IwM - . (i ; ; ' U are'i ; Kterj ' THt w bit I ltd rr't good f rat nets. Wl fiilo a lio 1 tJ at n J p; to n 1 cf a I Son, ( elm too ; M cat on foi li dn tl t t f I It hits nfim liorn smil that no'.liitiif (nvi business siioi-pss nncl 1110110? con. aiitiuoe, ap'pim lo ochil roro-rniiion n Ibis h.ts:; but, ihiwmi tvitn mcii i.l ;s ".rations of the furt ss Iho Mian n ri:tl brfurt! Uicin, our Kmcrn fiii-iijs cm If t ltd ybartliy rtnilrirstniiil how absoiuio saiil i irnlo J herr, wc i-nn hanliy tiiort the tiii, fnlloMu perfectly trim im-Mot'il to be all you J)clirr!. tmt of our own ntr.li': wit i' "" "'S'1' not lonif n.'0 tlm il:ui iiti'r . . f nt one of our l.rst I'iiicns was uwak- " ,sj enej tir a nnist.- in ln-r runin. nit I, tin- :lfl IV of' sitting n;s iliwi-ovvivtl :i j.uiii d.s- . . .' ciirtPil In a blai'knrii i:inilinjlpiip Jier bml ninl calmly futi n . j l . i i n ii r features by the aii vf a Una's mii liwi torn. ' U.t'i'l lie alaniic.l, itii-s," bo baiJ; "I haven't takcti :mviiiin.' y." Hies, nil !'' nai.1 tin- eirl; "1 do be lirv it's n luirelar." Of t-mireo it if," sni-l tic lion s breaker, with an uiinraiiiviii miii. ns lie lit a i-i-'cn it-'. "And 1 uni i.rujd 'What lo you wantP' deumtidpd the voiinif I.'idv. ' 'p1I, I did want i sample your gpwplry caao, said alio rol-lu-r, "hut J on looked ho all-lircd plellv lil; there Willi mir mi! urn h:iir jnt uiy it vlo that I I'oiildii'l I.pIii wnkuir yoii to sec if wi ul -mi luid ilark eyes. I'm terribly fond vf lijjiit Luir aild dark eyi s, ni hp, I. Well. 1 have. 'said fbo vuin lady, plaiuinir at tin: uurior. 'J.iit I must riaiii inir ai iii: uurior. J.ut I must Ji nk like a fright in llii tm ilrps." "(J., the contrary, wl.i.e i, very i.p- 4'oliiiii to J oil, said liio ili'clpte of Jimmy Hop.', tcmb.-rly. "Hy Hie way, bit- you poaed.'' "That's n-llm",'' ;l-the irirl. ' No. but a:p )oii--i.oiiest liijiiu?" 'Well, yen, 1 inn to a jouuif law-3-rr; but 1 don't care lor lum so very liiueh." -He's .por. isn't he?" O'.u awfully." "K:ctlv; I'tlKufht an much. "Now. uiy ilear j;irl, don t you tmsv thoro is 'tlit-pj in fivvor of the print roll Tnat itiolliin in this lovo-in-a-cotlao busi-' makes this city a ooil bcil fur tho ar iiipss? You don't rvan't to pej; alotijr ' tilioinl tirticltt. which is priuled nicely, nursing Labipn iu lonio tu3' back A tu: j irity of It i nv-s from Cli cn'o, iooui for the next ten years, do you?" i tlioiin New York furnMies a fair aup- N-n-n-o," murmured tho cirl. (idv. Jf (Jovenior Cleveland sijmi the "Then why not lot this foil.uv alido tLill jiow in his hands, prohibiting the and lake mi!? I'm pretty oomfortnbly tu.-tnu!aclurp and sale of imitation but lixed. Jiusincss hax beun .'ood this tcr, the imltnitry will Ih killed in that Keasoti, and our prolils are large. Our ,tato." Tresid' tit Macilouaid siipj,'psb. linn is now running a tunnel under a .ml that It would be au expedient thmg Marysvillc bank, and J'vo Rot. a fourth ior butler biner to ask tho f.'ll-r if tlio interest. liealdps, J 'in sucrotary of the butler wna frenuine. If the answpr was 'Iturclara f'rolcclivu AbKociutioit. What pivpn in a hesitating sort of a way tho U'yi.r say ? ' t ustotner should not luy. In a short "Couldn't wo go abroad next Bum- time, hu thought, tho dealer would be ttpr?" asked tin- girl, thoughtfully. brought to a ncaliring senso that he Why, ccrtaialy. J cApectto havo t was swjndtmg his iiaii'oii.s. ta Just think over tho uiattor, audi A visit to several butter commission I'll drop in some night later in the .houses -on Water street developed the Wotk. 1 know how to gel in." And, dnforruation that to change the color of houldoriiig hia kit, tho seoveiary step- the artitieial arliclo would result in a jod out of the window auid went oil' to death-blow to Its raaniifaptiiri'. One of open a jewelry store forun engagement .tho largest dealers said if it were tinted ting. , dill'erciitly from the genuine he would And tho next day the young lawyer rtiHo'.nd a. 1 "h. stauding orders. Ho TPPt-ivod back hia letters and photo- would not have a pound of p'.nk oleo grnplu inargariiie in his place only at manu- Our nlrlsinow on which side their faetuirrs' rick. Almost ?j per p. nt. of Iread is butlored, ind you can bet-on iL his sales consist of Mho l-utterin-'s. I'lownn hi I'.tt'tH. -Where do all the white Jilnes -come Tromr i asked thu iipo-old woman at i the Madeleine (lower market who has tlia tifkiti ei.t ti. L-.I..I. ,u -aj.a ftlln.l tiirotighout tho winter. ! suppo.se you receive thom from Nice or touio other aoutheru point," Not at all, uion.sipur," was licr re ply. "All these pretty flowers Tow insido of f. iris, where ppj taiu garden ers inkn a tq ecially if liavin-r filaos In doom all the year round. 1 he trade is a new cue, as il it only four years ugo mat tua way oi aoiug so was Uis covereiL The ueat of the awn U rr placed by that of tho groeiihotiee, and the plant, detMived by this -fictitious ' teuiperaiure, blossoms forth in lecem-i Ix-r jiiat 04 though it w as the month of ' ilav." Thon I learned that tlio gardener who devote themsnlves to this branch f thelratie are callod clumff'urs ifc lilut (warmers cf lilacs), and Ihatlhpro are 1 only live of them in i'aris, two at Moii- I troguo and the others in 4ho Ouartier ! St. Kargeaiu It is generally the Marly liiaci that are uadu use of. I he n.uuu ore auloocted to lemiierature of 4 degreoi centigrade day and uigbt aud iu a fortnight aro in lower, but strange to aay, tho plant will only gtvo whito llowers under this iirocess. Naturally they are of a rich purple color. Tho l'ersian lilac is the oiily oeo that does not loso its color when thus forced to po contrary to tho laws f nature. Another strange fact is that the hot bouso lilacs aro handsomer and iuo'c fragrant than thoso which bloom in the upon aic. "J'ho reasm is that the ''ar- deners are careful to destroy all tho ! leaf buds, so that the whole sap t,f tho l plant Hows to Ute tiower buds. Tho plants do not tlio from thu vlo- ' lenee of tho proppss, but they nr so I aeriously damaged that it lakPs tlipm years to regain their slrengtli that they nave loV years h!U iut of comae be speut iu tiieopen air and in rdin- nry tt-jil itit their (lowers are ft. rover after white, the tailoring principle j pecmingly having been dcMroycd for- ' ever, in point of fact, however, the ' ciauff'cun dc Uhts tlo ut take the trou ble io reiiaut 1 lio poor hushes that havo btili'ornd o miei.'li. Thrpo years Is far loo long to wait for prolitablo return, ko tho plants when Gripped of tlusir itowers, aro rooted up ana citt-t to oo side, and when dry are matte use of as tmdling wood. Iho live thauffiurt U ii'ii in Furls eotixujue iu this way some- tiling iiko 0,000 plants a J'r, aviitcn xist them ono frano each at (lie nursery gardens. Tho flowers thoy produco jiel 1 them UOD.d.") francs, Uuedialf ' the crou goas ta fcreigu cohotiies ' o otiier half Is sold liero ul the 'arkets, where tho smull deal heir stock every day. I'aris fltlC'HCO Chrvntrl-: 1,1 m 1 Soineltihin Celt, 0 years ago ouo cf tho iir s lu the liver and harbor fcu iiuu of llA.OJii for im . Creek, llabuna. Tho engineer for that district 1 rinding tko said creek tho , after a aearch of tweuty-sit Jlo found a rivulet three ng, six inched deep, and threu ..do, and ou Iho bunks bo found olitary settler. ' Tlio government Las appropriated $13,000 to iujoroyo thin creek," ob Burvod the eugiuuajr, "X know Jt, ud i'ro bocn waiting," ypt tue reply. "I don't too what improvement is nccdud or can bo piada." -Ueekon nt-t, being ai you aro a aUranger, but this Ve cash was appro priatod to ahoyel down this 'ere bank no that rny old mule could git down to 5watur wiihout beakiug bis iuloroal Wok." '4'lit) iniprovotnont of Gioso Creek; was uihJo at a cost of $3, nd the on. r)uctr will tntbpr Lave to turn Iho cur- runt up J';wii r tend Hio rest of tbo - -s ; t't,kto tjl TreasuiT. M .1,1 ,11 m- l.uiwr. lr. Charles M. I resi.n, tlio no'l known seinniist, s:tvs tin-n- are in-nv veetai l-. tii-ittors whicli u. v li iiii1m tiin. c-'ii il lie meil In tinting i!i.iun;ir pi: inc. I interim nnl iit-r!iii h i as to In1 nliio to iliv.iiifiil)i tin-in fi'oin gemw inn 1-uUi-r. lli iiii-ntl -in! I th.it, tin- col oring matter tierivrul l;t m tiio aikauet loot vtae t n uo'.y I; arm. cm. Mil if used in Poi'it-inT ai'liiici.'il lmfi-r in tho nw prV-min that nhiriiio i fur I to p ',r p'-pu'.:!.) l.'itt. r. u-.u'ni it a ili' .'a!t p;r,k li'.i". W :i i t Mm-l p.iin tnision iiii'ii j.-1'iiit lily f nor m hi i iiu-'.lin-l to itid'.iniiisii tin: "oojiuj" r.-ui ll,l I, Thrpi-t.n -rllis ij tiu' t'litter now soal lb I'n i l:ttlt;i im i.t i-i nnificiui. vlllly 'f tin- nti:!l' U icily on- i;i;f li'.i'.U'i'. tliP r Jiiiiiin!i r bi'i:i rciir.ui'ii lar.l. In tiiiiiiv M.1P4 Hip ciiiiioositioii is sini)iy bcif i i:n, ciii'iinint.y ti'i-atn.i, witu lio moro p-niiniu liillcr 11 It til in N "'J'lio wnv con:rk!ni-(l in axio-rprito. in uliipli ili'fjiiaiv.'il inp. blitl'-r.lii. nml nil nrll. i iip.nl l ni! its nro sola," cud rroitdont i ' I iPdonald, of thu National Itutter, jChepsii and L.' As.-oclation, "in an joutrnpe upon tlio ronst'tners and tho ! dairy imprest of the p mntrr. 'J lie 1 iiuitalions arc sold to tho I mt-r dralei-s itnJ ;rocprs at from 1'5 to '2' peuts a poiinii, and they bur knowm; cxaetiy what it in. Their i.-uMhiihts arc not .so fortunate. 1 do not know of a retail dpaler to tliW citv w ho does not ell Hie ' artitli-iiil ntt;p! as the I'enuinn product l llic pow. t lniu n :et would it havo of I lie cow. Imi ft:et -would it havo . to o-itipel the iiianiifaetnrcra to dintiu- tin.M.i tl.,. anillc-al from Hip KpiiuIhp, bv liijk'.n tli' furiner a pink color? H by. il would simply kill tho btmines. lno would buy pink butter? Not I pvi-u i lie (inMrst lioardlllir OOU-e tcet- ,-pr. It i l i li'uli'iis to talk ftlwml bui- -iTllie kt'Pptli ilown the priPO Of pood lillUer. J lie tjocus IS fouled linon tha coiimiiiut at twioo ti.... I. a r.l.,.. :n.l auaition. tho bnvcr is doeeived a8"Mo tho Slllfl' plllchased. Ilioiispwives havo alwnvs l'liiladiilphia btPll rli In- I 1 hoiisanna of lautilip nro f-uppiied ! with fiinev roils of nnparaetlv fresh 'l,l,1.t,;f' f"rwliit It they pay big prieci. iiioicr iiiiiri'sion ui:u w Tlierin- iir lelp. Ti.reo buiii i.-s out rf four 1 i 'lO II lot !'i t what they ix poet, and Donti are the wiser for tho ixpi-iifi;ci'. The big pii tit in soiling btit'.criun and lii.p riomipdiuds are a tetnolation to tho gro ..r.mi -aii. au. I he s:ip: itl-i-s lii ; biwcesu 'O M.ir -K.:it;'. i Vi Aj.i ,',J,it" ficcov-'. e. A Xcw IiIupssp. Amang the ciirMd iii:il:uli-n wn!e'. , ,M:v:..,Vcing civl.. tiion seems de.st.ne to brinir in its tr.'uu not the least re marknble id that ou which r.iiiiini lioeiors nrp be.sttwwiug a fjood deal of ai. tontior. j ift now lite obK-jiivty of n.iin' which lias been called '). if-' I'icn t.' 'I ho siill'oi'er is u"-ually a man in ip;iv ciitly good health, and is aflneted willi no pr-miotiilory symptoms, nkhoiigii. on tho other "hamL, thero niv ..! whero the malady reetilt from o h- r diseart'i, unit is introduced by a feel ing of wenkni'si aud siel,ne.s. " It pon- prally comes on eu.lilenlv, wl-cn tne ; ,,ttu,.,it arrives at a partieuiar t!a-c or i i,i : ii... 1 n ..,r. iweseiip. i t n i tipiilar ffTsotk lie then is observed to , be in mortal terror without any nppur t m cause. The earth pcms l him lo open into aphaMU before his feet, or he i limU himself isolated by an immense nud iiupenptraliJu .-ijiaoo from tho real j of iho world. If Le is on the pavement ho daro not for his life r-tcp onto tho , toadbed, but stands stock Mill to bo i J.-'tri'd i-.t by the fctreet boys. If ho is . on a bleu, he is afraid to movo ui or I tiown for fear of being dashed to pieecs in souiu imaginary abyss. Ail tliis t.iue he keeps ins wits or, at liowt, a I great many of them about liitn. and is .sensible of his absurd position, t-unio- tiiues ho Inn cuouu'li scuku tonvuid pla. pes where tlio nttat'k has coiuo on be fore, or seems likely to tlo i again. Another ptcudarity Is that most of the sii'.l'.-rMS belong lo tlio liberal profes sions, and to tlm higher ranks of aoeio ty. liy examiirition, into a consider able number of cases iu the hospitals, it was found t'i.".t men moro often sul fi r tb'i.i vi umiL, in a propnrtJoa oj about four to one. - -Jmii ''.vic 'Every uinti h tbo architect of his own fori line," remarked a prosperous uuu to his Iriend. "Vi s," was the re plv; lhe architect plans are nlwavs beautifully tlxawn, but whntiuisorablo ) failures some jueu inae in building af. ter Ujcuj." Txplorcr b tan ley is thus photo graphed by a traveler w ho recently en countered 'hiui on the Coogoi liere bo was, seated on bis ckuup-cliuir, bis pipe lo bis uxoutii aud semi-circle of erkuing kinglets npiatllng iu frout of aim, some of tiieia (mokiog long, sieuimed, littlo-bowJod pipes Ta com placent kilenee, and others puttie many qtipslioits as to his rjocut journey to Kui'ojip, and rxvieivirig bi replis with t-jti'Kssio4is of incredulous won tier, taking their open mouths with Lheir hands. Stauley sot benignly chatting and smoking, his face lighting up with amusement at their naive re marks, while lite bearing of bis head till retained that Bomcwlteit proud car riage which inspired these African chieftains with real respect for his w Uheg ttud a desire lo retain bis friend ship." e . . . He Wanted Chance, Husband "Ji0 you know, my desar, that tho men would bo happier If tho women would follow soiuu of tbsi cus toms of tbe Japaueuif" Wife "Why you horrid thing! Yo wouldn't want mo to blacken my teeth, would you?" Husband "IVoi but (hero is ono tbin Iho Jaiutuoso women do which, if yun fxillowed might give mo a chauco to look iu tho mirror occasionally." wile -What on earth can tin nor' Hubuud"Tby ! their buir ou!y ou,'a I" ' Jur l)'e tlarUui..M A'n How Watch Cases are Made. .The many preat lmproremniU Intra-nix-ctl In tho mnnufartiire of the 3m. liow' (tuM Watch Caiip, have led to ni;iiilar im prnTpniptiti in tho tnakint of silrer r. L'ndor the old methods, each purt of a silver care wai waile of several pieces of metal solJcrcJ together, requiring a greut Biiinutit of putting and eoldpring, wliiih rftonc l the n:e(al and gave it the plialilit of load ratlipr Uiau the cWt'n ily of silver. I'tuK r the Improved niothods, eat li inrl of tho Kp.vs tone Silver Wat.-h Cao 1 made pf one solid piece of tuetal lisnuiM-red into hhiipp. The advantages are readily appar ent, fur evory one knows that hammering Lardem the metal while loldrring softi ns it. To te.it the siipeiiirity of the Keystone Silver Wutch Cae, take one of 3 or., weight, press it spiarely in tho eonter when closo.1, and it will not give, while a ease of samo i WcL-lit of an ollwv tnakairill cr! onnnuli to lireAk tho cryaUI. The Keystone Silver Watch Case is uiado only with tilvcr cap and gold joiata. S-n s mi M tifi Watak tm ftotwtta, nits 'lf . rmHr mIihi IllwmuS rsvkl-l ikwilu Saw SuaM SW m4 IijiIm. KHk tmm tr nti. IT It tviUiutud.) I qiMi:AM;Ui:K'S 8LE OF I'N- J. SKATED I-ANDS IK 3N I UMICOl'N. i Tbe Trsswrer-f nI.I sonniv. M anthniltv 10 i-""o " th" Aei ..r iMi ul ,BVt!!e Art oi Ammv 7iwiT MrhtiU": anil nni.l. mrnt thnrtie, licrrbf glvn aoilrs !!;,. '! iPn'i?';"" V'"t " shin ha V. Jt.NK wtli, isM.amo'rW k a. .. ' 'J' urairni Irom il to ilsf If Arri tf the bnlo ol Ui t'-rlnsflr tlesr-rtooil sal.l ruuatv. t smh -rM Ibstcnl sa wtV pf i "e",,y. ''' sun o-nminn mi ,.! cesisa.irawer.on.ieui l'f'imjf Tvtrnship. u ,. ioMRa. Waumi ni tss. Maty Albriidit Arais.9 p. I'ardee, A, l"l V'tl Aoili'-uy Sn.-rtlcsrl'0 lit I e 7i la 49 16 43 in : ! .larl) Albrltil l. " I htl-lian Hnl.ly Molumnn iHats M lianlil Aurapd ' J'hn r'lil.sr ' 'n'bsrn Klnlisr " Janint liannsa 11 (iiiriman 1'ruxsl " Jacob linl.ep Utt Trsel A mliony Aniror'ii 11 Ji-ha 1'roxsi, - Ouhn Msissr " hubsrt Murk el - Iftiuae lillwnrth J.'lrti litarluytr " flisrlss DllwortU ,, , ' Abraham TroxaJ Rtotrltr, Snhn (rat ,4 Sander". .I.dm t. Mutter, UiMtant U. lr nnr on'itsfift. ls-w 3-0 214 110 :j 241 '0 2'0 :ti4 iii Hi 4 0 IU 104 VO 2b0 sva ii ll 21 It f IS (J IS ss 19 U Vlt't Ul a'l 13 til II II III 21 '.'an no TIK 13 ; is -I ; V U I S 24 CrulVrhark .Kan s ao.l Kuip, .loha Kriidrlck 4ul) 146 .T.iroli KeodrU k too 0 Hi " I'eter Khads 4i)0 S S " 3 alia Wo. 4 4oo SOS - 44enry Wo f 4 0 nub Ppeohl. Mojof Jubii lrort 4.13 4 "4 I. I. n. liol.arl I. dm Myere 4"0 517 "4 II. lt Atron K. John l'ewarl il" IH Horr 1 Imaias M iry W li.ttrna 3 TU 6 17 huntiury i I,, wlatotia J .It. i'jl' l U I ramur. Itoub. u IIS lis Jiufall, lol.-r, Truflne, nitv.','ndrloU 4'i S3 Kraarla KhmlH 4mi a is Krnnria Khixle, Jr. 4. 0 330 ' (Jei.rne Wi.W 4 3 -A Xooah.Juhn 13 "I Sinn, K tl- T, t;lnlltaB (St)ttt IM "Iiii'ii. rii'an, lieertisra t'o. 41. W, Tftjiur 4: I'ranii't, leaacelKel.) s Ueek, is. L, lit- tataie ChrtetisB Mjrrj 443 " Jonn Myere 4i0 huphU Myers, 400 ' l-liiili Merl 4ee ll'iff 7.1.11 I'M' T'jM'itsl'it't M M Hi 1T3 3 n sa 3 M any, Mai Utt-y, lotk a. t;arii.'t, v. tiiiajn nof M t-.s 9 3U 4 4 ' if3 IS lit t-'i M an ji i 3 lev 23 74 " .li.hn MiiJisi ?m lAllilalil rilllHll VJJ Carder. A- Mary Aura d, '. ' I'munrlui lllehop '..It Jobo ltielnii 51-'1 Su.aouab lllaliop, 4ju " ttarsstet lllahup, ivI u SauiptoB II in b 47 Abraham t'hapimn 400 MaiB'tSJ4irl.lor b 4o0 " buiouaiib r librk 'io " Jar-oo Irl- ebat-h U " Jubu Lirvkvai 'i'Jt " l!ei.r ll i), a, .111) Joii-e lloo , 4 0 " JoiiD lU'.nao. .'r , J"'i (jauita W. HantiaB 3IS lif lnu I M. lUuuun 27i 1 Jubu 11 laaan M.'4. 10'. I 44 31 I ij 11 i 5M 74 il ,'I- IS IM 22?.t ! u .loici h kietitiiMu sui y;t " klitli.ew Motr.aoa " 71 ltUkh McCoy 4"0 21 71 " Jureph i'iIim.14 4si 3 74 Joi n Smith 40 2154 x ram-la Svlll '.0 -1-4 " (leorite Mtliloerker 4.0 5W 14 A Ion La in liosrl 2 1 li t'k a-;:iii o'b 'I rumi f7 ill i'i j " ('aaailns 'lr- xcl 40i '.4SI" Mil it 1 1 I r-aittu trui in i-u uu. , TL.. tool Arltlla 4u.i A ju 1 r ralicl. ArtllU 4'l f. '.'o I Cmtkaliank, En.ee . Kuljt, S'l.llh. A. M William Urtea 4'U 4juj J-hn Harris 4 i Ivno t.UUilllllK 4 till, t Urbja V. heeler 4"9 Ivsj lilolile. Asroa 3 14 antleialBM, E. W. SLt I p. ewarli . t'o; John vwtuisa 431 it 89 Robirt M.t'uinmlliKitt'S Weel f Auleo 241 Martin Wlthloiitoa isn i (in I il I 1 17 2 41 2 e'i 1 ID " M.h.Ja'MUier S73 - Jalillilt.U 41i " Jiaureikiult fU0 ClM tl'( Jtll'llslfjl. I Stloa, Abraham 1 lot 1" Waiur, t'oara l (estate) i le I'rnnkiin JbiniWu'p. Foliar, Win. K. Caul Haldy 4'J 17 It I' ('lirii'lun Herring 4J.I 16 VI Shrin.-r. J. W. Wllllatu Uaweri 4ve VI i rulkahank, Ktoet a kuip .lobB wd oo d ui Uvili'Uiler, Oaa'l Andrew keojdy 4 '0 II " Jstuoe llephitru 4u8 U U7 Marfanroth, 1.. it. it Co. liotert Irvla 4v0 too Unwell. Jack. i m (e-ia L'krletlsu Oettla 217 1 VI olil.J.tt. - 817 ls Apr. Mrs. Barbara U 4 .s.uil nry l.i wltiown K. K Co, flots M Smith, llllam W u Mohoob, iJoiMK J. (ealete) 37 U0 I'lnob.N. ollr I lot 15 Kramer, Eiodeilck K. 11 T VO aioUall. I'el- r (l ru.lt; ( brtnlaa I'trrlnt too 10a " EratvJa llhodal.sir. " KWsr,Jdna7 4' 0 5(GV " llrury V aii.lanlles 7T 1 S boa lid Young 4o0 loo 'lift, Asroa K. lbar.ee lull 4uo lim Miihllei:ruk 3?iiiih'). Sella'erort llnlldlntf Aeeuclstioa I lot tt M'mtue yixi'io(iV. Ntirte, Mrs. t, C. Raloef, Wllllaea Troataisa a alwBOb Line, Jobs to 1 00 M fit tlnll n IWt td) II. . ta I Ml I J4 5H0 I T 1 l ; 4s 110 1.1 J 5W i !' to Vo 1-0 IS t III s n is i t ei io is ID II I lot 10 40 tot Si 00 I lot 11 01 i :ot i si la 40 Belias, Jolo A, Uetdlug, EaaVtsr l.swrer, JoMph Leleter a arutr Mill, Darld 11. Mamaoroih. U, U k Nuolly, ), li. JValdmiuan, Kllas Hotter. Alciauder Erams, Henry Nasi, Iei4uija Helirei, (leurgs ShelloiiberK ', Kamtti-1 h'l eolieriter, Haeld Katvi'iiiau, rredeiio Mover, Jubu li. SUelienterner, Holomna Srliniujrixt Jforowili, Rosberk k lcJ.Ur4 waiter, Jaoob t, Ityers, Philip Uyan Mrs. Uar la. I'iiou TutaiMp. Ssveri, Job a A. A 8, HKCFKIOH. Treaeorer. Trsaiurer'i efflos, aliddlebargU, fa Uarob 7TE VEtl8 v1 ii ill fuTitisi'jrzr " f -M iHQaiJu. wwxW aul-La f. 1 V"B diauJUutP Jll IP II JafeTsVsY 'I M-.SPOKJ MERCHANT TAILOR Tnws II M si'iti.riM, p. ii ,.re)r u Vsnii i n n w u r III PIIUI'I RQIU'I, Clcauiiia & pyurfiriiis Neatly Ctacan ly uonc. 1 hv nl.oa ltr(i ooilrotlcn f mmptmof ...w .-.o-i rum,! mua eiitBf.r ir Y -rlc ti ti H,JI. I'crinns Minini( ) .lisvs nl n 'tl nli will it id rail ea tbe bov. Tku- iui lor iv" 1 m 7r rsp. E. E'tilTK. WARRANTED WARRANTED 1 1 lirf ml rlimn- i to irlre anll-rn. ikr... tat tnn4k rniv In v.r I nr iioinry rifiiiilril t i ii i nun .in i ri.la. I his c-ii-ir'i '-ul - l iininlt f t liir Ci'iiuha. Culila n,l il. illkciars i.l Dm Tlir-.ll, I.iniir. fv rtWK ""' I'f'iiriilnl Oih a. l-hvai. : 0rx i-l.inii iiri f-fir.Nt'iniiv"np.ini r"'''""!1''" I'ntlfiita lo lli ...v- i; iik.u piii-r-i'i; ixl in l-rliialiitt nil lh vlrlnrt Sinl vllal -rtn"liln. nl ih,. -. nrrlnai,, f... i,v,,ii nt ,iin ic.iiiiHilili-i tthat nrnnj h it - Iiuik Irlnl lo. W'r linvr i i-mnii'lnili-,1 tlii .rrm an. Hhllily il llin i nr. ami tlteri-rr itaroi.ilr nlianrptlon lut- the yal.-ni hy ranch ni ra rn. 1.1 anj K"ii-r.il imwi-r than marrly li.hallnK 'lie alrol th rinirli.. Ji ) perlri'tly fr to h token as the r;Me mnv roiiulrr-rfinsll and freonent Hunt hclnn iiin.-l tlertual In allsrlse the rxlnt ntlimlahliuv. HoM ly (i. IK. SblBtel. Ask for free mi-pis. Klnv! Cora Core. No nee no psr, l'rii it cents. 13-1-11 j Solid Facts ! Solid Facts ! ! lloii ati tiuis n in nas are arrmioei of II .. Ilm hii, ami miier hi-rl rmnlilned with tnm, thus 'until ii one lth1.i.t rein edlra In iho market lor Iho rnre of l-v.-, a. Kidney nn l I'rin air liraee, JVerronnes, Inrll-(l-sreetlitii. fjivisr P'uiii-liiln'B.aiii (4onor.il iH'hlllly. Il- lnn "n run-s-enlmleil. one holtlo rcnlnlin siore nie-lti-lpal iirniiertlra an t Tl tnea thnn thrt-e Ixiith-a i. any other Hitters In market 1'heiloae Ih-Iiik Imt lino tenHnii, i.r a wli-s irlnrs full- irovlinilmt imi So ewt B"TTI.k Is iworlh three ur lour one ilnltar ImtOi-. t nraale by4. M.MilndH, MlddlelmrKh al'aellr Kiiwi.n.'lii.p.it-4 H Mknarxke I1M, The? are j..llfl ai.a !!itltt. I'rb.-s 'i&c. RELER'S -o- Nclinsgrovc, Ta. rrjIIIC twi(Joi'6igt.J wonlii rcBpcct- ftODounce lo Hie public Hat ht utill ia tlio oM, with lLo most completo fitock of i'uruituro iu tL pounty,' wbich Ibe Tremendous Sales if (lio fast few months jutitifus Liio to bill at bottom tiricee. Tbo etock concibts ol Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Stands, Lounges, Chairs. Matiesses, ! bd 1 everytbing io lfa Furniture line. Call sod eeo for youraelvea. Ktspeclfully, LJCVl RELLKK, Dm, 1,62. Selinsgrove, Ta NATIOIALHOTEL J. M. HOUSER-tProprletor. This hotel has lately baB reatt' d aailrsfur Bl-hed, taaklaa It Bottiiier 1 holal la all re. peats Ne peine tllda stialrril for thBacBoiH' BiadatlaaBf Ibe trarellBH nsl'llo. Elealoe; parslte will Sad this una of tke beat plssee la (tie souDty to stop at I Kod OaUlas a its imiu'iiiate vioiuily ol tue aoisl. A sr. a, St. WILLIAM MANN. Blank Book Maker Sta tioner, and Steam Power PBII TEE Vi Iiolui(vlo eSr. ltutai lio 029 Market Street, WlJLADELl'HU. 1 rom ytne. 114 JVite i Sitting rric$ Marked V AU Hood Ih guret. ., . A.pt. lS-S, lUcrchtuit' House 413 'sfc LlCt NORTH TttlUb 8TUVXT. riilL'A PA, Terma QhQQ por'dny. mm on fcvtft-a.. 's.a.t Lewislown i MARBLE WORKS! D. R Stratford, at Low Ihtown la iirepiireil to furnltdi MONUMENTS, Git AVE STONES, AND BUILDING WORK of all kind'. In ths ncaett aa asadlonitst d ilKhs norked out of lb Best Marble short noilns). All work wsrraoted lo give f.in-i'ina. e. rail sad ssatnln my mntrrlatsad bear m prlrei bufore l-urohsilnK-alarwhric. Jaa h, ti. YOO WILL BE - o , fyn rnilar that rid Pump wllh s new or ' ml Jo n.it Aral narefully laiulne tlio , Buclieyo Force Pump. ; riia IliicLsye lelhs vary laalsat Improv. men , In Humps, 11 II eonatruslod wllb slr-rliainhrr ' Whieli nilkn It af In ltn.nl. . ll.iaM-ti t e a'ljchad lo the Huraeya Pump, ami wsler ran hellirovn apnn any tinlldluK fn -ram r Sr. foil raa rai-r Tour Uardoa and Yard, Wasb "Wluioaa. Waah ksKMlea, and have s FIRE ENGINE everreair on yonr own preinlass al no aiors oc tbaa so ordinary puiop. It Cannot Freeze In cnH weae.. Oorahle beyond s donht. The very pnicpfor deep wells. Tua work ins parte ant leather anetiuiia and alrs thlo pnrre lain HneJ cbainhnr. Hulhlua lo d. cat abuul 11 Tbo Iron Turbine Wind Engine Is itaoa arest linproveniSnt IB Wind CiiRlnee Pall and eeo liiean pinnpa lu operation, or for parttculara address V. C, BRATTOJJ, I-a-leloe-ll. MtfCia county, Pa. Oct.IOUTI.tr, THE WORLD CHALLEME " Thla llntmi'iil ha lieen Iran nhirlnrrd and lord lor twenty flte yr.ir.. and our Inniiine a hlo 1 ertilii-etrr ol eore prove It In he-a.n nnparnlli-e. rie-ri-a!. Wedn md iidi-r It Intern al Hentedy, po.Hlroly sseert Iiik Ihnl suv linlini-nt Hint run ha Inkc-ii Into ihn etiiiiu-h without Injury ran hat e little elHcti y In aellntr a" n eiireine hun externally .pli.-d. Vim will Hud u trln I ol It the hi-t i-ertllh nt nl lie vnlim. It lr the only I.intinenl ins le i n tirely i.f Oil- ai d i -hsli-nire the world tor Ita r.iiial. W ar ranted in p-tva mii'lnetkm or inoiier reloaded. 1'rl- e vJend Mleetila per holtle. Sold hy 11. M.Shlml-l. Mi-lillohurah. 4t-t'aeKIaat!nrn Cure. orHre. e I'ay, 1'rlee tH rt-nta. lce.,'kJ.ly. Sure Thing! Sure Thing! Tor tho api-d- and periu an- e'll cure ol llliirrlii-ii, tvi-utri r. IN1II0, thiih-r. Cholem TRADE lt?fl MARK "f!:'!";. lf"..!!!. k ri "1111-141141, wi x uiHiri-ii jvuiU' '1?t,'fci I'llftiW I'O.rM iiltle In lid po.it Ion. Wo run hearillv r 5tVA?4AVIm,lllnl,,ll, " t"rllaite.y 'uti-1 rl&y'ZyXA 'i-,,M,,l elhvls III d the gru'aa wiii-i I'ltei'e.i-iiriiitr "tinniii re- 9PiS)lt i ttt '""" loir snd heel a-Ji .iia i 1, vur,--. 11 im-vit llll'e. rjilil I li'd.itihiti iit Iu alilnniiiK 'r i a 91 1 """ "" " pro-liii-nl 11 ninety w.i-ii i-iin eiiintl I hv rdliil l;illr In the iiuiiihei exci-lli-nee nl (a polnta mi piiliitiihle mid I It-ana ant In 'ln.tH-.te Hint it .iil.din InHietti of iirodtieitiir iihuii-'. 01K11..H 11 ii- i 1 lln live with I'hil.lr.ti I'm Mnletyi) M- Shl-IeK M Id. II .-intra Ii. I. -t m Dr. Sune.ia' linpiiiMl l .'U.nidr.iko rills. 1 vhy srs til 1 1.1 mid elfculivi). I'rleo Hi C.-nt.. J. ft. si:i.in;i.Mi;ii IIEAI.EII IN iron, riaiis, Steel, Leather, Paint3, Oils, Coach & Saddler Ware AND MAN'JFACTl'RfcR OF SI CI VON V TIlMVni'f MARK KT 8TBEKT. I jOWlHio-VVTs,. NOV. 3.T1. Hotel Cards- National Hotel! Hy WM. HOLZWORTH, Hi:i.LNif(uu)vi:, rA. Reoiodeitd, liefurnlahed apd Improved, TU muni i outran ii.cicu nuiai m itio luwa. Ir.t elaai accoiuinodalloui for the traveling public. Anrll II 'S3. ' aimiiui.1 U1U1IUU1 AJlUUiXW II Tlio lolltnviiiir IjI.iuKh will itlayt. be found on Laud at tbe 1'oht Ti jot- ng office Ore Lertewi Hluuk Heleancfl, Agreeraeoto, CooRtublo .Sales, Warrtuitei, fciecntiona, Bulipoenm .Justices' Puds, CorttficnU of Robolart-Lip, JuilRineDt Exemption Notes, Fiuauciul Ktuteiooot on Slroul Hoard, ivc,iVc,ao. AU Idabis not on band will bo rn'ouiptly printed to order. t MIE NATIONAL HOTEL JOHN B.FOGKLKR, Prop'r. Bollnwtfrovo, Pa. ThUBotelfeslesaaBUylucayUdlji Ike "eeoara. aad la varydealrabla plarefo travelers leaop be BSSTof aovowmodalloaest Lowratt-e. I H onealoppliiKonee wlllbeeure toeallasals. Tb at ol liquor lu the Pat aaryoraleiaes KMtaarsBiiaeoBBeeiinti w. atir.iv.'e, xn 18 men shingles ! Every Bundle Warranted! Clear of Sap ui His! . FOft SALE HY Tu II, IIAIM DIC, MIDDLEBURGII, . - PENN'A. 8ALESIIEN WANTED! Hood reHahle men sell our N K W t'U I ITU INI) Mr atit ALTlea. tlOOli U A LA n V lor aid bonul. aeltve, suarseslul Aienla, res. sddr.aa, Mlvli-a ess, and references l - r-vfvvv' Catarrh iui - 10 ii 1 ai n in o ny iio.lri'-. fains l-.ly's Cre 111 tt.alw a -hull tii-.e I wns en Pre V t'-li Ived. My !i"i;d hop net heeti 01 ti-iir nor Vim-.i so t o a In - ern t rr. -oii.mi rid thl sdinli iMe r inedv t nil .tl- dnti.t with eitsrth or roiil" In lio- Ii 'lid t. II Tn-li.ie. M..r .( atit, KliMhvth, JX. J. Iwssantl ted with citiarrh nml nil. I In the It-nd. I H'wl Elv's 'renm H11I111 HAY-FEVER which cured inc W II. Mllltiirl, I i.-tttlxt, liordi-ntnwn, N. J. K 1. Vrs I' II I; A MMA1.M cnitsea n pain. Olvi-s r-dli-l 1 t once, t'lomif t tin llond ('! ho til: liv ii-renoii. Almtea lull. minis- Una I'revt-nla In-ah eiilos. Ilenlalho eorea. He- eto;e Ihe aena -aid latin and -101II. A I'lruimli iretitini-Bl "IU euro. Not a llqi.ld or eniifl. Ap--.1 with the ttntrcr. ' ct-nla at ilniKKlata. O.i ii:its bv mail r- tiMi-trd, S -n-l lor clrouUr, Kl.Y lUiuTUKJC, Uwear, Y. VAR ! BOOKS. tiEVEN OKKAT Miar.MtrjllK'4 of Iho An eliHit Ui'lorn World Hv ir.nar. It awmksiis. "Vht more 1'UKIUHI.l". than Wnr T ime H In- a w.sr itmontc pnhll"ho, then what emit. I he Hkl'I'lV.H. lor lelolclna: teaik-hntere? Sm h a war la In pmirrnaa, I' In-a r'e-ei Irom SIS no lo tt.4o. Sirclmen pas;ra frest. Not nd.t hy ileal era 1 nrleea tort low. Iliane for risnilnslti'B Ih- (nro payin-iit. JnHS II. Al.l'KS, I'lilillalur, IS Vcety M . AGENTS WANTED! Ths IHt altyTa ntv frff e Mnmt tU4k,rm4f f 4m "IS Tf.AXS A 0X1 10 TRAM A DSnCTlVSe" hf AH nrntmrXon. J.lltvllMlBal pPft4HIr4bttOWv111f . Kwfiiti mnm tnniiintf ksHlitasl r trla r.ra, iVe4t4rill)t, PaltVW Otf sUwtKM, stWaww ruWrB1ttr, tlnrf ItVt, lllutV tNEVtRSL1 tarr. iiorNT or rue TTOTKD ATTHOIt, tntf tiimai4. ihtlilloffif inrraiing. Mrlta rabldlv. rirlar ftstl tinsfaatal t mm of r. M. UK WITT, 44 Armk VhUdHm, V BOARDING HOUSE. III K unsIprfiigDed LaviDg made -I ample pt-epa-atlon for the aceonitnodetloa 0(1 lie pul lioanuld r apeeiluliy announae ibat he win furnlth lioardlns snd ImlslBg at the rateef seventy-flvs rents a day or twenty-flvo enl a meal. Ntthllna and ferd lor borate (nrnlthed cheap. Thoae sol having iTlsd his table ar respect full v Invited tocnll, ead they will not no away Meealtalted. Hnrisie a few doors west of tbe Court Hoar, tt4ddlAluimb, Vs. USSKIM. BI-.AV lit, Dee. I, im. 1'roprletor. C65v AMdNTII ami ItflA'Mt f..r threo nun-.: .Men or I. ad lea In rai-h comity. AddruM I W. lKHI.Dlt a CO., I hllaJej Ids. STAFFORD'S 5 BLACKING -EXTRA Gives a MOflE BRILLIANT SHINE -s THAN ANY OTHER. IN BOXES WHICH PREVENT SOILING THE HANDS. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS, a, S.S. STAFFORD, ' New York. SELIHSSROVE MARBLE WOBES. ft. S. rfshcr, .1 Si llOHuf-ve, Snider eour.ty, Ps., ii t.rriav edtolaralih Tlouiimiuln, Gravc- 8(osies, ami fiSi.ili! Ins Work ol all kind ta tho peweat and hsadsonioil do Ikds, worJo-O out oi tbe Be3t Marble a rhort notice. ATI. WOHK W A K It A N T KD TO HIVE KAlltSr'AUTIU. rlosis ea'.l Bad examine my instcrlnl aad leara my pilrei tefor purtaiaaifig ol .re juti.J, niM ly. Salks M n a Alv I r. l u ro can raas for the .Hie of ( Inipre. ftnaee and other Nil scry S'oi'k. Steu.lv rmnl-ivinent etierii. leed. SAI.AKV AN II KXI'f-lNSKH 1'All) try Monro. CIIASK HUOIUKlf, UiHbe. N X. IKefer Ul laii pior.J April 1, 'S4. SBLINSGROVE MUSICAL EMPORIUM. Head miarters fm musical crchandise. We save enBitaatly on hand aad for sal all Hredae of Vlanof, ttrm i and Violins, al prices lower thaa au be hoaiuhl Iro.a Buy biasr bouie la usuirel I's. w . uauate ine S0H0NER PIsbo erhloh bow anrparaoi all other4o power, Brilliancy of t-oe aud aorsuiiity mro ibo WIIBELOCK Plsn wtilnh Is second to none. We are alao wb.ili isle sad retail skoiiU lor (Central Penn. avlvanli, for the fuliowfnit orgaui, vizi The Celebrated Woreeaisr UfKaa, Ui. Kb a- Eug aud rga aud tbo , Sterling Organ. W. defy conpatttloa la prlo. fur th. same rade u( ioatrtiioent. Call at our waren omi lo Keeley'e block tbiee rioore shove lbs Na tional Hotel sod be ooavlooed. HALCM a APP, bellnixrova, f. April U, 'M. S, F. SHEARY, Centrevillo, Snyder Co., Pa. Il Onlj tint aUm Hlosftf CaniHitnlei fcji) erDntetl . Bark Wanted ! The lilaheet market price la isah will be paid fur prime luitihl li' ok flak Umk tlolivtrcd ' P"" cu'llllloa 1-1 the North Amorliau Taimory i ia l. wifvwn,ra A p- Philadelphia tnd Rcailri liall lipid.- a e Arranjjoment cf Passenger Trains MY"lliCl88,. Tmii$ leove llanUhurg nt foVovrt Tot New York, via Allantjwn. I.M and . 9 5'j s. at. 1.45 and 4 OJ p. m. K.ir New York, vi i lilladelphla and ' nrnad liroi.k H. i le," T.Mi a. Bi., SLd 1 4f In. . 'or fhllnilelpliU. 6.2V J. Jo. o.du am . 1.4.1 and 4 on p. in. nr K. sdlair, S.39. t.ii, T.e, ll.M a. ., 1.48, I .to, snd S ao p. m t ot I'idlarllls. I 30 ? V. s SO a. m . la ml e n. bi. aim via ttchnyiklll a Piouut-tianna llrst.cfc st .: a. ta. and J.n'i P. nd J.n'i . 0-, r or A Mel low n, J. SO, 7 to. (.lu B, m., 1.41 afil 4 .co p. m Way and Market for f.shsann, 4.00 a m. Runioa WedneiJay and Sstuidaye only. Sututtnn Fef Allontown, RsadlBKSBd TVar f tall, OS, 7.oo a, m. and 4 ou p. in. Kor I'hll.iieli il!, 7.i B. ra. and 40 p, no. TVof in (or Ha, rivburq leave us J'olhu i t I. rare New York, vis AlhatOWD, 9.P0 B.ra I Oi snd B.4I p. m. J.eae,, ,ew ynrlc, via "lioond Brook RontsL and ruilsdi'lphla, 7.41 s. at., 1.30, t.tw. ,3n a. ta,, and IJ.l'O aililnlubt, airltlna; st Harris, bore; I.M, g no, 9Vtt i. B.,aaJ 14.10 aad ( 40 a m. Irerhllftdelpbls, 4S0I.M s. m. 4 0, 1,90, snd T 4t p. tn. , l.eav. Hiittivllle,.nn,aoOa. ra ,and 4.4 n ni.' Leave Headlnr, ro, T.t'i, il. to a. m.. l.27 .l, 7..'., sad io il p. m. Leave Fo'tinlle, vis Schaylktll 8aiine bsnna H ranch, I .IO a. m. and 4 4o p. m. Leave Alleiitowa, IW t 40 a. ni., ll.lt, 4,80, and V vi p. m. Way and Mirk-t leave Lel-aaoa at t.Ota. ai. Kuos oo Wtduerday aad Batudaye oaly. l. -vNew York, via Allenlowa, (.SO p. ra, I'blla lelphtiv, S.30 -m, r,4i p. at. Leave Headlnit v.tm. m. and 10 SI p. ra. Leave Alh utons at 7 Jll s.in.B.ol p. m. fsTcr.i.iov im ii. Loire llMrtlalitirK lor PailnB. IchleT, an4 Mh eltnn dally, except Hun-lay, t.St. S 4o, V. ro., 1 .81 and '.'41 p. m. dally, axcrpt aatnril an I Knnday, t..is p. u aiid oa fsturdav cnlv, 4,to. nd t. lo, p. in. Ke'uriilna, leave Stirllna Aellv.esrert fvn diir, t in 7 ln.Oii II 4H a. at., ll.lt snd 10.1.1 p, hi. dally ex. opt Mnturday and Nundar, .l; p. m. and oa Saturday only, t.ioaad 1 10 p.m.. J.E WOOTTKN, Oen'l Matitigor. C. O. ir.WCOCK, (ton l t'.ms'rit Ticket Act. Fab M4. vtl n 49. SUNBU2Y & SWISTOWHH. B. trrsTtfrABri pis. ST tTlows. KAaTWAn. p iu a ui 0 16 0. 2.1 l Wit won .co IN.67 R 44 ie tt S.m S 30 a-.'O H.ia S.I'S S.nl 7.if 1.47 7 40 7 8 a in 7 Hi J.ls 1M0 Tvs 7 ai T.ss 7 ta 7 M 7.67 1.04 h. 10 8 HI I 2 tot a r- S.44 S.tJ Oil Hi It p ta 2 t l.'S 910 S.l) .17 IS S!l M t 4i DM S t 4 (H 4 It 4.21 4 St t SO 4. SI 4 4) 6.01 4.10 Lnwtatnwn J. JMa'a Street Lewlatowa Aleltlsnd Falntet Milndle Wasner Mot'liire I.VT tua 4.1 t a ti n 17 21 !J M !U a i ss 7 81 4 4t Ill 1-10 4-04 t 01 4 tl tit riaoh's Mills Adawiaburs; Ili'Svertowa Henter illiiillehurgb Meiaer K rcniner Fawltoa Sellna;rovs .:) s.is 3 10 3 01 3 .7 ni 51.41 tt! iiiO Sellntitrove J,, Bunbury I am. . a m 7 00 I 20 rhllaletphls, New York, Hultlinoie, Va;U ntoO, S 00 II 20 W.JJ t so o in t lO 7 40 ft. to S.i9 30 N UWEIIT fit" THIS SI M A I'l otvnru.i with di' riptlen id i Jcmiiid niiir. we v ui ri-nti yon -i --:i ll on nil I'.MNIIMI mi it hcuntlltil Toll ho W i no rlii iiio, t-'l lot her hluh, or l r flo. 1'nr nlu'n I'l.i.iio, uiiuiniitteliiK (l'"d llkt-sua. JKil.ST8H A.NTKH, Si-ml li.r t'lrculurs. Ad I runs, tl. W l l'STKH a CO., 5.1 l ark I'.ow, rtn York. V rrtTS - V .rrinn "al -!ijw4'py a-twera" rfejcrCTnTlCULAa 1 1 nttrrr rnnrn. f, n . .tt SIMM 30 UNION SQUARE NEW YORK. tfMe-,, 0AN tJufid ILL. ri.i-ja. rOR SALE BY CA, CHlCAGa BOCK 1SL&H0 & PACIFIC IfT By tbo owatwl paaltlon ol lie line, eonneete th. BlaMaatd ill a Weal by vheetioitc.t route, aud r- iaa Maaariiffai-a. te-ttboul aliaotf . of sore, betwiMSl iailaaae aud aoea (Jtty, Coutuitl Bluae. x..aveo. orU. AlublaiMI, MluuiHtpulla aod at. Vaul, If oaueate la Unloa U.p.il. with all Ibe priiulyol ineeof roadbaiweeu tbe Atlautiuond Iho V.uiua aOiataeaaLtfi. list swuiyiusu. If uurivtlr:4 tvud inkusi- 4ju, bctUt ItulupustiLa ui isaotia wuuii wrist wiv sy CosfubM, Mt(inrtcil Uortvun Ms tVU1IIU In ILu World. TLirett Trtu tt.twaon C'Iuaaa J ah a UlatMiiliri UlV.lV Pol lit. 1 WO IV MUM bStWtft U Cbl 4M4 Ma MlUUSttpollU oVIed Mt, dVsul.vi I U 4'UWUt "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Jiraot Lino, via Bullosa and Kanka. bae, ha. ruo.ully b-oo upload balwevn tuokwoad, rturiol. N aw port New a, l!tiatlmiuua, A it aula, Aua fuata. W oal. Vllle. I.enievillo, LoaiuKiua. L'nialliuall, udlanapolia aud llairetta, and Omalia. Uiusaaa ulla and tit, 'aul and ttiurii0llifv pointa. Ail 1'ErousU fawuint liav.i ea t'ael KxpreeS vliotefcr aaleat all prlnulpal Ticket OaVMeht Mm Uuitod Suata and t:.iida. . . . Haas-ma shanked ihinueh and ratoe of fere il mays aa lvs a ewuuetllore lba4 er leae aaveae iordetalled lufrmMioa.eot tbe Ksps end 1A i .re oi in lu CREAT ROCK 16 LAND ROUTfi .,,0 our Baas eat 1-lukAI OOiiie. or addret-a I S, a OAHLtT, . I,sr,dJHN, . . J I 11 IIIfflOfflE v f ;-; ; v ' a! 1 ' v --T7t il!I7 (A who ia uaoujAi no wn m imi utooaaeMv or taae OOuita M J 1aaT1f - I in1 i liar' Ur:1Y 8PA.HN, Prop'r. ' . " ' wt ... riuul'k:ti u iiirii vu a. 'i ti i i ii a ur a i as a s ai nt n. n. i ii v i. u i. rin a. eiea.4welHi'r.' U'i TU. M.tt sta r3- .i , a 'n FajM.'..,' V .1 w-iain wi i Lamw . 're. a'l . L. Vt VI, M, rtKMUJAJtLB k OU,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers