PullWhed every Thursday. - j M,nriM or fcl 1 on tmt loul Xf hwiiT'. M.i, HueltnUwr, sod ssronil If ! rce'ar. ic.ixjrr- Ar rl- ti : rrsn u Hal rrd n.1 l Z. .'-. .4. it,, n. ha nwa In ! clr irM"T tlvr tf. v1IIkc nn rs'shlmrhom'. H- n.l lit .(" f'. 'tcl 1U nr thnni Up. if d . "ur sonmna will laf l n.. n tilia- oho w.h In .p" lh'fli llicrnon W,nnf l.Mial qui!t1n..a t .uhili lBlr. n t.i.l will not bnilurll rc't'oattMs lor lli lnln iLsy oiay en r.n. 1T0TICS TO SUL3C2IE2rvS. I.ook at t!i fVigurcs on the label of v.iitr miner. J ho'ic llirnres It'll you 'rittt niTIi Til V 111(11 M II M I1M mi- Tiow I TAID. Within weeks nfler liionev is sent, see if date Ik changed. JJo other receipt Is necessary. Wrwnnlni I rTnii 1 awtah. is ..t J ia 10 CM 1 04 M I.H . 1JI r tii II! . S.M TOO mi A. I. 10 . ! in ! I,iltnn .1. Tto 2.:i nmin firai t n M 17 .0 14 !o l 4 is s i.M s.:4 II l,iniMwa in TV.'4 f ii I SO T 41 f J f T a s .I4 IN I no v h n 45 M 00) 0 14 4" S4 1 T I .1 I OS J TO 2! Mnltlnnil I'ninlrr PMmlls Wiinir riul' MillO I AilniburK I Bi-rowa i Utnl'-r y li.nib ! vir K'tnrotr Pllo Soli"'rn J. luul.urjr ! Hi .M. 4 09 4 10 4.-;a 4 .'s I 4 4S I 6 in 4.V& I S.OT l"t ' tT T.4f ! TM TJ p.m 11 JO 1. 00 ,n SID. lb rhtUlnlphlt, New York, I altlmnio, Wh onion. 3-" i iM a in lo t4o ! " I i ro ii. 50 SALE REGISTER Tho following Is a Heal and Personal property which have been advertised III the lofT, or for which bills have been printed at Ibis office. One dollar will be charged to announce, sales under this head wlicii ltilU bnv not been Drinted bv li!,. " IViday, March 2'tth, Oeorge Fogid will neii personal properiy iwo nines bouth-west of Fremont. Friday. March 2'tth, John Puck will sell l'ersoual Property in Centre t wp. Saturday. May 10. Jacob Hassinger and Uoliert Hassinger Kxccutors tif the estate of tb-trge Herman, dee'd, will sell Heal t'state in Cen tre townshif). 'TDK 'si ci!!8' mn it tatin' eoxs, an' lull it 1 piial 'en." And this is Oentle Spr'np. Trout season opens April t. Dandelion and eggs will bo the next l !1 of fare. The T at ofllco has not j et changed liamls. Stutter m. ul e a flying trip to Ilal tiiuore, Mil., this week. See notice of Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Lands in this issue. We have been having rain nearly , every day for the piod week. Mrs. lienjamiu Hachiuan has been confined toher room for several weeks with hicktje.ss. Though lingering between life and deatli for several weeks grandmother Smith is up and around again quite out of rtuiger. Lester, a 13 year-old son of Newton Hachuian, has been seriously ill for weveral weeks but is now slowly re covering. .Tames Beaver nio'd to near Mi f fliubtirg, Union county. Jim is an In dustrious, honorable gentleman and we are sorry to loose hi a. Trunks, Trunks, Trunks, Natchcls, Satchels and valiees. Large assort ment of these at ti. Oppenheiiuer's, Selinsgrove. It will bo well for politicians to read our article from an exchange on the laws of holding primary elections published elsewhere in this issue. Nhnonton, Harbcr & Co., next week "will receive a new mid magnificent i-tockof Htraw Hats from Allentowa, Pa. Call and see the latest stylus. It will pay every body to examine the nrnicme Stctk Furniture for i le by the Popular Furnituro W. II. FELIX Lcwistown Pa man A fourteen month-old daughter of Cyrus Deitrieh of Franklin was frightfully Boalded on Tuesday eve ning by pulling a kettle of boiling water over herself. Tersons who wish to travel should not fall to cuJl and see the Patent Pad lock Trunks at S. Oppeulielmer'a the only place In the county w hero you cau buy them. S. Oppenhehner, of Sellnsgrove. is in Philadelphia and New York this week selecting goods for Spring and Summer. He will return with an im mense stock. A O. A. It. Fair, Festival and Camp Fire will open on Thursday of this week at Milton. Success to same. On Friday night Hon. Franklin Hound vlll deliver an address at their Camii Fire. When you rome to Mlddlebnrgh wd want a good lunch for a little money call on Jarnen P. Smith who has always on hand all kinds of eata bles, as well as a flue stock of cigars, tobacco, coiifeotlonaries, &o. If you have anything to sell If you have lost anything. If you have found any thing. If you have a house to rent If you want to rent a house. If you want boarding;. If yau. wnt anything. Tell a Thousand People at once.by rtvertlBlng in the rosr.y Mobical School, -The eith session ojU weeks will com meuce In the Musical College at Freeburg, Pa., on Tuesday morning, April 29th. Welt xperlunoed teachers are engaged. For circulars address F. C. Moykr, Musical Director. Printer John Stelnlnger of the Mld-I ,bu"gb vZ and hf. friend, Mr. . ..... ..... .. .''.uruii . UO. Hlli. uicihii l .11 Walter of r.um tou, yMted thU (place oh Saturday livst..lilOlhiforr; 'IVV'rapA. 1 Oil NAIiK." A good Top buggy, A. wheel, new nickle plated llarnostx, bridle, collar and breast collur, for H.ite ehcaii, ('id! on or addren-t 1). H. Kothruck, Mlddlcburgh, Pa. Call at once. T. W. (Jet of Snyder county will remove to this place thin week, and purposes opening a firnt clum meet market in the near future, tho time and particular to be given hereafter. A cordial wcleonio to thee, friend (ivit.MitjIinliiiiij Tckjnt)Ji In a letter to the Yon thi week, Hon. LouU V,. Atkinson nay: "If I receive the vntcn of the Sny dcr county Kepublleunat the prima ry election 1 Iihvh no rloubt it will help me in the general ran vans. They gave me tuicli a grand mnJ'Tlt v be' fore, that I feel tinder great ohllga tlonx to them imlividually and col lectively. En Tost, Sir: In JimtlAcatlon of myitelf, I denlre to ftale that tlie ru mor circulated to the effect that IV liolender and niyielf hn buried the hatchet I fale. Thera ban been 4io coiuprouifxe between and 1 enter tniiiiiot the KflioKt- of a chiulow of a hope that there will be, neither d I deoiru one. Very trulv vrurn. J. (JlttlL'.SK. No Norwegian girl U permitted to have a beau until ulie cuu bake bread, atil the con:eiience Is that nbe 4 an iul. lit In t ei.1hi.irv nrr l.iinf l.a.r.,f.i ' (die imiters the arts of dancing, paint- li.ir frightful looking objects on pliKpieH, and fpoiliu hra.s tiy bam- nieriiig It. There are home Norwegian : customs worth copying in this couu list of sales of rv. I Ho not deceived by tho rumor that Moses Specht had withdrawu from ; being a candidate for delegate to 1 the State Convention. He was inter 1 viewed last night by a representation j j of the Post to whom ho stated that jlt, im,j hut withdrawn nor had he I I any intention of doing so. We , make this statement by ropiest. ... . KnrroK Post: ' Please auiiounee the name of that active youm KepuhlieHii of West Heaver township, A. A. I'l.ll. i as a suitable candidate for Kcprcxcn- tativo lielegata to tint Kcinilmruu t State tNinveiition. Mr. I'lsh is a 1 sound Republican, springs from an! ol.l ami reliable Wing Munly a.ul will i im.tve ii. i IiiiI.ckT iil.ll llltell.ii.nr ilcle.' gate. As there apjiears to be no as 1. iirant for the office he should be se - leeted, being willing to serve his par-!. ty if cliosen. tt.i 'K. TlKAl. IvWATR TtiAXSKiH. A. K . ! Uift, handed us the following trans- f .f tjin I AH n n Will. M. htulil of IVun towtiHlitp con pvhi nw nneHor ifiiui MitiHre u - 7 loiMinn 1 iii 11111 iiiu 1 'u -i r.j a ....MLiomtiJ... i w.i ' " ' Samuel tiilbert of Franklin town ship conveyed 5 acres of laud situate in Franklin township to John Gilbert. Consideration $30. Jesse Shnuibach of Franklin town ship conveyed U ucres of land sit 11. tie in Franklin township to Annie iStruult Consideration .f 4.'0. Our candidates have passed tho last quarter pole and are going it neck and neck on the home stretch. So far as we have heard they are all con fident, and we would gladly wish them all success but as such a tiling is Impossible the Post will have to content Itself with the result. We have been well treated by them and have the most kindly feelings toward them all. Farewell to ye b hoys, we will meet you ut t he "grand stand." The many friends of Key. Doctor Weiser in Snyder and I'nion counties will be pained to learn of the sad be reavemeut which has fallen to thuir lot, as the following letter will ex- H'1'11 : LASTUHKK.NVIU.K - Mong y Co.. Pa. March ii, HSt. i .. . , : Jie-ir ! neiuiii .Our dear andonlvi one died yesterday, after 30 hours ill-1 ness. We bury her on Sunday, at t) ; o'clock. We are cast do'.VIl. but not ; ilestroyed. Hut, who would live l way, after we send our dear ones for ward ! 1 cuu say no more. Sincerely Yours, "Wkisuus. Captain Austin Curtin's efforts, aul'"1' hy those of other gentlemen, nave secureil Tor liellefonte the next uunual encampment of the Grand Army of tho Republic., to be held dur ing the coining buinnicr. The late encampment was held at Lancaster, and was a very fine demonstration, having been the largest encampment ever held by the the (?. A. 11. An ef fort was mude to secure the next one for Gettysburg, but Captain Curt 1 11 and his assistants came in ahead with liellefonte. Bo look out for a grand time on that occasion. VdUfonk Hui7imn. Jacob Transue, of Montgomery mauon, I'a., will take possession of tlie new store in MaClure 011 the 1st of April. He will open It for business on Monday the 7th of April when all are cordially invited to examine goods and compare prices with other deal ers, and see if they are not down to rock bottom prices, for cash. All kinds of produce will be taken iu ex change for goods, for which the high est market price will be paid. Mr. Transue has been lit business for over thirty years and speaks the english and german language. All are luvlt ed to come and see for themselves. An exchange remurks about leap year that the year whose numeral is exactly divisible by tour Is not called "leap" because four will leap into it, but for tiie very reasou that In an dent times it was found that none but the giddy of the weaker sex, and the Jumping jacks the ancestors of thedudles of the sterner sex were forming marriage alliances. Heuoe it was enacted by public statute in most of the nations of Kuropo that "ull maidens of good repute sliull here after, In every fourth year, be em powered and authorized to propound the interrogatory nuptial without fear or favor of any luaa-burriug t'u.- king." On MomUy UteJW. Cornet Band Phd of Albright Hwhieford Untilhf nrtti.l.unrikr.ri..t.i.i wion me onn kiu or warKet utreet ,,,e en.t etid of town, or 18 feet front mid 3(1 feet deep on which they have comtneheed t lie predion of a t wo Ktory Hand building. They have been knocked around from pillar to post In our town for want of a room hi which to practice and Mr. Swine ford came to their relief giving them the ground for the Miiall Mini of f:tC. Uncertainly deserves the name of a benefactor for this act and not only merits the good will of tho band but of v cry person who has an interest in the success of the boys. Kol.l. ok IIoN'jk. The following persons have paid their sub.-'cription to the 1'ost to the dates opposite their names. Should any mistakes occur In these credits or on your pa per please notify 114; II. T. Aop, Dee. 1, 'Hi Apr. 1, "Hi Feb. 1, 'Si Feb. 15, 'H.-i Jan. 15, 'H4 Sep. 1. 'HI leo. I, 4 March I. '84 Dec. 1, 'H4 May 1, H4 .1. J. Mat tern, Wash Moyer, A. J. W. Markle, (1. J. Koiisli, I.. C Jtowerso, Win. Snyder, Kobcrt lliissiugcr, J. W. Ornig, Henry Henfer, HlCHK IS A CllANCK Knit Of It TmrtiK.it Hkadkkh. The publishers of the I 'i 11 11 n;1 rn 11 in 7fn7(rolTcr$tOI..'iO in prizes for the seven largest list of wordn formed by the letters that com pose the words Viiii.'i'Uii Tntrlirr. It-t pri.e, agents gold watch, f.Vi.00. Slid price, t'hainbers' Cyclopi-dia, f Ml. Oil. I !lnl pii.e, Iiipplncoft'rt (hi.etteer, ! tl2 0. I tli iti-l. W....bl.ii-,il flu. ii.!.. 1 llrt. ,...,,.., . r. v tionarv $!0i0 i'avis 01 jMiaiianuoaii, renteti Mb prize. Maculav-s I'.ngland. fVOo'',1,1'0""" "f l''"'lTirk Oeriche, paying (Stli prize. Common" School Question! r.iilirly nn.l Ku g his land Hook l .10 lord little trouble or concern. The TthlHize. ...s,,(;,1 Tfii.A.r year. $ l.0. Send Id cent for sample copy of TofWn i-him) full instructions f word Contest to PlCNNSYlA AMA TliAlll lilt, Pittsburgh, Pa. HKAVItllTiiWN Jui riM.s. - Our eve ning tiermali school closed its career on Friday evening, at which time "iien."J. II. Middleswarth d-livered uu ....pnate 11 1 geruiau speech. It was well spouen ami was received ! with npnlause. Priiieioal IPilTiutn ,--..... i i- UIOIIIUP iumiii: II and the rest of the f.icualty deserve j ,,iriM ,v ,IW The defendants net the thanksofthe entire couiiiiuuity ! nu tl... M,i.,r.,..:. I i .1... for thu able manner in which they conducted the school. At a previiiiis',,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,-H " ' .. .. . ' . m. la. ,a . ...... ....... I 1.. .... 1 inentH were itifMMitfd to iih iiihiiv per - m,I1H The followhitf wcro fortunate ' 1 A . 1 .1. 1 enough to receive them Hallie I ... f ... .1 a 1 ... . l.legei, 1;. Ij. ct.ei, i.inoie nicaei, J. D. Middleswarth, Mary Hover, Km ma llruiiner, J. Q. Walker, Heu. Dreese, Palmer Wet.el, S. L. Freed. C'arrie rinook, Juhu Uiegel, and J. A. Algler. Ner A. Fees has been on the sick list. Charlie, a son of Daniel Haeken burg, hud one of his lingers crushed by a chunk of wood, one day last week. Dr. Slroheckcr dressed wound. Cold bus been epidemic, nt place for several weeks. Nearly the this e v- ery body is allliclcd with it. Will. F. Fees hit this place for Three Rivers, Michigan, on Wednes day of last week. Allen Fuhriiiau in company with his new bride started for I'.lkhart, lud., last week. The roads south of town are in a dreadful comlil Ion. nia.le so In- the heavy lumber teems. Peter Uomig has been confined to ,. house for several weeks, sulTering , , . , . a from a stroke of pulsy. ,. ... ,. . ' ' . , ... K,'v- v stover inovod from this place to New Herlin 011 Tuesday. At the lute cesuion .f f...-...w... Iihum. transfured to the Middlobur;;h charge. J. M. Kearick has returned from the Hloonibbiirg school to spend the summer at home. Foster Smith has returned to his milliner's work-boating. J. P. Kerns is erecting a rather fan cy stable in the rear of his residence on Conl re street. Prof. William Moyer, in his usual smiling manner visited our schools last week. He reports the school prosperous and successful, Alvin Camp joined heart und hand with a young lady from Lcwistown, last week. We offer congratulations. James Middleswarth of Troxelville is surveying land on Shade mountain for Moses Specht. The Heavertown Literary Society meets in the Town Hall every eve ning inis weea to ruliearse tne exer cises for exhibition. The Troxelville Hund has been engaged to furnish music on the evening of the exhlul tion. The buck ground, used by the Middleburgh Hand In their entertain ments, has been procured by tho so ciety for the stage, which makes it very pleasant and convenient. Willie, a son of Uriah Howel, Is con fined to the house with rheumatism F. K. Specht, thu ticket agent at Heavertown furnished me with the following statistics for March, from the beginning up to the 2.1 th : Freight forwarded, 1011.81); freight received. 1173 02. (Some months it exceeds fTOO.OO); tickets sold, 31.1.00. (Uurlng March 1883 he sold 3U1.00 worth of tickets). He sells tickets to nearly alt parts or tlie United States. Hea vertown Is the principal station at which trains get orders und instruc tions, along the line. It lias a reg ular passing siding, und ships inure lumber than any other. Flitting Is at present, the most pop ular employment. John P. Freed moved Into his fath er's new house, on Tuesday. O. Y. O. Horse and Jack Hills neatly and , romp!) executed at this office. I WT Bkavkr ItKMl-TLhi week' will clos. ,o,no of our schools, a the iia.... , v -mft , . . ... .. v v . ., . v. 110 oaK are up. Wagen ar 100 d.iy f 100 arid nav vonf board. Now mn 'our llannerville teache r tell us liow j much remains after deducting other expenses f Well John dl.1 you And your trnp f Our constable wns introduced Inct week to the businesA. He will till the oluro fair and S(nnre, at least, we always found him to be that kind of chap. Ho In Hill. Amos Snook will begiu distilling the last day of March. Albert Wagner will mote to Hunt ingdon county this week 011 the bum of Isaac Wagner wh ere he intends farming. Our best wll e go with ti int. Isaac I'lsli ill be rady to emigrate, to that beautifol State, Kansas, If It ain't too late after his canary (that can sing like a fairy) bus finished a little Job it undertook some time ago. Von nmt keep it on the nest Isaac, and success will be sure to follow. John Krb Is the ilrst farmer to be gin plowing in this vicinity, lie will finish his eom groud hi a few days. The H rangers of West Heaver hud agood lecture delivered oil Wednes day evening of last week, "Solid Facts'' wan the subject. Wood onlei and a full house eiicouragtd the speaker, and he. did in-ak too. Call again Whitehead. I wonder who killed a skunk out Market Mrvet last week T Hon. The following is from the Williams port "Times." It may be of special interest, to some at this particular time: "An interesting case Involving the rights of tenants ami lam I lords has 1 just 1 11 arbitrated in Hottsville. I T..I... tl .. , .... . . 'atter, however, desii a change ,.f tenants and notille,! Mr. Davison thu 1st, i. f June lust to vacate the premis es on the 1st, of July, Mr. Davis re fuseil to leave on such summary no tice, and when the time expired Mr. tieri. be procured a writ of disposes sion. at the office of 'Siuir Dengler, andtfeo. tl. Jucohi, constable, put Mr. Davis' goods out on the pavn ment. Mr. Davis brought suit against the landlord, the justice. , the constable for illegal l.roceeiloe.N. ,.i, the grounds that he had not re ; ...i ,i. i... ,: ,,, i-....i...i .!.-1... n... 1. Die law, it seems is plain upon this point, although a g od ma ny laudlcr.ls frighten their tenants into believing, the contrary. The board of arbitration awarded Mr. Davis f.TiO damages against tJeriche and Dengler. The constable, who thought it was bis duty to observe the sheriff's writ, was let oT. The decision is a warning to laud'ords and Justices of the peace issuing illegal writs of dispossession.'' - . MinM.Kiu iidii. March 10, VI. .. tin 'i7hh Itinril ff t!u (ni i.iiii i,f .if iM.'. linnifi. l'u.: We t he 11m lerxl .11. ed couimiitce appointed bv vour Hon orable llo.ly to I. HO me safety of (he School Kuilding of said Korough, respectfully report, that we this day mad.' a thorough examiua lion of said building, and found it in about the same condition it bad been in for the last few' years. There are no marks to show that the building has lately given away, and in our judgment it is now perfectly safe and under ordinary cireuuiktanees w ill ne, ar least lo tlie extend or the , .. , , ., present school term. (Ai.vi.N StKiLKit, Aakox Sikii,i:u, ' Don't Si'it.r, tuk Mii.k. is no iikc cry ing over spilled I here milk." 1 says the old taw. If you are not only I bald, but have 110 life in the rootsof; jtmr hair, there is no use crying over I j that, either. Ta'ke both time am', j Uourself by the forelock while there' is a forelock left. Apply Parker's 1 Hair Halsam to yoiirhair before mat ters get worse. It will arrest the fall ing off of your hair and restore its original color, gloss and softness. II Is a perfect dressing withu elevi, richerfly p unied, cools ami heals the scalp. March. "Ich hob ow der mommy gasoght der oniier dog. ich wet leaver (I. 'chan ces ueiiima for my geld eiu schlesa in aius rum Solly ippcuhe imcr sina pad lock trunks dos in do be:dita safes. Won auiohl do baggage-smashers ouf geva und soga se keunii sio net fer brecha, dou sin tie aw burglar proof. I'sht guy auiole nnd sa sie, 1 dcr Solly hut gannuiik Trunks, Satchels and Valises for es county stipplya.und sie sin ovver awe es stuft for do hussu. Now mind for sell I'1 Spring goods dally received at Drcl fuss & llro, Scliusgrove, Pa. Trunks, Satchels, Velises, &, &c, in great abundance at lire ifuss &i Hro, sold cheap to clear out for Spring goods. 1 1 1 ...... .i MAItllllil). March HJ, by ltev. S. P. llrown..Mlss Kva Haas of Oriental and David T. Shaffer of Pallas. March 13, by Kev. S. A. Crevellng, Miss Mary L. Hcarley, of Lewistowu, and Alvlu Cuinp of Heavertown. March 2, by ltev. P. L. Hains, Pha ros Htroub of Ceutreville anil Miss Maggie lloffer of McKees Half Fulls. m 1 i .1 i .1 i.i --u i March 21, In Washington township, Heury Wolf, aged (W years and 14 days. March 12, in West Heaver township, Charles Tobias, son of Milton and Mary E. Sechrlst, aged years, 0 ui Lu and 4 days. M"'" lot,,i''f 'Mr',,'h,1,',r "-'S'pSVVVi found m great variety at (J. C. (Jutel- i fc . J r4 . I . I I ' ' " We will clow out our winter mora of clothing at and below cot. Now U the time for buyer at lrclfun & Hro., Helliirove, l'n. Takk Notkk. Notice In hereby Itiveii that the rlntiiiK b.k of .Icre inl.th Croiife are in my hun.ln for eol lection. All icrMuiin knowing them Melven indebted to the above, will jleiiM lull and neliU in a cliort time or they vt ill be chiirged itccunling to advertNed rateH- a year. .lAMIX ii. t'lt'lK. Mid Iielur;h, l'u.. Nov. a'.i, :i. JioTli'K. Iail!' de.-iiriug to have iMiKl.llll.K Sl AMlMM done, either ell white r colored material f'ir t iiil.roi.l cry, &e., will ibid a full aKortiiii'tit of in-wctt deiiiM at Ada K. W Aoi:.sioi, I. Kit's, Muritct St., alv ritilroad, Sc IfiiFxrove, l'a. South KeiiHiugtoii and Crewel Kuibrotdery, Araheiiu taught at reasonable teruiH. ItKnrrrioN. S. Oppenhehner an nounces to the public a big reluct inn in the price of all kinds of clothing, especially in the line of overcoats and underwear. The season for their sale dra wiiiif t o a close will compel a re duction in Stock, In order to make room for the Spring. The gnml mesf be sold no matter at what price, and the opportunity thus ntTorde.l will be an eternal loss to those who fail to take advantage of II, Can Laugh at the grim destroyers, Croup and Whooping Cough, if yon have that popular staiutl.y and iueoniparable feine.lv. Dr. Kcsler's Kuglish Cough Medicine at hand. The wiseau.l pru dent family keeps it in the house to be prepa I for emergencies, price . and ')0 cent s. Sold and warranted by Dr. Harbei, Mi.MlchiUgh. Pa. An Examplo. A pale sickly child three of McDon ald's eelelirate.l Woi m Pow ..-r-. ad lliiuistered relelve.l of tl'.e i'Imiuiiimh number i f Pit iinih r.y check, gnml health and appet ite t lie re-ult. Snl.l and warranted by Dr. Harbcr, Mid dlcbiirgh, Pa. UcUco. A compel it ive ex auiinnt ion for the position of Naval Cadet will be held at Milllintown, April PI, ss. All young men redding in lie- Mth Cuu- 1 gresslonal District, between the ages f I I and IS re eli gab l. ! r tlie ap ioants will be poiutuieiit and all npp examined. Lot is I' Atkinson. The late Dr. Walter lb a-liear. of L'Uisiuiii., on liislirst voynge to I '11:11:1, discovered that gineng sold ir almost its weight in silver, in. I on Lis return to America lie ciiii".-d ali.au :I o men to dig iIumi' r s, wl.icti wen' l.iiuid 'tiim in t in "'leal : 1 iii t :i !. in Kciuuckv an i Virginia, nnd ol.taiiicd 1 t-IMiligb to load two ism1s, Wlieii tlui war of lsl'-' lifoKe out iietwci ii Kngliunl mid Atneilea. The ve-sels were not icnnit:e. to lciic the American const. The g.n-e.ng had no nuiikel here nt linllic, and the cut. firi.ie rcMiited ill a colllJ.leU' fl'i Uie, A Courageous Ael. There comes news from Macon, Ga., of a very scr im injury to Tommy Downs, son of Mrs. Dr. Dowm, of this city, sa s the Daveiijiort '. m .rritt, who " '" "is moiiier IS slopping Willi ner lin.thcr. Mr. Khun Kvnus, in lhiward. ill out six miles from M icm 1 0111m v u ... (lf A' 1'iliii'.' to a !o:i; bv Willis 1 low as. of tit ciiliat rcceiu-il j this city, Tom my went into the w.io.ls ",'',ir ''is uncle's house with liis d... I'hi! dog jumped a ral.l il aa.l Tommy followed in the chase, and finally s:.V the rahl.it enter u hollow tree. AI out eighteen feci from the ground wan a hole in t he tree, and thinking to catch I lie rahhit he ipilcUy climi.e.l and thrust his arm in. After failing to find the ralit.it lie aitcinptel to v i;hdr:.w his anil, and found tluit hv'Utie means i 1 ir .1' h.ir il vv ;w B.... r..i v i 1 .in ..I mi 1 1,.. . , oeiug iwoniy-nve nuns moro wrist. l-..r an hour or so he uiii-' 0111.. . . .... . and hall I for lid:, until he was!1""' . Inmrse and could call out no longer, 1 In life di. 11.1I '. ..1 nit'it.l.. Ii. I....L-.. I...... self heard, alum,! henumU-d w t cold .1 : :md with th. i.iosoct of belli'' held 1 prisoner all night s: nriti;j l. iu in the 1 l!d did not know what In do. Finally he t.ol; hu knife out ami w.lh the ff I hand dclil.cral. y scl to work to cut nlVthii impri-.onivl nrm. H cut n way to the hone, near tun el how, mid linallv, after havim severed tlm muscles, he dropped from tho tree iu a swoon. How long lie was in an unconsciou condition ho could 11. .t statu, hut ho came to his senses without assistance, nnd wnlked hoine. Two surgeons were simnuoned, nnd made a complete ex amination of the wound, tho buy re maining calm an.) c(!iip-cd as they tenderly proceeded. They found the whole of the muscular portion of tho lower sn.l outer side, extending from thu elbow uioviirds for aiioul three nnd a half inches each w:iy, completely s. v. rred atnl tut out down to tho bone. At hisl accounts it wns Ix-lieved that the nrm could bo saved, hut it must re main In a crippled condition, owing to tho severing of tlie tendons, itlllllciir Market, CilRRKCTSI) WKISKl.T HV Simonton, Harbor ifc Co. Wheat 8.1 to 1 ull Rye (io Corn Ml tints..,.. its Potatoes ;iu Mutter IK F.ggs til 14 8 H '-'r) f.O 12 Pitted chorries. Fnpitte.1 " .. Hlnckberries.... Raspberries , 4 biions Lard Tallow 0 Spring Chickens per lb 1) Turkeys vi Ties 2.i to ail Peu Coal v t Chestnut Coal 4 .10 Blacksmith Coal tin P.ggCoal 4 AO Piuster, per ton tl (K) Salt per barrel 1 M " " sack I ()' " " " small ar, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE I titters AJol TtmntrT on tbt eiistrnr Nun Dh Kiuwel. Ism of I rri ti.wi.ililii. Wnv. 0r Ou., f , teakiil, Iisvidii n rnlil to lb U0'1rliiii(l, sit i.runt konw. Ids tl.uiey ImlebUiJ to (aid vitata m ,1. quulta tn iDSks Immoilltl pays. ant, Willi tbn barlngt alalioi will protest Itisui duly uUifDtlcslait fo 1 to. IIU, 'ii. IWflt IUI.1 VUI I HI Cn TCT Tit nTf to NO W 13 W OlWll1 TTIlDlO I v M VHMU JLJ. 1IUUUHS I wish In inform Ibo rrslJetili of Snyder count j lint I bfllt a flat M ortmotit of Cooking Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Parlor and Bedroom Stoves, Including- Ilia Now Li-rU ItoOsa Cook, Silver H.rp. Lndiat' HrlJ, Tanrei Cooks. Now Hiinshine, New Jaspur. Now Hi.corrl l.tngei, Iu vincible, The Spt-ar Heaffits. Naw F.ail? Down, Now Iris, Now Jnsper Minttrs, No (i,dJ(.n Sua Firtplacu HcuteiH, and othora. My Heators from 15 to 30 Dollars, no ull of tho latpst pntlcrns an.) best material, gutirsnleed to bo ei cbtap na thu clu iipent and as good hu the bekt. Call and see the Fine Cook Sotves, of which I have nn largo nnd wrll-selectcl n utock n rnn he found" in tha county ami at priced Unit will compare with Wholesalo Houses. Tinware, Spouting and Roofing. Nona but thu vmy l ost mulct Itil used. Snouting and Hoofing dooa on shoit notice. Ukspi.ctfull.v subtnitUd, Mit)iLiit:itnn i The Bottom Dropped Out Of Prices ! ! In order to reduce the work of re moving the large stock of goods in to his new room the undersigned will sell his entire stock of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS &c, at astonishingly low prices. Part of it must be sold and will be offer ed at figures below actual whole sale cost. This is a chance that may only come to buyers once in a lifetime and should not be lost to buyers. 1 Sdinsgrove, January 17th, 1S84. THE POPULAR or MIFFLIN COUNTY. Every dopai Imont full un.l ready for business, Tim Lnfgast nnJ most Carefully Selected Stock of WALNIHW PA IX J CM A M HKlt SUITS, ever shown in Lowistown. Sixty Chamber Suits, urines from (Mi .3 1 1) r 1 u 1 . . . ilumo suits uie nil gotten up iu ijoo.l sfile, mako nnd fin- j ish. Nono Kid tor, nn 1 will bo Hold . . ... ' lu,lr I,r""""- l UMli lii'i'.'") uu kiu.ld .MAIKl.fcM.S of all !?.".7.i up. Ueps, Dnissele, Terr.y'H take tho lead 111 these goods .SIDKKOAKHS, Imudsomo and elegant. Our own make. All PriccH low for Cash. Our desire is to please. ()i Motto: flood floods. Low Ph'cch, and No Trouble to Show Uooda riCTUllES, PIUI UUi: FRAMES, etc., for Ibo million Y, EHT LEADIN JEWELE, SlJjS'KUIiV, PA. In his Store on MARKET STKEE V, wiil bo fouml a floo lot 0 KINGS of all IQWIID and all prices, iu Gold, Precious Stono and Diamonds. Elgin, Itockford, Springfield and Hempton WATCH IBS In Hold nnd Silver, at romaikallo low prices, of all kiuda and Jtscriplious. KO0EKS' FAMOUS KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS. Tho place to buy WEDDING PRESENTS. CLOCKS of U ds.cri ra tions and all prices. 1 Rums Kte Coiitiii frctacls, al $1.25 a pair 'i ho largest variety of Spectnclos in this port of the country. Goods cad be brought from New York for section from one of lbelirffi Jewelry houses iu America. I S opuiringr a specialty, and ill work guaranteed to pive sulisfaotioo. Ear-riogs, Breastpins, Watches, Claim, ko. Call and txatnint our stock. No trouble to show good. E. Y. B. SMITH, Ao. BCUBOBI. rA. B. T. RHOADS, A. 7 Hrlg . t nau vtr 011 hand at anv ona ' Bl auy on low for cash. Call and inspect goods "I llr.AI S, SINKH. SAFES, TA- liinde. J'OKTY r.nl'YmtM rr,.m Hair ( Iidh. ntnl Velvet covers. Wa W. H. FELIX, Pro. ITOHJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers