The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 05, 1884, Image 1

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    ' ' '
ItlhTlflT if KlflfiFifif ni
v V a.
Ml . - 'It A - V
He that i i not towon is ft bigot; ho tliut c.umot Is a fool; ho that d:re not U a ulavo.
it ... .
T. H. UAUTEll.
'.' '". 1. 1 U- ( -- .. ""' I 1 ! . 1 '..
I " The Old A ret In nqbber.
JSew hatrr my oM rubber arctic ere siow
! The' days Of the Wfulnree will won be
how VSil t reajetnber, 'twee kwln end
ThdTyYh" larrti tbciiiomt from Ike
JDolb'wigsl" sad Vennor predicted a snort.
Tbo'nortli wind wit howllnf and fait tbe
I bou ht'thein end paid for Ibem wo nd
.' TbeirnucW robbers that served me so
Jbe eVsrctlc rubber, the OsnneUlncd rub-
' Thebw srctlo rubbers that served m
'' It
Tbef sere lee protocUoo -wbontwc a bit
NMthtnow drifts. knee-Wth, bid beid
walk, and Mm't,
And dHr, bile butnorous f sdisns-es I sole-
The Iny near the
M.of .be desk at , ,
Fur runpidoroi often tber served witty foi- chair In the most comfortable iioi&laa
.lo"' ... .., -1,1 .inriM to w,tB reference to the wind or tho nan.
Who eame to the sanctum old stories to h haJ y pngn
And TaAki stood thrm drlpplnf iiaibreb ln her onilcnco. Who she. was, or
I The SI. .rctio rubbers tb.t served n to 1 wby ihe had those to mako the voy
wHis K "il nncoirvpniiuauil tiul cci't-
rTbe old arotlo rubber, tbe flnneHlned rub- j tr0 wa. f remained hi cn-st n niyftory
llie old sretlo jubbere that sorved e so
' " .. . . . t
Tbe biieli'es tbai
flittered like
At tuny end broken, their ruin compM
Tl,e.lJ..ofth..olCiadlhe heel, d-sccleo
That mke me took lo-lecd when walk-
rut.tbo.,!.Vber;,;.a wk now la tole, b.el
and upper'
Borne hungry fosfs appotlteyct they mny
py furnliiiitns; htm with a breakfast or sun.
. ..... 1
Tb.wcld arctic rubber, that orr,daeee)
STie eld srctle rubbers, the nanneHlood rub-
.w-bT.,?,. .. !,.. J
jirm ivii,i'
rVimervllle 3ouroaL
Neither tall nor short, nelthor dark fche put thotiosHon aside with a lit
nor fair, with hair bctwcendarfc A .iewvof the hand.
torown. ana eyo. iuo Kit a om as 10 ,
WUCltrur moy -were xrmj r unaui. ouu
1... ...nL I!.,! i.i. n ) f ..nrtnv-l
tainiiea and contradictions as led the
imagination captive ai tno urn piaqcu,
nnd offered a constant Uire to anticipa- j
tl,in;. . . . . , 1
tvueuierwie epose or rcmnmou
lent, whether she walked or. at, cipoo-
tation hun? breathless
noon her next
upon u-r no
avoru. nor nc poso. iier ryen, vary-
intr w.m ffiiiua iiiRir iiliu. a itiiiin ntiiiu
the esa with ac indid rav that aeemcd nL"' lxa uou "y .on au extensive husband htvut-uneof
tne jess wiin a c inaiu cay uiat scenic 1 tlmt ftBJ 1. g,10 conljnut.j M jui, ,huM wnion ..i10 ...,.,.. il ..,;,,
tho very light ol truth, and her fresh m..ta . ...i,iro of nin.riJ "I If li; on,un ' u-J look nt a sm
TOouth, with 1U xnilkyteotU showing ! lUere toi loll L 3n "Ln 10 1"'r
between the not too-iiillmr lira. Irre- It V.?i! ' IV L!? "1.1. 1 ol1 walking up the aiJ, with a white
. ai.tlbly suggested
, ai.tlbly .ueat4 the .Wetol use. to '
which Ji)3 can bo puL
The howily moving steamer had
flowed through half tho great Atlantic
rollers, and the fow passenger, had all
yrown noaruiy urea 01 oac.i oiuer.
iWhen .he .uddonly appeared for the;
4ir.ttln.-u.wm deck oolta aIiiM rt '
grown noaruiy tirua ol oac.i oluer.
first time upon
ca;ru and
r. . ? n 1.
elf-cententd the small
i .-i T .l . .i i i.i i ;
birds that soiueL mua saolaod tbomselvca I
upon spar or bulwark to gather breath '
ur ireui oiizui. ...
It was Jul ins II l.Ur whn had rt'n
idisoovored her, leaning against the
euipaniunway railing. wu too air or
.a,., K ju UIU. p ur ms,N cum
llfirillv tlnfAfinirtA ivMnh lskssl'lsirv ah1
scntly at the tumbling water.
Julius 2nd his friend, Austin Drnko,
were decoders from a guy party who
bad made the tour -of SotuJiorn Europe
togcthor. It was Julius who aiad lnsii
guted bis companion to desert the oth
r. nnd take the (Joruian stoamor for
'Mow Orleans direct, whiUi thon touch
od at Havre, instead of crossing by
n Cuuarder; and it had all grown out
of the obstiualo dotcruiitiatiou ou the
f nrt of his sister to attach Lex party to
that of Mrs. Amolielt.
Mr i. bruollett was his choicest swej
lon, a pretoutlou. intriguing woman,
in wboui the inatch-uiakiug instinct
Jiad been so developed by the effort to
establish bor own live daughters that H
could not rest sntistiod with the accuw
plisbmcnt of that gigaatio task. Glio
ocmodiehave an endiuss vupply oi
nieces, adopted daughtors, or protogca
of some sort whom she dangled osten
tatiously before the eye. of all eligible
bachelor. She had improvod a clinnce
jneeilng with Julius to announce to
him a now acquisition, a Uvely young
icreature, whom the was taking homo
With her from a Swiss Pension.
"Mr. Smollott's owu niece. Mr. 1 111
der, and quite liko my Fanny at bor
age. Youreuiombcrlannyf Site wa.
your first love, I belle vo," she had
said, with bor ogling dowager aroile,
and Julius had folt hlmseH seized at
once with an (insurmountable aversion
to the fair yovng nleco of Mrs. .Smol
lett. In tho first heat of Indignation
Stgalst his sister ho had conceived tnis
potable scheme of crossing by tbe
Havre steamer, and though it had not
in its development ptwed to be emi
nently amusing, ho had novor omitted
4o congratulate himself and his com
panion, night and tnorning, pon tbe
jgood sense they bad displayed in adopU
inglt v
"No chattering girls or designing
dowagers," be would say. and ho
yawned over the book or the dull game
with which they strove to be Hove they
were amusing themselves, "jvo a man
time to pull liimiolf together and take
account of stock, as k wore." 'Stilt
when one of those aimless pilgrimages
below which formed the only break in
the monotony f this occupation, be
had nearly ran over this pretty voting
creature leaning again. t the railings,
A thrill of undeniable pleasure bad
coursed along bis nerves and he had
felt blmsell blushing with pleased
i ortunatolr tbe sea-tan ad renderod
the blush iadlsliaet, but. over the light
4bat shot Into Ids gray eyes ihe sea-tan
bad no power, nor rot over the tongue
that stammered as he tried to convey
lils apologlos lor nearly upsettlug her.
and his oflbr of service iu conducting
iier to a seat
Thank you,' .Ue bad an.werel
Aoollv, "you did not startle me, as J
aw you coming; and 1 am not sure
that I want a soat,M
There was no more V be laid, an!
tier maid appeared at tbe moment with
a bundle of parti-oolorod vrapa. iu
Jius oould only lift bis hat agsdu and
Mryouthis purpose of going twlow.
M he had no reasons for going accept
an fca WM tired of staying on deck,
as tbe deck had now acquired par
; wt"i titranti-n, ha iraf fca bjsck
Jo the TwoMitlmo itlto ymn j Jdjr bnd
ninde p her mlinl nbout tliu vu, And
lind fotmd -one fur licrsulf c!oso agninst
the ihlp'a tide on the weather quarter.
Itwti nwta pleasant location, liutna she
had chosen it, and ha4Trnijicd a largo
ahawl aroond her In an nce'niive acvrt
of way, he aw no platiaiblo grouuil j
lur inHirienng.
Notliinjr could haT been nrnro dis
creet and retirlnir than Miss Lltou'j
behavior, but tho urrtecrnnco of the !
man who find hlran-K bored by too I
much of hl own and hit alter so-1
cletv, la nn Incalculable force a-iwat I
which no woman can sueenssTuiiy en
trench lierseU, ajjd eo It wna not loni;
before Drnko fovjxl Miusolf rliininatoil,
oa a supcrllttoui l:etor. fmti tho tutu
of his friend's 4Morvinent, whoBcvisr
Mlis Kllou Rppoared abovo deck. Ilia
aucceas, however, waa more npirareitt
than real, fur although ho km w her
ntnm tvla n 1 1 .. .1 I
- ""r . , "
mm it linil Imnn t,n IhnL munmp !!. fint
ulay. It wu tho cloo of tlio tontli
I 3ay, dating from that of his diHCoverr,
land Juliu sat benldo her In that iiiti-
ln(l , fc
roaJi, , inP
main lHsiiiun urun 01 mo lwiiiticai tt
the atory wus ti-eUlied, and a jlnnee
ad J. ihe a..m-ariR to bo wrap,
ped In thought, and hne'atbiiiff l Iimm
jtn Lnlf-veilcd rlauces.
"Three mora days and we shall be
home," liealiC tousin herself.
,.y0Uont tlM Uj., u
"Aro you enffer to bo there P1
Ne: neither cajrer nor rejttctant.
mri I I....... ..I . I.... I.
will lie nice to be on sboroAin, too,"
Wliut, or rather who. It Koinr to
ruako U uioief Anybody iu purlieu-
,.you ro curiou
sbo said, luiH-j
- Y.
Julius bit his lip. Mi was rtir!oo,
and this waa not the lirtt tiuio alio had
f0ij,., ,nu
..y01, Wftnt ,,.,, to kt)ftW
nnJ what I am." sbe a.-ent
OI1. 'IO'l'
buvo made a. dor.en
. . . .,
nftiimiitei tik
evhr. Wh, diHercneo
, z , , . i
would It make to vou? If 1 wero to
tu .. lht j n " a Dlec0 of tho (jov.
at 1 . . 1 1 t 1
. w . "k "!T. . 1 l'
. .mi.
"buppese, km tho contrary, aho
went ou Impetuously, and with a cer-
tain warmth of tone that sucniod to
l( ( ,njuroa ,j ..j were t0
.'11 that I ntn an ornJian without
5e" w V?1.1. ?m. prpiian witiioiii,
aoriunc: mat 3. nan tusi tuonoy cnongn
,. i.jl r' .,t
ao carry mo inroegn 1110 ionsorvniory ,
. 1
- Is
uuie. wnul.l Hint lower mu in Tour
wuuiu inn. lunur uiu iu jour
regardP" ....
Ju ius iUH reraainod .Ilcnt perhaps
m ,lul- Rba,lloJ
uy iue rcsuu. u U.s
;own tcei0llly
1 . - . J
'1 sou lhat I have embarrassed vou.
he said, laughing. "I shall not iii.iat
liuivnwiti iuUV91l tVCt lit 14 3 tii. i
a.i.i..i.A..w- i.,.ti.. i , i . . ....:..
Klin frntliHrn.l uu line mIiiiavI nnil h.wtlf i
us .ho sjioite, and uonjc a iwotion to'
riMe, but Julius laid a dctaiuiog baud
upon bor arm.
"No. no, yon mustti't o yt," be,
exclaimed and tin a dewiness
! in her eyes ns she jtmrued them toward
niin, wiifii twuelied bun inexpressibly.
1 niu embarrassed, not so imicu ty;
your Hypothesis as iiy sonioiiutig in
myself,. zinco you luue reo loichoose
between towo briHiUicHcs, 1 will tako
the lattec. ou are. thou, an orphan
without fortuno, hoping and enpecting
to make your living by teaching rauslc.
ioprovotoyou now itttio l tteservo
your implied reproach, I will confess
wnat I suouid Dave concealed Horn lao
sjoveruor's ulcco. Miss Eilea, 1 adore
Mr. llilderl" sbo exclaimed. SDrhi'r-
ing to her foot, with flaxhlug eyes,
"Well," he said, quietly, 'you.
challenged me.4
"lou are impertuirsit, sir. ' and sbe
swept away with dignity.
Sbo remained Uiely shut la her own
abin during the resnaindor of the at.
terneon and nntil quite late in tbe
tnorning, when Julius, who had main,
tained an anxious and impatient watch
on deck, found her In the saloon sip
ping a cup of tea and nibbling a niece
ox toast by way breakfast
"I hooe Tan have fonrivttn mo.M lia
saht taking a seat beside her.
'iiwt I have not," she answered with
"Which have J offendedthe Gov.
rnor s tneco ur tho urn ban musio
ioacherf" ho askod with a sancv smile.
"ilotu. It was a daring imperil
neneo to one and a pioco -of insolence
toward the other.4'
"Well, I don't see what I'm t do
about It It isn't tbo sort of thing yon
can expect a man to take back."
"No," she said, looking absently in.
.to her cup, thon suddoaly realizing
that Ihls was not Just what she should
have saht, she hurried to add, amid
a contusion of blushes; "That Is, f
course, you must take it back; at least
yoa mualn'.t soy anything mora hoiU
'Hut that's latpesslUle,
'Mr. Hildor." " JV
'MUs Elton,"
"I think we've had enough of this.
It was my fault-; I am willing to admit
that It was wretched Unto on my
part and I've sutlored all sorts of
things in conseuuoaco, She waved
her hand toward nor cabin as sbe spoke,
indicating that It ys thus her hour,
of retirement were spent 'fet mego
back to the (question." aho continued.
"You asked aue whether thoro was any
body to make it plea.aat tot we on
.bore. There was sm yeaaua but uy
own perversity wby I ehoala ewt have
p.werod at ones. No, nobody that I
am at all aare will care to snake it
pleasant for me. I have a dear old
uncle who has always te very good
to me; but tvhou be hears bow naughty
I have been I dou't know what ha will
ay to me," and she puckorod fee
white forehead Into an espManloft mt
fii-it)Dunutloua perploxlly. :
"Well." he said nfter waiting some
time for her to resume, "is that tvl?"
"Thai answers your mio.itloe, docj It
"My question as orlK'niallyp'rt yes,
I believu it does; but it has been so
atupllllcd that yon caa hardly vtpect
mo to bo aatlsliod with thai a eager
'Aiuplj'fiedt I don't understand."
"These two Inpojalous hypotheses, for
Instance wero ti.ey loth "pure fiction,
or which was tho truo statement,"
"Iloth pire nretltions,'", he Ptlurn
ed, lauhln and bltinblng njain. "I
ami nt that brilliant eroature. a gov
eruor'a nleoe, nor yet that sioro useful
ami resnnclnble ne, a tenuber of
music. Tho governor's niece was just
n bit of eatiro. I traveled a few weeks
onoe is ttmfuy with ti rer-
l son. d tho constant lUfaiKxa with
Iwhicli alio dwelt upon her title, anil the
I amount of respect It seemed to inspire
I' In the minds of those wlte iieard it,
(rnvo mu tho hnpressiiaj that it the
highest rank a in married women
,icould attain in America. 1 think the
j Impression must lie well founded, ton,
I as 1 noticed it p reduced quite an t ft'jct
upon you.
"'ot llie effeet yon Imarine. I waa
f tallied fur a uiometit, J confess but
aitnpiy so of a slight coinci
dence. "
"A coincidence! J)o you know her?"
nd a hut blush and a lovk of coiNter
nation sat together unoit iUt resh,
joun faco of Mm Kllon.
Never saw her; but there was a
lot to make lue cross the ovcan with
six'lt a person and a lot of other wo
men, which l defeated by running
OliJ you ran awayf" aho breath
ed tlio words ont iu a startled half
vhisner. )fes, they went la a Cimnrder. ntnl
my friend lrko and I blipiKid oil' and
took tis steamer ol Uufm."'
I ilie lcwikod at him with widely-opened
cj-ee for a moment, during which
he decided for tho fiftieth time that tho
m .. v.v W.'.VU Mill! MU, JIJIV,
ns ho h:id deoiiled tlio other lifty
"Why -did yon ran awayr"" fho askod
After a moment's consideration.
"Well, you nee, 1 was with my sis
ier and two or iliioe others; just a nioti
little purlv. alt llie ladies married, mo
0iow didn't alwavs have to be nn nnr.
n La, I a l.Tll v
x ' " " ' W mm,,m,m, I 'll I W I I II1SI
... r .
.M. ar !. 1!. ,M'IU":
"u '' nmwr iw ii, imu iier neaa
... ..-... . ...i.. 1 .
' about tho uontiuent with a lot of iritis
. ' .J rroou.s,o at
411s oaoK. ana VI10 lias always Just tho
Cirl 011 hand ho will walk up tho oth-
r aUlo , whlUj ifltjn M
,i0,uaruiy ftt ,ho unr. j h!lll UQ fmacy
- iw,i. ... . .i,f.
,u " 1,PrlBncoa BnKlr
"And the governor'. Ilioi
uiocu was one
at tha vlrls?"
' ' " Klrwr
lni.iii mvnrnn
"roaie governo
iSonie governor', nleco, so I hoard.
10 imurhty tbirg yu
Lome, ovuddonco for
.nntlilmnw. 11
For .ole answer, howovor. Miss Elton
igj kftck lu her cUnlruu hnsaQ
,B h immoiU.rMoiv. juilM lokP,l at
I . - - .M ... el.. am K ' n m
i i u
h ulliliu7tUm" o lho nUor. wh(
wero beginning thoir prcpiirations (or
"I hove na donbt It's awfully funny,"
ho aditad, as alio wiped tho toars from
berlieeks, "but I could enjoy it more
if I knew just tho point of vRjw frunt
which yon see it"
"IVrhape you oould," aho replied
demurely, checking an impulso to laugh
again. "Wo seem to bo iu tho wuy;
supposo wo move."
jL'oiuo on dock.1' ho exclaimed, ris
ing with alacrity and offering his arm.
"Thank you, ni, I don't feel quite
equal to tho deck this morning."
She made bim a cercmonloua -obeisance,
and her cable dor had closed
behind her bcore ho had fully realiaod
Jor purpose.
She did not reappear during tho day.
It was their last nay at sea and Julius
was In despair- The Jutties light was
lu sitrht when be netired, aad when he
awoke in ihe morniag the smooth glieV-
Ing motMB of tbe snip announcoa tnat
tber wero lu tho river. He was la uo
baste to see the low shoros of the Mis
sissippi, In faot he felt at the moment
that die hated Xbetn; yet be sprang up,
dressed with dispatch and mounted to
the deck. Everybody was there but
the one he .ought lie stood near tho
companion way, watching furtively aud
stattiuir at every step. Sho lla not
come, uellhor was sbo at tho breakfast
Tbo hours rlided bv. the city rose In.
to view, naseenirors oamo on dock with
ache Is and umbrellas,, prepared for
going ashore, bnt etill that artionlar
cabbv-door remained closod. They
were at tlio wharf, the staging was run
oat, ana a aozon or more citizens rusu-
ea across wiiu tnat strange eagerness
o Inexplicable to tbo voyager whose
eagerness impels bun In the opposite
direction. Julius, still maintaining bis
watch at tbo companion way, foit in
solf gently put aside by a tail, gray
onireu geniiewaa, in a orown coat
who weat with careful haste down the
brass steps. JJe heard a little ory. and
peering through a skylight he saw Miss
Elton m tho arms of tho gray-haired
Kintleman, her head pressed against
e brown coat and her eyes upturned
to meet lils speataclea gata.
"Her uncle!" he muttered poevlshly,
'who tbo devil is he anyhow?"
He moved dlkoonleutsdly to the side
and looked at tho people hurrying
"Hollo, Julius! Going to spond tho
night aboard f" cried Hrako coming
up with a duly chalked valise lu each
'Ou, Mr. Ulldor," exclaimed another
and more musical voloo, "Walt undo.
1 must iatooduco you; Mr. . Uilder has
boon very kind to me."
"What Julius? Why, my dear boy.
how d vcP iiy v wrote mo you wero
coming over with nor." His hand was
grasped with a hearty prossuro, and ha
found himself gazing into lb spects
cieu eyes oi jur. oinuueiv.
"Ob, stupidest of stupids" 4
claimed as bo thrust sliinw4 ae
brttshos into his valise la the Mivaoy
(Of bis cabin, "Dogged by Ihe ftiaoliatt
egress alter all. by JupUort" ha adeW
as ho gava a lust twist to his fair mus
t ache before the mlity mirror. Ane
His luUe Needs Toning t'p.
"Wo nro running pretty fait now,
ain't woP" Mii.l u drummer to his com-
fan ton, as the traiu wh'csed along at a
ivtJy rate. "At least thirty miles an
iiotir." replied the oilier. I "Thirty
tnilesf We ain't going loss rtim a miio
a minute," "Vou are lay 4T. We
aro not golug a bit faster than thirty
five miles an hour nt tle e-utslde. I've
boi riding on trains tt twenty years,
mid jou can't fool ta'e on tbo speed.
I've got it down so fine I can tell wlth
lu a mile or two just how fast wo aro
"Ton can. h?" replied the firht
epeaker; "vo you ban? it down
tine, ehP Xew. I'll Just hot you 5 I
can guess 4 loser to tlio nutnlier of ec it lsi;es us to ruu from one mile
post to another tlina you can. Is it a
goP'' It was a "go.' The neey was
put up In nnother drummer's hands,
and he took out his watch and stood up
to the aisle so neither of tbo wagerers
oould son Ms tirier. The passengers
who had overboard the conversation
gathered nround to see how tho bet
Would eomo ont. As a wl.Im tnlln nool
whizzed past tho window Die referee
:ri-d "Now;'"'
Tbo contestants looked etrt of tliu
window nt tbn linn of w ire fence and
profession of fnst-ditapicaring tule-
graph poles. "Time!'' tried tho drum
' ruer iu tlio nislo as the next laile pott
j clewed itf i.lf hio A'oeling instant. Ev
ery cv4 waa tisruud to tho makers of
the wagec. According to agreement
they Avere to write out tho number of
seconds they guessed atul hand the pa
per to the referee. TJiumau who "had
it down lino" did Ibis very promptly,
but ti'o auo who had started tho con
vercaiion was alow. 1U had Homo lig
wing to do with Ills lead pencil.
Tbero was considerable- excltetuent
among the on-lookers, and several side
bets wero made. In a few moments
tho drummer hud completed bis emu
lations, and tbo refereo announced:
'X'liurley puts It at one tainuto and
forty secouds. J?ol mnKci it ono min
vie, and twenty-live second. The act
ual time by tbo watch was one juimitu
and twenty-four seconds. B jb wins."
The wan who "had it down b'no" but
missed it by .fifteen seconds aud bis
nuiiicy took his defeat ia good humor,
but begged Hob to tell him how ho had
worked it. "1 hadn't oulit to give it
away," cuid Hob, "Yau-o I'vo been
nittk iu' about 14 n week with it all
winter. I usually hit it to tho second,
but this time 1 forgot that I'd bad only
one drink this luoruing." "What h:us
your drinks got to do with it, I'd like
io know?" IVIiy, you see, it takes at
least four drinks to settle my pulso
dowu so I cau roly on it to tho very
Tho nitro-glycerinu bomb Is a rccvBt
addition to destructive projectiles, its
serrtccaulencss in rulucing entrencii
incnts briug, ills claimed,' unequalled.
In its construction a heavy conical
shell is first cast and so arranged that
ono end is much heavier than the other,
ono cud being roiJ with a tightly
lilting cap, screwed on after charging.
The interior of tlio shell is divided into
three compartments, each separated
by a heavy plntc-glass cap; tliu divis
ion furlhckt front the open end is tilled
with sulphuijo acid, mid tbo ue.t with
glyecriue, and the outer one with nit
iio acid these three elements being
the component parts of nitro-glyeeriuu.
A small opening through the center of
the cap titling the open end of tho
projectile aduuUs a steel rod, to each
end of which is lii mly elloclicd .a small
circular picco of metal, tho iuuer end
resting against tho tirst glass cap; tho
outer cap is then screwed ou, and lho
projectile is ready for service. Accord
ing to the principle of gravitation, the
heavy end naturally strikes the ground
first, tho steel rod is driven through
tho plate-glass partitions, the chem
icals are mingled, and a nilro-f lyo.oiluo
dischargo takes place.
A Yankee In Itetl J'nlnt
Tho campoodlea so.Qtheast J towc
wero lho cono of unusual exdtemenl
yesterday, it was aocldontlv discover
ed that ono of lho head sachems, who
had lived on tho Walkor river reserva
tion for years, was a white maa. How
the disoovory was made is not slated.
Tho Indians were ae wnrfcod ! over
tho discovery that the renegade, ieariug
for his life, came to town. Upon being
interviewed by a reporter, ho said be
was a native of Massachusetts and forty-seven
years olL jjo bocaoue en
tangled in a serapo wbon be was eigh
teen years old, and. running away
from home, followed the soa for two
Jcars. Arriving at Sao i'ranoiseo ho
oined the rush to tbe iniuua. After a
pretty rough experience going from
camp to camp, be Unally, after tlio col
lapso of the Meadow lake boom, joined
thei'iutus at thoj'yratukircsoi atiuu. Ho
remained thero until ho had fully mas
tered the language and habits of his
dusky friends, and then, painkiug him
self aud assuming the garb of tho red
men, came to Walaer Take, where, In
consideration of his ablo advice In the
councils of bis tribe, Jko was elected a
hlof and allowed three wives. Ho says
that although ho sometimes longed or
news from the Hay state, ho was per
fectly content to remain whore be was,
as ho found tbe roaming, independent
life of the Piutos Just tho thing for a
man, tired of tbo busy aueoosof civiliza
tion. Now that be has tho paint wash
ed oft and has donned a decent suit of
clothes, he Is a very intelligent looking
man, and it is a wonder that bo could
have kept himself from bis race so
many years. He will probably retarn
to tbe home of bis yonth in a few days.
Witllur, (Nev.) UuVclttu
"It is strango," said a oommnter to
a passenger who occasionally traveled
on the sumo road, "it is strange that I
have never soon your wife with you.41
r'ls that sof" "Yes; I'm sure sho of
ten takes this train; in fact, I saw her
only a day cr two ago, didn't IP"
"Very likely, was the curt reply.
"Won. I didn't want to be too inquisi
tive, but I'd really like to know why
you never travel togothur." "On ac
count of economy. "Mow soP" "Bo
9ua we've only one ulster between
itWfc .making groat trldeo la New
lTttk. it has cached - a point now
swheae a raukUMciul instating 3 feet by
Vh can be palsjtatl fa ibwenty minutes,
'lho pictures aro oaade almost oxfiiujk
J..-1. ... .... l,.vl...
Our Charlie says Mm dinVrcfire be
tween a hill and a piil is, ono is hard
o get lip nnd the othc r is hard to rt
"down. OU City iKrrwk.
"Do you beiicvo lu lata Bridget P"
tkv-4 tlt p-stairs girl of the cook.
"Sluu-6 an' if Oi didn't, d'er .'pose
Oi'd he alter buyiu' shoes P"
A Western Congressman snys! "Kv
fry man who comes to Congress has
two ideas." !ut. after Mih exaggera
tion ns this, nobody cares to know
what this Western Cuugreisman has to
It is lexy nsiay, but as a general
rule tho waiter in a swell restaurant is
Auoul tho only pi ron about the pron-
Jsos who doesii I wait
Tlio nun who orders
chop does
most of the waiting.
A New s'orker hastiwurred tho dis
pleasro of all tho undertakers ia thai
city, and Ihey talk of hoyeolting him.
He has inv nitcd a Mttlo'stiring to at
Uch to gas Jets so that when llie ii rht
is blown out the gas vvili bo turned off.
Moiristvii u lkraUL ea
Colonel (ienrgo I,. Perkfus, f N
wh'lt, 'oiii , who Is in years old. said
in a rotitw.t interview: "i have buried
six family physicians ard still live."
Tho Colouel could aiak a t r;iiii by
certifying to tho particular biund of
g.atent mcdicinn ho used.
A western zephyr carried a cow a
iquartcr of a mile through tit air. und
set he.r down in a milio:iaa' yiunl li!e
svax so scared that he stopped grinding
sdiulk, nnd ran four miles for n r i II n to
shoot the curious looking creature
with. llurlintjtoii Vc 1'rcns.
llon't slander your next-door neigh
bor. Id) may be ia impoverished cir-
lusts ticc.i, and have fer if any
fswiuU Uoti't speak til of any man
until you are positive as to tho exact
amount ho can lift ntnl tho nature of
tho person when aroused.
"O m, you don't ''laugh and grow
at." That idea is ull wrong. 'Ihe
eeiitenco should be reversed. You grow
fat and lauh. When you fal up you
have something to laugh. Aud other
Ix'oplo have something to luugli nt.
''specially when you try to button
your sbo'.'s in a railway car.
A New York man advertises "a safe,
quick, and reliablo corn remover, with
out the application of knife or caustics,
no pain experienced. 1'rico only $1."
A young man bo never walks out
without wishing ho could leave his feet
at homo forwarded if 1, and two das
afterward received by express a live
I'hicago hna a Coaching Club. TV
always tiiought the groat need of Chi
cago was Komcthiug of that kind. We
dou't know how contagious it Coaching
i'hib is, but ns it hxs taken Chicago six
years to catch it from New York, .St.
Ljuis will probably break out with it
about tho ttme tho Houncpia Ship
Canal is completed.
Dining tho sermon, ono c she quar
tet fell asleep. "Now's your cltauts,"
said tho organist to lho soprano. "See
if you canticle tlio tenor." "You
wouldn't dare duet," said the contral
to. "You'll wake liytin uo,"
ed the bass, "i t ouid make a hetUir
pun tbau that, ad sure as icy name's
i'salm," remarked llio buy that puniud
iIh) orgna; but he suid it bolo thai no
wim .ju.'irtct.
Dnmley wtis making P.n nvei.Iiig call,
and the nieo little boy of lliefaniily had
been allowed to remain up a little
later than usual. ''Ma," In) miid,
Juriog a J:ll in the -conversation, "cai.
whisky talkr" "l eriniuly not," said
mu; "what nut that absurd notion intp
your headP'' "Well," he replied, "j
heard you say to pa that whisky was
telling on Mr. Duuilev, and 1 waiitud
to know what il said.'''
Wo want Chinamen, but wo want
litem a long way off. 'lho tint has
gone forth that no Celestial shall over
g:izo on tho woody gulches of tho
C'umr d'Alcno uud live. If he insists
on coining, however, let him bring 4
roaut pig, pleuly .0 H,io,,ra:kcrs nnd
colored paper, and all tlio essentials
for a first-class Chinese funeral. Ho
needn't bother abont bringing tbo
corpse, though,; It will be lu ivndiucss.
-Jdrur A'uijjtl.
Two dudes talk: "Aw.Cholly, f
thenh is going to bo some vhsngo lu
twousihs this spwlng." "Somo what,
UusP" S(iao chnngo, don't you
know." "Nnw, jou dou't sayP Well,
I'm dahn glad of it, fob ba Jawve,
theah's been so little in nilno oh
hwoo months, that weally I wouldn't
know a twado dollali from n silvali iu
divldual buttah plate, dou't jou kuow."
Tho oflicer who opens tbo court is
called the "criur."' On one occasion
tho sajd opcer had loot his wife, who
had led him an uncomfortable life, and
ho was, of course, absent from his post
Whon the court camo In the Judge, as
usual, said: "M.r. Crier, upon the
court." A young and XaootJnus lawyer
addresfied tho (Court as follows: -"May
it please your Honor, Mr. 11 can.
not cry to-day; bo has lost his wife."
At a Jiostou seanco a disconsolate
widower succcodod in establishing
communication with his wie, who bad
Fassod into tho spirit land from the
tub, of whoso wsthelio circles she bad
boon a member. The man inouired if
be was happy, and if she lied her
now surroundings, to which she re.
pliod: "Woll, dear, it is very charm
ing and luvely and all that but of
courso yuukoow, dear. It isn't Jldoten,"
Mrs. B. was speaking oi Mrs. J's.
rainy-day attire as a combination
"polonaise and waterproof cloak,"
wiieu little Jjijah wanted to know if
her "opolonaria waterproof cloak was
niado of giassf" "Mado of glass!
"Why, what do vou moan, chlldP"
'Oh,', repliod Ujjab, "you always
spoak of Mrs. J. as 'that meek little
bottlod sip woman,' nnd I thought that
" His thoughts on the subject wero
diverted by a box on lho ear.
A yonng man who believe in self
improvement having recently married,
uggestod to his wife that tbey should
argue somo quostions frankly and
fully every morning. In order to learn
wore of each oilier. The iirst question
happouod to be "Whether a iwgraau
oould bo expected to get along without
a hat" and ho took the affirmative.
and whoa he was last seen ho hud
Hu..i I.t t.. .nA -..iveryniiMiieaseel
pulling the ladder aitor him.tioar
. . . -
Mi iim;ih i:u n pa
All bnlr tun lul tn llils earelw't' rr.
ooit (jfri in l r ttenK )U. Uvionliatlnn )tn li t anj r.iiKrsu. i
.Itttirnri Hint (mn, for a' tur,
iiiiiii.i:m n(iii,;tM,
i'0'ii.oil nt
I imM ti
l riuao.
nJ all Mli" ' !' mtr n t! i
. om .'tot Itm Iftl n
i I s.
t'nl'erll'nt an J sit ollior leaal 1 11 -1 1,. rr- 111;
Iv tten.l'i to. Ctjuiulta'.toni l:i ltr . 1 1 1 -1 1 am
June 5.
c ll'lH Ii),
tiuntncii aniri'loil l.ln t
I roni llj attenid il to.
rriPUMiv tr.M w.
M.vrkii St.. Silitiix.'ruvr.
iit lifa.ilonl I u'nc I rnm tly atierdcd
to. tlonsnlisUwos Jo Kulliti suit t erinnn
i '10.
I eoniklv d ia JtlnxLKh or (Ur n an.
AliiMltlntrg, l'a.
f'oltcrtlnni load,
and iler.uao.
t'oniultatlxna Sn r.cclliaji
(June 3, '
Ntw 8erlio, Pcnn'a.
Prnf- nlonal Ixishmaa rntruatel tit" etrr
will rxi'uivc rnmt atti'Utlon. .I i. n c S'l,'.".
fill AS
v i;li;ich,
Attorney & Ooncsnl!or-At-I..w,
OtTlrvlD A''K lijiMlnv one ilom Nurik l
Kkyhtcmk IIjti'L
Mt'llliatsitlVf, 1'oilll'il.
('ollcctlnnK ami nil other iritinni.l
n,, 1, ... 11 1 1 n.l an.l will raei Iva, :irclul ui
irnmi t sttciiilun. A r.ll.'Js.ti.
MllllI.r.liVHit, .N r.HK :., T A
ll'er Ma lrafe!liinl Servla tn Its iuMI
i.'oniultallona la Enxllth anil '.termsn.
,1 nonxh YS A T LA w.
bohnflgrovo, Pa ,
OftVr ;hlr pr.ifi'si'liii'ii I Korvkea t i ti e imtilte.
All Ici'bI iitiX 1.11 enirii-te l tlielrcare will
receive r nipt a'Ujuil.u. UiHooou Main Pt.
July i. Vt.
T 7 O I! .V E Y A T
. .1 ir.
I!cei I. x e
until u.
Iruoeil lol l" rare will le runiUv ni'rii'1
ml In
t'an im ii'inHiiit
I In r.null' Ii 1 r
(tains on. Market St;uait.
II. (ilUMM,
A f tomoy-nt-Inv,
I'i ri'luii'H I'n.
Conaulintlen la ijotU l-.hnll.-ti nnl ;ilcnnun
Liiir.KiiPKO. Oct. t, l"l.
Atlornoy nt Tnw,
MIKIH.KIttlh'tJ, P
I'rufeiwliiiial lioplue." 4.u-'im'I In lila car will
be prudjnly atirmlu l to.
Solin.ogiove, Tn.
((Tr till prnfes''inl ei vice t the in M te
All liuidiie" enlru.'ilt.l to lil ohih v IU v
ruui'tly alteiiilail lj.
LrnMiitrp, I'ulim Co.. In:
Otflre no TIiMkt HMi-at, tiK do..r ul of t'aui
on n hi'U-e.
E. HUMMEL, Prop.
Wipui.KBtir, Pn.
Comfortable and tyttih rf alpe aJesya ou
hanJ. frioea rnasoniblo.
w.-iiileil lor The I.ivrp o
nil tin' I'ri'iOili'iilK nt tlio
I '. S. Tlie laim rt I141.I
Viiiih't hi'nt h -iik ever
rxl'l li.r l 1 1. 11 n (!
ourirl. 0. Tlie IhHaH h U.iij liiwa In Anjirli'ii,
Imuicii.u iimnia to niii'i.t'- Alt :millKnt peo
lnwantli. Any 01. can lin'inve aueeerMiil
Tru.a livu, II AI,1.1T1' liuuK "ll.,
I'url taod Miilne.
naily eure Inr Narroua Hal'lllty auil Weak
na, 1u ( Vitality ami Vluor, Narvou,
l'rnlrtli.a, llylerla, or any evil reult oi
tri1laertuB,eaces, overwork, almaea ol A lei
uol, tobaena, ao, (Urer forly tbouaaed (Mil
live eura.)
S-Sen. l6e.HPtisaon trial boi of IO0iIMs
AOilrraa, VU. M. W.MallulS, St, a lalboen
1'isee, Cblgo,Ill
Surgeon Dentist !
Mit'dleburg, Snyder County, Pa.
Orrtia ih rwakiLia via Usrev
Everything belonging to tbe pro
faalnn don In thtbatt manner, Allwor
warrantaS. Terms moilerate.
He will alo attend to linalnaai every tee
treoha at iJontruvlllo Vronelvitle, Vaster
own Adasskarg aad rasteavlll
ruAisoDY luiriSi,
Mnth Btivet. South of Cheatntit.
W. PAINE, Proprietor,
Mneaqtiaresiniilhor tae New l'ot Offlee. nn
ball anuure from Walnut SL Thi irA .,.i ...
. w; ii'i.iinw n mr,oi inH eilf . t'a llie Atu
iei.oo paras?. lteo4U4
MlT furn.t
Ot.m M,
Physicians, Ac.
llffivrrlown. Torn'it.,
OfTam lit? prcfMi"il otirTl.-r in tVe rltli-tv
1 f llr(i(i Ion n V-lcinliy. ia1. rrll.
thI Irrii.i n. n.irn at LU rf l l' f ( n w et
Mini Mre. A r. 1, ly.pj.
j" w. Cm'.sKi
( 'ciii re ille, lViin1hr.
Ii'lorn lil i r.n1iinal ervlceii to tho eldiat.S
( I'vfilr.-. Il'en.l rlcinlt) . A ng. I, '.
1:1mA 1: HAsstNdt'.i:,
( ifr- liia t'T"'- I'li'iial frrla (tie clilirns
i.r M 1 iniri.nrli n.iil tulullv. tTlce It, the
Wa,hln,toi. Il,..'. Ai'r.T,'.
j (iinr.ii li.v,
?li...-lmili. IVtm'rt.
I Mtcra M .r"frKi-i:.l fi.lri'( tn tie cl'lieet
ut . I'lillriiu iu nnil ti lultv I Hirr a tr .ti 1 rt
l el It,.- 4 nun llnu.e, in ATaotil'a I 11I.1U1 1.
liflionco i-jc-.tio (ii,"Ptt lii:T IMutlns
ma hand i;niniocK,
Fremont. Snyder ccunly, Put,
Itr.iiluaienl Kstt Imnre 'illKe of rhymrlani
ili'l M')n. i Ii t Lia 1 riilcM tiat tn lt
to ihe'. S)i am t.ugil'U and oru.un.
.March, i;, issl. U,
Physician & Surqcch,
li'iinr Sji,-iii-i!, .V.r.i-r (tuvty, To
iltera 1.1a proleirtooal tervietl to ti e .1 14
oltire on .Main etreot. J litis I'i
yyu. t. o. w.wiNKi?,
I'll) l inn iiikI .nrps oit,
1 i'r hi. irnfi ir l.i'a tn 'In- e tna
nf A luimritir:; atel Mi iMty. Ai 1:. i.'Mnf.
,k''7(ll.;rr-, , I VtwiV.
I'rnreaalonal buflnorn rointly auem
Mm v:
ft te
:. 'IV.
tfUKlilCAL ft MrC.'I MCAL IiF.NTlfi t
SulitiHgrove, lVnn'n.
AN't Art;
Noila nt
1-4 t'cbls.
I.i n t.' Turn WlnlojI,..ii, t fr; ;;,.M : I',nta
a II r.,1 T', vim y l iw.
iinirvi Ini .'.'1 uii'l s'i rents each. Tlnnnb
tali I,' e i;t I ,11 ,1 .' '' ii'ii nr , ,
Ktni. 1 T 'X'ii .i'.;' 1 "inn. 1 it Muii 'ire r'orka al
l,l:! .''' .'. ni. . ,1. I.. H.I at. ,1. . .... ,1.
I ,iw it-l.ail.) 1 ,1 11. .1 Mioti'li. yt Jo ufl i i
mi b.
(Jiioii St Is of A.1 i'H nt
(I i...l til I,, rv K. ;t w 111 :. . i ' i it ..
l in. I I 'i I . Iir I Iti. !;,ir I'. 11 1 W.'n.i.,
I'rij;' t S; 1 1 1 - '., I., 'i1. ,-. 1 1. n r ,.,iinl.
I 111 1 .In. I 111. koiy Shun, a I Ut and b"i .'Mi tit
lit.i ImiII, I'U' h, K ill rr, JiiCI
I.owcr (lititi ever was known.
tro 'il 1, nil Ci.rrlai.ea aid Tar Holla aluirta
tln im. i' u.' inn. .ur i. nn. I. ,Ak 1 r erlie
On, -Mnii IIofm. li:t,l(, ta al reula rai b.
T.ilr"i " ', fS
Hultab, Kili, a, l.vp U. brt. W,,, ,. t ... Tim r
low. t'.ll ami tbcni. Wi. am aeillug the;,'..,t at.u'k ol i;..nj r , t r n.,.
fr.nn V, In, h, a 11,31 In, lira by lj ,
V"i. 11 1 riolanakii tlu m anv rnii.. W al
IIh iii ai alK.iit il.r .r ynii .ay t .r tbe n.un 1
lr.11. lliluk vt 4 , ',x ... iMa.-hin. l,l,
-qiiur ami tuts an4 , reatfr ID ai d la
I'i l,lb k'UCll.
Great Kcdnclinu in Stoles X Siiainzs
frluno.l an.l ai,l!..ii I.,
Tin- new Myli-a of Ii..i, l'l,jr,,iin an
Arilnil.t a, bi-nulilul In an I
Ilorno Mkh'H at $1 2r lr Kc.
Sl. alaii.t liv.n Harrow TcMI..
er kt aa ,r.
T'lnl Mutt ue
I'.ili-r Tut, ralTnls.-t and Iron liml.
ed 1'ailr, hli'i l.,,l,. r. Slat, liw, Twii,a,
. I'Mfinr
im,N.'., ii, ,.r iitii 4. i.,w in
t rli ami ai
t!oo4 11. iinaiiiy.
milo, Mll.lnif, Ka1r, Uir I., ad,, ele.
10.000 PI Ki 'KS W.M.I. IWPF.HS.
Krnin flveri'iitaa np anv price y,
want ll. 111. Notioolilv ti bi.w 1 1 .-,,. . Con.
an.l I.. I: at tl 1 111 If y Inn'l want tbm:, Jn-t !
a... prrtiy are. IVntria. fielice.
Urarli U, I In.M Hijtluna in plain and lil.
Our Silver ai-c Caai a will ruu h nrrn for
nipct'tinn. A full braiivli of Mil 1 1 . . 1 1 . . 1 , ware,
n.ilvca, Korka Caii,.r., ko,, w; be opuaeU kl
iii'hi ard of l,,w pt tcor.
Hll;ii:A)tS .),, ,,, and Hraaa. tlur fn4
iih kjim lu. Upi r Km. towrr limn lat aa
Pru-bea 14 all llnds.
Hr,.na if all llnda.
cry low
On api'llraliim four eataln-nu m.mI prire Ib-t
wl)M i nailed to any one. Tin. Irndo anpplirit
Willi all ouriirrhandift aMia.lo iiri.'e. birb
011 cnininrieou U1 bo foutid aa low a. raalaia
r,fc'- -. HMNHMTS,
lnrUiewMiikliiK el:iM. Soinl I
onla fc.r iiksiaK" and , m
mall you frav. a rnyiil, mlnnbl
liox l ai.i.itila o,luI fi.,. win ....
-.. in ,n vii.v 01 B.aaniK anore inoii.y in law
Uaihun yiau tlwiilit linaaiblo m any bur!,
lose. 4'ni il nniroqiniml. Ui H an.rl van.
Vnirsii rk all the iiinoiirlanni Oiiim i.'iny.
riio Wurk ia iinivcraully nl.lrl fi txith rvkra,
yjHiiiit unit old. Von can raaHv wirn linn. u
aieiita to Notary fvenliur. II, n't all who wm.t
wink u ay tuat twj .'.OMMitJi. ... lnnl.o tlila 111.
parallrltHl j to all who u. tint wull anll.-ll it
wa Ni'll ..Hi.l (1 In pay br 1I10 (rouble nr winin
V. r till pnrtli'iiluia, dlree loiia, oi l ., aunt fr,.
frflrtuma will bo made bv tin u who tin their
fhnhi time to llio work. 1 on t aiuici alor.
liilelyaiiro Kni'l Jobiy. Ji ,K uWl Atldiaus
tri.ji 4. Vu , inUu.l Maiuo.
HsirStaare Sotith ol B.hoclt'a comer.
JOKL L. 1ME1IL, PropV.
Terms $123 por day.
Mt, Bleet la alao agent for allk ads ofraraj
luiplumsuu, cui.s, ts.
KawAaa Aeeamaina B
nay rwrnw) eaa
Bia at OJKiX P.
ltOWtl.l..' (YiJi
Boi.,e no Shtntmw
eiriMi, anera adavr- aeaaaaa mm,
iiauui apatraete ni.y f ,Tf II T
r3 c
m mi