The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, January 22, 1885, Image 1

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Ho that will not reason is a bigot; ho that emuiot ii a fool ; ho tiiat tUro not is k uliiye.
Ol. xxti
. .
NO 8
ri sl'OKTKV.
Ot : Hie liitl niul valley,
1 inn by tht utenm Ikwo'b power,
TI." i!road Kliif? lP'-'fiiii
' Jr miles an liourl
Junta hl wealth ly millions,
JtlioiiHiiiuN count liiit men;
Jen thotimmd iuili'8 f nil-timing
Jwaveahhi critre pen.
f of tho coul tulnpn,
kpretollMir miner prim,
jUieKhI of tho waving cornfield
y trihute unto lilnu
jiulo and worn Ik this monarch;
Jjntliti in tho py
fre which tlio pinilintr country
jeMittintf and w liirliug by.
!lio noes bntdro'S not notice
ie farmer rotti old lrny
ho lot tlu'i'pt'cliil pnsi,
killing upon it? way.
V'flrt and ?troiij? If Farmer John,
id lironzed with Min mid weather,
wife," lie laiighf", "you'd never
I think
k and I wero.hoy together!
that shadow, Pt1nt and hly,
bij,'K'r than my arm,
vns a hundred mill icti ; I
tve only yoti and tlio farm;
A, Lord," laugliH Farmer John;
"who d change?
.or fellow. "ho never neon
uplnuil meadow of clover red,
ir blopgomiug npple-troe
only hoars th clanging whoeli
id tho engiin-'n whistle hhrill;
V ara the humming of the been
,Vl the wild bird's musical thrill.
hilo iu
tho dusty town lie
V i toil that no er is done,
VW ,h,? to ft inciry song
rbuiv . wind and sun.
rm- be Jogging behind old
t 4 ray
r . In earth his bones shall lie.
'iig do these meadows keep the
11 IK KWItt nam iu.J, "J '
-Vro quito light. It is
.or na to keep six children
and food, theso hard
ft. tb
t yea
jth typ w nothing of John on'
t juxlifc ,ad to work hard before.
ap, jh wo bad ull wo could do
f V Si both ends meet, on' if it
I J '' .rd then, yoa cau bco ma'am.
l it cau't be near so easy now.
It you kuosv, ma'am love bolps us
jer bard work wonderfully, an'
Lou we're working for the chil
ren, we don't miud it eo much,
bhn an' I found that ont.
J You soo John was sick Inst win-
r, all the first of it, an' you know,
Wain, with six children's mouths
p fill, it hadn't boen possible to lay
ip much money against sickness,
I managed to save a sispenco now
ind then, an put away iu tbo old
luo teapot ou tbo cupboard thero,
at bs soon as John took sick the
inonoy eeemod to melt light away.
Jt was gone tho first I knew, au 1
sdidn't know where any more was
coming from. But I begin to thiuk,
1 ma'am, there's nlwava somothinff a
body can do if he's willing aud has
got someone to work fur. Sol
. looked about an' good luck was ou
I my eiile, for I got a job of making
f vests for a shop dowu town i an
though it didu't bring in a great deal
it brought ia eoitotbiog, au' as I
Baid to John, wheu ho got to fretting
over it, "Something's a good deal
botter'n notling."
"Don't you you worry," Bays I ;
'I wou't see you an' the cbildrt.n
-i-ve yet awhile. You've worked
- A ..if .,11 mil for n . nn' now it's
R. ... ,nuu n.l ,
Z'j t' -u to do something and let
yoo rest op.
Mat it was bard work keeping the
wolf outside, ma'am. Tho children
had such big appetites that it used
to scare mo to J eoo the bread go i
but some way. ma'am, for all that, T
Always enjoyed seeing 'em eat. It
did me so inucb good, you see. An'
I'm sure I dou't know what I should
have done without tho children to
help me'
There was Mary. She was ten
years old last Christmas, an' it would
Lave done your heart good to Bee
bow handy she was doing up tho
dishes, au' getting the table ready,
au' sweeping out the litter the boys
made. While she worked, I could be
sewing, you see, an' tbo dear child
really more than paid ber way,
ma'am. Au Johnnie an' Joe they
cd to pick np blocks to born, nn'
me uooro j on' they'd play witb tbo
little ones an keep 'em busy so I
coolj work, an' tbejr helped too
more tlmn cuonRh to pay their way,
ma'am, I ansure yon. It was really
wonderful the eight of work 'em
tbrto childron could do. I used to'
tell John I didn't sco what would
become of ub if it hadu't been, for
It wnn in the wiolor Hint Undo
William come down to vittit ur. He
lives np in tbo Lill, nti'lie's if t a
ood f.inn, on' is pretty well off.
He brought in a cotiplo of tuikcyn
an' a whole bagful of coininonl. an'
Aunt II tcbel sent a lot of uick-uacks
to tbo childron, au' we bad a pplou
did visit. An' I da beliovo, ma'am,
bo enjoyed bis viuitj.with the chil
dren uiore'u be did witb Johnnie nu'
iuoai much anyway. It ased to
-..v ihu-u irj poo em cm
ouunjeaKe. i hey didn t get tbem;
often, you know, an' wLeu they d,d.
tbey rclisho l it. j
ou ve got a family of litllo
havers a grow.u up round you," :
says ho. -I r;nppo,,itV Hinful toi
ontv nnliii.1v li.if T I i. I
. , uult
nuu em. n men Lnclo illmm
got np an' went to tbo window, an' I
stood looking ont for along timo j
I knew what bo was thinking of, you
seo. lwo httlo boys aro bmied in !
tbo old gravoyard by tho meeting,
House, up at Hilbury, an' I knew he
was thinking what a rinht of com
fort they'd bocii to hiiu if they'd
"Yau've got one thing to be thank
ful for, Undo William," said John,
softly. '-If you can't bavo Yin
here, you know you'vo got 'tm over
tbcro, an' it's only waiting a spell.
au' then you'll bavo 'eni always "
Well, after Undo Willium wont
homo wo missed him over so much
an' tbo children most. They'd took I
a great fancy to him, yon soo
It was about six weeks after that.
that we got a loiter from bim. John
rci xr. ........
wanted us 10 givo uiujt iu."4k";A'i
"What do you thiuk about it?'
says John.
"I don't know," enys I. You Pee,
it couio so sudden tbr.t I hadn't had
timo to think it over. Mujboit
would be the beet thing wo cculd
lo. Uncle William would do as
well by 'em as we could, and they'd
havo a good homo. An Uncle
William wroto he'd givo all bis
properly to tbo ono wo let bim have,
when he was through with it, nn
send him or her to school, nn' Bond
bim or ber to school, au' take as
good caro of it as if it was his own,
"Yon don't know how lonesome it
is fiinco I got home," ho wroto. ' I
keep thinking of the children, and I
want one to keep. You'vo got moro
than you cau tako caro of, You
wouldn't miss ono."
'Like enough we'd better let him
have one,'' Baid John, after thinking
over n spell.
"Which one t" says f, find Borne-
think Boemed to choke me wheu 1
6aid it.
'I don't know." Bays John
"Which do you think wo can spare
bost !"
"I couldu't Bpare Mary,'' says I
'sho does most all the housework.
I couldn't get along without her at
all. An' Johnnie an' Joe, wo need
them tho worst way, too; they're
good boys, au help koep thiuga to
gether. We couldu't spare them,
"No, that's bo, eays he, "we can't
sparo the threo oldest' We'll bavo
to let ono of tho littlo ones go."
"I dou't know which ono," says 1,
feeling a groat lump in my throat,
"which one would yon think, Jehn T"
"I dou't know," says he slowly
"lot's go an' look at 'em."
!So wo took the candle an' went up
stairs where the children wore oil
Dear mo, ma'am I I felt somehow
as if they were dead, an' we wore tak
ing a laBt look at tbe dear tbiugs.
My band tremblod so I could hardly
hold tbe candle.
"l)f course we can t luiuit oi 101
ling Mary or Johnnlo or Joo go,'
says John, an' his voice sounded
verv ouecr. "it must bo one of the
. . . . .
So we went to tho bed where the
three youngest slept, an' I sat down
on tbe bed an' looked at 'em. flan
oie bad little Oeorgo's bead on
bor arm, an' bis yellow curls were al
tumbled over bis fuoe, an' be was
ii- .n nintnrA of an anirel
r".VX ,n .tn.h slept witb my lesser brother, who
cd ber, sho was audi a weo midget
ui u imng, was cnriod down beside
em, with bcr dolly in Lor al ms, fast
I cotiidn t tln:k cf letting Minnie
go," tajs John, nbo looked ho mucb
hko her motbor. Au' cbo'n alwavs
took to me, so ho wonldu't bo con
... .
tented any frnm me." An' lmn be
reacbed over an' kissed hen an' I saw
a tear shining ou Lit face iu tbecun
dleligbt. "An' little Georgia's always been
mother's boy," sayuM, choking np
agnin at tbo thought of letting bim
go, "lis sets by me moro'n tbo rent,
aomo way. I wouldn't part witb
bim. Ain't be pretty, John" an'
I beld tbo candle bo it Could shine
on bis yel!ov boir.
Yes, bo's a bright, dear little
'boy," soys John, proud us bo could
w oi ino mi o Mow.', r m rai
"mothers boy," .but yon wouldn't 'next. Tho onlv wav I could gel
think of letting him huvo iMtie I him out out wh to carry hiui. done
Dimple, would you ?" an' I declare, !. door after me, d,posit bim on
bis voice sbook bo ho. could hardly ! t10 ground, and climb in through ,.
.euk plain. wil,uVV. Then Arthur wonld set a
' Ub. no, no 1" says I, breaking j howl, and keep it np nr.iil I was
i , , i ... 1
1KUluUiBI1 j n-ncuen uown nuii'hid to let him in fur tl
hugged little Dimplo np tijjht to me
"There shnu't nnvbodv havo Mile
Dimplo wbilo I'm alive 1"
"I don't see how we can sparo any
of 'em," says Job j I don't believe
wo can."
"Wo can't," says I ; I'm willing
to w oi I; twico as hard, John, but 1
aiu't willing to let the childion go
dod givo cm tons to keep, an' it
wouldn't be right.''
Au' then, inn'ptu, wekiescd'em
every one, an' we wroto back to Un
do William that wo could sp.iro nono
of them, Au be sent down a lot of
things tho next week enongh to
last us half tho winter, till John got
well, anyway an' ho wroto ho didu't
blame us a bit. "I wouldn't have
let one go if I was iu your phico,'
!i s ho.
You soo, ma'um, it's hard to tell
which ono you eun sparo best, au'
. , 1 1 i . , ,.Kn
yon neea cm nu. joeno n"
thing! They ro a deal ol cotnroil,
tin' they do help u so much ; luore'n
any oue'd think, ma'um. If we'd n
dozen, I dare suy we'd fiud it just as
hard to let ono go.
hi ssse a:;l tellow dc&.
nil A CAM. Mi.
When I moved into tho country,
somo timo ago, I camo to the con
clusion that I must have a dog to bo
happy. Ho I jot ono an old-gold
dog with ono ear and no tail. Ho
was a gift dog, and I nevor stared
him iu the mouth when Lo had no
uiuz.lo ou.
1 had not owned him moro than
two days before 1 bogan to under
stand why the roan who gave him to
norled with him bo frcoly. It
wan because ho was such a tnischiev
oils dog. Ho was the kiud of a dog
that you could be fond of, stuffed,
under n gluss case,
Wbon I got him be was shedding
his hair with tho swiftness and pro
digiality of a cheap tooth brush, and
every time bo saw me with ft velvet
ulster on, ho would make it a pomt
to jump on me and covor me with
Li.i awful mayonnaise hair. Evory
thing in tho bouso that bad plush on
it, from tho chair cushions to tbo
family photograph-album, bad moro
or less dog heir on it ; in fact, there
was hnir enough lying around lo
covor four dogs.
Ho Hbod his . bair bo fast that I
Btopped worrying, iu the firm belief
that he would bo eutirely bald in o
day or two. Uut be never got baid.
For every hair that fell out four now
oncB seemed to come in to koep up
the aftermath.
He bad many unpleseaut habits
When I wanted t go onywuero
alone be would insisl on following
me ; and when I called him ho would
turn and run for bis life, under tbe
impression thai be was going to be
cuffed and beaten.
He had no virtue as a watch dog.
He wouldn't watch anything that
he couldn't eat, and be only watched
that long enough to got a chance to
steal it. Ue bad a groat habit of
burying bis food in my bed, He
wonld carry ull sorts of benes up
stairs, and get under the clothes
with them, and leave thorn there.
Then, in tbe middle of tbe night, I
wonld roll over and get all those
bones right in the small of my back,
and be madder than ever I was since
Into crackers la bed.
Another nnbappy trick of tlie
dog's, wm to rnsli into tny room in
tbo morning and jump on the bed.
i and commenced walking nn 1 run
i ning on me. I would frtnuentl
i a frn,n .,;..u. ....... ....ic...i
I ."h. ......., uuu ......
mio nog waiuing on my eyes After
yawning and wiping tlio dog out of
ii i . .
my eyes, I would li ml biiu on th
floor with a dull, sickening thud,
and that wonld bo tbo last of bim
until hrenkfiiHt timo.
I called him Arthur, af;r King
Arthur of the Table Round, because
be wa. alw.iyn round tin tnhlo.
The most dilhVnlt tlnog I ever
undertook to do was to in I Arlbm
out at niht. I could puih him on)
through tbo door, but ho would al
ways rush birk In fore I could close
it, and bo under tho tublo looking at
i.m Iadh.!,. t ... i.
i') sauo oi
It was very difficult to culeh him
when bo didu't wnut to bo caught
I have fisho.l for biiu with a moat
covered pickerel hook, ai.d chased
bim with a sooopnet in va' .''
uo day 1 set a huge m trap for
foxes out iu tbo hennery i.nd cover
ed it with straw. It was buited
with mutton. Arthur st iellud it in
his rambles, and put his nose don
ou it a littlo too hard ; for, before
ho knew it, tho fuv- dged semicir
des, jumped off tho floor, grabbed
him behind tlu I'Hi-H, and asphyxiat
ed him ou tbo spot.
Jlo now sleeps benonth tho ox
eyed daisies, where Iho mnzzlo, the
brick, and the small boy bloom uot,
self-evident biijh Clara Hello in tin
Cincinnati Hmuint, that every
man will defend a wo.non againtt all
men except l.imnlf. If you
haven't noticed it a 1 r e a d j.
you havo only to look for it an hour
or so iu any pluco of mixture of tbo
sexes. Clap your eyes ou a pietty
woman without nulocseirt, and two
phenomena will becomo obvious
Firstly, thoroill bo a largo amount
of open slid covert staling at her. to
ull of which her obhvoutuosa is of
course only assumed, v'eondly, it
ono of tho starers lmppws to real
ize that others aro at tho Bamo
ho will luaifust plainly l.u disgust at
such treatment of an unprotected
beauty, utterly ignoring his owu
A husband and wifo got Into a
street car. Tho man wu somewhat
dudish iu dress. Th woman was
under twenty, and as ptetty as tia
turo and art are iu thehabit of com
bining to produoo. Tbey wore
chatting ou the very object that 1
have here introduced.
"Percivul, dear," sui-she, "I will
provo to you that 1 ai. right, nud
tako only ten minutes to doit, if
you'll promise not t get angry
about it"
Ho closed tho contra-. Thon she
drow herself up, as tbot.h tho bus
band sittiug bosido hewaa uu en
tiro stranirer. and wiod for tbe
car to fill witb paBseiip-s at Union
"Now, she whmpore behind ber
fan, 'observo bow I ftmg'0 when
Within five minutesie saw that
half a dozen muscnlio passengers,
from hoary age to calloyoutb, ejed
his brido with moro ores audacity,
and .several manifest! would not
have needed tbe small; beginning
of a wink on bor part soize upon
then and there, Tbnptrt of the
exhibition was a triunior tho wifo,
but tho most curious iture of her
exporiujont remained be tried,
"Yon certainly do tm to attract
a great deal of adinirnu," said the
husband, supposiug tt tbe pre
tended strangeness wilt an end.
She lifted her eyelws iu sim
ulated surprise, as tbb an imper
tinent fellow bad un'rauledly ao
costed her, and pointf turned ber
face from bim. lie uerstood ber
now, aud did not speto ber fur
ther' Nest, she drower shoulder
away from contact tb Lis. By
this time the speclat were believv
log that be was anaoj ber dread-
fully, and scornful Unaos wero
aimed at bim. Her html trick was
conclusive. It Consislod in sudden
ly pulling ber skirta dear of his
trousers, and deliberately e'ling
her feet nVfar in tho other direction
is the end of tho our would peimi'
N'..body doubted that the dear, de
mure creature hadriieen urosslv in
sulted. A man arosb fioiu Urn p
poi-iltt si.lo.
"Will yui exchange seats with
no "' ho very gall.iutly and polite
ly said, hftieg bis bat must d.
friiti'l'v. Now, he had In en foremost
iinong (lie original i.ghrs lln
vciiest simpleton of them all.
"Tlisnk you. sir.'' sho replied, tit
bland as a white heifer, "but I pre
fer to sit l osidi) IC.y hiinlmnd.''
Thus, with lio same stone she
killed that vn It uro bird and the
lovr .iu ito rtl.oin sho had uinhrtiik
en to instruct to tho thil
f luiilo galhidtry,
A few nights ng wbilo I stood on
Cue corner of Franklin mid Nassau
streets waiting for a car, a ven
small and nig;;od girl came up and
al,rd tno if I wjuld buy a paper, 1
s.iid I wouldn't. Sho said :
"Well, it don't iiiako no differ
ence. I aiu't got any papers anv
"Dv you nell pftpers for a living V
' Nil. Mo Ullldder does, SI"'h ii
lmnly, L'ho in, an' don't miiko tic
"Why don't yo'i help her ?"
"'t'anso I hiu't g"in, ou eight
years yet. When 1 hcits goin, on
ei,;! t, I'll help her. That's what
our family ahvuyd does Me three
sisters didn't do liawthiu till thev
vvuz igbt,"
"Aro they selling papers now V
"Nop. They're soiu' (looks
(book agent). Tui'ro plain' iu bin
luck now, too. Tlie) ro ladies. I'm
a tm. "
'civ' ' - I,,,
grisny littlo t'nts clutched her skirls
oil either side as sho hopped np'tmd
don it to keep wurm. Finally si e
ma le the eutomarv request of n
coin, and cftcr I had scutched ami
found none, sho danced out on tin
si.l. walk, shouted buck a few sen
tences of, the vilest vituperation.
jumped on tho step of a bob tall car,
and went sailing up tho street
1'xihli y Hull in th'n'ii'jo Trihune
Envelopes wero first used in lit'.V
Ai ii'"thesia was discovered in 1 K 14
'l'ho liibt steel pen was mndo iu
Tho first sir pump was luado in
Tho first daily paper sppenred iu
Tho first lucifer match was made
iu 17'.)S.
Tbo liist iron btocmship was built
in 1S30.
Mahomniod was born at Mecei
about 570.
Tbe first balloou ascent was mode
rn 1708.
Couches wero first used in
land in l'tGD.
Tho Franciscans arrived in Kug
hutd iu 12.' 1.
The first steambont plied the
Hudson iu 1SU7.
J bo eiiliro Jlebrow jsiblo was
printed iu 11S3.
Ships wero first "copper-bottomed"
iu 17S3.
Gold was first discovered iu Cjli
fornia in ISIS.
The first liorso railroad was built
in lSG-27.
The first telesoopo was nsed in
England in 1G0S.
A white lio oitou told makes a
black story.
Tho waut of inonoy is tho root of
much evil.
I'gotium is au alphabet witb one
Tbe lute campaign is said to have
cost Uuu Duller $250,000.
Forty-eight women hold positions
as bank cashiers io Dakota.
Luxuries 7 Why, tbey come from
the Latin word lux, meaning light.
And what do luxuries lighten t Your
pocketbook, boy, your pocketbook.
Candidate St. John's trouble's mul
tiply rapidly. In a rocoot speed
be said i "To get drunk is folly,''
but tba bibulous compositor pat it ;
'"To get drunk is jolly.'
mi ekit ntoon riBiriRB
CilMTh hM hmw nn iwtfjnt Owl
ho nulm mi i i m ... i . .
L lik .A . I.. .
Own..,. .,
Ulldelsi.Mie.i havii i tmt.U
fttnt'li ii. ri.ii rit t . ... i... 1 1.- . . .. .
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tie l l Mrnlxit i r.ilii;; r r .! . .1 j in .i,,
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ri....ei..ll,.vlrTI.. Mr. taM,. .,, ,.
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!....r.H..u... MM.i.n.VJh.i-. 1
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I reohmij. I'a
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I. 'n..r..i,i ,i I. Mi
l fie-i un Main irot ami i).,,
i ui n.
An Independent Newspaper of Dem,
.:fjtic Principle, but not Controlled b
my Set of Politicians or Manipulators
devoted to Collecting and Publishing al
ho New of the Day in ths most Inter.
5F.tinp; Shape and with the greatest po
.Hilo Promptness, Accuracy and Impar,
tality; and to the Promotion of Demo,
:rtic Ideas and Policy in the affairs o'
aovernniont. Society and Industry,
lUtUt, liy Mnil, J'M'fat
AIL Y, per Yar $4 0(
mI1"' "-'r Wntri nr
UNDa l, ! ,.v VMr ... 7
A.MrM, T1IK HI'. 5r lark (Vty.
afl;.;!i;oav iiotkl,
I'llll.ADKI.l'lJIA, I'A.,
Ninth Ntrfet. S.mth of ( 'lientnat.
W. PAINE, Proprietor.
Un.ii .ir.. S null. if ib i ,N.. IVKt l)HI, en
liftlt i iAi. Ir.un Walnut HI. I lionlr.) u, in
v.rj li inn 'in nir ..I Oi rj. Urn Auns
l .III I Kir.i.riu lunil. Ii,ii, nu hid m -IK
Din i.r lj. K'-.'uuilalvii and Inw) lurtt
rwoiiMui :tt, W
JOHN B. F()t'Kl.i:i:, Crop'r.
SeliuHgrovo, ia.
Tlilallnlrl IiiiIvihiiiII) ,. null. J In llm "u.iiiiri,
n I ! v.t) .Iciilr.l.l.. .. . r .r'l-r.
ll" HKKTl.f .-.iMIIHI'.it. linn, nt l.HWl-Alt. I'l,
.iii..i,ii,m ciiiit III k lurp to c.l I i:mii. Tl.
al nl I iiiiin ii the
''Iiii i'lml.ur.ll II li ci'Dnii I ii r r .
National Hotel!
Hy WM. M()I.7.W(UTf,
RtmoilO'l, l.'fiirnl"ii'l ni.ruv1. Tl..
ni.Kt . ei Irully I cue. I li.itol In i ho i .n u. I In-1
eltn h I'-.inuioilutlum lur tlio truvollnii I ulilio
a (irii r:. 'ai.
ILIf S iimro Snulti ol S-hi.cti'iiJroii.or.
Tonr3 $1 23 per day.
Mr. It I cli I imIi, Ujjuut lur itll k,ml. tf Vroi
Tunas --81 r Vv tiny.
HrXRY SI AIIK. l'roi
ii. vv, si'Aiia, u,k AK i;i
(fhnHtiuedrom brf ml.)
Mow Watch Casc3 aro Mads.
The many great ImproYtmonU Intro
ducod ia thg inanufactur of tlie Jaa. Ii.wn'
(iuld Watch I.W, have led to ainiilur im
proremeuU in tho making of oilvtr caeca.
Under the old methixla, each part of a
hilrer rane waa uiado of aeveral piecoa of
metal eolderol togetlier, requiring a groat
amount of cutting and aoldering, which
aoftcnod tho metal and ga?e it th p'laMlity
of load rather than the elasticity of ailvcr.
Uudcr the improvoJ methoda, each pari
of the Keyrtone Wlvef Watdi Caae la niado
of one aoliJ piece) of metal hammered into
.hope. The ad vantage are read ily appar
ent, for every ona knows that hammering
hnrduna the metal while soldering soften, it.
To tout the superiority of the Keystone1
Silver Watch Case, take ona of 3 oi. weight,
press it squarely in tba center when closed,
and it will not givo, while case of tarn
weight of any other make will give enough
to break tho crystal. The Keystone Hilrof
Watch Case la made onlr with silver can
und gold joints.
BmiI t w.t ta U l.jlm W.lak Caw IWwiM, rtlla.
4.lkU, ., Ir kiatol HlMlMto4 fiartM M.Ua b
mm. ar aaS Ivmim Maa Vwa ara auaa.
irci I rare
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rV, an h.4ika mid i .n. z
Kif rlU. . Wb.wi.1., ? V IT". 2
JAMI'JS (i. C hoi
am n.l . , nu. i,
"i 'U u iiuu i, ,.r.
JAcon (tibiu;itr,
Attnvnry uu.f Ctinl,,r at
"i .l lil IU.II.
y M. V.. IKM t j,. "
:Arioiif;r.Y at law.
- ... ...I, ,U .Q,
JUn l,
S,.,,. "'vl.! I-..
Jf i d::i i liu-i!, i. , ,,
All , ,,... ,.,)
"ti ii'lnn.... ."'
' V .1.. , ... tl A
in at..! :,.,
-l.. i S9.
K. i:t n i:i,
Mil'.;.', fur.,, v.
I'olln-'inr. tnvl
ind i lerui.ii.
TVII;,., . , i.nrMf
l.lB' C , '7.t.
i- si'iiotYii. "
NcwDorlin. Penna.
.011?!'""" 'l.trU.IH -n l.,
QiiAS v rLmt'ii,"""' -:
Attorner & Oonii.ollor-At-Law.
SC,,"1JM.'. I'uilll fi.
ollf.llti. km.1 nil i;th7r tir.,i. ..i.i . .
')trrthl 'r..f,,ion.i ' "
UV. ;''()1TKK,'a; n. i.FoTTKIi
Bolinegroro, Pa , '
f Wnit . r. in i a'lbuuuu. w ui uu ml in.iu
Julv 4. :.
A 1 1 on i v-nf -T,a v.
ANI MKtNliTlTTiiKNKV f ull mtlJtl)
I'l P tilll R
'iinuttail.inla;ti..ii, fc.uNliia flili!li.rn
l..n.i.ji. iaVlUM,
JO UN II. AKNOlTl),""- '
Alloriioy itt Ijinv,
I rareitluiikl Lrtlnn. rMfu.lml in hi tar l
l-o; uurn.lod
rwmnirs, I iiloii ( o P:
o tfn nrii i rtLrnits. (inn ,i., ., . . .
at i .
n ll.iiuA. ' -
M. tV
Physician & Surjeon,
iViitw Sjirintji, Snyder tounty, Pt
'(Ike un Alain nr. Jna.lll v,t
j w. ramphku
" pkysician;ad surgeon.
"i-nl.ovlll, lVnun.
".'!'?r".''1' !:rnf,"t'"'l lh.i In...
ill l i iitr. rllia an, vrDliy.
iliilillel.nrnh, Penn'a
"IT. r. hi pnil- fI ini,l t.rvlrr. In ' t. rlil,n
I M lil.MoMnr. .i .nil v.Aiuttr
W at.liitnli ii . uM ,
flic la U
iJi:u 15akm:h,
III!. Tt LI. ,r.' na I ii.rvl,".. ii tba rlil...
. MM.IIdliuru m. I Hrhf it f. iIuuM
n r.i .1 I lil I .'Ull lluU-i'. In AicilJ'. nl'dlriR.
t'i'MvnCi 01. ; . i . 3 l.ik I'
Fremor.t, Snyder county, Pa
(Irailaalaaf Hattlmora I'sii... rk..i.i..i
anil SurutOD. nllara kl. arol...!.,.. i . .I.
to lite palillo. Kp.aki r.B:,a sad utruta.
Karck, 17, U"l. it.
.VI m
Blank Book Maker Sta
uonor, ana yteam
Vi hol.nlo V T?tnll
Uo 529 Market Street.
Vromytne$. Ont JYict Scllhi
Priot Marked On All Goodt In P
9re$. Apr. ia-2.
T. " ..w.- viETWvva BTaFm LTV W W