iobiMil vtrf ThMrtday. Tim 'i i rtlli1 imi ti tttf Utt ' 6ltl 1,11 Kill '(" thuide Smith Is hont on a visit to IiIh mother. House rbanlnr and cold dinners Is tlu-oixlr of tlite day. Th regular trm of May Court coitmiehces on Monday. Joseph Walter In building a uwr honsa to his residence l Mid dlflnirHu t t. w.. Wnnklln toWll- ship la repairing, repainting and erwlae Improving hi hov Kev. Orwlg held communion ih Lutheran church, oth ser-Mid- dlehnrgh on Sunday. Albright Hwmeford, P? ye . t.i.1.iv morning f. r Shad Mountain on a eipeiiitiou. (,eor Wa-I'lngton Foote, the Jol lv nm tl.meer of MlUinbnrg, will be li. re next week with a full stock, of stationary, &' A ebV't ehou tl whednl of tbeS. 4 I railroad went Into effect i,it Monday of last week. See cor-n.,-(iMl time table In tliln lsmn. U. C. tluteliun, our popular Clothier Mil the) city thin week buying hi tor-k of Summer good. Hen adver tixemenlnext week. The prevailing fashion for bnliien t ujg Ba icr will be sli feet of cloth lug to id Inches of baby. Now lay your pinna accordingly. The haystack hat now worn by the jfirlw looks like an Inverted fun nel with the point cut off. It i not hniiilfoine, but very popular. (ieorpe Campbell, Ilopktnnvllle, Ky. any : Hurdock Mood Hitter In the lfft preprntion for the. Wood and stomach ever manufactured. Hkwaukok riiAVDM. Bo sure you get the genuine Dr. Thomas' I'dec trie Oil. It cures ColdM, Croup, As tlinin, Deafnt' and HhcumatiHin. .T.G, Smith lino added the I .a Itepa.s oda a 10 cent cignr, tho (told Itrnd, n 6 center and Nettie a 2 for to his al ready hire stock of cigar?. A wreck on S. & L. Deviation nt the Hed Hill, two miles Kant of Mid (Ileburgh, delnyed trains about nn hour on Monday morning. Mr. Han?, of .Vt. Union, who in a practical jeweler will be nt Itarber' lrug utore during Court nnd will he Irewm! to repair watches guuran tceing all hi work. Hunhtiry now bus two daily paper tha Jtoily puhlhdiiit hy KIchnltz of th Drmiirritt, and the dally JVir by Urelce of the weekly JSVim. Thl is the most coiicIiikIvx evidence of Sun uurys rapid growth and business proxperity. IT 1.T . . . . iversretrer, of Hcdford, Tl., vl iceu inn many friends hereabout dnr iiiglinepnM week. "L'ry V knowledge i rmiroaaing una Imiulhie with the pen nave won him the enviable posi tionof Hneretnry for the Superinten fiem, oi me neufonl Division of th euiiKyivaniu itailroailut a salary of .) per month. Thoio of our subscriber whose tn 4.1. .1 i'ir paper rea.N, "Deo, 1,'Bi" will please send us a little money. It has not been our custom to dun throti- I'aper, ana we tlon't Hko to do it lint ftti tlitu nntt..l . I'ttiiivuiHr oneitMon we re council. l to auk the forbearance or uie prompt payers aud the utten tion o leIiti(iientH. v;oi,lkitios otick. Notice is liereby given that tho books of Dr. K, .totiirock, who lately moved to Mo ('lure, are in my hands for collection All perxoiis knowing theniMelves in (lebted on said books w ill plonne make immediate payment. J A COll f J ILDKHT, May 23.4 w. Capt, . W. Rynn Tort at this place ims imvle a change in their pro gramme for Memorial day. In order to take in Centreville grave-yard the i ost will decorate at this nlnnn (Middlebugh) 5 p. in., and the graves nt centreville about 3 p. in., pro gramme will tell. The other arrange menu remain the saute, J no. Y. BmjiDicL, Chairman, Committee i ne normal Muslo School now l fewslou In the MiiHioal College at Free- ourg, fa., under the care and manaire ment of F. C. Moyer, has a large olass of boarding students in attendananoe froui ten counties, under the inntrue tiou of three eminent male and female teachers. The college has in use six Pianos and seven Organs. Students admitted at any time during the ses sion. A full assortment of Mundell & Co celebrated Solar Tip shoes the best hoe in the county for children Mens calf button and lace shoes, Ladies common sense- shoes. Boys calf shoes button end laoe, Plow shoes. Low shoes, Slippers, Walklug shoes. Calf boots for men and boys, aud in fact anything you may wish in the shoe line can be found at Schroyer's, Be llnsgrove. He sure and see Ills stock before purchasing eUewhore. 0-13-4t Now-a-days parents entertain a silly notion that their children must be in structed in a gen ted profession; they repudiate the "vulgar" notion of bringing a boy up as a oarpenter. cabinet-maker, shipwright, or in fact any oocupatiou that Involves labor, lis must be educated for the church, the bar, the law, or for the post of civil engineer. Hence these profes sions are over run, and hundreds, nay thousands, of young men area burden upnn their families, beluc unable to uuu anything to do. . m . AtUMAIl.tlO K-W8. The-lorg tree In front of Oreenhoe's houttf was cut down this wkH ftot being considered dories a Jftbrw. We were visited by artfrtsriing rain whhdi makes ylbj look bright On Monday the ntsUI train brought to this place IS Pigeons, with Instrue tion to let them go as soon a they arrived hern. When they were freed (hey circled about over the town for about half an hour after which they could not be seen on aooount of the storm. They were sent here from (Jlrardvllle, Pa. Misses Nellie Milhouse and Gertie Shannon of Mlddleburgh are visiting friends here, the guests of Joseph Shannon, Daniel Smith and wife of Lewistown spent Sunday In town stopping with L. It Haines. The latest thing out Is the mother who stopped ayouugiuaeq the road and tried to make a bai gain for her daughter. Some of our young men are not sat isfled with one girl but they take a "(irons." Its all right. It eem (i. W. B. is learning to yell Mort "Judging" by the frequent visits to Peola. S. II. High, representing Smith, Jt Co , was here looking after his trade. Sam Is one of the best salesmen on the road. Ira Sehaffer Is representing a Perry county Nursery. Ira Is a clever mail to deal with. We noticed an apple tree lought by Jacob (Jreenhoe of J. II. Iiong agent for W. L T. Smith, N. Y., which Is so full of blossom that not a leaf can be seen. Jim said the tree would bear the first year and by nil appearances ho was right. Quite a nnmberof children are sick at this place. Scribbler in last week's Tribune must have over-estimated himself in eggs and in selling goods. One thousand bushels potatoes wanted at 21 rents per bushel In ex- chuuge for the celebrated Wire lied Springs. Apply at once to II. I. Ko- mig, Heaver Springs, Pa. The following is tho orderofsxer cises for Decoration duv at this place The procesMon will form In the f.d- lowing order: Hand, Sunday schools, U. A. It. Post, citizens. Upon reach ing cemetery procescion will form into two ranks and allow uiemliers of Post to pass between and receive the How crs which will bo collected for the oc casion by the children. The proces siori will then form a hollow square with tho Tost on the Hast, Sundiiy schools on tho North, Hand on the West and citizens on the South. An address will then be delivered follow e l by musie by the Band and the re citut Ions of appropriate poems, pray er, ic. The decoration of the graves will follow, after which the procession will again form mid march to the church where services will be held, after which the Post will move out in regular order and be dismissed. A Mix. Ckntiirviixk (Jossifh. The apple trees are very full of bloss jiiis, and unless cometliing hap pens to destroy the same the crop tills year will be large. Mr. Slayniakor, of the firm of Slay maker &; Co., Ruubury, Pa., whole sale deulers in oils &o., was in town on the llith. Mr. Thos. Kothfon of Franklin. Mas In town one day last week selling (filbert's Lightning Insect Powder. Samuel H. High, representing the extensive hardware house of Smith, Seltzer & Co.. Philadelphia, Dun. Keen of the wholesale hat and cup establishment of N. Horkcnstoek. Philadelphia, Mr. Kennedy, repre senting tho reliable boot and shoe house of M. H. Siiahr. York. Pa., and W. H. Reed the popular tobacco avrent of Milton, interviewed our dealers on the 14th. The commercial agents are brim full of stories, jokes. courage, selfassurance and grit. I J. S. Kerstetter and P. Klinirlnr. democratic candidates for Countv Commissioner, were lu town during past week. Dr. Hiegle of Dundore, was here lu town a day or two reredtly. Henry Snyder of K reamer, was in this vicinity a day or so las week, at tending to the duties of his calling. When two of our young ladies k Iks each other they fulfill v Kosnel in unction. They are doing unto each other what they would that young men should do unto them. Daniel Zelher, a veteru farmer of tl6 upper end of the county was in our midst a few days ago. V"iie a number from HiU r,i,., took In the horse salo in Mlddleburgh lout week. Mr. V. Walter and dui.i.u. o.-ji. of this idaoe wr in im.i . ,, ".iuurgn on mo A I til miss annum daughter of Rhtrr ueicniy ot Mlddleburgh enjoved her. n m am...... self among her many young friends here during the past week. i ue nappiest man between town and Jacks mountain Is Geo. Hartmau. Shifty" says its a new little bov. Sheriff Reichly and D. T. Rhoads.of oiiddieburgli, spent a few pleasent uours in our midst on Saturday eve nlng. Miss Alice Walter, astudent of 17n. ion Seminary, New Berlin, .was Willi lier parents here over Sunday. Jjooks nobby lu hi new hat Davie Booten. Capt. J. D. Keise, of Phlladelnhla the vetern grocoryman was in town the other day. Miss Kate Reichly, a pretty idrl of Mlddleburgh is smiling upon her many young frleuds during the pres ent weeg. Rkportkr. It might be advisable for young men to stop going West and give the girls a chance. From the report of the Superintendent of Schools to Il linois, it appears that there is a su perfluity of about 10,000 boys in that 6 .. We will let the statue rest And now Grant has financially failed. - k On Monday we were favored with some hand-organ music, I suppose It win hot be lotig till the title "Prof:' will be prefixed to the name of tho or gan grinder. IIoO. tterd Snyder of Mt. Cannei was In town last weekk - Mrs. John Rudlslll and daughter ot Blleabethville are the guests of Mrs. Sarah Haas. Miles Potter Is canvassing the town for Jailtes (t. Maine's book, "Twentv Years In Congress." It Is a good book and should have a large circulation. What has become of that famous Jubilee Association f Has it died of financial fever t We thought it was to tie a permanent organization. The 12, 13, 14 and 13 of June are fast ap proaching, gentlemen. We were under the luipreeidon that the (LA. R. Post of this place had ex tended an invitation to the great War Governor last June already to be pres ent on the aoth of May, 1834, to deliv er tho oration. How in It Joseph A. I T They have, however, c-hoseu an eloquent orator In the person of Maj. NVm. II. Dill. We are well satisfied witli him. L. J. 1'ritx has placed a sign up at bis livery. He Is never behind the times. Schoch's Warehouse aud Dr. Wag- onsellor s new barn are going up rap Idly. Kdward (Jcmhc rllng has withdrawn from the firm of (Jeniherling & Hro Albert has opened n tin shop In n room on Pine street, a few doors west of Heller's I'.inporium. Jonathan Rudy is having his house repainted. 1 endorse the reasons given by "Beaver," why the fire was an acci dent. The Trihuuf goes to prove that the origin of the fire was incendiary Hut Its reasons do not outbalance Heaver's arguments. The gentleman who furnished tho Post with a report of the fire said: "The miscreant had cut the tire alarm rope." Now how could they climb up In the steeple nnd cut it? The steeple is closed (wish it was open so we could hear the church bell plainer.) When some parties went to give the alarm, the rope came down from the steeple. If the rope would have been cut it would have piirted hi the middle. This proves that no miscreant cut the rope No, the fire was an occident -every thing goes to prove It. F. H. I'lrich hurt hi foot while helping to tear down the old church A board fell from the bellfry, endwise, which bruised his foot severely. The following are the order of exer cites attending the commencement of Missionary Institute: Friday, May 30 and Monday, June 2, examination of the classes in the classical depart ment. Monday evening, June 2, ad dress to the aluundof classlaal depart ment by James C. Shindcl of Solins grove. Tuesday, A. M. examination of theidogicul department. Tuesday, P. M. address to alumni of theological department, by Rev. S. F. (Ireenhoe Tuesday, evening, Baccalaureate by Rev. J. A. Flickiuger, and graduation of theological class. Wednesday, A. M. commencement proper. Wednes day, campus exercises by students. KXTKYTK. A golden stream of grain running to waste through a leak in tho granary, aggregating many bushels every year, would not equal the loss suffered in open sitclit on many farms by the waste of golden streams of liquid ma nure, l armers are too often grossly neglectful of their interefts in this matter. A first step towards improve ment would bo to arrest water from Mowing in the yard, and leaching In putting eave troughs on all barns and sheds that have none, and provide for tlieir emptying into drains or capa cioiis cisterns. Theso latter might serve to supply water to the livesotck Tho yard ought to be shaped to slope towards its center from all sides, and ir i ne soil is irravellv or oiten It slimil.l be overlayed with stiff clay to prevent the escape of liquids. The stable noors should be drained towards the yard basin, In a way to lead all tho urine to this place. Then the accum ulating manure in the yard would be constantly charged with moisture jind if not tramped too hard, decomposi tion would take place- to the best ad vantage. ItoLfi ot Hoaron. The following persons have pahl their subscription to tho Post to the dates opposite meir names. Mliould any mistakes occur In those credits or on your pa per please notify us: Simon Long, Maylai J. Transue, J. F. Iteichenbuch. April 1, Dec. 1, '83 Deo. 1, '84 H. Iaudenslairer. H. II. Shaffer. Deo. 1, '84 J. P. Yodor, John V. Walter, Deo. 1, '84 Deo. 1, '84 May 15, '85 May 10, '8JJ Deo. 1, '84 July 13, '84 waniei 1J. HassinKer, Dr. Kanewel, I.Uraybill, Frank Bubb, U. Kersteter. June 1, '83 The new stylos in headwear for 1. di this sprluorls linilsiiMllv nlli ,,, , . 1 o will beseen by calling on Mrs. Kllen Aurand, headquarters for Milliner anu aiicy goods. Ilia nobbiest Men's ' hand-iimil slioesever brought to Snyder county, or suia oueap ac Bciiroyer's, Selinr- grove. Call aud sea them. Wantkd. -Ten Terch Sand Ston (or lacing. Address, D. A. U&Knicii, Sellnsgrove, Pa. 600 tons Rock-oak Bark wanted by Simonton, Barber & Co. For Bargains lu Hoots and Shoes go to M. S. Sohroyer, Selinsgrovo. Sugar is very cheap at present but as preserving time is approaching it w.ll no donat soon go up. DAT AT BUMXL I , Capt. G. W. Ryan Post, No. 304. Dept. of Pa. (J. A. R. will comment orate the JJOth of May th ttt follow ing manner : ; , FonKsoow SRnvh'tt. Members of the Post inoet nt the Post room at 0 A. M., sharp, and pro ceed to llassingers(ir.ivc-ynrd, where decoration of the graves of deceased soldiers, buried there will be made, accompanied by appropriate ser vices. After I his tho members of tin Post will return to tho Post room, and dismiss. AKTKHNOOX PKIIVICKS. Re-osseinble at 5 P. M., when the Sunday Schools and citieus wilt join in a processionjwlth the members of the Post, and proceed to the Mid (lleburgh t einet ery, w here services will be held in accord with Depart ment Orders; after which the audi ence will he dismissed until the eve ning ceremonies. KVKXI.Vd SKUVIOKH, In tho evening Public Memorlid Services will be held lu the Court House, commencing nt 7) o'clock , consisting of nu address by Maj. Win. H. Dill, of Capt. C. S. Davis Post, No. US, Nehnngrove, Intersperced with music by Stetler's Cornet Hand: sing iug by the Philharmonic (ilec Club of Freehurg, by the Choir of the Chion Church at Mlddleburgh, services by the Tost, A;o. The ives of de ceased soldiers, neighbors and citizens are all Invited to attend (it any or all of the Pulihc Services, and anything in the way of wreathes or Mowers will bo welcome. Lieut. Rhodes' Zouaves or Sons of Veterans will ulso take an active part in the processions und services. By order of Memorial Committee, J.No. Y. Shispfi., Chairman. S. Weis has some important things to say in his advertisement this week. XXX IS inch shingles for sale at this office. Apply to T. H. Barter for par ticulars. A new 7-drawer New Home Sewing Machine for sale cheap. Inquire at this ofllee. Straw hats of every size and de scription comprising all the latest styles for sale at S. Oppeuheiiner's. It will pay every body to examine the immense Hxk Furniture, for sale by tho Popular Furniture man V. It. FELIX Lewistown P You woulif be astonished to see the les of shirts at Solly ( ippeuheimer'st They range in all styles aud si.cs,from the costliest linen tocourscst working shirts. It is the desire of all to appear well In .society, but a gentleman cannot expect to do this however well dress ed unless he bus a hat that becomes him. This specialty can lie secured at S. Oppenheimer's who has an immense stock on hand. riici.LiMi oi T at CosT.-On account of th luunager of my store. Mr. Lew- Is Kahn, leuving Selinsgrove shortly. I am compelled to closa out mv lari'e M n k;K AT C( 1ST. Among the arti cles to be sold will he found a large- assort mens of Womens' and Misses Fine Shoes and (falters, Mens and Boys Film ami Heavy Boots and Shoes, (iuiu Boots and Shoes.Trunks, Satchels and Yulices, (.lents Furnish ing (foods, ic. This opportunity should not be liiisstnl ly I he people of this county who desire to purchase GOOD HOODS AT LOW PRICKS. This Is a regular bona fith: sale and ev erything will be disposed of at hot-1 torn prices. Don't fail to take advan tage of this. Mrs. H. Marx, Between Keystone aud National Ho tels, Selinsgrove, Pa. To thk Ladiks. If you want a nrst-ciass line dress shoe, either Kid Button or Pebblo, nnd the very lutcst styles, call at M. 8. Shroyer's, Selins grove, where you can be supplied witli just whut you want. Men's 2.09 Calf button or lace shoe the cheapest In the county for tho money at Schroyer's made of calf skin and the bottoms sewed on, Kid top. J ust what you want for a cheep snoe. All warranted. fcD. Poht. Pleaso annouee to the citizens of Snyder oountv that wa will be in Mlddleburgh on Ma" 27. 28, 2D and 80, with a magnincentstock or ail kinds of Harness, comprising sixty sets, whlnh we will sell at public auction. An opportunity will he afforded to examln all goods before It ts offered for sale. Jonathan St A. J. Haktkr. Millhelm, Pa. You Can Laugh at the grim destroyers, Croup and Whoon lllir Cotllfll. if VOIl llfLVH f.lliLt popular standby and incomparable remedy, Dr. Kessler's English Cough Medicine at hand. Tli dent family keeps it in the house to be iirepured for emergencies, price 23 and CO cents. Sold and warranted by Dr. Barber, Mlddleburgh, Pa, An Szamplo. A rale sleklv child thn nt Mnrinn. aid's celebrated Worm Powders ad. ministered releived of the enormous KESOHAL i vjQ ii.iuiiwr oi ioi worms rosy oUeeks,irood heulth alid apjietite the result. Hold and warranted by Dr. Dtirber, Mid dtburgb, Pa. ' Duster and Phosphate for sale by Stmonton, Barter 4. Co When you go to Sllngrue donti forget to call at Salem & App's Music- at Kmporlutn, where you can buy any thing In the nihslo line at reduced j prices. 4 17 4t Opksimi thk Fotxtaix. Innuui . . i : . 1 wricss on i os beueatu the skin is se creted the liquid substance which gives the hair its texture, color and gloss. When this secretion stops, the hair begins at once to become dry, lustreless, brittle and gray. Is that the condition of your hair? If so, op ply Parker's Hair Balsam at once. It will restore the color, gloss and life by renewing the action of nature. The nalsam is not an oil, not a dve, but an elegnnt toilet article, highly appreci ated because of its cleanliness. Mbv .iiiudiciMirg kci cosst.ctkh wnmiT t Slmonton, Harbor V. Co. '.Vheat nr, t,t ft h i Kve tin r.t; ! :n I y:. 1 M 14 3 , Corn Oats Butter.... Ktfk' I'itt'-d eh rrles. Cnpitted " Blackberries Baspberries luioiis (jinl Tallow Spring ( 'liickcns per lb.. Turkcvs Sie Soiilde Mum Ties Pea Coal Chestnut C"iil 60 M (Hi i vr i . it in 4 Blacksmith Coal o i0 ' KtfgCoal 4 .-.01 Plaster, per tn 1 1 imi Salt per barrel 1 (Vl " " sack 1 (i " " " small 8'. Koek Oak Bark H.OII, In trade $H M) iM.vuuir.i). ' l MayS, nt Beavertown tiy Kcv. 1) ' M. Stetler, Miss Susan C. ltomig and I Aniion llouser, both of Decatur, Mif i tlin county. i i)i i:i. May b, near Beavertown, .Joxeph i Yerger, aged lis years and 4 months. May 10, in Adams t wp .laeoh Hick- j el, aged bi years, :i uioiit lis and '.'II ' davs. i Advico ts Kithors- Arn on ilirinrli(l t nlkai n. trnkn of ' T"or rm h s tl. k dill. I suflxrlnir snri ittIiir I "till ciln ol niiltliis lasib? If u.rsnil St nnra nil Kt bolt Is of Mn. Wminw'l Sue is i in uer son ('iiii.khks Tsrtiiis'1. ll win 1 l in. slnulnhlo. it will rell.'Tctli" "r ll'tl" uilernr limn I iat.-ly. i. n.l nu i hkiIj-' rtt. tliarc I' H i nilHtk otmiil It. II rur ilv ntKrr Mini ilUrrliiKm, rastilatrn ihs Momm-h J ml b.i. , riiren win. I cull.-, unltenii the ihi.ik, I r.'.lui.ei liill.un, d.I eIv tone nn.l . n. I ry to the whola ryitoui. Mil-. Wixti..u-ii SanTBisii SvMi-r son Ciiii.iud.s '1 kkiiiino Is ESs I H fur ala kisui in inn lama id. Ik Ida i of one of tlin ultli nt anil hast (ninHla pnyioin in tba oitail smt.n, sn.l in f,.r hf all ilrusnUK tliroul,out tli" anrhl. I'rloa 11 ranti a butllt. Mar K, 'kl ly. CBAZY PATCH W. llalim n liiri ar..rtmptit ot rpinnantu ainl l."r Ol llllllliMIIIII. ir'Ul. VllliH, KlitlllX iiinl irlvvtH, wo Mti ( 1 1 ii tc Hi. 'in nil In ii ...uro-il lui'i-.II-k fiirtiisliinu t Iii-iii lor "rriiiy I'melivrurK ' I -iililnii... Mum, Th. . i.. ' A( hA'il: Nn. I 1 a ho n.l .fin- limnlli. or i'"Ho IIK. Milln.. uml liniru.lnl vrlvcti (nil ililli-rnit . .Iimt til" tlilnn Inr Mm llliwt MlloTli (iuII' TM nf filnrv wulk, Sunt ni.ilnil, f .r fid In (,.,wt1, ,,)',. or I I'i'i.l "I iliii. I' A 'K 1 K Nn. u-i'oiitiilii-I Mic iliii ir tiiiu'n nt iiiik'Ii nn nirkiiui No, I. Si-ut for fl.un. Tin-on arn nil ol llm very lliiont iintlll)' nn, I rami., i l,r t,)ii.ill,, l unv otlo r MIK worK In tlin t'. S. nl tliri'i-1 lines our iiriro. Tlioy Mill j.I.-hm. any Imlv. lino orl. r nlw lirliic a ilntvn inori'. I. AIMKs .11 , N (' A I. i'K K M'Y WliliK. with 4hi IMuMriitioiii ii ii llnl In-1 ni. t mil- li.r iirn-fu- imi, ,irk, lnni,l t-l v Imun.l. ,-ImI.I Ah el-, t IiI.t m, , A l.lii'-, Tim li'M iiK.ii i:h Sn k fit , l(o lumtiT, N. Y. A Valuable Farm PRIVATE SALE. fPllE nml.TKurucil will sell his farm -L itiiHii in I riii.klln tofii.i,li,Siiy,1.ri.iiiini 1'it nuttl ! U'llhit Iroin Him-,, ni .iiiiiniriMiritn, on inn .m.iiii 7i:!:i:.,!;:,:i" oiiu in I lu finrlh crcH, nmri" or lom, 130 arrci are un.lrr u on It l v o I lm l tio ImiIiiiu'o In tiiiil, irovciuaiilii urn a gooi! Ulu.h l ito of r. Tli. Im- Two-storj Lop Fro mo Houpp, lilotl pi'iiti'.!, WOOD IIUI'M:, 2't)U. I HI Its. (Mini) Frame JJarn, ni otlu-r nic,i'ury on i ti n I I.I I tiu . Kunnln aiitur at luirii nii'l In ii't'. I.i'il,- nmnay re,iiir, to Imy an.l a lunir 1 1 mo allowml to imr. Kur lur tliur purtlculura uJilruM AI.UHX Si'tllll'll. In. I.uttlnlown, Ta, ffl 18 INCH SHINGLES ! Every Bundle Warranted ! to of San ail Us! FOIt SALE 1JY T, II. HAKTIiK, MIDDLEDURGII, l'KNN'A, Salesmen Wanted To .all Nari.rv Stoak for th. iin..k.. m... arlea. K.l.bhpli.J l;i&. Liharal nu ajrENSts faia. fanoanant ni- viujiiivut. a,nn mr i.rro. H , JC. IIOoK- KKUUJdrANY.Kuobaalar.N. Y. v ia rm-p. . AGENTS WANTED TO BKI.Ij Tfirce Grades of Standard Fertilizers. Auilress : J). 15IJCIIKR&CO., Oettysburg, Pa. I IT 8m pd. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the matter of Ute In tU nJ.n.' Me of Jacob iicdirht Cimrt of Slimier 'I'll, undanlirnail Auilli. ui...u..i . .... l r.hau.' Court of KnyUcr anni.ty t rtt.trll.ut. in. o.i. in ma oamia or John 11. Hwhrl.t and Hanry II. Narlirlat. Kx.euu.ra of tha lact Will ainl'lVtamontaf jsonb SwhrUt. diViwIl iimdoKi.P, Ulrlch. Km . r ii,. ,...!. ... aoclooa A. M.ofiialil day. when an.l l.or n IHUtlMlDtarantsranoliaail to atUnd, or baftir aarlarra4 from partlclimlini lu rild rti.lrlliu- K E.BOWKR. Now is owr TTIhec I twlsti In Inform tbo resiJcnts of Sotiter connlv thai I Into a tine as sorlmbut of Cooking Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Parlor and Bedroom Stoves, (eluding tho New Lilit Honsn Cook, Silver Hu p. U.liiV I'll.lo. Tunrt Cooks, New Snnsliinft, New Jnsppr. New i'rcoid i m ims, Iu tincil.le, Tl.n penr Hchtcis. Nw Ivnlv Pawn, Nt Ills, New Jasper licuUis. Ncv (iuj.hsi .Sun Firepliieo I enters, and" ol liti s. M r Heators from 15 to 30 Dollars, are all of tbo latest pulb-ms ami I-.-t tnuleml. K"iint.(ocd to bo oh clunp US the flnspest iii.d us ijoimI (is the beet. ;Ca11 and seo tho of wlnoli I have nn lnrgo and well-selected slock ns enn bo f-.t ixl in tie county nud at prices that will c()iiij;u with Wholi-siilo Houses. Tinware, Spouting and Roofing. Xono but l'io vorj 1 est inaleri:! us. ,1 Sp.jntin, und JU-fn-fr deno CO slant nolicu. piclfnllv submitted. ! Mipni.itirimi! pa. I linvc now in iS! i n i n a 1 1 m 1 1 1 stock Mil I IIKIJSSELS, ALIi WOOL, WOOL FIIiMSn, PART WOOL AXB KA CASSPBOT of my own mnk I l:tvc n!out 70 Scsitrns in WALL PAPER ! Itiglit hern in srork, ino!u!iiio a fine line of Gilt pjiperw and 85or dcrs. W; trim tlio od$xs of all pa per sold notwitlistandino this aston-isliino- low prices we sell at. Conic! Ritiitily your rooms for the least I " expense. H Don't say you v noi going to vctttf this, for ioti aro Yon, detest advertisements but ioit' read tin's aft the sntnr ! It Di akes a man awful mud tovonnncucc and. not he able to si op. Listen now, air join: to tell ioic of our u ELEGANT NEW STCK OF GOODS comprising everything in the clothing line J7 n's suits, of the best French l orstel. Flatcf. Prince IUh vt, En gincev suits, Spvingdndlom and mole skin units, J ar, W ool and Straw Jlnts. hase-hulL huts in 1,hk, -hu ' 7 T- ... , . , ! CU I II IIUI ', ItUUlif. flOl S Of r . itts,UcUcoid Uuijs ana Cotlors, Luien Collars, Juvd- ri, Aockwcur, Trunks, Satchels, 1 afisrs, Uause under ware, and everything in the line of Cents Furnishing oods, Everything .from 10 to 1,j per cent, cheaper than can he purchased elsewhere. 10,000 POUNDS OF WOOL WANTED for which wo will pay the highest market price- DREIFUSS & BRO. April 10, 'SI. SKMNSCHOVK, 1A. Y, THE LEADING JEWELER, SUN HUE Y, PA. Iu his Storo on MAIUvirr 8TKKET, will bo found a flno lot of SHWGS of ia EINM and all prices, in (lolJ, and Frecious Stone. Elgin, Rockford, Springfield and Hampton WATT'fiflffiS iu Gold and Silver, at reraorkalle low prices of all kinds nnd descriptions. HOUKKS' F VMOUS KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS rba place to buy WEDDING PRKSENTS. CLOCKS nf .11 -i...v lions aud The largest toiiotv of Snootnelos Goods can be brought from New Yoik Jewelry bouses iu America. I work puarantee.l to pive SHtisfactioo. EiT-iinir;. lir..:!. Watches, Ubatns, &o. Call trouble to E. Aug. 2, '83. Fino cok Sotvos, B T. RH0ADS, storo and for sain ofCiirpct.s indud- 1 S. WESS. ,, . ,, (III Colors, tiO!S (llhl (IClltS all prices. -....- n nntn I 11 llu'a n.rl n II.. i for nUon fr. 7... . mn.iiii . and examine our stock. No ' show poods. SRfBITH, Y. B. SMITH, : Sl'NEUr.1, pa. - Asditor,