The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 01, 1884, Image 1

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i i
H .hat irill not rcnson is a bi;ot ; lie that miniot is ii fool ; he that lnvo not is a hhve.
Murcri Unst.
"A i-wlr ff Mfireh duH It worth a King's
V-nsc-m."-Old I'rororK
pit's worth g King's rmncmt Come werp It
rCoroo."irii"r It Winds In rour KrMV ,0
I Hlrniiv I ........ ,. .
Hi's "orih King's rnfoin! We'll toss II ou
hli:ril . . ..
rlt'worih ii Klng'i rsutoml wnou uuy,
WHO ll l)U7
In ctnnrl. In whirl. th M m li ilurt (11
Ubrinik'n Hie I utn nr- nrm
lAnrt if r will il-fn, too will hrnr lliU on I
Kihttth March iu!g ell if is ihe u',r''
MlllCll rklt.-SI
long I
"I.'s wrnh Kin' rnnseral Come sweep It
'QujA.gnthrr If, W inds, !" your grn-p
'Jt'i worth King' ransom I We'll toil Hob
Muni .
r'll'i wurlb King rrntoml w ho ll ouy,
wu.i "uLnnrrIn!tilPt.Nkll, ,,
LAn 11 PJy"lflin h t'oniriMiiiion io
C'UMfirll'il 1'uinlly Mitnaiino.
t li ft mv rarnnic nt tho lodjju
1nHtod of (roin-r i" nd rlzht up to iho
hull door, n t H.tni. I mm my man io
lrivo slowly to M.n. Smith'st, deliv
er ft ni"HH-o wnieli 1 gave n.ui, ini n
return unit won lor mo.
TiiU id n.i I Fiiiertd tho pronnils.
I tb...l niKwIiut weall'v III) I lio 1
i..-.. li,i uvcim.v for 1 wa iroinir
. . . ' . i... i..
o neo a C!o I nan very ii.ub pn-vs'iia
n and that I had never derived much j
o'-nfort from ittom!injr. ll'id I been
a moo I to enjoy tho beniitie of na- I
Juro und art I had an erollent opjio
imitv f'T both were hero combined to
t ... .,'1 tlo aovi'ooiulinir.i f Thibet .
P i-livii , - , i
iloiisa as pleanaut Mi l iioiiyuuiu its a
wt' dream.
f Thibet Honso Ii In tho rountry,
lw.n.rli iw.i. v.-i-v far reini veil ironi tho
Wo,. ,.n,l I K.iii'.l vi rv easilv in nrom i.
iti'n ..nlnir.n or two of tlio ina!raz,iie to j
cniMjnr diKoription of lH gardoim,
hruhberu-H, i'i laiiH and loekerii t i
ttn.i n K.iric-i. lis m not mv miriHiso.
Jowever. Siilll'.'o it to a that iiisido
ind out there in rverjlliinjf about the
jphl plao ' calculated to make otio hapjiy
iud contented with tlio wi rid.
f Alas! though hupjiincHs romelh not
irom witlioiit, but ironi within. I ha 1
llils truth to lenrn on tiuit particular
5lnv, if I had never learned it before.
Mr. Moutgomory was harilly a pa-
lent to my likin r. "-it
u'nll In lilcnl'.nn licro that ill thin
L....y.d I ul.i.ll tlrif ivit.. 111., t'alfll tlfllllia
nUUi 1 diiuii iiv .. ........ a
kif tieilher places nor H.'rsi)iis. to do
so woubl bo ooviot .y mil. nr. i lio
reader tuny rely upon fac'H, however.
,'o, Mr. Montgomery win not a patient
.to UiLl'king. Itn wag not what jmo
luigiil call a satisfactory pntleni, ami I
was getting tirod ci luui, 1 do not
think it was through any fault of my
N-n thnt ho was not progress nfMVor
bly. I did ail I could lm him iu tho
rwav of advice and medicine, but now,4
tut tin) n 1 of six months, I felt that,
Hiiough he could well enough all'ord to
jiay my biils, I was taking his liiouey
ilor no.liitig.
1 I had another raitso for being somo
Vhnt weary and tliscouloutod to-day: I
'llir.d been up most of the night, and "lato
liottrs aro not conducive to serenity of
li ni-er during tlio day that succeeds
tl bi-iii. Mr. Montgomery's private sitting
Jthoiii was in a corner of the home, with
a largo trench window, overlooking the
lawn and shrubbery. Ho was at Iho
window and saw uie coming alonir amt
niiik n g my way toward the hull door.
I'erhaps he had been watching for mo,
for ho opined tlio casement and rau
down tho steps to welcome nic.
"(ioodness, doctor!" he exclaimed,
as wo shook hands; "you are not walk-
ing, are you? you aro sueoly no ver
walking! ' 1 assured him tliat I was,
hut admitted that my brougham wag
not a very long w ay off.
"I Vimi'm, anyhow," he said. "Como
iia, come in. '
"It Is a lovely spring morning," I
remarked, lingering on the lawn and
L'i'zing around mo. tjoino parts of tho
liawn wero all nblao with snowdrops
Nild crocuses, and it Is quite a treat to
Jjieo the devvv nriturosos 1)001)1112 out
Irom under tho sheltering rhododen
drons and lauro'H.
"Yes, it is a lino day; but ci mo lu,"
ho ' It is raw and cold."
"On llio contrary', I replied for I
Just felt in tlio mood to contradict him
"it Is delieious'y mild and balmy,
and if you feel cold It is hecnuso your
blood is thin, and not Hiitlicieutlv aerat-
cid. If you went out every diiv and
kept yourself out for bonis, as I wish
you to do, you would not find it cold, I
can r.Hiuro vou."
"And that is precisely what I mean to
do," he said, "as soon as Iho weather
gets a li.llo ui'iro s.ntled. ana thoso
terrible spring winds cunso to blow.
C nio In.''
Wo entered, lio was about to close
tho window when 1 said:
"Xo, my friend; don't lot us banish
tliDo.ono. You and 1 both need it, for
l'vo been up all uight with a bothering
cas. "
"Yeg," ho said; "and you look pale."
"And you: how do you feel?"
"Just a little return of my old foe tho
ague last evening, but 1 think I ban
islied that by taking a good-night cap,
putting uiy feet iu hot musturd and
water, and having an extra covering on
the bed. Feel Hying pains all over ino
to-day rheumatism, 1 suppose omo
flight fullness In tho bead loo, hands
hot, tini) eyeballs tender lo tho light.
J huar that fever U about. I sincerely
'ope I'm not in for anything of that
kind, doetor."
"l'ut out your tonguo. Thanks.
Let mo feel your arm."
"Am I worse?" ho asked, "No fo
ver eh?"
, ''Xight-cap fever," I replied bluntly.
'Old llyilirr iminii von lull, nlionl loivn
J'o exlutfiieo exeejit In your own
Ination. That's go, 1 assure you.
, ,""011, I dare gar I ghouldu't
, " n 1 J .
"el u,,, night-cup."
"No, Tin sure you shouldn't liavo.
f ar "otter had you gono to bod,n ooun
Je of iumrgi afier the slight bnt solid
mippor ordered you, simply takinz a
oottlo of solizor water, wllli ten or fit
J0"" gfain, of tho blcarbonatu of soda
iu it. You would havo slept tuon wlib
oot about."
My imticut hnd not, to' outward np.
pearaneo, the dlatlioslt ol a nervoun
raao, but Lo was roally go. Ho was
f'uff." rouj? UW. Mil; somewhai
palo, but ha anliln ' 1,..l-T..i
M. , , ,.ufi.,v, an. i. ius,
. .uwag m tulr.y gooj .ondUloin
l';,"1 'Tf Vol olM, a-o uoarly
That i the worst of It," ho had
nioro thnnoneo lo!l mo confidentially;
"uono of inv frlcndj will give ill i cred
it i t belli ? ill."
Ho lnt I enjoyed tlio pleasures of tho
world to nomo cou-l lurable extent
wlion n yonns'cr man, and had traveled
a good clnl abroad, hut had never boeu
! really iniompentto, cither in eating or
drinking. 1 know Hint ho would have
told me f it 1 1 1 1 he been so. for lio
kept no secrets from his mo Teal advis
er, lint Idli miss whs his besotting sin.
1 do not know that for the l.x monti
previous to tiio, day on which wo had
tlc. gl,,.,u tnl v 1 1 i i 1 1 forms tlio nub-'
J..,-! of llii p:iliT ho hwd dolTO nnt!i:u,; 1
I - 1 ..1 II. I . ,1.
I t-lso out read, no i t aim irni m-w-na
I pci all the lorenoon. nii uoous, oook.
.... . . . . i
book nil llio remainder of the dav,
luio imrii, i ijvn r, i.iiv- nun in" iiiiii.
AVII, doetor," my pal'ent naid to-
dnv. "I've taken nil votir medieino. and
I .. f I ..1 ...... I..,.. !.... Ii... ,.l .1., I
I doll t feel inin whit the l0 ler.
V(.h," I repiied; "vou"v.i taken all
my medicine- yuii ate very good nt
taking p.iynio but had y-n tsknn mv
adviee nt wtdl in other and hygionh
tnnt tors, 1 would mt havo been hony
bad you thrown tho ur'dieiuo to the
"D ireil say n?" ho exelaime I.
"Now, I'll lell you exactly how I feel
I certainly do not mean to jln:;ten:y
reaileii wiiii a detail f my pa iniN
f Vinp'oins, real an I ima-rinarv. 1 hvl
to lixteluto them, ll'ld did H lilot
I -a I
tietilly, n!lliniyi piobabiy n rieat
.u ..;.i ;.. . )
ut M tho tlu-r. 1 sat ::eiii lor houio
timo hu had tiniiod.
Ho looked at ino eonu wlmt nnxion.
, men ;;oi u;i uiio whimmi aumu mo
lioom for a f-w miiutei. i.nd liimlij io.
sonted h.niKrif.
"You aro iiifimilv r.iict. d"i'tor, ho
aid lit lait, in an ea nesl tone of voice.
''You don't tliii.k the; e U nnvlhing
iv'V serious tiio nutter w.ili nu lo-
ila r
"I think the vory worm,''
I said nil-
nuily, a
and probably si 111 I lit i j lit h:iV
ou-iy, but Ii a I ouly tl.e gon.i
I intention of liioion'liiy ii imiii; him;
!ev n if it ca'iied I im tocail in anotiier
llieUkal mall, 1 fell. I aiiotlld Iiol bo
"Your heart ii n fleeted!'
Tliis w: no exA-'vuratod stntomont,
for 't is always the can in in i v.mties
o.- ii nervous dobiiity that tl.e h.'art'si
toiiu is lowered. Wo physician rid it
fiiiic'iotial disorder, to diitinirui'di it
from actual organic disease. Ilsbouid
lio remembered thai the hoart is a iiiiih
t'lilnr organ, aul aa linoln to bo below
or ab vo jar ni tho other inn ;'hj i;f
tho l.ody; nor, on thoniimr bund ahuiM
It bo folirollen that if UnrvoiHtiesi be-
comcH oliroiilo in any patient, tlio heart
in liable Io become permanently tilt ac-
j'd, and life ii.-orgHin lly much shorten-
ed. I his only shows us that a ntrcni-
cms i-fbirt toward restoration of health
should be nt onco made by any one suf-
fering from tlio complaint we aro now
considering a complaint which,
lo tho struggle for existence piing on
in cur midst, h every day becoming
nioro common. A cure, as may lie
oleaned from tho conversation tlialfol-
!(''., is not to be looked for irom mod- j
n inn aloiie, a. ihoueli tonics and alter-
auves are oi gruniine. niu irom sir ui
adherence to tho rules ol nygicue, ihj.i-
ici and nnnt'il.
"You cannot mean it!"
..I. !. ... I . , O ..... l
il is mv iiuiv io ten vou bo, anu i
do mean it.'
"Oh, doctor!" ho gasped, s -uing mo
by tho arm above tho wris', w.lh atrrin
that spoke volumes for the ntrcngth of
his voniiitarv muscles, at all events
'Oil, doctor! you do not incautoMty
1 am going to to to die? '
"Wo must all die."
"Oh! this is awful! this ia torriblo!"
ho cried.
ll guzed around him Iu a seml-daz-
cd, bewildered way, as if beseeching
tho very cliairi and sofas, ami tlie piet-
urcs cm tho walls to step in and save
him from tho inevitable.
"1 have of en," ho said slowly, at
last and tliero wero sweat-drops on
his brow "I havo often said 1 wished
to die and bo done with it all. to die
and be at peace, but 1 did not think it
would com,) so soon, and come thus,
Say. say you are but jolcin , doctor."
"I never Joke," 1 inplicd, "on so ser
ious a matter as disease, lbit I have
uot saiil you wero soon to die. That you
are iu danger in real dnngor 1 cau-
noi eoucoai irom j on. nupu i can. or
could, you, if 3011 would but fol-
low my advice. If you do not do so, 1
would inlinitely j.refer your caldng iu
another physician, for I can do no
more to save you.
"Do lint (. K VO 1110 ll doctor,
Your iidvici has always seemed tome
u,k .1 lll,..,.l,l Cl'i.l.l ll.... ..f U..t. M.t.n
so uiiiereiit irum iiitit ol any 0110 c:se.
You m ike things so plain to inc."
"Do I? Thanks. Hut what of it ii
tliat advieii Is not taken? Might I not
as well talk to tlio cat thorn ou the
harth-rug? You have every advantage
iu life; your existence miL'lit bo a very
hapny ono, if you had excuse 1110 any
method in your madness, if you were
not entirely a slavo to your own feel
ings, whothor real or imaginary
they aro 11.010 often tho latter than the
" 1 null
for nor There are tens of thousands ""'"""-"' "" """ ji icmii und ocoupto.l the h.iiiiiii and its v 1
Zri Ik Z;if losay iiothingof tho great quantities ,i.,ity, bemoaning on-ilnpenran
ness -vviih functional diseases of the
heart, that have not half llie chanoes of
I rtish, unlimited exercise lu the open
air, whether the weather ho wet or dry,
cold or hot, and jil:amiiit novittj. Mix
ing with pleasant society is ono of the
very best means for the cure of tier
vousiuss. It takes ono for the I line
being nu I to out of one's self, ciuitoaway
from cues trounies amt aches, n
must, however, never be ixcit
i. ii; buuiu
I. I . .1
... .
ty, for lids sends the blood to the head,
and injures tho vory foundation of
norve-powcr. What do you tell me?
You never take stimulants to excess? I
doubt it; for fed, if too much indulged
in, is a dangerous stimulant, im 1 so is, A cup of milk that has been
boiled and allowea to cool would ot ou
do fur more good thim tea. lea-drink-
Imr irr.iu,- oirniiii Hml nssnrmll v xx-bou
in 'iin v uiiu, mui u-ruii-ui-, ...
boiled and allowed to cool would oftnu
getting we that you Have, although ,Ju,y M1,j,ctcd to scolding or inmlsl, Y . m t7.v i 1 piee" ami dropped il in bis till,
there is really no caio hat ever I met .ncit of any kind. Tho ."suit Vf Ibis ' f. U , 1 u tXr , A... r doing that ho fur.lvely to-I;
with that cannot be either cured or a!, cxp.-rln.eut has been watched by many wi u " h o.-y o '-ihtr w v . ' 11 in llU '"""".v
leviated by attention o diet, ayoidaiiee wilh Ul0 prcatcst interest and there aro lVi r ,u . , f f ,rcs .- I .in rrv a I drawer, und. proeuring huiiu. matclics
of stimulants, the dally usoof balli and Boni0 ,vclopuienls that would havo '3? bi t ir. 'v d t. la " i, so xvil l ! "l"'1'' d'"i-'"'d tlio monoy und
fric.ion with rough towels ami llesh- lllri,iu iiirw; . .i.,,,,.,, wilh lv. Tl,,.,-,, U ty..Vl... MF 1 . U,U V " ,U.M' M11 1 l',., Incifers in the voun-' man's hand.
it does so, it shatters tl.e nerves as Ir- nwamot bvt wnt i-i T X
i-miHiilisb v as doo wine or even sulr- ' . J . l ,L J2 ! . tnuinateil in Huston. 1 ho mast, a siuglo slick. I
emedlably as does wiuo or evtu spir- Bt 2j0oo,y amfrMfi There Is one ,VIU bo ICtf feet long and the Loom W ;
R,,.lr'xv.u.V nfierniailthoabova'F1 fantios, lu f0ct Thoy wero cut in Orogou, and
talkSfh ilI.i V.ffi Wi f4 Jwly 10d,0U broucht aJouud C.q.0 Horn, as trees '
hi .ai.W PUn" .?(anCn,S florr''' li''j'Kulubloto make tnoin cuid not bn-
the satisfaction of seeing liltu oni 01 n0iinds of fare flowor lnavos. H- ildft ...1 1 1 ii... ,i,i.,iri.
doors working In his garden;' a month
after this he wi'g In every xvay a m XT
man; and a tift great t treat was
iii sioro tor mo, tor in loss tnnn six
months nioro 1 had tlio i xtromo satis-
f.'U'tion of being a kiudly-welci.iued
guost nt his wedding.
Tin: nnsT ihi:ic.
A Bnvrro Altiu U of llnck A.TitoThat,
Hlinnaelo May. Itmnliril t alully.
On Monday mornin last several
gentlemen uptn Isinen, John K. l-n,
tho Taek pigeon ohootvr, ainoiit; tiio
nnmler, we:o exti'iidinir a hearty wel
roiiie to Uiifur i.t (iillmaii's lieu 1M,
Oiled oil'.:
D.ifnr, 1 kIiiiII havo In tell von aliout
tho tir.t deer Mr. l.on .vi r hln t."
If on ilo, I II te I about loi.r sear-
f f . I . I . . , I . It
hit h i uok io uoa.ii; cxciaimo I I
' (io ahead! lid, j;o ahead!'' Hived
tlio niherN
.. t t I . 1. - i
- ,ionuiiv n:is mwrtv i ei ii n preiu
follow after tho bird, but ii'n only n
f.-w eai-i ii"o thai I rut liiin to rn' tin
cv ai n try wiiii n lot oi us 1. 1. it iiecr.
Tiio first tnuiii'ii after no git iiitj
caiiio, as ie were about Marling i lit
for a hunt, J Imny aked me where to
hit them, niu! I told b in to shoot ibeut
right baeU of the fore shoulder. We. I,
we hadn't gone f:.r belnre o! I Drive
struck a iraek. and nway he went giv
ing lolleue in line St vie.
It N ipiite hiily up there, an. I in I
WAS pre! y certain that the deer weuid
coinu down through a runway that I. I
to the lase, we siat:o!ie I Jolmnv down
ill the hoiio.V nil I took pu.:i"is ll; I'll
thesidehill where v. could W'lleil him.
I lie fai'f is, W" llioa;ht be w- nii h:ie
the -b-.ii k iijtu.i' im badly that he would
be Mire to nd- s, and we would hau iho
I.mi.tIi on him.
' -rretty soon th" b:iel; came in sight,
running i igld towards Johnny, and n:i
went Irs rill" to hid shoulder. IIj
ti i ntt l nli-u tho barrel fur a liuie
xx 1 1 i 1 . aiullhc'i Idii'i i: down from I i-
siioii!(bir aiel looked il over. 1 lieu lip
It wi nt to hU shotild'T again mil ho
lil some mole Mpiiutill,'. 'lle-ll l:e
took tlie riib- down and lm Led t,t it
agt'io. Meant. le.e t'ie deer hill been
trolling ii ;iil along towards him all
Hie t .im', mi I, actually, we were l.-iuh-ing
all over, fur we thou.ld Johnny
had the fever so badlv tliat Im had for
gotten how to shout, and was go.
llig to let tl;0 buck go right by him.
'The !a.-t t in i he r iis d the rilhi iho
deer was so cloe to him that it saw
him, w liTh-d itinl w as II' like a shot.
A it did so, Joliuuy bred, and down
went the diei-.
'Where did you hit, Johnny?'
suid I.
' 'Itight whero you to!d mo to, Ivl,'
said lie. 'llight back ol Iho shoulder. '
When wo got down where tlio buck
lay, you may ea'l mo a Hinner if John-
ny iiiuin t nu n in xv u ii i 1 1 linen inches
of tlie tail! I'.ver s'neo then tho Ijok
call a dour s fill 'Joiii.ny Long ahou!-
"Now," mild Lon'g, after Iho l:iu-h
tor had subsided, "I'll teil yi.n my side j
of the story. It was in an old slush
that had been burned over and 1 stood I
right by a tall, black smb. Win n the I
deer I .i. e in s ht lie was as much as
eighty rods i ll' and didn't hak miu'li
larger than a la! hit lie only weighed
' had n new, breech-loading rill i
with set locks. Win n ymi ilixw up
tho le ver-liar, wlncu i as alo the trig-
ger-iuanl, it pn-se 1 in a pn and m-I
the locks, but 1 nfterwarus lound mil
tliat it would imt set the lo. ki urre-s
. , . ....
pressca i-ioo ilown. iv, lu-n the i ccr
appeared 1 thou, hi 1 iinjht as well be
geltillg ready lor It i 111. mi 1 lixod III V
Mi'lits an I brought my r Ilo up to niy
bhollbler. When the deer out witliill
range 1 pulled on linn, but the pesky
ri lio did not go i ll". I dropped ii uowii,
saw tliat it worked all right, and puliu I
on him again.
"Meantime I had thought of every
'buck ague' story 1 i ver beard iu my
Hfo and my heart was thumping away
in me liko'a tripliamini r. Tan third
time I looked the ritle over I discovered
what was the matter, but as I raised
it to my faec. tlio deer was so c'osc that
lm saw in", turned ta l mid bolted
straight away. It's a wonder I hit
him. but this' bullet tliat II 1 savs struck
right at tho roots of tho deer's
went through him from end to
and killed him di
a. ler than a
cc l'n as.
mackerel." Uctruil
I'Tfty-Three I'Miopcrcil Petn. Is a most excelieiit lady
ciiica-'o who has liftv-threo doy s, not
counting two temporarily absent on a
M.0,ltj,lir expedition. This lady is well
known In society circles, Is a woman
of ,m,Hns , has y elegant home,
silt) a jr.,,.,t Vll f()r ,,,Hi n1(ji (,.
.riiu.ili.f her e,,'loeli,,M kuiiiii lelll-s n.r
wiiii two St. Dm nards, she has in oiiu
. . ... . .
wav ami another increased it mil
there aro now lilty-throo dogs, big mid
little, In her establishment. They lire
not allowed to cat moat, but are treated
frequently to oyster soup, poached
eggs, baiter cakes, oatmeal, etc. T heir
meals aro prepared with ns much care
rn to cleanliness and form as llioueh
I hoy were human beings and I he food
Is served as nicely as for invited guests.
nu ..f ii.i l. 111.. I I. . .1.1., ,.....i.,l ..
T.i " , " Z Vi " . .
01 oxsters ami eggs. iten ino dogs
,iro "sick they rcceio tl.o most fonsid-
uUclltio n,l t .. mm.
l . .... , l l' . , ...!. . . 1 .
is ouo iiuo oni oi. norn ni m, ino arisio-
crat of the colony, who will uot touch
his oyster soup unless It is Just so and
who will not vat out .of any thing of a
lower grade than cut glass, lie will
au im u nuuiu iiiij tiiiliv;! anno
.... it.; r. - . .. 1...I.. .1.. . i.....
take a urlnk from a bucket or pan, but
will rgo Into a trausport of tail wnirgin'r
' - . , , - .
ceouicy mui wuirr or nam in u cuiuia
. 1 . . . 1 ! . I M II
or cutglass disb. V'th-ago littcr-Utxan.
iho magnitude of tho ciilturo of
sweoi-scuuicu uowcrs lor their pur
futuo aiono almost surpasses beliof.
But It Is a fact that Europe and IkilUh
in i colisnnin u iint. l.r.ll Oil) im l..u
handkerchief perfumes yearly! that llio
Vn. liKh rovemui fi-uin ..ii .1,i .,.i,
, T , , rtviiiuo noiu euu do cologuo
ajo ooy annually, and that tho total
'i" h ui
pounds 01 J isn.ltie Lhssoms.' 4jm of
tuberose b.o.soms. and a rwwwo
fjnant.ty 6f oihvr watunsl, ... .
Some I 'hokum Iti-lnkcro of Scotland.
1 nt tho treat drinker in Scotland
was the eolol r i'ed Judge (i.-orgn l'.-r-eiH.Hi
ii I, rd Ib-i in .iiil, wi.os.i cliara'--ler
is dclijfli-.f;, 1 v by Lord
Cockburn in hi "M -in li-s:"
"t'onuuonpiaee r jn-rs thii-k drink,
ing a pbv sit.e, but with 11-imaiid it
Wi.S u vittuo. h umpired the ce:te
inent by which ho w as eievatt d, and
Hie dis lirvv.- j illiiy which he K-Ved 'o
proni'ite, li .l l--voi,d tbcie ordinary
attractions ho ,ad" sincere respect for
drinking, indeed a li ijgli iu'Ti.1 appro.
batioii, mid a serious c'liiioas.siou for
tllO poof wretches who c otlid Hot ill
duigo in il; witli duo ((iitctntt for
Ihose wiio conid b-i il. I no..
N i ea.o'i ;e cM-r iii i ii't if his he-ihh, for
In- w.i.i tn vi r ill, or iliipain d bis taste
for home nr.d ipiii t. or T.inddie.l hi
head; lie se pt tho rounder for it and
I ro-e Hie car. i 'l' and tho c-eiVr. T ;o
jc udial.ty in pile I i clan t a:i I pi.nch
. was mi coiiecninl to all ri-iit th nking
tliat l.o was coti'i b i.t thai ho ceiid
ci UM-rt tlie pop - if in- ,: m'. l ;;ct h m to
jsnp with I in-, and tc. laloly his i.i ii
i lies Woii'.d l-.ave been jc,i I io ,ei s i:. do
if lie co.:l I h-iv i w:;ii-oo 1(. rmati l
about the mid.liu if Ii i s io-i-m! inin
i bier."
! I. rd Ib rin-in t. as w
Lord li! I lived ( a
'! a i l,;s tri- :i I
vi-ry a-' .ne-eii
ll.:e, nild lieilloT CI III'
i .1 i vi Ii a t;
d t't h:. .; si ;V r
uu ile-ir;-
ing 1,-ird 11 Minn
U e. to do.
p1.!!!' tho de;' Mi-r icy ul
Ids ii.ii'l.f il
Il iellil .,
wi.o won
I le t or colli I not
and on,-,- pa'.!,,-:'.
to. nil h.s I X
c:diy eoinph to at
be left :ik)II
i Pipe'
lie, : "W n il. shall u o
ia-t! I IcioVe I si, ail
ill tho w '-rid - di .nl. . :i ;
c!-ii el."
L-ird II -i tn -iid u
'd fr
H'toii! y
'. into ,
. l'-.v.-n
1 Co, I
afti r
V. e II
I fie
sittin ; lip a I ii. -iit to wa
tu i e- w i di .ii ' bis !ian i
Il l llll' S'
C ins" of
l' l -'In
'j'll, ii;i
i'l in. a" i
! ol j'lsliec It '. I. i
X ciin ; liie-i. oi i
'ti.i 1 to l;.e th ;
e ! at tile In Ig.n .
I p:i.c, a v. a.
;t f'-nls.
,1 r In 1 1 -
.if !,,! ,.
o sm:i.'" r
tl.e .1 1 1 V T tll"tr p'.lli ll. I I the 11
I :ng a l.iud.y wr.ingu) bro.i-i out ah ..1!
tli'ir .s' liarat, ng or not seieiri. 1.1 .,
; win n by Ho-.uo r.'ls'ihtss, ,1 1,1 :n i
lil ut. one of 1 i' in was s'.al.'.el, not
I vio'ciiily, ! ut !n so v a p u 1 that ho
jdied in the sjai'. 'lie- si iv.v r vias
tried a' Ji i n1 in e Ii. an I wai n , leted
of culpifi'e homicide. Vci y p:, ;. ilv
I ll'- Wt.s otlly Si Il'ClU'e 1 (o li stiorl lln-
I prls uiio r." II rtmui l, wl,. i it
ilise-odil had belli brotl'ht oil llie
; cause cf dril'k.n.f, h-; l no s inii .
, thy wil ll '.ho li lldei ne:,s of h s tetupei
' nttoe brctoicn, and was Vtiiiiuent for
I I ran- pi 'i't at ion ! 'Wo urn toil,' .sad
Lord iK-iictid, that tin re .--an no m i
Mice, and tuat ih. i iifis-m-r '.ir: it h:"o
been iu liquor! In liquor? Why, l.o
was dintik! And yd lm luiird, rvd tlio
Very man who had been d'ltiliing with
bin,! Tier bad b-eti i .irou-ing I lio
M liolo ni ill, llll yet ho slabhc i him
ati.-r il: :"ki-rg a w Imle bottle i f rum
w :-lt bin
! l
io,l (.ml! iu -
Wl'l-ll ;,1 i.s 1
do w In 11 he
or.l.s, ii bo
1 link, what
is nincr.
iii. I do l!
wi.l he n
Tcmi'U !:.:
lllliili'l:; I'oi- lie. l'
A l'at':or
I. lint ing i
lg i oi:.' n!o ! link
a iv mi ly 'i hiifb
I -.i ll I 111. les II. -Ill
ba'.U'itioil thai
loivn f,.r a few
" I'lo Spoeii-I d"
st "tell iel I'oi I."
iio carried vi itli
place a ("iv d-i s i o in
of n tow n no- it tl,-,-ll
e 1', i-.-sl Cilv. It
tin le .si.j utile I in the
day s an d in m m
liolUIitited in ill1 we
Win n lio Ic.'t r.-igland
him mi arii-riii' id ol w
ons 1 ll'-n di o and dot' n-iv ', and
milling of hoas'ing to his follow p:is
sciiiriji on siiipiioard of th" va-t
amount of game : " I Indians tl at be
.-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ki'l iviiil-' m Yap! laud. When
Ills eye lilionte I on the fuie-t of Inillil-
ings iii New York In- was Mii'pri-i"l.
"lull, nw! il must bo big. jou knaw! '
A f. iv hundred miles f.irtker on. mi-l
i f course In' would have all the I ull.iio
burning ho could m; n age.
Arriv ng nut far from ( ".cvel.tud he
was very inueli distil , te at traveling
so far without having I, ad an opportun
ity to unci; use bis nis.-ual, at d a
"boy," who l.iv rl b in sigh, : o! d
him by tho protl.-r of glorious snort.
Tliero went lio lu.lVilos or wild lndiMis
there, but by taking a -in-rt 11
ill III!))
by t!i"
tho country he could shoot doer
1 wholesale. Tlio L iglishnta:i juyo'i-ly
'assenied to Iho propo-it.011 of the
young mini, and on tlie billow Ing
inoriiinir ihreo lr'endi who were ad
mitted lo participate in tlie joke drove
w illi tiio nrs "iial and its owner to a
pice) of swampy woo Is twelve mil s
ill-.laiit. On their 11t1iv.1l the loui.g
men left tho "tenderfoot'' seated on a
stump surrounded by hisguiis to vvat-h
fur the deer that tlicy saht they vvotiul
II I I I 11 lill ll'l 11 11 iu r i.'iii. Ale , ii.e,
1..: t 1 ,.. i.,,,,i 'i';,,,,, 1Mi
persiiaiicii imn to 1. ring no id
I . - . . . , I
ing no
illient, iis they told luIH I hey would
cook the deer and could buy anything
dsn dio-ired of somu tauio Indians iu
I tho neighborhood.
And from nu early hour until lain iu
!l 10 "'"."""' "rniigor irom a lor-
1 0
, --...
tiliu.A li uviirii
v ,hu f(,.i..,.r 'allowed himself to be
,1,-iven laieL- i., ti,,. i, l p.,,t i.,,f,.r,.
he could unburden himself there, sad to
relate tho Inkers van-s'iod and ho is
n,)t i ,lv',vn ..a i, ii...i.-
American bun lorn cou
they had experienced a
.mui .i.,v .f u it,.. it. i.
i 1" " " J .,. , . U. I.
illilii'L L"i i'i
Ulllll I. Vlltl
I 'nut 11 raid.
Tlio Hallowoll Orauito Companv of
I , . , " . ,
illio oiklovvn inoniimcnt. It now ,
iwitltriisi hIiihiL fori v.til'.i frui-l. nn.l U'linn
cut "will we bVh aa,i,V tVev-iiVo !
I 1. i . i . ; . .. ....... . i - i:
ll( ,s lo uo v 0 lui iius in uiiuiieicr,
und 8 feet 10 inches hbfli. The derrick
.11: v . " A ., .
. t0 bo used at Yorkiowu In erecting this
ln.i,,,i.i..,u. 1. nniv luitliir onliul mill ml
jt 8 ,mut(,' 0(, g,',,,)!,-,.,,-..
that there aro 3.78i floor on ihe 75U m
on imh. Aduoiidu.ks.'
und tlio iiitin ii'iU ii 1 1 i sii i e ii'll r-
his con.r.-dos ' AL lenln. to- ""' " r,'l'
i i ...... t. . it. i ii' r M-oiicr iox nun
Tiapplfia a ii-!.'i-.
Trapping a gr .!v has l pi rU : nl
excitouieiil n'.n. 'I ll tr ip cmpv, i
Is of tho double siu-in r iialte-.n, witii
Htce! Jaws, and we;eb
oiirht piiunds. Mi. i
l-oni' l -to tbirt r-
urines nn vi r,
to be lint with
.-in art to set mid
jiowerful ami hv
levets. It ii (iiiilc a tr.ii) cunn n::!v, and trap;ie:s
Vary in their methods and are ch.-oy ot
explaining Ii i hi. I wiil tlicu pass 'this
branch of lie- sii j rt. ,et us s--, ; ,,
therefore, that the hunter lias made bis
c.-Hiip hi a heioM oi hoo I red del, I ;if
!rr...','.ies, and that le- bat his se
in a 1. !..-; pm-e for b -ar. At tho end
of the trap t h ilti is a l iter about li
ine'ies in di.imi-ter. :,!i I this is driven
ai .nit hail a f..oi. ov r th- end of a
he ny stick rn- !og liv" inches lliiou rh
llll I :ix or e';;ht fd t loll'. The ol jo. -I
of this "el i." as it i calio I, is to
lll'ike n trad :ii.-h c.i.i I e fe:' lily fol
lov.el an I to hamnor the hear i:li
ci n'iy to p:-Vetil l is g i i 1 1 a ign-at
dislanee rw iv before lm- I nn' I' can
iir. ii e. ( eat cr-fo in-Ht b -taken t nit
tlie i li li'i be ln!eiiei to tuo i-.treun-
tl I
.- ii-;
f Iho c
t :-:
tin- !.-:l
11 11, i-S
a oh:
Il Io
the ci
s lino
ll a v, a v I
0 tr-'es, and s
- to ii'o his elmf-
I- l.llliso'.f loose.
1 e !o i larc and
--nit w II fo bi.v.
a liiaMtn iii.d a
l-'o.: i . I)-,. ;
Ne.ll.i I- til l
i . "i i , or tie-
!; m-n I", me
u i.i. r
w'l! evoMieilly
ly in a few In
;..ii :):' by th -
p-'W. j Id'.-l'ii i
li in i , not cry
get a", :iv m e .
suit in so i up
IN St ! , Tlt.W
o i iiiosc, and ordi'iaii- II- is ciieraily
I'viri'i.ilu i f tic , :-
t h" i-i.iwi; til" I,,,', ,.,
:;i'i'.i! ; cm ;- ions t-i
: v t fi- neii loiis, :ui l re
: i g nu I laivra'im: the
li.i that m
out of the tr
li s th:il I e
oo r or later he w ill tear
p nu o m i I-. r. Two L-t i ,
i f' t get aw .' i ; one. w ho
was p in
leav.n g :
hind as
tol'U tin
font w as
at'ii Pi. 11 1 v I ne e a Ws alone,
1 sin i, pii c i f bis loot he.
1 M.i;i bad nil but
111 -eiv i'i In 1 1; in 1 11 - e tso l ii
aim .-I cut '.hruit.'h, an I 01. ly
ii -mail j-'. .
mill's I, tlio
lb" ten i!.! .
Iliueli deli sti
The trap
and gloomy
u! c ! :u tie- th ekne ot a
!;-i -or f. tn i'lied tu hu'd
irt' i: ia! 1 li.i ii-'.i-r to tho
I i-Io;'.
ni" mI far I'lu li in d.-n-n
forests ;e:i- I !n' laugh-, I
I'i' ! I,', les l,, o to Mat ,i
swamps, w In rn
their lair. Tin
r round is cover -. w .: h
fill leu I iiiii'e:-, an 1 1 i .i i
1 mu-i be -I'o ,t,
-nil. The bear,
and is mi w an I il ll.,-'
on lien; coi.h:, stalls ill on a ll
im n l"iis rush lm-iho .-waiiip,!
i-Io. el;,. Ibrc b.' ca! -lies en a r.",
lug for a second, an I plows n p
itiroiign Wi 10 cnuii:;!! lor a c ut; II .-rn
he hum's on fvu laiien Irees lilly feet
long, but be bangs for an insiant'oniy,
moves Iho great tr- es to one side t.n 1
ru.siicM on. Next lie s iikci against a
tic, and
IN 111 s l Ai.K Tt KNS
and eats the wlnde .solo mil n( 1,, ii):,V
ing the fiesli v biie pine red with blimd
stains from his "inn . Now be reaelcs
tiio swamp and piun,,'. s deep into its
recesses, vclil.lig bis I'iO'c on t he bal
aauis and poplars, absolutely cl-.ewin
ibe.i n sapl ig an I even gn living 1 h on
illlll b'llel hs li,.i) slovo lino. I. All lliis
IS s i
iv . y but sin-,, y te-iiing hi,
in t !n- l rap, and -u -c: v , but
be vvoii.ui ; h.uisi , no
si tlelli. II. Ions dei-eo of
font . os,
rmt slow I
int'j tlie
r.iee and
I , i
I Ii im ;tv.
V"l bale thus trapped a 1 1. mi-
Wi. ii
-a n.l -p"ii ii I r
a beai; oii i
lei .1 iiic.-u nati
V, V oil bale In 'I ("iu Jul
e -imply can ; lit 1 im
Indeo I, t he irie-t ion
sotiioijiues ,s, no! wh "ther you nave tl.o
bear, Imt whether ua iiavo s'.inp.y
f i v 1 1 l.ltii a lii-i-eia-s opportunity to
catch Voll! Now let us see liolV iii', i-.
1'he ei,,v 1 Ii us cait.-ht, and tliu.
wi rked up into il-.o most fon.,i !nt I
lerocilv, has to be lo,.
lirt tiiioiig'i II ilei--e li
careiuily and I aim, iuu-ll
of a taiigii d siv.iuip, xv 1 . 1
vc I up alooi,
l'e-l. Mi l tlc-n
i-To tie- licit
le ono eaniiot
will re, if Iho
I i.-o dii'ec.v
see leii steps aln ad, and
inotistcr si.o'i.d ud leu ly
111 Ironi and char
all. retreat wiiiil l I
-, trap, clog, :-n I
ali-oiillely 1110,0,.
-iblo. A''d tu il.ii thai
tne hunter's arrival th
jus! slice, e. b- I i.'i lea: ing
or liny have just man.igi
:,t the 1 i in . i f
ar 111 n iiaxe
h,s tout lou .0,
1 to br -.l h.S
chain, or may havo
Up iho clog luniiiy.
jiti liieslicil rating
ml 01 which tliiiejs
havo happened iu mv cxtiericiioe. Ilo
Would tin II le in a beautiful stale ol
freiiy and would be pcrlcctly delight
cd to wipe out a buiuer or I wo it only
to quiet down liis nerves. h 'urcut awl
Tin-r.esl Was (.uii.l llnoii,;!).
A sniilln.g, well-dres-i'd youth, nc
compiiii'eii by a damsel who was ovi
denfy far gono iu love, came into a
drug store at tlio South llnd lad
eveii'irg, iind walking 1111 to tim cigtir
case and ciimmandingly placing1 bis
''loved lliilnl over tho boxes containing
,11111 in-.iii -a-ipi,ii icr unoi can
. 1 . . . , 1 1 : .. 1 .. .
ve in" a .'.) c;
nt cigar.
"Two for half
a dollari'" asked tho
1 polite druggist.
I ' Yes, that is tho kind, but I will cut
ly take 01:0 ti-tiighi; I havo h ft my
Ynsn tit lionic, and they break up lerri-
iblv ill IIIV pocl.e'," was the reply.
1! "ticniiig out a 1 1 1 1 -1 1' 1 1 1 of the choice
brand to bis cii duiiicr the apothecary
, W HI ted llilld be bad
1 1 1 1 1 1 iind lien ri 1
elected Olio to Slid
icing the rest in
I he uriillel-eil .i
Iili-ir proper
saying, as
I T,,is ft,,vii;0 W!ls t:'k,'n ';v ','."" ''
l"ml when he had succeeded in light
m ' his luirchasn mid lis cosily
renched the olfactory organs of bis ad
miring coinpniiioti she turned her love
lighted orbs to his and said in tones
of worshipful awe:
"O, Charlie, bow can you afford to
smoke ioWcni cigars?"
lieu ho had assured her thnt "Iho
Desi is coon ciioiigu mr me. ms con-
t Wil!i ,.limi,,.i,.' ,l she dcparicd
. 1 -n . n . ... i .
" ''.Vf" ' ., '.' ; ' ;s
'v "
Au Knglish medical journal reports
dial a reliicd sliowmau has been mak
,pU'J"" m .. " " m
inido, notably tho aeeret of f it wonnin.
Ho says that in tho easn of these wo-
men a hollow need l is made to peno.
trnto the adipose to tho aicd, r lissuo,
Ir then beimi forced through until iho
1. . 11. i.,.i i. 1...Z a..t ;
What Is commonly taken for fat is
Iheieforo li.rgo.y vvfud.
. . " v ... ...
savill''. ll s ll'J ui-l so: - iieic, nave u
1 Aftovni'1r.-At' l.oiv.
j am i'i Ki. t: i. or. si:,
; AT I'Oll X 1 ', Y A T-1, A V,
j MiiU'r.r.iirui; ii. pa
j All I" di f riilriiJUl In )1. 1 r. oo. ill r.,
i, f u .n ii;pi :itirmlou, CuiiMilinilun 'in ii-r
ii, nn mi,l Kni.ll .1;. It , -4.
IjACOH (ill, I I '111,
j Allitvuiij mi'! ' us!. r at I.iiir
I ,';iiM!.t;;ii iti.ii.;!' ,
Cetlorll 1:1 III,, I Kit ,,tli,r I will ft f nu
I V 1 111 H .1 t J. 1 el.J.lll.ll I ill III tltli'l. tl
II oi until. 1 1 s.x.
i m. I-:, liorsw l.uiii,
!AT1 OfxN -Y-AT LAW.
M:i.In-i.i;iim:. I'a..
I .1 ' -1 1 -M i" I !' nil.rr Ii cil I j priori et
Iv mi, n lc i l i. I ,'iouilii t in I.L.onu .ue
i lerai iu.
i JurtJ.
; II. 1M.I-,
! ' ATrOivNr.Y AT-LA'.V.
.' II Ol I ., 'lll'.'.t
All Lu'ltir-.s Piilrn I il I i M 're ultl I.
I .r r. i lly ulltieJul to,
N.-pl :.,'. i.
c. Di'.rniioii,
a v io:tr.i r.Mw.
.l.ll.' .S.' , .Sill, I-;.; .
ir,,ifi!i''iiil I nt in" iriini I Iv nlirrif.i
In. i'i li'iill ill nil lu LttUli ni.'l Hfnii m
Iik fc. '10.
Mi l l,', hnr.t. Sii'i-h I (' , t o r oM'iilt-il In bnglUti nr ilnr n.
J mi. S ,'-s'.
1:. r.owr.ii,
,i;;,., An-..
t'ou.-uUntl p In KntH, li
i.i iihC '
nnl 1 0 r 1 . . in.
l. scnocii,
New Berlin. 5'cnn'a.
It .rni.oini t'li.i lnt". i'i,triiie'l 'ii o fur,
wil'. r,- .r.ei:il iillfiitlnli. .1 n III-'i'l.''. s.
i:is r i LKH'ir,
A'.t irti 'V 4 Cjii'',
lltiUn A' Itu 1 1 tt-ii; imn limn Niirili "I
li K Vrt I'lIN K II O 1' I'l.-
sellasui ox i', t'en n u
I'.OIr t1in 4'. I ml iill.r r ir il, fromnl lnl-
lll.-a 1 Helli'tlK'l :IU I Will roe. 1 1 0 , 11 re til I 1 II 1
I r n'i't Htt'iiuhin. Apt. II, 's. tl.
rp j. smith.
I M U'li'.i-il Kil, s N Y i-ID II Ci'., I'A
i U'tirr Id IT .ifrsslnnnl Sr.ri-li-m InlliO ptll'M
roineill .lion' In lumlh li ami '.lorman.
A.W. roTTKU. . X. I. roT i ri:
I .1 yOA.Vv V.N' .1 T I A IP.
, S'-linsgrovo, Pa ,
I i'l t Mudr r 'i!i'siinl iri ir l i llm loili'lf
A II l.' i i-l nirii-luil In I i-nrii will
n-r.Uvr ir e.iit ii tciil luu . Oftl-i-nU Main l.
i July 4.:.:.
OI.'ACi: Al t.KMAN,
r 1 o .v : i' a 7 l
rsx'liMetii'ox', B
1 rr.
Il's h 11 I nllrf I Inn rn
Iru-'i- I I" I'l" '-.iro will 1 11 1 t 11 1 lly uorii.t
i.i 1.1. 1 .111 l.n '-..n-iill ! In I .im I Is li or
ili.runi... (111,-u iiii..Miirk(t 'iu.x re.
11. (iKIMM,
A ! t oriu'V-.'tf r,ny,
AM Ills' I ll I T XI I 1 It -. I.Y H 'U S.N MTU
' I ' N I V ,
I'i i i bin ii !';i.
1 r,'inli i'l 11 in ,l Hi ImuiII-Ii iui,l';i)friiioi,
luriinnui I. I., 1".
i JOHN H. AliXOl.D,
I A t t oriwy 21 f l.nw,
Mll'Hl.lllil'liil. P.
I I'relo. nl. i al I ii-liir. rnlr.n-ii' I 1,1 euro will
'") f r . in j 1 1 .-iiirielt-l I
o. .si.vii son.
S"l:!iHgnm, 'n.
I Urn till pri to l-ril re.vl.-ia . llio initio
All 1'Usiiiui.i. o 11 ; 1 11 1 1 1 il I n I I rill' will 1,0
i rniiiiiily atU'Ui,t t j.
Jan .J. '!)'.
a Tronx:y-A t i.a ir,
t-cvvU'itirv;, In I on Co,, I'ji.
(l.Ti' i nn ll irli' l sir- et, onu iluar r.tH cf Cmu
to , n 11 1. a -11.
)oo. J", JsTT t',
Am iro.l. .1 'or I lie I.-1 i,
J ml I lei' ll'is I II I l ' WI ,'
'"I'l'l-u . 'I'l'i- ( i-ti'-t Hellll 11 I ,.1,'S III X-iirri.-s
, ll.lleeiee ,1.,. 1 , ,0-. All 1 1 , 1 1 1 ' I , I ).."
il'- M llat It . X Tl V niu- full hlielei 11 1,11 4-I11I
iiiu'it. I -iiii-i 'ir.-.-, II AI.l.l.M' Hi n K en ,
, I nil .111,1 Al line.
II N'HV I ll s Si i'l KM'. Ar, mil Plna nml
Ki inly piirn t.n- Ni-iveioi lii'lllliy m il IXteik
in", I. 'n ul Yli iipy mui VI. or. Nvrvnio
iTe.iraii.ui, nj'ieriH, i r ..ny till idmiII n
' It ill-rrio Inn. mi'i'Hi, ,o rr ei It. a I ii'i". i.i A io. .
( In I. on. e-ri, ,o. (urer hilly tluiU'ftuil pe.-l-'
1 1 tr no )
I arr.ttii i.. te, l . K e hi, 1 1 1 ,i I . j ol I "( el 1 1
1 Aililr .s. i. .XI. W . ItAl'i'N,
ivr 1'lniiM, tulUiun 1 liii'o.',(.'l,loano, ill
- III. I V
I vrlH mall Cr..i' llm revlim fur an cnultlla
Vr,.:-ln) Is ha'ni 1. l,-l will l., Irn-Lln a ami h-arliv ilia akin a. a aiui
I'.or I in .n .11 hgiiiitrul. Al."
U .i. f r , .Iiirin a luxuriant ,-ri'wil, rl ,-,r ua
.1 niu . eiri- a AiJ Irria ie-l,,in a r at alaniii
retiaitiito., rto, lo UruHilxrar, jgvV
1 ttrtL.
8uroii fi P c 1 1 1 i t !
MitlJIeliurr) jSnydei JCounty, Ps.
OKKK'g N Kit AS KMX KI Tll flurOT
Ivcrvlliiiqr l Inngit g fn llm pro
ffi Hiiiu In th teat manner. A II wor
warrimtril. To i ma tnuiloru la.
Ha will al'O atirnrl to lni.lnrii g-rrv lo
Koeki nl ttontri'Vlll TroielvlllH, Ueivar.
own AJauiaburg a oil Paxtoovlll
N UM'Kirr Of Tlllts, Sl'M A
-iinir,iraii win, iiii-ii(,ui,ri (,f r.v aa
"ii hi- f io aou-i yuii lirruaiq -n i .
'AINUMl nn a lii.ailiinl IMl I,""
w mui 1-n'ipio. o:4 n run iumi, or I .r t ou I' .'
cuhiln riii.piri, guurii!ii'ig- goii'l ittun'
AUHNT8 xa ANl... i-aiiiii r ('lr! r..
srnn,- . . i (ifTrr k (s
i Tik Bow, r ork, 1 1,
I If. .MY Kit-.
Men vi i tow ii, I'ciin'.i .
(Iftnr. l,l i r dflll oi -it ml , In Ihl fltlx.TK
i i l 1 1 i ii i ,i . i. , no ) . si rj m I Hkl"b
Hml i lie n n. i i,i, i,t im n r,. i,i- ,,n W tt
I il iiiii M n ri. A (,r. I, H Ijf i -I
j w. s . sirs fa,"
' PKYsiciAN(An sircrcw.
( 'cli-levillo, 'r-llll
i oi,-r l,l i ruff loin I rn ,r , to llm r It ti.
-I i mil, i i:',mi, vli-lniiT . Aug , -m.
i:i';i: hassinoki:,
M iddieliurjflil'oliti'a f-
'ft. .- .f,.f. ..tMi.,'
,i. , I okl, an I i
V. H ll Hi Ie( ,1 ,,... .
i n I -n ., i,r , tt Ui-n
uliiity. i 'U n ii. it,
. i t. :. u.
j i-Kiiiii i;i:i;r.!!,
,M id, ll 'oii-gli, I '-i, na.
if.r Mi i"ifi-it. tu. I unrvtrrr li t! o rlUtni.
i I M II I In 11 1 K h n.l . ml, ll y I 'll'i-a (I'M iter
'' i-""l I to- I I'll lleil-f . ll. A I re I.I I 111 iHl.g.
I'o-I lilii " i l ,i -iu oi ei rllu 1'imT IMlilllig
.III ,-o
Jl. MA MAX!) liOIll HOCK,
Ficmar.t. SnyrJer county, PaJ
I Inet'l i'i- ul Call Ino 'in I''if. i,( I'l y f t
t.'l "on i flu n 1,1' r,lrnl 111 fritln
In I 1.0 i ,lill,'. Sp'lkl tligllili UU'I uouid,
.Msn-li, IT. is-1 ir.
Physician & Surrrrn,
!' " '; sni. ' ( ouny, r'.'
I utrrr li t'..Or,Dii I fervid lc 1 1 r i ul.ll
uili. i-u .xinlii Mirn. J unrig !,.
U. J. O. WAONliU,
I'Ji)UI:ui mid nrprnn,
I IflM s ',. T'lf lull a I . rl 1,.,
I t A lulu In r .llel I li'llut!.
lo 'In- rii
Ai 6,'rvw.
J. i:i'Ki:i:kt;
Kl Hill UI-h III.IK-K,
St Hu: 1, oir, I'mn'ii.
rrut.'fl ,i al Linilncf- promi tly a-iaritrj ,'
M i, 'T.
K. VAX Hl'i-iKlUK.
si' IU ill. Al, 4 MKCII NIC AL X FNT18 t
Sulii.i-grovc, I'etin'a.
Arc S'Ilinjr
.1 a tr"4 if ta-riai
J Vi tJ tAo A.,
Xiiils nt ?2.i'i." Mnsis. l'ar Irmi'at
1 1-1 I'ctls.
I nli' I'lf- V,op;t, al al t "ir.fx, 1 rlBl
A I , , , r-, io y ' 'f
I'.,, i I ... I .,t '.-, ml ix criila laoti. lliuint)
llio I,, i' I I i, I I, , , ni. a, i,.
I me preim I ii e, lmi.,1 Mil, urn Km la at
ll I '!. , ;'.,.U '-I'"H Hl.ll 1.
I li-i,,.,:,! , ,i , , m,,,,, jj Ml, 4J .LP'
a. ll
(iuo'i Si (r of Axhfi at S2 r,'K
ll- I III. k ,iv I'i, I kl T . ,-riil) 'fr ..I
II "'1 1 1 1. tl 'ii .I Hi. lO'rill'.'Ir.iait :4,-i,n
J'1 ! - "-If-" '" -' vi Ma p. i l.onii.l. ,
I i in-1 i ,1 ill, km SI, an., 1 1 .'.) .,.,) i rnia rrr
I-. ft, I.o.ii I.i r. Imt:, lu k, Hull m, luld
lower tlian ever was known.
(" .l..r-. a :."ia. r. bu.I 1 arl Helta a tun ta
ii ' I . ul I on -r p ., uii.l. ,-Aak . r writ
I I t I I'
I'i.. - sii i II ..rn. li ul . la nl :,-rnia each
I . 't i,.,
I.un I.. K ,!... H l.ra Wloia .So, Ac. ...jl
-, . 1.11 ..1,1...,. t, rn, W,. -r. aodh.g tLi
MAcinxr. roiis
I'Min l1-; It.. Iii a t,,;i'. h. i,f, ,y . , '
V hi, , I mi link I lo hi a-iv n;.ip. Vtul
lli.'ii. an, I. ..I , ,.r - ,,,,, ,.. rp lh, r,
,i"i.. ii is ..I m v ' , i, .m. I,,,,, n .,,
upiair le na. a ii. 1 i ana r ic.a ler u : l il
I l l, 1 , 0.0 I. .
G rc.4t Rci;;;c:ij!h j;i SfcadK & $!
1..M ,r"":"' -""i""'- !"
i . i .ivI-h (,r i,,.t, . j.,. ,, ,,,,
Anlill. M.a,i,, l ui, i,i , ,, ,,, ,
Ilmso Mioch nt ;! L'o l' r Kerr.
St. i-laiel Iran llurion T,.fiii. -,, ,s,..ri
r hi,. ,. , iv.
I ' .or I ul..
,tv, I, -r..,l m..l I,... I.....I.. ... ....
. . ... i, , 1.:,,,,,, r.t ii,
t h ui, a. I'm, i r
r si'p- us lu.r lu (.fine ami at
l '-n la a hi o
M l'oxrs r)VjKi;.
I! II-, Muiiiir. K-.:!,., ir iilt e,
l(.t'li l lliCKS W AI. I, I'AI'KKS;
It vi-ill t I ii LU i,,, i,, ,,. lt). ..
'""".- .iii.,',.' ,,:,
-li I i."k ul II. i ii ,., ,!,,, .,,,, 111lt ,,
Mi'sit: . 'hhV., s-; r;n
l.urM i i 'liMi'la,,, ,,,,. , .. , '
... - ..'.; x ni l,, ,,,, ,,.,..,
i,i!..::i',,k;. wL1 ,-"i""-"'
.le-k'oi'.V .."".. '' '' "" ' "ir mil
J -' ' ' " ' lliau laal
In, -I s ,,f u J j kii.,1
X i Inn
broiuua (f all kliidr.
,,"lrl..l,'n"V,":';"' vw- ' " .rl.- IM
'"'"lis ..,, ill ,rf. I , I !w .',....;
V- l. 1 li.l NflMtlS.
1 1 '"f "l" Kllk'l l-lBfl. K, lu t
afZirl I'lM'Uu ami v.. w,i
OIJlS "ti Ir-.. ii r....l, .a
1?T,, , . l!"l''li' ..l.' tilill ,.,i,pt
ii ul lll..klK :,., ,.,. Uw
Ii ( .iiilil lli.l,.,. XX i. t. II .llrt Y..
ui .ail ,,ik ail ii,,. iii,u..,ri.,,u, , ,
llll. H..K I' III' 1 1 1. -.1 1 1 V H,l.ipt... t "ra''
i,,,...-, u, ,,i .,, ,,.";,,:,n,V.
..Hi .,...iery IV.-IIU.K. ii,,, ail ,,, wa,t
I'uii.'i " i ,' 'v,"":''"- """ tin-?.
i- I .. i I '"""i "'" ""'I riuhn.a
u L . n . 1 '; l -.v I' T .lio ti.'til.U. .,i urilii B
is. rull I'littiinl.,,.. ,llr,.(. , , ,
I ..itii,,.-, ,i .a,;,. ,. tli-rii tal,,, gV, o'U
"lie - III, L I.. Il,t. ,. ,;,,., it.iiT
MiXMig ft. Co, I'm t lanj Miilno.
Half Sipiara Suulli DrSahoeU'i ec'rngr.
JOKL h. IUK1IL, rrop'r:
,;oi)i ArniMHont riom.
. , Torms!$123 pordar;
PRu-arai-sn Advkt.,'.,. ..... ...r V T
-aral-Kli Advut.,'... ..... .7.. V Tl
wrvfcEW Y0B&
i i
lit ell j
7 I
Ai )
- j: