. nwAf f r- .4 jrt 7 f V (1 r - - 6 ,, U am ' ; Every rt po . If the j, v. d. a'" - ii r'tt in ' n Int li ltd r't j good J Tat net. Wb fide n i uol Tb U at? 11 tO Ol II cl a ! eant O elm tho cm i on foi ai da H al w t t l l 1 RUc ftVlhWthuvnh l.rtel ,d4,c'1' BtM.D,mrt. K!ine IToiuled Rev. Wampole, tyvvu waiyu JViJi.ignarJiao ol Ada Clik.h. Adjourn!. -HY- j lu tbe estate of floor;; A. Snyder, Afternoon Session . . . ,...UM,mi.cu k.i . l.U-Vf.lioiml fxerciJWB. Minnies ieAd I ..... ol ,n """" Vl ' ami approved. Treasurer, Ifoi. J. Queer box based opened with BATES OF ADVERTISING n. I'olanjn, Ho. Y.arv mehil t'oiomn. tins Yimr, ....... Tincfuurib t'oimon. . Vrar .... Vtoii Mlonnl I'.ixrA. iv.f Auditor, Kin-iitwr, AtlinlnlMraior, ml A;nn VjtlOfH .. .. fi'.-O Vfh'n on t'C,,il rrniiim'Dtif inu la, all I' r'l-fM I'if.rl tl (or lent TiiBO inui.tlif. ii-. wi par inch of fi- lnr.rln I "0 ' r"i'.o c.il rt-ruoo and T cent, lor arb i,: .. . .f, UbMriloo. Uepublic:in TuUcL For Co;f rt""". UH'IS I'.. .VIKIN.Sti.V 4X Juoiuta roiinty. iiv Senator, . I. PoTTIiR, f Pt'lltlNf roVf. Sulj'l tottio iIi'i Ikioii f the J)i-trii t t'otifrreiiee.) T-'ur Afni'inhly, ii. At.ru t it M jiocw, of Miii'lifhnrich. Fur MurilT. MJitn. mii)li:nvakth. of V.Vft Id'Mvcr. For Trviuri'r, CHARLKS A. ltnl.KMDKU, of 1 "riiiik tin. For "o:iirnl.iiiii('r, JOHN MOIIN ,.f .,.tr.. nn. I JAMFS . lUK'SKHor Fulwii. 1'or Ancl'tor, A1AM SMFl'l! o! H.-itvpr ntnl i. W. Hlt;Ui:U of Wifht 1'orry. For 'urotier Iit. K. W. Ttxil.K, if J'refluir. of .Suuen T.'liicii anil Mo! lie I'lrich. LiciLtu wh pjranteil to u!l wbo nilvortist-d their ialcctiua t) npply 'Mia r'xcrntut'a adioioiatrutorV ami gniiiliitn'R nroconuts, ami the wiilor niiftisint:Dt9 m ftdvcrlincil for tui.fu uialiou wuro ncte l on nr ('(irdiiily cxccpt tLoso Leicaftoi lUlOtil'ULll. Common wealth vs John Heed. italic ted forf las. plca guilty, onJ ri'toivcJ f!io usual eoiilauco. rwinmonwonlth s David I. Uork afcllow iudioted for tclliny licjnor nilhont licucBO, tto defunduut l.nv- ali:c!i was ajprond. Tbe Iyer, (ippuiutcd K&va. Haas acd Clccaetoil A. M Cirpeutt r a committee (od reeolotions. Cliildreu's taootrj'f id dressed by Keva. Unas uud WoW polf), fulbwud by Clcofl, Carpentfcr Sait4i. Topic. "Relation of paretitr fo. S.M Diseased by Wampoje, Ulot8, Stuitb, Carpel ter ami Dr. Bru. Aijoarubd. Kvittiog H'.fioo. Conretitioo con veoedtat 8 o'clock. Devotional cx' rroiflos, minnles read aul approved Topic, "Wbat in tho relation of pastor to the Sooday School of bia chnteh. Opened by Rov.Clocw, fol lag pa.J tlio cosle a nolle proamiuc j ,llWOll by t3T a niol;ou WRH ObtCltd. j tlmt tLj8 topi(J bo dfopyoj BQ j tbe Commonweal!'., va Jamoa Shnffer, : history of SaoJy Jfchoola in tho laiuo preicDao tuo jury lontm tue uc- Vlaniv le t(ttfcU -D. Canicd. Rov fendoutnot puilly and devided tLe j Yulzy read a very interoetioff article cobis utiweea uwu aun iuo proeicu- ot, lbo ftftor wLich the next topic, "llow Bball the Sunday School protect Uaolf against impr opcr mask- and litoralnro." Opened by Wm I Moyer. (Jn Motion of M. L- Wag- Igonscller the address of Rot. Yntzy of tor. lu (bo cstato of Elizabeth (ierlarf. dt-e'd . Adam 11. Wnlter appointed KUtirdiuu of tbo minor children of Biiid decedent. TLo ShtrifV acknowledged deed to J'ho Uepnl'lican N itiounl Con von ti in in evasion at Chicago this u t i k has not yet Biicoixidod in making a 'coufiiujod on Ilia Knmlav Kctinnl ITinlnrv Vul,ntino Walter, Tlwioai Nowuau j t,l(J Countj. WM iucorporatod in tbe and Oalon I. Ilolhboo. . niinntes. The Preridont appointed Iho Commonwe.Uli va U w. II. ; ftH Kstcui;vo CommilteP, Carpeulw. Heaver and Elms Ueavor, indicted , H(a9 nnJ C(U. Adjourned. lor fomiilo viitir und iUta:rcr, the t.,.o,i, v.,n;nrr isiiuyuuu imager, mu, r,u,Uv Mr.rnSnir. Conrrntion !.,... I il .. .1. ... l....i ... t ..:n.. ' J ' ,,JUU" luv u-n.mi.iui fjum; rnonCll a V oek Uov. Ctirna of j but or-U-rofl thfiu pny tbo cohIp. i cirw,.,i.i -,,- -n,i M, f..W Iu tbo oMnteof Iiw U. rP. j 0ro okcted advieory mombtrs of nocuinatiou for l'resident. Tlie two ddrys have been spent in nkinniHbicjj. the (Jonveiition. Tho topic, "Is a normal class a necopcitv in our Sun lay School woik." was ably dibcnes In tl.ooblato tf Joel Row, dee d , II KT 11' . i . I ; . l ..cn.y.,. nppo.Ulou guar , . .Jn,i tv,iC''Tha Christian 8ab- James tJ. Itlaine in still tho favorito j U,"V " u' ra,n019 Vl muu t,tctatDl ! bath-its peril and our duty," was ,'ial'm,L" u,,u lo lU0 ccora oi (nfJtt cooiacrej. Tho Convention Clia.ha luihns administrator of John ! Ulf.n vote(1 tQ hM tlie Dest convt)D. Kubua dec d. j tioo ftt Middleburb, to meet on tbe In tbo tbtato of Henry Vi'olf. ,ir,T f Tn!..- f r. I . V ' MIV 1"! A KV,l7t tlillll lS8d. A. M. Cuiey olectol prinmii- canJi.l.itp, though ho suflored ft teni porary defeat in lbo election of chair tuan, which was tbo liiist inoriHure. menl of his Btreugth. The field huh doe'd , order of alofor tbo paj incuts vonibiucd ogaiubt biuj, and his onn-1 f debts awarded diduto for thai inn d, Gen. Cliton ous and J. C JSchoch eecuudus. at Lomnnsb.ono.B nppointello ex-j ael..gati to tie noxl SUle Conven f ftl tliuli liniiiiiln vr linu lirtt irrin A.I.,.. ... ... ... a . - m t mimvmumm r -v v v m m I m . .. a I ..I Kill llll I. . vas dereatod Jy ox-conarffinia;i . . . ,. u un uiun umv c.u.w w J i auieand ( tntio townships. tM n,u T,.c,n,. n, ,,, lMW ai. I . .bo r Jj c..Z::Z. ZZ or a. m uinjoiiiy in n in ii voie oi pii. r Lit ilcc .l , nwaruod. particulars Dcxt week. CCTOT riiCCSSLIlTa. Court convened, Monday, May 1831. Present: Hon. J. C. Jlucber, President Jndgo, S. A. Wetzel and J. A. Sicith, Associates. In the estate of Kmm.i Jane Freed, dcc'.l , Henry Garoinn np poiolcd guardian of Frederick Freed, a minor of said decedent. Coium;nvvoidth vs Oscar Uowtr, indictment, assault ant battery with intent to commit a rape. Jury found tho d efuDdaot gnilty and was , eentauced to pay a fine of one dol Tipstaves appointed. John A Pol- Jar aoj 'nUlit.rg0 fln imprisonment tcrolf, A. D Kramor, J. M. I'-inga-' 'at seperato auJ solitary conUnemont man and John Dorn. ifor ft pe;ioJ 0f thh teen colander Tho resignation of Stabl. con-j tuoi.lhrf. stable of Union township was ac-j t tj0 CHti0 0f oah Aiglor, c. ptodand Samuel F. IJordwau np- j jcc ,;Xeeptious lo tho account of puiiitid in bifl stead. I .fnatlmn Grimm, guar Jinn Vc. In estate cf Ileory Dnrngatdoer, Ju Ul0 waller of Iho publio road lecl, repoit of JoLu II. Arnold,, j,, (;LUI,m;;u towuship, report (? F.M1 . eoi tirmod. viewers cuutinued uulil adionruod ju ctiato oi .Jacou .oeci.riHt uec.i, (j-t Carey tbo following resolution was adopted: ll:eol 'i :if, That all Iho Sopcrin tcn.lciitfl in tho county are earnestly le.picbted and expected to bo pres ent ut tho next County Convention, when they will bo called opon to ina!e a verbal report of their school. Tho cou.tuitto on resolutions rnadt their report which was adopted us a whole. Adjourned. report of P. 13. Cower, I3b. , con- fumed. In estaffl of Mary Hnffaalo, dee d. Auditor's ri'pi t ronfu'iucd. Iu tho ei-tato of Hu6Hi:)gor, dcc'J., inquest awarded. Iu tho Cbtalo of John (1. Glass, dee'd., order of talo awardod. Amanda Doobler by ber next fiiend bo , vs. P!bn Doobler, eub poena in divoreo awardo I. In tho cstato of Mary Shrador, dc c'd , report of J. (J. Crouo, Kh.., con firmed. fn tho estate of O?orgo Ilannan, dee d., return to ordor of sale uud alias order awarded. Report of viewers appointol to uppisiso school lands in Reaver ounsliip continue 1 absoluto. Rt I oil of viewers of public roa.l in WutiLiu-tou towuabip conlirino 1 Report of viewers for pnblio roa.! ! iu Heaver township continued nuti. adjourno.t (Joint. In tho mutter of tho review in Ceiilro township, William Moyci bubatittided in pi it'o of J. 1. rfwei iart un.l or tor ordarcd, to report to next term. Viewer Appointed l i Uy out pub lio road in Muuroo township. Comt adiourue.l until June G In the estate of Catha.ina Weiner. mi ih t a j , ty. i. c i , lepori oi a.. . i oner, r.wj,, : i g.j c "i .nimed. liiaztca cf ths Snyficr County S. In tho estate of (leorgo D. Miller, ilf c'd., order ( f sale awarded. In fbtato t f Inaafl Weiscr, deo'd , report of A, W. Potior, Esq , con tinued. Intbeestalo tf Samuel Slroub. Oeo'd., return to ie-picst und order of t-lo awaidi-d. In estate of Jacob W. St infTer dee'd , return to order of (u! lu estute of Cathaiine Weiuer, : T. ). Cleese, Piosidout pro tern ibc'J., J. It. Hail, appointed guur-j i.rst t .pie, ''How bIiuII wo ujuke diau of the ruiner ebil.lieu of i-uid decedent. In estato of Piimnel Stronh, dee'd., or lor of sale a .r.rded. In the eetuto of John S, Koouse, dee d . T.Lunard Hover annoiuted gnariF'..) of S, Kuonao a Uiiuor of b ',; 1 I' f ,i:!jt, mi CMtr.Ui of David Hassinger, iii cd., result of II. II, Grimm, Esq , ocr fumed. In tiitnto of Jacob Groj bill, dee'd., ordr of sale awarded. Iu the matter if the acconntof 13. R. MeCium, report of A. V. Potter, Esq, Auditor confirmed tiidi and exception Glod to said re -prt. Prudeolial Mutual Aid Society of Amorica vs Amanda and JoLj Kiietor, rolo granted upon tho tuid eooiety to show causo wLy tbo came of John A Keitter should not be Irikea from tbe reeoids as a per. Bona I stay of execution groclod Kf.i.tsiiiovK, Pa., May 20, 18R-1 The 11th Aouuul Convention of tbo Snyder Couuty Sunday School Association couvt ucd in tho Evau gclionl Luthevau Church on Tuesday evening May iiOLh, at 73, P. M. After dinging and prayer by Rev the piu, "now Hiiail wo umke mis Couvoution a Buccess." was taken op. Opened by Rev. Yutzy, followed by Rev (Jleeso. Second topic opened by A. M. Carpenter, followed by Rev. Cleese and Rev. Haas. Dox- ology; booodictian. May 21. Convention opened at 'J o'clock with Pres. Cleeso in chuir. After devotional exercises tho Cou veolion proceeded to tbo reception of delegates with satisfactory results. On Motion of A. M. Cuiptuler, Messrs J. C. Scboch, Rev. Haas, Wm. N. Ili'imbach, were appointed a committee to nominate officers to servo for tho cusuiug year. Com, reported, Pres Rev. Vutzy, Rjcord iugSeo J. C. Scboch, Cor. Sec ,Mr, i 13. Rower, Troas. A. M Carey. Reofcivod. 1st topic : What reform ueoins tocosdary iu Sunday School work, was taken np. Opened by Rov. Cleese. Oponer limited to 15 ruinuttB, otbeiB 8 miontea. Topiot "Temperarjcp and 'Sunday School," AoiioiiciiaoiiceOuiiQDiilin Owing to ill health I -would nn ounce to my patrons and citizens of the surrounding community t hat I liave to dishaudon the mercan tile business, till improvement oi health. Would extend this time six months to my patrons to settle up their accounts and would say that 1 will keep a full stock of mer chandico for the next 90 days and will positively sell cheaper than any other store in the county. Very Itespectfully B , . M , J. W. SPECHT. Beaver Springs, May 1, '81 I A i 3 A wm H"yPb.cr-itif r ill OPECIFIG rou tiuc BLOO D, AJVD A Positive Ciire RHEUMATISM Keiralrta, j S0AT1CA, UIBAfiO, An Infklllbl. rwnAdT for ll rilwowe of lh Skiu rueof Scrofula, THE POPULAR FaaraSliKuire G-flo&as OF MFFIIH COUNTY. Every department full and ready for businesi. Tbe Largest and most Carefully Selected Stock of WALNUT & PAINTED CHAMBER SUITS. evor shown iu Lewistown. Sixty Chamber Sails, prices from 82"),00 to $125,00, being twonly-five suits more than ever on band at any one time before These anils arc all gotten np in good style, make and fin ish. Nono Rettor, and will be sold low for rash. Cull aud inspect good and bear prices. REDS, CHAIRS, R UREA US, SINKS, SAFES, TA BEES all kinds JIATRESSES of all kinds. FORTY LOUNGES from f 5.7o up. Rep?, Rroesclfl, Tonys Hair Clotb, and Velvet covers. We take tbe lead iu these goods. SIDEBOARDS, handsome and elegant, Onr own make. Ail Prices low for Cash. Our desire is to please. Our Motto t flood Goods. Low Prices, and No Tronble to Show Goods MCTUItRS, PICTURE FRAMES, etc., for the million. W. H. FELIX, Pro. 1vO not let your lmiggut iKaniwd. yon k ik If tomething .to, but If bo hu not rot H, ii1 will not tend for It, writ, to M ami will irnd It to yon by eiprou, tmpll, oa rcctpt of price. ....OnetottifpebolllrVfif Rtimmntla Syrnnwlll clear the irntrm ffflllo. mi l cure any rax of In flammatoryor Acuto l.lmuioaiuuu, cr Neuralgia. Thrre to dr. botllra wlU euro EryilpelM In its wont form. i Four to alt bottle are warranted lo cure corrupt ud running lilcen. Four to lt hnttlat are warranted to ura any oaae of Salt Ilheum. Flra to clbt bottle will enro tbe wont From two to futir months' o of PbrnmaMr nip ill cure ai.T rase uf Chruulo Kheumatiim twenty ycen' mending. If yon hero been nurTvrcr fur yoan, and liavr 'ICR'VliltALeiA 1 nn1 Iilood, luub a Tctfr-r, Klnrwnrm, Scrofula, rryaiprlna, Plmrla It liintthw. find la the lt H.m.oy aii pflm yoU cmij a ear of, Willi no plalnu .ml Weil lr-!taU' rto not be diiwuraged, for Rhouruallc wi, it da eiirwl Syrup will cure you. liiHUjee of the Mrerjprto., aji.oo per bottlei 0 bottle, for fS.OO. min t rcawdicg luw A Ben1 OT om InPhl ' TwtunonlaU, etc, (alld. RHErM AT1C BYRtT CO., Rocheitet, V. Y. FOU HALE UY DUL'UUIST.I Price $t.JOper Uottel ortt bollles -ESPRING " Meeting cf th3 D3m:crat'c County Ccnvonti:n. Tho Democratic County Conven tion met in the Court Hoiine at 1 P. M. on Mondaj. for tho purposo of uominatiug candidates for tbo dif fercut county ufiiuers. Tho coDven- l tion orgauizo.l by electing F. E Howor, Es.p, Presidont and Wni. II. Moyer and R. C. Fiss, Ee.i.. as See ictarirs. Tbe list of Delegate war ihen called over tho wing a full rep resentation. Ou motion Messrs. W II. Moyer, Dr. J. J. Groenhoe, Jobi ('. Kreitzer, John D. Rearicb ami John M. Daubciman, Eaq . weit appointed a coramitteo on Rosolu liuu. Tho Fiosidontof tho conven tion thou announced that comiua Hons for tho various couuty otllcoit then iu order. T. J. Smith, 13q., of Mi ldlebugh was nominated fur Congress by at lumation, w ith rower to select Li own Conferees. Hon. Simon P. Wo! vert on of Sun Iniry was nominated for Statu Sena tor, by acclamation with powor tc appoint bis own conferees. J. G. Lebbtr, Esq., of Monroe township was nominated for Asaetn bly by Acclamation. Nomioatioua for Sheriff being called for, Tobias E. Rei'z of West utuvcr and James P. Smith oi Middleburgh placed iu nomination Mr, Smith immediately directod the withdrawal of his numo, nboreupou on motion, Mr Reitz was nominat ed by acclamation. Moses Krebs of West Reaver war uominated for County Treasurer bx acclamuliou. mo ioiiowing genitomon were then placed iu nomination for Couuty Commissioners. Tsaao Erdley of Pen op, D. F. Kerstetter of Franklin John A. Moyer of Chapman and Deter Klingler of Mouroo. Mossrs Isaac Erdiey and D. F. Kerstetter were declared tho nominees, they bavining each received 19 votes to 1G for Moyer and 10 for Klingler. Cecigo Daubermauof Washington aud Q. W. Horubergor of Perry were nominated for County Au ditor's, by acclamation. I. Grier Rarber M. D. of Middle burgh was nominated for County Corotor by noclamation. Tbe committee on Resolalioua re ported resolutions denouncing tbe great baud of 1876, whereby tbe AmeriffaQ people were Afrauded of S. OPPENJIEIMER; SELINSGHOVE, PA. Wider Fona Draw. Wou dor Audam on de Afo obea gawist bedda fum Solly Opponbeimer aoim store we sie im gor da gawest wora don betta aieeich net gaboddered miJ laob blotter, tot Me Vile aUJer aea Uonnav dos Bee net ma gakust bolta and ware ma wee bissness gawest. Are but glader fer bova fer f 1.35 de suit, nn for tnenner sons wenicu mair. In hem mer beat are ollna dos ich nit lava gasanna b p Wisoe hemmer fer Suodog, nn oily sotta fer war dog. Si goods is alfort ust w.trj sogt dos es is, on icb kon forhoftch gor net sana wee do lite see eo wolfilo mocha kens. Are hut no aw bols .1 ichor, Furnishing goods, Satcheln, Trnuks, Revolvers, cn an lot onera 6ocha dos ich net waso wco mero ea deilcb bast, over ich vase dos see wolfilo ein. icb bop ene gafroght was oro will mit bo feel htrow biet, do lat are ea moul uf garissa dos erne der bate op gafolU is an but ganoght : "Doso will Le all sold before d J season cities or I am a liar I ' HtMOUS JfOAPT. KINO. 0. R. A. IIIATOBV FROM TUB BATTLB-FIKLD. Hhwt how KIIm h m m irorvd la dT. How FfteMor Uiatr ba lorador7ft ilurUtf Contnii. A Ortvsd Book for OK n4 reviiX.-8ftVM luur ii4i IHi At-Morv. Cite fiatHrt mmd nstrmttton. Uiflud rlii lllaalrMiani. taifc Waalifl vtrrwft4We SEEBOLD & RUNKLE Having just opened a magnificent Block of General Merchandise doaire to call tbe attention of buyers to a few facts that will not only please bat Astonish the Public ! They are now offering good brown Sugar 4 pounds for 25 cents and all otbor Groceries at corresponding prices. In DRY GOODS they have to aulimitod varioty of everything. Women' Hobo at 5 cts. a pair. 100 PIECES OF DRESS GOODS icrging in price from 8 lo 75 cents per yard. 100 Pieces of Cottonades at from 8 to 25 cents per yard. TLey Lave also tbe finest lot of Stone Iron Chinaware iu tbe county, whilo their Btock of Glassware is Simply Immense. OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS, ROOTS & SHOES, HATS Sc CAPS, Ac,, in fact everything iu tho lino of General Merchandise found in Great Va. riety aud at Bottom Prices. Follow tho crowd aud you will find the placa. MinT.F.RURGH, pi leclaring Samuel J. Tildcn the1 choice of the Democracy of Suyder county for President The County Committeo was then ippoiutod, after which T. J. Smith, Esq , the nominee for Congress, up jo invitation, appeared beforo tbe conventbn and accepted the nomi nation in an appropriate address. Wm. II. Snyder was them elected Jhairmaa of the Standing Commit teo. Tbo convention then adjourn ed sine die, well pleased with the rosnlt of their labors. Aivico to Mothers. Are ran dniarb.il at nlubl .ml broken of your r.. oy a ! h cuini tunenon a nil crjim wiid i tin oi ciimuit t.eii.; 11 to.ienil at on aim gai a bom. nu. wihulow. nooTuisir bveui' rim Chilkikh Tikthimo. Id ralm li liiruloulabla. it will r.llcv.lb. puor II. II turl.rrr liniu.ilati'ly. DidJ upon Ii. Uitb era. tb.r. It nu mldlake oboul It. It our. lv otary aud OUrrbo.a, r.KUlat.l the itomaer ana uoeni, eur.i wiuu ooito.ioll.n. lb. guiui. rt'iluao. lnHiqmi tion, and air,', tan. and cn fKf to tli. wbol. avit.m, Hk. Winhi.ow'i POOTBINO o VKI P row UHlLDa.M J BHTHlWll I, vlaaiant to th. tail, and I. tb. rreaerlellou of one of tb. olde.t and beat f.uiale aurraa and and ! for Hair url.l. frloi Uajai,'M ly ui no, hi in uiuni idu vm inuii rhyiloUa. In tb. Ualtad btat-a, 1 ly all drugglau tbruoguout tb 1 !i4 e.uti a bottle, U Tb. Great Kv.nU of Hlntnry In On. Volume, II, Hot i ii,.' DILIOUSUESS. Bilious symptoms invariably arise from Indigestion, such as furred tongue.vomltingof bile, giddiness, sick headache. Ir regular bowels. The liver se cretes the bile and acts like a filter or sieve, to cleanse impu rities of the blood. By irregu larity in Its action or suspen sions of its functions, the bile Is liable to overflow into the blood, causlngj aundlce, sallow complexion, yellow eyes, bil ious diarrhoea, a languid, weary feeling and many other distressing symptoms. Bilious ness may do properly termed an affection of the liver, and can be thoroughly cured by the grand regulator of the liver and biliary organs, BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Act upon the stomach, bowels and liver, making healthy bile and pure blood, and opens the culvert and sluiceways for the outlet of disease, sold everywhere UFTHU WOULD, v Cait. Kinu, IllSTOHY t'KOM TUE li.Vl'l'LE t'lKLD. Hliow, how nation have ten iimdo or destroy e,l In a tiny Hew i'auie or lMaler bit turnuit nn a uliiala e iiitenl. A Ontnd lotk for Old oi Young Mann Time Aid tli. Mumury JIi' Klvajur. aud inmuatiuu iuai biia rmeiuu. intiun.. AOtNTS WAflTEI) EVKKY WHERE Heml fnr rail danorlptlon and tanni . AdUrera. 4-Vi. lis. J. O. MofUKor h Co., I'liilt. OH THE MIDDLEBURGH (In old Post oflico room). DH. I. GRIER BARBER Prop'r. Always keeps on band a full lino of pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines. Perfum inuggiaio ou uncs ind other miscellanooua goods generally found in a first class Dror. Store. Also a full line of r CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ! a V (TRE WINES AND LIQUORS for medical purposes. Pbysiouins yi icriptions oareiuuy oompounaea at au Hours ana at reasonable la'.e. I. DRIER BAVJim Residence on corner, opposite U. B Church, MiddJeburgh. Pa H-.'L -l.'J. L . 'L'.a IL PINK ami BLACK Kilpctl AVADS. DM1NISTRATOR S NOTICE ti.rt af Adrulnlitratioo nn Ih tat. f Uam.l llaing.r, late ol Watt ft.at.r lownibip, nnyd.r oountr, ra., Utfo'u, bavlnii ba.a grant.d lo tb. andar.lHn.d, .11 praon. knowing tli.ui l. Iml.bt.il to ald tataair requ.dad lo wake Immediate payui.nt, Wbilt thoae bavlog elalmwlll pro.ut Ib.uiduly au tbanlloal.d to DANU'L H. HA8SINOEK, HtNHY id. II AHKINOKR, Illay 1,'Et.pi Aduilolttratort. FOR HAISI1T3 rl'MriNU, Fl'llIFY- and cooling Well or UUlrrn wat.r. It Ii tba only Uetaior (or rump) mat win uenrey wat.r lie. and wlusl.ra andlttiebaenlv ui.au. y w felon won oroUt.ra eater aaa be niada nnra. Wo will liirf.lt 100 fur toy lauaaoe wbera a I vl .Ut.ro .annul b. Miria.d la tan Sana. aUad br dturlntlra -4 tlrealar to lb. Pltiabarg rlfl.r Co . filth At. and u.dltoo ft., flMPbUfg, -l.'J. . 'LLil 1 L '. ' L JJL'Jg.". J. B. REED KUIVUurtY, 1.. Dealer m Breech & Muzzle Load! 1.0 oGiins. Brass Shot Shells & AmHrnajtion. CARTRIDGE BELTS & LOADIM 1 MrLiEMEJN TS. CALL AND SEE MY STOCK, Foreign ui American DodWo and Sisile M-iiif SHOT GUNS, CONHTAN TLY ON I1A?T. Full line of PISTOLS, CARTRIDGES $ REJVLW J. Ii. REED is also one of tho larcest STOVE A TINWARE DEALERS in this section of the State. T-TTBmawaoaaBiiaaa nun rr BoTaflU Al.ff. ff.rUlVlra. iff. aU4 B ea A m a1iojaa 31004 CATALOGUE FREE In the. aiuU 9rfea Uawed by i i,ckW9l il. 1'rc.y .d; tTSr : Ws ha JZ-' HinAU 6ICLBY tco.c. iJl.Tt. of Uto Ittost-aou U - A . J l
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