The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 27, 1884, Image 1

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Ho that will not reason in a bigot; lio that oannot is ft fool ; ho that dare not it a slave.
K 1)1 TO It and ritOPltlKTOR
Lmvuiim' From l.ucilo.
T'tl' l flltloll pin) ,.ll I tint fate. aloi.rlie crnnl. 'Jlmo turnl a It In
For'hn thntiirM tliat IpriiiaT Upward and
!Krn in retrain
Tke purr some it p trlt thoro Is not too lata
Tbmi i not ui death) abun Dot
Tl more bm veto lire than to din.
Jlnn'-at lovf, hom al sorrow,
Ilimrat ork for In- day, honoft hope for the
Tb h... n lln-r havo raddrncd. tho life thrjr
Ixrrr it. Mijr.
II u hi ven-f 'il liraVrns to tlii vo!oo of
ftcbol ll Hint o'nc mieth shall all thins
No ttrram f ten lt somen
Viuwe witpl, how liini Iv anerrr It eniiree,
Lut what antnc bind U M ailileliid. No llnf
crnr rnao
Anil trl, without Influence toiiienrlirre.
lb nun who treks one thin In life, and but
Mr h"e to achieve It It fere life tie dnnej
llut he who reel nl thli ira, ho
Only rci'i finni tho hn r widen around him
lie an
A harvot of l.niren ro(.r. K
Xt an ninn once fhow tho world that ho
ifrimt of hlula' V. nnd 'twill fly at hit her In;
!! hi ni fearlrti-ly f ,co It, 'twill leure lilin
a our;
llut 'mil fawn ot hit feet If ho flings It
' bone,
Haiti Invtidenot tho Paat, tct-klef child of
ml.o not, O inmlatnl tho heart In thf
To a phantom, tho soul of wliceo aento It pon
tes u
11 an Age not thine own.
Vt are ourown fate". Our own decrta
Ar our Imm's non. Mau'adlii wnimade not
for me'i'a
Creed t, lut men's at-tlom t
Tho world It a net llet iliattirh It. It tHnaa;
irah It flrniljr, It ailnira nut. On one of two
If rou would not beatunir. It bohoovef you
in tolllr;
Avoid It, or crush It.
The henrt of a man la Hko that dollrate weed
w hlch r qn.ree to be tramped on, buldl lu
Bra It rlve ft rtli the fragrance Vou with to
find meant rr- rr man to be i tirei
lie rendu ua no aortows that lutvu noi toino
Our duty down here In to do. not to know:
J, Ire a though life were ciirnrat, and lifu will
lie to.
"Hark! what Is Hint?"
Ley ton grasped tho arm of his friend
ns he spoke, arid both paused lo listen.
From tho low-walled litiL before which
1 they wcro standing Iho sound was re-
pealed. Tuo speaker loosened his
I grasp with a sij;h of relief.
I "Whv, bleas you! lt' Mto,' ha Bftl.l.
AVhnt niusio the littlo oruu in making
to-nl;hl.,, .
l'uor littlo blind girl! How much
comfort alio tnkua with It,1' rumarkod
liia oomjianlou.
yua. AVIioo thoao miner taught
thitl lilt lo miiilo bos they made a good
inventim-nr. I.'Htcn!"
The tmisic hnd bcun npnln. At
first it caino nte.tlin out with mii'h a
low, plaint v wound ouo might oartily
liave fancied that It wan only the night
wind cri'epiii' nrotmd tho walls
of the lit tin cabin; then it a welled into
Hornet hinjr lotidi r, deeper and more hoU
nin; but thurn was a subtle, yet linle
linnblo ouiuihin iu its unliiro which
;:!UHcd tlm listener to thrill with rx
tiltntloii nud grow c ild and dread.
It eeeiued im tnouh a spirit nioro than
mortal had tnken poiMi.xsiuii of tho lit
tlo inurnment, and through iu deep
voice was breathing out a prophecy np
iH'oachtn'g dinaKlor. Jxtyton fult a nud
len breeze against Ids cheek, and no
ticed, with a.nrm, that a dark utortu
rloud had arisen in tho west. Tlmro
had been una Mono, bince his i.rrival
from tho ciihI, nud he dreaded to see
nnother. A heavy Hih at bis elbow
vaubod both men to turn In that direc
tion. Lamu Joe. had comoup noise
lessly behind them nud stood leaning
ajiainnt a rock, lie, loo, waft listening,
nud wiping an occasional tear from his
llut cren as they listened tho charac
ter of the melody slowly underwent a
comploto transformation, nud from tho
depths of not row and despair It burst
forth In aglad, exultant strain a wild,
Ireo flood of music. It was like the tri
umphant song of some capiivu bird
that has beaten long Its weary wings
gainst tho iron ban of a cruel prison
Louso, but, linding itsolf at iitierty
again, breaks forth into noug. That
was the end. Lcyton and M irk Sp n
er pned on. Tho littlo girl's present
mood sooined to them too stirred fur in
tru.Hinn; but Inme Joo stopped for tho
good-night kiss which tlm child was
ccu8tomud to bestow upon him. Poor
old Joo! Ho was very lunio. Ouo leg
had bo.a loft upon tho Latllo-lield of
J-roderk'kgburg, and Its substituto was
n rudo wooden slump, but, such as it
was, he would gladly have worn it to
splinters at Mta Cohen1 servlco, had
the child permitted it. In spito of his
n Miction Joe M.lton was a genial old
tuan, with a kind word and helping
hand for everybody; yet half the miner
in that littlo camp could have told of a
time when there wa not a nioro Intern
Iterate man or harder character than
lio. That was beforo tho death of his
wife, tiding of which had been a terrl
tie blow.
Llta was comforter then. It was she
who took hiro in hand, and petted and
talked with him unlit hi compauious
began to notice with wonder that - ho
wng growing Into a very tlilloreut man;
for sorrow liad mado tho child sympa
thetic, and her strong Influence over
Joo was in a great mutiHuro due to this
fact. When John Cohen was killed by
tho falling of a bowlder, Mto, littlo
uioro than a baby then, had become an
adopted child of the camp Later,
whua an aecldcnt shutout forever the
light from her beautiful eyes she seem
d suddenly to have grown nearer aud
dearer to t-ach one ami to become the
object of esMiclal care; yet, in spito of
their kindness, thoro whs souio times
whon she boennio sad and Jonesomo.
bhe used thou to &f for oousolathm to
jer dear friend, iho littlo organ, aud
draw from its bosom a melodious res
ponse to her mood.
I" strong contrast with the gray and
I Ued old woni:tn who was Iter otlcnd
wt, or . Iho Lronxed, wcathnr-lonlen
uou about her, was tldi child of seven
, year. Like a rare swoet blossom ho
as growing up in that wild place with
imio of bouuiy aod purity about her
young life, that commanded almost
Km! S rough, y0t kind.
Naturo was kindly too. Tho sun
never kissed the soff little cheeks too
roughly, and its roost scorching ray
only added a brighter tint to tho long,
fair hair, wh'ch hung In waves below
her waist, the pride and admiration of
her friends.
Yol it was hard, even for a stranger,
to look ttnmovod upon lli.i pr-nt bhio
eyes, so pathetic Iu their blindness, and
know that Lila Cohen could never sco
I think L'la herself mtndod It most
after Warren, tliu poet of tho camn,
had been tolling her of tho rug?e
grandeur of tno coun'.ry about them,
and described tho singular beauty of
the flowers which ho brought her day
after day, or when one of her big, bur
ly frlcutls laid iu her hand thu picture
of his children llio children whom she
hnd learned to love ns brothers and sis
ters, bhe had known about them all a
long time, ever since alio could remem
ber, mi 1 Ihev often sent her friendly
messages and Hit o presents which she
Ued to sit holding in her hands, a
strange wilfulness in tho big bluo
eyes, a great nchn in tho little tender
heart, at the thought that sho must al
Wavs feel, but never see. The littlo
girl cared A great deal about all her
friends; but lanio Joo was her prime
favorite, pel Imps because he was lame.
He had grown lamer than over of lain,
and wus failing very fusl, yet nobody
could bear to break the news to her.
blie ttsod to sit at hi side by tho hour
listening to mm or repeating the child
ish stones which Warren had read to
her. One day while (die was silling
thus, patting his wrinkled cheek with
her soft hands, she slopped suddenly,
with a puzzled look In her face, ns
thou!rh a new thought had struck her.
"Tho men say that the mines of this
district don't pay well enough, and
they will shortly Lr'euk up nnd go into
another country. What will you and I
do then, Undo' Joe?"
A tear trickled down tho old man's
wan cheek. Hit, too, was thinking of
a Journey into another country, and It
wrenched his heart-strinrs to tit uk of
leaving iv behind, but lie wiped away
Iho bright drops with tho rngge'd
sleeve ot his coat, and choking down
the sob in his l h rout, mado answer:
"You will go with them, Lita, my
"And you, too, Unelo Joo. What
would you do hero without me?" who
asked laughingly, ns Miu clung lighter
lo his hand.
"Noi much, to bo sure, littlo one
not much." lie stroked her long Mlk
en hair tenderly, wishing that ho mi jlil
bu able to tell her what no ono elso
wanted to; but he had not the courage,
and presently the little "irl said:
"It is geltfug chilly, Undo Joe; let's
go in."
liut the old man went away, nnd did
not seo her again till evening. Ho
bade her "good-night," nnd slowly fol
lowed tho retreating forms of tho two
gentlemen, Leyinn and hpencer, won
dering why hhe looked so pnle to-night
and clung ho tighty around his neck at
pari ng. Ho felt a strange chill pass
over him whenever ho thought of tho
music, but by and by ho fell asleep and
forgot it all.
Tho threatened storm rnnie; such a
tcmpost as had not swept tho valley
sinyo lis settlement five years before"
But tho sun shouo out brightly the next
morning, and thoro was one," at least,
who hailed it advent with a cln'h of re
lief; and t li nt was Joo Milton, (.rush
ed, bruised aud sorely wounded, he
dragged himself from a heap of debris
and lookod about him. No ono was
stirring. Nearly all tho others had
chosen safer places than ho aud wero
sleeping soundly, now that tho wild
strife which h id taken place so lately
between the elements hud ceased.
How was it with little Lita? With au
effort poor Joo sat up and looked.
Where had stood a dwelling place
last night was only a heap of ruius
now. "Lita! Lita!" called tho old man
pilcously; but there enmu no answer.
On hi bunds with nil his remaining
strength mustered iu tho effort, ho
crept to the spot. No child was there.
Slowly, every brent h a pain almost un
endurable, ho drew himself to tlio lop
of tho log lo look. Ibi saw her, am'
was not long Iu gaining tho spot.
Taking one limp baud in his nnd
clasping it tightly, ho sank down ui
Iter side with a rreal si;li, though there
wa a smile upon his face, and (lie paiu
was an over, no nai lojiowcd Ins lit
tle friend in her lonir. Urns iouruov.
had gone into the other country.
, II.. I.. I. -A . t . '
a iiiiiu inter mo miners. awnKcnoii
by tho faithful Nannon, who had iitsi
recovered siilllcienily to crawl from the
ruins, began a search for tho mi-sing.
Away beyond tho aeatti'ivd remain
of the cabin i hey found them iho iwi
so strangely contrasting; one so old nnd
gray, the other with agl am of light a
alio lay stretched out upon a bud ol
tangled grass and shining sand, tin
ptillo rof doaih upon her fair young face,
ami tho crlory of tho sunshine iu her
golden hair.
The Hare and Cbljiinuuk.
I'm hurried to death." said the
Hare, when tin dog wero after him.
lo the Chipmunk, who boggod that he
would slop and crack a nut of gohg'p
with him; "but if you will take my
place and lot mo havo yours, so that I
call overlook the country, I'll slop and
rest awhile."
All right," said tho Chipnutnb-
hoppiugdowa from tho true, with a nut
iu his mouth. "I've nlwiixs wished to
s o a March haro. Hut you nro not a
very mad ouo, oro vou?'r
"Oh, no," replied the Haro, grinning;
I've all my wn about me, as you will
rescutly perceive." And at that mo
ment tho dog bin st through Iho bushes
and pounced upon the iMior Chipmuuk,
who exclaimed witli bis last breath:
What a lino thing it I to bo smart!
Tliut irrtiy Haro- will never tro down
with sorrow to tho grave." if. A'fc-Ao-liu,
far March.
The Krooklyu liridgo Hallway can
only accommodate about 0,000 passon-
get an hour, and it is urgott oy many
ihat this capacity should bo Increaaod
ton times and earn nearly nil tho bridgo !ua,.eif with tho vear Drecedine- tho en-
incomo. while loll for tfie foot brWw'KU ITi
mourn no oooiisiien umi iiiumi in iuii
. i . h i i i . i a . i.
carriago ways roduced one-halL
John I). Msrtln. of Toledo, rocoivoi
of the a.lo Central Railroad, look. .,
much likJ Senator Sherman that ctod
Ohloens alinkn bnnila wllh hiiu bulora 1
, , - , , .
lis-o-ering mo U.ilcnuoe. .
Oranges are cheaper than apples
The governor of North Carolina
grants no pardons.
Christine Nilsson owns f I2.',000 worth
of real estate iu New York
The most valuable building In New
York is the Mills Block, wonh f 1.475,
000. A pool-seller of experience prophe
sies that this will be Iho greatest year
of racin in history.
Arab! Pasha gets an allowance of
'i0 a month from tho Knglisli (lovcrn
meiil during his exile.
Jonlt Idlings snvs Artemus Ward
left his mother f(5 KI.0J0 iu his will
when he hadn't f ) cents to his name.
John Connors, of l'ortlnnl, Mc,
supported by tho city as a pauper,
w.ih found lo bo tho owner of six
Cincinnati has n wife murderer named
llarluell who says he killed hi wife
because he wanted to and ho would do
it again.
All goods manufactured in New Jer
sey Stale Prison must lie stumped:
"Manufactured m Hie New Jersey State
Mrs. Susan Fonn'nwrn Cooper, a
daughter of the novelist, N educating
100 orphans nl her home, iu Coopers
town, N. Y.
1'es Moines, Iowa, has a printers'
brass band, but si tun fainlitv has fo'.
lowed it. Ten of the original members
have died.
Two veterans who worn with "O'tl
Hickory" iu the war that ended seven
ty yours ago are Mill living in Cat a why.
County, Norih Carolina.
The; Shakers of South l'n!on. La.,
ono of the thirteen Shaker settlements
in the United States, own '.'D.oihj acres
of tho best parts of Louisiana.
Mr. K I ni mid it. Southwick, a natur
alist, wlio was t inp'oved last year to
kill insects in ('ntrnl Park, New York,
gives a li.t of Hl'J varieties of iusicis
that preyed upon I lie tree.
In a recent parade at Hartford one
of the ilrnm-iuiijor gracefully tossed
his stick over an electric lamp wire,
thirt)-fcot from the ground, mid caught
it when it canto down without losing
step or jostling his lordly bearing.
A lecturer on tint Indians said there
aro no profane word in the Indian
laniTuaco. They are not necessary.
Whenever an Indian is provoked, lie
kicks his dog and beat his mpiaw.
It would be a waste of slieiiglh to
swear too.
Thoro aro twenty-nlno glucose facto
ries in tho United States, with an esti
mated capital of S.C00.Oii0. They
con.Mimo about 40,000 bushel of corn
per day and produce grnpe sugar and
glucose of au nuuual value of nearly
When tho law for tho gradual man
umissiou of slave in Cuba was passed,
several year ago, the slave population
was estiiii Ucd tit :!8.j,H.'ij. It, is now
estimated that L'tt ,000 of these are sel
free, and it Is thought by some tho
remainder will bo free within a year.
A hunter wliogot lost during n snow
storm nctir La Minus, Chihuahua, be
came so hungry that ho cut ell' his faith
fill dog' tail lor food, which ho roast
ed nud ate. Ho then gave the bone
to tho unfortunate canine, not unmind
ful of tho debt of gratitude ho owed the
sncrilicing animal.
General Kdwnr l Mi Cook, now in
Colorado, says: "1 fancy 1 tdiould like
to lead three or four of tho old cavalry
regiment 1 commanded during the
war against those Soudan rebels. That
number of such men hs wo saw twenty
years ago ought to clean all Kgypt of
El Mahdi and ids followers."
The Salt Lako TrUntm dispute tho
correctness of the police statistics fic
tpicutly iiaraded to prove tho superior
virtue of tho Moriuoas. 'I ho Tribune
explains by saying that when a police
mail lind an intoxicated Saint lie kind
ly escort him lo hi Itoiu , while a
Ueutilo is run into the station house.
Miss Jennie McCownn. M. !.. who
I said to bear a striking rosemblanco
to Mary Anderson, has been ro-olocted
president of tho Scott County (Iowa)
medical Society, She has refused sev
eral oilers of marriage from prominent
physicians, perferring to pracliet) Iter
profession. Her chief labors nro among
thu poor, by whom she is worshiped a
au ungel.
A point has como before a Michigan
M'liool Hoard. It i the point of n pin.
Jocose pupils wero accused of making
t puneturo their teacher. Ho had n
habit of saying, after making an ex
planation and on taking his scat: "Stick
a pin there." Tho temptation lo put
a piu upright iu tho chair, under llicso
circumstances, wa irresistible The
miestion I whether tho culprit ought
to bo expelled.
W. W. (Juerry, of Sumter, fJa.,
now 40 year old. had both arm cut
off above the elbow whon a child, but
never seemed to mind it much. Ho
puts tho end of u penholder in hi mouth
and write a fast and will as most
men; ho swims, drives horses tics
kuols, shoots and docs almost every
thing. Ho is Coroner and bailiu", has a
wifo and several children, makes a
good living aud Is uuiversally rospect
cd. An Atlanta Constitution correspond
ed! says: "The-oihor night while talk
ing to S -nator lirowti I noticed a piece
of rabbit fur protruding above bis col
lur. I usked him if ho wore a rabbit's
foot about hi uock. 'No,' he replied,
'but I do wear a rabbit skin on my
chest. A lady recommended it as the
best possible protection against cold.
I got a liuo rabbit skin, cut oil' the foot,
nud tying thu two leg together with
a riuuoii, i ilea mo skin about iu
nock. It has worked liko a cK m. "
Tht S in Francisco Lull states
that, while thcro Iiuh boon a' Tliu? olf
in tho a'jjrcgato liuiniirrn ;. to Cali
1" .. ''i":.,u" tt:" V.".V T
fornia, tho dimiuutlou iC, C' tho Chi- I
!immirii. iT in "r '",
: '
ioiJ 0 Jjy.SjQ OI1 . i ai10 rr U U
11... . - I. t I . A I
jui, miuiiir iuio ncuoiiui, only
'the white liumlratibn during the same
period of seventeen months, a net cala
of 18.249 appears. ...
, Beechor says the angels hold their
nu.. ...i... .L.. i i. ttr. n
"v hiidu mut wva uuwu va m it au
strset man. .. .
Wherein America U Hniil to fratl the
Worlil In Coaclicr,
A stirring picture of horso life worth
looking at can be seen on nnv clear
afternoon by standing In Central Park
near tho obelisk, and watching four-in-hands,
carriage teams, tandems, cobs.
I and other roadsters como breaming
over tho rlso in the driveway Just be"
yond the Museum of Art. Kveti to a
I person who has grown tin in the c'ty
and observed the gradual Increase of
i stylish horses, tho sight Is inspiring.
One coaching team, ow ned and handled
by a man who hns won the highest turf
honors, botli iu America and Huropo,
looms grandly iu the air. Tho loam
Is of nativo sti ck. Ho'h wheelers nnd
leaders aro brown and perfectly match
ed. They havo the nil -Jostle mien and
freo action of highly-bred park horses.
On emergency each can trot u fast
utile. Then follow a cavalcade of
pairs of magniliei lit bays, browns,
grays, blacks, chestnuts,' nnd roans,
with crossed teams of blacks and
grays, chestnuts and grays, an I rutins
and chestnuts, these being the fashion
able colors. When tho sun flashes on
tho polished trappings and enameled
conches of varied colors, the show
is the most brilliant to be seen out
of doors. With the growing display
rivalry in coaching teams has become
a passion with many of our wealthy
citi,"iis. At a consequence, Iho de
mand Is fnr grentcr thau the supply of
lino coach horses.
Mr. George W. Bishop, a well-known
dealer in native stock, and who crosses
(he ocean frequently to purchase Kuro
penn horses, said during a recent chat
about American coachcr:
"There Is a remarkable call for lino
conch-horses. Wo can't
sui'iilv one-
quarter of tho demand. Down in be expected. One man Is as good as
Maine they am beginning to breed atv liter, and if lie thinks him-ielf bel
li rses again that were in fashion ter he must bo careful not. lo betray
iwentv-live years ago. Maine horse bis consciousness of superiority lest ho
step through the snow so much that it .ho set down as a conceited an I there
causes them to inovo their hhoulders .'ore highly objectionable person. Oneo
more freely tlian thou raised in warm- out of the beati-n path, the citi.en is
or climate, 'l itis makes their chests 'likely to be made either a butt of rbli
broiuler and their muscles stron-'er !-ule or a laritt t for the siiti'Mte' shafts
and more flexible, and imparts great
knee action."
'What stock are they bred from?"
"Tho old Morgan cross, Knox, Ply
ing Katoii and tho I:vw stock. They
make the best coacliers of any country.
They havo wonderful hijh tic: ion, are
always kvcl-hcndcd, and posses re-
inarkuhlo intolliircuco, without any
fooiislmess. 1 on rarely lind one that .hold up as examples for imitation. The
a lady can't drive. Kentucky cotitrib- sense of equality is almost a faculty iu
iitc some Very lino buries, but ihey republican life, outstripping both eye
have not tlio intelligence and even dis- and ear iu delecting that which is in
position of Maine horses. They are Icotisonant with public taste. In bis
now breeding llanibletoiiiaii with thor- mother's mm, nl school among hi
otighbred stock. Tiiis make a more j playmates, jostling on tlio street from
symmetrical and liner typo." tcrowd to crowd, nnd throughout tho
"Mr. Pierro Lorill.-iid," continued eager competitions of all his career,
Mr. Bishop, iu answer to au inquiry, Itho young man is taught tin; lesson of
"has made. on d liferent forms, 'conformity lo established order. Kvory
ho hns crossed thoiougnu cds with change, whether n n.v.ioual statute or
largo Norm nn mares, lie is now cross- 'the cut of a coat, must bo tested, ctirc
ing thoroughbred marcs with a horse fully considered ami generally roin
natnoJ Howe's Bismarck, n son ofimemh'd before meeting with public
Genera! Knox. 1 believe that iu four favor, nud novel opinion aud novel
or live years he will show in liner .garments aro alike relegated to a pro
coaehcrs than have ever been seen i it 1 bationnry ground of half-suspicion, lle
this country. They will combine stylo , ! the war of the rebellion a liius
iiud form, nnd have quite u turn of taclin was the mark of a dark eonsplra
speed withal. Mr. l.orillard i now l(r or a foolish fop, and n billycock or
working a coupe horso of bis own! Alpine hat laid ils owner open to tho
breeding from this cross. Ho is a Mispicioii of being a professional swiud-
chestnut, nud, I think, the liucst coach
horse in New York,
Who own the liuest coaching team
"Well, i have seen tho best four-in-hands
in P.ngland and Prance at tlio
races, and I can conlidi iitiv say that
no team lias ever been shown in l-.uropo
equal to Mr. Loiillnrd's four browns.
Tney am Maiiiu Lverv ono of
them can trot
Hies. It Is nn
better thun three mill-
easy inaiter for tliem,
witti sixteen passeiierrs on the coach, I arc necciteii wiiiuuii quo
over a ;joo-.l road, such ns they have in .'mark. Toe P. inee of ale
Kiil.itiil, lo jo oil' twelve miles mi j 1"" lime been the nr.. iter
hour without raiili n hair." liini of masculine fa.-diiot.s,
Who own tho most symmetrical l-"iidon tailors Um yo-.tii
"Mr. (leoriro I. Senev ha the finest
shape trolling stallion' in this country,
Ho combines Iho clen-anco of tbo thor-
niili lirtls with tlio true form of a
coach horse. I never saw but one
itlier liorso, Mr. P. Lorlllard's Mor-
temer, that I thought bis equal. Tlicso
iwo horses I consider far superior to
uny other stallions I have ever seen."
"How do our turnouts compare with
those 111 I'ltrope?"
'Tim si-dit iu the nark on a fino day
for drivliijr i superior to any I ever
saw in any Kurooeaii city. Our Conch-
inr Club' i in rude will coninaro more
t h ti ii favorably with tho Eiii'lisli, so far
a the horses aro concerned. If this
wcro not so K'.iropcnn buyer would
not lie hero after lliein. Last summer
I sold a liorso to nn Kiilishman. When
the horse nrrived iu London, a promi
nent dealer pronounced him the most
perfect animal lie hud ever seen. Tho
horso was a largo chestnut of inagtiili
uent action.
' Price for earringo teams rango
from $800 to f 2,401. Several sulci
havo occurred in which $5,000 ha
been paid for bi;;b-stcppiu, fancy
teams. This Is tho market of tho world.
Buyers from Kugland, Prance, (Jer
uany, California, Cuba, South Ameri
ca nud tho West India Islands como
hero for lino carriago horse. Thrco
Cuban buyer aro hero uow."
Air. I sum II. IJuhlniun, a veteran
dealer of Imported and nativo horse
on a largo scale, from cob to Percher
on and Crydcidule, also imparted In
teresting information rogardiug car
riage horses. Auiouz other things ho
"New York is not what it was twou-
ty-tivo year ago. With its euoriuoti
growth men have become richer, and,
iu place of huudrcds of wealthy muu.
there are thousand now. As a neces
sary consequence there is 6 J per cent
more demand for coacliers aud 60 per
cent, loss stock. Formerly tunny farm
ers brod lino carriago iiursos. New
York, Maiuo, Vermont and other East
cm States ralsod plenty of horse of
tyle thatlookod llto first-class coach-
whothor they had harness on or
?ot" , lhca caiu0.tUe c,raM or trotters,
-aw. more
carriage horses.
Narrow-ehostod anl-
UoMwTChtwe One
"K.'1 fJR " .m .5.,
had to be sent
raising coach horses all of them would
. l i .
nave aiauo wunov. nooie ureuuori aro
tbcg!ntt to tcol'lze talj fajt, lind the
breeding of coacn, horses is increasing.
Wo get our best nativo horses from
Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan Illinois, In
i -liana, Iowa, Wisconsin. Maine, New
'York. But the demand Is immense,
and can't begin to bo supplied. If a
rich man desires to purchase a pair of
perfectly-matched steppers, with stylo
and action, be can't procure them at
any price. I could rendilv disposo of
')i0 pairs at home and 'iM loams for
Huroiiean customers if had them.
Purchasers come hern from Philadel
phia, Boston, Baitimoro and adjoining
towns for coacliers."
"What urn the ruling prices?"
"There aro no lixed figures. Our
U'.Mllll.l I ft , ..-itli.,. ... ..... 4
I ...,. i. ,,1,11,1 ii. i'oj ior
'what lliev want. Hollar nnl cents
' tire no ol J 'et to them. Tho most styl
ish and fashionable team bring from
Sf.i.iMsi io tr.i.isni. llie average teams
inn from .'!) up. llut, ns I remarked
belol'e, there is a ilemtin I for slvlish
horse thai cannot be supplied at tires-
i'ii . i ii .ii is i hi- reason mil import
ing stallions of style and liich action
Iroin Prance for breeders iu lliU conn
try. The l-'reneli Government sends a
coinurvion, cotnpoM-d of veterinary
sui-'-eotis and critical judges of horses,
to K inland each year for the purpose
of cuinnning lb best stallions in tho
market. The pick thc-.ii are se
cured, no mailer what the cost. 'J'heso
holies are seni to i lio national haras or
breeding stable. The sires and their
proe-eny are then apportioned through
out Prance. There is a stallion denot
in cuoii department at wi.ich breeders
have the use of sires free of cost. This
iu-iites a great breed in ut the dis
tricts ol Pi uuce. .Vi ii York (i.
The DeinocriH-y or fashion.
The development of social conversa-
lion under repuidican iii-ditiilion is to
of cciimii-o. Superior lu -nttil endow
ments intiy palliate social ccccntrici
lies, but iho lingering feeling remains
i'l I lie public mind Ihat tho man of
brains would bo more valuable lo bis
community if be would ie!d somewhat
to ils penchant for running thing on
dead level,
ttavwiird geniuses, al
though petted
and indulged, nro not
b-r. We have progressed irrenilv iu
this rcstioel since that lime, but tlio
American idea iu tlio matter of mascu
line aliirj does not yet appear to bo
silliveuilv expansive. In I'.utope,
where society is more diversified and
"iilturo of an older and more estab
lished trrowth, the young man of tho
period is allowed free swing iu select
ing bis wardrobe. As the center of
fashion drifts f;om place to place tho
uioutucaiions in coat, iiai ami trousers
tn ui or re
i ha for a
lo tho
man must
look for latent
ll les tin. I iiovclltcs of
i ri in -ti l s, howcicr. havo
jnovor made iniicli lu adwiiy
itiy. - i'w7. Via .'cm.
iu this cutiu-
It 1 said that tho salmon fisheries
of Scotland have not in twenty year
been so a they wero last
year, when they yielded to Hillingsgato
alone over 6,0011,000 pounds, tho total
supply of salmon tit that market hav
ing been T.TuO.UO1) pounds, l-ingland's
contribution was only llll'.i.OilO pounds
'and Ireland's only .'ItM.iioO pounds. It
I lo lie noted on behalf of Ireland,
however, that her Miluioii lind a chief
lnarkct in tho great provincial towns
of England raliier thuu ia Iho metrop
olis. A lcarnod Hosfonian writes: "Al
jthoiigh the Indians did not know how
I to swear when the white man crime,
I they soon learned to sw ear, and had
isutlicieut words in their laiiiruago for
J tho purpose. K.iot, iu the Indian Bible,
use the Indian word (my Father)
for Creator etc., and the eariy mission
aries, when nddrcsdiig the Indian, used
Gosh (your Father). Tuo Indian soon
saw that that was thu necessary word
for profanity, and adopted iu (Josh i
iu uso lo some extent now, and perhaps
somo pious peoplo who say 'guh' aro
not aware that It is downright swear
ing in tho Indian language.
Tho Kntj'ish Mcthinic. says: "Al
thoii'jrh tho average tipecd of trains iu
tho United Slate ia twenty per cent
below the menu speed of trains iu this
country, all tiling considered, tho ser
vice controlled by tlio American engi
neers com pure very favorably with
any in tlio world. Tho American engi
neers at tirst copied Kugliih builders
aud mado locomotive with single driv
ers; but, us is tiieir wont, they quickly
made improvements, nnd wo uro not
disposed to disputo yvitli Mr. Kd wards
tho dictum that tho Aiui-rlo:n locomo
tive of to-day I ouo of the most perfect
ploco of mechanism wrought out by
the hand aud mind of man."
Tho new penal code in Italy abolish
es capital punishment, llut this is on
ly niakiug the law conform to thf
practice. During twenty years past,
out of over 1,600 oonviotious for capita)
crimes, in wliloh tho death sonloncr
was imposed, an aggregate of only
thirty-one executions havo taken place,
und for the past uino year not ou
oondeninod person has boon exocutod.
It would seom to be quite as well thai
the form Of law Should be drnii Away
I . I
Attorn eys-At- La w.
J A MUM ... ,
MIIHLK H H 17. ' A
All biilt s mtrtiptad to thin ri.lli -neitepr
mpl nutrition. Cubmilialliin tin Mi r-
mD and Kiigllili I I - 3 .
jauou lULiitiiiri
Attornrt and Counnrlor at I,no,
Mlll).t-.lll ltdll t S,
t'nllrti ami; ,l , I unn rot
Itr at-diHltU to. c inn i ll ii 10 Lin ii n
1 1 arm an. ; ' S.
yM.Ji. IlOl'SWKKTlI,
SKi.ixsintiiVH, Pa..
t-MttHtnnl ami alt "thrr Ifital livilnn er"int
ly attnnda to. Uutmilltiluui Iu Knuflili aoi
J ant 1,
.Hi i.t'iiii', Viin'n
All badntsu antruittd to hit cart will It
oruini'llj atttnilvd to.
.Si-pt. S'),'3(J.
Mm lift St. , Siltntirwc. "fi,
All rnfMtoiial I uinotui iromptlf atitEdci
to. ituntultatlont la Knllib aud iltraitn'H).
MiiUlleburij, .S'niicr C
btcootuttrd la Knslltb
r limn an.,'Mi,
13. DOWEIl,
Mihllchurij, I'a.
Cotldi'tion taada'.
and Dtruitu.
UuBiultatlnnt In Knallrb
(Juno I, '
New Berlin, Penn'a.
ProlKtilnnal hutlntm rnlrutlel Mi atrt
will rti'Klvn irnmpt a t loll 1 1 on . June 20,'.
rlS V l'LHK'11,
Attorney & Counsellor-At-Law,
OHoo In App't IIuiMIiiii ii m Oooi Norib el
Scllnai ot , 10 ll it n.
Ilolltotl'int and all other pruh talnnal tunl
nciit It iittoli.d and will recrlut rartinl n l
lronit atienilnn., '
'irarthlt Prorettlnnal StrTlcei to tbt putll
(Jootultattiint la tnsllib aod Otrinan.
A.W.P 1TKU, it N. I. rOTTKH
A T7 0RX, V.v A T LA IP.
Solinsgrove. Pa ,
tutor their profattliiiial r lett tn tht puhllc
All tonal l'Ulnaii entrusted tn their rare will
rercl ve erimiil aitenllun. lllllut oo Mtlo St.
JulV .'Ti.
j o kack;alleman,
T 7 O li N K V AT LA W.
K!lliiwK,i', I'ji.
n i neat ami eollrn inn n
trunted lo lit t' will he rnui il aiiumt
ril to. t'no lieruniiltt d Id KriHll-hor
ilermaa. Uttloa ua.Markel 6'iutre.
ort. tir.'e;.
AM) 1US I K KT A I Tl ill N K Y OK b.N IKK
rtil.'M r V.
l'r' tMiiK !.
Ciintultatl.Jii Iu ;iuiu KuKllali ami ;lirman
LtUKiinKt"- Oct. 0, ism.
A.ttoiiiy tit. Kntv,
MlliObKllUIKJ. v
Profo!nnal l.ulnc enlrnHte l tn tit care will
buproiuplty allruileil to.
van ;i:zi:i,
Lewi tb ii rg
OITerthlt prof.Mlonal tervlre In the pi
ttulteftl in an. I all nther prulntalnnal I.
Beat outruHiu.l to Lla .'ro will receive
priiuipt at..iillon.
Suliiiflgrove, Pn,
OHert hit proletalnnal aerrlott tn llie 1 . 1 1 e -All
hualno-a enlruatnl tn l,U rurn will le
i.roiiiiitiy ttleuiled ta,
I.rtvlliii-;. I'nloii I n., iii :
Office nn Mark-t St met, one door eaal ol Cam.
ern lloum.
wnnli'il nr Tho f.lvra n
lill I'll- I'rn-'ili'llt-a nl t lit-
I . S. The lari'.l In, nil-
muu i't boat h ok el ir
tol.l lor Ii'.m ttuii iwi 'ti
our .ri. .-. 1 he rii'lcat ti llluK liook ill A inrrlrti,
lllilliriinr prortu to ,-.,0., All llltrllli;r,it
ili' wiint ll . Any ouo rim l.rc.iur a aiK-orrnlul
iigenl. Trrnia Ircc, llil.l.hTl' 1IIK iK fo
I'urltand Maine.
H A NOV fit S SPKOIKIO. An nnflllriK and
api-eiljf aura lr Nervnut Pehlllly .nil Weak
neat, I. it of Vitality and Vltop, Narruua
Prmtrailun, Hyiterla, nr tny ell rerult of
ll illtcretlnn, aiorn, over work, el.uaet ol Ale -hot,
luhtturt, ko. (over lorty tlionaand pual
tire rurst.)
aT-MDl Ifto poataiieori trial box of 100 pllla
Aililr. ta, UK. M. W. HaUoN.
for. (Jlark at, Calhoun I'laea.', III
. I (rrl -f'lt fr an nul.lle
T.gelahl. balm whinh will remote tan, friwklM
plmplni and hlolcbta. It.vlnf tbo eklu ton and
ulnar aint rouiplailou htuulllul. Alto loatrue.
tiont for pr-iluoint a luiurl.nt irrowtb ol aa
VtwLI.,jr, New
Surgeon Dentist !
Middteburg CSnydeiCounty, fa.
Urrmi ia ,it ras Uarov
EvArytbiofr belonRinur to the pro
fa-tloa rlnaa lu the bait niBDOar. all nor
......I..I T.Fin. Miulir.l.
He will alo attend In buatnm arery two
...k.a..a i'ttiAt.l.llU alallla Lt
i w aaaa at uooirtTiiia i roieituia.
Hew rer
U" 4saibsr sad faxttstlll
Phtsiciani, rfr.
CentrevllM, iVnn'a.,
lifftM Mi prnrtilnnal itrtlrtt to tbt rli-itaa
olcvntrrrilit an tlelnlt,. A(.t, 'M,
i;ix;.K HAfMlNOKK,
physician: surgeon.
Ml.l.lleburnfli, IVnn'a.,
onr hit irurMlooal M.rtlrt. to iht eitliat
of Ml.l.l'rl.nrKh anil vittiilijr.
wad nl WaaMnKiun Imuta.
t'ftW ln OpArt
Jtl, ll.-tl.
Middlebiirifli, Penn'a.
llfTrrt ht prnfrltlmtl MITlftt lo ttt rlllltll
n( M i..iii.utn mil I sn! a few rioart
w-tt f th i ourt llnii. in Art. M i I ul iiiag,
Hllnr oi'iutltt i ulltt 'oT Pilotll
JJ ii. nor. dm-: p..
I IIISKl.VtMl Hl'tlt.EO.,
llKAVKIt Vow N, 1A.,
(iftort Lit pmietaiKtisI nervlci't lo Ihtttltitat
ol II. aienuwo ami rlaiblty. A-r. t, 'tl.
Fremont, Snyder county, P.
tlrt.lunteul litlllinora Colleiit nl PliTtttlttt
tti't tsuin. olleii lilt rnltMl. nl tervlia
ta ihe puiille. Spum aud uiraitt.
Marrh, 17, ll. tl.
Physician & Surpccn,
'lic nrr .;iri'..i, .S'ni.i r ( ounly, Pa.
iltrrt li t iirnleiili.nal tarrlcrt lotht l aLII
Ona on Alain ttreei. June IS ! .
Y)U. J. O. WAdNKR,
I'll) ilt Ian nii Siirgron,
lllTtrs hit I'r.if. mini tnrvlcet
of A.lanil,nrg aud viritity.
lo 'he rSjiiat
A u(. 6,'tvar,
ll J. i:ckim:im',
k nnm r n m.orK,
I' butlnen promptly aitenneit lo,
Mil 11, 'fa,
Solinsgrove, l'cim'n.
Aim- Si
1 1
Nuila at
JJ.fli) M.-ihi's.
2 1-1 Ctr.l8.
Bar Iron at
I.twls' I'llrr Willie ,tifl
all i-iil'irn, err I..-.
D.ior le.kl at n mi,, j
rtnlt rarli. Thuuih
Itn m a al 4 . I,. A. i i, la .-!
1 onr..r.,nii Innit limit i. laniirt
tli'l fK) . i nUoai ti rl alwl. Om..l
fi'ikt at 40
l.ii' u-liail.l.'til rieii Sli..vil. -I n -...l
4) ton It
flood ScIh of AxltH nt t2
ir, llli k.i.v Knl..w. alTirenip,,,,,,!.
' I ii.l.t.e-.l Hi, kty '..ra at ,.,.
loi'i1 ,'u,'V ' ' '" '''"" l"r "'""'
i. ...ii .--nniia i bu ui.ii n..
I'll tl .ef
null l.tillur. Hull, l'u.-V,
H ibl i r, fiilll
Lower thrtti ever was known.
win i a, r'i' a
" inn of ,,r
I I I.
( i'im,e at.,1 l,r Hniiaein-p.,
Ir.iu .rr p .unj. Aa r anit
Oiir-sirtp ll.,,-. l: .,. t, rt.Ml ,.
I " ' 1 1 II ( i r
Itunnliili.h.- l.,ti i'.um .
f ill Mil, I a. a, II.... 11. . ..V' "rf
Kroin 4', tin li,.a t.,,, hn-lift t,j- l; ,
Yon iirt.l not nink" lle iu any
mnja. We ttl
tii- iii a ai i. in ii.,, . r I. v ) ,.u
ii"i.. 1 1m k n( u i v
ay for tho round
fiuan. le ,. ..o .. ..... ,'" "".""l
ri-uia i ai-li.
1 1i n n iti-r
fnii!d tr..l
tcidlepnl. Loaif
1 In- at)-1, M,. ,.,
uf ia,1o, I'lrtnrrtrpi- ,r4
oaiiliful n, .li amu .ud ninth.
Horso Mines at f-1 LT) I', r Kvg.
rf.''..,.V';!n''' "fr"W T"'U" T""1
It. II", SIlnlriK, Kaulr. li.r l.c.,1, MM air
L'. M a .
MHIil Iliiln. N,,i I. . .: I'ri't yon
a im iiTfrnilia. noil ;i In
-n.l l...b .. . . . " . llli'lli.
" "lr, "'"i ilon t ai,t thpir, t,. .,,
. ininm, jvc,, will
tll.. .ril ol I... .,, ,. '
I o npcuril at
aim. ' ' '"'' "'to Uat ma-
VnVy . "''' all kind..
win. .ii ,.r i..." ri.T.t"!,?., "i'H"t
I"0. UtANOKSl t l,.
Jbtl (ll tl U.IV U
tor tin- woiktnir i-ltti. semi I
riila i..r ...M.iti. und we wll
HMII ion frre. fih.i -i...,.i.
In. I nl a, I. ,.' .,.'.. "... .7
day. ii,,... ,... ,;,, '.:;,. ';
,J ou r wor(( , , ',., or , t w n ,J lr c
" '("'''""y n"3l"" to I, h a.
on y.
oiitiii and .,1.1. You Van Vhvi iv .r r'm Va
iallrl.V.rni.. ? l""'"'H". make Iiiiiu..
pa-all If.lnnrr to all win. are nnl well aailafltd
lit. tull purl u-ulart. ditm lont, rp
tortui,i. will I t in.dp by thof, wl.u alt. ihVl
hi, u in,,. ,,e work. tal aViwcM i !
lulPly,,,,. Wt .May. ' Kurt n'T Addrl!i
bil!..,skt'...,'ortlM.;jM.I,a ' Addr"
HalfSnt.ra South orsaaoeh't tamer.
TermB"$123 per day.
Mr Klahl Ual.iuaot for fcllkiotelof Farm
Implimeiiu, .pi.
a1l Baa' I tm-KIHT Of T1IIM Kt'M tun
Ax yttkt'liotniiriipli wllh drarrlplion of vi a n ,
SifWl'AIMlMI on a bttut lul I'oll k.T
V IHMl I'llillUu. 6. Inal.ra hlllh. n. I.r Uln.
l iHiiu-, KiiantnimiiiK ad Ilka...:'
miu-. aTiiantnieeinu .rood
AUKIVTS WANTKH. Keud l..r Ttl ealara.
. -e.
14. r r-ni KK kCU
tl rt.klaw, .