The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 24, 1884, Image 1

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X. i 4,, V
. . 7, -.- . .
: -H
-till Jl MiXIJ
tULLLLUHLB""..1 - ...
PHIcnted to Hon Thomas V. Coop
r, the fearless and efficient FleKI
Marshnl of the Republican hosts of
the Keystone state.
JIol pioneers, who led tho way with
iVmnont, years rips
And sturdy Llnoln vet'rnns whose
leeks are white ns snow,
Unfurl once more our Ptvrty Flag the
banner of the free
And, with "the boys" whom flnrHcld
led, we'll march to victory.
CHOllUfl We'll wlu again in thin cam
pslnl "Pinna ye he ar the slognn."
tVe'll win with IMnine with
And Soldier John A. Logan!
J?ee, wlre our rwerlees leader waits
to form the fh;ht anew,
Anil Kaiiant i.ogan necIB ,.,o,.
, , .. 11
iojni u"ji"""i
Prom Kastana West, ano .ionn aim
Pouth, the swift battalions pome
Torally 'round the Tarty Flag at tup
of Freedom's drum.
CHonus We'll win again In this cam
paign, etc..
Tall In! fall In, and close tho ranks!
ttW party of the free
'Will follow whero the White Plume
nods 'twill lead to victory
The "Hrigadiers" who mocked the
Fl't'J, shall never ruin again, asthe pine cones rui.tle upon the
hills of Maine!
Choucs We'll win again in this crni
puign, etc.
We need no nr;ii.i like ' Ihc Titnrn,
with British notes askew,
Kor dainty, kid gloved lwrir's, who
piny for llrrute;
We'll drum the Mugwumps out of
camp crank Schunand Curtis.too:
Tor puckyA'.staid nasty lurk well
beat tho "Devil's tattoo."
Chorcs We'll win again, etc-
Twill tie a little lively, boys, before
the fight is over;
''Twill thunder all along the lines
but we're lietn there btfovt;
"We'll "scoop 'em," as we did the ttebs,
and, wben the job isdotie,
We'll invite 'cm to Maine's picnic.,
next March, at Washington.
Chorus We'll win again In this cam
"Dinna ye hear the slogan ?"
We'll win with Hluine-wlth
James O. Wal-we
And gallant John A. Logan.
"Wllllamport, Pa., JulyU, IBS'.
frcmltr v IiJl(fii.
Qen. Andrew Jackson, President ol
the United States, end immortal as
the patron muutof Democracy, is one
cf the few men whose record was not
materially sullied bv his duelling. To
light seemed in perfect accord with
the man's courageous temperament
and the whole drift of his career
The first affair of honor in which the
Ueneral was engaged was when he
was a very young man, and holding
the office of District Attorney in West
rn Tennessee. It whs in the summer
of 1700, Major-Qeneral Sevier had
Just been elected Governor, and still
retained his commission as a General.
Jackson wanted him to resign, and
they became engaged in a disputo, in
which Sevier told Jackson that he had
fun off with another man's wife. This
happened in the streets of Knoxvllle.
Jacksan replied;
"Great Godl Do you mention her
acred name?" Both drew pistols and
fired several shots in the crowded
street. One man was grazed, but no
one was seriously injured. When
Jackson challenged Sevier tle latter
declined to fight beuauso he was a
poor man and had a large family do
pendent upon him. Soon after this
meeting the parties came together on1
the main road from Knoxvllle unex
pectedly. AH were on horseback.
Jackson, who was accompanied by
Dr. Van Dyke, called upon Sevier to
defend himself. Tho latter jumped
from his horse, which ran away with
the pistols in the twister. Sevier's
on drew on Jackson, saying he would
protect his father.and Van Dyke drew
ou Sevier, but travelers interfered,
and no blood was spilled.
In this case Jackson was popularly
Adjudged to be in the right, as the la
dy in question was then his wife, and
sad been deserted by Iter former hug
bind. He held her name sacred.
n 1805 Gen. Jackson heard that
Charles Dickinson, a young lawyer,
hod spoken disparagingly of Mrs.
Jsckson. This was something lie
wuld oot allow under any cireuni
etaooes. II found Dickinson, who
tokfihliu if be ald It he must have
hei drunk. The matter was for a
tine amicably arranged. Again Jaok
oa heard that young Dickinson had
tsn talking. The General Mien went
totue young man' father-In law and
tqJhiin that he -wished tho young
4; .
innn Would hold his tongue and com-',
port himself as n gentleninti. lie (
wanted no quarrel, mi l counselled I
Cnpt. Krrln to exert his ir.tliienee to
quiet tho youtiji man down. Mean-
time a horse race was to como off in
which Jackson and Dickinson were j
Interested. The stakes were $2,000 a!
side. Hcfore the race the horse In i
opposition to (len. Jackson broke
an expiation. The (ieiieral replied by
reitering his langune, though he did
not know whom It htrnek wtrn llrt
, .....
used, and reerred to Diekison as a
tale-bearer, a cowardly poltroon and
liar. Swann then chuliened .l.iekson
who, In accord. ince with a threat iiv.
vlonslv- iiiiiile. 1'iiiieil Sm.mi.ii in n nnli.
j,,.,,.,, iickIllIu ;.xt wrote a
lleren letter to liiin, ami left on u trip
furlliu Hmilli nm. wllii mi nn.
- ............. ....... .......
.in litd ri.tnrii Wliil.t lia i"id iivi'ii.
another duel came otT Vet n to
down, and !00 was forfeited. A ed the wound not f.ital. Th- ImiIM1 - "'l " ' i ' ......... , ,,,, , ,,, , . , . ,
youtiK man named Rwrnn, In speak raked t!e brea- t-bon.-mid broke" two wl, ii " '"is-. I.r 1 " " '"'" 1 "'""".v '' Mit,.,:..t n.u.-,JM, I VVV A VVvvt'';' 4
Inn of the notes placed up on each jor three ribs. Jackson was hid up for ,'1 "' do not tvnrd il di.di. n . . ui--r. tu.-.K-t to s.-e-iic ti..-iuN j j ',' ' ,', ',', ' "V ' V ,; '' fi- 'iV 'S'J 'v
side, said something that iinpui;ned weeks, nnd thoujrh he livel to a to tnKo niiy ndv.ud.v.o I chd .f m-v ! love nn 1 j.-.y nt the l.i-h f. v,-r I . j " '"' ' " " 1 '" " 1 1 1 ",!. 1 , . C-;V';'k V'A'
len. Jackson's Jacks old a:e, the womvl was ! eventual n,.-,on ni Km,; ns I .1 not tiohb-I-f th -i;m. v mil.r-tl r. ! J , , , . . " U-uVj! 4v2z'
when the matter was brought before ean-v of his d-atli. It was a ease in I , , , i V. v. . , ! .. , , ..' . ,, , i' M. I.. IH'1 .- W i . ' . 1 1 i . ?iv:;VVvi-
... ., ,, . , ... i ii n a..i "";,,,v Mnln!" hi -v. Ti.;t -e m t-. be. .ut Mich imi an t.-p im,.u nl m. i ' V v.v . ( iiift? 4
him, promptly said that whoever which one. or the other hud to be' , . . . ... , .. ., '. , ,. , , i 'ATftfJr-Y IfK'i ' ' ' ,1V
tiiAita ItiM atntoiiuiif tvnw n jl .1 ll.r l:itl...l I1....1.. I Ue OlMIUol, laid bv lllilliV Ineil win ! "II h In e . , 1 1, imu t.. .t be. I he b. . ' L . r-h(tAV C$ti
Swnnn addressed a letter asking for '..ore than the other man. Dickinson ' rc rcird... m en I inly liotit st. On ""' . '! I: e i;-t- i- ;;; i'ti " yHr i'.,,,:... ,;.,,; j .-lh
Brtitleiueii, Mr. ColTee and Mr. Me-'did
Nairv, who were mixed nil in the
same iitTuir t'olTee being wonud 'd.
When Dickinson returne.1 en May SIO,
he published a long letter In the
Nashville ,)i;Hirb'iiv' .'. nV'c, full of cut-1
ting sarcasm, and branding Hen.
Jackson ns it coward and poltroon.
1 he Inevitable came. In-fore the ar-
tide appealed in print Dickinson was
handed by tieii. Overton, Jaekon
second, a peremptory challenge, it
was promptly accepted, nnd lv. lfr-
rison C. -lift carried Dicklus u'. reply,
liauiing Friday, May !Ji, l:M. ns tin
dale. eu. .lacksoti wanted to Ugb. t
at earlier date, but the other side
would not consent. The location of
the duel was a lonj; day's rid. from
Nashville, in Kentucky, across the
Red Hiver. It was the general opin
ion that the meeting would be fatal to
j"kson. Dickinson was a marksman
of unerring accuracy, and was con
sidered the crack shot of Tennessee,
lie was certain he would Kill hisim
tngonist. The Morning before the
duel he kissed his young wife good
by, nssurkig her he would lie home
the following evening. rMte was in
entire Ignorance of his mission from
home. Dickinson was accompanied by
a party of gay young men. All dis
ported themselves as if ou a pleasure
tour. On the journey tlv principal
amuse. I them tiy giving exhibition
of his skill with the pistol. At a dis
tance of twenty-four feet ho tired at
command four balls into a space that
would be covered by have a dollar.
At a wayside inn he cut a string at u
good distance with a pistol ball, and
instructed the landlord, should An
drew Jackson pass that way to point
it out to him. It was also said that
he wagered fit)') that h' would come
within half an inch of a certain but
ton on Hen. Jackson's coat, ami had
several thousand dollars wageted on
the result of tho tight, betting he
would kill his antagonist at tho find
Gen. Jackson's demeanor was en
tirely different. His sonond, (JeiuGv
erton, and himself conversed solemnly
together on the prospects. They
knew tho opponent to be a sure shot,
and counted every chance. The men
were to stand at eight paces, w ith
pistols down, nnd llr c at tho simple
word without further ado. The two
parties passed the night at country
taverns about two miles apart. Jack
son bad determined to let his adver
sary Ore first, as ho knew him to bo
the qlcker and the surer, and
then take his chances later. Jack
son was dressed in a loose frock coat,
which concealed tho sleuderuess of
his physique and rendered tho exact
position of his vital parts somewhat
uncertain. Dickinson was the young
er and handsomer, Jackson being
more commanding and superior.
There was a still intensity in his man
ner that rendered him grand as he
stood under the tall poplars on that
bright May morning, awaiting the
crack of doom.
The word "ready" was repeated by
both men, and Gen, Overton shout
ed the signal, "ftre." Dickinson al
most instantly fired. There was a
puff of dust from Jackson's coat, and
he raised his hand and clasped It to
his breast. His friends waited to see
him fall, but ho stood calm and im
placable as fate. Astounded at his
failure, Dickinson recoiled a step or
two, saying : "Great God I huve I
missed him
"Hack to the mark, sir I" shrieked
Overton, with his hand on his pistol.
Dickinson recovered his composure,
and stood with eyes averted. Gen.
Jackson took deliberate aim and pull
ed tho trigger. The pistol neither
snapped nor went off. It stopped at
half cock, Carefully he recocked it,
and a second time took aim and fired.
Dickinson reeled, and was caught by
his friends. A deadly pallor came
over his face, and his trousers beeani
crimson from the life blood that
trickled from his breast. The ball
had entered one side and come out at
the other.
Jackson wat Joined by Overton and
they hurried from the field. Looking
down, Overton saw that the General's
shoe jvm full of blood, It wu the
II o th;t will not reason is a
first he knew that his frlitid was
wounded. "My (bid, nro you hit."
he exclaimed. "I believe he has
isnKed me a little, but say nothing
about it." Jackson replied,
Dickinson's aim hud been perfect,
Me struck the mark where he
thought he wmtM pierce Jackson's
heart, but the slender figure urnl de
eeptlve dress of bis adversary render
jdietl the follnwimrihiy, before his w ii.-
! arrived at his bedside.
The next, encounter of Importance
'i..iti.i . ,
In vlilclH ieii. .lackson was engaged
was i.. It was f.,H of
I A young 'aitai:i named U illhmi Car -
roll, who"r lieciitic a (ieneril, was
! a fit VOI'ite of .Faekxin's .!.; I !...!..,. ,.l , I U' 1.,., ., r. ll 41... . (V ... . .
ton. a broiher of Col. Tl.omas .
neiiion, ciialleii-ciU'arroll to tight a
I.I..,. I r..H I v
j. .... . .... rv.n.i; iiii.iiii.ii, i. ll. 'ill.'
fViri-i.ll .ii,.n,i,i.l.i,l ... ...... t ..... I .. ..! ... .. .
to h's second. thoin,-!i I lie (i .-.,1
all he eoul I in a le.iMiut
settlement. Jesse Heiitoii was nn
j taiue.l and fiery, and would llh;ht.
They met, and Can-oil wounded him.
Jackson, who was aggravated (lint
the !;,f should take phov at nil,
made liht of the affair round.
Jesse Jtenioii then poiirn l ii.i
llieearsof 1 liouias Ittidon a woiid.1:-
ful tale, nnd Thomas el once denouin--!
'd Jackson as an iugrate, a traitor, I
''" kwii said he would lnuscw hip i
him on sight, and every on- b.-lieved
It. Oil
le JM of Septi-moer nil the'lho latter a :in cowardly as it is ,
parties were in Nnshxiile. Jaeks ni,
with bis friend, Col. CoiTee, went to
the I'ost OtTlee, where they uw the
two lieutoiis standing'.
"Now, you tl-tl rascal, I am goin'
to punish yon," said Jackson to Tom
I'lciitnn, advancing, riding whip In
hand, llentoii made a luoveun iit to
draw a pistol, and Jackson drew his,
still advancing, whip in hand. Jesse
lleutoii then discharged a pistol load
ed with hlugs at Jackson, literally
tearing lip one of his shoulders.
Jackson fell, weltering in blood. A
running duel then commenced j (h,
street, though without effect. Coffee
shot ut Thomus Hentoii and knocked
him down a, tlifc-ht of stairs, and
friends ff Jackson tried to kill Jesse
Kenton, who was wounded with n
dirk. Jackson cainn very nearly dy
Ing, and carried Kenton'H ball to hi.,
dyiugdity. This was the last of the
imp il tant engagements in which Gc-n.
Jucksou llgured.
TV70 V7AYS Cr LCIIT& A 121213.
Ail express train filled with list
leas, slot 'py-onkio pnspenpei H,slot il
in tho reiinsylvanb ll ti.'roiul Hlntion
at New York, tho other Hay, on tho
moment of departure for 1 Miiludel
pbia. Tho lucomolivo 1m l bucked
up to tho cms and poured a volume '
of thick snioko into the, hot, ulilling
fttmospheio cf tho Btation. The
travelers lolled in their Bents laokine;
us though thoy dreaded tba discom
forts of tho Ion-?, dusty ride, but yot
woro inipationt to bo wbirliiij along
through the open couiitry.away from
tho smoke, the smell, and tho noise.
A slow-moviug, surly-looking boy of
14 or llieitubouts, paissod through
tho train, calling out :
"Fu-a-tis, 0 coots."
Ho spoke, ia a dreary, diRconsolato
tono, which mado tho pooplo feci
moro tiroJ and languid than ever.
IIu wont from tho sipiking car to
the rear of tho train and sold just
two fans.
A colored boy.about tho eatno nge,
followed immediately after him, with
a big armful of new bamboo fans
Tho diJYureDCO in tho two lads was
striking. Tho diukoy had a cheery,
businees-liko way with hiua which
appealed dircatly to tho comfort ami
tho pockets of tho prespiiiug passen
gers. In a peculiar, boyish voice, ns
mellow as a Unto, lio called out:
"Keep yo'solvcs oo.o-o-I, now, la
dios ftu' t'einman I 0 o-ney Island
breezes I A big fan only f conts !
Zephyrs from do billows I Uuy 'em
whilo you can 1
Tho effuct was liko a draught of
cool air. Everybody at ouco waul
ed a fan. Tho darkoy was ns much
iu demand as tho nuwsboy on an ear
ly train front tbe suburbs. I'eoplo
left their seats to avoid getting left.
In two cars tho boy sold 07 fuus.
lie c:uld bavo sold as tuaoy more if
he had had them. IJo jumped off
tbe platform as tbe train moved from
the btatiou with bis pocket fall of
change and his heart full of joy.
"(jolly 1 Le shouted, "dat was quick
business." Tbe other boy stared ia
stnpid astonishment and woadered
bow it was done.
Every great paasioa ia but a pro
longed hope
li;1 ; lie that c;&not i a fool ;
There recms Icfo n prcnl litetj on
tl'eputcf many huNiiiess im n, ns
will ns ollicis, of imr.'il com :!.
When I hey m:e a burp is v.itli
I liO desire lo or lul.o nri i:n
fiiir ndvniiert tf tlioro with whom
ilia second tlion.-'n'. it will br n n
that Mich idiiis uif iviw.nth.v i f li-n-
..t.t I '. . I ....
III I.. , imww I. ..... .t, !...!.. ;..(. 1.. I. '
in inn: iiiitii, .1 Hint . i. :t,.i
j ... . i; , i , i .
j'u-n should be i.r.1-d :i enered n; !"'- "
! '' 1,,,"'' i'ho'.' (Lei1' i, A- '" . " . el. ii t. , ..
I business world would vtiy pooii bn
f ... i,Mil... ., Hn,i .. .,a
,11.. hum. " r nn i ' in, inu riirrifl i
1 I " 1 '
Wlnju'vcr n iimii ti'ii-stii (n!,e nn
i "t-duo a lv iel of l.ix f.llnw bllsi -
I in men, lie H!ionl 1 be binn,l.d
ii Cain, for he h an em mv to nil ll.a!
, ' , . , i,.
n nn e an.i ,;oou in nnniinoi. in
take coiilidei-co. nye, r iiI iim lit. out
of our'livis, and our misni ai would
h(l Clldcl. l'.VM.V business ,.-.
I would bee mm a !iie h nymin . To
in-il.n i i;r !it::n,l and il. Ii vi r wen! 1
ho inoinl-,oi.i:ilethin In b:i i! ln.,1
under the roi.-v,, of fn'einK' i;. The '
i."1'"1 '"P" '- " "' eour.Ue.wl.,!e j
. . . .
Another matter needing the nt-j"f
teotioii of honoi ..I !o mt ;i, is a vio'n -
lion of coni; lei.! a in bosiiK-vi tians.
itcliotis. Wo ki, w a man who went ,
f..ll.v l.ii.'.w ,i..,ii for fie ,r I
ami it wis a vi ry pleat favor. I
grantitie it, tho itvpier.t and ben- fl- ,
ciary of tho Kind net .1i-ov, red a i
loq.l.elo through which he conhl
crawl mid benefit himself ui tin- ex
pense cf his friend. Well, ho did
not succeed, but it was not hU fault.
Ho tiied hard to do so. lie lost, of
course, that friendship whic'ilm nev
er deserved, and tho imin whom hi
injured will look in the future upon
others who may bn discrving with
lUleii in business ft vrrv slight f:i-i
vor may bo tho menus, of icit n-j
sulfp, nnd fii iiueiidv ft kin.llv lniri.l i
bus snved tho lotlfiingnieichiiijt
from utter i uin. Jiu t hio what am
i;.,.. u..i. :.. i. .....i.:..
li.j.1,,1 rii, ii i, ijii.ii it, mi ,o. tii
ooiilideneo that might snvo mnny n
worthy man. Kuchmin elioiihl be
set oil- to themselves whero they
would dio of their own infamy.
And yet nnotluT mutter r-houM
lie fi owned down, tin 1 that is the
habit of business nien--vo d ) not
(licit u nil, but some Intuit,, m mc ii
linvo ff meddling with tho employ oos
of their follow busiuesH men, set kirg
to obtain business Heiuets, Jinny
employees nrgno with themselves
that when their day 'a work is done,
tho obligation they owe their 1111
ployer is voided, and m one sense it
is, and another it h rml
no right nt any luu i to divulge any. Jlu ciiiiiiciiccd Ten minutes
thing connected with their cnploy-j , 'lH-(.,, twenty, half mi hour ; then
or's bu-u'iiess. It uutlciu wi ho.v 1 , 10lir wore its wenry lcnglh tilen.;
thoy may regard what they fay. j t, liMeners began to grow resiles.",
Anything pertaining la his busim s.; ! ,t ti!o bo prayed with unabated
is his cupiUl. He in tho solo ju.lgi. ! vigor, with no i i;;r.H f a ttrmiiintiyn,
of tho matter, nnd tho q-iestious his -ciil it wns I igh noon
bnsiuc'ss rivals nhk mo not for his in-1 lij. w if., w:-,m in ,i,"-.',ir. nil Ihe
tcrebt, or they would not ask litem j farm work had yd to
Juat to shoiv whal a low bt ui.t.iid of ' ,,ide tho hiiiisinvoi k ; mi l f it run
morals somo men havo, ivo wiil tell the kitchen lire would bo out, and
an iocnlout that caiuo uu ler our ob
servation. A trusted cloi k wan de-
bating in his own mind whether heihirt with f r nioiiiiug prnyo's, but to
should betray a trust to a Liud-heait
t d employer bad long roposo 1 in hint
Ho kuow bo was d jiug wrong in
oven ontortaining tho idm of wrong
ing his employer, nod ho counseled
with a man who had buniuess t ola
lions with biio, tolling tho man till
about the daiunablo ciimo ho was
eouthinplatitig. Yon would nt ouou
say ho was a fool, for l.his busiiiess
man would tell his employer, ns nu
booorablo man should. Not so,
however; but this busiooss man 10.
peated toothers, uuder a promise of
secrecy , tho story of tho ctimo that
vnr ofterwnrd consummated, nud ul
most a week before it was nn accom
plished fuct. Tbo business man who
did this is rcgardod as honest.
Would. you trust him without his
bondf We thick toot. We relate
those facts to 6ot business men to
tbinkiog. If business moo can be
awakened to those evils, tbey will
soon eight them.
Wounds fliven to Lonor never
ho ri;uv not h a ulavo.
JULY til, 1SSL
i L2?C:;2 AST-S.I 2! A3;.2 A73
d IMlf 1 1 1 1 y l' t!l lucn
: w.hi.i n ( xp- et imu -t IV m niui i i;;.'
1 i!,n it i in Iiimmii i'i 1 nre l.y,.
I 'he ronniiitie e,nn I i:i;r) ibioi I!'
! !e m;tl;i:i is fi.-'-li n ! niul. nn
I '""'!-' o-iiii'. an 1 the imn ll ,,in
i ''' '
!"'.v "r f; -'':P ' ' )'"" '" ' '
it. I' b ,M . lllI'M- ll ll.;. C.l Jit..
mi-.tit tl'"il ii ei:' .is ii the
i' i
M U' C l . ' ! ll I n I ,M . ', . 1 1 .V 1 1 e I 11, l
! oti sn in. cent pn-n. r, m.d i.i hi or
In r sweet 1. 1 nt t i ij.'n . it lb
in ir.r. . I tune of :. , ear v tti.i !
I I.':-
'v i it
i '"t li:lpMll s . If . I.
d ' s if. as in n.t el'i en ti.n
an I w.i.. v., i.- (. i-Im
'.li,i.i 1. 1 n!i .Ii! 111.' li'il.le l:lle
dm-II l.t a!i -lii th' i. i ! 1 1 1 ' l ite,
"" ' 10 ,M 'J' W1" ' "' ' ,"' j
''"id. r love unking mneh 1. i i 1
! tli ttl the - Id !. in.IV. D j. t .- u. ll.
that conle, mid inu wil.: i-s bi i u-
' 1 b-i
A""1":,' '" ' .-t es t.f wv l !; i.-
" "''' '"" "' ! '"''"' "iirs.s-!
r tie
ii r ...ii:.. ...r
'm m conn .i:.n. v. u see,,;-, ao
especially t si,"H ii i .r n,i..-.-i,i, i. in.
joe Kind nti.l ntt.-iitive to tho i,l j l
one' nlVcC.ion is nalaial on t'u -j
j pul of both ni'iii ir.i I w. iii m. 1'.
i " '":: '" ''''"'- 'no ,
"fin inn-it do all Cm w.-om r
labor of lov niiikin r I'd! to
and, ns u inle, I.o.I-ch i.oti-'Mie
bu-i--'f. For week, f n- m a.tli-. f i
Veils, he worship at tin- feet f I.:-
f 'omoliineid. ii.'tei.
and endless ut It ntiuli-'. Ho !,e(;;i,s I
the slave (! hi r siimilest Inj
ill this there i-i imieli tiding', often j
much ''.iiiKcioUH ii'-tiii(j M irei'it-!
is the driipping of tl.e Oiittui'i ; witli
it ends I ho niiii ry bui, in its c mse
ip't nccs, mi l tln-ii'ily furen. And
when he f-ues tljeefl' ct of t!;o p! iv.
ho siiiceiclv
ish,-s it had iicu-i
i nn ill lent miis r.itinot euii
tin N r is it de-irab!.) that they
di mill. Yet in gelling t.h. in I r n
i'''1"'-W0,lH'" r" t:'u'i!,t l tXi,,,'t
I lliniii I rever. i im uir.ingemi ni i
.'cam !
to women. It is like tlx
pnicliei i,f (iiit, spoilintj ehil.lren.
and then punishing them f..r bein
-puilod. Voi !!n ';,., .
A ( il ni'i'.) fanner having been le
a revival imtling. f-it V"iy religion-,
and .i tie-y were eatei liiining hoiiic
cily fi i nds he lliought thepiip'i
thing to do would bo to l.'.ivo in nn
ing pinyci'H.
Ho the household were, ssnnhhd
ninl he. le n in by rending a ehnpter
ill the I'i'i'le, then I,,' leipit ' ted till 111
I'll1 ciiiiir n.'i ii.'i tt it .iir . i i .r in.
Thoy linveli,, Kneel while ho mai l a player.
their chanco of n diinicr 6lim. indeed.
Sim was perfectly iu nceoi'liu'cd with
have I hem contimied all day nrnl far
it, to tin) ni;',lit i-e ined lileinlly too
miieh of tt goo 1 thing. At length
unablo to endure it longer, i-hu lean
ed ever snd whi-peind to him :
'John, d-iJi't you think vi n havt
pi nyed long enough
"Yen, but 1 don't know how to
wind tho dull thing up 1" Curl
I'nUfl' V.'aU;.
Hough on Hats" Tom Cuts.
This stylo of a joke tivelvo for n
Tbeio is town iu llliuois bo rigid
ly temperate that they object to
storms brewing iu the neighbor
Tbcro is luck in odd numbers
That is inoro pcaco in tbo house ii
tbero is but ouo baby instead of
A Burlington girl Las a diary de
voted entirely to notiug down tbo
visits of ber beaux. Sbe calls it her
JiUit dtfckst
,'1!lriic!!t;'ll Low.
1 .Mi;si. tMioi'si:,
j ATK NT. V-T h. V,
mi; 11.1:1:11: ; if. i a
c .1 iri rf.l in M ik.c ii i r.
' "- it ii. i i i mi i i t ! n 'in i n r
1 I .
I .Ml..fl
, nun .t 'i i I .
1 i Atoi! (in.! i'i: r,
.1 wni 1,
;.:r--v.K;Y-AT ' A'v.
r I I I . M. iIM I,
iii I I'll. .1 j' I'i.
I '
H. d.'.i i ::it :i,
i r! o;.r.v 4 r.i.sxv.
,i rr "I- 1 hi ,1 I i.i. ... I r, t.ii llv nl'rre.i.
I i I ,.n u I. i ; ,, I ii i.i, k 1 1 -I. hi,,; i i ,t mi n
I I.
, r.rx
I' ;.- .; V-,,,:'. r v
1:1 l i.k Lli , l lirr i
.1. ll. 'i'
Cm 1 1-
1 W I.'
y - ! I'.!,;,:' I'.t.
, ' .! ...r ,
Hi I . 1 ..rii.nn.
. u ii im: I. r In rr i-i ! l,
,.l in c ?, I.'. I,
Mow 3orIin. Fc.'in'a.
i t
ii II. r.
iiin'iill liii'-ii.
i-i,.' j i. l,. l ii-i.
i li in lr I e I l Ci Ti-
"',i. .1 nn.' U.I,'. .
Av .ir-.ey L fi-ii
At T v. ,
v ril. . I
uri'v l-i Aihi'h Itml'M
II. M ,
a-ot I :ti)':i.
i', 11 il' i' .oil n I ,--r jir -i. n h.t:, I l.n -
r,p... i ,,,.',tH, kui re.', li h , nTf i . I ,i n I
r.-r1 1 1 ii-i-onii'ii. A pi. 1 1 ,';-. ti .
M I lUil.l 111
ll"nrt!.!. IT 'I:- I'lllll Srtv,'lP tiill.n jullll
i).iiru,'.iitl'iiin III -.IikII1i it inl Illinium. .
A.ViM'OTTP.It. .r; N. 1. I'OTTFlt
.t TIOKS'!: Vs .1 T I. A W.
Srlinsj;rovo. T& ,
1 1-'-' ;-ir it
V.inl ..Tl l.T. I I II C 'Ul .i.
.uir'i.l.'l I-' Oe'lr riini will
1 1..IH l,ll- i
.ii'l ,iiinll,.ii. I nil ' . ii .M In Si.
Ii.l-, l. ;..
j joiuci-: ai.i i:m..n,
T 7 . .V 11 Y A 7 J. A W.
?-i 1 i 1 1 siji, !'.
. . nn. i mil ii, ,tlt,it rn
Ira ti. 'ii 1.1. i-.l ro w.l I lei .-..ln 1 1 - u : ,,.1,-t.
. .I ,. i ' in in. Hi-mil .1 In 1,'k-11 I, nr
il, -nn i.i. iiil!''u.iii M il Ii ct .- mt i v.
"'' y
J H. il!I.M,
A 1 1 ni'inV"i t Tiiiw,
ANP 1'1 MM I' . I I ui; I.Y I IIU .S.N VJ'Ut
I -M N I .
Ii'! I I'JII U '
i'"nulMt l.n, in ,1, tl, I'.i.nllM, !''! ;(l -r,ii,n
l.'ll. li'Ul'.i. O. I. I', 1-.-1.
(HI N II. Alt'NOl.P,
s t i ll nt I i!l w,
M I lilil.l Itl'liil. l'
I'ri.ltii'iil'iiinl I iiIik-s- i t,trniii i In 1,1 c;nu will
I'd I'l-'iu:). tj n'lrin!,-'! In
VjVllL'l'.L II. OUWIli,
ATT')H.xt:v-. t r.A ir,
F,hvKIiiii r 1st dm o,, ::
1 I'I..-,.n Mi le t sir. ct, enj ,t. "T t-itst of t.'ui-
nr -tl III ll .
ii..-. '.'(;, J-'
lUDU'.iifi'.iiii li vi:uv.
C liJMMIL Prop.
Mipn.i e.ft.n, Pn.
('mil unit Hyli'h iti nuu-. nlwkiii on
nin-l. In mi I n!,n,
I'll rsicitnis, V.
Iieavntowti, reiin'a.,
o.'tcrt I. lii frof.).'.,ii,il hiirvli-, to tl.ii iltl.-n
I 11. n v.-. f n ll Hfi'l i liilill y. ,-- riikl l.linll-!,
nn-l i ).m in in. I i-ut r,"l,, i n v.l
Min .strnrt. A .r. 1, nl ly. ,1
1 s mrsi:;,,
" Pi:vsiciArAn susgcon.
I Vet r,- ilh, 1'eiin'a.
(IHrralilf ',innl i rv li't-n ,tu l!,n r,ltn
uf Ll tilr.-vil'D'ttii.t vlrltilty. Aii(. !,
Q i:t: a i: has;.; inch:!;,
Miildleburnh.Jl'i Itli'il.,
(ilf. rt Mi't'i.-ial , rH-e t ih rlllntm
nl M i,liii,iritli mi. I vklnlly. I !!,.' Ir. Ilio
'.Vm-hliirinii ilnuoi. . A j r. r.'SI.
MiililleliuiKh, I'enn'a.
i)Ii rt l,lmr(ifiHilf mil rvli-cn to tbe i ltlnem
I MI-lil'mliuiH snil tli'lt-lty. (Hlloo ion ilniirt
W t.i.1 nl ilia l.imri 11, .nut. In Arni.l'l'n 1-iillillnK.
It.- I leuau I'i'j.utHo ui'imtll I'linr 1'iliitlUK
Fremont, Snyder county, Pa.
Urn,!nlnl lltltliimro I !nllEa of Ptirtlnlttit
uJ ('Hum hit rulg.i'l. nitl turvlct
to Mis .,ibllu. hislt( toulUli null l,ruiB.
Marcl), IT, ISol. tf.
Yyn. S. O. WAQNEH,
riiyvlclmi nnd Aiiirgeou,
Oit hit prnrMlnnl MrvltaA to h jnitt
til Ailtuitbur sud ylrlHll Aug.,'tHf.
Kbl'lOR anj I'JiOJ'KIKTOl!
no. xxxvir
m ,.tj-t i,pjj immm
) f ..f t'li. II S. Viw-M.,
' ii- '1
h, .1 i ...
, l,,
r I .
! . . !
- I it.' 1 II. ,
if ! !. ,. ... I ... iP
w . .Il.l ...
, i .i.,. . . e
.' I, y i". .1 ,
"O. W.iAUl
.' ... .' !
' l. . il'M .1.. V nl - I..
ill' h i tii-.
.'-iiij minl4
Il-t'l Ii- - ; ?i I, r 1 1
i..,ii., ii.ii.intii'n
I 1 1 1 it I .- i. ii I i r, i 'i- 'i. i
i- 1. 1 I'll I. If I, I i . i ' I. ii ;u ,
no. ! t , I' ! ... i I. x ,
IT. Mm ll. f Mull
I ', 1 1 U it II s
Inn I v-ll v
III' i.l.i; It II. I I. ' il lnr liult't
i-t irU t ! I n i 1 r .
.1 i
! V ii
; i ii v i' i
- I i
111, i ,i .! i. - i , i ii- 1.0 :. nr
:i J l- i ..ri- . it ui ti.e
i.i. '' ! n ii . r.,
i a it it 1 1 i. r v vt u.
I rn nviur.
.'! I.-
I , un il ii c, Mi
i I ' . IV. t
I I. r nrllifl.
, I : I.I,-. ful-.
-- .Mm. 1 it
v.". I-.. I.
,-. ,1 v ,,. ,1 1,1.
I' I II..I, .
ll. 1 ll'
I .' -. I,
.. I, . , '. I...
I tl.ill ji: I Jtrltl I.r'
i. n, ii,.
I,''H, V. I...-.- :l
-.'.' I III I .- ,,IV
1 1 "i i 1 1 r I i l
.- i nr, ..!!, t
- ! A !
., I i ,,i,i i,-
',,! 'I , I.I I .1
i- I-..-.
. . ,. in I- ri,1 ii -I
.' l.i- I I., ami
'ViM. M.ili'o.
i.i it'l l I. :.ii1l-l . I
i or . i,-.:
.11 i..,.,..
Ccr-trcvillp. Snjrlcr Co , Pa.
l., r rlr.l r Sl.i.'l, r, ,.
V ri i';:nu, -t. -
;i -i-itf1,
Farm for Sale,
G0 iCR.
i Ali'.iil'. l Al'lil:-. .,,r,. ii. I l,,l,nrn
; 1 1 in i" r, I' -l .-1 I, 'f it in I 1 1 ,ii, Ii .it - ;i!HI.
Mui. n Se Ii.-iy ui,, I I. . ',, n I, ,lr...,l,
Wf-t It.nir tinii l ., r ,1.11 .'-, ...
I ii. 1 1 1 ( ..iiikiii. le-.. t 1 1 .-. r, n v i i m t;
J iO' I. in' I.i I, vi. .--,ii !hik
j kind I nn i-; i . I ,,-r . r nt II. V 11,4
, ,.',i'-i ,11 1 '1 ', . , i-r'y 1. i li-, I, lni-e:
I I,; . I, 1.. m:,' ltd , , ,l -, I-i ite,, .in.
-I Ii 1; i'i', ill' I 1 int- t . . . i v "I t' ri uij 1 r,co i ' 1 ,-r j,-r. In,, 10,. ,
I II. II A K I Ili.
I Jin, .' 1', I. .! ,, iio .ur -li '.-i.y.l ,-r Co., l'
' 1 V- w
- 1 . . t 1 ,111--'.. 1-1 ii 1 r t .
ti l ' - v v) ,,v'' ' '" llT, ,Vi
.. i ' L" nr t'lfi, rn w.inr. It Ii
'' . 'vt1. "'" 't''y llv;,!..r (,,r
ii'-w 1 'it in 1 ) 1. it t 1 U il,'u,y
V'-; .'""l ''j;, .V :Oir Her 11 ti, !
. .' v ; i' ? n-.t
, t''- tf':t- W l ! :i nrrl.tmn
'j ,y v.-,;. ."in-ri'iiii i'i-1 1110,
Wt- will I r cll ni. lui
ti y lrl'irt. wl.rr.- a
J , 11 r 11 il lr, ii-i, liny.
. , 111 ,1-1.', 11 mi'inii,
S. 1 , l.T ,1. ...rlelli
t -j -lr. uUr 1,1 H i. I' i it -.l iiru
." J .s nt.-r l:iiinii.,r in il I u-
T , - j 1 n t 1 1 i , 1 nth ,n 11111I
-li'.w'J ' '''"" r-" -lur,
1 ' . ii.rvru ii- . . :
r It I.' w,
ir ia
,u,l. ,!. ,i,n- nr tiv, l.:;.l,i-. ,t 1 1 t-t. t l'-li' tl
III,. ll I I.I, I II . ,1,1,, ,. ill,, I 1 , 1I.,.,... tli'lllitf l.
',i,,i;iii r -.-r .1.1 .1 ..r 11 -in n-.intlis m.
j I...; .It. le- l i.'l. Iv. l-,.!,t,i !,.r - 'l l.ii I Ivn
I 11 1 1 1 1 1 , , . 1 1 . - . . 1 . , 1 1 , I 1 1 -1 , 1 -nil, ' 1 1 . i-i ,.rr i,..,-i 1I1.
I 1 r 1.1 11 I-i. I , V! 1 I I 1,1 I : I V I V I. IM. l -
il,, Mi
.i it,.
I i nii.ti,!:,,
hv I II v
'.I- . t!t .
I ft 'HI l,.r Or
l.'iv- nt III.- camlf.
i ' ii, ."i 'I I Ii 1.I-. V I'i rut
i I ,
I,, I. , r 1 ...:l,,... tj I li:.v 1,1 II, S
,'. l i I in i . . I-. . i.Mi-.i- nl ii'li-ruiici-.
till. I. il.M VI II I I.I- It 1 Ni I I'll.
I.. .S 'i. .I. - r-i. U.i in :ro. Mil.
Physician A Surrrcn,
r e t, S:ii,.'ir Cuunly, Ffli
"Mrm I. 8 torvifH to tri fYi
ojl'vit un AIhUi ftlrceu Juti0i2 'Ttf,,
.j. i:ckisi:kt,
14 I 'A llt.OCK,
Stlinxirovi!, J'tnn'd;
l'r.)fliiial liu.-ilnciiB j niui tly tten,1(,,l t
May :i,'7.
k. van ijuskiij::,
Solinse;rovc, l'ei.n'a.
PI j niiutcl f,-r '11, c I. It n i
a fV I O1'1' "i I "r.-lilfiits ol tl .-
MHlHFII Sl - 1 '." rf"' ""!
I K' a H t wJ."im't I'i'ft evur
"lil lnr i" than lio
i.iirt.ri , 't'lii' liiHlo.t fi'llliiK I "... U In Ainurn-ii)
I ' inn ,,, ,. ir"tii. Iu iiuviiH. All Inn Ulitt-tit iim.
.li- . ml 11 . Any niic ru, ln. ulnu a iiirrrlii
ai u"'it. 'I'.-rtiiji Irou, HAI,l.l-,vr Itliuj; lu.i
I'lirlluii'l .M:itnv.
Surgeon Ucntist-!
Middloburrj. Snyder County, Pp. -
'"nil is rr.At.Ki. is Min tm Ii'o4
1ver,vthinRbt lotieriii to the pro
-J le-flpti ilon Iu the ttt intDDer. AUmui
wurrniHtil. Veiint mu'lerat.
Its will ! attonil to tunlnrm verr t4
weekt tl Ooulrtvlllt Trotelvllle, llyor
oii Ail:oliurg so,) J'sstonvllt
' Nlulli Street. South ot Chestnut
W. PAINE, Proprietor.
llniitouttixoU'ltor th Npw t"til !oLii'
hall M.'V Irout Wttlnui KUl Wire uiid lit llii
ry tiutn,it nir ol lu-rliit. Ou tli A, -i-rl
. rt""il Hil"'. mi ,
j.U J