The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 24, 1884, Image 2

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A llV AVI.
It hf)0 O
ivi btnir
siimies a ,
tli! vn ,
r , rations ,
n fcrfwre th
- 4iarJiv 111
"'Vrnln is hV
, t followlu
, I aii-lir-Vc-l
r'V Ono r
t f of OIIO
, - Hied I'J
. on sinb ,
, puised 1
her Im .
"I h.H
lirte it"
ns In- '
f it."
' W
lo SI
eye, n
V- 'j. . iA!
I iif I
rr. ii. iiA.itri'i:ii.
,'iu)8Cription 1.50 Vor Year.
"V t'olnmn, Tr,.
in featl Onloina One Year....
' Nn--ioortk imluinn. Oi 1fer.
.V l-rloBikl :rrtii. ipt tor ...
editor, triMntrir, Administrator, nnJ
Ar-le;a N,itlns
Wha bo special arraniui -nt are mula nil
1rtll.menl,loert-rt lor lex thn s it
thr fi.M per inoh tor tin lor'i .n I ,.
firliiS soe-md Insertion and "j cenl Im e.i'h
rabtequent I'nrertlon.
U'lublic:n Ti t lvt t .
r'..r IV, -M tit.
dAMl.s O III. AIM",
uf M . i 1 1-.
V J'n'wiiJrnt.
I t I I'tllljo.
III' M A! I 4 '
U B'l. Jo'.ll I . .II, ill.
1 l: In. ii .) . Mn irl,
' I. Imi M i.Ii :l.
I. I. M l.-i ... n.
4. h 11 I I, 1 A I.
(..! n. t- i'i.m.
t. II nr. II. ill .
7. V! r.'.l k. !,U,.,I
. i. i. ii..-..
". I T. V . . r.l. i ll.
. . - II 1 I, .. I,. r,
I ' . Iiillll Sht ' it. i ! .
v.. lui ui i;ii..'!
I '. r. w s:,
U. I., ti. II.".
Ill .
I'l- I.
V: .'. I.. H-i,.
' X. I '
. I t; li
Ml. I
1 1 it. I
'" .t.. I In
:i. W. I (I '
ii .-. I. i
. . .1 . . , .
. I. M . . !
it i ...
- i i i- r
. I : .' v . . -.
i.i i .'. I N . i Mini.'.-. K,
..! !. r. r- ,
I'r ( i iii.r'
LiH H i;. ATM.vsh
i'( i ! i : t ; ,
1'nr Si . .r,
I. 1'i.TTMU.
i f Sclilii-l ( . i'.
(Su),jHi'l t tl,.- .!. .-i.ii.ti ..ft!
" I I I. I "
I'm- Aii lal.'y.
m. ai.i i;i;i m ii
i f Miil-li- I'uiV.i.
I' r Kin i i;T.
.M:u j: Mi;!:rn
I Wi-t I ii iin . r.
I .r Tivh-:iivi
t II.MM.I.S . liDl.ll.MU.i:.
.f I'r.;i.k!ii..
I i .r I i'l. ii i i -i. ii i.i .
tun mi iii ,.i i ....i i i m i -.
. II l 'sllit ..I I n. ,11.
I'l if A Hi! i i 'I'-,
AI'AM SMI TH (,r I . r Mi.i i;
.ii;m;u ui -i I'. ii y.
I'm' ( 'iir..i,. r
im. i:. w. 'M K ii.t:.
'1 I'lii .nr.;.
A fi,.t,l.f.,
I i.i i m th r. :.. v. -'v.N -,i:m. ,
In lhs" Con. 'ruiliil.l ti'ctivt.l if.
tbo State of Now Yitk ".ll V'.tlf.
and (Ion. Ifat.cock 1 vot.-s.
.In Wi .ludiio ri.Wr. IU I'lilicaii
cnnlidito for
312.4'; I votnH,
I nvi'i nnr ri..M ivi!
viocinor, ii.i.iici!
i ..
ntl t .Mr. I I'-Vl'lllllil
Pcmocrntio candidate, .r'I.. :t I S. Mi.
Iocr Lad piccii-tly 21.1 OS volet-1
fewer than Hi d, i it (!. I I tho yoat j
b'.f rr, wliilo Mr ( Tlo vL 1 1' 1 b i 1 on
ly J?u7 voti s nun.' tl...n ha 1 I t.i i- '
iven to Jlitjcuk This i!,iiai i
tbfit in tl;0 tlicii' ti (f 1SSJ iiiu'(-
Ibua -MS.MIO Hi r.(ay, ,l;
nvtay from tbo pi.lU mid m.uM noi j
vote nt nil, whilu the bo ly of l. u.-
C'Ciatic v., tin wan ( '.ilar-il by J
M)7, n hinaU'U' iinnib'-r iban tic. na-i
tuial iiii'ri'iinj dii" to tic jji'iuili (.
Iho p"j i.latiiiii. TIiuh, Mr. CI 1
Ian I'm vast lu ij uity 'anni not li im j
n 1 litiniin to thi! Iiiiin c atii puty
but ft'oiji tho abitcnli in of tlis-a! in- l
fitfd Ul I'nblicalH l:j.Vlllill;J ti ivi- i
their Mihi nr;c.H tj tbo lb uibliciiii
candi lat'j.
Who c. imposed thW tn is-t of 2i:t
(100 ubstaiuiu lb.publi.viu vjIius
and what wiTO their nasoiM f.u
koc)un a vuy from tbo polU ? Ti.i."
J.i a Kiuiplo ipur.linu, not ibM -uli t..
ailHWi r. 1'hcV WCUC tho fl il'lids Ul.d;
mouinin uf thotnurdcicl iVonidoi.t!'" ''"5K5'if:iy fonlcr th, two
I .- n .:... ... i . . . ... i
(1 iriiol 1 ; uu I .lu 1km v.,r, tin.
. i i i a . .
1 1 " i t 'iovruir uiioiti tii(
!oill .ill, ll, fcUllv. was tito ccv
paiiion and ii pr, he ilalivo of the
tnl ,v nit binhr, Uuii. Arthur, who
blld bi C JIil,) l'lC-idi lit thl oil-h the
dentil if (iai field. '1 I.cho L'lii.niii
votori l.'pt ii .v i v from
tho b,l! ,i
boxm tl.iuiib hostility to l',l..i
mid to Art uu'. TliHiuwas notiiia,.
ill tboir act to iudicnto ulcuiIh- c m-
ft letico in Mr. CluvJau 1, or any do
H;ro for tlio tiiictcitt of tbu l)t iu k rat
i -
it.. li t; i .... ,...i
I ...i v , , v , niu, i, 11 11 III' L ' I
rovolt r.j.'mrjfjt tho leader win halt" I'vuuKiu-iy tor puiiim pur-
uccidentalU iittu'iiiul lo tho c!ii f V'J-,:i' ttu'' kball not i xcoi d the
command of tl,o 11 -public iti army.
What li'ht ib) those li,'iiioH t?tst
lipoti tbo probabilities of lSS t Iu
oouhiibu inr (his i ichtjuii thu fa'ist
fact to bo obacrvo l is that tho Very
hotitiiuont nr. 1 tho ilcntical iiieii
who limn f xucutod vmioaiico tiplin
J'olger and Arthur in ls'li, hivo
now bioubt about tbo tioiiiiiiiilion
cf Mr. Uliiino. It was tho ,' for revmuio only t that not oi o
( litthuld and tho candidacy i f Ai
tbur that noiuiunted Ulainc, and posed for prolcotion. Tboio blnll
this uomiuatiun moroly eoutiuu' bo no Tat ill" lovies beyond tuo pro
tbe Hawe policy und illuiitratos tbo'o no sum noodod for pajiny tbobaio
haiuo pabdions which led to the jcobt of admiuisloriu'f tbo nil'tiis of
ovorlbroKu of Folgor iu 1882 1 1 tho govorument ; it is a ftuo lindo
was the friends and la-juroors of I plunk, though it bo vurnishod ovor
(iartield who teat Folgor ( and it is I no thickly by words- of uo tucMiiug
the fiiends and mouruors of Oailieldlbovoud tbat of estubliubiua a falHo
who aro euJeavuricg to elect liluino
Jjut tbore is a rebellion against
riajoa j and who aro tbo robots T
Ih tbt ir rebellion couduotoJ by lbs
n Tii injfrovoinoQt cf iLom ArlLar
syas Din, Jo at a coat of $3, and u j.
ijiuctr will nitlipr Lave to turn the cur-1
i-UDtupj:eii,if .end tho rest ot iho liub'-vj ure. . v.V. ' .
-,.-w ...jf fo 'imaaurr. Nnj ouco In four days, Uardiij. -t (ffV. s-sW- ,i.
M1' "'2 ,,0ru (,oeir r vengeance
fur no Jefcal of FolgfrT No, ill
together different facliou. Cm iously
ooougb, tho presont V. publ can
rebels ho will not Lave a. tho.- to'
do with Mr. Illtiioo, w..i.M sr... t, 11,1 ,,,,n'- J
be made up cl.i.Hy tho Flt0;' t.aia at 8 3 a. m JWd
00iTrni1 winir rif iIih Hi iniMic.ui lul l v.
w: I Lo ceutrt'M if tin u in ivi-iu'iiit nm.'
, ..
V'ik. I Ley am (ioIi'iimI ot.'xuihln
i-m t lit r 1 Imn piilituii iiih, nn 1 as lo
tin ir iiuiM.ii r.
(I caLrt i.f Icilll
l!. i 'i i-i i.j 1 1 in ill
Ly "Mint It hiiiV
Wlial ciiiisc II v .v'!.t! "...i t I'..iiL
lirwt ui it I: to I m k u Ui tiiis t i - i -i in
hot tl iijilirnltil. Suiiiij of tli' in.
I I.h .vi liatiir 1'l.ilt, li.ivn niht in (I.. i
jlul .it'i tho (lii!'."I I nu n, nu I ii. o
; iiiv :!v)iH H t.i liti r.-i i f I!' i in; ;
'tlllttll'J St.lilU III l!Mi.'4 Ij V0
, V t-1 I l ill i lili u 1 llicil il .ti'l'liiiii iti ill
! li'jy in o men wlio n:iini l Iho li'
ul;ii ii (Hiiiitiliiiii.x, bill iufc-i!i!y t'i' y
;um how wuiliiif; f' r uii'urri trnui
'Irii. AitLur; au I i i!.np- tiny i,u.
, n I :tH l.'i ilincti. If 1,0 h'w) ilil bi:
Will. Ill 1,1 b' .it UllilJf UI, 1 (b ill. it Jv
, 1-1
I met i In sW tlio U. 1'ilbl.r ill : r ! v, n
, i.ri, n ul ii'iiulicr .f tliiTii i.ny git
i'.b I. im tii ni'iiii vu (I: it I c -1 1 I ; but
' if Im sli ml 1 ibtui in I :.o, f jr t u
i-.l.n i.f Ibo p.itly, P.l.iit.o lunsl I,.
i !ict, il. tlii.ic wiil bi." f'. .V ninnii
' f rowel.-" wl.u will ii'.t i in wi'.liLiin
, tj tiju cff ji t
1 lllMlA.
. " W ' i ,
j 1 m.m Ivatii.i l.rm.'t p"i-iili:ii-,bit 1
I in ti;i k'leut l'i Li.itli-i tiiil Hiti'.-i,
'mi I olio wlii.jli it wi.l i,'.t bo nifu f M '
nriy ijdiii t. t a, ''. 1 1 i.-i tin
' :;i i il' Ht i,f nil t intl' Stub '', iui.1 tbo!
li' .'ii bK't of i t n c tin)iiijn in, 1 tbo i ii
' lL'1-iiMii i iieinb.'i c 1 will go f ir t i- ,
I win ,1 ui a lii.o l;il li"ii uii'iii'.'
i"HM hfiitinii'til iii Nj.v
Voik. N..-w
. . i'm-v U.-l Vn' ii (l.r in., 1 I
ili-ir.i O.iv (iVoi t will lin t bu f ll
by l,i i uinl UVht Viijjini.i in Oct.)
bcr, Mi.l if t!.(o to well Ii. Ii.nm
.viil Hjffly fwll'jw in Nuvi.niib.jr, ii t
i . , , ... . , , . ,
Htuu biii' llin fact lltiili ik -
wiiiiHtuu nu;; inn i.iciiii.a iitii ii k k-i
I'l fllltl f.f 111.. I ll.llll If I'l, t ... I. I l 111 i ' .1 -I'M I
., , . . . . ,
I 'l.ll IHi' I Villi l'l M I II. ,1 I lit. ll. itll I, 11 11.1
W itilill L'.'f OSVIl bil 'l'.'l .-l, t ) ill-i.Un
siti'iMMrt, unlit be in t;n ul in in nn
;ii('viniirt National i-'iiib't-t, mil in
, l l;lij'1 l'"!d "i'l from any
j nipln.-i cf nnanH or ciitbu ,i ikih, U.
r'"'1'1 u ,,v Stutca far upon ull ul
inuho, 1 l-uiinvi viiuiu 111 win n-i nuy i
j j
iu i-j .1.. ij
1 1 . . i , i . . ii r
n, ii. ' ll ia. ,1
i iiiiiBj ivHinii tii.ui in inn im uii'iii
i.... ....i . rv : - . , i
'IS tbo public lietd ib ui lllila, not
al ifjc iVriDHylvanimiH, but all r.oi;f!i
boiii Stati'8 will lomj bjiiCi . nil tin- fi nits (,f ii i' on 1 (vanillic
, , .
iiju v In- Kifit,
It ii I'u.i.h;. 1 vfiiii.i's
, . ...
llll III 1 Ill's
,'ia-at battle to ciicoiii a;;n by b' l
i',n ill iits li'.ri.' im 1 Willi Lor yioal
tfirllf nci 'liboiM tbat t-'iiiit which
iiii aii'i tin' biii;j s'.ini t cf it c iiujiIlIi.'
triumph f if reliction. It will be
a I'ni.ti nt in which no tai i'V Stutu cats
...r od to Hbow over ciili lonoo, and
ibilnil will dmibtlia-s i u l iii vi''toiy
it hbottld ever be boru ill mind thai
victory only cohk.'-i (y (li,c-o whe
show thiuiiv.:b tbeir o'.vn cflui In that
tbey bi i,l do-tt vu it
ai wij in -wv-.vjv.n ywxtm
i . - . , .ii.w
I'loui 11,,; midi't of tbo twn-C',1
:i:iu vcibiai) of tho 1 uiocrfitlc
National platftni wo mIucI m.d a-k
out w 1 1 !.ii:"inca nnd timnufai'tuit in
, ' "anc
.It cliii .ii i, iI.m.!) urn in l'ol h
.""I,,,,,, f tbo .hy. ThiB his firivon liim
ir"! 'nuu,il,,w, "f.-11"' ,:l"lll. L;i;.s... t ...
liUnii ol I'S'-O "u Tm ill for fovniiitu
I . I .. i' 'li r. i ' 1 1 .
I'H'I I III SI li lljQ IXMOfhlUll I
i cf tho l un ioso of tho l)ciuocr,itii ;
! oat I v in tho ..unit f its mv, ,i
; lLu "'U November."
I -I icluco t..ii,uu lo lb,, 1 ,-iVil !""" " " CJ" u,u-
; limit cmsiiifcnL wit!. ,l,io ,r,ll'so!( l" 0V('!T vut-
! "" I ucU "''tfn t J Ita
I i . -
i" nod pels;. i.i. cia "
Tho ((coiid i.-i :
i " u ilciiiuli I t nit fci or.1 lax'itioii
.... ...
i.en.l- , f M,.. r.r..r, !..tJ
... . '""
ly iiilmiiiistc'icl. '
That lust in idi-iitical in II)(,Bllin;,
wiil, it... 1 1.. i. i ,, i n r...iiv . i... i. . r
"" .iv i'V uvivi i null J'm I u 1'4
S), except that tho former went
direct to tlio murk, wbilo tbo latter
giu-t indirectly towards it. Tbo
dematid in pint ns clear iu tbo last
Xi iu tbo lirut, tbat tbo tariiV hball
cant of taxes shall bo im -
i . -
I like Mr. Elitiiio for oao roasoa i
Le sUuda right up sijuaro, states Lis
opinion, aud then, if things dou't
"ik him, Lu docs not 'talk ia Lis
- it um vm ... Jear
excursion to
The IVntiRtJvniiin Miilroad an
nounce Soled Ktctiieion to the
ro on TUl'KSl'AY, JULY
oi.iuniiiu inijf, nt riving i nuiioc'i
.. 7 : .,i .... ' -
1 1
: I . :.. ...... ..:..! i - i
to 'In .Sii ro tiio m xt tii'irnin, lutv
it',' Muk' t Ftim t '.Vln.f us f;llorc:
V,v AtluitL- City ..Vl a.
O.i jm
AIuj !) a in. Tick'.-H will bu gy
!lo rotnrn on nuy tnii'i (nxcupt Noi
V -ik Hii.l (;iiio4D Iiimito U f-ir TKN
HAYS. Thin Fjicfii-tl trniu will b
iMiiip'j.sfc l of fine Mnstl'o roichcn
mi I J'uliui:iii'ri luxminH pul r cars
Tii'lint f ir lliin cxcarhi'jii w ill bo on
milii nt f 'llouii:,' p Jiiiti a n 1 t
'U'lcilly ii 'lnoi.'l iiittn. rittubmj,'
?:i(l i)'j Irwin, 1 1.00 ; OiocnKbnrj,',
1(1 ('0 ; ri.initowti, Hj O t; CountjllM
vi. 1j, 10 0); 1000; JoLuh
lowii, .'2 ; (.';;ssnn, S "it); Alloooil,
hoo; Tjr.'Df', 7.'i."i ; HunUoKloii,
7.10; t'jiiiboi'liiu.l, ..-0; JJoJf
8 .V) ; Mt ruioo, ! 75 ; bwislowu
fni.t'tii i. '! 0 ) ; M.fll ii, fl.05, Now
I 'Hi, .'..00. 'll,n IbuviSt will bft
i.,nll,i.ioil by Inly !'ilht. An I ah you
! will wunt a ft-v lyj
will w-.iiit a fe v ilivj vifl.ti.)n ami
, vs t wo cl,.:. rfir,!y rccominut nil
cir ii iOii'rt ti tnko nov.ititno ( I
'h Jl r a t Lt t o iii no moro
l.'litful p'.icj tlnn t lie S'UdIioio A
,1 ii in tin rniti 1 nil Oi'cnri will
I liail.ui Mj viiii, with tl.e niii bieez.i
In jiiitr rfi-il.t. I'lif full infui in.iti in
cill ou A'.ul.i of tlio CiiDptny or
ii l lnm Minn, II. 'utt, I'iinui nyt-r
li; nt, Wifti in IMiicl, 110 1'iflL
Aitmie, ritihb'.tt I'u.
v3 -.vih:r.zzi '-ro3 cl
Aiiii.)iu,ciiii( tit iu mmlo rf thf
. i , . . t 1 1-. ,
. m t "' 1 "
. . a . - .a a .
.li'iitial CaiiJi'l it' h i n tbu Doinoctftt
ir lick't, writini by tbo vittian
unlli-ir, (;1 I t ink Tiiplitt, and
I'lib'isbo l by N. I'. r'liijiiipH'jn .V Co..
1 . .... ...
rt J.,' ins, AI )., ttii'l .. iv inik. lln
; wni li is huI J I liit'iiL'ii ntnts t xt'liifl-
ivt y
ii m iiuMnoii, iit only to
hi rvo the popnlitr ta"lo ainl want in
iviti, t Alj.uisiively, t',in facta in tbt
1mi lnji)d UL) 1 tnii'i ll.iU'l of tbo I'uu
ib lntcs their i iv.ilo I.iita and
t Public ScrviofU lmt to buvo a ni nu
on.hii iti'' i'ltt'i-cnt tlnn tbo ordinary
i ., , . ,., ., . ,
Cui jiuiti Ijook. To tbiB end
ir, i
p'.blishcirl bftVC 'n.Vl;id on Urn Work
n p "!jii of nkillul doi-i.nfts nu 1 tn
' jf'ive: fl lo tlc'iiit'.y ntid pl'ofilHcly
illu-lrato tbo KC 'in'.-i nnd incidi'titH
in tbo liven of tb'-so cisinout nion,
i now i.o proii.iu'.iilly buf jio tlio pjo-
i, 1 J 1
:iiio. 1 ctfoiiiil HtiOcii.itcH nil, l lcnnn-
: 1 . ...
! ICi'tlCIH Will COIiHUtlltO It Klt'
' nt. 1 ml ( ii Ii. 'l- n liik:f n'titli'r
uini t I l.lll I I ' --I V l IMVI lllllllll
'mi l itistmctivo fuituro of Ibin timo
Iv wi'ik.
i ii, i-i
ol I ill I.'t t lltlS I.lUlCCl al::ll!y,
ut: 1 ! j ivs (special din'oiidi'm nn
!:i '' "liur
Wbilo i xbaiis "
tivn in 1 l.o ncit.'il of f icln, bis potv
'tin nf ii!ialis, nnd bin kicn inniht
' the pbil'iH iphy i,t ovcMitn nnd
' inca-nro''. (,'ivo bin f-pocial proini
' nciico iinir-ii" Aini'iicnii writers of
' in' biftory. It i- not loo
'luui'h to v.iy tlnit bo in better jiropar
o l for Ih,) wo:!; in b ind llian nuy
:otln r Ati.oric in natb'.r.
Tbo l -A; from bis pen, of which
Hc'vcial bavo been piiblirbol, liitvo
' mm t tin: popular tasto and been moro
i n '.
tin'ti ordiriaiily pnreussful. Tbcy
c "ivn him lii'di rank ainnw
Xiin iic ui antliois, nnd tbo public
" " l ro
nil tbo inaUuial for tbo work now in
Ab a book of fuseiaatini,' in-
! l" ,,0;ln,y nn l profiineno-ts of
illu -ti'ation. uu 1 of c iiiiprohonnivo-
. . . t t . . , : . . . . '.I I : .
I To tho boo': aijont this raro com
i biiiuti'iu of anlhetilio bisory, jiio
Itiiiial illustration and
1,1 illiatil
authoreliiii, will nt o.- co suo'iist tlio
I '
. . ... . ,, . I
I n.pni'al . 1 , . I ,1 . . 1 1 nriititn In,
nlrio tho advantages in iutorcst it
. .. ,i d , .
' ovcr l,,u oniiiiiuy campaign
ll.,,...,, ..,,.1 .1,,. o,ln;i it
. - r,.v,..-...v
"iVers for pmlUablo agoncy. We ad-,
vcrtino it in no jlhor column.
St nutor I'limorou, w ho is a bus
iness man and always speaks from a
bninaMS stand-point, feat 1 :
Why should our poopla buy n toy
from (iuinitiny iiMeud of buying
otio Hint in iii.tdo in Auiuiio i Why
i ..i i ii .... i i. 's
i , , ! tlil"l ;uob .uu,
wooiimi ccnii in m coiunH jrom riti
hind f Why fchould they buy wool
that conies from Autilrslia If Why
should they im p u t suar from the
Went Indies nnd cheap luachinory
from Kngbiud ? Why should tboy
oontributo t j tbo prosperity of otbor
coiiutrios at tbo expouse of their
own ' I am iu favor of tbo utmost
freedom of trade botweon the Staloa
0f tbo Uuioii, but of the LL'bost
pufirtiblo protection against other
countries for everything tbat we osu
prodaco oursolvos. If tbo people
wislr to buy tbe prodacjs of other
eouulrict -haa our orn, tbaa lot
tbea pay he theuai
The Democracy will dodge. A
party wbiohn a brief twenty-four
yeura has pone wroog on the war, on
iioonfttriictitfo anj on renoinptioo
canudt bo etpectcd to go riglt this
List of Qmd Juxirs
l,lt rf irn I J ifnM linon fic tn r;titir
lorrn, ooimn neioi Scii-mo -r J H-I.
Hefttai-Simunt illi-ki't, lllliu II. P.iri
Jul.n M. no, cr A. Kllu, llow,d
h l,inl-rh.
t'Dtr Kim H Hln(imn.
I!,1AII1 10 I 141 St4li , i i- It W.-.T.
t rm l:iii HtBfjr f, llcmr, Tb'jmim Dri
trim. Sorman I. Aii .tnhu . V. Ohian.
Mm rr-. I 1 . 11 I I H .
Mnl iloiiu ghJ. O. lluminton, Aiuin Morb-
MM.I.arrt. k tnlin IriK',
l'i nu Aari'ti A. I'm, . I.
1'vrry-M IlliH-n V. II (ti,nn.
Scllo-nron tri'ji.!i ila iitr nn, furl Kin-
Vi,tnt -n-WilItt Arb'ii-it, JiOub M.
liuc, J inu Sirier.
List of Petit J-ar:r3
I. l-t of P. lit .Ium' .lin for th r.KoUr,
inr iu cu,iuii4 ii t4 , to uKjr 2i,
Ailum Henry Au ml.
II. -jr -I eter II ii.'i, Tl.omM I K Ilrr,
Hsi'if Wni-.loli'i II. Il.rbnter, Henry It.
II iwr, .c nr,'!.
C'ctit,-K. a. n,f.-, .uiiibI Koju e, Num.
uel It. Mr.iu i.
CL.iinn-'..lirl r.i-enhirt, S irr.oel II tl-
fi't ltmry t.,, Auua tui IJ.
f'rTil, lii-An. tin HIP. V. .1. Kelit.
.likio-'lr.'n A. liruife.rtivin untlrn.
,Mouro-(;iirl Ap,i, A. K. Irenlor, Mr
tm Meir. K.iv.'i Vnunir.
I' nn Jer.'iuUli M. Aomtil, fkllli ir i.
H. tiry r.itley.caWin Frr.i, .Inun )',ui-l-U.
.1. II. r.iouiifn-,, HI.iU flrtrh.
rerry AuKuiti liiuKHn, limry .1. Itemer,
JnntiiikD kreletiiiAiin, Hul.i Welter.
W IliUtn Virir.
I'crry WnV e lerlfk Arbnvtiit, .f.ilin Sluffc
il".,r., ii. mi loriiBK, lUury M . unyj.r.
1.,'A in 'A , fnitr.
.sollnu ne Ii. i!. Hnrnt ruir. J'i'p!i llnh-
in mi, U.V. Kt-ti, Allreil MrburKor,
l-.,in-Oim, l',,uueri, Jun J. K-lley,
I. i' Wo no r,
Wnl,iintaj i lit vrr A r linn nit.
Ml Mie'iurh-ll. V. Hunt I..
.i,lJ;.'i(uii-J j!:ii M-l-tr.
PUK nri'b.-ifi-MH'i. Hwinitora of
-1 tli lu-l lll kdI l. lrr. t .f i..tki Itr r
ina.i, I it nf i nt,- I n 1. S ny I-r i uumy.
P.. ln.M, ) .in ,j nti ii. .I r K.ue l ..nt ul
tbn t irfUiu a i n ,.t uf Snv.Jer i; iu..ty, III
l'in" to ui'll.' : no tu iire.iin-t ., centre
I on!,ii. 4i l Ciiiniy, ali.nit ?i j lin.el Well
ul l.'viilroviar, lu ,M'' VjIi-j, nu
Tbuisilay, August "JS. lt34,
t 10 oVIii-v. a. in., tl. fiMnilnn iln.prilip.l
reil -tlo, late ol ul I Uji.e Itiruiau, 4i M
to wit:
A Viibi,li!i r.irin,
i.rinvi ii i n i r
. y i!o,.i. ,ei.iinir..i I'nnr.vil t.. i'ro
ft ' V I I . . I IU II I .. 1 . V 1 at 1 . 1 . . f nil . la...
H.n.lo; lltrniun e'. al., nuil "i:ii1.,i,
11 1 Afns.
m irr or l-M,of w l I h 'On r r. elf trml ami ,n
a k iii .inii'ii tilt. .i . . ii,, no trjie
ui'.nis are a k'io I, wa illirr l, it la I
'I'Ao-.Story I,o' ll iino,
n I: ,n' Pirn , filler Ir-'-n U l'l' St ili'e,
a I in n I rlli. a Well, u m, I 'luri Hr. Iiar.l,
rntitnibln.' iililnrent varisilua uf Irult, iu Urn
" " , -'...iv, I'umiiur.
ciii iiraiii.K o 'naiiimi.
A Is,, a inliial.le lain fltuit'i In Mi H.tua
Toa tiniilp. ml, ilnln ( i n v t r t t.Ih t tr-rt
u tin K't. an I ! .iin-le 1 lir l.i Is ul lliuiniu
sain,m l, liotiiri llannu r, an utUiri, o d
U11I..R. 10S Acres,
morn or Icm. f l,l Ii a'ni it 70 arre a re plenr
ei in t .n aoo I -t ile i, . iililv iti .ii, tli.i bal.
0,1. e ii. "i. I tuiili r I it ii I. I iu I ui ir " v in n" art
a Mai I, ftmi o lloiin', a iii'ii.l Htnic llarn,
I'nrii I'rlii, no I other anca-tary i.nti. ill.lium
A lare Srli ii ainl n rain "f ronr.liu water
on .n.iln, r, nli-o llril ,'Iah Orjliar-I In K i, ,l
lira r t r !..nulil n.
TLX MS : 'I irr cant. rah nn day of rnle i
ijiii -l.n.l of t, up n .'"iii ni.itiiri of Pa
i V oun. t ." IaIiiii'h Iu one yeir li.iin
ilaie "i o.iiitlriiiailun. I Lo wl.l'iw'a limert,
r losln in n.t lim.l, to be .. cure.l l y llund ainl
Jiuni.K l 11 ANSI Mi KK,
July :l mil. l..c,iiur.
va i. ua iiY.u iik a l j-fs r ati:" "
rPHK undo? signed Kxccnlorfl rf
I Oik a-iatoiit Miii'i.l llmernri, I.i I a ,.
j K,,in, I'u HmH.ili, hi.iler .. U'.ty. f... ,l.r",
Ui miiini lu i u' ll,' 'mle, lu II o Jl iro'nruol
.M lilu!dlu ui,, I a., on
Hatill lay, AngP.Pt .I'l, l.i-l,
T'lff f I'nnl 'K .lesp'll.f 1 Ileal Kilaie. t wit :
TIlA'TN i. l-nune in Irn.klln l wu--li.;',
Snylir c i n i. y, la., al.oul odj iui e L.itl
ul M'Jululiarg i, eoutnluiUK
llM Act or,
ui ira nr I r . I numle.l North l y 1 in.ln of t ohii Junailinn liuiy.K.a-it I,,
an ,.l Siiiiui'l Wl'tcninynr .ul i.lhe .
"nuth i Una. i'l the ll-sra l Jaiol, lloUinlfr,
ilif',1 , Mil ilcreek, una o'lii, V. et I y Inn n
i t II. 7. h'u iu ana ottor.., (kiiuwu nt n.a iann
s nu u I.i. ui, whertuit a.o erected a go l
tao.itoi y
1'ramo Hondo. Mono I'arn,
an.l ot'.ior P ru-mary nntliulnllni;', Si rlnt; of
i Ki'tilloi.t ilor ni'ar Ilie u .uu, l umilm; wnti-r
In ti," tiaru yr 1, i; nil ilr.'liar't a-l'ti a variety
n mil'. I his tntot l all .near ami in a t.uii
-tmo of i iilnVKt i mi. r:i'l about Vtl Aoi.i,
won-ll l w0 lliliuro i.
TIlAl'I'N'i. Sita.ta In rrnk'ln tiwn
hip, l oiinty a id atte iil'ir.oi l, neir Ueuftr
Mnlion, s &. ti. It. It., cuntainlUK
111 Acres,
. , ,. .. n I .. i nr.. il. , i.n.l. .. r f
llll'llllwr IP.,, ,vu.l". , .1 1 .
1 1 .,!, iii. I ui i.v lu.ti uloo-jrva liojrrM,ia.
S.j.iii, lo Mi l llarrei'k, W,-t tit lunds of J ilin
11. W'uliur, i known as tint Uiisr (.rm,) uliaro
on aro irurtel a two-story
l'ramo Ilouso. Oood Ibtrn,
and nthrr necsiaary eulliull 'lnui the boose
Um a main r.i"t well ol k"0(1 water aar im
it .n,-. Ilr-li:,rl ot eliolca fruit. Tbll traot Is
all clear ai.d mi'ler Komi onl'lvailua except
ut a A nr.-s is wi'Ii ii:nt,nreti.
I I!. Mil' N i. 8-Slinnle in the towuihlu,
cuuiy OD'l Stat alortiill, omUinliiK
2 "2 Acres,
n.r.rr. or 'H, the mm taiiiK Mountain Una,
I, ,:, n k-1 '. Till t,v Ui il. of IIIo.iiii.iiiiik Iron
I'u., !:ntl.y l.tmlf ol .1. (.ruui-e aurt olnen,
N-iiiih br ,,n.l of liloniii-liiiri: Irou Co., ana
I We.-l by lan.U o( UnorKo I'.uwan
., ..,. N . . ,Utt centra towinhlu.
'?'"'r " -tatu .i t...m. about obs mite
W..I ..r I'. nlr.vllla. ro.italulDll
4g Acres,
mororlrn. tl.e ninn l .lni timborland, wl
roi wliii uiKtnut uml Itmk oik. 'iha ex
'o.'Uliira hive cly nne-r.inrtli tnter'lt lu tills
triot, bui arraiiKaiiimits !ne b in iV:"la with
tho nth r owneri and it will la niPiad a. a
wl.iil.1 nr In purtM to suit icirvhaiiera.
TKKMs 'W f'-r cunt, of the iur. hs m iner
to ha I'M i whnn tiio ropi.ny I. truolf down ;
lull nt lnkUn -aon the flr.t iUv of ul Api'il, tssl,
wl en o n.1,1 in wl I he iilon, avi.t tli bil
anoe on t'.o tlrat day ol llolniwr IMS', with In
ler. .t Irom April 1, I1 I t payinnni lo be
neonri-d hy bund, mnrljaici'.or tudoiuii.t.
Mala to couiiuouu. al lo o'uluok u. ui. of laid
July 21, MSI, r.i.outors.
l'i"l.''U' arra,i.......t.h,.a b -n
Auniorvs notics.
In r ontntii of Adiini Wiilter, Into of
j-'ntiiklin towiiNliip, duii'd,
Tim m n ,1 ora'K ni-it A nilllur uiiuliitad hv tlio Or
I'Iiimi,' I'.iurl lo illNiril'iil,- llm luii'ls In liin hands
"I .IiiIiii W'altur und .I'-rn W'.iltnr Aiiiiiil'trotnrs
nl Iho ,'i ihio ol A. hi in WiiIiit Into ut I r , nk Im
inwiihii. Knydur riuiiily. I'.i., will I'll fur tho iur
pivai.l Ins ap"iiiililii,iii at tho olll in ul Sinlllilk
W illi l.i.-ly in .VII.MIoliniuli. uu Njliinlav, Auit.U,
Iii I. nt Hi.iYI'M'k A. M. wlii'iiuud wliini ull par
solid liitiirujlvd wuy aiioud il lhv Ihiuk ,rn,iT.
J. It. AIIMJLH, AuUllur.
a Ihr Vit Ju tute ()') lu Vie Oi'ildnn'
Join) S. lUarif 'ifc of- Court of tinyiUr
Jitck ton tri,,(hcl ) Count;.
The un I cr. ik ncd Audllor aiiiiulnUiil hv aal I
fiiurt tu dUiriliuls thu fund In the liuuda of
Henry h. Ilraier. Aninliiislrulcr ol the o.lnUiol
I L: I .... .. ... ..1,1 ............
rfiiliil n. iii-i,u, w .1, mil iiimik, Mil liarilHM 111
iu...... ... i.i. ..i.i.. i.. . i.i.n..i...u..i. ,...
iiAY Auauiill w iii.vE. J J k.'
tu, urUaVl-iiia i.'. d sfi,u i;;r0iiit!
Hls'.aA3 i. Btinil.
How Watch Cases art Made.
This procc of manufacture was invented
by Jme Bom, who ilarted in ImnitifM in
ISot, and the methods and totib lined in
tiiuking tlicae watch cage are rxvrel by
patouta. Thit it Ih onlg xatch tan vuidt
under (hit proeru. Tot many years the in
traduction of there goods was slow, owi-ig
to popular prejudice against "plated" gouts,
but gradually the juililia learned that the
Jimtt Host? Gold Wateh Chi was not a
chrap gotl-vnthrd or tlrHro-hled article,
Lut was made of (irnums gold plalrt cf
tlnndurd quality and thicknett. Conscicntlntii
adherence to the determination to tnako
tho bfd watch case ever put on the market,
and the adoption of every Improvement
suggotted, haa mndo tho Jumt4 li ft' Gold
Watdt Can the msDARn.
In this watch ease the parts 4 a
ruoet subject to wear tho rw,irou'ri, hinj(t,
thumb-caichct, etc., arc made of holid oolo.
Sal I Ml iiaais In tyttAa Walvh ri. f uriorl, Ptilla.
,!. Pi , tr kul, Illa,lntr4 rMiillrliks-Inc
imam Bi' aal krloa IT auk Cam tra d.
(To bt tonlmutd )
Try it for earache,
Try it for headache,
Try it for toothache,
Try it for backache.
for an ache or a pain Thomas' Eclectrtc
Oil iarxccllcnt. Cliae. F. Medler,foox 174,
Schcncctadv, N. Y.
Thomas' tclcrttic Oil Is the bett thins?
going, pa lays. Cured liim of rheumatism
nnd tne of earaciie two drops Master
lloriwv Urcnizer, Clinton, Iowa.
Try it for a limp,
Try it for a lameness,
Try it for a pain,
Try it fur a strain.
From shoulder to ankle joint, and for
three months I had rheumatism which
vielded to nothing but Thomas' ICrlettrio
Oil. Thoftiaa' Ltlectric Oil did what no I
physician seemed ahle to ncconipliih. It
caie.l inc. John N. tiregjf, Supt". ol Kail
way Cunstructiun, Niagara TuIIb.
Try it for a scald,
Try it for a cut.
Try it for a bruise,
Try it for a burn.
Price 50 ctH. and (ii.oo.
FOSTER, MILBUnM & CO., Prop's.
jicrt'ALo, x. r.
To SMOKERS of Blackwell's
Genuine Dull Durham
Smoking Tobacco.
This f-'porlnl IVtmalt U in simratiti'P tlio
pnin,'iit ,,f the -i I'romliinia fully Ucaeiibvd
in our furiiier annouiuvuii'iiU.
I I, i' premium will 1 i ant, no maltrr how
SUiall tiio uiiuiIht of lint', returned limy l.
Om Hllflnniri Ihtrhitm f liiw Cj.,1
l',a,m, A. ('., ay 10, liui.
f. A. W1I KV. K.-.J ,
r-uhtrr ,,ii f Jiurbnm, flmftani, N r
PFAn Hin -We tiirlrwe yrni Sllti'e. whirh
r i'lw on hna lal in , tr, niHii.
ir our I'liit'lir tK co Lnn t" Ii' n lunieil lica.
IMl luuratruly. J. B. CAKlt. Ki-Mknt
Oilf. of tht Bnn nt lurAm.l
;f,ji, x. c, jio) io, imh i
j. a. cAnn. ra..
m.irlrii-.Tf Piirl-in, TAW C.
Taii Hi,, - I li., t" nrkiinwIi-U-e rinMiit of'iili f n'in j i have .f ul uiull
riiti'ial fnii null fir tlie uhli-i-t ' .lat,'
Youth truly, I'. A U U.I'.Y, fhj,r.
lnr irrnnln. without i tiiurv uf HVI.L ou Uw
M kvce.
t WHc tint vUmt aiii)uuiioi.u.ciita.
Aix "ii faill'iir. try Wru' Haunt I.a
nswan. a iuro, clean, wLolceomo
Vr Mrmin. tvvc. Hfimftrh, I4ver. K1It.(
Luitiyt. Au l'nis,UAJl UiViworiutt. ( uni
Ifon.Uclio, Fever, Anin, t liilla,
NliV ti talai, tnii i!ii'rit,uae,iiiiilod for
Jweata, Nervouiwettkncss,
Mnlaria. L aoiii-, hoxual Lieqku.
Iui tar tii't.. 0 for f .VUO, at UniKKiil".
k a Vmiij. .t.,iu u i iiv i J a u i
ItomnrL-ntila Cures of Cntnrrhrr the
I'laililer. Inllaniuiution, lrnutuonof Ki.l
nova and r. , Irnn l I'u-
iiii of Uin frostatn lllainl, 1'roi.alcal
l...lllnm. kV.,nnl . l,t.....AU
..... I.... n, . I'wnM.,. 11 1.I.I I
i iice of Urtno. ell Mwkhiw of the O.mrio-
l rinory tirsaua In r thcr aoz. For I n-
hi'iilthv or tllimilliml IHtK'liarmia uao
aJHO "l hapln'a lnj,-iiiui Hour." eat'll $t I
rcr Mi', oil iii'r rwiuimrtca or I
horclltary Mint, us t.'lmpln'a Conalilu-
iikii iiiiwTTirniii, i.iiuh r iioiuti, bii
Ohaolu's ftvuhUIile litis. I'.'.iXl; and C'l.i
pln'a Kviililllt'n halva, (l.uO. 0 1olU
r,-.'li,l of Sill III. idr at I iniirirlirtji
K. H. Wrija J.wy fit v. N. J . tT. ft A
mmimt aTriiWlalflfiaaVii
f HE undorsignod Adininistrtor of
1 Kr.Jriok Trouii, file of l orry Township,
Hnyuer couni, ra., uao'ii, ny virtue or an ur
iter i. me t out of lue orpUaaa1 Court ol boy
,ier oouniy will un
Salnrduy, August 1C, 1SS1,
Cxpose to Publlo Sals the following Ileal El
late in wit I
TltAtlT No, 1 Holnn all that eertnln mas.
uxa au I Irani ul laud aitUJted In Fi rry
towuiihlp, Hnyiler oouniy, Vi ., buumled North
I y lands ul li.tnUI Arbogaal, Kasl by land ol
li. .1. ltolaer. rlouth by lauds ol Muses (loud
Im and Weal by lauds ul juuaibsu Truuy at.
al. coiilalulug
3 Acres,
more or less with Ilia aprui ti-niiucel en wtilsb
I sravted a two aUiry
Log House, Stable,
and oILer nnthulldlna.
TltADl'No. ll iiaiiiKall that eertalo mri- aud tr.t'l 01 wonilsml annate In Iowa
.hlii. cnuiitv sad si ile nlorcaid. bouodad
b;..;d.7uii..idTr;,.i;;Vo.u byY.n,.."f
Nanuleou Hr.isius anfj Heat by lauds
IU n tit by laliuS Ul ilSCOU
bcuuee, couvaiuiug
14 Acres,
M i
mors or lass.
nalatoeoaiiusnseal o'slook p. m. of said
7.u"4v;,"j;n,"''' "a Unu
0"' 4 3 OilN R TROU P.
,B, ... u. v A.Jn.lul.lfalor.
A on m is mi snraeBuib
Having jnsl opened a rnnpnincerj tock of (lonfr,il MerdiAodino ddir to
call the Vtlenlion of bnjere to a few facts that frill not only please bnt
Astonish tho Public I
They are now offering good brown
Sugar 4 pounds for 25 cents
and all other Groceries al comepotiding prices. In bllV 0001?i they
have an noliruited variety of tvoiytbiuu, Womcns' IIoso at ft eta a pair.
itirpir.R in price from 8 to 73 ccufe per yard.
100 Pieces of Cottonades
r.t ftcm 8 to 2f ccnle per jaid. 'J Ley Lave also ILo f.neBt lot of
Stone Iron Ohinaware
in llic connlv, wLilo tboir stock of
Glassware is Simply Immense.
f)ir, cloths. cnrti'KT. h-?ots a huoks. hatsiV caps.&o..
iu fact cvei iu tho l.uo of Gtncral.Muicbundibe found iu (heat Vu,
liety and at
Bottom Prices.
To 1 b i row l and you will find tbo plica.
K IJIN l n j I . V, I A. Dealer in
reach & Muzzle Loaded
Shot Guns.
1MXK and
Brass Slut Shells & Ammonition.
call AM) s :: jiy STOCK.
.7. U. IJHKl) is :ilso one ol'
Owino- to ill h(Mihh & would nn
online to my patrons nnd citizens
ol'n) isuri'0!im2i!.v community that
I have to (iis.Kuulon tlio mercan
tile E)usine.ssa till improvement oi
health. Would extend this time
six mouths to my patrons to settle
up their accounts and would say
that 1 will keep a (nil stock ol'mcr
chandico for the next days and
will positively sell cheaper than any
other store in the county.
Verv Kespcctfully
vir Spring-i, May 1, 'Si
Tbo Mildleburgb ClotbiDg greets the people with tbe following facts for
their consideration ; Ho offers
Linon, Seersucker's, Alapaca and Mohair Summer Coats, ranging; ia pries
from 35 cents to $2.00.
Cuuhcooros, Diagonal, Corkscrew and Cloth Suits at from $7.50 to $20.00.
Finest lot of oassomor pants ovor brought to Middlsburgb, from $3.o0 lo
Mou's working Pants from 75 cents to $1.25. Host No, 1 Orr'i overalls
8 at UO oouts. Otbors as low as 35 oents.
llott Wbito unlouodrod Shirts at 00 cent "Tearlo" Host in Market 1-23.
lioys' Fino SLirls from 50 to C u cools. Mens' working sbirta, from
to '10 couts,
Full lino of Cbildrons' Suits from 4
fa fact everything in tho lino of Cbildrons, Youths and Mens Clotbir'C
At Bottom Trices.
Tbo finest lino of Straw goods over
car, Kttloai. nanil-bags, Satcbols, Trunks, Valiocos, Jewlr
oa'oi tionirios, Canned goods, Oranges and Lemons.
Stop at tbo Ilous Ice Cream and News Stand Middlobnrgli, Pa.
Vot T.;tter KlnKwariu. ISryHltie in
1 riimi. will J'iiiiw, au a uiol'HBUB HIIBlll IH vi kid us,,! i L ww.
blood, II NK
Tbbt celebrated Vegetalile Compound has iko'equul, and if uu infu'1'1"
remedy when used lis directed, Netid for oircular. . .
For eule by all Uuib:i;It. I
, it. E.8ELLllR3iCO.,rropr's, pttibiirgh,rJ
the liin;c8t STOA'K AXI)
thin sreiion of Die Stale.
to 19 yoars old at $2.50 to $5.00.
brongbt to Middlobargb, also Nfld
GUTELIUS, Proprietor
Kcrofula, J'liuplcs, J 1 M.
Jioik ' i
km uifurutu ta TUUiiAs'. sr,
.. i