .
isr sm ss,jv..,hi
,iow r,:: thousand ai rrriei i - .