The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 15, 1884, Image 1

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SSletatrgli lost
gMhife-1 - iu... --' -i '" '-li nm. i.i,'.. u .. a "... j 11 jf 1 vj' "'. 1 r ' u i.ii li j i i ' i- i" i mi '"i '- 1 . l i '. j.i i , ' u.i ' tnt ii . m
T. H. HATITKU. lie that will not reason is a bipot ; ho that cannot U a fool ; ho that dare not is a slave. K 1)1 TOR and PJlOritltiTOR
VOL. XXt. ' MlDDLEnUJlGIl, SNYDElt.CO, rENN'A, MAY 11,1884. NO. XXVJ1L
JMU I.. . " -- 1 1 " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ! I 11 ' i . ii - i i ' mmum. '?'': I 1 "..' . '
A wotoau and man ; the, pallid nnd
And with sadyen, hollow nnd fnt
Ilia glassy nnd mnrred by tin1 drunk"
nr.!' reward,
Thnt utill about 1 1 1 in are easting.
With the death eager look of that ter
rible thh-xt
Thnt linn borno him nnd torn him
down from the firxt.
Ai tbey ktnnd in their rshnme by the
bright kitchen flume,
With dipair in each fchiverlng mo
tion. What n ntory I rend of man's uiadnet
nnd greed.
And of woman' nngolio devotion
Of the wonderful love of two ill muted
Whieb utill, ia Its utorm trampled
tuber mirvivcs.
Doea her memory M retch from thnt
poor bloated wretch
Fur back into dnys that are golden,
When hi love first brenthed, seemed
n treasure bequeathed,
For whieh she was ever beholden?
Surrounds him still the illusion of yore
Through which women behold the
men they adore ?
Ay! there m they stand, she touches
hiri hand
The hnnd of the not nnd the scoffer,
And n t'leaiu of oi l grnoe lights the
sad, sunken face
As she turns to the food that we of
fer, And Rives him the larger share -wolf
ishly thrust
To his lips ere her hunger had brok
en a crust.
Then, their rngs closer bound their
chill frames around;
Thty pus on the way of the vagrant ;
For wretches so mean in good homes
to be seen
Would be a transgression most fla
grant ;
But the woman half turns, with the
wave of the hand,
And A sad, thankful look that is sim
ple nnd grand.
And I look through the panes ns the
brie! day wanes.
And the shadows of night Are blend
Awd watch through the, snow on the
highwuy below,
The two flguressIowly wending ;
A woman whose love can nil wretch
edness span,',
And the coarse, shattered wreck, of
what ouce was a man.
Published by Request.
When I nin wrapped In slumber sweet
And laid in Karth's low bed.
Away from those who love me here,
You'll miss me when I'm d.ntd.
You'll seethe palid hue of Death
Htamped on my lifeless brow
And will your heurt be constant true
And love me theu its now f
You'll miss me when I'm gone from
With Angels brih'ht nnd fair.
As I have leaned on you while here
You'll lean on me up there.
I've keen a burden many years
To you a constant care j
And it will be relief nt last
When I am called up fliere.
Hut not a selfish thought I know
If ns dimmed your henrt of lovo.
You've been so good and true on Earth
You'll come to mo above.
Clod grant thnt I mav lend you aid
To bear each burden sore
Until I clasp your hand in love
I Upon the other shore.
In tbo far WeBt, particularly ia the
far Southwest, the newly-anivod
settlor often finda that be baa strange
neighbors not only Indians but
wLite desperadoes, who arc more to
bo feared tbau evou Utoe or Apach
es. Two young frionds of raioo good
fteady, Nw.Kuglaudborn yonug
raen wero so unfortunate as to buy
land iu tbo vicinity of an especially
BK'y Uiombor of this outlaw frateioi.
These yonog men bad boeo bro't
P to obey tbo law, ond respect tbo
property and rights of Ibeir noigb.
ror- Tbey could bo bravo cuongb
tie dyfonso of ony just oause, yet
tuey dreaded oud shrank from the
, 6 01 deftJ'y weopons sgniost a fel-low-being,
from a keoa souse of tbo
"crodOC83 of human life, and tbo
"'mlnalitj involved in such acts.
Sock. KCre- Glbc.t BDd Cbaicg
mal . Nam, farm-bred boys, tbey
uaa. by steadj Jabor and cconotnv,
dre.(1 d"i.-. With tbii tbey Lad
tmigratej to Colorado and started a
nmnll stock f irm, fifteen tuilei fiotn
Ity Availing themselves of the
Homestead net and the pre emption
law, they acenrod a track of three
hundred ami twenty norea of land,
liying upon A creek, with n range ex
tending bnck ovct the liiils, which
wa not likely to be lakon op by
other tellers.
At n point n tdioi t rlislocco below,
whero a mining trail pusfd them,
ond whrre they judged Ihoro would
bo in time a railroad, tliey, built n
f irm honso, which tliey opened ns n
h del, nnd in which tlio.v also kept n
stock of groceries, lor. like oilier
ontorpiisinrf young imigrni'ts, they
liAil nil nmltilmit tt f.tnrt.l Iaa n n .1
glow np with it. I'Aliieb, tn ped in bn'f a dzon places,
Somo eight or ton miles from tLom - wos diluting tho fl or.
lived a innu named lVtcr Ifeigit.j I shall not undertuko to say what
who profwsscdly worked A nune. but
whoSO idoCO le.'lllv Wns n lilidi zvnll
for icnegnte "cowboys," and other
deeperato cbnrncteis of the Jisro
Jatues typo. It w as intimated that j
BL'voral daring train robbnies bad,
here been planned, and also that
"Clato alket" mndd it ono of bis
stopping -pluccs.
Tbis Walker won a noloiiotis gam -
blor and dead shot.
lie was enp -
posed to bo (he lendfr of a biiid of
train-robbers, nnd was said to have
killed not leea I bun ten men iu vnri
ouh affrays. It was said, too, that
occasionally, when timi b beenmo too
monotonous because of tho liok of
excitement, be would kill a man "for
fun' to keep his b ind in. He
bad a habit, also, of riding through
email towus and camps fbooling
promiscuously at everybody be saw,
to keep up tbo terror of bis name, a
matter bo appears to bnvo becu vain
It will seem well nigh incrcditable
to peoplo iu tbo Kast that such a
mau should be allowed lo escape jus
tice aod to run at large. Such ia the
ugly fact, however, io scores of casos
owing probably to tbo circunislanco
that no ofik-er likes to attempt the
irr ist of tbebo desperadoes who gen
erally carry two and sometimes three
heavy revolvers, and are marvel jus
ly quick and suro of aim.
Tho nccutooy and quickness of
aim of many of tbeso lawless fellows,
and such a maiksman was Chile
Walker j who added to this reputa
tion, moreover, tbo more murderous
one of being a "killer," which iu the
phrase of this pecliou meaus a dts
i i ,
puruoo wuo wiu enool a man upon
the least provocation.
Our two young stockmcu bad
heard of this border uioustor, but
tboir first aclnal acqnaiutiuco with
him began the week after putting
out their cign of "Small Jlros., Ho
tel aud tirocery."
Walker chancod to pass ono morn
ing, and, seeing the now sign, reined
io bis horse, nod by the way of oal'
ing the attontiou of tbo landlord to
bis arrival, drew bis revolver and
opened Are on the sign, shooting
tho tirst letter S to pieces- Then
dismounting, be kicked the door
open, and, wulking io, demaodiug a
Gilbert, who chanced to be inside
at Ibo tirao, told bim civilly that
there was no bar connected nin, n,o
houso; for truo to their homo prin
ciples, the young men bad dotorruiu
ed to keep a "Temperanco house"
a greater anomaly ia the West than
many may at Gmt suppose.
"A Tcmporanco bouse !" eboutod
Walker, and bo vented bis aslouish-
mont und disgust io a barst of natl.a
and reviliogs." "No oue sbalt keep
a hotel with nothing to drii.k io it
in these parts I" be said. "If yon
don't have liquor, and good liquor,
too, Ibe next time I call, I won't
leavo a whole dish or a wbolo bono
bore I'1
Aod, as a foretaste of what be
wonld do next time, bo kicked over
the table aud smashed throe or four
chairs, by way of loava-taking.
With such a customer on tboir
bauds, it is litllo wonder that our
young friends felt very ill at
eato, Still, thoy were bold men,
and were determined not to be bul
lied into keeping rum i so tbey went
about their business oa hsual. ' .
Nothing further was se6n of Walk
er fur a fortnight, when lie again
appeared early one morniog when
when Charles was getting break
fdfcL Gilbert baviog gone out to
look oftor the catlle. The first bint
that Charles Lad of Lis visitor was
auotber volley tf ebots into tboir
1 lis limo date hnd shot the rea -
rind lil trr In iilirM It. una aninir-
...... t . -II'"
enlly Lis way of knocking. Iinnie -
diatoly be Licked tbo door open us
1' tider tbo circuroslanopa it is not
very atrango tlint Dint leu (topped
out of n backdoor at about this
time, nod w cot behind Hie corral,
from wbonco be beard Walker liriug
repeatedly, nnd tuuking a grent
snmsliing uoiso.
When nt length the desperado
bad token bi depniluio it was !
found Hint bo bad mude a complete!
rck it the crockery and furniture;:
Land in the i-rooei v-toom be beliu d
j himself to tobnoco, nnd empti d his
' .ivinl.,iM Mft it. a H. I. I
' ll o diitv id inv vor.r," fii,.i,,iJ
t whether tliev nlimi 1 .1 I, nr.. 1
outrage ami defended their property
ut the risk of lives, mr moved from
so dangerous a neighbor. What
they did was to get out of s:-bt
j whenever they saw Walker coming.
, und let him do bis worst,
j 1 1 chanced that oftor a timo a soc-
j01"1 onsin of my young friends came
1 v' tft 1" v them, II is nvnu wns
I ''onil 1 Forney, mil bo was thou a
'(Indent nt tbo mi'it ny ao idemy nt
! "est liinl. I nm nut sure, how-
ever, but bubal jn-t grn luated,
thongli that does not unltcr.
lie dropped iu np in tho Sin 11
brothers (juito unoxpeotedly ono af-toino.-Mi,
nnd it is noodless to sav
j 'bat tbey wero glad lo boo him, and
Unit they passed n very pleasant
evening. Nothing was raid about:
Walker, for Gilbert nnd Cltailes,
having nu honest pride in theii
ranch, wero loth to lot Lieutenant
Forney know bow badly Iboy wero
olV in respect to neighbors-
Tbo desperado bapponod to come
along, however, tbo very next moru
ing. Charles nnd Gerald wero sit
ting in the dining-room, when nl
bcrt, who had soon the gambler
c.iiirij l p the roadnuddtbly rusbod
"Old t'l ilo Walker's eomin l.r
exclaimed. "Put out nt the bncl;
door!' Charles leaped to his feet,
but our young West Pointer lose
more leisurely.
"Who tbo dickens ia 'Old Clate
Walker ?" ho oskod.
"A regular border terror ! A dos
pcrudo ! A 'killu" cxoluiim-d (!il-
bert. "He's bkoly lo f-hout any of j
j j
t,un j
li ,1 i
us nt signt : l ,iue on niter us
"What ! run out of jour
nouso . haul l ornev, suir iihu.
"Why, what Lold has Ibis fellow ou
you V
"No bold wbntover, but bo's n
dead bhot and double dod murder
er 1" criod Charles. ' You don't
know bim na wo do. (.'ome iilong
wilh us aud get out of bis way
"Not 1 1" exebiimod Forney who
felt that bis military reputation was
ut ituko. 'Take your febot-guu aud
stand ready iu tbo kitchen. I'll Btop
beio and sto .Mr. Walker !" and be
hurriedly took his revolver from bis
tvercoat pocket, thou stepped to Ibo
window behind tLo .leak ou the
With bis customary onlb tho
gambler and doad-hhot kicked open
tho door aud strodo iu. Tbo young
Lieutenant sat on tho high stool bci.
hind tbo doak, apparently reading a
nowspaper. Ho did uot look up.
"Hello, you 6neak !"' eboutod
Walkor. "Wbero aro tbo tonder
kids that keep this blasted Tem
peranco hotel T"
"I tbiuk thoy'vo gonooutto bide,"
euid Forney, carelessly turning his
papor. "Tbey said there was a
muueater, a regular aotbropopbagus,
coming, aud that tbey wore going to
hnlo aomewberes. '
Walker started, "Well, wall I"
bo ripped out. "If you niu't the
frosbost kid I've stuck in ten years I
ltigbt ficsb from tbo East, aren't
ye, young fellow ?"
"Yes," said Forney, moving tbo
paper, "I'm from the Kaot, aud I'm
pretty fresh, I BUpposo. I'm a
young fellow, but I'm a prolty nice
Don't you give mo any of your
lip " tbundored Walkor. "Do you
know who l am 1"
"How should T r said Forney.
"It's none of my business. I'm on
ly bere on a visit 1 don't care who
yoo are.'
Tbo bully flushed, stung by the
careluaa contempt In Forney' tono.
t'Soppose," bo muttered, . taking
btep toward tbo .: counter, whlb a
'tpordoroua gleam crept int biaeyo,)
I mmti'-.ftrt T ivni-A I.. li..!.!.. fitit r
, I ....... .
lAdam'a apple with my dirk, what
tbon f
Then I'd 6bool you di-ol f r tbo
seoandielly bouud yon nrc !'' ex
cluimol the yoiuifj ca lut, cn l leiily
presenling his cocked revolver f ill
ia Walker's face. "Move stir a
hand, nnd I'll shoot you liko n J g!"
"The fust mnn tbt over got (be
drop' on me 1 ' gapud Walker ;,
'and you n Mtlo liipp,-,t-snappei
from tbo Mist 1'
"No matter wh t I n:n," sid Tor
ney, ktcinly "If you niovo n band
! I'll sbot ou ! tlilbert
The t ao brothers who, from tin,
kitchen, bad heard llio ubovo din -
jlogue, nnd wuie sovorHl times ou the
poiid of taking their boils out it
' the back djjr, tu v entered, guns m
I ,aud.
C.ivrP him flillmit " nnd P.irm.v.
"If bo stirs a baud, put a load
! buckshot tlironfi him! Now,
C' nth h, cotuo nnd take Lis pistol
! and knifo."
A deep red flush mount od to
Walker's f ice. Hat b- knew that
tl.o uligbtest m ovetiiont on his pail ;
would Fend two charges Vf c.dd '
; loud through his body, lie gulled
'bin teeth, but stood in dionh ss
I They dixarmo 1 him, Ihen mucbed
him out of the door and rum 1 tbo
house itit tbo e.ittl, corral in the
icirofit This corral wai built of
ad bo bricks, tho wall being fnnn
uvcii lo eight foot bib, an 1 iu
closing a spaco of eight T-et t-quaro
They givo him no chaueo lo gel
tho t, but kept him cover.;. I with
b Hi gnu nnd pistol omsl mtly
I'bny gavo a chair to c'.t on however,
and them be sat all day, wa'ol.i:.;;
the cadet and Gilbett, and they !;iiu.
wbilo Cliarlefl rodo post lia.-tu to
Vlimosi to swear out a warrant for
his arrest, and summon tho & her iff
and his pos.o l take him.
Tho ctlioeiH, bearing that so dan
gerous a rufiiu was really wailing
their disposal wero not blow iu re
sp.jn.licg lo L'.arlos iuall s-. r.-
mom ; and by threo o ol ic'.i th it nf-
tel in oii tl.o otr g l.iewf eli iut Lad
the satisfaction . f sooiii',' tho "bor
der leiror" lakeu i;ilo log d ous
tody nud marched off to j id.
but, ns is too often llio essoin,
tbo f ir West, tho pris' iivr With i
lytiched instead of being f titly j
ti ied aud convicted of bis crimes, j
lie was taken forcibly from iiilhvii,
masked paity from ono
iiiKciki i I iti v iu I in
neighboring mining cumpj tho thii.ij
night after being lodged tl.eio, aud :
i . .. . . .... , . . , I
of the
hanged without any form of tiinl to
the iiearest Iron,
TLero wns n baby on u car of the
('hien'o, lluiliuglon und t liuoy
iluilroud tho other afternoon.
It a baby iu l jug clothes is al
ways ou it. was loaded to tho muz
zle with cry. It was a little tbiug
not more than two feet long, but il
bad more cry coilo 1 up iu it tbau
you would suppose could be stowed
away in n baby as big as a lown con
stable. What would nu nuoliouoer
givo for that baby's c.ipaeily
Well, tho train nnd tho Inby got
a good evou shu t, nud for sevctal
miles tLo paBscngers looked on with
intercd in tho nice. Almost any.
body would bet oil-hand that a ba
by's steam would run down before
an engine's, but if yet kuow this
particular baby you would disdain
ull illegal propositions and declare
youreelf "not a betting character,'
which, by tho way, U a most right
eous declaration when you bavo no
suro thing.
Tbo poor young mother of thin
poi table uoiso factory was crimson
with einbarrassmont, for ct course
ovory passenger lookod at her and
seemed to her to say : "Why don't
you shut up that squalling brat T"
l'luseutly a mau with a long How.
ing beard came up the aisle, chuck
ed tbo baby under tho chin, unidoa
borried grimacs, and simpered, "Du,
da, da, tootle to tooty."
The baby was oryiog as loud as il
could, but this made it cry loudor.
Then a woman reached over from
then next seat aud whispered some
thing in the mother's ear. Of course,
nobody beard what she said, and tbo
mother only sat tbo lillle one ou Lor
band and shook bcr bead.
A man across tbe way said per
baps there was a pin sticking into il;
and tbe baby wls tipped and turned
and wapsey'd about until inveetiga
ti't wploded this theory,
' Trobibly got the colic," siida
iIIitm ifui.t tViiman trill, n .1.,mI,1..
- - "
A man in n 1 ng duster gvo it a
peppermint 1 zonge, but tbo baby
dcolinod it with ki.-ks nnd yells
The hour mntlK.r IokIi-iI d.iwn nt
j in. poor mouiei io'h u i inn ni
tbo ll )or ih if she wished lo I'md n
nuil-holo to slip thiouli. A kiud
looking woman cimo from Mm oilier
end of tho eir, toi,k tbo nud
' pianced up ond d nvn the uislo bub
biiiij and j vnping tbo bundle of
ii,e.'im, until it was demonstrated
that tins was not fio cue. She
p'issed tbo baby to n man. win nl-
feted it bis watch, but tint wa
"p-t I'llly II i) ' I tliu 11. or. ns tlio
! baby op Miod tbo steam-thr' t ile nn ;
, other uolch.
A joang mm wiili a c!r i;:;'ii)g
mmtueho au1 a Lig'; col! ar was Ik k
it'g out of u window w Visl'ing
I' - ltaby Mine. II.' turned bis l j
I lilt ,ruil!v all 1 Ml '.routed to the m 11
.f!bo was trotting tbo Heroemin.r in-
finil on his ktieo trying lo shako its
lui gidjwn into tbo n. Hilling f.'b'a f
: i .. I .. - . I i . .. I r . . 1 l '
uu mil- neiin, - ii jim pcopi.j Mcpt. ,,n,iii m in l-.nli-l. i.i
on iititd von fiigl.ten the baby to)
M. Ai il"l id op crying I gu.-: s
I'.vei.v ijo in the oar sl.ol blood-j
rod stare nt that v.mng inao. Whati
did hn know about babies tho .s(rq.
lit);; f II, it tbo baby was p.i.sed baek
to ils mother iin. 1 all the aseiig'.-t (
sit bill! in. I In in. led over tho insult.!
Then thn b iby in the d.'iise quietude i
li:d itsbltie liead npvill its lil'jl he! V '
shoulder, oiiilV-d a few sobs, nnd fell I
into a peaceful, noiseless sliluibei . i
and llio young man turned Lid beadj
djwn into Li high collar ond c'ti-!
-i l., i i,; . i,;i..... I.. ..i;.'.v m;.... !
wlnlo llio otl.i r p isseligei s tho'lht, ,
' Now bo thiuka bo n wm:it, d.'obn I
i.o r
A joy lender is teldom a trouble,
hoi Kwor.
l'.e patient, for the world ii broid
md wide.
Our acts make or mar us j ic are
,tho children-of our own deeds,
V1C .( W)U11 ,d en .iiirb it
innihilates itnelf. lifecti in iu iin-
li melds i f waifaro will ib stroy war.
( uo uugii r.tful man iI.x h nu in
i'liytOHil who fetand iu need of
He who winb,s lo secure tho good
.if other b.n already bccurcd Lia
The fuiuio of Hooietv is in iLe
'hands of tho m.dliors.
If the woi'd
IllUI'in Ul I no infill. 1 e, initiss.v
ta L ' l through woiiuni, sbo nloi.c ,
cm f.ivo it
i i . i.i j. , r'
A min too busy to tal.o caro of.
his health is like a iiiic'i'iiiic t. 0 biy
to take fin e of his tools.
It manv times falls out luat we
deem ouiHelvts much deceived in I
others, beeuiKO WO lint deceived
oil! selves.
I bsito to feeo a tbiug douo by
ha ves: sus a inn. ker ; u il ooi
right, do il boldly ; if it bo wrong
ku vo it uudouo.
health n::?T3.
The best way to deal with a cold
ij to nvoid it.
Never pick iv blister wilh a pin.
It t lists the pin. j
Viuegar aud rod pepper will make j
a well throat
16J'" '"'lAqenlssiS
bo cured by refn.inirg !,. ..V'.JVX,,!''..';..;,:
Com 9 can
from wearing t-boos threo sizes too j
Tho leudoney lo sleep too soundly
cau bo overcome by baviug Lot sodti
biscuits for supper.
A little arsenic curefully used will
iu time cnlirely clear a neigbboi
hood of r.ib). uiico aud amateur llute '
Nothing is moro dangerous limn
to wul'i about with bare foot in the
morning, If tbeto are tiros to be
btartul let you wife atteud to them.
. Course brown paper soaked in
viuegar aud placed on tho f ii ehead,
is good for sick beadacbo, Boo thai
tbcro is u supply t f brown paper
aud vinegar in tho bouse before go
ing to Ibo lodge on initiation night
Tor reut A uccdle and thread.
Dorrowiog ia not a paying bui
Th way of tbo lraosgro68or ii
Tbo only way for a mm. lo bave
bia picture pi luted iu a western pa
per is to got bung,
'What is ayutaxr asked tbo
i I it ir r ...
l valuer :n aaiuuu iiuoudo la m lui
.km.i.,1 iu.. f -...I. m. ::-..:. i
buvuivu mi ivu vi i vutuiwuuiat. i
Allovncta-At' Law.
,Jl;s(J t'KOL'.Sl'
) '
A 1 iOKN h -A l l.XW ,
M I nOM'I'.r RTl II, l'A
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d::i i uhjii,
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ili.lillHtl. Iia In I I k'll. I,
!.lnne M.
Ncv Barliu. Pcr.n'n.
'f''-lona ! b'l'lnoii rii'rilrttel i . m fit
titAS V I LKIl'll,
Attoruv ii Gounpollor-At-Law,
In Aii' It u 1 1 1 i ii lc in Ooui rSurlh nl
Si'lbmniii'i I'c ii it'll.
Cillc'l"!!" ftml ft l other irl. n!or bu't
iicf Ih n'llti-llml ftml Kill ree l v-. rrinl nn l
lroui.t ftiini.iD. At.ll,';
rn J.
MI'M'I.KIH'Kd, SN Y Mll ni., l'A
OI.r hl ITofooHlnnal Sortlic loth .uMI
(.;uuiilti.ll.irid Id KdkII.i nil lleruiKD.
A.W.FOTTF.I1. fi N. J. FOTTI'dl
-l nohXi v s r J .i w.
Holinsffiovo. Ta.,
II'!. r I .'lr ; r ( I ',nl -rvl 'r t li e l ut.'liv
. I. I v. ii i"i -i .r. n'r'i"r.l 1 I Inir ivirr will
rr 'i "vo i r - t K'.li'till.ui. (iH.'i iu Mnlu Si.
.Inly 4.
y 7 o .v ; v .1 y i. a ii'.
i ni... ur, .'I'lux-lliij fn
It in !'! ''.(To n ill 1 1 ...u, r;'..
I in. 'mi l.e i-niri ii It 0 Iu ria-llhur
ilcrni i.i. tnlK'o mi.MitrkPl N'uaru.
j II. ( 1 III M M,
' . - r
oiiui ni,.,ii ii
i ii'i.
AK iumki i vi i u n k v H'u ms i ti;
rui'. i 1, ,
I'l bill t I'll.
('orpiili'Ol ii In ;l ,'iti KukII'I. nr.! .'(Icii.ian
I, ir ui,,.ki. i'i t. t. l-l.
I .... v- i .
,) ""- A "'".
A I loriM,v sit I.,:iv,
tiiiM.i:i;ri!ii. iv
l'trii'l .ii til I n-!i tu Llo cur n III
l.e .tniii'.ly ft 1 1 r 1 1 , 1 f I t i
S"linsgrove, I'n.
I lt-r til rirolcsl tint Kirvlron .i tl. .iil.lla
All i.ii". lie-f i,trnt..i t. i l. oar.: ill I
i roini i!y at' 1 1.
.ln. B. or.
AXIlMlbll. OliWJd,
a rroiix.-y-A t i.a ir,
l.evll:iic. I ultiii o., Pit:
(j.Ii o in lrlt t str.-ol. one ilmr i-u.t ul Cim-
.I'll 1 1 '! .
I'e.'.i". ?;:..
""s ii", il Ai.i.t l l );m.i. t o,,
I '.rl .'lll'll il I.U-.
II NOV Hi S SIM I.I I II'. Ar, mil ,lli,K ninl
.! mly eur l.-r Ncrn.i.i 1 ' . 1 1 1 1 mil IVcuk
tiurn, 1. ul V It-1 i I y nii.l I .1 r, Ni rniu.
IT .strnt.,n, llvMnrla. er nnv evil ienll nl
i it hit re 1 1' ii, vxi-t'.- , I'Uiriu.rk, 11 i.u-ei. . i Air
i "'. i"'.iic..., no. (uror lony iiiuunnu '..i-
llvn .'"I I 0 )
rt 0I,. I .-!(.. 1,.HI 1.(III, trui lion of liii llllH, I'lt. .M. vv.liAi'.i.N,
.'iirl'litrk si, & l a I Lou ii l'lH.-i), ClilCiiKu, lit
I IU HiVl tl-r.i.l tl:.. r i... r,.r n n.vii.ltn
Wtallo I.aIii, .il , 'li.u i.uu.,,Tl,
ln:il... ."il hlolclii.s,i th sk, t, fci
cl..r ii '.l . .ui;l.i. K iii'i.'iil. A..o l.i.lru.i.
ti ni.-. f ir if.,lunlu . liuuri.M i roMh nt h.irun
U fci.l mil, ..... ,1,!:-. r'l. . . X ,.m .in,,,,,
Veri'''" ' t'"'' V' u'uttJWtt' iw
Surgeon Ieutist !
Miidleburg SSnycJci jCour.ty, Pa.
Ivwry thing belonging to tbo pro
f.-ion ilon In th lieit in.noor. All wor
Wftrrnl.l. l .riiii nio.lnr.l..
H will ftl'O .11. ml In ImFln.M trtrj two
w.eki .t Uoatrt'Tlll 'l'roilvlll, ktavtr.
own Adftaiburg nd 1'titonvlll
hut., urn eli III. diwrliitlo s 1 1 . i. 4
hiilr, wo will .mill y.n n.pnlil tin tl
I'AIMIMI un buitutilul I'ullih
WuoJ 1'1.1,'ie. t tiiuhr. I.lyli, or I r 6n I 'or
, f...lM riaii'io, ilnr.lil.iiniir giol lUft.ui.t.
Win ll.iriH.
AllHSlB v Ar. I I II. Niiil l.-r I'lrtli.tin. A
! m
, 4 j jim, fe trk.
Physicians, S'r.
1 y
J. "
lieavn town, I'enn'n ,
niMi r '"'" '"' 'SfTfi". i to ft eHlrrtt
.1 ll.'Kril n nl Icitilly. N.ek ktiplliM
nr.l !' mitn. I in at bti rt'fid uia n Wl
n in Mrret.
A r. 1. c4 17 pi.
j w. sampm:.,
Vntleville, IVlin'A.,
i ur.T !.! I r ,'r,ml irt Icm tulho rluiin
I nlr-tll'i in I vlflliltr. A(g. !,'
i;';.m: hasinohii,
Mi.i.Kelmri-h 'IViin'n.
i t, r I j f ,. .. iM: .mI'(. t . o.e i iiiiks
n: 'Ml'(
r. I Tulnli).
I'lll" lr. ILl
'' Mm t"ti il' u.
Ai r. ?, !.
I .i;ii:ii liAUiii'ii,
Middlebnrh. I'efih'.
I '(! I,l .mril, nil .orrli r tn lit rllUof
I , I -1 0 1 1 I tt i g ii I; I v I 1 1 I' y I rtlce Irm duut
W r.i m tin on r I Hi. line, in Am. I ul.fllni.
I . -l 'iiiiM' i -Mtu u i.i.jito I'n.r iMullhg
JJL MA K. XluoiTl ilociij
Fremont. Snyder county, Pa.
In lii.itpi.l r.nlieiiiirt I't llKiia M 1'l.f (inli nt
KTt.l Sil-i'.in. I'L'-n li! r-..-.l. l4 .rrlc
I J I P I, i.i I l.i. N;,. A , J i, ,(,, Hh.l I., I riUUD.
.'i ...'. . .!. ti.
r.V,sic!.i;i & Ci:rf or n.
', '"' 'tiif. mire UI
0.11,,. ,. .Mu,i. rirn.t. JilUV j.j .ttf
)i:. d. . w.uinki;,
I'b) l lati tia hiiiKmn,
(Tit.. !,. ,.,., .,,., , K, rl t , ,h ,.,,f,t
' k.i.Mlll.
jj .1. i:cki;i:ut,
K ItllUt 1 -n l'.(,( K,
'liii!P')f, J'rim'tt.
r.Wcmtuiiftl kuilatii .rsuilly it'p.,,l t.
.Selini-grove, rcim'A.
" -5
A'' Ar Sollincj
Nails at ir'J.r,.") WU. I3ur lionet
1-1 I'crds.
I ni l' I'.iro Wl'i
ft '1 i . I. r., . v I'.'
!;t,. nil liVI5Mlioil ptlnl
I : .. r ). 1 at . ' hi . I . rult ttrl.. lliuiab
l, I . i.i j ml ,s, . i,n ril, i,.
I "ir j.p nu I'lfd li.tii.lii.l .Wminift rurk tl
I, 'I i. i i-iju .'1.. I' .-n-t .Ti'. I. .........
I "' K-!.ut!il..-il lr .li kl 'jt nail 41 c.'bta
'm li.
(iond Si ls of .U!eH nt 50.
1. 1
1 1(1. I ,. v t . il , ( ; ,-rrtH.
I 1 ml-n in, li..rV'.,, . nl - ,
K1 I v.
I 1 '"' ' "' '"' 'l.Hfi - d I iU M ... (Ulltl lf
I'.nli lull, I'U.-k. I: lUUr, l'rl!l
!.')( r then cvr Mas known.
w. .I.ii'rt. I iirrini'. lur ll.ili.ilninl
liri'il'tV' '"'r ' ,T wr"
! .-.r:i. II r' U iiil-t. at Tfl rmila rich.
I ,, .. k5
llieil. II .l,u I.,,, f( , .win,,. S..,c, ,ory
latft .t...l t.f r.,0.l. ... IV.T '
MAC1UM-: roiis
l r"ln I'. Il , 'brr I.. Tt, l ,i . ,- , ft
Y'li in 1. 1 iiiilrnako llii'ln iiv ui'ij". Wiilal
u.i:. i.i.ik .,1 !4 i , x i!.. SuilOn. l;lT..
i'l'iiu'u.''' ' ir,,'u' l uil li
' li I. . r ) ii,d .
Great EtcDciion in Shades & Sim
Of. fill, i-i ,1 .ml .-,,iio. ,l i..
II... i
I 'i
m O)!-!. nf n,,,,,, .,.,lr,,qil. ,
I, M a ii .-, I.i aiitii.ii ii, ,i, uj nni,h
Hoi so Mioea at ?l LTj l r Keg.
S'.Ui, Ii-.. Uarr,. T. rt!i. T.-l Kl.... n,
fl w.fc L !,. .
' I. r I ' 1 , mlT'iut '.I nm! In.D Inn.!.. r.ii,.
I I ... -, M-, I....I.I. I-. M... I,,., I',.,,,,, r,.r
,. i.,... , n Ter ,,, , , ,,rcu ,,,
l. "" I in -j ,:t I r .
I'i'iiii ftv. ,..,114. I, Il ii,. t ativ .
a. i ti.fiM. ...tri i.. t, .!, (j,.;,,. ,,;
I II 1 lib III ll.llii II V, ill ilnli'l u. ii,l il,..., ......
1.1 III , I , In .lid Kill.
Our Mlv. r air ('.'.. will i...iu ho unoo fnr
I'M '" O r. A lull l.ii li ,, Nil in
,i,n., l',.rk, l'..irN,, will lit oiicura (
Ul II ."I ill I nm.
' i. in .V'ir ..ia,iu. aril llroa. Our full
lililO.oi i.f k,i,lp.
V. i.i lu v
j a -'.I1' r . sin. in wn' lu.ia Ut 10ft-
:l:r.. iii. nf all klu.l..
a, ! .-..I, . ..r ,.,,.,, irjl. ,, ,
.1 I I.I-.1..I l,,y ,, i ,,.. ,, ,,, ,
It. I I,;: r In l',lMl:.,lt,.0 !'...., VL I
" ' iiipriu.,:i I f.., , ,1 , i , , ,
' ''''" I ti. I li.i.N. !' I s,.
11,11 IV,, k l IIKIWI ft,..l... to I,., 1 1, ...A
j i'1'i.a in , I ul, I, u ,ati r,i.,v cru la.n tl
c-i in. to . .. iy . u-iiiim. 11,.,'iuii i,u out
.i Ik II II)' Il , ,,. I.. ...., B. ,n0 l,,.
Cmitlli lul ., il. i j i,i m, tK ,,( .nufdj
. U ii'.li (,, i i. ril,,. iroul.lo .l htitin
in. I nil irtu nluM, dir. r I. iiis. ..-t., r.i.l ri.
I ,'iImii.. mil l,,. i,;, ,j t K ,0 Kio llielr
'" "rk. tin-lit am ct. uli.o-
Itit.'ly niu Ihiu'i iIlI iv. Mt.rl uuw, Adilr...
MU.-.UU Ji l u , I'uiiluiid aiaitic.
tfyvC" ' '"' i "", Vi' '
M J j null , von lr.i. h r.Hl, Vftlimll
'i W t LSk '"..v ,,i r.i u.i.l.. K . ihf uil 1 1 u'
i.n I.. ii.K ni,, ! ii,k:i,n n..,i,. n un,., in. )LW
Ilj... .,. ,, .... ,. ;il v, ,,!.
" ;l"l ' I i-' I r ',(iii , 1 1, Wi-will flirt !!.
1 ' l .'Il ,,ik all II:, i in., I , ... .... .. ..
RIEHL HOUSE, Si'iftr South of ihocb'i eoiuf.
.10KL L. KIK1IL, Jop'r.
Terms $123 per day.
Mr. Klchl UaUoftftftOl lr til kiDil. nl rrn
lDiil.mtul4, M'l't e, c.
jm PAPER :