The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 08, 1884, Image 3

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    "7i r ' '
S'iif gmifljutBli VM-
FublliliM every Thursday.
Hen 'i i tint' aoaiti tj f mw, h' fanii te'.r
Hint 'ea."
iieotgo Kern wliolins been on th
kick lint for several wi-cks It out
Sylventer ltowen Is building a now
t able on his lot. Alex, Howersox,
T. J. flmith nnd Jere Croiisr nrc nt
tending U. 8. Court nt Philadelphia
this week.
Squire Solioeh'n hoitno presents n
very Imposing Appearance ond It lins
been remodeled by tlie Stotlere.
I H. Wunderly, Sylvester Howen
nnd Alex. Howersox nil sport spnnk
bitf now fences In front of their resi
denees, the handiwork of Mr. Bower
cox. Hev. Ppantcler, formerly pastor of
the Mlddlebiirtfti, Lutheran eliure,
but now residing at Port Hoyal, Piv,
was In town this week nltetidiiig to
tmidnvfs mutters.
The Wilton Brothers of Miflliiihurg
nnoounce (through rirrulars) their
intention to vinit Mlddleburgli Tues
diy ami Friday of each wri-k with
fresh bread 3ii.
The'nww styles In headwenr'for la
dies this spring in nuusntlly pretty us
Will be neon by culling on Mrs. Kllen
Aurand, hcadqimrtcrs for Millinery
nnd Fancy yoods.
Auction on Saturday nitht, in P.i-u
ver's building, a few doors wst of the
Court-house. Kverybody come and
get hitf baridiis.
Rign of the Kod Fl..
We were favored by a pleuxitnt en!l
from Simon Long, the new land lord
nt VcKen Falls this week and llud
him apleusant, allabli' nent lenntti who
will make that hostelry'oin! of the first
in the county.
Copious showers of rnin on Tues
day makes everything look bright
and frcnh and urowlnjr. Tin profes
sional growler who hns seen fnn.ine
nnd starvation stalking through I In
laml a week tiiRo on account of dry
weather even smiles and looks upon
the sun spots wilh loss fear.
Lost FridayeventnK was quite live
ly in Middlehurgh, made so by a pa
rade composed of Stetler's Cornet
Hand, tlia yWil.llebur;h Post, O. A. It.
nnd ('apt. 1). T. Mutinies' Zouaves.
The procession was formed u littlo be
fore dark and headed .by the band
inarched through the principle streets
of Middlehurgh and Franklin.
The tdectien of a democratic Super
lntendcnt of Public Schools hi Snyder
county must not bn construed to
mean n democratic victory. The can
vass was not conducted on that prin
ciple If we rightly 'indei'stimd it, at
last It should not have been, for the
school law is positive in its state
incuts that politics an I religion
should not enter the canvass.
List of letters uncalled for in the
Post-oflieeat MiddLdjurgh, May (ith,
MissPennsa ('lift. Miss Llnie Mor
tez, Mrs. Harriet Marsh, S. K. Ureis
bach, K. Fortney, Abr. (iln.-r. Levi
S. (ioy, Daniel Marsh, Philip Musser,
Peter Thomas, Isaac Weinberg.
Persons calling for them will please
say "advertised."
Bami kl Witticsmyhk, P.M.
C. L. Smith, familiarly known ns
' fat Charley" has secured the posi
tion as salesinan for the wholesulo
Grocery nnd Tea House of Sinclair Si
Lan-hlin, Nos. 2i't and Si Arch St
I'hilaileljihia. Mr. Smith is one of
the oldest, most experienced nnd most
successful salesmen in the State, and
wenro pleased to find one of our
townsmen thus honored.
Tho Harry Sisters, known as the
Kducated Babies" will appear nt the
U. B. Church.Middiehuruh.ou Thurs
day evening May 15, under the direc
tion of tnwir father Prof. J. B. Harry.
They are spoken of in the highest
terms by the public, and the press
wherever they have nppeart-d nnd we
hope they will have a full house.
Last Friday was a day of singular
appearance. The warm western
bruezo, turned to a yellow tornado,
charged with pungent smoke of burn
iiK pine forests and laden with clouds
of dust. The sun was a bull of burn
ished copper and the air waslikoa
fog but dry and hot with the breuth
of mountain (Ires, and moving with
the fury of a gale.
The school directors of Snyder conn
ty, eighty-four (out of the one hun
dred and two hi tho county) met hi
convention nt the Court House on
Tuesday and fleeted MuJ W. 11. Dill of
Freeburg Superintendent of the pub
lic, schools of Snyder county by a ma
jority of eleven votes over the present
incumbent, Prof. Win. Moyer. Con
siderable excitement prevailed in (he
convention among the friends of the
two cnndblatcji which seemed conta
gious nnd was caught up by tho spec
tators who indulged in vociferous up
pluuBe upon tho announcement of the
election ol Dili. The two candidates
withdrew from the house while ballot
ing took place, but appeared immedi
ately after and in response to tho nu
merous calls luudu brief addresses
4 lie successful candidate thanking the
people for the honor bestowed upon
him, and the defeated one expressed
Ms desire to seo his suceesser prosper-
.oils and happy, closing with h little
advice to the public which will bo
beneficial if observed. In fact it
teemed as though tho two candidate
were on more friendly terms than the
elements which represented them
for either of them la unquestionably
competent for the position ami ap !
parently cared more for the advance
luent of educational interests than
there individual welfare, .
ritwunTovrjc Jottinos.
lteavertown never presented
morfl TilcnRliik? niinearance than
does nt present. MAny of the houses
have b"en re painted, fences and ont-1
houses have been whlto-washcdrub-1
bish has been removed etc. This,
added to tho charms of a natural ver -
dure, such as only a lively May can
exhibit presents a scene at once strik-
log and delightful. Some local sec
tions, however, might be greatly Im
proved. The cemetery looks well.
Mrs. Ben. Smith has been confined
to bed with rheumatism for several
weeks. At present she Is on a fair
way of recovery. Dr. Strohecker of
ficiates. Miss Laura Bohner of Lewistown is
again engaged In millinery work with
Mrs. Arthur Speeht. She certainly is
the right person In the right place.
John S. Woods received f.0(K) In
surance for his property that was
burned at this place.
Judge Lupfer received ( WO.Oi) In
siireuce on his furniture.
Thomas Olovcr moved his family
from this place to Mount Union,
their former home, last week. Mr.
Olover continues working here And
boards at tho Convoy
roy House. Judge
Lupfer moved into
the vacated
The election for otUcers In the Fn"
ion Sunday School resulted as fol
lows : Superintendent, John P. WetzJ
el ; Assistant Superintendent, Jacob
Diugmnn ; Semtnry, Charles WcU
vl ; Librarian, Hllen Snook ; Treas
urer, Keubeii Aigler.
John F. Middleswarth and Mrs.
Stri ker have painted their houses.
J. 1. lve.'irus has painted his stable.
J. (i. Snvderand wife started on an
extended tour through the western
States, on Monday.
Farmers are busv planting corn.
Tim delightful rain on Sunday gave 'PP uie selling tho'-c cdebrat f-d Som- j h. There were no snspi -ions char
them a new Imp.diis. jerand Whei lock Pianos. Thos,, inlacters seen looking nrotin 1 ; no
Our String Ham! favored i:s with eed of instruments should give this I thrifts made to burn out. can
some excellent strains on Mond.iy . Iir" 11 rl" j not see nor llnd nny reasons for t liink-
eveuiug. Mow chariuing ! Thanks I I Wm. Oross of Berwick spent a few i ing it was the work inei-ndiary.
Mrs. illiaui Heiiub.icli is on the
sick list.
If blossoms are an indication, we
will ba o an abundance of fruit this
Shade mountain burned fearfully j
lll'-t week, ullil caused Colisi li-rnble j
alarm to thoso who have liroiieitv
near it.
J. 11. Hang, a watch-maker of
Mntir.t Fnion, i practicing ids voca
tion at this place, for several week.
Our Literary Society is still pros
perous. Jin ipiestion, Kesolvod,
that the signs indicate the downfal of
our lb-public,'' was debated ina live
ly manner, and was decided unani
mously in fa vor of the negative, at
the last meeting. The ofMeers are :
President, J. ). Wetzel ; Vice presi
detd. E. K. Wetzel ; Secretary, Miss
M. li. Smith; Treasurer, L. F. Sjiecht;
I'Mitor, I'llien llolfiuau.
F(ur cars loaded with pro timber
in making the descent from the
mountain, on Tuesday became un
uiMnagable. The br.ikemeii used all
elTorts to ki-p them in check, but
breaking availed not hing. When the
curs had readied an alarming velocity,
the brakemen, llireo in number, on
reaching an open and muddy place,
jumped olT and fell full length into
the mud. The cars sped on to the
cud of tho road where two of them
were thrown in a heap over the end
of the trestle.
During last week there was some
anxiety in town concerning mini dogs.
A small dog belonging to A. II. Bow
er so from lying near the stove all
winter had taken spams. Not feel
ing certain what was the matter with
the dog, Mr. B. had him shot; but
this dog had bitten a large dog be
longing to Moses Speeht and one or
two others. Mr. S. had his dog shot.
A sou was boin to Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Bickel last week. Stoic.
Wjcst Bkavku Itic.xis.
John Krb is the ilrst to tluisli plant
ing corn.
Aaron Bickel is building a summer
house which will greatly improve us
well as lighten the labor for his bet
ter half.
John I), (loss's house is already uu-
der roof, nnd in a short timo he will
be ready to move,
John Benfer is also building a new
Tillmnii Itomlg of Mifflin county
made a Hying visit last week.
There will be a large ipiantity of
narK peeled this seasson, most of
which will be peeled on Jacks moun
tain. The fruit crop seems to bo promis
ing this season and no doubt there
will be a large amount stored away for
home use.
Joe can beat anything in the grapa
line wu have ever seen. (Namely) the
corn cob grape. After this trim them
In July, and succesi will surely fol
low. The School directors went to Mid
dlehurgh to cast their ballots for
County Superintendent. Hope they
may do their duty.
By the appearance of tho wheat
and grass, there will bn an average
Why don't potato merchnnts call
A. A. Homlg is now ready to hang
out his shingle. Bou.
J. O. Smith of the Central Hotel has
just added a new Invoice of cigars to
his already large stock of old standard
la-andd. They are the "Figaro," 0
center which is a Cuban hand mado
and is the best cigar ever Bold for the
money In Middlehurgh, The new 8
for J5 cents brands are "Pollen" "Tra
veler" and "King Bee" which surpass
many 5 cent cigars now In the mar
ket. Those with the oil brands, the
"Winner," a 8 center, and the "La
Priiuevera" 2 for, makes bis establish
ment headquarters for lovers of good
609 tons Rock-oak Bark wanted by
81 won toil, Barber & Co.
gRMJCHttnovR Itkm.
folitor Vott: Bering your vulnaMe
pnpor minus nws from litrr I will
(five you a f?w items,
Thoso Runbury fellows must have
been hungry. 1 think we could have
jdoiie without them In our pantries,
j though they did good servlco at the
fire. Arrangements Are being made
to rebuild the burned district. Sam
uel Showalter has his stable up al
ready. That repot tor ito the Phila
delphla JVexs made a miscalculation
when he placed the loss at fM.OOOhe
should have given It at 1 15,01!).
Things are generally exagerated on
such occasions.
II. F. Charles, our energetic tinner,
is building an addition to his shop.
Mrs. A. F. Keyser Is making exten
sive repairs on her dwelling on Hiyh
The great question (who shall sway
the Presidential sceptre) will soorj ag
itate the Nation. We sav Bluiue
Mioses Laura Bergstresser and Mag
ir'e Albert will open a select school in
the town building on the 5th Inst,
Both ladies are competent teachers
i"1"! should be well patronir.ed by the
citizens. K. W. HeintxIeiiiAii ami N.
I. Potter will also open one in the
same building, on the same dav.
A. W. Potter, Ksip, has gone to
1 biladelphia on legal business.
Mrs. Cawvel died this morning at
her home oil the Nle of tue.
The Lutheran congregation (f Gener
al Council) at this place will soon tear
down their church building nnd be
gin work on the new one to be built
this summer.
The weather is delight fill.
Dr. M. I". Wagenselleraud
! have returned from t heir Southern
jtrip, looking hale and heart ;-,
1 enterprising Hrin of alem &
i s 1,1 1 '
li. J. 1' l'it. Iiverv f tall b . in r.imm
Dmi. Frit, knows how to run one.
The unveiling of tin, Martin Luther
monument before the M rin ,u
theritn church in Washington city,
promises to be a lL
take place on the UIsI
the name of Martin Luiher
CKNTItlCVII.I.i: Oos.sip.
iof,oiin.. in vas goui Along!
once more, lliel ukly vinter moved!
on; Shack Frost no more can loaf der!
house aboii. I, nnd stump us when ve I
gooud pyder door, dot sphring vas!
shut like efery dimes pefie, uml
pirds nnd Hies again vas singing I
roun'; mit gleaning house and scrub !
lung on dot vloor; mill" fra.i was'
durned der house upside down; il e'
grasses, shputter-cupi uud onions, i
doo, vas in dat gnrtens now be -in in !
siihrout. uml il..P ,.i ,
" ' " ' . '
.nuiruvrrinini", uinl liom
ble-shbees vas boniming oud ; uud den
-so help me, dot is ilrn --S.-hipiire
"hays ,er bricw of uhugar and lusse;.
is gom down doo.
The late rain wa4 vei-v .,f,.i.i,
hi this vicinity, especi.illv to those
interested in the timber 'land along
.lack's li ...ii ii...
the mountain fires
Calvin Slctler, of Middl-bu-gh, a
live tiro insurance agent, paid in a
friendly visit on the ilDth.
Commercial agent Patterson of
Harrisburg, a Notion man, and Dan
Veager of New Berlin, the famous
bee-man, were in town on the 2nd
Bev. S. Smith of Buffalo X Bonds
was the guest of I'riah Be.-g.-r on 1'ii
day night.
J. M. Vunzandt and daughter, Uho
da, of Middlehurgh, were the welcome
guests of J. II. Hartman ou Saturday
W. I. Simonton and lady of Middle
hurgh were in'town on Saturday.
Handsome pat paid a visit to his
fair Kttu, near Milliinburg, on Satur
day evening. Jlon't make vour stay
too long Ktta, or Pat will bo obliged
to call soon ngnhi.
C. M. Sanders of New Berlin was in
town on Sat urday.
Wlien you see your hoy sneaking
one or I lie house and then make a bee
line for the back gate you can depend
upon it he Is bound to go fishing.
"superintendent Moyer deserves
credit for the gentlemanly address
and friendly manner in which he sur
rendered lo tho Convention of Direc
tors on Tuesday. In referring to the
press of the county, however, he w as
considerably at sea. Newspapers are
as much public educators as teachers,
preachers or superintendents, and
every well directed newspaper if it
has the welfare of its readers nt
heart, will correct public errors re
gardless of where they occur or by
whom they aro committed. It should
always be kept In mind, howovcr.that
the opinion of a newspaper U u one
man's opinion, and is subject to error,
nevertheless Jwhen they do hit the'
nail on the head onuo hi a while they
must not bo ignored and ridiculed as
having lost themselves In the luagui.
tude of their owu responsibilities.
To Tim Pi'blic Having been fre
piently nsked regarding my opinion
of the 18 inch shingles shipped to this
State, I would say (hat I got a car
load of theui last summer, nart of
w hich I sold and used the baUiion In
covering my bam. They have given
such entire satisfaction in price and
quality that I purchased 8000 of the
samo shingles this week from Mr.
Barter to re-roof my house which
are the nicest and best I bnvn
ever seen, ond believe his shingles to
make as good a roof tor less money
than any other hlngl brought to
this county.
Jobupk Walt Kit,
Mddlsbufib, fa.
Conflagration at Skmmhirovk. rJKi.uxft wr at Cot. On account
Ktl 7Vf:-The Individual furnish ! of the mnnager of my siore. Mr. Lew
Ing the fact In the article published I Kahn, leaving Sellnsgrove shortly.
ilu the last IsMiie of the Post, under
the above heading, inudhmn glvenjWOf'K A r COST. Among the artl-j
some of them, either In ignorance, or elcs to be sold will be found a l uye j
with a desire to be sensational or
xx Ith a motive to bring discredit or in
jury to tho place.
There are assertions made, which
In their effect a ro calculated to be in
jurious in more than one way, and
which should be refuted whenever
uttered. As we take it, the Author of
some of the statements, exhibits very
little friendship for Pclinsgrove, or at
least hns shown a want of proper dis
cretion. it is asserted that, "The fire nils mi-
ihuhtnVn the work mi imrwiiury."
Where is his proof for this assertion ?
Where nre his reasons that would lead
dm to this conclusion ? He has giv
en none. We assert that it is more
probably aa ve7sf, than the work of
an incendiary.
1st, Bei nuso there are uicii nnd
boys coiillnuallv In hchoch's stable,
where the fire originated, who nre
freipient smokers.
2nd, Because the fire started around
the horses, Just wife matches or lire
might be accident ly dropped.
3rd, It is not likely mi incendiary
would start a tire right around ani
mals, where this fire started. They
might intend to destroy proper! v.lnit
he would be a liar ldied wretch, who
would not give dumb animals a vhance
for their lives,
4th, An incendiary to make his work
sure would have selected an hour
nearer midnight, than o'clock in the
evening w hen the citizen we re up
i ami about.
Mh, The wind was not favorable to
warrant an Incendiary in his ll. ndih
I he art i. le referred
to stat'-d that
' til.. I
nt.. .nt it i a in u l :..
jtruth it is fr'wm P.'.uimi t : d :,,tv.):
I which outside of the warehouse and
tin shop, was coiilineil to stables.
It is further stated that " Ihr nlirn
It Will ! I'll S'.KC 1,1 1,1 I), I 11,11 ,1. .s till' lKI.1l' 17 Ol.i
Ml praise'., ,l n I f' Tie- alarm was
'given at once, when the t i-rsoii at the
iilarill rope, pulled it loo-cat the liell.
and the nv'io'c ie,'i of tin- rope fell at
his f.-t. S'itii' on" then went to
the ringing rope, and rang the bell.
i he rope mii no: cut, in r
tampeie i
It Ufmallv stated that "Mini r..'.
' re'.i ic c.iion,',' (i lUinir, (c cuafe-
n." This is also an cxageral ion.
I f I here were any petty thefts, they
Were CO llilllittrd by some of the des
perate chnrai Itrs from Siinbury, who
came along x ith the lire oiioiuiiies of
Suiibury, but w ho did not belong to;
I"'" companies, u mere werjany
they were (f so little iuipor
taliee, that no one speaks of them.
In ill-lie.. Id lli.i t ii. .o..l e Ii..I,
and tliegood citizens of Selinsgrove,
-,.iioiik in- iioovn siaieiiieiilM IIiiiiimii
more than right. We looked for
'""l the kind in t he 7 reW.
I '"'t " t,,,, l"al",,, "'lt lark side
"fth.M.rigin of the lire, but gave no
reasons for its opinions.
B i:vKit.
S. Weis has some Important things
to say in his advertisement this week.
Plaster and Phosphate for sale by
Simonton, Barber & Co.
Dr. Rot hrock is about to h-ave Mid
dlehurgh and move to near Mc 'lure,
this county.
WA5IKH! Any person having two
shotes for sale will please call at or
address Tuk Post,
Middlehurgh, i'a.
XXX In inch shingles forsalent this
ofliee. Apply to T. H. Hurler for par
ticulars. A new 7 drawer New Home Sewing
Machine for sale cheap. Inquire at
this ofllce.
Straw hats of every size and de
scription comprising all the latest
styles for sale at H. ppenheimer's.
New Sheet Music and Music Books
constantly on hand or ordered ou
short notice at Salem ii App's Music
Store, Selinsgrove.
It will pay every body to examine
(bo immense Slock Furniture foi
sale by tho Popular Furniture man
W. II. FKLIX Lewistown I'a
Boxks port Sai.k. We have a few
Organ Boxes for sale cheap at our
Music Store, Selinsgrove, Pa.
Sai.kxi ,( Arr.
You would be astonished to see the
les of shirts at Solly ippenhchuer's'
They range in all styles and si.e i, from
the costliest linen to coarsest working
It is the desire of nil to appear well
in, 'society, but a gentleman cannot
expect to do this however well dress
ed unless he has a hat that
becomes him. This specialty can be
secured at S. Oppenheimer's w ho has
an immense stock on hand.
Don't buy your Piano until you
have examined tho Sohmkh and also
the WHEKnocit.the w.nv Plonos in the
market. We are selling thorn at lower
prices than uny other house in Cen
tral Pennsylvania at tho Musical Bui
poriuin, Selinsgrove, Malum Si App,
New Millinery Goods. Come
one, come all and seo our Summer
goods, latest style. Hats nnd Bon
nets, also trimming cheap and pretty
Just received from the city.
O. C. li Jknmk Don.v.
"" MX'ii.jiiisi).'
April 87, by Absalom Barner, Esq.
Miss Alice Clemeiioe. of Juniata Co,
and James Miller of Snyder county.
April 87. in Kratzerville. by Rev.
A. H. Ocnsenford, Miss Kstie E. Mil
hoff and Jotiah 11. ttchradtn
I ami compelled to close out my large
nssorttneus f Women and Misse
Flno Shoes nnd Oniters, Mens and
Boys Fine nnd Heavy Boots and
Shoes, litiui Boot sand Shnes.Trunks,
Satchels nnd Valices, (Jcnts Furnish
Ing Hoods, &e. This opportunity
should not be nilse,l by the people of
this county who desire to purchase
This Is a regular lmn til' sale nnd ev
erything will bo disposed of at bot
tom prices. Don't fail to take advan
tage of this.
Mas. R. Maux,
Between Keystone and National Ho
tcU, Selinsgrove, Pa.
Toa Can Lavish
nt the grim dest rovers, Croup nnd
Whooping Cough, if you havs that
popular standby and iucouiparalile
reineilv, Dr. Kesder's l'.uglisb Cough
Mrdicfne nt hand. The wlscuud pru
dent family keeps It in the house to
be iirepnred for emergencies, price 'i'
ami 50 cents. Sold and warranted by
Dr. BurtMT, Middlehurgh, Pa,
An Sxamplo.
A pale sickly child - three of McDon-!
aid's celebrated Wei in Powders ml i
ministered - releived of the enormous ;
number of btl worms rosy cheek. g I
health and iipietite the' result. Sold
and warranted by Dr. Barber, Mid
(llelml'y li, Pa.
When you go to Selinogrove doiit
forget to call at Snleiu&. App's Music- '
! al I'.mporium, where you can buy any j
thing in the music line at reduced
prices. I 17 11
OriC.NtNd THK I'll I'M' A in.-;. In 1 1 1 1 : II
I b-l'less bulbs beiieat ll the skin i se.
,','',,,,,l "l" 1 1 -1 -obvi iuc.. which
gives, lie Imir Its texture. eo.railI
! gloss. When this secret ion stops tile
; hair begins at once to le come dry,
: luslt-"fs brittle and gray. Is that
1 1 he ci mi I i I ii ill of your hair? If so, dp-
! plv Parker's Hair Balsam at once. It
I w ill restore t he color, gloss aiiil life by
I renewing the act ion of lialili e. 'J I...
; liaison i, not an oil, not a dye, l,r, i ;,n
' elegant toilet art i le, highly apprcci
at eu iM.-cauxa (! it s cieauuiii ss.
WiM i:t.- Ten Penh Sandstone
for facing. Address
D. A. I'i.kuu H.
Sidingrove, Ph.
c'lMircrrii ivkkki y iit
:siiiimton. Harbor Co.
I'llted cherries
I'lipitleil "
!!a- pberries
I inioiis
Spring I 'hickem; per Hi.
,S."i to ( no
' S til,'l'."
in, i.. An
t ti."i
....A M)
.1 DO
...11 (SI
l r,r,
1 ic i
P.-a Coal
Chestnut Coal
Blacksinit li 'oal
Plaster, Per ton
Salt per barrel
" " sack
small m
Hock Oak P.ark ifll.OU, in trade .() Ml
II v virtue el ivrt.iln I i. I ,, , l-uiv ,,m ,.f the
iniri i f 'iiiiiiiinu I'li'im el Snj li r 1 '.iinty, an. in
en- illn fie I, will I"- ,'' I in ihiMiii - il" nl ll,
t'uiirl In Xlnl.lli l'ieyli. ' i mi s. I'riJ.
PAY. M XV Hi. tusl, in.' I...miiitf ,. - ri lii.
:il l.-liile. I" mt: A , in IKl'l'.,l I.WIi, III W.--I IIh;o IT I' W 1. - Ii I p . Sliy.l.T I'.'llll-
ly. I'll.. I'i'iiititi'il ly l.nnl" I ilium pi-chi r.
Siiiniii'l K 1 1 in-. Iri'ilirliU sti-linliiu, I'iIit Hull
iiiiin, sh-iiln MmiiiiIiiiii, .IiiIiii .iHscliMver, uu I
'lo-r-i. i-.irililiioiK ''4 Ai'KKS atitt 71 I'itiMh',
niur. nr Ii'Iih, w liiTruii nre iT'-i-i' il ii 'l'w,i-Miry
i,.ti,- li'ii'ei II.H4", ll:ink llirn. ninl nilnr
iiitlnilliliiiv-. Si'lr , Hut l.iUi'M i in u rje'Uiioiiii
iu Urn ,ruiurly nl S iiiim l l.niiis
Suli lo foiiiiuoii' o nt ID u'rlui'k. . in.
ll.VVIl) 1(1.1 II J.Y.
April t, l4. Mht'II.
,,('UT().s, salk op val-
1 JI' AKI.I: KDAI. i:sl A I i: TIi umli rnoi
U'l riMiliiri' nl tho lut v-'A Ale! If spini-iit nl
le'nriru lli'rniiiii IjiIii el 'I'lilru tntt ielili, ii'ter
iniiiiiIv !',. iltieusin'it iHiriiiuiit t un nril.-r ii tin
iriiliiin' 'nun nl Sn .lor cunay, it ill mi i ,
I'lil.hi' Stir en tlm iinum"' In I 'i-iilrn tuwn-lili,
In i;iil I'liiinty iilmnl tttu unl nin hull n 1 1 . we-i
ol I'liiri'MUe, in .iiu?i!m xiuii'v, on nxi i h
PAY Miiy I". ls4, nt luiiVliii'k' a. in..
I.iwiiiii iten'Tilii il le-'iil K-luli' lull' ol Mel lie una
Itertiiiiii ili'i'.Mini'il, to wit: A v.aleatilw iHrni.
xiliiuiu In 'ciii rit town'liti, riiillm XI n.-iT" vl
ley Kent. Iimilinu Innii t'elil revllle lu l imelvllin,
lioniiileil l,y fmi'le ol .li'iin I'ry, IVler llorm ui,
.liilin ln,il,er, Nslbsnlal Peoliler, puMM llr
lilun ml ntlcrn l ooiiUIiuiik III A I Ml KS more
or linn, "f h'.i t Hi eiei m o eii aril nnil in
'iol hi aIa ol iMiliitliit. TIia lniir,itcn,eiiu
rn n K'ioiI wllitir booli i l,n I Hi it's 1. t
Klorii.. litis- HANK IIAKN. I'llHlt
two XV F.I.I. S. k I y u OIM'MAKII. ,-iai
uIhids iliiterenl varilici o( frull lo lir.l ol5
tieftrlfor coii.liiion.
A I Silk vln I" farm Itiatt In Hie tin
l.evnuhlp, iljoliiliiK tlu ulieni i. nl', 'I trsi'i,
on tlio oitr-t. unit b um le i l,y Unl of H . -; r i
Sitn,ite. li ibert llitanlnirir kt,, otre-rj, e'ie
tuiliiin; It' AI'Hr.S He re er I, nh.ili
tliont T'l iTei rn e U-ftr aiel In k e',! i!i (
.'Hint t Ion. The linrrnvetiirt' t. r 4 pr tr, k
frsini llol'NK Bon I It A N K IIAKN, fliKN
I.' II I It in I utlitT liee, t)r iiUi'lllelil n. A
UrUH Sl'UINl on IT'inilne un I ft .Iteblll nl
reinlln: n iit'r, a limt rim UKt'ltAKIl III S"U'l
In :iril,e P-iliillllnli.
TKIiMS K SALK-Ji r r penl. cash on .Uy
I iijI ; iini'-iitlf li.ltiuti np in I'oriflriiiAtiou
of sit I" 1 1 y tlin pnirt, mul Ilie liilmie In one er
fruit ilie of (loiiflrinittioii .
TIiii welntt'ii ilottrr to renin in In pjeh trttek
.ml to lie lee u re I I't IIoihI in., I Moiiu'ib".
.Ih'iill HASSIN'tlKK.
ItOllKKT HA&siMi r.H,
Mtri'li 'il, 'SI. F i.eiituri.
ll ivhu n l.iru" iips.irliiient nl ruiiiMiiiti nu t
ileeea o Imiiilxniin lirm iiK'il i 1 k 1-. iiIiih mil
velvetii, vto urn untin tlii'iu iii In iirnorleil Inn
illemiinl liiriiltlniiif Ihein lor "I'l.i.)' I'iii.'htvu'k '
I 'iirliliiinl, Mil's l"ill' , Ke.. I'AI'KA'JI.
,Xo. I I u lutiiiUonio liiinlln ol I'Xipil-itu f 1 1 k
antlix Hiid liroi Hilml velv.U (nil iMlerenl) ,ln
ill 1 Hi I hk lor tlie iimi mil.erli ,iiiier.i nl l.uicy
work, iSeiit i'u o-i pit ol lor M) ennlr. 1 ,1 msiul nule
or l-eriit nl iiiiii. rAI'liAHi; No. 'J-iN.nluIn
IhU Olive lint. M ill mil' Il in iil,'ktl'0 No, I. Sent
i'i-t,,ilil il.ii 1. Tlium urn nil ol llio very
f11111.1l iii'ilil,v mill eniiiint In' "iiU'illetl nt t nt. eiliei
ilk woik ni lliu P. S. tit tlirtx liinca our eo..
They will pleiin uny linlv. tino r nUnyi
lii'lnH 11 iloeii inoie. l,AIUIi MM Al.l'l
I'A.Vt'Y WtillK, with 4W1 lllii-lnill, 111 ninl In'l rui't i.iiik lor artist." Imn t uork, Ii s u,l "im 1 1
iHinrnt, post p ll M i ts. 1 il r 111, . A .1.1 ,,.,
I'll K KiKlltnl KH SlLS I'll., UoOllO.ter. N. Y.
AumTORs notIcl
In tliemntU'roflhf la the Ociiniini'
lilc of Jacub Srehrist ' 'tiurt of Sutler
ihciuixil ) CuUHly,
Tli unilrnrlirtieit Amlllur l'ilntil l y tlie
I r letnr' I 'oiul ol Knyiler to illntrlliulti
tliu liiilani'3 In Ilia UhiiiIh nf John II. Nerhrint ami
lleiny II. b's'lirlut, ri.icc'iitori ol ttie Inst Will
nil iVntuuionl nl Jusoh Kwlirlm, ileee ned. Will
II lor tin. iurKo of Ms I'liiilnlii o'.t hi Hip
ortl' oft!. P. (,'lrli'h, rjs., In (lie loronsli ol
(Selln-K'ovo, ou '1'linrt.Uy, Mjr mini PHI, nt
o'olui k A. M. ol uiil day, when inl wlicru all
rsvllfi Intorciil a ooone.i to mieiwi, or no lor.
vir bMTittl Iwui Pt lioliitttmur In I I rllhtrilm-
UuBt l,K,UUWtll,
I vri-!i to laform Ilia rcsi louts of May Jor county that I hnv a fine 68
sort men 1 of
Cooking Stoves, Ranges, Heaters,
Parlor and Bedroom Stoves,
Inclti Mvff the New Li.jlit Mouko Cook, Hilvor Harp l.albV hide. Tsrti
Cooks. New Snnsliitio, New Jafpir," Now Rrcotd Lnt yes, I
vincible, Tl.n Snr Ifealms, New J'uilv )awn, Ntw
Ills, New .Jnrpcr lloutcrs, Nc GoMuii ftiui
Fireplace Heaters, an 1 others. My
Heators from 15 to 30 Dollars,
me all of tho latest pnttnrna nnil best material, fcnamr.lced to be ns tLiarJ
ns tlio chraj r?sl ninl us gooil as (he bctt.
Call and see the Fine Cook Sotves,
of which I liiivo nn luro nni! weH-scli oleil a stock can lie f r,r ii in llio
count)' aihI at prices Hint will compare with Wholcsalo Houses.
Tinware, Spouting and Roofing.
None but tho very l nst inalei i d use. 1. S;ntilitir nnJ done oil
mioi i nutice. iiespeci fully s'linintlod.
1 have U) in store; nml Cor sa!n
a mammoth stock oK'nrorts inchi,
ofi8y o'.vu nak fi havo about 7&
ic.siiriis in
aw M dL
25ilit in sJor.k, ttK'iucii.s a
i'mv line; ii Gk ytH)VH iuu Si? or
ders. Wc; trim vdv.s of nil pa
per sold uohYEfiisiiimiiii tim iirtoii
isSiino low prices we sell t. Come!
Beuu.iiy yojjr vuuma for iS.e Uut
a WEI,
vuvmwm Mjxmm rrrmrjm
t c 'w-m if- try . it
Doit' sat iju arc not u-jint t ., Uih,fov unit ura
You detest advertisements but ni'lf read tins atf t,'ro
same ! It makes a mun awful mud to eummenee and
not be able tostop- Listen now, we are Q'oing to (ell you
"'elegant new stck oe goods
comjrisin! everything in the clothing line Jim's suitstt
of the Lest French Worsted, Flan el, J'riuee Albert, Kn-
ginccr suits, Spring-bottom and mote skin punts. Fun
Wool and Straw Jlats, base-ball huts a base-ball in
each hui lnuillt hats of all colors, L'ots und Cents
suits, Celleloid Cuffs and Collars, Liiim Collars, Jewel'
ni, A'ockwear, 'Franks, Safehes, I aises, Cause under-'
ware, and cvcrilhittg in the line of Cents Furnishing
Everything .from JO to lo per cent, cheaper than can
be purchased elsewhere.
for which wo will pail the highest market price-
April 10, 'si. si:mxkuovj:, pa.
In hh Sloro on MAUKKT STK!;!: T, ti'.l 1m f,)in3d a fii:o j0i cf
BUNGS ofi'aifl
at;l all jnicis, io (iol.l, and Prceioas Si one.
Elgin, Rockford, Spring'Scld and Hamptou
io (l iltl uml Silver, nt remnikallo low iniccs.
of nil kinds and uVrsrriptions. P.OtiKlt'S' FAMOUS
Tlia placo to Luy Wr.DUINO miiSKXTS. CLOCKS of all dcrip-
tions uud u!l pi ictts.
Tic Fans Kings CoMtealic! IMi at $1.25 a pair
The lucent variety cf Snt'CttiHeH iu lids part of the country.
Goods cuu bo brought from New York for Bolection from duo of tho lnrM
Jowoliy hoiiflos in Amorion. 1 2 pniiiii a ppucially, sud 1
work caarantoeJ to pivo atisf.tetion. Kur-ringn, Bremtpini,
Watches, Cbaios, o. Cull HDd t-xiunioa our dock. No
trouble to know pood.
Aug. 2, '83, BCKfiUHT, ri. '
a rr
nrAmvrjv m rrrrn rr ji tm
a ba iz-vwa u vivw. v?vey n
' r 1