The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 14, 1884, Image 1

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He that ri I lot rciwon is a Ingot; lio that cannot is ft fool ho that dare not ix a ulavc.
K 1 I K Ml and IMtOi'U I ETOIt
J In my wiiniiin I had woutlrd
. - Tlironntlrtho city of tit ilen.l;
$ I'nuMtiff oft before I lie inarblo
Tow'rintf o'er eaeh lowly bed
; K'iulin tltere In fatlelenH letters
' Word by lovlntf flii(,'er traced
Of tltn jy, pre life had fni!(il,
Tlmt beloved out had graced.
Jnet a inonipnt 1 had lit-tenod
To t lie wl-eriiix of tin bree.e;
For it Hoimdfl liki a death chant
Wafted throiijcli tlirt willow tree;
Then I turned to leave the city,
l'l'cHintf through an iiM oVrrowii
With the ro-ew nud the tnyrtlo
Mature' hand alone had aowii.
. ' Then I found amid the griuuM,
i! That were left to b'lid and wave
; M'ith the rosea and the myrtle,
1 .lust one tiny, littln i;rave.
3 There alone, iiud nil forgotten-,
Wentll the ivy'n fliiikrinr vine,
: ' i Was a HUli) htono tluiM worded,
- c "Darling Lethe, aed nine."
, ; TIhih we too some day niunt bliimber
'. Y '.Neath the. untrained Mower and
l IMint klintl li i. lit nni iirt t'txu ikti,i it!
TV - ..... .. . ,
rroni the few wflo t'liaiioi to pitMH,
. lor our nlee, like darling Lethe'),
Will be left to uiii'I'm cure,
y When the friends whi onee wejit o'er
:' Shall no longer linger tliero.
. -
'. A I'lKK I'ol'.NT Y 11RAII KHOWS 1T8 CON
..." nr.vjKit, Pa., Autf.i 7.
. After the killing of the lions bear by
, TiuiiM Smith, und the riddi-itf w 1 1 1 1
bullet of (mother one nearly us hi;
by iti.en.s of Ureen township, J'lUe
f rotinty, on Thurdny hint, as stated in
' The Sun at the time, two inoro law
bears were fitimd to behtill bil king in
the vicinity, on the lookout for hhee.
v On Suinlay tonie hiuiberman caw one
in the woods, iiwar Tobylianna. On
Jlonduy Fr.mli l'loyd took bis pun
imd do ami went out after the bear.
Tint iloc drove it out of a nv.'hiii,
and it made its way ii i the hide of a
Meep ridge, and (li.upared in a
cavity in the rocks. Floyd followed
it to the spot, and started a fire willi
hemlock boughs In the mouth of the
i opening, to'Mnoke liniin out. The
openini; wus a oievice wliicli ran into
l the rocks for some Jitaiiue, and then
I turned outward und opened in unutli
j t r place on the face of the Icdtf..
While l'loyd was busyiii lilmself in
' building the tiro the bear passed out
it mo oilier emi of the crevise, ami
; vas Hair way to the top of the ridge
t before either the hunter or bio dog
s lihcuvered it. The dog started In
J jmrsiiit, und the bear sought nufety
, in u tree, Floyd stood in under the
tree, and tired at the bear. It came
V tumbling to the ground. The dog
i closed with the wounded animal at
once, mid was instantly killed fur its
i temerity. Floyd emptied his other
barrel into the bear, w hich, brought
to bay, and not wholly disabled by
I I . I.
I ,1 P"" ijiiiiniiui. WOIIIIUS, MOW HSC'tl
I J bii-ame the aggressor. Floyd, know
y ;im that the wounds must necessarily
l be mortal, and that the bear must
uuccumb to tliein in a nhort t line, re
solved to put lilmself out of roach o(
the infuriuted bruU and quietly
jAWiUt the end rather than risk a hand-UJ-hand
ftght with it, which would
bo necessary unless he reUatd. Tlie
bear, however, did not give the lum
ber time to take the first step uway,
'tut pressed him so closely that Floyd
; liid broken his gun over the animal's
' .:, and was buttling it with his
m-"- I vuvif V lit)
4 claws, almost before he realized bis
t position. The bear fought bo des-
! jxrately that Floyd's clothing was
noon torn to tatters, and he had re-
i ceived several bail llesh wounds. The
l)ear covered with blood, which
Injured from the wounds in its side
ftnd shoulder, finally showed signs of
rapid weakening. To escape a blow
of one of Its puws, Floyd jumped back
n step. He struck his head against a
rock and fell backward to thcyroiiud.
The bear fell at the same time, par.
lially on the hunter's body. Floyd,
from fright, as he says, fainted away.
When he came to he lay In the posi
tion in which he tiad fallen, and the
bear lay dead by his ide. J'loyd
wag not seriously Injured, but w hen
hereahedthe villa; they said ho
looked as if he had been blown up in
a powder mill.
Wolon Chamberlain, a young man
vdio cama to the Pocono Mountaius
from Philadelphia two weeks ago,
bringing tt double barrelled gun lock
in a nolo leather case, and wearjng
How buckskin huntititf clothes, ox
pressed it as his opiniou on Mouduy
At Oakland that there wasn't a Lear
j" the country, He said ho had
r'unted, aud killed Iwarsiuthe swaiups
f Georgia, ljked the ..port, aud
would b pleased to meet a bear n
county, as t would warm his
Wood up to tackle It. The day he
pore apartv nf i.
I . . r i.n uaii (Mricu a
iZZl wOauJ, hutlt Ud
' S'ST t,hem- Two Oaklander.
VtowlwretUeurluia last been
seen, lie put on a belt full of our
tri'lgen, hung along hunting knife in
a sheath at his side, and, carrying his
gun In It case, Mailed down the
railroad track with bis uids. They
walked a mile', and pointed to the
woods where the hear hail eluded his
pursuer on Hundny. They had no
Idea that the animal wax then any
where in the vicinity, and started
slowly hack up th- track. l'hey had
gone hardly ft hundred years when
they heard a fearful yell behind them,
and, looking hack, saw Chamberlain
tearing out of the woods and putting
In his best lic.ksfor the railroad track,
lie wan hatlesfi, but still clutched his
locked gun case while the long hunt
Ing knife Hopped at his side. He was
calling piteously for help, fur not ten
feet bi-hlud li I lit a big bear was oin;t
Its best to catch Up with him. ('haui
bcrlain ran bowling up the railroad
track at tin top of his Fpecd. The
bear, seeing the two other men, gave
up the chase and turned, exideiitlr
with reluctance, and disappeared lu
the wood. A soon asthe bear hun
ter of the (Icorgia swamps could re
cover his breath and speech he said
that In had unintentionally disturb
ed the hear at its dinner, it was din
ing on a sheep, and he had Mepped
up to within Hve feet of it before he
saw it, ami it did not pive Mm time
to take his gnu out of his ease, put it
together, load it, take aim, and knock
Hrniii over, but ju.t came for him
aud tiirm-d his attention to the open
country. The sama afternoon a par
ty of men, without biickr-kiu (.hirts,
gnus in cases, or experience in Oeorg-
- i in bear hunting, went out ami killed
the hear ami brought it In. t'hriui-
bei'liu (lid II it go, but rcip(Med the
hunters to look up his hat. They did
not find it, and he went away on the
uet train.
John Ueiicljciu aud Nathan Wot
a'll, of Liberty Iwp., wcut out to
shoot woodcock, on Friday last.
They bad met with fair bucccsh io
thoir t-portaud toward evening htart
od to I'ttlnrn homo. Aa they pasBed
by a bi briiHlt Leap alonif ono sidu
of llio road Ve!nd tioticed a monster
filter M.-iko craw linn; into Iho briiHh.
Hoc died Ijih couipnuion'H allcution
lu tho fact, und thoy tit oncu decided
to kid it. Wotliin their wny into
tho blush Ihcy camo iiciosh uDolhi'i
bimiako which togclhcr with the
lirst ono 6cen, they Lilled. As tlu-y
dispobed of Ihcbo yet another was
Hut ii making for tho briiKU. After
souio Iroublo tboy 'dispn'cliod this
ono also. Eucli unuko was hs tLick
in the body aq the upper part of a
stalwart mnn'u arm. They were fu
mnlea, and btranyo as it wuy uppcar,
ench one was full of yonnjf utiakcH.
Ah hoou us ono of tho old snakes wus
struck a boat of youn' ones ran from
Lor, and the tola number of bimkes
killed nan one hundred unl fifty
(toe. Thus ench of the euakes aver
aged about liriy younf. This may
appear as "drawing the long bow,"
but tho fact is well at li sted by those
who havo soeu the deid serpents.
This lathor takes tie cake, wo think,
for this ecasou at leubt. Danville
Oo to bed at half-past eight or
nino o'clock, aud don't bo in a hurry
about getting up in iho morning.
On going to bed and getting up in
the morniug drink as much cold
water as you cao swallow. Soon you
.-lit . ... .
win nam to drink two tumblers.and
soino porsous may loam to driuk
aim more. Irnjlt all that your
htoinucu will boar. Spend a good
deal of tiuio in tho opon air without
hard csoreitto, but exponod to the
sun. If practicablo.ride in'a carriage
samo Lours cvory day, liuuiaiu out
ouough to givo you a good oppotito,
but don't work hard enough to pro
duco excessivo porepirutiou. (Cat a
great deul of oat porridge, craoked
tvLcat, Oraham mash, - baked sweet
applo9, roasted and broiled boof,
though tho vegatabla part is more
futteuing than tho animal part. Lie
down au Lour in the middle of the
day, just beforo you take your din
nor, to rent, and if possible, take a
little nap. Cultivato jolly poople.
"Laugh and grow fat" rests upon a
souud physiological basis. A pleas
ant meeting of social spirits is a great
promoter of digestion. Keep your
skiu clean, sleep io a room where
tho sun Bhioes.keep everything sweet
and clean and fresh about your bed,
sleep nino or bo Lours in twenty
foar.'iAt pp J ave toll you, cultivate
the jolly spirits, aai M six mwtWMl WQmtf ,y
you will be as plump qs you' fpujj
After Laving boeu married some
weeks it came into the head of a
young busbnnd one Sunday, when be
had but little Io occupy his mind, to
suggebt to his wife that thoy should
plaiuly and Louetslly state the faults
that ench Lad discovorad in tbo oth
er binca tbey had heeuiuau and wife.
After some hesitation Iho wife agreed
to tho proposition, but stipulated
that tho rehearscl should bo mado iu
ail sincerity, and with an honest view
to tho bullet intr t f vlcL other, as
! otherwise it would bo of little no to
speak of their faults to which mar
lingo bud opened their eyes. Tho
hubhatul was of tho samo mind and
his wifo asked him to begin, lie
was some hut I elm-tun t, but his wife
insisted that he was first to pro; owe
tho matter, and, as ho was the Lead
f I he house, it whs iu bis place to
luko the lend. Thus urged ho begun
tho recital.
Mo tnid ;
"My dear, ono of Iho first faults
that I observed iu yon after wo began
keeping house, was that you
neglected tho tinware. My mother
always took great pride in her tin
ware, and Lepl it as bright as a dol
hr." "I am pjiid yon mentioned it.dcur,"
soil tho wife, blushing a little t
"hereafter you bl:a!l sco nw nput on
cup or pan. Pray proceed."
"I havo dIho obsorvod that yon
use your dish-rags a long limo with
out untliing them, anil fluully throw
them away. Now, when at home, I
remember that my mother always
used to wiihh out her dish-rugs when
done using them, and thou hung
them up when they could dry, ready
for tho next tiuio shu would uso
Mushing, ns before.thj young wifu
'ii iuisi.d to anion 1 this fault.
Tho Luhband continued wifu n
most formidable ist efbimilur faults,
many nnnu thnn we havo sparo to
enumerate, when ho declared that he
cenld thiuk of nolhiug moro worthy
of mention. "Now, my dear,'1 said
he, "you beiu and tell me all the
faults you havo discovered iu me
siuco wo bavo been married
Tho wifu sat in siletico. Her face
Hushed to tho temples and a great
lump came in hor throat which she
seemed to bo striving Lard to swal
low. 'Proceed, my dear; toll mo all the
faults you have discovered in mo ;
t-pnro none."
Arising buddonly from Lcr seat
the little wifu burst iulo tears, and
throwing both arms around Lor bus
band's neck, criod :
"My dear Luubond, yoa Lave not
a fault in tho world. If you have
ono my eyes bavo boon so bliododby
lovo for you that ho long as we Lavo
boeu married I never once observed
it In ray eyes you are perfect, and
all that you do seems to be dono in
tho best uuuner aud just what
should bo done."
"Hut, my doar," said the bnsbnnd,
Lis face reddening and bis voice
growing husky with emotion, "just
thiuk, I Lave goue aud fouud all
manner of fault with you. Now do
tell, me some of my faults; I kuow
I Lavo many ten times as many as
you Lad or over will Lavo, Let me
hear thorn."
"Indeed, husband, it is as I toll
you i you Lave not a single fault
that I can soo. Wbatover yoa do
seems right in my oyos, aud now that
I kuow what a good-for-nothing lit
tle wretch I am, 1 shall at onoo be
gin tho work of reform and try to
make myself worthy of yoa."
"Nouseuse, my dear you know
that sometimes 1 go away and leave
you without wood cut j I stay down
town when I ought to bo at Lome i
I spend money far drink and cigars
wLod I ought to bring it Lome to
you, I "
"No, you don't," cried bis wifo,
"you do nothing of tho kiud. I like
to see you enjoy yourself ; I should
be uuhappy were you to do other
wise than juiit jnotJy as you do
"God Llusa you, Jittle wife,'' ried
the now oubjugatej husband, "from
this moment you bavi 'o foults Jo
the world, Jo deed, you paver bad a
fault i J. was joking) dpoJ "fryj$a?
ber a ord 1 said J" : Aud be frJ$J
away the tears thai tjemblu.i. jg
f.ever again die) ths hubUand aoru'-
w vti iivliiwmt' f "Jiefcri'ib,.i-v rfv.
- ' t , . . . .' i)Lt- I ' t ' '
dish rag never so much as mention
one of the faults he Lad enumerated
but soon after tbe - neighbor women
were wont to sny i . i
"It Is wonderful how neat Mrs.
keeps everything about bor
house. Hor tinware is us bright as a
new dollar, and I do believe that she
not only wanhos, but irons ber dish
rags." And the neighbor men were
beard to say s "What a steady fel
low has get to bo of late i he
don't spend a dimo where be nsed
to spend dollars, and can nevor be
kept from home half au hour when
he is not at wotk. tie soems to
worehip that wife of bis."
love ahc3 ins teakies.
Several years ago a gentleman liv
ing in this city bought a fnrta near
Wyoming, on tho Pelawnro railroad,
just below Dover, Ho removed
thither with his wifo and only child,
a 1 m'itur u a') vtt twenty yotr
of ngo, a bright and accomplished
gill. To vary tho mouotuny of ber
simple rustic lifo shotntht music
u liiu Buirouuuiug Deiguuoruooii.
A young man dressed like a laborer,
but showing evidences cf a more ro
tiued nature than his external appear
atice indicated, applied for aud ob
tained work from tho hmo-mu's fath
;n ii. 1: i i . t I
er, ilo was a well-built, pleasant
looking follow, although not haud-
bouie, aud woto a bright auburn
board. A mutual affection sprang
up butivoeu tho daughter of the
household and tho new Imnd. A
sharp walch was kept on tho maidou
but iu ono of her usual rounds among
her pupils bor lover took advauttigo
of the opportunity, propoaod, was
accepted, aud tho twain wont to the
nearest minister, where they wore
made one. They returned later iu
tho oveuiug, confessed, and tho uovv-
ly mado wifu pleaded forgiveness.
iter father became very wroth at her
n n J n ti f u 1 net, aud ejected (horn, with
a fow articios belonging to tliuiu.
from bis homo, aud told thorn never
to return. Thoy went to ber unclu'e
house, where they btnyed for tho
night. Thoy uoxt muruiug, without
funther pailuy with Iho indignant
fatheri-indaw, they wcut north on
tho liret truin, and did not stop until
thoy renchod Albany, iu Now Vork
To tho astouishmout of his wifo, he
hero disclosed his Irao position tho
sou of very wealthy parents and
himself possessed of u o Jinpotency in
his owu iitttuo. lie bad lied from
homo for some folly, but bis parents
received their now daughter in-law
with open arms A letter of explun
ution was sout to hor parants at Wy
oming who were oveij yod at their
daughter's good forluuo. Wihning-
tsn, (Dol.) Xfirx.
i 111 j
Letting tho Lavil Out.
Iu a littlo frame bouso,mfour and
one-half miles west of Mount Morris
Michigau, lives a family of sixteen
persons all being huddled together
iu apartments not lurgo ouough for
four, Somo time ago a ohild dioJ iu
the family, aud sinoe thou several
members of tbo household havo been
impressed with tho belief that every
thing aronnd tho premises was be
witched people, stock, and the very
air and woathor all being coutroll
ed by the evil spirits. A Mis. Sum
ner, who is, and has for soma time
been quito ill, was afliicUtd with this
hallucination to a matkod degree,
and while not protending to prescribe
for hor mental trouble, Dr. Lumuu
L. Fuller, of Clio, bus boon trying to
ministor to bor physical ailments
He called at the houso, and whoa bo
attempted to get to her room he was
mot by a Mrs. Livingston, another
member of the etrauge family, who
had a razor in one hand aud a knife
in the other. I a hor freniod efforts
to iuduoe him not to interfere with a
caso already being handled by tbe
witobos, she attacked aud cut him
savagely in the breast, inflicting a
bad wound. She has boon arrested,
and a young man Lamed wbiluey, a
brother of Mrs. Livingston, is also
iu cas tody. Other members of the
family may bo arrested. Tho neigh
borbood js full of stories of , the
strange haljuajnatiocs of tbe ooau
pants, Some things they have done
are worthy of the oJJ witchcraft
tf.fFI Ot ' Massachusetts. The pigs
Old eWt bftVA had little nicks put iu
Mc'flt f)jo divii out , .
Curi:sity cf tho Lar;
Tho majesty of tho law Is a groat
and nwful thing, but it U sometimes
maintained at the expense of per
pleotng illogical methods. Ac.tso iu
point is affjrded by tho appricntion
of tho extraordinary law'to bo found
in tho Public Statute, chaptr 2(i',
section IS, which rendu as follews:
"If a jailor or other officer volunta
rily suffer a prisoner in his custody
upon conviction or npon a criminal
charge to escape, be shall anflVr the
like punishment and penalties as the
prisoner suffered to csnapo was pen
tenced to or would bo li.ible to suf
fer upon conviction of tltn citmo
wherewith ho Mood charged" Uu
der this statu to in called the case of
tho Government against John Smith.
(tovcrntucntahitcN that O.Vnmr Smith
voluntarily Bull 'red William Jones, a
prisoner in bis custody np--n the
charge tf murder lu tho lirst degree,
to escapo, and moves that sentence
of i tenth be passed upon John Smith.
Smith admits voluntarily sufl'ci iug
jJohos Io escape, but, sns that
has been recaptured nud may bo in
nocent and that it in not fiir lo
hang him first and try him after
war.l; but tho court says that never
Iheless that wus doubtless tho intent
of tho law; aud sentences John
Smith to bo hanged by the neck un
til dead, and thou tries William
Jones, und the jury aopiitrt him. It
is truo that tho prisoner bhoulJ h
punished iu a suitable manner, but it
seems nu bsurd relic of barbariuiu to
leuvo tho law as it stands.
Under tho shadow of tho 1'onkn of
01 lor, at his homo iu Jlntocoiu t
county, on tho 1th itift., Wyatt J.
Miirkhmu bieathod his last nfter a
lingering illness. Ilo was a member
of tho fust volunteer company which !
left his county, and from Hall Kan I
lo VioU'.burg wau always rndy to
answer "Hero I" At 13uker's Creek,
Miss., when his buttery had been al
most annihilated, every horse killed,
guns aud cnissions dismounted and
our defeat hecamu a rout, Markham
coolly spiked hi gun with a "rut
tail'' iili), and laughing in tho fnao of
a Federal colonel who orJcicd him
to titirrender, walked from tho lield
iu a shower of leaden hail uninjured
After tho fall of Vicksburg Lu wan
placed iu chargo of tho remnant of
his command, nil of whom wero eith
or sick or wounded, and piloted them
via New Orleans und thodulfuf
Mexico, finally reaching thoir home's
in safety. Ho wus au unassuming
Christian soldier only a private iu
tho ranks and yet his record merits
this uotico at our Lauds. Lynch
bury Yiryinlftn.
I' ' i wmmmm
"Mr. IMaino kits beuu an almighty
lucky mun all his life, and I believe
he will be elected," remaikod au
Kustorncr at tho Tremont Houiio the
other night.
"I never heard that bo had any
great luck,'1 snid his compnniou.
"Mover did, eh 1 Well, let mo tell
you of one streak, just ono. When
ho wus a young man be courted two
trirls who were cousiim. Oue of
theni was lovely in disposition and
the other was rather peppery, but
smarter than lightning. Ho thought
the most of tho latter for a
ho flunlly concluded to tie up tho
other one, and as she was willing,
thoy wore married, and a vory happy
match it has boon."
"Well, I dou't see any unnstil lack
in that. Thousands of meu aro hap
pily married, "
'True, true, but thousands of men
don't just oscapo proposing to (inil
Hamilton, by thunder, and that's
what ho did " Vhlcayo Herald.
A man thinks that he knows, but
a woman knows butter.
A near neighbor is bettor than a
distant relation.
Poal with faults of others as gent
ly as with your own.
One of the hardest thiogs to ac-
flomplisu is to . awaken a mau in a
railroad ear who is oceapyiug two
seats.: i ;.. -t ..-i . j
' A young man sticking close to his
girl far an entire evening is very
hico Und of court plaster.
,Au poedij'om to the poJ-JoQk
At lorn ctis-.-Jt-Law.
J AiliiSG. ChOUSK,
MlhhLKKL'ltiill. 1A
llcxmlr 'ip,l .i ,H rit' f.-.
I'tuiiii't niianllnn. i u oull i K.n Inn-r
rut I nllii j: i-'m.
Act)ii (iii,i.i:i;r,
Altitrnetf tniif (,'o;.r?or trt A.t'f,
MIIMtl.t Itl IM.11,,1 ,
I'li'ln-tl in nml ill i.I'm r I u-li r-i n li'i'
I, u i -,-ti in it,, ,.ui.p iiimi i n in tr.xMir
lenii.tii . . i
i:. noi swKitui,
Ski i.vHi.iiovK. I'a..
t'olt-otl tl mnl U ottirr lri.t l.ii-lr.--. i f..iii.l
lr nlti-ii'U l U. I'oiii ultall.iH In tn IMi me
.Inn 1,
I.'llist,!!., I'. II It'll
All tn-ilim-ii onini-t. .1 ti I I. ..i,ro will l
critii II) mlni'li I t.
M".t. J ,'.
.4 r un: i: v i r. i, t it .
M.nk I f. . S.H.i.yriiu. V.
All tirrMlit)iil iiimi nni'ltv nt'rriKi
to. HuD5Ultalluus lu 1IU ami i irrm in
r ii.ti !).
u, ;.). s.iwii-.-'c
Vn l e onnnult-il In t.ull. U t Hir imn.
J.i ii t; ..'-ii.
K. J30Vi:i!,
Mi.w, . r,i.
i'..lliM'tiiin inalo. CLiiimllatli'tin In
r l 'liri.i.n. .In i. ii 2, 'Ik. il.
Now Berlin, Pcnn'a.
r. f.'.-iti'iial l'i:n(t).. uirnnteil o Vn iir"
l iivMii- iri.nij.t mli nil. in. J mi. 20,';-.
AUoniey 4. Cuunscllor-At-Iiaw,
1 1 Ml oi' I U A'i'h 1. ml linn itiP . 1 1 1 North ,il
K t: hi'iink llorr.t.
Sclliisui u v. I'enn a
I'lilloi'tli'DS Ami ikll.nll.rr ir il. mlnniil kn.
r.r.n l xkIIi'IiiM unit will reoi Ivn. nriil nu I
irnuiia tfjutluii. A jt. 1 1 1 1 .
f1 J. SMITH.
1 mim.umu.'J! sn v i-.Ti'r.TTi-A
Otter till. Prof, Kilnnul NtyIiiii io llm j.ulll
diiimulUlloua la lunllh unit Uniuuiu.
A.w.roTTKK, fi. n. i. roTi ri:
.1 rionXi v.s a t i .i w.
Solinsgrovo. Pa ,
I einr llielr rriili-niil "r Ii'hn llio pulillo
All r.rii! Iiii'Iui-ij iiil l In tlinlri'Ktn will
r,-i-iii T'Mi:i.t ttUou'.li'U. I'.Tler uu Mmu Si. 4. :.
T 7 O A A' A' 1' A T
L A H'.
r-MMlllKirpo V, I'll
., ' , in'-" an I i iitlvl lix eu
I ru-te, In I.I" I'uro will tin .rmn H y mirml
i cl Id. I'iiii Iiw i-'inKllll .1 Itl I'.lik llU or
OHruiH.-.. llilk'a uu.Mitrliot piKro.
J II. (illlMM,
A tloi'imv-Mt. Trnw,
AI1 DIKl'Kb'T A 'I 1 1 ill N i;Y Hill liKli
i ul I V.
ricilniiK fa.
CnniiUitli'ii In b. ! It I-iihII'Ii unit ; ) rtn an
l.tllKllilKe". I- 0, l-l.
JOHN 11. AKNOlil),
A.tiiioy ill litiw,
ilin.i:ni'itii. r
rrofoi-'SliiliKl I iirlncH. ciiiruMoii t" l.l. c.iro will
lia iruinii altrmle l tn
yAMLM:L II. OliWKJ, . .
A T TOllXHY A T-1. A II',
l,iivl.ttiira. I'iiIoii Co.. I'h:
lllllro nn UrK t Sir t. uco ilnur citm ul l'm.
mil 1 1 iut.
liuciii, ;i;
!Dl)Jii:i!L'H(5ll 1-1 'i;K V.
E- HUMMEL, Prep.
Miiiim,i.i;i mi, I'm.
riiintin-tNlili1 ml tt) lii-li i'iui;iu- ul vm j .1 on
littUil. Vfia t afuuli.
I'lttsiciaus, tc.
lleavrrtown, I'vuu'ii.,
(itlr lil 1 1 r f 0 -i I nml arrl.'i t tn (lie 0 Itly -n
nl UnKVei tullrll mill li'llllly. S'0k I iikIUU
ml (liirimin. (I.IU'u t liiu rml'liiiir)) nn Wol
JM a 1 1) Strnet. A r. 1,'dl ly.iil
J W. SAMl'Sr.L,
Ceiitreville, I'enn'a.
(ilium It Iff rrirerlonsl rervluoii.tu llio cltirxnt
ul Oiuiruviilaiiioil.vlolrilty. A tig. it, 'n.i.
q j;d(.'ak iiAsLGi:n,
Oll ra Lit iirofi tiinl fi-rvlret lu tbo rltlvsnt
nr Mlililleburrli nil vlululty. I'tllo. Id llio
W.blili,l.uq lluumi. Alr. 7,'UI.
J" (JltlFiU UAUUElt, '
Miilillelitli'Kli, Penn'a.
Ollora lilt proieatlronl ervtotn tu tli cltltoni
ul Mlil'llohuin Hint vlululty. (Uinta a lew iluurl
Went r tli I ourl lluu. Iii Arii".r IiuIIiIIiik.
Iliml'loacu 01'iii')tt( giiuualt fuT I'rllillug
, " Ficmont, Snyder county, Pa.
Oralis'. of WltlmortUull(o( Pliyilcltrji
toil Kui noun. Idurt lilt ,rulenliioul tarvln.
tu iii )uuii. kpuu iillilt asiil otnujta.
Alrcb, IMKbl. U. ,
f JR. J, O. WAGN1SR, '
riDvlclnu and Surgeon,
- .k .. . 1
UlTari kU profuwlontl rvlcai lo ih elllit
Itiiuiol li' C.S. b.n4 m-.ix.
T.-c Hrv r t- v i r I'm r iu,
: -i N 1 1 'tiniH't-ti -n, ;"-sr I : t. - T.. o:i'y
l k 1 I I' km . i: . ' 'innV. f fi.i I.;. ,
1 n ,im! , . t iin. ' ,1 "I ' f. vt 1 tTi ,f
-'..'', '. If . . f I .1 i',Im' .t f J. 1 -:
I rr ,. ..f J is X !,(, t . 4 ; 1 ! 1 v, ti 1' 1 v "JT".) f A
t i' f "P . - n. , 'f. . . ti. it.l f I., k
," a"i'MH I 1 I'-t 1. n t"ti.
- i( I 1 i n i. r: n , 1 t .- ' I t ". ,m
1 'I 1 " ti 1 - 1. 1 1.. . I 1 (i 1 1 11 .(,. t t
ft' n. r lfiiih a-r. i i . H ,t, i
1 - . t. . . r. I Itl . l..ii- I - rl I.
. 1
A (rU
'I ""I ' S 1 r ' (i,,. ' 1 , '
ttnli! nt I . I fin. :.
I ,,t ,..- : ,i'B'l
it ivr- 1 ; t
L'.rt, furi
!! II ..
H Q . . 'I 1 t
I it ri 1 hi i vt'T : if
O. . 1 1'.
k 1 I r
fPlli'l liriic 1 m;!!h il 1 . i v 1 miuli,
I mi 1 j ut-ii I ri;rtn ll
t d 1 ti 1 1 1 - n M r --r . p i ; 1 1.
dn wi 1 itiri'teli I ,t r-l hi it hi,. I .
1. . ,1 . r ti. n
'u " t 1 ' a
r t An t - , vt
ruift'l v iih IU ,(.. ii .! v
tit h ..ii)i HliI u.J lor L r-n
I n r . 1 1 in .1 ri.ri-1
rtinm' ihii ln mtl Iflp t I Ik tiiMi. c r.- ?i'l
I' I ' V I' ti'il I n.ill. ul.. I tl in II 1 ,,l !.;.
.i l- 11 -:;i .1 i 11,' ,.- , ,,r!, w , , t , 1
'ml rl II HM-. Jl 1 hi i l ! y ii. I'.,,
HA 1; K I 1 I. II A I ir.
t. 1'-:. In 1 r.n' .r.
VT I ,::.M i n., ,..! I..r 1
I -i. l-.-l IU- U
I ' tl I f l l
t'.l 1 III II l.-1 I ;l I I . I '..! . ' ;, V.
"' I i II tl. II. .H i I . Mm v.'. .HI .
. I I.. -. t.V it 1 U ... I I'll ---I - ' X i TV I.
I -I..-.I ,e 'li,. m. ! ! : . .11.. 1
11. ...,i. 1 :,.
1 tt.. I . ii -.
i 1 1. r in
t i.': .iu. i.l .lr 1: 1 y
1 ' 11 ;i I. - tt Pic ,
.ml : uiiiml li n t. 1. r
1 I .. I v t mi tli Mr .1 ' 1 . .
I .11' . i...i.. .... . M it.i
I'll . .l.i.K. t-.-. 1,1,
n,'i l.fcniiifr riti.-i
II ' in. i I lu.-.'.- '
I'll-:- I I 11.. I.ll.
I 'J'- I. . ..
ii ir r ir .
l. 1...
; I Ht 1 . 1 . I,
lill I.I'
I I ' -1 III.- Hul l, . ..
'., iuurlu. M.ilm
. I I . .s t
S, h SliKAltY,
CentfCJ:l!e. Sniticx Co , Pn.
a 11.; h' ,-: 1-- ;-
iN'.i I I, llliuill .Ni.l
li i-lw ff trd.
Farm for Sale,
800 ACI?,ES.
Alii'tit '.Ml jm:ki;s . 1,'Kf .1 m. I l.i'.ir. If,
I I iii 1 " r, (in n 1 r I li 11 1 1 11 ih I it t r. in K 11 a ,11.4
Mull ,11 S i' li 11 y mnl I.. . 11,1 mi lii.l
Wrrt II- v ft ti'vt'i-l. r. ki 'fr . i'ti.t. H
II.. 1 I" . ilirlll. li-. 1 W 1 I llV ri.AAII;
III l IMH'!v l.w ,. lu"nt 1 , ):irM.,
t'n 11 U I' -1 1 1- mi .1 KD'i-r i'.r S .n.i II. In ii
III: k- "1 1, ir.l I li i-i 1 1 r - v 1 I li-. I 'hi;
I il , I,..,- i.i r.ilr. nil 11 1 .1 , itn a 11 in . ilf 1 o .
II ..I h n 1, iii in, I 11,0 in.iy 11 tni"j wi.ii,
(i.ul ur, I'rii'o t'li 1 cr uti- I inii; ,,, ,,
I II II A li I M.
.Inn,' I '. Alul i.i). ur. li 'Mi) ,. r I 'o., V
vr t t '
iw-. 1.,
I'l KiriMi, i't v.
T i'Iki rn -tfr. Il Iii
H i' 1 n s I.lov.nnr u r
1 tt in I 1 iiiki u in .i..-'ry
M' ,;rX . tJH V9 m. 1 ii 1. 11 ....1. .. .
II ' I I H " I II I li l KM
fSfMf' i.J ll, li in, lMm
f Wf,Ttflli 'it- r run I r ir.ulu 1 in..
V.i , I I r i ll i m- 1 r
. I itl.tii In-,! nl., h
' 111 i'U Iri 11 4ii in
ur li. il In ten it.ivi
N' I it nr il. afrit
III II I n r In l P I itlil.nrg
it iiU'r l.loi Mtur ij I'u.
rll r" I u , I Itl. Aw a .i
vnll"iT, 1 I'n 1
i't. AHIATS WshTfi
iiMi nil" nr Irtu I 11, lira "i r 1 1, .Mli I,,,. 1, ,,
' li 'I ii-i.-ri'iii'ii iiii.i m u,ici,.r, wi.. 1,1
wik I'ltiiil Imhii-. ..'i-.l:iy li.r :i -It iihmiII 1-11
."iii 1111 111, a 1 i.ii, in,-.: AkuiiI. Ii.r'llif I nn
I.l l Hl.Hi-- 1. 1 ,,- ; '., .,, (..,, , ,1 -..I,
' i li I k i 11. 1, 1.1. 1,1 1 i. 1 iii r 1
1 I"' I.H . .- i t II
"i r t '.1 r.l ul, 1 1. -." V 1, 1 .,
11 .'In i -ii I.. .-1 ,'i.; 1
il iti i I1.1, . ..1, ,,h
' l.' Uu 1 ' ,i,,i'.
I n ' 1 '"' 1.1 i'li.
'" " ' i-"ii...ii u 1 ... I., iii,,
ft' ' !- V.I.''. -. " i.'j -i.ii 1 1.1, rn:.n'.
UiI.I.a JIAl.v I M l;I.,.-,,,,Mi i ll '
l.j N. i.i.' i. - ..I.I,, .'.J,,,,
J J .1. SMITH,
Hhybiclan & Siirrjrrn,
lliiinr S,rititi., S,u,,t,r (mm hi, ',
ilturii lilt iriilnali,niil urlci to Ihr 1 nl II
I'lli. eiiii Alula tircrl. Junelj ji
I l li III- H'l "ti l.l( K,
Si liiiHirm, I'lvn'it,
I'ri li-tiluiiiil liDaln.M ,roiiiitlr ntua.'ril la
k. va7Tiku:k,
Solinrirovc, 1'enn'u.
v-'itiiifl tnr f 0 I.ii e
;ill llm J'rful' i ul tltn
V. s. i'li. iii.-i i,. mi.
iiillit ln-t rr
ll'l ll'f If.U t li.
'iiririi.. 1 lie tn.lftt llli.u liimV In A11111.
Iniii'i'iiai' in, Ma tn iimnita. All liitiMIKnrti 1,. '
pin mint It. Any u:iti fun lirruiiiu it .m-,-, tei,.i
i.K. nt. T.Tiim irci', HAU-Kl'l' liDuIt ( u,,
I Ult.'tilltl .11.11111),
Siirguou Mentist !
Middlcburg, Snyder County, Pa,
OrrillB IB rHAHKMB Mlt (H Dltril
If vr.vtiiiii(t LolonKii ,' to tb iho
Jt-i fn-tlnu dun. in h. boil uianotr. All i f
wrrnie.. Taruii muil.raia.
II will .Ian m lmtlnt v.rT l
uii tl Centruviiu Traitmilt, kt.vti.
owu Ada Dtiiurt; n J I'aiwovlll
Inth Street. Houth of Cbebtiiut,
. W. PAINE, Proprietor, j 4
' Una tyiimm Humhul 4ba K'nv ; ivi rn t
hll ur- lio'ii WnlniH SI. l iiyuu.
fur 1iiiIii.w 1.1 .ur. 4 . 11-., 1.. "3
oananl K"i'ini! una. ( ' ,1 .
m an 1 iivfc-iiii! 1 una. 1
ti iw ). A), Kytr-;..iJ
Ml '11 -
1 ij
VK. 1
... pane
la Kn
1 1, 'l
1 Nor
e itlu
11 tl
1.1. (
1 1
faalBV '
h Cll
Sea ti
a k-
ami,Vil. j