The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 24, 1884, Image 3

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Fubllidied ttery TbifrmUy.
H:re 'i i ikili' ami ri tofts' l;lu, ai' fain til
Hint 'tt."
What wo nded I ralri.
, Fr.'sh fUh nt .Jain e P. Smith evrry
T.iursday evening
Adjourn I'd court met in Mlddleburgh
on Tuoxilay.
Djn't fail to Attnul tin pic nlcat
ih-avt-rtown on Sat unlay.
See list of juror drawn for Ni'itctn
ber term of Court hi un Jtlnr column.
Has are reported iultr phuity in
the StHq'U'haDiia this year.
l!liw,!il)(rrit,. nro sported qttlto
Vl'-nty and ri-tail at 4 rents or qu irt.
XXX IS Inch idihurh' fnrsalo at thin
nico. Apt ly to T. II. llaru-r for par
ticular. Win. Nuydcr, of (Wt-nlu. li., ha
rctiirniid tt Mlddlebnrnh to utay, m
he puts it.
Tho miininiot(n from 1'ort
Trcverton n utiavo!l,ilily crowded
int i f this i."xn.
W nro ph-awnl to aimouiicp thut I.
Jl. Wunderly, Km , u noly r'ov
i itT from his recent . re illiieyji.
K. A. Kteiii!hiilur,.r ,,f iVnnMin has
n throe week old I,!,,,,,)..,! Ald.-ni.-y
Hull which h? will at , ,r'ain.
Tin Middh bnr-h Hand will hold r.
rake wnlU and f.-Mival nt iMxti.nvllh'
on .Saturday evening. An. '.'ml.
A IT. M. eaiiiiiii..,.ti will l. held
licr Itichlii til coiiiiin ii. iinr on Thnrs
tlay, July .'JUt and to continue iw
wt-ek. No huckstering allowed.
It will pay every body to examine
the imiiicnec fctork Fiirniliiro for
erilo by tlio Popular Furnitiue nuin
W. II. I-KI.IX I.evvitown P.i
TheopoleM Swiuefurd has urecte I an
extensive Mini elegant porch in front
'f Hi- Ki-le hotel, Franklin. ".Soph"
Known what u needed to aeu mini o
lute hi in.'iny Ktii'Mt.
I'rederiek Wall hi- fe!J from the kmC
I 'Id at the new porch in front of I lie hotel we-k, a:el sn-t niti I
Injuries which hive prevented him
from work mii-c.
The l.i.lii-s in., S'flety of 1! -f .rnied
church of A.l.iiiil.iir will hold a IV s
tivalal th-ir church on .Saturday i-v
iliin-, Ail-ust ..!. iJelrcslm.en'h con-r-it
of ee creain, e.lkes. le:uoii;ide,i;e.
lYntt'i'iU f.-r h.. ht in-jit t, ios-ictv.
1'i'it t: nit Tit D!C -A "U shot
A: calibre Hvans Wi.l... Warranted to
shoot I ) yards uiih es n,ue!i accur
acy aatanv brc'c.h loadio - til!. nunoi
facturcl. t 'all on or ni'di'i's,
T. II llAit in,
Mid llebiirgh, Pa.
Ja sP. Smith was nwar.l',1 the
.ontract for repairing the Milll!,,.
burgh School building at the r
letting of thr. hoard at -4iM. Th-.v
jiairs consist .f tenring out and re
building I hu caot wall uud repairing
t he corniee.
TAKK Ni.TIi K. - Notien Is hereby
fgiven that the limiting books of .lere 'rouse re in my hands for col
lection. All persons knowing them
selves indebted to the above, will
please call and settle in a short thne
or they will b. charged a.-c-rding to
advertised rates - ij-J..V a year.
jAMIsS (i. Cltnl'.-K.
Jfiddleburgli, Pa.. .Nov, an,
MrsicAt. Coi.i.Kfii:. A school c
Voteil ixclusivcly ti) the study of inn
hie and training of young ladies
J'ret'burg, Pa. The lilth session
of I
six weeks commences on Tuesilay
jnorning, July SfUli. For furtlier in
forma t ion luldrcss
P.O. MoT Kit,
June 20, It. Musical Director.
lMicn. In Franklin, on Haturdav,
July ltnh, W. 1. Simonton, of the th in
of .Siinoiiton, Harbor 4j; Co., ugeil US
In tho death of Mr. Slmonton Mid
dleburg loosen one of its representa
tive men, capable, courtoous.and in a
business sense he had few superiors,
lie leaves a wife and son behind.
The funeral took place on Tuesday
nd the remains were conveyed to
Millliuburg for Internnent.
Tho corner-Htouo of tho First I'van
gelioal Lutheran church at Melius
trrove will bo laid on Sunday, August
5, 1ISS4. Services forenoon, afternoon
und evcnliur. Prominent sneakers
Lom a distance will bo present and
preside. Special arrangements for .
music has been provided. Tho Phil-
liarniouio society of Prceburg will be I
present and will render a number of .
K'leot choruses in the wenin.
nro luvited to attend, '
Mr. T. II. Ilarter and lady, of the
Middlebnrgh Post, rusticated with
t he Hester folks and among other
Centre county friends during the 4th
of July vacation, taking iu lhoriimn
tio mountain bights, beautiful valley
Heonery, and our cave. Mr. JL is a
portintr man and came etpjipped
with his fishing tackle "to show the
editor of the lteporUr how to catch
trout." He went home with a big
majority against hhu-and he ain't a
uean angler either. tV.uVe Hull j;c.
.Hid SurrKiiY Glass Evk. "The
P'llre," suys tho author of "The Hoo
ter Schoolmaster," "wore one gluss
pyeunduwlg. The glass eye was
Vacantly klippliug out of focus, and
lie wig turning urouud sidewlse on
l' hoad whenever he addressed the
JaVplo of - the Flat Crook District."
.Hud spectacle. Turkcr'a Hair HaUain
preserve and promotes the growth of
me nutural hair. It also restores the
, ....... 4vi,in
Natural color to hair which has futi-tt
, L ' '
becotue gray. Qean, eletfut, ben-,
riulal, highly perfuuied. " Jujy. i
1"hk. Nkw ltAiLnoAO.
F.n. PoTt In last week's Snyder
county 7Y'turte I w hn article pub
lished idgned "Progress." The ftti -
thor of eald article ieeum to know
Very littlt) about the new railroad and
the rout of the eaine. For the nur-
pose of enlightnind him and for the been lecured fh a good condition
information of the readers of the VosT making threshing a pleasant and pay
and friends of the new road, 1 would Ing business for thn season.
say that the name and tftle of the
new railroad Is "The Seaboard, Penn
sylvanla & Western. The stockhold
ers and ofllc-rsof the same are among
the best railroad tueii in the city of
Xew York, strictly honest and mean
business. They own and control rail
roads from Ashland, Pa. to New York
city and from Pittburg to ('hicago.
Now a connecting link remains to be
built between Ashland and Pittsburg,
and the company's purpose I to get
(lie shortest and best route between
the said points. A temporary route
has been run front Ashland via Port
Treverton, ISiMifleld and I.ewistown
to Mann's Axe factory, thene? through
the (Tap of Jack's mountain and west
ward to IIuntiiiKdon and Pittkburg.
Also a route from said Axe Factory
along the South side of .lacks moun
tain to a point about '2 miles West of
Troxelvill thciiiM to the bank of
Middlerreek, thence iilotii? the same
via Paxtonville and Mi hMichurgh to
the continence with tin river near
Horn's farm thence over the river and
up Mahanoy creek to Ashland. The
Middh-creck roilto proves rd miles
shorter that the UichuVId or Juniata
route aiiil tlie former has a more fa-
vorable grade, Hy a calculation the
route described by Progress via ('en-
tleville, New Fcrlin, Penns creek and
Schoch's mill is right miles longer
than the Middl e,k route.nndat an
average cost of $ ih) per mile is no
tiioa 1 1 ll"in. Piirt of Mild lino lias
been examined Mint not run') ami in
addition to the long distance the
j grade was found too hard. Thus
i progress will see at a glance 1 lint the
Ml.ldlecreek route will be the fuvor. d
one. 'J'hc company wunt to gvt the
shorti M end best Ionic: looking ll"i
ther to the interest of ilidlv idil.iN,
coi j or, 'it ions or towns along its line,
becau.-e it is to be a Tl unk line. As to
tratii' an I liei'-ht n!
the Middle
i- certainly
.,t l.f Jilck-4
i iile are in
creek route, l'riire! ii. Along t lie fi
uioiintain w est of Tl o,
t'.li:uitilde veins of iron ore liereto
foie not accessdile to market, and the
i i in her along thai point of I he ro:nl i
the best "in this part of theStnte.
line 1 1 y owned by A. Par. ice aiuioth
els, and in addition to that there is a
v.nt amount of whint raised in ca-i
ern Milllin county and t liat part .f
Snj der county W here the Middlecreek
route parses I hrollgll. The t aid route
pavses t lie; grist mill in l eg order easlward, to wit: Andrew
Fish, Joseph llassiuger, Aaron llass
iner, Jacob iriunn, tints. J , rlwen-
i gle, Thomas Power, Samuel Voder,
I A. A. Conrad and Charles Hoover.
how in the name of sense can Pro-
! i''""' '''. k lias more freight than the
.d .ddlecrcck valley," , wl.en
""' " ,v" "'"I" -o to Imek
illievaney. I woiil.l liei'O ll"li I in
i.ress to point out the iuehau-t idle
tiielter and iron ore along I'euus
cri ek. We know of no ore of any
value ( .cept ing Simmy Heaver's ' I
iiiiii.' someivhere at JVnnscreck in
l'enn township, List,.
Pitr.iciii'KU Iri:i(.
The pror'iects lor alargeiittend.incn
at all our schools are very llat tei ing,
i'esks have l.'ccn put hi the lower
school room of the academy to meet
the demand for accommodation.
Our school directors organized by
electing Joseph Jl. Diehl, President,
1j. S. tioy. secretary and N. K. Sehla-
big Collector and Treasurer. They
levied a tax of "i mills and raised the
salary of teachers. This is a very
commendable move.
(Jo. Hup, Hill returned home from
Orangeville, Columbia county, where
he conducted ii normal class during
the past week. He isenthuslastieally
engaged in hid profession and is si riv
ing to elevate the stundard of educa
tion iu our midst.
Charles P. Moyer left for Madison,
Wisconsin, where ho will attend the
National State Teachers Association
and then go to DeWitt, lown, to re
sume his work as principal of tho
school at that place.
Hev. Henry Hilbish pastor of the
Keforiued church ut Hanover, York
county, Pa., Is visiting his friends at
Preeburg. lie is a native of this piano
and his numerous friends wero very
glad to see him. On Sunday forenoon
he preached a very interest ing sermon
in the (tennan language, and at (I p.
tn. in the Lngllsh language. He had
large audiencea on both occasions.
Misses Sue Hoffman of Port Trovor
ton and Minnie Hnyder of Herrysburg
were the guests of Mrs. J. S. Hoyer
on Wednesday. They graduated in
tho same class at Horiyshurg Senium
nary nud they aro accomplished
young ladies.
MissSmull of Itebersburg, Centre
county, has been tho guest of Mrs.
Emma Hilhish for soveral weeks.
Mrs. Heber and daughter of Phila
delphia are the guests of Adam nud
J. W. Spangler. Tho daughter will
remain during the warm season.
Mrs. Cobb of Bhaiiiokln, daughter
of Bol. Mallck Is visiting nt her grand
mother's, Mrs. Andrew Itoush,
Joseph Wagner wan kicked in the
sldo by a horso last Monday. Ho was
confined to bed several (lays, but Is
now able to tit up ugalu. He mudo a
uarrow escape.
Dr. F. C. Kckelumn of Bristol, Ind.
was the guest of H. V, Arnold last
Sunday. Ha was a student in our
Academy S3 year ago, and taught
aohonj in our township In the year
jooo wnen iroi. uoyer was uo. on pi.
rr. ,., i ,...i .,...r..i i n,.
4,t) l(( UOHII tUllV D'l,UfO 4 141 1 ,4
pnwjjce pf his i.rofcwion.
JActtos Towsphip". I festival for tha benefit of the school,
The long continued cool wonthor'on Friday mid Hatwrday,Aupr. 1st nd
will oeoasion a poor crop of corn, on-
.eeqitently It will come late and lintna
Th Ingathering of the rloh laden
wheat harvest is finished ami has all
Joeob 1). Miller was the first
to cut oats iilou;; Peens creek.
Asaph Heaver tho champion thresh
er was seen steaming through Lime
tone township, Union county last
week w ith his train. Mr. Heaver ren
dered satisfaction to his many custo
mers last yeur, and therefore deserves
the patronage of the people.
The festival and cake walk at f'en
treville hut iSatitrday was represent
ed by a number from our township.
The citizens of and around
villo will hold a festival and cake
walk next Saturday evening. The
proceeds to be appropriated to defray
expenses of a boy committed to the
asylum. Hope many will attend and
imnifct their liberality.
David Oldt, who had a stroke of
palsy several w eeks ago has since died
aged 1 4 years. He was a consistent
member of the Fvangelical Lutheran
church, Ilis remains were interred
in the New Uerlin cemetery,
John Ituhl of Mitlliuburgh, the fa
inoiig insuraiieeagout was canvassing
our section sevcml weeks ao solicit
ing subscript ions to raise the required
tfO'XUHi, to secure a charter to
'stalli.-h a Live Stock Insurance t',.
, to be located nt Milllinhurg. We are
informed that some have subscribed
I Franklin Wetzel from Milln lu),( 'en
tr" ,'uny, the horsedoetor. formerly
of this township, is visiting friends in
and about New- Herliu.
Mrs. Pi v id Snyder hii old lady w hile
out riding on Wednesday last, aeci
dentally lost bur h.ilai and Ml fi i
I"" spring wai;..ii, but foi tune.tely,
: ''i seriously injiireu
A vahii.ble mare belonging to Hen
ry l'reou while in pasture last Friday
night we.s severely kicked by anoth -r
liorse. Dr. Cornelius of New firlin
li d lit) the Wound.
Levi Kuhns has been greatly ineon
VenieiK'cd by sickness unioligst hjs
lioises for soinr time. Hope tln-y'll
l" ell i kilt ngain soon.
IVIi l icaliy our folk.i are nil in a hep
pe mood in both parties since the
1'i.nioci'atiii convention ut Chicago.
It is decided thai either Hiaine or
Cleveland w ill be our nex t President,
Kl'.rnli l Kit.
.Cl.MItKVH.I.K (inssir,
Comiuerciat agents (feo. p. Ib'igh
jiird, of Wainw right Co., wholesale
'grocers, Philadelphia, Towner, of
jltartlett's v.holsale confectionary,
i Williauieport, John L. II. Kioii-e ,,f
I). K. ( iriin's fsons wlioesalt doahu's
in dry good-, lliicou's
whole-. ile traveling confectionary
wagon of llarristnir,;, Mr. .siaymaker
of Suiibnry, vih.tles.ile ilca'n r in oils,
(.ill C. Ivl. Ki iu'dy, rcpreeutiiig the
wholesale boot and shoe hoie of M.
H. Spahr Sons, 'ork, Pa., culled to
fi ur merchants dining the past
The festival and cake walk hell at,
tills on Saturday evening was
iplite a success. The at tendance w as
very good the lases from tho
rounding country assembled, like
i ices on a summer s nay, I lie swains,
too, were cry numerous; so that
none of the former, it is presnmeil,
went lannii with a heavy heart in
ofinglccl from the lat-j
a veteran mud
Milton Cornelius
linger of New Herliu, was hi town
last week whitewashing the ceiling iu
J. II. Ilartmuu's store room.
Henry Solomon, an attractive wld
ower of New Herlin, passed through
town with a load of new c In; Irs one
day last week. Persons iu need of
good chairs should give liiui their pa
tronage, Thos. (iutelius, a wide awake coach
maker and business man of Milllin
burg was seen driving throvgh town
one day last w eek.
Miss Kate, daughter of HherilT
Heichly, visited her many young
friends here, recently.
Our tt rcctx presented a lively ap
pearance on Saturday evening.
Dr. P. M. Hami.sel of Winllehl, was
iu our midst on Saturday evening.
W. II. llartman, a prominent black
smith of MiiMl"buri:li, aec.ompanled
by his better half, were tho welcome
guests of Joint Mohn on Sunday.
filrs. fi. P. Slieary vleited soveral
days iu Middiehurgh last week, the
guest of Mrs. Sheriff Reichly.
Our baud will attend the festival
and eako walk at Krat.erville, next
Saturday evening.
Ico cream every Satur.lay evening
at Hartman's hotel. Voting ladies
make a note of this, it is leap year
you know.
C M. Sanders, a wide awake farmei
and business man of near New Herlin,
was in town on Saturday.
Ex-Sheriff 1, Holender of Mlddlfl-hlu-g
passed through town on Satur
day. Isaiah Waller a prominent citizen
of near Middiehurgh, was In town on
Itobert Smith, a reaper agent of
Middiehurgh, was In town on busi
ness one day last week.
Phares Btroiib of Middiehurgh was
the guost of his father, S. IL Htrouh,
over Sunday.
Mrs. Jieali Oherlln rpent soveral
days recently with her daughter, Mrs.
Joseph Wagner, near Freeburg.
Miss Susan Heichly is visiting In
Laurelton, the guest of Mrs. Doctor
Commissioner John Mohn made a
business trip to I.aiirclton on Mon
day. Boon the voice of the steant thresh
er will be heard In the laud.
The Lutheran and Reformed Sun
$ y Softool have dephjed, toxoid, a
2nd. The feitlval will be held In the
Union chnreh east of town. One or
i more bands of inusla will be present.
. to enliven the occasion. Com one,
j come all and have tt pleasant time.
It Kl'D in Kit.
Wvsr Hkavkii Itkm.
Harvest is past and a gooti crop,
Mrs. Lydin Moycr it very ill at this
A. A. Komlg threshed 05 dor.en
sheuvrs of w heat last week and got
101 bushels. Who can beat it?
(?. W. Fisher is Mill making hay
and by appearance he has a good
Smith &. I'.rb are now on the nnv
)itli claiming to do as good or rather
better work than heretofore.
The corn crop needs rain and if it
does not get it soon the crop will be
The oat look well and will soon
b ready to havest.
On Sunday about :j p. in. a fire
broke out, on the farm of Isaiie Swan
ger which did considerable d.iniage
buruing rails and other timber.
Mniui,-1 often find in ashes dunp,
sleep hidden coals of lire,
Adammii uw Nkw..
t ur farmers are busy cutting oats -the
crop seems to le a good one.
The wheat yield is far abovetheaver
age. Corn looks promising, so there
is no complaint necessary.
Tin' bricklayer", have llnished lav
ing t lie brick at the new school house.
The Sunday schools w ill hold a pie
nin mi Aug. !M ll.
The Adamsburg Cornet Hand have
received their new instruments. They
play well.
Ib'lfrieh & Smith have reci ive.l en
order for brick for a new school hoti-,e
at Milrov.
Henry t Jet, has commenced mali ing
hi iek for the Keforiued I'hurch whit li
ii ill I... I.,,0 .4
..... ... '',., .....l'llltier.
Capt. f. II. Kuepp returne l h line
from his tiiji thr .u-h the Western
States and reports having had a good
t iine.
Wm. Wearer lost a al .table horse
la-t Motuhiy.
Mr. Wahbli.hack deals oil! th'i best
ice cream in town.
The popular furniture man, Levi
lb Ih r of Selinsgi ove, was in town
looking aft-r the inteivM of his bus-
The Lutheran Senday school has
adopted the new I '.lisle book, "Joyful
W. II. Vminguiau an. I family were
in town the guests of Adam Specht.
Haniel Seal made a business trip to
Patiphin county.
We noticed I'. I'., liower, I'.m , on
our streets this week having a lar 'e
book umlur Ids arm.
Amanda Snook has opened a school
to continue eight Weeks.
A Nun.
l!:'.A vn: iiiw.s Jot i
A drove of sheep coming through
town on Monday was frightened by
diig.s, and the door of Moses Speeht's
new lioiise being open, a number of
them entered and jumped through a
back window, breaking tie low
James Kline has heeii
work for several weeks on
ill hc.ilth.
unable to
iceount of ;
Mrs. I rank Siiecht has
I ''I ll; opene.l ;i !
SUbst-l'ipt io'i school at this -l. ice.
Most of our funnel's are l.usv in. ,w.
jK their oats. A number have r1
ready llnished. The crop is a good
oue-ahove the, !
i .
The i oof of the Steam taimi ry wasj S.tiiltle
set on (ire by sparks from tin smoke- I.V.'""
1 ! J ies
stack on Saturday. The alarm wa-' i',.a t 'mil
given by sounding the whistle, and in
a minute, the whole t.iwn was iu (l i
, , . . , , , . , !
hubbub and crowds of men and boys;
were hastening to tho tannery. The
II. tines (Hit not make much headway
and were soon extinguished. If a tin
or slate roof is not soon put on tho
building, Heavertown will someday
be minus a tannery. As the roof gets
older it gelt dryer and ta more easily
Sons were horn to Mr. and Mrs. Ad
am Specht und Mr. and mis. John
Walker recently.
.Nothing ever was more fashiouablo
at this place than pink dresses are at
present. Practically speaking.e very
body wears them.
The lumber business at this place
has been lagging for some time -as
many of tho coal mines are stopped
there is no sale for the timber, John
Perry put all his men and teams, to
work again on Monday.
William Specht has placed a new
pavement iu front of his rctddcncc.
Tiie Troxelville Hand has been en
gaged to furnish the music for the pic
nio on Saturday.
James (). Jlcibster has finished the
eeller wall for his new house. N. (1.
Weike, the contractor, will at once
begin to erect tho superstructure.
When will our Hand muke its ap
pearance on tho street?
Tills section is much in need of rat'ii.
Corn is w ilting and the roads are very
While William N. Ilelmbmdi was at
McCluro on .Monday his horso became
frightened, ran away, and smashed
tho buggy ho badly that he had to
come home on horse-buck.
Charles Specht is the "boss" (lower
man. He lias tho nicest flowers In
William Spoclit, who had his leg
broken in tho mines, Is able to move
about on crutches,
Kphraiiu Kline has moved into his
new house.
I.aac Mattern had hU foot badly
brulned by a lotf on tho luuuutaiu, re
contly. lie win obliged to uxem uti-h
s for a vs hilo.
Dlai-klmrrliJrt are) nluntv.
- j
irn, Iaao lilnt'iuan U dan oroiul y
lck wlthlnllamniatlou.
J 1 ' U 1 Kf .Vfl hM put it Freucu
Mansard roof on hi house, which In
. th flrnt In the county outside of Se-
llnstfrove. It will ba embellshed by n
fcrnud cupola, a veranda, buleony,
French doors.
eta. Hy the time It is
finished It w III
III make one of the most
desirable residences In town. Centre
street is booming.
Miss I.ydia Kline hifs returned from
Hie il'-oi ii ii. I ii tn i) fx-tiivl m IMill.ulflclil.i miit li
! tilling Iut vsi'nUnn with lur nnthr
Miff'lit Sjirrli'. rofnlli .1 411'4 poiin.l ef sugur
in 1 iie1ay
Tli (lilK'Wiiitt l A llt (t tli otiu"1 tin il, Mr
lailMaix purw .y nunc of lli i itt. i nl II. it
ir tosn-liip: Den z- tlrTin, il.'.: ltiin
Kern, tliii ni; Minv S c. M. t-'l.W: Aanm H
In-ir, ,..,n S. Sm III, tT'.,':
lirt-.s-f, teo.ol; A.J. M:1.tlf wri'i. IT: .1
",.'.ij, I tntel Kern, vj.i:: Henry Smith.
,V14. Wle'il lllf I'llil litl)r ' llr.' III to r'"'i"
st rrcllon ! Inn hvA our , l I I i.m--i- ill n'l
bp rininraf l elv lew mil no mill ri lir,l
iretn I iir'l..n-fini" t.m Inr n wtnls,
"Hon." J. tl. .MM.tev-K.irtli lir will ,.i nil
hs i'.-iii to nupiuH-l III nil",
I. til T T!i.' mntcr) cn II -s I m r tlmi.i'ii
I Uer 1 i J , Km al.lrill nil nilcil only ,
' 1 1 1 i: -t .
A i iiu iiii tit in,
II. i'. war ii 't -s."! any 'mil fietn nitr lawn l'i
voiir .i 'r tim 1 ml le w.'i",f. 1 i.. M i- i'.hi i
'lnnnii tint yi.ur ri'tl'iLf rnrii"'ni:i,. nlU i'
w irk'uj In tlx tiiirtr't ll.l 1, lm I lea Ihite r I...
sm yet ti. hvnlls "i tin! w.'fii. ) I l'i uulii
I went. I viiliint,., rUi uw a f w lt.'in. r h. t m
iiolHlihuran ti.niw i.Hl net j.t tie- I.I.m i'eil
rr nr nl"p .Inn, tnrtltt't lisk tti at onrli-i
nl viCer. tin y xlll pe llml m ,le nt iii't tan.'
' "Iimi, .;.i. l illv .iip y miii i.lni.
l.t 'k' il.i.-: r i : ...Hi!,. itlMt nw i' t!i. '
a m.ii i t i.tir l"i l.w i I .' . ;n I. I MamVrk !
mil. 'H.l n-tit lu I is Atu -i I 'y, u'.iIp iifen tl-i
en w ti ll .( ,,u ! t' n -liii li,.r, l.iilnu
mi 1 1 !,, ii Ii.. r lmh I." win i iii'eiiu ii. iik .r 1
hI'.is' :p ii-.ur I'te n-i I' h Ih-imr l-tjk' n In- i- 1
j ll"U ll' !c til I. eilt iij un . ,.',1 . It. Iiml M. :iie't '
nil ' l'Hi,ilil I It 1' I I l'i . -It p. f lire II 't I la l'i
!- nl l lid III . I
I l.K-t 1 it-. I. iv i .'iiln n ! i to ejr turn I .lk I
' ivtT.. rittiii ; it lli.'ir ,1 ...i wm'itiir l,T t h I no
j I'.-ilr-t rl-: .-t 1,1.1 "tdnti. en thy T Will It.nn.j ti'.iti
.tlll-H :i.-ru tliej ,!,t l,l-..kpit, tn KlV.MIfS
I'Oti. iii,rli, n tln-y m'.l .y "i in lir.p, ti e :
(..wit r.' ', ' il . i.. ti ,i i m ,il ". tti' M:."ti(tll
j l"li. III." 1- .J'M I y ,"tl li'-tt l. L ll Wttlre-n ri re l i ;
' il til Kii.U tl'i'ltllv l!, r . t ' v. On -, i
' enl.p ii f..iii.ii..n nl'iiii It, It. t"l ent i n i k
I ll nil t 1 .- M i' .tt't'li,.' VV i :,. . 'Mi . .,t. tl,,. ,
! w,,r.r i..r l.i.r 4.11 unl. It.. .... t !...,. ..I . ...
I W'' tMnK ll m. A.l.on Sin i tit rm iiitvi- l.npir I
, '"" 1,11 '" rt"u"1 " ,'" w "' ' r'
i 1 1 1 r I 1 1 ; 1 1 1 ' ,1 1 1 i I ' P ll ;' ' ' 1 1 , 1 1 t.
l;i tl.f v.iiy tin- ii. in I'p ll" f'll'.i li.l '
t. hi ti tf I," :.t lii ti'i .t ..1 ll.-. A M -s i.
1 !t"t ' t p II . II t i'l. Hie' ili-.l:.v i,l fli-.'ti
:i:.itn n:,'li ..j, tl,,' -irt'-'t I". f It"
J.,' l'i lt
..( M
.tl I..
,i . -t' t: :
t t
: I.. I
Ik. I;t
et S..!!
CI. I- I I..IK.
. i: eltt:
' II. II. I
.:r.'i a
I i:Otk. roit-t tiii'it ut I p-i , t'.i.
I I. si. Iv li'f.r :tl 1 il.l It., M-l , 1. 1 'lie, t, ll" il') lit I
vi-t! tl'.M tu n. tin. IiT i I tliu l.i'.nlly ut .iii .in
t .r:. I'.,, Wi'l t in ill I. t liS'l H.!i nl. t iK4t i.
Oil' t iriti.'t Itioy i --.'I ti ii I l,,i I ti-.l.' Iif. i,.-.
'Ill' illnl llllll l-' Wlia lii 1, I'le.e intc le I
rnii'tii: lii' Li-ihii'iii'-l; l 10 nl-,
tti . . .'1. S'liil!, Ill tt I ' ti t.i!'iii.t Ui,! I,, t'J.iei
.l-lj.liiii u 111.
V. n.illl.l nil l.i' n .il'lu t.t , tl,,;.r4 t il fir.,', t .'i'tliil.1 .-r.
I'! tl'.
Tl n- r county Normal Sel 1
will open at I 'rceliiii on Mt iid.iy,
August It ll alld continue llveeeks.
All teachers and those wishing to pre
pare for teaching nro invited to at
tend. Tuition free.
W.M. II. I Hi. I..
.Inly l?.::t. Instructor.
mmtit MntnunRwrrnHinwviivMi
lSitltJU'iHSB-y .UlU'iiCJ.
iMHHia run ivi;i;k I Y HV
Simouton, Hailjor (Jo.
( 'orn
( at.t
I I'll tt r.
t-'i t
O I'll
. Ill
. I'.ll
.. Its
. 11
to III
It '
I'ni'il i
1'iipittttl "
i Lint-Met mi s.
tl liti.i,
! I -a id
.... 1 .'
I !
:"i to .v
... 4 ';"
v no
.... 1 IIV
.. il en
... 1 f.."i
.... l ii
... :i5
I Tallow
i ':,;..!. n.
Sitl. ..................
Hlacksmilh Coal
I'.'.'!,' old
;it -r. (ter ton.
Salt per barrel...
h IlllliUUl
in Life to Look for Joy
Ncvi-r too Late to Men I.
ltn rr lit U.iwlli.trl.i -linn f Si l i tl I !n
I. Ui." will rin'ull tin- ii.iiIiiih mil. wlte-h hi I
Ittnl l'i nilti mi, Hint fuel li'i'ii uniu-llv I nt . r 1 , 01
til Miii'i- lil fiirlv nt mi h i".i1 . fin. I, iiiiirl.K r--'
It .if,': ".M ylilnij letiie, Hint Inn- Ik tin Ii i't-I
hf.-'l uh: tcive nut ui k." ini ihni
i-nlllil I I' il"ill- null III IMlt, tl- liMt.l- III uiirin j
Hiiiplitm .n'l .ttiiiti.tliy cilt ti' rni4 llet jjIuiiiu nl u
Ki'til' llllllllllll Uhi-
id 44 Inller III ,ll".'r. UI
.r- V -l .'o,,"i1! '
lill.ili..e.l Uulii i liriini,-
I Mile, nr ri'llilllltiill. .N
ir44il tiutitlil tit li-erv frtnti
'll4-tl.-it (i tint liuMi'If ttli.t illnri ll'ti'll. llri'ieel'iti I-
cl Ity irri'.it M4llS. I ni'iulil it Ii. I ,ii the li.ei , nl
pit i i.i-lioi4 tti t'li rt' tti'lit.'il mnl u.-f I te i ry (H'li.t !
anil tlitiiit'tttlt! ri-iii'-ilv itniltT tliit -mi. I Imw it:
hi-t iiuiu. i in r iik i:i; n j-.jmi- -oi :.
tlliitt lit-', tii'Vi'iili'. c un I t ur V yeur i:i' n:i. e
lilt' mi 1 1 hi lie, i itt.'li tliit Inr inr It t'l rni'iie ; i i-t 1
iinilil iln, Is nt 1 1 liil tn tiie trt'.lil t.l ti'i .'.'in
Itllt'k lllV llll'' 4l'tn. 1 4 lll'i-l tul'y ill'J l.illlulo ,'
tl. hiiiuil. J-.. ill.- 1 .i,.-t . ' ' ;
.Mr, II. S. (.;ls, li i niM'iN lie liiini lui'll 'it In 1
tiie il'i-ilH et .llTfty 4 'ill , H'lll '. "I1.!' t I lit. '!
Wlttl ho, IttiM'n i..iiiiiiii .iii'I inliiiility: tin! ,
III-illti'H tint lliluii:ili'ly I iTtM.'.' Ill,- millftlltu lie ,
Itti i-iiiiuiTil iti ni;tii leal'', lie Un-. tir-'tle-i-I
in l:ni anil 1 kii'iW tli4i i-,4:.e wi'll, lie i it. in I
l oi li'illy li'i'i' Iro n III- nlil iiilI.t, iiml .'i'.iii
iidiltn ami Iile, iti'rllilii:4 It nil tn I'A It li I .K'S I
l'i i . I '.
t'ne jiiiillnl amiu Invinnint: ninnl. i r all ll.r
nru n.: I'uii'j n . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nl Ihu liVil , kl'lui ) Illnl
nil nmt ntn'M ni inr 41n11.11,
iV l.etiot h ol nil:iili.l-trtl in tin t It s e-tnto ol
I re. I. lluwemm. luta nl AiIhiiib in.. Snvilur I'u..
ilooBiirt'l, IiuvIiik liosn k run tail tu tl.c umler
klvliaili all iortnii knoivliK theiun.1 V441 In
ilsliiu.l lu mlil e.nnte ro rbijuantu I tn 111 n lie
Iiiiiii'IIhIs ttayineut, wlillo tlenc ha. Inn Uliu
will criiuut ikiii huiv iitiirtitirnt4tii lu
' N A I'll i lioWr H-l).,
!'l) S Iiowi-.K.MIX,
July 3, lnt. A.linlul.lrl.)ii.
Men and Wm Agents Wanted.
M..f I1101I tSulm y kihI l:iii.,i,.a I'rtl.l.
"t"l Kl 1' t'Kr.K. N.i i-i. iiiiun,',.i!,.,. .IAS.
t;, UI ITN KV, Nii.mrj 111011, hoclult.r. N. .
July U.'U 4111. '
1881. AGENTS WANTED. 1S84.
i. ur.Tr.IItVir
huJ Vl I'riMiilttnt. Autliviilio Kin! i)hiiie-ivr
U I it, lnoUfuttn I krtiitivlu llli,iitl,iu. C4iii.
hiiIIiiii, luri'll'lv, lirlllUnt In utl.orlili. Hit,
NUluUrJ t'iut4tiiu II uteri Aiith,irii..,l. Kit h
Ih uutllor hut litw lu n1e J. l'h tt4tnta' ltr.
if'l- S 'litl WiU. ttir utitlit utl our in-ll itrc-
'4i4Et 4UPiruu.4ttt4Ji III irta ItMC IMUWtkM 01 INttllDtr
aui u.i Uro . rutin entnuvit. Am ui
bilif Uf-Un 8t Lvii, " v '
Now is Womp TTBcjiie:.
I wish
i to inform tli reiiiletil of
Cooking Stoves, Ranges, Heatei
Parlor and Bedroom Stoves,
luchidinR He New I.iyhl Ilonue Cook, filter Harp, J.sdies' Pride, Tun
Cook. New Kniisliin, New Jusprr, New ltecord l.nnces, lu
vincil le, TI,o Spenr IleHtem, Now I.atlv Dawn, New
1 1 in, New Jasper IK iters, Ncv Ooi.len Hun
Fin place lliatcis. nutl otliois. Mj
lleators from 15 to 30 Dollars,
no nil of tlio l:ttrsl pallet tis nnd het -
uh iiiu i'liutipcsi atoi
Call and see the
of wlieh I have fin Isigo and well-neWled" a slocli a
oouuty and at pi it'cH lliul will
Tinware, Spouting and Roofing.
N'otte b-it (ho very l e,t nirtlei in! use l. Spouting ntiiMtoofiiig di tio on
shoit notice. lU siiccl fn'lv nibmit t. d.
iS. VSiSS amioiirrs a largo vari
ety of Jamestown Worsted Dress
iJoodiN in stocktlx bust goods for
tbo inunry a (nil line of Steady
32ade Snfinsts mid C hildren Dres.
es. A magnificent display of Dahy
'arriage.s. A hu ge line of Serseys,
ebeaper than ever. SSnrgains'iti
Wbite Dress Coods, Lawns, and
iVainsank.s, Siamhnrg S0diing &e..
&u. A fall line of SSntteriekQ Pat
terns in stoek.
Orders by mail
ed to.
r 'MmM9&m lira
Thos. W. Scott & CoM
This Popular Arm is nvl'n!lv grow ing into public furor tlirougl)-Ci-titril
iVutuvlViitji-i. Their iuctvnsi.d patrotiao in due to tho
Skillful Workmanship Employed,
The i.'ulity of goo Lt llicy lmi.Ue, and tho low jitlees of the name af
foidit e; U.t ir patrons tho ndv.iutHo of
City Work at Country Prices,
I'le y ahv.iwi Leer) on li:i:id au.l for Halo a f jmnleto line of
BSnts nnd Ca3,
iivni'ri Fnrnisln!! Uoods,
F3 fvX
Vis? a a a
I ii "ltl INisI nHu'ti rtKdii),
Alwiiya Lerpii on litn.l n full lino of puro
Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Perftim
TllMT ITtTlQlf C .2l1rtvir43
ami ether tnii-cclIanoouH frooil.j -, nevnlly found in n first clnes Drag
t'itcio. Alw a full lino of
I (MM-: WIM-JS AND TjKPuIvS for purposoH. Pbvsioi'aoa prc-M-iil
Iioiih can fullv compounded Rt nil hour aud at reneonable rates.
,, 1( M I. 0HIER BARBER,
Itonik-nco on corner, opponito V. Churcli, .Miduk-ourtjb, la
Evovy depru truant full and ready for business. The LareBt aod most
Carefully Sdcotud Stock tf WALNUT A l" A i N TK D CI I A M H li U SUITS,
over show n in Lewintovro. Sixty Chamber Suite, prices from fafl.OO to
$123,00, iK-iug tweuly-five suits ntoro thou ever on land at any ona
tiuio bufoio" Tbeso anitn ore nil gotlcn up in Kood style, make aud Rn
ibU. None Utltor, and will bo nold low for rasb. (V.l and ioBpcct goods
and bear prloas. IlKDS, CI1A1US, IJUHK.VU. SINKS, 8AFUS TA
BLES oil kinds M.TIU:S.SK: of all kinds. FORTY LOUNOliS from
$3.75 nn. Hops, UiufEols, TwjVi Unir Cloth, nod YeWet covers. V
lako tho lend iulWu goods filDEnOAtH)., handsome and elegant
Our own mtvko. Alll'i ices low for Cash. Oar iWire istoplcase Ojj
.Morroi-tlood Ooodn, Low Prices, nnd No Trouble, to Show 0ood
I'lCTUKKS, riCTUUK FRAMES, etc., for the luillioo, ,
1 v..
SuyJer coudIt Ibat 1 bar fin' V '
l nintei ial, RtiftiRnfead to be ai clear
as (VMO'i aa I lie Lie at.
Fine Cook Sotvek
ok Sotvek ;
ent i he for ml in
riioltsulo Houee. I
coir, put o with hot
a. 7
promptly atten
Welinsgrovc Pa.
rt, prtrt
IN l
I. 'T
(I '
Att .
1 i" " ".-:.A
h ' .