PaUfcked Try Thursday - - Tkri 1 1 tkiir nut ti Mir iras, 11' feni li'n nut tnr John Francis It suffering from the effect of a sprained back. 60Q torn Rock-oak Bark wanted by Siinonton, tartar & Co. For Darpratnt In Boots and Rhoes go to II. 8. Schroyer, BeTtnsgrorc. Mra. Dr. Ditrber and little daughter nre visiting Mlffllnturgh relatives. Frank Hubb, agent for the Peerless Washer, reporat wiling lota of ma chines. A. J. Cosgrove le applying the paint brush In the most artixtio manner on 8uire Schock'i house. Oar present flel Improve correspon dent will please send hie name with fcla neit communication. . Alfred Rchoch, who returned from the city a few weeks ago brought with hiia a magnificent stock of goods. Washing your hen house with wa ter strongly Impregnated with car bolic acid Is said to be a sure antidote against Hoe on poultry. The nobbiest Men's bund undo shoes ever brought to Snyder county, for sale cheap at Schroyer'e, Selins k'rove. Call and see them. M. L. Hlulr, Aldermen 6th Ward, Screnton, Pa., stated Nov. , '4 : He had used Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil for sprains, burns, cuts, bruises and rheumatism. Cured every time. Bad draining causes much sickness, bad blood and improper action of the liver and kidneys is bad drainage to the human system, which Burdock Blood Bitters remedy, Henry lleigle this week had the dwelling house which he purchased of Kmaiiiicl Schaiubaoh moved on his own lot which he recently purchase d of K. Hummel. Alex. Bowersox did the business. We acknowledge the receipt of an Invitation to attend the eihibitlou of the Junior class of 18-15, at the Lewls bnrgh University on the evening of May 10. ltW4. It Is executed In inag nlflceat stvle. in n. iMMiws-ii you want a flist-claes line dress shoe, either Kid Button or Pebble, and the very latest styles, call at M. S. Shroyer's, rJelins- grove, where you can be supplied vrm just what you want. misses lasie ami Klttie Musaer of Hartleton were the guests of the ali tor and family over NuudA.v. Their lii tie brother Lowell, who had been spending a week In Middleburgh re turned home with them. Men's t2.00 Calf button or lace shoe the cheapest in the county for the money ut Schroyer's -made of calf skin and the bottoms sewed on, Kid top. Junt what you want lor a cheap shoe. All warranted. Weir Millinery Good. Come one, come all and see our Summer goods, latest style. Hats and Bon nets, also trimming cheap and pretty just received from the city. C. C. L Jknnik Donx. Next Thursday being Ascension ay, we win issue the Post on Wed nesday in order to give the boys a . .mice 10 eaten their annual supply offish. Correspondents and udver- 4 l.. lit t ..r win piease make a note of this ana sent In their articles no later than Tuesday. cltizHnsof FSuydor oounty that w "III be In Mhldleburgiron mI27 ja.o.wlthamagnmlnli of all kinds of HarnoHs, comprising ixty sets, which we will .ell at public ?l An PPertlty will be afforded to examlo all goods before it in offered for sale. JONATHAN k A. J. IlAIlTKn, Millheim, Pa. The contracts for building the rail road fro,,, Bellefonte to Lemont, were awarded In Philadelphia on Saturday UU as follows: Charles McCaffsrty, of Bellofoute, two miUs; Oeo.S.Oood x lflWmt thre m"e"i JkmaU & Batchelor, of Lock Haven two nines; Biilpinan, of Sunbury. and oi wiwisuurg, two miles; Van Dyke & Wilson, of Williamsport, one tune. A full assortment of Mundell & p.. celebrated Solar Tip shoes-the best vhoe In the county for children Mens calMuitton and luce shoes, Lathes conuuou-sense shoes. Boys calf shoes button and lace, Tlow shoes. Low shoes, Slippers, Walking shoes, Culf boots for meu and boys, and In fact anything you may wish in the shoe line can be found at Schroyer's, Se linsgrove. Be sure and see his stock before purchasing elsewhere. 515 4t Hkh Dia'CKBii.-Ichwutdokeu8ht inier soga we dos es kuinmed dos un- rer wriim puayer so gone sin tsu un- era ormn. Sie lava besser und war- rit bessra gluder und gapsucht das un t r agena klnner. Dengst do sie dona es tar ebbes dos sie in der shrleft galas nen, odor duua sie die geike spela mrera agner sock T Lua uns dls wlssa und ruler sin Immer donkbor. Eisr Tox Batsalbr Fun Penns Township, H B. Tomlinson of Millheim, Cen tre county, who has been astoiilshlug the people with his business qualifications-enabling hiui to retail mer chandise for less money that other weu-todo merchants could by them . . . ..I . . . .. worlil" i..i. . . ... wee a ana nis store U now the hands of the Bberlff. Things got that he was dubbed John Wannaujaii,P Jr. This was no mis take of the people but it wae rough on John WannamakeP. Th- want Up lilts. m,iti ....i I his own hk .tick. -t m wuoiesale, went the "wayof theil"lP8 w" notice the loth of several A0AMtm0 fffcwfc ,' . i lie proiemnnw sjramuier was sac l staiea some I acts aoont tnose Banbury l.fll ..W 1.. .. ..In. ti.M'f-tl .1 .1-- 1 i 1 d .. ... vitw mw wwm mil vuw awa.av " w unu.TIIU1fl UVIWriUlVnt TI1CD I fl r 11 I fill I but odw takes the op1 posit ttew and sari It falris tod tridobi Henry Gets has received tiistiriett Mill from Canton, Ohio, and hat eom tuenoed Work for H el f rich & Smith tot the new school house. They turned out 190 brick In 5 minutes and at the same rate with a double set of hands they could make over 80,033 in ten hours and of a better quality than those made in the old way. Daniel Alters Is repainting his house with ready mixed paint. A. B. De Long, artist. Last week we paid a visit to the boss carpet weaver, Jos. 8hrefller,and found him busy and lots of work on band. Joe knows how to please ev erybody who gives him a carpet to weave, If you don't believe it try him Joe Is also aU. A. 1L J. O. (loss and wife of Troxelvllle have started on a trip through the Western States. Laura Smith of Lew Is town was the guest of O. II. Knepp. vuice a numour or our people were at Beavertown on Sunday. Chas. Hanley of Lewistown paid a visit to his friends at this place Miss Kline of Lewlstowu Is staying with Jacob urconhoe. Our town is overrun with agricul tural implement agents, almost every other man you meet is agent for some machine O. H. Knepp, wife and daughter of this place and Nathan Fetterolf and wife have started on a trip through the Western States, Win. Woodling Is sporting a bran new fence lit front of his house. tin last Saturday Isaac Rothrock gaean entertainment to the little boys and girls, treating them to stor ies, lemouade and cakes. After hav ing spent a good time the little folks returned homo. Parents cannot send their children to a better place to have Bible stories told them. 8. C. Buchmiin agent for the Bissull Curpet Sweeper bus received a lot of them which he is now delivering. lliey give perrect satisfaction. He will call around in a short time when you can give him an order for one or more. The brick layers have commenced work ou Dr. J. O. Wagner's new house. i lie Heaver Springs Currier shop nns orders enough on hand to kep tlieiu busy for three months. Banks Dreese, Manager. Sallio Spangler of Mlllerstown is paying a visit to her many friends at this place. Jacob Draese has returned homo af ter an absence of about six months. Axon. The election of County Superintend ents throughout Pennsylvania on Tuesday marks the completion of the third decade siooe the adoption of the present school law and the elec tlon of the first County Superintend ents, the Act having gone into effect May 8, 1M4. The County Stipern tendents who have served Snyder county since the passage of the Act, together with the salaries paid each. as far as we are able to learn, are as follows : Prof. Jacob S. Whitman. of Freeburir. was elcctml In Mw 18.54, for the county of Union. He reigned arter serving one year ; the your Union county was divded, Da vid Jieokettdorn, who resided at Adauitfburg, became his successor, through appointment, receiving a salary of 300. The next County Superintendent, and the first elected for the new county of Snyder was Prof. Daniel S. Dover, of Freeburir. The Directors' Convention in Muy, 1857, agreod to pay Prof. Boyer $200 per annum, but the directors recon vened six months nfterwards and raised it to f)00. Samuel Alleman, Esq., then a resident of Middleburgh, was elected in 1800, and received a sulary of $400. Prof. William Moyer was elected In 18W, 1800, and 1W09, salary, $500. Prof. William Nootling was elected In 1872 aud 1875, receiv ing $500. Prof. Noetling resigned immediately after holding his public examinations in October, 1877, and State Superintendent Wickersham apimiuteU Mr. Wm. P. Scharf, of Selinsgrove, as his successor Mr. Scharf was elected In May, 1878. He was the first County Siiuerintendent of Snyder who was elected after the passage of the Act giving County hill aw... I l. a . . mienaems a salay of $1,000 and upwards, prof. William Moyer was again elected as County Superln tendent in Jtfay, 18H.-Frcburq Cour ier. Shamokijt, Items. Seeing so many communications iu your worthy paper from all parts of Snyder county, I concluded to drop a few liues from Northumberland county. At this present writing the streets oi mis town are thronged with peo ple, parading back and forward, nod- ding their heads at almost every body uiey i8s, in ract some would pay a proper respect to a "Lamp post" if it oniy nan a bonnet on. It Is my sad duty to retiort thBt Joel Kasemaii, who labored In com pany with mo and anuuiber of others, was unfortunately thrown frm . tressel forty feet high and was dan- ferously injured. I am sorry to say that mv coninnn ions wno came witli me from Snvder i i .. . - i Bounty, were unaoie to remain away from home. Hope they may have a more substantial mlno; when next they go away from papa and mamma. While pondering over the noimtv . . of our best and respectable citizens of west beaver, sorry to lose theia. Many thanks to Win. Moyer, for the kindness he has bestowed upon us durlug his term of office as county Superintendent. He had surelv dutv. and hona hi till A JkA41S tadll do.ibe same, j. j, h, SkLHrsonoTll lTKs.-Last week I fire. Now I do hot wish k place an dlsoredlt npon the wrong parties; It was hot the Fire Or Hook and Ladder Companies, that behaved badly, but the rowdies that came with thenl. The select school of Messrs. Helnt xeluian and Potter was discontinued, because they had too few scholars. The other school report a roll of 84 scholars. This section was visited by a refresh Ing thunder shower on Friday. It was a wlcoma visitor. The 12th lost has been appointed as the time for beginning to tear down the old church that has stood for 81 years. We would attempt no rash guess at the number of confirmations that have taken place at her altar. The congregation purpose making the new edifice the finest church building in Snyder county. Thomas Wenrlch's house was visit ed by burglars on Meuday night. The trying to break the lock on the back door awakened Mrs. W. who called to a neighbor, but the neighbor did not hear her. By this time the robbers, hearing the noise of her footsteps, fled. They should have hud a load of No. 6. The Directors on the 0th did their duty fully, by placing at the beud of our common schools, that able educa tor, MaJ. W. 11. Dill. Success attend him iu his new field of labor. We learn he will locate in our midst and open a Normal school free gratis. This Is the duty of the County Super intendent. Prof. Keenan of Freeburg acted as organist In the Evangelical Lutheran church (General Synod) on Sunday. 1 lie follow Ing is the programme of the exercises attending the unveiling of the Luther Statue at Washington: May IS, 7.45 p. m. Memorial oration in Memorial Lutheran church bv Key. F, W. Conrad, 1). D.,of Phil adelphia. May 10. 745 p. m. (German) A. J. 1). Wedeuieyer prehiding. Addresses by Kev. F.d. Moldehuke, l, 1. of T. .i:ity nn.l Kev. F. Ph. Hen nklni-nn, D. D. of BulMinore. May 7.45 p. in.- Hen. J. A. Kkin. C S. A. presiding. Flat form meeting with 15 minute speeches by Kevs. Drs. J. Fry. D. M. Oil bert, Joel Swart., Kev. . II. Oristtinger. Poem by Kev. M. Slieeleiirh. May SI, 2 p. in. Ills Honor. Chief JiiHtiee Waite presiding. Iratious -Hon. O. I). Conger, V. S. Sena tor from Miehian, ami Uev. J.O. Morrix. D. !.. L. I. of Baltimore. Unveiling prayer bv Key. C. A. Hav, D. D. of liettysbiirg. Unveiling of statue by the Presideut of the V. N. Music will be furuihhed by the Marine itanu. The Catholic .Virror of Baltimore Is telling its readers a falsehood, when It suys that the statue of Luther is to be placed ou public ground. The ground Is the property of the Memor ial church, except a very small corner. The erectors of the statue were com pelled to place a small corner of it ou public domain so us to give it a nice position. But we would also remind the Miner that there are statues of Roman Catholics erected wholly ou public ground. During the centennial of American Independence, some Catholic citizens of Philadelphia made application to the commissioners of Fairmont Park to erect statues to memories of Chas. Carrol, Commodore Barry and other noted Romunists. Now this park is the property of the citizens of Phila delphia. A majority of them are pro testants yet no one kicked against the statues being placed there If Catholic statues can stand wholly on public ground why can't only one sun 11 corner of Luther's rest on pub- ho ground? EXTKVTK. Jackson Township NcuaKm The welcome, copious rains of last week makes nature smile and every thing appear lovely. The apple, peach, cherry and other fruit trees are In full bloom and a fair crop Is propable. There is a fair prospect for a reason able crop of hay and wheat. About one half of our fanners have their corn planted and tho other half wish theirs was planted. Jackson had only five delinquent School Directors on County Superin tendent Election day. Joseph 11. Moyer is Belling buggies for a firm at Milllinburg. Quite a strange animal has been captured near Penns Creek by Cal vin u. and Harry Wetzel. After consulting books containing sped mens of different species of animals we pronounced It a Shrew, but to the uisgust or its captors after its impris oiuneni or a rew days it gnawed a noie uirougu its enclosure and thus made a clean escape and has gone to iians unanown. A handsome reward is onerea to any person who may re v.M.i hi c unu identify it. n manairera or th TTnln u ,u74" bW ""'In we taking sub I - fcJVIU- .-.T l, runas towards the erection vi an additon to that instl vui.uu un convert it into a college win jrnr iiencn. Prof. A. E, (loble occuplod the pul pit of the Lutheran church at New Berlin on last Sunday for ltev. A. C. Felker, who by a severe blow from a piece or wood while engaged at re pairing fence on his farm Istownlast week, was seriously hurt I.I. . . . "Mill -"wu nm men ana wM uofc tQ uiuoittie. Jerry J. Spangler. residing .hA,. .....o sourn-west of New Berlin near Penns Creek, offers hi. consisting of 27 acres of land, all In Kou .uue or cultivation for sale and will give possession t chaser 30 days after sale. The Republicans olid for J. fi. Blaine. As Jackson township goes so goes the Union I Kkporter. Plaster and Phosphate for sale by Bliaonton, Barber k Cj. MX2A0fttAL tkt A I BTTPTt I Capt. (I. W. Ryan Tost.. No. 104, Dept. of Pa. (I. A. R. will commem orate the 30th of May In the follow ing manner : FortKxonjr SKRVtCRS. Members of the Post meet at the Post-room at 0 A. M., sharp, and pro ceed to llassingers Grave yard, where decoration of the graves of deceased soldiers, buried there will bo made, accompanied by appropriate ser vices. After this the members of the Post will return to the Post room, aud dismiss. AFTRIINOOIT SKRVti'Kfl. Re-assemble at 3 P. M., when the Sunday Schools and citizens will Join in a procession with the members of the Post, and proceed to the Mld dleburirll Cemet erv. whero servieeii will bo held iii accord with Depart ment Orders; after which the audi ence will be dismissed until the eve ning ceremonies. KVK.IlNn SKHVICKS. In the evening Public Memorial Services will be held In the Court House, commencing nt 7J o'clock , consisting of an address by Maj. Win. H. Pill, or Capt. C. S. Davis Post, No. 14, Selinsgrove, lntersH-rced with music by Stetler's Cornet Band; sing ing by the Philharmonic (Dee Club of Freeburg, by tho Choir of the Union Church at Middleburgh, services by the Post. iic. The relatives of de ceased soldiers, neighbors and citizens are all itivi'ed to attend at any or all of the Public Services, and anything in the way of wreathes or flowers will bo welcome. Lieut. Rhodes' Zouaves or Sons of Veterans will also take an active part in the processions and services. By order of Memorial Committee, J.Nn. Y. SmxriKl., Chairman. Mr. App, from Selins (trove, Penn sylvania, and Mr. Well Himsewortli of this city, have in Mr. Housworth's stable this week a car load of horses, which they are going to ship on Mon day to Selins drove for sale. A large number of persons in this city have been at traded to the stables this week to see their horses which is by all odds the finest lot of horses ever shipped from the city. Every animal is as near perfect in the class to which It belongs, carriage or draft, , n a horse can well be, and they are all young, sound, gentle, well broken and relia ble iu every respect. Mr. Housworth is probably the best buyer of horses iu this part of the country, and he has bought these horses with special re ference to the market to whiehthey are going, determined to get suitable ones, without regard to cost. They aro fine horses, and have been bought at big prices because they are tine. We hope the gentlemen will make something on their venture. AAm'ii City (111.) Journal. The sale of these horses will take place at Seliusgrove ou Monday, May 10th, 184. The new styles in head wear for la dles this spring is unusually pretty us will be seen by calling on Mrs. Kllen Aiirand, headquarters for Milliner and Fancy goods. The Harry Sisters, known as tho Educated Babies'' will nppear at the B. Church, Middleburgh, on Thurs day evening May 15, under the direc tion of tneir father Prof. J. It. Harry. They are spoken of In the highest terms by the public and the press whoreverthey have appean d and we hope they will have a full house. H. Wels has some important things to say iu his advertisement this week XX.X 18 inch shingles for sale at this office. Apply to T. 11. Hurterfornar tlculars. --- - c A new 7-drawer New Home Sewing Machine for sale cheap. Inquire at this office. Straw hats of every size and de script Ion comprising all the latest styles for sale ut 8, Oppeulieimer's. New Sheet Music aud Music Books constantly on bund or ordered op short notice ut Salem Si App's Music Store, Selinsgrove. It will pay every body to examine the iminenso Stock Furniture for sale by the Topular Furniture man W. II. FELIX Lewistown Pa jozK9 for nAijR. We have a faw Organ Holes for sale cheap at our music oiore, Holinsfc-rove, Pa. . Sajhim Apr. ... i on wonui oe nstonislicl to see the les of shirts at Solly OppenhelmerVI Uiey range In allstyies andslzes.froni the costliest linen to coarsest working shirts. It is the desire of all to annear well In ;socIty, but a gentleman cannot expect to do this however well dress ed unless he has a bat that becomes hlui. This specialty can be secured at S. Oppeulieimer's who has an Immense stock on hand. Don't buy your Piano until vnn have examined the Sohmkr and also the WnKKUxiK.the bust Plonos in the market We are sellinar them at lower prices than any other house in Cen tral Pennsylvania at the Musical Em porium, Selinsgrove, Salem tt inn J 'roprittors, Sklliko out at Cost. -On aertonnt of (He manager of tnf store. Mr fow ls Kahn, leaving Selinsgrove shortly, I am eoiupelled to close out mjr large STOCK AT COST. Among the arti cles to be sold will be found a large" assortmens of Womens' and Misses Flue Shoes and Oaiters, Mens and Boys Fine and Heavy Boots nnd Shoes, Quid Boots and Shoes.Trunks,, dents Furnish ing (ioods, Sie. Tills opportunity should not be missed by the people of this county who desire to purchase GOOD OOODS AT LOW PRICES. This Is a regular bomi fi L sale ami ev erything will be disposed of at bot tom prices. Don't fail to take ml van tage of this. Mux. R. Mahx, Between Keystone and National Ho tela, Selinsgrove, Pa, Ton Can Laugh at the grim destroyers, Croup and Whooping Cough, if you havethnt popular standby and incomparable remedy. Dr. Kessler's English Cough Medicine at hand. The w iseand pru dent family keeps it in the house to be prepared for emergencies, price 85 and 50 cents. Hold and warranted bv Dr. Barber, Middleburgh, I'll. An Exarapb. A pale sickly child -three of McDon ald's celebrated Woini Powders ad ministered -releived of tlie enormous number t f worms rosy chceks.gontl health and appetite the" result. Hold and warranted by Dr. Barber, Mid dleburgh, Pa. When you go to Selinsgrove dotit forget to call ut Saie iiAj App's Music al Emporium, where you can buy any thing in the music Hue at reduced prices. 4 17 4t riN!N( TDK Fot XTAIXH. Ill nillll borless bulbs beneath the skill is se creted tho llipiid substance which givesthe hair its texture, color and gloss. When this secretion stops, the hair begins at once to become dry, lustreless, brittle ami gray. Is that the condition of your hair? If so, ap ply Parker's Hair Balsam at once. It w ill restore the color, gloss and lifebv renewing the action of nature. The! Halsain is not an oil, not a dye, but an elegant toilet article, highly appreci ated because of its cleanliness. May. Wantkp. Ten Psrch Sand Stone for facing. Address, D. A. Ci.Kiuui, Selinsgrove. Pa. ilmlririlt'biii'tir Murkct, CinRCTKi wrm v or Simontou, JJnrbor Sc Co. Wheat (J5 to l 00 Rye ; no ( irn f(n Oats ;ih Mutter V5 Eggs U Pitted cherries 14 Unpittcil " 3 Blackberries H Raspberries 25 Onions ftd Lard i- Tallow oi Npriug Chickens per lb 0 1 urKeys 10 Side 'j Noulde 14 nam in Ties 25 o ,y Pen Coal 'j c,! ( 'best nut Coal 4 fiij hlacksinitli Coal ft no Egg Coal 4 fiO Plaster, per ton JJ (HI Malt per liarrel 1 i;fi " '' knuZ:ZZZl'Z" 1 si Kock Oak Hark fil.OO, in trade $15 50 m.vimm 1 :r. April 27, 'M4, by Kev. J. ). Short ess K. A. Kantz of Selinsprove, l'a., to Miss A. Laura Hughes of Kautz, Sny der county, l'a. CfMI PATCHWORK. KavliiK a InruA nj..rttncnt ol rviutiunt ami lvt' ui liHiiiiiin'J mlk, ntin an. I vlvflp, i are pulling IIipiii un In ii"nrli'.l luui llrion. liiriilKliiiiu tln'iii nr '('riirj' rtciiw.irk I'licliliina, Muip. Thill-, Ni-., r. I'AI'K.MIK Ko. I 1 H llllllll-iillliu llllllltll' III l-lll.-ll mIUk. hUiiuhihI l.r.u ii lt-.l voIvUh lull l I f l.-rcnl ) . .hi hi llm Ilium lur lln- in.i-l miliorli (.iitlcru i.l f.uirv work, Sunt iiiat.m. fnrM i-hhi. Iu piniiil ..(', or In-iit kIhiii.(. I'ACKAHI; Nn. V-'niilnln. Inn thrt-o 1 1 ittiniH'li un un-kno No. 1. hrnt iolnilil lor l.u). I'lii.'s uro nil nl (ho vxry SnuKt iinlilv iiihli'Hniiiil In- c 1 1 1 .1 1 1 -. I nl utiy uth.-r mlk wmki. In tliu i s. ul dm-., iiiiih. ., i.n,... i hi-y will .iim hiiv linly. Ilnu linv iininc ii ii-m-n ini.r.-. l.MHI.S M AIS'l'AMil' V AM Y WIIIIK. Willi 4 10 lllil -trulli.lit nn.l full iH.uti.l, i.mMimI.I (hi ,-i. Iir.l.r imw. A.lilrcuj. inxirui-nnnit mr Hi lliitli- in in wuric mi n.i aniii mi w Tin; llm iikmtuk Mi.s t'u., Koi-Iio'Iit.'n. A Valuable Farm -AT- PRIVATESALE. fpilE nnilfirsiened will sell liia farm J- Htuiiloln Krunklln lnwnnlili,Snyilfiroiiiinly, .... iiiiinit wrm hi .illililiuinirgll. on me MAUI Mini i.lliiir Ironi Mlililh-huriili Lu llnnvariuiiii. ouu tulle ourlli ul Itrnlcr. conlaiulnl eg 15 1 Acres, mir or lM. 1M rri. aro unilr a hlsh lati of oultirullon Hi. Ixlance la Umber. Tli. tm- iruveui.ul ar. a uo Two-story Log Frame House, .".'i',d.. l,'.n,'. WOOD HOUSE. I t:oN I H1IIS, (ll)UI) Frame Cam, and other n'eoinary oulbulHlns' wnt.r at larn ami bnuui. I.ltiio mm Itunnlua l.ltllo nioaoy rniilrii to buy ami a Inns lime allowoj to iay rar mr vuv9 iritriicuiarB auurvM H lm. ALLO N"Illlfll I..wltowu, l a. m is i Every Bundle Warranted I of UM Knots ! FOR SALE HV T. II. IIAHTUK, MIDDLEBURGH, . . PKNN'A, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. I.etl.r. ot admlnMratlns oath.. ttat. of 1-r.d. I rouo. latauf tarr In. Kn.ri.. 11 I. jsrtrjkTi ja-JSr' r ' 'j, NCH HUBS! d.e.ail karlns bMD grant.illa tbs uod.r, sll p.rooi SbowIds In to laid Mtat. ar. tomaks liomllat. payment, ebll. tboe. hsvlag alslsil will k.ia duly sath.ntiest.d t. . JOHN F. TROUP, Has II, ISM, AduJalMraWr Mow Us YouiiB TTflLae I I wish (o inform- the resident of Snyder eonot tbat ! bar ss if ortment of Cooking Stoves, Ranges, Heatero, Parlor and Bedroom Stovec, 1 Including lbs New Lifrht House Cook, Silver Harp, Ladies' Pride, Te Cooks. New Unnsbine, Net? Jasper, New lUcord Large, la viDcinie, ii.c.-peor Heaters, isew I'.arly -a i rlis ti . Ins, New Jasper Heaters, New UolJen Fireplace Hcators. Heators from 15 to 30 Dollars, are all of the latest pnlforns and best material, Rfiarscleed to be cbtap as tho cht'iipeat and as good as the boat. Call and see the Fine Cook Sotves, of which I lisvo oa larpn and well-selerled n stork as can te found in tie county nnd at pricen that will compare with Wholesolo Houses. Tinware, Spouting and Roofing. None but tho very t est used. Snooting aud Hoofing done on short nutice. Respectfully submitted. MiPni.Brunii i AIR PETS ! I Imvo now iu store ami for sale a inniiiuiotli stock of Carpets includ- illnf BRUSSELS, A LI. WOOL, WOOL FILLING, I ART WOOL Ail I8AG CABI'KT of my own make. I have about 70 Ucsigns in WLL PAPEfS 2 Right liens in slock, including a fine line of Gilt papers and fiior dcrs. We trial the edges of nil pa per sold notwithstanding the aston ishing low prices w e sell at. Come! Beautify your rooms for the least expense. $ WEDS. Lk Here NWl Don't say you re noi going to read t lii s, for yon are You detest advertisements but you'll read this all the same I It makes a man awful mad to commence and ' H0.f ho aufc o stol' listen ! i ,,v JtLKtiAJN l NEW a I UK OF GOODS comprising everything in the clothing line Men's suiti, of the best French Worsted- Fanet, Prince Albert, En gineer suits, Spring-bottom and mole skin pants, Fun )Yool and Straw Jlats, base-ball hats (a base-ball in each hat Vanilla hats of all colors, Boys and Cents suits, Celleloid Culf s and Collars, Linen Collars, Jewel' ry, JS'ockiccar, Trunks, Satchels, Valises, Cause under' ware, and everything in the tine of Cents Furnishing oods. Everything Jrom 10 to IX per cent, cheaper than can, be purchased elsewhere. 10,000 POUNDS OP WOOL WANTED . 1 0T WlllCh. Wti ll'lll lint I.' Iuttli4iif lit ut'hfit i.i'xa DREIFUSS & BRO. April 10, -til. THE LEADING JEWELER, SONBUKY, PA. Iu his Store on MARKliT STRKKT, will bo found floe lot c4 MING of all K.UN1B& aod all prices, in Gold, and Precious Stone. Elgin, Rockford, Springfield and Hampton WATT 1H1IH in Uold and Silver, at rerairkaLlo low price of all kiuds nnd tlcBcriptions. ROOKRS' FAMOUS KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS. Tho placo to buj WEDDING PRESKNTH. CLOCKS cf al destrit tiona and all prices. Tic Fan Kings MMicn Macls, al $1.25 ajalr The Isrcoat tsrioty of Speofarloe in tbis psrt of tbe oonntrj. Goods can be bronRbl from New York for selection from one of tbe larvMsi Jewelry bouses in America. Iloimiring-rt epecisltT, and all work (runrtnfeed to pits, ssfisfaction. Ksr-rings, Breastpin Watcbes, Cbaios, &o. Gall and examine onr atock. No ' trouble to abow goods. E. Y. B. SMITH, ..'. svkiioiit. ri.. ' Tatretf Diiwo, New Sum and others. M7 B. T. RH0ADS, A. ' - now, wc are going to tell yon SKMXKOHOVE, I'A. sm