T. II. IlyVTtTl ftufctoription fll.50 TVr Year. RATES OF ADVERTISING : Dim (Mot, Vm Y ....... ...yM tiBktil . t me Tear :vn Ube'rowrrb Nrn, . fear u n Krnlee-toat ftardt, pr tear 5.oo A.fltar, rxanlor, Adiatoletraktr, anJ .wwm Rutfc. fo wlftMlrNbl arraaameal. ar made, all MfMknMli,liiMrH lor lea tban I manth. ftwr flM par tu.k Mf A Inaerilon 1 if let la revon. le.ertloa and 7 MnU lor a.b twnrat ImwIIoi.- Ui JJJJ I J. . Republican Ticket. For CongrrM, 1OUI8 E. ATKINSON, of Juniata ounty. For AcwiutiW, . Al.FitUI) HOrHK'll, of MM.)l-l)urKL. Tor NlirrlfT. XKUn. MIDDLKSWAHTH, of Went Iteavvr. For Treiwurer, CHARLRS A. HI,KM)KK, of Frmikliii. For (.'uininlanlonvra, JOHX MOHN of IVntro iwnl JAMES K. UOUSKKof L'nloii. For Auditor. Al)AM SMITH of H.-uver nn.l O. W. ftlKUUllof Wet-t IVrry. For Coroner Dr. E. W. TOOLE, of Frt'ebtirt. The Pooftto very properly pnsci1 the till jilaciug Getiornl UiudI on Ibe retired list of tie army at fall pay od tbo 13tb witbout debate oi opposition. 1 b8 tcti m is entirely proper, witbont nuy rcferenco to tbe lite bnelncps misfortune of (bo Jin tingoislicd KolJicr. He Iuih deserv ed thin, much of tbo country be bo valiently served in tbe boor of ii Hoed, Tbe Hooho f-bould follow tin action of tbe Senate at tbo earliest opportunity. Vu''i Times. Tbe Mormons, Dot Fatipfiol witb LoMiug anpretnacy in I'lub and do tying tbe United States Inns there, are iovadiug Lliho, whicb tbey pro pobo to convert into anotber Mor mon atrongbold. Ibete is an nbriD dance of loud talking iu tbo news papers, tbe cburcb aud in Congress about tupprcsbing polygamy and bringing tbe Mormons to lurum, but we ootieo that it all begins and ends iu talk. Nothing tfTVetivo is cvii doDe, while tbe plague spot serenely keeps growing and uprcading ovur tbe fairest regions of tbe great inte rior basins and plateaus Tbe Qorerument has paid ont since the cIobo of tbe war neurly SGSO.OOO 000 in pensions to tbo sol diers of tbe Toion, and is now trihutiug among tlit-ui over $00,000, 000 a year. 1 'infilled veteruus arc provided witb comfortable homes. For tbo able'boddied and capable A record of fuitbful servieo ia tbe army is generally a passport to ofl'ioe or occupation. Ail this is n it nbould be, save that tbe granting of pen sions has assumed uunarruuted pro portions under tbe interested tnuu ngemcnt of claim agents. Tbe Ifu)ucuntic party U now like tbe negro wbo, wbua bis preacher nuid there were but two roml, one adiug to damoatiou, tbe otbor t (lestruction, vehemently exclaimed, ' Den din ui""Gt''ll take, the woods.' That party seems to bo in the same dilemma. It has the Tariff bull bj the horns ; if it lets go it will be gjrtd to douth, and if it hold on it will be kuooked to pieces. It a hon est members have tuken to "tho woods" in which there is uo party trail mapped out iu tbo olitio.il platform. Wall Street Imu Bomoliiio'' of r panic on a email Hcule lbt week when it was uonouncod that irint A, Ward, bankers, bud suspended, which was followed by tbo elapse of tbe Marine Dank. Tbo first member of tLe firm is a son of U. S Grant, who, haing muiricd a C'uli fruU millionaire h d.-mghter entered tbe speculating urtna a few years Oio and autoniahtd all witb bi ex tensive deals iu stocks, aoJ, BLAIUSAlTSaAIinZLS. Tbo more formidable Mr. Rhine be comes as a candidate the more Lit' teily is be attacked by bis enemies, lie is receiving the mott savage thrusts from his professed party as sociates, and one of tbe standing arguments against his nomination is tbnt it would necessitate a 'defen sive' campaign. Tbo fact is, those who have sought to destroy bis chances as a candidate by dragging to the light the musty scandals ol tbo past have strengthened him in the estimation of the public by giv ing his friends an opportunity to clear np the old charges. This has been done very explicitly and satis factoiily, so lint there will be noth ing to explain or defend should he be nominated. It is not possible for every roan possessing the intellect and tbo ag gressivo spirit of Mr. Ulaiuo to spend many yeais in active public life and not provoko antagonisms There is nothing negative in his na ture or disposition and by his posi tive conrso on all questions ho has (undo many enemies and excited the petty jcabusies of smaller wind bj tbo rapid progress ho has made iu the domitin of statesmanship. Let those who are apprehensive as to a defensive campaigu reflect for a moment upon tbo grave charg es prefeiied against Quilitdd when a candidate. Like Maine, Garfield had been long in tbe tbe servico of tbo country, and two or threo of bis acts were seized upon aud tortured into nets of criminality. Thero was this diffuience, however, tbo accusers of ni field wore his political ftp ponenls,wbile the party associates cf Maine are doing the dirty woik of defamation. The people vindicated (lartield, and wucn bo become Pres ident bo gave tbo highest evidence of his confidonco in Main's integrity by making him bis chief adviser. There is nothing now charged aguiost Klaiuo that was not known to Garfield, aud if the latter did not regnrd the former as fit f jr tbe 1'residency he would not have made him the head of his administration. Those who have confidence in tbe judgment cf Gai Geld need no argn. ment to convince them of the integ rity of HI rial (liizi He. same evening (it being Waabiogton't birthday) and all wbo heard Lim were captivated by bis eloqnnce and personal charms. He very toon be came exceedingly popular as an In slruc'.or, and bis sorvicos for reven teen years among ns have given our people an opportunity of learning tbe worth of a first-class teacher. Ilia tumorous a Ureases befjre teachers Institutes in various ptrts of our Stato, at Sunday School cele brations and otherpnblie occasions bavo established his reputation as an orator, second to noon, lie bos been offered professorships in col leges and Normal Schools at advanc ed salarios but bo declined thorn all, preferring t remain with the peo ple of Snyder comity. In placing him at tho bead of tbe common schools of Snydor county, our direc tors Lave done well for the cause of education and at tbosame time bon oring a very worthy citizen. lie will now have an opportunity of mingling more frequently witb tbe poople of the county and tbey will find him to be a plain, sociablo and uun'iiming gentleman. WIIKIIK IT TOUCH Kt TI1K KHOHKH ASl) T1IK UI1KAT COM M.NS IN UID-KTItKAM. "WliRt ii t-ft!itlhil lirlcltrn bMwi'Pn flit n ftn.l rhll'lh'Miil l t liKlnn. M.iw IntiillU-lr Ih rliilil Ih-k'hk" wllli pnir rii'l worliln nn -n'cr mif Uti-. ami hnw Intiillivrly. nn iinttin I He, th ii. il in in lii'n. lurk to rnyrr ami nrli'p, ut titiK Mini"' H axnln at le liv ul ln Willi lh Inlnn," rrnnrii. Sir I.. Ilnl wrr Ii) turn, la hla ' Str.uat irv.' Yr, lull l.' twrpl IIf 1.tHiil nltiitiRntH the lirliUo ol lil Ii luiinv hull nii'l anlul n-li" tliDiimli alili-l tlm a II 1 wntrr ilnuli ami rnar In wrath mi J ilcMilatlnn. 1'rnyrranil aur-hlp alone it n-it 'imam tho r. riiilurc oiu tnn-t In- iiti-lnt kon lipiuatli, a nl liniunn art nml rklll mii't rrnr anil x lultlv Hi Uriu'lurr urprlir.nl lotl'o ill In Ih-M ri-tni,iftm In the lawn Ho linti iihiiIm Inr the (riatiirc4 whom Ho hai iHri unilc-r thrlr r intMl. Nellliar t Ii .-litl.l'a triKllul "t ur I'Ktlipr," nor tlir ohl man n KorKi-t in not in the inhlKt of nil up Innmimon," will alter tlilf liv the wiflwht of a ainale u-ratn. 'sclem-e anil art llrnt then lulth anil prnrrr 1 Hit uMr i'f Hr.ivcn Itoell, Iitvlnltjr lienln thri imh ll nxi-nu, ami thou aunntu are the din povrrlen nl in. in : not tho vniiiie aniioiii-pmatitK ol iri,irtn or pnrr. J lilo a linnlon to jroii ? I him lime ilr.iK? In your iowrr r.io with lilc'i prolili'tn iiml ilulim wi-nki-neil t You aro not well. Your iil t rluKifl'li ami tainteil, par ham : or nini' Inr.Kirtimt oran l tonitil or over worknl. Th'i lail may bavv tukrn the form or ilvppirin, rn-niniiMin, aoni. miiinria, niim in tlie rtomarh, rliroiili- h'-ailn'-li', or any ol a ilnwii oilii-rlllx. I'AKK KIW'S I I INK' will Inrlirora'e vnn. an frmh air Invluorateii Hioho who have hern lint np In il iini, iPtii i rlln. It In owerlul. pure ii-lK'lou. ai-ipiitifli'. rali"-tho kryHouc ol Hie central a-cli ol tliu urhlKc ol iiik. Irof. William U070:, lato SiijtiiutfciuUnt of Coin nun Hclioulb, 'juils tho duties c f this im- poitaut office and 1 c tires to private life with the proud i-atisfnetion that he has the approval of all tho people and the consciousness of having faith fully and impartially discharged his duties, l'or twelve years bo ear nestly and vigorously devoted hie time and talents, with marked mic cess, to tbe work. That ho should Horvo the public for so long a period and escopo, entirely, adverse criti cism is expecting too much. Hi high moral character, undisputed s.ciiil excellence aud admitted ncho lastic qualifications eminently lit ted him for a faithful and aftlcient dis charge of tho very important work and turned asidu the poisoned ar rows of coiicuiled and nnfricndly criticism. Neither want tf public confidence or growing nnpopnlitrih but bis lorg eeivice, and a public desire to do something for our emi tieut utid excellent citizen. Maj 11 1i)1, Flood iu the way of Mr. Moyei's re-election, Mr. Mover' ready and hnmble submission to tho popular will made Lira mnnv new friends and imparted renewed confidenco nnd greater esteem iu his mimcrous old nnd tried friends to re lire Ibus from public service is tho ttiougest and best evi lencu that tl.o pe:plo will ngain call him tj ac tive, public duty. ICKXSE NOTICE Notice is J hrrp' y Klvt-n thai ho t liKllrl, llllnin llnltxwurth, ) II III II KID. lohii II r o-kler llaoiel Holeuder, oi.i Npreht. orae i) hmlto Kohert .Vlilillatwartb Henry SioiH lllpkle obi U'eii'lt, Slini'll l.nnK. eih iMoKer, Da 1 1 Herrnlil. Catherine liotliarmal, N llouner Samuel Unmbjch Hyron Hartniao liaheth Keoler lir 1; M-nnee have p.to.l their prtltloni lor Tavi ro. llrere with the t'lork of quarter hiloni of hnyler county, mil tlieaaiue will bo prenentod lorap nruval nn Miin,lav. the Mth ila tl Mav next. Aol now. .lanu ry lth, 1 7, It la onlereil that the clerk nl the court Innert In lha puhll p U"ii of Tavern I.loentea herealter a nutlno that all l.li'aunea uranieii hy the ; iu't will ha nu I iiml voi-l. un'e.4 u.a aiiiniaant mill nil the lame within lifleea iUy alter tha mine hall hive been urai.teil. hy the pro,tuntlnn nl a reriilnt li-nin the c.onlv I reasarer to tue t'lera oli ilJl'ourt. that the I.lcen'e f hi heao paPl. i i it i i iiia , rf. W. II. Dill, the newly electod Couuty Suporin tendent of Snyder C unty, as born at Warwick, N. V.t August 26, 18 U Ho atteuded the Warwick Institute-, backed i Dat'vo town, aud entered ltut i n.li vt t mi.-i ii hv IU cams ct old Ulv -sea. tho fi. m Gers uonego, .1. u., xueouoro re eni .,td anliioiUJ cond leuce. In , Ji"SioyeD, our present S jo. of State tit t.tWnDal; rant U..ta Lislb?ioe president of the Collego ai n-bavicgbeencompellea to make lLat luao' wLau ixloeo 5T an MaitDtveut. iolae- AHer taking a lull course mil aaaaaaaaaaaaaa I in that lustitulb be graduated With fail- bouors. Ihetocain of war then 10 sounded through tho land, aud he When the intelligence of tbo wre of U. 8 tiritnt itiscbed Washing ton, Senator Ivliuonds of Veimout hastily c fTer d a resolution to re tire tbo General at a salary of 000 per nimum, ond requested thut owing to tbe cit'ouiust'jnue witb wbicu the house was acquainted, rromwt action would bo takeu in tbe rueasuro. We ar uu ardent ad tuirer of General Grant, and -believe it justice to retire buu in doe time, but that ether important buoiness tboiild be sot aside to make good Ibe joss of Grant through his prodical sup, looks to us us though some p rsons wot mighty anxious to ii ske donations of other people's J D-oney. Young Grant had to have 3.OOO per mouth as liviug expenses and-lhe 6rm lost the balance in 1 be b"v is entered the servico of his country u a private, was souu promoted to cttptttucy and whou the war closed b was commiubioned a Major lit mor itorious services during the three years that he served in the army lie participated in uiiny hard-tought battles, tbe lust boiog on the bloody field of Gettysburg. At the close of tbe war be went back to his native town. 1'rof. lioyer, Tresideut and Principal of tho Froeburg Academy applied to a firm in New York, for competent teacher aud this corres poudenco resulted iu securing Maj I). 11, who arrived in Free burg, Feb -Will the cmlnir man arankef" wa ent iled by lT"f. H-k In hla cbamiln para I -Met Ue aaya, mon-nvnr. that the rational way to mm fciharro la throinrh tlie rU All aaTw that otily the ln-at tihacco a!inult be n-.1. Wh!.U la fin ttf That ti which Natum bMrontriluiU-rt the ninetei nul'lf SaTrra. lllark wi-ll'a Hull l'urham Hiiiokm Trhvon Mu t!- hill romplcti-ljr. h'jirly two thirila of all the totaimrrowu nn UieOol'leiiTotiarmlK-ltnf NnrUi Caro lina Krpa Into U10 manufactory rf ltln.-k-well, at Inirluuu. '1 f ry my tlin u k i f tfie enliro iw.-tion. Hn--Miwkwi'U'a Hull luirhain Kuioklna Tolcco la thr Imlof thai biliarco. Don't N ilm-lvcil wln:n you buy l'he iMirhaxn HuU Uat mark la pu i-vi-ry reutune IT AS packaKQ. lllir-kwiirn (K-iiomd Hull Pnrhara Aa Uj' liioluu of all )ulirw ot tUnokina Tobacco. a MalloiKroT Uoroukb Wlil.llehurah Heaver Town'blp Monree Cbapnaa, Vnlos MMillreek fVutra Terry Wa.hliiKton Owing to ill hcnltli 1 would nn onucc to my pntrons nnd citizens of the surrounding community that I have to disbnndon the mercan tile business, till improvement 01 health. Would extend this time six months to my pntrons to settle up their accounts nnd would say that 1 will keep u full stock of mer chnndico for the next 90 days nnd will positively sell cheaper than any other store in the county. Very Respectfully J.W. SPECHT. Deaver Spriogs, May 1, '84 lift 3 BLOOD, III ahd a wyvPositive Cure I Baartcirif tt 1 J Sasricirif r CNcaiwLeta BHMUTISn. XTralrta, SCIATICA, LIIBAGO l InfklllM. remedy Ihi 'all dlaeaatw or lha Skin and Blood, auch aa Tot tar, Klnarworm, Hcrnfnls, t:rylix1ae. Plmnlaa M lllntclioa. and Ii the beat IU-me.1) lor all mal linm- plalnU nl Waak neeaaa. It baa cured dlaaaae. of the LWr and Kldneye whan all other remedies faave failed. rkOMWrwr DiaetK inaaaaiJ. jtm sa.l If SanaChlraj SaM, pot If kar mat tuA aa4 It, aa4 fwiu DM mm Ray It, writs 10 and w wlU aaad I ftm by xpras, pfwpUd, 00 raaadp of prttm. Otm in fhraa tattlea of KheomaMe MVM4l elear tha ijwiu of Blla, and nra any taae) af Ia amrawory ar jkuw unwimaiiani, or naoraajia. .TTira to St bottle, will antra tinlnala. h Its wont fcra. Tout fo rlx Vottlea ara warranted to aara corrupt and running float; Tonr to aft bottles ara wamatwd to san any caaa of Ball Hbeum. ...nr. to alfbt butt la. will tore U worat 1 of St rufula. of Khavmatk pymp will rnre any raaa of Cbronl. Khunualata .Tmm two to four month1 twenty yearn' atantllng, If yon hay. bean a auflWrar yaart, sad hare nacd alt lh. remadle. yon aoold tj of, with ao avail, do not ba dlaoooracad, aw EbenmatU Syrup will cur you. Price, S1.00 par bottlat S bottUs tar 99.. Band for our pamphlet of TaatlmonlaU. eta, . RHEUMATIC SYRt'P CO., Bocbeatcr, V. T. FUH 8 ALK UV I)UUUaiST6 l'rloe l.UUpr otil orO boius lor THE POPULAR OF MIFFLIN COUNTY. Every tlepat t man t full and reaJj for bnsiness, Tba Largest aod mott Carefully Selected Stock of WALNUT & PAINTED CHAMBER SUITS ever shown io Lewistowo. Sixty Chamber Saits, priees from 925.00 to $125,00, beiog twenty-five saits mora than aver on band at aoy one time before These suits are all gotten np in good style, make and fin ish. None Better, and will be sold low for rash. Call and inepeet goods and bear prices. BEDS, CHAIRS, UUIIEAUS, SINKS, SAFES, TA BLES all kinds MATRESSE3 of all kiuds. FORTY LOUNGES from $5.75 np. Rppb, Brossols. Terrv's Hair Cloth, and Velvet coven. We take the lead in these goods SIDEBOARDS, handsome and elegant. Oar own make. All Prices low foivCasb. Our desire is to please. Oca Motto : Good Goods, Low Pricos, and No Trouble to Slow Goods PICTURES, PI01U UK FRAMES, otc, for tbe million. W. H. FELIX, Pro. -ESPRING AiniiraiL!in)ceMieini' I S. OPPENHELMER; SELINSGR0VE, FA. Wider Fona Draw. Won der AuJam un deAfe ebos gavrist hedda fain Solly Opponboimer seino store we sie ira gor da gawest woia don betta siesich net gaboddored mid laub blotter, for see betta gUJcr grega kanna dos eee net ma gakust betta nnd wai-e roa Wee Lissnese gaweet. Are bnt glaJer fr bova fer $1.35 de suit, an fer menner gone wenicu mair. Io bem mer beat are ollas dos ich mi lava gasanna hup Wisoe hemmer fur Sundog, un oily sotta fer war dog. Hi goods is alfort ust w aare sogt dos es is, un ich lr ftrboftcjlor not sana wee de lite see so wolfile mocha kena. Are hat no aw hols dicber, Fnrtiisbiog goods, Satobels,'(Trunks, Revolvers, tin an lot onera sccba dos ieh uet wase wee mere as deitcb hast, over ich wase doi boo wolfile sin. ieh bop one gafrogbt was ere will mit aofel atrow beet, no but are es moul af garisa dos erne der bate opgafolU is na hut gaiogbt : "Dose will be all sold before do eeaBon closes or I am a liar I ' SEBBOLD & RUNKLE Having jnst opened a msgoificent stock of General Merchandise desiro to eall tbo attention of Layers to a few facts that will not only please but Astonish the Public ! They are now offering good brown Sugar 4 pounds for 25 cents and all other Groceries at corresponding prices. Jn DRY GOODS tbey have an unlimited variety of everything, Wooiens' Hose at & cts a pair. 100 PIECES OF DRESS GOODS ratgicg in price from 8 to 75 cents per yard. 100 Pieces of Cottonades at fi t no 8 to 25 cents per yard. They have also tbe finest lot of Stone Iron Chinaware in the county, while thoir stock of Glassware is Simply Immense. OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS, BOOTS & SHOES, IIATS Jk CAPS.&e., io fact eveiytbiLg in tbe line of General Morchaodise found in Groat Va. ricty aud at Bottom Prices. Follow the crowd and yoa will find the place. i:i;holi ki kli;, MlDDLEBUROn, PA. i A PMINISTRArOR'S NOTICE a Letier. af AdinlDl'trailnn on tlia eat nf Jumel llaaiunr, Ula U e't ller towi.tliin. Snviler CouDtv. I'a.. ilei M. birlDu t.aeo (iranteil to tlie unueri.:neii, an prenna know ma- tlieina ve Inloltel to aall eitate ara riutateil io make linuieiliata payment, Ublle lima, LavInK oialuiiwill ret.iil lliewduly au. tu.ttilcat.d to IIAMU, II. IIANSIMtr.K, HtSKV JM. 11 ANSINUKK. May 1, '!. pi Ailmlnlttratun i-!fuilv Cauirlit with I.ockwootl Si Fob- Iit'k New ICIfi-trid Knrlur Aliirin, "H ciMitH. Now l;ii-rlric I'.ill. '.v.: Now Annunt-latur Kunli, TV , rsiw Sunn lor, fl ; New ,svmiwiim Ai y. 76. l I'iiiII liniliilia. 'in, iirk-palil : e I'rup Aniiuiii'latiir. i-iiuiiii'i. w. annua w inwii. M miiI mnuuy alio your nMera. ralenl. an- nlle.1 l.ir. I). W . KnhaTKK k I'D.. ill rara uuw new iera. BURDOCK BLOOD RIT1ERS. nA ort. 7 W. ao autire atr.nger pell spvaokod aud mi U led, U appeared tefors ao ftodience ib-1 WHAT X0 XTt A strictly vegetable prepa ration, composed of a choice and skillful combination of Nature's best remedies. The discoverer does not claim it a cure for all the ills, but boldly warrants it cures every form of disease arising1 from a tor- Did liver, impure Diooa, ais ordered kidneys, and where there is a broken down conai tlon of the System, requiring a firompt and permanent tonic, t never fails to restore the sufferer. Such is BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sold by all druggists, who are authorized by the manufacturers to re fund the price to any pur chaser who is not benefited by their use. PRICE, 01.00. FOSTER, hllLE'JRN & CO., Props,, UUrrAlyO HEW YORK, rpRIAL LISTHAT TESM.1331- Jnlin I'riiikitiank, et nl va t TV Mate, at. al. Ann r.llMt Itnwe, va Win 11 Mot 'arty, el aU V. V Hiililiiii-k, v.l W Omiuli-r. Moovn III. It. S-n. va Win 11 l.a h. t ranklln and Nuwlun l lrlrh, Tnnnnta In Com- Inun va'l'lia Ikironitli ol KHllnnitrnvn. laaaeaml Mm) .iiiiiiicriiniu, v. Abr anil t.'har- Into Kmi-ln-r. Joreiiiinli nml KmuiiiSnyiter, vii Jacob ana Mary Itn.ulrii'Un. Kuiuia J Hcriuun, do-Helm, vl Sain anil (leo. Ilvrinaii. lull n U ii ii'! S.i rili M Snoko, vt DutIJ Kolotily an I V II ll n-kiiK. 'Iiurlva Krnufe. v I niul IMcndrr. Sjiki', va .lolm S Wolf s.iino vadeurKU 11 lli-mlrli-ka. lohn III, 'I lorry va I. l( linniniei. I'lieS (1 S:ili, ami llull.linif AMnelallon, T II N liovnr, rt ul. Ilnrllnulon II kul, rial va Htiniiml linwen at ul. Tliealmve i-naea dre at laaue mid lor 'irtalat May Term 18t. 3. CltOl'KI-; ITolliy. I'fotliya. (IfflM Ai.ril SJ, KM. VTOT1CK ia hereby Rven that the Uv f.illnwtns Wldowe Apiiralaemanta nuitor the flOO Kaw, have been Dleil with Ih Ulerk ul the liruliaua- nnri ot nny.irr coumy, lorron- n.nt.ii.,,, .I, ainntlav. Ilia '2Ath da of Miff Oelt. Annrillainent ni i.yuia lioilin wmow oi nnuon HoiihIi, lute ot WiuliliiaTlnn tnwnaili,(lupenaril. Aliiiinemnl nl lltinry lluiiiinol una mnna lluiinnel, i-hllilroii iin l fielra ul Wlllnim Hum uinl late ul Cliaiiimn tnwn,hl, ilooeuaoit. Airnlnniiii iii ul .vary Ann now, widow oum-i Uow, lute ol MliMlncreelc townlil, Uec-caavJ. Apiinilainidit ol Catharine limine widow of UaiiUl liMUto, lata ul rennlownablp, ilmcHicd. Appraisement of Kliiabeth Troup widow ol John P. Truup lata ol Waehlnnlou towonblp, Uaceaaed, iiiay ), 'at. J. uituvac, wiarn u. u. Tb. Ureat tveuu of Hlalory In Una Volume. THE MIDDLEBURGH List of Grand Jurors Drawn tot Regular Terra .omtneoelDf Man day. May It la, A ilama John V. Zechmaa Heaver I. H. knapp, fbara. Komlg. H-avar Well Tliomaa Harbatar. i;bamao Jamea K. Hohrer. t-'raukllo Aaron Uulla, tlanra. Pnyrier. jaokioo Juramlab Mjiaogler, Ooorn. f, 1-ru'iuian. MI ldl.borgh-HeorKe M, Khlndel, Jobs M al'i.li. Mlddlacrick John KleliU, .taoob BallBf.r. Daniel Dunkelh.rK.r. Monroe I.aae r'lb r, Kdward ilumaal, l'enua Sliuoo Harmon. K.-llniKrove lame, A. Ilarratt. Jobs T. Mark. I'Dlon liaao llrlll, F. te Aukir WatblnytoB lald Arboaat, Joka 8telBa, beoton btraub. List of Petit Jurors. dama riiarlca Vignett. aaver JitUn Walker (Jherlea I.loid. Anttln liluil iman. A. N. liorunr, K Iwaid Krrad. Ilaaver Woat Henry Krelia, i'lillip J.Manberk Toblaa E. Koltx, (Jeortjo Muyder, Jacob Klurk. Cbapmau-r. W. Wallln, John O. Kt.ltrer, John tl. Kreliztr. rentrM Heulwu taalr, John K. Shnakl, rraukun uanry nauuli, Atarlau Krear, Na'on rt. DtolimU. Jai-kaoo llaruliart Kllna, J a ran 8. Hitler MUdl.M-re.ik 1. U. 8lber, ferry Rjw, Kobert Kelli-r. Monroe Jureinlab Aip. Samuel L. App Pe ina Oi-ome C. Oimti-r. tlharlea Henfnr. I.rry lUiubavl Winner. Jubu feller, Joaapb l.eniK, naury tiarilliiK, r.rry uelui, J , B, (ire bill. I'.rry Weat-J. It. Wlllll. Hellnxirova Mid. WelZ'l, 3. O, L. Mklndel, II. E KlrKelvvT.tlharlea tl Mor.r A B Keck, Waller Hummel, Kdward I'lab.r, Ii J mirk Union .leranjlab Btraob Waahlnnttr Hxnry J Srhnee, Ulrooa) B.noln nWU Urliuia, NalUaK lielbl (In old Ist olficc room). DR. I. GBJER BARBER Prop'r. Always keeps ocjband a full lino of pnro Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfume Druggists' Su dr ies n other miscellaneous Roods generally found in a first class Drag Store. Also a fall line of CIGARS AND TOBACCO. 1 (IRK AND LIQUORS for medical pnrposes. Physicians pre sciiptioDS carefully compounded at all hours and at reasoLable rates. I. GRIER BARBER, Residence on eorser, opposite U. B Church, Middleborgh, I'a. iJ'LW !. , , Ot'THK WCUtLD, Hv VAYT. Kisu, HlrJTdHY KKOM TIIK lUTri.E K1EI.D. Show) how nallona have liven made or di-alroy-ad Iu a diiy How tauie or IHcniiter baa turned on a lnala onntwl, A Orand Houk lor (lid or Vniinu Siivt'H Tune AliU tlie Memory Uvea l lt-amiro ami Inniruetlon Muia and inn llltia tratlnim. AUKM-S WANTED EVEKYW1IKKK. Send for fall d.aerlptloD and tenna. Addrera. i t. 3tu. J. I), Mot'l'KUY k. t o , I'lilla. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In tlie matter of the 1 In the Onaii' tutc of .liiciib Stxhrit ' i'oui t of tiiiyikr itirtniutl I l.ounlil Tne uiuleralKned Auditor appointed by th. Oriilmiin' Court ol Huyder county to distribute tho balanre Iu the bail'l. of Julia Ii. Hechrlit nnd lli tirv II Nrrhrl.l Klirlllora of lh. but Will ami iVaiaiuenl ol Jaonb Km-hrlat, deiiaiiud. will alt lor the purjioao of III. eiipoinluienl at tb. uflluoollt. P. I lrl. li, Ym., In tbe borough ol Si-lln'tjiove, on 1 Imrml iy, May !Und lnt, at Uo'rliK-k A. ni.nl nam nay, wnen S HE RIFFS SIILE. By Tlrtn. of Kundry writ. I.aa.d out of the Court oi common ri.a. oi nnyuer county, ana to in. dlrretrd, 1 will eipoie to uuldla tale, at tli. Oourt Hoiim. la MlilJItiburali. on SATl'H- DAY, MAY 17, lN.t, at IU O'c-Took, a. in. lh lollowln (laaurlli.il Ileal Eatai.-. A eertalD lot bounded by land ol A, K. CJilt, Michael Koloeb and olbora, whereou I. a drain Houaa, f oal Yard, 4., Alao a New lirlok lloue and Irfit. bounded b lota ol Homuel II. Walter. .lerainlab Urouna, by a fubll. Knad, and an Alley, -i ni-i. properii.a ara auuatva in r rank Un Towuahln. Hnvdar llounly . Pa. R.lii-d, taken Iu aiaeuilon to b. told l tb. prepartf 01 U. It, lunaienerner DAVID BEIOUI.Y. April ii, 16M. nnrrirr. A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE XX Latter, ol Admlnl.irntlon on tba ..lata nf Mary Ann Arbogaei, 1 1 of Parry lowu.blp, Hinder Uo.. I'a.. .laoaaaad. having been arant ad io tb uiideral-nd all peraoui baowlu h. niialvaa liidebta.l to .aid a.tala ara I.OU..I ...a i,uu .ii ' ad to make lut mad lata payuaut, while ibo.. i.arll.-a Iniereat are not ll.il to attend, or La lor- bar nir oiaiui. wilipre.eni inen nuiy auta.a .. barrad from ,riicir r In , ..W HUtrllm- noaica to MkXUkm AFBOOAST. " iuYiior. M.f 1 'bt. A4lliiialor. J. B. REED HUIVI IUIXY, lv. Dealer in Breech & Muzzle Loadina Shot Guns. riNK and 11 LACK Killed AVADS. TAPER SHOT SHELLS Brass Shot Shells & AraraanitioH. CARTRIDGE BELTS & LOADING IMPLEMENTS. CALL AND SEE M Y STOCK, Fori! anil American Doie ana Single BreecMg 8H0T GUNS, COIVHUfVTVrjrLY OIV IIjVIND. Full line of PISTOLS, CARTRIDGES $ RE VOL VIMS -o J. H. REICH is also ono of tho largest STOVE AjfP TINWARE HEALERS in tbis Bcctiou of tbe StaU. IDLEV'S SUM WOO. ALL VUMATSS, A IX BOW, ALL VBOT 1004 CATALOGUE FREE HIRAM tlDLCY It CO.Rocfiuter.N.Y. swan NM UtUJf It
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